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Believing in Destiny (AU,CC,Teen/Mature)BookII,Pt5 4/25 [WIP

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 5:12 pm
by foreverdreamer15
Title: Believing in Destiny
Author: foreverdreamer15
Category: M/L, M/M, A/I
Rating: Teen/Mature (for language)
Summary: What if Michael had came out of the pod chamber first and grew up somewhere else never meeting the others? What if Liz never grew up in Roswell? Max, Maria and Alex are best friends. Okay, I am not that good at summaries :( so please read.
Disclaimer: do not own anything that has to do with Roswell
Author’s Note: This is different from the show but the basic storyline is the same except the pod squad had never met Michael and Liz. I will be going back and forth between the present and the past. Hope that doesn’t confuse you all. I am not sure if the title already exists, if it does let me know and I will change it. This is my first fanfic :oops: so please be gentle and give lots of feedback.

Hope you like the story.

Late August 2000

"I can't believe 2 months of the summer has gone by already and its as hot and boring as ever" Maria complained to Alex who was sitting in the Crashdown counter sipping his orange soda with the rocks. "And I hate working in this summer heat. I wish my mother would give me the day off".

The air-conditioner was not working properly in the cafe and it was hot inside also but it was still crowded. Maria’s mother Amy Deluca, Valenti recently, had been managing the Crashdown for the past 12 years.

"Maria, its Roswell. Of course, it’s hot and boring. Now can you get me a refill" Alex asked her but quickly changed his mind when he saw her glaring at him. " You would think no one would be here with the way it is hot but people think this is better than outside"

The jingling of the bells caused Maria to look at the door with a frown but that changed into a smile when she saw who it was. "Max, What are you doing here? Not that I am not happy to see you but I thought today is 'strictly breakfast at home' day? And why are you out of breath and sweating like crazy? Wait let me get you a cherry coke..."

"Maria take a breath and let the poor guy also take a breath" Alex interrupted her "and while you are at it can you refill mine too? "

Max moved to their regular booth with Alex and Maria following him. "I came here to have breakfast Maria. Yes it is family breakfast today. And I have been walking fast from Alex's place and it is very hot outside" Max answered her questions.

"Where is your.." Maria began but the cook rang the bell for Maria to pick up her order. "Wait a minute. I will get your drink”

"Man you look like hell. You alright?" Alex asked him. Dressed in a simple black shirt, and pants with sunken eyes and sweating profusely Max looked very pale and bad. Max wiped the sweat off his brow and told, "I hate summer especially this one. I wish school would reopen again."

"Not you too. I have been listening to Maria say the same thing for the past hour but not the school part. Well, let me guess the reason why you hate it. Tess?" Alex asked him. Max just groaned miserably letting Alex know he had hit right on the target.


September ‘91

Maria and Alex had been friends since they were 3. When they were 8, Max and Isabel had come to school for the first time. Maria had noticed Max first standing in a corner and watching the kids play with a longing look on his face. She had then seen Paul and Kyle going to him and bullying him.

She had dragged Alex over to Max and told them fiercely "Leave him alone"
"Or what Deluca? " Paul asked her arrogantly.
"Or…” Maria paused for a beat “ We will beat you" Maria told them bravely.
"Oh...You and Who? Alice? " Paul and Kyle laughed at their own joke.
"It’s Alex and yes we will" Alex came to stand beside her though he was feeling very scared inside. But the next second their teacher had come up and broken the fight that would have surely happened. Since then Maria considered Max to be one of her close friends.

Max had been really shy at first and was very quiet. As the years went by though they were best friends Max was still quiet and didn’t talk to anyone outside of their group. When looked from outside they seemed to be an odd group. Maria with her mid-shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes was considered to be very cute and was quite popular. Alex was tall and lanky with a weird sense of humor and an expert in computers and secretly (or so he thought) adored Isabel, Max’s sister. Max was the opposite of those two – quite, studious and very handsome who never dated anyone. To the girls he was the perfect package - tall, dark and mysterious and everyone wanted to be the one to solve the mystery. But they were scared of Isabel, the ice princess and Maria. Maria had constantly tried to set Max up with dates before but he had sternly refused saying that he was not interested in girls till she found out his reason for doing so. Max had healed her from a gun shot wound in September 99 and had finally been forced to reveal to Alex and Maria that he and Isabel were aliens.


A.N: Hope you all liked it. :D I know its not much but please give me feedback

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 12:57 am
by foreverdreamer15
Here's the next part....


September ‘99
Both Alex and Maria started laughing loudly after Max’s announcement that he and Isabel were aliens. Max then changed his shirt’s color from black to blue and Alex’s eyes bugged out and Maria promptly fainted. When Alex realized Max was not joking he started asking questions. Max told them that he and Isabel believed they were from the crash and they had some powers.

Maria started sniffing her cypress oil like crazy. “Its not a joke. It’s true. It’s true. Oh My God. My best friend is an ..” Maria couldn’t complete it and she once again started sniffing her oil. “Please continue Max. Don’t mind me. I just do this when I get nervous. You know that. What am I saying? Of course you know that. Oh yeah I also babble when I am nervous. But you knew that also right?” Maria looked up to see both Max and Alex hiding their smiles.

After explaining about their different abilities Max grew silent looking at Maria and Alex with fear.

“Do your parents know about this?” Alex asked him. “No, no one knows except you two now”

“You risked everything then for me?” Maria asked with her eyes wide open.

“You two are my best friends Maria. I would have done anything to save you or Alex. I could not lose you guys” Max answered honestly.

Maria’s eyes started to shimmer with tears and she threw her arms around Max sniffling loudly. Alex also then joined the group hug.

“Does this mean you two are okay with me being” Max stammered.

“Alien you mean?” Alex asked with a smirk.

“Czechoslovakian” Maria exclaimed suddenly. When both of them looked at her weirdly, she said “What? We cannot say alien in front of others. Czechoslovakian is much better.”

“Okay.. but I prefer the term out of this world.” Max replied wryly. He then continued “so you both are really ok..”

“Of course we are okay. We are more than okay…In fact” Maria exclaimed with a glimmer in her eyes “Now I know the answer to the question I had always had in my mind”

“Oh what question?” Max asked curiously.

“How Isabel can always look so Perfect with her hair, make up and clothes. With powers like that even I would be Perfect” Maria answered grinning. They all then laughed.

“Do you think that someone saw you healing me?” Maria asked worriedly.

“No. I don’t think so.” Max said just as worried.

“Don’t worry guys. Besides they think the bullet hit the ketchup bottle and got lodged in the back wall. How did that happen anyways? I thought the bullet hit..”Alex looked at Maria. Both of them then turned to look at Max.

Max shifted uncomfortably and said, “It came through your back”. They were all silent for a minute thinking about it.

“Is this why you never date Max? I mean coz you are a Czechoslovakian?” Maria asked him. Max nodded.

“But Isabel dates all the time. What is wrong in dating?” Alex asked him. Maria gave him a knowing look.

“Nothing’s wrong. Isabel never lets anyone close to her. Their whole group is like that, so she is just like the others. I can’t lead on anyone like that and I am really not interested in dating the girls here”

“Its okay Max. None of the girls here are for you anyways. I just have to find a girl who is Out of this World for you” Maria told him with a smile.

Max then groaned good-naturedly and Alex laughed out loud. But Maria’s parting shot of “Oh and Alex. Don’t think I don’t know about your secret obsession with Isabel. I will do something about it too” stopped his laughter short and he started stuttering to Max wide eyed “ I …I..It’s not like that….I don’t like her…I mean I like her of course but not that way..…its…”

“It’s okay Alex. I think you are good for her “Mad stopped his blabbering with a smile “But if you hurt her I will hunt you down and kick your ass” Max said seriously. Alex gulped but managed to say just as seriously “I won’t Max”.

Isabel was livid at first when she found out that Max had told Alex and Maria the truth but after giving Max and the others the cold shoulder for a week, she started talking with them. She told Max that she knew that they wouldn’t tell anyone, but Max had a sneaking suspicion that Isabel had dream-walked them and then come to that conclusion. Max became more open and Isabel also started to spend time with them though she still didn’t stop hanging out with her old so-called friends and lose much of her Icy demeanor.

Spring 2000

All that changed with the arrival of Nacedo (their protector) and Tess in the spring. Isabel reverted back to the Ice Queen she was and started spending more time with Tess delighted to find someone like her at last. Nacedo told them that Max and Tess were King and Queen of the planet Antar and Isabel was the princess, betrothed to the second in command Rath. Max’s name was Zan, Tess was Ava and Isabel was Vilandra and they were all destined to be with one another. Tess even proved it by showing them the destiny book. She was disappointed that Rath was not with them but was sure that they will be able to find him eventually.

Max and Isabel believed her and Max had started dating her much to the disgust of Maria who told him frankly “ I don’t like her. She is not good for you”.

Maria knew that Tess looked at her and Alex as if they were beneath her and she was the reason that Isabel had stopped hanging out with them. Not that she cared much for the Ice Princess but Alex had looked very dejected and Maria couldn’t stand for any one of her girl friends being hurt. She knew that Alex felt as if Isabel had used them.

But Alex had firmly told Maria not to meddle in his or Max’s lives “I don’t like Isabel that much anyways Maria” he had started but on seeing Maria’s disbelieving look, he hurried on “Besides if Max wants to be with Tess, don’t try to come in between them Maria.”

“But I fear he is going to end up getting hurt Alex” Maria cried out.

“Maria, Max is a big boy. He can look after himself and besides he is only dating her Maria. They are the same kind. She won’t hurt him”

“What if he doesn’t want to do anything with us like Isabel? What if he forgets about us? He is our best friend Alex. I can’t lose him”, Maria told him tearfully. Alex hugged her to him.

“Max would never forget about us. He is not Isabel Maria”, he told her gently understanding her fears “ He risked his existence to save you. Don’t make him to choose between his ali..uh Czechoslovakian side and us. He finally has a chance to find some answers and just wants our acceptance. Don’t make this hard on him”. Alex soothed her.

At first everything had seemed fine with Max and Tess much to the dismay of Maria who still didn’t believe Tess or like her. But gradually Max began to spend less time with Alex and Maria and whenever Maria saw Max he was with Tess and he seemed to ignore her. The last straw came when Alex came to the Crashdown one day and found Maria crying in the back room.

“Maria what’s wrong? What happened?” Alex asked her very concerned.

Maria immediately flew into his arms and told him sobbing that Max had come into the Crashdown with Tess. She had accidentally split some milkshake on Tess and then Tess had started screaming at Maria saying Maria was just jealous coz she now had Max. “She said that I am pathetic to believe that Max would come back to me and Max wouldn’t even look twice at me”

“What did Max say to that?” Alex asked her grimly.

“I was very angry at Tess but before I could say anything to Tess, Max looked at me in disgust and told me to grow up. He said he didn’t expect this from me and to forget about our friendship if this was the way I am going to behave” Maria was sobbing openly now.

Alex became livid with anger at Max for treating Maria like that and consoled her.

