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DEA Meets Highway Patrol(AU,M/L,ADULT) epil. 7/10/11

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 8:19 pm
by mary mary

DEA Meets Highway Patrol

By: Ginger

Genre: A/U ML Adult (Lang. mostly) And folks, you know it’s fluffy!

Summary : Liz works for the DEA and Max is the Captain of the Highway Patrol in Hidalgo County, N.M. What happens when paths cross in an investigation being carried on by multiple Govt. Agencies? I also take author’s license with this fic. since I have absolutely no idea how any of the agencies run their offices…although I’m pretty well versed on business offices and they’re pretty structured and straight forward.

Disclaimer: I have absolutely nothing to do with the show Roswell, the WB, Fox or any of it’s constituents. I have borrowed the names of the characters because I like them.


Chapter: 1


God, this is turning into one of the longest days of my life. I have been sitting here in meetings since 8:30 this morning and I don’t think I can tell you one thing that has been said in the last 3 ½ hours.

The sun is shining outside the window overlooking the vast Pacific and it is a beautiful sight today. The only reason the ocean is visible is because there’s no smog due to the fact that we had some showers over the week-end and it washed the nasty stuff out of the air, at least for a day or two…just give it a little time it’ll be back in full force and then it will smell like the entire county is on fire again. Anyone that thinks Southern California is beautiful has another thought coming, only after a rain is it beautiful and to think that you can swim all year round is another fairy tale too…it can get downright cold out there during the winter months. The temperature is probably the only thing that keeps people here because it certainly isn’t the smog. God, the New Mexico desert may be hot but it definitely smells better. Oh damn, someone is speaking to me!

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I ask Dave since he’s the one looking at me with a grin on his happy little face.

“I said, ‘do you have any plans for this week-end Liz?’ Apparently you were a million miles away.”

I wonder momentarily, before answering his question, why he would be asking me this…I thought he was gay?

“Uh, well... maybe… no. As a matter of fact I don’t have anything definite planned…why do you ask?”

I’m curious now so I wait to reveal my tentative plans…it’s really none of his business anyway.

“Well, the group is heading out to the desert this week-end, since it’s a long one, for some off road fun. We wondered if you would like to join us? I think you might enjoy it, we all have ATVs or quads and we take our families along, just hang out and ride the dunes. It’s really very relaxing. Why don’t you Join us?”

Well, this is a first…I’ve never been invited to any of the teams personal outings in the entire year and a half that I’ve been here. I wonder what brought this on?

“Oh, I don’t know Dave. Tell you what…let me get back to you on this. I was sort of planning on visiting my parents this week-end so let me think about it…okay?”

If I decide to go with them it will only be if mom and dad can join me because I really do want to see them…it’s been too long and I’m not so sure I want to spend a four day week-end with people I really don’t know.

“Sure Liz…let me know. All the gang wants you to come along so give it some thought okay?”

“Yeah, sure Dave…if they can join us then sure, otherwise I’m headed to New Mexico. I’ll get back to you on it though, I promise. I’ll call them at lunch time.”

“Great. I hope they can make it.”

I notice as Dave turns back to our team leader that he gives him a slight nod. I wonder what in the hell they’re up to? I know I haven’t read Dave wrong…the man is definitely gay and why would John have him ask me rather than ask me himself. I just never got the feeling that any of these people were too interested in my private life or wanting me to be a part of theirs.

I’m sitting in the cafeteria alone eating my chicken Caesar salad, and John, the team leader and my boss just happens to walk by and asks if he can sit down for a minute…of course curiosity is getting the better of me so I say ‘yes, please’ and nod toward the seat across from me.

“Dave tells me you’re going to think about joining us this week-end Liz…I think you’ll really enjoy yourself. We have enough room for three more people if your parents decide to come.”

He smiles at me indicating that he truly would like us to join him and I’m still wondering what this is all about but I acknowledge his invitation with an answer.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about us John. If my parents come they will most certainly bring our own transportation for desert riding. They have a nice large ‘Toy Box’ that we will use for accommodations and dad has a really nice long bed truck to haul everything we’ll need so don’t even think about it.” I assure him.

Dad would never dream of being a passenger in someone’s ATV to ride in the desert. God, that would be like offering him a bicycle to ride to town in when there was a Jaguar sitting in the garage. I did manage to remain civil though and tried my damnedest to keep my curiosity at a minimum.

“Well great Liz. Let us know if we can expect them. I’ll get all of the directions for you just in case…how does that sound?” This man seemed awfully insistent about this excursion; I wonder what he’s up to?

“Fine John, you know where to find me.” And with that he took his coffee and left me sitting there alone to finish my salad. Something is definitely wrong with this picture and I just can’t wait to find out what the hell it is.

After John took his leave I dialed dad’s office and mom answered; I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face…she sounded so good, almost like she was sitting right next to me.

“Hi mom.” I smiled, I couldn’t help it.

“Liz! Oh my God sweetie how are you? Where are you? Is everything alright?”

She was on a roll…

“Mom! Slow down, I’m fine, everything is fine. I have a question for you okay. Can you and dad get away this week-end and come to California? The team is headed to Palm Desert to do some riding with their ATV’s and they’ve invited me…us… to come along. I was wondering if you and dad would care to join us and bring my ‘baby’ along for the ride?”

Mom started to laugh.

“Of course Liz, let me put you on the speaker and get your dad in here, he’s just taking inventory. It will probably take us two days what with hauling the fifth wheel and bikes but I’m sure we can swing it. Who all will be there?”

“Lizzie, is that you honey?” My dad must have just walked into the office because I could hear mom whispering to him in the background.

“It’s me dad…I can hear mom filling you in. If you guys can make it I will send you the directions to where we’ll be via FAX. I’ll stay with you of course but the rest of the team will most likely be in motels. I’m on my lunch hour right now and I need to get back upstairs to finish up with the meeting we started this morning but I’ll call you tonight and give you more information. I’m sure John will have directions for me before I go home and I will fax them to you after I get there. You take care and I love you. Hope to see you this Friday, bye.”

“Bye Lizzie. Be good and God bless.” I smiled… their usual sign off message and it felt so good to hear it.

“God bless…talk to you tonight.” And we rung off. This is going to be so much fun. We haven’t done anything like this in years.


Re: DEA Meets Highway Patrol (A/U Mat./Ad) ch. 1 5/30/11

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:06 am
by mary mary
pandas2001: Me too! :wink:
Lovelypom83: I hope it's interesting enough to keep you reading. :)
Natalie36: This is a little fun fic. although the subject matter is very serious the story is not, I don't think. :|
Carolyn: :lol: :lol: You need to go back and read my final messages on the other one...smac thinks it turned out okay... :D As for this one, you are going to be very surprised at what Liz's "baby" is. :P
Eve: Sometime the best laid plans often go astray... :roll: :wink: :)
XAF RU208: Hope you like it...Max is just around the corner...all the players make an entrance eventually. :wink:
Cardinal: Just keep on humming dear friend, I hope it all makes sense! :D
Michelle: Shhhh!!! :D


Chapter: 2


God, I am so happy I can't sit still. It seems like I haven't seen mom and
dad in 'forever'!!! This is going to be so much fun and it will give them a
chance meet the people that I work with. Gee, I hope they don't have any trouble on the highway. They shouldn't. The roads are all good and mom's a good navigator. I know we are going to enjoy this. Oh, I wish it was Friday, they have the GPS. God, I need to get a grip. My mind is bouncing around like a golf ball on a cement parking lot.


“Yeah John, sorry… I was a thousand miles away again."

"I can tell. Here's a copy of the map and a great big 'X' for where we'll
be. Are you going to be traveling with us or are you going to head out on
your own?"

"Oh. I hadn't thought about it. I'll let you know after I hear from mom and dad and see what they’re planning as far as camp grounds and the like are concerned. Is that okay with you?"

"That's perfect Liz. I'll talk to you later."

"Thanks John, for everything, I am so excited."

"I can tell. How long has it been since you've seen your parents anyway?"

"Too long actually, not since my graduation. We talk often but that's about
it; I know we are going to enjoy this so much. I'll get back to you as soon as
they let me know anything definite."

And so now all I have to do is get this information off to dad and wait.


"Nancy… Liz’s fax just came in with a map of the area to where they are headed,
it doesn't look too remote."

I head directly over to the computer and start checking out camping facilities
since we plan on being there for at least five days. If we like it maybe
we'll stay longer. Well, look at that! KOA's (Campgrounds of America) all over the place. They're always nice and clean and we can use their water and electricity and we won’t have to water up before we leave…that will save a whole lot of weight to be hauling along and we can also save our power for when we need it. ‘This is great’ I think to myself.

"Jeff, what does it look like?" Nancy asks as I search the web for

"It looks great honey! Everything looks great. Shall I check out prices and make some reservations?"

"God yes. and don't worry about the cost Jeff, we haven't done anything like
this in so long and I think it's time we did. How long has it been? Six, seven years since the three of us have gone somewhere just to relax and enjoy ourselves? What are we working for if we can't enjoy a little of it?"

"You're right Nancy. I'll see what looks like the nicest and most centrally
located in and around the L.A. area and make some reservations there as

"Oh Jeff, you know with the freeways the way they are why not just stay at
the Disneyland facility. We can just unhook, park, and go wherever
we want to in the truck. This is going to be great. And if Liz wants to go
to dinner or something we can just meet her somewhere. God, I can hardly
wait. I'm so excited!"

"I know Nancy. You go ahead and plan out what you want to take and I'll
research accommodations. We'll probably have to do some shopping, don't
want to leave Jose’ short on supplies while we're gone."

"You worry too much. Jose’ has been with us long enough to know how things
are run. He can just call up and order whatever he needs and put the
invoices on your desk. Quit worrying. He did a great job when we were in
Boston and you know it. Give him a raise and let's start doing things as a
family again."

"Okay sweetie. Go figure out what we need and get Lizzie’s equipment out of
her closet. She said everything is in her duffel bag but you might want to
check it out before we pack it up."

"I'll do that... you know old habits are hard to break. I'll make a grocery
list for you and maybe Ted's will deliver it for us and we won't have to
worry about that. Oh, and get that large storage container down so I can
clean it. If we're going to be gone that long we may need it for extra food or

"Nancy Parker! We are not going into the wild here. There are markets in
every state in the union and I'm sure we will be able to find one. Just go
make your list for what we can carry, what you think we might need and
I'll get on with the reservations."

My red faced wife looked at me with a grin and headed out of the office on a
quest. I can empathize with her, I know exactly how she feels. I’m so
excited I want to laugh out loud. This is going to be so much fun.

(A/N: I said there are markets in every state in the union but don’t try to find one in Brooklyn or Manhattan…stop in New Jersey if you need groceries before heading over that bridge into New York!)


Here I sit in my office watching video's of motocross races and I can't
believe what my eyes are seeing. This is unbelievable; just like the
announcer is saying!!!!!! I hope this is a good plan. It looks
good on paper but in reality you never know how things will turn out. The
amount of money we are sinking into this project had better show some
results or my life as I know it is over.

And he continued to watch the DVD's in amazement.

I can't believe this room; nothing has been moved or removed in over eight
years and I love it. When I get truly lonesome I can come in here and sit
and read and feel at peace. It's almost like she's off at school and
will be walking through that door any minute now wanting to know if I washed
her new jeans, I just can't wipe the smile from my face.

I pull her duffel bag from the back of her closet and open it up to check
and make sure everything is in there like she said. Her boots are in a
separate case but in the duffel, she has her pants and jacket rolled up
neatly and her helmet sitting in its special container and, whoa, what's
this. A book? I open the first page and find dates, 1999-2002 and then a
picture falls free from one of the pages. It's a picture of a boy. He's
smiling and it looks like he's watching someone or something, totally
unaware of the camera. I've seen this boy many times...what's his name? Oh
yes! Max. Diane and Philip's son. He used to come into the Crash all of
the time with his sister and Michael. Michael, the kid that married Maria a
few years back. Liz couldn't make it to the wedding but sent Maria a
beautiful card and a framed picture of her and Michael that had been taken
at the high school prom. Maria had to bring it over and show it to
me. Liz was doing her doctorate thesis and couldn't get away. Maria, as I
recall, had asked Liz to be her maid of honor but Liz just couldn't get
away…Maria was in tears, bless her heart. But, the big question is, what is
Max's picture doing in her duffel bag? I open the first page of the
leather bound book and there, in my daughter's handwriting, I found what
looked like a diary. Well. one thing's for sure, I certainly will not read
this. I won't mention Max to her since the picture fell out of the book
because I don't want her thinking that I was snooping. My mother did that
to me and it was the most embarrassing moment of my life, well one of them
anyway. I had put my most innermost feelings into words only to have them
thrown back at me and was ridiculed and chastised to the point of tears.
After that incident I locked everything away in my heart and kept it to
myself. I won't invade Liz's privacy like that. God love her, I wonder
if she had a crush on the boy? She must have had, otherwise she wouldn't have
his picture hidden away in her diary. Well, it looks like she's got
everything. Her goggles look a little worse for wear, I'll just e-mail her
and let her know. If she wants some new ones she can take care of it. Oh,
there's her leathers hanging way back here; maybe she'd like to have them as
well…I'll just throw them into the bag, they won’t hurt anything and it’s always good to have a spare, they don't take up that much room. That should do it. Now I'll check on Jeff's and my equipment.


I wonder if Nancy has enough to keep her busy until tomorrow? God, if she
doesn't we'll be leaving in an hour. I'm trying very hard not to laugh out
loud at my thoughts and to concentrate on what I'm doing. I know that I'm
feeling as elated as Nancy is right now but God, it seems like ages since we've done
anything as a family. Shit, it has been ages. Oh, there’s the site. This
looks nice and it's only a few blocks from the motel that Liz's co-workers
are staying. The facilities look nice and the pictures show clean and well
equipped campsites. Showers, convenience store, water and electricity
hookups, this is great. Only $40.00 per night. I know Nancy told me not to
look at the prices but $40.00 sounds so reasonable. Liz said Friday,
Saturday, Sunday, Monday and leave Tuesday. That's four nights so I'll
check that off and go to the Disney site and figure on staying there until
the following Monday. That way Liz can come and spend the week-end with us
at Disneyland. We haven't done Disneyland since she was in grammar school.
That will be a blast. Oh, we'll need to find a place to stay Thursday night
but I'll figure that out after the Disney reservations are made. I may as
well buy the tickets to the park while I'm at it. This is awesome! I think we'll take
the quickest route there and the scenic route home, hell, if my mind
doesn't quit jumping around I'll never get this done. Shit, I forgot to
print out the desert reservations. Calm down Jeff, this isn't the first time
you've gone away from home I tell myself!


