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Fiat Lux (CC MM/ Teen) 1/1 - 06/04/12

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:43 am
by PML
Title- Fiat Lux

Author- PML

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine. It is owned by Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, and Fox. This is for entertainment only and no infringement is intended.

Category- CC- MM

Rating- Mature

Summary- This story is the third in a series that explores how our heroes would react to the end of the world in 2012. It is in response to a challenge levelled at Roswell Heaven. In the first story, Diem Perfectum, Isabel learned of how and why the world was doomed. She then resolved to enjoy that last perfect day. In Sol Aeternum Amor, Max and Liz tried to stop it. And yet the world is still doomed.

How will our Candy couple deal with the situation?


Maria stared at the tests one more time.


She walked over to the other five tests.

All of them were positive.

Maria took a deep breath. It wasn’t just her imagination then. She really was pregnant.

She bit her lip. Of course it was possible that the tests could have been contaminated by her powers.

Not that they were strong or anything. Just something she had to deal with being with her Michael.

It had begun so slowly you wouldn’t even notice it. There had been no sudden explosion of green sparks for her. No odd distortions in space like had happened with Kyle. But then she had never been saved by Max. She had never died.

Maria shivered. No, she had never suffered that. But each explosive kiss and psychedelic bout of love play had left their mark on her. Activating the parts of the brain that the talents her friends and husband took for granted. Albeit at very low levels.

But that was okay. She was strong enough to do most of the cool practical things that she had always felt envious about. She could open a locked door if she was patient, change the color of lipstick, and even reheat her food. All of it slow, but it hadn’t been something she had been born with.

It wasn’t like she needed the power to blow holes in walls or destroy tanks. That was what Michael was for.

But even that small power could alter the chemical balance in the tests. That was why she had taken so many of them.

She had known something was going on. Her hormones had started going crazy and none of the tips Isabel had given her had worked. And those tips had been life savers before. (Well they had saved Michael’s life anyway.) Period’s still sucked, but she was able to cut down on the bloating and pain.

She was late. She was usually pretty regular, but sometimes life interceded. But when she had missed it by nearly a month, she had known something was up. And she didn’t feel nauseous. But then her mom hadn’t suffered morning sickness either from what she had told her.

She looked up at the mirror and gave herself a thumb- up, “I think I am pregnant.”

And she and Michael were ready. They had worked hard for this little house. They could even move the den and change it into a room for the baby. She was smiling as she came into the next room. Max and Liz would be here for an impromptu cookout. She had planned on a nice dinner, but the weather had been so nice, Michael had persuaded her to allow him to show off his barbecue skills.

How could she deny it to her husband? Plus it meant that he would be doing most of the clean-up.

Maria was cheerful as she walked into the living room where her husband was talking to someone on the phone. She stopped when she saw him. “Michael?”

Michael held up his hand for just a moment, “I see. You are sure?” Michael closed his eyes and did something Maria would never have expected. He sobbed. Literally sobbed into the phone. Sarcastically he said, “Of course. Of course it would all fucking end now. How long do we have?”

Maria didn’t hesitate. They had planned for this. For the day the Feds went back on their deal. She couldn’t see why they would move now or what had changed, but she knew from personal experience that the world could change in an instant.

And it was usually for the worst.

Maria didn’t want to think what it might mean for the child slowly forming inside of her, but pregnant and on the run would be very dangerous.

Could she do it? Could she kill the life inside of her?

She grabbed the bags and began packing the car. She slipped the Bluetooth headset into her ear and speed dialed Liz. She might know more, but even if she didn’t, she would want a heads up.

Even if this was nothing, it would be a useful drill for the day when it was the truth. And given how Michael had been reacting on the phone, it was not a drill. Maria was certain of it.

There was no answer from Liz. So she dialed Max. Again no answer.

Had they all simply run out of time?

She called Isabel and hit voice mail. “Call me back as soon as you can Isabel. We may have situation.”

Maria had the car packed with the essentials and was heading back to the living room when Michael, eyes shining with unshed tears. “Here. Someone wants to talk to you.”

“Michael… Do we have time for this?”

Michael tried to smirk, but it failed. “We have one day. One perfect day before the end. Here, you will want to talk to him.” He handed the phone to her.

Maria took it. “Hello?”

The voice that answered was one she had never expected to hear this side of life. Alex said softly, “Hey Maria. I hear you are married lady now.”

Maria glared up at Michael, “Is this some kind of sick joke?”

Michael just shook his head. “One perfect day. I will be outside getting the grill ready.”

“But if we have one day shouldn’t we get moving to take advantage of our head start?”

“Maria. Oh, my beautiful Maria, this isn’t something we can run from. There won’t be anything to RUN TO.” He turned to go and paused. He turned around and engulfed her in a massive hug. “You have been the best thing in my life Maria. I love you.”

