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Forever Changed - [AU M/L MATURE] {COMPLETE}

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 9:19 pm
by Hybrid-Angel
Banners done by me


I got Runner-up for 'Best Fan-Art Cover' for 'The Way Love Goes' ( I didn't know where to put the banner so i thought here was okay)

Thank u to the people who voted for me. :D

Forever Changed

Author: Hybrid-Angel

Category: M/L AU-No aliens-Angsty

Rating: YTEEN now, MATURE later

Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or nething blah, blah, blah.

Summary: New information of a pregrancy changes Liz and Max’s lives forever.

Author’s Note: Okay this is my first fic posted and I really want to tested peoples reaction to my work. This is by the way a practices study of creative writing about change that I have to do in my final exams in like 2 week…as you can see I’m studying really hard ;)
Also it’s pretty small and I might not have good grammar, but plzzzzzzz read it!

Feedback: Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Forever Changed

Things are different now, I’m different; physically, mentally, emotionally. I’ve changed. And I don’t mean in a good way. I try to carry on as if the mocking home pregnancy test that told me a ‘Congratulations’ didn’t even happen.
With certain numbness I remember throwing the box across the bathroom in pure rage and then sinking to the floor in a weak, crying mess. I had screwed up my life badly. I thought this would never happen to me. I had great expectations from my school, my parents, even myself. And Max, my Max, has ignored me for the whole 2 weeks since I told him. I had imagined Max to have comforted me, be by my side, that it would bring us closer together, but it torn us apart.

As I walk through the corridor of my school, mindlessly I make a pathway to the girl’s bathroom. I walk slowly, not noticing the people walking into me crowding my path, and then I saw Max in a sea of students who were making beelines to there next class. We locked eyes for a few seconds that seemed to expand into an eternity. I had ever seen such hollow, empty eyes. Normally they’d sparkle different shades of amber. They reflected my own I guess. I began to panic and darted the rest of the way the bathrooms. No-one was there; I braced myself on the sink, my long dark brown hair cascaded around my face, then I looked into the mirror that reflected a stranger, a person unrecognizable to me.

“What happened to me?” I whisper, I was met with silent reply.
Max and I were happy, we were going to collage together, maybe get an apartment. We were in love. But sometimes love isn’t enough.
Life seemed to suck at the moment. What would I tell my parents, my friends? Would they reject me? Or would they still love me? Millions of questions clouded my mind until I started to heave and spun for the cubical stall to throw-up nothing in particular.

With the smallest information life can change dramatically, I’m no longer the sweet, innocent Liz parker, who was a good student, had many friends, a great family and the world’s best boyfriend. I was now a pregnant 17 year old, which might not make it to graduation. I was lost, scared, and completely alone.
I sat on the cold tiles in the cubical for a while, occasional throwing-up, thinking of how the maintain a control I no longer had a grip on, and Max. Oh god, Max.
See right now it was 4th period, Chem. class, a class I was lab partners with Max in.
I can’t face him, not until he faces me. Maybe this feeling of loneliness will go away. Now I’m just lying to myself.
I feel like a child lost in a nightmare, scared to breath, scared to move … scared to grow-up.

How can I take can of a baby? Max’s baby...My baby. The reality of it all finally sinks in and I’m a crying mess again. I must be a couple of weeks judging from my last cycle. I did the math in my head, finding a little peace in trying count, “Eight weeks!” I breathed out; hoping no-one heard. Once again I was on the floor, mind swirling with panic and more throwing-up.
I pulled my knees into my chest, hoping that crawling into a tiny ball would protect me from the unpredictable events unfolding in my world.
I remembered last summer, among many things. Max and I had spent our hot, humid nights with our friends swimming in Winton Lake, having fun, and being kids. We seemed so different to how we are now. We were children then, and now…ours worlds had changed forever.
A small child at this moment was growing inside of me. The thought made me sick again, my head spun, I held onto my head to try and make it stop.
“This can’t be happening. Oh god.” I sobbed into my hands, rocking back and fore.

“Liz?” a soft voice made me jump; I quickly wiped my tear stained face, which was only to be replaced with more tears. I unlocked the cubical door and returned to my curled up position. As the door swung open I saw his face, his beautiful face. He looked down at me with such confusion, Max was never the vulnerable type, but at that moment he looked like a small boy.

“Liz?” he breathed out again, if I didn’t know any better, I saw tears in his eyes. “What?” I hiccupped thickly, followed by escaping sobs.
I tried desperately to hold it all back, but it made me worse.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered out in such truth. That’s all I needed, I jumped into his strong arms, his intoxicating scent of aftershave filled my nose. I finally let go, I cried for the life that I knew which was now gone, I cried for Max, I cried for our baby and myself.
The world was different, I was forever changed and so was Max. I don’t know how long we stayed there, wrapped in each others warmth and protection. I knew that is would be hard, and that Max would need time. But he would be there, he would always be there.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:17 pm
by Hybrid-Angel
k heres the next part. i still haven't got a beta yet so bare with me. so fingers crossed, i hope u like.

Chapter 2

I carried on with my mundane routine, mindlessly traveling from one class to the next. It was strange; I felt a kind of homesickness, amongst many other emotions I tried to contain. I had walked through these school corridors most of my life, and yet I found no comfort anywhere I went, like I had stepped into the alternate universe.

I entered my next classroom for Physical Ed, for some reason Max had walked ahead of me, like us being together would give away our secret. I didn’t really understand why Max had ignored me for 2 weeks then finally decides to acknowledge me. It hurt. At first in the bathrooms I was relieved at his approach, I didn’t need an explanation. But now, the more I think about it, the more I want to know why he felt he could leave me alone in hell, even if he was freaked out.

I saw him sitting up the front, with that bitch Tess Harding. My heart did a funny little flip, as much as I have denied it in the past, I was still jealous of that blond haired, blue-eyed slut. She came onto Max any chance she could get, Max told me that he could never look at her like that, but I can see right through him.

“Ms. Parker. Nice of you to join us.” Mr. Mc Phee called over the class, ever eye turned to me, but the only eyes I noticed were Max’s.

He looked at me as if nothing had happened and quickly turned away.

“Sorry”, I choked out still looking at Max as I spoke.

I quickly took my sit up the back, where normally Max and I would sit together. Mr. Mc Phee blabbed on about the human anatomy, but I wasn’t really in the classroom. My mind bubbled with anger, questioning why Max was being so distant and confusing.

The bell finally rang for the end of the class I gave a sigh of relief at being able to get out of the room. It was killing me just sitting there trying not the think. I even attempt to write down every word Mr. Mc Phee spoke, hoping that is would be useful for study notes but half of it didn’t even make sense.

I scrambled to my locker chucking everything in my bag, I couldn’t stay here much longer, I needed to escape and clear my mind. I never even noticed Max walking up to me

“Where are you going? We still have another class.” Max spoke to me like I was committing a crime

“I have to get outta here.” I spoke without looking at him. “And go where?” he spoke in such patronizing way; it was starting to make me lose my temper.

“I don’t know.” I shut my locker and headed for the school parking lot.

I left him standing there; I felt his eyes watch me as I run the rest of the way to my car. I didn’t understand any of this, the confusion swirled in my brain and tears started to blur my vision as I fumbled with my keys. Finally I opened the door to only have it shut by Max’s hand.

“I said I was sorry,” he said while keeping his hand on the door, all I could do was watch his hand firmly block my escape

“I thought you believed me.” He spoke with hurt and a little anger. I kept getting hit by these curve balls; all of a sudden I was the bad guy. I felt my throat close up with renewed tears

“You bailed on me Max, at a time I needed you the most.” For the first time I was speaking my mind without being stopped by my emotions. In the bathrooms I had wanted to ask him why he ignored me but the pure moment of weakness prevented me from questioning it.

“When I found out I was pregnant, I had a comfort in knowing you would be there for me…but you shut down and turned away. I have never been so alone and scared in my life, and you didn’t even care.” My voice was shaky, and I couldn’t control the tears running down my face, I stared at him waiting for his reply

“I don’t care?!” he breathed out in pain, I had hit a swore spot

“Liz, I can’t help it if this baby thing doesn’t scare me half to death, I needed time. But never once did I not care!” he was starting to raise his voice, I couldn’t take it anymore if a fought with him now, I’d say something I really wouldn’t mean.

“I have to go.” I barely choked out as I opened to car door again, “You can’t just walk away, Liz.” He said as he held the car door, I looked at him dead in the eye, anger building in my throat and I spoke with such pain

“You did.” I got into the car and sped off, I looked in the review mirror and watched him just stand there, staring.

I mindlessly drove to the cemetery, a place I could find with my eyes closed. My mind was blank, I couldn’t form a thought, too much was happening and a lot of it was sinking in. For a while I had pretend I wasn’t pregnant, and until now I just ignored it. I needed to breathe, get some air before I passed out at the wheel. I drove as if I was trying to pass my driver’s test.

I turned into the Rose Redlands Cemetery entrance, the iron gates creaked softly in the wind. I parked my car close to the grave site where Grandma Claudia was, it had been a while seen my last visit and I felt a little guilty for not visiting.

The cemetery was humming with eerie silence. It seemed so still, it scared me that Grandma would be here in a place so unlike her. She was so in love with life and for her to be here seemed misplacing.
She was the world to me when I was a little girl, she was comforting and warm. I was 14 when she died, to lose someone so close breaks your heart. Like the way I’m losing Max.

I dusted off the bronze plaque, and traced my fingers over the inscriptions wondering what advice she would give me and what she’d do to cheer me up. Like the time I run away from home because I broke Dad’s guitar, she had spoiled me with my favorite vanilla ice cream as we danced to 1950’s rock ’n’ roll music. A small smile crept across my face at her antics, it felt good to smile.

I started to think when the last time I had truly smiled. I traced back my thoughts to the night Max and I had slept together. That was the last time I had smiled with pure joy, thinking it brought us closer together. I had thought now Max loved me for sure, and that some of my insecurities had died that night. But over a month later were only to be increased more.
The breeze picked up, pushing more grey clouds over the bright, radiant sun. My dark hair stuck to my tear stained face, as I thought back to past events,

Butterflies jumped in my stomachs as I waited for Max on my veranda. The soft glow of lit candles provided a relaxing atmosphere, but I was anything but relaxed.

Several hours ago I had taken a Home pregnancy test never really expecting anything to happen; it felt like I was taking the test to reassure myself that I was just paranoid.

But the two blue lines beg to differ. I had shaken the stick, willing the answer away. I even read the instruction over and over again hoping I missed something that would prove it wrong. But the information stuck out clearly in black and white “…two blue lines: Congratulations…” I shook my head of the memory as a paced back and fore between the small floor area, occasional bumping into the deck chair and a few candle stands.

How am I supposed to do this? I can’t just blurt out that I’m pregnant. What if he freaks out? I’ll ruin his entire future because of one night of intimacy. My thoughts became more and more panicked as time went by slowly. At each thought my courage was slowly breaking away, I started to regret taking that test, I started to wish I never told Max to meet me on my veranda.

An hour ago it seemed it to be the rational and right thing to do to tell Max. It was easier to just busy myself working extra hours downstairs in my parent’s restaurant the Crashdown café. Taking orders and not really thinking.

I gathered up my hair twisted it into a bun then let it cascade down over my shoulders and around my face. I couldn’t stop my hands from fidgeting; I twisted my fingers and readjusted my shirt for the millionth time in the span of 10 minutes.

Then I realised this was Max, my best friend and the love of my life. He wouldn’t just leave me, especially in a time like this, he loves me and my heart knows he won’t let me down. By why is my mind screaming otherwise.

“Liz?” his quiet whisper startled me and made me jump back.

“You scared me,” I breathed out as he jump over the small stone ledge.

“Sorry.” He said as he moved closer and kissed me deeply. I groaned at his touch, his closeness and his scent. Oh god he was intoxicating. And his embrace was so warm, so comforting and then, like magic all negative thoughts in my mind slipped away. All doubt that plagued my mind disappeared at his soft touch.

“So what’s the emergency? You sounded a little tense when you called me.” He pressed his forehead against mine looking straight into my eyes and all of a sudden that tension came flooding back to my body.

Max felt my body flitch with the surge tension I couldn’t repress. He backed away a little to really look at me. Yep, he knew something was wrong, Max could read my emotions like an open book. I always wore my heart on my sleeve.

“What is it? Did you have another fight with your parents?”

My mouth was open but I couldn't form a word, why was I so scared to tell him?