Jeeeezus, I must have jumped a foot off this chair.

"Yes Nancy."

"Do you think we should get some new goggles?"

"Why? Is there something wrong with the one's we have?"

"No, but it's the desert. Maybe the sand will mess up the one's we have."

"Nancy, if you think we need new goggles then get some but trust me, if the
sand blows that hard I'm not riding in it."


Well, it looks like that conversation is over. I doubt that there will be
any wind and I definitely won't be riding in any.

And so Jeff and Nancy continued to plan for their trip to California and Liz
sat in her office restlessly awaiting the week-end to get there. Her team leader John
continued to watch videos and plan a strategy that would gather more
information than they had been able to collect in a very long time. This
definitely wasn't a take-down mission, just a fact finding mission and if anything came up that would merit arrests anytime soon it was going to be planned, and planned well. There shouldn’t be any danger as he saw it and if he was correct one of their biggest weapons was only two doors away.


Max Evans walked into his office at the Highway Patrol check point in
Columbus to give his men their new schedule and to bring them up to date on
some of the changes taking place in the department. He was the youngest
Captain in the history of New Mexico's Highway Patrol and some of the men
were still reeling over this. Hell, some of them were old enough to be his
father, some of them were older than his father and they were expected to take
orders from this wet nosed kid. But by now most of them realized that Max
really did deserve the job and was truly qualified to lead and direct but
there were still a few diehards who, in most cases, were dwindling and
the few that were the worst were going to retire soon anyway. Max didn't
put much credence in their attitudes and basically ignored the snide
remarks. No sense in taking it to heart, it would only make things worse.
So he did his job and was gaining respect and admiration from all who knew

He was one handsome piece of work in that uniform and drove all the
women in the office nuts. The married and unmarried alike. He was single,
no girlfriend that any of them was aware of and some of them thought that
he might even be gay. All they had to do was ask his friend Kyle over in
Tularosa but they didn't know about the young Deputy Sheriff over there.
Kyle, Michael and Max used to be a pretty rowdy trio in their college years.
They could really raise some hell when they put their minds to it.

So Max finished up his news at the check point and wanted to know if the men
needed any more help than they had and he was assured that things were still
fairly quiet but would alert him the minute it looked like anything interesting might be happening. The drug situation was getting totally out of control and some news had leaked down that Columbus might be an important sight to look into.

"Well, if you guys are sure you're okay I'll check in on you tomorrow. If
you need anything I've got a chopper fueled up and ready at your command.
You know the drill, be safe and don't take any risks, call for help. We don't
need any dead heroes over here. Got it?"

"Yeah Max, we got it." And the three men smiled at their Captain. They
were informed, when Max took over the job that he was "Max" plain and simple, just Max.

And so Max Evans left a crew to watch the desert like a beacon in the night.
They just had to do something about this drug situation since it was getting into the grammar schools as well as the jr. high and high schools. It was bad and they had to do something fast even if it was just arresting the little guys for possession... It seemed as though no one cared about the problem but him …the DEA sure as hell weren’t anywhere around. Maybe if they arrested enough pushers and users it would be harder to find transporters. Hell, he didn't know…but right now he was grasping at straws until someone came up with a better idea.


Re: DEA Meets Highway Patrol (A/U Mat./Ad) ch. 2 6/3/11

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:58 am
by mary mary
Eve:Good morning...I'm updating a few days early this week because I will be gone until the 12th. So here's installment # 3. :)
Michelle: I think Alex said all of those things...he had the scouts totally confused! :lol: And I had no idea you had no use for grocery stores until I went to visit my granddaughter and she wanted meat loaf and cabbage rolls...she had invited a whole bunch of kids from school for dinner and I turned in my rental car as soon as we got to NY from Pa. I had taken her with me on a small visit. I sent her to the little convenience store in the high tower she lived in for five pounds of hamburger and she came back with four pounds of hamburger patties since it was all they had. She lived on the 34th floor and God knows how many floors were above her? I couldn't believe it. As for the mother reading the diary, that isn't all that (?) , I'm being nice here, did As for the women and Max...well, can you blame them?
Carolyn: Hey Carolyn, I almost forgot I e-mailed you about this story once..and as for the "crush", well that's he mom's theory, we'll get to that.
XAF RU208: Yes she was!!!
Cardinal: Since this all becomes clear in this chapter, I think, yes her team leader and the director of the DEA both know of her riding skills. I hope you find it entertaining.... :roll: :D


Chapter: 3

Friday noon:

a/n: For you non-campers a “Toy Box” is a large travel trailer that has a double door back entrance for storing stuff like motorcycles, ATV’s or even a small vehicle, toys so to speak. When the extra vehicle or vehicles are removed and the doors are closed living facilities pop out of the walls such as bunk beds, a couch, etc. They’re really quite nice actually. Very roomy and lots of fun if you are into hunting, camping or have a lot of rambunctious little boys and girls who like to play hard.


"John, what are you doing here? I thought you had some unfinished business
to take care of before knocking off this afternoon."

This is very unusual, John never pays this much attention to me. I'm just the person
that sits in this lab, performs tests and analyzes the work everyone else does, searching for strange anomalies and making reports. I've had more attention from this group the past few days than I've had in the year and a half that I've been with them.

"It's nothing important Liz, just wanted to see how things progressed with
your parents is all." And the man is actually smiling at me. What's up with

"Oh. Well, they are going to be staying at the KOA about three blocks from
the motel that you guys had located on your map. I'll be meeting up with
them this afternoon or this evening, depending on the traffic. You never
know around here. In Roswell you could probably walk to your destination as fast as it would take you to start your car and get out of the parking lot."
Liz smiled as she noticed the twinkle in John's eye.

"That's great Liz. Since we are all caught up here why don't you just head
on out and get an early start. We're going to be right behind you. I'll be
headed out to pick up my wife and two oldest boys. The younger ones are
spending the week-end with my parents. Jill's mom and dad live in Oregon
and couldn't come down this week-end which is why we are taking the
opportunity to get out of town. We usually don't do much as a family since
the folks are getting older and generally come for a visit on most major
holidays. That leaves us sort of stuck around the house. I'm not
complaining though, I wouldn't change a thing. So you go ahead and get a
head start and we can meet at the local Denny's later, say around 9:00 and then we can
make plans for tomorrow. Denny's is only a block from the motel, well the
one I'm talking about anyway. There are more around but that's the one I

I smiled and was glad to hear that John was bringing his family. This
would be fun. a chance to get to know these people on a more personal level.

"Sure John and thanks. I had a call from my mom about an hour ago and they
just crossed over into California so we will probably be in Palm Desert
at about the same time. I don't have to go back to my place since I packed up
everything last night. I'm not excited or anything, can you tell?" And I caught myself giggling.

"I can just imagine how you feel. You drive carefully and we will all see
you later this evening. Everyone is bringing their families or significant
others. There will be 5 ATV's so if your parents want to ride with one of
us I'm sure there will be room." John offered.

"Oh I don't think that's going to be a problem. We don't have an ATV but
we have transportation. My dad is bringing it with him. We also have
walkie-talkies; do you guys use any kind of communication devices?"

"Just our cell phones, you have our numbers don't you?"

"Yes, I do, thank you. And I'll see you later this evening."

"Great, and as I said, be careful."

"Yep." And I was out of there like a flash.



"Nancy, how much farther do you think we have to go?"

"Jeff, you have to relax You’re worse than some little kid. It's only
another two hours if traffic keeps moving the way it is. What time do you
think Liz will show up?"

"Oh, as soon as she can I'm sure. I faxed her our itinerary last night and
she e-mailed back that she got everything. She thinks the Disneyland
facility sounds great. She said she has heard some pretty good things about
it, I guess some of the people she works with have had their parents stay
there because of the close proximity to the park and it's so much easier to
deal with the grandkids. I hope we have some eventually, grandkids that is, it doesn't look like Liz is in too big of a hurry to meet someone and settle down into a
family life but it would be nice."

"Oh I know what you mean Jeff, but you never know, there could be someone out there lurking on the horizon just waiting to be discovered." Nancy wanted so
badly to tell Jeff about the picture but she would never betray Liz like that.

"Well, it would be nice just to be able to take some kids to the park and
watch their little faces light up the way Liz's did so many years ago.
Hell, maybe it will light up like that again this year." And I had to chuckle.

Nancy had to laugh at me for that remark. after she settled herself she asked
me if I'd like a soft drink or some water and I told her I was fine. I
wanted this drive to be over. Not that it was unpleasant or anything, it's
just that I was ready to see Liz and catch up face to face. Our lives have
changed so much in the past few years. God, I never dreamed that Liz would go
to work for the government. The DEA yet, what a surprise that was. At
least she's in a safe environment just running tests and analyzing data. That's what
Forensics is all about is it not. In depth studies? Why couldn't she
just have gone on and stuck her head in a book somewhere. I know she's safe
but I wish it wasn't the DEA. Oh it's going to be good to see her. I’ve got
to start thinking about something else or I'll be a wreck by the time we get

Oh, here's our turnoff.

"Nancy, make sure I'm headed in the right direction. hell, we don't want to
get lost now."

"Jeff, behave, you know you're fine and look who's ahead of us making a
right hand turn onto that boulevard."

"Well my God, is that Liz?"

"Yes it is. She must have gotten off work early. Look at her, she looks
like a 16 year old kid with that pony tail flying around her head." And
Nancy giggled as she watched our daughter check out the traffic situation
before heading down the two lane highway. It's quite a difference from the
6 lanes going one way that we just left.

Then Nancy noticed a hand reach out the drivers window and wave.

"She see' us Nance." And I was beside myself.

"Yes she does. We must be very close to our destination. and look, there it

I pulled into the camp ground after Liz pulled to the side of the road to
wait for me and then she followed suit. It was really tough to go to the
registration office before getting out of the truck and grabbing my daughter
into a big hug but I didn't want to make any waves so I acted like a responsible adult and waited But then Liz just put her car in park, left the engine running and ran to the drivers' side of the truck and practically crawled through the window. Nancy and I both started laughing at her and I couldn't control the tears that were running down my cheeks any more than Liz and Nancy could. We all hugged that way for a
minute and then Nancy heard a knocking on her window and let go of the two
of us and peered out at the elderly 'grouch' staring at us. I figured it
was time to appease the old fart and then we could get things taken care of

Nancy exited the truck and went around to the back of the Toy Box to
talk to our daughter while I took a copy of our confirmed reservations and
headed on into the office behind the old man. I suppose I should be angry
with him for his lack of kindness but I was too happy to let it bother me.
He had me sign the registry and gave me directions to our campsite and we
were off. Nancy rode with Liz of course and then the fun began. I backed
the RV into the extra long parking space, unhooked the truck, hooked up the
water and electricity, the sewage lines and got everything leveled while Liz
and Nancy unloaded Liz's car and put things into the RV. We took the
motorcycles out of the back of the Toy Box put them in the back of the truck and made sure they were secure, closed up the gate and went inside to get the pop outs rigged and then we were ready for some fun. It took about an hour and a half total to get set up but it was worth it.

I was now ready for some dinner and we decided to take Liz's little car and
drive into the center of town and see if there was something of interest
there. We were all too excited to just start in cooking after all of this.
It was so good to see her and she looked so happy, oh shit, they spied a
dress shop. I don't believe it. Liz caught my eye in her rear view mirror
and started to giggle. Nancy looked at her strangely and Liz just took her
thumb and pointed back at me and Nancy started giggling right along with
her. God, this was wonderful, I love them so much that it hurts some time.



I can't believe that we both arrived at the same time. Gee, they look
wonderful, both of them. Dad looks so happy and Mom is just as beautiful as
ever. I don't know why this is so surprising to me but when you
don't get to see them everyday it's just a big surprise to see nothing has
changed when so much has. This week-end is going to be wonderful. Maybe
mom and I can go to that little shop while dad takes a nap. It really looks
interesting, I hope dad doesn't mind if we throw in a couple hours of
alone time, just us girls, that would be so much fun.

"Dad, we're supposed to meet up with everyone at Denny's tonight and make
plans for tomorrow. I think we should plan on taking the ice chests and
having lunch out there, don't you?"

"Sweetie, I don't know what the rest of them would want to do but that
sounds like fun to me. How do you feel about all of these people? Are they
really close or just work acquaintances?"

"Actually dad, they are just working acquaintances and to tell you the truth
I don't know why they invited me. This is the first time I've ever been
invited along on one of these week-end excursions so if we want to do our
own thing it's okay by me. I figured it would give us a chance to get the
lay of the land, find some new places to visit and the chance for us to have
some fun together. It's also a chance for you to meet everyone that I work
with and to put faces with names but as far as us being close or
anything it’s nothing like that. So. This time is ours, we'll play it by ear."

"Fair enough Lizzy. now what kind of food are you interested in? How about
you Nancy? Any preferences?"

"Actually no, none at all. I'd just like to look at a menu and see what's

"Liz, just find a place that looks clean and we'll see what they have."

"Fine dad, but I do know that I don't want Denny's. We can probably have
dessert or a snack with our coffee or tea this evening but I really don't
want to eat there this afternoon."

"Too much like the Crashdown?"

"No, probably not as good as the Crashdown!" I didn't want to tell dad that
I ate at Denny's almost everyday because I was too damned lazy to cook for
myself because he really didn't need to know that. It would just upset him so
I kept it to myself.

"Oh my, look at that place dad. What do you think?"

"Oh Liz! We're not dressed for that place."

"Mom. Do you remember telling me once that 'as long as you can pay for it
you're dressed for it'?"

"Talk about eating your words."

So we all headed into "The Cellar" and it actually was in a cellar. Quite
nice actually and we weren't dressed any differently than anyone else.
Mostly business people getting off work and having dinner before heading
home. The food was to die for. We all had oysters on the half shell and
dad ordered escargot which we all sampled. It was mom’s and my first time
ever eating the little devils and they were actually good but the garlic
butter and bread were what set it off. Oh that was wonderful. I ordered
filet, mom had some kind of chicken and dad had the salmon. We were all
very pleased with our meals and then they brought out the desert cart for us
to look over. I looked over at mom and dad and grinned. Denny’s be damned I
was going to try some of that cheese cake. Then mom piped up and said we
should all order something different and share so we did. It was not a
mistake and we decided that we would come back to the cellar before leaving
even if only for desert. We all laughed as we practically waddled out of
the place. This was truly wonderful.