Once again thank you for the feedback. Hope you all liked this part too. Let me know if you think the switching between past and present is not okay. Feedback please

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 12:07 am
by foreverdreamer15
Hi Everyone, Thanks very very very much for your feedback :D I am glad everyone's enjoying it. Here's the next one :D


Max was met with a punch as soon as he opened his door. Max looked up in shock and then in surprise as Alex once again tried to punch him but Max was quicker and tried to fend him off. A small scuffle started.

“Alex would you like to have…” Mrs. Evans stopped short on seeing her son and his best friend fighting. They immediately separated and looked at her.

“Mom, We were just practicing …” Max trailed off looking at Alex.

“to make the soccer team “Alex finished loudly.

Diane just looked at them and said “Max, don’t skip your breakfast this time too. I hope Alex, you will also join him” and went out of the room closing the door.

“Soccer? ” Max asked Alex chuckling. Alex grimaced and said, “Yeah, it was the first thing I could think of”

Alex then turned serious and Max asked, “ What did you punch me for?” rubbing his jaw.

Alex said, “After what you did to Maria be thankful that’s the only thing I did. If you want to be with Tess, be with her but don’t insult Maria because of Tess and to threaten your friendship…”

“Whoa, whoa, Stop,” Max help his hand up and looked puzzled “What did I do to Maria? And what do you mean by threaten my friendship? “

“This is Great. You forgot what happened so soon? It’s one thing to blatantly ignore us whenever you are with Tess, making out with her but if you think…”

“What the hell are you talking about? Me, making out with Tess? Are you crazy? I have not even kissed her yet.”

“I am crazy? Please, the whole school has seen you making out with Tess “ Alex told him angrily.

“What? Well what about you and Maria? Were you ever planning on telling me that?” Max asked him heatedly.

“What about me and Maria?” Alex asked him truly puzzled.

“Why? You are going to deny that too? I saw you guys kissing when I went to your house a couple of weekends ago. I even heard you guys talking ” Max paused and then finished in a low voice “about me”

“Weekend? What are you talking about? Maria had gone to her cousin’s place in Albuquerque a couple of weeks ago. She was not even here. Don’t lie” Alex told him fiercely.

“But I saw you…”Max then stopped suddenly and his jaw tightened in anger “Tess” He said grimly and then asked Alex urgently “Look Alex when did I speak to Maria like that?”

“Today morning in the Crashdown when you came to have breakfast. What, now you are telling me you didn’t even come to Crashdown” Alex asked him sarcastically.

“Alex” Max spoke calmly ““Look at me. I just got up when you knocked on my door” Alex looked at Max to see him wearing his old black shirt and his boxers – his sleep attire.
“and my mother just told us to come for breakfast”

Alex looked puzzled. “but Maria saw you and Tess…”

“Listen Alex I should have told you guys before itself. Tess’s power is called Mind-warp. She can make someone see something that is not there, she can plant memories in your head, make you forget and she is more stronger than me or Isabel”

“You mean she made Maria and all the others in the Crashdown think that you came with her and said all the things to Maria? ” Alex asked Max incredulously.

“Yes. That’s what I mean. She also made you guys think that I was making out with her...” Max said cringing.

“But can she do that? I mean mind-warp all the people in the Crashdown”

“Yes Alex. I told you she’s strong”

They were silent for a minute. “What did you mean by seeing me and Maria and hearing us talk? What did you hear?” Alex then asked Max curiously.

Max sheepishly looked down and said “ I saw you guys kissing and then speaking that you guys were better off without me. That you were really scared of me and Isabel…”Max trailed off still not looking at Alex.

“And you believed it? You believed that we would think like that about you?” Alex asked hurt.

“Well you also believed I would do something like that to Maria” Max replied defensively.

“Maria” Alex suddenly exclaimed, “We forgot about her. She was crying about it when I last saw her”

“What?” Max asked aghast “We should go to her now”

“Like that?” Alex asked looking at Max. Max just waved his hand over his clothes and he was dressed in his usual jeans and T-shirt.

“That never ceases to amaze me” Alex said grinning. “Max sorry for hitting you” he said regretfully.

“No problem. I would have done the same thing if I were in your place. I am sorry for hitting you too. Um..I can’t heal these” Max gestured to Alex’s eye and his own jaw which were beginning to bruise “Mom saw those, so…”

“Yeah, sure.”

Maria was very angry when she heard about how Tess had played with them all and she wanted to confront her immediately. But Max told her he would do it alone, that it was his responsibility since he was the one who had trusted her initially. Both Alex and Max were worried about what she had planted in Isabel’s mind but Maria was sure that Isabel was in on this too.

“Okay, we never trust anything we see with our eyes blindly without investigating it first. And we owe our loyalty to each other first, not to anyone outside our group and never keep secrets from one another” Maria enthusiastically exclaimed.

“Yeah and never get on the bad side of Alex” Max said rubbing his jaw.

“And trust Maria’s instincts” Alex added. Laughing together they all made the pact.

Max confronted Tess that evening when he found her in Isabel’s room with Isabel. At first Tess denied it and then scoffed “Max they are humans. We are royalty. We shouldn’t need to associate with the likes of them”

“They are my friends. Were you in on this too?” He rounded on Isabel furiously.

Isabel was puzzled but the thought that Tess is right and she should defend her friend suddenly entered her mind. “Max, she is right. We will be leaving this planet as soon as we find Rath. We don’t need them.”

“How could you do this to me, to them? I thought you cared for them, for me. I don’t even know who you are anymore”, Max told her regretfully.

“Max, of course I care for you. You are my brother...”

“NO, You don’t” Max bit out. “If you had you wouldn’t have helped Tess to do that to my friends, tried to destroy our friendship, make them hate me.”

When Tess found that Max was not swayed even by Isabel, she changed her tactics. “Max, I am sorry. I don’t want you and Isabel fighting because of me, she doesn’t know anything. I just wanted us to fulfill our destiny. I didn’t know they were important to you.”
Max snorted.

“I am really sorry Max. Nacedo raised me to believe that humans are nothing, they are beneath us…”

“And you changed your so called Beliefs suddenly?”

When Tess simply looked down Isabel defended her. “Max, give her a chance. She says she is sorry,” Isabel said pleadingly.“ I know what she did was wrong but…I don’t know how we would be like if mom and dad hadn’t found us.”

“I don’t trust them. I don’t even like them. But I will try ” Tess paused “For you “ she finished meekly.

“I don’t want you ever in their heads or mine and Isabel’s. If I found that you have been…”Max trailed off threateningly.

“Believe me Max. I won’t do anything to any of you. I really want to fit in. I have been so alone all my life. I don’t have anyone other than you two. You both are my only family.” Tess sniffled for good measure.

“Max, will you let this go and forgive her.” Isabel said exasperatedly and comforted Tess. “She says she is sorry and she will try to like them for your sake” Isabel said pointedly which was not lost on Max.

“Yeah, ok, but I..I think we should not date each other for a while” Max said and then hurriedly added when he saw Isabel’s glare “I mean we should try to know each other first, become friends…”

“That’s ok Max. I really would like to be your friend” Tess said shyly.

“Ok then, I..I will go now” Max said not knowing what to make of Tess’s sudden change. He suddenly felt uncomfortable around her.

“And Izzy I am..uh sorry for thinking that you ..”Max told Isabel remorsefully.

“Its okay Max. Already forgotten.” Isabel told him smiling.

Tess inwardly smiled at Max “For now I will leave you Zan. But you will be mine once we find Rath and I will make you forget about these pitiful humans”

Later that night, Tess made a phone call. “How much longer is it going to take you Nacedo? We need Rath. Without him we don’t have the four square and Max won’t follow his destiny” She listened for a while “Of course I can easily manage Max and Isabel.” She paused for a while listening.” What do you mean dead? He can’t be dead. I will know immediately. I am his sister after all. NO he is not dead. You will find him as soon as possible and let me know” She paused and then added “I don’t care what you do Nacedo. You must find him. This is an order” She then snapped her phone shut.


I know its not much, but hope you all like it. Please give me any comments and feedback. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:38 am
by foreverdreamer15
Part 3a

Present – August 2000

"Here honey! Have this cherry coke" Maria placed his glass in front of him and sat beside him.

"Hey, where is my refill? " Alex began but Maria ignored him and asked concernedly in one breath. "Are you alright Max? Why did you walk from Alex's place? What happened to your jeep? And.."

"Maria stop, take a breath. Sniff some “ At Maria’s glare, Alex immediately stopped and asked Max “Come on Max, we are waiting here”

"I am alright now guys" Max told them while pouring Tabasco into his drink. " Guess who was having a sleepover with Isabel yesterday night again?"

"Tess" Maria said it sourly and Alex joked, "Man does she live in her own house or give up?"

“Its not funny Alex” Maria snapped. Alex looked contrite. “Its bad enough that she won’t give up following Max like a puppy but with the Ice Princess helping her, poor Max”

"Its not I don’t like her Maria.” When Maria looked at him disbelievingly, Max added, “ I just feel uncomfortable around her. She is supposed to be my long lost love, but I dunno..” Max trailed off helplessly.

“So what happened?”

“I had weird dreams last night ”Max paused and added under his breath “more like nightmares.”

“I couldn’t sleep well coz of it and today morning Tess was sitting next to me having breakfast. She wanted to know where I was going. I told her I was going to Alex’s and drove my jeep there and walked here from there. She thinks I am still there”

“What kind of dreams?” Maria asked. When Max looked uncomfortable, “Don’t tell me you dreamt of Tess” she added in disgust.

“It’s not like that” Max defended himself. “ I just saw myself and Tess together very happy. It seemed as if we were in love with each other. I think they were memories of my previous life.”

“More like she put those in her head” Maria said.

“What if they are really memories?” Alex asked. Maria snorted.” Is this the first time you are having dreams like this?”

“No. I have been having these kind of dreams for a couple of weeks now”

“And you didn’t tell us?” Maria asked angry.

“I didn’t want to make a big deal of them. I wanted to forget about those. I really thought they were dreams. I didn’t think they were memories”

“So what is different about this dream?” Alex asked,

“I think” Max said slowly “I think I saw my planet.”

Maria gasped and Alex asked excitedly “What did it look like?”

“I seemed to be in a large field or something. I was wearing black pants and a long robe like thing with a Swirling design and I could feel a light breeze around me. It was so peaceful and the suns were about to set…”

“Suns?” Maria interrupted him.

“Yes. Suns. There were two suns Maria. It looked so beautiful” Max was looking at the wall as if he could see the images there. “And there were 3 moons each one in different color….” Max trailed off.

“Maria” Jose yelled “Your order’s getting cold. Talk later”

Maria sighed exasperatedly, got up and warned, “Don’t start till I come back.”

They were silent for a minute. Then “You freaked coz you saw your planet?” Alex asked ignoring Maria’s warning.

“No. Its what I saw after that freaked me out. I saw me and Tess together” At Alex’s blank look, Max said “together as in together Alex” Max emphasized the word ‘together’.

“Oh” Alex said wide-eyed. “You mean…”

“Don’t Alex. I don’t want to talk about it. But suffix to say I didn’t sleep the rest of the night”

“Of course, you can’t sleep after seeing something that you think might be your planet” Maria said as she joined them. Alex and Max didn’t bother correcting her. “But I still say, Tess put those in your head. I mean she spent the night at your house. She could have done that.”