“I…No, its not…it’s not my parents.” Oh god, those amber eyes that are looking at me with such concern and love make me want to melt. Suddenly I couldn’t look at him anymore I broke away from his hard, warm body and felt a chill from escaping his embrace.

Turning my back to him slowly I uttered “Um, I have to…” I shallow back the tears I knew he was alarmed by now. I took one last breathe and faced him again

“I’m…Max I’m…” I stuttered with building emotion.

C’mon Parker just do it! My inner voice shrieked and pushed me to get it over with. I looked up slowly to see Max closing the distance between us

“Liz you know you can tell me anything. Don’t hold back, just tell me what’s wrong.” Max reached out and tucked a lose strand of hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes then slowly looked up to him

“Max, I’m pregnant.” I whimpered out

“What?” he breathed out in disbelief.

“I’m pregnant, Max” at repeating my words he stumbled back, like I had just punched him in the stomach.

His eyes fluttered as if he couldn’t understand what I just said, I began to panic my breathing became faster as my lungs expanded trying the gasp air.

“Are you sure?” Max took another step back looking at me like I had just delivered the worst news he’ll ever hear in his life and I properly did.

I nodded at his question whispering a “yes”. The look on his face made my heart flutter with panic and my mind screamed to take it all back. Max couldn’t look me in the eye anymore, he looked completely destroyed and it was my fault.

“Max?” he avoided eye contact and shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

“Max, I-I…” at my approach to be closer to him, to try comfort him he backed away. My heart broke at his reactions, I knew deep down he wouldn’t just be okay with it. But I NEVER thought he’d back away.

“I’m sorry, Max.” I sobbed out trying to get a grip and not push him away more.

“Look, ah, I’ve…I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you later.” He spoke without looking once at me.

“But…Max?” at my whimpering tone he jumped over the stone railing onto the fire escape ladder and disappeared without another word.

I cringed at the memory of his face; suddenly I was back in the cemetery crouched in front of my grandmother’s grave site.

I breathed out harshly from the memory of that night, sobbing at the way I had hurt Max and the way he was hurting me.
I combed my hair out of my face trying to get a grip and not become a blubbering idiot again.

The rain began to fall heavily then, I didn’t really notice for the first 10 minutes but I was snapped back into reality when my mobile phone vibrated with a text message from Maria saying “where are you?” I then kissed my hand and placed it on Grandma Claudia’s plaque.

I was now soaked by the pouring rain by it didn’t bother me; I couldn’t really feel it beating down on me. I stood slowly backing away, praying for her guidance and hoping she could hear my cries of pain as I made my way back to the car.

what ya think?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 1:08 am
by Hybrid-Angel
thanks u guyz for all the feedback and the bumps.thank u too Pure dreamers( for bumping up my fic,thanks huni), pegleg, Lporter, pheobe, Ms buffy and Karyn. :wink:

Sorry for the lateness. ENJOY!

Chapter 3

I slowly walked through the back entrance of the Crashdown, dripping water all over the floor and not really caring. Someone else can clear it up. The sickly smell of fatty food wafted my nose and made my stomach turn.

I paced quickly to the stairs that led to my house on top of the Crashdown, not noticing Maria spotting me and storming into the back room where I crept up the stairs.

“Liz!” I stopped at her high-strung tone; Maria had been teaching a trainee for a week and the poor girl was clumsier than a drunk. And it was slowly driving Maria insane.

“Where have you been?! I’ve been babysitting that new trainee, diving for falling plates while I work your shift! And I might I add covering your ass telling your Dad you’re at the library and not out with Max Evans.” I became more and more uncomfortable at every word, I still hadn’t told my best friend what happening to me and keeping a secret from her added to the misery I was living in.

“Now I know that you and Max are having issues that you won’t even tell me about, but I’m not prepared to take over every responsibility in your life! Now get your ass up stairs and put on your uniform ‘cause paying customers out there are hungry and want greasy-alien themed food.” I bit down on my lower lip to keep from spilling everything, I didn’t want to drag Maria into all this chaos, but I couldn’t go on without her support and help.

“Maria, I…” Maria raised her eyebrows waiting for a response but I couldn’t just blurt it out like this. I swallowed my confessions and diverted my eyes, “Sorry.” I whimpered out and started making my way up stairs,

“Liz, what’s happening to you? And why are you wet?” I paused half way up the stairs and not even turning around to look at her I replied weakly, “I went for a run.”

“Since when do you run? Look, I can’t keep ignoring the fact that you’re lying to me. Liz, we don’t keep secrets, why is that different now. I thought we were best friends.” Maria began to turn away, she tried to hide her emotions, but I could see the hurt in her eyes. I could feel it.

“Maria,” I breathed out in a little frustration and turned to her for the first time “I’ll tell you after my shift.” I started to walk again but was stopped again by Maria’s worried voice, “Is it really that bad?”

My eyes glazed over at her question “I don’t know.” I made my way to my room still soaking and not really sure want to do next. Should I get changed put on that automatic fake smile, labor through the next 3 hours of work and try to ignore Maria’s concerned stares. Or curl up into a small ball and never leave my room.

The second choice started to win me over, when my mobile rang loudly into my ears and caller I.D indicated the person calling was none other then Max. I went with my first choice.

Turning off my phone I pulled my hair back into a loose, wet bun and rushed down the stairs where Maria was waiting with my silver alien-head shaped apron in hand.

It was a slow night, not many customers which made it harder for me to keep busy and ignore Maria’s eyes burning into the back of my head. I shuffled over to the waiter’s corner trying to find a distraction. I began to think, something I successfully avoided for 2 hours on the job and something that was lethal at breaking my demeanor and control.

I felt this appalling sensation to double over and never get up. That’s how numbing it was to think of the littlest things. I braced myself on the bench, took 2 deep breathes and forced myself to clean the coffee machine inside and outside.

“Hey honey, how was the library?” My dad startled me and made me gasped for air. He always had this manner of questioning my whereabouts to make sure I wasn’t doing anything wrong. Especially when Maria was the one telling him where I was, he doesn’t trust me at all, not like he used to when I was younger, not before my older sister Rosa died.

She was the favorite, the golden child you could say and I was the mistake. My parents pushed me to be like her and they still do.

She was only 4 years older then me; I was 14 when she died a little while after Grandma Claudia’s death.

It was strange to see her think she could do whatever she wanted, an influence by my parents that she was flawless. When she hit 15 that’s where everything went down hill. Everyone considered her perfect and I think it bored her. So that’s how the drugs, alcohol and the sex became so important in her life. She loved me on some level but patronized and pitied me for being second best.

My parents stubbornly ignored the fact that she was out of control, saying it was a phase she was going through. They excused her for everything. Even when she killed herself, my father deemed the overdose accidental and made everyone involved never mention it again.

What shocked my parents the most I think, was that they expected this all from me and not from their darling Rosa. I even remember them somehow blaming me, they never actually said it but they implied it.

After that my Dad was always on my case, waiting for me to screw up, trying to make me the good little girl Rosa used to be and basically trying to make me be Rosa.

His eyes scanned my face, watching careful to see if I was lying.

“Yeah, it was good, I got a few study hours in before I had to come here.” I desperately tried to hold my eye contact with him, if I broke away it was all over.

“Oh, so why were you so late?”

I could tell by his tone that he wasn’t satisfied, “I, umm, didn’t realize what time it was.” I looked away quickly; I couldn’t hold the stare for much longer so I continued wiping down the coffee machine for tenth time. He continued his badgering, the price I had to pay for not holding my ground which was unlike me, lying to my parents was like second nature. The slightest flinch or weakly pulling back was a dead give away to my father.

“Hmm, I just hope you weren’t out with that Max Evans, ‘cause you know that would be a bad idea and I wouldn’t want to see that happen.”

With that he turned away casually and walked through the staff door where the kitchen was. I sighed with a blank expression, I used to pretend I had a great family and I still kinda do, I’d reassure myself that everything is ok and I started to believe what I was saying.

The reality was my parents put up a fake exterior for me to believe I was loved and cared for for being who I am when really they’d trade my death for that of Rosa’s.

I realized at the moment that I had never admitted that to myself, ever. Deep down I always knew it was true but I never admitted it.

Tears started to string my eyes and I took in a shaky deep breath.

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did. I heard the jingle of the bell as a new customer arrived; I turned around slowly finding some relief in serving a customer and seeing it as a distraction.

But my mouth fell open at the sight before me; all I could hear was my heart beating in my ears and my breathing becoming erratic.

Max walked in with Tess looping her arm in his, I stared vacantly as they smiled and made their way to Max’s usual booth. My bottom lip trembled as I tried to suppress tears in my throat at the repulsive image before me.

I swiftly scanned the restaurant to find Maria so she could take their orders but she was nowhere to be seen and that new trainee, Lucy, had just spilt a ‘Blood of Alien’ smoothie all over a customer and was chanting over and over how sorry she was.

It took a lot of strength for me to clamp down on my emotions and play it cool. I slowly approached them, Tess sat with her back to me giggling at whatever Max just said. What a complete phony, I was this close to running and getting my Dad’s butcher’s knife so I could…

“Liz.” I stopped completely, my mind shut down and muscles stiffened at his voice. It pissed me off that he could still do this to me; make my stomach turn and my heart practically jump out of my chest.

I stood at the table just staring at his face; I couldn’t even form a word I just stood there like an idiot, paralyzed by his presence and the fear of what he would say or do that would turn my world upside down again.

I finally broke away from my trance and went into work mode. Max continued to stare at me as I found my voice.

“What can I get you?” I was looking down the entire time Tess ordered. The fact that she was there with Max made me want to throw up and I almost did. I gasped a little and placed my hand on my stomach as if to settle it. At my slight gesture Max jumped from his seat to stand next to me, I was shocked at his approach to be that close.

“You okay?” He breathed out quickly; it took a few seconds for me to realize why he just did that and I was a little surprised by it. He thought it was the baby.

“I’m fine.” I choked out bitterly, why would he care now, he obviously had better things to do then to be with me.

Max cautiously sat back down and was a little taken aback by my response. It was one of those moments when the seconds expanded gradually making the time pass much slower so you could soak up every painful second. I wrote down what they wanted, questioning whether to spit in Tess’ food or Max’s food.

“Is that all?” I tapped my pen impatiently as Tess deliberately looked over the menu once more, I knew what she was doing, she was trying to piss me off by showing that she was here with Max and acted like she didn’t care.

“No, I think that’s it.” She smiled devilishly and handed me her fork.

“Oh, and could you get me a fork that’s clean. Who knows what germs are in this place.” I snatched the fork from her hand resisting the urge to stab her eyes out with it. I placed the order and stormed into the back room bathrooms. Bracing myself on the sink I splashed my face with cold water and forced myself to try to throw-up. I had this churning in my stomach that wouldn’t go away. After unsuccessfully not being able to hurl my guts out I toweled my face off and heard the ding of the bell indicating my order was up.

Why was Max sitting there with that whore, does he think I deserve this kind of punishment? His way of getting back at me! But why with Tess?!

Just because I left him in the school parking lot to feel actually guilty for once doesn’t mean he can do this!

“This can’t be happening.” I choked out letting my forehead rest on the mirror. I heard the dinging of the bell again. I took one last deep breath and mindlessly retrieved the food.

Just slide the food on the table and leave, no eye contact, no talk just keep moving. I instructed myself over and over again hoping I would pull through.

I slid the food on the table, first part was achieved now just walk away, “Liz.” I was stopped in mid-turn of making my first step.

I turned back around to stare at Max, something I wish I didn’t do.

“We’re just eating before we go study. I said I’d help Tess out with her chemistry homework.” He spoke again like I was the one who was acting like the asshole.

“I’m sure that’s why she asked you for help, Max.” I shook my head as I turned away and felt those tears sting in my eyes again.

“Wait!” Max pleaded as he stood and grabbed my arm to pull me back around, “It means nothing, Liz. I’m just helping a friend.”

“Helping a friend.” I repeated his words dryly “Strange how you’d prefer helping this friends instead someone who really needs you.” With my resentful tone I paced into the back once again. I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer, my body trembled as my breathing became uneven. I walked into the staff bathroom again and sank to the floor.

My body was shaking uncontrollably as my face strained to keep from crying. I found myself in this position a lot; it was inescapable to break away from this routine of having my heart crushed everyday.

I thought I'd be used to it now, but it’s made me so insecure and vulnerable. I can’t take it any more.

