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Happy Thanksgiving(M/L A/U - Mature) Ch. 3/3 11/20/10

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:56 am
by mary mary
Happy Thanksgiving
Title: Happy Thanksgiving
Author: Ginger
Genre: A/U M/L Mature
Disclaimer: I have absolutely nothing to do with the show Roswell nor anyone
connected to it…I have chosen the names of the characters simply
because I like them.

Summary: None really, just some M/L fluff

Chapter: 1/3


It’s 4:00 a.m. and I’m sitting here in a cold sweat wondering why in the hell a nightmare about turkeys is waking me up. There isn’t one good reason on earth for this, none. I’ve tired and tried to come up with something that would cause this and I haven’t found a single clue. Thanksgiving is less than a week away, everyone is coming to dinner…we’ve done this for the past three years and I’ve never had a problem with it, I still don’t …this has got to stop. I can’t imagine what is going on in my brain to cause this turmoil. I need to get some sleep or I’ll be useless at work and that will never do.

My wife people…my beautiful wife is laying here beside me so peaceful, like she hasn’t got a care in the world…well maybe she hasn’t. This year she’s decided that we are going to drive out into the country and we are going to pick out our own live turkey because, get this, then we will know that the bird is fresh. What part of fresh frozen does she not understand? But, I will go along with her because I love her, I think… Oh hell, I love her for certain…it’s the going along with her I’m not so sure about…or did I already tell you that. Yes, it’s true, very true…everyone knows it’s true. I.Love.Liz.Parker.Evans. There, I’ve admitted it to myself once again and now I feel better so l hope I can get back to sleep. I feel Liz stirring next to me and I can only smile, even after my horrible recurring nightmare…which I’m sure she’s got something to do with… I don’t know what yet… but it’s always her that causes these crazy dreams.



“Max honey, you’d better hurry or you’re going to miss breakfast. What made you sleep in? It’s so not like you to do that.” I yell… I’m making coffee right now and I heard the water turn off, he’s out of the shower

Max turned the alarm off this morning and went back to sleep…he never does that. I wonder if he feels alright? I’d better ask him, we can’t have him seeing patients if he’s sick…those poor little kids could catch something really bad. So I have to ask…

“Max? Do you feel okay? Are you coming down with something? Should I call in sick for you?”

I lick the jelly off the spoon that I was using to put some jelly in the jelly dish…oh that’s good stuff! Mom made it.

“I’m feeling fine Liz…I’m not coming down with anything…and ‘NO’ you don’t have to call in sick for me. I just didn’t sleep well last night and I’m a little tired.” He yells ladies and gentlemen…he’s upstairs so he’s yelling.

“Oh. Was it another nightmare?” I shout because he’s upstairs, I know, I told you that already…

“Yes, sort of.” He’s yelling back…

“Well, what was it about?” Still shouting here…

“Nothing worth mentioning Liz. Honest.” And more yelling….

“Oh. Okay then. Do you want cereal or eggs for breakfast?” More shouting…

I don’t believe him for a damned minute…he just doesn’t want to tell me about it, it must have been dumb, he has the dumbest nightmares of anyone I know.

“Cereal is good…and coffee…lots and lots of coffee.” So much yelling, it’s giving me a headache.

“Okay then. Get a hurry on Max…you can’t keep those babies waiting.” Still shouting as I get the juice out of the refrigerator.

“Yes dear.” He’s laughing…I can tell.

Oh…he knows how I hate it when he does that…makes him sound ‘pussy whipped’ or something and he definitely isn’t that. No, my Max would never let anyone pussy whip him including me. There…now I feel better.

“Hurry Max!” I shout, but then…

“I’m hurrying Liz.” I hear a more normal voice as he walks into the kitchen and gives me a little peck on the cheek before getting his first cup of coffee, drinking it on his way to the table.