“Maria, I had those dreams even when I was sleeping at Alex’s not the planet part but…”

“oh…why didn’t you sleep at Alex’s last night?” Maria asked him.

“I have been having sleepovers with him for the past 4 nights Maria. How was I supposed to know that Tess would be there yesterday also? Besides my dad was asking me the other day why I never date any girls, why I am never home and what I do at Alex’s. My parents think something is going on…”Max trailed off uncomfortably.

Maria started laughing loudly and Alex grumbled “This is not funny Maria.”

“This they notice, but not that Tess has been practically living at your house?” Maria asked unbelievably. “ And its not as if you don't date at all, you dated Tess in the spring only” Maria told Max.

Max winced which didn't go unnoticed by Maria and Alex. “ They know that Tess stays alone at her house coz her ‘father’” Max said in disgust “goes away on business. Besides I dated her for only 3 weeks Maria and I seriously don’t want to bring that up to them. Already they are saying she is a nice girl. What with the way Tess already thinks our house is hers, it might give my parents weird ideas”.

“Oh..Working through the parental units that gerbil” Maria stopped and said “Maybe you guys could come to my house..”

Both Max and Alex shuddered and Maria said “ Come on guys, Kyle is not that bad. Besides he won’t be back from the camp for about another month”.

Kyle Valenti, an all round Jock and West Roswell High’s football and basketball star, was Maria’s stepbrother. Maria’s mum Amy De Luca and Kyle’s father Jim Valenti, the town’s sheriff had tied the knot early in the year. Maria had forgiven Kyle for bullying Max (she remembered it to this day) and they had conspired together to break their parents when they found out they were dating much to the amusement of Max and Alex. It hadn’t worked at all and now they were stepbrother and stepsister. But conspiring together had brought a weird bonding between them and they were okay with each other.

Both of them looked at her funny. “What?” Maria asked.

“Maybe you sniffed too much oil De Luca. Believe us Maria. He is bad” Alex told her.

“Yeah. I don’t know why I thought him knowing about me would make him fear me. The last time I spent at your place still gives me nightmares.” Max told Maria glumly.

May 2000

Kyle was the latest member of the “I know An Alien Club”. He had always seen Max as a competition since all the girls seemed to flock to Max without him even trying anything and hence gave Max a hard time. One evening, Kyle had heard Maria, Max and Alex arguing in Maria’s room and having nothing to do at that moment had gone to see what it was about.

The door was not fully closed and he could hear Maria speaking “Max, turn this in to red. I think that goes with this black nicely”

“No Maria. You look good in green. That brings out the color of your eyes” Max told her seriously.

“I still think…”

Kyle could see Maria and Max standing in front of the mirror in Maria’s room through the open door.

“Oh Look at us Max” Alex’s indignant voice could be heard from the bed. “She has turned us in to females as in LIKE HER, Max. We are Red-Blooded American Males, Maria and we refuse to be subjected to this kind of mistreatment. We are even known as your girlfriends in school. That’s….Come on Max support me here” Alex pleaded with Max.

Maria glared at him but Max ignored Alex knowing that Maria would always win this argument somehow.

Kyle couldn’t control his laughter. “Man those two are pathetic” but his laugher stopped short when he saw Max Evans touch Maria’s shirt and it immediately changed from bright yellow to pale green. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. Max was now touching Maria’s flowing hair and the ends curled together and dark highlights appeared in the hair.

“No Max, its..” Maria began but she was interrupted with an exclamation “Holy ****!” from the door.

They all turned towards the door. A wide eyed Kyle was standing there with his mouth open and looking at Max with a fearful look in his eyes. Max panicked immediately and looked at Maria and Alex both of who had identical expressions of horror on their faces.

In the end, Maria had spoken to Kyle and explained everything to him starting with how Max had saved her life and also about Tess and Isabel. When Kyle had asked why Max seemed to spend less time with Isabel and Tess and more with them, she had reluctantly told Kyle about destiny and that Max didn’t believe in it. She didn’t mention the way Tess had played them all but just mentioned she was dangerous and stressed to Kyle that no one should know about this, especially his father the sheriff. Kyle was really nervous around Max a month after this but had gradually started losing his fear. The fact that Tess and Isabel were hot also seemed to help. He had also seemed to talk more about spiritualism and needing to find inner peace. Maria later found out books on Buddhism under his bed one day and told Max and Alex who concluded that Kyle had embraced Buddhism as his way of dealing with this.

As long as Kyle didn’t tell anyone and didn’t bother him, Max didn’t care about Kyle. Kyle had always bothered him and Alex calling them as Maria’s girlfriends. Okay technically they were but No One was supposed to know that. So if he being an Alien stopped all of Kyle’s taunting he didn’t mind it at all. But somehow Kyle’s new found respect for Buddhism had the exact opposit effect. Its not as if Max would have wanted Kyle to fear him but a little fear and respect wouldn’t hurt anyone, right? Max wondered.


A.N.:Hope you all like it :D

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:56 am
by foreverdreamer15
Here's 3b.

Part 3b

June 2000

Max, Alex and Maria were having one of their regular sleepovers in Maria’s house and they were beginning to enjoy themselves when Tess and Isabel joined them. All the three of them were puzzled as to who invited them and Maria, who was still angry at them, was about to shout at them to leave her house when Kyle came in and casually said “Hey, hope you all know my new friends Isabel and Tess”.

Needless to say Kyle, Isabel and Tess had stayed over to watch the movies with them and both Max and Alex were tense and uncomfortable. Tess had sat near Max and all through the movie she kept touching him subtly and not too subtly. Max kept squirming in his seat. Finally Maria who couldn’t take it anymore pulled Max from his place near Tess, pushed him on to her single seat and herself sat near Tess.

“Hope you enjoy the movie now Max.” She had added pointedly and ignored Tess completely.

Alex kept glancing at Isabel with a hurt look on his face. It was clear that he was not yet over her in spite of saying otherwise.

Maria confronted Kyle as soon as she had the chance “What the hell are you trying to do here Valenti?”
Kyle just looked at her and said innocently “What? This is my house too. I just invited my friends to spend some time with them”
“Don’t use that bull with me. I know…”
“Maria, contrary to popular expectations I do have my own life, okay” Kyle had then added resignedly “Look, I like Tess and if getting her to spend some time with me means Max also has to be present, I don’t mind it.”
Maria’s mouth fell open “You like Tess?” she asked amazed “ but she is an alien Kyle and she thinks humans are worthless. Besides she doesn’t even like you. She is after Max. Why do you even think that she will be interested in you?”
Kyle frowned at her “I think that since she has been brought up by Nacedo, she believes she has to be with Max. Once she finds out for sure that Max is not interested in her she will change her mind. And being with humans might change her outlook of them”

“So..How are you doing?” Alex asked Isabel and cringed at himself at how high his voice sounded.
Isabel looked at Alex and shrugged, “Fine” There was a pause, then “How about you?”
“Me, I am fine too. Good…doing great in fact,” Alex told her mentally berating himself for getting excited and nervous.
A high-pitched fake giggling from the kitchen interrupted their staring. Both of them blushed and looked down. Then they both heard Maria’s voice and hurried over to the kitchen.

Meanwhile Tess had cornered Max in one corner of the kitchen. “Max, I never see you in your house anymore.”
“I was busy preparing for the finals,” Max lied.
“I thought you didn’t want to talk with me and are avoiding me” Tess looked hurt.
‘Well, that wouldn’t be possible with the way you follow me’ Max thought grimacing. “Tess we just talked yesterday” he said tiredly.
“Oh…we did?” Tess giggled. “Every second I am away from you seems like a day,” She said lowering her lashes flirtingly.
‘And every day away from you seems only like a second’, Max thought and immediately felt guilty. She is only trying to be your friend Evans, get a grip. He scolded himself and smiled at her.
Tess immediately brightened. Before she could say anything, Max added lamely,” So you and Kyle are friends?”
Tess smiled at herself thinking her plan to make Max jealous was working.
“Yeah. Kyle is a nice guy. You were right about humans Max, though I still think Maria hates me.”

“She doesn’t. Maria’s just..” Max trailed off wishing someone could save him. He knew that Maria didn’t believe Tess was sorry for treating them like that and has not forgiven Tess for playing with their heads. Privately, he also agreed with Maria, but he had promised Isabel that he would try to become friends with her. But lately whenever she came near him, feelings of love,no not love he amended, lust towards her washed over him. He thought that maybe she was doing something to him and had spoken to Isabel about this, but she had told him maybe it was his alien side awakening.
When Max had looked at her disbelievingly, she had told him “Max, I have been doing memory retrieval with Tess. I could feel how much you both loved each other before. Its only natural that you feel like that now also. Maybe you should give her a chance. You could also let Tess help you with memory retrieval”
“Forget it Isabel. I am not letting her walk through my head.” Max had told her adamantly and added “And don’t mention this to Tess”.

“Max, you think we could..”. Tess’s voice brought him back from his thoughts.
“There you are Tess” Kyle said as he came in to the kitchen. Max breathed a sigh of relief. He had a feeling that she was going to ask him out.
Tess looked annoyed for a second, but immediately changed her expression
"Kyle, Max here was just asking about how I was doing?” Tess then smiled at Kyle flirtatiously.
“So want to show me the tour of your house….” She asked him giggling in a very fake way.
“Sure..Come this way Tess” Kyle gently took her hand.
“Oh! Please let me ” a voice said and the next second Maria had grabbed her hand from Kyle’s grasp and pulled Tess to the nearest room that happened to be Kyle’s room.

“This is the great Buddhist Kyle’s room and that is the bathroom nearer to his room.” Maria then pushed Tess in to the restroom. “Have you seen it? Its nice“ Maria told her giggling in a high-pitched voice. She then grabbed her hand once again “The room on the other side of the bathroom is my room. I am sure you want to see My Room but You Can’t. Only Humans allowed Inside” Maria smiled sweetly at Tess. Tess tried to pull her hand from Maria’s grasp but Maria held on tightly and dragged her nearer to the staircase as Kyle looked on in horror and started to follow them.

“This is the staircase and above there are 2 rooms, one is our parents’ bedroom where even me and Kyle don’t go. So you can’t see that. And next to that is the restroom, which is the same as the one downstairs, and the room opposite to that is the Guest’s bedroom and that once again is only for Humans. Of course you have seen the kitchen and the living room” Maria then dragged her to the closet ignoring Kyle’s protests. She then opened the closet “ This is the closet and oh look there is your …whatever you call it” She then picked up Tess’ jacket and pushed it in her hands and said “Now last but not the least,” She then opened the door and pushed Tess outside and said “the porch. Hope you enjoyed the tour. Have a nice day. Bye” and shut the door in a stunned Tess’ face.

Alex was trying to control his laughter unsuccessfully and Max was also trying to keep his face straight but there was a trace of a smile on his face, Kyle looked angry and horrified and Isabel looked shocked.

Maria then turned to Isabel and smiling sweetly asked her “Now would you also like a tour of the house?” Isabel immediately stiffened.

“Maria” both Alex and Max shouted at her. “What?” Maria asked innocently.

