Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 (Page 12) - Completed: 07/31/2021

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Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 38 (Page 12) - Completed: 07/31/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Title:Baby it is You
Author: Parker1947
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. They were created once upon a time by Jason Katims and those associated with the writing staff of Roswell and before them it was the esteem creator of the Roswell High series by Melinda Metz book that captured all our attentions for over 20 years… This story is based on the television show that started in 1999 and ended way too early, in 2002. I am only borrowing the characters or creating some new ones for my own fun and using my imagination within the framework given to us by our favorite show.
Rating: Mature - (Plenty of age-appropriate sexy times in this one)
Category: CC
Characters: ALL
Synopsis: Post Ch-Ch-Changes: Liz may have walked away from Max to go to boarding school during senior year. But nothing in Vermont happened like it should have, and therefore, she stayed, graduated, and went on her way. Now it is years later, and a special occasion has brought her back to her hometown. She is unsettled in life, and especially in love. Can the rekindling with the past change that and give her the one thing she does want?
Changes from the Show: Naturally, everything was different once Liz went to Vermont. The only thing that stays the same is that Maria went to New York. But like Liz, she did not come back to their hometown to graduate. Therefore, Meta Chem did not happen. Clayton Wheeler did not go after Liz. And therefore, Michael and Maria and especially Max and Liz did not get their happily ever in Graduation, which did not happen so, the question is, will they be able too, in this story?

The title comes from an episode title of the original Roswell. Season 2. Naturally, it was bad for Max and Liz. Well, this time, I am using the title for good, and hopefully for much better results for the couple. Although a certain couple does have some angsty times to go through. Will it work out better for all involved this time around?

Let us hope so…
September 18, 2009

On this day, a decade after her life changed forever, and seven years after she walked away from true love she was returning to her hometown in a rut. She should be fabulously successful as she was approaching her thirtieth birthday. After all the big 30 was coming with alarming speed despite it still being out of her reach. She was indeed successful by any true measure of the word. To most of the world, she was a premium scientist working with the top of her field. She was even assisting a Nobel Prize winner in genetics with another potentially award worthy breakthrough, and yet she felt stuck.

She was not in love. She had not even felt in love since she that day she left Max in the lurch in in the wake of everything changing. It is not like she did not try. To her best friend’s amusement, she was dating most nights when she was not in the lab, and yet the next morning she was onto the next. She never stuck it out with anyone. Because no one could match the intensity of Max in her mind even if she never tried his body much to her annoyance and frustration before the end came.


Yes, the one who got away, or more accurately, the one who she threw away.

And yet here she was, she was returning to town single, but on the cusp of making changes in her life if she could make through this one weekend.
Which was her ex-boyfriend’s wedding.

Because her original ex. Kyle was marrying of all people Isabel. Isabel Evans. With the truth managing to find itself out into her world. It would ultimately destroy her first marriage, she and Jesse would divorce, and she would continue her education before falling in love with someone who had been pining for her since high school.

Liz knew something about pining because she had someone who she had loved and lost, who had been pining for her since third grade what a concept she muttered to herself now. But back to Isabel. Of course, they had all seen it, seen how Kyle had been pining for the unattainable girl, but Isabel had not, or she had not wanted to see it as she was convinced her first husband Jesse was the one for her. Everyone else could tell you that they knew she had been rushing in the wake of some disastrous moments in their lives. Losses that were piling up. But no one could tell Isabel anything.

Until she concluded herself that she and Jesse would not be able to make it work.

So, a mutual parting was in the cards.

With Jesse ultimately moving to Boston. Away from the chaos that Roswell brought to him. They were all thrilled for him, and Isabel most of all, and after watching him leave.

It was onto her new life.

Eventually she would come to her senses and seen Kyle in a new light. And so, they took that chance on each other. And now the wedding was this weekend. Which is what brought Liz back home. Otherwise, she would have stayed away. After all, since she had gone to Vermont to an all-girl’s boarding school, Winnaman’s Academy in the closing months of her senior year of high school.

She had not come back home.

She graduated in absentee from West Roswell and had not come home for the graduation. Instead, she had gotten a late acceptance into Harvard, who looked at what she had been able to accomplish at the boarding school and asked her to join their ranks. She did, and she grabbed at the chance, and she succeeded by any definition.

After graduation. She rocketed up the scientific ladder, and she had not looked back until now as she drove into town limits and saw the same town that she had left in those dying weeks of high school in 2002. Whistling to herself to try to distract herself from the memories that automatically popped into her memory banks.

Some of her friends at work, who were not privy to how unique her hometown was to her, even had asked her why she would come back for an ex’s wedding.

It was unusual to go an ex-boyfriend’s wedding they would tell her. Liz could agree with them. Sure, it was unusual. In most cases, she would agree because you would not catch me attending my other ex’s wedding, she would muse to herself as she drove and thought of that occasion. That one was liable to break my heart, so yeah there was little chance of that happening…

But Kyle was yes, Kyle.

Someone special to her. Someone who represented someone normal, and someone who was the same person he was before everything went haywire a decade ago. Because Kyle had stayed the same person he always was.

She changed. And she never changed back. So, she needed to be here, for her friend.

Because he was indeed a friend. Who had helped her through an extremely stressful time before she fled town? So, she was coming back to support, and to see her friend get his happily ever after.

Even if the concept of happily after's was elusive to her…

And even if Kyle marrying Isabel would make it an evitability that she would be seeing him.

The one who she threw away by walking away from him.


Yes, Max Evans. The boy she loved with her whole heart at sixteen when everything changed for them. And the eighteen-year-old she had left in a quest to get some semblance of normal to her wild existence. When she felt herself morphing into something completely different from the girl, she had been at sixteen when she felt she had the world on the tip of fingers and in the ensuing months, she watched as that same world fall from her grasp as she fell hard for the boy that changed that for her.

Someone good. Someone brave. Someone who made her want to leave normal.

But at eighteen. She had wanted normal life back. She wanted her rapidly changing world to make sense. So, she ran, which of course had been her specialty, and she had not come home.

She had not needed too.

Because her parents had come to her. Wherever she was. And from there, she would host them, and they would travel the world when she had graduated in top 5 from Harvard. An accomplishment her parents were immensely proud of her, and one that had been achieved by a lot of sweat and tears.

