Season Four (AU, YTEEN) ~{COMPLETE}~

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Season Four (AU, YTEEN) ~{COMPLETE}~

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Season Four
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing sadly!
Summary: This is basically focused on the kids of the cast.
A/note: A long time ago when I started at this board I wrote a series of fics called the Seasons. I've long since lost five and six but four is on the repost board somewhere. Anyway I was looking through my save box and I found loads of messages off NoraFanofMaxandLiz, which is the only f/b I've kept in the past year I've been here so I'm restarting this for her and all the other people watching the seasons!

Episode Four:One (Patch Work Dreams)

"Uh why do we have to get up this early dad?" Jinga asked her father Michael Guerin
"You have practice" he replied
"Practice, practice... Gym? Cheerleading..." she thought but then remembered it was a Saturday "Dad it's Saturday"
"Yeah power practice"
"How can I practice my energy shots when I have no energy" she groaned and thumped her head down on the table with a loud thump. Zan came in through the back door and was chipper.
"What's wrong with Jing?" he asked as he poured himself some coffee
"Nothing she's just tired" said Maria as she took the coffee off him "What did Max say about drinking this stuff Zan?"
"He said that Maria is a meddling old..." he began but Carly interupted him
"Daddy!" she cried and ran into the room holding her little rag doll "The tree fell over again"
"Oh" sighed Maria "What have we told you about playing with the tree?"
"Sorry I only wanted to see what was under it"
"You are not to use your powers to levitate the tree!" said Maria as she checked her uniform. She headed to the door and stopped when Michael tried to get through it too
"What are you doing?" he asked her
"Going to work what are you doing?"
"Power practice" he shot back
"Whose going to watch Carly?" asked Maria then they both turned and looked at Zan who had managed to get his coffee cup back.
"Oh no come one you promised I didnt have to do it anymore!" he wailed
"Think of it as punishment for being your father's son" grinned Maria as she handed him the shopping list and emergency contact sheet. They left then Michael came back and dragged Jinga out to the car.
Zan looked down at Carly swinging her doll expectantly with a big grin on her face as she stared up at him.

Belle Evans looked round the room trying to see something in the darkness. She heard beeping and walked towards the noise, she saw herself lying on a table and people were working on her trying to save her life. The beeping turned to a dull single beat and she realised what it meant. She jerked up in bed and screamed, the lamp popped and her brother burst the door open and looked round the room.
"Where are they?" he asked hesitantly searching for signs of intrusion
"Zan there's no one here. What are you doing up so early?"
"I'm always up this early and I got roped into babysitting Carly" he grumbled and Belle burst out laughing.
"It's not funny, mom wants you to help" he said and she turned serious
"Don't joke about that" she said
"I dont joke Belly" he replied and she grew pale
"I need to sit down" she said and Zan grinned
"You are sitting down"
"Oh hell" she mumbled.
"Dont worry I'll take care of her. You look like hell, you should get a little more beauty sleep. Not that it would do you any good, you slept in and you're still hideous in the morning" he said and she threw a pillow at him
"Get out of my room" she yelled and he retreated quickly. She smiled and got out of bed. She thought about taking a shower but she heard something outside her window, she looked out and jumped as Nicky stuck his head through the window
"Hey gorgeous you look amazing" he said and she blushed "I've never seen you in your nightgown before. It suits you" he said as he ducked his head and climbed into her room.
"Zan was in here a few minutes ago, said I should go back to bed. Care to join me?" she asked and he nodded pulling off his leather jacket.
Zan stood outside the door and shook his head as he heard Nick Valdez's voice in his little sisters room. He couldnt really do anything about it, she had worked one of her little Mind Phasing power trips on him. When he wanted to tell he was given an image of his parents, his grandparents and his aunts and uncles naked and was rendered speechless for three hours. So he tried not to think about it as much as possible, he shook his head again and wished he could protect Belle. He headed downstairs and saw Carly sitting at the kitchen table eating Coffee Ice Cream.
"Ah hell" he moaned as he realised she would be bouncing off the walls.
"Take me to the park!" she squealled loudly

Alexia and Isabel Evans were out running along their block, they were just starting to get home and the sun had just risen. Jesse was sitting on the porch drinking coffee and yawning to himself
"You know I feel like an old man" he said as they reached the steps
"You are an old man" said Alexia
"How can my wife and my daughter keep pace and run every morning when I get worn out by climbing the stairs?"
"You're lazy and you sit at the computer all day gathering fat" said Isabel with a hint of annoyance "You dont even hang out with the band anymore, you're only thirty five and you look about..."
"Fifty" said Alexia being tough, she had picked that up off her mom
"I do not"
"You're greying dad" said Alexia as she went into the house
"She's right, you need lots and lots of exercise and we're going to help. Come running with us every morning please Jesse? For me?"
"Sure" he said knowing that he would regret it.

Serena Valenti looked down at her bump and smiled, things had been so different on Antar but now she was here and with Kyle and was going to have a baby! She decided what to call her son... she had no help from the others. They all had girls with the exception of Zan but she didnt want to call her son Zan.
"How about Joseph?" asked Kyle as he handed her bowl of pickles and mint chocolate chip ice cream
"I dont know. I like Zachiary"
"Zach? Zach James Valenti"
"I like it"
"No James,"
"What I get the middle name" he protested "You chose the first"
"Yeah and you wont get any play time tonight"
"Okay okay no James!" he relented and held up his hands
"Oh maybe James, I dont want to let tradition down" she said "After all you are part of the Royal Seven"
"You are too Serena"
"You know I'm not, the council said it was just you seven then the Prince and Princesses"
"You're my wife that makes you part of the Royalty"
"I guess"
"No guessing you are!" he said and hugged her then slid beneath the covers and laid his head on the pillow.
"I love you y'know" said Serena with a laxy smile as she ate a pickle
"I know" he said without opening his eyes "I love you too. They're going to be a little surprised after finding out what we did"
"I know. But we had to do it"
"Yeah and now you're my wife. My dad is going to complain about us being young or whatever"
"We're not that young. You're thirty five as it is"
"Yeah rub it in Miss Twenty-Something" he said as he rolled over "You look sexy like that"
"Like what?" she asked looking down at her ratty shirt she wore to bed
"When you're carrying my son. You sexy temptress!" he growled and pounced on her. Everything in their lives were so calm and settled, they had no idea how shaken up things were about to become.

Last edited by BeccaBehr on Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:42 am, edited 26 times in total.
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Episode Four:Two (Mistakes Made)

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Episode Four:Two
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Mistakes are made, some cannot be reversed.