Re: DEA Meets Highway Patrol(A/U Mat./Ad)ch 4 6/12/

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:20 pm
by mary mary
Lizza: I’ll be updating regularly now that I’m home and I hope I don’t disappoint but, per my p.m., you have to wait awhile before Max and Liz meet up face to face…I think the story is fun though, I hope so.
Carolyn: Home again, home again jiggety jog! As I told Lizza, a face to face some chapters off.
XAF RU208: Hey, you to live dangerously. How do you know you don’t like something if you don’t try it? My kids made me eat those words once when I tried to convince them they wouldn’t like shrimp.
Michelle 4X: It’s all about the food and the entertainment. Maria said:
“It’s all for the love of the loaf!”
Well, now it’s food and entertainment!
In this story Nancy has a big part…
LovelyPom83: So happy to have you here…come on in and enjoy. Have one of Michelle’s cookies and a cup of tea. I write with my pot of tea next to me, you’re welcome to some.
Cardinal: Hey buddy! Yep, sneaky man she’s working for! At least he thinks so.
Eve: Oh dear! I love food!!!
Ken: So nice to hear from you and I am so sorry to hear you are under the weather. I shall add you to my prayer list, it can’t hurt. As for checking out restaurants before traveling, you should have traveled with my husband. I told him that he grazed his way across the U. S. every time we went anywhere. The trips to L.A. to see family were always planned so we could have BBQ off the Golden State Freeway in Griffith Park…the trip home was planned so we could have dinner at the "Woolgrowers" in Bakersfield. Sometime we would get home at 3:00 a.m. and I would have to be at work by 8:00 a.m. He would just laugh, as long as he had his food he really didn’t care, honest!

As for the motorcycles, my son and two grandsons all race them so I got a lot of help with some of the stuff in my story. I really don’t know all that much about them but they answered a lot of questions and cleared up a lot of confusion. If I don’t make some things plain just ask and I’ll ask them… As far as the camping goes, well we did an awfully lot of that when my boys were younger and then when we got older we did get a motor home. It was our dream to crisscross our way across the U. S. but that didn’t happen. If you have any plans, don’t postpone them, do it when the thought crosses your mind, life is way too short.

Thanks to all of you for reading.

Chapter: 4


At 8:45 p.m. we decided to walk the four blocks to Denny’s to meet up with the rest of the group since it was a really nice night and we needed to work off some of the meal we had finished not too long ago and we laughed and talked the entire way. It was so much fun to be with mom and dad in a relaxed atmosphere again. It had been so long since we did anything like this and the feeling was euphoric. I couldn’t begin to explain how I felt to anyone…to be able to not think about another solitary thing on earth except to enjoy the moment. It is almost a foreign experience to me it has been so long since I have been able to do this. Never as an adult that’s for sure. My whole life has been one preparation after another. Preparing for school, preparing for a race, preparing for a trip. This is just the most relaxing experience I have ever had and I love that it’s with my parents. They seem to be enjoying this as much as I am.

“You know dad, I think we should do this more often…don’t you just feel the calm. It’s absolutely exhilarating!” I can’t keep the smile off my face.

“Lizzy, yes it is. Absolutely exhilarating.” Dad said as he pulled mom and me into a hug. Mom smiled and nodded her agreement and we continued to walk.

We arrived at Denny’s right at 9:00 p.m. and ran into Dave and his partner Phil as we entered the front door. Introductions were made as we waited for the hostess to arrive and then we were led to the back of the restaurant where the rest of the team were already seated and waiting for us. The waiters had pushed several tables together for us and we took up the entire back section of the dining room. I introduced mom and dad to everyone and then we took our seats next to Dave and Phil who were meeting Ben’s new girlfriend Sue. There were 15 of us altogether and we must be one strange looking bunch to say the least. John started off by asking dad if he had any experience with desert riding and dad damned near choked on his coffee.

“Yes John, I’ve had a little. New Mexico is quite sandy in some spots.” Dad smiled at John and Chuck and his wife Sandy could not contain their laughter at all, she just burst into raucous hilarity…the rest of us tried to remain civil as we sat with grins on our faces. John turned red as he realized his blunder and then expounded on his statement.

“I realize that New Mexico is quite arid but what I mean is, have you ridden in the desert?”

Dad being the kind person he is and the diplomat born out of 30 years of owning a restaurant and dealing with customers answered poor John with all the warmth he could muster.

“I guess our Liz hasn’t brought you up to speed regarding our transportation for the week-end. We all ride dirt bikes John, all three of us. I brought Liz’s bike with us and she’ll be riding her own bike as will Nancy and I. Liz has been riding motorcycles since she was three years old. Practically rode before she could actually run without falling down. She’s what we like to call, a natural. When she’s on that bike she’s one with the bike. A real joy to watch… Nancy would most likely be as good as Liz but she has a tendency to be less daring…shall we say, but she didn’t start riding as young as Liz did either. Liz is fearless…she looks like a part of the bike when she’s on it.”


Jeff noticed everyone had stopped talking and was listening to him sing his daughter’s praises…he had a feeling Liz was right about this week-end. It wasn’t just about having fun as a group, they were up to something and he was beginning to wonder why they invited Liz along also.


“Come on dad, you’re embarrassing me here. Okay you guys, what time do you want to head out. We already have the bikes loaded up and can take off at any time you want to. Are we going to be having lunch out there or will we be coming in. Just how do you work this stuff out?”

I was curious to find out what their plans were and I certainly didn’t want to sit here and listen to my dad tell them all about me doing motocross all through my youth. This is embarrassing as hell and dad knows it.

“Liz, we enjoy listening to your dad’s stories there’s no need to be embarrassed. As for lunch, well it all depends on everyone else and what they would like to do. We could have a pot luck, drive back in for an afternoon rest or just keep riding. What do the rest of you want to do?”

No one had anything to say. Then John’s oldest boy Trevor spoke up.

“Well, I’ve been on these excursions before and I would just as soon come back and go swimming in the afternoon…after a morning of running around in an ATV you’re thirsty, dirty and hungry and if you’ve seen one sand dune you’ve seen them all. I told you to leave me home.” He scowled at his parents and scooted down in his seat to take it all in.

John and his wife Jill looked at their oldest son as though they wanted to cut his tongue out of his head. It was perfectly obvious that the kid had other plans and his parents put the kibosh on them. Life’s tough at 15 no matter what you do to make it nice.

“That’s enough Trevor…you were told before we left that this was our week-end now zip it.”

Jill gave her son a sympathetic look and smiled over at my parents and me and I decided that I wasn’t at work and John did not dictate my off time and proceeded to open my mouth.

“Hey Trevor, you ever ridden a motorcycle?”

Trevor looked right at me, ignoring his mother’s gasp, and said “No!” with all the enthusiasm he could muster.

“Well, tomorrow you will and I’m sure you won’t be wanting to go swimming until after dinner tomorrow night because there’s nothing like it.”

About that time 13 year old Joey pops up with..

“What about me? I didn’t want to come to this week-end dust bowl party either.”

Another gasp went ignored from a distraught looking mother as dad popped up…taking my lead.

“Well Joey, we can’t have your brother outdoing you now can we. You will come with us also and I guarantee you will have a great time.”

Both John and Jill didn’t know what to say and the rest of the people around the table held their tongues. As I said, he doesn’t run my week-ends and if he doesn’t want those boys on the motorcycles he’d better speak now because dad and I will have them all over this desert tomorrow and they will have fun. If their balance and coordination is any good we may even have them riding by Monday. This is turning out even better than I thought. Dad is going to have a ball with these two boys…although I know he wanted a boy no one could ever take my place in his heart but boys are boys and every father should have access to some on occasion. Here’s your chance dad.

“So, why don’t we just plan on doing our own thing. Those of you who want to come back for a rest can do so and we’ll pack enough food for us and the boys. Is that agreeable to everyone.” That was mom…it didn’t take her long to catch on to what was happening here. Whatever John’s reason was for bringing me on this excursion is his and his alone…I’m here to enjoy my parents and to have a good time. Anything else can wait. Trevor and Joey were bouncing off the walls by this time…they could hardly wait until tomorrow. I could tell that Jill was only hoping I was as good as my dad thought I was on that thing…boy was she in for a surprise. Of course I do want a half hour warm up time first before taking on a passenger but it’s going to be fun.


Re: DEA Meets Highway Patrol(A/U Mat./Ad)ch 5 6/13/11

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:37 pm
by mary mary
Lizza: Is this quick enough for you sweetie? :) :) :)
Cardinal: Yep, they pretty much have a good idea that things are not what they're cracked up to be. :)
Michelle:You know your professor was right Michelle. I went back to school when my youngest started high school and eventually got my degree in accounting but I have to tell you, it was truly a great experience because I wanted to be there not because I had to be. I even enjoyed the horticulture class, believe it or not. :wink:
I hope what (I) the DEA has planned for Liz is interesting and fun for everyone... :wink:
Eve: Oh they are going to have a lot of fun...and those damned motorcycles can make your tailbone hurt really badly, especially the passenger! Oh that was a long, long time ago!!! :roll:
Carolyn: Thank you. My son and his wife, her sister and family and her parents went to this particular desert for many Thanksgivings with their bikes. They all had big RV's and they hauled a smoker with them and smoked a turkey while they rode the desert. The boys loved it. My daughter-in-laws sister also has three boys...they are all young men now. God how time flies. :roll:
XAF RU208: Yeah, I thought that taking the boys was a nice touch...I've done it many times with my friends kids. My daughter, being the only girl in the family, always took a girlfriend with us. Sometime we had to take two vehicles just to haul the kids and the equipment. :P :)


Chapter: 5


It’s 7:00 a.m. and I could swear I heard some little voices outside the trailer…best have a look. God, can you believe it? It’s Trevor and Joey. I opened the kitchen door and stepped aside to allow the boys entry before saying anything…they were looking a little sheepish as they came in and then their eyes got as big as saucers.

“Gee Mr. Parker, this thing is big inside. Gosh, it’s as big as our living room!” They were practically dancing around the kitchen and looking everything over. When all of the pop outs were in place and the dividers put up I guess it did look pretty impressive.

“Well, yes it is a little big for a travel trailer but it’s actually a home away from home when you use it a lot like we used to do when Lizzy was racing. It stays in storage most of the time now but it still is a lot of fun. We have everything we need actually, as you can see.” I couldn’t help but smile at the boys, apparently they had never been inside a travel trailer before and the “Toy Box” was pretty impressive.
About that time Liz came into the kitchen in her robe and a towel around her head and smiled at the two youngsters…

“What are you guys doing here so early…do your parents know where you are?”

Trevor looked a little guilty before answering…

“Well, they were still asleep in their room so we walked over.”

“Oh my…maybe you’d better call them and tell them where you are. Okay?” Liz asked the boys as she handed them her cell phone. Trevor reached into his pocket and pulled out his own and shook his head ‘no’ to Liz’s phone. She smiled and pointed to the phone in the boys hand as I asked Joey if he would like some cereal and toast. He smiled and shook his head yes as did Trevor.

I went over to the cupboard above the counter and opened up the door to reveal several kinds of cereal and pointed to the boxes…Joey asked for cocoa puffs and Trevor mouthed Cap’n Crunch as he waited for his parents to answer the phone.
Then we heard…

“Hi dad. We’re at Liz’s and Mr. Parker is giving us cereal for breakfast.” “What? You want to talk to Mr. Parker? Why?” “Oh.” And Trevor handed his phone to me.

“Hello John.” “Yes, it’s perfectly alright… “No, they aren’t any trouble.” “We are all awake and getting ready for the day’s outing. Listen, why don’t we just take them with us when we leave and we will make sure to catch up with you sometime during the morning. They aren’t any bother at all and we will take very good care of them”… “Yes, you have a good morning also.” And we hung up. The boys just kept eyeing me to make sure they weren’t in any trouble and I assured them that their father was okay but I also made sure that they understood that they shouldn’t be taking off at seven o’clock in the morning without letting someone know where they are going. They agreed and Liz giggled.

“Well boys…what kind of sandwiches do you like. I am going to pack an ice chest with cold drinks and another with sandwiches and fruit. I have some power bars also…Liz likes ‘snickers’ but she doesn’t need snickers…health bars are better for her.”

“We like anything Mr. Parker.” Trevor announced but then Joey asked

“Do you have peanut butter and jelly?” I had to smile…another of Liz’s favorites.

“Of course I have peanut butter and jelly. How about 6 or so peanut butter and jelly, you can help me make them when you’re finished with your breakfast and we can also do about 6 ham and cheese. That should last us through snacks and lunch. What do you think?”

“God dad, I think you’re planning a buffet instead of lunch. There’s only 5 of us.”

“Yes Liz, two growing boys and three hungry adults. I don’t think a dozen sandwiches are too many since we’re using plain bread and not rolls. How’s your mom doing?”

“She was drying her hair when I left the bathroom. She was already dressed so we’re about ready. How about the boys, do you think we might have some spare suits that might fit them?”

“Well, I’ll check the cargo bay and see what’s been left out there. I’m sure we can come up with something.”

And so I left the kitchen and headed outside to the storage unit in the side of the trailer for some chaps and a couple pairs of boots, there were various sizes to choose from, for the boys. They really didn’t need any jackets but helmets were a must…I’m sure they had helmets for the ATV’s but I knew ours were probably better and so I went digging. By the time I came back into the kitchen Liz had the boys working on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Nancy was elbows deep in ham and cheese and Liz had one ice chest practically filled with water and soft drinks.

The boys were so happy they could have flown on their own power and when I handed them their outfits, their eyes were as big as saucers. Liz giggled and pointed to the couch so they could try on the boots and after they each found a pair that fit she sent them to the back of the trailer where her bedroom was located, minus three bikes, and told the boys they could change in there. She looked so cute all decked out to go riding. She didn’t look much older than Trevor and not as big either. She had also chosen to wear chaps over her jeans instead of her riding pants…I’m not sure which would be coolest but I’m sure she was hoping she had made the right choice. When I looked over at Nancy she had also chosen chaps. I guess tomorrow we will be able to determine which is better for this climate.


