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Romance Novels, Any One Else Have This Guilty Pleasure?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 3:41 pm
by Ella1022
I was just wondering who else reads romance novels and who are your favorite author? and what storyline do you like best?

My favortie authors are Tina Leonard, Judy Christenberry, Sherryl Woods, and Cherry Adair.

I love storylines with cowboy's and babies together.

Now I'm reading the Texas Cattleman Series and an old series by Judy Christenberry called 4 Tots 4 Texans.

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 1:49 pm
by Lisette
He he :)
Yes, I admit to having a great fondness for the romance genre. Though I think the name and the steriotype from the 70s does turn people off still, even though the genre has really evolved. Most books now have a B story or even a congruent A story running with the love story- a mystery or western or history. The thing that seperates them as a genre is that all romance must have a happy ending. That's really why I started reading them to begin with, 'cause really, who doesn't want a happy ending?

I tend to lean toward historicals, personaly. Victorian, Georgan, Regancy, etc.

Some of my favorite authors are Julia Quinn, Karen Hawkins, Liz Carlyle, and Jo Beverly. I just finished An Affair Most Wicked by Julie Anne McLean. It was fun, a nice light read with an interesting premise.

You know Ella, if you would like to continue this discussion, we might get a better response in the book review forum. I've seen other books talked about that under the strictest terms would be classified romance, but never a thread for the genre. :oops: Just a thought.

I can't say I've read many- or any- cowboy/western stories. What would you recoment for a new commer to the catagory?

:Fade-color: Violet

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:09 am
by Ella1022
Lol yes I'm sure it would. I forgot there was a book section when I posted it. I'm going to see if a mod can move the thread.

Like I said the Texas Cattleman's Club is a good series and it's in circulation now. There's two more coming out. It's about a woman who was injured when someone tried to kill her and take her baby away from her. She was on her way to Texas when it happened and had a Texas Cattleman's Club card. They Texas Cattleman are Texans that aren't just your normal cowboys alot of them had like special forces background training and they help people out.

It's put out by alot of different authors. And there's like a book for each of the main members that goes along with the main story line.

So it's kind of like a mystery/drama/romance.

I also suggest Amazon as a great place to buy books no longer on the shelf. I've bought several from there in the used books section and they have been in pretty good condition.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 8:03 am
by FallenMagic
Aren't all romance books guilty pleasure? :lol: At least they are for me. As much as I enjoy reading sci-fi and fantasy and classics I do so love the romance ones as well! My favorite are Judith McNaught and Nora Roberts. I know Nora Roberts isn't a typical romance author but I love the way her books have so many elements to them!

Though i'm looking for a good read, aside from these two. Could anyone recommend me a good book? :)

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 10:30 am
by starlady
Ahh! A topic to cover my current addiction!

I am so engrossed in reading Romance novels at the moment, I have even neglected my writting!!

I'm addicted to Historicals! I am not a big fan of westerns, although I have read my share.
Judith McNaught is fabulous! I read all her historicals (Westmorland Series & related). She has a way of not following the same story lines that have been done over and over. I would recommend her work w/o much thought.

Another author that is a must read for any romance junkie is Julie Garwood. She is moving into contemporary/suspense but they don't compare to her earlier work in the historical genre. She is force by herself. If you like westerns you could check out her Claybourne brides series.

I'm an author type a reader... if I like a particular author I will read all they have published (like I did w/ Garwood) so I don't dabble with tons of authors but focus on just a few.
Still my list of authors just go on forever. I looovvveee a good scottish romance. Those Men In Kilts just do it for me! :wink:

Some of the work I have been following are from:

Julia Quinn - She has the Brigderton series that is hilarious!
Stephanie Laurens - She has the Bar Cynster Series that is about the Cynster Family
Mary Balogh - Anything she writes is gold! She writes the Slightly series but her older work is worth looking for.
Susan Wiggs - She has a series about the Chicago Fire that is good to introduce you to her but her older work is wonderful as well.
Kathleen Woodiwiss - She has been writting since the 70's and her work, although long, is worth reading. Start w/ The Flame and the Flower.
Catherine Coulter - Her books are hilaraious! She has over 30+ in her backlist. Start w/ her Bride Series!
Karen Marie Moning - Just started reading her. She has a highland series that have the heros and heroines crossing time. The first was great!
Elizabeth Boyle - Also a new author for me. Her books are very funny and light.
Jo Beverley - She writes the Malloreen series. She also has a Rogue series that looks just as wonderful!
Lisa Kleypas - Easy, steamy romance!
Nicole Jordan - Her books are so steamy you have to treat your spectacles to anti-fog before you read them. Her older work is stronger than her new books.
Lori Foster - Another hot hot hot writter.
Diana Gabaldon - She writes the Outlander Series. (Check out my review for her books on the book review threads)
Teresa Medieros - She writes with a different plot and her work is funny as well as deep. Excellent author!