“No thanks. I know my way out” Isabel told her icily and added to Max “Mom wanted you come home for dinner”. She then huffed out.

“Maria, How dare you treat my guests that way?” Kyle finally found his voice and his face was purple with rage.

“What guests? I don’t see anyone here. Do you see anyone here Alex?” Maria casually asked Alex. Alex frowned at her still thinking of the way she had treated Isabel.

“Be that it may be Maria but you can be sure Amy will be hearing about his soon” Kyle warned her.

Maria sweetly smiled at him “You do that Valenti and the whole school will know about Beginners for Buddhism” she said with her arms folded across her chest.

Kyle’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. “You snooped in my room” he accused but Maria simply stared at him. His lips then formed in to a thin line, his jaw twitched but he just turned and walked towards to his room.

Maria called after him “Don’t do this again Kyle. I am warning you.” The door slamming loudly was their only response. Maria went to get something to drink.

“Wow that was…” Max began

“Stupid and dangerous Maria. What if Tess had done something to you?” Alex asked her angrily.

“You didn’t seem to be thinking of that Alex when you were laughing your guts out here” Maria accused him. She knew Alex didn’t like her throwing out Isabel also.

“Alex is right Maria. What if something had happened to you? We cannot be sure that she won’t try anything later also.” Max told her worriedly.

“Why Max. I thought you trusted her,” Maria asked shrewdly.

“Maria, that’s not it..” Max began.

Maria groaned tiredly “Come on Max, Admit it. You have wanted to do that since she walked in through that door “ When Max just looked at her she said “ Max she is not stupid to try anything here with you and Isabel both present. As for later, she had her chance when you broke up with her but till now she has not tried anything. I won’t be anyways alone. I will be either with you or Alex or at home or working in the Crashdown. Don’t worry Max. I will be fine,” She told him softly seeing his face.

“Maria, you should not have treated Isabel like that.” Alex said.

“She doesn’t care about us Alex and Both of you know it.” She said looking at Max and Alex.

Max knew that Maria was angry with Isabel also for treating her and Alex that way along with Tess and defending Tess. “Maria, she does regret treating you and Alex like that.” Max said.
Maria snorted.

Alex continued. “Maria, Tess is the only one Isabel feels close to, feels she can open up, as they are of the same kind. Max has had us as freinds since we were kids Isabel had only Max. She has only you Max. Even when she became close with us, we were always Alex and Maria, Max’s friends to her. She trusted us because Max trusted us. It will take her sometime to open to someone who is not her brother. She is scared of being differnt Maria.” he finished looking at both Maria and Max.

“How could you say this Alex? Tess played with all of our heads and Isabel helped her do it. She also thinks humans are worthless “ Maria told him angrily.

Before Max could say anything, Alex argued. “No Maria. If you had seen her with her parents, you will know she doesn’t think like that. She loves her parents. I think you should give her a chance Maria”

“Whatever” Maria went out of the room. Max just looked at Alex with awe.

“What?” Alex asked self-consciously.

“You love her” Max stated feeling a little jealous, “even knowing that she is different”. He wanted someone to like him too knowing he was different.

Alex blushed and then denied, “No I don’t”

“She does like you Alex but she is scared to admit it. I hope she realizes how lucky she is.”

After that Max had stopped hanging in Maria’s house fearing Kyle would invite them again.

A.N: That's the past guys...Everything will now be in the present from now on (of course I will probably go into Michael's/Liz's past later) and things will start to get interesting from the next part hopefully....So please bear with me if it is boring...As always More feedback please....Hope you enjoyed both the parts...How soon i post the next part depends on your feedback :D

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 1:32 am
by foreverdreamer15
Part 4

Present – August 20th 2000

“Kyle didn’t do it to get at you Max” Maria told him. When Alex snorted and Max glared at her, she relented and said “Okay, maybe a little, but he liked Tess. He still likes her” Alex’s mouth fell open in shock.

“Well he is welcome to have her…OW” Max clutched his head where Maria had whacked him. “What did you do that for?” he asked rubbing the spot.

“We women are not things whom you men can have,” Maria said haughtily, “though I seriously doubt whether Tess is a human let alone a woman.”

Jose then shouted “Maria I have rung this damn bell for 5 times already. Your orders are getting cold. I am going to complain to Amy if this goes on Maria”.

“Oh sorry got to go. You guys want anything?” Maria asked. After getting their orders, she hurriedly left the table.

“I wonder what she is planning?” Alex thought loudly.

“Who? Maria?” Max asked.

“No Tess. She was after you persistently when she came here at first. Now she seems to have stopped. I wonder why?” Alex mused.

“Speak for yourself" Max mumbled then continued,"Maybe she is waiting for Rath”.

“Rath?” Alex looked puzzled. “What is Rath?”

“Rath is a person Alex. Well, he is my supposed second-in-command” Max said and then hesitated.

“And? What about him?” Alex prodded Max curiously.

“And he is betrothed to Isabel” Maria said as she placed Max and Alex’s orders on the table and flopped down beside Max.

“What?” Alex squeaked. “I mean What?” He said again in a normal voice.

“Max and Tess were married and Isabel and Rath were betrothed in Antar” Maria said again

“Wow…so she is destined be with him like you are with Tess.” Alex stated more than asked looking glum.

“I am not destined to be with Tess” Max cut in annoyed. “It’s bad enough hearing that from her constantly don’t you start now.” He said glaring at Alex and then continued, “ I am really beginning to hate the word destiny. I only hope that whoever this Rath is doesn’t believe in destiny and doesn’t want to be together with Isabel” Max told them. “That will give me one more reason not to follow it, not that I will if he does follow destiny” Max added wryly.

“Are you kidding Max? Have you looked at your sister?” Alex asked him. Both Max and Maria gave him a funny look.

“Right” Alex cleared his throat “I mean even if this Rath person doesn’t believe in destiny, he will take one look at Isabel and will start to believe in it” He said sadly.

“You got that right Whitman. She is one piece…” Kyle stopped when Max glared at him.

“Kyle? When did you come from the camp? Aren’t you supposed to come in September or something?” Maria asked.

“Thanks Maria. Way to make a guy feel welcome after a long trip. I returned this morning and nope I am not supposed to come in September since I am apparently here now and I really need to feed my stomach. Buddha says a healthy breakfast makes a sound mind”

Alex snorted in to his orange soda. “I need food. So serve me one Will Smith and one Alien Smoothie woman” Kyle ordered, sitting beside Alex but on seeing Maria’s glare meekly gulped and added, “please. Besides I come bearing great news.” Maria went to get Kyle’s order.

“So Whitman, I see some things haven’t changed. Still pining after Isabel? When are you gonna realize that she’s way out of your league?” Kyle asked him smirking.

“Well she is not running after Rath now is she? “Alex shot back “So I would say I have a pretty good chance since Rath is not even here unlike your competition who is sitting opposite you”

Max groaned again and Kyle shot Alex a surprised look to see him smirking back at him. “Maria told you about Tess” Kyle said gloomily.

"Yeah" Alex smiled.

They were silent for a minute, then Kyle sighed and asked Alex "Aren't we pathetic?"

"Yeah." Alex said despairingly.

“Here is your food” Maria dumped his order on the table and asked him impatiently “Now lets hear your wonderful news.”

Kyle took a big bite of the satellite burger and said “Ah. Food is good though a little greasy…”
Maria was trying her best not to be irritated but…”I heard the Parkers are arriving tomorrow to manage the business and” he paused dramatically “they have a daughter our age” Kyle finished gleefully.

“What?” Maria asked shocked.

“Yeah, isn’t it great..OW” Kyle winced when Maria hit him upside down on his head.

“My mom’s losing the café and YOU say its great news?” Maria asked him threateningly with her hands on her hip.

“No, No. That’s not what I meant” Kyle held his hands up in surrender. “Besides Amy is planning to open her own new shop to sell alien things.”

“There is only one Claudia Parker right? I thought Mr. Parker had died?” Max asked in a confused manner.

“He is dead. I am talking about her son Jeffrey Parker and his wife.” Kyle explained taking another large bite of the burger. “His mother owns this Crashdown and since she is an archeologist and has to go on digs around the world she left the Crashdown in Amy’s care. Mr. Parker and his wife had gone to the west, California, about 18 years ago”.

“Are you kidding?” Alex asked disbelievingly. “They are coming here, Here as in Roswell, the alien capital, from California, the land of sun and beaches? Whatever for?”

“How do you know all this?” Maria asked Kyle suspiciously and then burst out “Why didn’t my mom or Jim tell me about this first? They must have known about this for a long time” annoyed that she had learn all this from Kyle.

“Amy and dad were talking about this. I overhead “Kyle said.

“You mean you snooped around” Alex told.

“Whatever Whitman. I also overheard " Kyle emphasized the word overheard “ Amy telling my dad that it hadn’t been finalized before and if they told you, it would have been all over Roswell by now” Kyle told Maria enjoying himself thoroughly.

Maria’s eyes flashed. She was already hot and sweaty and was getting ready to blow up at someone. Good its Valenti she thought smugly “I wonder how mum and Jim will feel when I tell them I already knew the news from you. Will they also think you overheard? ”

“What?” Kyle asked in horror “You wouldn’t. That just proves you are a blabbermouth”

“Bad move Valenti” Alex whispered to him.

“Oh I wouldn’t?” Maria’s eyes flashed, “Try me.” Grinning evilly Maria left the table.

Kyle immediately started gobbling his food. “Got to eat fast and try to see Amy and dad before she does…”

“What is great about this news, Valenti?” Max asked him curiously.

Kyle looked at him like he had horns on his head “Didn’t you hear what I just said? They have a daughter, Elizabeth, probably a junior or senior”

Max and Alex looked at each other blankly and then Alex said “But what about Tess?”

“Oh Tess. Well, I figured I am not going to waste my time waiting for her”. On seeing the blank looks on both of their faces he said “You guys are hopeless. There is no harm in having a little fun. It wouldn’t hurt to make Tess jealous. And if Elizabeth is pretty then I will have her and you can have Tess” he said looking at Max. “OW…Maria cut it out” Kyle yelped at Maria who had just passed them, rubbing his head.


By the time Max came for his lunch in the afternoon Maria’s mood had done a complete turnaround and she was bubbling with excitement.

“Max” She happily exclaimed “I have found the perfect solution to your problem AND I have got great news” and she led him to his regular booth.

“What problem?” Max asked cautiously. He knew of Maria’s schemes and they more or less ended with him or Alex in a fix.

“We are officially going to be a couple,” She said excitedly.

“What?” Max squeaked in.

“Yes, then your parents won’t bother you or Alex or me”

“What?” He couldn’t seem to hear past the word ‘couple’.

“Its perfect Max. We can pretend to be a couple. We can tell your parents that you have secretly been in love with me for many years but were afraid to ruin our friendship, so you didn’t approach me. That’s why you didn’t date any girls till now but you recently found out I also feel the same way so we decided to give it a try. Wait I will get your usual and be back.” Maria said everything in one breath and left table leaving a confused Max.

But as soon as Maria returned Max found his voice. “Are you crazy? This will never work. For one thing, they know us too well and did you think of what Tess might do to you once she finds out about this?” Max asked heatedly. “I still don’t trust her.” Max added in a low voice.