Did I tell you how handsome he is? Well he is. I’ll never know how I got so lucky. ‘Wow, I wonder what it would be like on the counter?’ I think to myself as I run my hand over the counter top…mmmmm, smooth!!! Oh God, I’ve got to stop this and get the milk on the table or he’ll never get to the office on time. Oh damn, he’s looking at me…he can read my mind because he’s got that sexy stare on his face…I hate it when he does that, he can read me like a book.

“What’s the matter Liz?”

“You know damn well ‘what’s the matter’ Max, now shut up and eat.”

Now he’s chuckling at me and he has one eyebrow raised as he takes a bite out of his toast….

“Where’s your fantasy taking you this time Liz? Come on?”

I grin and tease …

“The counter!”

“Hmmm, does sound interesting. How about you think about it all day and when I get home tonight we’ll see what we can do about that?”

“Won’t work, the moment has passed. But…I can think about other things.”

“Oh yeah? Like what?”

“Like going out to Hawes’ farm this week-end and picking out a turkey.”

“Ah shit Liz! Just go to the market and pick up the largest turkey they have or better yet…go over to John’s meat market and order a fresh turkey. If you pick out a live turkey you don’t know how big it’s going to be because, once all those feathers are gone you’ve lost half it’s size.”

“Not true Max. Hawes actually can tell by looking at the birds how much they weigh. Don’t you think it would be fun to go pick one out?”


And that ladies and gentlemen is his only response. I have been trying to get him to agree with me for over 3 weeks now about getting a live turkey and having it butchered on the spot. If we don’t get there soon there won’t be any big ones left.

“Ah, come on Max…it’ll be so much fun.”

“Liz, there are so many things in this life that are fun but watching a dumb bird getting it’s head lopped off, feathered and butchered is not one of them. Go to the market and get a bird. Final answer Liz…I’m not going. Take Maria and Tess and go get a bird but you’re not taking me.”

“Wow, you’re serious aren’t you?”

“I am about as serious as I have ever been in my life Liz. I am serious when I say I love you and I am just as serious when I say I am NOT going to go pick out a live turkey for dinner. I’m going to work…I don’t see any reason why I should be late this evening but if something comes up I’ll give you a call.”

And with that ladies and gentlemen, my husband kissed my cheek, MY CHEEK, and left for work. What the hell was that? I need to talk to Maria.


Re: Happy Thanksgiving(M/L A/U - Adult) Ch. 2/3 11/13/10

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 2:37 am
by mary mary
Natalie36: Thanks...I hope I don't disappoint! :D
Carolyn: I don't remember wild turkeys for Thanksgiving so much but we did have pheasant on some lucky occasions for my uncle...usually a bird full of buckshot is what is was... :roll:
Velvet: I personally remember going to chop down a Christmas tree with my aunt when I was 16 and the ranger kept asking us if we were sure that was the tree we wanted and my aunt, who loved Christmas as much as any kid, assured the man that it was "The Tree". We had 10' ceilings and the tree had to have 4 ft. cut off of it to get it into the house. It was a pretty thing though. It took 144 boxes of those old fashioned aluminum icicles. She and I loved it. I've been to a pumpkin patch with my grandsons as well but never one as a kid. i don't even think they had such things when I was growing up.
Eve: Oh my goodness...I'm not that brave. My grandparents had chickens when I was growing up and my grandfather would butcher and clean them for my grandmother but it wasn't something I cared to watch. I guess I had an interesting childhood growing up in the city with one set of grandparents while the other set had apple orchards and basically raised most of their own vegetables. I think back on it now and realize just how much my grandchildren are really missing, or are they? :wink:


Here's part two of three...I hope you enjoy. :D

Chapter: 2/3

About ten minutes later there’s a knock at the door and it’s Maria and Tess. I didn’t have to call either one of them because they were headed to the grocery store and wanted to know if I needed anything. I told them I was good but then thought about Max and the turkey situation and figured I’d just go along to check things out. I had everything I needed for dinner except the fresh produce but I didn’t want to buy it too soon so I had the two of them sitting comfortably at the kitchen table while I cleaned up and then I’d be ready to go with them.

