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The Dance (T/S & K/I, Teen, UC) Complete - 1/30

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 1:37 am
by Anniepoo98
Title: The Dance
Author: Annie (anniepoo98)
Rating: Teen, for a wee bitty bit of language
Category: UC – Misfit (Sean/Tess) and InCrowder (Isabel/Kyle)
Summary: This is a sequel to The Gift. After Isabel’s birthday, Tess and Sean started to hang out a lot more. However, there was more than a friendship that sparked up during that little dance. Will they be able to get past some confusion or will the need the help of some well meaning matchmakers?

Just so you all know, Eva bought this story for the Support Stacie Author Auction a couple of years ago. I am an evil thing who hasn’t finished it until just now. She deserves a huge amount of thanks for her support of that great cause.

Disclamer: I don’t own them. I just like sticking in different situations. They belong to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, and the other powers that be.


Part One:

“Do you think I’m attractive?”

Finally, Kyle thought as he tilted his head down so Tess wouldn’t see the quick grin. For the last hour, they had sat at the dining room table making small talk, mostly about the big dance tomorrow. Still, through all the grins and claims of excitement about the event, he could detect just the slightest hint of sadness in Tess’s eyes.

So, he’d waited patiently, suffering while Tess quizzed him about the corsage he’d bought for Isabel, where he was planning on taking her to dinner, and if the tuxedo he rented fit okay. Yes, he had flat out refused when she strongly suggested he try the aforementioned tux just to be sure, but he was a guy. There was no way he was going to wear the monkey suit more than once a year, even if it would only be for a few minutes.

But now they were finally getting down to the heart of the matter. “Ah… Tess, you know I have a girlfriend.”

She rolled her eyes even as she was reached out to give his arm a little punch. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

“Yeah,” Kyle chuckled, “but I have to tease you. It’s like my job now.”

The big brother gig, he thought. If someone would have told him a two years ago that he’d come to think of Tess Harding like his little sister, he would have called them crazy. He’d spent a long time thinking he didn’t really need anyone. Okay, except his dad. Even there, he’d felt more like a roommate than a son, left to his own devices the majority of the time. He called his own hours, fixed his own meals, and took care of his own chores. And, while the arrangement worked, Kyle found himself resenting it more as time when by. Especially after a certain group of aliens entered their lives, causing his father’s attention to be diverted away from him even more.

Things began to change when Tess moved in. At first, he hated the situation. It was just one more way the alien abyss was screwing with his life. He was even less happy that his new roommate was the girl that played him. Yet, the longer she stayed, the more he learned about her. The more he learned, the more he cared. Before he knew it, they were a family, complete with decorations at Christmas and Sunday dinners where they sat at the dining room table.

Kyle broke away from his thoughts when he noticed Tess had grown quiet. The light humor from moments before had faded from her eyes leaving something else behind. Something that looked dangerously close to tears.

Quickly, Kyle reached out, laying a hand gently over hers. “What’s the matter, Tess?” When she simply shrugged her shoulders, he pushed a little bit harder. “You can’t hide it from me. I know something is wrong?”

“I don’t have a date.” To his horror, a little tear ran down the side of her cheek. Then, she snuffled and sucked the rest back. “I’m on the Prom committee, so I have to go, but I don’t have a date. I get to be the pitiful, dateless freak that stands over by the refreshment table, drowning her sorrows in fruit punch while everyone else has a good time.”

“Never,” he exclaimed, hoping to wipe the resigned look off her face. She sighed, but he got no other reaction. “You will be with all of us,” he continued quickly. “We will be this big group of Prom…”

“Couples,” she finished for him. “Plus me. The fifth wheel.” She tilted her head to the side, thinking for a moment. “Or seventh wheel in this case.”

“Why did you say no to everyone who asked you?” Kyle asked gently, though he already had his suspicions about the reason. “I know that Paulie and Todd asked you.”

Again, she shrugged. It was all the confirmation Kyle needed. “Sean Deluca is an asshole.”

Tess’s head whipped up, shock written all over her face. “What do you mean? He is not.”

Full of righteous anger on her behalf, he was already on his feet, pacing. “He should have done the right thing. He should have asked you to go. “

“What do you mean ‘the right thing’?” Tess demanded. “Are you saying that just because he isn’t dating anyone and happens to be a member of the I-Know-An-Alien Club that it automatically makes him obligated to date me?” She scoffed. “Now there’s a line to make a girl feel special.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. “Clarify.”

“I just meant that the two of you have been,” he paused, trying to think of a good way to put it, “hanging out a lot.” And by a lot, he meant nearly every single day. Ever since school started, he’d seen Tess and Maria’s cousin growing closer and closer. At first, it seemed completely random. She would mention that she’d run into him at the supermarket or while hanging out with Isabel. Then, she started to work at the Crashdown.

Nobody had been more surprised than Kyle when Tess had applied for the position after Agnes decided to quit suddenly right around Halloween. However, it seemed like she really wanted the job, so he was happy for her when she was hired. Looking out for her, he’d made a point to drop by during the first few weeks she worked just to make sure everything was okay. It didn’t take long for him to notice that he wasn’t the only one.

It quickly became apparent that Sean Deluca was finding time to do the exact same. In fact, Kyle could remember making a comment to Isabel that he wondered if Sean found out about Tess’s schedule before she did. Of course, Isabel just laughed at him, making some comment about Kyle being overprotective.

I'm not overprotective, he thought to himself. It was just concern. Whatever the thing was between Tess and Sean, it was obviously make her more miserable than happy lately, and Kyle wasn’t about to see Tess miserable.

She’d been through enough.

As much as he loved his girlfriend, Isabel hadn’t seen what Nasedo’s actions had done to Tess. She couldn’t, he knew. She’d been grieving over Alex. However, Tess had been grieving too, a grief that was compounded by guilt and betrayal.

Overnight, Tess seemed to change. The once outspoken and feisty girl became quiet and lost. Alex’s death and Nasedo’s betrayal seemed to be the last straw. For a long time, Kyle worried that she would do something drastic. Never in his life did he think that he would truly respect Max Evans, but when he saw how much he stood by Tess, how much their friendship grew during that time, he was grateful.

After that, Tess made a complete transformation. She gave up on her ‘destiny’, which seemed to strengthen her friendships with everyone else in the group. She also seemed determined to experience every aspect of being a high school senior. Kyle once thought to himself that Isabel was the biggest committee hound in the world. Tess soon made her look like a piker.

She joined the Student Council, than began volunteering for everything under the sun. When they had needed someone to blow up four dozen balloons for the Homecoming Parade, she’d done it. When they need help turning the gym into a winter wonderland for the Christmas Dance, she simply asked where they wanted her to string up the streamers. From bake sales to helping at the homeless shelter, Tess Harding was there.

In other words, she embraced her humanity. The Prom Committee was just her latest foray. Kyle was hell-bent on it being a night she would never forget.

“Tess, do you like Sean?”

Her eyes widened for an instant, than grew weary. “Of course I like him. He’s my friend.”

Kyle shook his head. “I mean LIKE like him. “

“Maybe,” she said softly. “It doesn’t matter. Sean doesn’t think of me that way. I think he still likes Liz.”

Though Kyle highly doubted that, he could also sympathize with how bad Tess might be feeling in that moment. There had been a time when he felt that every girl he’d shown an interest in was infatuated with Max Evans. He bet that Tess was feeling the same way towards Liz Parker. From his own personal experiences, he knew how badly that kind of rejection felt.

Sure, he would go through every second of it again as long as it led him to Isabel. He was getting his happy ending. Tess didn’t have hers. Yet, Kyle thought as a plan began to form.

With an exaggerated move, he looked up at the clock. “Hey Tess, it’s after four! Don’t you have to get going?”

She blinked, stunned by his sudden exclamation. Then, she looked at the clock herself. With a sigh, she started to gather up all the paper she’d spread across the dining room table. “Yeah. Prom Committee calls. I should be home after six.”

“Okay,” Kyle said cheerily. “Great. See you then.”

It took her another five minutes to grab a pair of shoes and hunt up her keys. Kyle felt like he was nearly ready to jump out of his skin by the time she walked out the door, giving him a funny look over her shoulder as she left. However, he managed to wait until he heard her car start before he picked up his cell phone.

Isabel answered on the second ring.

“Hey,” she said softly.

For a moment, Kyle let himself bask in the sound of her voice. Just hearing it created this strange kind of peace inside him. That was his miracle.

Finally, he cleared his throat, and began to layout his plan. It didn’t take long, as the best plans were the simplest. When he was done, he heard her delighted laughter thought the earpiece.

“Perfect,” she agreed. “It’s just perfect.”

Re: The Dance (T/S & K/I, Teen, UC) Pt 2

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:36 pm
by Anniepoo98

Here is part two. And thanks Jenny! I am so glad you liked the first part. I hope you like this one too. There is one more part after this.


Part Two:

Isabel’s eyes search the Crashdown, locking on to her prey. She quickly maneuvered her way around the tables, saying a quick hello to a couple of people who waved, but remaining entirely focused on her mission. When Kyle told her about his idea, she’d grabbed on to its inherent brilliance and ran.

Sean Deluca didn’t have a prayer.

“Hey,” she said cheerily as she slid into the back booth across from him.

He glanced up from the burger he wasn’t eating, giving her a vague smile. “Hey Isabel, how is it going?”

Isabel couldn’t help the grin that spread across her lips. “Great.” She nearly laughed the word. “Everything is just perfect. How about you?”

His eyes narrowed with suspicion for a moment, than he shrugged nonchalantly. “Fine. I’m just grabbing a bite before I head back to work.”

Yeah, right, she thought. You’re just grabbing a bite at the Crashdown on a day that Tess usually works. The fact that he was so obvious about liking Tess without admitting a word delighted her. She couldn’t help but push it a little more.

“Tess isn’t with you?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

Sean shook his head. “No, she had a Prom thing. She’s really getting into it this year.”

He didn’t know the half of it. “Yeah. Kyle told me that they are going all out this year. The DJ is supposed to be really good and they have spared no expense with the decorations. Tess has been working like crazy.”

“I know,” he murmured, a look of utter frustration on his face.

That surprised Isabel. She wondered where it was coming from. However, as she was about to ask him about it, the waitress made her way over to the table. Knowing she was going to be sitting there for awhile, Isabel decided to settle in, ordering a basket of fries and a coke.

When the girl left to put to the order in, she noticed that Sean’s expression had changed from frustrated to confused. “What’s going on?” he asked bluntly.

Obviously, it was too late to be subtle. Hell, subtle probably went out the window the moment she sat down. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Sean. Isabel just didn’t know him. The fact that he knew their secret had only made her more leery of him. Sure, she would offer a casual hello, a vague gesture of acquaintance, but nothing more.

That changed after he started hanging out with Tess. Maybe they still weren’t best buds, but Isabel hadn’t missed the way Sean looked at her friend when they were dancing during Isabel’s birthday party. She wasn’t oblivious to the fact that he made a point to drop by the Crashdown almost every time Tess was working. He was crazy about her friend. Now, she just had to get him to do something about it.

“Why didn’t you ask Tess to the Prom?” Isabel asked, being equally blunt.

His eyes narrowed for a minute, than he shrugged again. “I hate tuxedos,” he evaded.

Isabel merely lifted an eyebrow.

He tried again. “I can’t dance.”

This time, she folded her arms over her chest.

“Look, the last thing she needs to get involved with someone like me,” he blurted out. Judging by the look on his face, he regretted it the instant the words were out of his mouth. Taking a deep breath, he ran a hand through his curly blond hair. “Please,” he said, “just leave it alone.”

Isabel blinked, surprised by his reaction. It was the last thing she expected. “No,” she said after a minute. “I won’t leave it alone. I want to know why?”

Refusing to back down, even as he gave her a desperate look, Isabel continued. “I know you like her. I also know that she likes you. When both parties happen to feel the same thing about each other, and that thing is positive, it tends to lead towards a date. And, buster,” she said, point a finger at him, “I’ll have you know that the Prom is just as good a place to start as any.”

“Not when the guy is a juvenile delinquent who got kicked out of the same school nearly three years ago.” He took a sip of his drink, swallowed hard. “Not when the guy can count the number of times he talked to his mother in the past year on one hand because she hardly bothers remembering to call. He doesn’t even remember his father.”

Sean shook his head. “No. Tess deserves better than that.”

A wave that was equal parts understanding and sympathy washed over Isabel. She’d never thought about how Sean had come to live with his aunt and Maria. She merely accepted it. Now, to find out a bit of the story, and she had a feeling it was just scratching the surface of the truth, Isabel wanted to offer him some sort of comfort.

Without thinking, she reached out, lightly touching her hand to his arm. The second she did, she saw something she’d never expected to see.

It was Tess.

She was standing in the alleyway just outside the Crashdown, tossing a bag of trash into the dumpster. Hearing footsteps, obviously Sean’s, she whirl around, a bright smile crossing her face when she saw him. Hi, she said, making her way toward him. Did Maria let you know that I was looking for you?

Yes, Sean said casually. However, Isabel could feel his heartbeat pick up as if it were her own. What’s up, Tess?

Her smile faltered for a moment. Well, she began, than trailed off.

Sean moved closer, laying a hand on Tess’s shoulder. What is it?

I was wondering if you wanted to go to Prom, she blurted out in one quick rush of words.

Isabel could feel the shock that slammed into Sean when he heard them. That, coupled with the nervous look on Tess’s face, was like a pure torture for him because he had to say no. It was the best thing for her.

Tess, he started to say, but he found himself effectively cut off as she started to lean forward.

Her lips lightly brushed his once, than twice, before she pulled back. Isabel could feel both the wonder and fear that he felt when Tess big, blue eyes simply stared into his. Well? she asked after a couple moments passed.

Nice, was all he said, even thought Isabel knew he felt a great deal more.

Nice, Tess repeated softly. That’s it?

Look, Tess, we can’t do this,” he said, hoping to make her understand. He didn’t get the chance. Before he could say another word, Tess’s eyes filled with tears. Even as he was stepping forward, she was turning away and heading back inside the restaurant.

Isabel pulled out of the flash only to find Sean staring at her. “What did you see?” he demanded.

Now, it was Isabel’s turn to swallow hard. The last thing she meant to do was invade his privacy like that. “I’m so sorry, Sean.”

“What did you see?” he asked again, his voice softer this time.

“I saw what was on the surface of your thoughts,” she admitted. When, he kept staring at her, Isabel continued. “The day Tess asked you to the Prom.”

With a groan, Sean leaned back against the booth. “So, you saw how big a mess I made of things.”

“I saw that you did what you thought was right, even if it was stupid.” The last part was said quietly, but Isabel knew he heard her when the hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “And I know that it is not too late. This can be fixed. You just have to do it.”

He shook his head. “It’s better this way.”

“No,” Isabel exclaimed, slapping both palms down on the table. “It’s not.” She took a deep breath, trying to calm down a bit before she went on. It didn’t work.

“Do you know what it was like for Tess growing up,” she said as more of a statement than a question. “It was lousy. I don’t think she ever got a chance to be a kid. She was too busy being trained to be a queen. I think Tess rationalized that it was okay because she had some greater purpose. She would find us and we would go back to save our home.”

“Even when she was starting to let go of the idea that Max, Michael, her and I had to be paired off into nice, happy couples, she still thought that someday we would help our people. That’s what Nasedo always told her.”

At the mention of the shapeshifter’s name, Sean’s eyes flashed with fury. It burned there for one very intense instant, than mellowed.

Isabel continued. “He made sure she never forgot she was different. In fact, I wouldn’t doubt that he did everything in his power to squash any little bit of humanity she had. So, when she found out what he’d done, just how much he betrayed us and our people, it nearly crushed her. She got through it partly because of Kyle, partly because of Max. They both showed her that she belonged here with us no matter what.”

She reached out to touch his arm again making sure not to connect with him this time. “Still, none of that would mean much without you. You’ve shown her what it is like to live. You’ve show her what it is like to be human. You make her feel normal.”

Isabel thought of Alex and Kyle, how normal they both made her feel, and smiled. “It’s about the most precious gift one could ever get.” Her eyes drifted over Sean’s face, seeing a dozen emotions warring with each other. The strongest, the one she wanted to win out, was hope.

“Give it a chance,” she said softly. “I don’t think you will regret it.”

He was thinking about it. Isabel could all but see his resistance to the idea fade away. Finally, he opened his mouth. “I don’t have a tux.”

Grinning, Isabel gave his hand a friendly pat. “That won’t be a problem.”

Re: The Dance (T/S & K/I, Teen, UC) Complete - 1/30

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:41 am
by Anniepoo98
Thanks Jenny! Well, here is the last part. I hope you enjoy.


Part Three

Though the speakers set up in each corner of the school gym, the B52’s grooved through the speakers. Tess foot tapped in time with the rhythm of the song as she filled more plastic cups with punch. Every now and then, she would glance up to watch as her friends danced beneath the dozens of glittery stars strung from the ceiling. At that particular moment, Kyle was spinning Isabel into a dip as Maria and Liz bumped hips.

The whole scene made Tess laugh. After all the hard times they’d experienced, it was so good to see her friends that happy and carefree. In fact, ever since Isabel’s birthday party, things within their group had begun to even out. Tensions and sadness eased away, allowing normalcy and even happiness back into their lives.

For her, it was the happiest Tess could ever remember feeling. She had a home and family. It was pretty damn near perfect.

The only exception was Sean Deluca. Things between them were anything but perfect. “God,” she muttered to herself. “I never should have kissed him.”

That one little move seemed to completely ruin their relationship or whatever it was. In the two weeks since she’d asked him to the dance- and kissed him- she hadn’t spoken to Sean once. He stopped randomly coming by the Crashdown during her shifts. Hell, he hadn’t even called her. It was the longest they had gone without talking since school started.

If she had known what would happen, Tess would have never taking that step. As hard as it was to pretend that she only saw him as a friend, it was better than not having him in her life at all. Maybe if she hadn’t, he might have come to the prom with her as a friend. They might even be out there dancing with the others.

For a minute, her mind wove a little picture of eight friends dancing around together, laughing and having a good time. And in that minute, it was enough for Tess. She knew that she could settle for a moment like that. She could forgo what she really felt just to have him there.

That is when the realization hit her. She was doing the same thing she had done her whole life. She was prepared to sacrifice what she really felt because it was what someone else might want. During her years with Nasedo, every second of her life was determined. Even after they came to Roswell and she started to disobey his orders, her actions were still driven by the destiny he drummed into her brain. After they learned of his betrayal, Tess made a vow to herself that she would always be true to her feelings, whatever they may be.

“That’s not going to change now,” she muttered to herself as she placed a half filled cup back on the table. If Sean never spoke to her again, well, that was his problem. She was only being honest. He wasn’t required to feel the same way, but she wasn’t going to regret what she did.

Determination welled up inside her. Skirting around the side of the table, Tess started towards the others. She was going to have good time with her friends, date or no date.

Then, the song changed. B52’s faded away into the soft melody of a Jewel song. The lights overhead dimmed as couples started to pair off across the dance floor. It stopped Tess in her tracks. Rolling her eyes, she threw up her hands in disgust. “Are you kidding me?” she wondered aloud.

With a sigh, Tess glanced around the room, her eyes landing on her friends. Though they were all kind of grouped together, each couple might as well have been in the own world. Max was holding Liz close, both of them swaying in time to the music with their eyes closed. Michael was saying something to Maria as they danced, which made her smile. And Kyle, her brother in every way that counted, had his cheek pressed to Isabel’s head as she rested it on his shoulder.

It was lovely picture to have. It was also heartbreaking because she wanted the same thing. She wanted that kind of bond with Sean.

A tear dripped down her cheek before Tess had the chance to hold it back. Feeling the pressure of more threatening to fall, she quickly turned to run out to the restroom. And ran smack dab into someone’s chest.

A hand quickly grabbed her arm to steady her. Ready with an apology, Tess looked up and saw Sean blue eyes staring down at her. Every thought in her head blanked out.

A little grin tugged at his lips. “Hey Tess.”

She blinked once, then twice, before her mind began to function again. “Hey Tess,” she repeated. “Two weeks go by without a word and all you have to say is, ‘Hey Tess’. I don’t believe you.” She tried to take a step back, but his hand held firm. “Let go of me.”

He didn’t let go, but loosened his grip a little. “I’m sorry.”

“Well, that’s just great,” Tess tossed back. “Thanks for the apology. All is forgiven. Now, let me go.”

“No.” He drew her a little closer, until her body bumped against his. “Not until I explain why I acted the way I did when you asked me to Prom.”

All of Tess’s anger and bravado faded away. Part of her wanted the answer so badly. The other part, the part she feared was stronger, didn’t know if she could handle what that answer would be. “Please Sean.”

“I was stupid,” he said in a rush. “I thought it was best if we just stayed friends. So, when you kissed me, I was caught off guard. I never considered that you felt that way about me.”

“Why wouldn’t I feel that way about you?” Tess asked, thoroughly confused about where this was going.

“Because I am a juvenile delinquent who dropped out of school, that’s why.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “I live with my aunt because my neither of my parents could be bothered to care. I’m not a good bet.”

Tess sighed. “Not when you put it like that. If you want to be technical, I’m a cloned former alien queen who was raised by a psycho who hated all humans. I don’t sound like a catch either.” She reached out, laying a hand on his cheek. “But it’s all bull. That’s taken me a long time to learn. I am nothing like Nasedo and you are nothing like your parents.”


She shook her head. “Let me finish saying this. When I look at you, I see he guy who knows pretty much everything there is to know about me, but who has never judged me on the things I’ve done. I see the person I can turn to you went things are bad or good. You are kind and funny.” She smiled a little. “Plus, it’s not like you are horrible to look at.”

He smiled back at her and there was something in it that made her heart beat just a little faster. “Not horrible, huh?”
She started to say no, but Sean leaned down, brushing his lips against hers. When he pulled back, Tess just stared up at him, blinking.

“Like I said, I was an idiot.” She noticed his eyes drift away. When she followed their direction, she saw Kyle and Isabel dancing. “Someone helped me realize how big of one I was being. So, here I am, suit and all.”

She down the collar of the jacket he was wearing. “Isabel has good taste.”

He laughed. “Yeah, especially with a little presto chango up her sleeve to help out.” Then, his expression turned more thoughtful. “Tess, I do feel the same way you do and I want the same thing.”

“And what is that?” she asked.

“Well, to start, I was wonder if you would dance with me.”

Tears started to sting her eyes, but Tess refused to let them fall. Just a few minutes ago, she was wondering if their friendship would ever be the same. Now, he was offering her more and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. “It’s the best idea I’ve heard all night.”


Kyle drew Isabel closer as the song changed. A few people let out shouts of excitement at the faster tempo, but there was one couple near them that did not. “Hey,” he said, nodding in the direction of where Sean and Tess were still swaying slowly in each other’s arms. “You did good.”

She grinned back at him before leaning in to place a soft kiss on his lips. “No. We did good.”