Nothing to Lose AU/CC TEEN M/L [COMPLETE]

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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dream on
Addicted Roswellian
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Nothing to Lose AU/CC TEEN M/L [COMPLETE]

Post by dream on »


Nothing to Lose
Author – Sarah (otherwise known as Ros2nz)
Rating – TEEN, may go up to MATURE (sorry, I don’t do nookies.)
Disclaimer- I don’t own anything, after seeing its demise, not sure I want to.
Banner by - Hybrid_Angel. Thanks, sweetie....again!!!
Feedback - so I'm a glutton for punishment, but I'd love to hear what you guys have to say.
Genre- CC. AU
Summary – Max is an alien hunter, free-lancer, hired by Government agencies around the world. Something like Mr. Fix- it. He was recently assigned to flush out one lone alien existing on the Earth, at least as far as the Govt knows. Btw, Max Evans is completely human. Nothing that we have seen in the show applies in this story, other than a few and those that are can be clearly identified, i.e. crash of 47, aliens, glowing hands and such.. The story picks up when the CIA has contacted him; he knows they mean business. From where we pick up, he’s headed for his meeting.

Author’s note – Some events in this story may seem similar to those of you who’ve read James Hadley Chase or R. Ludlum. As for settings and stuff, the last time I’ve been to the States was over 10 years ago, I don’t know any of the laws or regulations there. Inasmuch, I’ve selected America and some other countries, as the backdrop of the story, what ever I’m writing is pure fiction so please read it with an open mind, there might be mistakes regarding places and such, but they’re not intentional.


19th September 2012
It was bright day in Paris as a lone figure walked past the bustling crowds in Montnaparnasse. No one really paid attention to the man, because he was just so ordinary, but the women certainly did. The guy was wearing a fashionable black trench coat, but his head was uncovered so any women close enough could see the casual glint in the amber eyes, a small side-ways smile was etched on a strong, tanned face with just a hint of mischief. Strong chin with a tiny cleft, angular face and a shock of black, ebony hair that he wore in the latest spikes, erect bearing and a confident stride. He was easily one of the better-looking specimen of the male species and could’ve been aged anything between 19 to 39.

He continued down the wide boulevard until he came to one of the small, footpath Parisian bistros that is so adored by tourists and sat down in the shade. He sat sideways from the crowds and yet kept out a vigil from the view he had of the street from the massive glass windowpanes of the stores. True enough, 15 minutes later, another man joined him.

‘God’s sake, Evans, I told ya, I wasn’t setting you up!’ the newcomer growled. No matter how many times he’d met with the man sitting opposite him, he’d been met with the same thing every time – Evans would show up 15-20 minutes earlier than the meeting time, even though he himself had picked the location and time and wait for him to come by as if he wasn’t trusted.

“Shut up, Brown. Have a latte and keep your voice down.” Evans’ was as smooth as the tanned skin on his cheek. “It’s habit and you should know by now not to whine.” But the tone was nothing like his voice.

Harvey Brown, undercover agent, CIA under Paris – Ops did NOT like Max Evans. Who would? Evans was just a whack-job with loads of issues on his mind. And what sort of freak would throw away a perfectly good opportunity to join the CIA with a real job, not just go hunt for aliens. The guy was a crack-job and Brown was relieved to know that this was probably the last friggin’ time he was meeting Mr. They’re-among-us- Creep. He felt a sneer forming but Evans’ speculative look told him not to. Instead he ordered his latte and got down to business.

“These are for you.” He slid 2 manila envelopes across the table. ‘Lemme just say that u’ve got your mission…”
“Don’t call it that.” Evans’ voice was bored. “ We’re not in a Hollywood set, so can it with the SAT words and get to the point.”
Brown reined in his temper. The man was right, why waste time? “Your next assignment's in there.” There was no mistaking the sneer. Max’s face was impassive, so Brown continued, “You’re going back to the States. You’re being transferred under FBI jurisdiction now.” For the first time ever since he met Max, he could see the latter’s reaction. He smiled inwardly; maybe the guy wasn’t such a know-it-all prick after all.

Max felt his face freeze for a nano-second. His eyes glinted with barely checked frustration as he frowned. He didn’t like working for the feds, there were ALWAYS delays and that retard sitting on the high chair didn’t help. He didn’t like this chain of command he was supposed to follow, which is why he preferred working for the CIA where he at least had some sort of freedom in handling himself, especially. since he was a free-lancer. But FBI??
“Why?” Max couldn’t keep the annoyance out of his tone.
Brown smiled. Finally. Something to remember. It didn’t hurt to know what could be against this ass in the future. “You’ve got a case in America, Max. FBI’s got more control over there, in case you need to act, with let’s say, “It’s a matter of national security”. He laughed at his own joke. Evans’ didn’t even break into a smile. Brown scowled and went back to the job at hand. “You’ll be debriefed by Special Agent Pierce.” Again that glint crossed over Max’s eyes. “ I don’t know anything more, Evans. It’s all in those envelopes. Needless to say, whatever that you’ve been up to for the last 1 ½ year remains confidential, as per your contract. You will not disclose any information that you might have or places or incidents. You will not…..” he trailed off as Max got to his feet, leaving a few euros on the table and leaned over to shake Brown’s hand.

“Been a pleasure, Mr. Brown. Next time you get a runner, don’t treat him a like an imbecile, you end up looking much worse than you usually are.” Max grinned at the irate expression on his control’s face. Then he turned back and left the way he’d come.
“Sonofabitch” growled Brown.

Max was dozing off in the airport. He was waiting for his flight that would take him from Orly to Heathrow and then on to cross the Atlantic. He’d touch down in JFK in over 10 hours, give or take a few. As the PA speaker boomed the last call for his flight, he packed up his carryall and walked down the concourse. He didn’t particularly relish the thought of another assignment and so damn soon after his last one. He scowled, remembering that his last one hadn’t gone too well, so there was nothing he could use to bargain his way into to the Feds.
Pierce. He hated that insufferable ass sitting in command of the Special unit. Know-it-all jackass, with nothing better to do than making impossible demands on his subordinates. Not just that, Max decided, the guy was……heartless. He didn’t care what it took to get what he wanted. He abused his own power, not for his own sake, which was good Max grudgingly admitted. But the man was a freak, already holding too much power, way too much according to Max, considering Pierce had been chasing after aliens for years. Ever since he got into the Special Unit, the “alien-hunters.” Max couldn’t help but mock himself while he was making fun of the Unit.

Looking back over the years, he couldn’t believe what the hell he’d gotten himself into. But it had all happened when he’d been 21. After that one life-changing year in his life, everything HAD changed. Nothing had been the same. Max Evans, the bright, loving young man had been replaced by a monster, no less than even Pierce as he’d searched for the truth, something he hadn’t yet found. He remembered bits and pieces of his former life, the life that he’d loved, the people he’d loved. All that had shut down one fateful day in September. Exactly 7 years from now.

His head-phones were blaring of one of the new ‘raves’ of all time, some weird trance beat that made his head pound. He pressed down on the channel button, without warning a song from his younger days came on. It was Drive by Incubus, and nothing fit his mood better than the words that were coming out of the speakers. The airhostess came by with a champagne flute, her eyes sparkling like the bubbly she was holding, as she discreetly checked him out. Max turned on the glory of his amber eyes on her and watched with amusement as she fetched and carried for him for the rest of the trip. Ah…….. if only the rest of his life was so easy.

While Max was flying across the ocean, in the Pentagon, there was a meeting going on that he knew nothing about. Four men were present there. Four people who under normal circumstances should never have met. The matter was urgent and the atmosphere in the room electric.

The overhead light was giving Special Agent Daniel Pierce, FBI, Head of Special Unit a headache. So was the constant bark of the Director of FBI seated on his left He’d been explaining the same scenario over an hour now, answering the same ridiculous questions. Jeeeeeezus, they put these guys in the task of protecting the nation!! It was madness.

The Director of FBI was a boastful character whose intelligence was not as high as his connections; the other three didn’t spare him that knowledge or their disgust. But he had a thick skin. He droned on and on about how incredulous this information was.

The other two sitting in the room was the Director of CIA, W.Sorenson and the Congressman of New Mexico, N. Davis, in charge of the congressional committee regarding the infamous Roswell crash. His involvement was not known to the public or even too much inside the agency. Sorenson was here to represent his own case with whatever leads he had. He was a quiet man, whose face was as less known as Agent Pierce’s if not more so. They’d all met under the circumstances of utmost secrecy, because the unthinkable had happened.

“QUIET!!” barked the Congressman. “Enough with the yammering Director. Now let’s get to the point. Agent Pierce,’ he said addressing the dark-haired pale-faced man whose cold eyes were boring a hole in the Director’s side with impending menace. At the voice of the congressman, he’d dropped his eyes but not before Davis had caught sight of burning fury. The man was dangerous but they needed him right now. And the President himself had given him full authority to do whatever it took. The politician knew the guy was good. He’d managed results were most of his predecessors didn’t. But it didn’t erase the fact the guy was somewhat of a loose cannon. They needed to keep an eye on him.

“Agent Pierce, “ he said again, “ is it true what you’ve said?”

Pierce looked him in the eye. ‘There’s been a sighting.” His voice contained supreme confidence. It was hard to believe; yet all of them did. “And there’s trouble ahead.”
Last edited by dream on on Sat Mar 20, 2004 6:01 am, edited 75 times in total.
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

ok, guys here you go. Let me know what you think.

Chapter 2 (cont.)

There was chill in the room now. None of them wanted to accept it, but if it was true, if they were really in danger of imminent attack or visit or WHATEVER, they needed to act and act NOW, before it made public news. Mass hysteria had to be avoided at all cost. Order had to be maintained and in NO WAY could this be exposed. Any leaks, ANY must be silenced, witnesses silenced, information contained. The directors of FBI and CIA looked at each other, none of them wanted to work together.

The Congressman re-entered the room, he’d been gone for half an hour. “All right gentlemen, give me some proof and you’ve got the funding that you’re gonna need. And please, NOTHING hokey. I need solid proof. Oh and by the way, the president has insisted that the Intel community not play hide and seek with whatever info each has. This goes beyond normal pettiness. Am I clear?” All heads nodded.

Sorenson broke the fraught silence, “Agent Pierce, when can we see that info you’ve got?”

Pierce left the room and returned with a CD that he slipped into the laptop at the far end of the room. The slides flashed. The room went silent. No one talked, no one breathed. The image in front of them was all too real, all too possible. It was long time before the FBI director broke it. He stood up. Gone was the arrogant strut. He was a man in fear. “What do we do?”

Sorenson got up too and lit a cigarette. Smoking was bad for his health but so was this. It was very, very BAD. “I‘ve got a plan. All the Intel agencies are going to be needed; we need as much information we can get. But after all that, it doesn’t erase the one thing that I’m afraid we don’t have. And that, gentlemen, is a man. A hunter.”

Pierce spoke up after a brief pause. “ I have a man.”

“Don’t even think about it.” shot back Sorenson. “You’re not doing it. We need some one in the middle, someone without attachments. Someone with the experience and capability but just enough of naivety so that we can use him to our advantage. You don’t apply.”

Pierce smiled coldly. ‘I wasn’t talking about myself, Director. I have someone in mind that you won’t object to. He has all that you’ve pointed out and more. He has the motivation that none other in the WORLD has. I’m not exaggerating you can see for yourself. Here’s his file.” He sent 3 copies round, keeping one for himself, his eyes locked with Sorenson.

Sorenson returned the stare. “I hope you haven’t pulled one of my men’s file, Pierce.” His voice was glacial.

Pierce smirked “ No, director, CIA agents leave much to be desired to be a part of something this important.”

Congressman broke in. ‘All RIIGHT!! Save the bickering for later. Pierce, summarize this and make it fast.”

Pierce stood up and flicked his remote. A picture appeared on the screen. It was Max Evans.


“Before I begin, can I please request no interruptions? Thank you.” He cleared his throat and began.

“That picture belongs to Maxwell Evans, free-lancer. He worked with various Intel agencies, most recently with the CIA in an European op that doesn’t concern us.” He avoided Sorenson’s freezing stare. “ He is currently 28 years old. Born in 1984, to Phillip and Dianne Evans, one sister Maria, deceased. Finished school from West Roswell High went on to undergrad studies in UNM in biology and aerodynamics, dropped out for a year in his junior year, came back after a year, but enrolled in UCB. Changed majors to Criminal Studies and Forensic Science. Graduated with honors; then went on to post-grad studies in the same fields. Very bright, very hardworking, finished Masters in nearly half the time and was doing his Doctorate when we ‘recruited’ him.” There was a minute emphasis on the word ‘recruit’ and the Congressman raised his eyebrows in a silent question.

Sorenson spoke up. ‘We did. The reason why I consider Pierces’ choice appropriate this time is because it’s true. Evans IS the man for the job. He’s been free-lancing. Doesn’t have too much respect for the government. He blames it for not doing enough. The reason he does is because of her.” Pointing got the screen. It was picture of a very pretty blonde girl smiling brightly. “ This is Maria Evans. Died in 2005. Circumstances of her death are one big giant mystery, something I’m not too proud of, but it was before my time. She was killed in a gunfight that ensued when one of Agent Pierce’s ‘raids’ and I use the word with distaste, got out of control. It was supposed that her boyfriend, Alex Whitman was an alien.” He stopped, noting the incredulous expressions.

Congressman barked, “WHAT??” he waved his hands around in agitation. “ What the bloody hell are you talking about? What do you mean, he was an alien? Have you got ANY proof? And what happened to the girl? And even if you’re right, which seems extremely unlikely, how do you propose to make Evans work for us?”

Sorenson continued. “ To answer the first question, yes it HAS been confirmed. He used his powers on an agent. He was desperate to escape. He did whatever he had to. For the past years, he’s been living under various aliases, not always in the States. We were so close, but international laws made any sort of abduction impossible. He’s very clever, he plans ahead hence we’ve had to waste the last 7 years."

"To answer your 2nd question, yes we have proof. He used his powers to change passports, license plates, driving licenses, IDs , clothing, facial structure, etc. It is impossible to capture him. The only thing he hasn’t been able to do is physically leave the planet. But he may have found a way otherwise why would he return to the States? He knows the risks but he’s taken them anyway, which leads me to the belief that the sighting is real, that he’s found a way home.

I don’t think there’re any other aliens, simply because he hadn’t made contact with anyone. The guy is not a professional, so the first thing that he’d have done when he discovered he was busted would’ve been to find shelter. He didn’t. He ran. That leads me to believe that maybe there wasn’t anyone around to help him. How am I so sure? Maybe because under those circumstances, it is a NORMAL instinct to protect oneself, come hell or high water. It takes years of training for any field agents to work solo, I refuse to believe that this alien would be so advanced; the reason why I believe so is because he was raised in a completely human atmosphere. A rigid system where he had no chance to exercise his powers much less hone his skills. I’ve reason to believe that his foster parents adored him, loved him like their own. I doubt he wanted to screw that up, given his character analysis.” He paused for a sip of water.

Pierce took over. “We’ve been over his background completely. There was not even a speck that we haven’t discovered. He’s definitely solo. There is NO question about that. He has not been seen with any one or anything whose background that we haven’t checked out. He is a character of detail and routine. Doesn’t do anything ordinary. We had so much trouble finding him at first is because he hid in plain sight. But the girl Maria, gave us the first clue.”

The congressman’s eyes grew wide “ she REPORTED him??”

“No. She slipped up in front of one of our sources. Of course she didn’t know, but it happened only once, very inconsequential, until you considered WHAT it was that he did. He healed her. Now, now, calm down. Nothing like that. She fell down the rock formation in the desert. Obviously they went out on a date to y’know……
Anyway, she fell and and broke her ankle, but didn’t tell him. Later she went by herself to the hospital and asked to get patched up. She was friendly with a nurse, our source, and the nurse reported that in two days she was running around completely fine. The reason the nurse figured this out was because Evans told her about the annual beauty pageant in Roswell was around in 2 days and she was going to have to miss it. But there she was, on the stage, performing. How can that be?

Now, X-rays don’t lie, so how did she heal so quickly? Our source discreetly asked around and found out from the Evans’ maid that she’d had a visitor while recuperating. That’s right. Alex Whitman. After that she’d been just fine. When her parents asked, she showed the X-rays, which said that her ankle was JUST sprained. Our source matched it with hospital records; someone had stolen them. Thus, we had no proof. But the nurse had personally checked the reports and there was no doubt. Something had definitely happened. From then on, he was under suspicion.

We found our break in September 2005. They’d gone to Utah for God knows what, and we’d cornered them there. But one of our people jumped the gun and the fight got underway before proper coordination. In the midst, she got shot, he tried to heal her then too, left some sort of silver handprint, but she died before he could, she was pulled away by some of our men. They thought he was killing her. He then blasted ALL of us all over the place. Two agents were killed, Stevens and Topolski, the two who were holding the girl. He just vanished. The rest of us were too badly injured to do anything.” He paused.

The men silently pondered while the congressman finally asked after going through the file photos and accounts. “How did you manage to bring Evans on our side?”

Sorenson coughed. ‘My predecessor worked it out. When the Evans were brought in for identification of the body and all, we decided to recruit Max. The boy was intelligent and smart and had the makings of a fine agent. He was a good choice, considering what motivation he had. He’d stayed in the desert in his younger days, in the Mesaliko reservation. He knew how to track and lived almost like an Indian for a few years. Rumors were about this girl, but it wasn’t so. He was learning from an old Indian, called River Dog. Thus his background was a solid one for cultivation. Combined with his knowledge in bio and stuff, hell he was a natural. The story that was published about the death was a car accident, thus no body was ever handed over to the family. But Max spent almost a year trying to find it. We’d studied him then. Very focused, extremely resourceful. He almost discovered half the truth. He came to the FBI wanting to know why the FBI wanted Maria. That was his mistake. He knew nothing about Whitman, other than meeting him a few times, always hurriedly, didn’t really know anything other than the fact that his sister was crazy about him. So it wasn’t too hard to prove to him about the whole alien thing. Instead we told him that it was Whitman who killed her, the silver handprint was proof. We also showed him pictures of the dead agents and finally told him that Whitman suspected Maria had sold him out, hence he’d taken her to Utah to kill her. He bought it and went over the moon in his grief. His father had resigned, his mother died of cancer all in one damn year. Poor boy fell apart and we took him in. Paid off his student loans, let him continue studying. But in the meantime, we trained him better than anyone in the world. But we had to bow down at one time. He was going to be a free-lancer. He didn’t care to take any orders. Said that the day he found Whitman, no law was going take justice out of his hands. He wanted retribution and if we didn’t give it to him, he’d walk. We really didn’t have much of a choice. For the last 3 years, after his doctorate, he’s been on the road trying to hunt down Whitman. Not too successful, but he never gave up. My theory is that if we can give him a lead, he’ll find Whitman.”

Sorenson paused looking to see if they understood.

Pierce jumped in, “Sir, I’d also like to say that in the matter of national security and in order to protect all of our backsides, pardon me, but he is the perfect fall guy. If he fails, we know who blame it on, because he was, in his own words a free-lancer. That way the US Intel agencies stays clean and after all that’s happened, I think it’s something we should consider. After all, obfuscation in the interests of deniabilitiy IS our language.”

The Congressman smiled but his voice was ice. ‘No executions, Agent. None whatsoever. I will not have dead people in my conscience. Is that understood? Ok, I’ll talk to the President.”

Pierce spoke in a low voice “If he has the power to heal, God only knows what we could do with it. Can you imagine? A cure for AIDS, cancer, brain damage, anything that we can use. This could be the era of a better life on Earth. And who knows, we might even make contact.” The atmosphere buzzed with is energy. It was too incredible.

A few minutes later, the door opened. A Marine came forward and announced “ A Max Evans here to see you Agent Pierce, sir.”
Pierce waved him in, “ Bring him in.”
“Right away, sir.”
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Thank you so much for all the feedback. To those still around, here it is.

Chapter 4.

A few seconds later, Max entered. He’d taken a shower and a nap, his clothing had been restored to full power-dressing regalia. The Congressman snorted under his breath, the kid looked like an actor, not an alien hunter.

Sorenson went forward and shook his hand, “Come in, Mr. Evans. We’ve been waiting for you.”

Max shook it silently, wondering. He’d read the files and they’d given him a pretty good idea of what was expected out of him.

“Would you like something to drink?”

“Uh, thanks, coffee would be great.”

“Of course.”

A few seconds later another Marine entered. This one was a cutie, complete with olive complexion, doe brown eyes and shiny straight blonde hair. She looked a little like Maria except for the complexion. Very exotic. Max sighed, wondering why he met interesting women when he just didn’t have the time for them. The girl set down the coffee in front of him but didn’t look at him even as he said thank you. Guess she was more than intimidated by the presence of all the head honchos.

After the door closed, Pierce stood up. “You’ve read the files.”

Max smiled coldly, “I assumed that that was the purpose of giving them to me.”

Pierce’s eyes seethed at the insubordination but didn’t call him on it. “So you’re updated on the current news. Good. Are you willing to take this job?”

Max stared at him. Contempt poured off him in waves. “ I’m not a robot like you, Pierce. I’m not updated, I’m well informed. As for the assignment, seeing how thoroughly you know my background, why are we playing immature games?”

A beat passed.

He paused then pushed himself out of the chair. “I’m not doing it.”

The silence was telling, shock was written in bold in every face in the room except his own. He smirked and got up.

“Goodbye gentlemen. It’s been a pleasure.”

Pierce was on his feet and on him before Max could leave. He didn’t hesitate; he slumped over and slammed Pierce down on the other side over his back. There was a subdued groan from the floor.

“Stay DOWN. Don’t even think about it. I don’t want to work with you, or for you or under you.” Max looked at the rest of them. ‘If I have to work under this guy, I’m leaving right now.”

Sorenson barked out “This sort of unprofessionalism is unacceptable, Evans! Remember why we called you. The only thing you’re doing is unnecessarily creating more problems. I know what this is about." He could see he had everyone's attention, so he pushed forth.
"You want more control and you want money. So say that instead of complicating things. But you will HAVE to work with the Special unit. There’s no question about it. So if you still want to leave, there’s the door."

Congressman Davis held his breath. Pierce got up, glaring.

Max waited for a few minutes and then spoke. “ 20 million. Half now and half on delivery, my usual style. I work alone, when I need back up, I’ll ask for it. You give me info, I execute it. Nothing else I can change.”

The congressman stood up. “We’re not giving you 20 million, forget it.”

Max also stood up. “ You can spend more than that on your election campaigns, Congressman, why won’t you do the same for………….oh what WAS that phrase again?? Oh yeah for national security and love the good of all mankind.” His jeer bit every one in the room.

The guy had a scary way of talking - biting, quiet, cold. He grinned like a shark.
"Just give me what I’m asking for, I’ll find Whitman." His tone held no doubt of his capabilities. He knew he’d find him. And they knew it too.

Damn this guy.

Sorenson and the rest held a quick conference. The congressman left the room. For the next one hour, Max stared at the slide. It was Alex Whitman. Dark brown hair, geekily drooping over his ears and forehead, a sharp nose, not too flabby cheeks, scrawny, wiry body and worst of all, deep, sapphire blue eyes. His body was ordinary but his eyes were anything but. They glowed with gentleness and love yet at the same time, it was challenging, intense. They were eyes that mesmerized, just like they’d mesmerized his sister. Those eyes, they gave it away. They were definitely NOT from around here.

Max stared at them until his eyes blurred, but the pain did not fade. He could sense it in the air. His time for revenge had come. Revenge was heady stuff; it made his vision sharper, more focused, his mind clearer and his sense of purpose as instinctive and basic as a sense for survival. He was once again the hunter, remembering everything he’d learnt from the Indian, from his mentors in the agencies and his own basic instincts. He knew it with every fiber of his being. Alex Whitman was going to pay. All he had to do was wear the honchos out and get a good price.

Davis came in. He looked tired. He spoke slowly as if weighing each word. “ The President has given the go ahead. You can have your 20 million. Half will be delivered to your Cayman Island a/c within the hour. You can work with immunity. No one’s going to ask questions. You can go wherever you need to. Everything’s been cleared. You will report to Agent Pierce only, 4 zero clearance. But you’re being given leeway to make unilateral decisions if you must. But you and only you are going to be fully responsible for it. Am I clear?”

Max nodded, bent over and signed the contract. His hand was shaking so hard he thought he’d drop the pen. But there it was. In black and white.
He turned around and sat back down.

Well over the night, they discussed new information and whatever else the hunter needed. Just 24 hours after he’d gotten the news, Maxwell Evans stood up and walked out of the Pentagon, for the first time in years back to the hunt with a feral thrill.

Sorenson grimaces and turned to all the remaining people. “ I hope we didn’t make a mistake, because this could potentially be the beginning of a great mistake.”
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter 5.

12th December 2012.

The building was a modest 4 story one built closely along with another. It was the ONLY one in the area so close to another. No lights were on. It was late night in some remote small town in Nevada. It wouldn’t take long to drive from here to drive to Vegas in case the need arose and in Vegas it would never be possible to find him.

One lone figure went around the perimeter, scooping for trip-ups. Whitaman’s good. He was dressed in all black but his intent was clear. This guy was here for something. And that something was indeed Alex Whitman. Max sighed. He’d spent the last 2 and half months trying to track Whitman, but the guy was good. Every move he’d made so far was calculated. Whitman was not the inexperienced young man that he’d been 7 years ago. The hybrid was fully prepared for anything now and he’d nothing to lose. This was when people were at their most dangerous, even a hybrid and Max knew that. River Dog had trained him well. He spoke quietly into the minuscule microphone
“No sign of upset. I don’t know if he’s here, but I’m going in.”

Pierce didn’t bother giving him any orders. Evans had made the rules simple and clear. When he was going to face Whitman, he wanted NO ONE to come in. And he’d also extracted the fact that when they came to get Whitman, he didn’t want to be there. Pierce thought it funny, considering how fanatically the guy wanted revenge but it was his business, not Pierce’s. He didn’t want it to be his either. He wanted the subject live and ambulatory so that the labs could get their tests done and answers found. This was a moment of reckoning.

Max went inside the building. There was nothing, no bombs, no sensors, nothing. He was a little surprised. He expected Whitman to be more careful than that. His every other action had proved that he knew the Feds were close. So why the complete lack of precautions? Or maybe he’s setting me up with a giant bomb. Max couldn’t help but wonder. It just didn’t add up. Whitman was careful, he’d do anything NOT to be captured, and hell he’d killed his girlfriend to create a diversion so that the sonofabitch could escape. Even know, Max’s rage threatened to take over, but his mind was ice. He didn’t need any distraction. He’d waited for this moment for years. The stairs was deserted. This place was dead to the world. Max stealthily climbed to the top floor and checked out the apt. Number. 3A.It was the right one; the old shop-owner across the street had given him. He and Whitman were good buddies. Max took out the alarm detector and went to work. Nope, there were no sensors on the door, either. But why?
More and more, this smelled like a setup to Max. He spoke in the lowest tones into the mike. “It’s too quiet.”

