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To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 22 6/23/13 [WIP]

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:56 am
by Pixie-Maria

Title: To tame a Rebel.
Rating: Adult.
Couple: M&M, AU, ALL

Disclaimer: The characters of Roswell belong to the Powers That Be. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Summary: Maria has lived in LA all her life, until her parents decide it’s time to move to Rowell for the best of the family.

AN: I suck at titles and summaries!!! Anyway, this is another of the fic’s recently found in my attic. Its completely different to my other ones, they are all angsty and dark and sometimes depressing so I guess I wrote this to lighten my moo d or something. Its kinda long and I’m again having trouble dividing the chapters without losing the story,so some chapters will be long and others kinda short. Just please stick with it as I love this fic. I remember having a lot of fun writing it. Enjoy and please leave feedback as it makes me happy!! I's actually kinda nervous about this one!!

Chapter 1.

‘Roswell, New Mexico!’ A shrill voice cried. ‘Why the hell Roswell, New Mexico?’

‘Maria,’ Amy said, exasperated.

‘No Mom. I’m not moving to nowheresville. Not in this lifetime or the next!’

‘Maria,’ Jim tried, gently. ‘We need to get this family back on track. I’m taking the job in Roswell. For you and Kyle. To get you both out of the city.’

Maria huffed. ‘There’s nothing wrong with this city. Millions love this city.’

‘The city is not the problem and you know it, Maria,’ Amy interjected.

Maria had the grace to look at the floor. She then glanced over to her brother. ‘You’re going along with this?’

Kyle shrugged his shoulders. ‘Like I have a choice,’ he said with irritation.

Maria instantly felt bad. It was because of her that Kyle was too being dragged to the back waters of America. She looked at her mother. ‘Please mom, I’ll…….’

‘Don’t even go there Maria. We’ve had enough of the ‘I’ll change’ speech. It’s done. We’ve sold the house and bought one in Roswell. Jim and Kyle will go in 2 weeks to organize things while we stay for you to finish your community service.’

Maria’s shoulder’s hung, there was no use fighting now. ‘Can I keep my car?’ she asked, pouting slightly.

‘Of course,’ Jim smiled.

‘And the Harley?’ Maria beamed at him.

Amy and Jim looked at each other. ‘First sign of trouble and it goes.’

Maria’s eyes sparkled and she did a little happy dance. ‘Thanks Mom.’

‘I mean it Maria,’ Maria said, sternly, ‘first….’

‘Yeah, yeah, first toe out of line and the Harley gets it.’ Maria hugged her mother, and then danced out of the room.

Jim turned to Kyle. ‘You too son, I don’t want you or Maria in any trouble in Roswell. No more experimenting with whatever you and Maria have gotten into in the past. No more drugs, no more partying and drinking like it’s going out of style. I’m not just some cop now.’

‘Yeah Dad, I know, there’s a new sheriff in town. Do you really think you can keep Maria out of trouble by taking her to a small town? That girl could find herself in a shitload of trouble in a nunnery. ’ He left the room too.

Amy looked at Jim. ‘We’re doing the right thing, right?’ she asked him.

‘Amy, what could they possibly get up to in Roswell, New Mexico?’

Amy laughed, and then her face became serious. ‘Do you think we should warn the National Guard?’

Two weeks later, Jim and Kyle followed a removal truck to their new residence. Half the house had been packed and was moving with them, Amy and Maria would follow in two weeks with the rest of the furniture they would be bringing.

Getting out of the car, Jim asked Kyle, ‘so what do you think, son?’ pointing to their new house. It was a large 3 bedroomed house.

‘Not as big as the one in LA,’ was all that Kyle could say.

‘Yeah, but son, that was Amy’s. We wanted something that was ours,’ Jim said, walking up the drive.

‘Dad, the money you got from the sale of that house could have bought 10 of these houses,’ Kyle said, entering a nice size foyer.

‘That’s Amy’s money. This,’ he indicated to the house, ‘is what Amy and I could afford.’

‘But……,’ Kyle tried

‘Kyle. It’s a nice size house. You and Maria both have your own space. There’s a den in the basement for
you to hang with your friends. I get a study and there’s a pool and an outdoor kitchen area, great for B-B-Q’s.

Kyle looked out though the glass doors that led to a patio and a pool in the backyard. ‘Not as big as the pool in LA.’

‘Kyle, this house is bigger than the one we lived in before Amy. Don’t be a snob!’

‘But Dad….’

‘Kyle,’ Jim said, gently. ‘Look, Amy didn’t want me to say anything to you but some of the money from the sale of the house she has put aside for you. A college fund. She wants you to have the same experiences as Maria.’

‘Really,’ Kyle looked shocked.

‘Well not ALL the same experiences. I don’t think she wants to bail you out of any local police stations any time soon.’

Kyle laughed. ‘I can’t believe Amy would do that for me.’

Jim smiled at him. ‘Son, you should have seen her. I don’t think I’ve seen her that giddy. She was so excited opening an account called ‘Kyle’s College Fund’. She never had that for Maria.’

‘Yeah,’ huffed Kyle. ‘like she needs to worry about a college fund. Isn’t there like 4 universities with a Deluca Hall, house or wing.’

Jim laughed at his son. ‘Yeah something like that. Anyway we decided not to get a big house. In a couple of years you and Maria will be off to college and we don’t want to get lost in a museum like the house in LA.’

Kyle nodded his head in acceptance.

Jim turned to the movers to start directing placement of furniture.

‘I don’t know why you’re bothering,’ Kyle said, ‘Amy or Maria will only move it all again when they get here.’

Jim agreed. ‘Why don’t you go and chose which room you want.’ After a thought he added. ‘Though, I’d be mindful of Hurricane Deluca in my choice.’

Kyle laughed and headed for the stairs. A few minutes later Jim looked to the stairs as his son’s voice called.


‘Yep,’ Jim huffed.

‘Ria’s gonna flip when she finds out she has to share a bathroom with me.’

‘Don’t I know it,’ Jim muttered.

Kyle settle well those first two weeks, he made friends at school and even made it onto the school’s football team. His friends became regulars at the Valenti house, while Jim got to know his new station.

Max Evan was a guy who played on the football team and was well thought of in school, an honor student and well liked with teachers and pupils alike. His one fault being he was a bit of a ladies man, never staying with a girl for more than 2 weeks. He said he’d just never found the ‘one’ yet and until he did he was gonna have fun.

Michael Guerin also played on the football team but had a typical bad boy reputation. He was a foster kid and in the care of Ed and Shelia Harding. He didn’t like school and barely kept his grades inline to play football. He was the object of many a fellow student fantasy, but like Max tended to ‘use ‘em and lose ‘em’.

These had become fast friends with Kyle and through them Kyle had also met, Isabel Evans, Max’s twin sister self-proclaimed Ice Princess of West Roswell High, and Tess Harding, a cheerleader, Michael’s foster sister. There was also Alex who lived over the road. He moved in a different circle in school, but Kyle still thought he was cool and they talked regularly.

So after two weeks of relative harmony, the peace was shattered by Hurricane Deluca.

Kyle had been snoozing on a couch in the living room waiting for the rest of the family to arrive, when he heard a demanding voice.

‘You scratch it, pally and you’ll be paying for it.’

He jumped up and ran to the door, pulling to open to the glorious sight of his small, delicate sister, ripping into two burly removal men emerging from the back of a truck.

He laughed until he saw them cautiously bring her precious Harley from the back of the truck.

‘She means it you know,’ he added, walking down the drive to them, ‘though she’ll probably want payment in blood not cash.’

Maria smiled at the sight of her step brother, ‘Hey Buddha Boy. You miss me?’

‘Yeah, like a hole in the head, Jailbait,’ he answered, pulling her into a hug and earning a look from the men.

‘Kyle,’ Amy chastised, coming round the side of the truck, ‘please don’t call your sister Jailbait.’

Kyle ignored Amy; he only did it to annoy them. ‘Long drive?’ he asked, walking Maria toward the house,
with a thankful look from the removal men.

‘The worst!’ Maria sighed, over exaggerating. ‘Where’s Jacob? Is he ok?’

Kyle opened the door for Maria to be greeted by a small white Jack Russell terrier, eagerly wagging his tail. ‘Hey Jacob,’ she cooed, ‘did you have a good time with the pet carriers? Did they treat you ok?’

Jacob gave her a sloppy lick, and then wandered back to his bed by the glass doors that led out onto the patio.

‘Guess he’s tired,’ she said. Looking around the room she said, ‘It’s not too bad I suppose. As prisons go.’ She turned back to Kyle, ‘So what’s Roswell like?’

‘Small.’ Kyle laughed at Maria’s mock shocked expression. ‘I would never have guessed.’

Amy breezed into the house, ‘Oh I love it, simply love it.’ As she passed Kyle she pinched his cheek. ‘We’re gonna be so happy here.’ And off she went exploring her new home.

‘Come on, Ria. I’ll show you your room.’ Maria followed Kyle upstairs and down the hall to her bedroom. Maria turned in a circle in her room. ‘It could be worse I suppose.’

Kyle left her and went to help Amy direct the removal men.

‘Kyle!’ Maria’s voiced screamed back at him. ‘Get your shit out of my bathroom.’

Oh, now the fun was really starting.

‘I refuse, I absolutely refuse to share a bathroom with him,’ Maria repeated over dinner that night, jabbing her knife in Kyle’s direction. ‘Jim, you could have found a house with more than 2 bathrooms.’

‘There’s a half bath, I’ll use that,’ Kyle said, hopefully.

‘No, you’ll use the one upstairs,’ Amy said.

‘Mom,’ Maria shrieked.

‘Maria, not everything can go your way,’ Amy rebuked.

‘Don’t I know it,’ Maria grumbled.

‘Look,’ Jim said quietly, ‘there’s plenty of room on the landing, why don’t I look into converting the space into a bathroom for Kyle. It won’t be big but that way Maria can keep the jack and Jill bathroom for herself.’

‘Great, that a brilliant idea,’ Maria said happily.

‘Jim,’ Amy said, not wanting to give into her daughter.

‘Amy, Maria’s right. I should have made sure she had her own bathroom. She’s always had her own bathroom and young ladies shouldn’t have to share with their brothers.’ Jim smiled at Maria and she graced him with her best dazzling smile.

‘Thanks, Dad,’ she said, knowing that Jim liked it when she called him dad.

‘Only if the plans work out,’ Amy relented.

Kyle was just happy he didn’t have to see any of Maria’s more personal items because that was just plain wrong.

Maria spent the rest of the evening organizing, then re-organizing her room, until she had it the way she wanted it. She placed her desk under the wide window so she could look out whilst working and get the full benefit of the light. In one corner she placed her keyboard and guitar and in another; her art materials. Then she took Jacob for a walk.

It was early dusk as Maria walked down the sidewalk with Jacob. She walked to the end of the road, then turned left, then again to the end of the road and turned left again. She didn’t want to go too far as she had no idea of the area and she didn’t feel like getting lost. Instead of venturing any further, she decided to retrace her steps and head back.

She was just outside her house, waiting for Jacob to finishing marking his territory, when a car pulled into the drive opposite. A tall, lanky, brown hair guy climbed out and looked over at her.

‘Evening,’ he called to her.

‘Hi,’ she returned his call.

‘You know the Valenti’s?’ he asked her, walking over the road.

‘Yeah, you could say that,’ she smiled at him, ‘I’m Maria Deluca.’

‘Hi,’ he said, ‘Alex Whitman.’ He nodded back to the house where he had parked his car. ‘I live over there.’ He looked at Maria house. ‘I thought it was Valenti?’

‘My mom married Jim Valenti but I’m still a Deluca,’ she explained.

Alex nodded his head in understanding. ‘So how come you didn’t arrive with Kyle and the Sheriff?’

‘Had some loose ends to tie up in LA first,’ she clarified.

‘Oh. So you start school on Monday?’ he asked.

‘Uh huh.’ She nodded.

‘Senior?’ he probed.

Maria laughed. ‘Junior.’

Alex raised his eyebrows, ‘Really.’

Maria just smiled at him.

‘Well I’m a junior too so maybe we’ll have a few classes together.’ Alex said.

‘Yeah, then I won’t feel like a leper. At least I’d know someone.’ Maria smiled.

Jacob pulled on his leash, heading toward the house. ‘Well I guess he’s done. I’ll see you at school Alex.’

‘You definitely will,’ he said, as he watched her walk up the drive. ‘Hey,’ he called out to her before she
entered, ‘do you think your brother will let me ride his Harley?’

Maria laughed at him; he’d obviously seen her baby. ‘It’s not his, but if you play your cards right, I might let you ride MY Harley.’ She winked at him and disappeared into the house.

‘Wow!’ was all that Alex could say.

The next day saw Maria driving around town, trying to orientate herself. She had plenty of looks from the locals. Obviously new residents caused quite a stir in this small town, she thought. Not thinking it had anything to do with the fact that a gorgeous young woman was driving around in a top of the range Mercedes convertible. These things happened all the time in LA, although even there she had caused quite a commotion. She noted a good park to take Jacob for his walk not too far from her home, and also noted that the main drag only consisted of two streets. Where was she supposed to buy her clothes? She only hoped there was a decent Mall nearby. She also saw that there appeared to be only one club. Thankfully, she noted that it admitted under 21’s though wouldn’t serve them alcohol. Not that it matter to her, she had her trusty fake I.D., considering it though, she thought not to use it in Roswell. It was a small town. People probably knew each other’s business which meant they would know she was the sheriff’s step-daughter and therefore under age. She hit the steering wheel with the heel of her hand in disgust. On the bright said she could still go there to dance, if they played the right music of course, and if they didn’t,
she would just have to educate them.

She found herself pulling in front of a café. Looking it over, she laughed, CrashDown Café. I wonder where all the aliens are? she thought. Climbing out of her car, she walked over to the door, locking the car with a flick of her wrist.

‘Nice wheels!’

She turned to the voice and there, leaning against the wall was a vision. She thought she actually swooned, then mentally slapped herself, Geez Deluca, get a grip, she thought. It had obviously been too long!

He was wearing a silly bandana on his head, a grey t-shirt with a green alien head on the left side with the words, CrashDown Café, underneath it. Dark jeans and doc martins finished the look and Maria couldn’t stop her eyes from raking over him. She watched as he brought a cigarette to his lips and groaned.

He smirked at her and she realised she’s been ogling and hadn’t answered his comment.

‘Thanks,’ she said, surprised at the dryness of her voice. Men did not usually affect her this way. They were just toys. Unconsciously she licked her lips as she watched him also rake his eyes over her body and silently thanked the gods that she had worn her favorite denim shorts and a form hugging vest top. She noted the approval in his eyes.

‘So,’ he said, his voice deep and sensual, ‘you gonna take me for a ride?’

Again she gazed into his eyes, totally getting the innuendo. She sauntered over to him, standing as close as possible without actually touching him. Tentatively she brushed her fingers against his arm, trailing them down to his hand. Taking his cigarette, she inhaled deeply, enjoying the familiar sensation as the smoke filled her. Turning her head slightly, she blew the smoke away from them, her eyes never leaving his golden hazel ones. She dropped the cigarette to floor, stubbing it out with her toe, then leaned closer, placing her hand on his chest and her lips to his ear. ‘In your dreams, Spaceboy,’ she whispered. Then she smirked at him, turned and entered the café.

Once inside Maria laughed at the alien décor and accepted a stool at the counter.

‘Welcome to the CrashDown,’ a voice sounded, ‘can I get you something to drink?’

Maria smiled at the petite brown haired girl behind the counter. ‘Sure, I’ll have a plain coffee please.’

‘Ok,’ the girl smiled back and handed Maria a menu. ‘I’m Liz and I’ll be right back with your coffee.’

Maria looked down at the menu and grinned. All that grease! Now she knew where to come when she was fed up with the health food that her mother poured down her throat.

Liz reappeared with her coffee. ‘So can I get you anything else?’

‘Yeah, can I get a toasted bagel with cream cheese please?’ Maria smiled at her

‘Sure,’ Liz smiled back then made to move off.

‘Actually,’ Maria stopped her, ‘I don’t suppose you have any peanut butter?’ she asked hopefully.

Liz’s eyebrows crossed, quizzically. ‘I think I could probably find you some. You want that instead of the cream cheese?’

Maria smiled, shyly. ‘Ah, no. Could I just have some on the side please?’

Liz laughed, ‘Really?’

‘Yeah, I know, it’s strange,’ Maria’s hands flew as she talked. ‘My mom dragged me to like 4 different drug stores for pregnancy tests when I first asked her for it.’

Liz laughed, ‘I bet. I’ll see what I can find.’ Then she was off.

Maria felt a pair of eyes boring into her as she turned and saw the god from outside, standing in the kitchen, looking at her through the serving hatch. She winked at him and turned back to observe the café more. She saw a bunch of kids her age in one booth, all wearing letterman jackets, but turned away when they started nudging and winking at each other and pointed at her. Didn’t they know it was rude to point? She rolled her eyes and was grateful when Liz returned with her bagel, with a nice big dollop of peanut butter on the side.

‘We didn’t have any so I grabbed some from upstairs,’ Liz said.

‘Upstairs?’ Maria asked.

‘Oh, my parents own the café. We live in the apartment upstairs.’ Liz provided.

Maria smiled brightly at Liz, ‘Thanks Liz, you’re a Goddess.’ She swept a finger into the mound and popped it into her mouth, moaning in ecstasy.

This caused a burst of noise from the booth with the jocks who had been watching her. Liz giggled. ‘You must get that a lot?’

Maria just rolled her eyes. ‘I can’t help it. I just adore peanut butter.’ She did flick her eyes to the kitchen to see her mystery man readjust his trousers, to which she gave her own giggle.

‘So,’ Maria started, ‘you need help?’

‘Excuse me?’ Liz said a puzzled look on her face.

Maria waved her hand to a sign by the door that said, ‘Help Wanted’, as she started to spread the cream cheese on her bagel.

‘Oh yeah, one of our waitress just quit,’ Liz said, cleaning a machine on the counter.

‘So, what’s the pay like?’ Maria asked, taking a bite of her bagel.

‘Lousy,’ Liz answered, honestly.

‘And the hours?’


Maria laughed.

‘So you’re new in town. You go to the local college?’

‘No, just high school.’ Maria said, sipping her coffee.

‘Really,’ Liz said, surprised.

‘Yeah, why does nobody believe me? Maria said, exasperated.

Liz pointedly looked at Maria with a raised eyebrow, ‘Seriously!’

Maria laughed again.

‘So, which high school?’ Liz asked, wiping the counter.

‘Which one do they got to?’ Maria asked, tipping her head to indicate the jocks.

‘Goddard High School,’ Liz said.

‘Thank God! I’ll be starting West Roswell High tomorrow. Class of ’02.’ Maria finished off her bagel.

‘Really?’ Liz said again.

‘Eh Liz, have you ever heard of a thesaurus,’ Maria asked.

Liz laughed again. ‘I go to West Roswell High. I’m a junior too.’

‘Great,’ Maria beamed, ‘I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Liz.’

‘I’d like that… hmmm..’ Liz realized she didn’t know her name.

‘Maria.’ Maria provided. She finished her bagel and drained her coffee cup. She pulled $10 from her back pocket and placed it on her empty plate. ‘So hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Yeah.’ Liz watched as Maria swung the stool around and hopped down.

‘Hey Maria,’ Liz called. Maria turned back. ‘So you want the job?’

‘Let me think about it, ok.’ She said.

‘Ok,’ Liz smiled.

Maria walked to the door but before she pushed out she looked back over her shoulder to see Mystery Man staring at her again. She blew him a kiss, then left.

Re: To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 1 07/31/12

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 12:29 pm
by Pixie-Maria
Thank you all for reading and leaving feedback. I'm so happy you are enjoying this fic.

I have more stories 'from the attic' to post but i think I'm gonna just stick to the three I have going at the moment.

And no Maria is not pregnant that is just a weird dietry quirk of mine. I love peanut butter with anything!!!

I'm afraid its a short chapter today but that's only because of where I divided the story so I might place another update tomorrow to make up for it.

Anyway.... on to Chapter 2 - enjoy.

Chapter 2.

The next morning she drove to school with Kyle, complaining that they hadn’t driven in her car. He pulled into the student lot and they walked together toward the entrance.

‘I think I’m a little nervous,’ Maria giggled.

Kyle faked shock, ‘Maria Deluca, nervous. I never thought I’d see the day.’

Maria swatted his arm. ‘Kyle I’ve never been to a public school before. I’m excited.’

Kyle shook his head, ‘I thought you were nervous.’

‘Yeah, nervous, excited, apprehensive, all those 10₵ words. So you’ll be my guide right. I’d hate to get
lost on my first day. My God that would be embarrassing, could you just image…..’

‘Ria,’ Kyle stopped her mid rant, ‘it will be fine. Just be yourself and you’ll be great.’

Maria took a deep breath, ‘Be myself,’ she repeated.

Kyle nodded.

‘Ok I can do that,’ she said, shaking her shoulders like a boxer warming up as they walked a bit further. ‘Wait,’ she stopped them both, ‘do I look ok?’

Kyle raised an eyebrow at her, ‘you’re asking me about your fashion sense?’

Maria laughed, ‘Never!.... But do I look ok?’

Kyle stood back from and tilted his head to side, his finger on his chin as though he was thinking deeply.

She was wearing a pair of hip hugging jeans and a man’s shirt with the tails tide in a knot just above her jeans showing the barest line of skin and only 2 buttons fastened, the top button forming a deep V between her small cleavage. ‘Well it’s not the usual Deluca look.’ He paused, ‘Hey, is that my shirt?’

‘No.’ she answered.

‘Whose is it?’ he asked.

Maria shrugged, ‘mine now.’

Kyle laughed at her, and then went back to his original conversation. ‘Ok Ria back to the Deluca look, where are the short shirts, the skimpy tops and the boots.’

Maria looked at him mortified. ‘Do you think I should have worn them?’

‘Well, the jeans are pretty tight and a just a hint of flesh is always enticing,’ he laughed at her dazed look. ‘Ria, you look great. Very appropriate for a first day. Let’s get the male population use to you before you start showing the real Maria .’

Maria laughed with him. ‘You’re right.’

‘Though not too much skin Maria, I don’t want to have to deal with protecting your honor or anything.’
Kyle said seriously.

‘Oh, do I have honor that needs protecting?’ Maria laughed, Kyle joining in as they continued into the building.

‘Ok, so you have your schedule and the map. I marked your locker on the map and you have the combination. We’ll go drop your stuff off then I’ll walk you to your first class,’ Kyle moved her through the corridor, glaring at the looks she was getting from males and females alike. He never had this before as they had never gone to the same school before. He absolutely refused to go to some preppy private school that she had attended. They made it to her locker virtually unfazed. Maria struggled a little with her locker, but Kyle soon had it opened. She put in the books she didn’t need and closed the door with a smile. ‘Look at me being all public school girl,’ Maria giggled. She turned to Kyle, ‘Thanks Kyle, you’re a great brother.’

Kyle just laughed at her, ‘Just don’t cramp my style ok,’ he warned.

Maria looked at him in surprise, a hand on her chest. ‘You have style.’

‘Smooth, Deluca. Real Smooth.’ He flashed her a toothy grin.

He guided her to her first class. ‘So, I’ll see you at lunch in the Quad.’

‘The Quad?’ she asked.

‘Don’t worry I’m sure you’ll have some hapless followers by then to point it out. But if not, don’t forget maps are our friends.’

Maria nodded her head.

‘Oh and Principal Forrester’s probably gonna want a nice chat once he gets a good look at your transcripts.’
Maria rolled her eyes. ‘That was not my fault and you know it.’

‘It was you and that dipshit that they found there Maria,’ he chastised her gently.

‘Yeah, that bastard,’ she retorted. ‘If I ever see him again….’

‘You’ll probably end up in the same position.’

She looked at him sternly, then laughed and rolled her eyes.

They had reached her class and they watched as some students walked inside, eyeing them both as they lurked outside.

‘OK,’ Maria said. ‘I can do this.’

Kyle laughed at her, psyching herself up.

‘It’s only English Maria.’ He kissed her on the cheek. ‘Good Luck Jailbait.’

‘Thanks Buddha Boy.’

Then he was gone. Maria took a deep breath and entered the classroom.

She found a desk toward the back and sat down.

‘So you know Kyle?’ a voiced asked to her side.

She looked to see a small girl with blonde curls looking at her with a predatory look in her eyes.
Interesting, Maria thought, Kyle has hapless followers too.

‘Yeah,’ she answered simply. ‘He’s my step-brother.’

‘Oh,’ the blonde said, ‘he never mentioned a sister.’

Maria just shrugged her shoulders.

‘I’m Tess,’ the girl said.

‘Maria.’ Maria returned.

The teacher drew the class to attention so nothing else was said. Maria was grateful that he never called on her to introduce herself to the class. In fact the teacher didn’t seem to notice he had a new pupil.

At the bell, Tess turned to Maria again. ‘So what do you have next?’ she asked brightly.

Maria pulled her schedule from her back pocket, ‘ehm, US Government,’

‘Oh me too,’ Tess bounced. ‘Come on, I’ll show you.’

‘Thanks Tess.’ Maria smiled at her.

‘Hey, no problem. I know what it’s like to be the new girl. I moved here last year.’

They walked together down the corridor with Maria asking where the nearest mall was and if it was any good. Tess laughed, ‘I like the way you prioritize.’

‘Well a girl can never have too many shoes.’

Maria had the sensation that she was being watched and sure enough, when she turned her head there were several pairs of male eyes that were following them.

‘Do they always stare like hungry leeches,’ Maria asked.

‘Yeah, pretty much, but I must say it’s a little bit more intense than usual,’ Tess said. ‘I’m sure you’re used to it though.’

Maria laughed. ‘Maybe I should just use the yearbook to fill out the restraining orders and have done with it.’

Tess laughed with her as they entered their next class. Tess walked over to a desk beside a statuesque blonde.

‘Hey Iz, this is Maria Valenti,’ Tess indicated to Maria.

‘Deluca,’ Maria corrected, ‘Maria Deluca.’

‘Oh I’m sorry,’ Tess said.

Maria waved her hand. ‘Don’t worry, easy mistake.’

‘Extended family?’ the blonde asked.

‘Yeah, 3 years now, but 6 if you count the whole foreplay thing.’

‘Foreplay!’ Tess shrieked, earning her several looks from other students.

‘Yeah, you know, dating, engagement….’ Maria explained.

‘Oh,’ the blonde laughed. ‘I’m Isabel Evans.’

Maria smiled at her, ‘nice to meet you.’

Maria saw a brown haired girl enter the classroom and called out. ‘Hey Liz.’

Liz looked up. ‘Oh, hi Maria,’ she said shyly, her eyes shifting between Tess and Isabel.

‘Come and sit here,’ Maria indicated a desk beside the one she was perched upon.

‘Maria,’ Isabel started, ‘we usually stay in the seats we picked at the beginning of the year.’

‘Oh,’ Maria said, dejected. ‘Is this desk taken?’

‘Well, yes,’ Tess said, nervously, ‘but I’m sure it’ll be ok if you sit there. Courtney can find a new seat.’

‘Ok,’ Maria smiled, ‘then Liz can sit next to me,’ and she jumped off the desk and pulled Liz over to the desk, whispering in her ear ‘please.’