Tears because she was missing someone, she could have had but chose not to, but she chose to concentrate on her pursuits. Because she had not needed to come home. She wanted to show her parents the world that existed outside of Roswell. She did not even have to come home for her best friend because Maria like her had taken the chance and left for the big time at that same time.

While Liz became a trail blazer in science and traveled the world when she got the chance. Maria took New York by storm, and instead of disappointment.

Maria had found success.

Although success for her friend had come with a price, but it had been one she was willing to pay as it kept rolling through these years. Yet Liz could not help but know that Maria was very much like her, and denying the reality of her situation, and she was not ready to face what that price she had paid so long ago had really brought her…

But today, that price was waiting to be revealed, and it would be, any second now…

Of course, she could be asking the same thing of herself. But she did not have a mouth counting on her, to make sense of their lives. Because fate would never give me Max.

“Aunt Liz?” came a soft voice from the back of the room. Forcing Liz out of her thoughts as she snapped her trance as she looked at the little dirty blonde cherub in the back. So cute, and precious. Someone who made her want the world to make sense.

And who made her want one. She wondered if that was ever going to be in the cards for her future. She certainly had been trying and would try some more when this weekend was over.

Because coming back here was about closure. About putting the past where it should be, in the past. And if she did accomplish that task, then the fates might give her what she truly did want from her life.

“Yes Charlie,” came Liz snapped out of her musings as she glanced behind her as she looked for a parking slot outside of her parent’s restaurant.

“Is this Mommy’s hometown?” Charlie asked as he had woken up after falling asleep when they left their motel room. The boy had already experienced so much on this road trip and so he was used to falling asleep in the car. It did not bother him as she listened to music to pass her time on the road as her brain worked to make sense of the past. Although she had been under some form of questioning from the boy who was too smart for his own good and had been persistently asking those type of questions since they left New York. And especially since they left Las Cruces. But New York had been where she had picked up her companion for this trip, and her plus one for the wedding.

A plus one whose presence would cause people to talk. Liz could just see it now. Which is why she and Maria had fought over it. But she reminded her friend that Kyle knew the existence of the kid. So, for his nephew not to be at the wedding might make him wonder. Maria had an excuse, that she had to work. But Amy would expect to see her grandson. Even if Liz had guardianship of the boy for the duration of their adventure.

“Yes,” Liz smiled. “Mine too” she muttered as she thought of the town that looked so like the place, she had left so many years ago.

“Why did Mommy not want you to bring me?” Charlie asked.

Because she is hiding from this place Liz mused to herself but knew the answer was more complicated than that and for her friend, she would do this even if she knew Maria should be here with her son. “Your Mother does not want to be separated from you. But she knows you will want to see your grandmother?”

Amy Deluca was an awesome grandmother to a child she always had to travel to see, because Maria had an allergic reaction to coming back to Roswell. Almost like Liz, but Liz did not have secrets that were close to the surface if anyone wanted to take the time to look for them. Still, they had been preventing her from coming back.

Liz knew the same could be the said for her too because it was the heartache of knowing she had thrown away the best man for her.

The only one for her Liz muttered to herself.

Will she? Charlie Deluca asked because he was not all the sure as he looked out the window of the card and looked at the big restaurant in front of them. “What is this place?”

“A safe place and it has awesome food” Liz murmured as she got out of the car and went and opened the door and the little boy hopped out before grabbed his trusty backpack. “Are they expecting us?”

“Nope,” Liz smiled.

“So, you are going to surprise them?” Charlie asked of his favorite aunt. Someone who had been part of his life all his life, and who his mother trusted to care for him when she was working. He knew his mother did not want to be here, but Liz insisted on coming, and told his mother, she was bringing him with her. There were a lot of curses, which made Charlie curious of this place. Because he had heard of Roswell before, but now his dreams told him more, and he was now wondering if it was the answer to the happiness his mother was keeping herself from finding.

Liz also wondered as she took a deep breath, and walked through the doors, to a whole new beginning.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:28 pm, edited 41 times in total.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) Chapter 1 - 05/02/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

This is a great start!
Can't wait to find out more about Charlie.......
A return home for anyone is a challenge.
It's great that Liz is coming to support Kyle, but I just imagine lots of angst coming forward.
Sounds like Liz's career has been great, but not so with her private life.
Hurry back!!
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) Chapter 1 - 05/02/2021

Post by dreamon »

Happy to see a new fic on here! Can’t wait to read more!
I have a few dreamer challenges in mind if you are looking for ideas so pm me!
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 2 - 05/04/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Across the road, above the UFO Museum that once employed the man who stood in his bedroom in the biggest of the apartments. Looking at himself in the mirror and wondered where his life had gone in these seven years since he graduated from high school. Checking to make sure he had his wallet and car keys; he checked the clock and knew he had to get going.

Max had places to be. Yeah, he muttered. He did not imagine this would be his life. Downstairs had been a job during high school, but that ended when Brody sold the place, and it went condo. Although they kept the museum going downstairs for a year or so, but built a few spacious apartments, in the recesses of the building and when the museum relocated to a new location. The building went under full renovation, and now was a completely new place to be, and Max was now residing in one of the apartments.

Because he did not want to be home, in his family home anymore. But Max knew his parents would rather he be there with them, but he needed privacy, to be his own man in his own apartment. Away from his family, despite their reconciliation of a family that took place in the weeks after Liz had left him for a new life. God, I miss you Liz…

Still though his social life was lacking and was nonexistent. But he knew this weekend at least he had to act like he was sociable.

Because he was the brother of the bride.

As his sister, Isabel was getting married.

In a ceremony that was going to be a lot more memorable and a lot smoother than her previous wedding. If that were the only thing he could give to his sister, then so be it. Isabel deserved only the best because she finally was going to be happy. Therefore, Max wanted that happiness for her.

Even if she was marrying Kyle. Kyle Valenti of all people Max mused himself with a small chuckle as he continued to stare into the mirror. Still, he did not know how that happened. His former nemesis in high school. Partner in a one-night drinking binge if Max could call it one for him because he did remember those hours, and the minuscule of alcohol he had consumed. When he reached out there onto the ledge, for an indescribable evening with Liz.

Liz Parker.

Yes, the one who he let walk away, because he had changed her world for her, and changed who she was. Max could never imagine that in third grade when he was pining for the vision with brown hair that he saw on his first day of school, once he came to this land. She had been a vision. His dream girl. In a cupcake dress, of all things. The girl who was perfection to him. A symbol of craving.