Pierce growled. “ You insisted. We’ll only give back up when you’ve positively identified Whitman!!”
What was the punk trying to pull now?

Max didn’t bother to answer; he crossed over to the other side of the roof. True enough, there was no fire escape. The windows of 3A were closed tightly; dark curtains were shut down too. “I’ll have to try the door. It may be booby-trapped.’ Max whispered and went down the stairs again. Logic told him he was headed for trouble, there was no way the bastard would leave himself so unprotected, even though it was damn near impossible to have found him at all. He swiped the plastic across. The door didn’t open. Aha!! Max was jubilant. Shining a small laser he could see that the lock had been melded, no way to do that unless his hunch was right.
“Send up reinforcements after 5 minutes.”
Max’s voice was tight, and Pierce felt his body start humming. It was the one!! They’d found the alien. And this time there was no escape.

“Prepare for reinforcement in 5 minutes. Don’t go in before that. Spread the word, Samuels.”

Agent Samuels looked over at his boss. The guy was practically buzzing with excitement. “Already done, sir. Shouldn’t we give him a hand?”

“No need, if he gets killed it’s his problem, but secure the body, we need it for tests.”

Samuels looked away, the guy was sick.

Max knew that he couldn’t open the door. He swung his backpack off his shoulders and held it against the door with his two arms. In one violent movement he lashed out his feet where the backpack was, effectively breaking through the door. The door didn’t rebound open although his fist had been ready. It confirmed what he already knew; the door was sealed in some alien way. The backpack had muted the sounds of the forced entry. No one stirred. Max was already half way to the bedroom when a figure roused from the bed. Max was completely silent. Not even his breathing could be heard, but the figure rose anyway. Last frigging chance, Al, Max gritted his teeth as he approached the figure. It had already started for the window. Max revealed as little of himself as he could, it was so dark that there was zero visibility. But the figure was back-pedaling towards the window, keeping a hand out to protect himself. Max knew that as soon as Whitman caught a sight of him, he could very well be toast, so he stayed hidden. But Max could see the green energy coming from his hand, flickering to life. Despite himself, he was awed.

The figure suddenly leapt for the window, determined to break away, but Max didn’t move. Sure enough, there was a buzz in the air and he could smell burning flesh. Oh sweet God!! one part of his brain was screaming but he proceeded anyway. The green light had faded; Whitman was probably more injured than he thought.
“Alex Whitman, as I live and breathe.” He couldn’t keep the rage out of his tone.

The figure whipped his face towards the sound and held up his hands. He knew what he had to do. There was no way he would make through it alive but he needed more time. He stumbled away, bumping into furniture, but weakened by the 2000 volts of electricity. A normal human would’ve fried by now, but Alex, he was different. He fell down across the bed, one hand desperately searching for something underneath the covers.

Max could smell his desperation. But he made himself think of his sister and went on. He couldn’t see what Whitman was doing, but he knew it would be a matter of time, before someone broke.
Alex called out. “What do you want?” His once strong voice was whipped with years of hiding and pain. It came out a lot more hoarse than a normal 30 year-old’s voice should be. His hand searched frantically, the big covers covering the movement from prying eyes. Seconds now.
Max knew he had maximum 2 minutes before Pierce came in. It was now or never. His voice was a whiplash.
“DROP IT. It’s me, Maria’s brother, you bastard.”

The words had shocked Alex to the core. His shield fell and Max was all over him. First rule of dealing with aliens, Max muttered as he grappled with Alex, secure their glowing hands. Alex didn’t even put up a resistance.

“Good.” Max bit out viciously. ‘Don’t tire yourself out.”

Alex didn’t talk. He seemed to be directing all his energy somewhere, but Max couldn’t see what it was.

“Stop it, it’s all over. You’re finished Alex. And I’ve waited for this day for years now.”

Alex Whitman finally looked him in the eye. Max shuddered violently.
Those eyes were still haunting, but this time it seemed to pierce his soul.

“I’m so sorry, Max. I’m so sorry.” Alex’s voice had changed too. This was the brother of the girl he’d loved. He knew that Max would never forgive him for the accident, but he wasn’t quite prepared for the hatred and raw fury in his eyes.

“I’m not accepting your apology, you swine.” Max spat out the words with venom. “If I had time, I’d make you regret ever coming to this planet, but I don’t; so just I’ll say this. I’ve waited for years, Alex, YEARS to standing before you and seeing you pay. Believe me, tonight, you’re going to. “

Max was saying the words on auto-pilot but his eyes were fixed on Alex’s. It was full of pain and genuine anguish. There was no doubt. Alex Whitman was and had been repenting for his crime for the last years as much as he had. He’d suffered too. Max didn’t want to believe it. He dared not, because he could already hear the feds in the room.

There was a terrible ringing in his head but he made himself think of his dead sister and looked back at Whitman. The eyes hadn’t changed. They were begging him for understanding. Max didn’t give an inch.

The agents from the Special Agents had come in, wearing sterilised suits. Alex broke the stare to look at them, but the only emotion in his eyes was still anguish and something else that Max couldn’t define. This is how people look before they die.

Pierce came up beside Max. “Good job”.

At those words, Max saw Alex’s face change. The sapphire blue eyes gazed out at him with…betrayal? Why’s he looking like that? Max couldn’t help it. Alex looked helpless and pathetic at that instant even if the people around him moved cautiously, aware of his ability to kill them in a blink of an eye. But Alex’s expression didn’t change even as they finally lunged for him. He didn’t do anything expect stare dumbly at Max, as if he couldn’t believe what was happening, that Max would do something like this. Max returned his gaze, feeling at a loss. He felt in some deep part of him like he was betraying his own sister, that if Maria were here, she’d feel just as betrayed as Alex did.
WHY?? WHY? What the fuck’s going on? Why am I feeling guilty for god’s sake? He’s the killer, not me!!

Max couldn’t help but look bewildered. His brain was muddled up of too many years spent on this quest and now all he wanted to do was rest. He could see as Alex was strapped and then rushed downstairs. There was no struggle, except those blue hypnotic eyes staring at him like he had committed an unspeakable crime. And then suddenly, it was all over. The Feds had rushed off, headed for Bethesda or any other military base where they would tear Alex Whitman, alien visitor of Planet God-knows open. Literally. It was too much for Max, he left. Agents quickly surrounded the apartment.

Alex didn’t do anything, didn’t struggle at all. All his resources were directed in his mind where he was holding on to the mind warp as much as he could. He’d pictured the three agents there. He picked the one who was the closest to the orb and concentrated on making him think it was a dead cockroach. Sure enough, the agent tossed it out into the back alley, where it fell just behind the dumpster. Alex let go. There was too much at stake. The orb were safe for now. And the person who needed them was coming. His life may be over but at least he’d done his job. There was nothing to do now except reflect and he couldn’t help the lone tear that slipped past his eyes as he remembered Max Evans, his would’ve-been brother-in-law turning him in. Apart from Maria, he was the only one who’d ever known. Maria had told him so. As the precious seconds of his life ticked away, he remembered
It had been a red New Mexico sunset. Beautiful and tranquil. He had sat with Maria sitting next to him on the rocks of the quarry. The wind blew her golden locks around her face as she read out the letter for her brother, Max. She’d told him everything, despite Alex’s repeated objections that he shouldn’t be dragged into this life with no warning, but Maria had insisted that if he knew, he’d help out. Whenever necessary. “You can always count on him, Alex. He’ll be the one friend you can turn to no matter what. Please trust me, Alex. I don’t want to keep this from him, not when you’re such a big part of my life. And anyway, don’t you ever want to see your little sister get married and settled down?” Alex just sighed at her matchmaking technique, but she could sense his resolve weakening. She pushed home her point “Max would fall in love with her in a heart-beat. You know he likes the serious, brooding mysterious types……….and I’ll bet you anything that she’d like him too.” Alex had finally relented. Maria had posted the letter with him beside her. Alex cried silently.There was a terrible sensation eating at his insides like corrsive acid, his lungs were starved for breath. No one listened at his silent screams, or were they aloud?
You were wrong ‘Ria. He wasn’t on our side. He sold us out. For the first time after you died, I’m glad you aren’t alive to see this.
He didn’t even know when he had blacked out.
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter 6.

31st December 2012

The nightlife in Bangkok is truly a thing to remember. Exploding lights, strobes moving across smoky dance clubs, masses of human body writhing to a hypnotic bass. Outside, tourists strolled around in millions, the footpaths had turned into night-markets, and bargains were going at unbelievable prices. It was loud, wild and everything that a person needs to get away from the routine of life. The infamous Pad-Pong was alive and bustling with people, Thai girls wearing work clothes headed into massage parlors, teenagers thronged and milled around. The shopaholics dragging disgruntled spouses into the malls bogged down by numerous shopping bags. All round was the inescapable smell of frying seafood, any way you want it.

Max Evans threw back his head to drink in the sights and sounds of the Paradise land. It was actually, it was throbbing, pulsing and magnetic and right now, it was hard to resist. Max felt as light headed as the balloons that were soaring in the humid air. He felt woefully over-dressed for such a warm climate. It was 10:30 p.m. the place was exploding with sounds and lights as another year was coming to a close. Max lifted his beer to his mouth, chilled and bitter, feeling like a freshman again He’d never even experienced anything remotely like this when he’d been stuck in those 7 nightmarish years. Now finally, he could let go.

He smiled as beautiful Thai girls smiled alluringly and clasped their hands in traditional Thai greeting. He responded seeing them break out in laughter. If he wanted a date for the remainder of the night, many of them were more than willing to oblige. But Max needed a break more than he needed to get laid, so he walked along smiling non-committally. He window-shopped and ogled the pretty girls, never once noticing a tiny figure that had been following him ever since 12th December, the day Alex Whitman had officially ceased to exist.

Max ambled along, finally giving into temptation. He entered a club and was blown away. The sound had reached ear-splitting crescendo, but no one cared. Across the bar, guys checked out the girls, girls followed suit. In the wooden floor, there was a mob gyrating to the beat. It was heady stuff, but what the hell; he was part of it now. He ordered a Scotch and sat back to enjoy the show.

A voice, spoken without a trace of accent broke into his reverie.

“Interesting isn’t it?”

He whipped his head around. The girl was sitting close to him, yet kept some of her distance, something highly unlikely in a club like this. His eyes took in long, shapely legs, georgette and lace red strapless dress that ended just above the knee, arched heels and a gorgeous, tanned body. He looked north and found a tanned, exotic face and dark raven hair that lit up with red, highlighted by the dress she wore. He felt himself break into a huge smile. This was going better than he thought. The Scotch he’d drunk was making his mood mellow, letting his inhibitions go. The girl’s eyes were somewhat shielded by strands of hair, he found himself wondering if the rumors about Thai girls’ expertise was true or not.

“It really is. I’ve never come to Asia before. This certainly IS a new experience for me.” He smiled back easily.

The girl flipped back her hair and pouted full red lips at her empty glass. Max may have been out of the field, but the invitation was hard to miss. He leaned forward taking it out of her hand and beckoned the Bartender.
“What’ll it be?” he asked her.

She smiled, it was feral and both the guys were a little stunned. “Just what I was having.”

Max quickly refilled both their glasses and handed hers over. Their fingers grazed and he felt a deep electricity shoot through him. He looked in to her face and he felt like a live wire.

The girl wasn’t Thai, a little bit of his enthusiasm waned, but her eyes were captivating. Doe brown eyes with just a fleck of green, making them come alive, even in the dim light. They were surprisingly intense and innocent, not matched by the much-practiced body. He wondered if she had any idea how ravishing she really looked. But from that feral smile, it seemed like she not only knew it but also was almost expecting it.

The whiskey was lulling his brain, amking him mellow.

She smiled, “ You were expecting me to be Thai?”

He nodded,wondering if he'd offended her.

She smiled a little sarcastically and said, “ A lot of them do, you know. This is a beautiful place, a different world from the one most of you live in. Just because I’m not from around here doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a new culture, a new way of life. Asia is full of beautiful, exotic places. This is one of the more popular ones, but doesn't mean that there aren't ones. I mean, look at me.”

He did. he liked what saw.

"I could pass myself of as Indian or Bangladeshi or Pakistani. I could've been from Mexico. I could be from Spain. I could be from anywhere."

Something in her words struck a chord but he couldn’t place it. Her passion about the whole place, the whole atmosphere was lighting up a similar response in him. He’d always wanted to travel. He HAD traveled but not the way he’d wanted. Now, it felt refreshing talking to someone about things he enjoyed too. He couldn’t help but flirt back.

“I take it you’re not from the Western world given you’re antipathy to the tourists?” he grinned. It was hard making his mind focus.

“ I can be from anywhere you want me to be.” Her voice was low, seductive. It made Max want to kiss her right there, but what would she think? Then again, the way she was appraising him, it didn’t seem like she would mind much. He leaned forward slowly, letting her see what he intended to do. She smiled in that feral way of hers that ignited male blood in a 1mile radius and she looped her arm around him and drew him in.
Max inhaled just a whiff of her perfume; it smelled of the lightest touch of jasmine and sandalwood, and little bit of strawberries. Max couldn’t help but be even more intrigued. The girl certainly knew how to kiss. Max leaned in, deepening the kiss, feeling her melt into it with equal enthusiasm.

It was after a while that Max pulled back, breathing heavily. He leaned back and looked into her eyes, surprised by the total lack of any feeling there. What, am I losing my touch? Max couldn’t help but mock himself as he stared at her, calmly reapplying her lipstick. There he was, barely in control and she was applying lipstick! It was almost comical. She looked at him through half-lidded eyes,

“What’s the matter, sugar? Not good enough?”

He smiled back at her, “ I was gonna ask you the same thing.”

She laughed guiltily “It’s not you. I guess I was just tired, I guess.”

She said after a pause. Her laughter was totally unaffected and something inside him wanted to see it again.

He didn’t act on impulses usually, but tonight he felt out of control, as if something was controlling him. He chalked it upto libido and gave in.

‘I want you to come with me.’ God, is that the best I can do?

The girl smirked ‘ C’mon caveman, do better than that.”
Max smiled genuinely. The amber eyes glinted with purpose and he saw the girl flinch. An unusual reaction to be sure; most girls were usually mush by this time, but he ignored it.

“ Hi, I’m Max.”

At the name, he felt her relax again. ‘Liz. They call me Liz.”

Was that meant to be a warning? Max couldn’t help but wonder seeing the hard look in her eyes that she was sheltering behind her hair.
He couldn’t control himself, he pushed it back behind her ear, before she could and smiled as the chemistry between them sizzled again. He liked this feeling. It was alive and freeing and for once in many years he could let go of the guilt.


She stared back at him and then nodded, letting some of the attraction she’d been trying to hide enter into her eyes. Max’s breath hitched and his eyes smoldered. He didn’t know why, but this girl and her hidden depths were attracting him like nothing else had ever done before. He placed a hand at the small of her back and escorted her out.

“My place or yours?” he asked. His air supply should’ve increased now that he was out of the enclosed space; it seemed to have shrunk.

“Mine.” She said breathlessly. “ It’s very close.” She practically dragged him into a cab as they left Silom Road, and melted into the crowd.

She fumbled against the lock in her haste to open the door. He smiled and nuzzled her neck. The drive to her apartment had been one of the more exciting times of his life. The cabby drove like it was the Indy 500, on top of that, Liz was…. energetic, to say the least. he hadn't ,ade out like that in years.

She managed to open it and nearly dragged him inside. He was a little uncomfortable now. Max Evans never did this sort of thing, go and spend the night with some girl he barely even knew, no matter how attracted he was. Then a thought occurred to him.

"Do you do this sort of thing regularly?”

“You mean, am I a hooker?” she smiled mischievously at him.

“No, no,” he hurriedly corrected her, “nothing like that…… I was just wondering I mean, are you legal?”

Her leer was magnificent, “ Now I KNOW I’m not!!”

He blushed and said, “What I mean is, are you legally of age? I don’t want to commit statutory rape.” He told himself that if she said her age was anything lower than 22, he’d turn and walk away no matter how attracted he was.

She kept up the pretense; it was good to see him rattled. “I’m 21.” She was looking at him intensely.

He smiled, but it was filled with regret and a little bit of self-loathing. “ I’m sorry, but I can’t do this.”

Her eyes softened. “Chill, dude, I’m 25. While I appreciate your morals, I’m not a liar. Really.”

Max didn’t look too convinced. She rummaged in her bag and handed her ID to him. It said she was 25.

“November 17th, Scorpio, huh?”

She nodded “ Do you believe in astrology?” her headed tilted letting him see a wide expanse of golden skin of her neck and shoulders.

He joined her on the couch. The answer nearly exploded out of him in a bitter laugh, but he forgot all about it as he felt her hands traveling to his face, tracing every line. He swallowed, trying to dim the fire in his blood, but it was not going to be denied. He touched her neck, tangled his hand in her updo and kissed her, lashes closing over his eyes. He was so lost that it didn’t even register that her eyes were open, staring at him with barely controlled rage as she continued patting him down gently, carefully searching for weapons. He didn’t have any.

Good, now I can fry the bastard whenever I want. I don’t have to be distracted by thoughts of healing myself in the middle of ………ohhhhhhhhhh damn the bastard can kiss!! NO, stay strong, Liz. Alex needs you. You can extract revenge from this S.O.B when the time comes………hmmmmm” she trailed off as his lips attacked her neck.

She waited until he was breathing heavily then unbuttoned his shirt. At the sight of his smooth muscled chest, she wanted to form claws and rip his heart out, but just barely controlled the urge. She felt him exhale, his muscles were all relaxed and he didn’t suspect a thing. NOW.

Max had never felt this affected by a woman’s perfume. The scent was driving him out of his mind, making him climb walls and then come back down the other side, begging for more. He opened his eyes as he felt her shift beneath him and get up from the couch. He looked at her questioningly. His hunter’s instincts were telling him something. A terrible premonition, but he ignored it. She smiled and walked to the door.

“Oooooh, silly me, I forgot to lock the door.”

His brain jolted back to another time he’d seen a door like this. Nothing ordinary, except the way it was………….locked. What the fuck???” he got up from the couch.

But by that time she smiled at him and held her hand over the lock. She was watching his every move. There was terrible calm in the air as her palm glowed with crackling green electricity. It was sealed, permanently. With her powers.

Max felt the world lurch beneath his feet. The woman who approached him now was a stranger. Someone he didn’t know. An alien. Come to think of it, he hadn’t known her at all. He dizzily remembered why he never let his hormones get the better of him, why that plan usually kept him out of untidy situations, why that plan kept him ALIVE.

“C’mon, Max. Don’t you want to stay and have a little FUN tonight??” her seductive voice grated on his nerves.

dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter 7.

Max backed away, looking around for an escape route. He’d have chalked it up for the Intel community’s calling cards that plague deep-cover agents once in a while, no matter how temporary, if he hadn’t seen the damn glowing hand. Shit! This was no spy, this was one very pissed off alien and she was going to kill him.
Slowly, very slowly.

Liz approached him like a tiger stalking a lamb. Her façade of a seductress had dropped. Those eyes were still the same, laser-like in their intensity. Just like Whitman’s. Oh sweet Jesus. How the HELL did I miss that?

The back of his legs brushed against the couch and he knew he was trapped. There were no windows, nothing that hadn’t been grilled into place.

Liz stood a few paces in front of him. He could see her breathing accelerate, as she too smelled his desperation. She knew he was close to losing it, he knew it too. He remembered when he had been confronting Whitman. The roles had been reversed. But he didn’t feel that outrage that he’d felt then, the one that had propelled him through. It had been the only thing that had forced him to finish his job back then. Now, it was wave after wave of chilling fear.

The alien’s eyes in front of him were inhuman. He almost cringed at the irony that it was literally true.

Liz was concentrating on how to begin. She’d already lost more than enough days smoking out the son of a bitch. He was the only one who could give her access to Alex and she was going to make sure he did. Now was not the time to lose control. She kept her face impassive, desperately hoping he didn’t see the fear that was lurking inside her soul. If they’d done something to Alex…she couldn’t bear to contemplate it.

Max felt air coming back to his lungs. She hadn’t done anything yet. The words were barely formed when he felt himself flying across the room at tremendous speed. His neck crashed into something sharp and he felt blood gurgle out from the broken skin. Am I dying?

She watched as he fell down from where he’d cut himself. It as just a deep gash on his neck, nothing fatal. Not as fatal as he'd brought upon himself. She couldn’t believe the amount of satisfaction she felt seeing the blood run out of his body. One part of her was screaming to stop it, not to hurt him anymore. It was the gentle side of her nature. But a more primal side was thrashing around her brain like an animal in pain, almost forcing herself to do its biding. She recognized it as the alien side, the side she’d kept suppressed ever since she’d come out of the pods. It made her feel things, do things that she would never ever do under normal circumstances. But it wasn’t normal. No, it was far from normal. She’d left normal the day Maria Evans died. Ever since then, nothing had ever been normal.

She flung him onto the couch. Max’s eyes widened. This was not just terrifying, it was a no-win situation. She kept her body out of his reach, knowing that he was completely at her mercy. He couldn't reach her, much less attack her. He didn’t know how to fight someone who was literally pulling all the strings. DAMN!!

She used her powers and kept him pinned. He tried to move, but couldn’t.

She leaned over and lashed teh back of her hand across his face with all the strength. His face went crashing to the other side. Wow.

She straightened, fixing her clothes, grimacing at the pain in her hands.
“Do you know who I am?”
This was important. If he’d told the others, she could be in serious trouble.

“No.” his voice cracked as she backhanded him again.

“Honey, that ain’t the way you torture people…” he drawled once he’d gotten some air into his lungs. He could feel that back molar coming loose. Shit!

But apparently he’d said something wrong, because her face turned livid.

“You SICK bastard! How dare you even joke about such a thing? That’s what it is to you, isn’t it? Just torture? Huh? I could flay you RIGHT NOW, so help me......”
She tried to even her breathing knowing that having an investigation in here wouldn’t help matters.

“Let’s start over. Don’t piss me off, or I swear I will kill you, murderer.”
She took a deep draught air into her lungs then looked over at him. The face that was usually so handsome looked almost ugly due to the anger in him.
“Don’t call me a murderer, bitch” he spat out.

She did a double take then continued in a deceptively smooth voice “And why not? You’ve led the government to Alex Whitman, didn’t you?”

“Damn straight!”

“You sound awfully proud of it. Do you even know what they’re going to do to him?” her voice trembled as she spoke with fear or anger he couldn’t say.

“I wish I hadn’t.” his voice was quiet, lethal.

“Why not?” she felt the first stirring of hope.

“Because,” he said, his tone ice, leaning forward as best as he could, “I wanted him for myself. That bastard was mine.”

Liz took a step back and snapped up her leg in a smooth, lethal movement . She’d had years of practice and the sound of a something splintering felt as heady as the wine she’d been drinking.

He bit his lip, almost tearing it to keep that howl from forming. He wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction. She bent over him again and looked him in the eye. Molten gold met black ice.

“Listen carefully. I don’t want this to take any longer than it should. I can do this two ways. 1. I can force it out of you mentally. It would be an invasion of your mind, your personal life. It will cause excruciating pain. 2. You can tell me what I want to know and no lies please, I can tell.” She moved away.

Max raised himself, she’d kicked him right in the abs, and it felt like it was on fire, one or two ribs definitely broken. “Do I have a choice?”

“I already gave you one. Hurry up!” Her patience was wearing thin. According to her schedule, they were supposed to be leaving by now.

“No.” he didn’t want to help any of them, of their kind. It was simple.

She looked at him what was almost regret. “Don’t make me do this. I don’t take any pleasure from unnecessarily hurting people, not the way you humans seem to do.”

Max snorted, “Bring it on.”

She hesitated and Max felt a tiny flair of hope. If she wasn’t that advanced with her powers, maybe there was still a fighting chance. All he had to do was wear her out.

He wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

She raised her hands and cupped his face. He looked at her in shock. It would’ve been an almost intimate gesture, if the next instant Max didn’t feel like he was being skewered alive.

“STOOOP!!” he screamed. His felt like someone had dunked him into a basin of water and then plunged in live wires. It was tearing his brain completely apart. And it hadn’t even been a full second.

“I told you.” Her voice was cold. She’d seen some things. That’s all she needed for now.

“You’re…you’re inhuman!” he choked out, unable to catch his breath, feeling the pain.

“Give the man a stuffed bear.” Her tone was so wry; it could’ve crackled in the fireplace.

“Shut UP!” he growled.

She looked at him. “I told you. Next time, don’t automatically assume you know everything. You don’t.”

He put his eyes down, feeling the burn still raging inside. His nerves felt like they’d been scraped off. His breath caught in a sob.

She sighed. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. This guy was the goddamn enemy. He was the one who’d turned Alex in. WHY was she feeling so guilty for doing something he’d practically challenged her to do? You gimp, Parker!

She bent down placing her hands on the side of his face again. His eyes jerked up. “Please, NO.” his voice was too soft for actual hearing but she heard and she felt her stupid pathetic heart weaken.

“Shhh. Just let your mind go blank.” Her face was close to his; he felt her cool breath on his cheek. He knew he shouldn’t trust her, but felt himself doing whatever she said. Anything to stop the pain.

“Look at me.” Amber eyes met with chocolate ones.

Without warning he felt himself going someplace. Someplace unknown. It should’ve scared the daylights out of him, it almost did.
*Flash* He saw a lonely girl running away from the desert. She was naked and covered with a weird silver thing.
*Flash*A brown-haired 10 year-old girl was rubbing a small furry thing, crying tears into it. A woman was in the background, screaming at her. She was trying to hide her tears and answer at the same time; she wasn’t too successful.
*Flash* A courtroom. A judge signing something. Near him sat a young girl of about 14 or 15. her arms were bandaged, so was her face. She lloked like she'd been beaten something firece. He could feel the pain in her heart and her body. It was excruciating, especially since she was so darn small. But she was signing the emancipation papers with grim satisfaction.
*Flash* It was Prom night, a dark-haired, quiet girl was busy cleaning tables at a busy cafe, where the rest of her classmates were decked out in gowns and tuxes, ready for the time of their lives. The overhead banner read “Class of 2001, Junior/ Senior Prom West Calabasas High.
*Flash* Alex Whitman, holding Liz in his arms. There was a warm fuzzy feeling all around. Liz was congratulating him. About the new girl in his life, Maria.
*Flash* Liz graduating with honors, heading into UCB with a full scholarship, subjects Astronomy, Molecular Biology, Literature, History.
*Flash* Liz graduating out of college. No friends or family. As the rest of the class was celebrating, she headed out to find work. No celebrations, no nothing. Just mere existence.