Okay... So those are the authors I have been following and can recommend. The following authors I have in my TBR pile based on others recommendation:

Madeline Hunter, Karyn Monk, Eloisa Jmaes, Victoria Alexander, Cathy Maxwell, Kat Martin, Connie Mason, Jude Deveraux, Betina Krahn and Mary Jo Putney.

I have heard great things about Julianne Maclean's new book. I think I might have to pick it up...


Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:24 pm
by Ella1022
See that's where I'm different I guess. :lol: I don't like historical romances. I just could never get into them too much. My mom on the other hand has tons of them, but most of my books are modern ones with lonely town sheriffs, policemen, firemen, ranchers and modern day cowboys.The fics I read with cowboys I wouldn't really consider them westerns. Because they aren't like Lou Lamore(Sp?). I just prefer the cowboys over the knights because cowboys are still a modern occurence.

Two other authors I like to read is Linda Howard and Diane Palmer. The can do some really good angsty storylines.

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:31 am
by Lisette
I’m not sure why, but for some reason I seem to relate to characters in historicals better than contemps. They usually seem over the top and unbelievable, I have no idea what that says about me personally- something very odd no doubt. :?

The last contemporary romance I remember reading about 3yrs ago, was The Third Heiress by Brenda Joyce. I enjoyed it, but not as much as her historicals The Rival, After Innocence and Beyond Scandal.

Lately though, I think I’ve been limiting myself to strictly in time period. I need to branch out.

starlady ~ you and I seem to have similar tastes :) I’m even an author devotee like you. Except I’m not big on highlander stories. Sweaty men in skirts with hair longer than mine? Umm,,, no. However, if the descriptions aren’t to repetitive I can usually ignore the guy’s prescribed appearance and substitute a regency type guy. :roll: Actually one of my all time favs is Lynn Kurland’s A Dance Through Time I like some of Virginia Henely’s also.
The following authors I have in my TBR pile based on others recommendation: Madeline Hunter, … Eloisa Jmaes, Victoria Alexander, Cathy Maxwell, … Jude Deveraux, …and Mary Jo Putney.
I just added Madeline Hunter to my TBR pile too, if you get to her first let me know what you think :) I have one Eloisa James there too, but so far it hasn’t really grabbed my attention and said “Read ME!!”

I’ve read nearly all of Victoria Alexander and Cathy Maxwell’s backlists and enjoy them both. I like VA better though, her stories tend to be both poignant and very funny while CM’s can be a touch stiff and difficult to attach to.

I’ve only read one Jude Deveraux, My Knight in Shining Armor. I liked the story but wasn’t thrilled with her style. I found the end extremely disappointing and depressing though, I just didn’t think it was happy. That said, I think she does have a similar style to Julie Garwood and you might really enjoy her, starlady.

Mary Jo Putney can be really hit or miss with me. She tends towards very high angst with more uncomfortable situations than some authors. Things like rape- both male and female, child molestation, severe war wounds and flashbacks, and torture. I absolute loved The Bargain about a woman who makes a pact to marry a dying soldier to save her fortune, only to have him live. Also like books 1 and 3 in her Silk trilogy and Thunder and Roses

My TBR Authors: Celeste Bradely, Melinie George, Cheryl Holt, Nicole Jordan, Andrea Kane, Sari Robbins, Elizabeth Boyle, Margret Moore, Suzanne Sizemore, Rebecca Hagen Lee, Karen Robards, and Kathleen Woodiwiss. Any thoughts or suggestions anybody?
Susan Wiggs - She has a series about the Chicago Fire that is good to introduce you to her but her older work is wonderful as well.
I just, like yesterday, finished her Charm School, about a girl who finds herself while working on a ship shortly before the civil war. It was really cute. A little slow getting going, but I loved the ending.

Well, I think I’ve babbled on enough for one night. :oops: Can you tell I don’t share my secret little hobby with many?


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:40 am
by Lisette
Ella~ I forgot to say that even though they are historicals, you might enjoy For the Roses by Julie Garwood, it’s set in early 20th century Montana with lots of cowboys and settlers and such,

OR some of Lorraine Heath’s books. She specializes in cowboy/western type books and has a whole series following a particular family. I’ve not read them, they are very popular in the book group I belong to, but I know at least one involves the woman’s young children and possibly an early pregnancy.