I jumped at the knock on the bathroom door; I blocked my ears with my hands “Go away!” I sobbed out, if that’s Max again finding me on the floor a blubbering mess, I don’t know if I can stand being hurt again.

“Chica, it’s me. Open the door.” Maria calmly spoke; I scrubbed the tears from my eyes and unlocked the door.

I saw Maria’s face as she looked down at me, totally distressed by my crying. I wasn’t the crying type, till recently. She locked the door behind her and sank to the floor next to me. Placing her arms around me and kissing the top of my head she rubbed my back, something I’ve needed for a long time.

“Maria, I …” I barely spoke,

“Shhh, its ok. You don’t have to tell me. We’ll just sit here for a while, okay?” Maria was a lifesaver; she knew exactly what to say. I nodded and continued to cry on her shoulder.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 2:07 am
by Hybrid-Angel
Yep sori bout that guyz. i accidently skipped ahead.
So i'm just posting ch4 and ch5.
SOOOO SORI GUYZZZ i got mixed...just pretend a like u didn't read that. :D
pure- thanks hun, sori that i skipped ahead..i bet it sounded kinda werid.

Chapter 4

I walked out of the bathroom an hour after Maria volunteered to work the rest of my shift and keep my father distracted about what I was doing. All he knew was that I had food poisoning and wanted stay in the bathroom till it passed. Maria always had an excuse ready in hand and I’m always surprised my father believed it half the time.

It was 8.33pm, my Dad was always gone by this time, either it be business related or taking my Mom out, he always had to get away at some point of the night and I’m not really sure why. But right now that didn’t matter to me just as long as he was gone.

Maria and I always locked up after all our shifts, it gave us time to be together and have some fun while getting paid. I opened the staff door cautiously hoping Max had not hung around till closing and I was met with relief as I just saw Maria clearing up a few tables.

“Hey.” I croaked out, my throat was dry from all the crying and my nose was blocked up. Maria turned to me with sympathy, her face concerned and calm at the same time.

“Hey,” she gently smiled at me; it must be killing her, after seeing me in hysterics and not knowing why to hold back her questions just for me.

“Your Dad’s getting the pick up of ice cream from Santa Fe. He said to tell your Mom that he’ll be late.” I nodded slowly at the information she told me, thanking God that my father was out and wouldn’t be back till late at night.

“Liz, go up stairs have a shower and I’ll lock up down here.” she interrupted me before I could reply, “And then I’ll be up soon, okay?”

The way Maria said it, it wasn’t a question whether I wanted to do it. It more a command and I had no other choice than to follow.

“Go on.” Maria pushed, flicking her hand at me to get a move on. I weakly smiled and made my way up stairs, I heard my Mom cooking dinner, fast foot paces and clashing metal could be heard more and more as I got closer. She was always on the move, never could relax and always had to have something to do. Rosa’s death had caused this, she was never so high-strung or such a busy person, it was almost like she had to keep busy to keep away from reality and it would be so terrible to stop to actually think. This is something I just realized because it was something I had been doing recently.

“Hey Mom.”

My Mom continued to race around the kitchen, not even turning to speak “Oh, hey honey. Dinner should be ready in an hour or so.” She said as she chopped a few vegetables while stirring a pot of cream sauce. I was surprised at her rapid pace that she didn’t even mess up once. Before I turned away I remembered what Maria told me earlier,

“Oh, um, Dad’s gonna be late tonight he’s picking up food supplies from Santa Fe.” My Mom only then turned around to look at me, a wooden spoon in one hand and a sharp knife in the other.

"Oh, well guess it’s just you and me tonight. I’m making that vegetable cream sauce dish that you like and…”

I interrupted her loudly “Actually, I’m not hungry” I said slowly as she turned back to her cooking

“Don’t be silly. You’re having dinner.” She said sternly.

I knew I shouldn’t say anything else but I couldn’t hold it in, “MOM! I’m not hungry!” My harsh tone made her spin around quickly, she had that intimidating look that I was given as a child and which made me feel beneath her. I took a step back as she came closer with only the knife in her hand this time, not that she would do anything like that, but when she was pissed off any object in her hand emphasized her hand actions and I just didn’t wanna get in the way of a swinging knife.

“Fine, don’t eat dinner.” She turned her back to me once again and continued cooking, I was a little surprised about her letting me off easy but generally this meant I was in for something worse later. I didn’t bother making apologies and trying to save my skin. I just left her furious in the kitchen.

After a long shower I walked out of my little en suite bathroom and sat on my bed in some sweat pants and a black turtleneck I would wear when I was sick.

I started to become more and more nervous as the minutes went by; telling someone this kind of news wasn’t easy and judging from the last and only time, it seemed even the closest person in your life can reject you.

I brought my knees to my chest feeling myself shake with panic. It occurred to me that even Maria, the person who always sticks by my side, might turn her back on me too. If I lost another person because of my mistake I would die a slow death. I began to chew on my sleeve as another wash of panic coursed through my body, making me shiver from head to toe.

My heart jumped when I heard the door open with a soft click followed by Maria’s voice.
“Liz?” I turned to her still gnawing at my sleeve gesturing for her to come in. She sat in centre of the bed with crossed legs while I shifted and mirrored her position.

“Umm,” I nervously tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and avoid eye contact, “I, um,” I was finding it increasingly hard to repeat this pregnancy to anyone and Maria could tell I was finding it difficult.

She placed her hands on mine and squeezed them tightly, “Liz, it’s me here, you can tell me anything.” I stared at her hands wrapped around mine,

“But that doesn’t mean you’ll stick by me after this.” I looked her in the eye finding it difficult to keep that contact.

“Liz, you know that I’d never abandon you. C’mon you can’t be serious.” Maria reassured me as my eyes began to sting with familiar tears again. I bit down on my bottom lip to stop it from trembling; I promised myself I wouldn’t cry in front of her again till she knew the reason why.

“Maria, I don’t…” I looked down and took in a deep breath before I continued, “Just promise me you won’t turn your back on me,”

She then spoke tenderly “I Promise,” still gripping at my hands. I took one last breath building the courage I needed to say and deal with her reaction.

“I’m pregnant.”

Maria then breathed out in disbelief “What?”

My breathing became irregular but I continued to speak through sobs, “That night that Max and I were together, I swear it was safe, he told me he had protection on a-and I don’t know how this could happen. And I told him two weeks ago and he just left me and I didn’t know what to do. Oh, god Maria I wanted to tell you so much, but I’m so scared and just couldn’t deal with what was happening.” Tears rolled down my cheeks and I tried to keep it all back, her dead silence was making me panic even more. She just stared at me; it was happening again she’d walk out that door in seconds. I let out a sob at my thoughts, “Please say something.” I barely spoke through tears.

Maria jumped forward, embracing me in a tight hug.

I let out my breath I had been holding in this entire time and hugged her back with such indescribable relief. All the tension in my body released as she rubbed my back.

We broke away from each other after a while. I wiped the tears from my face as she looked at me, “Liz, I’m so sorry if I made things worse. I just thought you and Max were having a fight, I didn’t mean to get all snippy at you.”

I nodded understanding what she meant; she didn’t have to explain herself. “Maria, it’s okay. I know you must have thought I was purposely not telling you anything. I understand if you got angry.”

Maria nodded; I could see she too felt relief but then her features turned serious as she thought, “Liz, what did Max do to you? Why is he being a jerk and sitting with Tess “The slut” Harding today in the Crashdown?”

My eyes dropped to my hands, “I don’t know.” I said quietly, “He’s been weird about it ever seen I told him. Acting like I’m the idiot for letting it happen. He’s probably right too.” I shook my head in disappointment.

“Liz, it’s not your fault, look at me.” I looked in Maria’s eyes with a miserable expression, “It’s not your fault, if anything it’s that bastard’s.” I gave Maria a small smile and pulled my knees to my chest again.

“I’m so glad you’re here, I really need someone to talk too.” I whispered as I wiped away another tear with my sleeve.

“So what did he say when you told him?”

I got a sudden flash of his face when I had told him, the image made my stomach churn and I held my breath till it subsided. “He didn’t say anything just that he’d call me which he never did.
But his face said everything… I shouldn’t have told him.” I mumbled with regret.

“What and just tell him ever couple of months that you’ve just gained a little weight. Liz, you did the right thing and you know it. But that still doesn’t explain Max’s attitude. I mean you are the married couple of our class. You were totally head over heels in love with each other. It’s just weird to have this growing chasm form between you guys. You’ve been going out for over a year and even before that there was something always happening between you and Max.” she paused to look at me and add imperatively “You guys are in love with which other.”

I looked up to Maria blankly “I guess love isn’t enough.” With that I shifted off the bed and opened my window that led to my veranda, my haven, and then wondered whether to shut it. It had been raining on and off today and the weather reflected my mood. Just when things were fine one minute, the rain comes pouring down the next.

“Liz, you know I got your back and I’m willing to go beat the shit outta Max if you want me too.” I laughed surprisingly, I hadn’t truly had good laugh in a while now, “But Liz, the only way you can clear this up in your head and make decisions for yourself is if you confront Max about everything. It maybe hard but…”

I cut her off when I registered what she said “Decisions?” I shut the window again and turned to face her; curious by what she meant. Making decisions now seemed too soon, I mean it only just happened.

“You know, about you…and the baby.” I snapped my head in her direction realizing just what she meant. An abortion! The option never entered my mind and just the thought was deadening. But if I did do it, all this disorientation and pain might go away and I could tell Max it was a false alarm and things would be normal. But I don’t think I could go through with it knowing I’d be taking away a potential life.

Everything was hanging in the balance I had no path to follow or any stability and the thought made my mind swirl with terror that I would have to make big decisions for myself in life. And I was only 17.

“Liz, I didn’t mean to freak you out; I’m just saying you need to think about a lot things and its best if you have an open mind.” I nodded my head in a daze, thinking was something I avoided for so long and now I had to give into it. I took in a shaky breath and moved over to sit on the edge of the bed,

“Do I really have to speak to him?” I picked at sleeve and began gnawing again at the wet patch. Maria slid next to me hanging her arm over my shoulder.

“Do you wanna continue living in a personal hell?” I let out a short, grim laugh.

“Thanks Maria.” She hugged me closer.

“What are best friends for. Now have something to eat, go to bed earlier and sniff some of this Peppermint Oil I mixed for you before you talk to Max, it’ll clear your mind and help you think.”

She place the small vial in my hand, “Maria, you know I don’t believe in aromatherapy.” She closed it tight in my hand, “Just try it, for me.” I let out a sigh giving into her wish and thanked her once again.

What would my world be like if I didn’t have such a friend, I placed the small vial on my bedside table and shuffled into my small bathroom where the spraying water hid my tears.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 2:12 am
by Hybrid-Angel
sori again guyz. k ch6 will probley b a week or 2 now that i think about it...( time for recovering and all :wink: )

Chapter 5

I rolled over in my bed to stare at the clock on my side table, 2.46am. I had been tossing and turning in my bed not really sleeping, just trapped with my thoughts. Too much was on my mind to allow me to slip into a deep slumber even though my body screamed for rest. My mind produced every little thought that ate way at my soul and heart, working on overdrive till I thought I might collapse from madness.

I reached over to snatch the small vial of mixed oils Maria made for me from my side table. I twisted off the lid and inhaled the fresh, tingling scent of peppermint and other oils that seeped into my body.

I exhaled and laid down again on my back hoping for this oil to actually help. What made me really think was the decisions that need to be made and how I couldn’t do anything without Max. Why was he so important to include when he obviously couldn’t care less? I heard that little nagging voice in the back of my head screaming that Max did care. He was the guy who left silly little notes in my locker between classes, a person I could run to if my parents were pissing me off, the boyfriend that would stare at me thinking I couldn’t feel those warm eyes watching my every move, the part of my life where someone actually loved me for me and admitted that love.

Max was home; he’s my best friend besides Maria. When I was twelve and got a really bad case of the flu, my parents put me in the hospital just so they didn’t have the inconvenience of missing out on one of Rosa’s many award-winning assemblies. I had been so scared. But then Max came to see me; it was the step between being friends and more than just friends. He brought me soup and his well-loved baby blanket, fondly named “blankie”, which he used when he was sick. I had cried to him about my parents neglect and that I wanted to see my Grandma who wasn’t in town. I remember saying I wanted someone to be with me and his exact words were “Will I do?”

I had stopped crying then; he sat in the hospital bed with me and began to read a child’s book from the waiting room. Max read it over and over again till I fell asleep.

The memory caused me to smile faintly but disappeared at the depressing thought that I may never experience his affection again.

Warm tears streamed down the sides of my face and on to the pillow.

Why could memories be so beautiful yet so heartbreaking at the same time?

I shifted once more under my covers trying hard not the shut out thoughts but giving into them as Maria advised me too. The resistance to just recite all my favorite songs or the periodic table and just blank out all feeling was grueling and intense. But I tried not to ignore my shattering painful thoughts.

What haunted my mind most of all was Maria’s suggestion of keeping the baby or not. It made me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

I turned on my side and curled into a fetal position. I felt so uncomfortable in my body right now; I couldn’t stop shaking and having cold sweats. I was going into overdrive, each thought twitching in my body and eating away at my control. I needed to scream, to run away, to be angry and just escape from it all.

Of all the people I needed right now it was Max. Even when he wasn’t an option. I felt this void, this emptiness that Max filled everyday.

I remember when he came everyday I worked in the Crashdown before we started going out and just sat there watching me work. Maria would point out that he would stare at me, I would always try to look but he would drop his eyes and pretend to be interested in the sugar shakers or the menu.

Even when we were going out he’d still come to Crashdown and waited till I got off work. My Dad never really approved of Max being my best customer, but we had a way of getting around my father.

I cleared the table of tourists here for the 21st annual Crash Festival. The place was packed with weirdo’s believing they were either abducted, an alien themselves or that they were professional UFologists. I always had a little fun around this time of year. I carried an old picture of a melted doll around in my apron telling tourists it was a photo my grandfather took in 1947. Generally the people were sucked in by anything that came out of my mouth, like once I actually made this couple believe I was miraculously healed by an alien but made them swear never to tell another soul. They had asked for proof so I showed them a chicken pox scar on my stomach just below my ribs. Reason for the stories and pictures was that it always gave the tourists something amazing to remember and brought me good tips.

Carrying the dirty plates into the kitchen, I trying not to get trampled by chefs working overtime to get greasy food on the table.

“Liz!” Eddy screamed from the other side of the busy kitchen, “What kinda order is this?” he held in front of me a piece of paper from my order pad, I snatched it out of his hand wondering what he was talking about.

On the piece of paper it read “Storage room surprise pie!” An instant grin spread across my face,

“Eddy tell Maria to serve my orders on table three, eight and five.” I yelled over the loud noises of the kitchen.

“Liz! Where are you going? We have millions of people out there waiting to order.” Eddy hollowed once more trying to put out burning burgers.

“I’m just going to the bathroom!” I yelled my answer with my back to him, jogging out of the kitchen. I opened the door the to the small storage room, it was so dark it took my eyes a while to adjust. The silence rang in my ears as I crept slowly past the aisles of canned food and alien themed objects.

“Max?” I whispered careful stepping through the cluttered space.

Suddenly a pair of strong arms grabbed me from behind; I grasped in surprise and turned into his arms. His eyes were hooded so it was hard to see their sparkling amber color. He stroked my back and my hair sending waves of pleasure through my body.

“So, is my order up?” I spoke in a flirtatious whisper and moved my hands around his neck to bring us closer, “More like something else is up.” I laughed coming closer to his lips and brushing my petite body up against his strong, solid body. “I can’t stay for long, there’s orders backing up and my Dad’s working the grill.” I breathed out lingering around his mouth and nudging my cheek against his.

“Well I have an order.” He spoke low and husky into my ear, “Yeah, and what’s that?” I pulled away to look into his eyes, only inches between our faces. Our bodies began to jolt with tension, “Brown eyed and haired waitress, with a killer body and sweet soft lips, with a side order of strawberries thanks.” I laugh and moaned at the same time as his hand unbutton my uniform, “Well I think we may just have one left.” I breathed out as our hands roamed everywhere. The building tension was causing Max to press up against me harder; he guided me to the closest wall and pinned me up against it. I brushed my lips across his, lingering the touch. And that was enough, our lips locked together not even savoring the moment and just giving into the passion. His slick tongue stroked my mine and suddenly ours hands where everywhere. I grasped at the sensation of needing to be closer; I lifted his shirt and ran my hands up his muscular back kissing him violently. Before I knew it my uniform was completely open exposing my body. He began to run his hands over my bare stomach and progress further down till his hand was touching the band of my underwear.

My breathing became fast and deep and his slow movements made me tremble in anticipation. I felt his muscled arms flex under my hands from my moaning. He began to slide one finger in when suddenly the door burst open. Max and I crouched behind some stacked up boxes,

“Liz!?” my father yelled into the small storage room. I felt Max tense up behind me and I held my breath so not to make noise. Dad surveyed the small room careful waiting for the slightly noise or movement. Max and I held each other close, it was like being a child hiding from the big, bad wolf.

Max’s touch didn’t help either, the way he held me made me melt and want to collapse to the floor. Max noticed the sway in my body and fully embraced me. We faced each other crouching on the ground not breathing one breath of air. Normally this would excite us but lately my father had become more controlling than usual and we feared he would forbid us to be together.

We heard his footsteps turn around as he slammed the door. I fell more into Max’s body with relief we stood carefully just in case my Dad would double back. I began to button up my uniform and reached for my apron that was thrown across the room. Max also adjusted himself and ran his fingers through his spiky dark hair. “I better go.” I smiled up to him, “but I hoped to finish this later, without distractions.”

Max smiled that heart-warming smile of his; “I love you.” His words caused a flood of excitement and joy to seep through my body; it was the first time he said he loved me. I smiled like an idiot hoping I was expressing the pure joy of being truly loved, “I love you, too.” I said almost getting choked up by the moment. He gave me one last kiss and stroked my cheek with his fingers, “I’ll see you tonight, Liz.” He gently whispered still smiling, “I’ll go out first so I can duck out the back door.” I nodded not really paying attention; I was in a daze at what he said to me, Liz Parker! I was in a little shock, but that buzzed warm vibes through my mind and body. “Bye Liz.” He whispered as he swiftly exited.

Still in astonishment I sat on the floor for a couple of minutes taking in what happened. “He loves me.” I breathed out as a single tear of joy ran down my cheek.

I snapped my head at the memory for pure bliss, how much I wanted to savor that feeling because it felt like I would never have it again. I sat up swiftly in my bed pushing the covers off as I raced around to put some warmer clothes on. I’m going insane! I can’t sleep, I can’t eat, and I’m wasting away just because I can’t face Max’s further rejection. My mind screamed at me to go to him but my heart screamed not to be broken again.

I threw on my navy jacket fast and opened my window. The faster I went the less time for me to chicken out! I walked over to my fire escape ladder and swung one leg over the ledge carefully making my way down the wet metal bars. The air was muggy with the smell of rain. I went to jump off the rest of the ladder but stop myself realizing I wasn’t the only one that could get hurt. Stepping off the last bar I looked down to my stomach and placed my hand over it protectively.

I started to make my way to the main street, I would have taken the car but I didn’t want to risk getting caught and my parents locking me up for roaming the streets so late.

The street echoed with silence. It was so still that it made my hair stand on end and a chill run down my back. I felt an eerie presence as my mind bubbled with fear at each step. I slowly turned my head around to see what was behind me, and I was met with an empty pathway. My heart rate escalated with fear as I picked up my pace. Max didn’t live that far away, only a couple streets down.

As I finally reached his street when the rain started to fall, I hadn’t really noticed because I was playing in my head different ways to approach Max and also started to chicken out as I got closer.

Oh shit! Why was this easier to do two blocks back, I don’t think I can just wake him up at 3am and demand a conversation that will either help our relationship or break it. I stop in the middle of the road about five houses away from his, the closer I got the more I wanted to run back to my bed and put up with the anxiety before I slept. My hair was becoming damp from the rain and I began to shiver from the cold but that wasn’t enough to make me run the rest of the way.

I took one last deep breath and built a little courage to continue my mission. “Okay, Parker it’s either chicken out, never resolve anything and be labeled clinically insane… or face your fears.” I encouraged myself.

I was frozen there for a few seconds contemplating my options, and then the rain began to pour. It pushed for my decision to be made or freeze to death in the rain. I made up my mind and began to jog towards the house I knew so well. I crept through the back gate trying not to make a sound, even though the sound of pouring rain drowned out any other noise. I was now completely soaked, hoping I wouldn’t catch a cold I wrapped my arms around myself in an attempt to keep my body warm. My hand hesitated before actually knocking on his window. I hugged myself again after my fist knocked three times swiftly. My heart pounded in my ears and my mind raced with thoughts I couldn’t control. Panic washed over my body as I visualized terrible scenes that played through my head like a horror movie. I began to breathe faster seeing myself running away crying because Max didn’t love me anymore. I shook my head willing the thought away. It suddenly became too much for me to bear, I turned on my heels to bolt for the gate and run home. But I was stopped mid-way when I heard the window creek open. I kept my back turned hoping I didn’t hear his voice. I didn’t get my wish.

“Liz?” I turned around to face him, only a meter and a wall separating us.



Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 12:27 am
by Hybrid-Angel
heres the next part guyz..i'm soo sori for the delay, it's hard during with x-mas coming up and my precious beta is cooking up a things take a lil longer. Chpt 7 will be soon

Chapter 6

I continued to just stand there in the rain, frozen in place like a deer in headlights and not able to make a one simple move. Could I escape? Quickly make a break for it and forget I was ever here, but I had come too far and backing out now would be stupid.

“Liz, what are you doing? It’s raining,” Max declared as he fully opened the window, he gesturing for me to come closer. “Get inside.” He reached out for my hand but I didn’t take it, I merely stared at him as his concern intensified by the second and I could see his bewilderment. Max lunged forward, grabbed my arm swiftly and pulled me closer to the window. I had hesitated when he tried to pull me in, it’s was like my whole being had completely shut down when I saw his drowsy face fumbling to wake up at my presence.

Max then saw that I wasn’t that eager to come in and I could see some dread in his face at what I might say or do to him. Ironic really, considering he was the one who did it to me not the other way around.

“Liz, come inside you’ll catch a cold if you stay in the rain.” He spoke firmly over the pelting force of the rain. I nodded then stepped up onto his waist high window ledge, once I was crouched into position to jump into his room Max placed his hands on my sides before I could react and delicately lowered me to my feet. His strength and proximity were overpowering so I took a few cautious steps back. He was oblivious to that reaction as he turned on his desk lamp that created a soft glow and only provided dark shadows to his facade.

He turned back around surveying my appearance, I felt so exposed under his gaze that I awkwardly tried to cover myself with my hands. Unsuccessfully I pulled my sleeves over my hands and shrugged deeper into my jacket I then dropped my gaze to the floor noticing Max wearing only boxers.

“Liz, its three o’clock in the morning.” he commented softly trying to look me in the eye by tilting his head. I drew in a quivering breath as I prepared to speak, his power over me was astonishing, and I should be tested as a victim of mind control.

“Yeah I couldn’t sleep, um… Max we need to talk because I don’t think I can live like this anymore. I mean you’ve completely shut down on me and it’s like I don’t even know you anymore. It’s like you turn on and off, I mean one minute you’re comforting me in the school bathroom telling me you’re ‘sorry’ and the next you’re hanging out with Tess and ignoring me.” My breathing was becoming erratic as I continued, “And what’s worse is that I don’t even know how you feel about me or the baby, I-I don’t understand why your being like this… you don’t even know what its like for me to see you everyday and think that I’m hated by someone I love so much. And Max you better give me a straight answer ‘cause I swear things won’t get pretty.” Unshed tears lingered in my eyes, waiting to spill at his reply.

“Liz, if this is about me taking Tess to the Crashdown…”

I cut in before he continue, my blood boiling just at the mention of her name, “No Max! It’s not just her. It’s you. Of all the people I trust the most it was you and you’re just happy to sit back and let me go through hell!” I yelled as tears mingled in with the raindrops on my face.

“Liz, I told you I’m little freaked out at the situation…”

“You know you can’t even admit I’m pregnant, it’s like you don’t even want this baby, let alone acknowledge its existence!” I interrupted so coldly I actually saw him shiver, I don’t know if it was because of my harsh tone or the subject at hand.

“Well maybe I don’t!” His reply knocked me off my feet, I actually felt myself stumble to find my balance. I felt like the wind was knocked out of me, the way he said it was like I was some kind of stranger that he got knocked up. In the back of my mind I secretly hoped that Max would marry me and the three of us would live happily ever after. But he doesn’t want this baby at all. The thought drained me completely and I was surprised I was still standing.