It took him until high school to have a chance with her. A day that had changed everything for them had not only saved her life. It had changed the very fabric of her life. It was too much, and they both suffered because of it. So, he had to watch her walk away because it became too overwhelming for her, and as he watched her walk away, he knew that it was his fault.

Because he had done the one thing, he had never wanted to do in the first place.

He had hurt her. When he had betrayed her.

She took his heart with her when she did walk away, and he had not been the same person once she was gone.

Sure, he graduated. But only on the basis on the grades he had accumulated because once she was gone. School lost its meaning. Everything lost its appeal. And since then, he had been working in jobs that were beneath him. Because he had not wanted to deal with anything more than he had to, to pay the bills although he did have his ways to make the money for matters that meant more than his everyday living…

“Daddy,” came a small voice from outside the bedroom he was standing in. Breaking from his trance, he sighed. And was reminded of his responsibilities. Opening the door, he looked down at the little girl with big eyes.

The dusty brown hair, a symbol of someone who was lost to him.

In ways than the one who he allowed to walk away from him.

“What is it Micah Isabel” Max said softly because the little girl meant the world to him. A little girl who gave him a way to live when he wanted to self destruct once the love of his life was gone from his life and then a few years later, his life was further destroyed by an unexplained loss.

“I am hungry” the little girl said as she looked up at the only father she ever had known.

“I know,” Max smiled down. “We’re heading across the street. You want a burger?”

“Yes,” Micah Isabel Evans whispered in her soft voice.

“Perfect,” Max said as he was forced from the memories of seven years ago, and into the present-day life he was forced to lead because he was an upstanding citizen, and honorable friend, and father.

As he watched as the little girl grabbed her jacket, and he made sure they had the apartment keys, and moments left. And because Liz never left his mind. But he was reminded that he had other responsibilities, and he knew that Liz was out there in the world.

Regaining her normal. That white picket fence that he at one time dreamt that he could have provided her, only to learn that had been a fool’s dream, and that their fate would be way too cruel, and life changing.

“What are you thinking Daddy?” Micah asked.

“Just the past,” Max murmured as they walked down the stairs, and out the doors, and looked across at the blaring lights of the Crashdown sign. Memories of years ago came to him. Memories that wanted to make him walk back up to their apartment and hide and not face the very thing that made him remember his dream girl.

But he knew even if he did. It would not change anything. Because the only thing that would make his life bearable would be to see a brunette vision in a waitress uniform, who changed his life…

But that vision no longer existed, or if it did, it was in another form.


“Lizzie,” Jeff Parker spoke in disbelief as he had heard the ping of the bell of the door, when he looked up from the counter and a customer, he had been serving who was sitting at the counter, and when he had the bell of the door, he was expecting to see someone else, anyone else. It startled him to see those eyes. Of someone who was so familiar to him. Because to see her meant that he was seeing the one the missing piece of his and Nancy’s life these last seven years. Their daughter, Liz. Seeing her in town limits was something he never imagined he would be seeing again because she had walked away from her hometown during her senior year over a life that had been horribly detoured, over a need for some semblance of normalcy.

Thankfully, she had gained it and then some. Jeff and Nancy were enormously proud of their only child’s accomplishments. They were constantly announcing them to anyone who asked. and to many who did not even ask. Even if she had never come back to town. Still, it was not as if their daughter had cut off her parents because they had seen their daughter on several globetrotting adventures over the years. It was everything they had wanted for their daughter. Even if they would not mind if she were closer to her hometown. But you took what you could, and Jeff and Nancy certainly had done that over the years.

Because she was living the future that they at one time had feared she was getting away from when risked her future, because of a boy.

Max Evans

Jeff Parker knew Max was the reason his daughter stayed away. While, he might have come a long away in his acceptance of Max Evans. Approval that had started despite the boy almost sentencing his daughter to prison for their antics. Only for his only daughter to walk away from her life here in Roswell and did not come back. And all Jeff had to do was welcome his daughter’s ex into the restaurant on the occasion he came in, and in the beginning, that had been a rare sighting until the last year or so when it had become all too frequent.

While his daughter chose to stay away, and instead conquered the science world. And she had and Jeff was enormously proud of his only daughter.

Still, he missed his daughter. And now seeing her back in their hometown, and in their restaurant almost felt like a dream, and he could not believe his eyes as she walked into their lives once again. “Lizzie,” he whispered as time seemed to stop.

“Dad,” Liz said with a smile.

A simple smile that made seven years of absence even more bearable. Life made sense now.

“What are you doing here?” Jeff asked.

“I know it will surprise you because I did not tell you that I was coming last month when you and Mom met up with me in Paris,” Liz murmured as she thought of the globetrotting she had done since she graduated from Harvard, and even in the summers during her studies. And the last one had taken her to Paris, France.

She had seen the world. Living up to the dream she had. And one she told Max that she did not want to give up, for more danger…

She almost had. If she was giving up the best thing in her life. She wanted that life to be worth it. So, she had toured Europe when she was not working, and she and her parents had been able to meet up for five days of family time the previous month.

She had not known she would be coming to the wedding. Because of a work commitment, she had declined the invitation initially but then that commitment had freed up her time and here she was, and she was beginning to wonder if she had made the right decision in coming back to her hometown. But then she saw her father, and she knew.

She had.

She just had to figure out how to get through the weekend.

And seeing Max.

“No, you did not” Jeff murmured as he relished seeing his daughter again and he would take it in any form he was able to get it, because he had so many years without it. “But that is no matter. You are here now, and you do not know how much your mother and I have missed you.”

“I have missed you too,” Liz smiled as she glanced around her family restaurant. It was a place she had once known by heart because she had worked here. But that had ended with her departure to Vermont. And continued during her globetrotting adventures although there were times where she missed the small town feel of her hometown. You can only live out of so many suitcases, but still settling down had also remained elusive to her, and she did not see that ending anytime soon which is why coming back home and gaining the closure was needed, because it might allow her to move on although a simple glance around the restaurant was a simple reminder that maybe she was kidding herself, and that this might be the worse place to be, especially during this weekend…

After all it might be the town she had been born. But this was a town that had held her heart hostage, and she felt the same pull and she was not in town ten minutes.