Episode Four:Two Mistakes Made

Zan Jones held his cousin's hand tightly as they crossed the street. He sighed deeply thinking about the little terror Carly was then he thought of his life before his father found him. His dad had beat him for being a freak. They were heading towards the park and Carly spotted the stand outside the gate.
"Zanny buy me Ice Cream!" she yelled "I wan Ice Cream!"
"Okay, okay" he said and sat her down on a green bench "You stay here and I'll buy you ice cream. Vanilla?"
"Ahuh" she nodded and he went over to join the queue. His mind drifted to Belle, his little sister and what she was doing. Zan was jerked out of his trail of thought when he heard the screech of tires and saw a van speeding towards Carly.
"Carly!" he yelled as she sat there not aware of the danger.

Belle looked down at her boyfriend Nick. Her parents didn't approve of him, no one did. Not even Zan, she had put a lot of faith in Zan and hoped that he would understand that she was still seeing Nick but he was going to tell. She put a warp on him so he didnt and he forgot about telling. She thought about her secret, was their relationship strong enough to survive her secret? She tried to will away her nagging thoughts but they would not leave her.
"Hey" she almost jumped when he spoke, she didnt realise he was awake
"You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine... there's something I need to tell you"
"Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this"
"You've known me. The real me, I haven't changed I'm still the same person you love..."
"Is this a break up speech?" he asked interrupting her
"No... just keep that in mind that I am still the same person you've known all this time"
"Nick... I'm an al... Oh god!" she gasped and fell back. Her eyes glazed over for a moment before she cleared her head and looked up at him
"Belle what's wrong?"
"I... I...." she grabbed her robe and hurried downstairs "Dad!" she yelled and Nick ran after her in his shorts
"Belle what's wrong?" asked Max, her father
"Zan... Zan hospital" she mumbled then he spotted Nick
"What is he doing in my house?" he yelled and marched over to Nick "I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter!" he hissed not noticing Belle gasp and collapse. Energy crackled and began to shoot out of her arms
"Belle!" cried Nick "What's wrong with her?" Max knelt down and lifted his daughter's head. He tried to heal her but got a flashes of other things.

Jinga was tired and cold, she didn't have any energy and her dad kept shouting at her to blast the rock. She wanted to blast him, desperately
"Come on Jinga!" he called
"Dad shut uuuup!" she whined
"We are not going home till you blast the rock!"
"Dad I'm tired. I don't want to blast the rock!"
"Well then blast something!" he snapped and she sighed threw up her hand and sent a bolt out hitting him. She giggled as he struggled to his feet
"Funny, I think you've got it. Let's go" he said rubbing his tush, he was getting too old for this now. He walked behind Jinga, she stopped and he almost knocked her over
"Carly? What's wrong?" said Jinga out loud. Everyone in the club knew Carly and Jinga had the strongest telepathic connection
"What? What's going on!" snapped Michael worried for his youngest daughter
"To the hospital. Is he okay?" she asked. Michael looked fit to pass out when the word Hospital was mentioned "Hit by a truck?"
"I'm calling Max and Liz" said Michael whipping out his phone and speed dialling them.

Doctor Joseph Bentley worked hard on the young John Doe they brought it. It was a hit and run and he had a little girl with him, she looked so sad. He wondered idly is she was his daughter, how would he tell her that her father is seriously ill?
"Wipe my brow!" he ordered and the nurse did. The flat line beeped and he pulled out the paddles
"Charging 160!" he said "Clear!" they stepped back but the line kept beeping. The little girl came in and stood there staring as they worked on him.
"Charge it two hundred!" called Bentley. He didn't see the little girl take the boys hand "Clear!" everyone stepped back as he charged the limp body. The electricity poured into her and she crackled and sent the bolt back into his body. The flatline changed to normal rhythm, what ever she had done she had just saved the boys life.

Belle looked up at her dad who had gone pale. She watched Zan, her older brother get cut up by the doctor's on the table. She saw him die... the second he took his last breath she felt life stir within her. She looked down and saw a reddish handprint pressed against her stomach.

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Episode Four:Three (Moving On)

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Season Four
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Thoughts and words.

Episode Four:Three (Moving On)

"Zan's dead" she panted in her wild state. She had just come down from an alien high and Nick was standing there staring at her like she crawled out of a swamp and bit him. Max's face twisted in disbelief, his son his only son. Dead.
"No!" he snapped shaking his head. Zan had only been with them for two years. They had rescued him after being beat for his "difference", he called out to them and they finally answered. Max had hardly got a chance to know his son "No it's not true!"
"Yes he's dead. I saw it!"
"No!" he fumbled backwards as if that would help "Where... where is he?"
"The hospital" she said and gasped as that little life stirred once more inside her "You? How could you get yourself pregnant at sixteen? Didn't your mother and I teach you anything. You know that this is never normal!"
"What the hell is going on? What happened to her?" demanded Nick
"She's an alien Nick! My daughter! Princess of Antar and you got her pregnant!"
"No!" Nick shook his head "You're lying. You did something to her, she's too normal to be an alien"
"Nick I am an alien"
"God... you're a freak! I've been having sex with a freak? A freak from outer space?" he yelled and Max just watched. He could do nothing he had warned Belle about this. Belle scrambled toward him begging
"Please..." she whimpered
"Dont touch me!" he snarled "You're a freak! God don't you dare touch me you alien freak!"

Carly sat in the chair next to Zan and watched him sleep, the doctors had patched his chest up and brought him in here. They thought she was an angel, they didn't know how she did what she did but some of them were watching outside. A priest had even come down from the church they had to join them. She smiled and brushed some dirty hair off his forehead, she couldn't let him die. He was her cousin, she loved him like a big brother and he saved her life. She had been sitting on the bench like he said and then that van came. He called out to her and she slid off the bench, he ran towards her and she walked closer, he shoved her out the way into the bushes as the van hit him then sped off.
"Carly?" she looked up to see the Priest standing there at the end of the bed "Can I talk with you?"
"Sure" she said and bounced in her seat to get comfy
"How did you do what you did?"
"I'm not s'posta say. My mommy and daddy would get angry" she replied
"Who are your mommy and daddy Carly?"
"Michael and Maria" she said and the priest almost passed out.
"And Zan... is he your brother?"
"Nope he's my cuzin" she said
"Are you... are you an angel?" asked the priest who was on his knees now
"My daddy says I'm his little angel" she said then leaned forward taking the glass and taking a sip before putting the glass down on the table.

Michael drove frantically, after Jinga had spoken to Carly at the hospital about Zan he wanted to know his youngest was okay. He called Liz but couldn't get through to Max. Liz was going to call Maria and they were going to get over there as soon as possible. Michael pulled up in a spot then they both ran towards the ER.
He glanced round then ran to the reception with Jinga trailing after him
"Um a Zan Evans and Carly Guerin came in" he said
"Yeah the angel" said the nurse "I'll take you to them" Michael swallowed hard. Angel didn't sound good.
The nurse led them to the elevators and they waited for them to come down
"Dad I'm going to stay down here and wait for Aunt Liz and Uncle Max to get in"
"Yeah good. You do that" he rubbed his thighs nervously
"She's okay you know. Zan saved her" said Jinga
"I know you know, it's just..."
"I know dad" she interrupted him with a brief smile before going back outside.

Liz had gotten the call and immediately called Maria, she didn't bother try to reach Max. Michael said that his phone was off, Maria met her with her old run down convertible and they both headed out to the hospital. Liz was worried, her oldest son Zan had been in an accident. Things like this didn't happen here, they happened in Roswell yes, but not here where they were safe and away from danger. Had the FBI finally caught up with them up was it just a freak accident?
"I wish I had taken Carly with me this morning" mumbled Maria and then looked at Liz "God Liz I'm sorry, it's just"
"I know Maria. You're a mom too, you don't want anything to happen to your kids"
"Oh god she's only four! I hope she's okay" she whimpered in a moment of fear
"She'll be fine" said Liz as they passed main street and turned the corner, they saw Michael's haphazardly parked green Jetta and Jinga standing outside.
"Mom! Aunty Liz!" she said "They went upstairs"
"Is Carly okay?" cried Maria
"She's fine... she said Zan saved her life" she said as all three of them headed through to the elevators.
"Is Zan okay?"
"I don't know. She didn't say" said Jinga looking away.

The priest had tears streaming down his face, he was convinced that this girl was an angel. He had hold of his cross and watched her with awe as she patted her cousin's forehead.
"It's s'ok Zanny" she said then the door burst open and a gruff man stood there.
"Daddy!" she cried and jumped out of her seat and into his arms. The priest turned and saw Michael holding Carly
"Michael..." he whispered before he passed out. Michael just ignored the priest and walked over to Zan with Carly in his arms.
"What the hell happened!"
"A van hit him, he died. I saved his life, I fixed him daddy" said Carly looking down at Zan's lifeless body with tubes breathing for him. If you could call that living.

Miles away just north of the Crashdown in Roswell, New Mexico something strange happened. Life was breathed into a body long dead in the world, a new soul granted to an old friend. Zan's soul inched it's way into the body that had died to he could live. They body filled with Zan regenerated and as he took his first few breaths in the darkness he knew he had to get out. He clawed and scratched at the wood until the dirt fell forth and he wriggled and climbed up out of the mud and into the sun shine. He slumped against the solid stone and gasped out of breath, he saw the words roll over his head and looked round.
"What... what?" he whispered as he saw other tomb stones around him. He looked at the one he was leaning against "Alex Whitman".

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Season Four (Episode Four:Four Back In Time) 17th May

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Back In Time
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!

Previously On Roswell

"Charging 160!" he said "Clear!"..."Zan's dead" said Belle from the floor
"A van hit him, he died. I saved his life, I fixed him daddy" said Carly...


"Nick I am an alien"
"God... you're a freak! I've been having sex with a freak? A freak from outer space?"... She looked down and saw a reddish handprint pressed against her stomach...

Max stood staring at Belle, Nick had just left and he knew he had to call Liz. Find out what had happened,
"I'm going to call Liz, get dressed" he said coldly to his daughter who was sobbing on the floor
"Dad! Please show a little compassion my boyfriend left me!" she whined
"ZAN IS DEAD, BELLE!" he roared "I warned you! Hell we all warned you and you ignored us! We told you this would happen and you didn't listen to us! Take some time out of your poor lovelorn driven life to acknowledge that!" she just cried harder and he shook his head and threw up his hands.

Zan clawed his way out and rested on the cold earth, he wriggled some more till his feet were free then he rolled over and just lay there staring up into the early morning sky. He panted for breath like he was going to take his last, he couldn't quite remember who he was or how he got here but he knew that him being here in this town, where ever it was, was important. He clambered to his feet and looked around, he could safely say that he was naked and that he had to find some clothes soon before someone saw him like this. He walked along the dew covered grass and out of the cemetary. He avoided the large streets and kept to back alleys till he reached a place that seemed familiar. He tried to walk on but something was telling him that he had to go inside. He moved to the door and opened it peering inside. He entered quickly shutting the door carefully. He heard a gasp from behind him and whipped round to see a woman with red hair standing there. She dropped her glass and covered her mouth in surprise.
"Alex!" she gasped

The Priest was coming to and he had pulled himself up against the wall on the opposite side of the room from where Carly was sitting. He couldn't believe his eyes, both Michael and Maria were in here and they had produced an Angelic Child here on Earth!
"Why is a priest in the room?" asked Jinga
"He thinks we're Angels" said Carly innocently "Why won't Zanny wake up?"
"He's very sick" said Liz. The Priest stood up and hesitated, he was looking at Liz
"Excuse me but... who are you?" he asked Liz and she turned to him
"I'm Elizabeth. You can't tell anyone the things you've seen or about to see, we depend on it"
"Yes, yes anything!" he cried falling to his knees. He truly believed they were sent by God. He pulled out his cross and Liz nodded at Maria who drew the blinds and stepped back holding Carly. Michael, Jinga and Liz raised their hands over Zan causing them to glow. The Priest watched on in awe thinking that it was a Heavenly Miracle.
"It's no good" said Michael and Liz fell to her knees, Zan was just as much her son as he was Max's
"No!" she sobbed
"Please Michael there has to be something we can do"
"No Liz he's gone. There's nothing left"
"No!" she cried out loud. She put her hands on Zan's temples "Look at me Zan! Open you're eyes so I can make you better!" she got a flash and her hands glowed brightly. So bright that the few people kneeling outside praying saw it through the closed blinds. They became terrified and moved away from the window. Liz just gasped at the vision she saw... NAMTIHW XELA
"Namthiw Xela?" she whispered confused

"Alex, oh my god!" gasped Nancy as she saw the boy who had been dead for a good seventeen years standing naked in her living room
"You know me? You know who I am?"
"Of course Alex! Oh good god! You're alive! You're alive"

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Season Four (Episode Four:Five Roswell Rerun)

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Episode Four:Five Roswell Rerun
Author: Becca
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Uh Roswell Rerun, yep.

Previously on Roswell

"Nick I am an alien"
"God... you're a freak! I've been having sex with a freak? A freak from outer space?"... She looked down and saw a reddish handprint pressed against her stomach...