Max obviously saw the pain flood over my face, “Liz…” his tone was coated with sympathy “You know how things are so screwed up with my parents and…”

“You get no excuses, Max! You’re just being a total dickhead!” I cut in loudly

“For God sakes Liz you wouldn’t even understand where I’m coming from! You stand there and accuse me of being a total jerk because it’s something I can’t deal with. You couldn’t give a shit about what’s really going on ‘cause it’s always about you!” I was startled by his raised voice but that only made me want to yell more.

“So make me understand! Don’t shut me out because you supposedly have a little anxiety over this. Normal people talk and console each other in a time of need, but when it’s you Max all you do is care about reputation.” I bitterly finished

“You Liz Parker have no idea what this is about. It may surprise you but I don’t exactly tell you everything, where you’re happier to let everyone know about your sad stories of your sister and family issues.” He stood over me with a stern glare; I struggled to keep the tears back but they streamed down my cheek and I hoped he only thought it was droplets of rain that soaked me from head to toe.

“You are a heartless bastard. You wouldn’t know anything about what I’m still going through from the death of my sister.” I strained out every word with anger.

“News flash Liz, you’re not the only one who has a dead sibling.” He spoke callously, sending chills down my spine,

“You have Isabel.” I retorted. He only stared blankly then moved over to the window, I was a little stunned at his expression, he didn’t speak but I could see that there was something he was hiding. I expected him to retaliate but he just kept his back to me, to actually have something he couldn’t even tell me was mind boggling.

“What?” I prodded with confusion.

“I think you should go.” He spoke calmly.

“What? NO!” I shook my head backing away from him

“You can borrow my car…”

I crossed my arms stubbornly “I’m NOT going till this is resolved.” I declared, and he turned to face me

“For once Liz, why can’t you just leave things alone!” he snapped out again.

“Because Max it’s something that affects us! And I don’t want to lose another person I care about.” My voice was trembling, showing my weakness as he walked over to me and once again I was under his glare.

“Leave it alone Liz and get the hell out.” He tossed the keys at my chest and I let them drop to the floor.

“I don’t even know you anymore.” I choked out harshly shaking my head; I pushed by him to step out the window, a roar of thunder rattled in my ears as I treaded out into the hammering rain.

I faintly heard Max call to me, “Liz! Wait!” he screamed out his window, I bolted out the back gate and ran down the street my heart thumping in my ears. I had never seen Max so angry that it actually scared me, his harsh tone and stone cold looks were enough to make me crack under his stare.

The sky crackled with electricity and it suddenly became humid. I disappeared down the street hoping Max was too angry to follow. My hope was destroyed when I heard his army jeep fly around the corner and pick up speed. I darted across the street to opposite pathway, “LIZ!” I heard him shout behind me coming closer and closer. I wasn’t a good runner, I began to unwillingly slow down my pace. I pushed myself to continue running, but my lungs were gasping for air and burning at every breath.

“Liz! Stop! You’re gonna hurt yourself!” he barked beside me, I wasn’t surprised he had caught up with my slow, painful jog. I would have screamed at him to go way but the intense need to save my energy to escape was vital. Max then sped up and darted across the pathway a couple of meters in front of me to cut me off completely. My knees shook from fatigue and my whole body was trembling from emotional exhaustion. I collapsed to my hand and knees, crying uncontrollably as sobs made me gasp for air. “Liz, c’mon get up.” I hardly heard him over the low rumble of thunder; I continued to shake violently with loud cries of pain that he had caused me. At least the heavy rain and roars of thunder drowned out my screaming sobs.

Max paced over to me. I could feel him coming closer, he reached for my arm but I snapped it away from his grasp, “Don’t touch me!” I bellowed through sobs.


I sat back on the pavement not presenting the strongest stance of control “Just stay away from me!” I cried out weakly, Max crouched down in front of me and attempted to touch me with his out reached hand, I backed away like a frightened child corned by a monster.

I continue to cry hysterically, he had been hurt by my reaction to his touch and it was evident in his eyes.

He backed away leaving the car keys in front of me on the ground and pulled off his jersey he had obviously thrown on after I ran away from him and placed it over me. We locked eyes as he moved backwards and ran back down the street to his house.

As he just turned the corner I scurried into the jeep, tore off my wet jacket tossed it in the back and put on his jersey then speed down the road still with the occasional sob or two.

By the time I got to my house I had calmed somewhat and parked the jeep near my fire escape ladder that lead to my veranda. I knew Max would pick it up later so I planned on placing his keys under the pot on my veranda as it had been a hiding place we used for keys, notes, anything important.

I careful climbed the ladder, hopped over the ledge and hid the keys. It was still raining heavily so I scurried to my window and jumped inside my safe, warm room. I felt a sense of relief as I changed out of my wet clothes and tossed Max’s jersey with the rest of my piled up dirty washing.

I walked into my en suite bathroom in just my underwear, freezing cold and wanting a hot shower. I was stopped when I saw my reflection in my long length mirror. I was faced with that stranger again that appeared too thin and in need of sleep. It caused my stomach to churn at the girl before me and I then felt the familiar bile rise in my throat. I rushed into my small bathroom to throw up watery bile in the basin.

I kept dry retching, when I tried to calm myself down my eyes watered and I felt the convulsions of my stomach trying to bring something up. The feeling wasn’t pleasant; it drained my body of a great deal of strength I didn’t really have to begin with. As long as I force my mind to think of anything else but Max I’ll be fine. I braced myself on the edge of the sink letting the heaving subside and trying to strain my mind to think of other thoughts, like things I loved in my childhood. I tried to remember how Rosa and I had been best friends when we were little, before I realized I was the unwanted child. I tried to remember that summer where Grandma Claudia had taken us to the beach and let us eat whatever we wanted the entire day, only to have us feel sick at the end of the day and what a valuable lesson to Rosa and I it had been.

My grip on the sink released a little tension; I felt a little more control and turned to my shower. Luckily my parents were on the other side of the apartment and if I were showering they really wouldn’t care.

I sat in the tub letting the hot water cascade over my cold and numb body. I brought my knees to my chest and let my head rest on my knees. I was so weak just from confronting Max and trying to stand my ground. It frustrated me to not know what his big secret was; it also hurt a great deal too.

I suddenly remembered him mentioning another sibling, I normally know everything about him, even the media does because of they money-hungry, higher power lawyer parents and to have something hidden seemed like it had to be some thing very big.

I suddenly cringed with regret at not respecting his feelings and deep insecurities that I didn’t even know about.

“Good one, Parker. Why don’t you just twist the knife as well?”

I began to rock back and forth trying to relax under the heat of the shower raining over me and pushed in the back of mind that Max didn’t want the baby. It was a thought I couldn’t grasp and didn’t want to think about at all, it was just too much.

I finally got out of the shower when the water ran cold; I shuffled to my bed feeling like I just took ten sleeping pills and hadn’t slept for a hundred years. As soon as my head hit the pillow I gladly welcomed much needed sleep.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 7:43 pm
by Hybrid-Angel
Dont wori Katie u'll see his reason's soon inthe next couple of chapters.NEXT CHAPTER WARNING ANGSTY :wink: enjoy!

Chapter 7

The bushel of students swarmed through the hallway of lockers, grabbing books and socializing between classes. It was such a different atmosphere to me now, I mean, yes, I am a senior and I’m surrounded by younger people, but for the last couple of days it just didn’t feel like I fitted in here anymore. It’s such a carefree environment, child-like. Where the big issues were teachers, homework and popularity. Not relationship problems and teen pregnancies. I slowly walked through the crowd of loud teenagers, my eyes to the floor as I made a beeline for my locker. The little goals of the day got me through it somehow, accomplishing something so small was so rewarding.

Get to my locker, complete all my classes, avoid Max completely, skip study hall so I can get home early to avoid my parents, work over time in the Crashdown, do homework and go to bed. The list seemed so clear and crucial in my mind that if I were to forget one thing it would be all over…and it really would. I needed a little stability to carry on.

It had been a couple of days since I had confronted Max, let him crush me, found out he keeps secrets from me, cried like a idiot and proved that I was really alone in this cause Max didn’t want this baby.

I had been walking around like a zombie ever since, clamping down on my emotions just so I could get through everyday without crying or screaming. It was tearing me up inside not knowing this thing that Max kept from me, that was obviously a part of his resistance towards me and the other part just being that he was a total coward.

I sorted through my locker stuffing my bag inside and grabbing the books I needed for my first class. I checked my timetable forgetting what I had after English, my face drain of blood when I saw that I had chemistry. A class where Max and I are lab partners, something I always looked forward too but now I saw it as a burden. My mind raced off looking for different ways I could get out of this class; I could fake cramps, make a run for it or trip the fire alarm… okay that might be a bit too far.

Clutching my books I slammed my locker shut and made my way to first period. I took a detour to see if Maria was at her locker and to waste some time cause it was five minutes till the bell. I pushed through the crowd trying to reach my destination.

A shoulder bashed into mine and made me drop all my books, “Watch it!” a bitchy little voice snarled and could only belong to one bitchy little slut named Tess. I glared at her as she passed her blond curls bouncing as she walked. She was the kinda stereotypical bimbo who had it all, rich, beautiful and irresistible to men. Where I was your average Plain Jane. I didn’t say a word; I just gave her a death glare because she wasn’t worth the energy.

The fast moving feet around me kicked my books further apart and out of reach. I kept getting knocked off balance by people pushing past me not bothering to help at all. As I reached out for my textbook a big hand with a silver ring on the index finger picked up my book.

“Hey Liz.” Michael Guerin reached for my English novel and handed it to me.

“Hey. Thanks.” I was kinda glad to see a fresh face that didn’t judge me or know my secret. Who was just a friend.

“No problem.” He said as we both stood up together, he was Maria’s complicated boyfriend and Max’s long time best friend, between us it was just friends and co-workers. “Tell your Dad, I can work that afternoon shift if he wants me too.” He continued. We began to walk to the rest of the way to Maria’s locker.

“Okay, but you need to be earlier for the rush.” I said in a very fake way, you could tell I was trying too hard to seem normal.

“Liz, can we talk?”

“Ohh-kay.” I didn’t like where this was going; maybe Max told him to tell me something or wanted to have a go at me for the way I acted towards him or…

“Liz,” he surveyed the area, then grabbed my arm and pulled me around the corner into the music room. After shutting the door I clutched my books in anticipation, finding it hard to breathe. He then turned and walked over to me, “I just wanted to say that I know about…” he gestured his hand to my stomach.

“Oh.” I diverted my eyes off to the side not really knowing what to expect next.

“Max told me everything, I’m surprised Maria didn’t first, but I just wanted to say that he has his reasons.”

“Uh huh, and what reasons would that be?” I responded impassively.

Michael looked down and scratched his sideburn, “I can’t really say…”

“You don’t know do you?” I fished quickly, he then looked at me.

“No, not really, but I think I might know.” I bit my lip trying not to let my temper get the best of me,

“Then what do you think it is?”

“It’s not really my place to say. If you want to know you have to ask him.” He had that look that over ruled my bitchy tone; it meant I wasn’t getting an answer out of him. I sat back on a desk to brace myself; I was feeling more and more fatigued as the days went by. I felt defeated.

“Liz all I wanted to say is that I’m here too, if you need some else who isn’t Maria or Max.”.

I lifted my head to see his sincere words matched his expressions. “Thanks, Guerin.” I spoke dejectedly

“No problem, Parker.” We awkwardly smiled at each other shifting our weight at the uncomfortable moment.

“So have you seen Maria? She was supposed to meet me before first period.” I asked Michael, trying to fill in the awkward silence between us.

“No I haven’t, I was looking for her before I ran into you.”

“Oh, okay.” The bell rang loudly in the room startling me a bit, “Well I better go, Shakespeare’s calling.” I said as I made my way out of the room

“Liz,” I was stopped at the door by his voice “Just give him some time.” I looked down at my feet, opened the door just a little

“I’ve given him more then enough time.” I replied grimly as I looked to him and walked out of the room.

The words of Shakespeare floated over my head as waves of confusion rippled through my body at thoughts of Max. I cringed at the blinding anger that flooded my body making my eyes water with the need to throw up the breakfast I half ate. I gave up on trying to pretend to look like I was listening and placed my head on the desk taking a deep breathe, I enjoyed some of the weight of my body resting on the flat surface,

“Liz!” I snapped my head back off the desk at the sharp words of my teacher Ms Crawford.