Jeff could see the conflict in his daughter, and did not want anything to cause her to leave once again, until she absolutely had to, as he worked to bring her attention back to him, and away from the memories of times gone by “Are you going to stay with your mother and I?” Jeff asked.

“Um,” Liz was unsure of what to say because she did not want to disappoint her father because she knew what he would be expecting. She wanted to say yes but she knew the truth but before she could say that truth, the door open and the world froze in place at the frown that came to her father who was the first one to see who had come into the restaurant.

She would have known even if she had not seen her father’s reaction. Because her blood was boiling, and she felt flung into the feeling of a decade ago when it all started. When working in this very restaurant.

She was changed forever, by a bullet’s entrance into her body, and mystery that had been revealed itself when her rescuer risked everything to bring her back to life.

To save that life.

A reason why she was still alive today. When she should have died on September 18, 1999.

She did not have to turn around to know who it was. But she did, and she was startled to understand her own reaction.

When she saw him.


Of course, he saw her, and Max did not even have to enter the Crashdown to feel her presence. But in this case Max needed to enter the doors and hear the swing close to know she was in Roswell. The brown hair was recognizable anywhere. The small stature was what made him see her, and he did not understand why she could be here. Because he had been personally told by his sister that she would not be coming this weekend. You do not have to worry Max, Kyle told me that Liz is busy with a work commitment and therefore is unable to attend was exactly what he had heard his sister say.

You would think the bride would know, right? So, to enter the restaurant and find himself flying into the past with a simple glance, and he saw the vision in front of him. He would know her anywhere.

Because Liz could never be mistaken and yes, he would know her anywhere.

Whether it has been seven days, or only seven years. He only wished it could be a week but no, it had been seven years since he had seen her profile. That brown hair that defined her. When the had faced the last battle that had ended up ending them.

The fact when he saved her life.

He had changed her, forever. And there was no going back to that girl she was before the shooting that changed them both. It was not only Liz who was changed on that day. Max was too.

And those two in half years together. So much time spent apart than together, but it completely and utterly transformed him. In way he had not even been sure of at the time. And still was not, but to be loved by Liz. How can I not be changed he asked himself?

And even though she run from his sight, and away from Roswell to prove to herself that she was not forever changed.

And he did not blame her. Who could? he asked himself. When I am the reason why she is different and therefore he was happy that she had been able to have a future. And to dream. And to allow herself everything that she would not have been able to have if she had stayed and been able to be with him.

All he wanted was for her to be happy.

To have the normal life. The white picket fence, and from the little kernels of knowledge that he did allow himself to know of the woman that he had allowed to get away from him, was that she had not settled down.

She had stayed away. She had not come back to Roswell. But people who had the habit of knowing had certainly told her, and the fact she would pop up on the internet, or in the newspaper because of the success she had found in her chosen field.

It made it easier to know that she had the chance to be a success, and that he had not prevented that from happening…

“Liz,” Max murmured as they could only stare at each other. As the world inside the Crashdown ceased to exist, and Jeff Parker could only shake his head and walk away. While the customers in the restaurant could watch and stare because it is the business of the restaurant to be nosy.

After all, Roswell was a small town, and the town could not help but know Max and Liz’s history.

When you get caught up in another state, and almost put in prison for armed robbery. You make tongues wag in your hometown. Even if the drama had fizzled out once Max and Liz had ended because she had left for boarding school. It was not hard to when they knew that she had not come from home after that day. And this would be the first visit since those days before she had left.

The prodigal daughter was coming home. Even if said daughter was now a ground-breaking accomplished scientist. After all Roswell was still a small town in its heart.

“Max,” Liz said softly as she broke her silence as their bubble world snapped, and all she could do was see reality that walking towards her Why did I think the first time I would see him would be at the wedding festivities she said sighing to herself.

After all this was Roswell. You could not walk ten feet without seeing someone. And she had known that Max was still in Roswell, and that he had not left. So, she knew the chances were that they would see each other, but she certainly did not expect it on moment number one, and when she finally had come back to Roswell after seven years.

“I was not expecting to see you?” Max said awkwardly because he was unsure of how to respond. How does one react to seeing the only woman you can love he asked himself as he simply had wanted to come into establishment to eat, even if whenever he did come in was an embrace of the past?

But he never imagined on this day, it would be such an embrace. Unable to think coherently, and unable to say anything meaningful so he stayed in the frame of small talk “Are you going to be in town long?”

“Honestly. I did not know I was coming until I got in the car and started to drive,” Liz said softly as that was finally some honesty within this weekend as she had not expected this, and it was as much spur of the moment as it was a coherent decision. You would think the road trip to get here would have allowed her, but as each mile went along. She felt the pull to come to this town. “I thought my work schedule would prevent me, but I was wrong, and because Kyle means so much to me, well, I did not want to miss it” she sighed as he could see the uncertainness on her ex-boyfriend’s face. “But if it is going to be awkward than I can always stay away, and visit my family before I have to leave…”

“No…” Max said Noooo please do not go anywhere he pleaded to himself as he shook his head. “It’s alright. After all it is your hometown as much as it is mine and you deserve a chance to be here, and you have every right to be at the wedding. It is just a surprise. Isabel told me we were not going to see you?”

“As I said, I thought I would be busy,” Liz sighed as she looked around and it made her smile to see something that felt like home. And it was the truth. She had a commitment to work on a project but at the last minute, the funding got yanked, and because her next work-related project was over a week away, a hole opened within her schedule. And she had jumped at it, for this weekend was going to allow her to achieve the long game that she wanted.

And now she was in her hometown. It might be seven years later, but everything was the same. And she immediately felt comfortable and at home. And it made her that she had stayed away when maybe she should have come home as she glanced at her brown hair mystery man, and still felt the same pull, and she did not know if that were the right thing for her, but if this weekend allowed her the closure than she could move on to the next phase in her life with more ease.

“Then welcome home,” Max smiled.

“Thank you,” Liz sighed as she thought of what was waiting for her out in the car and it made her realize that she could not stay in the bubble she was when she had responsibilities, and she needed to get back to them…

“You are welcome,” Max murmured as he was feeling like he was starting to lose her, and he hated that feeling because that brought memories of the past.

“I better be going,” Liz murmured as she could see that it had been her ex-boyfriend’s intention to sit down and eat, and she did not want to stay, as she needed some air, and time to be able to convince herself that she was not going to go down the same rabbit hole.