Max came to with a start. He saw her staring at him. Her face was just the lightest bit red, as if she wasn’t sure what the hell he’d seen. She was scared and alone and Max could relate to that. He felt the same way.

Liz felt her head pounding. The connection went both ways, she’d seen enough to know that this man was dangerous. He could and would turn her in if he got the chance. His rage at Alex knew no bounds; he blamed him for everything that had happened to him. And while Liz might’ve been an alien alone and surviving on Earth, he had been doing the same thing. Merely existing from day to day, intent only on one goal at a time. There was nothing remotely happy in his life. It was all a haze of pain and revenge. The man carried heavy loads and she didn’t need any additional baggage in her life.

Despite the fact that he was a threat to her total existence, she felt a kinship with him that scared her. It would be much better if she kept her distance.

She told him to wait and went inside to change. Not that he had much of a choice, he was still pinned. A few minutes later she came back out. Gone was the fiery temptress. Instead there was an ordinary woman, dressed in khakis and a black T-shirt, a backpack over her shoulders. She didn’t look a day over 20 except for the look in her eyes; it alone was testimony that she’d indeed lived. This woman was not ordinary, she was anything but. But she’d done a magnificent job of being a chameleon. Hiding in plain sight. She waved her hand over him. He felt himself mobilized. She looked like she expected him to leap for her, he didn’t and the calculating look in her eyes faded if only for a second.

“Let me make this clear. We’re going to go to the US. You’re going to ensure whatever diplomatic channels you have and we’re going to go and find Alex Whitman. And then and only then am I letting you go. So stop fighting what’s inevitable. I can use force if I must. I won’t hesitate.” She paused seeing the look in his eyes. He was obviously torn. Tough she thought.

He bit his lower lip and nodded. “One question. What’s your last name?”

“Nice try, cowboy. It ain’t working.”

“I need to know what you’ve to do with Alex Whitman. Otherwise, you can fry me right now. I don’t care.” His tone was flat. It wasn’t any use trying to make him bend

“I’m his sister. Biologically.”

Max felt a crazy urge to laugh. This was the sister of the murderer of his sister! What irony!

His hackles rose and he slammed his fist into her side. She’d been facing away for an instant, so she hadn’t seen it coming. She groaned and stumbled over. Max should‘ve tried to escape; she’d unsealed the door. He didn’t, instead he lashed out at her. Every instinct in his body repelled at the thought of hitting a woman half his size but he thought back to her alien gifts and realized she was more than evenly matched. She stumbled and at that moment he was all over her. She tried to claw him, but he nearly broke her wrist, so she let go. She was about to knee him when he tripped her up. She fell to the floor and he held he arm poised on her back in a practically unbreakable karate move. That move worked every time. Combined with his weight, there was no way she could break the hold. His only mistake, although he didn’t realize it, was that he’d left her hand pointed in his direction. Liz didn’t waste an instant. She sent a bolt of energy aimed directly at his groin and by the time he’d fallen down from the opposite wall, he was practically crying.

Liz snarled at him “ I told you that I’m more powerful than you are, caveman. So next time listen for God’s sake.”

She checked herself for damages. Her left side was killing her and so was her neck and arm where he’d squeezed it. She took a moment to heal herself, went over to him then thought better of it. If he wants to play games, might as well remind him who’s in charge.

She hauled him up “Jeezus, you’ve gotta stop taking seconds!”

As she grunted under his weight, Max couldn’t help but grin, but fixed his expression as soon as she looked at him. No sense giving a 5ft 2” girl any ideas about how to flatten a 6ft. guy. No need at all. He felt like a perfect chump for missing the opportunity that he’d gotten but it was too late.

Liz glared at him; she wasn’t too pleased with the time it was taking them. Every second counted. And like it or not, Max Evans was going to take her to her brother. And if he didn’t? Well, I’d always kind of wondered about what the book said about…. what was it again? Oh yeah, the ability to completely disintegrate whatever target is provided.
Last edited by dream on on Thu Aug 28, 2003 9:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chips- it's ok! Really! So, you think of them in terms of two people we know :wink:

here you guys go. Thanks for all the feedback. Sorry about the delay but this part is somewhar long. Lemme know if it sucks.

Chapter 8.

The endless drone of the PA system went on and on, nothing but mechanized voices, robots performing their tasks. There was the usual commotion of a busy airport, but it lacked any warmth. Plastic plants amongst real ones, vibrant orchids decorating the latest electronics products. Busboys pushing trolleys, people behind the counters sitting and talking on the phones or typing into the keyboards. Even the sales girls in the duty-free shops moved in sync. It was completely organized and mechanical. Nothing faltered, nothing fell out of place. It was controlled and computerized. It was devoid of any humanity even with the huge crowd that was robotically going about their business. It felt like a grave.
Max couldn’t help but wonder if he was realizing this only because of his recent skirmishes with intergalactic species Or had it always been this way?

The lighted monitor in front of Liz showed their flight was not due until another 3 hours. She risked a glance at her hostage. He looked tired and surveying the surroundings with a bitter air. She sighed. Why does he go be to all moody? I can’t deal with a temper tantrum right now!

“You okay?” she asked him shortly. He nodded curtly, didn’t bother looking at her.

“Hey, take that attitude somewhere else. I’ve got more than enough to deal with, I don’t need to take this crap from you.” Liz glared at him.

Max turned to her with an incredulous expression. “ YOU can’t take my attitude? Excuse me?” he glared right back at her.

“Lemme get this straight. You kidnapped me, basically, under threat of death. You’re making me do something, which would, in all sense, END my life, and you can’t deal with my temper tantrums?? Jesus H. Christ, you ask for TOO much!!”
He knew he sounded childish and felt enraged that he should feel so. She was threatening his LIFE with powers against which he had no defense. He was entitled to feel sorry for himself!

Liz pressed her hand to her head. The pressure was killing her, but she looked at him as if she felt nothing stronger than irritation. “Are you hungry?”

He looked somewhat mollified and sheepish. “Yeah…”

“Over there.” She led the way to a food court.

They ate in silence, withstanding a few gaping stares from Max as Liz devoured her meal, including dessert completely saturated with Tabasco sauce.

“What the hell…??” he couldn’t help but ask as she dipped a healthy bite of chocolate cake in Tabasco sauce. He averted his eyes as she sighed almost contentedly. No wonder these are called aliens. Gross.

Liz looked at him over the rim of her glass. He’d finished of his meal and was looking around. This might even be fun!

“Do you have a problem?” she asked, deliberately lowering her voice, making it more soothing. She even added a lilt to it.

Max just stared at her. No emotions. He didn’t even rise to the bait. “ I need to use the Men’s room.” He thought she’d blush.

Her amusement venished. The guy's too much. She looked him straight in the eye. “Wait on it. You can use the restroom when we’re airborne.”

Max smiled smugly. “You seem to know a lot about the human body. I’m sure you understand the urgency.’

Liz copied that artificial smile. “I’m sure I do. My body has essentially the same functions. I’m a lot worse off than you are, Mr. Evans, I’ve got cramps.” She almost smiled at the look of horror on his face, but made herself continue. “If I can wait, than so can you.’

He didn’t bother her with it again.

The PA system announced their flight, they went down the Jetway. Max had a feeling that nothing was ever going to be the same. There was so many things that he still didn’t have an answer to.

Starting with Ms. Liz herself. He didn’t know anything about her. He presumed she was Liz Whitman, but common sense told him no. She’d never been discovered by the Intelligence. They didn’t even know she existed. Would he use that against her or use that as a bargaining chip? He was the hunter; he didn’t have much experience being the victim. His instinct told him that his captor had been a victim all her life and would see through him in a minute. Then there was her obvious ace. She had powers, unbelievable powers, something against which he had no defense. If she suspected he was lying, she wouldn’t hesitate to use it again.

Inwardly his mind froze at the memory of the pain. So, that was another way closed. Great. I've got squat. And we are getting closer and closer to dangerous, no LETHAL territory. Just terrific!

As the plane took off, Max came back out of the rest room. He’d cleaned himself up, even if it meant using the disgusting after-shave they had sitting on the shelf. At least Thai was marginally better than British Airways. He felt her gaze on him. They’d gotten window seats in the Economy class, so the cramped space meant extra closeness. Neither of them was comfortable with that.

She waited until he was seated. “ How much did they pay you?”

“None of your fucking business.” His mother had taught him to be polite to the opposite sex. Since his mother was dead, and Liz probably didn’t qualify as the opposite sex, to hell with manners.

She leaned her head back. Her back was killing her. She’d learned the hard way that using her powers during cramps made them worse. And to be stuck in a 12 hour flight…………….life was looking bleak.

When she made no answer, he looked at her. Her eyes were shut, cheeks very devoid of color. Max thought of escaping then smiled humorlessly. Short of jumping off the plane, there was nothing he could do. He decided to bide his time. Any extra info he gathered now could be a potential weapon later. He pressed the console button for the waitress.

“Can I get you anything, sir?” her tone was extra-honeyed as she glanced at the gorgeous but tense man.

“Yes, could I have pain-killers, please and a cup of coffee? If it’s not too much trouble.” His own tone was smooth enough to melt butter.

The painkiller and coffee was there in 3 minutes.

“Impressive.” He turned at the sound of her voice. She was frowning at him. “ Why didn’t you say something? I didn’t think the pain would still last.”

“What?” what the hell’s she talking about?

“Your head, my powers,” her tone was low. “Why didn’t you tell me it was still hurting?”

Max looked at her calmly. ‘I was under the impression that making me feel better wasn’t one of your priorities. Or was I wrong?”

She glared at him, why does he have to mock my efforts to create a better atmosphere? Maybe it was better this way. There was certainly no alliance. He didn’t trust her and vice-versa. There was no need for fake reassurances of friendship. If he could be rude, so could she. She didn’t have the patience or the strength for the enigma that this creature was.

“Here you go. Maybe this will help.” Amber eyes looked back at her. It had no visible sign of hostility, just a tad bit of.... concern??

Liz sighed inwardly. Stay calm. In control. IN control. Just when I thought I had it!! Doggone it!!

“That was for ME?” she couldn’t keep the suspicion out of her voice.

“I can’t poison you, can I?” his tone was so hopeful, that she couldn’t help smiling.

He smiled back. A plan was beginning to form….

“Nope. You can’t.” she shook her head. Tresses from her long ponytail brushed against his shoulder. He could remember their silkiness.

“Damn.’ He muttered. She thought he meant the poison.

“Thank you, anyway.” She murmured. Soft words that made him whip his head towards her. What he saw made his resolve weaken. He wasn’t sure what was happening. Is this strong, capable woman look lost all of a sudden or is it my alpha-male imagination?

Liz looked up at him. She could read his disbelief, but she meant it. She’d been excessively cruel to him, as warranted as it were, but still. And here he was, taking care of her. It made her feel warm and weak inside and even though her mind was telling her to stop feeling this way; that weakness would destroy her brother’s life, she couldn’t help but bask in a tiny glow of being cared for.

Max wasn’t called perceptive without a reason. He had accurately read the emotions running through her. She’d thawed against him and didn’t like that feeling. He couldn’t help but wonder what sort of a life did she have that having someone give her a medicine without asking for it made her glow with happiness. He didn’t dare ask.

After taking the pill, she settled back. Out of the corner of her eyes, she could feel his eyes on her.

“What?” she snapped.

He was making her feel like those aliens’ in movies where they broke out into tentacles and she wasn’t feeling too charitable.

“Relax.” His own voice was low, soothing. Liz felt as if someone had tucked a warm blanket around her. If only the rest of her problems would just melt away like the tension in her was doing just now!

Max broke the silence first. It was becoming too cozy and he didn’t care to feel warm towards this alien. All the movies and all the clichés were true. He had first hand proof.

“Can we talk?” he needed info.

“What about?’ she kept her eyes closed. She didn’t need eyesight to sense his growing hostility again. She could feel the pent-up anger starting to pour off him.

“Calm down. No need to get so worked up.”

“Wha…” how the fuck does SHE know??

“I can feel your energy. So stop it. Being so volatile would just wear you out. You need your strength.”

He nearly jumped put of his seat. Holy Crap!! He forced himself to breathe then repeated.
"Can we talk? About what the hell your plan is?”

Liz opened her eyes. Despite himself, Max felt himself drawn to those magnetic eyes. These hybrids were weird, they looked at you and you could feel yourself spirally out of control. Soulful, very soulful.

Liz leaned over him, he moved away so fast he nearly fell off. She stared at him in obvious disdain then held out her hand. He just stared at her. If she thinks she can play in my head again, she’s sadly mistaken!!
She whispered.
“Max, we need to talk. But we can’t do it aloud in front of a planeful of hu…strangers. So, godammit give me your hand!”

He shook his head.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I give you my word.”

“Give me ONE good reason why I should trust you?” his voice was cold.

“I’m not going to. Seems to me you’re not as eager to ‘talk’ as I thought.” He stared, feeling stupid.

“Good.” She drawled and turned on her side.

Max felt like kicking himself but he wasn’t willingly giving her another human to test her powers on. He watched her side profile. Delicate skin without a trace of make-up, that red pouty mouth that he’d found so alluring before, was devoid of anything accept for a little bit of moisture. He was shocked to find it more appealing than the red one. Dark eyelashes, delicate eyebrows framed doe eyes, which were currently closed. Her small chin was squared, even in slumber, showing a face with strength and character. His eyes followed down to see a compact slim body. Her chest rose and fell gently with her breathing. She was far more tired than he’d anticipated. He tucked her blanket around her and she moaned, as if in pain. He jerked his hands back. What was that, some kind of built-in alarm? He stared at her but the frown on her face eventually faded. She was deeply asleep. Max counted to 15, then softly made his way to the service lounge.

The airhostess who was making herself a cup of coffee looked up, worried.
"Yes?” she whispered, hoping he wasn’t a hi-jacker.

“Hi, I was wondering if I could place a call? To Washington DC?”

ok!ok! I KNOW I'm evil!! :twisted: [/u][/b]
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter 9.

Max made his way back to the seat. Liz was still sleeping. He looked at her and couldn’t look away. Even though he felt guilty over what he’d done, he knew couldn’t avoid it. It was too important. But somehow, even after everything she’d done to him, he couldn’t help but feel something for her. Maybe it was that innocent look in her eyes, despite the much lived-in experienced look in her face or that air of lonesome, independent vulnerability about her or the flashes of iron will and strength he saw in her, he couldn’t decide. He wondered if he’d made a mistake calling Pierce. Oh god help me, what’s wrong with me NOW??” He swallowed, feeling those eyes turn on him like laser. What was that she’d said? Oh yeah, she could sense his energy…..he controlled his breathing and tried to blank out. Adrenaline, it seemed, wouldn’t let him.

He looked at her and sucked in his breath. Her eyes were big and glassy, holding back tears. She knew. DAMN!!!

“Why??” her voice was so choked, he could barely hear. There was something undefinable in her eyes but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

“I had to.” His own was resigned. There was no point denying it.

She tried to muffle her sniffs.

He felt like a heel. Why he didn’t know, but he felt two inches tall. As he listened to the sound of her ragged breathing, he told himself that what he’d done was the right thing to do. Told himself that he couldn’t possibly help her out at this stage, the Feds would crucify him. Told himself that after the last few years of sheer misery at the hands of an alien, he needed closure and now was NOT the time to be thinking of helping another alien.

“I didn’t tell him about you.” Jackass!! Tell her EVERYTHING, why don’t you?

“Give me one reason to believe you.” Her voice was returning to normal. Hard, cold. No more Ms. Sweetness and Light.

“I can’t.”


“What?” he was confused. She’d sounded….almost satisfied.

The he understood. It fell like a bomb on his face. A gigantic, smelly stink bomb. “You set me up.’

Her smirk was good enough to confirm it.

Fuck it. What a royal FOOL!!

He found his voice a few minutes later. In the meantime, she’d stared at his livid and bewildered face for what seemed like ages with an annoying smirk. Her body language just practically gloated of her apparent success with her ploy, even though she didn’t really talk about it.

“Ok, you’re going to level with me. I’ve come far enough being led COMPLETELY blind. That’s all over now.” His voice was guttural with fury and a very unfamiliar sense of panic. God knows, this was one situation he STILL didn’t get and that had NEVER happened before.

“You’re not in a position to throw threats around, y’know.” Her own voice was quiet, glacial.

“No, I’m not.” He agreed “But neither are you. I could start an outburst right here, right now. The only way you could possibly shut me down is to use your ‘powers’ and darlin’ if that happens, you’re as good as in FBI custody. So, don’t bullshit around.” He paused, seeing the reluctant understanding in her eyes.
She was still warring within over this issue. He decided to lay all his cards on the table. Normally this was the LAST move he’d make, but so far, the situation had been anything but normal.

“I know you’re probably wondering why I haven’t spoken up before. I needed info from you. But apparently I’m not going to get any. Let’s face it, this is a catch-22; I need more information, you need my cooperation. So, do we have a deal?” He kept his voice reasonably light.

She stared out the window for a long time. When she turned, he could see the emotions naked in her eyes. This girl was terrified. 20 minutes ago, his brain wouldn’t have processed it. Instead it should’ve been bent on easing it for her. Now, after the stunt she’d pulled, he was becoming more wary.

“I have to find Alex.” Her tone was serious. Firm. She wouldn’t be changing it.

“I was stalking you, words of your own trade, ever since you delivered Alex to the government.” She could see the unspoken question in his eyes but declined to answer. He could still very well be using her and she would NOT tell him about the orb. It didn’t concern him, anyway. She remembered vividly.

The night air was freezing cold in Nevada. The entire block had been cordoned off, even though in that dead town, no one was even around at that time of the night. No one had noticed her as she’d stayed across the street, her eyes pinned on the orb that had landed behind the Dumpster. The agents had moved about, efficiently removing any living trace of Alex Whitman. She’d watched as they’d taken him away but she’d not reached in time to save him. The guilt had been eating her inside ever since. Then she’d watched as the tall, muscular man had driven away in another car, knowing in her heart who this man was. She didn’t have his name but he was her brother’s executioner. She was sure of it.

As soon as everything had been cleared, she had retrieved the orb. It’s smooth surface with its symbol had hid the secrets that Alex had wanted her to know. By touching the symbol, she could experience the flashes that Alex had left her. There was enough information left for her to figure out what to and where to go. But St.Alex had not left anything regarding how to save him. Of course he wanted her to be safe. The flashes were clear, sending his love and concern for he, guiding her to do what was best for herself The orb would guide her to what she need. The Granolith.

She felt someone shake her arm lightly and she came to. Max was looking at her with a worried expression. Liz felt as rush of hatred that she hadn’t shown, even when she met him for the first time. She could see the flashes of Alex desperately looking for a way out, feel his pain and fear as he slammed into 2000 volts of live wire. Max Evans had stared silently at him, enjoying the fear of a desperate man. She’d felt Alex’s pain, anger and helplessness as Special Agent Pierce had congratulated Max on a job well done. His own Maria’s brother, the one she’d trusted with all her heart, who he’d almost considered his own brother, even though they had met only a couple of times, had betrayed him. She could feel Alex’s resignation, as he’d let go.

She could remember the last few thoughtsd he’d sent her way. “Goodbye, Lizzie. Please stay safe. Don’t come after me, it’s too late. Get to safety. They don’t know ANYTHING about you, I swear, they couldn’t have! So please seprate yourself from this mess and get the Granolith and GO HOME. You’re so strong, I KNOW you can handle it. There’s nothing in this planet for you. I’ll always love you and I’ms so sorry that I’ve never been able to give you a normal life. I love you, sis.”

She squeezed her eyes shut to deny him the pleaseure of seeing her cry.

Max stared at her as the tears wet her eyelashes. He didn’t want to feel for this double-dealing bitch, not after the look she’d just bestowed on him, but her odd flashes of vulnerability was getting to him. He’d often found himself wondering much against his will what Maria would’ve done in this situation, ever since he found out she was Alex’s sister. Like he was doing now. Arrgh!

“Hey, it’s ok. We don’t have to talk. Not right now.” His tone was soothing.

She turned on him with a wild look in her eyes. She could barely mute the fury in her voice. Her skin shone with a light sheen of sweat as she worked to maintain her composure, her eyes molten. He thought she looked lovely.

“Oh yes we do!” she hissed at him, her tone loathful. He looked resignedly at her. Back to square one.

“What did you tell Piere?”

“Where exactly are you taking me?”

“I asked first dammit, so answer me.”

“Not until I get a satisfactory answer.” His own tone was getting frustrated. He didn’t wan to give her the upper hand. Not just yet.

She was silent. Cold logic told her to use her powers. It would be easiest and t5otally overlooked. There was no one awake. Reason told her not to risk it, but it hadn’t been a reasonable day in Liz Parker’s life. She needed answers and she needed it NOW!! She looked up at him.

“What do you want to know?” her voice trembled.

Max relaxed. He’d deliberately provoked her enough to try and use her mind-tricks again, but she’d refrained, even at the loss of information, something she held in quite high esteem, if her recent attitude had been anything to go by. I guess she has a heart after all! Must’ve been the female genes.

He took a gentle hold of her chin. She visibly flinched. But her eyes convinced him that she indeed was too desperate. This was not the same confident woman who’d lured him in her trap. As much as he wanted to trust her, her little triumph over contacting Pierce had made him more tha a little wary. He didnd’t enjoy being her or anyone’s pawn.

“I just told him that I was coming back to the States. I wanted to tell him about you. But I didn’t. They don’t want me involved anymore. I’m a closed book spook now.”

“How do I believe you?”

“If I wanted to make something up, I’d have done much better than this, right?”

She didn’t look too convinced, not that she had a lot of choices. Biting her lower lip, she nodded.

“Good. So, Pierce thinks you’re coming back for what?”

“I told him there was some unfinished business.”

He could feel her fright. “Oh, you told him that?” her voice broke slightly, so slightly that no one who hadn’t been listening for it, would’ve heard it.

“I told you before, I didn’t mention you.”

“Ok, fine. So did he buy it? What are you going to do when you meet him, when and where?”

“Why are you asking? Do you want to tag along?” none of them missed the sneer in his tone.

“I need to know WHERE you intend to meet him.”her voice was determined.
WHY?” his tone was annoyed. Then it dawned on him. “You’re going to use me to get in. You needed me for the clearances to get into the Bureau. What the hell do you plan to accomplish there?
This was madness. There was no way she could pass security. No way at all.

“I need to get where they’re holding Alex. You have the clearance. 4 zero, remember? It doesn’t go much higher than that.”

“How the HELL do you know?

“It was in your mind. I saw it.” She’d returned to normal.

“Now I need to know. What's going on? How’d you find me, in the first place? And how exactly do I fit in with things?” she just stared right back at him, her eyes cold.

Max felt like beating his head bloody. Again, he;d miscalculated. She wasn’t going to break. His strategy had been a complete waste.

“I need you for security reasons. You’re my hostage, so to speak. Any threat of this becoming public news will shake the hides of the top honchos. I know that. So, if things don’t go my way, I can use you as a bargaining chip. Don’t interrupt me. Let me finish, because that’ all I’ll ever say on the subject.” She glanced over. She had his total attention. Good.

“Alex Whitman is an alien. You know that. So am I. We were in the 1947 crash, yes, for 50 years until I came out in 1993. I was 6. Alex had come out in 1988, also in the form of a 6 year old. He hadn’t known about me. He’d gone onto live with the Whitmans in Roswell.. Well, after I uh…. hatched. Ok, ok, don’t laugh…anyway, after I was out, I gradually found myself in Albuquerque. From then on, it was all over the place in the West. I went to school, graduated, went to college. I’ve had my entire life to prepare for the worst. Alex and I met up sometimes. He’d been involved with a girl.” She stopped, unprepared for the look of anguish in his eyes. He took a deep breath.

“Go on.”

“That’s right, your sister. From then on, something happenned, that I was never too sure about. The next time I heard from him, he’d been on the run. Your sister had died.” Her voice dropped.

The look in his eyes burned. There was raw anger just pouring off him, but he waited for her to finish.

“Just before he was captured,” she kept fierce control of herself. Now was not the time to fall apart. So she continued in a monotone, her voice barely above a whisper. “We’d talked once. He’d told me he had a bad feeling. So he came back. To set things right, as he’d set. He found what he was looking for. What he’d been waiting for, ever since he'd run. And then, he was taken.” Her voice caught in a sob, and she turned away.

She couldn’t believe that she’d practically told him everything, but she’d wanted to wipe that look off his eyes. He’d considered Alex an alien, a thing, to be used. She wanted him to know the deeper facts, that Alex hadn’t just been a faceless, nameless object. He’d lived and it had always been her experience that the more you knew about someone, the more vulnerable you were. Guilt always haunts. Good, let him carry that cross!

Max took a deep breath. What he’d heard was unbelievable, too incredible to be false. But whenever she’d mentioned Whitman, it had taken every bit of self-control not to have exploded right then and there. But right now, he needed a plan if he wanted to get through this alive.

She was sensitive and soft in some points and Max had already pin-pointed those out. All that mattered was using those to his advantage, no matter how big a bastard it made him look like. But after hearing the bare, pathetic expeirecences of her life, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. He was sure she’d glossed over many, many facts. The emotions inside her had almost burst. He could only guess what type of a life she’d had. He checked his watch. It was 10 more hours till departure, 2 hours in stoppage in Heathrow and the rest 8 in flight.

“You need a plan.” His voice was calm.

She looked at him with something that could’ve been gratitude. “ I know, I can’t be seen with you.” Her voice was heavy.

He looked over at her. At this late hour, her eyes had shrunk back in her face. She looked tired and completely befuddled.

“you should get some rest.”

“Uh huh.” She was drifting off.

“Goodnight.” He couldn’t tear his eyes off her. What the hell is it about her? I can’t seem to get her off my mind.

She opened her eyes and looked him. There was no mistaking the relief there. “Thank you. I didn’t think you’d want to understand.”

He practically had to force the words out “Don’t thank me. I don’t want to understand. Your brother killed my sister.” Her eyes snapped open in disbelief.

“WHAT?” she snapped at him.

Suddenly he felt more tired than he’d ever had in his entire life. He didn’t want to get into this discussion with her right now. “Can we please talk about this later?”

She stared intensely at him for a moment. He tried to return it, but his eyelids had already closed. He missed the calculative expression on her face as she turned away from him.

Hours later.

Max felt a slight weight leaning on his chest. Years of experience on the field had enforced its impressions in his instincts and he cautiously reached into his pocket for his gun. Nothing. Max came to instantly. His eyes snapped open. It was dark and cold, with a few nightlights coming out from below?? What the fuck?? Understanding flooded back. He was on the plane, headed for Washington. He was traveling with an alien. One who was very clozily nestled aginst him. Her head was on his chest, just under his collarbone, her small, graceful fingers clung to his shirt. Her breath warmed the skin over his heart, where the button had come undone. Her hair was like a silken blanket wrapped around his neck, shoulders and chest.

Max stared down at her, unable to believe what he was feeling. He was beginning to feel attracted to this woman. He knew it was dangerous, stupid, she’d probably get him killed like Maria, but it was strange, undeniable. He’d never felt this way about anyone. Given the circumstances, it was unbelievable that he should feel ANYTHING for her at all, but there he was, lusting after her, whereas SHE had no such intentions at all! Great job, Evans! Boy, does it run in the family or what?

Despite his anger at himself and his lack of inability to control his hormones, he stroked the length of her back, cuddling her closer. He caught a whiff of her perfume and he closed his eyes, feeling tranquility. Loser.

Liz woke up to an incredibly delicious feel of someone holding her close. Safely. Alex. Then she snapped herself out of the warm lethargy. Alex was gone!! She nearly bolted upright when she found herself trapped against a hard, muscular body. Max. She looked up.

His face was buried in her hair, it had fallen to the side when she’d moved. He loked so heart-breakingly young and boyish, such a change from the hard, embittered man that he generally was. The she noticed her own position. She was lying almost on top of him. Instead of leaning AWAY, she’d leaned IN. There she was firmly wrapped in his arms and the blanket. His hand had stilled on her back, where it lay, spreading warmth and comfort flowing into her veins. She was shocked to realize that this was the first time someone had protectively curled her up in their arms, shielded her from the cruel world. What incredible irony that this man was the LAST person she could ever have been with. It was unthinkable.

She moved away slowly. His eyes snapped open in an instant. He looked at her. Oh dear God!! Don’t tell me I was caught drooling over him like a teenager!! Her breath caught. If she’d found him remotely attractive last night in casual nightwear, in the morning, he was downright gorgeous. Amber eyes had turned light hazel as he squinted through the early morning sunlight coming in from the window. There was a faint shadow on his jaw line; his hair was rumpled, making him look boyish and sexy at the same time. My, my. Quite my little wake-up prize. She couldn’t help but leer a little bit at him. Her leer faded when she caught the expression on HIS face when he looked at her.

He’d felt Liz move off him and had come awake instantly. Struggling to remove the lasting effects of a delicious languid dream, where he’d been in this world of vivd colours and the scent of vanilla, sandalwood and strawberries, to come awake took some doing. The he’d caught sight of HER. There she was, framed against the sunlight, her hair turned fiery from the glaze of the dawn’s early light. Her skin looked golden and her eyes look like the deepest brown of liquid kahlua where you could just drown forever. She was exqusite and she was looking at him as if she could eat him with a spoon. Hazel eyes turned molten as the atmosphere turned electric. He could almost hear her breathing quicken as she leaned instinctively towards him. A part of his brain was filling his head with premonitions of doom and disaster but his brain had long since tuned out. He was so close, he could practically taste her. Then he felt a searing pain rip down his neck.

“AHHHHHH!!” he moaned, his voice instinctively low. It was his neck. He’d slept with his face buried in her hair all night and now he was feeling the after-effects. His body was still crackling like live wire, but his mind had finally tuned in.

“What?” she whispered. He seemed to be in pain. She couldn’t believe what had almost happened. Am I losing my friggin mind?? Must be.

“Owwwww, my neck.” He said, holding it, trying to ease the pain, but his entire body was just one giant bruise.

“Here, let me.” She leaned over him, her hair brushed past his chest. She looked down and saw the start of a scrumptious abs and then her gaze landed on the buttons. Three were undone, a little wrinkled as if someone had clutched at them. She knew who did that. Oh man!!

“Liz?” he looked at her questioningly then caught what she was looking at and obviously whishing to be anywhere else. He grinned wolfishly. “Why, thank you. I didn’t realize you wanted to sneak a peak. And to think I missed it! For shame!!”

She looked up at him doing her best to glare. Not too successful there. “You want me to fix this or what?” her tone was meant to be normal, composed. It came out in a squeak.

He smiled at her, then relented. He lowered her neck an inch but the pain was killing him. She placed her hand over it. Max felt his body being shocked back to life. Jesus, I’m going to embarrass myself if I don’t get the hell away!!

She felt him tense underneath her fingers. His skin was so smooth and warm, she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if she just inched forward and touched it with her lips. That line of thinking, Liz Parker, would get you precisely nowhere. So QUIT acting like a lovesick dog and take control. Remember Alex!! Her conscience could really a be a pain at times.

She pulled back. He moved his neck around. It was fine. He’d felt the warmth invade his body. He’d thought he’d get the same flashes as he had before, but all he’d felt was over-whelming pain and anguish. As if her entire life, Liz had spent making do with the remainders of other people’s lives. He didn’t understand why it made him so mad to think of her in such situations.

Liz, on the other hand, had been too busy dreaming about giving him a hickey to be proud of to get any flashes. He didn’t know what he’d seen. He looked at her as she pulled back. Her face was flushed; against he sunlight she looked like an angel.

“Did you see anything?” his tone was low.

Oh Shit!!

“What about you?” she said after a non-committal nod.

“I saw some things. I know I’ve no right to ask, but what’s your last name? I never did find it out.” He didn’t dare let her know what he’d seen and felt, but he was genuinely curious about her last name.

She hesitated, her senses warred with logic. Finally, she gave in. “Parker. I’m Liz Parker.”

His smile put the sun to shame, his amber eyes lighting up. Liz fastidiously avoided his gaze. “Hello, Liz Parker.’ His voice soothed something deep inside her. Why did he have to say my name like that?

Max could feel her despaerately trying to keep her distance. He was enjoying breaking through her defenses, but then he remembered why he was here. He forced himself to keep his voice impersonal. “Have you thought of a plan?”

He could’ve sworn he saw a flash of disappointment in her doe eyes, but they’d returned to their normal, mesmerizing self. As if being dragged down to earth, no pun intended, was commonplace to her.

“Yes.” Her mind was back to the task at hand.

He mourned the loss of the harmless flirtations, the gentle unfolding of a tenderness that had not seen light for the longest time, with an intensity that threw him off balance. Since when was I such a besotted FOOL? Since when did I ever give a damn that didn’t directly lead to my benefit? What the HELL’s wrong with me?!

“Well?” he kept his mind to the task ahead. This would determine everything. He could finally know if the gentle, caring side of her was genuine or if was she really as heartless as she’d seemed in their first encounter. He was amazed at his own naivety; he believed so firmly in Liz’s better nature, that it astounded him. He’d prided himself on being professional and impenetrable. But now it seemed that he was running on alien-related testeterone. But this one took the cake, he himself was amazed at the depth of his trust regarding Liz Parker, especially since he knew she was fully capable of turning on him.

“I want you to turn me in.”
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter 10.

All the air left his lungs. A tiny voice in his head was growing in a massive crescendo. He’d been right to trust his instincts regarding this tiny, 5 feet girl in front of him. She wasn’t heartless. She’d had plenty of opportunities to let her anger control her actions with Max, she hadn’t. He couldn’t believe what she was asking him to do.

“You want me to WHAT?” his voice was strident.

“You heard me. I know you want to do it, Max. You really don’t have much of a choice. So go ahead. Do the good thing." There was no retribution or accusation in her tone. There was no comment at all.

“I can’t.” he faltered.

Why not?” her surprise roused him out of his guilt.

“I can’t, Liz.” He trailed of as the look in her eyes softened. The corners of her mouth lifted as her eyes lighted up. He did NOT want to hand this beautiful, exoctic creature over to Pierce. God only knew what they’d do to her. The inclination to protect her from Pierce was almost instinctive. He didn’t want Pierce or any of the Government anywhere
NEAR this girl. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, I’m Max Evans and I’ve officially lost my poor, deluded mind. God, men are PATHETIC when they’re faced with beautiful women.

“Liz, I don’t think it would work. I mean this whole thing with Whitman.”

The light had started fading from her eyes. He hurried, before she could interrupt.
“Liz, I don’t think he’s alive anymore. Turning yourself in would accomplish nothing. I don’t think it would be a good move.’ His tone was soft and laced with the barest trace of regret.

Liz felt the world crashing at her feet. She’d been so scared ever since Alex had been captured. They’d never really shared too strong a connection, given the fact that they’d never grown up together, never done things together, didn’t even KNOW each other until the last 10 years.

She’d grown up 15 years of her life from one foster home to the other, bouncing off families, never loved, never cared for. She’d started living as an emancipated minor when she’d found Alex. She’d never told him about her life. He’d sensed it and he’d hugged her close, tears falling down both their cheeks. For her, it was a dream, there was finally someone in this world to call her own. But he’d had to leave and from then on, she’d been on her own. No one had ever been there for her, she had learned to live with it.

But there had been a bond between her and Alex. She'd ascribed it to their ET related genes. Through which he’d regularly send her his thoughts, his love and his concern, his experiences. After Marai's death, he'd kept the shareware to a minimum, but it was still there. But ever since his capture, the bond had been missing and Liz couldn’t help but be afraid that the unthinkable had happened.

Don’t be ridiculous, Liz. They need him for tests. They’ll keep him alive. All you need is him, and you can use the healing stones to heal him. Then you can find the Granolith and leave this godforsaken planet.

“Don’t be silly.” Her voice had turned cold. “He’s alive. I can feel it. I just need to get to him.” She looked unseeingly out the window, the turned back. “Thanks for umm….worrying, but it’s ok. You need to clear yourself too.”

He sighed and looked away, mumbling under his breath.


“I said, TYPICAL.” His voice was heavy

“Huh? What’s typical?” she was more than a little surprised at the turn of events.

“YOU, dammit. I knew you were planning something like this.”

“What are you talking about? How the hell could you?” Is he getting flashes from me? Just great!!

“I can read people, Liz. I’ve been trained for it. You’re just that type.’ He smiled. He looked adorable with that half smile on his unshaved, tanned face.

“You’d be that do-gooder type, the martyr. You’d give up your own life to fight for other peoples’ lives. You’d even let your adversary go, because you’re too driven by principles.” He smirked as her eyes widened. He’d read her just right.

“You…….you’re not my enemy, Max.” She could see his eyebrows raised sardonically and rushed to correct him.

“I just..... we just..... we’re just so…..uh…..” she trailed off, unable to voice what she was feeling.

“Different.” His voice was low. And laced with some emotions Liz couldn’t identify.

“Yeah.” She whispered.

People were starting to awaken. Their destination was 2 more hours away. Two hours to gloss the plan, make sure there was no loopholes, no catches. She needed it to be flawless and the main thing was to get Max Evans to agree. She’d be damned if she thought that HE, of all people, would give up the opportunity to hand her in. How funny life sometimes is.

Max waited for what seemed like a century. Every instinct in his body was rebelling. He could NOT turn Liz in. He just couldn’t. But the rational part of his brain had already set up a meeting with Pierce in his mind. What am I? Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde?


“It’s your shot, Parker. Whatever you say.’

She looked away again. She seemed unable to meet his eyes and it was pissing her off something fierce.
“Ok. You can call him after we’ve landed. No sense getting trapped in the damn plane.”

Max gave a gusty sigh of relief. He’d been wondering if she meant to exchange herself for Alex’s release. Which was ludicrous, seeing that it would never happen. He’d wondered if she’d been planning some simple grab-and-run action. Which again was ludicrous. But with Liz Parker you never knew. If she wasn’t busy putting herself on the line, something was definitely off.

He didn’t dwell on how he could read her so well. He didn’t dare. But it was a relief to know that she was capable of handling the situation professionally.

“Did you say something?” she looked over.

“Just saying how glad I am that you aren’t of those “My life for my Cause’ people. Glad you’re able to think straight.”

Her glare was too cute. At least that’s what HE thought. “Cut out the smart-ass comments, Einstein. My Life IS my cause. Lucky for you, it involves..........” She caught herself and shut up. Inwardly she cursed herself. She’d very nearly told him everything.

“Go ahead and finish that. I’ll be lucky for what?” he could see the inward tongue lashing her mind was getting. Why, he had no idea. Obviously she still didn’t trust him enough to tell him her plan. Which is fine, anyway, since I don’t fully trust her, either. There’s no sense getting entangled. Entangled? Hmm.…now there’s an interesting thought! What would it be, clean cotton sheets or black silk?

He got up from the seat abruptly.

She barely managed to control the urge to lunge after him, and then instantaneously managed to sit back down. She’d thought he was going away. And why she’d lunge after him was a question she never wanted to ask herself, let alone answer. Some things were just too complicated.

He looked back at her questioningly. He hadn’t missed the tiny movement. “What?”

“Nothing.” She stared above her seat at the rows before her.

Max was about to ask when it hit him. Primitive caveman instincts told him that this was the moment he should’ve been beating his chest with triumph. Subtly, of course, but he declined to do so, out of deference to her feelings.

Try as he might, the glint of his eyes gave his inner smirking away. She looked mortified. He thought better and left graciously. Retreat and advance!!

Liz sank back into gloom. All her life, she’d never even felt remotely attracted to anyone. She hadn't had time for it. If it wasn't survival, it was studying and gathering extra informnation.

So she’d lived in her dreams. The dreams of a dark-haired mystery man from an exotic place who would come and carry her away into the sunset. Not interplanetary exotic of course, but then again, who’s to say? It didn’t matter a tinker’s damn. All that mattered to her was to get the hell out of the downward spiral her life had gone down on.

She’d left school and gotten herself into the Microbiology Research department of UCB, California. She’d started working there, revelling in the world of science. Of course it didn’t hurt that practically everything she’d ever wanted to know about human and other organisms, was at her complete disposal. She’d liked it in California, but had kept her bags packed in case she’d had to leave. There was nothing in her life that she couldn’t turn her back on and just walk away. She’d done it more times than she could count.

Her foster sister, Alexis, back in Albuquerque. The day her foster family had beaten her up, she’d decided she wasn’t safe there. The only person in the world that she’d cared about back then had been her younger sister. But she‘d left Alexis back there, without a further glance. There was no such thing as loyalty. Even if her heart had bled to death, she hadn’t stopped. Simply packed up her bags and moved to a shelter. She’d been 10 years old. That had just been the start of things.

Then she came back to present. Why on earth she’d feel like holding on to Max Evans, someone who had a vested interest in seeing her and her brother DEAD, meant more to her than all the other things she’d walked away from, was completely and utterly beyond her. Retarded. That's what I am. Definitely retarded!

She silently contemplated her sad, pathetic life as the plane made its way towards New York. America. Alex. I’m coming. Don’t give up on me just yet.

do I suck or what??
dream on
Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 135
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2003 3:11 am

Post by dream on »

Chapter 11.

Max came out of the washroom, feeling a lot more awake. He’d desperately needed a shower but made do with washing his head underneath the ridiculously small sink. Whatever.

When he approached their seats, he saw Liz looking pensively out the window. He’d had a little pep talk with himself in the bathroom. No sense in complicating an already complicated matter by dragging feelings and attractions into it. He knew it was in some warped sense, almost natural. He was more than reasonably attracted to her, but that really didn’t mean he was going to screw his own life up for her. He had an obligation to his family, his government.

On the other hand, they were not exactly motivation enough to give her up either. No, he’d play it out by the ear and see where it got him.

“Hey.” She was still looking out the window.

“Hey.” She returned but her tone was thoughtful. He’d cleaned himself up. Hmmmm…. She groaned inwardly. She really could do without raging hormones. Hormones, which had never bothered her for nearly 25 years. Damn it.

“Did they serve breakfast?” his stomach was rumbling. He hadn’t eaten in a while. He hoped it wouldn’t be long.

Liz almost smiled at the look on his face. She’d sent that look countless times in campus where most of the students wore it during finals. She’d been part of it but yet apart. Had there EVER been anything in her life that she could call her own? Not even her life had belonged to her. It had been possessed, due to her alien heritage.

He could see her sliding into murky thoughts. She was frowning big time. It was time to change the thoughts.

“Why don’t you go clean up? You’ll feel better.” He suggested.

She started. She’d forgotten he was there. Great going, Liz. Zone out a few more times in front of him, why don’t you? He’ll run in a second!!

“Yeah, I was just going.”

He moved away, but the aisle was too small to move comfortably with two people. She brushed past him and she saw him flinch. She didn’t know why, but she rushed to the washroom. Tears had formed in the corner of her eyes, her irises had dilated slightly. She stared in disbelief, and then bashed her head against the door. Fool, Fool, FOOL!!

He’d been unable to control himself as she’d brushed past him. Especially after the pep talk, he’d been trying to take it easy. It didn’t help when she brushed against him like that. No, it didn’t help one bit. He sighed. This is getting harder by the second.

Liz came back out. She looked calm, cool collected.

“We need to talk. Max. There’s a LOT that needs discussing.”

“Yep. I need to talk you out of your suicide run.”

“Hey.” His cocksure tone goaded her into vitriol. “I wouldn’t need to, if it hadn’t for you!!” she sneered right back at him.

He looked at her in shock for an instant and then a black look came over his hazel eyes. He turned away.

“Max....” she started, feeling miserable. He hadn’t exactly set himself up for a low barb like that. “I.......”

“Save it!” He was back being a five year old.

Fine!! she huffed to herself. She didn’t care to humor him anyways.

Breakfast passed in stony silence. Neither of them broke it.

They landed but Immigration was going to take more than an eternity and a half. Liz gnashed her teeth. He heard. For the first time in 2 hours, there was a ghost of smile in Max’s face. He took hold of her elbow and steered herself towards the ladies’ room.

What?” she didn’t care to hide the frustration in her voice. What the hell is he doing, breaking away from the queue like that? Every second delayed was a second lost! And I've already lost too much seconds!!

“Go in there and do your little number.”

WHAT??” she couldn’t stop her jaw from falling open. What the HELL is this freak TALKING about???

NO!! NO!! I didn’t mean….. THAT ! Obviously!!” he’d turned a bright shade of red.

“Jeez!!” he hadn’t meant for he to use the facilities. Just her powers.

HUH?? Ohhhh…….Oh, I got it” her voice dropped from its squeak.

“Yeah, what did you think I was gonna say? You women!!” his tone wasn’t far above a squeak itself.

She straightened up, her face emerging from raven locks. Madame Hoity Toity is back in the building.

“What’s your plan?”

“If you can change your appearance, then we can use the diplomatic lounges. It’ll be faster. I have the authority.” His logic was good, but that was putting himself at stake. She didn’t like it.

“I can use something else. Let’s go.”

“NO. If your name goes on to the entry list, they can hunt you down in a matter of hours.” He was adamant.

“It’s ok.” Her voice softened. He was looking out for her. “I’m telling you. They won’t see me."

“Liz. NO.”

“I’ll use another ‘number’ as you crudely call it. They’ll not be able to register me. Ok?”

He nodded reluctantly. This could only lead to more problems later.

They entered the diplomatic lounge and were duly processed. At least he was. He was shell-shocked as she walked out besides him and no one even questioned her. They looked right through her. He didn’t know whether to be relieved or run for his life. This was rapidly escalating out of his control.

They exited. Max hailed a taxi. Liz pulled her cap over her eyes, jamming her hair into it. Not too many could tell if she was a college kid or even a young man, what with the bulky coat she was wearing. The weather outside was freezing.

They got in a cab. Max told the cabby to drive them to the nearest car rental service.

One hour later, they were heading out on their own.

“We need to talk. I’m beginning to sound like a broken record, but you aren’t giving me anything. So talk already.” Max’s tone indicated he was through humoring her. Obviously he’d gotten a shock at the airport.

She nodded. “You need to contact Pierce.”

“NO! I’ll contact him AFTER I know whether to turn you in or help you!”

She turned huge, worried eyes on his direction. He could see it out of the corner of his eyes. But he wasn’t playing along anymore. If they wanted to get out of this alive, he needed more than just her throwing him crumbs.

“I need more than what you’ve been telling me, Liz. If I can be honest, why can’t you?” her continuous pulling away and her secret barriers had hurt him more than he cared to admit. No. It hurt his pride, he amended, nothing else.

“Yes, yes. What do you want to know?” she’d heard the hurt nuance in his tone and it flustered her. Made her stupid weak heart more vulnerable. It was still possible to strategize together. Now all she had to do was try.

He looked at her for an instant, wondering if he was paranoid for distrusting what was her obvious attempt to regain confidante (huh? That’s a laugh!!) status.

“What’s YOUR plan?”

She remained silent for a while. “If you turn me in, I can get to know where they’re holding Alex. They’ll obviously take me there too. I can find him, then escape. It’s quite simple, actually.”

He stared at her in amazement. “Yes, quite simple. It’s absolutely ludicruous. I gave you more credit than that!! A fiveyear old can tell you that it’s bound to fail!” he was stupefied that such an intelligent girl like Liz would fail to see that.

“They’re going to use serums on you the instant you turn yourself in. You won’t have the friggin’ TIME to use your powers. And then what’re you going to do?” he shook his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe that you didn’t even think about that!! Why do you think Whitman could never escape?”

Liz stiffened as she thought WHY exactly Alex didn’t escape. Apart from the serums, which she didn’t give too much credit, she knew that he thought he was protecting Liz. It was part of Alex’s guilt complex for her sucky life. He thought by sacrificing his life, he’d save hers. He hadn’t even thought that she needed him in her life, too. Her voice, when it came, was cold.

“Of course I have. But I can use my powers to protect myself. They’ll never use the damn serums.”

HOW, Goddammit??” his tone was fed-up.

She regarded him for a long moment. “Why are you helping me?”

“I’m stupid, pathetic, brain-dead. Choose any of the above.” There was a tone of humor despite the harsh words.

“WHY??” she persisted. Suddenly, all it mattered was finding out why exactly he hadn’t done every thing he’d threatened to.

“Because if Maria was still alive and if the roles were reversed, I’d expect someone to do the same.” His casual tone didn’t entirely hide the rage burning in his eyes.

Liz felt a rush of something undefined. Was it relief or disappointment or sympathy, she just didn’t know. All that registered was the fact that despite his intense hatred for Alex, he didn’t stop trying to help her.

They were both quiet for a moment. The he looked at her, the easy look was back.

“Are you going to tell me how you manage to execute your plan now?”

She flinched, as if hit with a live wire and he cursed himself for mentioning anything to do with execution.

“Look, Liz….I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…....” he trailed off as she broke in.

“No, you did.”

“I DIDN’T, ok? I wasn’t trying to provoke you. I was just stating how you would manage to get yourself out of that mess.”

No! Hold up. I’ve been hearing about this long enough. WHY Alex? Why do you think he killed Maria?”

“Are you telling me he didn’t?” Rage he’d kept suppressed for years rose to the surface.

“He TOLD me. He told me how sorry he was!!” his distaste was unmistakable.

“Max.” her voice was small. The man before her had turned into cold. Unfeeling. Inhuman.

WHAT??” he shouted. “He killed her because he thought she was tattling on him! The sonofabitch!! I’ve been given proof!! UNDENIABLE proof. Now, I KNOW that Pierce isn’t the most trustworthy person in the world but I saw it with own eyes what he did to her. I saw the photos; I interrogated the people who were there. NONE of them had even the slightest motive to lie to me. If they wanted to, they could’ve told me something else!! They could’ve said ANY thing they wanted. Nothing beats THIS!! They did NOT lie!!” He gulped in a draft of air.

Christ, I SAW that weird silver handprint on her stomach. He killed her, as soon as the Feds entered!! DAMMIT!!” he screamed in anguish. “Two more seconds and she could’ve been SAFE!! So DON’T you dare preach to me about Alex Whitman’s virtues!!”

Liz stared at him in utter shock. What the HELL is he ranting about??

Wait just a minute!!” She yanked on the emergency brakes. The car skidded. Max took control after glaring at her. He parked at the nearest shoulder, putting on the emergency lights. Then he turned to look at her.

Her fists were clenched at her sides, knuckles white, straining with the effort not to blast him into oblivion. She hissed “Hold ON. Where the HELL do you get off spouting such utter NONSENSE?? Your sister was NOT killed by Alex. She was killed by the Feds……..”

“Oh Pleeease……” his sarcasm would’ve cut glass.

YES!!” she screamed in frustration.

“What proof did you get apart from Pierce’s photos??” her voice shook with anger.

“None of your fucking business!!” he lashed back.

“Oh really?” her voice turned ice.

“Five minutes ago, you were busy trying to protect me from the big bad Feds. What was THAT about? They could hurt me something fierce but they’d let Maria Evans who’d slept with an alien just walk away because she was human??” she spat the words out.
Listen to yourself!!”

Her anger had its desired effects. The depths of her contempt and fury, coupled with her insane logic, shook him. He remained silent.

Liz took a deep, cleansing breath. Her lungs felt constricted.

“Listen to me, Max.” He turned and she could see the hurt, guilt and anger warring with confusion. What she was about to tell him was going to hurt him even more, so she gentled her tone.

“Listen. Think it through logically. WHAT pictures did they show you?”

His voice was low, cold. “Mug shots. Black and white. She ..she was…just laying….there. Dead.” His voice trembled, as he stared unseeingly at the wheel. He was remembering past horrors and she wanted nothing more than to hold him, all the contempt of the last few minutes washed away with his rising despair. But she refrained from the urge.

“There was a silver hand print on her stomach, there was no other sign of ANY thing else that might have killed her. I’ve talked with the agents there. They all told me the same thing. By the time they’d gone in fully, she was lying there and he was pulling his hand back from her stomach, hands glowing. She was already dead. He escaped because he’d held up some kind of shield or something. He’d killed two agents who were outside; he’d fried them straight through. The sides of their torso were melded together with intense, unthinkable blast of energy. I saw the files from the forensics lab. They couldn’t have made it up, even if they tried.”

“Glowing hands......sounds familiar?” he asked her bitterly. “All I needed to see were his hands in Nevada and I knew. I’d spent one YEAR trying to find the answers. The CIA or the FBI had no vested interest in me at all. I WANTED to be an agent. They didn’t even WANT me at first. Only the threat of exposure prompted them. I’m telling you, Liz, they didn’t set up anyone. It happened. It was real.” He stopped out of breath. His eyes were glazed with burning, unshed tears.

Liz sat there in shock. What the hell is going on? And how the hell am I going to tell him that it’s all a big lie? And do I even want to? Maybe it’s better this way. He’ll turn me in and we’ll never see each other again, but at least I can get done what’s most important. Alex. DO I let him believe this or do I tell him what really happened? What do I DO??

Liz sat there, her face averted from him as she debated the pros and cons of a speech that could potentially destroy both their lives
Last edited by dream on on Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.