“Yes,” I spoke with a annoyed tone bushing the hair off my face

“I hope I’m not interrupting your sleeping with an education.” Ms Crawford spoke with sarcasm.

“Sorry.” I replied rudely looking expressionlessly at her and ignoring the stares of every student in the class. It’s like a huge spotlight was pinned on me and everyone was waiting for me to break out in song and dance. I felt so uncomfortable in my surroundings right now. The fact that Max had sent Michael to tell me to give him some slack was aggravating. Why was the whole world on Max’s side! Why is he the victim! Ms Crawford continued to stare waiting for a better reply; I felt my right leg twitch up and down as I became more and more impatient at something I couldn’t even explain.

I stood quickly causing my chair to fall back with such force; I swiftly grabbed my book and stormed out of the classroom ignoring the whispering comments and harsh glare of Ms Crawford.

I stormed down the hallways of lockers feeling my anger escalate at each step, I didn’t know what to do? Where to go? Who to speak to? Maria was god knows where, Max wasn’t an option, Michael was properly not serious about before and Alex, one of my best guy friends was in Sweden as an exchange student! I slowed my pace and stopped completely. I felt so alone, before I knew I had at least Maria but now when she gone it’s like I don’t exist. Like I was on some other plane, where I am surrounded by people, but… I wasn’t a part of their world.

This was deadening; I was just standing there in the hallway feeling like the world was collapsing around me.

I heard the faint call of my name, it snapped me out of my dazed thoughts and I suddenly remembered I was standing in a hallway looking like a mental patient.

I turned my head to find the voice calling me and when I found the direction it came from it felt like my stomach had dropped to the ground then bounced upwards into my throat.

Max came striding up to me, I slowly turned away showing no expressions on my face as I shuffled in the opposite direction.

“Liz, wait.” Max gripped my arm and made me spin around to him. I averted my eyes to the ground and surprisingly I didn’t struggle to escape his firm grip. I just stood there, lifelessly. Standing before me was the cause of my misery, the cause of my turmoil…but at the same time he was the joy of everyday, he was my soulmate.

“About the other night I … I didn’t mean it to sound that way.” Max spoke quietly as if someone was listening, for the first time I looked him in the eye

“Like what way, Max? That you were victim, that you were truly speaking your mind for once, that you couldn’t give a shit if I’m pregnant or not….that you keep breaking my heart. Which one is it Max? ‘Cause I’m a little confused because all I care about is my sad issue of a dead sister and my unloving parents. I try to get a straight answer out of you and when I do you tell me to fuck off!” My voice was harsh and low when he just continued to stare in disbelief as I continued my venting “God, you say all this crap to me and expect me to be fine with whatever you say. When you grow some balls Max, then come find me and then we’ll have a real conversation. And I don’t mean through Michael.” I began to turn away “What the hell has happened to you?” I snidely remarked, at that Max grabbed my forearm again and snapped me around to face him, our noses inches away from each other “Well I got a bitch for a girlfriend.” He retorted huskily, I merely stared at him because making a movement might tip me over the edge, I vowed never to cry weakly in front of him again after the other night and I was gonna keep that promise.

“If you just stop being such a snippy little bitch for one second then I can explain myself. I approached you to apologise for being a dickhead the other night and to try and have a civil conversation with you about certain situations, but as usual Liz you jump the gun and try making the other person feel guiltier then they already did. I never ever intended to hurt you, but I’m sorry that there is a certain part of my life that I don’t want to share with you.” He breathed on my face with anger; we still had locked eyes, neither of us wanting to break away.

“Let go of me.” Every word was filled with fury, I struggled to get free but he kept his grip firm. I needed to escape because I felt those familiar tears stinging in my eyes and I couldn’t let him see me like that again. I pulled wildly to be free as my mind clouded with suffocating, mixed emotions. “Max, let go.” I whimpered as I used my weight as force against him.

“No, we are continuing this. You can’t keep running away, Liz.” He sternly spoke close to my ear as I continued to pull for my arm to be free and keeping my eyes down. All of a sudden the air become thick and hot and I got a cold chill run through my body

“Please…” I whimpered again, he finally released me and I stumbled back a little.

“We haven’t finished this conversation…. Liz?” His voice became muffled and faded and the world around me started closed in with darkness. I suddenly had this painful urge to be as close to the ground as possible, my body felt so heavy. I didn’t even feel myself hit the ground and then everything went black.

“Liz...Liz?” I barely heard my name being called; it was like it was a million miles away. I moaned and turned my head only to have two strong hands move it back. “Liz?” The voice called again, I struggled to open my eyes but all I wanted to do was slip back into the peaceful darkness. “C’mon wake up.” I felt fingers skim over my forehead gently then have them tuck hair behind my ear. It was Max! My mind jolted awake and my eyes fluttered open to see Max’s concerned features look down on me. “Liz, you okay?” He breathed out while still holding my face, I mumbled out a ‘yeah’ and struggled with my surroundings

“What happened?” I mumbled out again a little confused as to why I was on the floor

“You fainted. Are you sure you’re okay?” I nodded my head slightly and began to get up

“Liz don’t move, I’m gonna take you home okay?” I nodded again letting my head drop back down, I then felt Max’s arms cradle me under my shoulder blades and under my knees. He lifted me without any struggle and walked down the hall to the car park exit. I let my head flop against his hard chest, finding it so right to be up against him, wrapped in his strong arms and scent. I felt like I were a puppet, no one pulling my strings so I was limp and lifeless in his arms as we approached the jeep. He held me close to his chest and somehow opened the car door without jolting me a bit. He placed me on my feet then lifted me by my waist into the passenger seat, by this time I was a little more awake then before, I watched him gently fasten my seatbelt and then I caught his eye.

He stared at me for a while then brushed more hair out of my face; it was such a strange moment we both felt the difference between us. A sort of vulnerable moment where it was obvious that things might not go back to the way they were, even when the feelings were still the same.

Max quickly looked away and then walked around to the drivers seat. As he hopped in and turned on the ignition, off in the distance I could hear the bell ring for the next class. It’s kinda funny considering I was gonna skip that class to avoid Max, not skip that class and be with Max. Looks like that clear, crucial list in my head of my day’s routine, has gone out the window.

Luckily I’m still standing…almost.

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:59 pm
by Hybrid-Angel
K heres a christmas present for all... The next chapter!!!Half-assed round of applauses
well i try!

K seen it near christmas the next part won't b posted for a week or so i'm guessing...Maybe less!

So enjoy guyz!! And Merry Christmas and Happy holidays! :wink:


Chapter 8

The drive home was painfully silent, neither off us attempted conversation, Max had turned up the volume on the car radio and I kept my eyes only on the road ahead of me. I could feel Max’s body tense up if I made the slightest movement and I could also see the questions bubbling in his mind. Whereas my mind was completely blank. I was somewhat happier to just blank out, but it only lasted a few seconds when Max began to slow down and pull over to the curb.

“Max, my house is still a few blocks down.” I was stating the obvious and playing dumb because I knew Max couldn’t take the silence any longer.

“I know,” he said as he cut the engine and turned to his head to face me. I watched his grip on the steering wheel, his knuckles whitening from the pressure.

“I just need to ask something.” Max hesitated a little bit before continuing

“What?” I asked in an annoying sigh and then looked to him

“What are doing about…you know.” He gestured to my stomach with the hand he released from the wheel

“What do you mean by that?” I coldly replied

“You know, your decision about…the baby.” If he had got up on one leg and barked like a dog I wouldn’t been more shocked, he was actually taking an interest in the baby. A little ball of light inside me grew with just a little hope that maybe I might not have lost him after all.

“Because I-I do respect your decision. But it’s mine too, right? So I get an opinion in what happens ….right?” he seemed again to hesitate and I felt my body tense up a little, I suddenly didn’t like where this was going.

“Right” I replied slowly examining his face for some truth

“It’s just that we’re seniors and graduation is just around the corner.” Nope, I definitely didn’t like where this was going

“We should be planning our futures without strings attached.” He looked to me for agreement in what he was saying but all I could do was glare with anger and perplexity. He quickly ducked his head and averted his eyes from my shocked stare; it felt like a complete stranger talking to me.

“It’s just that nothing has ever come between us and our goals. And I think this baby has caused us more pain then joy. In the future maybe children would be an option but now….”

My breathing became shallow and hurt my lungs, I could only stare in confusion now, what he was saying wasn’t really computing in my brain all I could hear was the beating of my heart in my ears.

“You want me to have an abortion.” The words slipped off my tongue slowly and my face dropped completely. That little ball of light of hope just went out. I turned my head back to the road trying to get through this without screaming my head off.

“It’s just that, I can’t deal with this kind of thing right now. I mean my father would kill me or probably send me away so the media doesn’t find out just so his reputation isn’t hurt. Or he’d demand you be sent away and I can’t have that. And what about your parents, they’ve been waiting for you to slip up and this is the perfect opportunity for them to…”

I felt completely drained, Max wasn’t the guy I knew anymore, and all he cared about was his reputation and his life.

“I hate you.” I whispered under my breath.

“What?” Max questioned in quiet disbelief; I spoke again, more loudly this time as I turned to him

“I. Hate. You” I clearly spoke each word so I didn’t have to repeat myself again, Max looked as if I had just punched him in the stomach, like he did the first time I told him I was pregnant, “How can you say all this to me. Like I’m some stranger you got knocked up.” Tears glistened in my eyes and I strained out every word in resentment.

“Liz, you’re over reacting. I’m just telling you the truth. You can’t honestly think that our parents would be happy with all this. That life would just fall into place.”

I turned back to him as I strove to keep the tears at bay, he may have been right but I definitely didn’t want to hear it.

“And what if I did.” I gritted out through my teeth.

“Then you’re not being rational.” He callously replied, I gripped the passenger seat, my nails clenching at the fabric as if the pressure would stop me from screaming cries of rage.

“Take me home.” I stifled out as I stared down at my feet. Max started engine again.

“Fine, be that way Liz. Ignore the fact that in the real world life isn’t a fairytale.” I let out my shaky breath at his heartless words and stiffened my body as he pulled out of the curb and continued down the street.

He pulled the jeep up outside the Crashdown; I whipped around to jump out of the car onto the sidewalk and continued walking into the Crashdown. As soon as I did I heard Max’s jeep speed off down the street and cut a corner with a loud screech of burning rubber. As I swung the door open I saw my Dad working the grill, perfect now I was really in for it. I really needed to avoid him, because if I confronted him right now I wouldn’t hold back on any words.

“Liz! Why aren’t you in school?” My father yelled over the grill as I approached the staff door.

“I feel sick, I’m going to bed.” I spoke without looking at him and continued to walk into the back room and up the stairs to our house. I was already up the stairs before he could reply, luckily him being on the grill meant he have to stay down there for quiet a while.

I opened my bedroom door and flopped down onto my bed. It was so quiet that I could practically hear my own thoughts outside my own head. I snatched up my Discman from my bedside table and turned up the volume full blast, skipping each track, as they were all some sappy love song. Finally I found Limp Bizkit next to my dressing table, I flung the other CD across the room like a Frisbee and pressed play for ‘Eat you alive’ one of they’re latest tracks. I pulled the covers over my head and drifted off into a light sleep.

A loud continuous noise rang in my ear; I lifted my heavy, sleep embued head and swung my arm around to hit my alarm clock. Only after bashing the snooze button three times, I finally snapped out of my slumber and realized the loud continuous noise was coming from my mobile phone. I fumbled out of bed as the blankets tangled around my body making it hard to get up and leaped towards my mobile on my desk.

“What?” I grimly greeted the person on the receiving end and headed back to my bed wrapping myself back up in the blankets like a cocoon.

“Liz? Where have you been? Max told me you went home because you were sick…of course I know that’s code for you and Max had yet another fight.” Maria babbled into my ear, a lot of people have been concerned as to where I’ve been instead of asking how I am.

“Sorry Maria, things haven’t been going so well lately.” I yawned.

“I’ll be over in ten minutes” Maria declared.

“No, Maria it’s okay. Just finish your classes and I’ll speak after our shift. Besides I think I need some time to think.”

“Are you sure?” Maria’s voice was coated with uncertainty.

“Yes, I’m sure.” I spoke sternly so she was more convinced.

“Okay, but if you need me just…” I interrupted her quickly.

“Pick up the phone…I know.” I finished the sentence for her.

“Okay. Bye Liz.” She waited eagerly for my farewell; I think it was a reassurance to her to hear me one more time.

“Bye Maria” with that we both hung up our phones.

