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Doomsday (AU,CC,ADULT) Ch 5G - 6/24/13 [WIP]

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:51 am
by candysteffi


Banner: By me

Title: Doomsday

Author: Steffi

Couples: All (M&M; M&L; K&T, A&I)

Rating: Adult

Summary: When your life is suddenly falling apart and everything you’ve ever known is threatened by an act of God, you’ll be able to distinguish your true friends from the rest.

In dark times a small group of people – from different places and statuses – will find their way together to face the inevitable.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don’t own anything.

Author’s Note: I might borrowed one or two ideas from the movies “2012” and “Deep Impact”. ;)

Author’s Note 2: Thanks to my wonderful beta Angel. ;)

Chapter 1 - 01.01.2012

Chapter 1A

- Arizona – Mount Graham International Observatory – 0:05 -

A wide yawn, combined with a growling stomach disturbed the absolute quiet in the observation room of Mount Graham’s International Observatory. The room was only lit by several monitors, all of them showing a different section of stars from the clear night.

“Happy New Year, my friend.” Melody Davis smiled encouragingly when she entered the room and held up two fresh-made coffees. “I brought our drinks to celebrate.”

The only man in the room took off his glasses and threw them on a paper he had been working on before he rubbed his eyes tiredly. “Just what I need, thanks.” He took one of the disposable cups from his co-worker. “Oh, and happy New Year’s to you, too. Yay,” he said without the slightest bit of excitement in his voice.

Melody smirked and took her seat next to him again, hammering a few keys on the keyboard to make her routine checks before she leaned back in her seat again. “Why do we have to work on New Years Eve again? Oh right, because our boss is a real son of a bitch.”

The other man shrugged. “Didn’t have anything better to do anyway.”

“Yeah,” she snorted, “because you don’t have a life, man. You work like 24/7 and it’s not like we’ve found anything exciting the last month. But ME, I had a date for tonight. An actual cute, sexy, hot and very exciting date.”

“What, you don’t enjoy my company?” he asked playfully hurt.

“You’re not my type.”

He made a face. “You’re not mine either.” Okay that was a lie. Melody was pretty much everyone’s type even if she was 35 – ten years older than him.

“Don’t you have any family that’s throwing a party or something? I mean, there has to be at least someone.”

“Not in this state,” he shrugged. “My family lives in Washington.”


“As you pointed out correctly, I work pretty much.”

Melody sighed. “You’re way too young for that, my friend.”

“You’re ten years older and still unmarried, single and no kids.” He grinned. “So I think I have a lot of time compared to you.”

“Oh, shut up,” she laughed and smacked him with a small folder she took from her desk. “And if I hadn’t had to work tonight I would probably be on my way to change things.”

“Like last time, huh?” He snorted into his coffee when he saw her expression and some drops of coffee splashed into his face. At least he hadn’t been wearing his glasses, he thought and wiped them off.

“That was just bad luck,” she smirked when he gave her an eye roll. “Hey, I didn’t know he was a callboy when I met him in the supermarket.”

“Um-hmm,” the man shook his head and placed the half-empty coffee on the desk next to the keyboard before he got up. He straightened his jeans and walked over to the reason he had agreed to do this job far away from friends and family… one of the world’s biggest telescopes.

Melody knew that meant his mind had gone back to work and she shook her head in amusement before she turned back to her computer as well. So much for a New Years mood, she thought.

They worked in silence for the next 30 minutes, saying little more than a few words dedicated to different coordinates and names of comets and meteors only they would know. He had always been fascinated by the stars. At the age of seven he had gotten his first mini telescope from his parents and ever since then he had used one every single clear night in his life. The choice of his career had been the easiest decision in his life and thanks to parents with some influence he had gotten the job he had wanted since the first time he had seen the moon in more detail than his eyes could see.

“You’re awful silent,” she stated when he hadn’t said anything. “I still need the new coordinates, ya know. I can’t hear what you think.”

“Yeah…” he said, his voice sounded like he was lost in thoughts. After a moment he pulled his head away from the telescope and rubbed his eyes before he turned to look at his co-worker with a frown. “Can you give me the recordings of the last coordinates from last year same time on the big screen?” He pointed at the monitor behind him.

“Sure,” Melody turned back to her computer. Quiet sounds of fast fingernails on a keyboard were heard and a moment later a small cut-out of the huge universe was on the big screen, showing just a few dozen stars. “What’re you on to?” Her hair flew around her face when she looked at him again.

He just held his hand up to let her know he would tell her soon, while he looked back into the telescope and then on the screen again. “Who are you?” he muttered to himself.

“You’re making it very thrilling. See a New Years rocket?” she joked.

He pushed a few buttons on the machine in front of him before he walked back to his desk without commenting on her last sentence. A moment later a picture appeared on his monitor and he looked at it again, his heartbeat rising with every passing second while his thoughts ran fast and crazy.

“What do you see?” She stood up and walked behind him to look at the picture he was staring at. She couldn’t really see anything.

He leaned forward and pushed a button so the cut-out of the sky would appear on the big screen, directly next to the one from last year.

Melody turned around and looked at both pictures for several moments, but still she couldn’t see what he was obviously seeing. “What…”

“On the right,” her co-worker got out of his seat quickly and walked over, stretching up and standing on tiptoes to point at an object on the newest sky photograph. Then he moved two steps to the side and pointed at the older picture.

Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw that the slight red dot on the newer picture was missing in the former one. “How can…” she frowned. “That’s too big for not being there last year.”

“I know,” he nodded and walked back to the telescope in the middle of the room. “Search the database of former photographs and find out when we first caught it with the telescope, while I get the exact coordinates.

She nodded and started her search immediately. Seconds and minutes passed with little more than the sound of pressed keys, nervous coughs and loud breaths together with an almost unbearable tension. It took nearly 30 more minutes before they looked up again at almost the same time.

“Got it,” he said and went back to his computer, sitting down and wiping his forehead with a nervous gesture. “Any luck yet.”

“Yeah…” she said slowly when she checked on it again. “I think it came into view in 03-03-2010.” She pointed at her screen. “See Jupiter here, it’s right behind, you can just see it if ya know about it.”

He took his glasses from the desk and leaned over to look at her monitor. “You’re right,” he nodded. “Send this all to our baby. Together with the coordinates we should be able to calculate its size, speed and direction.” Their ‘baby’ was the new efficient computer in the room next to the one they were in.

“Done,” she said after a minute. “How long will it take to get the first results?”

“No clue,” he said honestly and grabbed his coffee. “Damn thing better hurry.” His palms were sweaty and he wiped one on his jeans before shifting the disposable cup to the other hand and repeating the gesture.

“Let’s move to the other room,” she got up and took her drink as well.

“Yeah,” he followed her.

The room with the computer was small and didn’t have a window. After a few minutes he could already feel the temperature rising a few degrees and he pulled on the collar of his shirt. Or was it just his blood?

Almost 90 minutes passed while they tried to make conservation about banal things, but the tension was undeniable and both of them knew that the result could change nothing or everything in their lives. The beeping made them both straighten up as if it was the alarm clock and you were sure you had overslept.

They both stared at the screen in front of them while the computer started to give out the first results of the things it had calculated.

He could feel the sweat on his forehead breaking out, while his heart hammered in his chest as if it was just going to burst in a few seconds. His hands grabbed the backrest of the chair in front of him tightly, trying to hold onto something when his knees got weak and wobbly.

“Oh my God,” Melody whispered and reached out to grab a handful of his shirt.

He wasn’t able to say anything in that moment and kept staring at the computer in front of him. His view became blurry while he tried to come up with a logical explanation why the computer was wrong, but there was nothing to set against it. From afar he heard a voice, something was pulling on his clothes…

“We need to report this,” Melody kept telling him again and again while her hand was still fisting his shirt.

He nodded absentmindedly and went to the phone at the other end of the small room. Without taking his eyes from the screen he fumbled for the earpiece. When it almost fell to the ground he snapped out of his daze and tried to remember the number he had read so often but never used. Come on, think about it, he forced himself and his fingers started to move over the buttons.

“You have the right number?” His co-worker asked when he just held the phone up to his ear.

He didn’t answer her when he heard a female voice on the other end of the line. “Defense department of the United States, Stacy Delany. What can I do for you?”

He cleared his throat, trying to remember what the protocol was in this very unlikely case. “Code LTMOC.”

The voice on the other end went silent for a moment before he heard a slight cough. “One moment, Sir.”

The line went silent for what felt like hours before he heard some crackling. “Ed Harding here.”

He straightened up when the Secretary of Defense of the United States spoke to him. There were other sounds in the background, revealing that he had just disturbed the man at a New Years party.

“Hello, Sir. This is Alex Whitman calling from the Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona.”

“Well, Happy New Year, Mr. Whitman. I hope you have a good reason to call me at this time.”

“Would an object five times larger than Mars heading in our direction and able to annihilate mankind be a good reason?”

Chapter 1B - Boston – Residence of the Secretary of Defense

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:41 pm
by candysteffi
keepsmiliing7: I am into those „End Of World“-scenarios too, lol. Oh yeah, there will be angst.

Janetfl: Thanks. Lol yup, what if not that would be a good reason.

begonia9508: Thanks. I don’t know the movie “Doomsday” as well, lol.

Alien_Friend: Lol thanks. We do our best to keep you busy with reading. ;)

I don’t have the whole story written, so I am curious where it will lead as well, lol.

Natalie36: Thanks! Here we go with more.

mary mary: Lol, bet Ed wasn’t prepared for this, huh? Thanks!

secretk: I don’t know much about Smallville as well, so no clue, lol.

Thanks. Yeah I wanted you to wonder who it would be, hehe.

HypnoticBlueEyes: Lol thanks, mission accomplished. I wanted you guys to wonder about who he is. ;)

Here we go with the next part.

angiebrenna: Thanks! ;)

Chapter 1B

Boston – Residence of the Secretary of Defense – 3:15

“Send the details to my office, Mr. Whitman. I’ll get back to you from there.” Ed Harding ended the call and stared up at the clear sky for a moment. His hand came up to run through his short hair while he tried to assimilate the information he had just gotten. It didn’t feel right and it as sure as hell didn’t feel real in that moment.

“Everything okay?” his daughter asked when she walked out into the garden, which was lit only by the lamps from the pool. Her long blonde hair bounced over her shoulders when she ran towards him. The muffled music from inside could be heard as well as cheerful laughter and rattling glasses, along with the clacking sounds her pumps made on the flagstones.

“Yeah, just… work,” he said, forcing his expression to be neutral.

“Ungh,” she made a face, “but we have a New Year’s party.” She placed her small hand on his arm and smirked at him. “Politics can wait a few more hours.”

He smiled gently at his daughter and kissed her forehead. “I’m afraid not this time. I need to go back to my office. Happy New Year, Tess.”

“Is that really necessary, Dad?” she complained. “One day you’re gonna die of a heart attack if you don’t minimize the stress,” she teased and hugged him.

Maybe it won’t even come to that, he thought but refused to believe it. “I’ve gotta go. You keep an eye on the guests, will ya?” he asked his only daughter and zipped the parka she was wearing further up to protect her from the cold wind.

She rolled her eyes. “Mom will do that. I’m on a different mission,” she pointed at the other end of the garden, where a dark figure sat in one of the deckchairs all alone. The light from the pool danced over her slightly when the water moved.

He nodded and let go of her to find his wife. She wouldn’t be excited about his sudden departure, but he had a feeling that he would be in Washington before dawn.

Tess watched her Dad disappear into the house again. He looked good in his suit as usual, but his shoulders were slumped, his body language showing that something wasn’t right. She shrugged it off after a few moments when she remembered why she had walked outside originally. “Told you New Years Eve parties at our house are boring and suck.”

The other girl looked up and snorted. “Are you kidding? Expensive food, champagne for free and a live band, what do you want more girl?” She quickly wiped her face, but it was a useless thing to do. “Oh alright, I forgot you’re of a higher class than us ordinary mortals.”

“Shut up,” Tess said, amused. “I wanted to go to a college party, remember? Keg, people dancing on tables and making dirty jokes over our asses,” she mused. “That would have been fun.”

“Oh yeah. Especially when someone pukes on your shoes.”

“Better that than a party with most of the people twice as old as we are.”

“Not little Mr. D.”

Tess rolled her eyes. “People who are my brothers and went to bed even before midnight do not count.” She sat down on the deck chair, shoving her friend’s leg with hers to make her move over. “Move over.”

“What’s up with your Dad?”

“Work call again. Seemed to be important, but I don’t know. He seemed a bit off and he’s leaving soon.”

“To Washington?”

“To his office in town for now, but you never know in the end.”

“I’ll never understand why your parents won’t move to Washington DC. Your father’s there more than he’s home.”

Tess sighed. “Dad loves Boston. He’s stubborn.” She shivered slightly when the wind blew through her hair.

“Uh-huh, must run in the family.”

“What’re you doin’ out here all alone, DeLuca? It’s freakin’ cold,” she pulled her jacket closer around herself. It was pretty warm for a night in January, but still too cold to sit at the pool during night.

“Just had too much champagne and needed to cool my brain from it.”

Tess glanced at her friend and reached over to lift the cell, which she held in her hand over her stomach, slightly. She smiled sadly when it was all too clear what she had really been doing. “Tried to call him?”

Maria didn’t look at her and stared at her cell instead. “Yeah,” she croaked out and let it sink against her belly again.

“Any luck?” Damn, she already knew the answer.

The other girl shook her head. “Why do I even try anymore?” she asked bitterly. “He never picks up the phone.”

“Don’t say that,” Tess said and grabbed her friend’s cold hand, tracing her own fingers over it to warm it up a bit. “It could happen.”

Maybe, but it felt different. “All I want is to hear his voice for a moment,” Maria said after swallowing a lump in her throat, but her voice was still thick from crying. She pulled her legs closer to her body to wrap her arms around them. Her long flat blonde hair fell into her face and tangled up with her eyelashes, making her blink several times.