“Max, I know that you don’t trust her” When Max looked surprised, she rolled her eyes. “I also know that she is crazy. But I don’t think she will try anything other than messing with our heads. Besides we all made a pact never to believe what we see and you have also been practicing to block her out, so it will be okay. And it’s only for some time. Once your parents back off, we can ease it off.”

“I still can’t block her out fully Maria and I am not willing to take the risk with you. I am not going to do it”

“Max, please just consider it. I am not asking you tell your parents immediately.” When Max still didn’t relent, she continued,” besides, Alex also thinks this is a good idea”

“He does?” Max asked surprised.

“Yes he does. And I think this will stop your parents talking about Tess too. Now tell me you will think about this”

“Okay I will” Max agreed reluctantly.

“Good” Maria beamed.” Now for the great news” Maria paused dramatically. “Kyle actually got kicked out of the summer camp, so he got grounded till school starts and Mom and Jim found out about his new religion.” she finished gleefully.

Max immediately brightened “What? Wow…This is the best news I have heard all summer”

“I know. Apparently, Kyle’s quoted too many sayings to the coach at the camp”

“How did you find out about this?”

“I have my sources” Maria said smugly.

“And how did Amy and the sheriff find out about this?” When Maria looked away as if she didn’t know what he was talking about, Max choked on his drink. “You didn’t?” Max said in shock. “You told them about Kyle?”

“I might have just slipped it out when I was talking with my mother earlier. What? It was unintentional.” Max snorted.

“Okay fine, but he deserved it. Anyways, my mother told me that the Parkers are arriving today afternoon, not tomorrow like Kyle said.” Maria said happy that Kyle had been wrong. “They decided to come here only about a week back and they are going to stay at the apartment above us.”

A jingle in the Crashdown bells had her looking up and she brightened. Max looked back and he saw a middle-aged couple with bags.

Maria immediately went to them and said “Hi, Welcome to Crashdown. I am Maria, Amy’s daughter and a waitress here. You must be Mr. and Mrs. Parker. I am very excited to meet you all. My mother and me have been awaiting your arrival. She is in the back room. I will go and get her.” She then went back without letting them say a word much to the amazement of the Parkers.

Max chuckled looking at their expressions. “Hi. I am Max, Maria’s friend”

“I am Jeff and this is Nancy” Jeff shook his hands with Max. “Is she always like that?” Nancy asked bewildered.

“Maria? Don’t worry, you will get used to it” Max said laughing.

Amy came out and greeted the Parkers. “Where is your daughter? Is she outside?” Maria asked excitedly trying to look outside.

“No. She will be coming later tonight,” Nancy said and then the Parkers went to the backroom along with Amy to see the apartment and settle down.

“Well, why do you think she didn’t come with them? And they allowed her to drive alone from California?” Maria asked Max incredulously.

“Maria, You really need to stop gossiping and sniff less oil.” On hearing Maria’s outraged “What?” Max smiled and gave a peck on her cheek “But that’s what makes you You” he finished smoothly. “Why don’t you ask her when you see her tonight? My lunch is almost over. Will see you later tonight” Max said.

“Okay, think about what I told you Max” Maria shouted after Max.


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 1:02 am
by foreverdreamer15
A.N: Thanks creative nickname for your feedback :D but I am not sure whether to continue or not, since no one else is reading the fic. But iam going ahead and posting a couple of parts...What can I say? :roll: I want to try for one more time.. The next two parts give the introduction of Liz and Micheal (Yes finally! I know :D )...please leave feedback...

Part 5:

Later that night, Max and Alex were waiting for Maria to finish closing the Crashdown when they heard a knock on the Crashdown door. They looked up to see Max’s mother standing there along with a girl.

“What is your mother doing here?” Alex asked Max, who was equally puzzled, as he went to open the door.

“Hi Mrs. Evans” Alex greeted her and looked at the girl standing behind her.

“Hi Alex”

“Hi Mom, what are you doing here? I thought you had to visit your friend at the hospital?” Max asked.

“Hi Max.” Diane said moving inside the Crashdown. “This is Liz, the Parker’s daughter,” she moved aside introducing the girl behind her to Alex and Max. “I met her at the hospital where I was visiting my friend. I knew one of the doctors there. He was supposed to drop her here but an emergency case came up. So I offered to help him.”

As soon as his mother moved aside and Max saw her, he drew in a sharp breath completely tuning his mother out. He saw a girl about his age wearing tight black hip huggers with short red tee and her hand was clutching the backpack over her shoulder. Her auburn hair was tied back loosely and some had escaped her ponytail framing her lovely face. Her hair looked very soft and Max was surprised when the urge to let her hair loose and run his hands through it came suddenly. She was staring at Alex intently who was also looking at her just as intently. He wished she would turn this side.

“Hi, I am Max,” he said interrupting their stare and holding out his hand. She turned and large doe-shaped dark blue-green eyes looked at him and Max was unable to avoid the soft gasp. She is beautiful, that was the only thought going through his mind at that moment. A mixture of emotions seemed to swirl in her depths and it seemed as if he was falling into their depths but suddenly her eyes became blank as if somebody had pulled a curtain over them. The more Max looked at her the more he felt as if something was different about her eyes but he couldn't say for sure.

She then shook her hand with Max. Max felt a jolt go through his body, and he looked up at her to see if she had felt anything, but she was looking down and was biting her lip as if she was nervous.

Alex felt relieved when Max interrupted their stare. He didn’t know what it was with her eyes, but he was not able to look away from her till she turned to Max. Those eyes seemed to draw him in. He had seen sadness in her eyes so haunting that he had wanted to comfort her at that moment, and then curiosity and a flicker of recognition had passed over her eyes followed by sadness again? Then Max had interrupted them. As far as he knew he had never seen her. So how could she recognize him? Alex wondered. Strangely those eyes, reminded him of Isabel’s brown ones, how he could stare at them for hours and hours and lose himself in them. And even more strange, Alex thought, is seeing Max-I-am-not-interested-in-girls-Evans also so caught up in staring at her.

Her voice “I am Liz” pulled both Alex and Max from their reverie.

Alex then held out his hand smiling “Alexander Whitman at your service” he said bowing slightly. Alex saw her eyes go wide and thought he heard her say something but her eyes remained blank giving nothing away. She seemed to hesitate for a second to take his hand and Alex looked at her curiously. She shook his hand and was that relief that crossed her face? Alex wondered. ‘Okay, I really got to interpret facial expressions more accurately’, Alex thought.

She looked at the café with disinterest, her brow slightly quirking upwards when she saw the alien pictures on the walls. But her face remained inscrutable giving nothing away.

“Are you going to live in the apartment above this?” Diane Evans voice caused her to shrug and Alex answered “Yeah. Maria told that the Parkers had arrived this afternoon. I will go get them.” He said with a smile to Liz and then hurried off upstairs. Max was still staring at her not even noticing that Alex had gone upstairs.

Diane then asked Liz “Are you hungry? The restaurant is closed but I am sure Maria can get you something. Max, Do you know where Maria is?” But Max did not seem to hear her. She looked on in amusement and cleared her throat and said loudly “Max”.

“H-uh” Max said then blushed suddenly noticing that his mother had caught him staring at Liz. “What”? He asked flustered feeling both his mother’s and Liz’s eyes on him.

‘Max.. interested in a girl and blushing? ’ Diane thought surprised and smiling she said, “I asked you where Maria is?”

“I think She is in the back. I.. I will go and get her” Max then hurried out to the back room wishing that he would stop feeling so nervous. Liz must be thinking he was weird. Max was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t notice Maria coming inside after throwing the trash out or the way her eyes brightened when she saw his mother in the café through the order take out window.

The next second he felt someone hugging him, and Maria excitedly shouting, “Max”. As expected, both Diane and Liz heard it and turned towards the order window where they could see Maria hugging Max. Max automatically hugged her back and then looked at her puzzled.

“Where were you? I was waiting a long time for you. I missed you very much.” She then giggled flirtatiously at him. “Now where is my greeting?” And before he could say or do anything Maria put her arms around his neck, and gave him a sound kiss on his lips that was interrupted by a throat clearing near the staircase. Both of them turned to see Mr. Parker staring and a shocked Alex with his mouth hanging open.

Max was stunned and extremely embarrassed. He immediately took his arms away from Maria, and suddenly he turned pale realizing that was Mr. Parker as in Liz’s father Mr. Parker who was staring at him. He quickly stepped away from Maria and didn’t stop to wonder why he suddenly wanted to make an impression on Mr. Parker. He prayed that his mother or Liz had not watched this. But a quick look to the order window dashed his hopes.

“Hi Mr. Parker” Maria said brightly. “You know Max, right, my boyfriend,” She said ignoring Max’s “What?” and Alex’s gasp.

Mr. Parker nodded and then walked towards the front of the café.

Maria went to follow him but she was stopped by Max’s hissing “What the hell are you doing, Maria?”

“Relax, Max. I have to meet your mother now.” She then went to the front leaving behind a horrified Max.

“What? Why? Maria don’t do or say anything” Max said hurrying after her followed by a still shocked Alex.


As soon as Liz saw her father coming from the back room, she turned to Mrs. Evans and smiling said “Thank You, Mrs. Evans. I will see you later”. She then turned towards her father, said hi and hurried to the back room but an excited Maria stopped her.

“Hi, You must be Elizabeth. I am Maria Deluca. My mother manages the Crashdown and I also work here as a waitress. This is Max and Alex my best friends” She said pointing to Max and Alex and continued in the same breath “I heard that you are a senior? We are also seniors going to West Roswell High” When Alex gave her a nudge to let Liz speak, she said brightly holding out her hand “Its very nice to meet you.”

Liz just looked at her and said in a bored voice “Whatever!” and went towards the backroom. Maria stared at the swinging door of the backroom in shock along with Alex and Max.

Diane’s voice interrupted their stare “Max, honey. I am going home now. I will be expecting you there tonight. No sleepovers” She said with a pointed look at Max. Max just nodded. She then smiled at Maria warmly and left the café.

Mr. Parker then said, “Maria, you need any help in closing the restaurant?”

“No Thanks Mr. Parker. I will be done in a few minutes anyways”

“Okay then. See you all tomorrow.” He then went off towards the apartment. There was silence for a minute till Mr. Parker’s footsteps faded away. Then all three burst out simultaneously.

“How could she? The rude….”

“What did you think you were doing?”

“Can someone explain…”

“Did you see the way she looked at me?”

“My mum saw ..Liz saw.. …”

“Did I really see that?”

“What does she think..”

“She thinks..she must think… and god Mr. Parker…”

“The arrogant…”

“Alright, Enough, Stop It Everyone” Alex shouted finally. Both Max and Maria shut their mouths and looked at Alex. “Now tell me what the hell I saw in the backroom?”

“It was just a plan..”

“That’s what I would like to know..”

“Stop! One at a time” Alex ordered Maria and Max. Both of them looked at him pouting with their arms crossed across their chest. “Now since Maria seems to be the one with answers why don’t we start with her?” Both Max and Alex looked at Maria.