I threw my phone gently onto my bedside table and turned onto my back. I had been asleep for two hours but it didn’t do much good. I dreamt of Max and I finally overcoming our problems and having a future together, but the scary part of that dream was there was no baby in sight.

Like it had been a bump in the road and was now just gone. Maybe it’s a sign to go through the abortion Max had stupidly requested. Maybe then Max and I can get back to normal. Maybe if he wasn’t so harsh I could have seen some truth in his words. It’s true that I sometime perceive life to turn out like a fairytale only because it’s a light to all the crap in my life. He was right in saying that his parents and mine wouldn’t be pleased with the baby situation; I’ll give him that. But it’s totally not acceptable for him to be the biggest asshole on the fucking plant! He is so distorted now that I can’t understand him anymore. A void is now yawning wider in the space that Max used to fill. And my heart is breaking to pieces whenever I think of our past.

I rolled onto my side and stared at a picture Max and I had taken a couple of months beforehand. I was sitting on his lap with my arms around his neck. I wore that red camisole top that I love and Max wore his favorite grey T-shirt that sat on his upper body so well.

It had been such a beautiful day, we hung around a park eating ice cream and talking forever. The image almost seemed like it was another couple, a couple so different to how Max and I were now. Like it had never happened, like it was another person’s blissful life.

“What happened to you?” My voice was muffled by my pillow as I blankly stared at the framed photo that symbolized our past.

It not only mocked me it haunted me too.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 2:42 am
by Hybrid-Angel
Heres the next chapter! I'm beaming with ideas and joy from all this feedback.
Parker Evans- u've hit the nail on the head, while i taking the fantasy of this couple i'm trying to imply a reality to the sistuations and trying to make the character put there love to the test. thanks very much for ur wonderful feedback and ramble anytime u want :wink:

Chapter 9

I became twisted in my bed sheets as memories came flooding back to me, memories of a better day. It was becoming harder and harder not to dwell on the past. Becoming irritated with my agonizing thoughts I forcefully muffled my pillow over my head, squeezing my eyes shut I surrendered myself as the thoughts overcame my struggle.

I yawned as I shuffled into the staff back room. I had been working since this morning and with Maria sick and the hungry tourists here for the Alien Conventions today had not been the best. Luckily I had persuaded Abby to work the last hours of my shift.

My feet pulsed with a swelling pain and my back ached from crouching closer to the customs to hear their orders over the noise of the Café.

As I opened my little work locker I got my apron ready to throw in but I was stopped when I spotted a single white rose with a small letter attached to it. My tired features lit up at the sight of the rose; it’s strange how something so small could brighten your day.

I carefully pulled the rose out, smelling its sweet scent and letting it fill my nose with a beautiful aroma. I took off the small folded letter attached to it and opened it with growing excitement. I skimmed over the words inside.

“Follow the clues. Room.” Suddenly forgetting my sore feet, I quickly ran up the stairs to my room two steps at a time.

As I rounded the hallway and burst through my bedroom door, I was expecting to see Max standing there but I frowned when I was met with an empty room. Max had obviously been waiting for me and just left. I shuffled the rest of the way into my room ripping off my button up uniform and throwing it on the bed. I pulled on a pair of jeans and long sleeve shirt. As I walked to my mirror to take out my hair from its tight ponytail I spotted another white rose on my dressing table with my car keys looped over it with another folded letter.

That familiar giddy smile crept over my features as I dived for my next clue. These little notes did more for me than getting a hundred presents on my birthday. Max’s romance was subtle and caring. Something I just loved about him all the more.

I opened the small note and with a confused smile read the message: “Car”.

After buzzing around my room to quickly put the two white roses in a vase and apply some eyeliner and lip gloss I snatched up my keys and ran down the stairs to my car. Avoiding my parents was easy, because they were away at some business trip for better savings in supplies and goods. Such naïve parents, I smirked at the thought.

As I jumped into the driver’s seat I noticed another white rose on the dashboard with yet another clue. I opened the last letter which gave me the final heart warming message, “Jagged Rock Formation”. I giggled at the destination, it was a place Max and I loved to watch the stars late at night and had been the special place we had our very first kiss.

The rock formation was a significant place to us, a private place for us to be alone.

I sped down the old highway, knowing that no cops targeted this area I pick up the speed a little. It was now dusk, the most beautiful part of the day in Roswell. The sky clashed with colours of light blues and warm pinks. The air hummed with the sound of crickets and a soft, warm breeze flowed over the vast landscape.

The turn off was about five minutes from the mile marker just ahead. My stomach with filled with excited butterflies making me feel giddy from anticipation. I turned the steering wheel, cruising slowly into the turn off and towards the rock formation. Max planning something like this made me fall head over heels and melt into a puddle on the floor…and he knew it. I asked him once why he did this kind of stuff for me and his response was I needed to know how much I was appreciated in his life, that if it wasn’t for me he wouldn’t be where he was right now. His words sent my heart flying, doing funny little flutters and making my stomach jump up like on a roller coaster.

His sincere tone made me melt, I felt like I couldn’t get enough of him so I had jumped into his arms raining kisses on his face. Having someone believe I was that important and showing that kind of love makes me want to cry and I think I did.

I giggled at the memory, a major goofy grin on my face as I came closer to the rocky outcropping. I came to a stop just at the dirt road entrance, as I climbed out of my car I paced slowly across the desert floor that surrounded the jagged rock formation. It was darker now and making out anything was a strain on my vision. I scanned the vast floor for Max’s jeep, but my eye caught a soft flicker of candle light in the distance. “Max?” I called out as I approached closer. When I came into full view of the entire desert landscape there stood Max surrounded by a few lit candles that provided a soft glow of light to his features. I saw that heart melting smile crept across his face as I came closer

“Hey,” he spoke low and sexy as I stood opposite him with my hands on my hips.

“Hey” I responded playfully, I then look at the display of candles spread out around him as he stood proudly in the middle on a red picnic blanket.

“So I guess you got all my messages.” He smiled at me proudly, noticing how impressed I was with all the candles. I jumped into the circle of light and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist as I gripped onto him tightly.

“You made my day.” I spoke into his neck hugging him tighter and kissing his neck sweetly. I had never needed to be with him as much as I did at that moment. And I could tell he felt the same by the way he stroked the nape of my neck and held me closer as he chuckled next to my ear. His warm breaths tingled in my ear sending prickly chills down my spine.

“How did you manage all of this?” I asked as he slowly slid me back to the floor. I couldn’t believe how beautiful just a few candles could look, how they could make the place seem so captivating.

“Magic.” He replied simply and turned to a picnic basket had behind him. “You looked a little beat at work so I decided to steal you away for a while.” He swung a basket around and placed it on the floor between us.

“The white roses were a nice touch. They’re my favorite.” I said casually, trying to seem less overly excited.

“I know.” He bluntly replied then took my hand and guided me to sit next to him. “Hungry?” he asked as he opened to basket to reveal several boxes of Chinese food. I giggled at the well-planned display.

“Yeah I am a little. My dad didn’t want me to have any breaks while he’s gone, made sure of it too.” I shook my head at the memory, Dad was being more of an asshole then usually. He actually had planned out the next two days of work for me changing others shifts so I could be occupied 24/7.

“Have another fight?” Max placed the food in front of us then turned his concerned features towards me. He knew just how bad my Dad could get, but sometimes it didn’t compare to how bad Max’s father was and we both knew it. Max didn’t mention it as much, but I could always tell when his father really got to him or had a big fight. Max would get in the grumpiest mood and when I tried to help him vent he usually snapped his head off to me or anyone who tried to speak to him. But soon after comes the many apologies.

“Yeah.” I sighed tiredly, “He was giving me the old lecture before he left on how screwed my priorities were. And that I should be a better student like enrolling in more sport or club activities. It’s like not being a straight-A student isn’t enough, now I have to have school run my every waking moment as well.”

“It doesn’t sound that bad.” I shot him a ‘You-gotta-be-kidding’ glance, and he only smiled in return.

“C’mon, I mean you’ll get to make some cool geeky friends in chess club or try out for cheerleading, which would get my total support.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me as I slapped his arm hard.

“Ow! C’mon those short shirts and over exaggerated dance moves are totally your thing.” He continued mockingly.

“Oh yeah every time I see a football game, I know I want to jump up and down squealing like an idiot and pretending I’m really excited when someone scores a touch down leading to the school mascot doing a victory lap.” I pointed out sarcastically.

“I don’t see anything wrong with you jumping up and down.” He slyly smiled at me. I turned to him slapping him continuously only to have him pin me down within minutes while I giggled weakly. I wiggled to be free from under his straddling weight, thrashing my hips up and down only made him hold me down more strongly.

“Now be a good girl and no tickling fights will be forced.” He playfully declared while pinning my hands above my head.

“Okay” I pouted childishly.

“Okay, then. Don’t even try to attack, you know I’ll win.” He immaturely stated as he released his grip. But as soon as he backed away, I made that obvious attack. Pushing Max back to the ground, I straddled him this time, pinning his shoulders firmly.
“Oh c’mon I saw that coming a mile away. Do your worst!” he challenged playfully. An evil smile crept over my face as I shifted my hands under his shirt and slowly moved them up his muscled torso. He groaned at the touch, when I knew he took the bait I went for the kill.

I tickled his waist resulting in fits of laughter. I knew his ticklish spot like the back of my hand.

“Stop! Stop!” he laughed rocking on his back to escape but I kept him pinned down.

“L-Liz…that tickles. Stop!” I laughed at his pleading. You’d never guess Max was the ticklish type, one poke and his body went into convolutions of boyish laughter.

“No way. I love watching you squirm.” I giggled to him devilishly, not stopping my attack. Max finally got a grip on my hands and rolled on top of me.

“Hey!” I giggled out, “No fair!”

The swirls of chuckling stopped as Max stared into my eyes. A serious moment now replacing a playful one. I could feel his warm honey eyes skim over my face and lock onto my lips.

I instantly shivered under his stare. The way he looked in the soft glow of candlelight cast dark shadows over his face, emphasizing his strong features. He skimmed his fingers over my forehead and tucked a loose hair behind my ear. Something he always did.

“You are so beautiful.” I whispered earnestly as I smiled up at him. I took my fingers and softly caressed his jaw and stubbly cheek.

“So are you.” I quietly replied, as I looked him in the eye, not wanting to break away from those glistening amber eyes that made my heart melt.

Our lips barely touched, only skimming over each other as our hot breaths mingled with each other. My hands came around his neck and pulled him close. The intense frustration of needing him was killing me. He pulled back slightly,

“I don’t have anything.” He broke away from the moment only slightly, but enough to be serious. I tried to pull him back down, but he resisted.

“Are you sure?” I kissed his neck softly, and then let my lips drag up to his jaw line.

“Yes.” He breathed into my ear, his warm breath sending chills down my spine.

“What about in the car?” I shifted under his weight so that I was closer to his hips and made a small grinding motion into his pelvis.

“I don’t think so.” He half breathed, half groaned.

Finally our lips locked, melding together with such intense lust. Max skimmed his tongue over my bottom lip trying to gain access. I quickly obeyed his slick assault and responded by parting my lips.

The kiss was blinding and deep, our tongues explored each other’s mouths as if to struggle for another hidden access.

I felt his slick tongue slide its way out of my mouth and down my jaw line. Max’s fingers combed through my hair and I groaned as his hot breathy kisses making a beeline down my neck.

I swiftly tugged at the bottom of my shirt and brought it over my head. I looked up to his face to see him smiling down at me obviously amused by my eagerness. I returned that warm smile and carefully threw my shirt to the side trying not to let it catch alight.

Our lips met once again, only this time the rhythm was sensual and lingering. My mouth hovered over Max’s and I slid my hand down his hard chest and abs, finally reaching the top of his pants. I unzipped his jeans then let my hand grasp at his throbbing member. Max whimpered out a soft groan into my mouth. That soft groan was like ecstasy to my ears. The fact that I could make him feel this way just from a simple touch was stimulating.

But when I was just about to really get into it Max pulled away.

I looked to him with confusion, “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t do this with protection, Liz.” He countered softly while caressing my cheek.


“You know why, Liz. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” His words were so genuine and gentle that it made me want him all the more.

“The worst that could happen is me getting pregnant, and that’s it.” I argued back childishly.

“Liz.” He smiled to me with an over-ruling stare.

“I’ll take the morning after pill.” I included trying to win the battle I had already lost.

“Liz, I’m not risking it.” I looked away from his stare knowing he was perfectly right. I then heard him chuckle at my childish pout.