"ZAN IS DEAD, BELLE!" he roared...
Zan heard a gasp from behind him and whipped round to see a woman with red hair standing there. She dropped her glass and covered her mouth in surprise.
"Alex!" she gasped

Zan stood there staring at Nancy who had hugged him senseless and told him to sit down. She called out her husband Jeff and he almost had a heart attack when he saw him.
"Oh my god... Alex?" he whispered disbelieving
"Would someone tell me what's going on? I woke up and I can't remember anything"
"Alex... you've been dead for seventeen years" whispered Jeff
"I was dead?" he asked "No that's not possible, where's my parents? I want some clothes"
"I'll call Charles and Gloria" said Nancy as she went into the diner to use the phone. Jeff went upstairs and brought him some clothes, he pulled on the loose jog pants and sweatshirt then sat back down burying his head in his hands. He saw flashes against his closed eyelids, flashes of a little girl and a lot of blood an Ice Cream stand and a truck. He sat up opening his eyes fast trying not to think about what that meant. He had seen a little girl get hit by a truck
"Are you okay?" asked Jeff laying a hand on Zan's shoulder
"Yeah I'm fine. I'll be fine" he muttered shaking his head "Where am I by the way?"
"In Roswell Alex, you're home"
"I don't think Alex is my name... it just doesnt seem to fit in with me... I feel... I don't know. I just have a feeling that my name isn't Alex"
"What else could it be?"
"... Ssam... Sam? Is my name Sam?" he stuttered
"Alex?" Zan looked up at a woman who had just come through the door "Oh my god! How is this possible?" she moved over to him and hugged him. He resisted in hugging back
"This isn't right" he mumbled looking round as she stepped back "This doesn't feel right. You're not my mom..." Gloria looked distraught.

Max ran through the hospital ward with Belle following close behind him in baggy clothes with her hair tied back in a messy bun.
They reached the room and saw people staring at it with incredible wonder and amazement. But he didn't care, he had to seen his son maybe there was a chance that he could heal him? He tried to open the door but found it locked, he waved his hand over the lock but it was sealed. He banged on the door but no one came to open it
"Let me in!" he whispered thumping harder. He had to save his son! He stepped back and raised his hand. He didn't care if all of them saw, he was getting into the room. He blasted the door open and went in with Belle and shut it. Liz was kneeling there holding Zan's hand and had tear tracks down her face
"Max... we tried to bring him back... but he's gone. He's not there anymore" she sobbed "He's gone"
"No" he shook his head not wanting to believe it "No! He's my son! He can't be dead. God no!" he sobbed. He walked over to the bed and saw Zan lying lifeless and starting to go cold.
"Turn the machine off" said Max coldly without emotion. Michael pressed the button and it beeped off. Max set to work removing the tubes attached to his son then wrapped him up in the blanket. Liz just watched with her arms around herself as she cried.
"Let's go. Time to go" he said holding his son in his arms tightly. Jinga opened the door and Max walked out carrying Zan. Liz followed with her head bowed then Michael and Maria carrying Carly followed. Belle stayed there in the room, sobbing. She felt immense amounts of guilt for warping her brother. She had used him and messed with his head he was gone and she could never tell him sorry. The Priest sat there looking at her
"Why do you cry?"
"My brother is dead. It's my fault, if I had helped him with Carly then maybe... I treated him horribly and now..." she felt a kick and shook her head "Stop kicking me or I'll get rid of you I swear" she yelled at her stomach and the kicking stopped. Great she thought, she was a bad sister and now she had threatened to have her baby killed. She was a monster.

Isabel lay there on the floor panting in disbelief, she had come in and saw that Jesse had moved their prom photo again. She picked it up to put it back on the Mantle but got a very powerful flash.
Alex was sitting in the Crashdown and looked like he hadn't aged a day, Nancy and Jeff were there and he kept shaking his head
"Zan... Zan" he mumbled. The flash had been so intense Isabel had collapsed
"Mom!" gasped Alexia she rushed over to help her mom up
"Alex... Zan... Alex... he's alive" she said and Jesse stopped stock still in the doorway. Alex was alive.

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Season Four (Episode Four:Six Finding Answers)

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Episode Four:Six Finding Answers
Author: Becca
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Answers found, some aren't pretty. Bear with me, it might be sloppily written. I busted my hand. Belle doesn't know about Tess and Zan so bear with me for that.

Previously On Roswell

"Would someone tell me what's going on? I woke up and I can't remember anything"
"Alex... you've been dead for seventeen years" whispered Jeff
"I was dead?" he asked...
"Max... we tried to bring him back... but he's gone. He's not there anymore" she sobbed "He's gone"...
"Alex... Zan... Alex... he's alive" she said and Jesse stopped stock still in the doorway. Alex was alive.


Great Belle thought, she was a bad sister and now she had threatened to have her baby killed. She was a monster.

Belle sat there and the Priest watched her. She couldn't go back home, her father hated her. Why? He had hardly got to know Zan over the two years he'd been with them, he wasn't even his son just some guy who turned out to be alien.
"I have to leave" she mumbled and the priest watched her
"You're an Angel too aren't you?" he asked and she smiled
"Something like that" she replied
"Let me come with you" he whispered. Belle looked up at the twenty something young Priest and saw the longing in his eyes
"What about you're job the church? You must be leaving a lot of people behind"
"I live for God and he sent you" he replied calmly
"But aren't you afraid? Of me? Of my unborn child?"
"No. We can travel and do good, heal sick and injured people and live the life god gave us"
"I... I don't know. I don't even know you" she shook her head confused
"Please, I want to know the life you live!" he said and she looked up with a coldness in her eyes.
"The first few years of my life I lived in a van. I feared for my life, I had to conceal everything that me, me. At the age of four I was looking over my shoulder, I wasn't raised a normal child I was raised a fugitive!" she said crawling over towards him "See for yourself!" she said put her hands up to his temples and showing him some of her past. He convulged under the force of the images and slumped back against the wall.
"You... you're the Devil!" he hissed as she climbed to her feet "Satan!"
"Oh shut up" she said and with a flick of the wrist he went flying into the wall. Killing him instantly, Belle rubbed her stomach. She was going to make a fresh start, she was going to be a good mother and she was going to make them pay for treating her like this. She was going to succeed for where her parents failed and she was going to make them pay.

Jesse helped Isabel up. Ever since she had come out to Boston sixteen years ago he knew that she longed for someone else. She was happily content with him, that he knew, but her heart had and always would belong to Alex. She named her daughter after him for god sake! But when he heard her say that Alex was alive his whole body froze. He could see the want in her eyes and joy in her words
"I have to call Max! He's going to want to know!" she hurried to the phone and speedialled them.
"Hello?" Isabel recognised the voice
"Jinga get your Uncle Max for me would you! I've got good news!"
"Aunty Isabel.... Uncle Max has locked himself and Zan in their room"
"What is he like. He should be more careful with his powers..."
"You don't understand Isabel!" snapped Jinga "Max locked himself in so he could mourn his son. Zan... Zan died this morning after getting hit by a truck. It was going to hit Carly and he... he pushed her out the way and saved her life" she sobbed into the phone. Isabel just sat there, her hand still holding the phone lay against the couch cushion.
"Mom?" asked Alexia
"Zan. Zan was killed this morning, he was hit by a truck after saving Carly"
"Oh no!" gasped Alexia. She cared for Zan, even more so than his warping sister Belle. She considered him a brother, hell all the girls did. Isabel shook her head trying to clear the fearful questions she threw out.
"Jinga... tell them tell them that Alex is alive. That he's alive and he's in Roswell" she said then hung up. She stood up and rubbed her hands over her face
"We should go... to them. They might need us" suggested Jesse
"No, what good would we do? Max needs to grieve and he can't do it when I'm around. He'd get that need to be above everything we should just stay here and if they need us they'll let us know"
"We can't just stay here!" cried Alexia angrily "Zan's dead and you don't want to drive down?"
"Max needs time to go through this. If he needs me then he needs me" she went into the hall to grab her coat.
"Where are you going?" asked Jesse
"Roswell... Alex is alive. I have to see him"
"Please don't do this" whispered Jesse
"Mom? Where are you going?"
"Roswell... I have to see an old friend"
"I'm coming with you"
"No Alexia"
"Mom, you're powers are more mental than Physical. I carry the Shield and Blast if you get into trouble you are going to need me there"
"You shouldn't be going. Either of you, it's dangerous" said Jesse. He knew he could try and stop him but they always managed to interfer with his plans to protect them.
"Bye Jesse" said Isabel
"Bye Dad... I'll see you" added Alexia as they left.

Charles Whitman stood staring at his son standing there. He had no idea how it had happened or what miracle had occurred to bring his son back but he couldn't be happier. His son was alive but if he didn't pull Gloria away from Alex she would be putting him back where he came from. He stepped towards them but Gloria stepped back away from Alex and looked up into his once blue eyes that were an intense brown now.
"He's not my son" she said aloud
"Gloria... of course he is... It's Alex!" snapped Charles waving at his son
"No. I know my boy and he isn't my son"
"She's right Mr Whitman. I think my name was Sam... Sam Heavens" Jeff gasped. That sounded so familiar, surely it was just a coincidence? Then he shook his head as he remembered something someone had once said
"In Roswell There Are No Coincidences"
"I think we should call Diane Evans" suggested Nancy seeing the same thoughts pass over her husbands face.
"Evans?" whispered Zan "That's my last name! I remember and my mom and dad... Beth and Phillip"
"Beth and Phillip? You mean Phillip Evans has been seeing someone on the side!" gasped Gloria
"I doubt it Gloria," said Jeff
"You're not going to believe this but I think this is Max and Liz's son Zan"
"Yes!" Zan almost shouted "I can remember. We were at the park and Carly... oh god Carly! She was about to get hit by that truck"
"Wait... slow down whose Carly and what do you mean he's Zan Evans?" demanded Charles not believing them.
"It's a long story and it shouldn't be told here" said Nancy "I'm going to call the Parents Club and we'll go out to the Ruins" said Jeff as he headed for the phone.
Finally, thought Zan, I'm going to find some answers.

Isabel pulled up half a mile outside town and adjusted the mirror and began to change her hair colour back to shiny blonde curls and turned her eyes blue. She looked different that's for sure and she was sure she wouldn't get recognised
"Mom?" asked Alexia
"Yeah" replied Isabel as she fixed her makeup
"Who is Alex Whitman?" inquired Alexia staring intently at her mom.
"Alex is... well he's your real father" confessed Isabel.

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Episode Four:Seven Angry State Of Mind

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Episode Four:Seven Angry State Of Mind
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Aftermath of answers.
A/note: It's 1 in the morning and this is my midnight mood writing phase I seen to have picked up. I doubt I'll remember this in the morning so if this is complete dribble ignore it and I'll post something better k? New Banner! Check it out!

Previously On Roswell

"Oh shut up" she said and with a flick of the wrist he went flying into the wall killing him instantly. She was going to succeed for where her parents failed and she was going to make them pay.


Jesse helped Isabel up. Ever since she had come out to Boston sixteen years ago he knew that she longed for someone else. When he heard her say that Alex was alive his whole body froze. He could see the want in her eyes and joy in her words...
"Who is Alex Whitman?" inquired Alexia staring intently at her mom.
"Alex is... well he's your real father" confessed Isabel.

Alexia went pale. She turned her head slowly and stared at the dashboard
"How could you... how could have not told me this?" she whispered
"I don't know" replied Isabel just as unsure
"All this time... You made me believe that Jesse was my father. I thought he was my father and you lied to me. Does he know?"
"No he doesn't"
"You lied to him. You lied to both of us!" she hissed
"Yes I did and I'm sorry. What's done is done and there's someone who needs our help in Roswell" she started the car
"Don't expect me to forgive you for this" snapped Alexia crossing her arms tightly.

Belle Evans looked round the old Attic and found what she was looking for. There in a box lay the orbs and the translation to the Destiny book. It explained how to alter the signal on the orbs to send out a different message. She settled down and flipped through the pages to the part where it said about changing signals. She picked up one orb then pressed the symbol and turned the orb in her hand. It clicked and a light appeared against the back wall. She stood up and stepped into the light
"This is Isabelle Amaria Evans. Daughter of King Zan and Queen Elizabeth of Antar. I wish to make a deal with you Kivar, I have been betrayed and I wish for you to assist me. My parents have all but shunned me from my choices and I wish to fight against them. The deal is, you help me kill them and I'll live with you and we can raise my heir" she said then stepped out of the light and the message got sucked into the orb. She lifted both of them causing them to glow and sent the message off to Antar.

The Cafe was shut at midday and the Parents Club were all sitting in the apartment living room in silence. Zan sat on a chair uncomfortably and tense.
"What is going on? Please someone tell me" begged Gloria
"Back in 1999 when that gun went off in the Cafe someone did get shot" began Valenti
"It was Liz" added Jeff and the clueless parents stared at them as if they were crazy.
"She was healed by Max Evans, Max is an alien" said Valenti and Gloria shook her head
"I don't want some cock and bull story about Aliens! You're as crazy as your father Valenti" she hissed standing up sharply. Jim slowly stood up and lifted his hand
"Three years later, a year after I found out the truth I was shot trying to escape from some rich guys goons. I got shot and Max healed me too, people who are healed they turn into Aliens. Kyle, Liz and me all were healed"
"I don't believe you" she sobbed "I just want to know why my son's alive and he won't let me hug him"
"We'll get to that" said Nancy "Alex was killed by an evil alien. He died because she messed with his head so much..."
"Stop going on about aliens and nonsense! Tell me the truth!" demanded Charles
"This is the truth Charlie!" snapped Valenti and he flung out his shield. They stopped and stared in disbelief, it was real. It was all real. Zan watched like it was the naturalist thing in the world. Like it was common to see a shield appear and disappear from some guys hand. Then he felt a buzz, he looked round then stood up
"Zan?" whispered Diane, worried about her grandson "What's wrong?" she asked but he didn't hear her. He stepped forward then paused, all the eyes were on him now. He felt something flow into his mind and knew he was connected to someone.
"What are you doing here?" he asked aloud
"You can hear me?" she asked through his mind. No one else heard the voice just him
"Of course I can. Who are you?"
"I'm Alexia"
"Alexia?" he mumbled confused.
"Whose Alexia?" whispered Phillip to Diane but she shrugged and they watched waiting for more answers.
"Are you Alex?"
"No Zan"
"What?!" she yelled and he grabbed at his head in pain.
"Too loud!" he groanded
"Sorry. Let me talk to my mom, where are you?" she asked
"Where am I? I know I'm in Roswell but where exactly?" he asked Jeff
"Crashdown Cafe" Jeff replied
"I'm in the Crashdown Cafe and whose your mom?"
"Isabel... don't you remember?"
"I remember Carly"
"She's okay by the way"
"Oh thank god!"
"Thank god? Thank god what!" demanded Amy even louder
"Carly, I think is Uncle Michael's daughter"
"Michael has a daughter?" asked Phillip a little surprised and proud
"Yes Carly is Michael and Maria's daughter"
"Whose Maria?" Zan asked and Amy passed out, she didn't really want to think of being a grandmother.
"Carly's and Jinga's mom"
"So Maria has two kids?"
"Yes" Valenti was chuckling to himself at the thought of Amy finding out that she was a grandmother twice.

Jinga went and picked Carly up off the floor. Carly was fast asleep and so was her parents and Aunty Liz. She set Carly down on the couch between Maria and Liz then put the blanket back over them. Uncle Max was still upstairs with Zan in his room. Belle was hiding out in the attic, everyone had given her the cold shoulder. Jinga thought it would be best not to reveal that she knew about Belle warping Zan. She pitied her cousin, she was pregnant and had just lost her big brother.
Jinga set down at the dining table in the kitchen and poured herself some coffee. She traced the patterns on the table then put her cup down, she had been strong for her little sister. She had behaved calm and sensible when she found out Zan was dead, she saw him like a big brother and she burst out crying.
"What are you whining about?" sneered Belle and Jinga looked up
"I'm crying because of Zan" she replied surprised by Belle's cold tone
"Good riddens if you ask me. He was always preaching to me, it was his fault that Nick let me. I guess her earnt it" Belle shrugged
"How can you say that?"
"Easy because I want to"
"You're horrible"
"And you're dead" replied Belle hefting her duffel bag on her shoulder before walking out the door.
"Where are you going?" called Jinga
"I have a date with Kivar" smirked Belle as she climbed into the taxi. Jinga watched the taxi pull away. She was going to stop Belle, she went next door and found her dad's old keys to his Harley he kept in the garage. Jinga was going to bring her cousin back or die trying.

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Episode Four:Eight Wild Child Caged

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Wild Child Caged
Author: Becca
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Jinga tries to catch up with her cousin.
A note: Yeah I did make the banner, do you like it?

Previously On Roswell

"Alex is... well he's your real father" confessed Isabel.
"All this time... You made me believe that Jesse was my father. I thought he was my father and you lied to me. Does he know?"
"No he doesn't"


"This is Isabelle Amaria Evans. Daughter of King Zan and Queen Elizabeth of Antar. I wish to make a deal with you Kivar. The deal is, you help me kill them and I'll live with you and we can raise my heir"...
"I have a date with Kivar" smirked Belle as she climbed into the taxi. Jinga was going to bring her cousin back or die trying.

Isabel pulled up near the Crashdown and got out. Alexia had asked about Zan in the car and she knew that something was going on.
The cafe was shut and she thought that was strange since it was lunch time
"Let's go round back" suggested Isabel and they both went round the back and let themselves into the downstairs living room. They climbed up the stairs and found the Parents Club sitting there with Alex and the Whitmans.
"Oh my god!" gasped Isabel, she forgot that she was incognito and rushed over to him and kissed him senseless.
"Mom, would you please not do that again" said Alexia
"Who are you and how did you get in here?" asked Jim with his hand resting on his holster.
"Oh sorry" she waved her hand and was Isabel again
"Isabel!" cried her parents and they got up and hugged her. Zan inched his way over to Alexia
"You didn't tell her that I'm not Alex did you?"
"Nope. She lied to me so that was a little revenge, I'm sorry on your part Zan"
"Uh never mind as long as she doesnt do it again"
"Ahmm agreed, how did you end up in Alex's body?"
"I don't know" he replied then Diane cleared her throat signalling the end of their private conversation.
"Well we have three generations of Evanses in this very room" said Phillip "I never thought I'd see the day. Zan, Isabel and Alexia"
"Wait? Zan" asked Isabel confused and she looked at Alex then realised something
"Hi aunty Isabel" he waved rather embarrassed
"Oh my god" she gasped, it was such a shock to her system. Thinking Alex was alive and finding out that he wasn't she felt sick "I think I'm going to be sick" she wobbled before collapsing to the floor.

Jinga pulled the old bike out of the garage and put the footbreak down. She climbed the steps and went into the house to get her pack but bumped into her little sister.
"Where ya goin?" asked Carly
"After Belle, she's done some bad things and I have to stop her"
"What kinda bad fings?"
"You wouldn't understand. You be a good girl while I'm away okay?"
"No I have to go with you" she said adamantly
"No you can't"
"I'll scream and wake everyone up!"
"Don't you dare!" snapped Jinga as Carly opened her mouth and sucked in a deep breath. Jinga clapped her hand over her sister's mouth but Carly just drooled on her hand
"Alright! Fine, but you have to behave!" said Jinga as she carried Carly out and set her on the bike. Jinga climbed on behind her and Carly snuggled in as her sister revved the bike and sped off down the street after the Taxi.

The sunlight woke him up, he'd forgotten to shut his curtains up last night after getting in. He slid out of bed naked scratched himself then yawned, he looked out his tiny living room window and saw the reformed cave. He smirked then poured himself some coffee. He left it to cool while he prayed to Buddha for his immortal soul to be cleansed and give him the power to protect the Pod Mountain.
He had left the group a month after Isabel moved to Boston almost sixteen years ago. He had spent eight years in Tibet and Japan up in the mountains with the Monks. He had learnt their way of life and had considered shaving his head but decided against it. He had returned eight years ago when the Granilith called out to him. It called out to him for protection while it rebuilt itself. The energy of the Granilith was still there and he was chosen because of his connection to the last being that poured some of their essence into it. Tess.
He had powers and was empathic, he could sense the others and knew when things would happen. Like today, today was one of those days where you weren't sure what was going to happen. He called them the Up and Down days because that's how they were. He pulled out some shorts then jeans and drank some more coffee
"Hello" he jumped at the sound of the unfamiliar voice and looked down to see a little blonde girl standing there in his kitchen.
"Who are you and how did you get in here?"
"My name is Clarence Claudia Guerin but you can call me Carly, everyone else does. As for how I got in here well..." she trailed off and he blinked and she was gone. He looked round for the Little Guerin but couldn't see her "I'm not really here" he whipped round and there she was.
"The other Protector to the Granilith. My cousin is coming to Roswell to use it for her own want but it is not ready. It hasn't gathered enough energy to do those things. I have to stop her and you have to help me Kyle"
"You? You're the other protector to the Granilith?" he scoffed and she scowled. She waved her wrist and both of them were in the chamber, there were cracks in the skin of the Granilith
"I am Daughter of Rath and Maria Guerin. Selected by the Granilith as Princess Advisor. You are Son of James and Michelle Valenti, selected by the Granilith as Prince Advisor" she said aloud
"How do you know all this?"
"I was born with it. All this knowledge I have up here" she said and tapped her temple "It's part of my power. My energy wave length is almost a complete match as the Granilith just like yours. Touch the outer shell of the Granilith" said Carly and they both reached out. The granilith hummed to life and the cracks disappeared. They were connected to the Granilith now.

The Taxi pulled up outside the apartment complex on seventh, she got out leaving her bag and trunk
"Could you wait for me?" asked Belle and the driver nodded. She walked up to the third door and knocked, Nick opened the door and she shoved him inside.
"So I'm a freak am I?" she hissed holding her hand over his mouth to stop him from shouting "I'm a monster?" she ignored the absolute fear she saw in his eyes.
"Hmmm" he mumbled under her hand
"You don't turn me down Nick. I turn you down, you aren't worthy of me. I am a Alien Princess and you pissed me off!" she stepped back with a smug smile and raised her hand. She shot out her shield and used it to crush him to death. She grinned as he fell the floor and she dropped her hand. Her baby pressed his hand to her stomach making it glow, she looked down and rubbed the handprint
"Don't worry baby, mama's here"

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Episode Four:Nine Mommy Dearest

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Mommy Dearest
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Belle is about to learn how to be a mommy.
A Note: I've been working on a site. It's going to be Roswellian Heaven when it's done. But for now it contains images of the Families and a little info. It should be under the banner on the first page.

Previously On Roswell

"Alex is... well he's your real father" confessed Isabel.
"All this time... You made me believe that Jesse was my father. I thought he was my father and you lied to me. Does he know?"
"No he doesn't"


Belle's baby pressed his hand to her stomach making it glow, she looked down and rubbed the handprint
"Don't worry baby, mama's here"

Liz opened her eyes and saw Maria pacing nervously with tear tracks on her face. She still looked rather sleepy
"Carly and Jinga are gone!" she said as soon as Liz sat up "So is Belle, I found the Orbs in the Attic. Belle contacted Kivar"
"What?" gasped Liz waking up quicker than before
"And there's also a message saying that Alex is alive and is in Roswell" said Maria as she handed her best friend the scrunched up piece of paper. The phone rang and Liz jumped up to grab the receiver from the end table
"Evans! Mind telling me why Guerin's brat... ow! is in Roswell?"
"Who... is it Jinga?"
"No the blonde one that looks like Maria"
"Carly?" said Liz "How did she get there so soon?"
"She's not really here. She's talking about the Granilith" said Kyle
"What do you mean she's not really there?" asked Liz and Maria pulled the phone away from her
"Tell me!" she screeched down the phone.
"Mom" they both jumped and saw Carly standing there "Relax. Everything is going to be okay" Maria dropped the phone and went to grab hold of her daughter but went right threw her.
"Oh god!" gasped Maria "My baby's a ghost!"
"No mom I'm projecting, I'm with Jinga on the way to Roswell. I have to save my energy. Talk to Granilith" she said pointing at the phone. Liz picked up the phone
"Hey" she said calmly trying not to freak out because if she did it would be bad.
"I'm at the Crash with the Parents Club. It's got new members"
"Gloria and Charles. Zan, Isabel and Alexia are here"
"What? Zan's alive!" cried Liz joy seeping through her
"Yes and Carly keeps saying about Belle doing bad things. She's made a deal with Kivar, Evans. She's an enemy now, she's even killed. Jinga caught up with her, she killed Nick Valdez" Liz went pale at the thought of her daughter killing. But then thought of all the times where she hadn't spent with Belle, she had shunned everything her daughter had loved it had almost been neglect.
"My daughter isn't a killer!" snapped Liz
"Fine, don't believe me but the war is starting. I suggest to get his highness to get his head out of his butt and gather everyone in one place. Since the Granilith is here I suggest that everyone come to Roswell"
"Okay I'll gather them up. Kyle,"
"Be careful"
"Sure thing Evans" he drawled then hung up.
"We have work to do" said Liz to Maria.

Serena Valenti saw Kyle vanish. He had been talking to himself then boom he was gone. She didn't know if it was a trick by their enemies in order to get to the Granilith or if he had been killed by a powerful blast. She got low and peered round. She wanted to know where her husband had disappeared too. She had been sent by Queen Amaria to help Kyle protect the Granilith when it had called out to him. Then three years later after they had lived right next to it Carly had been born and the thing hummed to life. Serena had never met Carly or the others, she had only known Kyle and a month ago married him. She had talked to them on the phone but hadn't seen pictures of them since they remained unknown and isolated from the outside world.
Ten minutes must have passed before Kyle shimmered in looking stronger, more powerful than when he vanished
"Kyle!" called Serena struggling to her feet with her heavy wait on her tummy.
"Serena... it's time to go into town" he said authoratively. He got dressed and the both of them headed into town.
Serena had never seen the town, she had come through a portal only ten feet away from Kyle's trailer and had stayed there for the last eight years. He had always bought food from a shop on the edge of town and even then he changed his appearance. They pulled up outside the Crashdown and went round back and up into the apartment. Kyle looked round into the living room and saw a very sickly looking Isabel, the Parents and Alex Whitman.
"Well fu..."

Belle lifted her shirt and looked at the handprint. Her baby was calling out for it's father, the child needed him for life. Belle lifted her dead boyfriend's hand and pressed it against her tummy. The baby was satisfied for now and the print faded. She got up and went back outside to the taxi. She got in and slammed the door
"Roswell New Mexico"
"Lady I ain't going that far!"
"Well then you better get out and let me drive then"
"Hell no lady dis is my cab!"
"Well then drive it before I make you sorry" she ordered. She had always been ordered about herself and never got to do any of the ordering. She thought of all the things she had done wrong. She only wanted to be loved in the eyes of her parents, she saw their love for each other and thought that's how people behaved. She was careful and cautious who she let in her life and didn't stop searching until she had found the right guy. But when she told them that she was in love and very happy they told her off and said that she shouldn't be with him. She didn't understand, didn't they want this for her?

Zan saw a heavily pregnant woman and a guy he had seen in his father's prom photo come into the room.
"Well fuc..."
"Kyle" warned Valenti. He was susprised to see his son after they had disappeared off the face of the earth all but sixteen years ago. First Isabel and now Kyle, something big was happening.
"Me" he finished "Whitman, my man! How are ya buddy?"
"Uh not very good since I ain't Alex. Hi I'm Zan Jones-Evans"
"Long story" said Isabel. Amy was starting to come round and she sat up and saw her son in law.
"Hi Amy,"
"Oh it's been a while" she got up to hug him
"Yeah I'd like you to meet my wife Serena"
"Wife?" smiled Jim as he got up to see the girl
"Nice to meet you sir, I'm Serena Valenti"
"Oh..." Valenti was at a loss for words and then he looked down and saw she was very much pregnant. He looked up at Kyle "What's going on, not that I'm not happy to see you but something must be going on for you to be here and Isabel too"
"I don't know what she's doing here but Carly told me to come here" explained Kyle
"Whose Carly" demanded Serena, her jealousy rising. She wasn't used to this human emotion.
"I am" they all turned and saw a blonde haired girl with bright green eyes standing in the doorway
"Oh aren't you a darling dear!" smiled Amy. Carly walked into the living room and faced Amy.
"It's nice to meet you Grandma"
"You're... you're my granddaughter?"
"One of them, yes"
"How many does Maria have!" gasped Amy loudly
"Two, we're coming here now"
"But you're already here"
"I'm projecting. I'm not strong enough to do it all at once but the Granilith is helping me, I'm one of it's Protectors"
"Whose the other Protector"
"What's the Granilith?" asked Gloria
"Kyle is the other protector and I'm not exactly sure what it is. It changes dimensions but it isn't in this one. We can see it in our 3D world but it exists in 1D,2D,3D,4D,5D and so on. All time lines it is there"
"So when you say you're not here"
"I'm projecting into a different dimension. I am projecting in 2D and 3D but I'm like a hologram" Jeff waved his hand through her.
"It get's weirder every day" Nancy mumbled
"What brings you to Roswell?" asked Jeff ignoring his wife's ramblings
"You're granddaughter, my cousin, has made a deal with the enemy. She's against us and she is very dangerous and has killed"
"No" Jeff shook his head not wanting to believe someone related from him could kill. He thought about Grace and the car accident when he was young.
"Belle has killed and is a killer. She is coming here and we have to stop her" said Carly. She felt sorry for her cousin
"You are not killing my sister!" snapped Zan
"No I'm not, you will" said Carly looking at him with large glass eyes. He stepped back shaking his head.

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Episode Four:Ten Old Thoughts

Post by BeccaBehr »

Title: Old Thoughts
Author: BeccaBehr
Disclaimer: I own nothing, sadly!
Summary: Is Alex really gone?
A Note: I've added the General Parents (Max, Liz etc) and soon I'll add the Parent's Club (Phillip, Diane etc)

Previously On Roswell

"You are not killing my sister!" snapped Zan
"No I'm not, you will" said Carly looking at him with large glass eyes. He stepped back shaking his head.


"Alex is... well he's your real father" confessed Isabel.
"All this time... You made me believe that Jesse was my father. I thought he was my father and you lied to me. Does he know?"
"No he doesn't"

Zan's head swam and his vision blurred. He had to sit down under the unbelievable intensity of it all. He couldn't kill Belle, he wouldn't.
"I can't kill Belle"
"You will Zan. Trust me you will" said Carly. Her eyes seemed to shine with hidden answers. She knew he wouldn't do it, not willingly
"I won't! No Carly this is just wrong!" he yelled at her and she gasped. Amy moved to stand up to defend her grand daughter but watched as Carly's eyes turned black as the unholiest night.
"Do You Dare To Defy Us?" her voice resonanted through out the room with a faint echo. Kyle's eyes were black as well and he spoke the same words as she did.
"We Are One And The Same" the spoke seriously scaring the people around them. Serena struggled to her knees, on Antar the Granilith was a sacred relic worshipped and revered and it was truly an honour to see the Prophets speak "We Created Time. We Make It Exist, There Is Nothing We Cannot Do. Through Out Time We Have Influenced Humans and Antarian Alike. We Are God" they seemed to jerk about the room "We Are The Pharohs. We Are Buddha. We Are Every Belief, Every Desire, Every Thought, We Are Life, We Are Death. You Will Do Our Will, So It Shall Be. Release" they said then both Carly and Kyle fell to the floor in unconscious piles.

Belle pulled up outside a very crude looking trailer near the Pod Chamber where her father was born. She slammed the taxi door shut and thought about the driver who had refused to drive her this far. She opened her purse and pulled out the three stones he made. She tossed them onto the floor and walked away
"Enjoy your life as a pebble" she quipped "Won't have to go anywhere now" she said back to the pebble that was once the driver.
She went over to the trailer and peered inside it, it was homey and she could sense the power within. It was strong and fresh, it smelt like Carly and she shook her head. She must be imagining things, she jumped out and turned to go up the mountain side but stopped when she saw Carly and her Uncle Kyle, who she'd never met before, standing there dressing in black.
"Hello Isabelle"
"How did you get here?" hissed Belle she looked round trying to see if her parents were here.
"We Are Every Where" they said and their voices seemed to be all around her.
"You aren't my cousin"
"And you aren't mind. My cousin would never do those bad things, we know your Influence on Belle and we want you to stop it"
"No" hissed Belle
"Very Well" said the Granilith "Judge and Jury Be Called" Kyle waved his hand and the Parent's Club and the Parents appeared in an outdoor court room.

They had been travelling along Route 12 for half an hour when Maria disappeared. She had been sitting there arguing with Michael over the route they had chosen and then she was gone in a flash. The map dropped from where it stayed in mid air for a second or two and landed on the seat before falling into the foot well. Michael screeched the breaks and the Jetta came to a stop.
"Where the hell did Maria go!" he shouted and looked back just in time to see Max disappear.
"Max!" shrieked Liz then Michael vanished leaving Liz alone. She began to panic because she knew she was next. She closed her eyes tight and gripped the head rest before she felt like she was splitting painlessly into a million pieces. When she opened her eyes she saw she was outside in the middle of the desert. In a stone made courtroom, she was sitting on a stone throne on Max's Right Hand Side and was wearing a sleeveless white gown with bracelets on her upper arms. Her hair was in a bun and tendrils hung loose. A small delicate tiara lay atop her head and saw Maria sitting next to her. Wearing similar clothing minus the tiara and bracelets.
Max was wearing green cotton trousers and a white cotton shirt with armour plates over his chest, stomach and arms and wore a crown made of the similar metal as Liz's tiara. She looked above her and saw Kyle and Carly sitting side by side dressed in black.
"We Call To Order The Trial Of Teresa Harding. King Max Call The First Witness" said Granilith/Carly while glaring at Belle.
"I don't understand" whispered Max looking at his daughter
"Oh You Want To Understand!" laughed Granilith/Kyle who waved his hand and Belle and Tess became two seperate people. Everyone looked surprised to say the least.
"Oh that explains a lot" mumbled Michael
"I... uh call the First Witness" said Max and was surprised to see the air shimmer near the stone made witness box and Alex Whitman appeared.
"Alex!" cried Gloria in delight.
