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Too Soon - (CC,M/L, ADULT) - [COMPLETE]

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2003 10:09 am
by cermel
Title: Too Soon
Rating: ADULT
Category: M/L
Summary: Max and Liz meet for one day before being separated. That day results in something the two of them may never be ready for.
Disclaimer: The characters do not belong to me if they did I'd be doing something much more useful with my time.. and money.

Hey guys! I'm working on the next chapter. It should be up soon. And I'll be adding the cover to this post as soon as I can get the link again. :oops: I lost it in the move. Silly me. Anyways, here's the link to the first 85 parts for those of you who haven't read it. :) ... 99372.html

See you soon, Toodles!

Edited March 1st, 2003


Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:20 pm
by cermel
Hey guys, took me longer than I'd anticipated to write this.. and it's pretty short at that. Sorry, I tried. :oops:

The fabulous banner by DreamerKitten is on the first page so check it out if you haven't seen it yet.

And I added a silly poll. Because I could and I want to know what you guys see in your heads when you read.

Part 86

I woke up before you in the total darkness
Early morning
I could hear the wind in the trees

I was looking for the light to bring you out
From the shadows
Redefine you now for only me

And honey I'm sure
That you've been in love before
Plenty of men have held high places in your eyes

And jealousy has got no use for me
The past is beautiful
Like the darkness between the fireflies

I was driving faster through the Appalachians
I could see
The world go out below me in the sun

You should know by now
That someone's always been there
Long before you
You never going to be the only one

And honey I'm sure
That you've been in love before
Plenty of men have held high places in your eyes

But jealousy has got no use for me
The past is beautiful
Like the darkness between the fireflies
Beautiful like the darkness between the fireflies

(Mason Jennings – Darkness Between the Fireflies)

“Ok,” Josh started, looking across the table at Madison. They were at the Applebee’s at the edge of town, casually dressed, comfortable, talking about everything and nothing.

“Ok...?” She questioned, with a slightly amused look on her face.

“You feel it’s good to be friends before officially starting a relationship, right?”

She nodded warily. She hated conversations like this. “Right… it only makes sense. How can you date someone, and be close to them, if you don’t know them?”

He smiled. “So, you don’t consider this a date?” She shook her head. “Even though I pay for everything, like I would on a date?”

“Oh, wait a minute… you wouldn’t let me pay for anything before! You forced me. Besides, that’s exactly why I’m picking up tonight’s bill.” She smirked. He was about to argue but she cut him off. “Nope, it’s all on me tonight. Sorry. You lose.” She raised an eyebrow at him daring him to challenge her.

He chuckled. “All right, it’s a deal.”

They ate in silence for a few minutes before she spoke again. “Was that it?”

He looked up from his plate. “What?”

“You brought up the fact that I want to be friends with someone before I date them… was that all you had to say about it?”

His eyes widened with understanding. “No, no its not.” He cleared his throat, wiping his mouth with his napkin. “I think, the only way to do this… to be friends that is…” he said, his eyes twinkling at the last comment, “is to be entirely honest with each other. No secrets.” He watched as she stared at the table in thought, contemplating this idea.

“I can’t.” She said finally.

He was speechless. That was the last thing he’d expected her to say. “Um… ok…”

She sighed. “See, I’ve never done that… shared everything about myself… with anyone.” She said softly.

He shook his head. “I don’t mean it all now. I meant in pieces… one bit at time…” He trailed of, losing momentum.

She nodded after a minute of thought. “Ok.”

He let out a breath of relief, then looked up suddenly. “Um… what exactly did you just agree to?”

“We’ll get to know each other, one story at a time.” She stuck her hand out over the table, grinning.

He laughed, “well, all right then,” and shook her hand.

“What is this place?” She asked in awe, staring up at the rock formation.

“This is what’s known as the desert.” He replied, spreading his arms wide, presenting it to her.

She smacked his arm. “Don’t get smart with me.”

He laughed, taking her hand to pull her up the slope. He was slowly figuring her out. She wasn’t exactly a shy person, she just wasn’t extremely social. She didn’t like to share herself with most people, maybe as a defense tactic, he wasn’t entirely sure why.

“I found this one day when I was driving around. It’s where I go to think.”

“About?” She asked as they climbed the final few feet to the tip of the formation.

“Life. The choices I’ve made in mine.” He spread out the blanket and sat down, motioning her to join him. They stared up at the stars in silence for a while.

Madison glanced over at Josh. Something was bothering him, more than usual. Since she’d met him he had yet to relax fully. It was as if something was weighing on him, something from the past.


He glanced at her. “Yeah?”

“Why are we here?” She looked at him, studying every emotion that crossed his face as he slowly turned to face her.

“I said before that we need to be open with each other… which you agreed to… I have something I need to tell you. If were going to be friends or more you need to know this.”

“Sounds pretty serious.” She commented idly.

“Very.” He agreed.

She nodded slightly, taking it in. “Does this have something to do with you being able to understand but not relate… to me?” She asked, remembering an earlier conversation they’d had.

“Yeah… yeah, that’s part of it.” He let go of her hand, breaking the bond that was there since they’d parked the car. He rested his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands and sighed.

“You don’t have to tell me.” She said softly, resting her hand on his shoulder.

He nodded. “Yes, I do. I need you to know. Then you can decide if you still want to be friends or not.”

“I will, no matter what. You are who you are now. That’s the person I know.”

“I still have to tell you.”

She nodded. “Ok, take your time.”

Isabel burrowed her face deeper into her boyfriend’s neck sleepily. They were curled together on her family’s couch watching a movie. He was propped up against the armrest with her against his side. He stroked her arm lazily as they watched the characters interact on the screen. It was just a romantic comedy, nothing too deep, but Isabel couldn’t concentrate on the story line. Her parents were out on a date for the night, as was Josh, her new brother-figure.

“Alex.” She said softly, her voice muffled in his shirt.

“Yeah?” He asked, muting the television.

“Remember before it happened?”

He knew exactly what ‘it’ she was referring to. “Yeah?”

“We were getting close, really close…” She felt his breathing quicken slightly and took that as a response. “I don’t think I could go back to that yet, but…” He tried to keep himself calm, and not get his hopes up as he waited for her to finish her thought. “But I want more than just quick kisses here and there.” She pulled away slightly to look up into his face. “Can you do that for me?” She asked with a twinkle in her eye when she saw his expression.

“Um… yeah, I think I can. I mean… I’m pretty sure… you know… it’ll be difficult to kiss someone as beautiful as you… I’ll have to force myself not to gag…” He meant it as a joke but for a second he found himself praying she wouldn’t take it the wrong way. He let out the breath he was holding when she laughed and hit him lightly.

“I’m serious.” She said softly.

“I know you are. And if you think you’re ready then fine, I’d love to make out with you.” He said waggling his eyebrows, causing her to giggle. “But, if you’re ever uncomfortable with anything, you let me know, ok?” He finished, completely serious.

She nodded, looking up into his eyes to show him she was being honest. “Ok.”

“Well, now that we’ve come to that agreement let’s finish the movie, shall we?” He asked trying to lighten the mood and the sudden pressure he felt. He didn’t want to maul her right then and there, it was too unnatural.

“Sounds good.” She replied, seeming to understand his reasoning.

“I’m so sorry, Josh.” She said softly, staring down to the desert floor below. So far he’d gotten as far as his brother’s death and the beginning of his depression. It tore at her heart to hear such a story and so much pain in his voice.

He shook his head. “Don’t feel sorry for me yet. There’s a lot more I need to tell you that will surely cancel out your feelings.”

“Let me decide how I feel.” She said gently but with a tone that left no argument.

“Right, well… Max and Isabel left not long after. I don’t blame them or anything but it was just another spark…” He paused, glancing at her. Trying to determine what her reaction would be. “So then, onto my escape… her name was Tara.”

“An escape?”

He nodded. “More like a way to forget.”

“Did you love her?”

“No… God, no…” He ran his hands through his hair, exhaling noisily. “I felt nothing for her.”

“So you used her?” Madison asked quietly, staring down at her hands in her lap.

“No… yes… see, she used me, too. She wasn’t exactly new at it. She was a lot like… Pam Troy.” He tried to explain.

Madison laughed lightly. “Really?” She paused and cringed. “Ick.”

The corner of his mouth lifted slightly in a smile. “Yeah, pretty much.” He pressed on. “So, anyways, after a few weeks she decided I wasn’t good enough anymore or something…”

“Stupid girl.” She mumbled softly, so he barely caught it.

He pretended not to so she wouldn’t get embarrassed. “That’s when things got really bad. It’s so strange to think back on it… that I could have been so far gone. I’m not entirely over it all now… I don’t know if I’ll ever be, but I’m past making stupid decisions. Well, ones I can help at least. I can’t even really remember what I felt… it’s like I’ve repressed it or something...” He trailed off, his eyes staring out into the desert.

“You said that’s when things got really bad. How’d it get worse?”

He sighed, turning his body to face her, and she did the same. “There’s something I need to show you.” He said softly, making sure his eyes never left hers. “You remember the other day when I was teasing you about being cold… and you asked me if I’m so warm why do I always wear sweaters?”

She nodded, watching him intently. She looked down as his hands moved, pulling up his sleeves. It took almost a minute for the scars to register in her mind. “Suicide?” He nodded; about to pull his sleeves back down when she stopped him. She took one hand at the time, placing a soft kiss on each wrist. She covered his arms up again for him before smiling at him faintly. “They’re healed now. This will be too someday.” She laid her hand over his heart. “Don’t worry Josh; the past is beautiful, like the darkness between the fireflies.” She whispered, quoting from a song they both knew; telling him exactly what she meant.

He stared at her for a second in shock. That was it? No anger, no repulsion… no anything he was expecting. And everything he wouldn’t dream to expect. He leaned forward slightly, unable to resist the urge he felt to kiss her. She was too perfect to be human, it just wasn’t possible.

Madison froze as he inched towards her, knowing this was it; and like she’d requested, he had no intention of asking. She didn’t know what to do, so she opted to do nothing, letting him take total control.

Josh watched as the various emotions from shock to confusion shone in her eyes. With his face only a couple of inches from hers he glanced down at her lips, seeing them tremble slightly. He reached up to cup her face in his hands, brushing her hair behind her ears. “Relax.” He whispered, his lips brushing over hers. She let out a short laugh, bathing his lips with her warm breath.

He pressed his mouth to hers softly, tentatively. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her, or ruin her first kiss in any way. He pulled back slightly, meeting her eyes. “Again?” He asked. She smiled at him, telling him exactly what he needed. He covered her lips with his, feeling elated when he felt her returning the kiss.

“Perfect.” She whispered drawing away.

“I’m glad.” He couldn’t help grinning.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 6:42 pm
by cermel
Sorry for the awful wait! Thanks for all your feedback and support!

Huge thanks to LizPark for betaing... is that a verb? To beta? It's a fish... does that count?

Anyways... here you go!

Part 87

“It’s so beautiful out.” Madison sighed, staring out into the desert. “This place is addicting.”

“Agreed.” Josh nodded, chucking another rock off the cliff. It was Sunday and he was glowing. The two of them had shared their first kiss the night before and then had gotten up early to meet up for breakfast and church.

“I really need to get home. I have to work this afternoon.” She grumbled, scuffing her shoe on the rock.

“Ok,” he sighed, standing before helping her to her feet. He stretched, looking down at the desert floor again. He was about to turn around to head to the car when he saw people on the opposite side of the rock. “Oh hey, there’s Max and Isabel… and a few others. I wonder what they’re doing here.”

Madison stepped to his side and looked down at the group. They both jumped when Max raised his hand and a rock some distance away from him exploded. “What was that?”

“A bomb, maybe?”

“Maybe,” she replied, not convinced.

They watched as Max knelt down in front of his daughter saying something and pointing at another rock in the distance. She lifted her hand, and with it, the rock began to rise.

“What the hell?” Josh whispered, turning to Madison, his features twisted in confusion.

She just shook her head and stared. They both jumped and froze when Michael started yelling suddenly. They’d been seen. The entire group stared up at them with looks of horror on their faces.

“Well, I guess we better head down there for an explanation.” Josh offered his hand, which she took, as they slowly made their way down the steep slope. They approached the group apprehensively. By the expressions on their friend’s faces they’d obviously seen something they weren’t supposed to.

“What’s up, guys?” Josh asked casually. They all stood in silence, eyes shifting between each other and the ground but no one would look Madison or he in the eye. Josie ran to her mother, obviously scared. “Ok then, anyone want to tell me what we just saw?” He watched as all eyes lifted and turned to his best friend. “Max?”

Max thought in silence for over a minute before clearing his throat. “Josh, what exactly did you see?” His eyes finally lifted to meet his friend’s.

Josh met his stare with equal intensity. “Why, so you can tell me a half truth?” It was apparent this was a serious matter, and he wasn’t willing to be lied to. He felt Madison’s hand tighten around his. He took a deep cleansing breath and waited for an answer.

“Firecrackers.” A voice to his right spoke. “We were messing around with firecrackers.”

He turned to look at her. “Tess, right?” She nodded. “Don’t lie to me.” He said softly with a slightly tremor, his anger flaring.

“What makes you think I’m lying?”

He let out a burst of incredulous laughter. “Do you really want me to go through the obvious list? One, Jo Beth wouldn’t be here if you were doing something so dangerous. Second, it was rocks exploding, not firecrackers. Third, rocks floating? Need I go on?” His irritation was growing with every word.

“Josh,” Max said softly, drawing his attention from the blonde, “it wasn’t firecrackers.” He glanced at Tess, obviously annoyed. Turning to the rest of the group he spoke. “I’ll meet you back in town.” He ordered subtly.

Josh watched in amazement as everyone else filed to the cars without question. Madison was torn with what to do. She, too, wanted an explanation, but she wasn’t sure if she was invited. She glanced up at Josh, who seemed to know exactly what she was thinking. “Stay,” he whispered. “I think we may need each other’s support.”

Once the dust left by the cars had settled Max made his way back to the couple. He shuffled slowly, his hands tucked in his pocket in a nervous stance. “Let’s go.” He tipped his head back in the direction of the rock formation again. “There’s something I need to show you.”

For the second time that day Josh and Madison climbed up the slope. The trio stopped on a ledge and Max glanced at them nervously before waving his hand over the smooth surface of the stone wall. A glowing handprint appeared, shimmering on the face of the rock. Madison gasped, shifting enough to cause her to lose her footing. Josh grabbed for her arm, trying to keep her from falling over the ledge.

Max was just about to open the chamber door when he heard Josh yell. He glanced over his shoulder in time to see his friend grabbing for Madison’s hand a second too late. It seemed like slow motion as she fell backwards, over the cliff’s edge. On instinct he reached his hand forward. Today he had started working on a new found power. One he’d seen Jo Beth use countless times, and now he was putting it to use. He closed his eyes, focusing all his energy on Madison. He felt his control strengthen, deepen, as he used that force, like a rope, to pull her upright.

When she was safe on the ledge again she fell into Josh’s arms, gasping for air. She turned her face warily towards Max. “Thank you,” she whispered, burying her head into Josh’s shoulder, trying to catch her breath.

He nodded. “No problem. I probably should have warned you before doing that.” He thought out loud.

Josh ran his hands down her hair and face, looking her over. “Are you ok?” He asked, still in a panic. She nodded slowly, taking another deep breath.

“What the hell was that, Max?” Josh exclaimed.

“Come on.” Max placed his hand on the silver imprint and the door slid open.

“All these years and I never knew.” Josh said in awe.

Max shrugged. “Well, we hardly used our powers until we arrived here. So, it’s not like it was obvious.”

“Wow…” Madison said softly, letting all of the information sink in. “I can’t believe it… So you were born here?”

Max nodded. “Isabel, Michael, Tess, and I were.”

Josh smiled slightly. “Let me get this straight. Liz didn’t know you were an alien? Not until after she had Josie… and then Michael just happened to be here?” Max nodded. “That’s luck.”

“Tell me about it.” Max glanced down the short hallway that led outside. “It’s getting dark, we should probably go. Where are you parked?”

“On the other side.” Josh was the last one out of the cave and watched in amazement as Max sealed it. “We’re going to talk about this some more.”

Max nodded. “I know… just not tonight.”

“How’re you holding up?” Josh asked, his voice laced with concern. He reached up, tucking her light brown hair behind her ear.

“All right, I missed work though.” She sighed, leaning against the porch railing. “I completely forgot.”

“You had good reason.”

“Yeah, but now I have to go apologize to my idiot boss. In fact, he probably won’t even notice I wasn’t there.” She smiled slightly.

“So you’re ok otherwise? Even with your near fall?”

She nodded. “The way I figure it, it was meant to happen. I don’t know…” She sighed. “It’s over and done with now. I’m fine.” She met Josh’s eyes, hers narrowing in concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Uh…” He took a deep breath, staring down at his feet. “Madison, watching you fall today…” He glanced up for a second before staring past her. “I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Me either!” She exclaimed, clearly not understanding what he meant.

He shook his head. “No, I mean… not just because someone was falling… but because you were falling…” he took a deep breath, pausing to collect his thoughts. “I’m not saying this right.” He looked up meeting her eyes. “Madison, I was so scared to lose you. I know we’re just getting to really know each other but… I couldn’t bear the thought you not being there tomorrow when I get to school… I think…” He sighed, cupping her face in his hands. “I think I’m in love with you.”

Her mouth opened and closed a few times. It was obvious she didn’t know what to say. “No, no… stop. You don’t have to say anything. I know it’s really early to be saying that. Really early, but I needed you to know, ok?” She nodded. “All right, goodnight, Madison.”

“Goodnight.” She whispered in reply.

Max sat in the passenger seat of Josh’s POS car. He’d bought just a week after moving here, needing something to get around in. It worked, but it wasn’t much.

Max glanced towards Madison’s front door just as his friend kissed her. He smiled slightly, looking away. When he heard the driver side door open he faced his window, unable to suppress the grin on his face.

Josh glanced his way and grinned at Max’s twitching mouth. “Don’t say a word.”

Max threw up his hands. “I didn’t say anything.”

They sat in silence for a minute before Josh turned to him, smiling. “Did you see?” He asked with a hint of pride in his voice.

Max chuckled, nodding. “Yes, I did.” He glanced at his best friend, who still had a smile on his face.

“I love her, Max,” he slid the key into the ignition, “so much.”

Max simply nodded knowing nothing more needed to be said on the subject.

Posted: Thu May 01, 2003 6:22 pm
by cermel
Thanks for all the bumps, guys!

Special thanks to the beta, LizPark!

Here goes...

Part 88

“I realize that this was something you didn’t want to face in Minnesota and all, but we’re practically brothers, Maxwell,” Josh said calmly. The two were sitting on swings at the park by the town’s elementary school. They spoke in hushed tones, keeping their ears open for any eavesdroppers.

“I don’t know what to say except I’m sorry,” Max began to argue his reasons. “I should have told you, yes, but you need to understand… Isabel and I repressed this almost to the point of not even remembering that part of us existed. I hardly ever thought about it. When mom and dad mentioned we we’re moving back to where they originally found us… we were scared to death!”

“That’s exactly when I could have helped!” Josh argued. “I could have been there for you. You’ve always been there for me,” he stressed, “through all this crap in my life you’ve never let me down, but not once have you let me help you!”

“Of course I have.” Max protested.

Josh’s eyebrows rose in challenge. “Really, when?”

Max stared at his toes as he dug his shoe into the dirt, keeping the swing moving. “You helped me after Liz left Minnesota.”

Josh sighed. “I didn’t do anything but watch you wallow in your misery.”

“And I’ve never done anymore than that for you.” Max replied, frustrated.

Josh let out a burst of incredulous laughter. “You don’t think letting me move here was helpful?”

“Are we keeping score or something?” Max snapped. “Just drop it Josh – we help each other, that’s what friends do!”

Josh threw himself off the swing quickly. “Fine!” Max stood to follow him. “You know what!” Josh continued, whipping around to face Max. “The more I think about all of this… out of this world business… the angrier I get.”

“Ok,” Max said softly, “tell me why.”

“You lied to me.” Josh replied. Max’s mouth opened to protest but he cut him off. “Lying by omission is the same thing.” He growled in frustration, running his hand through his hair. “Don’t you see how much that hurts? My best friend lied to me. Were you even planning on telling me? Because you’ve been here half a year and are well aware of that… side of you now. And I’ve been here for over a month, completely oblivious to it all. Everyone knew but me!” He yelled.

“Most of them knew before I moved here.” Max defended. “I was planning on telling you… I really wanted to, I just didn’t know how.” He finished weakly. He glanced at his friend’s arms which, per usual, were covered with a shirt that was much too warm for the weather. Josh was pulling his sleeves down again, a habit he picked up from trying to hide his scars. “Come here.” He instructed, holding out his hand in invitation.

“What?” Josh asked warily, the sharp tone in his voice made it clear he was still angry.

“Just give me one of your hands.” Max requested. An amused expression crossed his face as Josh eyed him warily. “Jeez, I’m pretty sure you know my sexuality, you know, being married and all…” He teased lightly.

The corner of Josh’s mouth tipped up with the beginning of a smile. “Well… you could just be hiding…” He stretched his hand out.

Max turned it palm up and pushed Josh’s sleeve up to his elbow. He looked around quickly, and dropped the hand. “We should go somewhere else… not so public…”

“All right, now you’ve really got me worried.” Josh joked, following Max back to the car.

“How many people have seen your arms?” Max questioned as they climbed in.

Josh’s brow furrowed in confusion but he answered the question anyways. “My family, you, Isabel, and Madison… I think that’s it.”

Max nodded. “Good.” He took one of Josh’s arms again, laying his hand over his friend’s wrist. “We can tell your family that this healed over the time you were here…” He dropped the hand, picking up the other. “Everyone else can know the truth.”

Josh stared at his wrists in shock. The skin there was whole again, untainted by his self hatred and depression. He took a deep breath, turning to look at Max. “I… thank you…”

All was forgiven.

“I can’t believe it’s so hot already!” Josh peeled the front of his shirt from his chest, shaking it in an effort to cool himself. He tipped his head back, squirting some water into his mouth.

“Relax, it’s a weather fluke. It’s never this warm in February.” Michael replied, taking the bottle from him and dousing himself similarly.

“Are you whining again?” Madison teased Josh as she and the rest of the girls arrived at the park. Liz, Maria, Isabel, and Tess followed behind her.

He shrugged, a smile spread across his face as she approached. “Hey.”

“All right, who’s up for football?” Michael asked, tossing the ball in the air. A chorus of “me’s” came from Alex, Max, Josh, and Kyle. “Odd number… we need even teams.”

“As long as it’s not tackle I’ll play.” Madison spoke up. “I mean… I’m not exactly good, but I know the rules.”

Michael’s eyebrows shot up as he turned to the guys. They all shrugged and nodded in acceptance. “All right, you’re in. We’re playing two-hand touch, not tackle – shirts against skins. Anyone else?”

“Uh… no.” Liz replied, shaking her head. The rest of the girls also declined. Instead they opted to lay a few blankets out off to the side and watch.

“Teams… all right… Me, Josh, and Alex – skins – against Kyle, Max, and Madison – shirts.” Michael separated the group for the game.

“Who said you get to pick the teams?” Kyle protested. “And why can’t I be naked?”

Madison rolled her eyes. “Hello, boobs.”

Kyle made a face at her. “We’ll just switch teams.”

“We’re on the same team, Kyle.”

“Just deal, man,” Max interrupted, effectively ending the banter before grabbing the ball from Michael.

The girls cheered once in a while as they played, mostly just chatting. Alex came over and grabbed a water bottle out of the cooler. He leaned over, kissing Isabel on the cheek.

“Ah! Keep the sweat away.” She shuddered, smiling up at him.


“Who’s winning?” Maria asked, obviously confused.

“They are, but don’t worry, we have a plan.” He capped the bottle and tossed it next the blanket, running back to the game.

Their interest peaked, they paid more attention. Kyle threw the ball to Madison. Josh and Alex both ran in her direction, arriving at the same time as the ball. Josh ducked down, throwing her over his shoulder as Alex caught the ball.

“Josh!” Madison started pounding on his back to put her down. “Cheater!”

“Hmm… they’re getting pretty cozy.” Maria commented.

Isabel nodded. “I think it’s good for both of them. They both need it.” The rest of the girls gave her questioning looks but she refused to elaborate.

Max and Kyle tried in vain to catch up with Alex. As soon as he crossed the line he threw the ball to the ground. His hands went over his head as he ran back to his team in celebration.

“No, no! That doesn’t count!” Kyle yelled, running towards Alex and Michael.

“Why not? We didn’t break any rules.” They all turned to Josh who was running for his life in their direction and away from Madison. “It’s not our fault your best player weighs, like, ten pounds.”

“Best player, my ass!” Kyle yelled tackling Michael.

The girls made their way over. “Is the game done?” Isabel asked, watching the two guys roll around on the ground, trying to pin each other.

“Yeah.” Alex replied, amused.

“What are they doing?” Maria asked; her nose crinkled in disgust.

“Negotiating?” Tess replied.

“Mating?” Isabel suggested.

“Oh! Don’t say that!” Liz cringed.

“Michael, would you give up already?” Maria cried. “He’s going to win anyways. Lets make it sooner than not.”

The boys finally quit, both laying on the ground in exhaustion. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, ‘Ria,” Michael whined.

She smiled sassily, tilting her head to the side. “No problem, space boy.”

“All right, I’m starved.” Michael changed the subject. “The Crashdown?”

“Where else?” They packed up their stuff and headed for the car.

Kyle nudged his shoulder into Max’s. “Who’s the blonde?” He asked nodding towards the row of girls walking in front of them.

“Isabel?” Max asked, confused.

“The one with the curly hair… the one that’s not Isabel, Maria, or Madison… or you wife for that matter.” Kyle replied, rolling his eyes.

“Oh, that’s Tess.”

“Tess? Where’d she come from?” He asked curiously.

Max glanced at him incredulously. “California… she’s been here since like… December…”

“I’m not the observant type, sue me. Is she taken?”

Max shrugged. “No, I’m pretty sure she’s unattached.”

Kyle grinned. “Cool.”

“So, you’ve officially decided to home school Josie?” Maria asked, sliding into one of the largest booths. Everyone followed suit, leaving Max and Liz to fend for themselves. Max pulled a chair over to the end of the table and Liz into his lap.

“Ew, Liz, now you’re going to get his sweat all over you!” Isabel cringed, watching her sister in law lean into her smelly brother.

“Not like that doesn’t happen every night.” Maria joked.

“’Ria!” Liz cried, blushing.

“Well, maybe not EVERY night…” she trailed off quietly, trying to hide her smile.

“To answer your question, yes, we have officially decided. We sent in the paper work and everything. But, we’re not going to really start until the fall. Though I’m pretty sure she’ll keep doing what she’s doing.”

“And what’s that?” Madison asked curiously.

“Read anything and everything she can get her hands on.” Max replied, scanning the menu just for the sake of doing it.

“So she’s getting pretty advanced in her reading?”

“Well, she’s certainly not on Dr. Seuss anymore.” Liz sighed. “She’s started teaching herself Spanish. She insists it’ll help her be more socially acceptable... or something”

“How social can a two year old get?” Kyle commented idly.

“She’s not two yet… don’t make her any older than she is, I don’t think I could bear it.” Liz said sadly, her eyes welling up.

Kyle’s eyes grew in fear at her emotional reaction. “Sorry!” He leaned back, hastily picking up a menu and burying his face in it.

“Nice goin’!” Michael said, glancing at Liz just as fearfully.

“Hey…” Max said softly, ducking his head down to meet her eyes. “You ok?” She nodded, sniffing. He reached down to the floor for her shoulder bag she’d brought for the day. Pulling out a tissue he handed it to her.

“Thanks.” She said, obviously embarrassed.

“Not a problem. You want to tell me what’s wrong? You’re scaring the guys here.” He whispered, bringing chuckles all around.

“Hey, I’m perfectly fine with emotional women!” Alex proclaimed, trying to take the attention away from his best friend who didn’t exactly want it.

Liz sent him a grateful smile as the table went into an uproar of conversation. She turned to her husband who was still eyeing her warily.

“Are you sure you’re ok?”

She nodded, smiling. “Relax, Max. I’m entitled to be spontaneously emotional once in a while.” She stressed, meeting his eyes. She dabbed her eyes again before blowing her nose.

He caught on quickly. Of course, he knew her schedule. She was due to have the right to start yelling at him spontaneously tomorrow. Oh the ups and downs of marriage. He smiled to himself at the thought.

The bell on the door rang as Jo and Josie entered. The elder looked exhausted. She had the great idea to take her granddaughter to the zoo since it was such a nice day. The fact that children had a seemingly endless amount of energy slipped her mind somewhere in the planning process.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Josie exclaimed struggling to get down. Jo set her on her feet and sent her off.

“Hi, sweetie!” Liz greeted, pushing herself off of her husbands lap. She picked up her daughter, giving her a hug before handing her off to Max.

“Hey, mom.” She smiled, taking in her mother’s appearance. “Rough day?”

Jo stopped rubbing her neck to give her daughter a disbelieving look. “You have no idea.”

Liz laughed. “Oh, really? You know… cause I’m only with her everyday I couldn’t possibly imagine.” She teased.

“Right,” she smiled, turning her attention to the group. “Josie, did you tell them what you learned today?”