Liz smiled at her and took the seat.

Another blonde entered the room and walked over to Maria.

‘You’re in my seat,’ she said, rudely.

Maria looked the desk over then bent and peered at the underneath.

‘Maria?’ Tess questioned.

‘I’m looking for her name,’ she answered.

Liz chuckled.

‘Really Courtney,’ Isabel sounded aloof. ‘I’m sure you can still fail the class in another seat.’

Courtney looked at Isabel. ‘We never change seats!’

‘Haven’t you heard,’ Maria said, in a voice she usually used on the snotty girls at her old school, ‘there’s a
new sheriff in town. Change is for the good. Change helps us to grow.’ She smiled sweetly at Courtney.

Courtney turned on her fake heels and stalked off.

‘That’s really funny,’ Liz said, ‘because there really is a new sheriff in town.’

‘I know,’ Maria said, ‘that’s why I’m here. I’m the sheriff’s daughter.’

Liz nodded her understanding as the teacher entered the class.

Maria followed Isabel, Tess and Liz toward the quad at lunch, after insisting that Liz join them. They found a table and fell into an easy conversation which surprised Liz to no end.

Kyle walked into the quad, his eyes roaming for Maria, with his friends Max and David, a fellow team member. They heard Max give a low whistle and say, ‘new blood.’

They looked over to a table and to see the back of a blonde.

‘How do you know she’s new blood?’ Kyle asked.

David answered. ‘Max here knows every good looking girl in the junior and senior class, some sophomores
too. He thinks it’s his personal mission to ‘deflower’ them all.’

Kyle looked back to the table and knew that it was Maria sitting there with Max and Michael’s sisters.

‘I bet you won’t get that one,’ he said.

‘What? You think you’ve got a chance?’ Max snorted.

‘Not a chance in hell, just like you.’ Kyle said.

$50 says I do,’ Max responded to the challenge.

$100 says you don’t,’ Kyle counteracted.

Max looked at David. ‘Ok you’re on,’ he said as they shook on it.

Kyle smirked as they started over the table, Max preening his hair. As they got nearer he called out, ‘Hey Jailbait.’

Maria turned quickly to stare as Kyle, ‘Stop calling me that, Buddha boy,’ she said, vehemently.

Kyle just laughed at the shocked look on everyone’s face, especially Max’s. ‘Max, meet my sister, Maria

‘Hi Max.’ Maria said sweetly, and then looked at Kyle’s amused face and Max’s shocked expression. ‘What’s so funny?’

It was then that Michael finally joined the group and seeing Maria he looked shocked.

‘And this is Michael,’ Kyle introduced.

Maria looked at him and was grateful to be sitting down. Why was he affecting her this way? She swallowed. ‘Spaceboy,’ she smiled at him.

Michael seemed to lose himself in her green eyes, falling deeper and deeper.

‘I think Michael’s speechless!’ Tess giggled. ‘You’ll have to forgive him Maria. He doesn’t mix well with others.’

Michael shot her a glare then sat beside her, stealing her sandwich, his eyes back on Maria.

‘Spaceboy?’ Isabel asked Maria.

Maria shrugged. ‘He works at the CrashDown,’ she said as way of an explanation. She made the mistake of looking at him again and they just sat there, each falling deeper with every second. Several looks passed between the other’s around the table.

Maria shook her head. ‘So,’ she turned to Kyle, ‘what’s so funny?’

‘Oh, Max here wants your flower,’ he said innocently.

Liz choked slightly on her sandwich.

‘Sorry Max,’ Maria said, patting Liz on the back soothingly. ‘Too late.’

Isabel laughed. She like Maria’s no nonsense manner.

Kyle looked at Max and smiled. ‘You owe me $100.’

‘Wait,’ Isabel said, ‘you placed a bet against your sister.’

Kyle shrugged. ‘Easy money. She lost that ages ago.’ He looked at Maria. ‘I’ll split it with you.’

Maria smiled and they high fived.

Liz sat there mesmerized that these people could talk so openly about a very private matter.

Tess looked at Kyle, ‘JailBait!’

Kyle laughed. ‘Yeah she hates it when I call her that.’

‘Why Jailbait?’ Isabel asked, intrigued.

‘Kyle.’ Maria said, in warning.

Kyle just shrugged. ‘Let’s just say there’s been a few of Maria’s elder acquaintances that are regretting any past dalliance’s deeply. Only a lot of smooth talking and probably some underhanded shenanigans keep the police out and their reputations in order.’

‘Hey,’ Maria cried indignity. ‘No-one regrets anything.’ She didn’t care that he had told a virtual bunch of strangers.

The others laughed with her, except Liz and Michael.

Max leaned over. ‘Ok Maria, turn a round’s fair play,’ he pointed to Kyle, ‘Buddha Boy?’

Maria smiled sweetly at her brother. ‘Kyle has found Enlightment.’

This time the whole table laughed.

Re: To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 1 07/31/12

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:27 pm
by Pixie-Maria
Thank you all for reading this fic I appreciate the time you are giving it and the time taken to leave feedback. :D

Keepsmiling7: Max has already lost the bet!

zc70: next chapter as promised because the last one was too short!!

Song credit to Bryan Adams

Anyway on to Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

They separated after lunch to go to their next classes, Maria finally looking forward to a class – Music.
She entered the class room in high spirits, despite knowing none of her new friends would be there. Music was one of her passions. The class layout was different than a regular class, two rows of desks arranged in a semi-circle facing a platform that ran the length of the class along a side wall. On the platform there were various instruments with extra space for performance. She watched as the class began to fill with students, debating whether to take a desk or wait until the full class were in place.

‘Hey,’ a gentle voice called, ‘Maria isn’t it?’

She looked over and saw a boy smiling at her. ‘Oh, hey……. Alex, right?’ she said, hoping she remembered his name right. His big grin showed her she was right.

‘Yeah right,’ he grinned, ‘you remembered.’

‘Of course,’ she smiled at him. He seemed dazed slightly, ‘Alex,’ she prompted.

‘Oh yeah, so….’ He stammered, ‘music?’

‘Yeah, the one class I’m actually happy about,’ she smiled.


She nodded. ‘So any special seating or can I park anywhere?’

‘No sp….’ He grasped for words, ‘no special arrangement.’ He pulled a desk over slightly, ‘sit here and I’ll
sit here.’

‘Thanks,’ she said, sliding into the seat.

‘No problem,’ he returned as he sank into the chair next to her.

‘So Alex,’ she said, ‘please tell me this class is more practical than theory.’

‘Well, it’s pretty 50/50,’ he said, ‘so many weeks theory, so many practical. And then we also tend to do some singing too, which I apologise for in advance by the way. A lot of the class can’t sing.’

‘Ok. So do all the class play an instrument?’

‘Again 50/50, half are here for the music, half for the vocal. Unfortunately West Roswell High won’t cater
for us separately. Not enough in either class or something like that so we’re bunched together.’ Alex
watched her intently. ‘So which are you?’

Maria raised her eyebrow in question, ‘which am I?’

‘Yeah, instrument or vocal?’

‘Oh, both I guess.’

‘Really,’ Alex asked, his own eyebrows rising, ‘so what do you play?’

‘Guitar and piano.’

‘Ooh, multitalented and looks,’ he smiled.

‘Yep, I’m the whole package,’ she laughed.

‘Ok rabble, keep it to a dull roar please,’ a young voice called out.

Maria turned quickly at the voice, to see an attractive guy in his late twenties stride into the classroom. ‘Oh shit,’ she said softly, sliding further down in her chair. And she had been so looking forward to this class! The noise in the classroom dimmed slightly as he spoke to another student at the front of the class and Maria observed many of the females dreamily watching the teacher.

‘That’s Mr Harris. It’s crazy isn’t it,’ Alex whispered to her, ‘the way the girls react to him. He’s only been here a few months but I think a lot of girls wanted to get into this class because of him. You’re lucky they let you in, probably because you’re a transfer and not just someone with the hots for the teacher.’

Maria just shook her head in disbelief. Of all the schools available, why this one?

‘Apparently,’ Alex continued mysteriously, ‘he just upped and left his last school. Unsubstantiated rumors about a thing with a student but nothing was proved.’

‘How do you know?’ she said quietly, her eyes on the teacher at the front of the class.

Alex grinned at her, ‘A girl in my geometry class. Her mom heard him and his girlfriend talking about it at
Senor Chow’s. I’m not sure if the faculty know. His file says he left his old school by choice’

‘Senior Chow’s?’ Maria looked at him.

‘A restaurant downtown.’ Alex confirmed.

‘How do you know what his file says,’ she asked, intrigued.

‘My curiosity was peaked and I’m a master hacker,’ he grinned at her. ‘Got to protect my girls.’

‘What girls Alex?’ she asked with a grin.

‘Hey the potential is there.’

‘Of course it is Alex,’ she laughed, a little louder than she meant to, then wished she hadn’t when the teacher swung his eyes to her.

His gaze locked with her’s for a second then he looked away quickly when the bell rang to signal the start of class.

He turned his attention to class, ‘As I believe we left off last class just before we got to hear Britany and Sally and the piece they put together so why don’t we jump straight into that,’ he looked over to the girls, and indicated to the platform, ‘ladies.’

Two giggling girls stood and made their way over to the small stage and burst into song.

Maria cringed as they expertly murdered a good pop song, well aware of Mr Harris’s eyes on her from his position at the back of the class.

Alex saw her wince when the girls attempted vocal gymnastics. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said, leaning over slightly, ‘we’re not all as bad as that. There are a few who actually have a thimbles worth of talent.’

Maria grinned and pointed to him.

‘No not me, I can’t sing. For me it’s about the music, baby.’

Maria raised her eyebrow when he said ‘Baby’ with a laugh.

The torture, singing, finally finished to a few hand clapping, as Mr Harris walked back to the front.

‘Thank you, ladies that was a different take on the song that we shall all never forget,’ he said, to the amusement of the class, though Maria was sure that the girls wouldn’t get the fact that Mr Harris was making a dig at their singing.

‘Right, so,’ Mr Harris clapped his hands together and looked at Maria again. ‘Maria Deluca I believe,’ he said nodding to her.

Maria nodded back, wondering how he was going to play this.

‘I’m sure you have something in your repertoire to entertain us with.’ He smiled at her.

Maria stood and walked toward him, her mind racing trying to find a song that she could sing for the class. She stood on the platform and looked at the instruments, then back at Mr Harris. She had a flash of a song and smiled, looking around and finding a guitar against its stand. She grabbed the guitar and pulled a stool to the middle of the stage. Sitting comfortably, she checked the strings and the tuning, and then played the first cords of the song as Mr Harris smiled and returned to his position at the back of the class.

I got my first real six string, Bought it at the five and dime
Played it till my fingers bled, Was the summer of '69
Me and some guys from school, Had a band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit, Jody got married, I should've known we'd never get far

Oh when I look back now, That summer seemed to last forever
And if I had the choice, Yeah, I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life

Ain't no use in complainin', when you got a job to do
Spent my evenin's down at the drive-in, and that's when I met you! yeah

Standin' on your mama's porch, you told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when you held my hand, I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life
Back in the summer of '69
Man we were killin' time, we were young and restless
We needed to unwind, I guess nothin' can last forever - forever, no...

And now the times are changin', look at everything that's come and gone
Sometimes when I play that old six string,I think about you wonder what went wrong

Standin' on your mama's porch, you told me that it'd last forever
and when you held my hand,I knew that it was now or never
Those were the best days of my life
Back in the summer of '69, It was the summer of 69
Me and my baby in 69
It was the summer
Summer, Summer of 69

Maria finished to a huge applause. She smiled as she put the guitar back on its stand, that song always went down well, plus it would piss ‘Mr Harris’ off too.

‘Thank you, Maria,’ Mr Harris said, walking back to the front. Maria hoped no one heard the softness in his voice when he said her name.

She grinned at Alex when she took her seat again and he gave her his patented double thumbs up.

‘Ok,’ Mr Harris called, ‘who wants to follow that.’

The rest of the class flew by with other members singing, or killing depending on your opinion, various songs. When the bell rang Maria left quickly with Alex before she could get collared by Mr Harris.

‘Well that was certainly interesting,’ she laughed, nudging Alex with her hip.

‘I think you really stunned them. You are incredible talented.’ Alex said with a smile.

‘You think so?’ she asked.

‘Absolutely. I think Mr Harris will be happy he finally has some talent in his class.’

‘I’m sure he will,’ she said, under her breath. ‘Hey Alex, I’m sure you have talent,’ she said louder.

‘Yeah,’ he agreed. ‘We should jam sometime.’

‘Ok, Alex, I’d like that.’

They stopped at a junction. ‘Ok,’ Alex said, ‘I’m heading this way. You ok for your next class.’

‘Yes, I think so,’ she said, cautiously, ‘I think it’s that way.’ She pointed down the other corridor

‘Ok, so I’ll catch ya later.’

‘Ok Alex,’ she waved as she set off down the corridor, aware that Alex and a few others were watching her. She turned the corner, hoping she was going in the right direction. She pulled her schedule and map
from her back pocket and re-checked. Yep, she was heading the right way. Again she felt someone’s eyes on her but this time more intense. Looking round she couldn’t pinpoint anyone in particular.

She shifted her books as she tucked the pieces of paper back into her back pocket. She felt it again but this time when she looked up she saw him, leaning against a locker in the middle of the corridor, his eyes intense as they held hers.

She sauntered passed him, ‘Spaceboy,’ she said, in way of a greeting, amazed at the breathlessness in her voice. He fell into step beside her.

‘Finding your way around?’ he asked her.

‘Just about,’ she replied, glancing at him fleetingly. They took a few steps in silence.

‘Where you headed next?’ he asked, casually.

‘History – Mr Sommers,’ she looked at him when he smirked.

‘Me too.’

They both unconsciously slowed their walking pace, as the rest of the student body rushed to their next class.

‘So you play football with Kyle?’ she questioned.

‘Yeah, he’s pretty good,’ he admitted.

‘Yeah, I know.’ She smiled

He grinned at her. ‘So Jailbait, right?’

‘Apparently,’ she said and Michael laughed.

‘Kyle can be a prick sometimes,’ she said.

They stood facing each other, neither hearing the bell ring, nor noticing the corridor had cleared.

Michael looked at her intently as she returned his penetrating gaze. She couldn’t believe the feelings coursing through her. She had never felt this attracted to anyone so quickly and so deeply, and she had had her fair share of attractions. She could almost feel herself falling into his golden eyes as his seemed to burrow into her very soul.

They broke at the same time, Maria dropping her books as Michael stepped closer, pulling her to him; their lips meeting with an explosive force. Maria’s hands wound into Michael’s hair as she pulled him closer, taking control of the kiss, tasting his lips, using her tongue to demand entrance. Michael willingly granted her request whilst pushing her against the lockers behind her. Maria moaned into Michael’s mouth at the sensation of the solid locker at her back and a hard Michael pressed against her front. She unconsciously bucked her hips forward into Michael, earning a groan from him. His slipped his hands up her sides, aching to feel her skin as he pulled his mouth from hers, desperately needing oxygen. He traced his lips down her neck to latch onto the point where her neck and shoulder met. He moved the collar of her shirt with his nose and nibbled not so gently, causing her to moan again as she felt the familiar pull in her womb and wetness in her panties. Oh my God, she thought, as her hands glided down and back up Michael’s arms. She twisted them around his shoulders trying to draw him impossibly closer. She had never been this aroused this quickly and by a simple kiss, if you could call it a simple kiss. Michael re-traced his kisses, until he captured her lips again, this time with a gentle, tender kiss, taking his time to explore her mouth and her taste. His hands wandered back down to her hips, pulling her closer still so he could wrap his hands around her and grab her ass, squeezing gently. Maria pulled away first this time, pulling much needed air into her lungs, her eyes closed lost in the sensations running through her. Michael leaned his forehead against her, matching her heavy breathing, his eyes watching her.

‘Wow,’ he said.

Maria opened her eyes to meet his. ‘Yeah,’ she agreed.

‘Mr Guerin,’ a rough voiced called.

‘Shit,’ Michael whispered before reluctantly moving away from Maria’s body.

‘Mr Forrester,’ Michael said, looking at the school principal.

‘Shit,’ Maria echoed, realizing who the man was. Michael looked at her and grinned.

Mr Guerin,’ Principal Forrester repeated, ‘isn’t there a classroom somewhere missing your presence.’

‘Yeah,’ Michael agreed, ‘I was just showing Maria…’

Mr Forrester looked at Maria, ‘Miss Deluca I presume.’

‘Yes,’ she answered.

Mr Forrester looked back at Michael. ‘Michael, detention with Mr Sommers after school.’ He nodded for
Michael to leave. Maria bent to retrieve her books as Michael idly walked down the corridor and
disappeared into classroom 2 doors down. Mr Forrester watched him go then turned back to Maria.

‘Miss Deluca, my office after school.’

‘Yes sir,’ she answered demurely, already hating the conversation they would be having. I could get lucky, she thought, my transcripts might not have arrived yet.

Mr Forrester stepped aside and indicated for her to continue on to class. She walked slowly passed him and followed Michael through the door.

The heads of the students all turned as one when the door slammed behind her. The teacher stopped mid-sentence, also turning to look at her.

‘Wow,’ she said, ‘naked dream flashback.’

A ripple of laughter echoed through the class room. Mr Sommers looked at her, ‘Miss Deluca?’ She nodded
and he gestured for her to take a seat.

Looking properly in the room she saw she shared this class with Isabel, Liz, Kyle, Max and of course Michael. Michael, who was sitting at the back of the room, gave her a lazy smile as he pushed the empty desk at his side with his foot, indicating for her to sit there. She quickly took the seat as Mr Sommers continued with his lesson and the students either paid attention or went back to their doodling.

Maria opened her note book and pulled her pen from the binder, playing the conscientious student, ready to take notes. Her eyes unintentionally flickered over to Michael to again see his watching her, his eyes glancing to her lips as she turned her head to him slightly. Unconsciously he licked his lips and she smiled at him, and then turned her attention back to the teacher. A few minutes later she felt him lean over to her slightly, his arm stretched out a fraction. Out of the corner of her eye she saw he was holding a piece of paper between his fingertips. She took it quickly, looking around to see Kyle watching them, an amused look on his face; which she ignored.

Are you joining me for detention?

She quickly wrote her answer and passed it back.

No. I get a different reward.

He scribbled quickly.


Maria smiled as she passed her reply back. It had been ages since she had passed notes in class.

Principal’s Office!

She saw Michael smirk.

Ouch! Sorry.

She laughed.

What for? Being sent to the principal’s office or ravishing me against a school locker?

This time Michael laughed.

Principal’s office.

I figured.

Ravished eh! So when do I get my ride?

Maria looked at him after she read his reply and again he graced her with his sexy half smile.

‘Miss Deluca!’

‘Huh,’ she answered, still looking at Michael.

‘Miss Deluca,’ Mr Sommers called again, a little louder this time.

Maria snapped her head to the front, ‘What?’ she said, a little impatient.

‘Maybe you could enlighten us with some facts regarding the Peasant’s Revolt.’ Mr Sommers said.

‘The Peasant’s Revolt,’ she repeated, her eyebrows furrowing.

‘Yes please,’ Mr Sommers said with a smug expression.

She looked around the room. Liz looked worried, Kyle highly amused, Courtney snickered and Michael

‘Right,’ she said, looking back at the teacher. ‘Peasants Revolt.’ She searched her memory then took a deep breath.

‘England, 1381, King Richard II, Wat Tyler, Kentish men, John Bull, Jack Straw…’

‘Eh OK Maria,’ Mr Sommers said with regret in his voice that she knew the answers. She grinned at him. ‘Just next time pay more attention to the front of the class and not your neighbor,’ he said, before continuing his lesson.

Maria glanced around at the shocked faces. Courtney looked totally pissed off, Kyle just smiled shaking his head; he knew she’s know the answers. Kyle pointed to his neck and meaningfully nodded to her. She took the hint and pulled her shirt collar closer, looking at Michael with accusing eyes. Michael shrugged, a smile plastered on his face.

Re: To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 1 07/31/12

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:01 am
by Pixie-Maria
Hi all,

Many thanks to all that are reading this fic.
And yes Candy will be getting into trouble. Its inevitable really!!!!!

Please continue to read, and to any lurkers out there, please leave feddback it makes me happy! :D

Chapter 4

The rest of the class passed quickly. Toward the end another student entered the room with a note for Mr Sommers. After he read it he looked up to Michael and Maria at the back of the class.

‘Mr Guerin, I’m to remind you of your detention after school.’

Michael just smiled and rolled his eyes at Maria.

‘And Miss Deluca, I’m to remind you of your appointment with Mr Forrester.’

The whole class turned to look at Maria and Michael, wondering what they had done to warrant their punishments. Michael just sat there with a satisfied smirk on his face.

‘What you done this time, Jailbait?’ Kyle blurted out.

‘Cut it out, Kyle,’ Maria hissed at him.

‘Mr Valenti, a classroom is somewhere we don’t want to hear that,’ Mr Sommers said, sternly.

Maria smirked at Kyle but did hear some of her classmates comment on the ridiculous nickname Kyle had given her.

The bell ran for the end of class and the pupils got up to leave, sneaking discreet or not so discreet looks at Michael and Maria.

Kyle headed straight for Maria. ‘Seriously, Maria, what did you do? You must hold the schools record for being called to the Principal’s office in the shortest time.’

Maria rolled her eyes as she shook her head, ‘it was inevitable Kyle.’ She noticed that the others had also
hung back from the rest of the students.

Kyle reached forward to pull her shirt collar slightly, revealing a good size hickey. ‘Nice work,’ he said to
Michael, instantly knowing he was the one to mark his sister.

Michael smirked in recognition, while Maria pulled her collar closer again, her eyes stern on Kyle.

‘Michael,’ Max said, ‘I hope you haven’t gotten Maria into trouble on her first day.’

‘Why do you always believe it’s my fault?’ he asked indignantly.

‘Because it usually is,’ Isabel countered.

Michael grinned at Maria, ‘Well I’m sure it was 50/50.’ Maria smiled back at him.

‘What happened?’ Liz asked shyly, still unsure about being included in the group.

Michael raised an eyebrow at Maria.

‘Well,’ she started.

‘Let’s move it people, I can’t take another lesson with you lot,’ Mr Sommers called out and they noticed
that the next class had started to enter the room, so they filed out, Liz, Max, Isabel, Kyle, Maria and Michael.

‘Hey,’ Maria felt a hand on her arm so she turned to see an attractive guy with dark blonde hair and clear blue eyes. ‘You’re Maria right.’

She halted, ‘Yeah.’

‘I’m Ryan, quarterback and future all state champion,’ he said, trying to impress her.

‘She’s not interest, Brinkley,’ Michael said from behind her.

‘Hey Guerin,’ Ryan said with disgust, ‘maybe she can answer for herself.’

‘I’m not interested,’ Maria said.

Ryan raised his eyebrows at her; he wasn’t used to being turned down.

‘Told you,’ Michael said and he led Maria out with a hand against her lower back. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at Ryan as he let his hand wander down to her ass and give it a squeeze. At this Maria looked up at him and seeing him with his head turned back she also looked back a see the disbelieving look that Ryan had on his face and she too smiled at him.

Once they were out of the room, she smacked Michael against his shoulder. ‘Don’t do that again.’

‘What?’ Michael cried, holding his hands up.

‘Speak for me,’ Maria said, ‘I’m not a piece of meat you know.’ She noticed that the others had already gone their separate ways.

‘Oh,’ Michael said, lowering his hands, ‘so I can grab your ass then?’

Maria rolled her eyes and walked off in hopefully the right direction of her next class. She glance back to see that Michael hadn’t moved and she winked, ‘Anytime!’ she called out to him and laughed when he shook his head at her.

Her last class of the day finally finished. It had been biology with Liz, Max, Tess and Alex. Thankfully Alex had offered to be her lab partner. She did notice that Max and Liz were lab partners, which she was puzzled about as it had seemed that they hardly knew each other. She had enjoyed talking to Alex; he was so easy to get on with.

‘So how was your first day at West Roswell High?’ Max asked as they left the classroom.

‘Apart from my impending doom with Mr Forrester, OK I guess,’ Maria answered with a smile as they
walked slowly down the corridor.

‘Why do you have to see the Principal, Maria?’ Alex asked.

‘Boring story,’ Maria answered with a wave of her hand, ‘nobody wants to hear it.’

‘Mr Forrester always meets with new students during their first week,’ Alex said. ‘I worked in the office last semester to get out of gym.’

‘But not on the first day,’ Liz said.

Alex nodded. ‘Normally not on the first day. He likes them to get settled in first.’ He looked at Maria. ‘You
must have done something to get his interest, here or at your previous school.’

‘Shit,’ she said. She looked at Alex sheepishly. ‘How long does it take for transcripts to be processed?’ she asked him.

‘Did you get your schedule in the post?’

‘Yeah, I think it came sometime last week,’ she told him.

‘Then you can bet they’ve been processed,’ Alex said with a nod.

‘Fuck!’ she said, looking down.

‘Maria!’ Liz exclaimed, her eyebrows raised.

‘Yes please,’ Max muttered, though no one heard him.

‘Something you want to share with the rest of us?’ Alex questioned.

‘Something I’d rather stay in LA,’ she mumbled.

‘Hey Jailbait,’ Kyle called walking up to them with Tess following. ‘Seen as you have to face your juror and executioner,’ he threw a set of keys at her, ‘I’ll leave the car with you. Tess offered me a ride.’

‘You expect me to drive your piece of junk!’ Maria said indignantly.

Kyle threw a look at her, ‘There is nothing wrong with my car.’

‘Yeah and there’s nothing right with it either,’ she retorted.

‘Well you insisted on getting into trouble on your first day so it’s either drive my car or walk home,’ Kyle said.

‘I’d rather walk,’ she huffed.

‘Ok,’ he went to snatch his keys back but she stuffed them into her pocket quickly with a smile.

‘Well, I’d love to stay and chat but I don’t think Mr Forrester would appreciate me keeping him waiting. Men have no patience,’ Maria said with a wink to Liz. ‘I’ll catch ya later, Liz,’ she called as she walked down the corridor.

‘She really is something,’ Max said softly.

‘Tell me about it,’ Kyle replied. He turned to Tess, ‘come on Tess, let’s roll.’ Tess giggled and followed him.

‘Oh, she has it so bad,’ Alex laughed. ‘The Valenti-Deluca siblings are defiantly making waves at West Roswell High.’

Maria took a seat outside Mr Forrester’s office as she could see through the glass he already had someone in his office. She knew full well what was in her files from her old school and really didn’t want to be here. She was just glad that Mr Forrester hadn’t called her mom in for the meeting. The first time she had dealt with this was bad enough; she didn’t need to go through that again.

The door opened and a guy strolled out with a smug look on his face.

‘Hey Babe,’ he called to her.

‘Get lost,’ she called back.

‘Babe, you wound me,’ he held his hand to his chest.

Maria looked away as he leered at her.

‘We should get it on babe, you’re hot,’ he said, sitting next to her and leaning close.

‘Too much for you,’ she said with disgust.

‘I bet I could keep up!’

‘Mr Anderson,’ Mr Forrester called out.

‘Later hot stuff,’ the guy called as he stood up and sauntered off.

‘Miss Deluca,’ Mr Forrester held his arm out wide, indicating for her to enter the room.

She sat in the chair opposite his desk while he sat behind.

‘Maria, your records form your previous school are…… rather colourful to say the least,’ Mr Forrester stated.

‘Mr Forrester,’ she started but stopped when he held up his hand.

‘Academically your grades are good. A GPA of 3.6 is excellent Maria.’

‘Yes sir,’ she said, deciding the best way to go was agreeable.

‘The material you will be covering in the next semesters should be no problem for you as it looks like
you’re already covered it. I could place you in some AP classes until our schools curriculum catches up with
you,’ he informed her.

‘No thanks,’ she said hastily.

‘Are you sure?’ he asked.

‘Yes. I’ve made some new friends and I’d like to stay where I am,’ she replied.

Mr Forrester sighed, ‘OK, but if you change your mind let me know.’

Maria just nodded.

‘Now, extra-curriculum activities. We don’t have a dance or gymnastics team here but we do have a
cheerleading team. I could maybe arrange….’

‘No thanks,’ she interrupted him, ‘I gave them up a few years ago for a reason and I really have no interest in joining again at the moment.’

‘Ok,’ he looked down at her file then back up to her, ‘which leads me to your extra extra-curriculum activities.’

Maria took a deep breath.

‘Maria,’ his voice softened, ‘I know you kids consider me an old man, but I’m not an ogre and there is a time and place for sex and it’s not during school time nor on school property and definitely not in a Principal’s office,’ his voice raised slight at the end.

‘It was the Dean’s office,’ Maria said quietly.

‘Principal or Dean it’s the same thing and I do not want a repeat performance here,’ he paused, ‘or
anywhere in this school.’

Maria had the decency to look contrite.

‘That little display in the corridor earlier,’ Mr Forrester said.

‘Mr Forrester,’ she interrupted, ‘I’m sure many of the students here have PDA’s in the corridors. It’s not
fair to single me out of the whole school.’

‘The whole school haven’t been found having sex in the Dean’s office,’ he countered, his voice raised
slightly again.

‘It won’t happen again,’ she said, then she paused, ‘but I can’t say that about the PDA’s.’

‘Maria, a little kissing in the corridors I do tolerate, just don’t let it go too far,’ he took whatever he could from his students, without dampening their spirit.

‘Yes sir.’

‘I believe there was also a rumor about an incident with an unidentified male teacher,’

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair. ‘Never proven,’ was all she said.

Mr Forrester shook his head. ‘I don’t know why kids your age rush into sex; you have your whole life ahead of you.’

She’d heard that before so she just said, ‘yes sir,’ hoping the whole ordeal was over.

‘Right now,’ he actually looked lost for words, ‘about your police record.’

Maria sat up straight. ‘Those files are sealed,’ she said defensively, ‘you shouldn’t have access to them.’

‘I don’t but since your old school was aware of them, they took the liberty to inform me.’

‘That’s against the law. I’m a minor,’ she said, angrily.

‘They just wanted me to be aware,’ Mr Forrester said.

‘I did my community service, it’s over with.’ She crossed her arms in front of her.

‘That was for the breaking and entering incident I believe,’ he said checking the file.

‘And that was a misunderstanding,’ she retorted.

‘OK, what about Brendan Rickson?’ he asked, checking the name.

Maria tried to look over at the file, ‘There was never a police report about that,’ she said quickly, ‘and has nothing to do with school.’ She sat back, she was getting pissed.

‘What about being arrested in a strip club,’ he actually looked shocked that a girl of her age had been in a strip club.

She shrugged. ‘I was there for research for a school project.’

‘In a strip club, Maria!’

‘Yes. It was economics.’

Mr Forrester rolled his eyes.

She repeated his gesture. ‘I was researching the business side not the professional side,’ she said, ‘and I got an A on that project,’ she said with a smile. She was really pissed off now. ‘Although I did have offers for the professional side,’ she added, goading him.

Mr Forrester actually took a deep breath at her bluntness. He shook his head. ‘Maria,’ he said tiredly, ‘just please try and stay out of trouble with the police.’

‘Mr Forrester, my step-father is the sheriff. I’m not in any hurry to spend time in jail at the local sheriff’s station.’

‘Okay,’ he said with a nod, ‘and please, keep it clean in school.’

Maria mirrored his nod, ‘strictly PG 13.’

Mr Forrester sighed heavily. ‘If that’s all I can get I’ll take it.’ He took a deep breath. ‘You’re a good
student Maria and despite your,’ he searched for a word, ‘‘adventures’ your grades have never slipped.
Let’s keep it that way and we’ll not have to meet again.’

‘I’ll try,’ she gave a small smile.

‘Ok, you can go,’ he waved to the door.

Maria stood and walked to the door, then turned back, ‘Oh, Mr Forrester, I will be talking to my step-
father regarding the fact you have knowledge about my,’ she searched for his words, ‘’out of school
adventures’, but I suppose it’s more The Lucan Academy’s fault than yours.’

With that she left the office, grateful that the file wasn’t exactly complete.

Maria bristled out of the school and stomped over to Kyle’s car. How dare they, she thought, pulling the keys from her jeans pocket. They got stuck on a piece of thread and she pulled harder, praying that she wouldn’t rip her jeans. The thread snapped and the keys flew out of her hand and under the car.

‘Shit,’ she cried, kicking a tire, ‘shit shit shit.’

She put her books on the hood and got down on her hands and knees, reaching under the car and praying
no one could see her with her ass in the air.

She felt him before she saw him, somehow sensing he was behind her.

‘You know, Spaceboy,’ she said, leaning further under the car, ‘you could help.’

‘Enjoying the view,’ he said.

‘Perv,’ she giggled. Her fingers finally grasped the keys and she pulled her hand out. Lifting her hands off
the ground, she winced and looked at her hands.

Michael came round quickly and squatted down in front of her. ‘You ok?’

‘Yeah,’ she said, picking small stones from her hands.

Michael took hold of her arm and helped her up; flicking the cigarette he was holding down onto the

She looked longingly at the butt of his cigarette and then up at him, ‘You done with detention?’

‘Yeah, Mr Sommers is pretty cool really. Half an hour and he’d had enough.’

Maria dusted her hands on her jeans.

‘How did it go with Mr Forrester?’ he asked.

‘Oh you know the usual, don’t do this, don’t do that and a lecture about kissing in the corridors,’ she grinned at him, ‘not that I listened.’

‘Good to know,’ he said with a smirk as he leaned sideways against the car. ‘So, why the whole kissing
lecture? Plenty of people kiss in the corridors. Wonder why I didn’t get a lecture?’

‘Be thankful you didn’t. I don’t think kissing was the problem, Michael, more the intensity of the kiss,’ she mirrored his position as he smiled at her. ‘And I’ve been caught in a few awkward positions in my old
school which they just had to share,’ she admitted.

‘Really,’ he said, raising his eyebrows, ‘anything you’d like to share,’ he leaned closer to her, ‘or repeat.’

‘Not right now thank you,’ she said, with her own smirk, ‘but I’ll keep informed.’

‘You do that,’ he looked at the car, ‘so the merc’s not yours then.’

‘Yeah it is, this is Kyle’s car. Since it was my first day we came in his,’ she told him.

‘OK, I thought this was Kyle’s car.’

‘Yeah, Tess drove him home so I wouldn’t have to walk because he couldn’t be bothered to wait,’ she

‘So he took my ride instead,’ he grumbled.

Maria raised her eyebrows suddenly remembering him sitting next to Tess at lunch and eating her sandwich.

‘You and Tess?’ she asked, feeling embarrassed about her actions earlier.

‘Yeah,’ he nodded, loving the look on her face, ‘we’re very close.’

‘Oh ok,’ she said, unsure.

Michael laughed at her. ‘Yeah, she’s my foster sister.’

‘Oh.’ Maria relaxed. ‘You jerk,’ she said, smacking his arm as she laughed with him. She looked at the
car, ‘so you need a ride?’ she asked.

‘I thought you’d never ask,’ he said taking a step toward her.

‘A ride home,’ she confirmed, but didn’t move.

‘That’ll do for starters,’ he said, his lips an inch from hers.

‘Sure of yourself aren’t you, Spaceboy,’ she whispered, aching to close the gap.

‘And you’re not?’ he asked, pulling back slightly.

‘I’m sure,’ she murmured and pulled him back to her, crashing her lips to his. They spent a minute fighting
for domination in the kiss, Maria eventually letting him control it, loving the feel of his lips on hers and his
tongue in her mouth. When she saw black dots through lack of oxygen, she reluctantly pulled back.

‘We have to stop this,’ she said, breathlessly.

‘Why?’ he asked, gently, equally as breathlessly.

‘I don’t know,’ she answered, looking up at him.

‘OK,’ he said, closing the gap and kissing her again.

His hands found the knot of her shirt and he quickly untied it and slipped his hand under her shirt. Maria moaned when she felt his hand on her bra clad breast, gently squeezing. A shiver ran through her when his thumb swept over her nipple. She felt herself spiralling out of control at his touch and with regret pulled away from him.

‘Michael,’ she said, her voice dripping with desire, ‘not here.’

He pulled back too and looked deep into her eyes, imagining they mirrored his own with want and need. ‘OK,’ he said, and kissed tip her nose.

They separated reluctantly and Maria re-tied her shirt.

‘You’re unbelievable you know,’ he said watching her every move.

‘I’ve been told,’ she smirked.

Michael felt himself drawing back to her again, then quickly turned and grabbed her books from car
hood. ‘Get in the car Deluca and take me home.’

She laughed at him as he walked round to the passenger side.

‘Hey,’ she called before he climbing, ‘just so you know, Kyle doesn’t allow smoke in his car.’

Michael shrugged. ‘I’m trying to stop anyway.’

‘Good,’ she said, sliding behind the wheel.

‘What about you?’ he asked, remembering her stealing his smoke yesterday and the loving look she had
given his discarded cigarette just a minute ago.

‘Yesterday was the first time in two months,’ she smiled. ‘I was doing so well.’

He laughed at her as he climbed in, throwing her books onto the back seat, and they set off.

‘So how long have you lived with Tess?’ she asked as they drove, with Michael giving directions every now and then.

‘Nearly a year now,’ he said, ‘next left.’

‘Yeah,’ she said hitting the turn signal, ‘she said she was new here last year. Did you move here with her?’

‘No, I’ve always lived in Roswell.’

‘And your parents?’ she asked, cautiously.


‘Oh sorry,’ she wished she hadn’t asked.

‘It’s not your fault,’ he said, his face away from her, looking out the side window.

‘Right, Ehm, my dad died.’ She offered.

‘Really?’ he turned his head to look at her again.

‘Yeah, when I was seven,’ she said softly.

‘That sucks,’ he paused, ‘I was nine.’

‘That sucks too. I mean to lose both.’ Her eyes flickered to him. ‘I still have my mom and now Jim and Kyle.’ She wandered off when he didn’t say anything.

‘Have you always been in placements or have you spent time in a home?’

He looked at her. He’d never spoken about this stuff. The only ones who knew were Max, Isabel and the Harding’s. ‘I spent a year in a group home then I was fostered,’ he said sadly.

Maria glanced at him. ‘That’s not so bad, right.’

He made a mocking half laugh sound. ‘I was taken out of my foster situation last year because my foster dad was a drunk and a lay about who only kept me around for the monthly cheque.’ Why was he telling her this!!

‘Michael,’ she said softly. She quickly glanced at him when he didn’t answer. ‘Michael, did he hurt you?’
she asked hesitantly.

‘No its ok, the Harding’s came and took a chance with me. It’s pretty good now. Although it was hard to lose the independence I had living with Hank.’ He answered her quickly, avoiding her question.

‘Hank?’ she asked.

‘Shit foster dad!’

‘Oh. So you pretty much looked after yourself,’ she confirmed.

‘Yeah. It was hard when I first moved in with the Harding’s. I guess I rebelled.’

‘Everyone rebels, Michael. It’s called your teenage years.’

‘Yeah I guess. So did you rebel?’

She grinned at him wickedly. ‘Every chance I get.’

He laughed with her. ‘Turn right, quick!’ he called out, nearly missing the turn.

Maria quickly made the turn.

‘So tell me about the Harding’s?’ she asked.

‘They’re good people. Shelia was a foster kid herself. Tess and Nicholas, he’s 11, they’re their biological kids. Dean is three years older than me. He was their first foster kid and he’s been with them since he was 7 but some complication meant they couldn’t adopt him. He’s in college at Las Cruces but comes home at the weekends and treats Ed and Shelia like his parents, even though he’s official out the system now. Then there’s Tommy, he’s 15 and he’s been with them since he was 10.’

‘That’s cool. I never really wanted a big brother but Kyle is cool. Just don’t tell him I said so.’

He smiled at her. ‘Yeah it’s good to have an older brother. And ditto about telling him.’

‘Ok,’ she laughed. ‘What’s Tess’s Dad like?

‘He’s ok. Tries to be all hip and cool, it doesn’t always work. He works for Amitron Electronics; they moved here so he could head some division or something. Next left.’

‘Amitron Electronics?’ Maria asked.

‘Yeah, they just opened a new facility here.’

‘Yeah I’ve heard of them.’ Shit, she thought. Amitron Electronics.

‘This is me,’ Michael said, pointing to a nice size house.

Maria pulled up in front of it. Michael turned to her, ‘Maria,’ he haltered, ‘don’t say anything ok. About my shit.’

‘I won’t Michael.’ She smiled and he returned it with his sexy half smile.

‘Not quite the ride I had in mind, Deluca,’ he said.

‘No! I figured that,’ she laughed.

Michael leaned over and took a stand of her hair between his fingers, wrapping the silkiness around his index finger, loving the feel of it. ‘What have you done to me?’ he asked his voice hoarse.

Maria shook her head slightly. ‘You’re a guy.’

‘No, it’s different Maria, this is different.’

Maria looked at him taking in every inch of his face, his long eye lashes, the flecks of gold in his brown
eyes, his soft lips. She reached out her hand to his face and swept the pad of her thumb gently across his
cheek. ‘I know,’ she said softly. She pulled his face to hers in a gentle kiss.

‘I’d better go,’ she said, stopped the kiss all too soon for Michael.

‘Really,’ he whined.

Maria chuckled. ‘Yeah my mom will be wondering where I am, it being my first day and all. Though I’m sure Kyle will have told her.’

‘Ok,’ Michael said, and then stopped when his cell rang. He pulled it from his pocket. ‘Hello…. Yeah I did……I’m home now…..just outside……ok.’ He ended the call. ‘It was Shelia,’ he told her. ‘She needs me to help Nicholas with something.’

‘Ok.’ Maria grabbed his phone, typed something then handed it back. ‘Get going, Spaceboy,’ she said,
pointing to the door.

He climbed out of the car, ‘Later Deluca,’ he called.

She turned the car round, then smiled at him, waved and drove off, hoping she could find her way home.
Michael watched her leave then looked at this phone.


He smiled.

Re: To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 1 07/31/12

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:43 am
by Pixie-Maria
Time for another update.

Thank you to all reading and lurking and thanks Carolyn for reading! I'm not too harsh with Max and Liz in this i hope :D

Straight onto chapter 5.

Chapter 5.

Maria found her way home after making only two wrong turns. Thankfully Kyle had told her mom that Mr Forrester called all new students into his office on their first day so she wasn’t in trouble. She took Jacob for his walk over to the park that she had discovered and they had a quiet dinner, though Jim was still at work.

Later, after Kyle had gone out to meet some friends, Maria sat in the family room doing her homework and watching a rerun of Bewitched, thinking she should get all her old school work from storage as she had already done this work. When her mother walked in she pushed her homework aside.

‘Mom, there’s a slight complication at school,’ she started.

‘Please don’t tell me you’ve been expelled already,’ he mother said with exasperation.

‘Would I be doing homework if I had,’ she said expressionless.

‘I guess not,’ Amy said with relief. When Maria started picking at her jeans, Amy said, ‘For Christ’s sake, Maria, what?’

‘Ben Harris is my music teacher.’

Amy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ‘Is this gonna cause a problem, Maria?’ she asked.

‘Not for me Mom,’ she said honestly.

‘Did he talk to you, apart from professionally?’

‘No, I didn’t give him the chance. I was a little shocked. I mean what are the chances of him moving to the very school I was gonna move to. He didn’t know we were moving here. Oh God Mom, what if he found out we were moving here, what if…..’

‘Maria, honey, calm down,’ Amy said, ‘I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.’

‘I don’t believe in coincidences,’ she sighed, ‘…..or leprechauns.’


‘Alex was telling me that there are rumors about him and a student at his old school, though he says it doesn’t say on his file why he left the school,’ she said.

‘Who’s Alex?’ Amy asked.

‘The guy over the road, he’s in my music class.’ Maria said with a wave of her hand in the direction of Alex’s house.

‘OK,’ Amy nodded. ‘And how does he know what’s in Mr Harris’s file.’

‘Can’t answer that without incriminating a friend,’ Maria said with a slight smile.

‘Uh huh’ Amy said with a knowing grin.

‘What if someone works out his old school is my old school?’ Maria asked, dismayed. ‘My old school is on
file, his old school is on file. The Lucan Academy isn’t exactly the biggest of schools.’

‘Maria, we’ll work through it,’ Amy said calmly.

Maria turned back to the TV when her mom switched it over to a cooking program.

‘It won’t happen again Mom,’ Maria said quietly. ‘It was a stupid mistake. I’ve learnt and I’ve grown but it does take two to tango and he…,’ she searched for the right words,and not fnding them decided to change tacits. ‘If the class had half a brain they might have wondered how he knew I could sing and play an instrument without actually talking to me…..and the way he said my name might have been a little familiar but like I say, the rest of the class were clueless.
Thank god. I’ve heard he’s got a girlfriend so hopefully he’ll leave me alone.’

Maria looked up when her mom didn’t say anything. Amy was looking at her, seeing the sadness in her daughter’s expressive eyes.
‘I’ll talk to Harvey and Jim,’ Amy reassured her.

Maria nodded and picked at her jeans again. After a few more minutes she looked up again, ‘Hey, Mom.’

‘Yes, honey,’ Amy sighed, hoping for no more revelations.

‘Did Amitron Electronics open a new facility here?’ Maria asked.

‘Yeah, it’s been open here for just over a year now I think,’ Amy replied, trying to keep the shock out of her voice at Maria’s question.

‘Why didn’t I know?’ Maria asked.

‘Maria, do you ever read your quarterly reviews,’ Amy asked with a raised eyebrow.

‘Shit no,’ came Maria’s tart reply.



‘Maybe you should read them and then you’d know,’ Amy said.

‘Is the facility working out?’

‘Yeah I think, it’s a little early to know but I think it’s showing good results.’ Amy looked quizzically at her daughter. ‘Why all the questions?’

Maria shrugged. ‘Just curious.’

‘Maria, you’ve never shown any interest in the company before now.’

Maria sighed deeply, ‘A friend mentioned his dad works there. I recognized the name.’

‘Yeah, stupid name,’ Amy said wistfully.

Maria smiled sadly at her mom. She stood and walked over to her and kissed her forehead. ‘There are worst division names within the company, Mom.’ She swallowed thickly. ‘Dad really loved you.’

‘I know honey,’ Amy said. ‘And he loved you too.’

‘Of course,’ Maria said flippantly, hiding her emotions. ‘What’s not to love?’

‘Hey guys, I’m home,’ Jim called out as he walked through the door.

Maria hugged her mom, ‘I love you Mom,’ she said softly, then before Amy could respond she pulled away, grabbed her books and ran to her room, waving to Jim as she whizzed past.

‘And Hurricane Deluca leaves the room,’ he said with a smile. He looked at his wife to see her upset face.

‘Amy, honey, everything ok?’ he asked tentatively.

‘Yeah Jim,’ Amy replied. Jim looked up to the stairs. ‘She’s ok Jim.’

Jim knew the only time Maria’s deep emotions came through was when she talked about her father.

‘She was just asking a question about the company.’ Amy said

Jim looked shocked. ‘She actually talked about it.’

Amy nodded.

‘Wow.’ He hugged Amy. ‘What’s for dinner?’ he asked, defusing the conversation.

Maria lay on her bed, her homework forgotten, and her guitar in her hands, idly strumming an unknown song. Her eyes shifted unconsciously over to a photo on her desk of her sat on her dad’s knee whilst they were sailing somewhere. She could remember that trip just barely, like all memories of her dad, they were just barely there. Did they really happen or just something she had imagined.

She shook her head, shaking the thoughts away as she swept a tear angrily away. Her cell buzzed, surprising her. She flipped it open to see she had a message from an unknown number. She opened the message.

Miss me yet?

Shit, she thought, why didn’t I change my number? No. It can’t be him; caller ID would have identified him, that’s why she hadn’t deleted any names, so she could screen her calls. It was an unknown number, which meant….

Michael? She typed back.

Yeah. How many other guys are you missing, Princess?

None Spaceboy. Just you. She typed quickly.

Good. He sent aback


Yeah. I figured if I’m Spaceboy you need a nickname. She laughed

Seriously! Princess. She typed.

Yeah, it’ll do for now.


So you can pick me up for school tomorrow if you’re in the merc.

Screw you Spaceboy. I’m not at your beck and call.

Not yet!

Keep dreaming. I’ll see ya at school

Ok Princess.

Seriously!! Princess!!!!


Night Spaceboy.

See ya in my dreams.

You know it xx

Maria smiled as she saved his number, and then stood to take a shower. Maybe Roswell, New Mexico wouldn’t be too bad after all.


Maria drove herself to school the next day and enjoyed the looks her car received from her fellow students as she raised the top after parking in the student lot. She wasn’t too sure about security here so she didn’t want to risk leaving the top down. She had opted for a pair of jeans again with a simple white t-shirt today, sticking to Kyle’s ‘not too much skin’ for the moment but she knew she wouldn’t be able to subdue her daring fashion sense for much longer.

She met Isabel as she walked into the school and they talked about mindless things. She saw Tess with a group of girls carrying pom poms.

‘Please don’t tell me Tess is a cheerleader?’ she asked Isabel.

‘Afraid so. Co-captain I believe, unusual for a junior.’ Isabel said.

‘Really,’ Maria said.

‘Yeah, they tend to stick to the seniors for captain and co-captain.’

Maria shook her head. ‘Kyle doesn’t usually go for cheerleaders. Thinks they’re vapid airheads, his own choice of words.’

‘That’s strange, him being a jock and all. It’s kind of expected isn’t it? Jocks and cheerleaders.’

Maria just nodded, her mind suddenly thinking that Michael also played on the football team.

‘So you’ve noticed them too, huh?’ Isabel asked.

‘Kyle and Tess?’ Maria asked. Isabel nodded. ‘Yeah kind of hard to miss.’

‘So,’ Isabel started, ‘what’s with you and my communicationally challenged friend.’

‘Michael?’ Maria asked, shocked. ‘Is that even a word ‘communiationally’?’ she laughed.

Isabel shrugged. ‘Don’t think I didn’t notice all the staring yesterday at lunch and in History.’ Isabel smiled.

Maria just shrugged. She couldn’t understand her feelings for Michael so how could she explain it to
someone else. ‘I think he communicates really well,’ she said with a sly grin. She swallowed. ‘Is he seeing anyone?’ she nonchalantly.

‘Not seriously I don’t think,’ Isabel answered.

Maria raised her eyebrows in question.

‘He’s had some hook ups, but I don’t think he’s serious about any of them. He doesn’t do serious relationships, they’re usually been just a one time thing. Though I think he’s been out with Courtney a couple of times. Or maybe that should be he’s hooked up with her a couple of times. I don’t think they’ve had a date or anything. Come to think of it I don’t think Michael’s ever been on a proper date, he usually just finds the girls at party’s.’

‘You know him pretty well.’

‘Yeah, we’ve been friends since kindergarten.’

Maria nodded, wondering if she knew about the shit that Hank had put him through. The bell rang so they separated for class, agreeing to meet for lunch.

Maria sailed through her classes and at one point even considered taking Mr Forrester up on his suggestion of AP classes. With a shudder that thought was buried.

Isabel and Tess were already had a table saved in the quad by the trees when Maria finally made it there.

‘How’s it going, Maria?’ Tess asked.

‘Ok, I guess,’ she replied with a smile.

‘Oh I love your jeans,’ Tess exclaimed. Yep, Maria thought, definitely a cheerleader. At that moment she was glad she had escaped from the land of cheerleaders. She looked at her choice of jeans for the day. There were old and nothing spectacular. ‘Thanks,’ she said, as she sat down opposite them. She spread her lunch out in front of her as Kyle and Max walked up. Kyle sat on one side of her with his cafeteria tray, and Max sat next to Isabel with his.

Maria wrinkled her nose at Kyle’s two slices of pizza. ‘Look at all that grease,’ she said with disgust.

‘You know you love it,’ Kyle answered with a smile.

‘In moderation, yeah,’ Maria huffed.

Kyle took one of her carrot sticks, ‘better than this crap,’ he said, flicking the carrot at her.

‘Cut it out, Kyle,’ she said.

He grabbed another and flicked it at her.

‘Kyle,’ she cried out sternly. He grabbed a celery stick and hit her over the head with it.

‘Kyle this is my lunch. Stop it.’

He grinned at her as he took a huge bite of his pizza slice.

‘Mmmmm,’ he said, leaning over to her, waving the slice in front of her. ‘You know you want a bite, Ria,’
he said, teasing her.

‘Kyle, get it out of my face,’ she said, twisting her head away.

Kyle took another bite so there was only a small bit left, and then he waved it back in front of her. ‘Here
you can have this bit.’

‘I don’t want it Kyle.’ She flung her arm out when he tried to force it into her mouth, hitting Kyle’s hand away a little too hard and the pizza flew from his hand. And landed on Tess’s cheek!

‘Oh,’ Maria froze, looking at Tess, then she giggled. ‘Sorry Tess.’

Tess sat there shocked as the piece of pizza slid down her cheek, leaving a trail of sauce behind.

‘It’s a good look for you Tess,’ Maria said as Isabel and Max laughed.

Maria’s eyes glistened at Isabel.

‘Maybe you should clean her up, Kyle,’ Maria said, still giggling.

Kyle looked at her, and then Tess. He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to her and before Tess could stop him he licked the sauce off her cheek.

‘Kyle that’s gross,’ Tess shrieked, but her eyes told a different story.

‘Actually, it’s pretty good,’ Kyle said with a smile and then he kissed her quickly on the lips.

Tess actually blushed. ‘Eh, I have to go to the bathroom,’ she called as she jumped up. ‘Isabel.’ Tess
looked at her friend.

Isabel smiled. ‘Catch ya later, Maria,’ she said stood and followed Tess.

‘What about us?’ Max said, indicating to Kyle and himself.

‘Whatever,’ Isabel called as she disappeared.

‘So, Maria,’ Max said, ‘how’s Roswell treating you?’

‘OK, I guess,’ she said, taking a bite of her bagel.

‘Different form LA,’ he asked.

‘Totally,’ Maria agreed. ‘It’s like a different planet or something.’

‘Maybe the aliens have abducted you and they’re waiting to probe you,’ Max said, raising his eyebrows at her.

Maria looked at him. ‘You’re not getting in my pants, Max,’ she said bluntly. He looked deflated.

‘Yeah,’ Michael said as he sat down next to Maria, ‘Stay away from her pants.’ He grabbed a carrot stick and munched on it.

‘Don’t you ever bring your own lunch?’ Maria asked him.

‘Why bother when I can eat yours,’ Michael replied with a smirk.

She took a sip from her bottle of water then handed it over to him silently, which he took a big gulp from
before giving it back and then took a bite from her bagel.

‘So,’ Kyle said, shocked at the way they were acting together, ‘You guys wanna come over tonight? I think the pool table is supposed to arrive today.’

‘About time,’ Maria huffed.

‘Well if you hadn’t have messed the felt up it wouldn’t have been in the shop for repairs and then it would have been here this weekend with you.’ Kyle retorted.

‘That wasn’t my fault,’ she said, irritably.

‘It’s never your fault Maria,’ Kyle said. He looked at her with a mischievous grin, ‘whose fault is it then?’

She looked at him with a warning in her eyes, which of course he ignored. ‘Was it Billy’s fault or was it the zipper of your dress?’

Maria glared at him, then saw Liz enter the quad and shouted out to her, ignoring Kyle and the looks from Michael and Max.

Liz walked over at Maria’s call. ‘Hey Maria, how’s it going?’

‘Good,’ she said, taking her water back from Michael before he drunk it all. ‘Join me,’ pleaded to Liz, ‘there’s too much testosterone at this table.’

Liz looked unsure but eventually sat down next to Max and began to eat her sandwich.

‘So,’ Kyle said to Michael and Max whilst Maria and Liz talked about girly things, ‘you two wanna play pool tonight?’

‘Sure,’ Max said.

‘Can’t,’ Michael said, ‘gotta work tonight so I can have Friday off for the game.’

‘Ok,’ Kyle shrugged, ‘come round after work then.’

‘Maybe,’ he said, as he finished Maria’s bagel and then snatched the water bottle back from her.

‘Michael, don’t drink all my water,’ she warned.

‘What,’ he said, holding the bottle to his lips. His wonderful soft lips God, she loved his lips. ‘There’s a water fountain over there. It’s free.’

‘Then use it,’ she said.

‘Why? I’ve got a bottle of water.’ He grinned at her, shaking the bottle slightly.

‘My water bottle,’ she said, annoyed.

He held it away from her when she leaned over to grab it. ‘Sure it is,’ he said, with jest, loving the feel of her as she brushed up against him.

‘Come on Spaceboy,’ she tried again.

He shook his head, ‘eh,eh,’ he pointed with his other hand, ‘water fountain.’

She leaned closer to try for the bottle, putting her hand high on his thigh to counteract her balance; her fingers fleetingly grazing the bulge in his jeans. At her touch Michael was distracted enough for Maria to take the bottle back. She gave him a sexy smile and he knew she has touched him there deliberately. She pointed in the direction he had earlier, ‘fountains, that way,’ she said, bringing to bottle to her lips.
He lunged forward to grab her, but instead he knocked the bottle out of her hand, spilling the water down her t-shirt.

She looked down in shock as the water soaked straight through her white t-shirt.

‘That’s what you get from playing with water,’ Kyle smirked.

‘Nice,’ Max said, indicating to her lace bra that was now visible through her shirt, which was also becoming quickly transparent.

Maria hit Michael upside his head. ‘Now look what you’ve done!’

‘Yeah,’ he said with a smile, ‘I’m looking.’

She rolled her eyes at him. ‘Give me your shirt,’ she said, holding her hand out.

‘What?’ he said, disbelieving

‘I’m not walking around school like this for the rest of the day,’ she explained, ‘give me your shirt.’

‘Maria,’ Liz said quietly, ‘I have a spare shirt in my locker if you want.’

‘It’s ok, Liz,’ she thanked the girl, ‘Michael would love to lend me his shirt,’ she turned to him, ‘won’t you, Spaceboy.

‘Sure, Princess,’ he said, stressing the word. He pulled his shirt over his head and handed it over; grateful he had a t-shirt on under it.

His eyes widened in shock as Maria pulled her own t-shirt off right there in the quad and tugged his shirt over her head.

‘Maria!’ he cried, in shock.

‘What,’ she said, undoing the bottom buttons to tie the shirt.

‘I can’t believe you just did that.’ Max said the image of her breasts in his mind.

Kyle just smirked at Michael, Max and Liz’s shocked expressions. He knew Maria, he wasn’t surprised at all.
He’d never known anybody more comfortable with her own body than her and she had no inhibitions at all.

‘What,’ she said, ‘it’s not like you’ve never seen a girl in a bikini or a bra.’

‘Yeah,’ Max said with a grin, ‘but not at school.’

‘And definitely not in the quad,’ Michael added.

Maria looked at Liz, the poor girl looked like she was gonna have a stroke.

‘Yeah, Ria. You’ve got quiet an audience now,’ Kyle indicated with his head the rest of the students in the quad. She looked over her shoulder to see all eyes focused to their table.

‘It’s not like they saw anything. My back was to them, Michael got the full view,’ she said with a slight smile at him.

‘Yeah, I did,’ he smiled back.

‘Oh no, here comes trouble,’ Kyle said, in a sing-song voice.

Maria looked over her shoulder again to see Mr Forrester walking over to them, a stern expression on his face.

‘Oh Shit!’ she said.

‘Miss Deluca,’ he sounded disappointed, ‘do we have to have a repeat of yesterday’s conversation?’

‘No sir,’ she said, ‘sorry, won’t happen again.’

‘One more chance, Maria,’ he said as he walked off.

Kyle laughed at her. ‘I guess Lucan Academy didn’t skimp on your transcript.’

‘Oh no,’ she said, with fake joy, ‘the whole lot with bells on.’

‘Lucan Academy?’ Liz said, finally finding her voice again.

‘Yeah,’ Maria answered, ‘my old school.’

‘Sounds expensive,’ Max said, with a raised eyebrow at her.

‘Only the best for….’

‘Kyle, maybe you should find Tess,’ Maria interrupted him.

‘You know what, I think I will,’ he said with a wink, ‘later plebs,’ he called out as he left.

‘I’d better go too,’ Liz said, ‘I need to stop by the library.’ She got to her feet.

‘Me too,’ Max said, ‘I’ll walk with you.’

Liz looked alarming at Maria for a second. Maria smiled at her, encouraging her. ‘OK,’ Liz said, a little unsure.

‘Talk to you later, Liz,’ Maria called as Liz and Max left the quad together.

‘Alone at last,’ Michael said, looking intently at her. ‘You look good in my shirt.’

She looked at him with a sexy smile, ‘You think?’

‘I like it,’ he confirmed, leaning in, ‘but I’d bet money that you’d look better out of it.’

Maria stopped him with a hand to his chest. ‘Michael, not here. I can’t get into any more trouble with Mr Forrester.’

‘Let’s go then,’ he said with that half smile.

The bell rang.

‘You wanna skip class with me?’ he asked hopefully.

Maria laughed at him standing up and gathering her rubbish into a pile on the table. She leaned into him, her lips brushing against the corner of his mouth. ‘Don’t think I didn’t notice,’ she said softly into his ear.

‘Noticed what?’ he asked, huskily. He swallowed thickly when her hand brushed against his very painful erection. She leaned back in and gave him a swift but intense kiss, making him moan with desire. She pulled her face back slightly, her hand still on his erection. ‘Be a dear and dump the trash,’ she whispered.
Then with a gently squeeze of her hand and a fleeting kiss, she left. The looks she got as she left the quad did not go unnoticed by her, hatred from the girls, want from the boys. If looks could kill she’d be 6ft under and that was just from Courtney. Looking over her shoulder at Michael, she was glad to see that he hadn’t moved but had a huge grin on his face.

The rest of the day flowed easily with classes with her new friends, though she didn’t get another opportunity to speak to Michael. He did send her an obscene text message though!

5 o’clock found her at home wondering around the kitchen looking for a snack when the phone rang.


‘Maria?’ it was Liz.

‘Yeah, Hi Liz.’

‘Eh, Maria,’ Liz paused, ‘remember the other day when we talked about needing new wait staff at the

‘Yeah,’ Maria drew out her answer.

‘Maria, I really need your help. Stephanie called in sick. I’m the only one here. Could you help me out? We could call it a trail run.’ Maria could hear the desperation in Liz’s voice.

‘Liz,’ Maria said, sadly, ‘I don’t really need…..’

‘Please Maria, I’m drowning here and there’s no one else to ask.’

‘Oh, so I’m the last person to ask, right.’

‘No, I didn’t mean it like that.’

‘Liz, I’ve never waited tables before, I’ve no idea what to do!’

‘Oh it’s easy. You’ve eaten here and other places. You’ll pick it up easy.’

No answer.

‘Please Maria; I’ll do your math homework.’

I don’t need you to do it, Maria thought.

‘Liz I really……’

‘Liz,’ Maria heard Michael’s voice in the back ground, ‘I’m not cooking for myself you know.’

‘OK Liz,’ Maria said, ‘give me 15 minutes and I’ll be there.’

‘Thanks Maria. I really appreciate it.’

‘Remember you said that when you’re cursing me later.’ Maria laughed.

Maria hung up. ‘What am I doing?’ she cried out. I’ve agreed to wait tables because of some guy, she thought to herself.

She leaned over and hit her head repeatedly against the kitchen counter.

‘What you doing, Jailbait?’ Kyle asked, coming into the kitchen.

‘Trying to knock sense into my senseless brain,’ she answered dejectedly.

‘Maria, are you ok?’ He’d never seen her like this.

‘That’s debatable at the moment.’ She walked over and grabbed her car keys from the hook by the back door. ‘I,’ she turned back to him, ‘am going to wait tables at the CrashDown tonight.’

Kyle laughed a full belly laugh.

‘That’s funny, Ria,’ he stopped laughing when he noticed she wasn’t laughing with him. ‘You’re not laughing.’

‘That’s because I’m not joking. Liz just called, she going under because someone called in sick, so she asked me.’

‘You’re gonna wait tables?’ Kyle was stunned. ‘Maria Deluca is gonna wait tables.’

‘Shut up Kyle,’ she opened the back door. ‘I’m helping a friend. Tell Mom I won’t be home for dinner and can you please walk Jacob for me.’

‘Yeah, I’ll walk him, and I’m definitely gonna be stopping by to see this,’ he said with a huge grin.

‘Really you don’t need too,’ Maria said.

‘Oh I know, but I’m gonna,’ he smiled at her, ‘and I’m gonna give you the biggest, most complicated order ever. In fact, remember how you were that one time when we went to that restaurant in LA. The one where you made that waiter cry. That’s how I’m gonna be. I’m gonna be bitchy Maria Deluca at her worst.’

‘Get a life Kyle,’ she said as she left.

To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 6 08/26/12

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:44 am
by Pixie-Maria
Thanks for the feedback guys.

I’m glad you are liking this fic.

Carolyn and Canyliciouslovah: Yes Maria is very comfortable in her own body and has no inhibitions.:D
ZC70: Glad you think my Michael is hot hot hot because let’s face it he is :lol: and I absolutely love Kyle he is such a great character to write. I think my Maria is awesome too but I’m biased I guess and I think we all know there’s gonna be some problems along the way. It is M&M after all. :roll:

Ginger: Its thanks to you that I managed to change my dates to show I’ve updated and Maria doesn’t care if everyone to see it or not!!! :D

And so onto Chapter 6, again please leave feedback,especaily you lurkers out there, tell me what you think good or bad, I can take it, i think!! :lol:

Chapter 6

Maria looked at herself in the mirror in the rest room at the CrashDown Café.

God, I look ridiculous, she thought as she readjusted the antenna headband.

‘Maria,’ Liz called through the door, ‘does it fit ok?’

Maria looked down at the turquoise dress that was the uniform here with a silver alien face apron. It wasn’t a perfect fit but it wasn’t uncomfortable, maybe a little on the big size but the shortness of the dress showed her best assets off perfectly.

She opened the door to Liz, ‘Does your dad realise that the length of this dress is illegal in like 6 states or something.’

Liz looked a little shocked. ‘It’s not that bad,’ thinking that maybe Maria wasn’t used to wearing short skirts.

Maria laughed, ‘Relax Liz, I’ve got a whole closet that makes this look conservative.’

Liz pulled her into a hug, ’Thanks for doing this Maria.’

Maria waved her hand at the smaller girl. ‘OK let me at the masses.’

Liz had quickly gone through the diner’s routine as soon as Maria had got there, so now she was let loose.

Maria hadn’t seen Michael yet, when Liz had shown her how to pass the orders through, he had been somewhere else.

‘Hi. Welcome to the CrashDown. Can I get you anything to drink?’ she asked her first customers sweetly.
They ordered two cokes.

‘Ok, I’m Maria and I’ll be back in a few.’ She left them and walked round the counter to dispense the drinks. Looking back through the serving window she could see Michael’s back as he worked the grill. She saw him tense at her gaze and he turned as she walked back to her table with the cokes, winking at him as she passed the window.

Michael’s eyes raked over her as she walked to the table she was serving. He now had a new appreciation for the CrashDown uniforms. Man, he thought, now that’s a pair of legs, tipping his head to the side when she bent forward slightly to place the glasses on the table and the hem of the dress rose an inch or two. An image of her legs wrapped around him exploded in his mind.

‘Michael,’ a voice called and he turned to see Tommy, his foster brother who worked as a bus boy there, indicate to the grill.

‘Shit,’ he called as he flipped the burger quickly. Damn Deluca, he thought, always distracting me with her eyes and her hair and her lips. Now her legs!!!

Maria appeared back at the window with her order and looked at Tommy as Michael had his back to her again. ‘So I just clip it here?’ she asked him, indicating to the order wheel.

Tommy didn’t answer, he just looked at her.

‘Hey,’ she called again, she couldn’t remember his name.

Michael looked over his shoulder to see Tommy standing stock still just looking at Maria, his jaw slack a little.

He laughed slightly and looked at Maria. ‘Yeah, just pin it to the wheel, legs.’

‘Legs?’ she said, raising an eyebrow as she pinned her order.

‘I’m working on a new name for you,’ he explained with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes. ‘Legs?’ she repeated. Michael quickly flipped a few burgers and then walked over to the window. He leaned over, pointedly looking at her legs, ‘oh yeah,’ he said, with a sexy smile.

‘Perv,’ she grinned at him.

‘You know it, Blondie,’ he grinned back.

‘Is he ok?’ Maria asked, nodding her head to Tommy who still hadn’t moved.

‘Yeah, that’s what you call teenage hormonal response,’ Michael said. ‘Hey Tommy,’ he nudged the young boy with his elbow.

‘Eh,’ Tommy squeaked out.

‘Maria, meet Tommy, my foster brother. Tommy, this is Maria.’ Michael said.

‘Hi Tommy,’ Maria smiled.

Tommy swallowed thickly.

‘Maria!’ Liz’s voice shrieked across the diner.

Maria wrinkled her nose. ‘Gotta go boys, the unwashed masses are demanding greasy food.’

‘Boys!’ Michael said in disgust. ‘I’ll show you who’s a boy,’ he added with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

‘Promises, promises Spaceboy,’ Maria said as she left the window to wait another table.

‘Wow,’ Tommy finally squeaked out.

‘I know how you feel, man,’ Michael said, patting him on the back, his eyes on Maria.

‘Hmmmm, I gotta go,’ Tommy mumbled, and Michael sniggered as Tommy dashed for the employee’s bathroom.

‘Defiantly know how you feel,’ he said again as he grabbed the order receipt that Maria had left. He turned back to grill thinking he was gonna have to get some looser pants if she was gonna work here more permanently.

The next couple of hours flew by as Maria hustled around the diner. She charmed and flirted her way through difficult customers and soon had them eating out of her head, metaphorically! Between the two of them Liz and Maria made light work of the busy dinner rush.

Maria had just flopped onto a stool by the counter, the diner almost empty now, when Kyle breezed through the door with Tess, Max and Isabel.

‘Sit where ever you want,’ Maria said with an exhausted wave of her hand, indicating to the empty tables.

‘I think I should talk to the management regarding the waitress’s welcoming attitude,’ Kyle said, chirpily.

Maria flipped him off and he chuckled and sat down next to Tess in a booth.

Once they had settled Kyle raised his hand and snapped his fingers. ‘Waitress, oh waitress,’ he called out cheerfully.

Maria rolled her eyes as she hopped off the stool and walked over to them, bringing her order pad out of the apron pocket. She stood next to Kyle and raised her eyebrow in question.

‘I haven’t decided yet,’ he said to her sweetly. He waved his hand to the others sat with him. ‘Why don’t you guys order first.’

Maria looked over to Isabel and smiled. ‘What can I get for you, Isabel?’ she asked sweetly.

‘I’ll have a Nebula salad please with an Alien Blast.’

Maria quickly wrote it done. ‘Sure.’ Then she looked to Tess. ‘Tess?’

‘Yeah, can I get a Galaxy Melt with a Cherry Coke, please’

Maria nodded as she wrote it down. ‘Max?’ she asked sweetly.

‘I don’t know. I don’t think I’m hungry,’ he said, his eyes roaming the menu.

‘So you don’t see anything you want?’ she asked, leaning over slightly to look at the menu with him.

Max looked intently at her, and then let his eyes rake over her body and down to her legs; his eyes stopping briefly to peer down the top of her uniform were it gaped slightly as she leaned forward. ‘Well……’he said his eyes glistening.

Suddenly he was hit upside the head with a wet balled up dishcloth.

They all looked over in the direction that the missile had come from. They saw Michael and he pointed at
Max. ‘Hands off,’ he said, menacingly.

‘I guess Michael is staking his claim,’ Tess said with a giggle.

Maria narrowed her eyes at Michael through the serving window as Kyle stifled a laugh. ‘Wouldn’t want to be in Guerin’s shoes right now.’

Maria turned to Kyle, her eyes still narrow. ‘Kyle,’ she spat out, her pen poised over her order pad, ‘what can I get you?’

‘Well, I retract my earlier threat of bitchy Maria as I can see Hurricane Deluca is about to hit so, I’ll just have a Will Smith burger, fries, Saturn rings and a cherry coke.’

Maria wrote the order down, walked back over to the serving window and pinned the order to the wheel.
All the while Michael was watching her.

‘Spaceboy,’ she said, ‘a moment please.’

Michael undid his apron and laid it on the table as Maria walked through the door to the back room. If she had looked back she would have seen Kyle indicate to his friends, ‘5,4,3,2,’


‘Michael,’ they heard from the back room, ‘what the hell is wrong with you. I told you before I’m not a piece of meat, you can’t just lay claim to me.’

Liz discreetly turned the music a little louder.

In the break room Michael watched as Maria’s eyes shone with anger.

‘What?’ he said back a little confused, ‘you didn’t act like this yesterday.’

‘That’s different, Ryan is a jerk. Max is your friend,’ she yelled back.

‘Yeah and as a friend I know what he’s like. He thinks all pretty girls are here for his fun,’ he truly could not believe they were having this conversation.

‘Doesn’t it take two to tango, Michael,’ she said with frustration.

‘I don’t like the way he looks at you,’ he said bitterly.

Maria sighed. ‘Michael, I’m not being conceited but men are always gonna look, they always have. It doesn’t mean I allow them to touch,’ she said quieter.

Michael just looked at her.

‘Are you gonna hit out at everyone who looks at me, who hits on me?’ she asked gently.

‘Yeah,’ he said timidly.

Maria stepped closer to him and placed a hand on his chest. ‘Michael, they don’t matter. I don’t let them kiss me; I won’t let Max kiss me.’

‘Me neither,’ he answered venomously.

Maria quirked her eyebrow at him. ‘You won’t let Max kiss you?’

Michael smiled. ‘You know what I mean, Blondie.’

She smiled back. ‘And I definitely won’t let them touch me,’ she said, leaning in to him until she lifted on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, ‘touch me, Michael.’

‘Fuck, Maria,’ he growled before crushing his lips to hers in a bruising kiss.

Maria’s hands went straight to his hair, holding his head in place, scraping her nails against his scalp, causing him to groan into her as his tongue stroked hers, his hands grabbing her ass pulling her toward him. Maria lost herself in his kiss as his tongue mapped out her mouth more intimately than anyone else had ever done. She thought all previous kisses were inadequate and she’d never truly been kisses until Michael Guerin’s lips had touched hers. Now she could say she’d been thoroughly kissed. So lost was she in his kiss that she hadn’t realised they had moved until she her back collided with the employee lockers. Michael released her lips and fervently sucked not so gently on her neck, obviously he had learnt quickly from their previous clinches that she was particularly sensitive there.

‘God, Michael,’ she whispered, feeling her legs go weak.

Michael stopped and looked at her with his sexy grin. He rested his forehead against hers, ‘I know,’ was all he said. He hands left her ass and trailed up her body as he nibbled the other side of her neck. He lifted the skirt of her uniform with his hands as they caressed her outer thighs but let it fall back again as they roamed higher, his lips returning to hers with brutal force. Maria was glad he was in front of her and the lockers were at her back because her legs refused to hold her anymore. Michael’s hands on her body were sending delicious sensations all through her. Michael’s fingers grazed her breasts, giving her the fleeting joy of his touch. She whimpered when they didn’t stay but then gasped when his fingers slipped into the neck line of the dress and roughly pulled. The snappers opened easily leaving her open from her waist up. She didn’t know if she was grateful or disappointed that the apron around her waist kept the rest of the uniform fastened. Michael tore his lips from her and dipped his head, bending slightly because of the height difference, and kissed the top of her breast where it peeped from the top of her pink lacy bra.

‘I like your bra,’ he whispered before sucking her nipple through the material.

‘Hu huh,’ she said, incoherently, holding his head to her

Michael could feel her whole body leaning against his and from his half bent position it was natural for his hands to grab her thighs under her uniform and lift her so he could straighten up. Her legs immediately wrapped around him, and in the back of his mind he remembered the picture he had in his mind earlier when he was looking at her legs. He stroked her bare thighs causing the material of dress to bunch up around the tops of her thighs.

He switched his lips to her other breast, still sucking her through the material, her hands went to raking his back through his t-shirt as he instinctively thrust forward with his groin, his erection hitting her through his jeans just where she needed it.

‘Michael,’ she moaned loudly.

‘God, Maria,’ he echoed her earlier comment, feeling her heat through his jeans and her panties.

She laughed, ‘I know!’

His hands slide along her thighs until they grasped her ass again, flesh on flesh. Thong, he thought with a smile against her breast.

‘Michael,’ Maria whimpered when he let his talented tongue slip under the lace of her bra and he licked her nipple. Michael nosed the lace aside and took her pert nipple into his mouth.
‘Mmmmm,’ Maria moaned again, loudly, as Michael thrust forward again and again, his erection straining against his jeans for release and aching to make its home inside of her. Maria met his dry thrust, searching for her own release. Michael’s hand trailed across the top of her thigh and his fingers grazed softly against the material covering her. At his touch she inched even further forward with her hips, almost grinding down on his hand, hand or dick she didn’t care, she just needed…..

Her eyes fluttered open and her brain started to register where they were and where they were heading. How do I keep getting myself in to this position, she idly thought.

‘Michael,’ she said softly.

‘Mmmm,’ he murmured, his mouth around her nipple, his mind half grateful she was feather light so it only took one hand on her ass to hold her in position, as his fingers slipped under the elastic of her panties, gliding along her slickness.

‘Oh…,’ Maria moaned, her eyes fluttering closed again at the sensations Michael’s fingers stroking her intimately, teasingly and the jolt of ecstasy as he gently bit down on her nipple. She distantly heard a noise and she snapped her eyes open again. ‘Michael,’ she said, more forcefully, putting a hand between them and gently pushed on his chest.

He pulled back from her breast and looked at her bewildered, his fingers millimetres from being buried deep inside her.

‘We can’t do this here,’ she said breathlessly.

Michael seemed to finally realize where they were.

‘Not here?’ he echoing her earlier words.

She shook her head gently smiling at the look of disappointment on his face, like someone had taken away his new toy. ‘No,’ she said gently, ‘when we do have sex it’s not gonna be against a locker in the CrashDown break room.

Michael grinned at her, his fingers sweeping gently against her lower lips. ‘When!’ he raised an eyebrow.
Maria bucked against him involuntary at his touch. ‘Oh God,’ she breathed out and then brought her hand to stop his under her skirt. ‘Yes, when!’

Michael reluctantly pulled his fingers away from her core and with a mischievous glint he brought them to his lips and licked them, his eyes never leaving hers.

Maria groaned at the sight of his fingertips, covered in her own juices, slipping into his wonderful mouth.

‘Mmmmm,’ Michael moaned, ‘tasty.’

He brought his lips to hers on a gentle kiss, guiding his tongue into her mouth, her own taste exploding on her tongue.

Her hands tangled in his soft hair again, pulling him closer to her, her hips bucking again. Michael pulled back, smirking happily at her. ‘Maria, you have to stop, if I have to stop,’ he whispered in her ear as she attacked his throat with her lips and teeth.

‘I love how you say my name,’ she whispered against his skin, sending a shiver down his spine.

He smiled at her and brought his lips to her ear again, ‘Maria,’ he whispered huskily.

Maria shivered with pleasure and bit down on the side of his neck, immediately licking and sucking the area.

‘Mark for mark,’ she said, knowing he had marked her too. A matching one the one she had received yesterday.

‘Do you think you can stand?’ he asked gently, cupping her cheek with his hand.

‘God, no!’ she retorted with a grin.

‘Good job we didn’t fuck then,’ he laughed.

‘Absolutely,’ she agreed. ‘The CrashDown wouldn’t have survived.’

He laughed as he lowered her legs slowly to the ground, and then leaned in to gently kiss her, giving her time to get the feeling back in her legs.

‘Michael?’ a voice boomed.

Michael stepped quickly back from Maria and Maria tipped forward, still not quite having her own balance yet. She grasped Michael’s shoulder as his hands went quickly around her waist to steady her, his head spinning round to see who had called him.

‘Mr Parker,’ he said with surprise. Making sure Maria was finally steady on her feet; he turned to stand in front of her so she could fasten her uniform.

‘On a break, I hope,’ Mr Parker said.

‘Eh, yeah,’ Michael answered, glad Mr Parker hadn’t come home a minute earlier. It was one thing to be caught kissing a girl against the locker and another to have her legs wrapped around you, her nipple in your mouth and your fingers against her most intimate area.

Maria placed her hand against Michael’s back, letting him know she was covered again and Michael stepped aside.

‘Eh, Mr Parker, this is Maria. She’s been helping us out tonight. Stephanie called in sick,’ Michael explained to his boss.

Maria smiled her most dazzling smile.

‘Hi Mr Parker,’ she said, cheerfully. ‘It’s nice to meet you.’

Mr Parker, infectiously, smiled back. ‘Thank you, Maria. And thank you for helping out tonight.’

‘It was my pleasure, Sir,’ she said, with a wave of her hand, her voice perfectly sweet.

‘So, I haven’t seen you around before?’ Mr Parker asked.

‘I just moved here from LA and I must say your place is one of the best I’ve ever seen.’

‘Thank you Maria,’ Mr Parker beamed.

God, she’s good, Michael thought, as she totally schmoozed Mr Parker leading him out of the break room, discussing various restaurants in LA. Michael was just grateful that Maria had taken Mr Parker’s attention from him as his straining erection was bordering on painful. He ran his hand through his hair as he locked himself in the restroom.

An hour later Maria, Michael and Liz had pulled a table up to the booth where Kyle and the others sat and had joined their friends whilst Tommy was cleaning the tables, glancing at Maria every now and then, the diner almost empty.

‘So Maria,’ Isabel started, ‘I heard you gave quite a show in the quad at lunch today.’

‘Maria rolled her eyes. ‘I did not,’ she said irately.

‘Yeah, I heard there was nakedness involved,’ Tess added.

‘No nakedness,’ Maria said, ‘only a small flash of skin.’

Michael smirked. ‘Maria you could have been arrested for indecent exposure.’

‘Wouldn’t be the first time,’ Kyle snickered.

Maria smacked him upside his head, sharply.

‘I don’t get what all the fuss is about,’ she said, covering quickly, noticing Isabel’s eyebrows shooting up in
question. ‘If I’d have had a bikini on it would be different.’

‘Yeah, if you’d been at the beach!’ Isabel laughed.

‘No, not only at the beach,’ Maria said. ‘Girls wear bikini tops at the park and at rallys and stuff like that, but as soon as it’s a bra everything is different. Personally I don’t see a difference. They are both pieces of material that cover a bit of skin.’

‘A bit of erotic skin,’ Max added.

‘And there’s a difference between the park and a school lunch area,’ Tess added.

Maria shrugged, casually. ‘It was a spur of the moment thing. It wasn’t like I could have just got up and walked around school in a wet t-shirt. Then it would have been indecent exposure because even my bra was soaked and you could see everything I have to offer,’ she reasoned.

She saw Michael smirking at her again. ‘And anyway it was entirely his fault,’ she said poking a finger in Michael’s shoulder.

‘Hey,’ he said, laughing and rubbing the spot she had poked. ‘I didn’t make you strip in the quad.’

‘I didn’t strip,’ Maria cried indignantly.

‘Yeah, because if that was stripping, those lessons didn’t pay off,’ Kyle said.

Maria looked at her brother, her mouth hanging open slightly, and shock evident on her face. ‘Kyle,’ she hissed.

Kyle swallowed nervously, knowing he had pushed this one too far.

‘You’ve had lessons,’ Liz stammered out.

‘No!’ Maria said, quietly and not convincingly, looking at the table, brushing imaging dirt away.

She looked up at Michael out of the corner of her eye, to see him with a goofy grin on his face and she rolled her eyes.

‘I spent some time in a strip joint,’ she offered to the group.

‘3 months,’ Kyle added with a smirk.

‘For a school project,’ Maria finished.

‘What?’ Max gulped.

‘Jeez, Maria, what kind of school did you go to?’ Isabel laughed.

Maria laughed too thinking of her old stuffy prep school. ‘It was for economics. Everyone was doing the same thing; spending time in their father’s company’s or shit like that. I wanted to do something different.’

‘Yeah and the part that you just loved coming up with ways to make those teachers squirm didn’t hurt,’
Kyle added with a laugh.

‘It’s not fault they were all prude’s and didn’t you tell me it’s all about ‘sticking it to the man’,’ Maria huffed.

‘So, what did you get?’ Michael asked, his eyes dancing.

‘Huh?’ Maria asked.

‘What grade?’ Michael clarified.

‘A of course,’ she said with a smile.

‘So you actually str…….stripped,’ Liz asked wide eyed.

‘What, No!’ Maria said. ‘I worked with the owner on the business side. She was really great and won’t let me anywhere near the customers. Every time I went out front I had to have one the bouncers with me.’

Maria noticed two looks fleet across Michael’s face. One of disappointment that she hadn’t learnt to strip and one of gratitude that she hadn’t been allowed to strip.

‘Doesn’t mean that the girls didn’t teach me anything though,’ she said with a sly smile. ‘One of the girls said I could have made a fortune,’ she added.

‘So these strip joints,’ Max probed, ‘did they do lap dances as well?’

‘It was a strip joint, Max, in LA, of course they did lap dances,’ she said.

‘So were they included in your ‘lessons’?’ Max asked, leaning over slightly.

Maria just smiled at him, a cheeky grin.

‘Holy shit,’ Michael said, and then gave a lopsided smirk when the others laughed at him.

‘Why don’t you head out now Maria,’ Mr Parker called over to them as he came in from the kitchen, breaking into their conversation.

‘Are you sure?’ she asked, standing from her chair.

‘Yeah, it’s nearly time to close up so you might as well head out.’

‘Thanks Mr P,’ she called out. ‘I’ll just go change.’

‘You want me to wait Jailbait?’ Kyle called out, his arm around a beaming Tess’s shoulders. Mr Parker glared at Kyle.

‘No, I’ve got my car,’ Maria called as she entered the back room to change.

Michael made to follow her but Liz stopped him with a shake of her head and a quick look in her father’s direction. Michael caught her hint and stayed where he was.

‘Well, it’s been real but I’m outta here,’ Kyle said, pushing the table away so he could leave the booth. He looked over at Michael. ‘We’ll re-schedule that pool game. Please make sure she gets home at least a few hours before school tomorrow,’ he said.

‘Man, I’ve still got half an hour to work,’ Michael said.

‘Ok,’ Kyle nodded. ‘Tell her to go straight home and it’s too late to walk Jacob.’

‘Jacob?’ Liz asked.

‘Her second most precious possession.’ Kyle replied.

‘What’s her first?’ Michael asked.

‘I’m sure you’ll find out.’ He turned to Tess. ‘Do you need a ride babe?’ he asked.

Tess blushed and looked over to Michael to see his eyes narrow and a swift shake of his head.

‘Thanks Kyle,’ she said sweetly, ‘I better go home with Michael. Another time?’ she added hopefully.

‘Sure.’ With that he swiftly kissed Tess on her cheek and left.

‘Max, we should head out too,’ Isabel said, concealing a yawn.

‘OK,’ Max said, shifting his eyes to Michael. They really needed to talk about his attitude. He’d never been this possessive before, they had even shared on a few occasions. Somehow Max doubted Michael was willing to share or pass on leftovers this time. They too left the diner as Liz slid into the booth next to Tess and Michael sat opposite them.

Maria swung back through the door.

‘Hey, Maria,’ Mr Parker called her over, ‘I want you to have this,’ and he pushed a few folded notes to her.

‘Oh no, Mr P,’ she said shaking her head and pushing his hand that held the money back to him, ‘I don’t want your money, its fine.’

‘Now Maria, I don’t expect you to work here for nothing. You deserve it,’ he said trying again to give her the money.

‘No, Mr P, really. I don’t need it,’ she glanced at Tommy to see him stealing glimpses of her. ‘Give it to
Tommy. He’s worked really hard tonight,’ she said with a wink to the teenager, to which he promptly
dropped the tray of dishes he was carrying.

‘Ok, or keep it for payment for broken dishes,’ Mr Parker said laughing, knowing how the boy was flustered by her. ‘So, do you want a permanent position?’ he asked her.

Maria’s eyes flickered to Michael. ‘I don’t know, Mr P. I don’t think waitressing is my calling.’

‘Come on, Maria,’ Liz called, ‘it’ll be great and you were fabulous tonight. I couldn’t have done it without you.’

‘Yeah, Blondie, you moved pretty good tonight,’ Michael said with his sexy smile and a wink.

An inexperienced girl may have blushed deeply at that innuendo but Maria was far from innocent so she just rolled her eyes at him. ‘Maybe just a couple of nights a week,’ she relented.

‘Great,’ Mr Parker said, before she could change her mind, ‘stop by later in the week and we’ll sort out some hours for you.’

‘OK,’ Maria said with a small smile. She walked over to where Liz, Tess and Michael were sat. ‘So I’m gonna head out,’ she said, smiling mischievously, ‘I’ve got a date.’

‘A d…!’ Michael stammered.

‘Maria, it’s kinda late to be going out on a date don’t you think?’ Liz said, her eyes flickering between her and Michael.

‘Yeah, I know but I’ve been here all night and I can’t really cancel,’ Maria said, lowering her eyes. She dared a glance up and saw Michael simmering with rage.

‘You have a date,’ he spat out, ‘after what we….’ He indicated with his hands toward the break room.

Maria laughed as she watched the anger in his eyes. ‘Yeah, Spaceboy, a date with my homework !’
Michael just glared at her.

‘Come on Michael,’ she laughed, ‘that was funny; your face was a picture.’

‘Yeah. Really funny,’ he said deadpan.

‘Lighten up, Michael,’ she said a little sternly, ‘I don’t know what kind of girl you think I am but I wouldn’t let a guy touch me like you did, then go out with another 2 hours later.’ She was getting pissed and turned to leave.

Liz and Tess looked at each other. ‘Touch,’ Liz mouthed to Tess. Tess shrugged. Just what had they done in the break room, Liz thought.

‘Maria, wait,’ Michael grasped her hand but she quickly pulled away from him.

‘No Michael, I’m going home.’ She turned and walked out.

‘Michael,’ Tess said, ‘go after her.’

Michael slumped further into his seat. ‘No,’ he said stubbornly.

‘She was only messing with you,’ Liz said, tentatively.

‘She shouldn’t say things like that. She knows how I feel about that.’ Michael said grumpily.

‘Michael, you’ve only known each other for 2 days….’ Tess said.

‘3 technically,’ he interjected.

‘Whatever,’ Tess continued, ‘what I’m saying is, you don’t know her and she doesn’t know you.’ She
looked at him, unsure whether to keep going. ‘Don’t you think you’re moving a little fast? Maybe that’s how she works but it’s not you.’

‘Don’t say things like that about her,’ he said back sharply. ‘And actually if you think about it. This is pretty slow by my standards. I usually fuck em when I first see a girl I like. It’s been 3 days and we haven’t….’

Liz visibly paled at his bluntness.

‘Yeah but that’s not for want of trying,’ Tess scoffed. She did concede that what he said made sense. Since she had known her new brother he had never had a serious girlfriend and very rarely dated the same girl twice. She knew he had a reputation of ‘wham bam thank you ma’am’. He just refused to let anyone get close to him.

‘Look,’ Michael said, breaking into her thoughts, ‘Maria’s different. It’s not just about sex.’

‘What??’ Tess exclaimed.

‘Well sure, a lot of it’s about the sex but,’ he grew nervous, ‘I actually want to spend time with her, you know, without sex.’

‘Wow, now that’s a first.’ Tess said, impressed.

‘Yeah, I know,’ he said back with a shy smile. ‘Scary ain’t it.’

As Tess laughed, Liz sat there listening to this incredibly private conversation between brother and sister quite bewildered. Was this the same Michael Guerin who used to tease her mercilessly in elementary school? And how on earth was she caught up with this group of people all of a sudden?

Michael looked between Tess and Liz, ‘You’re girls, right. Do you think she feels the same? I mean I think it’s pretty safe to say she’s not a blushing virgin but do you think she wants to spend time with me, too?’ he asked nervously.

‘Yeah, I think she does,’ Liz answered, amazed that he had asked her opinion.

‘Why do you say that,’ he probed.

‘Because, when I asked her to work here tonight she was very reluctant until she heard your voice,’ Liz said.

‘Really,’ he smiled, ‘how do you know that?’

‘I may be quiet but I’m very observant,’ she said simply. ‘And when my dad asked her about working here she made it pretty clear she didn’t need the job. I mean she didn’t even take the money my dad offered
her, she told him to give it to Tommy.’

Michael’s brows knotted quizzically.

‘So, as I understand it,’ Liz continued, ‘she doesn’t need to work here for the money so why else would she agree to work in this grease pit?’

Michael just looked between the two of them.

‘Personally, I think it has something to do with one of the cooks!’ Liz concluded.

Michael smiled and relaxed back into the booth.

‘So,’ Tess said, conspiringly, ‘what kind of teenager doesn’t need to work for extra cash. We have all got jobs, if you can call my sweeping at Susie’s Beauty Parlour a job. She drives a brand new Mercedes convertible yet they don’t live in an oversized house.’

‘Yeah,’ Liz leaned forward, ‘and from what I can gather, she went to a private school in LA.’

‘Kyle didn’t,’ Michael added. ‘And the stuff in their house is all high tech. Their basement is the best with all the gadgets, mini fridges, home cinema, gaming systems and big sofa’s and they had a pool table
delivered today.’

Tess beamed. ‘Maybe we should look into just who Maria Deluca is.’ She loved intrigue and gossip.

‘Tess, please don’t go checking up on my girlfriend. I’m in enough shit with her as it is,’ Michael sighed,

‘You’re girlfriend!’ Tess raised her eyebrow.

‘I know,’ he grinned at her, ‘and I didn’t choke.’

They sat there silent for a minute. ‘Look Tess,’ Michael said, seriously, ‘don’t go all Nancy Drew on me with Maria. Like you said, she’s only been here a few days. It’s not like she’s gonna sit us down and tell us her life story on the second day. Let’s just give her some time, ok.’

‘Ok,’ Tess smiled at him. ‘Eh, Michael, does Maria know you’re classing her as your girlfriend?’

Michael shrugged.

‘Ok you two,’ Mr Parker called, ‘don’t make Tommy do all the work here. Let’s close this place up and go home.’

The four of them made light work of closing the CrashDown for the evening, Tess even swept the floor.
Once the three teenagers had left he turned to his daughter.

‘So Lizzie,’ he said tenderly, ‘I see you have some new friends.’

‘Yeah,’ she said sounding surprised herself. ‘I guess I have Maria to thank for that. She kinda just pulled me into the group.’

‘I like it,’ Jeff said, ‘it’s good to see you hanging with friends and not just Alex, but don’t neglect old friendships for new.’

Liz smiled at her dad. ‘I won’t.’

Re: To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 7 09/02/12

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 9:14 am
by Pixie-Maria
Hi all.

Thanks guys for you feedback it's greatly appreciated.

Straight onto Chapter 7.

Chapter 7.

Maria was still fuming as she slammed her keys down on the kitchen counter. Kyle looked up from his 3rd bowl of cereal.

‘What’s wrong, Jailbait? Trouble with lover boy already?’ he grinned.

‘He’s a Neanderthal,’ she griped, not in the least surprised that Kyle was still eating despite the food he’s
had earlier at the diner.

‘What?’ he asked stunned, ‘you don’t like it against a wall anymore.’

‘Shut up Kyle,’ she said, as she flopped into a bar stool at the breakfast bar.

Kyle continued to eat his cereal, watching Maria and waiting. He knew she’d tell him eventually. They talked about everything, absolutely everything; no subject was too taboo between the two of them. Kyle had often wondered if they would have been this close if they had been born brother and sister. He had friends with sisters back in LA who were nowhere as close as they were. He put it down to the fact that they were on the verge of entered their teenage years when they were pushed together. They both needed someone to talk to about things that were suddenly changing and confusing and, as their parents were always out together, they had turned to each other for these private conversations. It didn’t hurt that Maria wasn’t shy or modest when it came to talking. She could out talk anyone. Kyle couldn’t have been happier. He had the inside knowledge on the female psyche, surely that had to earn him some points with the female populace.

‘He can’t take a joke,’ she told him after several long minutes of internal ranting. ‘He’s so possessive. We’ve only known each other a few days and if a guy looks at me for longer than a nano-second he’s ready to pulverize him.’ She sighed deeply. ‘I made a joke about having a date tonight and he totally blew up about it.’

‘Ok,’ Kyle said, putting his bowl aside, ‘I’ve only known Guerin a few weeks longer than you but I do know something. He’s never had what we call a ‘girlfriend’. He’s had girls yes, his own fair share but I’ve not seen his act around another girl like he does around you. Max also commented on it too tonight. He thinks Michael really likes you. And you’re different around him too, Ria.’

‘Yeah I know that, Isabel told me, and I know it’s not just about sex. We do have serious conversations,’ Maria said, picking at some fruit in the bowl.

‘When have you two had time to have a serious conversation. You’re always trying to get your tongues down each other’s throat or at least thinking about it,’ Kyle slapped her hand away from the fruit.

‘Yesterday, when I drove him home after his detention. He told me about his old foster father and I got the feeling that’s not something he talks about easily,’ she said softly, not wanting to betray Michael’s trust.

‘Really?’ Kyle raised his eyebrow.

Maria just nodded.

‘Did you tell him anything about you?’ Kyle asked tentatively.

‘No,’ she said quietly.

‘Why?’ Kyle asked.

‘I don’t know,’ Maria said with exasperation. ‘We got to his house and he had to go in. I just didn’t want to spoil things,’ she added quietly.

‘And you think if he knows about you, it would spoil things?’ Kyle probed.

‘Doesn’t it always?’ She answered sadly.

‘Maria, Michael may just surprise you. I don’t think he’s like that.’ Kyle assured her.

Maria huffed.

‘And with the jealousy thing. Hello, have you looked in a mirror,’ Kyle said light heartedly.

Maria smiled at him.

‘You’re gorgeous Maria. We all know it. Shit, I want to beat on every one that looks at you for longer than
a nano-second. I just have the self-control to keep a check on my anger,’ Kyle smiled.

‘You tell ‘em Buddha boy,’ she said cheerfully and jumped off the stool. Kyle could always be countered on to brighten her mood. She walked over to the fridge ‘Maybe you could teach Michael some of that enlightenment.’

Pulling the fridge open, she grabbed a bottle of beer, and twisting the cap off she took a long slow drink.

‘I hope that’s for me?’ Jim said, indicating to the bottle in Maria’s hand as he entered the kitchen.

‘Absolutely,’ she smiled as he handed over the bottle to Jim.

Jim smiled at her. ‘Yeah, right,’ he said, noting the amount of liquid in the bottle. ‘Not on a school night Maria, we made a deal remember.’

‘Sure, right, whatever.’ She stomped out of the kitchen. ‘I’m going to bed.’

‘Homework Maria,’ Jim called after her.

‘I’ll do it before I go to sleep,’ she called as she hit the stairs with a run.

Jim pointed with the bottle in the direction Maria had gone. ‘Is Hurricane Deluca ok?’ he asked his son.

‘Yeah, she’ll be fine. She’s breaking in a new boyfriend,’ Kyle said.

‘Already! That was quick,’ Jim said, finishing the beer.

‘Have you ever known Maria to take things slow,’ Kyle said with a laugh.

‘Unfortunately no,’ Jim said, taking Maria’s vacated seat. ‘Will we be needing bail money anytime soon
and can his family afford a good attorney?

Kyle laughed louder. ‘You know Dad, I think this one is different.’

‘Really!’ Jim smiled.

Kyle looked around, ‘Where’s Amy?’

Jim looked intrigued. ‘Locked in her studio.’ What should have been his study, Amy had claimed as her

Kyle leaned in clandestinely. ‘It’s been 3 days and they haven’t had sex yet.’

‘Kyle, I do not want to think about my daughter having sex,’ Jim said, resentfully.

‘Dad, with all the shit you’ve got her out of, we all know that Maria is extremely sexually active,’ Kyle said.

‘Yeah, but I still don’t want to know about it,’ Jim said.

‘Sorry Dad but no sex with a guy she’s majorly attracted to, that’s gotta mean something,’ Kyle seemed almost pleased.

‘3 days, eh,’ Jim clarified.

‘Yep!,’ Kyle said with a sharp nod of his head.

‘And she still wants to see him?’


‘And this is a mutual thing?’ Jim asked.

Kyle thought for a minute. ‘Well maybe not literally mutual. I mean I don’t think Michael is pushing her away but he’s not actually pushing her into it either.’

Jim huffed. ‘Like anyone can make Maria Deluca do anything she doesn’t want to do,’ Jim said, with slight pride in his voice.

‘Ain’t that the truth,’ Kyle added.

‘Michael, eh,’ Jim probed. ‘Is that your friend from football?’


‘What’s his last name?’ Jim said in full cop mode.

‘Guerin. Dad, you don’t need to do a background check on him,’ Kyle stated.

Jim looked thoughtful. ‘Michael Guerin. He’s one of the Harding’s foster kids.’

‘Yes, Sheriff,’ Kyle said mockingly.

Jim walked pensively out of the kitchen. ‘Keep an eye on your sister, Kyle.’

‘Don’t I always,’ Kyle called after him.

Maria once again lay on her bed. Her homework done; definitely she needed to get hold of Bethany, Harvey’s assistant, to arrange for someone to get her old school work from storage. She lay on her stomach twirling her cell in her hand.

To call or not to call.

After listening to Kyle and what she knew of Michael, maybe she had been wrong to joke about having a date.

She knew he was very possessive and she shouldn’t tease him like that. She looked at her cell again. But she had never made the first move after a disagreement before. And what if he was just as stubborn as she was! Could she go a week or two without his lips on her? Anywhere where on her! She squirmed on the bed thinking of his marvellous lips, talented hands, the dexterity of his tongue and the size of his erection as it had pressed against her in all the right places.

‘Oh God,’ she moaned, closing her eyes, her imagination running away with her.
Before she knew it she had sent a text.

I’m sorry I made you think I had a date.

She waited nervously for 2 minutes 43 seconds.

I’m sorry I’m such a dick.

I forgive you for being a dick.

3 minutes later.

Don’t make me think of you with anyone else again.

Ok dick.

I wish you were here. I need to kiss you.

Can you come over?

Is your Dad there?

Yeah. Jim’s home. Why?

Sorry Blondie no sneaking into your room when the sheriff is in the house.

What’s a bit of danger between friends?

I like all my parts just as they are thank you.

Yeah I like your parts too.

You wanna come over here?

What and risk sneaking out when the sheriff’s in the house!

Don’t you like danger then Blondie?

Spaceboy, you’d be surprised at what I like

Now I’m intrigued.

I’m sure you’ll find out.


I promise.

Wanna pick me up for school?

Still not a chance in hell Spaceboy.

But I really need my kiss!

Yeah, me too but I’d have to get up half an hour earlier and I don’t do mornings at the best of times.

OK. Meet me outside the library at first break?

Will you say my name just like I like it?

Babe I’ll be saying your name all night.
Maria giggled.

OK Spaceboy, sweet dreams

Yeah very wet sweet dreams.

Goodnight Michael.

Goodnight Maria.

Maria shivered, imaging him whispering her name.

Kyle coughed by her door. ‘Sexting Michael?’

‘No,’ Maria huffed. ‘And if I was it’s none of your business.’

‘So you patched things up then, ‘he asked, sitting on her bed, pulling on her foot. She pulled her foot back
and turned into her side, propping her head in her hand.

‘Yeah, thanks for the advice Kyle,’ she said, genuinely. She really did love having him as her brother.

‘No problem Jailbait,’ he smiled at her. ‘Maybe you should take more of my advice and tell him all about Maria Deluca.’

‘Not yet, Kyle,’ she sighed. ‘I just don’t want him to know about all that fucked up shit yet. Is that so bad?’

Kyle shrugged. ‘You know Maria, not everyone is gonna be a Billy Darden,’ he paused, ‘or a Brendan Riskson, or a Vance Halliwell or a Harry Mollins, or a……’

‘OK,’ Maria stopped him, ‘I get what you’re saying, but as you’ve just so graciously pointed out, my track record isn’t that great.’

‘But that’s because they were all dicks and only wanted one thing,’ he said.

Maria raised an eyebrow at him.

‘Ok,’ he relented, ‘they wanted two things. But really, who can resist the charms of Maria Deluca.’

‘Metaphorically, or actual,’ she asked with a cheeky smile.

He pushed gently against her shoulder, glad that she was smiling again. He often wondered what it was really like for her. So many people expected so much from her and none of them had bothered to ask her what she wanted, where she wanted to go in life. He knew she resented all the pressure put on her and the fact that she had no real control over her own life and that, in part, was why she acted the way she did. Would he be any different if he was in her position? And if he was, would people react the same to him as they did to her when she got herself in trouble. It seemed to be one thing if he was sexually adventurous but another when she was. They were living in the 21st Century, those girl, boy constraints were almost non-existent. No, he thought, for all that she had and what will come to her, he wouldn’t change positions with Maria Deluca. And she could handle it, right?............

‘Hey can I copy your math homework? ’ he said, hoping to cover the silence of his thoughts.

‘Knock yourself out,’ she said with a wave of her hand toward her books.

‘Thanks,’ he looked through her school work, ‘I think I’ll take US government too,’ he said with a smile.

‘Goodnight Kyle,’ she said returning his smile.

‘Night Einstein.’

She threw her pillow at him as he left her room. She quickly read Michael’s text again with a smile then she scrolled through some pictures of herself and found a good one of her taken at a club in LA a month ago and sent it on to Michael.

She climbed off her bed and went to have a shower before bed. After her nightly routine she noticed her cell was blinking. He must have texted back whilst I was showering, she thought, grabbing her cell and opening the message.

Blew my load at that one babe :D

She smiled as she fell to sleep, yeah he wants me!!!

Wednesday morning dawned bright and sunny as Maria tried to bury herself deeper in her bed. Her alarm was blaring as she flung her arm out to hit the snooze button for the seventh time.

‘Maria,’ her mother’s voice echoed through the house. ‘Up! Now!’

‘Yeah, yeah,’ Maria mumbled as she pulled the covers over her head. She had just started to drift off again
when her covers were roughly pulled off her.

‘Come on Ria, get your cute lazy ass out of that pit,’ Kyle said, dumping her covers on the floor.

‘Kyle,’ she shrieked, ‘I could have been naked under here.’

‘And your problem is?’ he smirked.

‘You’re such a pervert you know,’ she said, sleepily rolling out of bed.

‘Again, your problem is?’

Maria swatted his arm as she tumbled into the bathroom.

Kyle left her to her morning ritual and made his way downstairs into the kitchen.

‘You want pancakes, Kyle?’ Amy asked cheerfully.

‘Good morning to you too,’ he said, kissing her cheek. ‘Pancakes will be great.’ He poured two cups of coffee, carried them over to the breakfast bar and sat next to his dad, who was digging into his own pile of pancakes.

‘Is she up?’ Jim asked.

‘Yep, in the shower,’ he replied.

‘Did you need to resort to freezing water this time?’ Amy asked, knowing the lengths they went to, to get her daughter out of bed in the mornings.

‘No,’ Kyle said, adding milk and sugar to his coffee.

‘Good. Less work for me,’ Amy said, remembering last time Kyle had thrown water over Maria. She had had to strip the bed completely and use a hair dryer on the mattress to try and dry it. In the end they had just bought a new mattress. She placed a plate with a couple of pancakes on it.

‘Hey, I’m a growing boy you know,’ he said looking with disgust at his meagre plate of pancakes.

‘There’s more Kyle, give me a chance please,’ Amy said, turning back to the stove.
Kyle smiled at her, his mouth full.

‘Do you have any plans tonight?’ Jim asked.

‘Practice, we have a game on Friday,’ Kyle said.

‘Oh right. I’ll make sure I’m there,’ Jim said.

‘Me too,’ Amy added.

Kyle nodded as Amy placed two more pancakes on his plate.

‘And does Maria have any plans tonight?’ Jim asked.

Kyle shrugged. ‘I’m not her keeper,’ he said around a mouthful of food, ‘but Michael has practice too, so.’

‘Michael?’ Amy turned to Kyle. ‘Who’s Michael?’

‘Erm……’ Kyle shifted his eyes from his father to Amy and back again.

‘Oh I see,’ Amy said with a sigh. ‘What grade is he in; I take it he does go to your school,’ she paused, ‘as in, a student at your school.’

‘Relax Amy, he’s a junior like us,’ Kyle smiled at his step-mothers question.

‘Well, there’s a first time for everything I guess,’ Amy turned back to place more pancakes on Kyle’s plate.

Maria walked into the kitchen at that point and sat next to Kyle. She smiled gratefully at him as he pushed her coffee to her with the back of his hand.

‘I’m thinking of lobbying for an 11 o’clock start to the school day,’ she said as folded her arms in front of her on the counter and laid her head down on them.

Kyle gave a snort of a laugh. ‘Yeah and knowing you and your ‘connections’ you’d probably get it passed.’

‘And everyone would benefit,’ she smiled up at him.

Amy watched them and smiled. ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know, right Maria,’ she said.

‘Absolutely,’ Maria said sitting back up and taking an appreciative gulp of her coffee.

‘Or in Maria’s case, it’s who you know, what you know, how you move and how you can make it work for you,’ he nudged his sister’s shoulder.

Maria glared at him. ‘Not everything is about sex, Kyle,’ she spat out.

Kyle dropped his fork and looked at Maria. ‘Amy, you’d better call for a doctor, Maria’s not well.’

‘Stop being a prick,’ Maria chided.

‘Kyle,’ Jim said, ‘let’s not discuss your sister’s sex life at the breakfast table.’

‘Let’s not discuss it at all,’ Maria said looking at her mother’s tense back as she flipped the pancakes.

‘You want pancakes, Maria?’ Amy asked her. Maria noted the steady control of her voice. Her mother had
begrudgingly accepted that her ‘little girl’ was sexually active but still, she didn’t want to hear about it, despite the fact there had been times when she HAD to know about it.

Maria shook her head with a wrinkled nose. ‘I’ll just have yoghurt thanks, who can eat this early in the morning,’ she said glaring at Kyle as he shovelled more pieces of pancake into his mouth.

Amy passed a yoghurt to her daughter and then a banana. ‘You need more than just a yoghurt Maria,’ she said sternly, doing her best to ignore what they had been talking about.

‘That’s why I’m having coffee,’ Maria said with a smile.

‘I’ve packed your usual for lunch,’ Amy said, indicating to the counter, taking a sip of her morning tea.

‘Thanks Mom, you’re the best,’ she said. ‘Oh Jim, I need to talk to you regarding a police matter.’

Amy dropped her cup and it shattered on the floor.

‘What have you done this time?’ Amy said with exasperation.

‘Nothing! Geez mom thanks for the vote of confidence,’ Maria huffed, sneaking a piece of pancake from
Kyle’s plate and feeding it to Jacob where he sat close to her feet.

‘I’m sorry Maria but your past experiences don’t give me a lot of confidence,’ Amy sighed.

‘God, you get arrested 1 time and….’

‘5 times.’ Kyle interrupted her, ‘not that we’re counting.’

‘Thanks Kyle, like you’ve never been arrested,’ Maria glared at him.

‘Not 5 times,’ Kyle smirked back.

‘Technically it’s only 4, that first time doesn’t count,’ Maria said.

‘That totally counts, Maria,’ Jim added, ‘it was you that threw that paint filled balloon at an officer. During a supposed peaceful demonstration I might add.’

‘Yeah, but you only arrested me because you had the hots for my mom, and I was only 11 at the time.’

‘Still have the hots for your mom,’ Jim grinned at his wife, ‘and I swear I’ve still got paint in my hair.’

‘That’s grey hair, old man,’ Maria said with a smile. She took another grateful gulp of her coffee and then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath then opened them again.

‘Anyway, Jim,’ she started again, ‘the Lucan Academy decided it would be beneficial to inform Principal Forrester about my police record. I mean, is that even legal. Surely ‘closed file’ means closed, not told to every Tom, Dick and Forrester. And I had to sit there whilst he went on and on about….’

Jim held his hand up. ‘Maria, stop.’

Maria closed her mouth.

‘The Lucan Academy should not have divulged that information without our permission as there is nothing school related about your arrests.’

‘Well technically that time I was busted in the strip club was for a school project,’ Maria said, flippantly.

‘That’s what they all say,’ Kyle laughed.

Maria noticed her mother straighten up again, a resolved look of, ‘that didn’t happen’ on her face. Her mother could go into denial so easily. ‘OK, I’ll be quiet now,’ she said sheepishly.

Then like a light switch, that look was gone as Amy registered what Maria had said. ‘How dare they do that to my baby,’ Amy said her hand on her chest. ‘It’s bad enough moving to a new place mid semester, without the added hassle of your past following you. I mean, one of the things that prompted this move was to forget about all that. To start a fresh. How can she be expected to start afresh when they just…..’
‘Amy,’ Jim repeated his earlier gesture to Maria, to his wife. Like mother, like daughter. ‘Maybe you should talk to Harvey to see what our legal stand would be.’

‘Yeah,’ Amy looked at Maria, ‘I need to talk to him about another matter anyway.’

‘What other matter?’ Kyle asked interested.

‘Shit Kyle, look at the time. We have to go,’ Maria said, jumping off the stool. She noted her mom’s stern look at her language and rolled her eyes. Seriously, her mom was so cool about somethings and then
completely anal about the little things.

‘Are we going separately?’ she asked Kyle.

Kyle looked disbelieving between Amy and Maria, ‘eh, yeah, separately. I’ve got practice after school.’

‘OK,’ she said cheerfully. She kissed her mom’s cheek and then Jim’s before heading out the back door, ‘Bye,’

‘Maria, your lunch,’ Amy called after her.

‘I got it, Amy,’ Kyle said, grabbing Maria’s lunch. ‘Later Oldies,’ he called as he left.

‘Hey!’ Jim called after him.

‘Less of the old,’ Amy added with a smile.

A few minutes passed.

‘So, what do you need to talk to Harvey about?’ Jim asked.

The morning passed quickly with Maria meeting Michael as promised by the library at first break, which led to a heated passionate clinch in the eraser room. Lunch followed biology with Michael again eating half of Maria’s lunch. Must get mom to pack more, she thought.

After lunch Maria wandered down the corridor heading for music, not looking forward to her favorite class for the first time in forever.

‘Hey Deluca,’ a voice brought her out of her own musings. She turned to see Courtney, Pam and Vicky in front of her.

‘So I saw you coming out the eraser room with Michael,’ Courtney started straight away.

‘And?’ Maria said, disdainful.

‘Michael is taken,’ Pam said, nodding toward Courtney.

‘Does he know that?’ Maria asked with a raised eyebrow.

‘Of course he does,’ Vicky answered for her friend.

‘OK,’ Maria said slowly, ‘so why has he not said anything to me?’

‘He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. He’s not one for confrontation.’ Courtney said smugly.

Maria shook her head and laughed. ‘Michael’s all about confrontations,’ she said.

‘You don’t know Michael,’ Pam stated.

‘OK, so even if Michael hadn’t told me, one of his friends would have, especially my brother!’ Maria
smirked back.

‘You’re new here, that’s why we’re telling you,’ Pam said, condescendingly.

‘Yeah, thanks,’ Maria said sarcastically. ‘You know I asked Isabel and even she said that he’s not dating anyone.’

‘Well Michael doesn’t tell Isabel everything,’ Courtney sniped.

‘Why wouldn’t Michael tell his best friends he was dating you, ooh, maybe he’s either totally embarrassed or you’re living in an alternate universe.’ Maria turned and continued on her way to her music class.

‘Deluca,’ Courtney continued, the three of them following her, ‘it would be more dignifying for you if you just stopped throwing yourself at him. Taking your top off in the quad to try and snag my boyfriend was just a little desperate don’t you think?’

Maria turned to face them again, just outside her classroom. ‘Oh please, you’re having an imaginary
relationship with someone and you’re calling me desperate.’

Maria noted the look of pure hatred on Courtney’s face.

‘It’s not imaginary,’ Vicky said in defence of her friend.

‘Oh really,’ Maria squared up to Courtney, ‘how many dates have you been on with Michael actually being there. In person, with only you.’

Courtney huffed and flicked her hair with her hand over her shoulder. ‘We don’t need to date; we’re connected on a deeper level.’

‘Oh yeah, you’ve fucked a couple of times,’ Maria said with a sweet smile.

They all drew a sharp intake of breath.

‘Well I guess that means I’m having a ‘deeper connection’ with Michael too,’ she taunted unable to stop herself, ‘cause we’ve been fucking like bunnies since Monday.’

‘Maria,’ a stern voice called.

She noticed three things at once. A shocked look at her words on Courtney’s face, a smug look from Pam, thinking she’d be in trouble with the teacher and a dreamy look on Vicky’s face, because of who the teacher was. She slowly turned round, knowing the voice all too well.

‘I believe you should be in my class right now,’ Mr Harris said, with a look Maria couldn’t fathom. Was that jealousy, she thought, desire. God, I hope not.

‘Yes Mr Harris,’ she said quickly, not looking at him.

‘Ladies,’ he said the other girls, ‘I’m sure a class is waiting for you somewhere.’

‘Yes sir,’ they all said and turned quickly as one.

Maria also turned quickly and entered the class, not wanting to be alone with Ben Harris, but she did hear the word ‘slut’ come from Courtney as they walked off down the corridor.

As she took her seat she pulled her cell from her pocket and quickly sent a text to Michael.

I think I’ve upset your girlfriend.




Yep. I’ve just had a lecture from her about stealing her boyfriend.

Really :D and what did you say, Blondie.

I told her we’ve been fucking since Monday. Sorry.

Shit babe. We have in my dreams! Since Sunday actually.

Maria laughed.

‘Maria,’ Mr Harris said, passing her desk, ‘put the cell away.’

Wish he’d leave me alone, she thought, but she did quickly put the cell back in her pocket without texting back and then she smiled at Alex who had sat next to her.

‘Hey Alex, where you been?’

‘Recovering from dodgeball,’ he said, dejectedly.

‘That bad, eh?’ she smiled.

‘It’s my goal in life to see Dodgeball recognized as an Olympic event.’

Maria laughed out at that.

‘Ok Class,’ Mr Harris called, ‘let’s start before the end bell rings.’

The class was pretty much the same as Monday, with students giving their renditions of all different songs.
Toward the end of the class Mr Harris stopped the performances.

‘So Mrs Graham had told me that next months schools health topic is gonna be about abstinence from sex.’

There was some sniggering around the room.

‘Anyway,’ M Harris continued, ‘for next weeks lesson I want you all to come up with a song that promotes abstaining. Then you will perform it for the class and the one voted the best will be performed at the Health assembly. You can do it in pairs if you wish.’

‘No you can’t if you’re abstaining,’ came a voice from the back of the class.

‘Thank you Carl. You know what I mean,’ Mr Harris said.

The bell rang.

‘So next week people,’ Mr Harris called as the students all stood. ‘Em, Maria, can I have a quick word?’

Maria looked at Alex with panic in her eyes, which Alex noted and filed away. ‘Sorry Mr Harris, I’ve gotta dash,’ and she quickly fled the room.

‘Wait, Maria, please,’ Mr Harris called out, racing after her but he got caught in the rush of students on their way to their next class.

Alex noted the desperation in his voice as he slowly left the room with a long look at his teacher as his eyes searched the corridor for Maria.

Re: To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 8 09/10/12

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:18 am
by Pixie-Maria
Hi guys, thanks for the feedback.

Carolyn: Thanks.

Ginger: Mr Harris is one sick dude and I agree Hollywood does tend to idealise teenage sex but lets face it. It happens!!!

Begonia9508: it doesn't matter when the feedback comes as long as it does. Thanks.

Candyliciousluvah: Mr Harris' story will come out eventually.

Thanks to Ginger, my new beta, for my banner and for all your hard work

Chapter: 8

Maria quickly took her seat in her last class of the day and was surprised to see Michael enter the class and sit next to her.

“Michael,” she laughed at him, “are you even in this class?”

Michael shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know. Is it a good class?”

Maria mirrored his shrug. “Just moved here remember, this is my first time in this class.”

He gave her a sexy smile. “Well I must admit the scenery’s pretty good.”

“My God, Michael,” she laughed again, “is that the best you can come up with?”

He smirked at her. “So you didn’t answer my text.”

“Sorry. Mr Harris came in, told me to put my cell away.”

“And you always do what the teacher says?” he asked.

“During the first week, yeah. Gotta get them used to me before they meet the real Maria Deluca,” she said with a smile.

“So when do I meet the “real Maria Deluca”,” he asked, seductively.

“Oh, you already met her,” her eyes twinkled at him, her mind registering the fact she wasn’t being exactly truthful with that answer.

Michael gave her his full smile.

“So really Michael, creative writing?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Michael shrugged again. “I needed another elective. It was either this or classics and men running around in sheets just doesn’t do it for me.”

“Oh I don’t know. It definitely has some potential,” she said, obviously eyeing him, imagining him wrapped him in a sheet, or a loincloth, or nothing.

“Shit, Deluca, you’ve got that look in your eyes again,” Michael said, with a flash of pride in his eyes. ‘This girl is definitely the one for me’ he thought.

“What look?” she asked innocently.

“Like you’re picturing me naked,” he said, his eyes dancing.

“And your problem is?” she challenged.

“If I did that it would be called sexual harassment,” he told her.

“So you’ve never pictured me naked?” she asked, wide eyed.

Michael’s eyes gleamed as he stood and moved closer to her. “Every second of every minute of every hour of every day, since I first laid my eyes on you.”

He finished his statement leaning over her desk, inches from her face.
Maria placed her hands on either side of his face. “Ditto,” she said and pulled his lips to meet hers in a slow sensual kiss. Neither were aware of the hooting and hollering that they were getting from their fellow class mates as Michael deepened the kiss, trying to pull Maria closer to him, missing the warmth of her body, but was hindered by the desk between them.

“Mr Guerin, please remove your lips from that poor girl.”

Michael finally broke the kiss and smiled at Maria. She was breathing heavily, as he briefly kissed her once more before pulling away and retaking his seat.

“Nice one, Guerin,” someone said.

“My turn,” another voice called.

“Ok,” Ms. Stevens, the teacher, said, “settle down.” She looked again at Michael. “Michael I do believe this is the first time you have actually made it to class this semester.”

“Yeah, well,” he looked at Maria, “I felt compelled to turn up today.”

Ms. Stevens looked at Maria. “Well thank you Miss Deluca, for achieving the impossible and getting my most elusive student to actually attend class.”

Maria turned and returned Michael’s look. “The pleasure is all mine,” she said.

Ms. Stevens hide a smile as she brought the class to order.

“So we should meet later and do our homework or something,” Michael said to Maria was they exited the class.

“We didn’t get any homework, Spaceboy,” Maria smiled at him.

“Or something,” he said with a lopsided grin.

“Don’t you have practice,” she asked with a knowing smile.

“Shit, yeah.” They walked to Maria’s locker. “Come and watch practice,” he said, as she collected the books she would need at home.

She looked at him, shocked. “Excuse me?”

He actually looked sheepishly at her. “I asked if you would come and watch me practice.”

Maria looked at him, closing her locker. “You want me to come and watch you run around a field chasing a ball?”

“Yeah,” he said, suddenly unsure. He’d never asked a girl to watch practice before.
They started back down the corridor, both unaware that people were watching them. “I don’t know Michael,” she said. “That’s not really my thing.”

He stopped her with a hand on her arm, “Hey don’t worry about it,” he said quickly, but she thought she heard a hint of disappointment in his voice. He tipped her chin up and gently kissed her slowly, his thumb tracing her cheek. “I’ll call you when I’m done, ok.”

She licked her lips. “OK,” she said.

He walked off. “Have a good practice,” she called, to which he waved his hand in the air.

Maria walked through the school heading for the exit, only half conscious of the many looks and speculative whispers she was receiving, her mind wandering. ‘Why would he want me to watch him practice?’ she thought.

She remembered when she had been a cheerleader and her team had sometimes practiced on the field the same time as the football team. She used to laugh and berate the giggling girls who would watch their boyfriends practice, thinking they were simpering idiots who didn’t have a life outside their boyfriends. And now, she really, really, wanted to watch Michael, to just be in the same vicinity of him, for him to look for her and be happy she was near.

Maria had a strong urge to bash her head against something very hard. She was turning into one of those simpering idiots!!!

“Hey Maria.”

Maria turned quickly to see Liz. “I’ve been calling you for 5 minutes. Are you ok?”

Maria shook her head, willing her thoughts away. “Yeah, I’m fine,” she said, only slightly distractedly.

“Are you sure?” Liz asked, her brows furrowing.

Before Maria could answer her, Isabel joined them. “Hey guys, what are you two up to?” she asked cheerfully.

“Nothing,” they answered in unison.

“Good,” she said. “Let’s go watch the guys.”

“What?” Maria said, shocked.

Isabel got between them both and threaded her arms through theirs, leading them from the building. “Come on, it’ll be fun,” the taller blonde said.

“I don’t know,” Liz said doubtfully.

“Sure it will,” Isabel turned her head to Maria, “don’t you want to see Michael all hot and sweaty,” she asked.

“Not from playing football,” Maria said with a sly smile.

“Maria!” Liz said, still shocked with her frankness.
“Liz I’m a healthy hormonal girl and I have needs,” she said with a huge grin.

Liz did give Maria a slight smile at that.

“Come on then,” Isabel said, “let’s get those hormones charged.”

Maria laughed. “Isabel I really don’t think they need charging more than they already are, and I hardly think watching him practice will do much more for my hormones.”

“Maria, have you never watched a boyfriend play sports?” Isabel asked, intrigued.

“Michael’s not my boyfriend!” Maria said quickly.

Liz actually felt sad at that statement, remembering Michael the night before calling Maria his girlfriend.

“It might be fun,” Liz found herself saying.

“That’s the spirit, Liz,” Isabel said with a smile.

Maria didn’t need much encouragement but she didn’t want to seem too eager either. Plus Kyle would be there too so it wasn’t just Michael she could be watching, she was supporting her brother. And she could do her homework so it looked like she wasn’t even interested.

“OK,” she said, with an exaggerated deep sigh.

“Great,” Isabel laughed, “I really love to watch them practice but I hate to sit by myself. Makes me seem all desperate.”

“Oh and who are you watching?” Maria asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Ryan Brinkley’s ass. I know he’s a dick but it’s so cute in those little tight pants,” Isabel laughed.

“Well they are always an added bonus,” Maria laughed with her.

10 minutes later found Maria climbing her way up the bleachers to a seat Isabel deemed good enough for them, smack bang in the middle. Michael was sure to notice her there.

“Where’s Tess?” Maria suddenly asked Isabel.

“She’s…”Isabel looked around the field, “there.” She pointed to a group of girls. Tess was with her cheerleading squad but at that moment she was watching the football team come on to the field.

Maria laughed. “Is she practicing or Kyle watching?”

“Sickening isn’t it,” Isabel said, her eyes on the males as they entered the field said otherwise.

“Absolutely,” Maria agreed, her own eyes falling on Michael. He was running onto the field with his helmet in his hand and he hadn’t noticed her yet. Her mind rang with the thought, ‘how could they call it sickening for Tess to watch Kyle when they were just as bad?’

The guys all stood, facing their coach as he was giving instruction to them, their backs to the bleachers.

“Let’s all give thanks to the Powers that Be for those cute little football pants,” Maria said with a smile.

Liz looked over at the guys, gave a deep blush and quickly opened her trig book.

“Amen to that,” Isabel added with her own smile.

“Boys, boys, boys,” Maria said, distractedly, her eyes almost glazed over, her fingers gliding unconsciously along her full lips.

Isabel nudged her with her shoulder, “glad you came?” she smirked.
“I am forever in your debt, O wise one,” Maria said, not taking her eyes off Michael as they broke into a run.

“You really never watched the guys practice before. Kyle was on the team at your old school wasn’t he? Isabel asked.

“Yeah but we went to different schools. And I’ve never been with a jock before,” Maria answered. “Sure I watched sometimes when I was a cheerleader but….”

“You were a cheerleader?” Liz asked, shocked.

“For my sins, yes.”

Isabel eyed Maria. “Actually I can see you as a cheerleader.”

“Oh, please,” Maria said, indignant, “I haven’t done it for well over a year.”

“How come?” Liz asked.
“Well there was a combination of reasons but the most primary, I discovered boys!”

Isabel laughed. “But surely being a cheerleader has its advantages when it comes to the subject of boys!”

“I guess but I was also kind of kicked off the team,” Maria said vaguely.

“Oh my God! What did you do?” Isabel said, turning to her, her attention lost from the guys temporarily.

Maria waved her hand. “Let’s just say I had a clash of personalities with a few older members of the team. They flaunted their seniority and had me kicked off. Don’t worry I got my revenge.” She looked at Isabel’s intrigued face. “Really it’s a boring story.”

Isabel huffed. “How come whenever you say “it’s a boring story” I get the feeling it’s far from boring.”

“I call it “small town syndrome”,” Maria said with a smile.

Isabel turned back to the field, thinking she needed to know more about these “boring stories”.

“Don’t look now but Courtney is giving you pure evils,” Liz said.

Maria looked over to the group of cheerleaders who were practicing in front of the bleachers. Sure, she thought, of course she’d be a cheerleader.

“It’s my lot in life,” Maria said with a deep sigh, “pissing off psycho skanks who are having imaginary relationships.”

Maria explained to Liz and Isabel her earlier altercation with Courtney and the viper twins.

“She really believes Michael is her boyfriend?” Liz asked, shocked.

“Who knows,” Maria shrugged, “but I’ve been warned off.”

The guys had finished running their laps and were in various states of rest in front of the bleachers.

It was at this point that Courtney walked forward from the cheerleaders toward the guys.

“Michael, hey Michael,” she called, trying for a sugary sweet voice.

Michael looked up from where he was lying, trying to catch his breath. He saw Courtney waving at him, but his eyes raised higher and found Maria sitting half way up the bleachers with Isabel and Liz.

He sat up. “Hey Deluca,” he called, totally ignoring Courtney. “I thought this wasn’t your thing?”

Maria smiled at him and repeated his earlier words. “I felt compelled to come and watch,” she called back to him.
He grinned at her.

“Michael, I’m always here to watch you,” Courtney called out.

“OK,” Michael said, disinterested, his eyes still on Maria. God she looked hot today, he thought for the millionth time. She was wearing a nice pair of tight-cropped jeans that showed her ass off perfectly and a pale green tank top. ‘Is it my imagination or is she showing more skin every day’, he thought.

“Hey Guerin,” Coach Klay called, “mind back on the game.”

Maria watched as Michael totally ignored Courtney. His eyes not leaving hers as he stood then he turned and his attention was back on his coach. Maria could see the muscles working through the tight shorts. “Oh Shit,” she whispered, as explicit visions of Michael and his powerful legs cluttered her mind. She squirmed a little on the bench and shivered delightfully, her imagination running wild again. She missed the look that Courtney gave her as she stomped back to the squad but Liz caught it.

For the next hour and half, Maria sat there watching the football team practice, alternating between calling out encouragement to Michael, Kyle and even Max, and finishing her trig homework. She occasionally glanced down to Tess and the cheerleaders as they too practiced and found herself itching to correct them in their mistakes and a sudden strong urge to join in their acrobatics.

She still enjoyed dancing and gymnastics but just couldn’t devote enough of her time to the disciplines. She still danced and tumbled at home though, to keep herself in shape, she reasoned. She huffed when one of the girls botched a back handspring, there weren’t that many who could do the tumbling and another fell out of time with the routine.

“They’re not that good are they,” Isabel said, seeing where Maria was looking.

“They could be,” Maria said, “the potential is there, they just don’t have the discipline.”

“Wow, maybe it’s a good job you were kicked off your team,” Isabel giggled, “if you’d have made captain you would have killed them.”
Maria nodded absentmindedly.

Suddenly there was a shriek as a group of cheerleaders fell.

“Oh god,” Liz called.

“Tess!” Isabel called and started running to the girls, the same time as some of the guys on the field ran over to the heap of girls.

Liz and Maria looked at each other and then followed Isabel down to the ground. By the time they got there most of the girls, and a few guys, were again on their feet. All except one girl who was in agony, her arm at an odd angle.

Kyle had pushed through the crowd to Tess. “Hey, you ok?” he asked with concern in his voice.

“Yeah I’m fine,” she said with a shy smile. She looked at the girl. “I think Alyssa’s broken her arm though.”

By this time Isabel, Maria and Liz had entered the circle, along with Michael, Max and a few of the guys from the team. Tess whirled round on Courtney. “Why weren’t you watching where you were going? You bumped into Vanessa, which caused her to fall into Zack when he was lifting her. That’s why she fell.”

“Hey don’t blame this on me. It’s not my fault,” Courtney said back, her eyes shifting to the girl on the ground.

“Yeah it was, Courtney,” Vanessa countered, rubbing her own leg, “you were in the wrong place. Your mind wasn’t on the routine.”
Courtney turned and glared at Maria as Michael moved to stand beside her. She opened her mouth to say something but changed her mind and stormed off the field.
Ms. McKay, the girl’s coach, called for an ambulance and Coach Klay called an end to practice. Most of the guys left the field with some of the cheerleaders.

Tess looked truly upset. “We won’t be able to cheer on Friday now!”

“Why?” Kyle asked, his voice showing disappointment.

“Because our alternates are out and we don’t have time to rehearse a new routine,” she cried.

“Can’t you work around a missing person? Liz asked.

“No!” was all Tess could say.

“Shit,” Max exclaimed. “You have to cheer on Friday. We can’t play without cheerleaders, that’s just wrong.”

“Of course we will cheer on Friday,” Ms. McKay said, “there will just be no routine to perform.”

“We worked really hard on that routine. I could kill Courtney,” Tess fumed.

One of the other girls said, “she was looking at her,” and pointed to Maria.
“Hey,” Maria said, “keep me out of this. It’s not my fault she’s deranged.”

Michael laughed and Maria hit his stomach with the back of her hand.

“It doesn’t matter why she did it,” Tess said, clearly upset. “We can’t perform now!”

Kyle swallowed. He hated to see Tess upset and she looked like she might cry. He couldn’t stand to see a girl cry.

“Hey Maria,” he said, his eyes lighting up.

“Hey,” Maria said, holding her hand out to stop him, seeing where he was going. “No way Kyle, don’t even….”

“What Kyle,” Tess asked, looking at him with her big blue eyes.

“Maria can do all that shit and more,” he blurted out, “she can fill in.”

Tess swung round to look at Maria. “Really?”

“No Tess,” Maria said shakily.

“I bet you could,” Isabel interjected, “judging by the way you were criticizing them.”

Tess’ eyes narrowed at them but she let it slide as she needed Maria’s help.

“Can you dance?” she asked.

“Oh please,” Kyle answered for her, “Captain of the dance team two years running.”

Tess’ eyes widened. “What about the tumbling?” she asked Kyle.

“Two years West Coast Gymnastics Champion,” was all that Kyle said.

Tess jumped up and down clapping. She grabbed Maria’s hands, “Oh please, Maria, please.”
“No Tess. I haven’t done anything like that in over a year,” Maria said.

“Bullshit Maria,” Kyle interjected, “like I didn’t see you on Sunday in the yard doing them flippy things.”

“You can do that?” Michael asked her, slightly bewildered.

“Well……” she started catching the look in his eyes.

Tess pulled Maria from the circle out into the field a little.

“Can you do a back handspring?” she asked her excitedly.

“I”m not a performing poodle you know,” she said.

“Come on Ria,” Kyle said, “just do it.”

Maria sighed and looked again at Michael to see his half grin, to which she returned. “OK,” she said. She took a step back. She rolled her head, her shoulders, bent forward and touched the ground, bouncing a little to stretch out the muscles on her legs, twirled each ankle and then reached up and arched her back slightly, stretching her back muscles. Then she turned slightly, bent her knees and did a perfect back handspring.

Tess jumped up and down, clapping her hands in glee. “OK, so Alyssa does this complicated tumble section, what can you do?”

Maria shook her head and smiled at Tess’ enthusiasm.

“Ok,” she said and walked away a little, thinking. She turned back to the group and smiled and then she took off. Round off, back tuck with half a turn, round off back handspring and a split layout, immediately heading back with a round off, back handspring, whip over, back handspring and a full twisting layout.

The group clapped. “And that’s just for starters,” Kyle said with pride in his voice.

Ms. McKay, who was watching over Alyssa, had watched Maria and then walked over to her. “Do you think you could pick up the routine by Friday?” she asked her.

“The one they were practicing earlier, yeah sure,” Maria said with confidence.

“Great. Work with Tess tonight and we’ll call a practice for tomorrow after school.” With that she walked back to the fallen girl as the EMT’s arrived.

“I never said I was gonna do it,” Maria said.

“What!” Tess exclaimed, “You’ve got to Maria.” She turned to Michael, seeing that mesmerized look on his face and remembering Liz’s comment last night about Maria helping her out because of Michael.

“Tell her Michael,” she pleaded with her brother. “Tell her she’s got to cheer with us on Friday.”

“Shit, yeah,” was all he could say with visions of Maria in a cute little cheerleading outfit in his head.

Maria smiled at Michael. “Ok,” she said, to which Tess again jumped up and down.

“Come on, I’ll walk you through the routine.”

With that the group separated. They guys and the rest of the cheerleaders left for the showers and Isabel and Liz headed back to the bleachers to watch.

Zack also held back to walk through the routine with Tess.

They spent the next half hour walking Maria through the 3 minute routine. Tess was extremely happy that Maria picked it up so quickly. There were two lifts that she needed to do. One with Zack, which had been the one Alyssa had been doing when she fell and then another with two other guys. Maria managed to talk Tess out of the double base lift.

“OK,” Maria said to Zack and Tess, “if I have to do the lift we need to practice quickly before Michael gets back.”

Tess quickly agreed with her, knowing where Zack’s hand was gonna be and how possessive Michael was.

They did some basic lifting so Maria and Zack could get used to each other first.

“Do you think we should try this without another base? I can’t catch Maria if she falls,” Tess asked, worried.

“It’s ok Tess,” Zack said, “Maria’s pretty easy to lift. Easier than Alyssa.”

“Yeah,” agreed Maria, “I’ve done this hundreds of times. I know what’s expected.”

They actually managed to do the lift a couple of times before Michael, Kyle and Max returned to the field. Kyle spotted them first and silently wished they had stayed in the locker room. There was Maria held high in the air by Zack, which was all well and good except that Maria was sitting on his hand. Which obviously meant his hand was touching something that, in Michael’s eyes, he had no reason to be touching. Kyle turned in time to see Michael’s eyes blaze.

“It’s a lift mate,” he said in a steady voice, “He’s probably done it hundreds of times.”

“Not with Maria,” Michael growled, stalking over to them.

Kyle and Max followed quickly. “She’s done it hundreds of times too,” Kyle said. This only caused Michael to glare at him.

“He’s probably gay, right,” Max said to them, trying to ease Michael’s mind as they followed him.

“No – No – NO!” Michael bellowed the closer he got to them.

Zack looked over to see Michael bearing down on them.

“Put me down, Zack,” Maria said softly, and leaned forward slightly to jump out of the lift, Zack’s hands on her waist to steady her.

Maria walked over to Michael before he could reach them and jumped, causing him to drop his bag and catch her. She wrapped her legs and arms around him. “Hey Spaceboy,” she said with a cheeky grin. When she had seen him stalking over to them she had figured her best route to avoid confrontation was to jump him!

Michael looked at her, and then passed her to Zack. “He had his hand on your….”

“It’s a lift Michael,” she said gently, her nose in his neck, smelling his clean skin, “and you wanted me to do this, remember.”

“Yeah but does he have to hold you there,” he whined.

“Uh huh,” she said stroking his cheek.

At her touch the girl in his arms finally distracted him with her glorious legs wrapped around him, his hands under her ass.

Her lips attacked his neck, “You smell good,” she said quietly.

“You feel good,” came his reply.

She brought her lips to his and kissed him slow and deep. She rose up slightly in his arms and this caused Michael to stumble back a little. Unfortunately he didn’t notice where he had dropped his bag and he fell backwards over it, bringing him crashing to the ground with Maria on top of him.

Maria giggled. “Are you ok?” she asked him, sitting up on him, her knees either side of his hips.
He looked to where their bodies meet, “Never better,” he grinned.

Maria’s hands moved along his chest, slightly raking over his nipples. She felt him harden at her touch and unconsciously ground her hips further into him. This made his grin widen. “Are you feeling horny, Blondie,”

She smiled at him and leaned forward to capture his lips, “Always,” she whispered when she pulled away from him. He growled low in his throat and Maria whimpered as the sound added to her already heightened arousal.

He quickly rolled them so she was underneath him on the grass. He caught her arms and held them above her head. He leaned into her and she literally purred at the feel of him growing harder between her legs, as he kissed her passionately, rolling his hips and driving her higher. As his lips made their way to her sensitive neck, Maria turned her head to give him better access. Her eyes focused on their group of friends who were sat waiting for them and a few others who were just watching. Even from this distance, she could see the shocked look on Liz’s face and giggled.

“Michael,” she said, “we have an audience.”

He pulled his lips away from her neck and looked over too. “So!” he said his eyes dark with lust.

Maria’s own eyes twinkled at the challenge as he kissed her again, deeper, his hips rolling harder against her and she moaned into his mouth.
When he pulled back, she smiled at him. “Let me up, Spaceboy, we’re gonna give Liz a heart attack.” she said softly.

“She doesn’t have to watch,” he whispered in her ear.

She moaned deeply as she added a roll of her hips to Michaels.

He buried his head in her neck. “God Maria,” he sighed.

An electric wave drifted down her spine and she shivered with delight. How does he make my name sound so erotic, she thought.

They each took a few breaths, and then Michael pulled back completely and stood up, pulling Maria up with him. They turned as one to walk back to the others; Michael swinging his arm across her shoulders. “So,” Michael said, “that Zack guy, he’s gay right.”

Maria laughed at him. “I don’t think so Spaceboy.” She saw his lips purse together. “Play nice, Michael.”

“At least until after the game on Friday,” he consented.

Re: To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 9 09/23/12

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:15 am
by Pixie-Maria
Hello everyone :D

Candyliciouslovah: No Maria isn't too happy about the cheerleading situation but thats because she has a bad past with cheerleaders :lol:

Carolyn: Why do they have to be Tamed? 8) oh right cos it says so in the title. :lol:

ZC70: Thanks and they are only just getting started :roll:

Again all cheerleaders do not take anything said in this fic personally, I was a cheerleader once !!!!

This Chapter is just a filler but please enjoy

Thanks to my beta Ginger :D :D

Chapter: 9

Their friends had walked away when Maria had jumped into Michael’s arms and they gathered at the bottom of the bleachers. Zack looked especially nervous.
Kyle smiled at him.

“Don’t worry about it. She’ll calm him down.”

Zack didn’t look convinced. He turned to Tess. “Maybe we should just drop the lift. I happen to like my face the way it is.”

“No!” Tess shrieked as they watched Michael fall to the ground. She smiled at her brother having fun.

“Kyle’s right. She’s got him wrapped around her finger.”

Max coughed as they rolled on the grass. “No, he has her wrapped around him,” he said, jealousy evident in his voice. Isabel hit him upside the head.

“Are they…….gonna……” Liz stammered her eyes wide as Michael ground his hips into Maria. They all looked at the pair on the grass.

“No,” Kyle said.

“$50 says they do,” Max countered.

“Max,” Isabel shrieked, “you really want to bet against Kyle again, especially when Maria’s involved.”

Max shrugged. “I know Michael,” he said with a smug smile.

“I know Maria,” Kyle countered.

“Too open,” Max inquired, indicating to the openness of the field.

“No,” Kyle said bluntly, “school property. She’s learned her lesson,” he paused, “I hope!”

“She’s had sex on school property,” Liz asked, her eyes wide.

Max laughed at the naïve girl. “It’s all a matter of not getting caught,” he said, his eyebrows wriggling.

“Guess she got caught,” Isabel said, looking at Kyle.

“Big time,” Kyle provided, “also the location was a major factor.”

Tess’ eyes widened like saucers. “Where?” she whispered, almost afraid to ask.

“Only the worst place possible,” he said.

They all looked at each other quizzically, each thinking of the worst place to get caught, as Michael and Maria walked over to them.

“OK,” Maria said, “let’s run through this one more time then head out.”

Tess and Zack both nodded to her and walked out onto the field. Maria pushed Michael to sit on the bench and stood between his legs. “Sit there and don’t move,” she instructed.

“Yes Princess,” he said with a smile, his hands trailing down her body as she leaned in to to kiss him once more. She turned to go and Michael slapped her sharply on her ass. She yelped and swung her head around to him, a huge grin on her face and twinkling eyes, as she walked to the others.

“I think I’ve found my soul mate,” Michael said to no-one in particular.

Kyle’s eyes widened at the declaration as he watched his sister dance and flip herself through the routine.

“She’s really good,” Isabel said.

“Yeah,” Kyle and Michael said in unison.

When they had finished Tess, Maria and Zack talked together for a minute, and then Zack dashed off to the locker rooms, with a fleeting look in Michael’s direction.

Tess and Maria walked back to the bleachers.

“Hey,” Kyle said when the girls were in earshot, “why don’t you all come back to our place. We can order pizza, watch a movie, play some pool.” He looked at his friends as they all agreed.

“Do you have to work?” Maria asked Liz.

“No, but I should probably call home and let them know where I am,” she said pulling out her cell, still not able to believe that she had been accepted by this group.

This was copied by Isabel and Tess to inform their respective parents.

Michael pulled Maria down into his lap whilst the other girls talked into their cells. Maria leaned back against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and settled his chin on her shoulder, her hand idly winding into his hair and running through the length.

Tess snapped her cell closed and looked at Michael, “I’m to remind you to do your homework,” she told him.

Michael waved her off.

“Come on then, let’s roll,” Maria said, clapping her hands and reluctantly standing, Michael grudgingly letting her go.

“Hey Maria,” Isabel called, “can I ride with you?”

“Sure,” Maria said with a shrug.

“Me too,” called Tess, hopping up and down.

“Ok, all girls with me,” she called taking the lead, and picking up her bag and books.

“Not fair,” mumbled Michael.

“Oh don’t be Mr. Grumpy Pants,” Maria said, patting his cheek, as she led them all to the parking lot and their respective cars.

All the girls climbed into Maria’s convertible, Isabel calling shotgun and Tess calling for the roof to be lowered. Maria led the cars from the lot starting slow to let the roof open, then as soon as it snapped into place she shot off down the street pushing the speed limit, the girls laughing as they left the guys in the dust.

Kyle pulled onto his drive as Michael and Max parked their cars on the road. The garage doors were open and Amy was moving things around in the garage. She was struggling with a heavy box when Kyle entered the garage.

“Hey Kyle,” she called, “can you give me a hand.”

Kyle rushed forward to grab the box from her. “What are you doing?” he asked as she pointed to where she wanted the box.

“Still trying to unpack! I can’t believe Maria still hasn’t got to these boxes.” She looked out as two more young men walked toward the garage. “Where is she anyway?”

Kyle shrugged. “She was ahead of me. I thought she’d be home by now.”

Amy looked dismayed. “She hasn’t been racing again has she? I swear that girl will be the death of me.”

Michael and Max looked at each other when Amy had mentioned Maria racing, both raising their eyebrows in question.

“Relax Amy, she was just on her way home,” Kyle saw the speculative looks on his friends faces.

“Amy,” he said, remembering that she had not met his friends, “this is Max and Michael.” He saw Amy react when he introduced Michael, her eyebrows went up as she looked at Kyle with her ‘is this him’ look. Kyle nodded slightly.

“Nice to meet you boys,” Amy said graciously.

Michael and Max both smiled and politely said hello.

“Do you mind if we have the guys over for a while, Amy?” Kyle asked.

“Guys?” Amy questioned.

“Yeah,” Kyle pointed to Max and Michael, “and Maria has 3 with her.”

“Boys!” Amy said alarmed.

“Girls,” Kyle confirmed.

“Girls!” Amy seemed shocked, her daughter never really had girlfriends; they were usually intimidated by her.

“Yeah, go figure,” Kyle said with a smile.

“Just clean your own mess up,” Amy said with a wave of her hand. “I think I’ll go meet your father after he’s finished work and we’ll eat out since you kids are taken care of,” and with a passing glance in Michael’s direction, as she headed back into the house.

“Hey, she’s pretty cool,” Max said.

“Yeah, she’s not bad,” Kyle said. “She had Maria when she was pretty young so she says she’s still in touch with her teenage years.”

“Pretty hot too,” Max added.

“Max. That’s my mother you’re talking about,” Kyle exclaimed.

“All I’m saying is, you can see where Maria gets it from.”

Kyle looked over for Michael’s reaction but he hadn’t heard Max. Michael was transfixed by the motorcycle over on one side of the garage. “Michael,” Kyle said, waving a hand in front of his face.

“I’m in heaven,” Michael said simply. “And you call yourself my friend. Why did you hide this beautiful piece of machinery from me?” he asked his voice evident of hurt.

“I didn’t,” Kyle said with a laugh. “That only came this weekend.” Kyle watched as Michael tentatively held his hand out to the bike, lovingly caressing the sides.

They heard another car pull into the drive accompanied with the laughter of girls; they climbed out the car and walked over to them.

“Hey Spaceboy,” Maria called out, “your hands on my body is one thing. Your hands on my Harley is something completely different.”

Michael snapped out of his trance at her words and he looked at her in awe.
Maria smiled at the way his fingers were lightly stroking her machine, idly wishing he was stroking something more personal, 'I love his hands'!!!

“Your Harley…” Michael stammered.

“Yes,” she said simply.

Michael looked back to the bike, then back to her. “Your Harley Davidson XL 1200 sportster,” he clarified.

“Yes,” she said again, nodding her head this time. “Custom made.”

Five seconds passed as he looked at her, then he crossed the room, grabbed her face and kissed her hungrily.

Tess looked at Kyle. “Maria rides that?” she asked him.

“Every chance she gets,” he confirmed, his eyes amused as he watched his sister cling to Michael as he devoured her lips.

“Shit,” Max whispered to no-one in particular.

“Does she know about my brother’s obsession with all things bike related?” Tess asked with a smile.

Isabel laughed. “She does now.”

Michael and Maria finally pulled away with the need to breathe.

“That’s so hot!” Michael whispered.

“You like,” Maria asked sexily.

“I love.” Michael said honestly.

Maria pulled back quickly at that, but Michael missed the look on her face as he again was looking at the bike, though Kyle, Isabel and Tess all saw the fleeting look of confusion, disbelief and utter panic.

“Isn’t it dangerous to ride a bike like that,” Liz asked timidly.

“Lizzie,Lizzie,Lizzie,” Maria smiled, wrapping her arm around the brunettes shoulders, “as women, a bike like that is the safest thing we’ll ever have between our legs!”

“Amen to that,” Isabel added with a laugh.

Michael turned back to Maria, “You’d better believe it, Blondie,” he said with a wickedly sexy grin, which caused Liz to blush deeply.

“Ok let’s actually get into the house and stop admiring the Harley,” Kyle said, “she never lets me ride it anyway,” he added in a childish voice.

“Oh, poor baby,” Maria said, moving away from Liz and pinching his cheek. She grabbed Michael’s hand and started to pull him away from her bike and toward the door that led into the house, their friends in front of them.

Michael pulled back on her hand to stop her. “You know I’ve never wanted you more than I do at this moment,” he said huskily.

She raised her eyebrow at him, “I can see that!” she said, with a pointed gaze at his lower region.

He pulled her back to him. “Because of the Harley,” she enquired.

“The Harley is just an added bonus, although my head is suddenly full of images of me on the Harley and you on me,” he said nuzzling her neck.

“Nuh huh, Spaceboy,” she said, despite him pressing against her, “not gonna happen. Too messy, can’t ruin the detail.”

“Any chance I could talk you around,” he said before capturing her lips again, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, grabbing her ass and grinding into her. When he pulled away she said breathlessly, “You could work on trying to convince me.”

“Oh I’m good at convincing people to do things,” Michael said, his nose again buried in her neck, his breath tickling her and causing goose pimples to break out down her arm.

“I don’t know,” she answered, moving her head sideways, “I’m a tough nut to crack. It will take some serious talent.”

Michael pulled away, his hand snaking up under her top to gently grasp a breast in his large hand, “Oh I have talent,” he whispered as he brushed his thumb over her hardening nipple.

“I bet you do,” she said huskily, her eyes fluttering shut and leaning into his touch.
His hand rose higher and stroked the top of her breast that peaked out of her bra. “Think you can keep up?”

Maria opened her eyes and looked deep into his as her hand wound between them and Michael didn’t even register the fact she had undone his jeans button and slipped her hand down inside, it was only when he felt her delicate hand grasp him through his boxers that he realized what she had done. “Oh I have serious talent too,” she whispered as she gently stroked his hardness.

“I can see that,” he said with a laugh. ‘Yep,’ he thought, ‘definitely the girl for me.’

Kyle coughed loudly from the door and Michael quickly pulled his hand from under her top, though Maria didn’t remove hers. “Just to let you know we’ve ordered the pizzas. If there’s nothing you like it’s your own fault for being hornier than rabbits.”

“We’ll be there in a moment Kyle,” Maria sang out, frustration evident in her voice.

“Sure you will,” Kyle muttered as he left.

“We should go in,” Maria said dejectedly, but started stroking him again, feeling him harden even more.

Michael leaned into her touch. “And find somewhere more private? I’ve a lot of convincing to do; I’d better start right away.”

Maria giggled as Michael moaned. “Gotta love those teenage male hormones.”

“Eh, Maria,” a voice called.

Maria looked over Michael’s shoulder to see Alex standing in the garage doorway.

“Oh hey Alex,” she said. She pouted at Michael as he drew her hand away from him; he groaned when she scrapped her finger nails along his length, but she stayed in his embrace.

Alex’s eyes wandered the garage, not wanting to look at the couple. “My mom asked me to give you this,” he finally looked at her when he stepped forward to hand over a large manila envelope. “She signed for it for the postman this morning. I guess no-one was home.”

“Thanks,” Maria looked at the envelope as she took it from Alex. It was addressed to her, had an LA postmark and an elaborate monogram of DE in the bottom corner. She stepped out of Michael’s arms and threw the envelope onto one the wood benches.

“Hey,” she said, “we’ve ordered pizza you wanna join us.”

Alex shifted his eyes to Michael. “Us?” he asked.

“Yeah, you know, Kyle, Tess, Max, Isabel, Liz, Spaceboy here. Us. The cream of Roswell.”

Alex laughed. “Yeah sure,” he said.

“Come on then,” she said and again took Michael’s hand to lead them into the house.

“Oh, come on Blondie,” Michael said, clearly frustrated. “I’m packing major wood here.”

Alex tried not to listen.

Maria smiled at Michael. “There’s a bathroom over there, Michael,” she said as they entered the kitchen. “I’m entertaining.”

“Fuck Maria,” he said, “you’re supposed to be entertaining me.” He stalked off in the direction of the bathroom. “Fucking tease,” he grumbled low.

“Hey everyone, you know Alex right?” she called out cheerfully.

They all gathered in what Kyle loving called ‘the pit’ – the basement. They guys had taken control of the TV and were watching a re-run of a football game. Maria had huffed indignantly at this and had insisted that if they had to watch then they could with the sound down and she cranked the stereo up.

They ate their pizza with lively companionship, whilst Liz did her homework despite Maria’s attempts to bring her into the conversations. After they had had their fill, Kyle suggested they played pool.

“We can each pair up, winner of the first game, plays winner of the second game, winner of that game wins!!”

“Wins what?” Max asked.

Kyle shrugged.

“A ride on the Harley?” Michael asked, hopefully.

“Not this side of hell, Spaceboy,” Maria said.

“OK,” Isabel said, ignoring the need for a prize, “but you,” she pointed at Kyle, “can’t partner Maria.”

“Why not,” Maria asked, heatedly.

“Because,” Isabel said, with a shrug of her shoulders.

Max stood up. “I’ll partner you Maria,” he said happily.

“Like hell you will,” Isabel said, before Michael could, “you’ve been playing pool at Senor Chow’s since you were 15.”

“Ok, so Max can partner Liz,” Maria said with a glint in her eye. “Is that ok?” she asked, looking at Liz. Liz just nodded numbly.

“I’ll partner Tess,” Kyle offered.

“OK,” Isabel agreed. She turned to Alex. “Guess that means you and me.”

“Hey,” Maria cried out, “what about me?”

Michael grabbed her around her waist and pulled her to him. “You’re with me, Blondie,” he said. He turned her away from the others and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he bent his head to her neck and kissed her sensitive spot seductively. She sighed contently in his arms.

“Guess we’ll go first,” Max offered, holding a hand out to Liz to help her from the couch. She sheepishly placed her hand in his and let him pull her up, all the time trying to hide the blush on her face.

“How are you at pool, Alex?” Isabel asked, turning to face him.

“Never played before,” he admitted with a dip of his head.

“OK,” Isabel turned to Kyle. “You can play Max. We’ll take the horndogs on.”
Kyle grinned at her. “Good luck with that.”

So Alex and Isabel sat at the small bar area while Max and Liz took on Kyle and Tess. Maria pulled out of Michael’s arms to stand behind the bar.

“Hey, you guys want a drink?” she asked graciously.

“You got any water behind there,” Isabel asked.

“Sure,” Maria said, pulling a bottle of Evian out of a fridge.

“Orange soda?” Alex asked hopefully.

“Fanta ok?”

“Perfect,” he grinned, taken the can from her.

“I’ll take a beer,” Michael said, coolly.

Maria put another bottle of water on the counter. “If I can’t drink alcohol on a school night, you can’t,” she said opening his water and taking a drink.

He raised an eyebrow at her in question.

“House rules,” she supplied, with a wave of her hand.

“Let me guess,” Isabel said, “‘boring story’. One day, Deluca, you and me are gonna sit down and discuss these boring stories of yours. Something tells me they’re anything but boring.”

Maria just smiled covertly at her, taking Michael’s water again.

“Anything I should know about, Blondie,” Michael asked, his curiosity piqued.

“Wouldn’t you like to know,” she answered, her brows rising seductively.

For the next 10 minutes they made idle talk whilst watching the others play pool. Maria was impressed that Liz seemed to pick up the game really quickly.

Unfortunately they were not good enough to beat Kyle and Tess. Well Kyle really, as Tess just seemed to knock the balls around the table.

“Champions,” Kyle shrieked, pumping his fists into the air.

“Soon to be losers,” Maria called back in a sing song voice as she jumped from her stool at the bar.

It took 5 minutes for Maria and Michael to beat Isabel and Alex; they lost gracefully.

“Ok Buddha Boy, rack ‘em up and be prepared to weep!” Maria called as she finished the bottle of water she had been sharing with Michael.

“Sure Jailbait but you’re going down this time,” he said with a wide grin.

“Erm, Kyle,” Tess asked, “how many times have you beat Maria at this?”

“Babe, don’t worry, we’ve got this.” He looked over to see Michael with his lips attached to his sister again. “Maybe you can convince him to keep her distracted,” he said, with a wavering smile, “just to make sure.”

“Kyle, they’re on the same team, Michael will want to win,” Tess said.
And five minutes later they did.

“Woohoo,” Maria cheered, “I still reign supreme.”

“What do you expect,” Kyle huffed. “You’ve been playing pool since you could stand.”

“Yet you still think you can beat me,” Maria smiled.

She watched Kyle for a minute berate himself for losing to her again, smiling at him when he flopped down on a couch, the others gravitating to him as his attention was again drawn back to the TV.

She turned to Michael. “So, Spaceboy, we’d better start on our creative writing homework before it gets too late.”

Isabel laughed. “Michael is taking creative writing.”

Michael glared at her then turned back to Maria. “Creative writing?” he asked puzzled.

“Yeah, remember we discussed it after class,” she said, her eyes shining.
Michael was about to point out they didn’t have any homework when he remembered the conversation they had had earlier.

"So we should meet later and do our homework or something."

“Oh yeah,” he agreed, “we should start on that ‘convincing’ homework straight away.”

Maria’s eyes blazed, “Yeah wouldn’t want to fall behind now.”

“Absolutely not,” he agreed.

“I better get my books,” she called heading for the stairs that led to the first floor. Halfway up the stairs she turned back. “You wanna help me?” she called down to him.

“Fuck yeah,” he said, bounding after her two steps at a time.

“They so have not got any homework to do,” Isabel told the room.

Re: To Tame a Rebel (AU,M/M,ADULT) Chapter 10 9/30/12

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:45 am
by Pixie-Maria
Hi Everyone.

Warning. I'm really sorry but this chapter is totally all about sex!!! So if you don't want to read that's ok, nothing happens here that will affect the story.

Carolyn: Feel free to take whatever you want, I love that line too :lol:

Killjoy: Welcome to the story, hang about and I'll add in some more Tess and Kyle just for you.

Chapter 10.

“So my books are in my room, you wanna join me?” she asked as they reached the family room.

Michael just nodded his eyes dark.

She took his hand and smiled seductively at him as she led him up the stairs.

“Nice room,” he said as he entered into Maria’s bedroom.

“Uh huh,” she said turning to face him as soon as he was fully in the room, still pulling on his hand, pulling him closer to her.

Michael followed where she guided until she was in his arms and then blissfully her lips were on his, demanding him to submit to her sweet torture, which he gladly did. She requested entrance with her tongue to which Michael fully granted.

Maria wound her hands into his hair, lightly scraping her fingernails across his scalp, making Michael moan into her as his tongue reacquainted itself with every crevice of her mouth, pulling her closer still and grasping her delectable behind tightly with his large hands.

They pulled apart under duress, their eyes mirroring each other’s for need, want and lust.

Maria glanced over Michael’s shoulder, “Michael, close the door,” she said, huskily.

He just nodded and complied with her wishes. Maria turned and walked to her desk and, lifting the remote for her stereo, she turned it on. She selected a station that played classical rock and adjusted the volume.

Michael walked back to where she stood in front of her large desk and curled his arms around her body, pulling her back against his wide chest. Maria sighed contentedly at the feel of him, as he swept her hair aside and placed his lips on the skin just below her ear.

She wound one hand up behind his head, holding him in place, her other twisting around to hold the back of his thigh.

His lips travelled down her neck and along to the top of her shoulder, with hot open-mouthed kisses, his tongue tickled her flesh delightfully. She couldn’t help the involuntary movement of her thighs as they rubbed together slightly, as one of his hands raised up to lightly brush against breast, his other holding her to him.

“Mmmmm, Michael,” she moaned, when his thumb brushed against her nipple.

Michael removed his lips from her, which elicited a whimper of protest from, though they quickly changed to a smile when Michael grabbed the hem of her tank top and swiftly lifted it, pulling it from her body and over her head, and tossing it aside.

He splayed his hands over her skin, his fingers softly caressing as he looked down over her shoulder, enticed by the sight of her breasts barely covered with silk and lace.

Sure he had felt her breasts in his hands and had her tantalizing peaks in his mouth but he had scarcely looked at these heavenly attributes.

One hand glided up to grasp a breast again, softly kneading the plumpness and he grinned against her neck.

“Perfect,” he whispered.

“Hmm?” Maria asked softly, enjoying the pressure of his soft touch.

“Perfect size for my hands,” he told her, whispering into her ear.

She turned her head to his and reclaimed his lips. She was amazed at how well they fit together, even though he was so much taller than she was his height was perfect for her. It just made things so much easier. He brought his other hand to claim her other breast, not wanting it to feel neglected, and again kneaded softly, occasionally brushing a nipple with his large thumb.

Maria broke from his lips, breathing heavily and pushing her bottom back against his groin. Michael groaned deep in his throat at the sensation as he pulled at the material of one cup of her bra, trying desperately to free her breast.

Maria smiled at the frustration on his face when the material didn’t give enough for his satisfaction and he pulled his head up to her to again recapture her lips. She loved kissing him, loved the feel of his soft lips gliding sensually over hers and pressing brutally with passion.

One of her hands was holding his head to her and the other she lifted to cover his hand over her breast, guiding his actions to squeeze her more roughly. He complied willingly and pinched her nipple between his fingers.

She groaned into his mouth at the roughness of his fingers, which she could feel through the thin material, which in turn made Michael groan at the sounds she was emitting from his actions.

Still kissing her he batted her hand away and swiftly brought his hands between then to the clasp of her bra and made light work of opening it.

Maria tore away from his lips with a giggle. “You’re pretty good at that,” she said.

He smirked at her from over her shoulder. “I’ve had practice.”

He then lifted both her arms above her head and trailed his fingertips, agonizingly slow, up her body catching the sides of her bra and continuing, lifting it up her arms and over her head. When the material was over her fingers he tossed the bra to the floor then placed her hands behind his head and reversed his fingers down her arms and her body, back to the top of her jeans. Marvelling at the goose bumps that appeared where the fingers had been. Maria shuddered with excitement and greedy anticipation of his touch.

Michael’s attention was momentarily broken by a flicker of light and his eyes flashed to the large window. A large window with the blinds pulled open and Maria in front of him, naked from the waist up for the entire world to see. His head dipped to her neck again as his fingers traced idle patterns at her sides, occasionally dipping underneath the top of her low cut jeans.

“Maybe we should close the blinds,” he whispered.

Maria, whose eyes had been closed, lost in the sensations of Michael’s hands and lips that were nibbling her neck opened her eyes slowly to look out the window.

Her room was at the back of the house so it opened onto their back yard. Their yard backed onto another and then a house. If anyone was in the backyard of the house opposite or looking out any of the back windows they would have a good view.

“Leave them,” she whispered huskily, “they shouldn’t be looking.”

Michael grinned against her skin. “Exhibitionist, huh?”

She smiled wickedly. “Only sometimes,” she admitted.

His hands started to move back up her body, painfully slow as they inched nearer to their goal.

“I just knew you’d have a kinky side,” he said, his lips moving against her neck, up to her chin, as he spoke between his kisses.

Her fingers were playing with his soft hair at the nape of his neck and she again ground her bottom into his groin. “You’d better believe it,” she whispered sultrily.

“Never a dull moment with me Spaceboy.”

Michael stopped as she turned her face to his, their lips inches apart. “I don’t doubt that, Blondie,” he said with his devilishly sexy smile.

“Can you keep up?” she asked, her ass still moving against his groin, her eyes lingering on his soft lips.

“Oh I can keep up,” he said, his lips brushing against the side of hers. “Maybe teach you a few new tricks.”

He flicked his tongue across her lips and she parted them automatically, though he didn’t do much more than run his tongue across her full lips.

His hands had reached their goal but he refused to cup her breasts, instead he placed feather light touches across the bottom and the sides, loving the feel of the curve and plumpness of each breast, knowing without looking that her nipples were hard and aching for attention.

“I doubt that,” Maria breathed out, trying to push her breasts into his hands, “but you could give it a try.”

She moaned when he held a finger an airs breath from her nipple. She could feel the heat radiating from it; almost feel his fingers against her.

“Fuck Michael, just touch me already,” she growled out.

He chuckled deep in his throat. “Patience, Princess,” he cooed against her lips as he felt her body lift forward trying to press her breasts into his waiting hands. He smiled as he finally took a nipple between his fingers and rolled it slowly.

Maria sank back against him, a blissful moan escaping her lips and then she inched forward with her lips to his in a demanding, possessive kiss.

As their tongues battled and his fingers teased and nipped at her nipple, she brought a hand from behind his head to hold his other hand and moved them both down to her aching core.

She pressed his hand against her and he could feel her heat through her jeans. She pressed his fingers lower and deeper as best she could with her jeans in the way, bringing her hips forward to try for some friction to alleviate the growing need between her legs, her mind acknowledging his growing hardness at her actions.

Michael had a crazy moment of clarity as his mind registered the fact he had an absolutely gorgeous sexy woman in his arms, bare from the waist up, showing him exactly what she wanted.

All other girls he had been with usually just laid there and was happy for him to do whatever he wanted. She was definitely a wildcat and he had a sobering thought, what if he wouldn’t be able to keep up with her? What if her experiences would absolutely out shadow his? Hell, he thought, whatever it was that was going on between them it was going to be an interesting ride!

Michael left her lips with a burning need to breathe. Maria panted against him, her eyes closed in concentration, her hips bucking against their entwined hands as she guided his rubbing.

Michael looked down over her breasts to their joined hands and he thought he’d never been so turned on by one single action as he watched her fingers frantic against his own. He felt that internal coil inside him tighten and he knew if he didn’t stop her he was gonna blow in his jeans without her even touching him.

She whimpered loudly as he stilled their hands, her eyes snapping open to look at him with confusion and need.

He smiled and kissed her nose delicately. “Patience Princess,” he repeated. “I don’t want us both to come in our jeans.”

She nodded mindlessly, finally giving up control to him. Michael raised his lower hand slightly and popped the button of her jeans and this simple action caused Maria to groan deep in her throat.

Michael moved Maria’s hand to grasp his thigh again as she relaxed back against his hard body, feeling his erection poking her in her lower back, to which she groaned again.

Somehow her mind mentally calculated the length of his dick and a moan escaped her in anticipation. She had felt him before but always with a barrier between them but now she could imagine the length of him and she shuddered with need.

By this time Michael had lowered the zipper of her jeans and his thumb was gliding over the silk of her panties. Maria felt she was going to die if he didn’t touch her soon.

She ached to have his fingers buried deep and to feel him moving within her.

She let out a frustrated whimper when Michael’s hand lifted higher and left her panties. He trailed his fingers up her lower stomach, searching for her navel. He felt the metal there and stopped.

“Shit,” he whispered, taking her hands from where he had placed them and finally turning her in his arms. He gazed down at her, finally seeing her perky breasts fully.

“Absolutely perfect,” he whispered. Maria watched his heated gaze and smiled, savouring the feel of his eyes on her. He lowered his lips to hers in a consuming kiss. Her hands grabbed the bottom of his shirt, lifting it as high as she could, brushing her hands and fingers across his skin, feeling the muscles move slightly as Michael lifted his arms for her and then quickly releasing her lips so she could tug it over his head and it joined the growing pile on the floor.

Maria eyes shined as she took in Michael’s broad smooth chest, smiling happily.

She hated men with hairy chests. Michael was perfect.

“Perfect,” she repeated aloud, her fingers gliding over the defining chest muscles, her fingernails pulling his small hard nipples. Michael closed his eyes at her delicate touch, groaning when the sharpness of her nails scrapped his nipples.

He lifted her easily to perch on her desk, moving her legs open so he could stand closer to her, his mouth closing around one of her puckered peaks, lapping and nipping at it, one hand holding onto a thigh the other sweeping slowly up and down her back, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

One of Maria’s hands held him to her, the other continued to roam his upper body, sliding over his skin, memorizing it, sounds of contentment falling from her lips.

Her roaming hand ventured lower and softly caressed him through his jeans.

Michael lifted his head briefly to place a gentle kiss on her lips and then he returned to her other breast to give it the same delicious treatment as the other had received.

Maria responded by pressing harder on his erection, causing him to moan against her breast, she smiled, feeling more wetness pool in her panties. ‘Action and Reaction,’ she thought; ‘pure physics’ and she tested it out again; a squeeze to his dick, adding a little motion, caused Michael to hum and moan around her engorged nipple, causing her wetness to intensify. She idly wondered if she could get away with this for a science project.

Again she caught Michael unaware when she deftly popped his jeans button and her hand slipped in, this time though she was ready for the boxers and easily by-passed them so she finally held his length in her hand; skin to silky skin.

Michael removed his lips from her breast. “You are seriously good at doing that,” he said.

“It’s one of my many talents,” she said with a wicked smile, as she moved her hand up and down his dick with a firm grip.

Michael rested his forehead against her chest as he leaned into her hand, his eyes catching the glint of jewellery at her navel, confirming his earlier suspicion of a pierced belly button. His finger traced the metal and his head dipped lower to get a better look, pushing her back slightly on the desk. She steadied herself on the desk with the hand that had held him to her as Michael dipped lower, his tongue duelling with the gold and teasing her navel.

“I like this,” he whispered against her skin, his breath making her shudder and smile.

His head dipped lower and Maria again whimpered with anticipation as his breath brushed against her silk panties that were showing through her opened jeans.

She put all her weight on one hand wishing she could just lay down on the desk but with all her junk still there that would be too painful, her other hand, having lost her hold on him when he lowered his head, desperately wound into Michael’s hair holding him in place as he breathed in her intoxicating scent of arousal.

“Michael,” she whimpered, bringing him out of his own thoughts as her arm began to shake. He rose up, pausing to briefly pull one nipple, and then the other into his mouth, and then he finally reached her lips with a heat filled kiss.

She wrapped her arms around him again, taking for granted that he would hold her as she submitted herself to his demanding lips. His hands took hold of her legs and wrapped them around him and then he lifted her from the desk.

He walked backward with her, hoping he didn’t trip on anything, until he felt the bed behind his knees and he sat down, thankful that he had made it in one piece despite his jeans slipping from his waist where she had unfastened them. The closeness of their bodies made them both sigh contentedly, his dick pressing against her core and they both ground closer at the same time. Maria uncrossed her legs from behind Michael’s back and showing great flexibility moved them so her knees were either side of him. She pushed him down with a smile so he was lying on the bed and again her hands roamed freely over his body, brushing up his sides and making him squirm under her.

Michael watched the rapt expression on her face as her eyes followed her hands to cover every part of his upper body and then smiled as she leaned forward and pulled his masculine nipple into her mouth, repeating his earlier administration on her own nipples. This was new to him, no one had ever paid this much attention to his nipples and it surprised him how much he liked it. His hands wandered down her back, pressing her lower stomach against his briefly, groaning when their skin made contact. His hands continued down, pushing her jeans from her ass and grabbing two handfuls of it, squeezing not so gently.

Maria moaned against a nipple and bit down softly causing him to gasp. She looked up at him to see him watching her and her eyes showed her mischievousness and excitement. Michael brought his other hand up and wound it between her legs, brushing his thumb against the silk feeling the wetness seeping through.

“Oh God,” Maria sighed, lifting her lips from his chest were she had been fervently working on a hickey, marking him as hers.

Michael smirked at her, enjoying the look of pure bliss in her eyes. “You’re wet,” he stated, the smirk still there.

“No shit,” she retorted, and then moaned loudly, dipping her head, when Michael pushed on her ass forcing her core into his hand. He moved her against his hand brushing his fingers against her through her panties, as she mewled blissfully above him.

She pulled herself out of his touch and up off his body kneeling above him.

“Scoot up the bed Michael,” she said; her voice low with desire. Michael grinned at her and complied with her wishes, pulling himself farther up on the bed. Maria grabbed his jeans as he moved up and she pulled them down, removing them from his body with minimal help from Michael.

“You’re definitely sneaky,” he said with his sexy grin, as he toed off his sneakers, thankful that he hadn’t worn his boots.

“I like to think of it as extremely gifted,” she grinned.

“That could work,” he said, pulling her back to his body and into a searing kiss, rolling her when she was distracted so that he was now hovering over her. “You’re overdressed,” he stated, looking down at her jeans.

“Then get to it, Spaceboy,” she demanded.

“Your command is my pleasure, Princess,” he beamed.

He leaned back down to her, her lips too tantalizing to leave for too long. Maria pulled him to her, one of her legs slipping between his, his body resting slightly on her and she relished at the feel of him against her, pushing her smaller body into the mattress.

Michael moved from her lips, trailing kisses down her neck, continuing down to her breast lavishing some attention on one while he brought his hand up to caress the other, pinching the nipple slightly.

“Oh….. Michael,” she withered under him, holding his head harder to her. He grazed his teeth against her pert nipple. “Just bite it,” she moaned and shuddered uncontrollably when he submitted with her demand.

“Shit,” she moaned loudly.

Michael lifted his head. “Stop being so fucking demanding and let me work,” he said gruffly, though his face belied the sternness of his voice. She pouted at him.

“Then hurry up,” she said with a smile. He laughed at her smile and recaptured her lips. She smiled at him when he released them.

“Couldn’t resist,” he smirked. “Your lips are just so………….”

“Kissable,” she provided with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah, that too.” He kissed her again and she relaxed into his kiss, just enjoying the softness of his lips against hers. He pulled away.

“The stuff of every man’s dreams,” he said.

“Yeah I’ve heard that before,” she said, leaning forward to nip at his neck, his hand again roaming over her breast.

“Michael,” she whined, thrusting her pelvis up against his leg.

“I thought it was supposed to be the males that are demanding and shit,” he said against her breast.

“I’m horny and you’re hot, what more do you want.”

Michael smiled and he slid down her body, stopping at her navel again to twirl his tongue around it and dipping in to the small crevice, his tongue duelling with the jewel there. He continued down until his lips reached her panties again, pulling her jeans down only slightly as he flicked his tongue against the material covering her.

She bucked up at the feel of his tongue so close to her core and he took the opportunity to pull her jeans from her hips. Sitting back on his knees he pulled them slowly from her, his eyes never leaving hers as she watched him, her breath catching and her lips slightly apart.

As he tossed her jeans over his shoulder he said, “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

His eyes raking over her now barely clothed body, only a tiny piece of silk and lace covered her now. Maria leaned up on her elbows, her eyes echoing his intense gaze of her as she watched Michael kneeling in front of her, just in a pair of boxers and, oddly, his socks! “You’re so….sexy…..and hot…… and….faceable.” She sprung at him and he didn’t realize she had pounced until he was under her again with her straddling his thighs.

“How the hell do you do that?” he asked with a huge grin.

“I’m quick, flexible and have killer ninja skills,” she smiled back at him.

“And some,” he said.

Her smile became wicked as she leaned forward and simply licked the skin around his navel, one hand on his hip the other holding back her hair. Michael’s muscles twitched wherever she placed her tongue and his hips bucked up.

“Patience Spaceboy,” she laughed and watched as he rolled his eyes at her; her deep throaty chuckle going straight to his groin, and Maria felt an insistent poking on her chest. She lifted her head slightly and looked down to Michael’s dick straining, begging for her attention through his boxers.

“Down boy,” she giggled.

“Babe, there’s only one thing to soothe the savage beast now,” Michael said, his eyes dark with desire.

Maria sat up and looked at him again, and then inched forward on her knees until she could lower herself on his demanding length. She rocked there slightly, as Michael’s fingertips caressed her through her panties.

He stopped and took hold of her hips, grinding her to him, desperate for more friction against his boxer clad dick. Maria moaned at the added pressure and a hand lifted to cup her own breast, her head thrown back. This proved too much for Michael.

“Shit Maria,” he growled, feeling again the sensation of an impending orgasm, as he stilled her movement.

Maria shuddered at the sound of her name on his lips, said with such need and lust, and she slowly lowered her eyes to Michael’s.

“Michael,” she whispered; her own voice hoarse with need. Her hands pulled on the elastic of his boxers, trying to remove them but as she was sitting on him they weren’t going anywhere. Michael sat up and pulled her to him, his mouth demanding hers. She fought back just as forcefully, leaning into him, her hands in his hair and her hips moving again.

When he finally released her she scooted back onto his thighs, this time her hands catching and pulling the boxers with her so his throbbing dick was finally free and demanding attention. Michael fell back against the bed when her small hand clasped him with a firm hold.

She grinned up at him as she moved her hand in slow gentle, teasing strokes, watching the emotions flit across his face. He glanced down at her and saw her eyeing the swollen head hungrily as it glisten with drops of pre-cum. He literally groaned loudly when she licked her lips and then her tongue slipped out and flicked barely across the tip, snatching a few drops.

“God, Maria,” he growled out, his hands aching to thread into her hair but wanting her to have free range of movement. He knew this wouldn’t last long and was slightly embarrassed, hoping she wouldn’t think he would blow this quickly all the time, but she had had him in a partial state of arousal all afternoon and his dick had been up and down so many times he’d lost count. He was swiftly brought out of his own musings when he felt her luscious lips wrap around him and the pressure of her tongue as she sucked gently. This time he couldn’t stop his hands as they twisted into the silkiness of her hair.

“Fuck,” he whispered, barely thrusting into her hot wet mouth, her glorious hair tickling his balls enticingly. “Fuck,fuck,fuck!”

Maria smiled as she withdrew her lips, which earned a grunt from Michael, then a deep sigh when she proceeded to lick the underside of his dick with short quick sweeping touches of her tongue. She brought her hand down to cup his balls and rolled them gently as she nibbled on the velvety sensitive flesh, Michael moaning appreciatively.

Her lips returned again to the top as she placed a delicate kiss there, her hand moving back up to clasp the base again. Her eyes locked onto his as she again took his head in her mouth, her fist moving up and down, meeting her lips as she lowered her mouth.
She quickly fell into a steady rhythm, marvelling at the length and silkiness, wishing she could take more of him into her mouth but knowing her limitations.

When Michael bucked up his hips, she placed her other hand on his hip, forcing him back down and to be still. She closed her eyes as he caressed her head slightly, sending a wave of tingles down her spine. She added more pressure and increased her movements, sucking a little harder on the tip and watched as Michael half closed his eyes in pleasure and she hummed in delight at the intense feelings she was giving him.

Michael’s eyes flickered open at the new sensation, capturing her own as they held each other’s gaze. Maria moved quicker, her hand speeding up and her grip firmer, her other hand holding him down with her weight on it, and her body singing at the soft way he was repeating her name over and over again.

Michael decided he had died and gone to heaven. He’d had blow jobs before but they all paled when faced with what this blond goddess sucking on him was doing.

He felt the familiar pull inside him, his eyes still on Maria, knowing he was about the burst. He gently nudged her head with his hands trying to convey he was about to come. She swatted his hand away and added the sensation of a gentle raking of her teeth.

Michael growled out loudly “Maria,” as he spurted into her mouth, his eyes watching her as she swallowed greedily all he had to give. Maria licked him clean, her eyes completely focused on Michael. She smiled at his goofy, satisfied grin and the relaxed state of his body.

She crawled up his body and kissed him deeply, thrusting her tongue into his mouth so he could taste himself, to which he growled low in his throat. When she pulled away she smiled. “Better now?”

“Shit yeah,” he sighed. “That was……….unbelievable. What was that humming all about?”

“You like that huh?” she said with a sly grin.

His answer was another deep growl as he caught her lips again, one hand holding her to him the other stroking her back. She purred into him as he turned them again so she was under him. He looked down at her. Her hair was a mess, her lips red and swollen from his kisses, her breast pert and begging for attention, her flat stomach with a silver glint of jewelry and a green stone, her panty clad core promising unbelievable pleasure.

“What did I do to deserve you?” he whispered in awe.

She just smiled at him, her hand tracing patterns on his chest as Michael shifted slightly to fully remove his boxers. He trailed a hand down her side as if worshipping her body. He paused briefly to stroke her breast, pinching her nipple and causing her to moan and lean into him. His hand continued down with feather touches to her sides, making her squirm a little, a gentle smile on her face, until he reached the top of her panties.

Maria had kept her eyes locked on his as his hand had travelled her body, his eyes burning into hers.

When she felt the soft touch of his fingertips dip slightly under the lace of her underwear her eyes fluttered closed. She felt his body shift as he sat up and she opened her eyes to watch him slowly pull the silk from her body, dropping them somewhere behind him. She now lay completely naked before him and Michael was speechless. His mouth worked as if he wanted to say something but the words just wouldn’t come out.

Maria chuckled low in her throat and held her hand out to him. He took her hand and kissed it reverently and then placed it on the bed beside her.

His hands swept softly up her long legs, up to her hip bone and then trailed back down the inside of her barely parted legs, his fingers fluttering across her core.

Maria trembled at his feather light touch; her legs moving involuntarily, opening an inch more. Up his hands went again, on the outsides of her legs but this time they stopped on their way down.

“Maria?” he stammered out.

“Emmmm,” she sighed.

Michael leaned forward and placed a kiss just above her golden curls, over to the left. Maria looked at him and giggled.

“I had a fight with a bottle of tequila,” she giggled breathlessly. “The tequila won!”

Michael smiled and looked at her tattoo again; a small golden haired angel, with its halo at its feet.

“Appropriate,” he smiled, his finger grazing over the glittering color of the hair and the fallen halo.

“You think?” she said devilishly.

“Oh I know, my Angel,” he said, bringing his lips back down again to the tattoo.

His lips travelled down and he again breathed in her scent. It seemed a lifetime since he had done that over by her desk.

“Maria,” he whispered.

“Michael,” she whimpered, her legs moving again.

“Open up for me babe,” he said hoarsely.

Maria smiled at him, her eyes again watching him as she opened her legs for him. She saw his eyes darken with desire and that alone made her quiver in delight.

Michael lifted his head to fix on her eyes as his hand slipped lower, his finger resting against her heat.

Maria bucked into the touch and Michael added pressure, deciding they had fooled around too much. If she was anything like him, she needed release. His finger slid easily over her lower lips, her wetness was intoxicating. He found her clit and circled it once.

“Shit Michael,” she said, “harder.”

He again complied with her wish; he couldn’t refuse her anything, and repeated the movement.

“Oh yeah,” she sighed blissfully.

Michael laughed. “Are you always this vocal?”

Maria smiled at him. “Just shut up and don’t stop,” she ordered with a laugh.

“Whatever you say Princess,” he said, sweeping a couple of fingers up and down her lower lips.

Maria tipped her hips, trying to guide his fingers to where she needed them.

“Trying to tell me something,” he asked, his fingers finding her opening but not entering her.

“Michael,” she whimpered, lifting and rocking her hips, trying to capture his fingers. “Please stop teasing,” she begged.

He grinned again at her, loving to torture her, when her hand shot out with lightning speed and she covered his fingers with hers and pushed them both inside her.

They both groaned loudly; Maria for finally having his fingers within her; Michael because this girl was so hot in everything she was and everything she did.

Their fingers moved together for several long minutes until Michael moved again bringing his other hand to remove hers. He brought her wet fingers up to his mouth and sucked on them, all the time pumping into her slowly.

“Stop being so controlling,” he said when they were clean and again returned her hand to the bed. He looked at her.

“Maybe I should just tie you to the bed,” he said wickedly. Maria only moaned loudly in response as he added another finger to the ones inside her. Michael shifted again so he was between her legs his unoccupied hand sliding under her hips to lift her slightly as his tongue shot out to taste her.

“Oh God,” Maria sighed.

Michael removed his lips from her, “No. Michael. Mai-kel.”

Maria gave a short laugh until his tongue returned to her and his fingers moved again.

“Oh shit, Michael,” she cried out.

Michael flicked her clit with his tongue and then pulled it into his mouth and sucked gently.

“God Michael,” Maria moaned again, her hips bucking uncontrollably against him, the sensation of his fingers and his amazing mouth and tongue was incredible. He placed his other hand on her hip, repeating her earlier gesture, to still her movements.

He nibbled gently at her clit, pumping her more; his knuckles slapping against her wetly as her juices coated him. He wondered if he was hurting her but her contented moans and pleads for more told him differently. He sucked on her clit as his fingers twisted slightly in her tight channel and watched as her mouth opened in a silent wordless cry.

“Oh holy fucking shit yes, right there”, she said panting hard.

Michael smiled against her. Found her G-spot he thought with pride, and then returned to her clit, alternating between nibbling and sucking, his fingers hitting her g-spot every few seconds or so. He knew she was close when her breathing came quicker, her hands flying to his head holding him there.

“Oh God Michael,” she cried out, “don’t stop.”

Not a chance, he thought as he bit down gently on her at the same time as brushing her g-spot.

She flew apart under him with a scream of his name.

“Oh shit,” she whimpered, her body riding the wave blissfully as Michael stroked her a few more times, lapping ravenously at her juices.

“Oh fuck, Michael,” she said again, finally relaxing back into her bed.

Michael slowly and carefully removed his hand and lips from her. “So you’re a screamer,” he said with a smile.

She looked at him lazily, her hand unconsciously stroking her breast. “So are you,” she said with a smile.

Michael sat back on his heels and licked his hand clean all the time watching her stroke herself contentedly.

“Fuck Maria,” he said, “you’re gonna have to stop that.”

“What?” she said, her brows rising mischievously. “It looks like little Michael is ready to go again.”

“First of all, Blondie, never refer to him as little. He might take offense and never come out to play again. And secondly, I renamed him today. He’s now Major Wood.”

“Major Wood,” she laughed. “Why Major Wood?”

“Well I think that’s more than obvious, don’t you?” he smiled. “Ever since I met you I’ve had Major Wood.” He looked down at himself and sure enough his dick was standing at attention, responding to Maria.

Maria laughed, “That is really lame, Michael and so cliché.” She gazed down at his dick and then back up to him. “I have a better name.”

“What’s that Blondie,” he asked his eyes shining.

“M.P.” she said simply.

Michael looked at her, confusion evident in his eyes. “M.P.?”

“Maria’s Property,” she said with a laugh.

Michael thought about it and then laughed. “Strangely enough, I like that,” he said.

“Of course you do,” Maria said, and she stroked him tenderly as he kissed her.

“You ready?” he asked, pulling away from her lips.

“I’m always ready,” she laughed pulling him to lie down on top of her. She licked his lips with her tongue, tasting herself on them and demanded entrance and who was he to deny her.

Their tongues dueled for dominance until they needed oxygen and then Michael turned his head to the bottom of the bed.

“What ya looking for Spaceboy?” She asked, nibbling his exposed neck.

“Jeans. Wallet. Condoms.” He panted out.

She pulled her face back to hers and shifted her eyes to the right. “Bedside cabinet drawer,” she said before claiming his lips again.


A/N This is my first posting of anything remotely this explicit, hope it wasn't too much.