A Different Kind Of Present Alex/Max ADULT 1/1 AU [COMPLETE]

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A Different Kind Of Present Alex/Max ADULT 1/1 AU [COMPLETE]

Post by soppysophs »

Title: A Different Kind Of Present
Rating: ADULT
Paring: Alex/Max
Universe: Alternate
Disclaimer: I dont own anything
Summary: Challenge : *Takes place during: Yeah, you guessed it; the holidays! Try to make it as festive as possible!
Must include:
1. A secret
2. A surprise visitor
3. A song that has to do with the holiday being celebrated (eg. "Jingle Bells" for Christmas)
Category: Any
Deadline: December 24th, 2003*
Disclaimer: I dont own anything

"Maria what's going on & dont tell me it's a surprise?" A young man with brown hair & amber eyes asked his best-friend
"Look, girlfriend i have already told you, it's a surprise. Now wait!" A firery blond with green eyes retorted, throughing some of her chips at the man.
"Maria i hate surprises! Now tell me what it is!" Max said starting to whine like a child
"What you cant wait an hour?" came Maria['s inpatient reply
"Ok, Michael has invited me over, so im going"
"Dont make me hurt you & dont interupt!" She scolded her best friend
"Ok where was i? Oh yeah. My friend Alex i coming to town tonight, y'know the guy i grew up with from Roswell?" She continued not letting Max answer. "I told him he could crash here provided he does me a favour. Seeing as you need to get laid."
Max quickly interupted "oh no you dont!"
"Oh yes i do, now he's gona be here soon & he gona wana fuck you & your gona wana fuck him, so im gona leave before all the hot gay male sex" She said starting to get up
"No, Maria, NO! i dont want you setting me up with your friends"
"Max i'v showed you pictures of him before & i swear to God you hand drool hanging out of your mouth"
"Maria, no i.." But Max was cut off by the sound of the doorbell
"Hmmm, he must be early" She muttered to herself leaving the room to greet her friend.

"Alex!!! I missed you" The girl said encompasing her friend in a tight hug
"Cant-breathe-need-air" Alex chocked out
"Sorry hun, its really been too long. But alas i have to go. Now Max is around here somewhere. You're gona love him. Toodles" Maria said leaving & closing the door behind her
"Um, Max?" The athletical built man shouted through the deserted house
"Kitchen" Came the muffled reply
"Excuse me?" Max said turning around to greet the surprise visitor
"Sorry, i didnt mean to say that out loud. Im Alex" The man said warmly extending his hand
"Max" An awkward silence fell over the two men
"What's that?" Max asked pointing to a rectangular brown case Alex had stood on the floor
"oh, thats my trombone" Alex answered
"Trombone, so what you play jazz music?" Max asked genuinely interested
"Yeah, you wana here some?" The man asked
"Sure, let me put some pants on first" Max said walking to his bedroom (clad only in boxers)

"Wow, that certainly is a big instrument" Max said walking into the living room.
"Yeah, but im sure im got something bigger somewhere. So anyway what do you want me to play?" Alex said with a twinkle in his eye
"I duno, something festive?" Max suggested
"How about jingle bells?" Alex asked
Max sat contently as Alex played jinngle bells, all the while singing the words in his head & checking Alex out.
Ubruptly the music stoped & Alex removed the obeject from his lips & took a big gulp of air.
"Dam, i havent played that in a long time"Alex said placing the golden instrument down & sitting next to Max
"So Maria tells me your gay & dying for a shag" Alex said laughing
"Dotn you just love best friends? Yes i am & i would say dying,its just been quite a dry month" Max said trying to conseal his growing hard-on
"So Max, do you always get erections from jazz players?"
"Is it that obvious?"
"Yeah, sorry. So wana go at it like rabbits?" Asked a rather blunt Alex
"Sure why not" Max replied leaving over to kiss the man he just met. Just as the kiss was getting steamy Alex pulled away.
"Look Max i gota get a flight outa here in about six hours & that means i gota be at the airport in about one half & you live half an hour away. What im getting at is that i'd love to do the whole lovey-dovey kissy think but i dont have the time. But i would like to bang your brains out. If thats possible?"
Max seamed to think for a second before repling; "Sure, why not"

As quick as a shot Alex was down on his knees undoing Max's jeans. Max pushed him away, stood up & removed both his jeans & boxers.
Alex leaned up & cupped Max' ass bringing the greek-god towards him. Alex slowly started rubbing his hand up & down Max' long shaft before taking the whole thing into his mouth & gently sucking it as he rocked his head back & forth. During this Max' hands had gone to the back of Alex' head & were gripping at Alex' hair as he moanned & screamed at the sensasions the man was envoking in him.
"Jezus Alex im gona shot, im gona cum, oh god, ah shit. ALEXXXXXXXXXX" The boy down on his knees hungrily sucked the other man dry. His salty cum dripping down his throat.

Alex checked his watch, then removed a plastic square packed from his pocket. Max' hands were busy fiddling witn Alex' fly & belt as soon as his trousers were down at his ankles he had a condom on his throbing hard-on.
"Bend over baby" Thoese three small words were all it took for Max to be leaning over his couch ready to be penetrated. Alex slowly glidded his rock hard dick into his new play-mate & started to pick up the pace.
"God, i missed this. Yeah dont stop" Max was already moaning again
"How, *ugh* long did *ohhhh* you go *ahh jeez* with out *er* with *oh* out?" Alex asked his hips now rocking back & forth his cock slidding in & out of Max' tight ass.
"Too long, so *uhg* very, very long & *oh god* hard *ohhohoh* i mean long. Ah fuck harder, harder" Max was now too rocking his hips in time with Alex'
"Harder, huh? Like this" Alex asked pounding his cock deeper in to Max
"& faster, would you liek it faster to?" Alex asked making sure he picked up the pace.
"Yeah, yeah oh god, yes thats it. God you fuck so well" Max said nearing his orgasm
"You gona cum, are you gona cum like a good little boy?" Alex asked, clearly nearing his orgasam too
"Yes, jeezus yes"
"Good cum, cum for me"
"Shit, can hold on" Max breathed out. He let go & his dick shot his cum all over the couch
"Good boy, good shit, ahhhhhhh" Alex shouted as his own dick shot cum into the condom. Alex steadied his hips as his cock still spasmed inside off Max.
"Merry Christmas Max" Alex said letting the condom fall to the floor as he pulled his trousers up.

In a small house in Roswell an 18year-old boy witn brown hair & amber eyes slept soundly, dreaming. Dreaming of the day when he got the boy of his dreams

The End.
did it totally suck?