“Oh!” The little girl exclaimed, jumping with irrepressible excitement. “On all the little plaques by the animoes, dare was brail under the words. I learned it. It was easy!” The group stared at her in silence.

“I think she’s a mutant.” Kyle spoke up first. “Like in X-Men…”

Michael nodded, eyeing the little girl that held his heart. “Agreed. All in favor say ‘I’.” Alex piped up in agreement, as did Maria. “What do you think JoJo?”

The little girl rolled her eyes. “No way, uncle Mikey! I can do way moe den dos guys! Well, maybe if I was like professow Xavier or somethin’.”

“That’s it. No more Uncle Mikey babysitting.” Max proclaimed.

“Can it, sparky.” Michael remarked dryly.

Max stood turning to Liz. “You ready?”

“Yeah, I have a lot of homework to do for Monday.” She turned to the table full of her friends. “Maybe we’ll see you guys tomorrow. Otherwise, Monday it is.”

They all said their goodbyes as the small family left.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2003 2:39 pm
by cermel
Thanks Liz for the beta work!

Here ya'll go, hope you enjoy it.

Part 89 aka The Dreamer Chapter

“You know… we only have two months left.” Max shut his daughter’s bedroom door softly before turning in the direction of his wife’s voice.

“Oh?” He questioned, not clear on what she was referring to. Picking up a dish towel he started drying the plates she was setting in the drainer from dinner.

“Well, two months will be two and a half years since Josie was conceived and according to the walking encyclopedia in there…” she trailed off, unsure of his feelings on the matter.

“We’re due for another baby,” he said softly, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, judging her reaction. She simply nodded, but didn’t say anything. “Are you ok with that?” He asked before the silence got too uncomfortable.

“Do I have a choice?” She asked irritably.

He sighed, continuing the mantra in his head that he had been since the Crashdown. ‘Just a few days… just a few days…’ “We could just not have sex when the time comes… it can’t happen then.” He joked, instantly regretting it when he saw the expression on her face.

She let out an exaggerated sigh, throwing the wash rag into the soapy water. “I’m trying to have a serious conversation here.”

“So am I,” he said with a slight laugh.

“Do you think this is funny; some kind of joke?” She reached in pulling the plug before drying her hands.

He slid the last dish into the cupboard, shutting it. “Absolutely not.” He replied seriously. “And you may want to keep your voice down.” He added pointedly, nodding in the direction of Jo Beth’s room. He sighed. “Come on…” He took her arm gently and led her to the couch. He sat down at one end with his back against the corner. Opening his arms he extended her an invitation to join him.

She eyed him warily, perfectly fine with remaining angry for the time being, and knowing the second she sat down it’d fade away. She shifted back and forth between her feet trying to decide. The smile slowly spreading across his face revealed that he knew her predicament. “Damn you!” She whispered, curling into his lap.

He chuckled, knowing he’d won this one. “All right, now tell me exactly how you’re feeling about this.”

She sighed, nuzzling her face in his neck. “Honestly, I don’t know. No matter how many children we have, or when we have them, I’ll love them.”

“Me too,” he whispered, inhaling the scent of her shampoo that lingered in her hair.

She nodded. “I know that… but we’re not ready for another already. Josie is a great kid but one is more than what we can handle. We don’t have the money… and what about college… what are we going to do about that?” She said tearfully. “We’ll both have to get jobs as soon as possible… and…”

“Hey, hey, hey…” he soothed, “we’ll find a way.” He ran his hand down the back of her head, letting her hair flow through his fingers. “What brought all of this on?”

She shrugged, sniffing softly. “Don’t know…”

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll find a way… our parents will help if we really need it. We can pay them back then, down the road,” he whispered, hating the idea himself.

“They’re going to be pissed. I mean… we can’t exactly tell them it’s not our fault… that it’s our destiny or something…”

“No, we can’t.” He agreed. “But it’s going to be ok. There are way too many people that love us and would be willing to help us if we ever really need it.” He kissed her forehead. “But we are going to be just fine.” He leaned back so he could look down into her face. “How would you feel about having a little ice cream?”

She blushed, wiping the tears off her cheeks. “I finished it this morning.”

“That’s all right.” He slid out from behind her. “What kind do you want?” He pulled his jacket on.


“I’m going to go pick some up. What flavor do you want?”

She shook her head. “You don’t have to do that, Max.”

“I know. Are you going to answer my question or do you really want me to pick?” He teased, turning to the door.

“No!” She stopped him. “Get some…” she paused, thinking. “Ben and Jerry’s Making Whoopee Pie.” She requested.

His eyebrows rose up in suggestion. “Makin’ whoopee, eh?”

“Sorry, buddy. You’re going to have to wait a while.” She smiled.

He nodded. “Right… Well, I’ll be right back.”

Liz picked up her Calc book to start working on her homework for Monday. She knew she wasn’t going to feel like doing it Sunday after work. After a few minutes of staring blankly at the page she tossed it aside with a frustrated sigh.

Looking around at their tiny apartment her mind drifted back to the problems they were sure to face in the future. Josie’s room wasn’t any bigger than a walk-in closet and their bedroom wasn’t much better. They had less then a year to figure something out before the next baby was due.

She shook her head, trying to clear the thoughts that were depressing her. Walking over to the CD player she ran her finger down the cases in the rack. She stopped on the one country album she owned, a live two disc set by Garth Brooks. She hardly ever listened to it anymore considering how much Max hated it and refused to let her listen in peace. She slipped the second disk from the set into the player and skipped to the third song, not in the mood for anything too upbeat.

The lyrics flowed through her, not helping her mood at all. The story of a woman who killed herself after finding out her love died. It was certainly a reoccurring theme in country music, or all music for that matter. She stood at the window, staring up at the stars.

What were they going to do? The last thing she wanted was to ask for money. They wouldn’t have any problem getting it but she knew their parents, even if it was fleeting, would think about how this was their fault; that they got themselves into a situation they couldn’t get out of. And it was true... mostly.

In less than a year they were going to have to move to a different place; a bigger one, and the idea of paying more rent, when they could hardly afford what they were already bound to, brought tears to her eyes. She wasn’t going to be able to go to school, and that was the end of it.

She didn’t notice when the cheering died down on the live track and the next, much more upbeat one started. Nor did she notice when that track was skipped. The chords to one of her favorite songs started.

“May I have this dance?” Her husband’s voice drifted over her shoulder as his hand appeared at her side.

She smiled slightly, brushing the tears from her face before she turned around hoping he wouldn’t notice. “How ever will your ears cope?” She whispered shakily.

“They’ll manage.” The singing started, pouring out of the speakers as Max pulled her into his arms.

When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love

Liz lifted her face into his neck as they started swaying to the music. Their clasped hands lay comfortably over his heart.

“This is my favorite place,” she whispered, inhaling his scent.

“Where, the apartment?” He asked amused.

“No,” she placed a soft kiss at the base of his throat, “right here.”

When evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love

“So, is this something I should worry about or just wait out?” He whispered into her hair.

She sighed. “Just wait a few days; I’ll be fine.”

I know you haven’t made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
I’ve known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong

“You’re sure?”

She nodded. “Oh, yeah.” Her voice was watery. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself from the ridiculous emotions running through her. “I hate crying.”

“I know, baby.” He kissed the top of her head. “It’s ok, though. Let it out.”

She shook her head as her face contorted. “I don’t want to.” Then it came, her body shook with sobs as she cried into his t-shirt, soaking it with her tears.

I’d go hungry; I’d go black and blue
I’d go crawling down the avenue
There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do
To make you feel my love

He let go of her hand and wrapped his arms around her.

The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain’t seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn’t do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love
(Garth Brooks - To Make You Feel My Love)

Max slowed their swaying as the song ended. Liz had stopped crying and was simply standing with her ear over his heart listening to its comforting consistency. “Feel better?” He asked, pulling back to look down into her red eyes.

“Yeah,” she whispered, “a little.”

“Good.” He leaned down, kissing her softly, his thumbs running over her cheeks to dry them. “How about some of that ice cream?”

She nodded, smiling. “Sounds good.” She stretched her arms up around his neck, pulling his face down to hers. “I love you.” The kiss was short, but sweet. She didn’t want to start anything they couldn’t finish tonight.

“Ditto, now can we turn this wretched stuff off please?” He pleaded.

She laughed. “Be my guest.”

Liz woke with the sun in her eyes. She shifted, groaning as she became aware of the ache in her abdomen. Rolling over she grabbed the prescription medicine bottle, popping two in her mouth before downing the glass of water she had ready.

“Good morning.” Max greeted, throwing an arm over his eyes to block the light. She hummed in response, shifting in an attempt to relieve the ache quicker. He watched her face contort in pain. “Hey, you ok?” He questioned softly, running a hand down her arm. He knew she got bad cramps but it never seemed this drastic before.

“Some months are worse than others,” she responded in a whisper.

“Come here.” He rolled onto his back, shifting into a sitting position before pulling her into the v of his legs. “Relax.” He slid his finger tips under the waistband of her flannel pants, resting his hands on her abdomen. He used his powers, emitting a soothing heat. “Does that help?”

She nodded, “Yeah, some. Thank you.”

He kissed her temple. “My pleasure. I just wish I could heal it or something.”

“It’s not something that’s meant to be healed.” She could feel the drugs slowly kicking in. “That was a really great thing you did for Josh, by the way.”

“What’s that?” Max asked, his eyes drifting closed.

“Fixing his arms. I noticed for the first time yesterday he wore a short sleeved shirt.”

“Oh, that. Yeah…” He trailed off, sighing. “I love this.”

“What exactly?” The pain had faded enough for her to ignore it but she had no desire to move.

“Just laying here together, doing nothing. It’s perfect,” he finished in a whisper, reveling in the moment.

“It is… well, almost perfect. We’re just missing one thing.” She pulled his hands up to her mouth, kissing his finger tips lightly before threading her own in them.

“What’s that?”

“The little girl that’s peaking in through the cracked open door.” She grinned as the door opened slowly revealing a blushing little girl. “Come here, baby.” Liz said stretching her arms forward.

Josie ran to her parent’s bed. Max reached over the side and pulled her up onto the high mattresses. She climbed into her mother’s lap. “Good morning!”

“Good morning, Jo Beth.” Max greeted, kissing her cheek. He rested back against the pillows, letting his eyes drift closed again. Within seconds he felt Liz rest her weight fully against him. Cracking an eye open he watched their daughter slip under the covers in her mother’s lap, curling up to sleep again. “Or good night,” he murmured, drifting back to sleep.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 7:24 pm
by cermel
My apologies for the wait.

Part 90


“We can’t stay apart forever,” Liz argued, pacing in front of the coffee table in the living room.

“God, no! That’s the last thing I want,” Max exclaimed, moving to the easy chair to sit down. “Just hear me out.” He requested, waiting for her nod. “We’re supposedly having a child every two and a half years right? For who knows how long… maybe it’s just a time frame thing. So if we wait a month and get out of the range where it’s a two and a half year spacing…”

A slow smile spread across Liz’s face. “Then maybe we can’t get pregnant.”

Max nodded. “But that’s just a theory.”

“So is the two and a half year thing, technically.” She pointed out. He nodded in agreement. “Do we have any other choice?” She sighed, throwing herself down onto the couch.

He shook his head. “None that I can think of.”

“It’ll be a challenge.”

He nodded solemnly. “Well, that’s another thing. I don’t know if I could resist you if we’re alone together… after not being alone together…” He said honestly, staring at the floor.

“Me either.” She smiled when he met her eyes. “What can I say? You’re too damn cute.”

“Cute?” He said, disgusted.

“Relax, Max. It’s a good thing.” She assured him.

He gave her a lopsided grin. “I’ll talk to Michael; see if I can crash there for a couple of weeks. I can’t go back to my parents… it’d be impossible to explain the situation, and I don’t want anyone thinking we’re having problems.”

“Ok…” she nodded slowly, thinking. “What are we going to tell Josie?”

“The truth, I guess, most of it at least. Maybe she’ll spew another piece of information on whether or not this will work.” He watched her nod as she stared off into space. “It’ll be ok, Liz. We can see each other every day. We just can’t be here alone.” He moved to sit next to her. “We’ll have to write down our schedules, so I’ll know when I can stop by to pick up whatever I need.”

“All right.” She stood to get paper. “This’ll be interesting.”

“Prom?” Madison asked warily her face scrunching in disgust. “You want to go to Prom?” They walked carefully up the slope to the pod chamber where Isabel was waiting to let them in.

Josh nodded excitedly. “Don’t you?”

“Well… uh… I didn’t think you were the school dance type,” she said cautiously.

“I wasn’t… But I never had someone on my arm that I would be so proud to be with.”

She blushed, ducking her head to hide it. “I just… you know how much I hate dancing. And those people! I hate high schoolers and I’m in high school so it sucks as it is and…”

“You’re rambling.” He cut her off, reaching for her hand.

“I know…” she said warily.

“Listen, we don’t have to go if you don’t want. I just thought that you might want to, you know, if the whole group does,” he shrugged, his excitement fading.

“You could go…” she started, her voice trailing off when he shook his head.

“Without you?” He asked incredulously, stopping. “That’s not even possible.” He sighed. “All right… we have about a month until then so why don’t we just wait and see… no decisions now. How does that sound?” He suggested, hopeful.

She smiled slightly, nodding. “Deal.” He leaned in, giving her a quick kiss before pulling her the final feet up the rock.

“Why are we here?” Isabel asked irritably. “We had plans.” She gestured between herself and her boyfriend. It was Saturday; she and Alex had canceled their date for a meeting per Max’s request.

“You always have plans, I just thought that since we haven’t been out here in forever we should spend some time,” Max said, looking pointedly at his sister. “I don’t know why but I always feel like there’s something else here we’re missing.” He smiled down at his daughter as she ran around the circle the group had formed, weaving in and out.

Michael nodded supportively. “I agree. It’s like it’s on the tip of my tongue…” He scooped the little girl up into his arms, tickling her for a second before setting her free.


“Well…” Tess started, her eyebrows knit in confusion.

“What about the Granowith?” Josie interrupted her, stopping in the middle of the circle.

“The Granowith?” Max questioned.

“It’s ‘Granolith’” Tess corrected quietly.

“You knew about this?” Isabel accused.

“Let’s not get angry until we know what it is,” Liz suggested, receiving a wary instead of the expected grateful look from Tess.

“I thought you knew… it’s so important I just thought you didn’t trust me enough yet to tell me about it,” she explained right off the bat, then paused for a beat. “The Granolith was part of our ship.”

“What!” Michael yelled, surprising everyone. Maria stepped towards, hooking her arm through his to try and calm him. He glanced down at her, nodding slightly but the angry expression didn’t fade.

Fear filled Tess’s eyes. “I’m sorry… I didn’t know you didn’t know…”

“It’s all right, Tess,” Max said calmly, trying to be rational. “How do you know about it?”