All these years later…

And yet, she felt like that fifteen-year-old who had really seen Max Evans for the first time. Oh god Liz… You really did it this time. You should not have come back.


As at the same time. Charlie Deluca was tired of waiting in the car for his aunt to come back and get home. Liz had wanted to visit her father for the first time alone. She also wanted to get a feel and the lay of the land without having to answer questions, so Charlie elected to stay outside and observe the atmosphere, as Liz also knew that he was attracted by the shiny spaceship sign outside her parent’s establishment, and she chuckled when she had seen his eyes go up at the sight of the big ship sign. But once his aunt was gone. The little boy stood by the car with his backpack on and looked around and saw the bustling of the activity that was always going on, outside the Crashdown. And yet it was small town.

As a child who was growing up in the big city of New York. He knew what bustling looking like. A big city that was constantly alive. And to Charlie, well, this town was small. And yet felt warm. And a town he had not been told much about. Because his mother was tight lipped. While he knew his grandmother lived here, and this was town his mother and aunt came from.

But it was a town he did not know…

Because Amy Deluca had come to him. In his six years of life. Charlie had yet to come to where his grandmother lived because his mother always found a way not to come.

Whether it was last minute work opportunity, or it was making plans for him so that he was always busy.

Until this weekend and knew his aunt Liz had to convince his mother to allow him to come and attend his Uncle wedding.

While he did not know Kyle. But he knew Kyle knew him, and he was getting cheques in the mail for his birthday and at Christmas. When a mountain of toys would arrive in the mail. Still Roswell remained a mystery to him. All he knew was his grandmother had remarried to the town Sheriff in this town after his mother moved to New York, and they each had child and therefore Kyle was his Uncle, and now his Uncle was getting married.

And he had been invited.


His own invitation had come in the mail, and he had pleaded for his mother to take him to the wedding because he wanted to know the town his mother was from.

And why his dreams were telling him of this place.

And he had gotten a partner in his Roswell vision quest in the form of his Aunt Liz. Not his real aunt, he knew. But his mother and Liz had been friends from childhood, and they were like sisters, and Liz was the cool Aunt who was always showing up, with presents and treats and his mother would take him to visit her, which Charlie found strange that he was taken to Europe, or elsewhere to visit his Aunt.

But he had not been brought to visit his grandmother, and her family…

His blood family

As his mother had stayed away, almost like she feared this place. And he certainly gotten that impression after hearing his Aunt and his mother fighting over the fact Damn it Chica. Why do you can you not respect my wishes he had heard cursed. We were partners in our united stand against our hometown. Why are you suddenly wanting to go back? When you will see him? he had heard posed and it made Charlie curious about him or why his mother and aunt wanted to stay away, or and why his Aunt Liz now wanted to come back. And to bring Charlie with her, to the wedding so he was looking at a window of a store that was next to the Crashdown and did not hear a small voice approach him.

“Do I know you?” came a voice and Charlie stopped and twisted himself to look at the voice, and he was surprised to see the dusty brunette looking at him.

Vibes sprung off each other, and to each side. It was almost like they knew each other. But no, they did not know each other. To both, they did not know why they did get this first impression of the other, but they did.

“No,” Charlie asked as he looked around and did not see his aunt coming back yet. So, he wondered if he should be walking into the place, he had seen his aunt walk into.

“What is your name?” the little girl asked.

“Charlie Deluca”

“Hello,” came the little girl. “My name is Micah Isabel Evans” she smiled.

“That is a strange name” Charlie muttered.

“Well, I find Charlie boring,” Micah smiled as she had been stopped from going into the Crashdown with her father because she had bumped into her best friend Candy and so her father had gone inside, while she had stayed and talked to her friend for her mother while her friend’s mother had to go inside a store to pick up an order. “I like my unique name. Daddy tells me I was named after someone he lost, and after my aunt.”

“Whatever,” Charlie muttered as he checked his watch and then they both watched as they saw the people, they knew come out of the restaurant together. “Why do I care that this kid has a weird name,” he thought as he thought he was order than this girl, and he had seen more because he was New York City, and Micah was from around here.

As both kids felt the footsteps that were coming their way because almost the same time, Liz and Max were silently walking out of the restaurant and they both stopped in place as they stood stunned at the realization the kids were talking to each other, but that was not what was bothering Liz because it was as she almost instantly saw someone from her past in the little girl, and likewise, for Max a stunned realization came over as he saw his bubbly little girl with such a infectious personality talking to a boy that he clearly did not know but was replica of someone from his past.

So, both stopped short…

As they both would have questions…

As the little girl would break the tension and cause even more without being aware of it, when she turned and saw her father approaching, she and Charlie. “Daddy,” Micah smiled as she saw Max. And Liz stopped and froze into place where she saw the little girl calling Max Daddy. What on earth is going on here? she asked herself and almost had the lack of composure to say it out loud. But she mustered the will not to say it.

And then Charlie upped the tension, and the questions with “Aunt Liz,” Charlie would mutter as he saw his aunt.

Shit Liz thought as Max’s face turned and froze when he glanced at his ex-girlfriend.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 2 - 05/04/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

So Max has a new apt. over the Museum.......
And the little girl......
Awkward.....understatement, but Liz can never forget Max saved her life so long ago.
Lots of changes in 7 years.
Charlie was left in the car, but met up with the little girl.......
What's going on?????
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 2 - 05/04/2021

Post by totallizfan »

Looking forward to finding out who the little girl belongs to.
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Baby, It's You - Chapter 3 - 05/06/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Same time,
New York City,
Apartment looking over Central Park,

“I am leaving,” said Maria Deluca as she was pacing her spacious apartment. The sun was blazing, and it was a warm day and she had been spending the day rehearsing her lines for the Broadway play she was starting previews the following week in. She had graduated to the big time. She would be one of the leads, and she was working on rehearsing for the relationship drama play, as she was meeting with the cast tomorrow.

But today she was practicing at home. Reading the same line over and over because her mind was wondering Why cannot I concentrate she asked herself and thoughts went towards her son. And wondered if he and Liz had made it to Roswell yet. After their road trip across the country because Liz was the fun aunt who was giving Maria’s son everything he ever wanted, while Maria was scared most of the time to give what he wanted the most.