“You know, I want to go to Hawes Ranch and get a live turkey for Thursday’s dinner but Max refuses to go with me. He told me to take you two. I can’t figure it out, I think it would be fun to drive out there and choose a live turkey. They prepare it for you right there…it’s not like we have to do the butchering ourselves.”

“God Liz, why go to all that bother. Why not just buy a frozen bird and be done with it. If you get a frozen one today it will be ready to roast by Thursday. My mom went to the trouble of getting one of those live turkeys once and personally I couldn’t tell the difference. A turkey’s a turkey no matter where you get it.”

That’s Maria folks…she likes mashed potatoes out of a box…thinks they taste just like fresh peeled potatoes. Yeah, I use them once in awhile but there’s nothing like fresh and I would imagine that a turkey is the same…fresh butchered has got to be better.

“Yeah Liz, God, why would you want to do that…go to a movie if you’re bored. To hell with turkey hunting…do something fun, stay in bed all day but stay away from turkey farms. Sheeese!”

Now Tess is on everyone else’s band wagon. I can’t see why they are making such a to do over a fresh turkey. While I’m there maybe I can get some fresh vegetables too. I wonder if they sell fresh vegetables? Maybe I’ll call and ask. After all we are celebrating a great harvest are we not. Yes, a fresh turkey is just the ticket, with lots of fresh vegetables!

“Do you two want to go with me to the farm and get a turkey?”

“Hell no!!!”

The hallelujah chorus ladies and gentlemen…that’s what they sound like! A freakin’ chorus in my kitchen!!!

“Why Not???”

“Liz, we’re coming here for dinner what in the hell do we need to go to a damned farm for. It’s cold out there girl. As close as I want to get to a farm is the farmers market. Now come on, I need stuff for dinner and the kids will be home from school at 2:30 so let’s go already.”

“Thanks a lot Maria. Thanks a lot both of you.”

And I huffed my way to Tess’s SUV. I should just stay home and finish up my cleaning before Max gets home tonight. We do sorta have plans after all…and I can’t stop the smile on my face.

“Uh Oh Tess, I recognize that look…she’s thinking about sex again.”


“Well it’s true…the only time your eyes get all whoopee looking and you get that goofy grin is when you’re thinking of Max. What did he promise you this time? Probably something to take your mind off that damn live turkey I’ll bet.”

Now Tess is giggling at the two of us and then she sticks her two cents worth in.

“It’s true Liz…you’re the only person I know of that gets a certain look on her face when she thinks about sex. Well, a person that’s had sex anyway.”

“Well, if you two loved your men the way I love Max you’d look all ‘whoopee’ too.”

Now I’m grinning…great, we’re at the market maybe they’ll shut up.

We all exit the vehicle and walk in, grab a cart and go our separate ways. Can you tell? We’ve done this together before…manned with cell phones and those plastic grocery bags we all take our sections and start. It only takes a third of the time to shop when we go together. See…we use our cell phones to tell each other what’s on special, as well as getting the stuff we know the other uses. That’s really how well we know each other. When we meet at the front of the store we start loading each other up and if there’s something missing we just go grab it. It works very well…ah, my cell is going off….

“Liz, they have Hawes’ Ranch turkeys back here, you want to come have a look?” That’s Tess…

“No. I want to go pick one out tomorrow with Max.”

“Shit Liz! You’re nuts!” And she hangs up on me.

Oh well, I know he’ll go with me.

We finish our shopping in nothing flat and still have time to go grab some lunch at the food court. We go there on shopping days because we can all have what we want and we don’t have to discuss it. Maria had Chinese today, Tess went for Italian and I settled for a chili dog and life was good. We all had blackberry pie and ice cream for dessert.

After we got home I put all of my purchases in the pantry and headed on upstairs to finish making the bed, grabbing laundry and cleaning the bathrooms. Soon enough my sweetie was home and checking out the counters. I looked at him and giggled and let me tell you ladies and gentlemen, I did not get a peck on the cheek this afternoon! No Siree!!! It was a full blown make out session with a trip to the bedroom for dessert. “WHOOPEE!!!”



It is now 4:00 a.m. Saturday morning and here I sit in another cold sweat dreaming of damned wild turkeys again…millions of wild turkeys this time. I wish I knew what the hell was going on. This is ridiculous. I look down at my gorgeous wife, hair all tousled about, sound asleep and I almost, not quite, but almost want to strangle her. Her and her damned live turkey hunt. But I must admit…she is definitely fun to come home to.

I was waiting for her in the kitchen… and yes, we made out on the counter and then finished up here in the bed room. The woman is insatiable and I love it. I’ve heard the other men complain about the honeymoon being over but with Liz everyday is a new adventure and has been for the past three years. I hope she gets pregnant soon though, everyone has kids but us. It did take me longer to complete my education than it did the others so we knew when we married that it would be a while in coming. It was something we both decided a long time ago but now it seems, maybe, that fate has made that decision for us. We have been trying for two years and have both been tested…there’s no reason for us not to get pregnant we just haven’t hit the right formula yet. I try my hardest to make life happy for her and I know she does the same for me. We bought this big house with the intention of filling it up with little people some day and I just wish some day would get here as does she.

Well, that’s enough of that, it’s time to get back to sleep. Thinking about Liz makes me tired some time. She can have that effect on everyone, she has so much energy. She told me about going shopping with the ‘girls’ today…I wish you could see these three women in a supermarket. They are a kick to watch. Michael, Kyle and I have gone with them on occasion and we just sit in the deli section, drink coffee and talk while we watch them. It’s as good as going to a movie. Honest!


Re: Happy Thanksgiving(M/L A/U - Adult) Ch. 3/3 11/20/10

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:17 pm
by mary mary
Dreambeliever:Here you go...3/3 :)
Carolyn: So glad you're enjoying and thank you. :)
Eve:So sorry to hear your grandfather scared you...grownups have no idea what they do to children sometime but I hope it hasn't prevented you from enjoying chicken! :lol:
Valentinebaby:I'm so glad to hear from you and thank you.
Watch for "Merry Christmas" coming tomorrow.

Chapter: 3/3


It’s Saturday morning people and I’m going to win this battle…just watch.

I watch Max sleep and oh, let me tell you, he is one fine specimen of a human male. He sleeps in the nude, did I tell you that? He does! Well, so do I but that’s nothing to write home about. But Max…welllll, that’s another story and oh, look, there’s a tent…mmm…and it’s a big tent too. I wriggle my way down under the covers, following the curve of his body leaving a trail of little kisses and suckles as I go…ohhh…this is heaven. When I reach my goal I take just the tip of him into my mouth and I can feel him start to stir. I apply a little pressure and now his hands are following my path and they find my head. He pulls my hair away from his body and he watches me through hooded eyes, he has this quirky little grin on his face and I know….oh Max, I’ve got you now. Just as I’ve got things really going good Max sits up a little, grabs my shoulders and pulls me up to him, turns me over on my back and starts to work some magic of his own and, oh my gawd, it is great!

After all is said and done I don’t know which one of us is the happiest but it’s okay because we’re both smiling. After laying in bed, just cuddling for awhile, Max gets up and heads to the bathroom and I slowly make my way in when I hear the shower running. I could stay here all day long, just like Tess suggested, but I’ve got plans. I’m a woman with a mission…

I brush my teeth and take a look at the steamed up shower across the bathroom through the mirror then I look at myself…Maria is right, I do have a goofy whoopee look on my face, I smile and turn around and head right for that steamed up enclosure. This is one “Good Morning” people.

My husband sort of jumps a little when he feels the rush of cool air but the next thing I know I’m being held and ravished by handsome himself. Whoopee!!!

After we get out of the shower and are all nice and spit shined and ready for the day I start…

“Max, are you sure you don’t want to ride out to Hawes Farm with me. It’s only a slight drizzle today and I think it’s going to be a nice drive. We usually drive in the country when the sun is shining…I think it would be nice to experience it in a different light. How about it? Sweetie?”

I added sweetie as an afterthought…nice touch, don’t you think?