Maria rolled her eyes and began “It was just a ploy to throw the Evans off Max's back. We pretended to be a couple and Max also agreed in the afternoon. Now did you just see the way that girl…”

“I said I will think about it Maria” Max cried out interrupting her, “and you told me Alex said it was a good idea” Max accused her. Maria looked away guiltily.

“So you two really kissed in the backroom? Wow…I thought it was Tess messing with my head”

“It was just a peck,” Maria murmured.

“Just a peck” Max said sarcastically “God Maria. My mother saw us, Liz saw us. I knew this stupid plan would backfire” Max suddenly narrowed his eyes “You saw them through the order window? Didn’t you? Oh my god. You saw her” Max concluded looking horrified. “That’s why you did it.”

“Max, it was a perfect opportunity…” Maria began.

“My mother won’t fall for this Maria.” Max said heatedly.

“Max is right, Maria. I don’t think his mother would think you guys are a couple after the way Max here was staring at Liz”

“What?” Both Maria and Max asked Alex.

You were staring at her?” Maria continued surprised.

Max flushed and denied, “I didn’t stare at her. I was just..just ”Max stopped abruptly and turned on Alex “Besides you both were the ones staring at each other”

It was Alex’s turn to flush now. “We were not and anyways I was only curious as to why her eyes reminded me of Isabel.”

“Oh really?” Max asked sarcastically.

Maria rolled her eyes and began “Look at you both, fighting like kids..”

Suddenly Mr. Parker’s voice floated down the stairs “Everything all right down?”

“Sure Mr. Parker. We were just locking up” Maria said and started herding Max and Alex towards the door. “We will continue this childish discussion tomorrow, night Max and Alex”

Both Max and Alex waved at her, glared at each other and went their separate ways each thinking about the new girl.


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 1:17 am
by foreverdreamer15
Hey, Here's the next part. Hopefully you will find this interesting and leave me feedback :D

Part 6a

Liz rushed into the apartment and blindly went to a room closing the door and slid down along it. She rubbed her temples and closed her eyes “Stop Liz. Don’t think about it. Don’t.” She muttered to herself trying unsuccessfully to stop the flow of tears. Before she knew it her mind was assailed by long suppressed memories.

Liz was annoyed and plain bored. This was definitely not the way she had planned to spend the New Year’s Eve. She had not only been forced to attend the stupid party her parents were hosting but all she could see whichever way she turned were people in their 30’s and 40’s. “Michael is so going to pay for this,” she thought furiously. She suddenly narrowed her eyes in concentration and muttered angrily looking around the room, “If he doesn’t come..”

“Looking for me?” a voice whispered near her ear and Liz turned to see a handsome face with twinkling blue eyes and brown hair some of which fell on his eyes making him look boyish. He was dressed in blue jeans and buttoned down black shirt, but she could make out his muscles when he held out his hand to her.

“Hi, I am Alexander but friends call me Xander,” he said.

When Liz still stared at him trying to figure out if she had seen him before, he said teasingly “you can shake my hand. I don’t bite you know” he paused then leaned closer and added grinning “unless you want me to.”

Liz blushed and tried to cover it up by saying “Hi Xander? Doesn’t that name come in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?” She asked smiling while shaking his hand. The sounds of music and laughter could be heard around.

“Ah! The woes of having a famous name” he said grinning. “But you could call me anything you want” he finished smoothly.

“Anything?” She asked him lightheartedly. “Hmm…How about Xan?”

“Well, no one has ever called me that, but” he paused and murmured slowly “I will be more than happy to go by it if you called me”, the stress on you not going unnoticed by Liz.

“Ok Xander ”She said laughing nervously “I am..”

“Elizabeth Parker, or Liz, mysterious, popular, charming, doesn’t date anyone, passionate about science, President of the Science club, highest GPA in class and the expected Valedictorian of 2001. Did I miss out anything?” he asked his eyes dancing with laughter at the shocked expression on her face.

“Liz? Are you in here?” Nancy’s knock on the door pulled Liz from her memories. Liz got up, opened the door and sat down on the bed.

“How was your day…are you okay honey? Nancy asked her daughter worriedly touching the tear tracks on her cheeks. Liz flinched from her touch and Nancy looked hurt.

“I am fine mom” She wiped her cheeks and said “Its just an allergy.” When her mother looked unconvinced, she said, “I am really fine mom and yes,” Liz said before her mother could ask her “I already had my dinner at the hospital café”.

Nancy looked around the room and said, “You need any help unpacking?”

It was then Liz looked at the room she was in and found her boxes neatly labeled lying around her. She saw the bed lying on one corner, her desk and chair near it and a door leading off the room.

“ This room has its own bathroom and it has a nice balcony outside it. You will love it…”

“Mom, I am really tired.” Liz interrupted before her mother could go on. “I just want to sleep now. I will unpack tomorrow. Good night” She then went to her bathroom and closed the door.

Nancy sighed and went to arrange the stuff in the living room. She knew Liz was not happy with moving to Roswell, in fact she had been pretty vocal about not moving here but really it was for her own good only. Both Jeffrey and her had talked about it and agreed that it will take some time for Liz to adjust here. She hoped that once school started Liz would feel better.

After taking bath and changing into her pajamas Liz looked around the balcony and sat in the lounge chair her father had put out for her with her journal in hand. The night was silent and peaceful but she felt anything but that. She looked up at the sky twinkling with bright stars her eyes unconsciously looking for the V-Constellation as always since she had learnt what it meant. She abruptly lowered her eyes once she saw it though. Her mind was going miles per minute trying to figure out what had happened when she touched Max. Knowing that it would be clearer once she wrote it she opened her journal.

Journal Entry 1,its 20th August 2000 and I am Liz Parker. I arrived in Roswell today and I have to say the people here are completely obsessed with Aliens. (I am rolling my eyes here).But the kids in the hospital were very sweet. I was really surprised when Dad let me to go there and volunteer even before coming to the café. Predictably Mom was reluctant. Dad’s friend Dr. Williams offered to drop me here. Anyways, I told him I would come there everyday till the school reopens and I guess mom and dad are also okay with it.

Well, the restaurant that mom and dad are going to manage is also alien-themed (as if it can be anything else) and I met the coolest girl today. Her name is Maria and I swear she can talk without breathing and she is a waitress here. She is also a senior like me and I wish that we could become good friends, but…. I am scared. I am scared of getting close to anyone.

One of her best friends is
Liz paused before writing the name Alexander Whitman. Ironic isn’t it? I thought I had finally gotten away from it but I guess the past has a way of catching up with you. Even his eyes reminded me of Liz paused for a long time before writing. It was the first time in nearly 9 months she was writing about him again Xan. He has the same blue eyes and the same brown hair but his friends call him as Alex. With my luck Alex will also probably be the lead guitarist in a band, captain of basketball team, and Liz stopped writing and closed her eyes as tears seeped from her eyes.

After a few minutes she started writing again. Maria’s other best friend and boyfriend is Max Evans. His mother, Diane Evans dropped me in the Crashdown. And guess what? I got a flash from Max when I shook his hand. Liz laughed bitterly thinking why the things she was running from never seem to let her go. I saw a small boy crying in his bed and his mother gave him a toy house saying that it’s a magic house and it would take him home. I don’t know what this means. I mean did I see his past? I am not even sure if that happened to Max or not. I mean I cannot exactly go to him and ask, “Hey Max, I think I saw you as a 6 year old when I shook your hand. Did your mother ever give you a toy house when you were six?” Maybe if I had controlled my emotions better, I would not have had the flash but I think Max felt something too. Did he see anything but how is that possible?

Liz puzzled over that for some more time then closed her journal exhausted and sleepy. She looked at her watch and saw it was nearly 12.00. She went inside her room and lay down on her bed.

It was nearly 4.00 A.M when Liz started squirming around on her bed. She started muttering and suddenly woke up with her hand over her mouth to muffle the scream. Tears were streaming from her eyes and it took her about a minute or so to realize that it was only a dream, a nightmare of a reality that had already happened. She took deep breaths thinking they had started again and looked at the clock. She got up from the bed knowing from experience that she won’t be getting sleep again and quickly dressed and slipped out of the window. She climbed down the fire escape and started running trying to escape from her nightmares and the harsh reality that her life had become.


Hundreds of miles away Michael Guerin awoke suddenly sweating profusely with feelings of desperate fear and sadness flowing through his body. It took him about a minute to see the white shield around him that he had put up automatically even in his sleep in response to the fear. He gradually lowered his hand and the shield disappeared. He then closed his eyes for a minute and then frowned in concentration. Finally he got up frustrated and worried. He then started packing and in less than 5 minutes he was ready to leave. He looked around the single bedroom of the motel and waved his hand and any traces that someone had stayed there for the last couple of days vanished. He then waved a hand over himself and 2 minutes later an older blonde haired guy with blue eyes and beard checked out of the motel.


A.N: Should I continue this fic? Please leave me feedback if you think this is interesting and want me to continue otherwise I will leave the fic.. :(

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 3:22 pm
by foreverdreamer15
okay...Once again thanks for leaving feedback guys and for waiting patiently and special thanks to Behrsgirl77 :) , the Beta for this fic . Here's the new part Hope you all like this.. :D

Part 6b

2 weeks later

Maria was wiping down the counter when she saw Max enter the Crashdown and sit in his usual booth looking around the restaurant, as he seemed to be doing a lot lately.

“She’s not here,” Maria said walking over to him.

“What? Who?” Max asked her innocently.

Maria simply rolled her eyes and asked “The usual? And I meant Liz Parker, Max.”

Max had been regularly having his breakfast and lunch at the Crashdown for the past two weeks in hopes of seeing Liz, though he denied it, much to the amusement of Alex and Maria.

“Yes, the usual and I am not looking for anyone” Max said.

“Max, you’re a terrible liar.”

She said and walked away thinking about the new girl. Maria was really curious about Elizabeth Parker. The girl did not talk much to anyone and ignored everyone else for that matter since she arrived. Maria had seen her a couple of times when she came from her morning run and a couple of more times in the restaurant at night when she was closing. But Liz had not even said as much as a ‘Hello’.

She had overhead the Parkers talking about the volunteers and Roswell Memorial hospital but she found it hard to believe that someone like Liz would willingly volunteer to help others.

“But why do I have to be a waitress? I don’t even know how to be one and I don’t want to work here.” Maria walked into the backroom of the Crash to hear Liz whining to her father.

Jeff sighed and Nancy said irritated, “Elizabeth. We have gone through this many times. You are going to need a job when school starts. This is our restaurant, the pay is good, the hours are flexible and you have a position waiting for you here. I don’t see what the problem is Liz.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “You have got to be kidding me Mom. Look at the theme, the corny menu and” Liz looked at the uniform Maria was wearing, how could she describe it? It was teal green with silver lapels and buttons down the front, oh and let’s not forget about the apron. That was a sight for sore eyes if you ask her. It was a silver alien head with big black eyes, talk about frightening, “the ridiculous uniforms and you ask me what the problem is?” She finished dramatically.

Before the argument could get out of hand, Jeff interrupted, “Lizzie honey, we know you don’t want to work here and you know we won’t ask you unless it is urgent. Agnes is sick and Tracy quit a couple of days ago, so we don’t have anyone else other than Maria. We are really short staffed today and the rush hasn’t even started yet.”