“Stop pouting and let’s eat dinner before it gets cold.” He kissed the top of my nose and pulled me up with him.

“Okay.” I smiled back to him. Normal any person would be seriously pissed at a situation like that but for me at least I knew I could have Max whenever I wanted, his company was always enough. Plus parents’ being away for the next two days equals an empty house.

An evil smirk crept across my face as I continued to plan a seduction.

“What are you smiling at?” Max’s question was a similar sexy grin.

“Oh enough.” I lied but the smile gave away my intentions.

I sat quickly up in bed, tossing my pillow across the room. I really had to repress these memories; they were giving me a major headache.

I rubbed my temples as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

Then it finally occurred to me that that night had been the night before I had fallen pregnant. It was strange how looking back that Max had been very safe and resisted sex with his girlfriend just in the off chance that maybe he might get her pregnant. Huh! He may as well have just quit while he was ahead.

Back then it felt like we had all the time in the world, too bad our time has run out. Max and I are fighting and I don’t know where it’s going or for that matter where we’re going. God I just hate him right now!

He makes me all confused and feel so much pain. It would never have been like this if we just didn’t have that night together.

I was at another point of break down. I tried desperately to calm myself by taking deep breaths and massaging my temples in small circular motions. I stared to the clock behind me, surprisingly another two hours had past.

Turing back around I stood slowly and made my way to my desk. I sat down heavily on the chair and let my head fall to the table.

“I hate everything.” I breathed out in agony.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2003 11:31 pm
by Hybrid-Angel
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! hope everyone had a safe and great night.
Heres the next chapter! plz give feedback...i need to be feed. :wink:

Chapter 10

“Okay, that’s one Nebula Salad, a blood-of-alien smoothie and orbit rings. Can I get you anything else?” I slapped on that automatic smile as my customer thought it over for a second then politely declined my offer.

“No, thank you dear. I’ll be fine.” The middle-aged woman shook her head.

“Enjoy your meal!” As soon as my back was turned my features dropped from that fake, phony the-customer-is-always-right façade.

I had crawled out of my room after cursing at the walls and crying in confusion. Hours later I performed the mindless routine of getting dressed into my uniform and heading downstairs for my shift.

It was evident that I had become a walking, mumbling zombie. I shuffled from one customer to the next pretending to be bright and helpful when in reality every customer ate away at me demanding fatty foods that made me nauseous. I wanted to snap at anyone who complicated an order by wanting a side salad instead of fries and altering every single thing else. Okay it was two things but either way I was getting pissed off and had to literally bit my tongue with every order.

“Order up!” I heard Eddy yell out to me followed by a ding of the bell as I made my way to the kitchen window.

I scooped up my order for table twelve, a Will Smith burger and a Galaxy Sub. I got another waft of greasy fatty foods and had to repress the bile in my throat. Squeezing my eyes shut I turned my head away from the orders window and swallowed a few times before making my way to the table.

I wove through the crowed restaurant, holding the plates high so they wouldn’t be tipped over. I slid the plates onto the table of a happy couple. Not much older then me, properly two or three years older.

They looked so wrapped up in each other; it made me what to gag.

“Will that be all?” I didn’t even give my fake tone this time; I just stared at them insufferably. But they didn’t notice, they only noticed each other.

“No, that’s great. Thanks.” The guy said to me without looking, his eyes only on his girlfriend as she giggled under his love filled gaze. Get me a bucket! My mind snidely remarked, Max and I had that, but not as cliché and mushy as they were. I nodded and turned on my heels; I mumbled under my breathed in a bitchy tone, “God, get a room.”

I really needed to finish my shift and just go to bed. It was getting hotter in here by the second. It was stifling.

I walked over to the waitress corner and busied myself drying glasses till my next order was up. I jumped at the sound of breaking plates; I followed the direction of the sharp noise to see the new girl, Lucy, who had just dropped three dirty dishes on the floor and managed to tip most of the left over food onto an older couple.

The girl was costing us more money by being here. She frantically picked up the shattered pieces as my father stomped past me and over to Lucy to mend to situation. I merely watched as my dad helped pick up the pieces and calmed the food covered customers while trying to control a fumbling Lucy. Everyone in the Café soon turned back to what they were doing and forgot about the previous events.

I continued cleaning my cups and turned to the clock, it was 6.20pm, and Maria was twenty minutes late and so was Michael. You have to be an idiot to not figure out what both of them would be doing.

As soon as the thought left my mind, Maria came rushing through the staff door.

“Nice of you to turn up.” I said to her without looking away from cleaning the cup.

“Sorry, I got…held up.” She said as Michael could just be seen through the order window, putting on an apron.

“Sure.” I replied again my eyes still looking to the already clean glass; maybe I’ve done this one. I placed the cup on the shelf and continued to avoid eye contact.

I had to admit I really didn’t want to talk right now. Repeating every little thing to Maria was making me worse, I mean it was good for me to get it out but why did I feel worse whenever I did a recap.

“So, what happened? I can tell your getting a little lost in thought there, Liz.” Maria said bluntly as she readjusted her silver apron.

“Nothing.” I mumbled out as I placed another glass on the shelf.

“Nothing?” She said in a mocking ‘I-know-your-lying’ tone.

I sighed and faced her for the first time, “Maria I really, really don’t want to talk about it right now.” I said sullenly as I placed the last cup on the shelf.

“Okay, but you have to tell me sooner or later, Liz” She replied and walked over to the counter. I followed her and leant up against milkshake machine, my face remained lifeless.

“You okay there. You look a little pale.” She took an order pad then studied my face again.

“I’m fine.” I sighed as the ding of the bell made me move to the window to pick up my next order. And then made my way to table four.

“Here’s your Warp Wrap. Enjoy.” I didn’t both with the pleasantries anymore. It was too much effort and the heat in here was increasing by the minute. I heard the jingle of the entrance bell and was shocked to see Max walk through the doors… and not accompanied by Tess this time.

He searched the café swiftly and finally he landed his eyes on me then he made a beeline to where I was standing. I was stuck in place, I wanted to move but my feet didn’t make any kind of attempt. It’s like my body shut down and my mind was screaming for escape.

He towered over me real close and I just stared into his face. Anger building in my throat at the fact that he could just walk in here and seem so unharmed by our fights and bickering.

How dare he not go through pain, how dare he let me just go through it all, whereas he can just brush it all off.

“What the hell do you want?” I spoke low, my voice stifled to avoid any outbursts of angry.

“Liz, we just really need to talk. Have a proper conversation without leaving each other shattered.” He spoke so calmly that it made me want to scream at him and punch him in the face.

“I don’t have anything to say.” My bitchy tone was spiteful. I kept contact with his glazed over eyes. It looked like he hadn’t slept for days, but it matched my own.

“That’s a lie and you know it.” His tone was hushed low with growing fury.

“Fuck off, Max. I don’t want to speak to you.” Tears were developing in my eyes, I just can’t face him anymore and I really don’t want to talk to anyone especially him. I just want to be left alone. I turned on my heels and darted through the tables weaving past customers and dodging any contact with Maria or my Dad.

The staff door was my destination and I was just so close to escaping everything, when a firm grip on my arm spun me around and made my head spin. It got even hotter and the air was so thick it was hard to breathe at all.

“What?” I breathed out, my tone wavered with emotion.

“Liz, we need to talk.” Max said calmly but sternly.

“No, just let go.” I pulled from his grip and walked up to the waitress corner to brace myself. It felt like my feet weren’t even touching the ground; that familiar flush of hot and cold chills ran through me.

“Uh oh.” I mumbled out as my vision dimmed into darkness.

“Liz?” I heard Max from behind me, I swayed on my feet and stepped back to hold my balance but it didn’t help. I can’t faint again, what if my father sees?

“Liz? What’s wrong.” I heard Max again a little more closer this time.

“I …just need to…lay down.” I mumbled out but it felt like my lips weren’t even moving. Holding my weight was becoming unbearable so I leant more on the wooden counter only to have my body collapses back into Max’s arms.

I heard a gasp like Maria yelping my name. I could hear everything but I couldn’t open my eyes at all. I felt so heavy and the need to be so close to the ground was excruciating.

“Liz? You okay? Wake up!” I heard Max plead to me in a strained, hushed tone, I tried to mumble a response but even that was too much to attempt.

“Liz!” Max shook me gently trying to wake me. This is a disaster, why can’t people just leave me alone. I just want to be alone! I just want to sleep. I felt Max lift me into his arms then carry through the back room. I wanted to scream for him to put me down, I wanted to hit him, anything that would get me away from him….but I was complete paralyzed.

Obviously my father hadn’t noticed my departure otherwise he’d be hounding Max like he was a wanted criminal under a spotlight. I suddenly found myself thanking god for Lucy’s clumsiness.

I felt Max briskly take the stairs and round the corner to my room. My body was starting to feel that heaviness drift away and that excruciating need to be close to the ground in a deep sleep was fading away too.

“Mmm…” I sighed out in relaxation as he lowered me to my bed, it was so soft and comforting I just wanted to curl up in my blankets and sleep forever.

“Liz? Talk to me.” Max pleaded as his fingers skimmed over my forehead and cheek. “Mmm…” I mumbled, frustrated at being disturbed from my brief contentment.

“Liz? You fainted again. I’m getting worried, wake up.” Max soft voice was the only thing heard in my eerily quiet room. I finally opened my eyes to have my vision filled with his concern face.

“I know.” I mumbled out bitterly as I tried to focus my eyes on something other then his face.

“This isn’t good for you. Fainting once is okay, but twice in the same day…”

“It wasn’t so much fainting, as it was collapsing.” I interrupted as I propped myself up on my shoulders.

“Big difference. I’m taking you to the doctor.” Max insisted as he leaned forward to help me up

“What? No! I’m not going to the doctor’s.” I childishly protested

“Get up!” He again reached for my hand but I snatched it from his grasp.

“No, I’m not going with you.” I sat up shifting a little more away from his reach.

“Liz, this could be serious… Just get up!” Max’s hand reached out for mine, but I didn’t take it.

“What, suddenly the wellbeing of the baby you wanted to destroy is now important to you?” I remarked viciously

“Liz don’t start, I never told you to go have an abortion I gave you my opinion…”

“But on what grounds Max!” I interrupted sitting more upright as the anger started to resurface.

“Liz I told you what reasons, our parents--”

“That’s bullshit, Max! There’s some other reason why and you won’t fucking tell me! I KNOW your lying to me and it’s killing me not to know why you feel this reason is above any other! You’re a selfish son of a bitch and coward!” My breathing was erratic as I held his icy stare

Max’s eyes burned into mine, “Fine! You wanna know why you think I’m some heartless bastard?! You wanna know why I can’t deal with this pregnancy let alone any other person’s?” My spiteful words were fueling his confession.

“What because you’re an Alien?” I immaturely retorted.

“Because I’m the reason my little brother’s dead!” His words shocked me to the core. I suddenly felt the anger being replaced with confusion; I didn’t feel that confident under his gaze as I did when I was yelling at him.

Max’s fury turned into an enraged regret, a self-hating turmoil. He diverted his painful glare anywhere else but my face. I suddenly realized that during the fighting I had risen to my knees on my bed Max hovering over me.

“What?” I breathed out and shook my head in disbelief, he must be lying.

“You heard me.” He cruelly chuckled out as he made his way to my window that led to my veranda.

“How?” My brow knitting together with confusion.

I stepped off my bed and remained beside it, I didn’t want to scare him off, I had finally broken down one barrier and I didn’t want to disturb its fall.

He stared out the window shaking his head in what looked like self-shame; I took one cautious step forward in attempt to hear him better.

“My Mom had a third child when Isabel and I were four…and…” Max looked down to his shaking hand then he turned to face me. I could tell he was reliving it. It haunted him.

Suddenly his hollow eyes snapped out of its haunted daze and looked to me, “C’mon I’m taking you to the doctor’s. Get a jacket; we’ll go down the fire escape.” He moved around my room throwing me my blue zip-up jacket and closed my bedroom door.

“Max,” I stood bewildered as he continued to swiftly move around my room checking everything was as it should be so we didn’t leave any clues that we were in here and then he moved to my window opening it without hesitation. He was pretending not to hear my question.

It was irritating to have him to ignore my question, but having something traumatize you at such a young age and bring it up for maybe the first time. Sometimes I knew how that felt, so I let it slid…for now.

“C’mon.” He gestured with his hand and I silently obeyed.