I also just remembered that Brenda Joyce has a whole series of contemp.s following one family that lives in Texas. I like her, she has a interesting style and makes some unusual plot choices.


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:13 am
by starlady
I just, like yesterday, finished her Charm School, about a girl who finds herself while working on a ship shortly before the civil war. It was really cute. A little slow getting going, but I loved the ending.

The book you mentioned is the first of the Calhoun series. I loved Charm School but could not heartly recommend the rest of the series (Horsemaster's Daughter, Halfway to Heaven & A Summer Affair). I feel in love with the Calhoun men (they are all fabulous) but the stories were slow and I didn't like that Wiggs waited to the last two pages for a resolution. I need more happy time. Her Chicago Fire series was good (The Hostage, The Mistress & Firebrand). She did something I had not read before. Each story started from the same point and the same events were told but from each heroine's perspective. It was wonderfully done!
She also has a medieval series called the Tudor Series (Circles in Water, Vows made in Wine & Dancing on Air). Also another strong series where the books are linked by the predictions of a gypsy lady.

What do have by Woodiwiss? I have read the Flame & the Flower, Elusive Flame, Rose in the Winter & Shanna. I didn't like Shanna that much but the other three were wonderful!!! I have most of her other books in my TBR pile.

I read Elizabeth Boyle's One Night of Passion (the first in the Danvers series) and I wanted to kick myself for not reading her sooner. This was my review:
Elizabeth Boyle - One Night of Passion: (A) The first in the Danvers Series. I have no idea why this book sat for so long in my TBR pile. This was this months winner! I have to say I was hooked from the moment I started reading it. The action was non-stop, the love affair memorable and it just got better and better and better!! I'm looking forward to reading Stealing the Bride, the next installment in the Danvers Series.
I am part of a Yahoo group that chat about romances and we keep track of what we read over the month so we can post our reviews at the end of the month.

I read Nicole Jordan's Hellfire series (The Seduction, The Passion, Ecstasy, Desire & Prince of Pleasure) I loved all of them except for Desire. That was a tough read! She has some older HTF books. If you can get your hands on The Lover & The Warrior. I would suggest them in a heartbeat!

I have Cheryl Holt's Complete Abandon in my TBR pile. I'm hoping to get to it next month. I have to keep a list of the books I have to read because I have so many laying around that I get overwhelmed. Then I go and buy more!


I like to read is Linda Howard
Have you read her Dream Man? This is the only one of hers that I have in my TBR pile. I was told it was great! He's a detective tracking down a killer and she is a psychic that can help... I picked it up at the library but I haven't read it.

Lori Foster is one of the few contemporaries I read. I loved her Winston Borther's series (Winston Brothers, Wild & Say No to Joe). She has a new book out about a character she introduced in Say No to Joe. It's called The Secret Life of Bryan. I'll be getting that one as soon as I finish Say No to Joe.

I also like Julie Ortolon. She has a series that is about a family that buy a Bed & Breakfast (Falling for you & Lead Me On). The last book of the series was released recently called Don't Tempt Me.


Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 12:28 pm
by wild_child_uk
Oh I have just read The Secret Life of Bryan! So good I love Lori Foster she is sooo great, definatlely one of my favourite authors. It wasn't as great as Say No to Joe but I think that was just because I fell in love with the Winston Family.

Nora Roberts has to be one of my favourites too though, I love all of her books, especially her newer ones. :)

Oh and Linda Howard is great too! I love Open Season, Kill and Tell and All the Queen's men. Everyone should read books by her, if you like a bit of crime/thriller along with romance.

I WISH Dara Joy would bring out another book!! I'm dying here! I wasn't a great fan of her last one, ritual of proof but her others were great! She was the author that got me addicted when I read Mine to Take! :shock: Very Hot!

Christine Feehan is another superb author! I just love all her series but have a real weakness for her Carpathian's. :)

I have tons of books, and my friends think i'm really intelligent, always reading... If only they knew that I only read romances... :d

I love sci/fi romances, paramnormal romances.... anything really! Cowboys are sexy! Along with the military men! ;) But i haven't ever really found a historical I can really relate to.... I do like Joanne Linsdey though.. some of her historicals are pretty hot! I love Warrior woman and the following books for that!

Ok i'm blabbing... :) Talk to u soon!

Sarah xxx