“My father… the man that acted as my father told me. It didn’t technically crash.” She took a deep breath and went on to explain. “It made the sound it did because they needed the force to get it through the rock… to hide it,” she finished weakly.

“Where?” Michael spoke up

“Right here. It’s right on the other side of the pods.” She pointed towards the glowing wall. “I don’t know how to get over there exactly.”

“If we broke out of this side, I’m sure we could break through the other.” Michael suggested, walking across the room. He crouched down in front of the torn membrane and reached in. The far wall flexed under the light pressure his fingers were placing on it. He turned back to Max, who gave him a slight nod. With the palm of his hand he pushed, using his feet for leverage until the membrane tore open. “Well… I guess that’s how we do it.”

“I hope so…” Isabel replied dryly, climbing through first. At the sound of her gasp, Michael scrambled through the opening. The rest of the group followed quickly, wanting to see for themselves.

“Anyone feel like they’re being born…” Alex joked as he pulled himself across the floor, trying to get his long legs through. His voice trailed off when he looked up at the monstrosity before him. The sound of air vents could be heard, most likely to keep the ship cool considering it was constantly running. Lights circled the top of the cone shape, flashing at random.

“Is there anything else you feel we should know about?” Michael asked, staring up at the fixture.

Heading back to the car Max grabbed Michael’s shoulder, stopping him to talk. “Can I ask you a favor?”

“Is this about babysitting tonight?” He asked, glancing down at a sleeping Josie in his arms. “Cause it’s the Isotope’s Season Opener.”

“No, no, that’s not it. Um… can I crash at your place?”

Michael looked at him with obvious concern. “Something going on with you and Liz?”

Max grimaced, shaking his head. “Not like you’re thinking.” Michael continued waiting for an answer. “It’s complicated… can I just tell you later?”

His friend let out a breath, running his hand through his hair. “Yeah, sure; hope you like the couch.” His voice faded as he continued on towards the cars.

Max pulled Liz into his arms. “I guess this is goodnight?” He felt her nod under his chin. “I’m going to miss you…”

“Our first night apart in over four months…” She said idly, leaning back in the circle of his arms.

He shook his head in frustration. “I wish I knew what was going on. I’m so sorry, Liz…”

“Max, don’t even worry about it. We’ll be fine. It’s just a month. Besides, it’ll be good for us.”

His eyebrows rose in question. “How?”

“I’m just trying to be optimistic, don’t take away my steam!”

He chuckled then groaned when he heard Michael’s car horn. “So you work the night shift tomorrow, right?” He asked, looking down into her eyes.

She nodded. “And you work in the morning.” The corner of her mouth tipped up in a sad smile. “Looks like I won’t be seeing you until Sunday.”

He shrugged. “I’ll probably stop by the Café; take Jo Beth out for the afternoon.”

“Oh, really? You wouldn’t be stopping by there to see someone else would you?” She batted her eyelashes at him.

He shrugged again. “There’s not really anyone else there worth seeing.” They grinned at each other. “But really… I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

“What about your homework? You haven’t even started it.” The car horn went off again. She shook her head. “Never mind, I guess I’ll see you when I see you.”

“Ok,” he replied sadly, leaning down to give her a quick kiss before leading her to the cars.

Max checked his watch as he climbed the stairs to their apartment. It was only 9:30. Liz wouldn’t be off of work for over an hour, so he’d be able to grab a change of clothes without incident. He locked the door behind himself out of habit. Stepping into the bedroom he shared with Liz her scent filled his nostrils. It was pure heaven compared to last night’s torture of sleeping on a couch reeking of Michael and stale potato chips.

He slid the bureau drawer open, pulling out a shirt before leaning to a lower drawer for a pair of pants. On his way up he noticed the small pile of Liz’s neatly folded pajamas on top of the dresser. Unable to resist he buried his nose in her tank top. That’s what he was missing last night. Shoving his clothes into his backpack first, he laid her night shirt on top and zipped it up.

He went down the short hallway. Just as he was entering the living room again he heard the distinct sound of a key sliding into the lock. His hand rose instinctively. “Who’s there?”

“Max?” Her voice carried softly through the room as she opened the door.

He let out a sigh of relief, dropping his hand. “Liz, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at work.”

She stepped into the room. “Josie wanted to sleep at Mom’s tonight, so I’m grabbing some clothes for her. I’m on break…” she finished softly, unable to take her eyes off of him. “I missed you.”

He chuckled. “You saw me an hour ago at the café.”

She blushed. “I meant I missed you last night.”

His eyes darkened as he continued to stare at her from across the room. “Me too,” he whispered. After a few seconds he cleared his throat. “I should…” He gestured towards the door behind her.

“…go.” She nodded, finishing for him. She took a step towards him and the dam broke. He strode towards her, his mouth ravaging hers as he backed her against the door. Liz wedged her hands between their bodies, unbuttoning his black shirt. After the top few Max lost his patience and took a step back to tear the shirt over his head. Before he could drop it he felt her tiny fingers started working on the button of his khakis.

“Anxious are we?” He teased.

Carefully undoing the zipper she looked up at him in shock, the expression slowly turned to a smirk as she raised an eyebrow. “Did we forget something?”

He blushed. “Yeah, I uh… forgot to grab an extra pair of boxers yesterday when I left.”

“So you’ve been going commando all day?” He nodded. “That is so damn sexy,” she gasped, pulling his mouth back to hers. Max grabbed the front flaps of her uniform, tearing the snaps open. She pushed her underwear down her legs just as he reached for the backs of her thighs, hoisting her up against the door.

Max sat on the floor, his bare back against their apartment door. Liz was cradled in his lap as they sat in silence; their breathing slowly returning to normal. He was kicking himself for losing control the way he did. Would it have been so hard to just walk past her and out the door? He chuckled inwardly, knowing there’s no way he could have.

“What are you thinking about?” Liz asked softly, her head tucked under his chin.

“How we shouldn’t have done this,” he replied with disgust in his voice.

Liz’s body shook as she chuckled. “I don’t think our plan is going to work.”

He smiled slightly. Knowing she wasn’t angry washed away most of his disappointment at himself. “I can’t spend another night away.”

“Good, staying apart makes me crave you more.” She admitted, in case it wasn’t already obvious. “No more sleeping at Michael’s.”

“Thank God.” He replied, chuckling for a second before turning serious again. “It only takes once though Liz…” He trailed off, cringing at how much he sounded like one of the birth control brochures they got in Sex. Ed.

“I know. It’s early though right?” She asked weakly. “We can only hope. But from here on out we’ll just have to find other ways to fulfill our need for each other.” She pulled away slightly, looking up into his face.

He grinned. “I’m sure we’ll manage.”

“Besides, Josie’s been in a tizzy all day. She doesn’t understand why you had to go away yesterday, and I don’t want to put her through this.”

“It’s a deal then.”

“Good,” Liz sighed, standing up to get dressed again. “I have to grab Josie’s stuff and get back to work.” He stood, helping her button her uniform back up as she fixed her pony tail. “I’ll be back in about an hour and a half.”

“Ok,” he kissed her, lingering before forcing himself to pull away. “See you soon.” He sighed before Liz rushed out the door.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 10:02 pm
by cermel
I was planning on responding to feedback today but this is pretty much a drive by posting. I'll try to get back to you guys later.


Part 91

“Is it strange living here?” Madison asked softly from where her head rested over Josh’s heart.

“With the Evans’?” He felt her nod. “Most of the time it’s fine. I was pretty close with the whole family before they moved here.” His hand moved slowly over her hair. “It’s only awkward when they try to parent me.”

She flipped onto her stomach, the bed bouncing softly. Propping herself up on her elbows she looked down at him. “Such as?”

A smirk grew across his face. “Like when Philip tried to talk to me about sex.”

Madison’s eyes grew wide. “But you’re 18! It’s a little too late for that.”

He chuckled. “I know, but I think he’s worried I’ll follow in Max’s footsteps.”

She smiled, patting his chest lightly. “Sorry, buddy, not anytime soon.”

He reached up, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I didn’t mean it like that. I’m not trying to pressure you or anything.”

She rolled her eyes. “I know that.” Leaning forward, she kissed him softly. “So you’re ok with where we’re at for a while?” She asked, suddenly unsure.

He grinned. “Making out every chance we have? Absolutely!”

She laughed. Her face fell suddenly before she spoke. “The Evans’ aren’t due back anytime soon are they?”

He shook his head, tracing a finger over the worry lines on her forehead. “Nah, they’re out talking to a client and then going out to dinner.”

She let out a relieved sigh. “Good, I’m sure they’d ‘parent’ you more if they found us in your bed.” She teased.

“Are you mocking me?”

“Does it matter?” She placed a soft kiss on his chin, trailing along his jawbone. “Wait.” She sighed, sitting up with her legs folded under her. “This isn’t going to work.”

Josh’s eye grew wide in shock. “Wha… why?”

She grabbed the bottom hem of his t-shirt, pulling it up over his head. “I like you better this way.” She whispered leaning over him again. The v-neck of her shirt hung down giving him an eyeful before she noticed.

Josh glanced up at her face, seeing her blush. “I’m sorry…” He apologized, concentrating on not looking at her chest even though she hadn’t moved.

“You have no reason to be.” She said with a slight tremor in her voice. She lowered herself down to his side. “Besides, they’re just boobs.” She tried to say casually but the shake that accompanied it gave her away.

He turned on his side so they were facing each other. A slight smile graced his face at her comment. “But they’re yours, Maddy.” He felt her nervous chuckle. “As silly as it may sound your body is yours. The way you cherish it is one of the things that makes you so special.” He sighed, collecting his thoughts. “Knowing that one day we will be together… that I will be the first to touch you... to kiss you all over, in places you’ve never even dreamed.” He watched as her breath quickened. “But until that time comes, just having you here in my arms and kissing you,” he pulled her closer to him placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, “are enough for me.”

Madison sighed, her head tucked under his chin as she thought about the next words she would to say. “J, I know you want more…” she started carefully, raising a hand to cut off his protests. “Just listen to what I have to say. Please.”

He sighed. “Ok.”

She started over. “I love you, J. You know that. And that feeling is so strong that I’m struggling with myself on decisions I’ve made in my life.” She paused. “There’s nothing I’ve done or haven’t done that I regret, but looking to the future, there are things I want to change from here on out.” She had the urge to move away from him as she spoke but forced herself to stay. His steady heartbeat was, after all, a comfort. “I don’t want to be as shy as I am but I can’t help it. I want to push the boundaries I’ve put on myself…” She sighed in frustration. “Do you know what I’m saying?”

“I think so.” He said tentatively.

“Until I think about it more I don’t think I’ll be able to put it into better words. But I’ll just say that I want to push my boundaries… with us.” She pushed herself up on her elbows to meet his eyes.

He shook his head slightly. “Madison, I don’t want to do anything you’re not comfortable with.

“That’s just it. How am I going to know if I’m comfortable if I don’t try it!” She exclaimed, trying to make him understand. “I’m going to ask you a question now, and I want you to answer it honestly. Can you do that for me?”

“Of course.”

“What do you want?”

He reached up, tucking a chunk of stray hair behind her ear. “You’re going to have to be more specific.”

“When we lay here, or wherever, and you’re kissing me what is the one thing that crosses your mind the most that you’d like to do.” She smiled slightly at the grin that crossed his face. “I mean besides that…”

His face fell solemn again. “I know what you meant, but we don’t need to…”

“No, Josh, you’re not listening. You said you’d answer my question. This is what I need.” She pleaded.

“Ok, ok,” he paused still unsure about this. “I think about touching you… here.” He brushed the back of his knuckled along the side of her breast.

She shuddered at the touch. The thought of how strange something so simple could be so foreign quickly passed through her head.

“I think about seeing you… I know you’re beautiful, and I can’t wait to see…” He finished slowly, sure he’d said too much.

“Thank you.” She whispered sincerely. Before she could start fighting with herself in her head again, she sat up again, her legs folded under her. Her arms crossed in front of her as she reached for the hem of her shirt.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, Maddy… slow down.” He sat up, his legs still stretched out in front of him. “We don’t need to do this right now.” He said softly.

She nodded. “I want to.” She whispered, then chuckled humorlessly. “Its funny how this is a non-issue for every other couple.”

“Well, we’re not every other couple.” He replied, cupping her face in his hands. “I understand what you want, but we’re going to take this slow, ok?” She nodded her eyes welling up with tears. “Can I kiss you now?”

She smiled softly. “Please do.” Her eyes slid shut, trusting him to close the distance between them. The second his lips brushed hers she was overwhelmed with emotion. All confusion was gone, clearing the way for her love for him to fill her heart. Her arms moved around his neck, pulling him closer.

Josh tried to move at a slow pace but having been given this new permission he couldn’t help himself but to move forward. Gradually he leaned back, pulling her with him to lie down on the bed. Her upper body was on his again, like so many times before but her breasts, which were crushed against his bare chest, were so much more apparent. The knowledge that soon he would feel her bare skin against his own caught up to him. He pulled away from their kisses, gasping for a breath.

Madison moved down his neck, finding his pulsing jugular. “You all right?” She questioned, concerned.

He could only nod as her felt her lips on his chest. He was so worked up over simple kissing he was sure he’d die when she was ready for more. He pulled her up again, thrusting his tongue in her mouth, needing to taste her. Without even realizing it he’d rolled her onto her back.

They had yet to hit new territory but he could tell she was starting to get nervous. One hand rested on the bare skin at her waist while the other cupped her cheek. “It’s all right, baby.” He said soothingly. “You’re sure you want keep going?” He asked, sliding his hand up to her ribs under her shirt.

Her eyes met his as she nodded, leaving no room for doubt. He held her eyes as he slid his hand higher, cupping her left breast through her bra. His thumb brushed over her nipple, feeling it harden as her eyes drifted shut. He could feel her heartbeat from where his hand rested. It sped up with what he suspected to be a combination of nerves and excitement.

As he pushed her shirt higher she lifted her arms instinctively. Her hair fanned across the pillow, creating a halo as it fell. Unable to help himself his lips were drawn to her collar bone. They quickly drifted to the curve of her breasts that were now only covered by her bra. He kissed her fervently as he couldn’t get enough of the new skin bared before him. Her chest rose and fell quickly as she sighed.

Josh lifted his eyes to see her staring down at him. He grinned. “Hey.” He whispered, afraid anything louder would break the moment. A smile broke across her face, signaling everything was ok. His hand landed on the front clasp of her bra. “May I?”

Madison nodded. She watched his face twist in concentration as he undid the simple hook. “You got that all right?”

“I think I can handle it.” He replied sheepishly. He lifted his hand so she could see it’s slight tremor. “This makes it difficult.”

She reached her hand up, threading her fingers through his. “I love you.” Her whisper was almost inaudible.