As she tried to ignore the wish her son made on his last birthday. And of course, Liz swoops into Charlie’s life and gives him what he wants. Which this time was to go some science expo on the way to Roswell. Maria had said no, but Liz convinced her friend that Charlie needed to see other parts of the country that is rich she muttered Why is it Liz suddenly wants to go back to Roswell Maria asked herself. Because the two of them had been in sync in their allergic reaction to going home to their hometown.

Why did they have too when their parents came to them?

But suddenly Liz was all about going to Kyle and Isabel’s wedding. While Maria did know that her best friend had kept up her friendship with Kyle over the years. Still, to want to break the embargo against Roswell was an odd one for Maria to stomach. But unlike his mother Charlie was fascinated by science, and the extra-terrestrial do not even think it Maria she muttered to herself as she remembered how her son wanted to go to the expo, and once his aunt heard that. Well, Liz had offered to take him.

Thank you, Liz, she muttered to herself.

And now it was causing Maria to lose concentration as she could not get her mind into her work today, so she moved into her exercise room, and went for the bike. Hoping some spinning and steps would get to forget. It had been her go to the method in preventing the past from infiltrating her current life.

For so long she had been successful. Once she got that record deal…

She had gone to New York. But when that failed because she would not compromise on her values or her wishes for her music. She instead stayed in New York and transitioned into other forms of show business, and the last few years had worked in mainly musicals, and now this was her first big deal play that was a theatrical drama. She wanted it to work but too much of the themes of the play was familiar to her, because she had lived the storyline.

Because she had left Michael.

She was the one to leave.

Michael had wanted to try again.

But she wanted to try for her dreams and after experiencing several years of anxiety and some dangerous times, and while unlike her best friend who had been touched by one of them, she had been normal. Yes, she had fallen for Michael. But she did have to be defined by that relationship when he did not want to give himself completely to her, or maybe it was me who did not want to give my heart to him Maria mused to herself because Michael did want to try again, and she had sent mixed signal after mixed signal which is why getting out of Roswell had been the best thing for her because she had seen that her dreams did not have to be dashed. She had become even more successful than she had ever thought she would be, and like her best friend. She had not had to go back home with her tail between her legs and beg to stay with her mother and Jim.

Or gone back to the Crashdown. Instead, she looked around at the palatial apartment that she and her son now lived in and knew her life was one that once only existed in her dreams.

She was making lots of money. She even had money in the bank and her son was going to a big deal private school. She was achieving everything that her mother had wanted her to aspire to because her mother had to sacrifice to put a roof over her head.

She did not have to do that for Charlie.

Charlie had a quite different life than what his mother had when she was his age and meeting her best friend in the world who was taking her son into a hot zone. And she did not know how it would end up. She longed to know how it was going as she rode the bike to exhaustion and tried to forget where her son was.


“What on earth is going on here?” Max was trying to ask himself as he and Micah sat at a booth within the Crashdown a short time later because Liz had pulled Charlie away without either of them asking any of thousands of questions, they had in their minds to ask the other of the kids. Instead, Micah had pulled her father into the Crashdown and away from his ex-girlfriend and the kid that was a stranger to him but had an uncanny resemblance to someone from his past. And now as his child dug into her burger and fries, and he pushed his own around his plate Max’s mind was full of questions, and desire…

Desire always came when he remembered Liz. But he was trying to put that in the back on his mind because you would have to be clueless not to notice that that the child that called Liz his aunt Aunt Liz…WTF he muttered to himself because he knew that Jeff and Nancy had only one child, and that had been the love of his life. But still the boy who had gone with his ex-girlfriend looked like someone he loved and someone he had lost. A shot of pain hit his stomach, and his heart at the pang. And he knew it did for Isabel as well. Someone they loved would not be at the wedding this weekend. Which is why Max worked to make sure that the wedding was everything that his sister wanted for her big day.

Because Michael would not be there…

Sighing, and shaking his head as he worked not to think of his lost friend. As he looked across the table at the little girl staring at him like she also had a million of questions as she with childhood wonder ate her burger and fries, with a milkshake to allow it to all go down so easy. Something he had not had at her age.

At Micah’s age, he had not even woken up on this planet yet.

So, seeing how the child behaved in this world was all the more exciting because he had not experienced it himself, and when they had come out of their shells, and came out of the cave into this world. They were foreigners, unable to speak the language, and fortunately for him and Isabel. They had their parents. Phillip and Diane to help them to adjust to this new world.

Even if their parents would have questions as to how their kids could be so out of it, when they looked like every other kid out there…

All he remembered was crying. Because he felt the loss.

And because Michael had not been there…

So, he had felt the loss before that they were feeling with Michael now, but this was different. Back then. Michael could pop up at any time. Even if they had not known each other, until they were older, and fully ready for school.

Now, it would be a tall order to get their friend back. It would take a miracle. And he figured his miracles had been used up, I would hate to think he was not giving us back Michael because I played god with bringing back Liz once upon a time and changed her very being, he mused to himself. Just because I do not believe in you god, does not mean you have to make sure I lose everything I have ever wanted?

So, yeah, you could say that he was dealing with a reckoning of the past, and the choices he had made, all because at eighteen, he had not gotten his dream girl. Because he had been in end too different, and she had not wanted him in the end, and had gone for the normal life. Which is what he had wanted for her. To be happy, and to be successful.

And she had been fortunate, but it did not mean on the anniversary of such a monumental day, he did not rue for the doors they had both taken, and not taken at the same time or wish that things could have been so different, but they were not, and they had to deal with the doors they had taken, and the choices they were dealt and made for themselves.

Liz had been able to leave. While he had stayed.

“Daddy,” Micah asked as she looked up from her burger, as she had taken a sip of her milkshake and she could see that her father was miles away, and not focusing on her…

“Yes, honey” Max asked as he snapped away from the torture his brain was inflicting on him as he struggled to force himself to turn his attention to his little princess who was now staring at him and who had been one of those gifts, he had been able to receive by staying in this town, at the expense of other, which is something I will always regret.

“Daddy, so, can I ask you a question,” Micah wondered “Why did it seem you knew the lady?” Micah asked as she had seen how her father had responded the brunette who had been staring in shock to see her and Charlie talking to each other. The child was not old enough to know why, but it had seemed to surprise Charlie as well, but he had gone off with the woman he called his aunt without a second word, as she watched the other child walk away, unsure of what to think.

So, now she was eating her burger, and sensing the world was in upheaval, and because she could see a lot that most people could not. She did not talk about her abilities with her father, because she had long learned that there was much you did not say when you know you are special. So, she usually stayed in the background and observed because that seemed like best defense in her family. Still, that did not mean the child was not curious. And she could not keep her need for answers to herself.

Not that her Daddy would know too much about those abilities, because she might be young, but Micah did know how to keep a secret, and to blend in. And make the world think she was like any other kid. But still knew when to be nosy, and to ask questions now that she had food in her system.

On the other hand, Max was not one to want to answer questions, about his past, especially to his impressionable little girl “She is an old friend,” was all Max wanted to say as he tried to quell the uprising of memories of his past.

“Really?” Micah asked.

“Yes,” Max said as he looked down at his own fries. As he had lost his hunger for food, and his hunger for other aspects were roaring back, and his hunger for the brunette that that given him a chance only was magnifying itself, but the little girl did not need to know that, so he worked to vanquish that need.

“Well, she is odd” Micah muttered as she thought of the women who had pulled Charlie away, and they got back into the car, and drove off. As if she was staring into deer lights. “Well, I do not think she was Charlie’s aunt” Micah muttered.

“Why do you say that?” Max asked because he had not gotten the boy’s name when they were outside, and now he had a hint. Because everything had gone down in a flash. One minute he had Liz in his sights after seven years, and then he did not, and he had not stopped to think about the ground that had been dug up. But it was obvious that his daughter had “His name is Charlie?”

“Charlie Deluca” Micah muttered and looked down at her fries and started to eat them unaware that she had just made things even more confusing for her father, as Max responded to the name Deluca. Shit he muttered to himself as he tried to keep offensive muttering from the child’s ears, even if Micah would not be bothered because she had long been experienced with hearing those kinds of words because of her own aunt, and soon-to-be official uncle, Kyle.

“Are you kidding me?” Max muttered to himself as he thought of the little boy he had seen with his ex-girlfriend.


Of course, we would not be in this town more than a minute and we would encounter trouble Liz muttered at the same time as she pulled up across the street. As she and Charlie had rushed to get into the car because she had not wanted to stay and answer any of the numerous questions that she and Max both had of the situation, and so of course she had done what she had done best, and run, as she drove around in a circle almost because they were not staying with her parents but across the street. At the old UFO Museum. Now done into condos, and she was renting one of the apartments for the weekend.

She had known that she and Charlie would have enough of hotel and motel rooms on their road trip across the country, and she was too experienced in the world to want to spend time in her parent’s apartment for more than a few hours, and plus her parents lived over a bustling dining establishment and they would not have the room to hold her and Charlie for more than twenty-four hours.

And while Charlie would be spending the aftermath of the wedding with his grandparents. She had him in her custody until then, and so she needed space. She had not known what she was opening herself up to by going across the street from the Crashdown. Especially in a complex that had once had many memories of days gone by, but when she found out that the old Museum had been turned into condo’s and there was a space open for short-term rental. She had jumped at the opportunity to rent the two bedrooms, and so she just had to drive around the corner and park in the parking lot.

And know it was easily accessible to the heart of her hometown.

Liz could sigh at the changes she had noticed since she arrived. While it was clear that Roswell was the same small town that she had left. Still, they were embracing the new age, and trying to embrace the tourist trade that never really had left their town because of course you will always have some form of being a believer in aliens to want to come and seek out your town.

Even if they just think it as a myth. Of course, Liz knew only too well that aliens did exist.

She had been touched by one.

And now she had them in her life, in so many ways, even though she had left Roswell in 2002. Now, she was back.

For the weekend, but seeing Max made it want to be for longer than that…

But she was a different woman than she was in those days, as she looked up at the apartment buildings. And found it funny to think of what had happened here, once upon a time.

A whole new establishment lived in this building, and yet she had memories that told her something different.

“Aunt Liz,” Charlie Deluca asked as he looked up at the building they were looking at once they got out of the car. “Is this the place we are staying at?” he wondered.

“Yes,” Liz smiled. “Grab your bag, and follow me, and we’ll go and check in” she said as the little boy nodded as they walked into reception and got the key to the apartment, and they walked to the elevator Wow, a lot of changes she told herself of the building that was so different from those days when Max worked here.

Getting to the floor, they walked down, and entered the apartment.

Room 2B

Unaware that someone she knew lived in 2A. But she did not know that at this moment as she looked around and knew a lot was going to change this weekend…


Across the street. Max and Micah were still within the establishment that Liz had just left, and was adding someone else to their table “What do you mean Liz is in town?” Isabel was asking as she arrived at the Crashdown. She was running late for her scheduled lunch with her brother and niece because she had been going down her list of things she needed for her big day. As she was planning on picking up the dress once lunch was over, “Sorry I am late, but this day has been one thing after another, but I am glad you already started,” she smiled as she gave the waitress the order she knew from heart because it was her standard order. Especially on a day where she was in a constant rush.

And now she was absorbing the news that her niece had blurted out. While her brother just wanted to hide from the it Which is normal, she muttered to herself as she was dealing with the revelation. Because she had been stunned to hear Liz was in town. So, she stopped in her tracks to hear the words coming out of her niece’s mouth. Micah was such a bubbly personality which made the day all the sunnier for the adults who were facing too my angst in their daily life, but she did not quite get why the news was such a bombshell to her aunt. Oh, that is great she muttered. Kyle has got to know she muttered to herself of their conversation of there was one mystery guest that he had been saying he had not heard of, as he had sent the invitation himself personally and so they were to leave a space open, in case.

Which had put a crimp into her seating charts, which were planned down to the exact detail. With the need for the names, and such…

“We just saw her Aunt Isabel,” Micah muttered. “Although I did not know her name was Liz” she muttered.

“Well, it is” Isabel murmured as it was not as if she held any ill will against her brother’s former girlfriend because she was probably the only one who got her brother to live a little until her niece came into his life. And certainly, Liz was the only one who had gotten her brother to be sociable, and to have a life because having Micah only shut that part of himself down because he concentrated on the little girl at the expense of himself. “Liz Parker.”

“Interesting,” Micah smiled as she got the full name of the woman who had made her father stop in his tracks.

“No, it is not” Max muttered as she did not like how both his sister and his daughter was looking at him as they finally found the key to his happiness, They, did not he muttered to himself. “You two leave my love life alone please,” he sighed of his sister who was old enough to know better and his five-year-old who did not know better “Isabel, you should leave it alone, and leave my daughter out of it” as he did not want his little girl egged on by his eager sister, because the last thing that was going to happen was that something was going to happen again between him and Liz.

Because he had barely survived her last exit from his life…

Isabel could only shake her head.

If only things had been different. But they were not, and Isabel did not blame either of them. Neither were at fault.

Because she was not any better because she had watched her marriage die because of who she was, and who she was not. As Jesse was ultimately unable to handle it, and therefore the fact she had found someone to love her, and the real her, was important and therefore she wanted that for her brother too…

And she could almost applaud her fiancé’s attempt to play matchmaker and the rectify old mistakes.

“As I have said in the past,” Isabel smiled. “I am leaving your life to you to deal with,” she sighed even though she wanted to do more, but she already had too much on her shoulders to concentrate on her brother’s love life, at least until after she was back from her honeymoon then there will be no stopping me, she smiled to herself as Max could only look at his sister with weariness because he doubted his sister could leave it alone. That is not my sister’s nature he muttered to himself. But to Isabel, she could only smile. “All I will say is that this is a going to be a fun weekend,” Isabel laughed as she ate her lunch and focused on her niece. “Are you ready to put a dent in your father’s credit card?” she said laughing at the frown on her brother’s face. “It’s my big day. Your daughter will look like the princess she is,” she sighed, and Max took it because at least if she was spending his money, then she was not focusing on his love life.

Once lunch concluded, Isabel would collect her niece because Micah was going to pick her dress out for the wedding, because Max had been neglecting that duty, and because he clearly did not know how to dress the girl because her fashion taste was all over the place since Micah started to dress herself.

Which made her laugh in seeing how her single brother raised her niece.

So, while Isabel and Micah headed for the boutique, while Max just stared into space as he thought of the many factors in his life.


New York

“Are you sure everything is alright?” Maria was asking as she took her drink and looked at the fading sunlight, and the night that was approach as she had done enough practice and felt ready for rehearsals the next day. But a call from her best friend only made her anxious. “Everything is alright, is it not?” she asked. “Yes, I know I am worrier, and I am being annoying” she sighed. “It is just you have not taken him alone for this long.”

“I am glad,” Maria smiled but anxiety remained. “How bad is it, you know there” she asked of her hometown.

A place she had not been in seven years, and now a place her son was…

“You are not telling me something,” Maria asked as she continued to pace. “I know, I could end this by coming there, but I am working” she sighed.

“Yes, it is an excuse, and it is one you have used before, but in this case, I seriously cannot leave the production this short to opening night” Even though she could because it was only previews, and her understudy was competent, but she knew she was using her successful career as a scapegoat to all her problems, and that she should just face her problems.

Just like Liz was by going back to their past and running the risk of looking into those days.

“Have you seen them?” Maria asked of the dreaded question and she stopped when she heard her friend’s words “Oh, that is strange” she sighed. “Mom never mentioned anything to me, and of course neither of us were going back there,” she sighed as she though of the concept of Max having a little girl, but it did make her chuckle to hear her friend’s confusion about seeing Max again. That girl is hopeless which is why being back in Roswell was the worst thing for her friend.

But her friend was single.

And a free agent to do whatever she wanted.

“You have not seen Space Boy, right?” Maria asked once again. “Oh,” she sighed. “No, do not say anything to him if you do see him,” she said of the past she did not want to remember but because she had no choice because she had her son living with her…

“Love you Petunia,” Maria sighed as she finally dropped the phone, and took out the vodka, and had a pity party of one for herself.


As back in Roswell. Liz dropped her phone into her purse, and she went to find her companion for the weekend. “Are you ready?” she asked of Charlie as they were now settled into the apartment, and were now hungry, and they were going back to the Crashdown whether they were going to run into her past or just her parents.

She could only hope her parents were the only ones she would see this time.

Fortunately, they were…

Because Max was not there, as they walked into the restaurant and sat down. Charlie was shocked and amused by the alien theme far out he commented to his aunt. Liz could only chuckle. Because it was charming to see it from a view of a child. But to her, this place had so much more meaning than just living up the alien theme of their town. As Max popped into her mind but this once. Max was thinking of Liz because he was his car, driving to different part of Roswell, as he took out his pass, and entered the armed gate and drove up into the parking lot, of the high security institution. Taking a deep breath. He got out of the car and used his pass to swipe through the many technology safeguards he and Isabel had instituted in the five years that they have been dealing with this place they had created.

“Anything new?” Max asked of the guard on duty.

“No, Mr. Evans, all is safe.” said the guard.

“Good,” Max muttered as he walked into the elevator and keyed in the password, and fingerprint to be able to take him to the basement… I wish I did not have to deal with this place he muttered to himself as he waited, and finally he reached the bottom.

Exiting the elevator. “Is Serena in today?” Max asked of the nurse on duty.

“Yes, Max,” said the nurse.

“Tell her to meet me in the room,” Max muttered as he took the long walk along the hallway, and entered through another security check and finally he was close, and before he knew it, he entered a large room…

“Yes, sir” came the response of the nurse whose name was Nancy Oliver.

Medical equipment was over the place. IV’s, and tubes hooked to the machines, and doing life saving work trying to give them something back when they did not even know what was making the patient sick to begin with…

“Has there been any progress?” Max asked as Dr. Serena Thomas walked into the room.

“The same as it was yesterday, or last month, or last year” Serena murmured much to Max’s frustration. “Unfortunately,” she sighed as they looked at the patient hooked up every machine imaginable, and with Max knowing that he had a healing power but was unable to bring back this patient.

Even though it was Michael, and he wanted him to live.

But he was in some hardened shell for five years, and they were unable to come up with the cure that would bring him back to them…

And to his daughter.

Micah Isabel…

Even though the little girl was now Max’s daughter…
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 3 - 05/06/2021

Post by totallizfan »

So Michael needs a cure.....good thing Liz is back.
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 3 - 05/06/2021

Post by RoswellFan68 »

So Micah is Michael's biological daughter?
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Re: Baby, It's You (CC, Mature) - Chapter 3 - 05/06/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

It appears Maria has been successful in NYC.
What happened to Michael??
Micah has abilities??
High security institution......
Lots of questions here.
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