By the time we got things ready to roll it was already 8:00 a.m. We hadn’t planned on the extra help this morning but it was a lot of fun. Both boys are really sweet kids and so excited. It’s making our excitement grow by leaps and bounds just being able to share this with the kids, I can tell mom and dad are tickled about it. It’s the first time we’ve ever shared our time with someone other than grandma Claudia in a long time and it’s contagious…all three of us are just…happy. No other word can explain the feelings…just happy.

“Okay guys, we need to load up the truck and tie things down. You two can sit in the back of the cab with me … we can watch DVD’s while mom navigates and dad drives…how’s that?”

“You can watch DVD’s in the truck?” Joey asked.

“Yeah. Dad had one put in for me when I was your age so I wouldn’t bug him too much. Now he makes sure there’s one in every rig he buys just in case I get bored to death and need to be entertained.”

I had to laugh when dad looked in the rear view mirror at me. I know damned well why he puts those DVD players in his trucks and cars…he’s hoping for grandchildren someday. Poor guy…have to have a husband, or hopefully a husband, before that happens and I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

Joey’s eyes got really big and asked me what kind of DVD’s we had. I handed him a box and told him to search and to share with Trevor.

“I’d rather see where we’re going.” Trevor announced and I smiled. Me too actually, but I wanted them to have fun.

“Well, you can watch the road Trev…it’s okay with us. What grade are you in anyway?”

“Oh, I’m a freshman and Joey is in seventh. I go to St. John’s High and Joey goes to St. John’s grammar. Sister says that Joey is more quiet than I am but I don’t think so. She just doesn’t know him so well is all. She needs to see him away from the classroom…Joey doesn’t like her so much I think.”

“That’s not true Trevor, I like her just fine. I just don’t have anything to say to her.”

“Oh. Well why don’t you tell her that then?”

“Hey, why should I? She’ll just want to know why and then I’ll have to stand there and talk to her when I could be doing other stuff.”

“Other stuff like what?”

“Playing football for one thing. I don’t like to stand around talking like you do. Mom’s right…you’re going to be a politician. Just full of hot air.”

With that remark dad damned near ran the truck off the road, mom smiled and I giggled.

By that time we were coming close to our destination and dad pulled in to the parking area to unload the off road vehicles when we ran into Dave and Phil.

“Good morning guys…all ready for a day in the sun and the sand.” Phil asked. I don’t think he was as enthused about this outing as the rest of the group.

Trevor popped right up and said “Yes sir.” With all the enthusiasm a fifteen year old could muster. Dave took notice of the boys attire and smiled at my dad…

“Hey, you guys look pretty professional there don’t you?” He asked the boys.

“Yeah. Mr. Parker let us wear his stuff…it’s really cool huh?” Joey answered.

“It certainly is. Chaps, boots and everything. Boy, you’re right uptown.” Said Phil.

By that time I had the tie downs loosened and dad had the ramps in place and we started to wheel the bikes out. There was one larger one and two medium sized ones. Mine and mom’s being the medium bikes. I just hoped that Joey wasn’t too short to reach the ground because I wanted them to learn to ride before we went any where too far away. We had spare gasoline in the locked compartment and then we transferred the ice chests to the interior of the truck. When we were happy with all of the preparations we were ready to take off. Dad was going to put Trevor on his bike and I would put Joey on mine, size being the determining factor and by that time Dave and Phil had their ATV’s unloaded and the rest of the team came staggering in. John and Jill got out of their truck and headed on over to their sons to give them hugs and I’m sure to whisper some confidential words in their young little ears because they both looked a little sheepish when all was said and done. And then both parents stood back and admired their boys in their motorcycle get ups. They even had the best motorcycle helmets in their hands and the latest fashion motorcycle gloves attached to their belts. They did look quite professional for a couple of teenagers and John looked over at dad and mouthed a thank you as Jill took some pictures of her sons. Dad just smiled and nodded in dad fashion and I was ready to roll.

“Hey guys…I’m going to get my “sea” legs so to speak and I’ll be back shortly to pick up my passenger. It’s been a while and I’d like to get a feel of things first so enjoy the conversation and give me a few. I won’t be long.” And with that I kicked her over and was off like a flash. God this felt good.



God, look at her go…she flies like the wind. And the pride just oozed off my body.


Dear God in heaven…I’ve never seen anything like it. She’s part of that thing. I’m not so sure I want Joey on that with her but then I’m not so sure I would want him with anyone else either. Just how fast is she moving?

“Jeff, how fast would you say she’s got that thing going?” I finally had to ask.

“Well John, she’s had it up to 120 but I’m sure she isn’t any where near that speed right now. She’s just getting a feel for the bike again and testing it’s limits as well as her own. She calls it her ‘baby’ and sometime I think it is. We had it made to her specifications and it has never failed her. Her motocross bike is a Honda 250 and she’s taken many, many ribbons home with it but this bike is her baby and she feels more at home on it than she does sitting in an easy chair.”

“I see, and what kind of bike is this bike again?”

“This one was built by KTM and me. Between the two of us we came up with Liz’s bike…they’re her specs, not ours, but it’s a KTM by trade. She quit riding when she went back to Harvard about eight years ago and now she works in an office for you.”

I looked a little pensive as I answered Jeff Parker…

“Yes, yes she does…analyzing data. And without a doubt the best analyst I’ve ever had. She doesn’t do anything half assed does she?”

And Jeff Parker laughed…I know he saw the look on my face, it couldn’t be helped.

“No she doesn’t John and whatever challenge you put to her she will get the job done.”

Jeff Parker was a smart man, he knew his daughter was going to face a bigger challenge soon and he knew she would be able to handle whatever we gave her. I only hope that it works out the way we have planned.


Re: DEA Meets Highway Patrol(A/U Mat./Ad)ch 5 6/13/11

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:09 am
by mary mary
Eve: The motorcycles are not as dangerous as you might think, they are only as dangerous as the people on them. Granted, the races can be a little hairy but the bikes themselves are really only as bad as a rider. Liz is a professional and she has a bike that was built for her so she's quite safe on it. :P
Lizza: I''m so glad you are enjoying this little story. Yes, Liz is a little daring in this story but she can handle herself on this bike, never worry. :wink:
Carolyn: The meeting between Max and Liz is a couple of weeks away with daily updates and it will be Liz recognizing Max before Max realizes who she is. As for the outing, this is just a way for her boss to realize her other worldly talents besides being a forensic scientist. :wink:
Cardinal: I think that Liz probably weighs in at about 110 right now and the motorcycle she's on, well it's not one of those great big "hogs" Harley Davidson's you see on the road. This bike is streamlined and just her size. The engine is the power but she can handle it. :D

And hey guys, keep in mind that only a couple of days have gone by since we started... :wink:


Chapter: 6


As I walked into my office on Friday morning I found a message taped to the phone on my desk. The only time Serena does this is when she wants me to return the call ASAP and sure enough, written in big bold letters was “ASAP” right across the top of the pink note. “She’s getting pushier everyday” I almost say out loud and then I have to grin at her tenacity.

She’s a really sweet girl…the only one that doesn’t make the hair on the back of my neck stand up and make me want to run. It was this very reason that she got the job in the first place. She’s not enamored by an older man…me being only 5 years her senior, but older enough. She’s not afraid to speak her mind and she makes sure that all of the important work is completed before taking on the menial jobs, filing being one of the important jobs around here. It’s very important to be able to grab a file at a moments notice and if she has to use some extra hands to get the job done she’s not too afraid to exercise her authority and get some. A few of the other women aren’t too happy about this extra little bit of authority she carries with her duties but she doesn’t abuse it and she only initiates it when necessary therefore they deal with it.

We are becoming a team and a good one at that even if I do say so myself.

I pick the note up and I take off my holster and put it in my left desk drawer as I read it. It’s the DEA’s office in DC again. We are trying to coordinate our efforts with an ongoing investigation into the drug trafficking problems we are having at our borders. It is a never ending battle. When I was at Roswell we had our share of hopheads but I can’t recall it ever being this bad. We lost three kids in this state alone last week to an overdose and it’s getting worse. It doesn’t seem to make a damned bit of difference when it comes to teaching these youngsters the dangers of using. We go to the schools, we have programs set up for them to report users and pushers anonymously, we show them films of dead children…and they are children… and nothing we do seems to be working. Oh I’m sure we are reaching some of them but I get the feeling that these are the ones that wouldn’t be doing drugs whether we intervened or not. We definitely have to do something about this.

“Max?” I jumped slightly at the mention of my name…lost in thought again, and I smile.

“Yes Serena…I’m calling already!” She nods and closes the door. She knows me too well.

I dial the now familiar number and get director Jamison’s secretary and promptly give her my name and I am immediately connected to Jimmy Jamison. We are on a first name basis here and it makes life so much easier. We met briefly in Washington at a meeting set up by the DEA for the many law enforcement agencies across the U.S. to try and set up a task force that we will all cooperate in to try and find a way to bring a halt to this disease that has infiltrated our country. We know we can’t get rid of it completely, we aren’t dreamers but we can surely try to stop some of it. The best way to put an end to it would be to stop the buying of the stuff but it seems those efforts are practically impossible to achieve, it’s like prostitution, as old as time.

“Hey Max…thanks for returning my call. I wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that our L.A. office is working on some information gathering for our program. I can’t give you any of the details, only that we will have an undercover agent in your area gathering and analyzing data only. This agent will not engage in any conflicts and will strictly be working alone on this project. We hope this won’t cause you any problems…it shouldn’t interfere with any programs you are working on but I only felt it considerate to give you a heads up. If L.A. knew I was even doing this much they’d have me strung up in effigy. I know that anything we do is dangerous and I don’t want to put this person in jeopardy but I trust you won’t let this go any farther than our conversation. How are you doing with your guys?”

“Well Jimmy, first off, let’s just say you’ve peaked my curiosity but I won’t question you…I know it’s imperative that we gather all the information we can and I’ll leave you to it. Secondly…so far I only have men keeping an eye out on vehicles using a certain highway. We are photographing all license plates at the border crossing, checking ownership, comparing travel frequencies and times traveled…looking for patterns…so far we have a few ideas but we can’t go around accusing innocent people without drawing attention to ourselves therefore we want to make damned certain that those we suspect are actually committing a crime. We can’t get too close to the border without giving ourselves away so we have check points set up. As soon as Kyle gets his end of the program set we should be able to come up with some definite plans and then Michael will move in from his vantage point. I’ll keep you informed as we move along and as soon as we’re ready for the additional “men” I’ll let you know.”

“Sounds great Max…can you fax any “suspicious” photos to me. You know, even people that live in the area aren’t above suspicion.”

“I know that Jimmy, that’s what I meant about making accusations before being certain. I sure as hell don’t need the locals busting my knuckles before we even get started.”

“You’re right Max, I didn’t mean it like that. You go right ahead and do your job and I’ll try and keep tabs on things around here. Good luck…I hope we can do some good with this joint effort.”

“Yeah Jimmy, I hope so too. Take care.”

I wonder who in the hell they are going to send to this place undercover and just what in the name of God can an undercover agent do that we can’t. Oh well, this is his baby and it’s for the good of all of us. I think it’s a good program myself. I don’t think that this has ever been tried before and I just hope it works… I need some coffee!

“Hey Serena, why don’t you knock off early today…it’s a long week-end so go ahead and get a head start. I know you want to drive up and see your folks in Albuquerque so go on. The rest of the day is going to be quiet and you can use the rest. I’ll be here to answer the phones so get going.”

“Gee Max, thanks and have a good one.” And she was gone like a flash. Cute kid.

* * *
Back to Sat. morning and Liz:

God, I can’t believe how great this is…it makes me feel so free just to feel the power of this machine and the wind whipping around my body like this. It’s wonderful. I’m not so sure I want to share this with anyone today…but that would be really selfish and my dad would be so disappointed. Maybe mom would ride Joey around? Nah…I can’t ask her to do that, that would be very selfish of me too, to pull a stunt like that. I guess I’d better get back to the crowd.

As I approached our group of people I expected them to be talking to each other and enjoying each other’s company but instead they were all watching me…what’s up with that?

“Hey guys…aren’t you going to go riding? Why are you just standing around watching me? Did I forget my jeans or something?” And they all started laughing and then Jill piped up with…

“John didn’t tell me you had a sense of humor Liz.”

“I didn’t know she had a sense of humor Jill, she’s usually very quiet and withdrawn. This is an entirely new Liz we have here.” And John smiled at his wife.

“Well, I think it’s cute. No Liz, we were admiring your skills on that bike. Your father has been filling us in on your various accomplishments on a motorcycle. Apparently you’re more than a forensic scientist but a motorcycle expert as well.”

“Well, I don’t know about the expert part of it but I do enjoy riding. I have since I was very little and my dad stuck me in my first race. How fast did I go dad? 10 miles per hour? God, it seemed like I was traveling at break neck speed. I can remember barely reaching the pedals on that little bike.”

“Liz, ten miles per hour at three years old IS break neck speed. I thought your mother was going to have a heart attack… right after she killed me for buying you that thing.” Everyone laughed at dad and mom said…”No, it’s true. I did want to kill him. But then he bought me one too and I learned to ride and now we all enjoy it. It’s a wonderful feeling to ride out there and feel the wind whip around you and you can see for miles. Of course not everyone lives in New Mexico where you can go for miles and miles and never see another soul too.” And dad and I could only smile in agreement.

Soon we had the boys suited up and safely settled behind dad and me and we were off. As I headed out toward the sand dunes I turned and noticed an entire group of men and women watching us and wondered what in the hell they were thinking. Didn’t they come to have fun too. The boys certainly were enjoying themselves that’s for sure.


When noon time rolled around we headed back toward the truck for some refreshments and lunch and noticed the ATV’s all chained to each other and two of the SUV’s were gone. Apparently they decided to go back to town for lunch. We all settled in the back of the truck on a couple of air mattresses and ate our lunch and watched the various birds fly around the area looking for scraps. It really was different riding out here. By the time we finished up lunch and packed everything back into the lock box and cab interior dad and I took the boys and put them on mom’s and my bikes. They couldn’t believe that we would let them ride alone. We explained the breaking system…leaning into turns and acceleration in the handle bars, the clutch, the gear shift above the right pedal and then we got on the back of the bikes and dad took the lead. We probably were going 20 or 25 miles per hour tops but those boys thought they were king of the hill.