“Oh M,” her friend hugged her tightly and felt a single tear slip down her cheek as well. She had seen her that way a lot during the last months and it broker her heart that she couldn’t help. “You know he’s probably on some secret mission where he’s not allowed to contact anyone.” Tess used one hand to brush the other girl’s hair back, making Maria look at her.

“It hurts to not know anything. Not where he is, how he is, when he’ll be back home.” She clenched her hand around her cell and looked at it. “I’m even afraid to leave the phone outta view in case he calls me and I miss it.”

Tess had never had a boyfriend who she had cared about as much as Maria cared about Michael. It had to be tough though, to not know where the one you loved was at the moment. “You want me to ask my Dad if he can tell you anything?”

“You know he won’t.” They had tried before to get something out of him, but maybe he didn’t even know. Michael belonged to some Special Forces unit in the US Army. She didn’t even know the name, nor if his unit actually had one. For normal human beings guys like him didn’t exist. His job didn’t exist.

“Yeah,” she sighed. “Probably not.” Tess leaned her head against her friend’s. “I am sorry. I wish I could do something to make you feel better, M.”

“It helps that you’re here,” the other girl said quietly and finally returned the hug. They had been friends since childhood, long before Tess’ family had become interesting to the public. They grew up together like siblings and her mother Amy had just followed her heart and moved from Boston to Roswell two years ago, because she had known the Harding’s would always be like a second family to her daughter.

“Am I interrupting?” someone asked from behind, the voice unsure.

Maria smiled without turning around. “No, come on. Your timing couldn’t be more perfect for a group hug.”

Tess made a face. “You know how totally uncool that sounds, don’t ya, DeLuca?” She looked up to meet the new girl’s eyes. “C’mon, Parker. We’re just doin’ this for her because she’s down and needs loooooove.”

Liz smiled and went to her friends, crawling up on the same deckchair to sandwich Maria, before they all wrapped their arms around each other. “Happy New Year,” Tess shouted out into the cold night.

The little bundle of girls looked up into the sky when sounds of exploring rockets and firecrackers could be heard. Wiggling around they got comfortable on the huge deck chair, poking their feet under the blanket Maria had taken out with her earlier while they watched the exploding lights above them.

“Isn’t it already too late for this?” the brunette asked.

“Our neighbor’s always late,” Tess said dryly. “Bet he passed out before midnight and just woke up again.”

Maria snorted at the thought and kept watching the sky. “Makes a good show for us.”

Liz glanced at her friend in the middle, recognizing the traces of shed tears on her cheeks when a new rocket exploded over them and lit up her face in red. She met Tess’ eyes from the other side, knowing she was just as worried about Maria as her. “When did you hear last from him?”

“Middle of November,” Maria answered after a while, when she had realized the question was directed to her. “He called me and it lasted like one minute or so.” She felt new tears when she remembered it. “He sounded so distant and distracted.” Her shoulders sank at the thoughts. “Maybe I am reading too much into this, but I’m really scared since that call. I don’t know why.” Her whole body tensed up when the cell in her hand buzzed once. Was it a message from him?

“Don’tcha wanna look at it?” the other blonde asked when her friend just stared at her hand without moving.

“Yeah…” She turned the cell in her hand and pushed a few buttons, her heartbeat felt like a jackhammer in her throat against the turtle neck pullover she was wearing. There was always a split feeling about a possible message from him. On the one hand she was really looking forward to hearing from him, but on the other hand there was the scary thought that he might finally end things between them. Two times they had seen each other last year, and none of his visits had lasted more than a few days. But she wasn’t willing to let go of him.

“Mom says Happy New Year,” she finally said after opening the message. “Greetings from Roswell.” Maria lifted her head to look at her friend on the right, while her arm came up around Liz on the other side. Her eyes shimmered with tears in the moonlight and it made Tess’ heart sink deeper and deeper with the realization of how hurt she was. “You know I had really hoped he would be home for Christmas. But there was nothing. Not even a call or a letter.”

“I….” Tess’ mouth opened and closed a few times, but there wasn’t anything useful she could say. “Sorry, I doubt I can say anything to make you feel better.”

“Yeah,” Liz agreed after a moment and laid her head against Maria’s side. “But we’re here for you.”

“Uh-huh,” Tess said. It was time to lighten up the mood again. “And where have you been for the past few minutes, E? I don’t think I’ve seen you for more than an hour.”

Liz’ smirked slightly to herself, her stomach making a weird flip flop when she thought about it. “I was inside,” she said.

“Couldn’t be that you were using my laptop again to talk to your cyber-gigolo?”

“He’s not a cyber-gigolo,” Liz protested. “And fine, if ya wanna know, yes I did, because the party’s pretty boring.”

Tess glared at her. “And so are you. Really E….”

“Why’re you calling me ….” Liz looked at Maria. “Why is she always calling me E?”

“Because your name is Elisabeth, isn’t it?” Tess rolled her eyes.

“But everyone calls me Liz.”

“Well, L would sound stupid.”

“Ahhh,” Liz groaned in frustration when her friend deliberately misunderstood her.

“Anyway, what do you want with a man who you can’t even touch when there are a few decent looking guys here.” She pointed at the house.

“Can’t see you with one of them either,” the other girl shrugged coolly.

“Just because they’re all crawling up my Dad’s ass. And that stinks”, she laughed at the unintentional double meaning. “Ungh, okay, that wasn’t meant literally, so anyway… E, please!”


Tess groaned. “Get a real thing.”

“Just leave her alone, T,” Maria interrupted. Sometimes it could get really dramatic when the two of them got it on about something.

“That doesn’t sound cool when you say it,” Tess noticed.

“You don’t understand,” Liz shook her head while she picked at her long pullover. Well, she didn’t understand it exactly either. She hadn’t met the guy in person yet, but something about him just fascinated her.

“I do understand that it can be fun to flirt with someone you don’t know, but I get the feeling you’re reading a bit too much into this, chica,” Tess sat up to look at her fully.
“Look, you started this with him like a month ago, right?”

“We got paired up for an online final,” Liz nodded. She was taking online classes at the university of Washington since other circumstances in her life didn’t allow her to actually study over there.

“Did you guys at least talk on the phone yet?”

Liz shook her head.

“You got a pic of him?”

Another negation.

“Does he want to meet you?”

Maria could see that her friend was feeling trapped, but Tess had a point. If that weird internet guy of Liz’ was really interested, then he should finally make a real move on her.

“I don’t know. We haven’t talked about it yet.” She had dared to ask him once if he could send her a pic, but he had gotten out of it with some lame excuse.

“So let’s sum this up. You’ve known him for a month, but you don’t know how he looks, you’ve never heard his voice, AND you don’t even know if the guy wants to meet you for real. So he’s either a psycho or totally ugly. I bet you don’t even know his real name.”

“Of course she knows his name,” Maria interrupted, looking at Liz. “You do, right?”

The other girl blushed. “Um… I just know his nickname from MSN.”

“See,” Tess said, groaning.

“I think I’m going inside again,” Liz wrapped her arms around herself when she got up.

“Hey,” Maria tried. “You know Tess means all of this in the nicest possible way. She’s just our crazy friend and we have to accept her.”

Liz smiled slightly. “I know. You coming inside too?”

“Yeah, just give me a few minutes to pull myself together, okay?”

Liz nodded and turned to walk back into the house while her brain went over and over the things the other girls had said. Was she right? Was she reading too much into this and the guy on the other end was really just some sick man?

“You shouldn’t be so hard on her,” Maria said when the brunette was gone.

“But you know it’s true.”

“Probably. But we’re her friends and you know what’s going on in her life. Go after her and make sure she’s okay and won’t worry her brain too much.”

“You should take your own advice, DeLuca.” Tess pointed at the cell with a lifted eyebrow.

“Maybe…” Maria shrugged. “Now go! I’ll be right behind you.”

“Sure,” Tess leaned over and kissed her friend’s cheek. The skin under her lips felt ice cold. “Get inside soon. Ya know we can still drown all the pain with lots and lots of tequila. Maybe then I can bear those flashy dudes in there.”

Maria laughed. “I’ll probably revisit this.” She watched the other girl returning back to the house before she looked back at the cell in her hand. Her fingers started to hurt from the cold outside and she moved them a few times to warm them up.

The display illuminated when she accidently pushed a button and a picture of Michael during a little barbecue party appeared, which soon came to life in a little video clip. His voice was heard when he laughed at something she had said. “C’mon, M. Turn that thing off.”

She bit her trembling lips while she watched him on the little screen. “Where are you?” The words were drowned by the sound of another exploding firecracker. Her thumb danced over the touch screen to punch in a short text message, well aware of the fact that he would probably never get it since his cell was always turned off.

Happy New Year. I love you. M.


Chapter 1C - Dur Baba - Afghanistan – Temporary Military Cam

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 11:52 am
by candysteffi
Natalie36: Thanks! Hm, Liz’ cyber friend will keep his mystery for now. ;)

mary mary: And it’s probable not getting better in this uppy…

MSN is an instant messenger. You can chat with it with other people.

Alien_Friend: I do love to write the girls as friends, so we will have more of those scenes. And Maria can really use some friends in her situation, right?


keepsmiliing7: You will find out about Liz… soon. ;)

begonia9508: It’s true, I am not a New-Years fan either, but oh well, we just party with the rest, right? lol

Liz mystery man… stays a mystery today. ;)

Rodney: You are sooo old, lol.

Well Alex is working all the time, so the only woman he sees is Melody. hehe

I like the girls as friends as well. Maria probably knows very well that Michael can’t tell her where he is, but esp. on holidays you wanna be with the ones you love and that makes it difficult for her.

*steffi enters the thread… moves the sofa…. picks up the stone and puts chapter 1c under it… moves the stone and sofa back in place and hushes out of the room before Rod could see her*

Helen of Roswell: I am totally okay with you posting on both boards. :D

Lol thanks. I am glad I “fished” you out of the water, hehe.

Oh….. we will see of you are right with your suggestion about the character in this part. I like the way you think. ;)

Yup, Tess has an intact family here and also a little bro. :)

I like to picture the girls as friends and I love to write those scenes. You need some friends in your live, esp. when the world falls apart. ;) Tess is a funny and straight forward person. She sees things a bit distanced and doesn’t have a problem to tell her friends the truth.

What’s up with Liz will be explained later. No comment yet, hehe.

The relationship M&M are in is not easy and we will learn a bit more today. Ooops, now I already answered the question about who is in the uppy, didn’t I? lol

You made some nice connections, but I won’t tell you if they are all right or not. You just have to continue reading. Hehe

Michael’s unit is not (yet) connected to the thing Alex detected. For now, only Alex, Melody and Ed Harding know about it.

So now, on to the new chapter and sorry that it took me so long.

Chapter 1C

Dur Baba - Afghanistan – Temporary Military Camp of the US Army – 1:30 pm (4:00 am EST)

The jeep came to a rough stop on the loose, rocky ground beneath the tires. Dust covered the lower ground and just disappeared slowly while the heavy doors of the armoured vehicle were opened.

“Everybody out,” the deep voice of Sergeant Humphrey could be heard over the noise of several arriving trucks.

The men in the jeep climbed out one by one, hopping down on the rubble. The dirt under their boots crunched when they walked away to find their next destination.

“Man, I thought we would never arrive,” one of them said, his face pale from the long detouring drive through Afghanistan’s lonely mountains, which was necessary to hide their tracks.

“Shut up, Delany. You’re a pussy,” Kyle Valenti laughed and accepted the huge backpack someone offered him. He checked the little silver dog tag hanging from it and nodded when he was sure he had the right one.

Wind picked up and swirled up the dry sand and dirt, making the whole place look like a deserted town in the middle of nowhere. Though it was winter and the temperatures were cool, there hadn’t been any snow or rain yet. “If there is something I am not gonna miss, it’s the dirt in my crack all time,” he cursed and wiped his face when the gust was over.

Another man snorted at his comment and accepted his own backpack with a nod from the older guy. “I sure as hell won’t miss one damn thing in this country.” They had been here for over five months now and there was nothing to remember besides bleak, lonely mountains and lots, lots, and lots of sand. Well, and some other things that were locked up in a place in his brain where nobody would get in. He placed his pack on the ground in front of him and opened it carefully but also with a slight gesture of haste.

“Can’t even wait until the airport, Guerin?” Valenti teased as he watched his friend. They still had to survive another few hour drive over the frontier of Pakistan on their long way back home.

“Shut up,” Michael snorted while he pushed his sunglasses up on his head to have a better look at the personal things that were all set up in this pack - stuff he hadn’t been able to see or use for a very long time now. His hand finally came into contact with his private cell phone and he pulled it out carefully.

“You have hope that the battery’s still working after all these months?”

He grinned and shoved his hand into his pants pocket, revealing another battery, which he exchanged with the one in the cell. “I’m smart, Valenti. Should know that since I saved your ass last week.”

“Now you’ll always hold that against me, won’t you?” the other man complained, remembering the scene his unit member was talking about. A week ago they had still been hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan, trying to figure out the location of one of the most wanted Taliban commanders. It had been night when a few fighters had located them and if Michael hadn’t had reacted quickly at the time they would both be dead and buried by now. Well maybe not buried.

“Guerin, would you mind getting your ugly ass in the damn Hummer?” the commander of their Special Forces unit said angrily.

“I’m gonna be so happy to get away from him…” Michael muttered and looked at Kyle while he shouldered his backpack. “See you at the airport.” They shook hands and slapped each others backs with a silent nod before each of them walked into different directions to get into the vehicles that would take them to their next destination.

Michael threw his stuff into the Hummer first before he lifted his leg up to enter the vehicle. He stopped in his tracks when a hand came to rest on his shoulder with a firm but not forcible grip. Slowly he turned around again and came face to face with Commander Sullivan. “You guys were successful last week,” he started and focused on the other man’s eyes. “Make sure you enjoy your break at home, it’s been a while.” A break could always mean a bad thing too and he knew it. Especially young men, they tended to focus on the things they had done when they finally had the time to think about it. A few of them never came back after an operation like this.

“We’ll be back,” Michael said, knowing what the commander was thinking.

The other man nodded. “I know.” With that they moved on and Sullivan threw the door closed behind one of his best soldiers.

“Finally getting home, huh?” the driver and only other person in the Hummer said and glanced at the man next to him when the tires started to roll again, making loud crunching sounds. They were driving to the airport in small groups and taking different routes to reduce the losses in case of an attack.

Michael just nodded, not interested in any small talk with a guy he barely knew. He rested his head against the cool window on his side of the vehicle. His lids were heavy after only a short time, but he forced his eyes to stay open. There would be enough time to sleep once they had made it to the airport and onto the plane.


“Welcome to Pakistan,” the driver of the Hummer said excitedly when they passed the frontier.

Michael’s eyes snapped open and a quick check of his internal clock told him that he had lost the battle against sleep about an hour ago. Damn. Time without sleep had just been too long by now.

Pakistan, so they had finally escaped the country, which he was glad not to see again anytime soon. They were on a break and this time it would be more than just a few days – the commander had promised them two full months. He shifted slightly in his seat to reach into his pants pocket and got his cell out. With a quick move he turned it on and pinched in the pin he would never forget. Now that they had reached a different country they were allowed to use private things again and his hands almost shook a bit at the thought of it.

“You’ve got someone waiting for you at home?” the driver asked.

“Don’t think that’s any of your business, man,” Michael grumbled in response. He wasn’t about to share anything with a stranger.

“I’ve got a wife at home,” the other guy went on, ignoring the dismissal. “She had our baby last month.” He stretched his arm out and flapped the sun protection on the passenger’s side down to reveal a photo of a woman and a baby. “My little baby girl,” the guy said proudly and tapped on it with his index finger.

Michael glanced at the picture, tempted to keep ignoring him, but he at least managed to force congratulations out.

“I haven’t even seen our daughter yet. Just know her from the photo.”

“That’s tough I guess.” Would he ever be a Dad? Michael wondered. How could he? His own child would think he was a stranger during the rare times he spent at home. There had been many times he had thought about the future and where his life would lead. Was he ever going to have a family?

“I wouldn’t change my decision though,” Mr. Talkative went on when they stopped at a place where the street became very narrow and awful. He geared down and slowly moved on, the Hummer shaking with each hole they went through. “Those two are the only reasons why I don’t go totally crazy down here. Without them, there wouldn’t be any reason to move on, ya know? To make it to the next break and go home.”

Michael nodded without even realizing it. He knew that feeling all too well - to be honest it was the same with Maria. How many times had he considered just breaking up? He knew she was suffering more from their relationship than that she was getting anything out of it and it made him sick inside. A lot of times he had tried to convince himself that their relationship still made sense, that they could still be happy. But when it came down to reality, he knew there was only one selfish reason why he wasn’t able to do the only sensible thing and break up.

She was his incentive to move on, the closest thing to home he ever had known. Giving her up would mean giving up the only good thing in his life up and without her it wouldn’t really matter if he experienced the next day.

His thoughts were interrupted when the cell in his hand started to buzz. He looked down at it, stunned as his heart hammered against the tight military uniform he was wearing when he saw her name on the display.

He knew she would send him messages now and then and she knew he would most likely never get them. Although it surprised him to actually have a sign of life from her before he had the chance to see her. What if she was breaking up with him? Telling him that she couldn’t go on like this?

“Don’t ya wanna open it up?” the driver asked when he noticed that Michael was just staring at the screen.

“You always stick your nose in other people’s business?” he replied with an angry growl and finally pushed the button to read what she had to say.

Happy New Year. I love you. M.

He almost sighed in relief when realization came and he could be sure that there was no bad news locked up. Her message was only a while ago, he thought and his heartbeat rose at that knowledge. Was she still up?

Carefully, as if a message written too fast would say the wrong thing, he pushed the buttons on his cell to reply to her.

M, I’m coming home.

For a short moment he thought about adding more, but then he just pushed the send button. He would tell her all these things in person as soon as he was at her door. Deliberately he hadn’t given her an exact time, because he didn’t know it. Their flight times were top secret until last minute and it wouldn’t be a direct connection to Boston, so it could still take a few days.

Satisfied, he pushed the cell back in his pants, almost expecting with anticipation that it would buzz again. If she was still up, she would send another message, he was sure of it.

“I hate these streets,” the other guy complained when he had to do another shift to escape the biggest gaps in the street. “We’re driving a Hummer, you’d think that’d make it kinda easy, but this just isn’t normal.”

Michael grabbed the grasp over the door on his side when the vehicle shook badly again. The tires made a spinning sound on the ground, but at least they were still moving slowly. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw a slight flash that was gone before you could even really see it. He turned his head and gazed to the mountains on the left of them, where the little blinking had been coming from.

His whole body tensed up when his eyes focused on an object in the air, that was flying directly towards him. “Fuck.” He knew what it was, he knew where it was going, but there was no time to react.

In a matter of a blink there was an explosion and the Hummer flew up in the air, twisted and turned a few times before it crashed back to the ground again – top first. Fire broke out followed by smaller explosions and a lot of smoke.

Michael coughed weakly when he came around again, not knowing how much time had passed between the attack and now. His lungs hurt with each little breath he took, but he forced himself to continue. While his senses were not cooperating, his trained mind was already running over the options he had. I need to get out, he thought and tried to move, but couldn’t. Was it because of the car or was something wrong with his body?

His eyes opened and closed a few times, but the view was just blurry and it felt like looking through a black tunnel with a bit of light at the end. Was this how death came? he wondered and tried to move his lips. Maybe the guy next to him was still alive and could help. Only then he realized the shrill ringing sound in his ears from the explosion, making it impossible to hear anything else.

Again he tried to move, but it didn’t work. The little bit of blurry light he was seeing when his eyes were open was getting darker with every new breath and he knew this wasn’t a good sign. He was passing out again, leaving his body uncontested to the enemies who had attacked them.

Chapter 1D - Boston – Parker Apartment – 4:45 am

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:26 am
by candysteffi
begonia9508: Yeah the worst did just happen when he was beginning to feel safe. :(

Alien_Friend: Thanks girl! I know, bad cliffie lol. Sorry!

Yep, he will be home before the fic is over. No worries, I can’t keep them apart THIS long.

I know, sorry, my updated take a bit longer these days. Hm, I blame it on busy real life and the holidays. hehe

mary mary: Lol, well I like to mess things up first, then the making up for it will be better. ;)

Natalie36: I know! That must be the worst timing ever!

keepsmiliing7: I am a mean person, I know. Maybe a Liz-centered part can make up for it today? ;)

Helen of Roswell: Whew thank god, I was able to surprise you at least a bit, Mrs Fortune-Teller. ;)

Lol, I like the way you analyse things I write to get to the result, hehe. Yep, see…. Just on your own you figured out it was an attack. (The end of the world has to wait )

OHHH, Candy-Love is pretty alive, lol. No need to worry about that. And we will see more of their background stories in future parts.

Michael experienced a lot of bad things / horrible things in his life so far and the commander is just referring to his experiences that sometimes people didn’t return after going through hell and back.

Oh, it’s prediction time again? Hm… let’s see. Well you are right, we do not follow Michael in this part… about the not Boston thing…. Meeep…. Wrong. Lol. Sorry.

P.S. Nah, as long as you post on both sides I reply at both lol.

Rodney: BOOM! Lol, yep that was pretty much it. I do love those cliffies! ;)

Chapter 1D

- Boston – Parker Apartment – 4:45 am -

Liz fumbled around her bag in search of her keys, while she held two letters from the mailbox between her teeth. Where the hell are you? she thought, frustrated when she didn’t find what she was looking for.

With a frown she let go of her bag and brushed her hands over her jacket, sighing when she suddenly felt something hard in one of the pockets. She pulled the keys out and unlocked the heavy door, shoving it open with her foot to slip inside.

The corridor of the apartment felt warm compared to the low temperatures outside. She didn’t bother to switch the light on, knowing every angle of these four walls since she had grown up here. Her feet hurt like crazy from the ridiculous high pumps Tess had loaned her for the New Years party. She kicked the right one off, continuing the same act with the left when she stumbled over her own feet. “Fuck,” she muttered when she almost lost her balance, making the letters fall to the ground. Again Liz tried to get rid of the other shoe, using the help of both of her hands when it just wouldn’t slip off. “Come on,” her voice could be heard in the dark hallway, followed by a shattering sound when one of her hands reached out to steady herself on the dresser but had found the vase on it instead.

Wincing at the loud sound, she sighed and finally decided it was better to switch the light on before she could hurt her now finally bare feet on the broken fragments. Mom’s gonna kill me, she thought when she realized it had been the huge white vase, which her mother loved so much. “Maybe there’s something to save,” she muttered to herself and crouched down to pick up the shards. Thank God, it only broke in three pieces, so maybe she could glue it again.

After cleaning up the mess, she walked through the hallway on her tiptoes, feeling just a bit ridiculous after the noise she had made. Her hand wrapped around the doorknob of her mother’s bedroom and she opened the door quietly to glance inside. “Did I wake you up?” she asked in a whisper when she saw the figure in the bed shifting when a bit of light fell into the room.

Lucy Parker squeezed her eyes against the light from the hallway. “Are you drunk?”

“What? No!” The girl walked further into the room, leaving the door open just with a small gap. “I just lost balance when I tried to get these damn shoes off.”

Her mother chuckled, knowing that Liz wasn’t a person who drank much or acted unreasonable or irresponsible. “I was up before, so don’t worry.”

“Are you feeling okay?” Liz frowned and crawled up on the empty side of the bed, leaning in to kiss her mother’s cheek. “Happy New Year, Mom.”

“Happy New Year to you too.” Lucy smiled at her, wondering when she had gotten to be such a beautiful woman. “I’m okay, the noise from the street kept me up.”

“Okay,” Liz nodded in relief, thankful that her mother’s condition hadn’t gotten worse lately.

“So tell me about all the cute guys who got their heads turned by you tonight.”

The young woman snorted. “Oh please, Mom,” she got more comfortable on the bed, resting her back against the headboard. “You know there are just bloats at Tess’ party. They think they are all something better with all the money they have and the cars they drive.”

“They can’t be all that bad.”

“Huh-uh, they are Mom, believe me! One of ‘em asked me to go to Paris with him… like immediately tonight. There is no one who really wants to get to know you, it’s just all about fashion and looks.”

Lucy chuckled. “And what does Tess say to this?” The girls were as different as they could be, but somehow they got along and managed to keep their friendship alive.

“You know her, she puts it off. But the fact that she hasn’t has a boyfriend for a long time now just shows that she thinks the same. I think she’s pretty fed up with the upper class she’s living in as well.”

“What about Maria? I haven’t seen her in a while.” Lucy turned to grab the glass of water from her nightstand, taking a small sip when her mouth felt too dry.

“She’s pretty down at the moment. Tess and I try to make her feel better, but it’s getting harder. Michael hasn’t contacted her since November and it’s bothering her a lot.”

“I cam imagine,” her mother nodded sympathetically.

Liz looked out the window for a moment in silence. “Sometimes I really wonder if she shouldn’t finally end this, ya know? But I’m scared to suggest it because I know she would hate me for saying it.” She looked back at her mother. “It’s just…. She is hurting the whole year and there are maybe 5 happy days for them and 360 bad. What’s the point in staying together like this?”

“It’s something only they can answer, Lizzie. If you really honestly love each other, you don’t give the other one up and visa versa. “

“Would you have stayed with Dad this way?” she whispered. “I mean, with different circumstances and all…”

“No doubt,” Lucy nodded and smiled sadly and the memory of her dead husband. “I couldn’t have given your father up, no matter what.”

Liz stayed silent and just nodded, trying to imagine how it would be to miss the man you love more than you really can be with him.

“One day some pretty boy will get in there,” Lucy pointed at her daughter’s heart with a smirk. “And then you will know what I mean.”

She hadn’t been in love. Never. Maybe her expectations were just too high or maybe the circumstances in her life hadn’t let her yet. Either way, she was longing for someone who cared enough to stay despite the circumstances she was living in. Her mind immediately flashed to HIM - the nameless man she had been talking to for quite a while now. Was it stupid to see something in a person she hadn’t even met before? Oh yeah, she thought bitterly, it was stupid just like Tess had said.

Lucy’s eyes were slowly falling closed every now and then and Liz leaned in to kiss her cheek again. “Good night, Mom.” She crawled off of the bed again and walked out of the room as quietly as possible to go to her own four walls.

She crossed in darkness and just switched on the small lamp on her nightstand. It took almost two seconds until the old thing managed to illuminate the small room. “What a mess,” she mumbled when she saw how she had left it earlier this evening. Clothes were spread all over the bed and floor and makeup was spilled on the carpet in front of the huge mirror on the wall. With a quick move she managed to grab most of the clothes on the bed and instead of putting them back in the closet like normal she just threw them to the floor.

Her laptop was suddenly exposed when the dresses were gone and she frowned when she saw it was still turned on. Must have forgotten it earlier, she thought and was about to shut it down when she saw the small blinking envelope in the right corner of the display. She couldn’t help the small twist her stomach made when she opened the message up and read it.

E-X-A-M: Hey party-girl, got home safe?

She leaned over the bed slightly without sitting down and typed in a quick message as well.

BostonGirl: Just got back home. Still in one piece.

Liz turned to her desk again and pulled the zipper of her dress down to step out of it, throwing it over the backrest of the chair in front of it. She reached for her night shirt on the floor and pulled it over her head. The soft fabric fell over her upper body and ended high on her slim thighs. He’s probably already in bed by now, she thought when he didn’t reply immediately and went to the small bathroom, which was connected to hers and her mother’s room.


She came back to her room after brushing her teeth and getting rid of the makeup on her face. Her feet still hurt from the shoes and there were even tiny red spots on her toes – I am never gonna wear those high heels again, she swore to herself.

With a loud sigh she fell on her bed, glad for the soft mattress under her. It had been a long night full of drinks, loud music and drama. Okay, it hadn’t been too bad in the end, but she would never tell Tess… she would get an ego-boost out of it and then she would hear the I-told-you-so hymn for at least a week.

A quiet bubbling sound announced a new arriving message and she turned her laptop towards her in surprise.

E-X-A-M: WOW, must have been a helluva party if ya still up by now.

BostonGirl: I wish. Main reason I stayed so long was because of my friend’s sad mood.

E-X-A-M: The one with the boyfriend who’s never there?

BostonGirl: Yep. Oh, Happy New Year, by the way. ;)

E-X-A-M: Lol, thanks. But we did say that before…. Remember? When you were on your phone, complaining about rich people and some jerk who invited you to Paris. *snort*

BostonGirl: OH, right! Sorry, I totally forgot about it was already after midnight. How was your party?

E-X-A-M: As boring as expected. There is really nothing to mention… soooo not worth one word.

BostonGirl: Ah come on, there must have been at least a few ok-people to hang out with?!

E-X-A-M: Not really.

Why did he always avoid talking about stuff he had done? she wondered. He knew so much about her… her friends… her family situation… but she knew absolutely nothing about him. Tess’ words came back to her mind and she bit her lip while she considered what to write next.

E-X-A-M: You must be tired, huh? You should sleep, Liz.

BostonGirl: Can I ask you something?

She had to find out more about him, either that or he really was a psycho like Tess had suggested.

His answer took longer than normal, but it came before she could write something else.

E-X-A-M: Sure.

BostonGirl: What’s your real name?


BostonGirl: I mean, you know mine so it’s only fair that you tell me yours, right?

E-X-A-M: William.

E-X-A-M: Stupid, huh?

BostonGirl: It’s not stupid!

BostonGirl: Just a bit old fashioned. LOL

E-X-A-M: Well, thanks!

BostonGirl: Ah, come on! … Can I call you Willi?

E-X-A-M: :twisted:

Liz giggled slightly. Okay well the name was not really modern, but who cared? At least now she had a name.

BostonGirl: I’ll call you just W. :lol: Tess likes to call people by their first initial, so I’m gonna do that with you now.

E-X-A-M: Thought you didn’t agree with the way she addresses people, ;), L.

BostonGirl: Alright, back to Willi then.

E-X-A-M: *sigh*

Liz thought about asking him some other private thing, but what? His profile page said he lived in Washington and was 20.

E-X-A-M: I need to leave, sorry. Meet me tonight?

She frowned when he had to go all of a sudden. What could someone do at this time of the day? Hmm, well in case he really lived in Washington. Or he could live in a totally different time zone….

BostonGirl: Ok

E-X-A-M: Sorry.

BostonGirl: Nothing to be sorry about. Good night, Willi. ;)

E-X-A-M: Grrrr. Alright, ya know payback’s a bitch! Good night for now, browny.

She rolled her eyes at the nickname he had given her after he had seen the picture of her with long brown hair that was online at the university hotline. Another thing he knew more about her, she realized. While he had already seen a photo of her, she didn’t even know the color of his hair or eyes.

Liz shut her laptop down and placed it aside before she got comfortable in her bed. She stretched her arm out as much as possible to reach the small lamp on her nightstand. With a small clicking sound the light was switched off, leaving her and her thoughts in complete darkness.

Chapter 1E - Washington DC – Evans Residence – 5:30 am

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:13 am
by candysteffi
pandas2001: Liz should definitely be careful with the information she shares over the internet as long as she doesn’t know who is on the other end.

Rodney: Well, she’s thinking different about relationships. ;)

begonia9508: Yeah snobbish parties are really no fun at all.

No William? Lol, we will see…

Alien_Friend: Yeah, Liz should definitely be careful with her information. Who knows if she can trust “William”, huh? ;)

What’s wrong with Lucy will be explained later. ;) Thanks!

mary mary: Willi? Lol

My Christmas was nice, thanks. Hope yours too!

keepsmiling7: Yeah, those snobbish parties are not really fun at all.

William? Who knows… ;)

Yeah nobody wants to be in Michael’s place now.

behrlyliz: Hm…. who knows. Lol. Thanks!

Helen of Roswell: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU TOO! ,)

Yeah, I like Tess too and in AU fics she should always get a chance IMO. ;)

Lol, don’t worry, every fortune teller needs a bit practice and is wrong now and then.

You are right, Liz shouldn’t share too much details about her personal life as long she’s not knowing who is on the other end. So how is Mr. Mysterious? Hm, I won’t share yet, but there will be light in the darkness pretty soon, hehe.

Liz was referring to Washington DC here, so it would be the same time zone as Boston. ;)

There is definitely something wrong with Lucy, we will see more later…. Again I know, lol. Don’t worry about Liz, she will keep her friends around for support and they are not going anywhere. ;)

The fact about the money you brought up is pretty interesting and yep… it will make a difference in times like these and it will also be a piece of the puzzle in this fic.

LOL, Ms. Fortune-Teller, we will see now how good your skills are and if you were right with your predictions again. Nice way of trying to figure out what will be the next stop, btw. Hehe

Chapter 1E

- Washington DC – Evans Residence – 5:30 am -

Isabel giggled when she opened the door to the house where her family lived. She poked her head inside and glanced around the hallway to make sure no one was up. When everything seemed quiet, she turned around to meet the eyes of her date from the night. “Guess it’s time to say goodbye, I need my beauty sleep.” Her hand trailed over the strong chest of the man in front of her.

“Good night, Isabel,” he replied, his eyes following her movement.

“Will I see you later?” she asked, amused.

He smirked back at her, showing off his little dimples on his normally hard and closed up face. “Hardly inevitable.”

“I take that as a compliment,” she breathed against his lips and slipped inside quickly, leaving the man on the other side of the door hot and cold.

Isabel smiled to herself and walked further into the house, the heels of her shoes striking the parquet floor and echoing along the walls as she walked through the hallway. With a slight effort of muscle power, she shoved the double doors open, not surprised to see her brother still sitting in the living room they both shared.

Max Evans looked up just after closing his lap top and met the sparkling eyes of his twin. “Isabel.”

“Max,” she lifted her eyebrows. “I see you’ve partied wildly all night.”

“Did you enjoy your night of a …” he made quotation marks in the air, “wild party in that house?”

She rolled her eyes. “Better than hiding in a room to talk to a cyber friend who’s probably a) a gay guy, b) a very lonely, very ugly woman or c)… Well I can’t think of c right now, but I think a and b are weird enough.” Isabel shook her head while she got rid of her high heels. “Max, when will you finally wake up? This chatting is going nowhere.”

He got up and walked to the window, staring outside while his hands rested in his pants pockets. “Maybe when our father decides that I can have a life outside these walls.”

“You sound like he’s locked you up in here and you know that isn’t true.”

“No?” He looked at her. “Isabel we live in a damn prison.”

“We do not” she denied.

He snorted. “Feels like it.”

Isabel rolled her eyes at her brother’s dramatic statement and his ever-growing hatred for his current life and the wish for more freedom. “Well, you think Dad would be willing to give you more freedom if he knew that you’re sharing personal information to a stranger in a chatroom?”

“I’m not sharing personal information. Nothing important anyway,” he ran his hand through his hair and leaned against the wall next to the window.

“Still, he’d flip out.”

Max laughed and walked over to her. “You think he would be fine with the fact that you’re flirting with Dan?”

“It’s just harmless flirting,” Isabel shrugged.

“I doubt he’d see it that way,” he denied and hugged her. “Happy New Year, sis.”

“Yeah, you too,” she returned the hug.

“If Dad knew about you and Dan he’d fire him. You really wanna risk that man’s job?”

“Unless you tell him, he won’t know about it,” she poked her finger into his chest. “And you won’t tell him, because then I would tell him about your little cyber friend.”

“Heartless,” he shook his head, but smirked. “That’s the only word I have for you.”

“Thanks,” she told him. “That’s the image I was looking for. I’ve heard rumours in college that they call me the Ice Queen.”

“Oh, I have no doubt that it’s true,” Max chuckled and grabbed his laptop from the coffee table in front of the couch.

“Leave that woman alone now,” Isabel rolled her eyes. “Well, if she’s a woman at all. That’s it!”

“Shut up,” he grumbled. “And just so you know, I’m heading to bed now.”

“Uh-huh,” she said skeptically while she started to walk in the direction of her bedroom.

“It’s true, I….” Max sighed. “Ya know what, I don’t care what you think, Ms. Ice Princess.”

“Queen!” she corrected him.

“Whatever. Good night,” he walked into the room and closed the door behind him, placing his laptop on his desk and staring down at it for a moment.

Her questions are getting personal, he thought. Of course they’re getting personal. You spend months talking about nonsense and you know a lot about her while she knows practically nothing about you. No wonder she’s starting to worry. How much longer would she talk to him until she finally gave him the pass for not sharing anything with her? If she knew they had met before….


Max’ head snapped up from the biology book he was reading when he heard the laugher. A laugh so refreshing and honest that it had should’ve caught everyone’s attention and yet he seemed to be the only one who noticed it.

His eyes searched the cafeteria of the University of Washington, trying to pinpoint the person the voice belonged to.

Liz Parker laughed at something her friend on the other end of the cell had said. “Maria, you are insane, ya know?” She shook her head in amusement and continued on her way to the counter where the food was set up for lunch.

“Where are you going?” one of the men sitting next to Max said when he got up from his seat after locating the girl with the sexy laugh. Her smile was even more beautiful he had decided.

“Just getting a drink,” he told him carelessly and quickly left, heading in the direction of the girl with the long brown hair. He had no clue what he was going to say or do. He stopped right behind her, considering what to do when she suddenly offered him the perfect moment.

Liz put her cell back after Maria had hung up. She opened her bag to push it inside when her arm accidently swept over the counter and swiped a stack of napkins, knocking them to the floor. “Damn,” she muttered to herself and bent down, only to accidently bump her ass into the person behind her. Quickly she whirled around to mumble off an apology when she recognized who she had bumped into. Her eyes widened and the words she wanted to say were stuck in her throat.


His head lifted to the cabinet over his desk and he stared into his own eyes that were reflected in the glass door. His face looked darker than normal, probably because he hadn’t shaved in three days. A small grin appeared on his lips when he thought about the pissed off face of his father when he had appeared with that look at the New Years party. The meeting with Liz that day had been short, but from that point on his life had changed and he suddenly wanted more out of it.

A few days later he had found her profile at a community site of the university and they had started to talk day and night. He had learned that she only had been in Washington DC for an exam and that she was taking online classes most of the time because her mother was sick and needed a lot of help. She had a tough life but she was still trying to make the best of it and enjoyed every minute of it. He admired her way of thinking, her brave attitude and the sense of humor she had. The only problem was that she didn’t know who he was...

The grumbling of his stomach brought him back to the present. He hadn’t eaten anything at the party so he decided that now was the best time to take a look at the refrigerator. Miss Murray had probably already put all the leftovers safely away and at this time he could eat in peace and without company.

He left his room barefooted again and walked down the corridor of the building to the main kitchen, switching on the light above the counter in the middle of the room. A slow grin escaped when he opened the large double door refrigerator and his eyes roamed over the various kinds of food and cake in it.

After taking a few moments to decide what to eat, he pulled the chocolate butter-crème cake out and placed it on the island at the center of the kitchen. He walked around it to get a fork out of the drawer after opening four different ones.

“Four people use this kitchen, but we’ve got silverware for four hundred,” he muttered to himself and slipped onto one of the barstools in front of his cake. Liz would just love to see that he was one of the rich snobs she tried to avoid.

“Grumbling about your unfair life again?” Philip Evans asked when he entered the kitchen, fully dressed in a suit.

So much for eating in comfortable silence, Max thought bitterly. “What’re you doin’ up already?” he asked, happily ignoring his father’s question.

“Work,” he explained shortly. “I have a meeting in my office in a few minutes.”

Max swallowed down his piece of cake while watching his Dad. “On New Years? This early in the morning?”

His father walked to the cabinet and got a glass out, filling it with water from the refrigerator. He took a sip of it and looked at his son. “Some things in the world don’t care about what time it is.”

The younger man had to control he urge to roll his eyes at that and stared at his cake wordlessly while his father moved around the kitchen a few minutes longer.

Philip looked at his quiet son before he left it again – heading down the long half-dark corridor to his office. He pushed the heavy door open and walked inside. “Good morning, Ed,” he greeted the Secretary of Defense, who had just arrived at his residence.

“Philip,” the other man nodded at his boss and friend and stood up to shake his hand.

Two other tall, silent men in suits stood against the wall next to the door, hands crossed in front of their bodies while they kept their eyes straight ahead. Philip Evans took a seat at the head of the table and waved his hand. “Leave us alone.”

One of the men nodded and opened the door to go out. “Yes Sir, Mr. President.”

Chapter 1F - Washington DC – The White House – 8:00 am

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:43 am
by candysteffi
Alien_Friend: Lol, I am glad I could surprise you with Max’ identity.

Thanks girl! And I know it took long again, but here is the next uppy.

nibbles2: Hey! No worries, the fic is still in the beginning! Thanks.

keepsmiling7: Thanks!

Natalie36: You will find out sooner or later. ;)

Helen of Roswell: Lol, you are smart girl, no doubt. ;) It’s true, even through this is an AU fic, I wanted the characters a bit like the original. So Max/Isabel are the kids of the president, Tess the daughter of the Secretary of D. and Michael is the soldier. ;)
It flows well, sounds "pretty" (poetry again ) and it's interesting
enough for me to take notice. It's NOT just words put together to
tell a story... it's... words that are... ALIVE.... if that makes sense?

You sure you aren't a poet? Maybe written some poetry in the past?
Aw, thank you so much. Lol, I don’t think I am a poet, but uh well… maybe I should try? ;)
'Cause I've taken notice of your word choice and sentence
structure before (with SoNY) and you have a certain
fluidity in your writing that I like.... A LOT.

Sometimes, it's subtle and fleeting, and other times... like
now... it pops out at you and is easily noticed.
Again, thanks so much! I am trying to improve my writing stile with each new fic and well I have an amazing beta reader + an amazing companion-writer for the DT fics, who teaches me a lot. ;)
You know... it's kind of strange, but when I first read Max's
revelation of that day, I automatically thought of the book,
Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse.
I don’t know it, but yeah what you described has definitely similarities to the M&L storyline. ;)

Well girl, your prediction is not all right, but you got the right direction, lol.

Thanks Helen!

begonia9508: Yup, that’s right. Philip Evans wants to protect his family.

mary mary: Lol, thanks. Glad you like it.

Rodney: Yay, I did surprise Rodney, lol.

Yep, Isabel is playing with fire.

Chapter 1F

- Washington DC – The White House – 8:00 am -

Philip Evans looked down at the small file his truest friend and right-hand man Ed Harding had handed over to him a while ago while they waited for the other men to arrive.

He glanced up when Richard Mason, Vice President of the United States coughed nervously for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last few minutes. The grey-haired man tugged on the collar of the suit he was wearing and straightened when he noticed the glances he was getting. “I really think you should tell me the news already.”

Philip and Ed exchanged a short glance. “We’ll start in a few minutes, Mr. Vice President,” Ed said and listened up when the little speaker in the middle of the large table in the Oval Office crackled and a female voice was to be heard. “Mr. Cole and Mr. Blair have arrived, Sir.”

Philip reached over the table and pushed a button. “Tell them to come in.” He leaned back in his comfortable leather swivel chair again and kicked the leg with his foot just enough to make it turn a bit until he was able to look out of the window behind him. It would still take a few moments before the men got there, he thought and prepared for his speech, that would probably change all their lives. “Is everything ready with the connection to Arizona?”

“Sure. Mr. Whitman and Ms. Davis awaiting our call,” Ed nodded.

“Good,” Philip said and stood up when the door was opened by one of the secret service agents. “Your guests, Mr. President.”

“Thanks,” he nodded and walked over, surprised to see not only George Cole, the Joint Chief of Staff and the National Security Advisor Charles Blair, but also the head of NASA Greg Shepherd.

“Mr. Shepherd, I thought you weren’t available within the next few hours.”

The man chuckled deeply and squeezed his hand with a tight grip. “You know work finds me everywhere, Mr. President.”

“George,” Philip nodded to greet the Chief of Staff, before he made an inviting gesture to Mr. Blair.

“The NSA, the Secretary of Defense and the head of NASA,” Mason frowned while he shook the other men’s hands. “Now I’m getting a bit nervous here.”

The door was closed and within seconds an uncomfortable silence settled over the room. Philips Evans walked back to take his seat at the head of the table, glancing around at a few of the most important and influential men in his country. “First off, Happy New Year to everyone and thank you for squeezing in the time. I know today is New Years Day and most of us had different plans, but sometimes things just can’t wait.”

“This better be a hell of a good reason,” Cole said and rubbed his eyes tiredly. His plans had definitely been different and more pleasant as well.

The president looked at Ed. “Mr. Harding will tell us the reason why you are here now.” He nodded at his friend and leaned back slightly.

A phone ringing could be heard and almost everyone at the table checked the inner pocket of their suit coat immediately. Charles Blair finally pulled his cell out and turned the ringer off with a slight touch of nervousness in his moves. “Sorry,” he smiled almost embarrassed. “What can I say? My wife was not pleased about my sudden departure.”

A few understanding chuckles went through the room while Ed got out of his chair to walk over to the window. He waited another few moments to make sure he had their undivided attention, his gaze slipping over the still dark sky outside. “At 3:15 this morning I got a call from Alex Whitman,” he started.

“Whitman,” Shepherd muttered to himself and then looked up when he noticed the other men’s gazes. “His name sounds familiar.”

Mr. Harding smiled. “It should, Greg. He’s one of your employees. His father was involved with the last Mars expedition.” His gaze wandered over the others again as he explained. “Alex Whitman works at Mount Graham International Observatory in Arizona.” He walked over to the table again, placing both of his hands on it. “Around midnight, he and his co-worker detected an object in outer space and,” he took a deep breath and checked on the president quickly before continuing. “Based on what we know now, it’s a potential threat.”

Silence filled the room for seconds – but felt like hours. The tension and discomfort of everyone was palpable. Blair couldn’t help but think it would be possible to hear a pin drop at that very moment. “How potential is that threat?” he asked.

“We have good reason to think the asteroid will hit earth,” Philip said before Ed could answer. He motioned for his friend to sit down again and leaned on the table, his lower arms taking most of his weight. “There is very little information right now, but we will have Mr. Whitman and Ms. Davis on the screen for a video conference.” His index finger pressed a button on the phone again. “We’re ready for the live circuit to Arizona.”

“Okay Sir,” the female voice crackled again and a moment later there was a clicking in the line and the TV monitor at the other end of the table came to life. It flickered a few times before suddenly a poor quality video of two people sitting in what seemed like a sterile room appeared.

Alex and Melody could be seen as they talked to each other. Their bodies straightened when they realized the video conference was starting.

“Mr. Whitman, Ms. Davis,” the president started. “Good morning.”

“Good morning, Mr. President,” Alex greeted back with a slight nod, his nervousness easily notable by his body language.

“Hello, Mr. President,” Melody nodded as well.

“Well, the morning could definitely be better,” Philip said, but tried to smile politely. He was tired and unprepared for something like this as the first news of a new year, but he knew that being professional was the only option. “I would like to introduce you to the men around here. Mr. Harding the secretary of Defense,” he started, pointing to his left.

“Hello Sir,” Alex said.

“Vice President Richard Mason, Mr. Blair from the NSA, Joint Chief of Staff Mr. Cole,” Philip continued in line, while everyone murmured their greeting. “And you probably know Mr. Shepherd from NASA.”

“Of course,” the younger man smiled. “Sir, I wish we were meeting for the first time under better circumstances.”

Greg just nodded dumbly and lifted a hand in greeting. He didn’t know much about the boy, but from what he had heard he excelled at the work he did.

Melody was sitting next to Alex in silence, watching the scene more than participating in it. She was glad her co-worker had agreed to take the lead because she really was too nervous.

“Mr. Whitman, please give us some insight into the information we currently have about the asteroid,” the president said politely, but his voice made it clear it was an order.

The man on the screen looked down at the paper he was holding. “It’s too early to have reliable and accurate information at this point, but our first calculations show the asteroid is now somewhere between Mars and Jupiter.” He looked back into the camera. “Maybe 300. Million miles from earth.”

“What about its mass, size, density?” Shepherd interrupted.

“We think right now the asteroid is bigger than Mars, but it could be that its density is meager. Big tail, maybe hard core though.”

“Direction?” his boss pressed, living up his reputation as the most impatient person.

“According to the computer right now we have an 80 percent chance percent that it will cross the earth’s orbit.”

Again there was silence while everyone let the news sink in. “How good are the chances that this thing will change direction?” Cole asked with a frown.

“Right now it’s pretty unpredictable, Sir,” Alex explained. “Whenever we make a new calculation the dates change a bit. We don’t know much about its structure yet. It will be influenced by passing other asteroids and planet’s gravity. There is also a chance that it could get hit by something and split up or that its mass will decease fast.” He sighed, wishing the information he was giving could be more exact.

“Could also go the other way,” Shepherd said.

Alex nodded. “Sure, Sir! It’s still on a long journey to earth. A lot of factors can affect its direction and size.”

“So to sum it up, we don’t know anything right now. Could be our end or not,” Blair said dryly but everyone knew he was just trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation… and the defenselessness mankind could be facing.

“I’m sorry there isn’t exact information right now, Sir.”

“Can you give us a timeframe when the asteroid is possibly coming into Earth’s orbit, Mr. Whitman?” the president asked.

“As with its direction, the speed can change as well, Sir. So being very speculative and giving it my best guess, I would say November this year to February next year.”

“That soon?” Mason asked, enraged. “And we’re just detecting this now?”

Alex coughed slightly and got a bit calmer when he saw the slight encouraging nod from Shepherd on the screen in front of him. “Outer space is big and even if we constantly watch, we are only able to observe a small percentage of it, Sir. From the way we see it, we should be happy to have found it ALREADY.”

The other man snorted at that, but didn’t respond anymore, while the rest of the people in the room fell silent for a moment as well.

“Okay, let’s ask the most important question,” Blair decided and stared at the screen with a serious face. “How bad will it be if the worst case happens and this thing hits us? What happens after?”

Shepherd bit his lip before he could laugh in the other man’s face and left the speaking to the younger man in Arizona, who was just looking into the camera stunned.

Alex shook himself slightly and reminded himself that not everyone had the same knowledge about astronomy as he did. “If an asteroid of this size comes into our orbit, I don’t think we have to worry about an AFTER anymore, Sir. It will literary destroy earth and every creature on it. We would just disappear.” He didn’t know how to explain it any better, but really, how would you explain the end of world anyway?

Blair looked at the screen with wide eyes and swallowed hard. His mouth dropped open when he wanted to say something, but there was nothing more than a grunt.

“We’re talking about a global killer if an asteroid has a diameter larger than half a mile,” Alex continued. “That’s a ‘could be’ though. An asteroid as large as this,” he gestured behind him to the latest image capture of outer space, “would definitely be the end.”

“Chances are still good that it’ll change direction or split up,” Shepherd said, trying to take some of the tension out of the situation.

“That’s true, Sir,” Alex agreed. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and it’ll pass us or it’ll just hit us with small meteorites that won’t destroy everything.”

Philip took the file of the young man on the screen in his hands and looked over it. “What would happen if we got hit by smaller asteroids, Mr. Whitman?”

“Depends on the size and the quantity, Mr. President,” he started and picked at the shirt he was wearing. If it hits a continent, there would be a huge crater – maybe miles of total destruction and the blast would be gigantic. Dust clouds would shade the sky for months, maybe years, depending on the size. This would lead to something like a nuclear winter, dramatic climate change, and toxic rain to just enumerate a few long-term effects.”

“And if it hits the ocean?” Blair asked, a bit hopeful. “I mean chances are pretty high, right?”

“That’s true, but the effects would be just as huge. Instead of gigantic blasts we would have Tsunami’s – hundreds of feet high. They would cause flooding beyond just the coastal regions.”

“We’re screwed, water or land,” Mason muttered.

“It probably won’t eliminate mankind,” Alex guessed, “but the losses would be huge and life after wouldn’t be the same. Volcanic activity could increase from the impacts as well.”

The president stood up and walked over to his desk, placing the young man’s file on it. “What can we do to prevent this, Mr. Whitman?”

Melody and Alex exchanged helpless looks before they returned their gazes to the screen again. “I’m not the right person to ask, Sir. Looking at it from the astronomical side, there isn’t much we can do, but I’m not an expert in weapons and defense mechanisms.” He looked at his boss. “I know NASA addressed this issue in former studies and tried to find solutions for cases like this, but I have no insight into the results, Sir.”

Philip nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Whitman. I think that’s all for now.” He tapped his index finger against the file. “Just one more thing. I know you have no family in Arizona, so I’ll send someone to pick you up so you can do further research from Washington DC.”

Alex looked surprised. “With all due respect, Sir, I think the possibilities of research are much better here in Arizona. We have the most capable computer and….”

“And with all due respect to you, Mr. Whitman,” the president interrupted just a bit amused, “I think you have no clue what our possibilities here are.” He looked at the only woman in the conference. “Ms. Davis will provide you with all necessary information from the Observatory.”

“Sure, Sir,” he nodded, not pleased to leave his current place.

“Someone will contact you within the next hours, Mr. Whitman. Thank you for your time and I’m looking forward to meeting you in person.”

“Thank you, Mr. President”, Alex nodded and his chest swelled up a bit. “It’ll be my honor to meet you.”

“Goodbye, Ms. Davis,” Philip raised his hand and a moment later the screen went black. He walked over to the oval table again and stared into the round of shocked and confused men. “I think we all need a little time now to let this sink in. I’ll let you know soon about the next meeting, pointless to say that this information won’t leave the room.”

His gaze wandered over each of them. “Mr. Shepherd, we need insight in former studies NASA did about cases like this. Mr. Harding, I need a list of weapons specialists, and I mean every kind. Nuclear, rockets, bombs…. in prison or not. Get me the best.”

Ed nodded. “Sure.”

“Mr. Cole, we need the best geologists and astronomers. People who will be able to create different scenarios of what Mr. Whitman has just described.”


“And Mr. Blair, I’m making it your job to keep this information secret. If something leaks to public, it’s your task to make sure they think it’s a lie. We don’t need a panic.”


Everyone was getting out of their seats, ready to leave the room with a heavy weight on their shoulders. “Ed, Richard. Would you two stay a moment longer?” Philip asked the two men while he said goodbye to the others and waited until they had left the room.

He walked back to the table and took a seat again, breathing in deeply to say what was on his mind when the phone cracked. “Mr. President, there’s a call from Commander Sullivan in Afghanistan for you on the other line.”

“Not yet,” he said dismissingly.

“It sounds important,” she didn’t give up immediately.

Ed nodded while worry crept through his features. “Sullivan is the commander of Special Unit ASCT. He wouldn’t call if it wasn’t.”

Philip sighed. “Alright, put him on the screen, Desiré.”

“Of course, Sir,” again there was a clicking and the screen twitched again, forming into even worse video than before.

Commander Sullivan could be seen, his forehead covered with deep folds. He looks older than usual, Ed thought. “Commander Sullivan. Good morning.”

“Mr. President, Mr. Harding,” the man said with his deep voice, which was distorted through the line.

“What’s the reason for your call?”

Sullivan looked at the little camera in front of him while he tried to ignore the noise outside. “One of our returning convoys came under attack around 5:00 am EST.”

Ed sank deeper in his seat, his face getting pale. “Losses?”

“There were only two men in the hummer. We found the driver dead in the car.”

“And the other?” the president asked with a frown when the commander just mentioned one man.

“He wasn’t there when we arrived on scene, Mr. President.”

“Do you think the man was able to get to a safe place?” the secretary asked hopefully.

“We don’t know.” Sullivan ran a hand through his hair. “We found a lot of blood and tracks of another vehicle at the site, so we have to consider the possibility that someone’s taken our other man hostage, Sir.”


Chapter 1G - Dur Baba - Afghanistan – Temporary Military Cam

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:18 pm
by candysteffi
mary mary: Yeah, admittedly the situation in pretty f*** up right now, lol.

nibbles2: It’s true, without any cooperation with other states / countries this won’t stay a secret for long.

Yeah, Michael is just a very little star in the sky, but not for us Candies. ;)

keepsmiling7: Thanks!
Would this be due to arrive on December 21, 2012 by any chance???
Hm, maybe. ;)

You will get some answers today!

Alien_Friend: Lol thanks, I was hoping it would come across like that, because honestly, that’s the only experience in politics I have, lol.

We will find out a tiny bit more about Michael today.

Rodney: Lol, well I could say I am sorry, but I’m not. :p

And here comes the next uplifting uppy. ;)

begonia9508: Yeah, sadly this could be true on day. Ungh.

Chapter 1G

- Dur Baba - Afghanistan – Temporary Military Camp of the US Army – 6:45 pm (9:15 am EST) -

Sullivan rubbed his face tiredly while he stared into the camera in front of him. He could hear a car arriving outside, the gravel under the big tires cracked when it came to a stop. Doors were slammed and heavy boots were heard on the ground as they made their way towards the little shack he was sitting in.

“You can’t go in there now,” a deep male voice said outside.

“I don’t care, I need to talk to the commander,” another voice replied vigorously.

“Not yet. The commander is talking to someone…”

“I don’t give a fuck about that, I….”

“Sorry, but you can’t go in.” Yelling and shoving was to be heard, but after a few moments the voices faded.

“Davis, Brody,” Ed Harding read out loud and Sullivan forced his eyes back to the little screen in front of him, watching as the Secretary of Defense browsed through the file.

“He’s the driver who died in the car,” Sullivan explained. “He just became a father and hadn’t even seen his kid.”

“We will contact his family in a few hours,” Ed said and wrote down a few notes about the contact persons from the file before closing it and opening the next one that Desiré had already collected after talking to Sullivan first.

His features fell and his face turned even paler when he recognized the name of the second solider involved. “Guerin, Michael.”

“Do you know him?” Philip Evans asked his friend when he noticed the unusual reaction.

“He’s the boyfriend of my daughter’s best friend. She’s registered as his contact person in case of injury or death.”

“Good man,” Sullivan added. “One of my best men out there.”

Philip reached over and took the file out of Ed’s hands to look at it on his own. “A lot of orders ,” he noticed, going through the operations the boy had already been on in his still young life.

“Men like him risked their life more than once,” Sullivan agreed, knowing what was coming next. He didn’t want to hear it, wished it wasn’t part of their mission down here.

The president glanced at Ed Harding with a serious look. “We don’t tell Ms. DeLuca yet. We don’t know if he’s dead or injured, so for now we go with standard protocol. If we don’t hear anything from him in the next eight weeks, he will be declared dead.”

Sullivan swallowed hard, but kept his face straight. “I’ve got one willing man to…”

“No rescues,” Philip looked into the camera, his glance left no room for contradictions. “He’s on his own out there.”

Ed bit his lip, knowing that he couldn’t change the rules just because his family was kind of personally involved in this case.

“Those men have signed the conditions for this job.” The president pointed at a paper in the file. “They know if something like this happens, nobody will come for them because for the world their unit doesn’t even exist.”

“I am just sending one man…” Sullivan tried.

“No, Commander,” Philip denied. “We are not risking anyone. You and me, we both know how low the chances are Mr. Guerin is still alive and a rescue team would just mean more people we would lose.”

“We also both know how much everyone is interested in saving him,” Sullivan growled, “this has nothing to do with risking other people’s lives.”

“I can imagine your distress, Commander Sullivan,” the president said calmly, “you are out with those men everyday and I am not saying that you have no right to feel the need to save him, but they all knew the rules before they came to this unit of their free will.” Philip glanced back down at the file and browsed to the last page.

Sullivan snorted. “Of their free will, alright.”

“You don’t think so?” the president asked a bit surprised.

The commander stared into the camera in front of him with a hard expression, wondering if the man on the other end really believed this or if he was just playing games. “Most of my men are just here because the other option would have been prison and some people thought letting them rot in the boondocks would be a lot cheaper.”

Ed made a sign to his friend at the other end of the table to stay calm. He knew Sullivan and his reactions to cases like this. Nevertheless he was the heart of their secret operation in Afghanistan and they all knew they needed him.

“Nobody but themselves are responsible for their criminal records,” Philip said calmly.

Sullivan leaned closer to the camera, while his eyes kept staring into it. “I know the records of my soldiers as well, Sir, and with all due respect in my world defending yourself when your father beats the shit outta you doesn’t count as bodily harm.”

“Chris,” Ed Harding addressed the other man by his first name. “I know Mr. Guerin and I have spent some time with him on a few occasions as well. He’s a good boy and I agree that he was just raised by the wrong people in the wrong surroundings. If we could to anything about this situation, we would, but our personal involvement doesn’t justify a divergence from our normal procedure.”

The commander knew that everything said was correct and there was nothing he could say or do to change the decisions of people in the government. He leaned back again slightly and calmed his breathing. “I will keep you up to date in case we hear anything about Guerin.” He ran his hand over his face again before he looked back into the camera. “I am praying we don’t find a video of him on Al Jazeera or You Tube within the next few days.”

Ed and the president exchanged a serious glance, knowing that the possibility existed. “Me too, Chris,” the Secretary of Defense said honestly with a nod.


“What happened with Guerin?” Kyle rose to his feet again as soon at the door of the little shack opened and the commander stepped outside. He walked towards the older man with long determined strides.

“Valenti,” Sullivan frowned at him. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on your way home?”

The younger man snorted. “Yeah, so should my friend. What happened?”

“Sorry Commander,” another man approached them, who introduced himself as the driver of Kyle’s hummer. “This man threatened me with a gun to drive him back, Sir,” he said accusingly.

Sullivan ignored him and turned to Kyle. “His hummer was attacked. We don’t know who it was, but it seems like he’s been taken hostage.”

“W-what?” The younger man took a step backwards. He had hoped that there was just a problem with the car or something when his friend had never arrived at the airport on time.

“Sir, I was attacked by this man,” the other driver tried again, appealing to the commander’s sense of justice.

“You are alive, aren’t you?” Sullivan said and walked further away, knowing that the soldier’s actions were just a reaction to Guerin going missing. He wouldn’t have really hurt the other man.

“What are we doin’ now`?” Kyle asked, keeping up with his commander’s fast pace towards a hummer.

They stopped abruptly and looked at each other. “What do you think we’re doin’?”

Kyle frowned while his brain tried to make sense of the situation. “You’re leaving him on his own after everything he’s done for you?”

“He didn’t do those things for ME,” Chris said. “He did that for his country.” He began to walk again.

“Fine, but we know who attacked them,” the other man followed him again, his voice furious and angry. “You know what they’ll do to him if we don’t go and find him.”

Sullivan stopped a second time and stared at his soldier. “You know the conditions you all signed. I just talked to the president and the Secretary of Defense. There will be NO rescue, we can just hope he makes it back on his own.” He could see the devastation on the boys’ face, knowing he and Guerin had been friends already before they came to the unit. “I’m sorry, Private Valenti, and I don’t like this either, but I can’t do anything. Get the hell outta here like you were supposed to do.”

Kyle stared after Sullivan when he went to his hummer again. No no no, this couldn’t be true, not after all they had been through. “He was on his fuckin’ way home,” he called and kicked a stone angrily, which flew several meters and hit another solider on the leg.

“Hey, fuck you man, watch what you’re doin’.”

He just flipped him off and ripped his helmet off, running a hand over his short hair, that clung to his head from sweat. He couldn’t leave, he WOULDN’T leave without Michael. The guy had saved his butt more than once and that included times when the army wasn’t even an option for both of them.


“Come on,” twelve-year-old Michael hissed to his best friend and pulled him behind one of the shelves in ‘Charly’s place’, a small shop in downtown Boston.

“What’re you doin’?” Kyle whispered and crouched down next to him.

The other boy opened his jacket, which was definitely too thin for this time of year, slightly and showed off the few chocolate bars he had put inside without the knowledge of the shop’s owner.

Originally they had just come in here to warm themselves up a bit, since the cold outside was getting worse with each day and there was no safe sheltered home for them. Their starvation had gotten the best of them though after seeing all the delicious candies and food lined up on the shelves and Michael couldn’t resist any longer.

“Wow,” Kyle whispered and glanced around the corner to make sure no one saw them. “I am so hungry.” He smiled and ignored the pain on his lips when the small cut there was once again torn open from his movement.

“Let’s get out,” Michael said quietly and wrapped his arms around himself to hold the bars in place when they stood.

The boys walked towards the front door, trying to look casual but their excitement about the food forced their steps to be faster than usual.

Kyle was too focused on getting out undetected that he didn’t see the man coming right out of another aisle. He stopped abruptly to avoid a collision, but it made Michael bump into him from behind.

Before they could think straight they found themselves out on the street again, running with lungs that hurt from the exertion as they tried to get away from the furious man following them. “Hold those little thieves,” he had screamed.

During the collision in the shop, Michael had dropped one of the bars to the ground, revealing just in front of the owners eyes what they were about to do.

“My side hurts,” Kyle said, holding his stomach and getting slower. He hadn’t eaten all day and he felt weak, the side stitches were just a result from that.

It only took a few more seconds until his skinny arm was jerked by the owner of the shop. “Run Michael,” he had coughed, his heart beating a mile a minute for running and the fear of being caught…

Instead of listening, his friend had returned. Shoving the man away from him with a hard push.

In the end they had both ended up in the police station before each of them was given back to their parents and the next round of beatings.


His thoughts were torn back to the present when he heard the engine of the hummer being started. He realized that the commander was about to leave and he hurried to get in the way, so he had no chance but to stop again.

Sullivan sighed and opened the door slightly. “Get outta the way, Private.”

The younger man walked around the car to look at the commander inside. “I know nobody cares if we get back or not because we have nobody waiting for us at home anyway. But this doesn’t count for Guerin and I will be damned if I go back to Boston without him.” His face was determined and he gripped the door so it couldn’t be closed in front of his nose. “Let me look for him.”

“Valenti, I can’t officially send you out…”

“We can’t leave him out there…” he shouted.

Sullivan raised his voice and started again. “I can’t officially send you out, but I won’t check on you to see WHERE you actually decide to spend your vacation…” he looked at the boy meaningfully.

Kyle nodded, understanding what the commander was trying to tell him.

“If you aren’t back in time, I’ll have you declared a deserter.”

“If I’m not back by then you can declare us both dead, I think.” He took a step backwards again, letting go off the door of the hummer.

Sullivan grabbed the handle to pull it closed, but hesitated a moment. “Don’t contact the camp and leave without a radio. I can’t send anyone out if you guys are in trouble, you know that right? You’re on your own, Private.”

“I know, Sir.” Kyle saluted. “I’d rather die out there than live with the guilt of not even trying to save him.”

The other man nodded and brought his outstretched hand to his head as well, showing his respect to the young man’s brave and determined will to save his friend.

Chapter 1H - Boston – Residence of the Secretary of Defense

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:59 am
by candysteffi
mary mary: I am sure Kyle will do his best. :)

keepsmiling7: Thanks! ;)

begonia9508: My motto is: It has to get worse before it can get better, lol.

Alien_Friend: Thanks Novy!

Yeah, Kyle has to be brave for this kind of rescue, huh? I am sure he will do his best. ;)

Helen of Roswell: Well see, now you have caught up and I can post again, lol.

Hmmm okay, you will get half of a point on your prediction account. :)

Alex’ Dad is still alive. If he will make an appearance? Good question lol. I have no clue yet.

Yep, Melody was just a bit quiet huh? But probably more out of shock, than anything else. Anyway she is not playing THE big role in this fic, so I thought keeping the focus on Alex would be nice. ;)

Lol so your next prediction was a bit right too huh? It will get you another point on that Ms. Fortune-Teller account! :P

KYLE TO THE RESCUE, hehe. Yep, he saved the day, didn’t he? The friendship between Michael and Kyle is deep. They pretty much just had each other when they were younger, it formed a strong bond.

Question is, where is Michael and how does Kyle find him… hm no comment about this yet, hehe.

Yep, I do like those communication things in fics, it will continue today. ;)

There are still some open questions huh? The one with how M&M met will be answered in former parts, promised.

To some questions I don’t have the answer yet as well since I write this fic as it comes. Not too many things are planned yet. ;)

So the prediction is Boston now huh? Well girl, it seems like I just can’t mislead you, huh?
*+1 point on the prediction account*

Thanks! ;)

Rodney: Lol, nah not Jim. His parents wouldn’t play a role at all in this story, they are just mentioned so no worries.

Thanks for bumping the fic back to page one, lol.

Chapter 1H

- Boston – Residence of the Secretary of Defense – 9:45 am -

The sun was shining mercilessly on New Years Day, using every little gap between curtains, window shades and doorframes to shine into the room and illuminate it.

Maria blinked a few times before she opened her eyes fully. She made a face when her head hurt a bit as soon as she moved around in the bed. Damn champagne, she thought. The alarm clock on the nightstand next to Tess’ bed showed that was still way too early to be up on the morning after a New Years party. Her friend was still rolled up in her blankets, snoring softly while her hair was a mess.

Snoring yeah, there was it again! Tess never believed it when she told her about the quiet odd sounds she made while sleeping.

Maria rolled over to the other side of the mattress, which she always occupied when she stayed at her friend’s house, and grabbed her cell from the floor. I am going to record your little sounds, Harding, so I have proof.

She was about to hit the right buttons to get to the menu when she realized that she had gotten a text message while she was sleeping. Stupid, she thought when her heartbeat immediately fastened in hope it could be one from Michael. I sent several New Years wishes to different friends from college last night, so it’ll be one of them.

Once the sender’s name of the message appeared on her screen, she sat up straight and ignored the spinning in her head from that way too fast move. Maria stared down at the screen, holding the cell with both of her hands tightly, as if the slightest shake of it would make the message disappear. “Michael,” she whispered slightly with a shaky voice and opened his text up.

M, I’m coming home.

“Ahh!” she suddenly squealed in a high-pitched tone and jumped out of the bed.

“What the…” Tess shot up, confused as she looked around in irritation. “M’ria?... M?” It took a few seconds to locate her friend next to her bed. “What’s wrong?”

Maria looked at her with wide eyes, shock and surprise still written all over her face. She had to smirk though when she saw her girlfriend’s hair standing up in several directions.

“WHAT? Are you insane now or….?”

“He’s coming home!” she shouted excitedly and climbed on the bed, jumping up and down on it. “He’s coming home. He’s coming home. He’s coooooooooooooming home.”

Tess had a hard time concentrating; her whole body was still longing for sleep while she was being shaken badly from the jumping. “DeLuca! Stop that, goddamn it!”

She felt sympathy and quit the movement. Instead she dropped herself on the bed, sitting down next to her friend and shoving the cell right in her face.

“Okay, I’m not blind,” Tess muttered and took her wrist to hold it further away to read what was written on the screen before she leaned around to look at the annoying person who had awakened her.

“He’s coming home,” Maria said again, but in a whisper now as the words finally sank in. Tears welled up in her eyes and quickly spilled over.

The anger about the shocking, way too early wake up call was forgotten immediately when Tess heaved herself forward to hug her friend tightly. “He is, M.” How long had her friend waited for a sign from him and now he was finally coming back home. “I’m happy for you.”

“Gosh,” Maria sniffed and wiped her face while she let go of the other girl again and glanced back down at her cell. “I still can’t believe it. Maybe you should pinch me for proof this isn’t a dream.”

“Sure,” the curly blonde reached out to tweak the skin of her upper arm.

“Owwww! What the hell..”

“You asked for it.”

“It’s just a stupid saying, Harding,” Maria rubbed her hurting skin and got off of the bed again.

“Was this his only message?”

“Yeah… he probably isn’t sure yet how soon he’ll be home yet. They don’t get all the information about the flights and stuff, so it could still take a week or so.”

Tess crawled out of her bed as well and pulled a robe around herself. “Why don’t we just celebrate this with a little Champagne and breakfast?”

Maria made a face. “How can you think about alcohol again already? My head is still hurting.”

“They say to start with what you ended a night to make it better, right? And what, IF NOT THIS would be a better reason?”

“Alright fine,” her friend agreed with a smile.

“Get ready and I’m gonna call Parker in.”

“No, let her sleep, Tess. It’s still early.”

“Uh-huh, nope. If I’m suffering from lack of sleep because of your lover, she’s gonna suffer as well.”

“You are so bad,” Maria shook her head, amused. To be honest, she would love to share these feelings with both girls.

“You should be used to it by now, girlfriend.” Tess winked at her. “Hey, guess Michael’s message means he turned on his cell, huh?”


“What’re you waiting for, M?” She made a waving gesture. “Go ahead and call him. I’ll wait for you downstairs.”

Maria nodded and looked down at her cell when she was alone in the room. Somehow talking to him after so long seemed totally unreal. She pushed the speed dial button and lifted the phone to her ear, but she quickly realized that the other end went straight to voice mail.

He’s probably on a plane right now, she thought and decided not to worry about it yet.


“So you don’t know yet when he’s coming to Boston?” Liz asked and picked at her chocolate croissant until she had pulled off a small piece and shoved it into her mouth.

The girls had gone to their favorite little café in town for breakfast while Maria shared her fantastic news. “No, he said no specific time, but he never does so that’s not unusual. It’ll probably be during the next week.”

“I’m happy for you,” the brunette told her with a smile.

Tess giggled.


“You’ve got chocolate on your teeth, E,” she said in amusement and showed off her own to point at her incisor.

“Don’t call me E,” Liz grumbled and used her tongue to wipe the chocolate away. “Gone?” she asked and grinned at the girls.

“That’s better,” Tess agreed and sipped her coffee. She rolled her eyes when Liz’ cell buzzed a few times. “Cyber-gigolo on the messenger again?”

“No, it’s a friend, Ms. Nosy. And by the way, his name is William.”

The two blondes at the table exchanged a surprised look. “You got a name?”

“And?” Liz asked, trying to not to look too proud at finding it out finally.

“And? When did that happen between now and a few hours ago?”

The brunette leaned back and shrugged. “Well, in between the last few hours,” she answered smartly.

“Funny, Parker! Now share!”

Liz groaned. “There’s not much to share. I asked and he told me.”

“You think William’s his real name?” Maria made a face. “Sounds kinda… old.”

“Classic,” her friend corrected her.

“Old,” Tess dissented and agreed with Maria.

“Whatever. You two told me to find out more, so I’m trying.”

“Hey, why don’t you invite him over for my father’s birthday?” Tess suggested while chewing on her toast.

“What?” Liz frowned. “Why would anyone be interested in coming to your father’s birthday?”

“Uh-oh….” Maria said, amused, and leaned back to enjoy the spectacle.

“Why?” Tess asked, annoyed. “Well, because it’s his fiftieth and we’ll have a huge party at our house. Even the president will be there!”

“So?” Liz asked, sounding bored. She knew that her lack of excitement about it was driving her friend crazy. “Still don’t see the point. No normal college guy wants to hang out with a bunch of politicians.”

“But….” Tess stuttered indignantly. “M, help me out! Tell her why this is a big event.”

“Well,” Maria said and sipped her drink, “the food will be good.”

“You know what, you two suck,” the curly blonde said and crossed her arms over her chest. “If you don’t wanna come then fine, stay away.”

“Come on, Harding,” Maria kicked her friend’s chair. “You know we’ll be there, but Liz is probably right. That’s not really the place for a first real date.”

“Why not? At least this way she’ll have us around if the guy’s a serial killer.”

“He’s not a killer,” Liz rolled her eyes. “And I’m not inviting him. Point.”

“Fine,” Tess said sulkily.

“I hope Michael’s here before then. It’d be nice to have him around at a party for once,” Maria said.

“Uh-huh, I doubt I’ll see you at all if he’s here then.” She wiped her lips with the napkin and placed it aside. “Just remember, my room’s off limits.”

“We’ll use the indoor whirlpool,” Maria said, amused.

Tess made a face. “You know what, whatever happens, I don’t wanna know.”

“Yeah, sure,” Liz snorted. “As if Tess Harding would ever let that pass without being nosy.”

“Whatever,” the other girl dismissed her. “Can’t you tell Michael to bring some hot an’ sexy soldier with him? In uniform preferably.”

“Maybe Kyle with be with him,” Maria suggested.

“Kyle? That skinny, pale, sorry excuse of a real man?”

“Tess, the last time you saw him was what? Three? Four years ago? He’s changed.”

“I’m not interested,” she said stubbornly and waved for a waitress. “Can you bring us three glasses of Champagne please?”

“You really wanna drink in the morning, huh?”

Tess ignored her and waited for the drinks while she watched her best friends eating the rest of their breakfast in silence. She nodded in thanks when her order was brought and took her glass, lifting it up to the air. “Ladies,” she said meaningfully. “Here’s to a better year… to Michael coming home and hopefully staying a while…. to Liz hopefully not getting murdered by a serial killer…”

“Shut up,” the other girl groaned.

“… to Tess finally getting laid again so she stops bitching,” Maria completed the speech with a laugh when she earned a glare.

Clinking of glasses could be heard as well as the happy laughter of all three girls while they enjoyed their time together, completely clueless that the course of events had already taken a different path.

Chapter 2A

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:38 pm
by candysteffi
Rodney: Because we don’t snore, we just make lovely adorable sounds! :D

mary mary: Lol, very well said!

Alien_Friend: Yeah, it’s a bit bittersweet to see Maria happy, right?

Hm… when will Liz find out about her mysterious William, lol? We will see.

keepsmiling7: I have to admit, I am confused. Was this meant ironically?

begonia9508: Lol, not a good feeling about happiness? Well, you could be right…

nibbles2: Will she be informed? Considering to the president, she won’t, but truth tends to come out sooner or later, right?

So many questions about Max, but the answers will have to wait, lol, sorry.

Chapter 2


Chapter 2A

“What’s wrong with you, Philip?” Diane placed her hand over her husband’s gently while they had breakfast in the kitchen and not in the dining room as usual. “You’ve been off all day since yesterday and it doesn’t seem to be any better now.”

“Just… work,” he grumbled and glanced down at his almost untouched food.

“Does it have anything to do with the hurried meeting on New Years Day?” she asked, pretty sure she was right.

He lifted his gaze and looked at her, forcing a small smile. “You know I can’t talk about my meetings with you.” Not yet anyway.

Diane chuckled slightly. “Doesn’t keep me from asking.”

“You know me too well, wife,” he said slightly amused and got up, squeezing her shoulder while he carried his leftovers to the counter next to the sink. “I need to get back to the office, there are some calls waiting for me.”

Max opened the door to the kitchen right at the same time as his father was leaving. He jumped to the side quickly to not bump into the other man. “Sorry,” he muttered.

“Well, good morning, son,” he said with a sigh when he just got the usual grumbling from him. He glanced back to Diane and nodded. “Don’t expect me for lunch, I’ll be pretty busy most of the day.”

“Alright,” she agreed, still wondering what was up with him. Sometimes he took his job a bit too personal, she thought, but in the end, he was the President of the USA.

Max waited until his father had disappeared then walked further into the room, his bare feet making funny pit-a-pat sounds on the floor. He stopped in front of the large storage cabinet and opened it up, stretching up high to get the Cornflakes from the highest shelf.

Diana watched her son, amused by the look of his messed up dark brown hair. He hadn’t shaved, so the skin of his face looked dark and a bit rough. “You know we talked about getting dressed before you come down here,” she commented when she realized he was just wearing a tee shirt and boxers. “We have staff and other people running around here sometimes.”

“I didn’t ask to come here either, so…” he shrugged carelessly, earning a sigh from his mother. Since his father had become the president his behaviour has gotten worse and he didn’t even try to hide his reluctance about being the son of one of the most famous men in the world.

“Life is not always about what you want or what you’ve asked for.”

He just snorted in response, trying to remember the last time he had done something he wanted to do, excluding the activities within his own four walls in this house. He took a bowl from the stack on the sink and poured Cornflakes and milk in it before opening up a drawer to get one of the large spoons.

“Don’t you wanna sit and eat?” Diane asked, when he grabbed the bowl and was about to leave the room again.

“I’m having breakfast in my room,” he answered shortly and left. The hallway outside was still semi dark and the ground very cold under his bare feet, but he ignored it. The thought of having breakfast with his mother while she forced him to listen to how he should support his father more, was even worse.

With his shoulder, he opened one wing of the double door and walked into the living room belonging to his sister and him, glad that she still seemed to be asleep this morning. He took a seat on the couch and set the bowl aside, cursing slightly when a drop of milk slopped out and onto the surface of the expensive coffee table. He used his index finger to brush it off and then wiped the seam of his large tee shirt over it to dry it up. His gaze wandered to the laptop in front of him and he reached out to move the mouse slightly to wake the desktop up. He frowned when there wasn’t a blinking sign that let him know he had been contacted. Regardless, he opened up the messenger and checked twice, scrolling down the last chat he had been doing with Liz last night.

“No new message,” he muttered and glanced at his watch. It was past the time she had said she would be up again.

E-X-A-M: Hey, are you still sleeping?


E-X-A-M: You are late…

He grabbed the bowl again and leaned back, watching the computer while he ate his breakfast.

“Oh my god, this is just sad,” Isabel said after she had watched him a few minutes in silence from her bedroom door.

He glanced up in surprise, but didn’t bother to move. “What?”

“Look at you,” she walked further out, already looking perfect like usual in the mornings. “Grubby look, cornflakes and unshaved. No one would recognize you the way you look.”

“No?” He asked and grinned. “Good. That’s the look I’m going for then.”

She just rolled her eyes. “Isn’t she up yet? Ya know, maybe she’s doin’ something normal, something REAL people do.”

“Whatever,” he mumbled, not understanding much while he chewed on the crunchy flakes.

“Suck it up and enjoy the life you have, Max. You know how many people are out there who envy what we have. You could be a bit more thankful.”

Gosh, she sounded like their Mom, he thought and kept ignoring her until she finally left. He leaned forward and typed again…

E-X-A-M: Come on, Liz.

Was this too desperate? he wondered and deleted it again before he could hit the send button. She would answer, if she was there, so maybe her plans had just changed a bit. But why hadn’t she left him a quick note like she usually did?


The first thing Michael realized when he became conscious again, was the taste of blood in his mouth. He would recognize the metallic, sour taste anywhere. It ran down his throat slightly, but at least it wasn’t too bad. Maybe from a bleeding nose or a small cut in the inner cheek.

In spite of his still dazed state and the increasing headache, his senses worked like those of a trained solider and he tried to take in the scenery he was at. His eyes left him in complete darkness, no matter if they were open or closed.

His nose was halfway stopped up, so his sense of smell wasn’t much of a help either. Though the air felt sticky and old, a pretty good sign that something was curtaining his whole head – maybe something like a sack. It also smelled musty damp. It reminded him of being in a hole or basement. Maybe he was in a cave up in the mountains, he thought.

He took a few deep breaths, ignoring the burning, stinging pain in his chest when he raised his torso, and concentrated on his ears. The blood was rushing loudly in his veins, making it hard to hear anything beyond that. There was something that sounded like mumbling of men, but it was too quiet to pinpoint more about the language.

Before he even tried, he knew that feeling around was not possible, but he tried to move his hands anyway. They were bound tightly behind his back, making it impossible to move more that half an inch at once. The sturdy backrest of the chair he was sitting on pressed into the insides of his upper arms painfully. It would leave large blue and green marks for sure, he thought and concentrated on his feet, surprised when he found them untied and fully moveable.

Carefully he placed them on the ground in front of him and added just a bit pressure to one ankle and then to the next. “Fuck,” he hissed slightly when pain shot through his whole leg. He threw his head back to take a few open-mouthed breaths until the ache faded.

Again he tried to move his legs, even more carefully now to pinpoint his injury further. It didn’t feel like something was broken, but he could be wrong. There was a damp feeling on the left leg that could be an open wound or just mud. The adrenaline as well as the shock his body was still in, kept him from analyzing his injuries correctly.

Michael relaxed his muscles, knowing that panicking or a heated attempt to flee would be his end right now. Over the years he had learned to read the signals of his body well enough to realize what he was able to do and what not to do. He forced his thoughts away from the current situation and tried to remember what had been going on earlier instead.

It took a few minutes before the accident came back to his mind. He suddenly saw the blinking in the mountains again, saw the rocket flying towards the Hummer with no doubt about its intended target.

It must have missed the car and just hit the ground next to us, he thought. There was no way he would have gotten out of that alive if the rocket had hit the Hummer directly.

But what then? What had happened after that? No matter how hard he tried, there was nothing he could remember and it was pretty obvious that he had blacked out until now.

His body suddenly jerked up, making him groan in pain when he remembered something else. He had written a text message to his girlfriend. Why had he been so stupid to do that? He should have known better and should have waited until he had been out of this country.

A sound made him push his thoughts away again and he held his breath while muffled steps grew louder and suddenly stopped. The sound of an opened door could be heard – a heavy door, he realized.

“Corporal Guerin,” a man with a strong Arabic accent greeted, amusement in his tone.

“Ahmad Ibrahim,” Michael responded when he recognized the voice immediately, his own voice calm to not show the affect on his psyche.

The other man chuckled coldly. “Very good memory, soldier. And this in your condition. I am impressed.”

With an ungentle jerk, the sack over his head was gone and he squeezed his eyes shut when the light in the room hurt. “I can’t say I’m happy to see your ugly mug again,” Michael said.

“Told you we would meet again,” Ibrahim said and walked around him to observe the soldiers injuries. He kicked the chair he was sitting on with his foot when he noticed the open wound on his calf.

Michael ground his teeth together to not cry out in pain. The last thing he would give this asshole was the satisfaction of winning over him. “What ya up to, Ibrahim? We both know my unit will get you sooner or later.”

Ahmad laughed deeply. “I’ve been watching you for weeks and your glorious unit hasn’t even realized it, Guerin. Anyway…. This has nothing to do with you little Special Forces rats that contaminate our country. This is between you an’ me. We have an open account and you are here to pay up.”

He knew all too well what that meant. This wasn’t about getting information or taking a hostage to get something from them. Michael lifted his head to look at the man in front of him and couldn’t help but think about his mistake of telling Maria he would be home soon. How long would she live in hope and fear until someone was able to tell her the truth?

Ahmad Ibrahim wanted him dead and with his current situation, his plan would most likely succeed.


Re: Doomsday - (All CC/AU/Adult) - A/N - Pg 9 - 4/16/12

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:15 am
by candysteffi
Rodney: Yep, the Evan’s twins definitely take their life and circumstances different, lol.

Michael… yep trouble is just a slight understatement. ;)

mary mary: Lol right? We woman are not always nosy.

Alien_Friend: He is alive, but for how long he might wonders, huh? Kyle to the rescue…. Hopefully. ;)

Lol, Max really doesn’t care a lot about all the attention he gets just because of being the son of the President, huh?

begonia9508: No agreed, you can’t really say Michael is in any good looking situation right now.

keepsmiling7: Yeah, it’s weird to see her all happy about his text when we know different, right?

nibbles2: Michael is really not in any good position huh? But well, I am Candy…. Hehe.

No, Max isn’t happy at all and really doesn’t care about his public life.

behrlyliz: Okay, I didn’t make it back soon, but I am back, lol.

True, it might be an advantage to know the enemy. We will see…

A/N: Sorry, for the delay. Finally, I have an uppy and now I am on vacation lol. bye bye

Chapter 2B

Massachusetts General Hospital - Boston – 1pm

The constant beeping of the monitor on her right side was slowly but surely making her tired the longer she sat next to the hospital bed her mother was occupying. Liz tried to suppress the huge yawn that was trying to escape once again, but she finally gave up and let it out.

“Go home, Lizzie,” Lucy Parker said gently as she watched her daughter trying to fight her exhaustion.

“I’m good, Mom,” she denied stubbornly. They had been at the hospital since 4 am when her mother had started to feel uncomfortable and since she had talked to William until late there hadn’t been much sleep at all.

“You should sleep a bit, I won’t go anywhere,” Lucy tried and sipped on her glass of water weakly. She hated that her daughter was spending so much time with her because of her condition instead of enjoying her young life together with her friends. “I’m okay, really.”

Liz shook her head. “You know I won’t leave so just give it up, Mom.” She was tired as hell, but it didn’t matter. She needed to be with the only family member she had left. Who knew how long they could still spend time together? “I’m gonna get a coffee and a snack. You want anything?” she asked as she got up and grabbed her cell.

“No, I have everything I need,” Lucy said, sad that Liz wouldn’t just go home for a while and rest.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes.” The brunette walked out into the corridors and turned left to head out towards a small balcony where she could turn on her cell briefly. She knew the hospital better than any other building in the city courtesy of the many days her mother and her had spent there.

“Hello, Liz,” Dr. Dray greeted her when he walked out of another patient’s room and saw the girl heading to the balcony.

“Oh, hi, Dr. D,” she greeted him and smiled. He was her mother’s doctor and they had gotten to know each other pretty well during the last few years.

“I heard your mother was brought in this morning.”

“Yeah,” she sighed, “again.”

He rested one hand on her shoulder and squeezed it. “I looked over her blood tests earlier. Seems like it was just her meds that were making her feel bad. There’s no sign yet that this has anything to do with her cancer.”

Liz nodded, relieved. “That’s good news.”

“I’ll look in on her later this afternoon, and if everything’s okay you can take her home tonight.”

“Okay.” Liz smiled a bit. “Thank you.” She gestured to her cell. “Sorry, I need to make a quick call.”

“Go ahead,” he told her with a nod and went in the other direction.

She looked after him for a moment before she continued on her way outside. The air was cold when she shoved the double doors open and stepped outside, but she liked it. At least it would help against her tiredness a bit. With a quick move she turned her cell on and waited until she was asked to punch in her PIN code. A silent smirk washed over her face when the greeting desktop – a photo of Maria, Tess and her – appeared and she remembered that day on the beach last summer. It had been really fun.

Before she could dial a number, the cell started to buzz a few times and her heart made a slight bounce when she read the incoming messages from William. Seems like he’s got nothing to do, she thought, amused.

I’m at the hospital again. Don’t worry, my Mom is okay now. Be online later. Liz.

She sent the message to him quickly and turned the messenger off before he could wrap her up in a conversation, which would last forever again. Then she dialled her friend’s number and lifted the cell to her ear while she waited for the other girl to pick up.

“Parker, where are you? We said we’d meet at 1pm at my house,” Tess said without passing a greeting first.

“Hello to you too,” Liz said with an eye roll.

“Where are you? M’s already waiting for us. You know she’s refusing to leave her apartment in case Michael shows up today. Ya know, I really don’t think it’s necessary to wait for him at home. I mean, he’ll call her when he gets home, right?” The blonde girl started to ramble immediately.

“Tess,” Liz interrupted, but failed.

“Spending the whole day in the apartment doesn’t sound like real fun, right? Well, at least I brought some videos and cosmetics, so – “

“Harding,” Liz called again to get her attention and smiled when the other girl finally shut up. “I can’t come, sorry.”

“Huh? Why?”

“My mom’s at the hospital again and I wanna stay with her.”

“Oh,” Tess said and her mood sank. “She okay?”

“Better now, yeah. The doc said it was probably just her meds. If everything’s alright I can take her home tonight.”

“Call me if ya need a ride, okay? I can take my Mom’s car.”

“Okay, thanks,” Liz nodded despite the fact that her friend couldn’t see it. “I need to go again. Tell Maria I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry, M will understand. Or should we come over?”

“Nah. I don’t want Maria’s mood taking a nosedive because of this. She’s super happy about Michael getting back home.”

“Alright, but call us if you need anything.

“I will. Don’t make her wait any longer. Talk to ya later, Tess.”

“Bye, E.”


Boston – Guerin-DeLuca apartment – 2pm

“Wait, I’m getting you, do you understand,” Tess told her little brother as she parked the car in front of Maria’s building and saw that he was already fumbling with his seatbelt in the backseat.

Daniel Harding just babbled something no one but he would understand and ignored her little warning happily. The seatbelt snapped open when he pressed the right button and as soon as he had freed himself, he started to climb out of his seat.

“Hey,” she called loudly and reacted quickly before he could open the door to get out. She grabbed him by his arm quickly and maybe a bit too firmly, because he started to cry immediately.

“Mommaaaaa,” Daniel sobbed.

Tess waited until the boy had sat down again before she climbed out of the car and around it to open the door for her brother. “You always cry for mom and visa versa when ya don’t get what ya want, huh?” she said with an eye roll, but caressed his little head gently and lifted him out of the car and up into her arms. “Better again?” she asked and looked at him.

Daniel sniffed a few times and rubbed his face with one hand, wiping away tears and snot.

“Ungh, great,” she bent over and took the bag with changing clothes for him. At the last minute her mom had told her she had to watch her little brother this afternoon because she was going to visit Dad in Washington. Whatever had happened on New Years Eve, it had to be important, since he hadn’t been back home since then.

“M?” Daniel asked and pointed at the building.

“You recognize it, huh? Yeah, we’re visiting M, and maybe Mr. M will be here soon too.”

The boy giggled happily, even if he didn’t have a clue who Michael was. They had met before, but it was doubtful Daniel remembered it. “I’m letting you down now, okay? I need to carry the other stuff.”

She placed her brother back on his own feet, but held one of his hands so he couldn’t get away again while she took the other things out of the car and closed it up.

Thank God Maria lived on the second floor, she thought when they walked up the stairs. Damn building didn’t even have a working elevator since it was being renovated. She coughed slightly when she knocked on her friend’s door and felt like she was sweating everywhere. Great, she thought, it always ended like this when she was on the road with her brother and all the stuff that needed to go with him.

“Hey,” Maria opened the door happily, expecting Liz and Tess to be standing there. “Ah, look who’s here, Mr. D.” She crouched down and hugged the little boy who was standing right in front of Tess.

“Sorry, my Mom went to Washington last minute, so I had to bring him since you’re refusing to leave your place.”

“I’m glad you brought him. I made muffins,” Maria wiggled her eyes at Daniel and laughed when his eyes grew at the mention of food.

“Um-hmm, first you gotta take your afternoon nap, buddy.”

He looked up at his sister and pouted. “No nap, Tessie.”

“Sure as hell nap, Danny,” she said back with a smirk.

“Nooo,” he said and the tears started to fall again.

“He’s always a little pain when he’s tired,” she whispered to her friend when as walked inside.

“Don’t worry,” Maria whispered back. “We’ll get him to sleep sooner or later.” She lifted the boy up and closed the door behind them. “Where’s Liz?”

“Her mom’s in the hospital again. She couldn’t come but she says hi.”

“In the hospital?” Maria asked, alarmed. “Is everything okay?”

“It was probably just the meds,” Tess said and placed everything in one corner of the living room. “She can probably go back home tonight. I told her to call us if she needs help.”

“Okay, good.” Maria sighed. Her friend had been in the hospital with her mom way too often in the last few years, so she hoped it was really just a quick stop there.

“Did you hear from Michael again?” Tess asked and plopped down on the huge comfy couch Maria and Michael had bought during his last stop home.

“No,” Maria said, her tone holding a hint of sadness, “his cell’s still turned off.”

“You’re not worried, right?” Tess looked at her to make sure. “He just contacted you yesterday, so he could be still on his way.

“Yeah,” Maria said and caressed Daniel’s arms while she held him in her lap. “I have no clue where in the world he was so it could still take days for him to come home.”

“Right! He’ll be here soon, M. Just relax.”

“Easier said than done,” she smiled tightly. “It’s like your body is flooded with electricity the whole time. I didn’t sleep much last night, always expecting the door to finally open up and then he’d be stepping in.”

“Like when you have an orgasm?”

“Tess!” Maria warned and looked down at the child, but then realized that the boy was on his way to sleep.