And she knew it was serious. It wasn’t like he never told her he loved her, but it was rare. He preferred to show it in his actions. He loved words, one look at their library would tell you that, but he didn’t trust the spoken word.

It was too easy to say something you didn’t mean. Too easy to deny it later. Words could claim something, but actions proved them. His actions had proven he loved her, she hadn’t had doubts about that in years.

She had grown up. So had he.

Maria looked down at the phone. “Okay, I don’t know who this is, but Alex, my Alex is dead.”

“I was. Isabel brought me back. I can’t really explain it more than the fact that time is breaking down as much as space is. Try not to cry, Maria. Enjoy today. It is, it is all we have.”

“What, what is going on?”

“You know why Isabel was here? To test those abnormalities Larek warned about?”

Maria sighed, “I will admit a lot of it went over my head. But yeah.”

Alex said, “They were more than abnormalities. Somewhere a mistake was made and because of it the levels of Dark Energy, specifically Phantom Energy have exponentially increased.”

“In English please.”

“The world is ending early.”

Maria stared at the phone. This hopefully was just a practical joke. She would play along for now. “The world is ending?”

Alex sighed, “Yes. Sometime tonight, probably pretty late there in Roswell, the stars will appear to go out. They won’t be, but. You know I doubt you care about the technicalities do you? Let’s just say that the stars will go out. And then those forces will begin to break apart the solar system and then Earth itself. Everything everywhere will be destroyed.”

She forgot she was playing alone. It was Alex. She couldn’t tell you how she knew, she just did. And it was all real. “Why? Why now? Why would God do this to us? Hasn’t He toyed with our lives enough?”

“Look Maria, I really was dead. There were things I knew then that I can’t really explain. This isn’t what was supposed to happen. That much I can remember. And I was given an opportunity and I took it. And, Maria, don’t cry. Enjoy the time you have left. It is all we have left.”

Should she tell them? No. It would do them no good to worry for generations that would never be born. She would have to tell Michael. He needed to know.

So she wiped the tears from her eyes, and said, “Alex, you take care of Isabel for me. Make sure she has the best possible day. She’s had it tough.”

Alex’s voice was soft, “I know. You take care of Michael, will you?”

Isabel replaced him, “You know?”

Maria said, “Alex told me. I knew something was up, but… the end of the world?”

Isabel said softly, “I am sorry.”

“I love you Isabel. Took a while, but you have become another sister to me. I wish you could be here.”

“Me too. Take care of the old barbarian for me.”

Maria said, “Enjoy your time with Alex. He always loved you.”

Isabel said simply, “And I love him. It took me too long to realize it, but trust me Maria, I plan on taking advantage of the time we have remaining. I suggest you do the same.”

“Good bye.” She would never see either of them again, “And Isabel, send pictures. I will send you what I get at the cook out, you show me you and Alex having fun. Even if we only get to share them later tonight, please.”

“Touch base with you sometime tonight then.” Isabel laughed softly, “Briefly. I do need to make the most of my time….” The phone call ended.

Maria walked out to see Michael getting ready for the cook out. “Do you want to talk about it.”

He looked over at her and smirked, “Tonight. Can we wait for tonight. And simply enjoy the day?”

Maria nodded and went back inside. She walked calmly back to the bathroom and tossed all the pregnancy tests into the garbage. No point to them anymore. Simply no time.

She looked up into the mirror and cried. She cried for around a half hour, pouring out all her sorrow. When she was done she washed her face and with her still weak powers, applied her make up again.

She had been excited about this. It wasn’t often they had so many guests over. She wanted to be the perfect hostess.


The party was over. It had been a blast. Maria had been the perfect hostess. He was so lucky to have her. She lightened his life in a way that he simply couldn’t describe.

But without her the world would be an empty darkness. She was his light.

He felt as Maria came out. They left all the dishes.

Really what was the point? The world was about to end.

He turned around to look at her, the light catching on her glorious green eyes. “So anything interesting that Isabel has to share?”

Maria smiled up at him, “A few pictures. And Alex looks like he is in his twenties, but it is him. I wish we could have visited Isabel in Hawaii at least once. It all looks so beautiful.” She turned away.

“What is it?”

Maria turned back to him, this time her smile was forced, “Why does it all have to end now? Now when everything is finally going good. You have a good job and my shop is finally doing really well, and, and….”

Michael moved over to hold her, “And what?”

Maria looked up at him, “Michael I am pregnant. We decided back in March we were ready and I stopped taking the pill. And, and now…” She broke into tears.

Michael held her and looked balefully up at the sky. And watched as a star went out. First one. Then others. “It is beginning.”

Maria looked up and they watched as the stars began to go out. They stood there for a few moments when she said softly, “Michael. Make love to me. Make me forget about all this. Make me cry your name into the heavens. Please. I need you!”