Liz reluctantly agreed. “Jeff do you think we have an extra uniform?” Nancy asked.

“What?” Liz almost shouted. “Mrs. Parker,” Maria said gleefully “I have an extra set and I would be delighted to give it to her.”

Liz’s mouth hung open and Nancy said, “That’s really sweet of you Maria. You sure its okay?”

“Of course Mrs. Parker and besides I think we both are almost the same size. In fact if she wants I can even give her my antennae.”

“This is not happening Parker, this is not happening,” Liz muttered to herself.

Before she could protest again, Jeff said wryly “Thanks Maria, but the antennae’s not needed and Lizzie you cannot possibly serve in your regular clothes.”

“Why can’t I?” Liz demanded mutinously. “They come here to eat the food not see what I am wearing.”

Nancy groaned in irritation and Jeff looking pleadingly at Liz. Finally Liz grumbled, “Ok fine” and went to the bathroom to change taking the uniform that Maria had ready in her hands.

“So which side you want?” Maria asked Liz when she finally came to the café dressed in the uniform.

“Side?” Liz looked at Maria warily.

Maria sighed. “Yeah, you know. You manage one side and I manage the other one and we split the tables in the middle, unless it’s full on only one side in which case we help each other out but of course you get to keep the tips of your side.”

When Liz looked at the restaurant nervously and bit her lip, Maria continued, “Don’t worry, it’s easy to manage and the uniform is a great way to collect tips,” she said grinning.

“Thanks Maria,” Liz said surprising herself and Maria. Liz grinned, “What? I do know how to say it Maria.”

“No..Its not that” Maria said still shocked and surprised that Liz was trying to have a normal conversation with her.

“Its fine.” Liz just waved her hand “Any side is ok with me” and she started looking at the restaurant.

Maria then grinned and hid it when Liz turned to her “Ok, you can then take the left side and table 6 has been waiting for a long time to order. Better go and get it” Maria told Liz.

“Uh ok. Which is table 6?” Liz asked her looking around the left side of the café.

“Oh, the one where Max is sitting.” Maria said and promptly went to the backroom.

“Who?” Liz said nervously but Maria had already disappeared.

She then looked at Max who was looking at the menu very seriously. “Great” Liz sighed then mumbled to herself, “Ok you can do this Liz, you can do this” and then she groaned in frustration. She had seen him almost everyday for the past two weeks when she came in from her morning run. Initially she had been avoiding him thinking of the flash but now she was scared that it was altogether for a different reason, now she was scared that she was beginning to feel attracted to him.

Liz had been having a particularly tiring and restless day at the hospital last week and couldn’t figure out why she was feeling so jumpy. But as soon as she entered the café that night the restlessness had gone away leaving behind a very nice and safe feeling, something that she hadn’t felt in a long time.

‘Maybe I just missed home’ she concluded but that flew out the window the minute she looked up to find a pair of warm amber eyes looking at her adoringly. Much as she wanted to Liz couldn’t look away from him and it wasn’t until Maria called for Max that she was able to break the contact and rush inside. Liz then had a sneaking suspicion that she might have been missing Max unconsciously since she hadn’t seen him that morning and hence her weird behavior. But before she could break out in a panic she calmed herself down, ‘don’t jump to conclusions Liz; You are imagining things. Just analyze this. Yeah that’s it. See if it happens again’.

The next day Liz was feeling fine till the afternoon when she once again started feeling restless and jumpy. Finally she decided to just take a drive in her father’s car to unwind. She drove around aimlessly for a while and then pulled over near a shop that judging by its looks had been recently opened. The scent of oils and candles greeted her as she stepped inside the shop and she relaxed.

“Hi. Sorry we are not opening till.. Liz?”

Maria said puzzled as Liz came into view. Maria was wearing shorts and a tank top and cleaning the shelves in the shop.

“What are you doing here?”

“I just came to see the shop. What are you doing here?” Liz asked nervously looking around.

“This is my mother’s shop..” Liz stopped listening as a warm feeling suddenly enveloped her and the next second she heard Max’s voice.

“How come I’m the one stuck doing this? Why couldn’t Alex help?” Max grumbled as he came inside carrying a huge box. Upon seeing Liz Max squeaked “Liz?” Realizing how he sounded, he added belatedly “Hi”. But Liz had completely freaked out and rushed out of the shop without any word, leaving behind a very confused Maria and disappointed Max.

Sighing Liz stopped cleaning the counter. Maria was still nowhere to be found and she couldn’t avoid taking Max’s order any longer. “Not that he is not good looking” Liz continued her thoughts as she sneaked a look at him.

He was wearing a tight olive green t-shirt that showed off his muscles and casual black pants and his hair was sticking up in some directions as if he had ran his hands through them.

“Ok, who am I kidding? He is gorgeous” Liz muttered to herself “and Maria’s boyfriend” she reminded herself ‘but that doesn’t explain why I am attracted to him, why I feel as if I cannot last a day without seeing him at least once.’ Liz thought scowling. ‘This is crazy. I didn’t even feel like this towards Xan..’ Liz abruptly shut down her thoughts and stiffened. Reminding herself not to look into his eyes, she made her way to get Max’s order.

“Uh..Hi” Max looked up from the menu at the sound of her voice and thought that he had never heard anything sweeter.

“Hi” he said shyly.

Liz was trying her best to not look at him “Yeah, I’m Liz. We met the other day?” Liz then paused chiding herself for stating the obvious. “I will be your waitress today. Are you ready to order?”

“Yeah I remember.” Max said softly. “Sure I will, I want a..” Max then stuttered looking at her forgetting what he had wanted to order.

“Yeah?” Liz asked him expectantly looking up the order book and their eyes met and everything except each other blurred around them.

The sudden shout “Maria!” from the kitchen had them both lowering their heads blushing. Liz chastised herself, Max’s ears turned pink and Maria cursed Jose silently. She had been watching them from the backroom through the small window and was overjoyed to find her hunch that Liz was also attracted to Max had been right. She had been silently applauding herself for finally finding someone for Max that she completely forgot about her order.

Liz cleared her throat and said “Your order?”

“Yeah. I want a cherry coke, a Will Smith Burger with fries on the side” Max said and then looked up at her.

Liz just kept her eyes down and mumbled “I will be right back with your drink” and went off quickly. Maria smiled at her cheerfully when Liz saw her and that increased her guilt ‘First of all Max is Maria’s boyfriend and second you cannot get close to anyone’ Liz berated herself mentally.

She then filled the cherry coke and bit her lip nervously. She suddenly caught hold of Maria’s hand when she passed her “Maria can you do me a favor? I need to go to the restroom. Can you give this to Max? Thanks” and before Maria could say anything Liz went swiftly to the backroom.

Maria turned to look at Max whose eyes were following Liz closely. When Maria suddenly put his drink on the table, Max looked up startled and then looked down guiltily.

“Need a glass Max?” Maria asked him innocently.

“Glass?” Max finally looked at her confused.

Maria leaned closer and touched his cheek saying “Yeah, to catch the drool before it overflows onto the floor” and promptly burst out laughing attracting the attention of some patrons.

“Bet you love the Crashdown uniform now, Huh?”

“Real witty De-Luca, real witty. Ha ha ha” Max said annoyed, but he hadn’t been able to help his reaction when he had seen Liz wearing the short Crashdown uniform.

She had never looked more delectable and he had never been more thankful nor appreciated the uniform more. When he had seen her nibbling her lips with her teeth nervously, he had ached to run his fingers or better yet his lips on hers and soothe her. And when she had smiled at Maria, he had nearly fallen out of his seat.

She had then started to wipe the counter and he had been sneaking glances at her every now and then when suddenly she was in front of him asking his order. He didn’t know at that time whether to curse Maria or thank her. But now he would gladly thank her.

Suddenly Maria scowled and said “Hey Max, your bride from hell..” but a high pitched squeal “Maxie!” interrupted her and made Max cringe. He looked at the entrance to see an excited Tess and Isabel coming followed by Alex and Max groaned.


Michael ran his hands through his hair once more making it even spikier than it was and he scowled in annoyance at the security guard still talking on the phone. He looked at the notebook containing the details of visitors to the place and an idea formed in his mind.

He waved his hand at the security camera pointing in his direction and the tape got stuck in that position. He immediately went to the notebook, opened it and skimmed through each page and then waved his hand back at the camera just as the guard was hanging up the phone.

“Mr. Langley just left the country for a production and won’t be back for at least a month. He is sorry that he couldn’t meet you.”

Michael’s face slowly became dark with anger. “You bet he will be soon” Michael muttered darkly and left.

Michael had just about had it. He knew that Langley never wanted to do anything with him and if it hadn’t been for the so-called biological imperative, Langley wouldn’t have saved Michael from the skins and he would still be living without knowing that he was an alien and a Royal one at that.

Michael snorted “Royal Protector! What a joke!” This latest stunt where Langley had avoided meeting Michael for the past 2 weeks only fueled his anger and hatred towards the shape-shifter. Michael would bet that Cal Langley knew exactly why he wanted to meet him and that was why Langley was avoiding him. This made him even more furious.

Michael reached the motel he was staying at and opened a blank notebook. He then held his hand over the notebook concentrating and soon the pages filled with the details that he had scanned earlier. Michael looked through the names and then paused at the name Carl Lewis – Director and the purpose that read as invitation to the annual producer-director party on 4th of September, which was tomorrow.

“You are going to wish you never set foot on this planet Cal Langley.” Michael said angrily.


So, how was it? :oops: Please give me feedback

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:26 pm
by foreverdreamer15
Hi all, thank you very much for the feedback :D and your patience :oops: I will really try to update at least once a week.

XoXoDreamerXoXo: Thanks for your feedback...I will really try to make it soon :)

Behrsgirl77: thanks for the feedback :D and yes Michael will get in roswell but you need to wait a couple of parts.

SweetieTeeny: thank you for your feedback :D . hope you like the new part too.

roswellluver: thanks for the feedback :D but you need to wait for one more part :) to see what happens when Michael cathes up with Cal

secretgurl: thank you for your feedback :D and yes , Michael and Liz do know each other.

And finally, thanks to all the lurkers
Hope you all enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoy writing it.

Here's the next part and special thanks to the beta :D . There's no Michael in this part but I promise you will all see him more from the next part onwards.

Just a reminder: In the previous part, we stopped with Tess, Isabel and Alex coming in to the crashdown.


Part 7

“Max where were you the past two weeks?” Tess asked pushing Alex away and sitting beside Max. She attached herself to his arm and batted her eyelashes “I missed you very much.”

Isabel rolled her eyes at the pathetic display and sat across from Max. Alex looked confused for a second then happily sat near Isabel.

“Yeah Tess. I was really busy with work,” Max said trying to remove his arm from Tess’s grip. When she seemed to cling even harder, he looked pleadingly at Maria.

Maria cleared her throat but Tess ignored her and said pouting, “But I couldn’t even find you in the UFO museum.”

“You know Max, she does have a point.” Isabel said. “I hardly ever see you at home. You do remember that you have one right?”