By the time we got back to the truck around five they were ready to go it alone but we convinced them that tomorrow would be a better time for that. The ATV’s were gone and the SUV’s were back in their parking spaces but the boys didn’t want any part of their parents, they wanted to hang out with us so we left a note on the windshield of John’s rig and told him we took the boys back to the KOA with us. They could stop by and get them or just give us a call.

Around 7:00 p.m. we heard a knock at the kitchen door and dad opened up and gave a huge grin to John and Jill who looked like a couple of homeless creatures from outer space. They didn’t want to come in but dad insisted. He informed them that this is what the trip was all about and so they came in and then stood there just as the boys had done earlier that morning…disbelieving the room that was in the travel trailer. It really was large once the pop outs were in place. Dad pointed to the hallway that led to the bathroom on the right hand side and beyond that was the master bedroom. There isn’t one inch of wasted space in a trailer, camper or fifth wheel. Every inch is utilized.

Jill went into the bathroom first and then called John to have a look.

“My God John, look at this, it’s a full sized bathroom with a tub and shower combo and everything. Can you believe this. We need one of these.”

John turned around and looked at dad and grinned….

“Thanks Jeff. Why didn’t you just give us our kids and let us go.”

Dad and I laughed…Mom was over at the convenience store picking up some stuff we’d need for tomorrow and was just coming in when she heard John and Jill laughing.

“Hey everyone…welcome to our little home away from home. So glad you came over, this is a nice surprise.”

“Hi Nancy…all I can say is, this really is a nice rig. And you can haul the motor cycles in here?”

“Oh yes. The back doors open, the ramps pull out from underneath, the bed folds up into the left wall and the partition folds up like a screen and ties off. That’s Liz’s room back there…then the couches fold up into the walls on either side and the table legs fold up and snaps into place. The two pop outs make the kitchen much larger and the master bedroom a little wider. All in all it’s great for camping in remote areas, which we hardly ever do but we can be self contained for about two weeks if we’re really careful. We have never done anything like that…never more than three days at races when Liz was younger. I think Jeff wanted a son and poor Liz was elected since she’s the only one we were lucky enough to have. Dear me, listen to me monopolizing the conversation. What have you got planned for this evening?”

Trevor and Joey were sitting over on one of the couches playing a video game and keeping a very low profile. They didn’t want anything to do with their parents idea of fun.

“Well, we thought we’d go have some dinner and then let the boys stay in the motel and watch TV while we went clubbing for a while with the others.” Jill said.

“God, you don’t have to leave them alone in a motel…they can stay here. They’ve already had dinner. Why not let Liz go over with you and they can get their clothes for tomorrow and bring their swimsuits back. There’s showers over at the club house and they can just go in there after they’re finished with the pool and then they can sleep on the couches. They both pull out into beds and we have sleeping bags and pillows they can use.”

“My God Jeff, we don’t expect you to baby sit these two while we go out and have fun. Why don’t you come with us and they can stay alone. They aren’t babies you know.” John said.

“We know that John and we don’t mind. We haven’t any plans to go clubbing and we haven’t seen Liz in almost a year and a half and I know she doesn’t mind sharing. So if you want to go out and enjoy the evening go right ahead. They are fine here and there’s nothing we’re going to talk about that they can’t hear. We may even discuss why we think you’ve invited us to this week-end with you and we know it wasn’t to baby-sit.”

We all noticed the sick look on John’s face…even his wife saw it, but none of us said anything about it and then Jill popped up.

“Listen you two…if I hear one bad thing about either of you your life as you know it will be over. You will be grounded until next summer. Do you hear?”

And both boys looked up at their mother with these big grins on their faces and said

“Yes ma’am.”

So, I took my car and followed John and Jill back to the motel to pick up some clean clothes for the boys and then headed back to the camp ground. We could have walked but it was easier this way and, truth be known, they would have been at our door the first thing in the morning anyway.

As I drove behind John I could see the animation coming off the two teen-agers through the back window. They must be telling their parents about their day…they really are going to be good little riders.


As we headed back the three blocks to the motel we couldn’t get a word in edgewise for the boys. Apparently they got to ride the motorcycles by themselves and Liz and her Mom rode behind them. Well that’s a surprise…she’s also a very generous and giving person too. Her portfolio made no mention of that quality, I hope it doesn’t interfere with her job. My boys are certainly taken with the entire family that’s for sure and none of them can be said to be oblivious to their surroundings. They all know what’s going on without being told.

“And dad…do you think we could have motorcycles?” Let me tell you, that brought me back to the real world pretty damn quick…

“What did you say?”

“Trevor asked if we could have motorcycles?” And my wife settled that question without a moment’s hesitation…

“Absolutely NOT!” And that was the end of that discussion.

Well, here we are and look who’s waiting at our door.

“Hey Dave. What’s up?”

“Oh nothing much. I see you managed to find your truants.”

“Well yeah, for a minute anyway. They’re going back with Liz to spend the night at the Parker’s. I guess they had a great day and now they are planning on having a great night.”

“Really…is there enough room for them in the trailer?”

“Are you kidding. You should see that thing. There’s a bedroom at each end, a full bath with a shower and a tub…and a huge living and kitchen area. The two couches pull down from the walls on either side and they both make into a twin bed. Honest to God, a family of six could live in there comfortably. And it’s so compact. They have everything. Stove, dishwasher, microwave, TV, a satellite dish, refrigerator, freezer, oven, cupboards everywhere. I’ve never seen anything like it. I swear, we could move in and save a bundle of money. And that campground has everything too… a store, showers, swimming pool, movies in the center of camp and just about anything and everything a person would want or need. I swear to God, I think if I was a single man I’d live like this.”

As I got out of my car I could hear John singing the praises of trailer life all over the parking lot and the boys were agreeing with him. He may think it was nice but if he had to live in that enclosed space for too long I think he might look at it differently. Although the “Toy Box” was big it was still a trailer. Dad kept it in a nice storage facility back in Roswell and it had a nice canopy that was covered on three sides to protect it from the elements but it was still a trailer. I like my apartment with it’s windows and draperies and dust that needed cleaning once week and not everyday …I like that it takes me all day to do it instead of a couple of hours. I like that there is room to have photo albums and spare sheets and blankets. I liked the trailer for what it was but not for everyday for the rest of my life.

“Wow…I’m really impressed John. Sounds like you are too.”

“Oh Dave, Liz and her mom let us drive the motorcycles today. It’s really cool. I wish we could have one but mom said no.” Joey put his two cents in and I rubbed his head and smiled.

“You can buy your own some day when you don’t have your mom telling you what to do. How’s that” I was hoping to appease the kid a little and get him back on his high over the events of the day. I didn’t want to spoil his fun any and then we went into the motel to get their things.

“Liz, would you rather they take showers here before going with you. It might be easier.”

“Nah John. Let’s just stick with the plan. I think they’re looking forward to using the facilities over there. It’s all new to them and it will be a good experience and besides…there are a couple of really cute girls that pulled in this evening and I think maybe they may have an ulterior motive for going back with me. There’s a movie starting at 9:00 so we might just head on over there and see what’s playing. There are a lot of activities for kids of all ages at these KOA’s so they won’t be kept idle and most likely they will be in bed by midnight. So you guys just go out and have a good time. We’ll take good care of them for you…honest.”

“Well, if you’re sure. Don’t let them wear you out and have a good evening.”

“We will and you do the same…take care Jill and have fun. You too Dave.” And with that Liz gathered up my two sons, their clean clothes and off they went.

“Well John, it looks like you’re the one that’s left alone and you were afraid of leaving them alone.”

“Yeah Dave, but I feel guilty as hell pawning them off like that. It doesn’t seem fair to do that to the Parker’s when they haven’t seen each other in so long. I can’t believe how the kids have taken to them…they truly are a nice family. I only hope we’re doing the right thing. You know they suspect we have ulterior motives for this week-end and Mr. Parker, Jeff, assured me that Liz would do a good job no matter what the challenge.”

“He actually said this?”

“Yes he did…almost verbatim.”

“God, you’re right. Does Liz suspect?”

“Hell yeah, she’s the one that told her dad.”

“Well, we didn’t hire her because she’s stupid that’s for sure.”

“You’re right about that. Hey, wasn’t she a graduate of Roswell High?”

“Yeah, I think she was, why?”

“Well Jimmy was filling me on the New Mexico team he’s putting together and it seems that three of the major players are from Roswell. One is an undercover cop working at Las Cruces as an art teacher another is a deputy sheriff at Tularosa and the other is a Captain of the Hwy. Patrol for Hidalgo county, right up to the Mexican border. He’s been working for over a year getting these groups together, investigating everyone and setting it all up. These three know each other quite well, it seems they all went to college together and were quite the hell raisers. Nothing serious, just fun lovers…makes the best kind of cop, they understand the public better.”

“Yeah, I wonder if they know our girl?”

“I don’t know, but it could get interesting what with all of them in law enforcement.”

“It certainly could.” And then Jill came out of the bathroom ready to go…”I just have to take a quick shower and put on some clean clothes, then we’re ready to boogie as the kids would say. God I’m getting too old for this shit.” And Dave laughed.


Re: DEA Meets Highway Patrol(A/U Mat./Ad)ch 7 6/15/11

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 12:44 am
by mary mary
Natalie36: With daily updates I don't think it will take too long for M/L to start running into each other... :wink:
Carolyn: Well, she doesn't think so and neither does her boss but let's just wait and see what she comes up against in the form of danger!!! :roll:
Eve: Read Ken's reply!!! Oh, and they really aren't camping per se', they are living in an RV while enjoying the scenery so to speak. Liz's dad had this vehicle specifically for hauling Liz's motorcycle. These things really are nice for a large family that likes to just get away from city life for a couple of days. Check out the "Toy Box RV" web site. Truly amazing!! :)
Ken: Thank you, hope you're feeling okay. :)


Chapter: 7


Dad met us at the door as we came in from the car…he was headed over to the showers and decided to wait for Trevor and Joey to gather what they needed and he took them with him. Jill had even taken towels and pillows from the motel and threw them in their bag for them, I thought that this was very thoughtful of her. The boys were truly excited to be staying with us and the truth be known I think we all were excited about the way things had turned out as well. About that time mom came out of the bedroom with her hair in a dripping wet pony tail, saw what was going on and asked about plans for later and of course we hadn’t really made any so she said,

“Do you boys want to go swimming before the movie? I think the two young ladies in the campsite next to us are over at the pool? They look as though they could use some company?”

I looked over at mom and grinned at her. She was not like this with me so what the hell was she doing trying to set these kids up with dates for God’s sake? I think she just read my mind…she’s looking at me and grinning like hell. Did she just shrug her shoulders? We’re going to have a talk later, you can count on it.

“Yeah Mrs. Parker, that would be great. We’ll just take a quick shower first and put our bathing suits on. We won’t even have to dry off and we can save our towels for later. Wow…do you think we should tell mom and dad?” That’s Joey, he’s not too sure about the female situation and his mother, I can tell.

“Joey, it’s okay. You can tell your mom and dad because we’ll be at the pool with you so you won’t be in any trouble. I like to swim too.”

“Gee Liz, are you as good at swimming as you are on a motorcycle?” Trevor asked.

“Well, Trev…let’s just wait and see how I do, okay? I can tell you one thing though, I can’t play basketball very well. I’m just not tall enough to keep the ball away from the other players…”

“Well, sometime you don’t have to be so tall Liz as long as you’re fast enough. Right Joey. Joey’s not so tall but he’s really good at basketball. Dad plays with him all the time. I personally like tennis better. Dad says it’s a rich kids sport but mom says it’s anybodies sport. I really don’t care one way or the other because I like it and it doesn’t matter.”

Mom and I both laughed and soon they had everything they thought they needed and were off to the showers with dad. I’m going to use the shower in the trailer, I don’t feel like hauling my clothes back and forth and we might as well take advantage of the campsites water anyway.

“Oh, and mom, what’s with the double standards here. You would have had a fit if I wanted to go swimming in a pool with boys at thirteen?”

“Just like you said honey…double standards. And, as you pointed out, we will be there with them so nothing is going to happen. Your father will see to it. I can’t remember when he’s had this much fun. He should have been a teacher…you can see it in his eyes. He absolutely loves showing people how to do things...especially kids.”

“Yeah, you’re certainly right about that…well, I’m going to go in and shower and get my suit on. I doubt that I’ll get in the water but I’d better be prepared in case I’m needed.”

“Liz honey, if you don’t want to swim don’t…I know your dad is going to so just put on a pair of shorts and a tank. It will be fine.”


“Yeah. Then we’ll just walk over and enjoy the movie with the rest of the kids, I’m just going to stop in at the store and buy one of those great big plastic bags of popcorn. You grab a couple of big bowls out of the cupboard and some waters and we’ll be good to go.”

“Gotcha…you think two will be enough?”

“Oh bring three or four. They’re all the same size and stacked in there…we can leave one snuggled in the other if we don’t need it.”

“Fair enough, four it is.”

Now we’re both laughing. God, this is so great. I am so happy they came and I reached over and gave mom a hug before grabbing a towel out of the linen closet next to the bathroom. John is right…a person could live in this thing if they didn’t get claustrophobia.

And then mom was gone and I was alone with my thoughts again wondering why in the hell I was invited to this shin dig in the first place…I know one thing for sure it doesn’t have anything to do with babysitting.


After I finished my shower and towel dried my hair I put a pair of Bermuda shorts and a tank top on over my cotton underwear. It was too hot for anything silk or lacy tonight and my body wasn’t used to being bounced around on a motorcycle for seven hours so the cotton was actually soothing. I’m glad I thought to bring them with me. I slipped my feet into some backless sandals and left the trailer locking up behind me and with my four big bowls I headed over to the pool area. We still had about 30 minutes before the movie started. It sounded kind of cute, Gerard Butler was chasing his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston, who had skipped bail on a bench warrant that she wasn’t even aware of. The advertisement sounded like it would be a lot of fun, “The Bounty Hunter”!

Mom was sitting in a recliner with her big bag of pop-corn propped up along side the lounger watching the boys and dad play “Marco Polo” with the two girls from next door and their father. The girls seemed to be about the same age as Trevor and Joey and, although it was a quiet game, they seemed to be having fun. The girls names turned out to be Dodie and Jenny and their dad was Ed. All in all it was a great day.

About 8:50 mom called out to dad to ask him if they were still interested in the movie and if they were it was time to get dry so all 6 of them scrambled to the side of the pool and grabbed towels. As dad was drying off he told mom and me to go ahead on over to the area set up with cement benches and he and the boys would be back as soon as they changed clothes and off they went.


As we all settled in with our popcorn the two girls and their parents showed up and mom reached over and grabbed one of the extra bowls, filled it with pop-corn and passed it over to the other family. Ed smiled and took the offered bowl and introduced his wife to us, Maggie, and took the seats next to us. We all made room for the kids to sit next to each other knowing that they would most likely enjoy the movie more with someone their own age and all got quiet. As the lights were turned down and the opening scenes started to roll I noticed about eight adults looking around trying to spot someone and when I turned I saw John and Jill and the entire group standing there like orphans. I waved them over and we all scrunched up, the four kids sat on the ground in front of us with their popcorn and I handed mom another bowl.

“What’s the matter John? Didn’t you trust us with the boys?” I managed to whisper and I got a sheepish looking grin from my boss.

“Not at all Liz. We all decided that this sounded like more fun than a noisy bar. I think you guys know how to have fun better than we do actually.” He whispered back.

“Oh, don’t kid yourself. I enjoy a noisy bar once in awhile too, but this week-end isn’t about that kind of fun for me. It’s more family oriented, I don’t get enough week-ends like this anymore.” I whispered back and then Joey turned around and looked at us and said,


We looked at each other and giggled and got on with watching the movie, bowls of popcorn being passed out among all of us and it was fun.


After the movie was over the ‘team’ started to walk back to the motel and the boys got right in there with mom and dad and headed right over to the trailer. They had not made any changes in their plans what so ever and their parents just nodded to us as they held hands and walked off. I really did enjoy my day even if I think my boss is waiting to tell me something.


Back in New Mexico Max Evans was putting together his plans to take back to D.C. to present to the director of the D E A when his phone rang.

“Captain Evans, how may I help you?”

“Jesus Max, you answering your own phone these days?”

“Kyle, how are you? And no, not usually. I gave Serena the rest of the day off. She deserves it.”

“Hey, do I hear a note of romance in the air?”

“Hell no! That’s part of the reason I hired her…without sounding egotistical Kyle, she’s the only one I interviewed that didn’t try to flirt with me. She’s quite in love with her boyfriend and attends night school because she can’t afford not to work so if I can give her a well deserved early Friday then I will.”

“Hey Max…you know I’m just yankin’ your chain man. Have you come up with any ideas yet? I was wonderin’ if you’d like to come up to Tularosa this week-end. Tess has a long week-end also and said she just wants to hang out around the house, relax and have a couple of Bar-B-Q’s …what do you say? The spare room is all cleaned up and waiting for you.”

“You know what? That sounds great! How about Michael and Maria? That would give Tess some help and another woman to hang out with.” This was my way of asking Kyle if Michael and Maria were coming…

“Max, you’re a genius. I’ll call him right now.”

“Whoa there big fella, don’t you think you should check with your wife first?”

“Nah, she’ll just be mad she didn’t think of it. I’ll see you when? Tonight or tomorrow?”

“How about tomorrow morning. I still have some clean up to do around here and I promised Serena I’d man the phones until the night dispatcher takes over and if I don’t she’ll rip me a new one. She takes no prisoners.”

“You’re sure there’s no romance there?”

“Positive man…she just runs a tight ship and when I say she runs this office trust me, she does, and that includes me.”

Kyle laughed at that remark …

“You know what Max? Maybe we need someone like her up here. I’ll bet we’d get a whole lot more done.”

“You leave her alone Kyle Valenti. I’ll see you in the morning sometime. Before noon anyway. Hug Tess for me til I get there and tell the Guerins I’ll be looking forward to seeing them.”

“Will do Maxie, take care until tomorrow.”

“Oh, and Kyle…”


“Lose the god damn “Maxie” shit, okay? Sounds like a friggin’ tampon.”

“Later man.” And he hung up laughing.

Well, if anyone was listening in on that conversation they sure as hell would never figure this to be a business meeting. The great thing about this task force is the friendships as a cover up…be hard to prove anything is going on with shit like this, and with that thought I continued with my flow chart. I’m sure that Michael and Kyle will have one as well and we can spend the week-end comparing notes. I need to talk to Jim about the Roswell connection…I won’t tell Jameson about it though. The less he knows about our end of the operation the safer we’ll be…I’m sure he has some surprises up his sleeve as well, you just never know who you can and can’t trust when billions of dollars and thousands of people are involved.


Re: DEA Meets Highway Patrol(A/U Mat./Ad)ch 8 6/16/11

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:44 am
by mary mary
Cardinal: Michael works for the Las Cruces for Max and Liz, well that's going to come into play pretty soon. We have to get Liz to New Mexico first, I promise to make it make sense...I hope! :roll:
Eve: Thank my special msg. to you!!! :)
Carolyn: I don't know why, but when Kyle called Max "Maxie" in "Blind Date" that's all I could think of so I used it. :roll: and the Roswell connection will be here shortly...maybe next week? :wink:
Ken: Thank you so much for your help with the camping situation. Looks like we're both on the same page here. :wink:
XAF RU208: Hey kiddo, don't work yourself to death...and I think that college student could do with some laundry lessons!!! :D

Thanks everyone!


Chapter: 8


Well, the next morning the boys were still sleeping when dad walked into the kitchen/living area and he had this big grin on his face. I was just coming in from my end of the room and noticed the warmth radiating from dad’s face. He truly liked kids, I think that’s why the Crash is so successful…the kids just migrate to it and no one bothers them while they’re there. It really is a great place…no doubt about it.

“Good morning dad. Did you sleep well?” I asked as I grabbed him around the waist and hugged him tightly.

“Yes I did Lizzy, how about you?”

“Just great. It looks like the boys did too. I’m surprised they aren’t up already and wanting to get out on the road again.” And just then mom came in looking none the worse for wear. I walked over and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek and asked her if she slept well and of course her usual reply…

“I always sleep well when I know I don’t have to get up and open a restaurant.”

Dad just laughed.

“You know Nancy, if you didn’t open the restaurant what would you do?”

Mom never missed a beat…

“Sleep Jeff, just plain sleep.” And she went over to the cupboard and pulled out the coffee pot. About that time we heard some rustling behind us and Trevor sat up looking around trying to get his bearings and then the lights came on and he had a big grin on his face.

“Are you guys waiting for us? Is it time to leave?” And we all laughed.

“Not yet Trevor…we’re going to have some breakfast and then when we’re all ready we’re going to go gas up before we head out. What would you like to eat this morning?”

“Whatever you’re fixing Mr. Parker. The cereal was good yesterday so if you want to have that again it will be fine with us. I know Joey likes everything too.”

“Well okay then. Do you want milk or juice with your cereal?”

“Can I have coffee?” He asked a little too sheepishly to suit dad…

“Does your mom let you have coffee Trevor?”

“Well, not exactly?”

“Well, just what does “not exactly” mean?”

“I never asked her.”

And dad kept getting bowls and boxes of cereal down as he continued his conversation…

“What do you think she would have said if you had asked her?”

“Probably ‘no’ because she doesn’t like dad drinking it either but dad tells her that he’s old enough to make his own decisions.”

“Oh, I see. Well then…how about we have some hot chocolate instead?”

“Yeah, that sounds great! Do you want me to go over to the showers this morning or can I use this bathroom?”

Dad smiled…

“Use this bathroom Trevor. It’s a little early to be headed over there alone. They might be cleaning the place or something so just go in here okay.”

“Okay.” And Trevor dug out a little ditty bag and headed to the bathroom in his pj’s carrying his jeans, socks and shirt.

Dad just kept on working and smiling…it’s too bad mom couldn’t have any more kids, they would have been great and I would have had siblings. Of course I might not have had all of the advantages that I had either but it would have been worth it. Dad and mom never did really spoil me as far as getting everything I wanted but we always had lots of love and lots of fun.

When Trevor returned Joey was already sitting at the table eating his cereal and scarfing down hot chocolate like there was no tomorrow.

“Joey, doesn’t that burn your mouth?” I just had to ask.

“Nah, you have to take little sips and roll it around. That way you don’t get burned.”


“Hey Joey, how come you slept so late. I thought you’d be the first one up.”

“Trevor, I didn’t sleep that late…you’re just getting out of the bathroom. Anyway, that bed is really comfortable. You don’t have to fight blankets or anything…just take the sleeping with you when you turn over.”

Dad started laughing out loud this time. Apparently the boys had never slept in a sleeping bag before. We always had extra for when Maria and Sean would go with us and sometime I would have another friend as well. There was never a time that dad or mom refused to take more kids than just me anywhere and it looks like nothing has changed.

Damn, my cell phone has started already…who the hell can this be?


“Hey Liz, it’s Dave. We’re all headed over to Denny’s for breakfast would you like to join us?”

“Uh, no Dave. Actually, we just woke up and the boys are already eating. Dad is fixing breakfast for us and then we’re going to head over to the gas station before heading out to the dunes. Why don’t we meet you out there. Tell John the boys are fine. Trevor is already dressed but Joey still has to change and get ready. Mom and Dad are not dressed and neither am I so I guess you guys are the early birds. We’ll catch up with you.”

“Oh Liz, I’m sorry. I just figured, with the extra bodies you would be up and about already.”

“Dave, you need to come over this evening and check this place out. It is really quite roomy and we are very used to extra ‘bodies’ as you put it. We never went anywhere without a few of my friends tagging along so nothing has really changed. Enjoy your breakfast, later Dave.”

“Bye Liz” And he hung up.

“Lizzy, you sounded a little short on the phone. Is anything wrong?”

“No, nothing dad. It just seems like these people think I can’t handle myself or something and it’s starting to get annoying. I wonder what they’re up to?”

“They’re treating you like they treat us, huh?” Trevor said.

I looked over at him and grinned…

“Yeah, they are Trevor and it’s not fun is it?”

“Nope.” And he continued to eat his cereal.


I arrived at Kyle and Tess’s in time for a nice late breakfast being served out on the patio and Maria and Michael were already there. This was going to be a great week-end I could just feel it in my bones.

“Hey, how’s everybody doing?” I asked, announcing myself to the group already seated around the table. I bent over to give Tess a hug as I passed on my way over to Maria who got her hug in turn. My buddies were sitting there smiling as they took it all in and then of course Kyle had to be a smart ass…

“No need to suck up Max, she’s going to feed you.” Tess and Maria both giggled and then I reached into the large sack I was carrying and handed Tess and Maria each a dozen red roses as I flipped Kyle off.

“Shit Max, what the hell are you looking for this week-end besides a free meal. Red roses for God’s sake…I’m with Kyle here, what’s up?”

I turned around and flipped Michael the bird as well and grabbed a plate and headed for the covered dishes on the window pass through to get my breakfast.

“You two just don’t know how to treat a lady…I don’t know how in the hell you managed to latch on to these two and then to keep them…it’s amazing.”

“Well, we must know something you don’t know or better yet…maybe we have something you don’t know about.” Michael added with a grin and Kyle high-fived him on that one…

“Bull shit! Remember, I played on the same football team with you two, you don’t have any secrets from me. So, what else is new with everyone?”

Maria and Tess both giggled at my last remark and Kyle and Michael nodded toward the kitchen and didn’t say anymore. In other words the “what’s new” discussion would have to wait since they didn’t want the girls to know what was going on. Hell, I think if I was married my wife would be the first person I confided in and then I thought again and decided maybe not, they would be safer not knowing. I gave them a nod and started talking about family and old friends. I don’t know why, but I wanted to know how Jim and Amy were doing. Now that Maria and Kyle were step siblings you could find out about almost anybody in Roswell.



After we were all dressed and fed we headed out to the gas station and filled all three tanks plus topping two of the three extra 5 gallon gas cans dad carried in the tool box in the back of the truck. Dad made sure our oil supply was ample and we headed off to the dunes. The boys were all decked out in their chaps with their gloves safely tucked in their belts looking quite like the pros they wanted to be. Dad looked them over as he crawled into the drivers seat and gave me a grin and we both nodded as he buckled up.

“Well boys, do you think you’re ready for some solo riding today?”

All of a sudden it got very quiet and two young boys looked at each other and smiled so big it looked as though the sun was shining…

“Yeah! Are you sure we can?” They were beside themselves.

“Of course. I’ll be right there with you and we won’t do anything dangerous. We will just ride along the hard pan for a while until you get the feel of the bikes. I know you can handle it.”

“Oh boy…this is the best trip I’ve ever taken with my dad and mom.” That was Trevor…then he said to his brother…

“Don’t tell them I said that Joey…it will hurt their feelings or something.”

“Hey Trevor, it’s the best time I’ve ever had too. Well, since I can remember anyway.” And both boys smiled at each other.

They really are cute kids…

When we finally got to the dunes everyone was waiting for us and we all waved as we exited the truck. Dad had the boys up in the back of the truck undoing the tie downs and mom and I were helping him pull out the ramps when John came over to give us a hand…

“Hey Liz…can we get together this evening sometime and have a meeting. I don’t want to discuss what we need to talk-over in the office where we can easily be overheard.”

“Yeah sure John. I was wondering when you were going to fill me in on why I was here…I didn’t think it was to watch the boys.”

John turned a little red as he watched his sons all decked out in their leathers and started to apologize to me when I stopped him flat in his tracks.

“No John, that is not what I meant. I have enjoyed them as much as they have enjoyed being with us. My dad is in seventh heaven and my mom is having as much fun as I’ve seen her have in a long, long time. So don’t ever think that the boys are a bother. I was just using that as an example. I have been working with this team for more than a year and a half now and this is the first time you have ever invited me anywhere and that includes lunch so I know something is up and I think it has a lot to do with this motorcycle. Am I right?”

“Well yes, you are Liz. I don’t think that what I’m going to ask you to do is going to be dangerous…it’s a fact finding mission but it does involve the desert and it’s going to be lonesome.”

“By lonesome you mean I’ll be working alone, riding in the desert gathering intel. Is that it?”

“Well, we didn’t hire you because you were stupid that’s for sure. Yes Liz, that’s it in a nutshell.”

“Well, if I’m going to be riding then count me in. I never dreamed I could be doing the two things I love most in this world at the same time. Of course, someday, I hope to find a couple of replacements for what I love best but for now my baby and my science are my life.”

“Well, okay then…we’ll meet later and talk over the particulars. Maybe your dad can join us. I know that he’s aware of an ulterior motive here and after hearing what he does for a living I think we can incorporate his help as well.”

“Well, I’ll ask him and see what he has to say…you do know of course that he might demand that I quit my job.”

“The thought has crossed my mind Liz, but I assure you we feel you will be perfectly safe in what we are asking you to do.”

“Okay then…we’ll talk later.”

About that time dad and the boys were mounted up and taking off and I heard John suck in air and I giggled.

“They’re fine John…they are as safe as you think I’m going to be and they have my dad for protection. At least they have an advantage.” And I looked at him and smiled. I had a pretty good idea what he wanted me to do I just needed to hear the particulars.


Re: DEA Meets Highway Patrol(A/U Mat./Ad)ch 9 6/17/11

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:48 am
by mary mary
Eve: Liz will soon be in touch with a whole lot more than she cares to. As for Max, well, that's a ways away yet/ :wink: It's coming! :)
Natalie36: Depends on what you consider "good stuff" :P I think there's a "good stuff scene" in here somewhere but it's about 15 chapters or so down the road... Can't get it out there too soon :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol:
Carolyn: Max, gentleman! OH YEAH! :D You should be home by now, hope he didn't wear you out! :)
Lizza: I don't think anyone will be seriously hurt...if they're careful and just do what they're supposed to do I think it will work out. Let's hope so. :wink:
XAF RU208: Yes, Liz is pretty smart and good for you MOM...sorry to hear about your shoulder, ouch! :(
Cardinal: Like Carolyn said, he's quite the gentleman! :D Yes, and Liz and the boss are finally getting down to brass tacks.


Chapter: 9


Maria and Tess headed into town to do some shopping and overall girl bonding while Kyle, Michael and I sat at the kitchen table with our flow charts and notes spread out in front of us. Basically we had all come up with the same ideas with only a few variations.

We would be totally undercover to everyone except the few that we trusted with our lives. I will be giving out orders as usual and checking every vehicle that comes up highway 10 and 25. Jim will be in charge of 285 and 63 and Kyle will take highway 64. Mike will put two of his people into school with him, one male one female, as students. The DEA has more people working the borders gathering intel. for them and we now have access to the DEA’s computers so we will be able to do a more in depth study of any suspicious vehicles.

This is not going to stop the drug trafficking in our country but it should put a damper on some of it. We have agreed to utilize Alex’s computer skills without letting the other agencies in on our plan. We don’t want to put Alex or Isabelle in any kind of jeopardy…this part of our program is strictly for our use only and we will call on Alex only when we need to be discreet, very discreet or, sneaky, as Kyle put it.

“Let’s just be safe guys…we don’t want any of our people getting hurt in the process. As Jameson said, this is a fact finding mission and maybe with enough facts we can do some good.”

This is the first time the various law enforcement agencies have put together this large of a task force. Every state bordering Mexico will be involved in this effort and if we can keep the news away from the moles then we will be doing something worthwhile.

After we had settled our plans and put them all down on paper it looked pretty good…of course everything looks good on paper but you never know about the unforeseen events.

“Okay guys, it looks pretty good now let’s tear it apart and see what can happen in the event of “if”…”

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” Michael agreed and Kyle nodded.

So here we sit, picking away at each other’s brains, coming up with “what ifs” like hell wouldn’t have it.

Let’s hope we do some good.



About 9:00 p.m. John and the rest of the team came over to the trailer and mom and Jill took the boys over to the movies with another large bag of popcorn and a couple of bowls. The significant others had opted for clubbing so it was going to be quiet. I noticed Dave looking around the trailer and his eyes just kept moving. It was like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

“Hey Dave…let me give you the cook’s tour.” And the next thing I knew I had John, Chuck, Ben and Sam following me around.

I started off with the back of the trailer, explaining how my bedroom actually folded into the walls and became a trailer for the bikes. The bi-fold doors rolled back into their little niche and buckled up which left the living area wide open. The two couches also folded into the walls and then the dining area actually rolled out leaving a larger kitchen area for easier access.

On the other side of the kitchen was a hallway with a window and to the right of the hallway was a large closet which had shelves on one side and a rod on the other. Beyond that was the bathroom. There was a sink, toilet and a ¾ sized bathtub with a shower fixture in it. There was a towel rack, a medicine chest, a small cubby over the toilet and hooks on the door for towels or robes. Beyond the bathroom was the door leading to mom and dad’s room. It had a pop out like the one in the kitchen where the queen sized bed was located…to the left, just inside the door, making the hallway look longer, was a clothes closet and directly to the back of trailer, or the front depending on which way you wanted to call front, was a dresser that stretched the entire width of the trailer and a window in the center of it. On either side of the window was a set of shelves. One for the TV and the other side for anything else you might want to carry. These could all be battened down with pull out doors. All of the men were impressed with the amount of storage and living space.

I explained to them that the kitchen table dropped down level with the bench seats and the cushions on the back unsnapped and laid on top of the table to make another twin sized bed and then pointed to the ceiling above the table. “That is a bunk bed. So the unit actually sleeps 10 people if you want to get really cozy.” And they all laughed.

“Well, that’s it…there’s a cargo bay under the trailer that holds all of the plumbing, propane tanks and stuff like that plus a lot of extra storage so now that your curiosity has been appeased how about appeasing mine.” And all of the men took a seat on one of the couches and dad brought in two kitchen chairs for him and me to sit on.”

John started…

“Liz, the DEA has put together a task force across the U.S. to see if we can do something about the drug situation coming in from Mexico. We don’t expect to stop the drug flow, that would be a pipe dream, but we would like to gather as much information as we possibly can regarding who, what, when, where and how these people are coming into our country. We have the Coast Guard, various law enforcement agencies and a few private citizens working with us. Jeff, that’s where we hope to engage your services. We need all of the help we can get and it has to be people we can positively trust to keep this as covert as possible.

We are not letting the people in our own offices know about this nor is the head of the DEA letting out any information to anyone that does not need to know. We are trying to use only people that we would trust with our lives to keep this as quiet as possible. We do not want to alert the Mexican Cartel accidentally that something is going on other than what they are already aware of. Liz, we want you to patrol the border as a private citizen…taking pictures and looking for any possible unmarked roads or accesses to our country without bringing any attention to yourself. The minute you think you might have been made we want you to high tail it out of there. That’s why you were chosen, you and your ‘baby’ as you call it.

You look like a kid on that thing, out for fun, and we feel that’s just what we need to get into places that quads can’t. We don’t want you to get yourself into anything you can’t get out of, we trust your knowledge of forensics to recognize things out of the ordinary.

As for you Jeff, we just need you to keep your ears open at the Crash. We know most of the kids hang out there and kids talk. Whether they are users or not is immaterial, we want the suppliers and the pushers. Your contact will be Jim Valenti, I know you’ve known him for years so just sit and have a cup of coffee with him the way you usually do and point out certain people that may know things that we would like to know.

Don’t set up any special appointments or anything…it just might alert the wrong people. We want to keep this as normal looking as possible. Every state that borders Mexico will be a part of this information gathering task force. Let’s just hope that we aren’t wasting tax payers money. Well, what do you think? Are you in?”

Dad looked over at me and I could tell he didn’t know what to say. He knows I’m an adult but he’s still my dad and I could tell the father instinct in him was kicking in. I just looked at him, touched his hand and smiled. I knew he’d agree…no doubt about it but I could tell he didn’t want me to.

“Where will I be stationed John?” That should let dad know that he might as well accept it without me causing him to have to defend his thoughts.

“You’ll be sent to Columbus…right on the border. I think we just might get you one of these trailers rather than rent you an apartment or cabin. What do you think?”

“I’d rather have a little house with a garage. That way I can take my car as well as store my bike without a lot of worry. We can also set up equipment in the house easier than we can a trailer and Columbus will be ideal…I can get out into the terrain very easily from there.”

“Well, it looks like we need to do some homework. We can meet at your apartment since you’re the only one of us living alone. Will that be alright with you?”

“Of course. Who will be meeting with dad?”

“Sheriff Valenti will be taking care of the Roswell group. We have told him of our suspicions regarding Deputy Hanson so he’s aware of keeping things out of the sheriff’s office. The man is not as backward as he pretends to be. He’s as sly as a fox.”

“I never did like him. Never could figure out why…now I know. Live and learn.” Dad said with a sigh and I agreed. There is just something about the way the man always has his nose stuck in everything without even the commonest courtesies or regard to anyone’s privacy. What a surprise.

“Well, do you think the movie is over yet?” Dave asked just as mom, Jill and the boys all came through the kitchen door. Mom smiled and went over to the coffee pot and then took the cake that she had purchased at the bakery across the street from the gas station this morning out of the cupboard . All of the men got this goofy look on their faces and mom didn’t even ask who wanted some, she started dishing it out onto serving plates as the boys headed to their private little stash in the corner of my bedroom and headed to the bathroom to change. John just sat there shaking his head as Jill helped mom serve cake and coffee, then mom got two glasses out for milk.

Trevor and Joey never gave it a second thought when they came out of the bathroom dressed for bed…it never occurred to them that maybe their mom and dad wanted them to go back to the motel with them. They are so cute and dad and mom are delighted that they feel so at home.

Oh well…next week was really going to be a busy one that’s for sure.


After everyone settled in for the evening I took my laptop out of my briefcase and propped myself up in bed for some investigating of my own. I wanted to know more about Columbus and the more I read the more intrigued I was. It sounded like a retirement community…I wonder if there are any people under the age of 65 living there? I checked for rentals, camp grounds and homes for rent and found the cutest little two bedroom hacienda type place with the cutest cactus garden and a two car garage right on the outskirts of town backing up to the open desert. This place would be ideal. We could scrounge up some pieces of furniture from neighbors and friends I’m sure. It could be really cute. After my perusal I made my way to the kitchen, past the boys who were sound asleep, and made my way to the cupboard for a cup. I needed some of mom’s nocturnal tea. It wasn’t the best tasting stuff I’ve ever had but it did seem to calm and relax a person. When I turned around I noticed dad over at the table with his little reading lamp and a map in front of him.

“Hey dad…can’t sleep?”

“No honey, too much going on in my head. What about you?”

“Same thing. I just checked out Columbus on my computer and it looks really quaint. I was just wondering if there was anyone over the age of 65 living there.”

And dad snorted into his cup.

“Honest to God dad…the place looks like the Stepford Retiree’s out of a sci-fi novel. The ad even said “If you want a place to go to get away from it all Columbus is the place.”

“Well, maybe your mom and I should look into it.”

“Anyway, I found the cutest little hacienda for rent and I thought maybe it would be ideal. It’s on the outskirts of town, has a cactus garden surrounding it, a two car garage and it looks really clean. It backs up to the open desert and seems like it would be ideal.”

Dad had that worried look on his face…I’d recognize it anywhere…

“Lizzy, are you sure about this. I mean, yeah, it’s a fact finding mission but this place is right on the border…there’s a border check point there. You have no idea who lives in this quaint little town.”

“Dad, I know you’re worried but stop it. “Fact finding” that’s what John said.” I whispered, so as not to wake the boys.

“I know Liz, but I’m still not convinced it’s all that safe. There’s probably half the cartel living right in that town.”

“Well if they are dad it’s not what I’m after. I’m there to check for illegal entry points not to investigate the town’s people. You were here, you heard John. Just gather the facts and that is exactly what I’ll do.”

“Alright Liz, but I think your mom should go with you.”

“WHAT?” I practically shouted … and then heard some stirring over on the couches.

“Think about it Liz…you could both take your bikes and ride together. Go under assumed names, I think your mom would enjoy it and you know, she is pretty good with that 9 shot 22 revolver she has.”

“Dad, that thing is so old and she hasn’t been target practicing in years…has she?”

“Not since two weeks ago. She joined that gun club a few years back and although she doesn’t use that particular pistol she does use others.”

I looked at dad like he’d lost his mind…

“Dad, what kind of others?”

“Well, she has a 357 magnum that she won the championship with last year.”

“Oh Dear God! My mother is Annie Oakley reincarnated.”

“Not only that, she has a permit to carry.”

“Good God! Dad, you two are something else. What the hell else have you been up to besides motorcycles and gun clubs.”

“That’s all that I can think of. What do you say…can your mom go with you?”

“Well…tell you what. If John says it’s okay she can come and stay a week or so and get a feel of what I’m doing. Then she has to go home.”

“Fine I can live with that. As for furniture, let the DEA furnish the place, and make it nice too. They want you stuck out in the boonies the least they can do is make it nice and you make sure John knows that too.”

“Okay dad, I’ll tell him that I want to pick out the furniture. How’s that?”

“That’ll work. How’s that tea working.”

“Not so good but I’ll give it another go. Good night dad.”

“Night Lizzy…sleep well.”

And I left my father sitting at the kitchen table with his book opened at the same page it was last night. He’s not doing much reading. I can tell.

The next morning was a repeat of the last two and then, before I knew it, it was time to pack it up and head on home. Dad and mom will be staying at the Disneyland Park camp grounds and the team and I plan on meeting them there this evening to go over some more details before I make arrangements to head on out to Mexico.

Dad has told mom of our plans but I’m not sure how John is going to take to the idea of mom going with me for a couple of weeks. The more I think of it the more it sounds like a good cover. Mother and daughter renting a house together…shopping for furniture together, doing things as a mother daughter team. Makes for a good story. We just need to come up with something when mom leaves. “Has to get back to her job, has ailing parents, has a husband to get back to…was just staying to get things settled and to make sure daughter is okay. Any one of which would be feasible. Why not go with the truth…has to get back to dad. Not a lie really, although dad would be perfectly content if mom stayed with her 357 magnum. God knows I’m more comfortable with her and her gun gone. I would never tell them that I carry a gun and a badge, it would really scare the shit out of them…hell, it scares the shit out of me sometime even if I do have sharpshooter quals. But I certainly don’t pack a 357 magnum for God’s sake. I’d probably blow my foot off just trying to hoist the damned thing. Oh well, I’m not even going to think about it…we won’t be needing guns, it’s just an information gathering detail…nothing more.



Well, this sure is one dusty damned highway when the wind is kicking up. Funny you don’t notice it so much when you travel it every day but I sure as hell prefer the milder weather. All in all I think we’ve come up with a pretty good plan. I’ve only got four guys working with me out of the office. All on the border check working different shifts making sure that every shift is covered. They are equipped with mini camcorders in addition to the camera’s located at the border. We are going to try and capture the faces of the drivers as well as the license plate numbers. It will give us more information to work with while processing data.

Jimmy thinks the idea is a good one also and will pass on the plans to the other states as well. He also sent copies of the other teams spread sheets to us and we can take their ideas and incorporate them with ours if we want to. He said he has his own teams set up as well but gave no indication as to who and where they would be located. I wonder what they have planned. Maybe we’ll find out before all of this goes into play.

Thank God, there’s my turnoff now. I’m sure looking forward to some peace and quiet tonight. I love Mike and Kyle and Maria and Tess are great but it’s always good to be home.

My own bed…thank God!



Well, I told John that I wanted to pick out the house and the furniture for my cover and he smiled at me.

“I’ve read stories about the places you guys use as cover and I want no part of a hovel. I’ll do my own choosing. I’ll be frugal but I won’t live like some of the stories I’ve read about in my studies. I think I want a three bedroom place…” and John raised an eyebrow…

“Before you say no hear me out. I’ll need one bedroom for equipment. I’ll need a complete computer set up with a fax, an untraceable phone, printer, scanner, shredder, camera, office supplies, batteries, spare phones, mini cameras…the whole nine yards. Mom will need a bedroom, for our cover story, and I’ll need a place for when you guys show up. I’m not sharing my bedroom…bottom line.”

“Just how do you intend to get all of this stuff in there Liz?”

“Now that’s your problem John…not mine. This operation is not my idea, it’s yours. And I figure it this way…if you want me to do this then you need to let me do it right or I’ll just stay here in L.A. and you can get someone else and you know you aren’t going to get anyone that knows that desert the way I do. So it’s your choice.”

I thought dad would choke on that speech…maybe he’s learning I’m not his little girl anymore and that I can take care of myself… some.



Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:20 am
by mary mary
Ken: I think Nancy takes care of the cover story in this chapter much to the surprise of almost everyone involved. :P
Cardinal: You've gotta' have a plan! :)
XAF RU208: You are so right, I agree, I think she's quick enough to respond to the bike when she has to be. :wink:


Chapter: 10

So mom and dad took off the following week for Las Vegas and then back to Roswell. They planned on being home the following week-end and then mom would meet me at the Las Cruces Airport and we would drive to Columbus. Although Columbus has an airport of it’s own we thought it would be better to both show up in an automobile, that way it wouldn’t look suspicious…at least that was our plan. I don’t know why we thought anyone would care one way or the other but our cover was that I was going to attend the University in Las Cruces and although there would be a two hour drive it was still ‘cheaper’ to live in Columbus, in case anyone asked since I would probably only attend class one or two days a week.

So, when the time came mom picked me up and we headed on out to the city of Columbus and let me tell you it was like driving into another time dimension. The haciendas and the landscapes were all so natural and the colors so vivid. Mom said that maybe she and dad should move here after dad decides to retire. With all of the mountains, plains and natural beauty he would be in seventh heaven.

Our first stop was the local bed and breakfast. It was absolutely beautiful and they had a room with two double beds in it, we both smiled and agreed it would be fun to bunk together. After that we had some lunch and headed to the real estate office where we found Doug Shellow if you can believe it. I had a blind date with him when I was sixteen…that damned Maria sent my name into the local radio station along with hers for some damned contest and I won, what a fiasco that was. We both laughed over that story from our misspent youth and then I asked Doug about his archaeological studies and he said he still went out on digs on the week-ends and took vacations to far off lands but the money really sucked. I laughed at that and told him I could understand. He of course wanted to know what I was doing in Columbus and I repeated the story mom and I had come up with regarding graduate study and he just smiled.

“You are right about the rent Liz…it is much cheaper here and much nicer. Let me get my catalogue out and show you what we have in rentals.” And then mom piped up with…

“Doug, show me some real estate that’s for sale as well. I fell in love with this place the minute we got off the main highway. If I see something I like I’ll bring Jeff down to have a look next week-end.”

And my mother folks, my mother who I love, just put a great big hunk of icing on my cover story…but I don’t think she’s kidding.

Doug took us around to about six rental homes and made an appointment to meet up with us for a late dinner at a restaurant that he was sure we would enjoy and mom and I headed back to the bed and breakfast to take a shower and to freshen up. It had been a long day for both of us since I had flown in from LAX and mom had driven in from Roswell. Mom called dad while I was in the shower and she told me that she told dad she wanted to look at some homes to buy and maybe we could make some sort of deal with John. I can’t believe my mother, she’s a real honest to God wheeler dealer and my dad…well my dad told her to do whatever she wanted to do .

So, at dinner my mother discussed real estate that was for sale with Doug and said that if he had something that she liked she would consider buying it and letting me live in it while I was in school. Doug just gave her a great big grin and started to fill her in on all of the plusses of Columbus, New Mexico. It looks like my dad is about to move and he doesn’t even know it yet. I know mom has been waiting a lot of years to get away from the Crash but I never dreamed it would be like this.

When we got back to our room after dinner I took my secure phone out to the open area around the pool, made myself comfortable and filled John in on what was going on. I told him about mom being interested in buying a place and maybe the DEA could rent it from her until this project was over and he laughed and said he didn’t think it would be a problem if that’s what she wanted to do. That way they wouldn’t have to pay for my furniture…mom could pay for it and I laughed. Then I told him about Doug Shellow.

“You know John, we’re talking a serious archaeological student here about ten years ago. What’s he doing selling real estate in Columbus, New Mexico? It’s an excellent way to keep tabs on who’s coming and going, why don’t you have a look into it?”

“That sounds like a plan Liz. Leave it to you to fall into something right out of the gate. I’ll let you know what we come up with. You say he went to Las Cruces?”

“Yes, I was sixteen when I met him so it would have been ten years and probably three more after that. I think he was a freshman at the time if I recall. The date was a disaster but that’s a whole other story.”

My mother just raised an eyebrow and looked at me like ‘what the hell did he try?’ since she was sitting in the lounge next to me watching the stars. I’ll have to fill her in on it now…that was a long time ago and Max is long gone as is Kyle.

So after I filled John in on my day he seemed very pleased. He thought the ‘graduate study’ story was excellent…would give me access to days away from Columbus without raising any suspicion and if mom and dad bought a house it would really be great. So we rung off and I felt good about life in general.

“So Liz, what made this blind date such a disaster. You never told your dad nor me anything that went on back then so tell me…what happened?”

“Oh God mom…The radio station brought Doug to the Crash and picked me up, then we were taken to “Chez Pierre” for dinner and there was Kyle and Max, you remember Max Evans? Anyway, Max and I sort of had a thing for each other there for awhile and Kyle got Max drunk. Doug and I tried to ditch the radio station because they sat and watched every bite, every sip we took and listened to every word we said to each other and then reported it over the air. It was awful, that dumb ass DJ even said “she just said ‘pass the salt’”, honest to God. So Doug and I ditched them and ran to the Crash…the station found us and I grabbed Doug’s arm and drug him up to my room thinking we could escape down the ladder but Kyle and Max were in my room snooping around.

Doug asked them who they were and Kyle told him that they were the exes and Max piped up and said that they came to win me back. Doug had to snort at that one and then Max started to say some really dumb things and I grabbed him by the arm and drug him out on the roof where we escaped down the ladder and took off for the park.

Finally the radio station found us and took us back to the concert that the radio station was putting on. Alex’s band was the lead entertainment and Maria was the lead singer. The DJ started to interview all three of the guys and when he asked Max what his thoughts were he just pushed the microphone away and kissed me in front of the whole place.

By the time the kiss ended Max had sobered up some and was embarrassed , said he didn’t remember anything that happened and left. I felt awful. After that we saw each other for a couple more weeks and finally it was over. It really was one of the most embarrassing evenings of my life. Poor Doug…he said all he wanted was a normal date and I wanted to kill Maria. That girl got me into more shit than I care to remember.”

By this time my mother was in hysterics. She really thought the whole episode was funny…

“Now you think that maybe this Doug is into something illegal?”

“I don’t know mom…I just know the man has a degree in something entirely foreign to his choice of professions. In the meantime I will let John deal with that information.”

Mom and I made our way back to our room after stopping by the dining room and grabbing a couple of muffins and a cup of coffee to take up with us and bid the desk clerk goodnight.

After we got settled into our room I went to turn my phone off and heard a crackling noise coming from the land line phone in the room so I lifted the receiver and removed the mouth piece; sure enough there was a bug…I showed it to mom and her eyes got really big….I shook my head and held up my purse and showed her the scrambler built into the handle and she just shook her head. Then she grabbed a piece of paper and started writing.

“We should have brought the trailer.” I shook my head no and pointed to the scrambler…I know it was working but we definitely would be more careful about what we said in our room. Someone didn’t trust anyone new in this town that’s for sure.

“I’m going to turn this off mom…we’ll just talk about school, friends, property, houses and we won’t mention a word about anything else. Got it?” And mom shook her head…she was a real trooper that’s for sure.

So, I turned the clasp on my purse and everything we said from here on out would be heard by whomever was listening and they could relax and get on with their lives.

We found a movie that neither of us had seen, turned it on and both of us crawled into our beds and settled down.


“So this date with Doug…did you like him?” I wanted to know more about this Max Evans crush but didn’t want to push my luck so I decided to beat around the bush so to speak.

“Yeah, he was a nice guy. We didn’t have anything in common though…even if he was into archaeology I wasn’t. The only thing that had me interested in it was grandma Claudia. She and Doug would have probably gotten along famously, I was more interested in Max.”

“What happened with Max? Why did that only last a couple more weeks?”

“Well, I would say that immaturity had a lot to do with it but I’m not so sure. Tess Harding moved to town. She had her sights set on Max and she was gorgeous and she had a rack on her that wouldn’t quit.”

“Elizabeth Parker! Shame on you and besides, you don’t have to take a back seat to anyone.”

“Well thanks mom, but you’re supposed to say that, anyway it was the truth…and Max was like any normal sixteen year old but then Mr. Seligman made Max Tess’s lab partner and that sort of cinched it for Tess. Then, when Max was ready to move on and come back to pursuing me I wouldn’t subject myself to that situation again and I wouldn’t have any part of him. Eventually Kyle and Tess got together and the last I heard they are married and living somewhere here in New Mexico. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any of them so I don’t know where they are.”

“So you basically wouldn’t give Max a second chance?”

“Nope…I don’t think my heart could have taken that kind of treatment again mom. I really liked him a lot.”

“You know he was best man at Maria’s and Michael’s wedding?”

“No, I didn’t know that. I’m glad I was tied up and couldn’t make it.”

“I see. Ten years is a long time to carry a grudge Liz. Don’t you think you should let it go?”


Well that ended that pretty abruptly. I wonder how she feels about him now?


And that was the end of our conversation for the evening. I hope that gave the people listening in something to think about.

I did know Max was best man at Maria’s wedding but mom didn’t need to know that, that’s why I stayed away…I still care for him…I probably always will… I wish I didn’t.


The next day mom and I met Doug for breakfast in the dining room and then we took off in Doug’s SUV and started looking at houses to buy. We came upon one beautiful hacienda all fenced in with adobe walls that backed up to the desert with a large cactus garden and grass, believe it or not, beautiful green grass and out back was a beautiful swimming pool, guest house, and built in bar-b-que pit with a natural desert rock pool surround. It was positively gorgeous and then we went inside. Oh. My. God. My mother stood there and I thought I would have to wipe the drool off her face. The first thing she did was grab her phone, which she didn’t know how to use except for phone calls, and hand it to me.

“Liz, you call your dad on that thing and send him pictures of this place. Lots of pictures. I have never, in the 30 years we have been married, asked that man for anything but I want this house.”

Doug stood back and laughed at me…I couldn’t close my mouth and my mom just gave me that look that said “DO IT!”

So I started taking pictures and e-mailing them to dad. The place was all open to the back with a huge living area sporting a giant fireplace of natural rock…a very large kitchen with a huge island in the middle, cupboards everywhere and then a grand looking dining area. To the right was a long hallway that had a smaller bedroom and then directly ahead was the master quarters. I’m assuming you could use the smaller bedroom as a den or an office as well as a nursery. And at the other end of the house were six more bedrooms all with their own bathrooms. There was also a half bath just past the front entry. My dad texted back and wanted to know what this was all about…I texted back…”MOM WANTS THIS!”

“Well, how much is it?”

“Doug, my dad wants to know how much it is?”

“Tell him it’s negotiable. It’s been sitting here forever. It’s way too big for most of the people in town so I’m sure we can come up with something reasonable. It’s costing the town a fortune for the upkeep alone.”

I finally called dad…

“Dad, he said it’s been sitting here idle for a really long time and it’s too big for the people around here so he’s sure he can offer it to you at a reasonable price.”

“Ask him what he considers reasonable?”

“Doug, dad wants to know what you consider reasonable?”

“How about 500? It’s a pig in a poke Liz. Like I said, this thing has been sitting here forever.”

“Dad, Doug said 500 but it’s been sitting here for years…it’ll probably need some work. What do you think?”

“Your mother wants this sweetie so we’ll settle with the young man but offer 350 and we’ll take it as is.”

“Doug, dad said 350 as is. He’ll be responsible for any plumbing, electrical or structural damage.”

Doug looked at me and grinned. He knew 350 was low but dad was right about damages. You just never knew what was going to happen when something had sat that long but 350 was awfully low and 500 was fair.

“Tell him 450 and it’s a deal.”

“Dad, 450 and that’s his final offer.”

“What do you think Lizzy?”

“I think it’s worth every penny dad but it’s awfully big.”

“Well, you’ll just have to get busy and start having babies…I’ll drive down tomorrow and seal the deal. It’ll be cash.”

And I gasped, not just at the cash statement but the other too.

“Dad will be here tomorrow to take care of it Doug. It looks like I need to find myself a bed and a refrigerator doesn’t it?”

Mom just stood there and smiled…I don’t think she could have said anything if her life depended on it. And Doug Shellow smiled right along with her. Twenty per cent of $450,000 wasn’t bad for an hours work. Maybe I’m in the wrong business!

Then mom looked at Doug and thanked him for his time and actually gave him a big hug and asked him to take us back to the hotel.

“I need to find some antique stores and a place that sells new springs and mattresses. We can’t have Liz breaking her back on old mattresses now can we.”

I was standing there dumbfounded and Doug took me by the elbow and led me out the front door to his SUV. He did ask me if my mom was serious and I nodded yes. I still couldn’t talk. This was insane, wait until John hears what he’s going to be renting now. We didn’t even look in the guest house. Sheeze, this whole thing is insane.

And so we were furniture shopping in antique stores before lunch.