“Nah, you go ahead and go…I think I’ll rake leaves.” I say as I spray shaving cream into the palm of my hand. Hah! She thinks I’m not wise to her tricks…the tricks I can handle but her reasoning leaves me a little, not a lot, just a little put off.

Shit, there she goes again….


“I’ll help you rake leaves if you go with me.” Now he’s looking at me with that look…you know the one they get…’I don’t want to do this but I’m going to do it anyway so just shut up’ look.

“Damn it Liz, I told you all week I didn’t want to go. Why do you insist that I do things that I don’t want to do. I don’t mind if you go, honest, go. Just leave me home already.”

“Ah…come on Max. It’s early and it won’t take that long. We’ll be home by lunch and then I’ll help you rake leaves.”

“Get your damned jacket Liz…and all the sex in the world is not going to make up for this.” And I give him a look that says…hey, that’s no punishment! And he chuckles…he’s not really angry.

I am so excited.


It was a beautiful drive to the farm, even Max said as much. It is totally different this time of year and we decide to make the drive when we have our first snowfall too…to put us into the Christmas spirit. Doesn’t that sound wonderful. I just love going on drives with Max, it’s so relaxing and we have that great big back seat that we used so many times on long drives in our younger days. Not that we’re so old mind you, but you know what I mean. Young, no money, both in college, working when not in school. It’s so nice now. I work in the lab at the hospital three days a week and on call when they’re really busy because I don’t want to lose my status as a microbiologist but I don’t have to if I don’t want to and that’s what makes it so much fun…it’s also very rewarding.

Oh we’re here and the drive was marvelous. We get out of the SUV and are met by a kind looking white haired gentleman sporting a huge smile and Max shakes hands with the man. He is Mr. Hawes and I can see why people come here for their turkeys. He explains to us that the back of the property is loaded with turkeys just wandering around, they aren’t cooped up like regular turkey ranches but the property is fenced, five acres actually, is fenced in chicken wire to keep them sort of contained and off other people’s land. All we have to do is take a walk out back and pick the one we want, tell him and he’ll do the rest. We can come back tomorrow and the bird will be completely dressed for us…whatever the hell that means, I would think he meant undressed what with taking off all of it’s feathers and everything. Oh well.

So Max and I head on out to the back of the property where we see hundreds of birds just walking around, bobbing their heads up and down, sort of ruffling their feathers, making this gobbling noise and minding their own business when out of the corner of my eye I see this humongous looking wild animal…and yes I mean animal, it’s bigger than any bird I’ve ever seen in my life and this dumb bird is headed right for us making the most god awful noises I have ever heard and I grab Max’s hand because I don’t know what else to do. Max looks in the direction my eyes are staring and takes off running. He has me by the hand, I’ve got a handful of his arm, and we’re running like hell won’t have it and then I hear him yelling at me…

“Dammit Liz! I told you to get a turkey at the market.”

And when we get back to the gate and run through Mr. Hawes makes this horrible sound and that damned turkey stops dead in it’s tracks. Max looks at me and doesn’t say a word, he has a look on his face…a look that is kind of new to me… I think I should keep quiet right now. I look at Mr. Hawes and quietly tell him that we’ve changed our minds and my husband literally drags me back to the car.

“Don’t Liz…Don’t. Say. A. Word. I’m taking you to the market, we’re buying the biggest turkey they have and don’t you dare ever mention a live turkey again. Maybe those damned nightmares will stop now that I’ve experienced this up close and personal.”

So I didn’t say a word…I did start to giggle but I didn’t say a word. The harder I tried not to giggle the louder I got and then I looked over at Max and he had a damned grin on his face.

So, being a man of his word my husband took me to John’s market, we ordered a 30 pound turkey, which he would get from Mr. Hawes, and then Max took me home. Maybe they’ll kill the sucker that chased us, what do you think?

Anyway, I think my husband deserves something really NICE for being such a wonderful man, don’t you? Then we can rake leaves…maybe. WHOOPEE!!!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone

Watch for Merry Christmas :D