His eyes turned to what she could only describe as puppy dog eyes before he launched forward to kiss her. “I love you too, baby.”

His hands went to the hook again, slowly slipping it out of its clasp, as he stared into her eyes. He peeled back the cups one at a time before looking down. Her petite breasts stood up towards him, begging for attention.

Josh traced a finger down her sternum then slowly up one slope trailing it around one nipple before moving across to the other, teasing her. Her body shifted on its own accord, trying to bring on more pressure and where she wanted it the most. He passed over one nipple, eliciting a whimper from her.

“J, please.” She begged softly.

“Please what?” He asked, wondering if she’d be willing to ask.

She hesitated, her eyes opening to slits. She knew exactly what he was doing. “Please touch me.”

Josh leaned forward, kissing her softly, his tongue lingering on her lips. “Absolutely.”

Liz picked up the can of hair spray to stop a few loose strands from getting away. She added another coat to the entire mass of curls on her head before setting the bottle down, satisfied.

“Lizzie, you ready?” She heard Maria’s voice from the living room.

“Yeah.” She called back. She looked over herself in the mirror one more time, smoothing imaginary wrinkles from the front of her dress. She reached up to brush something from her cheek and saw her hand was shaking. “Great,” she muttered to herself. Max would know something was up right away. So much for surprises.

Taking a deep breath she went to meet Maria in the living room of their small apartment. “How do I look?” She asked tentatively. She spun, her deep red colored dress belled out slightly. Prom dresses were more than Liz could afford so her mother had given her a dress that she’d worn to a party once.

“Beautiful! Me?” Maria mirrored her action in her rich blue dress.

“Gorgeous!” Looking at her hands again she saw there was only a slight tremor and she prayed she could hide it until the time was right. “The guys should be here any minute.”

As if on cue there was a soft knock on the door before the boys entered. Both had refused to wear tuxes and opted for nice suits.

“Hey, handsome.” Maria greeted, running her fingers through Michael’s hair. He’d left it wild, as she’d requested. The slicked back look just didn’t suit him.

“Hey.” Max returned, grinning as Michael glared at him.

Liz chuckled and stepped forward, grabbing the lapels of her husband’s jacket, pulling him down for a kiss. “Hey, sexy. You ready to go?”

“Yup.” Michael replied as he opened the door.

“Chicken. Why is it always chicken?” Alex complained, poking at the small piece of meat on his dinner plate.

“It’s cheap and most people like it.” Liz shrugged. “It’s a safe bet I guess.”

Michael shook his head. “I’m with Alex. They should have had prime rib.”

Maria’s nose wrinkled in disgust. “Red meat. Enough said.”

“Hey, everyone!” A voice carried out of the speakers their table was by. “We on the Prom committee are so glad you could come.” The high pitch of the girl’s voice blaring in the group’s direction made everyone cringe. “We’ll get the music started in a few minutes, but first we want to do the class awards.”

“Class awards?” Max asked, not really sure he wanted to know the answer.

“Come on, Max,” Madison teased. “I know you wanna win.”

“Win what?” Michael asked, just as confused.

“Didn’t you guys vote? It was during lunch yesterday!” Maria exclaimed excitedly.

“I was eating then, thanks.” Alex replied, still looking at his chicken with disgust.

“You’re always eating, honey.” Isabel joked, patting his shoulder lightly. He grinned at her before stealing a baby red potato from her plate.

“Max has already won a class award, haven’t you?” Josh teased, wondering if any of the group knew.

Max groaned, sending a death glare in Josh’s direction.

Alex grinned. “Oh, yeah. I heard about that. Isabel won one too.” He laughed at his girlfriend’s expression. “Why don’t you two tell us about it?”

The twin’s sat in silence, refusing to give in.

“You know, Isabel, if I remember correctly you were happy about it.” Josh pointed out.

“Yeah, well, my eyes have been opened to the stupidity of high school traditions.”

Josh hummed in false agreement as he nodded. “Right, well, I’ll just tell everyone what they were for.” He paused for dramatic effect. “You are looking at South St. Paul High School’s Homecoming Prince and Princess of the class of 2002.”

A roar of laughter erupted from the table. When they finally calmed down they noticed the room was silent and everyone in it was staring at them.

“As I was saying,” the girl on stage continued haughtily, “The first award goes to the two voted for best personality.”

When the names were announced Madison rolled her eyes. “Best personality my ass!” She cried. “He’s all charm and it’s all fake. He’d do anything to get some chick in bed. And she! Ugh… that’s not personality people. That’s a lack of bra.” She took another bite of food and looked up to see Josh staring at her, obviously amused. “What?”

“Someone’s jealous.” He replied, still grinning.

“Am not!” She denied, blushing.

“Yes you are, look at you. You’re bright red.”

She smacked his arm playfully. “That’s because you have everyone staring at me now.” She gestured around the table at the laughing group.

“You brought that on yourself.” He teased, causing her to blush more. He leaned towards her, whispering, “You know, you make it way too easy.”

“Shut up.” She mumbled, smiling slightly.

“You two are so cute when you flirt!” Maria exclaimed.

“Oh, man. I’m going to the bathroom.” Madison groaned, escaping the table as quickly as possible.

“Are they done yet?” Alex groaned as what seemed like the hundredth award was announced. They gotten through best and worst dresser, most wanted for a date, and best hair among other things.

“If you’d voted, you’d know.” Maria replied, looking around the table knowingly. “Right, Liz?”

“Uh… actually, I didn’t vote.”


She let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, right.”

“Am I the only one here who voted?” She looked around the table at the nods coming from every direction. “Where is your school spirit?”

“Ok, next award. Couple most likely to be together forever.” The girl on stage reached for the envelope with the results. “Well, this isn’t much of a surprise, Max and Liz Evans’!” She cried excitedly.

The group looked at each other, completely shocked, except for Maria whose face held a smug expression.

“’Ria! Why didn’t you warn us?” Liz cried softly.

Maria shrugged. “If you’d have voted you’d have known.”

“Max, Liz, come up on stage and receive your award.”

They groaned simultaneously. Max stood, offering his hand to his wife. “I can’t believe this.” He whispered in horror as they walked across the dance floor to the stage stairs.

Liz could only nod, then a thought occurred to her. “Do we have to make a speech?”

He paused. “I don’t know. I wasn’t paying attention.” He helped her up to stage with one hand while her other hand held up her dress.

“Congratulations, you two!” The girl squealed, handing them a cheap certificate.

“Thanks.” They mumbled, turning quickly to leave the stage.

“Oh, no you don’t.” The girl stopped them. “We want to see a kiss.”

“I knew there was a catch.” Liz groaned.

Max chuckled. “Does the thought of kissing me revolt you so much?” The crowd started rooting them on.

Liz glanced at the people on the floor as she smiled. “Come here.” She pulled his head down for a searing kiss. “Nothing revolting about that.” She whispered against his lips, pulling away.

Liz took a drink of water, trying to cool down after dancing non stop with Maria. Max, Michael, and Madison, who refused to dance to any fast songs sat at the table chatting. The beginning chords of Alison Kraus’s version of “When You Say Nothing At All” drifted from the speaker next to them.

“May I have this dance?” Max asked, offering his hand to his wife.

“Absolutely.” On there way to the floor they passed Josh who was heading to fetch Madison.

Max walked them into the crowd before pulling her into his arms.

“I’ve missed you out here.”

“I don’t dance.” He replied.

“You’re dancing right now.” She pointed out teasingly.

“You should bug Michael about it. He won’t even slow dance.”

Liz grinned, “I don’t think he needs me to bug him. I’m pretty sure Maria’s got that covered.” She pointed across the floor to where Maria was teaching Michael to dance.

Max laughed, “At least she has patience with him once she gets her way.”

Liz grinned, giving Maria a thumbs up.

They danced another minute before Max spoke again. “So, are you going to tell me what’s bothering you or am I going to have to wait a few more hours?”

Liz looked up at him, shocked. “How did you…” She’d stopped shaking hours ago. She wasn’t babbling or doing anything else to make him think she was nervous.

“Liz,” he said softly, holding her gaze. “I know you too well.” She nodded, taking a deep breath. “Is there a reason you don’t want to tell me?”

She shrugged. “I’m trying to decide how to react.”

“Try me.”

Here goes, she thought. “Well, you know the two and a half year thing? It’s happened.”

He stopped moving while his mind processed what she’d said. “So you’re… we’re gonna…” A slow smile spread across his face. “Another baby?”

She nodded, her smile growing with his. “So you’re ok with this?”

“Granted, it’s going to be hard, but Liz… a baby…” he whispered in awe, pulling her to him.

She wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. “I was so worried you’d be angry.”

He pulled back, his eyes shining with tears. “No, Liz, I could never be angry about this; especially not at you. Besides, it was joint effort.”

She chuckled, cupping his face in her hands. Her thumbs brushed the tears on his cheeks away. “I love you.” She whispered.

“I love you, too.” He leaned down kissing her softly before leading her off the floor.

Part 92

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 1:27 pm
by cermel
Part 92

“I’m sorry, honey. There’s just no way we can do it.”

“It’s ok, mom, really. I understand.” Josh replied, attempting to sound happy.

She sighed. “I know. We’ll see you when you visit this summer. We can celebrate then.” The sadness in her voice pulled at his heart.

“Sounds good, mom. Don’t worry about it.” He said, consoling her.

“All right, call me next week, after the ceremony. Let me know how it went.”

“Will do.”

“Ok, let me talk to Diane.”

“All right, love you mom.”

“Love you, too.”

Josh handed the phone to Diane before heading back to his room. He shut the door behind him.

Madison set the book she was reading on the quilt next to her. “How’s your family?”

“Fine, I guess.” He shrugged. “They’re not going to be able to be here for graduation.” Sighing, he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. His head fell into his hands. He drew in a deep breath to suppress his disappointment, trying not to feel sorry for himself.

Madison slid so that she was sitting behind him and wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault. It would cost too much for all of them to fly down. They’d take up half the plane.” He joked weakly.

“You’ll see them later this summer. It’ll be all right.” She said in an attempt to cheer him up.

He released a deep sigh, sitting up. “Yeah, I know.”

“Hey.” Max climbed onto a stool at the Crashdown’s bar.

“Hi,” Liz said quickly, running to give a table their order. She stopped on her way back to the kitchen. “Do you want something?”

He shook his head. “I just came to pick Jo Beth up.” She nodded, turning to leave. He grabbed her arm. “Wait, Liz. Why don’t you take a break?”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Are you joking? Have you seen this place? It’s a circus.”

“I think you should sit. You shouldn’t be working so hard.” He glanced down at her abdomen and then back to her eyes.

“I’ll be fine.” She smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek. “Not that I don’t appreciate your concern.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’ve kind of done this before.” She teased.

The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Right.” He watched as she walked around the counter to fill beverage orders. “Oh, hey, did your mom and dad say tonight was ok?”

“Yeah, you can go ahead and confirm with your parents.” She set the glasses on a tray, placing a cherry coke in front of him. “I’m a little nervous.” She admitted.

He smiled slightly at the beverage he didn’t order. “About how they’ll react?” He took a sip of his drink. She nodded. “Well, there’s only one way to find out. Do you have your phone? I’ll just let my mom know now.” She pulled it out of her apron, passing it to him before going to deliver the drinks.

He dialed and waited for someone to answer. “Mom, it’s me.”

“Hi, honey. How is everything?”

He smiled slightly. “Great, I was calling to let you know tonight works for the Parkers.”

“Oh, good.” She said. Max noticed the slight hesitance in her voice, but didn’t press.

“Yeah, so dinners at 7pm.” He finished.

“You know, why don’t we have it here? We have company over.” She stated as if she’d just come up with the idea.

“Oh,” he said unsure. “Then maybe we should reschedule.”

“No, its ok, they’ll be fine with it.” She assured him.


“It’s fine, really. Just let the Parkers know the venue’s changed and be here at seven. Ok?” Her voice left no room for argument.

“Sure.” He sighed, hanging up the phone. He stared at it for a full five seconds before setting down on the counter.

“What?” Liz asked worriedly, stopping again.

“It’s nothing.” She sent him a look. “Well, mom said they have company over and that we should move dinner to their house.” He paused. “Actually she said we will be moving dinner to their house.”

“Max, no. Do you know who it is?” She asked, irritated.

He sighed. “No, I suggested we reschedule but she wouldn’t have it.”

“Did you even try to argue?”

“I…” He shook his head.

“Max, you’re eighteen… stand up to your mother!”


“Fine.” She interrupted a second time. “I guess depending on who it is we can announce it.”

He could feel her anger and it was pulling at his own. “Liz…”

“I’m fine, Max.” She snapped. “Don’t push it.”

His head fell into his hand as he released a frustrated sigh. “What’s wrong?”

“Your mother!” She cried, drawing the attention of a few people around them. “She never asks.” She finished in a loud whisper.

He looked at her slightly amused, pointing out, “Liz, this is the first time.” The glare she sent him shut him up.

“I’ll let my parents know.” She said, walking away in a huff.

Josh’s eyes were focused on his text book. With one week until graduation he was cramming for AP Government. He’d missed the first half of the school year and was still struggling to catch up. The only problem was his girlfriend was behind him, dancing to Moby. He looked over his shoulder every few seconds, getting a glimpse of her midriff as she’d lift her arms.

He sighed. “Don’t you have finals to study for?”

She stuck her bottom lip out, throwing herself down onto his bed. “Spoil sport.”

He laughed, turning back to his book. “You’re a little distracting.”

She grinned. “That’s the whole point.”

He raised an eyebrow slowly, looking at her again. “The whole point is for me to fail?”

“No, the whole point is for you to take a break. You’ve been at it all morning, it’s already,” she looked at his alarm clock, jutting her thumb in its direction, “noon.”

“Right, and my final is Tuesday.”

“Right,” she mimicked, “but you need a break. I’m sure there has to be something else you’d be interested in doing for a while.” She said nonchalantly, looking up at the ceiling.

He picked up her Brit Lit book, tossing it at her. “Read.”

She smiled slightly, knowing he was breaking. “Fine.” She lay back, stretching her arms above her head, moaning softly.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting comfortable.” She replied innocently.

He shook his head. “Maddy, really, I’m trying to…” He flew off his chair.

Madison yelped in surprise as he landed on her. His fingers dug into her sides, torturing her. “Stop, stop! J, please.” She pleaded, laughing uncontrollably.

He pulled his hands back, still straddling her legs. “Can I study now?”

“Do you really want to?”

He shook his head. “God, no.” He moved forward, lying down next to her. His hand reached up brushing her hair away from her neck. She wrapped her arms around him as he feasted on the skin he’d just bared.

Madison shivered as his lips trailed down her neck, like promises of what was to come. “J…” she sighed, her fingers fisting in his hair… “I swear to God… if you give me a hickey that my parents can see…” He lunged forward, cutting her off with a kiss.

“Surprise!” The bedroom door flew open. “Oh!”

The couple sat up quickly. “Mom!” Josh exclaimed.

Diane Evans stepped in behind Loretta. “Oh!” She took the other woman’s arm. “Madison, I didn’t know you were here. Um… we’ll see you two downstairs.”

Madison’s hands flew to her face in embarrassment. “Oh, God… oooh, God. That was your mom?” She asked in disbelief, pointing to the door.

He nodded, swallowing. “Yeah.”

“Great first impression.” Madison stood, angry with herself.

“Come on now, there’s no way we could have known. No one was supposed to be here. Besides, they can’t be mad at us for kissing.”

She sent him an exasperated expression. “Are you kidding? We were lying down,” her arms stretched out as if to illustrate, “on your bed.” Her voice held a hint of panic.

“Hey, hey, hey.” He soothed, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Maddy, it’s fine.” He sighed, “I realize you’re embarrassed, but at least they walked in now instead of later.” She nodded slightly. “Though, earlier would have been better.”

She let out a huff of laughter. “Well, we better get down there.” She played with her hair nervously. “Is my face still red?”

He smiled softly, pulling her hair from her hands, gathering it back. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She replied shyly, taking his hand. “Let’s go.”

They slowly walked down the stairs as if walking towards their impending doom. The living room leisurely came into view, revealing the entire Wilkinson family. Josh grinned, immensely happy to see them. “Wow!”

“Surprise!” Loretta teased, looking around her son to see the girl hiding behind him.

“I can’t believe all you guys came!” Josh said excitedly, originally thinking it was only his mother.

“Of course we did!” Mackenzie replied. “I’m surprised you believed we wouldn’t.”

Josh continued to stand there, grinning. “Wow,” he repeated, turning to Diane. “Did you do this?”

“I had a hand in it,” she answered, happy to see so much joy in his face.

“Thank you,” he replied sincerely.

“Hi,” Jacqueline greeted, waving at the girl behind her brother.

“Oh!” Josh had almost forgotten she was there. He glanced back at her, using the hand he was holding hers in to pull her up beside him. “Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Madison.”

There were greetings from all around. “Nice to meet you,” she replied softly.

“Do you think you can do it?” He challenged.

“Bring it on.” She whispered back, knowing exactly what he was talking about. She pointed at the adults. “Your mother and father.”

“Duh,” he teased, causing everyone to chuckle.

“Shut up,” she mumbled, blushing at the attention. “Mac, Key, Pierce, Peter, Patrick, Stella, Lucy, Kyler, Christabel, and Athena.” She named them all, going around the room.

“Wow!” Christabel exclaimed excitedly. “No ones ever been able to pull that off… especially without ever meeting us!”

Madison shrugged. “Josh talks about you all the time.”

“Well, Madison, I’m Loretta, and this is my husband Anton. It’s so great to finally meet you.” She walked over to hug the girl.

A smile spread across Madison’s face. “Thank you. You too.” She replied sincerely.

Diane stood, clapping her hands. “Ok, well, dinner is at 7 so why don’t we get everyone settled in and go from there?”

“Um… where is everyone sleeping?” Josh questioned.

“We were hoping Max and Liz could take a few… maybe Mac and Key…” Diane suggested. The girls nodded in agreement. “And you too, Josh. Then your parents can have your room, and I guess everyone else is bunking on the floor. A couple could squeeze into Isabel’s bed… I’m sure she can find someone to stay with.”

“Mom?” Josh stopped his mother on her way out of the bathroom. It was the first chance he had gotten to speak to her alone. He loved both of his parents equally, but being that his father was never around, always out of town for his job, he was much closer to his mother. Talking to her was so much easier.

“What is it, honey?”

There were things he needed to say, but he couldn’t seem to get out. “You have no idea how happy I am that you’re here.” He started.

She smiled, pulling him into her arms. She was almost a foot shorter than her oldest child, who seemed to have acquired his father’s height. Even with her tiny frame Josh could feel all of her love for him in that simple embrace. “I know, sweetie.”

He opened his mouth to speak again then shut it in hesitation.

“Josh, what’s wrong?” She asked gently, brushing his short bangs off of his forehead.

He blushed slightly. He always felt five when she did that. “Well, what you saw when you came in… I just… I don’t want you to get the wrong impression. And Madison is worried…”

Loretta stopped him with a wave of her hand. “Josh, I trust you to make the choices that are right for you.” She sighed. “Sometimes I worry that you living down here, so far away, that you won’t have anyone watching you. I’m not saying Diane is a bad mother, not in the least, but I just wish I was there to guide you. I have to remind myself that you’re not a little boy anymore. You’re all grown up.” She picked a piece of lint off of his shirt. “And as clichéd as it sounds, you don’t need me anymore. I’ve done all I can to help you become a good person. Now it’s up to you to determine what’s right for you.”

“Mom…” He cleared his throat, hesitating. “Back home, when I was… depressed, I did things…”

“Josh,” she cut him off, “you don’t have to tell me anything. If you want to talk, I’m here. But if it’s just something you have to get off your chest, talk to a priest.” She joked.

He chuckled, nodding. “Ok.”

Max reached for the door handle but stopped before he turned it. “Are we ok?” He asked softly. Since the minor argument earlier that morning, Liz hadn’t spoken to him all day and on the way over was quiet.

She nodded, shifting Josie in her right arm and wrapping her left around Max’s. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m just really nervous. I have no idea how everyone is going to react.”

He tipped her chin up with a finger so he could meet her eyes. “I’m sorry, too.” He murmured, kissing her softly. “You ready?”

“Not really,” she replied while nodding.

Max opened the door, following Liz inside. The crowd that greeted them took him by surprise. “You made it!” He exclaimed, glancing at Josh to make sure he was ok with it. Josh stood on the other side of the room, grinning, with Madison standing inconspicuously at his side. Greetings were said all around as Josie was quickly taken from her parents.

“Hello, Josephine. Do you remember me?” Loretta asked the little girl in her arms.

Josie nodded. “You’re Joshie’s mommy.” She turned to Anton. “Are you Joshie’s daddy?”

“That I am. Nice to meet you.” He grinned, turning to Max. “Long time no see.” He was the only one of the Wilkinson family not home when Max and Liz had visited in December.

Max nodded. “How are you, sir?”

Anton stood, walking to him. “Just fine, and you?”

“Great. Um…” He turned to Liz, pulling her against his side. “This is my wife, Liz. This is Josh’s dad, Mr. Wilkinson.”

The man chuckled. “It’s Anton.”

Max leaned over, whispering in his wife’s ear. “Shall we?”

Liz smiled and nodded. The Wilkinsons could know, they were practically family.

Max tapped his glass as the couple stood, surveying the crowded room. He took in the people around them, all thirteen Wilkinsons, both of their sets of parents, their daughter, Alex and Isabel… the room was full of people, and every one of them loved him.

“So, the original reason for this dinner was to make an announcement, but it’s since evolved into a welcome party. However, we’d still like to say what we have to say. Um…” He trailed off, looking at Liz. She smiled encouragingly. “I have a feeling some of you can take a guess.” He continued before looking at the crowd again.

Diane smiled, nodding. “Go on, Max.”

“Well, this wasn’t exactly planned, though we couldn’t be happier about it. We’re going to have another baby.” He announced, grinning at Liz.

The tables were silent as everyone sat agape.

“Liz,” her mother started, “are you serious?”

Liz nodded, squeezing her husband’s hand. They weren’t sure if this would be taken as good or bad news. “Yeah, we are.”

Tears filled Jo’s eyes as she stood to embrace her daughter. “Congratulations, honey!”

As if that was the ok, everyone stood to hug and congratulate them. After a while when everyone was seated again Liz wiped the remaining tears from her eyes.

“Well,” Loretta stood up, “not to steal your thunder, but,” she glanced at her husband who just smiled at her, “I, too, have an announcement.”

“What is it mom?” Josh asked curiously, looking at Mac who just shrugged.

The woman grinned. “You’re father and I are also having a baby.”

Josh’s jaw dropped. “But mom… is that even safe… at your age?”

She smiled reassuringly. “I’ve never had problems before so I should be ok. Don’t worry about it, honey.”

For a second time in less than half an hour everyone was on their feet.

Max threw the last pillow onto the hide-a-bed. “There you go.” He said to the two girls. “You, my friend, get the floor.” Max gestured to the sleeping bag at his feet.

Josh grimaced. “Small price to pay. Where’s Isabel staying?”

Liz walked out of the bedroom. “Philip and Diane think she’s staying at Maria’s.”

Max’s ears perked at this. “Think? Where is she staying?”

Liz grinned. “Alex’s. His parents are out of town.”

Max was fuming in an instant. “What makes her think it’s ok for her to…”

Josh started laughing as Liz interrupted her husband. “Max, check out your ring finger before you even think about finishing that comment.”


“But… but… but… she’s a big girl.” Liz teased. “Same age as you if I remember correctly. Besides, she needs Alex.”

Josh stopped laughing long enough to talk. “She’s right buddy. Back off on the protective brother bit.”

Key grinned mischievously. “Hey, Josh, did Mac tell you about her boyfriend?”

“Her what?” He exclaimed.

“Speaking of protective brothers…” Max snorted.

Max watched his wife as she shut the bedroom door behind her. She smiled slightly, dropping her robe at the end of the bed. “Today went well.” She whispered, pulling back the covers on her side of the bed before climbing in.

“It did.” He turned on his side, facing her.

“I was so worried they’d be mad at us.” She admitted, resting her head on the soft pillow.

“I know.” He reached up brushing a hand through her hair in a soothing rhythm. She moaned contentedly. “But it’s over now. Everything’s fine.”

“Yeah.” She said breathily. She felt the bed move slightly as he shifted closer to her. She forced her eyes open, looking up into Max’s. “I still can’t believe we’re having another baby.”

“Me either.” He replied, dropping kisses on her forehead.

“How are we going to afford…”

“Shh…” he silenced her, “we’ll worry about that later.” His mouth moved from her forehead to her eyes and finally to her lips. “I love you, baby.” He whispered before kissing her fervently. He couldn’t hold back the groan as he pushed his tongue past her lips. The warmth of her mouth seemed to surround him as he caressed the far recesses.

Liz kissed him back passively, letting him take control. His slow kisses caused her entire body to heat up in seconds. The hand that had been stroking her hair started drifting down her body until it came across the bottom hem of her tank top. She gasped at the first touch of skin on skin.

“Max…” she interrupted, trying to pull away from his kisses. “Max, we can’t.”

He finally pulled away, resting his face in the crook of her neck to catch his breath. “Sure we can.”

She chuckled. “Not really. I don’t want to give them an earful.” Her hand slid to the base of his neck, kneading the tense muscles there.

“We can be quiet. I was planning on going slow tonight anyways.” He kissed her, attaching himself to her jugular.

She sighed, giving in all too easily. “Ok.” She could feel his lips move into a grin against the skin of her neck.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:59 pm
by cermel
Well, here's another part for you. It's not what I really wanted... it's about half of what was going to be in it but I wanted to get it out. Gotta try to keep people interested. :?

I really am sorry it took so long. Thank you everyone for all your support and feedback. It may be another long while for the next part. My dad's illness has gotten worse. Hospice has been called in so we're just waiting now. There's a little more about it in my blog.

Here goes...

Part 93

The man on the screen climbed onto the overturned boat and started scraping the old paint off of the wood. The breeze coming off the ocean whipped his half open shirt around him. Something, maybe some sort of sense we all have cause him to glance to his right down the endless beach. The camera panned to find another man walking towards him, an old friend. His grin showed the pure joy he felt at seeing this person who had been his best friend for 20 years. He jumped off of the boat and met the older man down the beach. They embraced, both free and no longer alone.

Alex stopped the DVD as the credits started. “What’d you think?”

“Get busy living or get busy dying.” Isabel whispered.

He chuckled. “Is that all you have to say?”

She shrugged. “It stuck with me. It’s true isn’t it?”

“Maybe to some extent. It all depends on how you interpret it.” She nodded. “What do you think it means exactly?”

“I think it means that there’s no point in living if you’re not going to try, or do something productive… or important. You can’t just sit still; you need to keep your life moving.”

Alex nodded slowly, trying to interpret her mood. Once in a while she would go under. Anything could set it off, he never knew until it was too late. He studied her face as it melded from deep concentration and thought to a smile. Her eyes lit up telling him it was genuine.

“It’s kind of a wake up call.” She started explaining. “Get busy living, or get busy dying.” She shifted on the couch so she was turned towards him. “I survived. I could have died out there and I didn’t. It’s not my time. I know it and I can feel it. The thing is, I’m not really living right now. I’m hiding from life. From who I am and who I want to be.”

Alex sat there dumbfounded. Who knew a movie could spark something so important. “Who do you want to be?”

She shook her head. “I want to focus on the now. There are so many things I’ve wanted to do that I’ve held back on because I was afraid. It’s an irrational fear. He’s in jail. He can’t hurt me. And most importantly I need to get it through my head that you’re not him. You won’t hurt me. I know that in my head and my heart is just starting to get it.” Alex just stared. If he was following this right there was something deeper in her meaning. “I know I’ve been distant.”

“You have good reason.” He defended her actions.

She nodded. “For a while there, yes. But, Alex, would you ever hurt me?” She asked, trying to make a point.

He was shocked. “No! Absolutely not, never… I couldn’t.”

She grinned. “See! I have nothing to fear. I want to get busy living.”

“You got all this from a movie?”

She shook her head. “No, but that one sentence said everything I’ve been thinking about for the past couple of weeks. It affirmed it.” She moved closer to him, kissing him lightly. “I’m ready, Alex.”

Yup, there it was. “Is, are you sure? This is all so new. Don’t you want to think about it some more? Talk about it maybe?”

She shook her head slowly. “All I’ve been doing is thinking. I’m tired of it. I love you, and I want you. The only that was keeping me back were memories and over the past few months I’ve been working past them; reminding myself that they’re not visions of the future, but that they’re in the past and never going to happen again.” She brushed his bangs off his forehead cupping his face in her palms. “Do you love me, Alex?”

He grinned at that. “More than you could ever know.”

She kissed him softly. “Do you want me?”

He stared at her for a second before nodding. It started slow but picked up before he spoke. “Yes, so much.” She slid across his lap until she was straddling him. She rested her head on his shoulder, her face buried in his neck. He wrapped his arms around her, crushing her against him.

Josh sat with his legs dangling over the edge of the cliff. After church ended his family decided to go look at the sights in the area leaving him and Madison some time alone. Something had happened since he’d seen her the day before that triggered something in her. He had no idea what it was.

“Maddy, what happened?” He asked, rubbing her back soothingly.

She shook her head. “I don’t know.”

He sighed, this was bad. He’d never seen her so… preoccupied with her inner thoughts. He jumped slightly when she started speaking suddenly.

“When I got home last night my parents told me they wanted to talk. It was about you and me.” She sniffled softly. “They decided to tell me that they thought we were getting too close… too involved. They sat there and preached to me for half an hour!” She exclaimed angrily. “They talked about sex before marriage and how sinful it was.” She shook her head, unable to look at him. “As if I haven’t heard that enough in my life…” Her voice trailed off.

He could feel her hesitation and knew she had more to say. “Go ahead, sweetheart. What is it?”

“I’m tired.” She said choking on the tears she was holding back. “I am so tired of all of this. Honestly, the only thing holding me back from you is these ideas that have been pushed on me since birth.” She sighed, her hand cupping her forehead. “Sometimes I wonder if it’s actually me that believes them or just the part of me my mother still controls. And… I can’t have that anymore. I need to be entirely me.” She shook her head. “I’m sure I sound crazy.”

Josh chuckled. “No, not entirely.” He leaned forward, kissing her temple. “However, I’m not exactly sure what your… point is.”

She looked up into his eyes. “I need to get past letting my mom run my life. I love her dearly, and she is one of the most important people in my life, and she always will be. She’s one of my best friends. But, that’s all I really need from her anymore. I need a good friend. Someone who’s still there to advise me in my life and is a good ear but, I need to start making my own decisions.” She tucked her head under his chin, not able to look him in the eye for the rest.

“I’ve done everything right my entire life. I think I’ve earned it.”

“Earned what exactly?” He asked cautiously.

“Deciding when I want to be with you.” She whispered.

He pulled back, trying to make eye contact. “Be with me?” He asked, his voice shaky. “Madison?” He sighed, tipping her chin up with a finger. “We’re not ready for this if you can’t even look at me when we talk about it.”

Her eyes shifted to his quickly, staring him down. “This is the most well thought out decision I’ve made in my life. I didn’t come about this lightly.” She shook her head. “And before you say anything, no, I didn’t have to talk myself into it. I spent hours… Hours, Josh, trying to stop my brain from trying to talk me out of it. I know this is what I want. This decision is all about you and me. I will not have my mother telling me otherwise. She’s gone from my head. I’ve forced her out and I refuse to let the voice back in.” Her voice wavered slightly but she would not to lose eye contact with him. “I realized that my faith hasn’t changed. Deciding to be with you has not made me believe in anything any less. It just made me realize what I believe in as opposed to what I’ve been told to believe in. I realized I’ve just been hiding behind it, because I’m nervous.”

Josh nodded. “Ok.” He whispered. “But just to clarify… and I don’t mean this as a joke, I need to honestly know. What do you mean exactly by ‘be with me.’”

She reached up, cupping his face in her hands. “I mean I want make love to you. I love you, Josh. So much. You know that and I’m ready to show you.”

He blinked, his eyes watering. This was the first time, in their entire relationship, that she’d really instigated any declarations of love, or anything for that matter. He let out a quick breath looking down as he smiled, knowing that for some reason, he was blushing.

“Josh?” She questioned tentatively.

He looked up quickly, seeing tears in her eyes to match his. “Oh, Madison,” He whispered, wiping a tear from under an eye. “I love you, too.” He whispered reverently.

She leaned forward, fusing her lips to his. He wrapped his arms around her instantly, pulling her impossibly closer. Their kiss was slow and full of more passion than she ever thought was possible. Their tongues stroking over each other gently, lovingly. His mouth left hers suddenly, trailing hot kisses down her throat. “Josh…” She gasped as his lips closed over her pulse. “Josh… wait… I’m not done yet.”

He chuckled. “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on mauling you right here. This place isn’t good enough for you.” He whispered into her neck before kissing it again.

“Stop, Josh. Really, I’m not… oh…” She gasped as he continued to work. “I’m not done talking yet.”

He pulled back smiling. “What doth milady request of me?”

“A test.” She said, suddenly quiet again.

“A test?” He asked confused. “What kind of test?”

She leaned forward burying her face in her hands, shaking her head. “No, no, nevermind. Forget it…”

“No.” He said sharply. “I won’t forget it. It’s obviously important to you.” He pulled her hands from her face. “What is it? What kind of test?”

“You’re going to be angry.” She said warily.

“Not likely… I can’t imagine ever being angry at you.” He stated confidently.

She sighed. “A medical test… I… Josh, what do you know about Tara’s past?”

Oh, that kind of test. He looked at her stunned. “Well… I…” He started but she had struck him speechless.

“See, I told you.”

He shook his head. “No.” He said softly. “No, I’m not mad. Just surprised. I never really thought...” He sighed. “I never really thought about it.” He said honestly.

“Josh, I need to ask you this. I know it’s kind of personal…”

He shook his head. “You have every right.”

She blushed before asking her next question. “Did you use anything? Protection wise I mean?”

He shook his head slowly, painfully meeting her eyes. “She was on birth control so I didn’t give it a second thought. In fact… I didn’t give it a first thought.” He spat bitterly.

“Shhh...” She hushed him. “This isn’t why I brought it up. We don’t know for sure if she didn’t have any diseases. I need to be sure. I’m sorry…”

“Christ, don’t apologize for my mistakes!” He snapped, more in frustration with himself than in anger with her. She flinched anyway, pulling away from him.

“Right, well,” She stood, glaring at him. As much as he was angry with himself, he had no right to snap at her. She was fed up with his self pity; she didn’t have the patience for it anymore. “Why don’t you give me a call when you decide… something.” She finished, throwing her hands up as she walked away.

Josh’s arms fell to his bent knees and his head fell to his clasped hands. He listened as she walked back to her car, started it, and drove away. He knew that if he’d run after her she’d stop in an instant. Her anger was probably gone already, just seconds later. He was probably already forgiven. But she would wait until he was ready to be forgiven. Even though she excused him she was not going to be the one to start the next conversation. That was entirely up to him.

He stood, stumbling back to his car. His hand slammed against the wheel. “Damnit!” He shouted to no one in particular. He started the car and threw it into drive, sliding on the dirt as he headed back to the road; to the only place he could think of to help him think straight.

He pulled the heavy wood door open, stepping into the church. Crossing himself with holy water, he entered the chapel as he had his entire life. The air inside this room seemed so much cleaner, clearer to him. It was easier to breathe. So drastically different that he added it to his mental list of proof there is a God. That, and the way his heart practically burst every time he entered this building or one like it. It was nice to have such a haven. But, he knew it was nothing to hide behind.

He slowly walked towards one of the pews near the alter, never taking his eyes off the cross that graced the back wall. He pulled the cushioned kneeler down, sliding down onto it. The conversation he’d had with Madison flew through his head, word for word. Everything had been going so well. His heart soared when he found that she trusted him enough to give him something she cherished so dearly, more than anyone he’d every known, herself. Then she asked a simple thing of him and he ruined everything.

Well, somewhat simple. The reason behind the request still burned him every time he thought about it. He couldn’t fathom how he’d gotten so low. He was sure, now, that she’d forgiven him for snapping, but for the timing, that she might not be able to recover. When it came to these things she was so sensitive. He’d always been extremely cautious. And now, the first time she’d taken the initiative, he screwed up.

Her angry voice kept scrolling through his head like a marquee. Tears started flowing from his eyes. Damn him for being so weak. Weak when Ryan died. Weak when Tara came on to him. Weak when she decided he wasn’t good enough anymore. Weak when the girl he loved most in the world, more than he’d ever loved anyone, needed him.

His sob echoed in the church. His head fell to his clasped hands as he continued to sob silently. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered to no one in particular. God, Madison, his family. After a few minutes he lifted his head, wiping the tears from under his eyes. He was ready, cleansed. He stood abruptly and ran out of the church.

“Josh.” Madison’s mother greeted him coolly.

“I need to see Madison.” He exclaimed.

“What happened, Josh?” She asked sharply.

Josh opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He just shook his head sadly. “Please, I need to talk to her.” The woman eyed him warily. “Please.” He whispered once more. She must have taken pity on him, with his red rimmed eyes, and turned to call her daughter downstairs.

Madison appeared at the door within seconds. “Oh, Josh.” She exclaimed, pulling him into her arms, ignoring her mother. “Look at you.” She whispered, brushing her thumbs under his eyes.

“Can we talk?”

She nodded. “Of course.” She waved to her mom to let her know she was leaving and shut the door behind her. “Let’s go for a walk.” He simply nodded in reply.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 10:42 am
by cermel
This part hasn't been beta'd. I'm trying to finish this story so I can work on a different one that I'm actually interested in writing. :? Sorry, guys. I'm struggling to finish this because I've grown to hate it. We're getting there though. Winding down to an end. I've already started a new one but I'm not going to start posting until I'm almost finished.

Check out my site at

The Joni Mitchell song referenced is Both Sides Now.

from Part 93

“Josh.” Madison’s mother greeted him coolly.

“I need to see Madison.” He exclaimed.

“What happened, Josh?” She asked sharply.

Josh opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He just shook his head sadly. “Please, I need to talk to her.” The woman eyed him warily. “Please.” He begged once more. She must have taken pity on him, with his red rimmed eyes, and turned to call her daughter downstairs.

Madison appeared at the door within seconds. “Oh, Josh.” She exclaimed, pulling him into her arms, ignoring her mother. “Look at you.” She whispered, brushing her thumbs under his eyes.

“Can we talk?”

She nodded. “Of course.” She waved to her mom to let her know she was leaving and shut the door behind her. “Let’s go for a walk.” He simply nodded in reply.

Part 94

Josh started speaking immediately before she could say anything. “I’m sorry, Maddy. I had no right to yell at you like that. You were right. Before we go any further I need to get tested.”

Madison waited for his short rant to finish before contradicting him. “No, Josh. I’m the one who needs to apologize.” Her eyes fell to the ground in shame. “This is really hard for you. I knew it would be and it makes sense that it is.” She sighed, shaking her head. “I should have had more patience.”

“No, really, this is all…” He stopped speaking when she chuckled. He turned to find her smiling face. “What?”

“How about we just agree to disagree about this?” She suggested.

He smiled, pulling on the hand he was holding he wrapped an arm around her. “I’ll call the doctor’s office tomorrow.”

“Sounds good.” She turned her face into his chest. “The sooner you get this done the sooner I can have my way with you.” Her whisper was barely audible.

He chuckled. “I can’t wait.” The hesitance in his voice was obvious, but only to her.

She pulled back to look at him directly. “What’s wrong, J?”

The corner of his mouth tipped up in the semblance of a smile. It amazed him how well she knew him in the few months they’d known each other. “You caught me.” He paused, struggling to get the next words out. “Will you come with me? Sitting in the waiting room alone may just kill me.”

She stopped walking and brought her right hand up to cup his face. “Of course I will.” Her hand slid down to cover his heart. “Just let me know when and where and I’ll be there.”

Max drove the car down the old highway. Across the open desert it was easy to see all the celebratory bonfires that other seniors were having. It wasn’t uncommon for kids to hang out there but no one ever went towards their rock. It was too far down the highway and too far out into the desert. Most of their peers didn’t bother.

He led the string of cars off the road and across the desert, stopping under the over hang of the rock where they, too, were planning a party in celebration. Graduation was over. They were all finished with high school and had no problems leaving it behind.

Everyone took an armful of wood out of the trunk of Max and Liz’s car. Josh grabbed the CD player they’d brought and the mixes they’d burned for the occasion, while Michael and Maria grabbed the cooler. The fire was roaring in minutes, as they all got comfortable on the hard desert floor.

Max studied his friends, one couple at a time. Kyle and Tess were sitting to the right of him and Liz. The two were growing closer daily but were very private with their relationship and he had no idea where they were. Either way, he was happy for the wife he had in a previous life.

Next to them were his twin and Alex. At some point in the past few days the couple seemed to have broken through a dam that had been keeping them at arms reach from each other. Max wasn’t sure exactly what had caused the new movement but he felt nothing but joy for his sister.

Across from Max and Liz were Josh and Madison. The two baffled him. They were so perfect for each other; made for each, really. She was pivotal in Josh’s recovery and he brought her out of her shell. They were, now, two completely different people than they were just a few months ago when they’d met.

Between his best friend and himself were Michael and Maria. His second in command was staring blankly at the fire, obviously deep in thought. Even though his complete concentration was focused inside his head he was still quite aware of the girl in his arms.

Max sighed, causing Liz, who was propped against his chest, to look up at him. “What is it, Hon?”

He looked down at her with a strange Mona Lisa like smile on his face. “It’s perfect, that’s what it is,” he whispered back, kissing her lightly. He cleared his throat and stood. “Ladies and Gentlemen,” Max started dramatically before turning serious, “I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone. It’s been an interesting journey, but looking around at us, I think this is a perfect ending.” he struggled, trying to find the right words. “And a perfect beginning. You all are so important to me, I can’t express how much. I am so proud of everyone for this seemingly impossible accomplishment.” He raised his can of soda. “To us.” He toasted. The group followed and they all took a drink as Max sat.

Josh stood and walked over to the silent CD player. “We have a little song, in tribute to this fantastic event. Either ignore the verses or think of high school as a female… or something… right ok, here we go.”

The strumming guitar was recognized by everyone, causing them to chuckle. They all stared at the fire, lost in their own thoughts or listening to the lyrics in silence. As the refrain of Tom Petty’s Free Falling kicked in everyone belted it out, laughing at the feeling it gave them all.

“What the hell is this?” Maria screeched, leaping for the radio as it switched to another unrecognizable song on the mix.

Michael caught her before she made it. “It’s not that damn milkshake song you’ve been playing on repeat, that’s enough for me.”

She smacked his arm. “I like that song!” She protested.

“Yeah, no one else does. Don’t you see how degrading that is?” Liz asked, laughing as she watched her friend’s limbs flailing in the air as she tried to escape her boyfriend’s arms.

“Kleenex Girl Wonder.” Max stated.

“What?” Alex asked, clearly confused as to what had just happened, his focus so much on Isabel that he missed most of the conversation.

“Maria asked what this is. It’s Kleenex Girl Wonder, Why I Write Such Good Songs.” Max replied. “The next one’s for you, Babe.” He stood, pulling Liz up to dance, spinning her into his arms. He chuckled at Liz’s dazed look from all the twirling.

Liz fell into his arms, smiling softly and the sweet beginning music. “Joni Mitchell?”

He nodded, “I know you love this song.”

“Yeah, but I was expecting Mason.” She admitted.

He shrugged. “Yeah, well, that’s next.”

She laid her face in his neck, inhaling deeply. “I hope we’ll always have moons and Junes and ferris wheels.”

He glanced around, seeing everyone up and dancing. “We will, Sweetheart, we will.” He stared out into the desert as they danced. The pure black of night shroaded the terrain. Off in the direction of the town, light from various other fires showed in the distance but they were like fireflies, flickering randomly. Their slow turn had him facing the rock. As he looked past it he felt a pull in his energy.

“Come on.” He whispered, pulling her behind him abruptly.

“Where are we going, Max?”

“I don’t know.” He replied, determined to get where he was going.

“Really, Max, we’ve done the sex in the desert thing. I don’t want to get all dirty again.” She teased. It was as if he didn’t hear her. He pulled her farther into the darkness. Liz looked over her shoulder and saw that none of the other couples noticed they’d left. “Max, Max stop!” She yelled, yanking back on the arm he held.

He stalled for a second. “We have to keep going.”

“Go where, Max?”

“I don’t know.” He shook his head, trying to clear it. “Just… that way.” He pointed in the direction they’d been going.

“No, Max. I’m not going any further until you tell me…” She was interrupted by a faint beeping. “What’s that?”

He shook his head, moving in the direction of the sound. They were led around to the far side of the rock. On instinct Max waved his hand in front of the face, illuminating a hand print. He turned to look at his wife for help.

“Go ahead, Max.” She assured him.

He placed his hand on the lit surface until it triggered the rock door. Behind the slate was an orb that shone a blue light. The light eminated from a shape that Max recognized but he couldn’t place exactly where from. “It’s from Antar.”

“Take it.” Liz whispered. “We need to go show the others.”

“What the hell is that thing?” Michael had asked the question so many times that everyone else gave up giving any form of answer.

“It has to have a purpose, right?” Tess asked, rhetorically. “So, what are our options?”

“A weapon.” Isabel offered warily. “Like maybe some sort of bomb?”

Max sighed, shaking his head. “No, that doesn’t feel right.” He glanced to his left, meeting his wife’s eyes. She knew immediately that his words were simply to soothe the other’s worries.

“Maybe it’s a ship.” Michael guessed, getting doubtful looks from everyone. “I’m not hearing any better ideas.” He spat defensively.

“Maybe it’s a communication device.” Tess chipped in.

“You mean like a phone?” Maria asked, looking skeptically at the orb. She grinned, grabbing it from Max’s hand, bringing it to her ear. “Hello operator. Antar please. The royal castle. Thank you.”

“Maria!” Michael grabbed it from her. “What if it’s emitting radiation or something?”

“Let me see it.” Isabel requested trying to pull it from Michael’s hand.

“You can see it when I’m done looking at it.” He replied huffily.

“Grow up, Michael!” She snapped. Each of the held a side, trying to pry it from the other’s grasp.

“Geez, you two. What if it is a bomb?” Tess asked, trying to take it from the both of the them to stop the fight.

“This is ridiculous. Let go, all of you” Max said gravely. He reached into the middle of the group, wrapping a hand around the only part not covered by fingers. The second he touched the object the blue light shone again. All four aliens dropped the object immediately but the light continued.

The figure of a woman appeared before them. A hologram of sorts. “Hello, my children.” Her voice held an eerie echo. “If you have found this, you have found each other. For without all members, I would not be able to appear before you. I must make this brief. I am grateful that in your reincarnation you thought to include your memories, for the explanation would take much time.” She paused. The image glanced over her shoulder. When she continued to speak it was at a much faster pace. “At the point in time that you had yourself and the others recreated, my Zan, our world was at peace. However, with no heir to the throne and no proof that you are alive there on Earth, Kivar has taken over. Slavery has returned and our people are now animals to Kivar’s race. We need you to prove your existance. At that time Kivar and his people must leave. Until then, the forces must let him stay. I wait on bated breath for your return. Once this message is activated a ship will find you. I am sure you have made a home and a life on Earth. We will not keep you long, but please, my son, please return to us and free us.” The image looked over her shoulder again and then quickly reached for something making the hologram disappear. It reminded Max of Princess Leia’s message in the original Star Wars.

“Huh?” Michael’s simple response seemed to echo everyone’s thoughts.

“I’m thinking that my idea to add memory to the reincarnation didn’t work quite right.” Max quipped.

Isabel nodded, staring blankly at the orb. “I have no idea what she was talking about. If we were at peace… and nothing was wrong, why were we reincarnated? What did we all die of?”

“And what the hell are ‘the forces?’” Michael asked angrily. “Damn it, Max! Why didn’t your memory thing work?” He finished, obviously as frustrated with the vague message as everyone else.

“A ship is coming?” Liz asked quietly, looking up at her husband. “When?”

He shrugged, meeting her eyes. His expression showed panic. He didn’t know any more than anyone else. The wind picked up around them, throwing Liz’s hair up into his face. The sudden change in the weather irked him immediately. He pulled his wife closer to his side, looking around for any sign that would explain it. The other’s followed his lead, also sensing a change.

“King Zan?”

Max startled at the voice behind him. He turned quickly, pushing Liz behind him. A pair stood before him. There was nothing shocking about their appearance. No green skin or black eyes. The two appeared completely… human. “Yes.” He replied with a defensive tone.

“We’re here on order of the princess.” They bowed to him.

“The princess?”

They two looked at each other, clearly confused. “Yes, your mother. She’s sent for you.” The taller one replied. His dark hair was streaked with gray and his face showed signs of aging. His partner, though shorter and blonde, appeared about the same age. “Actually, she sent for you quite some time ago. We’ve been waiting for the signal.”

“Waiting where?” Liz asked, refusing to be forgotten.

The two eyed her suspiciously.

“This is my wife, Elizabeth.” Max explained, keeping his guard up.

The man seemed thrown by this but continued on. “We’ve been just outside Earth’s atmosphere.”

“For how long?” Liz asked incredulously, starting to catch on.

“In Earth time, about forty years.” The shorter one answer. “My name is Thomas and this is Brit.” The casual feel of the introduction lightened the entire mood of the conversation.

“My name is Max now.” Max started introductions, noticing the expression on the pair’s faces in seeing he and Tess with different people. They seemed almost happy about it. When he finished he went directly back to business. “So, you’re here to bring me to Antar?”

“Yes, sir. That’s our orders. It’s gotten worse in the past few weeks. They’ve started killing Antarians. Kivar has ordered a holocaust. He wants all reminants of our race exterminated.” Thomas’s voice was panicked.

Max looked down at his wife before speaking again. “When do we leave?”

Liz nodded, supporting his decision whole heartedly.

“At your earliest convinience, Sir.” Brit replied.

“How long will it take us to get there?” Liz inquired.

Thomas’s eyes saddened slightly. “I’m sorry, your majesty, but there is only room for the king.”

Liz’s insides jolted when she was addressed as royalty. She righted herself quickly before responding. “I understand. How long will it take?”

“It takes just one Earth day. You highness,” he turned to address Max, “you won’t be gone from here much more than a week. Please,” he begged, “come back with us before everyone is gone.”

“I need to pack…” Max said, overwhelmed with this sudden invasion on their life.

“We have clothes for you, Sir. Your robes….” Thomas’s voice trailed off as he realized Max had no idea. “You don’t remember anything do you?”

“Very little.” Max admitted. “In the messagemy mother mentioned a plan to have our memories stay with us. It didn’t work entirely. I know I’m the King of Antar… or I was. Michael is my second, Isabel my sister and his wife, and Tess, my wife. Everything is else that we do remember is mixed up and makes no sense.”

“We have much to explain on the way.” Brit replied. “Are you ready, sir?”

“I… I need to say goodbye.” Max’s head spun. He hugged everyone, saying a quick goodbye before pulling Liz away. They kissed softly, resting their foreheads together.

“Go save them, Max.” She whispered.

“What about Josie?” He asked worriedly.

“She’ll understand. Hell, she probably already knew this would happen.” Liz joked.

“She could have warned us.” Max replied lightly. He paused, looking into his wife’s eyes. “Liz, what if…”

She brought a finger up to his lips, silencing him. “Don’t say it. I can’t bear to hear it. No negative thoughts, Ok?” He nodded. “I’ll see you in a few days, my love.”

“And we’ll have moons and Junes and ferris wheels.” Max replied, kissing her once more before returning to Thomas and Brit. “I’m ready.” The two nodded, turning to lead Max off to whereever their ship was.

“Wait a minute.” Maria interrupted their departure. “You two were flying around here for forty years?” They nodded. “So you have been home for forty years?” She asked incredulously.

“Actually, one week on Earth is equal to one day on Antar. So, technically, we’ve only been gone just over five years.”

“But, you’ve been here, so you’ve aged forty years, not five.” Liz pointed out.

They smiled sadly, nodding. “Our wives are in for quite a surprise.” Brit said before turning, obviously affected by this thought. The trio started walking and disappeared into thin air. Everyone stared in disbelief.

Maria broke the silence. “Forty years away from their wives. Can you imagine?”

The comment cut into the last of Liz’s strength she had to hold her tears back. She let out a small sob and prayed for her husband to return safely.

Max got himself comfortable in the small capsule they called a ship. His hands gripped the ends of the armrests and the vessel thrust from the ground, breaking through the gravity barrier at the edge of the atmosphere. The first thing he’d noticed was the lack of windows. When questioned the others simply laughed saying something about trusting instinct and computers over eyes.

“How did you stay in flight for forty years? Didn’t you run out of power?” His head was full of questions he needed answered.

“Long before you left an endless energy source was created.” Thomas replied vaguely.

“What was it?” Max inquired.

“We’re forbidden to tell you, Sir. The princess, your mother, says that if you plan to return to Earth you cannot be too exposed to the more advanced inventions that are not yet found there.” Brit explained.

Max nodded. It made some sort of sense, though he couldn’t imagine the money he’d gain from “inventing” and endless source of energy. “Why are we, Isabel, Michael, Tess, and I… why are we on Earth?”

Brit turned, giving Max a sort of simpathetic smile. “Well, centuries ago a group of rebels stood against your ancestor, King Aidan. He supported slavery at the time and legalized slave trade across planets in the system. Surprisingly, no one objected to the slavery. At the time it was a way of life, no one thought a thing of it; or very few did at least. It was very different from the slavery that took place where you come from. They were treated relatively well, given decent room and board, but they were not paid, and they did not belong to themselves. What the rebels were against was the trading. That’s what Aidan brought when he took over the throne. People were taken from their families and home without warning.

“The rebel party consisted of people from all classes. Somehow, no one really knows, they got a hold of the Earthian, a ship that had recently been completed. It was the first successful craft for long distance travel and had taken a decade to complete. One night they boarded and left. Not without some resistance of course, but, surprisingly, they escaped with few casualties.

“The group had no direction in mind. They didn’t really expect to get off of Antar at all. Aidan had a tracker on the vessel but without a second ship they had no way to follow.

“The rebels were lucky to find a planet that was not yet occupied by a life form with equal or superior intelligence. They called the planet ‘Earth’ after the ship that saved then from this place.

“The group decided to leave as much of Antar behind as they could. They wanted everyone equal. Since not everyone’s gifts were the same it was decided no one would use them. Over the years, because of lack of use, the gifts became dormant. People forgot about them while in the process of starting their new lives.

“On Antar, Aidan was arrogant enough to believe that they wouldn’t survive without his leadership, so he assumed they all died. Once he died his son, Ephremus, who was primarily raised by his loving, just mother took over the throne. He banned slavery all together. By this time another long distance ship was built and in use. Some of the family members of the original rebel group wanted permission to take the ship and find their relatives. Permission was granted as long as a group of soldiers went with to report back to the royal family.

“When they arrived on Earth the family members were saddened to find that all of the original group had passed due to the fact that time went faster on that planet. The fourth dimension reared its ugly head. Your Einstein knew what he was talking. Everyone then decided to return to Antar without telling any of the people of Earth that they had even visited.

“The soldiers reported of the lack of gifts and how the people had split into their own countries. Different groups went as far as creating their own languages. It hurt Ephremus, who had hoped that the rebels would find happiness. He was told of wars and separation, and of slavery.

“The first thing Ephremus did was to pass a law that stated the women could also rule, leaving his wife, Macelynn, in charge if he should die before having any children. He then rounded up Antar’s best scientists and started them on a project. It was to create a way that he could be reborn on Earth so he could bring order to the planet and rule there. He knew that the planet’s leader would have to grow there and know every custom for them to accept him.

The project took longer than he hoped and by the time it was completed his son Alexander was on the throne.”

“Me.” Max stated off handedly, still listening intently.

“Zan was just as fair but he wasn’t as,” he hesitated, “evenly tempered. Because he could not choose a wife one was chosen for him. Her name was Ava and neither was happy with the marriage, which did not make life for the Royal family easy. Once Zan heard of the project’s completion, plans were made immediately for him, his second, his sister, and his wife to be the subjects. Zan knew it would take more than just himself to take over an entire planet. So, they were all given a painless death and sent to Earth to be reborn.”

“I am Zan.” Max stated, causing the man to nod. “Michael is Rath. Isabel is Volandra. Tess is Ava. We are the only ones besides my daughter, Jo Beth.”

“You have a daughter?” The man asked, clearly shocked.

“Yes, I do. And my wife is due in January.”

The man beamed. “That’s wonderful! You’re Jo Beth, she’s special.” Max nodded. “Good, that is the sign of the next ruler. Zan was the same, as were all previous Kings.”

“She knows things about this place that none of us do. And we were the ones that lived here before. Why is that?”

“It was all part of the plan. You were to all have the knowledge and it was programmed that your children would to, in case you all died before the project was completed. As we have found, part of the experiment didn’t work quite right.”

“She told us that we would be having a child every two and a half years.”

The man nodded. “Yes, that’s the way the royal family is. The number of children varies, but they are always two and a half years apart. It is something that was encoded into the family’s genes centuries ago. They wanted the children closer together but the woman’s body needs at least a year to readjust to itself again before another pregnancy can take place.”

“But what exactly is the purpose?”

“In case you die of course.” Brit said as if it were obvious. He continued when he saw the shocked look on Max’s face. “You have no way of knowing when you’re going to die, Max. It could be tomorrow for all you know. A war could start and you all would be in danger. Jo Beth could die at the same time or soon after. Then your next child would rule, or your wife until that child is ready. It’s a back up system in a way.” Max nodded. “And if something should happen to your children, even after you have stopped having them, it could start again, to replace those lost.”

“So we have no say in how many or when?” Max questioned angrily.

“I’m afraid not.” Brit replied, fear in his eyes and the fury in Max’s.

“Can this gene anomaly be reversed?”

The man looked at Max, surprised. “No one has ever tried but I’m sure with the technology… it could be done. For you and Liz, however, it is too late. It has to be done before birth to the next ruler’s children.”

“So Jo Beth will have the same… restrictions… but her children will not?”

“Assuming they can change it by then.”

“I want someone working on that immediately. It may work on this planet, but being forced to have children doesn’t cut it on Earth.” Max snapped.

The man smiled. “That is exactly why you were created to grow there.”