Michael lifted her up and carried her inside. And for a time nothing else mattered but pleasing his wife.

He didn’t know how long he had been sleeping when he felt something try to steal them away. With an act of will he pushed it away. And he curled up with his Maria.


Maria woke up to the sunlight streaming into her room. Her new senses seemed so much sharper today. And there was an odd pressure that seemed to be everywhere. To her new senses it seemed to be pressing on everything, pulling them apart.

It wasn’t that strong, but she could feel it getting stronger.

With an epiphany she realized this was what was destroying the world. Everything would be torn apart. The sun looked normal. That was the thing. At first glance, everything looked normal

But it wasn’t. She could feel that.

She got up and turned on the news, eager to see if anyone else had noticed anything. None of the live channels were working. In fact, only a few of the channels were actually broadcasting.

Where were the people?

She called some friends. She called her family. She called Isabel and Alex.


She was staring at the phone when Michael walked slowly into the kitchen. “So what is for breakfast.”

“Michael. Everyone is gone! They are all GONE!”

Michael looked at her for a moment, “What do you mean, gone?”

Maria stood up and said, “No one is here. It is like that time with those skins. Everyone is just gone.” Maria was beyond tears at this point. This was just so hopeless. Not only was the world going to end, but they had to face it alone?

The ground shook.

Michael said softly, “It is starting.”

Maria could feel that energy she had first noticed this morning growing stronger and stronger. Pulling everything apart. With an act of will she reached out and angrily stopped it as it tried to tear apart her house.

No. She had worked too hard for this. She wasn’t going to let it be torn apart by some odd space issue!

Michael said suddenly, “What did you just do, Maria. I felt that.”

Maria said gritting her teeth, “I am not letting this house break apart. I am not going to let the universe do this to us. We slaved making this place good for us. Can you just sit there and let it get taken away from us?”

“But how?”

“Grasp my hand. See through my eyes. Maybe it’s something you can’t see.”

Michael’s voice was determined, “I see it. Together, we will push it back together.”

For hours they struggled, pushing the devastation that wracked everything around them. Holding a little bubble of normalcy around their house and part of their neighborhood.

The stronger the force got, the stronger they got. It never was strong enough to overwhelm them, but once it destroyed something it was simply gone.

And then it stopped.

Both of them stood exhausted in their kitchen. Outside there was the tiny scrap of land they had managed to salvage. Beyond that there was nothing. Just a dark void.

Michael looked out there. “Wow. It really did a number on the neighborhood.”

Maria laughed, perhaps a bit hysterically, “Yeah. I think we now have the best lawn in the area.”

Michael laughed, “Yeah, we will get that award this year. If only because we have the ONLY full yard in the neighborhood.” He tilted his head, “Why can we breathe?”

Maria said off handedly, “I told the air to reprocess itself. Personally I am more worried about food. I don’t know about you, but I am starved.” She opened the refrigerator, “Might as well eat the stuff before it goes bad…. Michael why is the refrigerator still working?”

“Producing electricity is easy. I was able to do it before. Now.” He shook his head. “I never thought I would have such power.”

Maria removed some items for a large omelet, “Too bad it took the destruction of the universe. Do you think we are safe? That it is really over?”

Michael stared into the abyss that lurked in every direction from his house. “Yes. And we are easily strong enough to maintain this forever I think. Maybe even expand it.”

Maria slipped her arm into Michael’s, “What? Create another universe?”

Michael laughed, “Well why not. It is not like my old job is waiting.”

Maria nodded, “Good point.”

They both cooked and ate a large breakfast. Then both of them simply sat around the table and held hands for a long time. They simply were.

Enjoying their existence.

After a time Michael got up and walked to the front door and stared at the dark sky. “So what do I do first?”

Maria giggled, “I don’t know. Maybe we should go with the classics.”

Michael looked down at her and smiled, “What, just shout out let there be light?”

Maria giggled even harder, breathlessly she said, “That would be the place to start.”

“I can’t believe I am going to do this. I mean I never believed in anything before, this is just ridiculous.”

Maria grasped his hands and smiled, “Okay, let’s do it together.”

And at the top of their lungs they screamed into the void, “Let there be Light!”

Both of them looked up expectantly.


Michael laughed, “Well maybe we are going about it all wrong. There is always tomorrow I guess.”

Maria said slyly, “I can think of another activity we could do instead. It isn’t like you can knock me up again. I am already pregnant.”

Michael pursed his lips and rubbed his eyebrow. “I suppose. But what about today’s hockey game?”


He smirked at her and said, “Just kidding.” He lifted her up and put her over his shoulder.

“Michael set me down, set me down right now!”

And he did. In their bedroom. Where they burned off all the calories they had just eaten.

Outside in the void. There was a tiny flash and a star appeared. First one and then others until they filled the sky…