“Of course Isabel. I was just busy and anyways it’s not my problem if you sleep by 10.00 every night and miss me coming in.” Max said still trying to free his arm.

“Would you mind taking your hands off my boyfriend?” Maria asked sweetly to Tess.

At this Isabel looked in surprise at Maria and then at Max while Alex looked warily. Tess just looked at Maria and then ignoring her turned back to Max.

“But Max…”Tess began.

“You bleached blonde bimbo. I said remove your grubby paws from my boyfriend” Maria shouted.

Tess gasped and Alex started to laugh but that soon turned into a coughing fit when he saw Isabel’s glare.

“What do you mean by that?” Tess asked angrily.

“Oh! Which part didn’t you understand? The part about you being the blonde bimbo or the part about my boyfriend Max?”

“That’s it” Tess hissed and got up angrily but before she could say or do anything Max clutched her wrist and said irritably, “Will you cut it out? People are staring.”

Tess looked down to see Max looking around the café nervously and Isabel glaring at anyone who even turned in their direction. She controlled her anger at Maria and smiling sweetly at Max said, “I am sorry” and then sat down leaning slightly against him.

“Didn’t you hear what I just said? Get the hell away from my boyfriend” Maria said threateningly.

Max groaned when some more customers turned to stare at them. He was really glad that Liz was not here right now.

Tess stiffened and said, “I don’t believe that you” she looked up and down Maria nastily “are his girlfriend.”

Before Max could answer Maria pulled Tess away from Max scowling “I really don’t care whether you believe me or not but I don’t see Max disagreeing with me. I want you to stay away from him from now on.” She warned then turned to Alex and said “Alex get up.”

Alex meekly got up not willing to risk the wrath of Maria and Maria pushed Tess over to Isabel’s side and Alex sat beside Max.

“Since when did you two start dating?” Isabel asked. Not that she wanted Max to date Tess. She knew Tess was clingy and Max didn’t like her but Tess was her friend, her family, the only girl to whom she could relate to and talk freely and so she wished Max would at least treat her as a friend.

That is none of your business” Maria exclaimed glaring at Tess and Isabel. “Now if you will excuse me I have a job to go to and stay away from Max” She warned once again to Tess and went away.

“Max you know you cannot date a human. You are my husband. We are destined..”Tess started.

“I was your husband. We are not married now Tess. And I don’t believe in destiny” Max interrupted harshly ignoring Tess’ gasp and Isabel’s glare.

“But..but” Tess stuttered surprised then continued firmly “Nacedo said..” she abruptly stopped as someone cleared their throat.

Tess looked up to see a petite reddish-brown haired girl her age wearing the Crashdown uniform and placing an order on the table. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the besotted look on Max’s face.

“Hi Liz. How are you?” Alex asked smiling.

A genuine smile crossed Liz’s face as she greeted Alex “Hi Alex. I could be better.” She said honestly with a quick look around the café.

Alex chuckled “Not big on waiting the hungry masses huh?”

“Am I that obvious?” Liz asked rolling her eyes.

Both Max and Isabel seemed puzzled by their easy banter. “Excuse me, but do you two know each other?” Isabel asked.

“Sorry. Guys this is Liz; her grandmother owns the café. Liz, this is Isabel Evans, Max’s sister and that’s Tess. I met Liz last week at the hospital where she volunteers and we got to talking” Alex explained. “Hey Liz, I got the snaps from the guy. Want to take a look?” Alex asked Liz.

“Why didn’t you tell me you met her there?” Max whispered to Alex accusingly but then turned bright red when all the four turned to look at him. His eyes met Liz for a second before they both quickly looked down.

“What do people have to do to get service here?” Tess asked rudely.

A pinkish tint appeared on Liz’s cheeks and Max smiled at that. Tess fumed inwardly when she saw this. Tess had not seen him like this since she came here and she knew she had to put a stop to this before it got out of hand.

It suddenly dawned on Tess why she hadn’t seen Max for the past 2 weeks. She was blonde but not stupid, she always knew that Max was not gung-ho on destiny but today was the first time he had lashed back at her and openly defied her and she knew the reason for that too. Maria was not the real problem here; Liz was. Tess immediately straightened and regarded Liz closely.

“What would you like to order?” Liz asked.

“I want a Galaxy Sub and a cherry coke,” Isabel said.

“Just an orange soda with the rocks for me” Alex said smiling.

Liz looked up at Tess expectantly but Tess continued to go through the menu seriously. She then scrunched her face up and asked Liz in a haughty tone “Everything is greasy here. Why don’t you guys hire someone who can cook properly?”

Liz seemed taken aback for a moment and opened her mouth to say something but Tess continued on “Not that it would do much good for the business. I mean look at the café. Little green men abducting humans” Tess snorted, “How lame can you guys get? I mean do you really think aliens exist like that?”

Both Isabel and Max hissed her name while Alex looked shocked. But Tess ignored them and went on “And don’t even get me speaking on these uniforms..”

Liz interrupted Tess. She had had enough. “If you don’t like the food or the café or the uniforms why the hell are you here?” Liz asked coldly.

Once again the table was shocked into silence. Tess didn’t think that this mousy little girl would speak back to her. Tess eyed Max up and down appreciatively which didn’t go unnoticed and said, “Well I do have my reasons.” Max visibly cringed.

Liz looked at Tess in disgust. “Oh! So you are the shrill annoying bleached blonde boyfriend stealing bitch that Maria was talking about,” Liz stated more than asked.

Max’s eyes grew wide, Isabel’s mouth hung open in shock and Alex once again had a coughing fit.

“What?” Tess screeched.

“Well I have to say I completely agree with her,” Liz said brightly. “Now do yourself a favor. Get out of my café, at least the others will enjoy their food then.”

Liz walked into the backroom to find Maria laughing like crazy holding her sides. When Maria saw her she straightened and grasping Liz’s arms said, “Wow chica. That was great. Couldn’t have done it better myself. I can see ourselves becoming great friends.”

“Yeah” Liz hesitatingly smiled at Maria.

A few minutes later, Alex was sitting at the counter and showing Liz the snaps of them with the kids that were taken at the hospital.

“When did you take these?” Maria asked curiously as she came near them and saw a picture of Alex playing his guitar and Liz sitting nearby surrounded by kids happily leaning on her. Liz was smiling in the picture and she looked radiant with the sunlight from the window falling on her. That was the first time Maria had seen a full-blown smile oh her face and she was amazed by the transformation.

“Well my drummer Bobby had a little accident last week and I had gone to visit him in the hospital.” Alex explained. “Who should I meet but our very own Liz “ Alex said dramatically “helping the kids there. Well, one thing led to another and I was forced to perform before the kids. I mean who could resist a beautiful charming lady and cute little kids?” At this Liz blushed. “Some guy had a camera and took some pictures.”

“You help the kids there?” Maria asked Liz.

Liz mumbled “Yeah. Its no big deal.”

“Liz. They are orphans with terminal diseases. It is a big deal when someone goes daily, play with them, tell them stories, listen to them and make them happy. They love you there" Alex said.

Liz once again blushed and shyly ducked her head while Maria looked on in awe. ‘I was really wrong about Liz. The girl is too sweet to be real.’ Maria thought ‘She is perfect for Max.’

At this thought Maria looked up at Max to see him scowling at Alex clearly not pleased that Liz was talking to Alex and not to him. His eyes then softened when he looked at Liz. His gaze then turned to Maria and on seeing her staring back at him knowingly, he abruptly lowered his eyes.

The next thing Maria saw surprised and to an extent shocked her too. Isabel Evans aka the Ice Princess was sneaking glances at Liz and Alex every few minutes and scowling at Liz. ‘Well! What do you know? It runs in the family.’ Maria thought smirking.

Tess looked away from Max and Isabel in disgust. She had been watching Max drool over the new girl for the past half an hour and Isabel sneak glances at Alex of all the people. It was pathetic. It was time to do something drastic. Tess saw Liz carrying a plate full of food with Max following her movements surreptitiously, Maria carrying a tray full of drinks for the kids near Liz and a couple of jocks entering the café. She smiled evilly thinking of Liz bumping into them and spilling everything in her tray and Maria’s tray onto herself.

Tess then closed her eyes and concentrated waiting to hear the sound of a crash.

One minute passed and Tess opened her eyes to see Maria passing their table with an empty tray after delivering the drinks. Tess frowned and closed her eyes once again concentrating on the jocks and Liz. But nothing happened. She concentrated fiercely when she saw Liz passing close to their table and gasped at the sudden pain in her head and opened her eyes with her hands on her head.

“What?” Isabel asked hearing her gasp.

Tess looked shocked. “My powers..”. She then looked at Isabel frantically “I am not able to mind warp Liz.”


Isabel looked at the clock for the 10th time in the past one hour and then sighed. Tess had completely freaked out when she couldn’t mind warp Liz and Isabel had been subjected to a stupid hour of watching Tess perform mind warps on Liz and other Crashdown customers.

After convincing herself that her powers still worked and she only couldn’t mind warp Liz, Tess had pestered Isabel about it till she got fed up with it and agreed to dream-walk Liz. But the truth was Isabel was just as curious to find out why the mind warp didn’t work or at least that’s what she told herself. ‘Okay, fine, so the real reason is I want to know about the deal between her and Alex.’ Isabel thought belligerently but she will deny that to everyone. She remembered her conversation with Tess earlier.

Maybe you were tired or you should have concentrated more or something,” Isabel said trying to placate Tess.

“Isabel I know my limits. I wasn’t tired and she was just one human. I mind-warped about 25 people once for about 5 minutes continuously. I tried many times and I was not able to mind-warp her for about a minute also” Tess said hysterical.

“I.. I felt a block in her head and I couldn’t go in.” Tess continued. “It’s like a big wall around her mind and I couldn’t break through it.”

“Then why do you think I would be able to break through it? I would have to go inside her head to see her dreams Tess.” Isabel explained patiently.

“Don’t I know that?” Tess asked irritably. “I think it is her conscious mind that has a block not her subconscious mind. And you can easily go into the subconscious mind once she sleeps.”

“I really don’t think this is a good idea. And you know how Max would get when he finds out.” Isabel said. “You should respect others privacy Iz,” Isabel mimicked Max’s voice.

“Well I am not going to tell him and you are not going to tell him. So he won’t know. Here take this photo that I took from Alex. Call me as soon as you find out. Meanwhile I will ask Nacedo about my powers.” Tess then gave Isabel one of the photos that Alex was showing Liz.

“Does that girl ever sleep?” Isabel asked herself and started skimming the magazine again. The soft tunes of music had her looking for her cell and she rolled her eyes when she saw the caller id.

“No Tess, she is not yet asleep.” Isabel said irritated then continued “I will call you when she falls asleep and I dream-walk her” and snapped her phone shut smiling before Tess could say anything. “Wow! That felt good”.

An hour and a couple of dream-walks of Alex and Maria later, Isabel looked at the clock yawning to see it glow 12.00. “Let’s try it for the last time” she murmured to herself and then settled comfortably in her bed with the photo of Alex and Liz. “Jackpot” she said smiling when she saw Liz’s picture ripple as she touched it.

A few minutes later the Evans’ household woke up to the screams of Isabel.


A.N: so how is it? :oops: