Changing Faces (AU,M/L,MATURE) A/N Jan. 15 [WIP]

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Changing Faces (AU,M/L,MATURE) A/N Jan. 15 [WIP]

Post by Luvtruche »

Changing Faces


Rating: MATURE for now
Category: M/L
Disclamer: I don’t own anything. Roswell belongs to UPN and the WB.
Summary: Starts off from the end of Destiny, but with a twist. Changes. Everybody needs them. So many things have happened in Liz Parkers’ life within the span of a year, and coping is hard. Leaving Roswell, a hard choice is the one decision she is glad she made. But when things start to go crazy in her new city, she realizes that no matter where you are, the ones you left behind will all ways come back to you. The ones that have caused you the most stress are the ones who will turn around to just increase your stress level…what do you do? How do you forget the ones you love the most?
Author's Note:This is my very first Fic. Let me know if I should quit while I'm ahead. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!!

“This changes everything,” Max says as he looks at Tess.

“Now we can be together.” Tess is thrilled at the prospect of being with the man that she has dreamed of loving since she first laid eyes on him.

“No. We can’t be like that. I’m with Liz.”

“But Max, it’s our destiny, you can’t just walk away from it,” whimpers Tess

“My destiny is with Liz.” Max looks over wanting to make eye contact with the woman that he loves; but she is not there.

“Liz?” Max walks out of the Pod chamber to see Liz making her retreat, defeated.

“Liz!” Liz turns around not wanting to go through this but knowing that what she is about to say is going to change everything. Max catches up to her. The look on his face one of confusion and doubt.

“Max, no wait stop. I know what you’re going to say. I don’t want you to say it.” She looks deep into his eyes and can’t even begin to form her next words.

“You have a destiny, and your future is not with me.” Tears well in her eyes as she says these words, knowing that he is not ready to accept that.

“But you mean everything to me.” Max moves towards Liz. She puts her hand up to stop him.

“NO! You have to accept this! You have to stop fighting the truth. We are not ment to be together.” Liz, now fighting back all the emotion she has inside of her. Max completely taken aback by her words, the harshness, the anger.

“I love you Liz,” Max whispers. “And I’ll never stop loving you. I’m not letting you go. Neither will you.” Max hopes his final words can make her see what his heart feels; but he knows she’s made up her mind.

“I have to let you go, Max. I’m sorry.” Liz turns and runs down the Valley never looking back on the man that she has loved more than life itself. For Liz, turning her back on Max was like stabbing herself in the heart. She didn’t want to leave him, to abandon him. The things that were said in the cave was too much for her to bare. Escape was what she needed.

So Liz escaped. She convinced her parents that she need to be in a different environment. Something different from Roswell, New Mexico. A different type of adventure that didn’t involve “special powers”. Most importantly, Liz needed to rid her mind of Max Evans, the boy who managed to make her the happiest and yet the saddest all at the same time.

3 years later

“I have no idea how I managed to stay in Roswell for so long,” pipes Liz as she walks through the botanical garden at Central park. “There is so much to see here. So much to do!”

“Uh, Liz, you are excited about flowers!” says Maria mockingly “Not that these aren’t special flowers,” she adds.


“I’m just saying babe..the only difference between these flowers here and the ones in Roswell is the water.” Maria eyes a tulip and uses it for her model. “You see this flower right here…it was born and raised in NYC. Not only is it tough, but it has street smarts too.”

“Maria, you just don’t understand me!” Laughs Liz. There is no way that Maria would understand that the air is just different to me. That it’s free, and I feel free. I don’t feel as if anyone is watching me, wondering what I’m doing. No alien hunters or some dreamy puppy love, just space to be me. Liz stared at the flowers wondering if her life cycle will have as many different changes in color, height and smell.



Maria smiles her devilish grin. “Thinking about a little dark haired, amber eyed Czechoslovakian?” Both girls burst out with laughter. They were so loud that people were starting to stare.

“I wasn’t thinking about him, Maria.”

Now that she mentioned it, I wonder how he is. I bet he still looks the same. Max and I use to talk for hours, she thinks to herself. I wonder who he’s talking with now?

“Why is it whenever we start to talk about him, you shush me like his name isn’t suppose to be uttered.”

“Maria, I didn’t shush you.”

“You gave me the shush look.”

“I did not.”

“Did too.”

“Fine. I’m not going to argue with you about this. Because all it’ll turn into is some sort of fight involving food that I would prefer to be eating instead of lunging it at you!”

Liz and Maria stayed extremely close after Liz decided to move to New York. Liz spent the first two years out here alone where she attended school at NYU and worked a side job. Maria made the decision to come up last year to pursue her music career, which seems to be taking off. Once Maria touched down at JFK Airport last summer, they have been inseparable.

“Oh sh*t Maria, I’m gonna be late for work” Liz was having so much fun she completely forgot that she had to be at work at 4pm.

“You owe me a dollar. I tell ya, swearing will get you no where.” Maria puts hand out and taps her foot awaiting payment.

“Yeah yeah yeah, I’ll give it to you later. I’ve gotta go. You know how Boris gets when I’m 2 seconds late. I’ll see you back home.” Liz gives Maria a quick hug and kiss and makes her way out of central park towards the train.

He has been watching them for over 3 months now. He knows Liz was late for work and she would be running at breaking speed to get there on time. Later on that night when she came home, she would drop everything on the floor and collapse on the couch. She worked herself too hard, he thought. His mind wandered for a bit, his face blank, then it turned back into one of urgency. Soon she’ll know. Soon.


AHH.. I have no clue what I’m doing…I’m just letting it flow out of me…It’s my first FanFic so don’t beat me down!! :lol:
Last edited by Luvtruche on Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:24 pm, edited 20 times in total.

Read my first fic Changing Faces
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Post by Luvtruche »

Part 2

4 Aliens and the Future

Past (3 years ago at pod chamber)


It’s too late. There is nothing that can be said to her to make her see that I choose her. I can’t just let her go. Max starts following Liz. Michael comes up behind him and grabs his arm.

“Let me go!”

“Maxwell think about what you are doing, do you really think she can take anymore of this?”

Max turns around his rage now flowing through him.

“What are you saying Michael? That her being with me is torture?” Michaels look says it all.

Max, not knowing what to do or how to do it, falls to the floor hoping that something will come to him. Something positive, that’ll let him know everything is going to be all right.

“I don’t want to let her go…”

Not knowing what else to say, Michael takes a seat next to his best friend. “Give her some time. Don’t get in her way, just let her be.” Michael sighs. He’s not even sure if Max is hearing him. This is not the time for him to go all pussy.

“Besides Maxwell, we shouldn’t be fucking around with humans anyway. The two of you were beyond the puppy love, ok. This is a much needed break for the both of you.” Michael had managed to change Max’s sad face into one that was about to pound him. Satisfied, Michael gets up and extends his hand.

“Now that you are all pissed off at me, get up. There are things that need to be discussed.”

Max takes Michaels hand. “Do you know how to be anything else besides a Jackass?”

“No. But if I was any different I don’t think you’d like me very much.” The two men laugh.

Max turns to Michael with a serious look on his face, “Okay, she needs time, I’ll give that to her. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to leave her alone. We have to talk about this.” Max looks at his friend hoping for understanding. Michael sighs. “Whatever man. But time is more than just a day. Don’t go all controlling on her, demand shit and expect her to become all weak in the knees for ya.”

Max now really getting upset at Michael, looks up in exasperation and sees Tess and Isabel coming out of the pod chamber towards them.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Especially not in front of Tess,” Max says through gritted teeth.

“Your call.”

Tess and Isabel arrive. Isabel looks at Michael and then Max. “Where’s Liz?”

Max shifts his weight uncomfortably. Tess now glares at Max waiting for an answer. Michael notices the hesitation. “Liz had to go meet up with Maria. She says she’ll catch up with us later on at the Crashdown. Right Maxwell?” Max looks over at Michael, “Yeah. The Crashdown.”

Tess looks at Max and notices something’s wrong. She doesn’t believe him, but that doesn’t matter now. “What are we going to do now, Max?” Tess moves closer to Max so that their bodies make contact.

“I don’t know Tess. For now we just have to be normal. Nothing more.” Max backs away from her.

Isabel noticing the sudden tension between Max and Tess and becomes a little disgusted by this girls persistence. “All right. Well let’s just go back home and be normal. Even though when we were normal before we still got shot at, involved in car chases, and in case you forgot, you were abducted!” Max looking down, unsure of what to say decides to let that comment go unanswered. There is no need to get into an argument right now.

“Iz, it’s for the best right now. We’re all tired. Let’s go home and get some sleep.”



Sleep. Max only dreamed he could get more than the 3 hours he’s been getting the past 3 years. So much has been going on – so much in fact that he really hasn’t had the time to think about Liz’s departure.

That doesn’t matter right now anyway. There are more important things to think about. In the past three years Max, Michael, Tess and Isabel have had more than their share of run ins with the FBI. After Max was taken in by the “Special Unit”, headed by Agent Pierce; things have been on the edge. He may have escaped Agent Pierce but he did not escape the “Special Unit”. Agent Pierce, who died in the “Line of Duty”, was replaced by Agent Vardek – who has made it is number one priority to capture the pod squad and anyone associated with them.

Since Vardek’s inception, it has been very hard to lead the normal life. Max, Michael, Tess and Isabel all attend school like, dine at The Crashdown every now and then, movies and all that other stuff…however, there are no trips to the Pod Chamber, and definitely no use of the powers. Vardek’s special men are all ways around, all ways watching.

Speaking of fine nights, here I, Max Evans, the supposed King of some planet I have no knowledge of, am sitting here enjoying another boring dinner with my fellow aliens at The Crashdown.

“Max, I can’t live like this anymore”, Isabel says irritably

“Iz, our lives could be a lot worse.”

“You think so, Max. The way we crawl around is just Shitty.”

Max rolls his eyes.

“I have my own dreams, my own ambitions, Max. Nothing’s happened in the past six months, you’d think we’d get a clue and actually live.”

“Is this about you wanting to go to New York for the Graduate Program at Polytechnic?” Max queries.

“This isn’t about that –“

“Well tell me what it’s about. If you haven’t noticed, Isabel, we have to keep a low profile. Your sudden interest in winning awards for technological breakthroughs will have to wait until we are no longer being hunted like dogs.”

Isabel gets up from the table, infuriated. Her eyes burning holes in Max’s face.

“At least I put my bored mind to work, unlike you, who sits around moping about his lovely Liz, who if you haven’t noticed hasn’t given you a second thought since she left. Do you honestly think that if you draw enough pictures, and write poetry somehow – Oh I don’t know telepathically she’ll just come to you? Don’t even bother to answer, I am so done.” Isabel storms out of the restaurant bumping into Michael.

“Watch it Michael!”

“What crawled up your ass?”

“Why don’t you ask your highness over there?” she says as she continues her way out of the restaurant.

Michael walks over to the table where Max is, sits down and looks at Max.

Max bangs his head on the table. “Don’t ask.”

“She’s bitchin about school again?”

“No, I think this time she was bitching in general and I made it worse by mentioning school.”

Michael laughs, takes a look at Max’s fries, takes the plate and starts eating.

Max looks up, “No sure, go ahead I like starving. It’s become my favorite past time.”


Max sits back and sighs. “So what bad news do you got for me?”

“Well Vardek’s people are dwindling here in Roswell. It’s gone down from twenty trackers to five.”

“that’s good.”

“Yes and no. Something has them spooked. So I checked it out. Apparently there has been a sighting in New York.”
“A sighting?”

“Yeah. I couldn’t get in close enough to et more information than that. I will tell you this though, the heats off of us for a while. They are so excited at the possibility of fresh meat they are willing to keep there tabs on us to a minimum.”

“But for how long?”

“I don’t know. But I think we should check it out.”

“Michael No –“

“come on. We if this has something to do with our planet. What if they are looking for us but they go side tracked?

Max burrows his eyebrows in frustration. Why is it all ways Michael who thinks of these things. There is so much at stake if we go and one of us get’s captured.

“It’s too dangerous. And I don’t want you mentioning it to Isabel. It’ll just give her an excuse to say all of those reasons we should go.”

“Fine, Maxwell. I don’t know why you expect us to sit here and wait until everything is as normal as you would like it to be. Jesus! Even these humans out here don’t have normal lives, how in the world are we suppose to keep up with people who can’t even keep the same personality from day to day.” Michael slams his hand on the table in frustration.

Max looking as frustrated as Michael feels, “Look, I know, you want to move on this. Find what you can about it, and then we’ll make a move.”

Michael sighs. Same ol’ Max, with the same tricks just with a slight twist. Why can’t this man live a little?

“You know what, I don’t think it matters how much information I get for you. You will never decided to move on this.”

Max opens his mouth but Michael puts his hands up ending the conversation.


Queens, New York

There is smoke everywhere. Crew workers in blue and white plastic uniforms are trying to dig through something in the ground. Police, fire and ambulance trucks are in the street, blocking off traffic. New Helicopters are in the air. It’s a hot night. Four men and a woman are huddled on the side in a tense discussion.

“Get these copters out of here. I don’t want anything leaked on the News. There is no need for these trucks here. The only people I want are the ones tied in to the Unit” The woman says.

Two of the men disappear to get rid of the access traffic and the on lookers that have gathered around ground zero.

“Agent Bask, I want this whole perimeter locked off. I don’t want anyone without credentials stepping a foot in here. You got that. I don’t want them spitting on my turf!” The woman turns around to survey the area, wondering if this is really it. Is it her turn to be in charge of the search and findings of a Unidentified Flying Object? Agent Vardek smiles at the opportunity.

“No one is going to mess this up for me.”

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Changing Faces Part 3a -- short

Post by Luvtruche »

Part 3

Vardek and the Unit

Author’s Note: I know, a lot of background. But it is important and you’ll see why later, if not in this chapter. Yell at me when you think I’m going over board with the past though. 

Agent Sasha Vardek is the lead investigator and chief of the FBI’s Special Unit – which through the governments’ eyes doesn’t exist. Vardek replaced Agent Pierce after he went MIA in early 2000. No one knows exactly what happen to him but the events which lead up to his disappearance are still under review today. According to the reports, Pierce got a hold of an alien who was both human and alien, a hybrid. This hybrid went under constant surveillance before his capture and once in custody, underwent many tests to determine his species. All tests are still inconclusive because the subject did not stay in custody long enough for a concluding report to be made. Apparently, the subject had escaped with the help of seven other subjects, who are as of this date, currently under surveillance. Further research has given the unit information linking the subject captured to three others who are believed to be of the same species.

Following the subjects’ escape, the eight co-conspirators separated and have made little contact with each other in the past three years. The major subjects that are under constant surveillance are, Max Evans, Isabel Evans, Michael Guerin and Tess Harding. Currently, these four subjects can be found in and around Roswell, New Mexico, and have been watched almost everyday in the past three years. There was a two-month gap where the four could not be located. Since then surveillance has been limited or null because tracking them has become harder as the years have gone by.

The other subjects, Liz Parker, Maria Deluca, Alex Whitman, Sheriff Jim Valenti and Kyle Valenti, have all separated or have limited communication with the four main subjects. Liz Park and Maria Deluca are under limited surveillance in New York; Alex Whitman also under limited surveillance is in Boston, Massachusetts; and Jim and Kyle Valenti are in Roswell under limited surveillance. The sole purpose of the humans’ surveillance is to know when the aliens contact them and follow them. Currently these five are the main link to the other four.

Vardek hasn’t been given the opportunity to capture another alien after Max’s abduction.
Although, she has managed to get the four into sticky situations – and every time, the aliens found away to escape capture. That was all in Roswell, New Mexico-- When surveillance and tracking them was as easy as pie. Since then they have all moved around (or so she thinks) and have made themselves appear invisible.

Vardek, never thought that she would end up in this position, heading up the Special Unit. It was Pierces’ passion not hers. Her passion was Pierce and when he went missing, she needed to finish his work for him and find out what happened to him.

Loving a man who’s obsession is chasing aliens and torturing them, was a hard duty – But not having anyone to love at all is a new chapter in her life that is difficult for her to get use to. Deep down she hopes that Pierce is alive so that they can be together; but her heart tells her that he is dead and that her love was stolen from her. Stolen by an alien, an alien that doesn’t deserve to live another day – Max Evans.

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Changing Faces (R) Part 3b

Post by Luvtruche »

**I'm not really happy with this I might change it..Thanks guys for reading!!**

Part 3b
Queens, New York – Ground Zero

Traffic. Lots of diverted traffic because something huge decided to drop in the intersection of Lefferts and Rockaway Blvd. This thing so huge it touches each of the four corners. Luckily, there were no casualties – the crash happened around 3am when there aren’t many cars traveling on this busy intersection. So much smoke and fire coming out of this hole; along with the electrical lines that have come down, has cause fires to start on buildings near three of the corners. The good news is that these stores are closed with the exception of the twenty-four hour Walgreen’s; which has served as the head quarters for the Special Unit.

There are about forty persons working on the logistics of the crash. Thirty of them are making their way down this gaping hole wearing special “heat protective” gear. For about an hour it was too hot for the crew to get in with the protective gear and since dawn is here, keeping this object under wraps is becoming harder to do as people step out of the there houses to work – it has become priority to get the object out of this intersection and into a private sector.

“How long before this is cleaned up?” Vardek asks Agent Bash

“If all goes according to plan three hours.”

“And if not?”

“We may be here all morning.”

Vardek didn’t like that answer. It’s different when a crash happens like this at night; when there is enough darkness to remove anything “important”. It’s all ready daylight and the object is still in the ground. Keeping the crowds at bay is becoming harder as the morning rush moves in. No one can see exactly what’s there, but it doesn’t help that there is a big yellow tent that is 3 stories high. Nothing about this site is inconspicuous. Vardek begins to pace around, trying to think of a way to get things moving faster.

“Can we airlift this thing out of here?” Vardek asks with a shimmer of hope

“Yes, that’s the plan, but it needs to be incased first. It can’t be lifted as is. You know that.”

“All right.” Vardek never felt so out of control as she does right now.

“I want this taken care of immediately. Bring down as many people as you need. I want this thing out of here in 1000 hours.”

“I’m all over it.” Bash says as he punches a numbers into his cell.

“Bash, don’t forget this is a highly confidential assignment. All additional men only have clearance to vacate the object not examine it.” She knew she didn’t have to say it. Bash looked at her like she was not herself.

“No worries Vardek. I’m all over it.” Bash walked away as he requested a hundred more men to the site.

“You better be all over it.” Vardek makes her way to headquarters to get a preliminary report on the subject.
Watching the tall woman leave with such an evil tone made the being wince. It noticed the tall woman talking to another person. They seem to be in an intense conversation, but unable to understand their language the being listened to random “blahs”. Why is it taking so long to understand? Unable to see clearly the being moves back into an alleyway. There is too much movement and all of the sounds are slamming into the being. Seeing is worse. All these red things moving around mixed with grey and black. Still there is a need to hide, to stay low until there are less red things moving.

The being looks over to the crater with its ship lying mangled in the center. The ship is damaged and in need of repair.

The being concentrates on the ship trying to get it to cloak itself. There is a strong whirring sound and then sparks start to fly and smoke emits from the craft. The red things are moving closer to the ship. Its no use, it won’t work. There has to be somewhere safer than this to hide, somewhere to rest, to get stronger. The being sees a large black rectangular object. It seems to be able to come apart. The being lifts the top and peaks inside. Light grey and black – no reds; this will be the place to gather strength. The being climbs in and closes the top to the garbage bin.

Liz is looks at the clock, 7am. “Another day, another day”, Liz sighs as she gets out of bed and heads towards the kitchen. Maria is all ready up sipping coffee.

“Morning Chica!” Maria says happily.

“Why are you so happy this morning?” Maria is definitely not the morning person, she’s never the first one up either. That smile is too good, she’s happy that Maria’s in a good mood.

“Paul comes back from Japan today!” Maria spins on her chair and starts humming.

“Wait. Are we talking about the same Paul here? Three months ago you and Paul broke up. Your last words to him were –“

“I know what my last words were. But we’ve been talking and he really felt bad that we didn’t hash things out before we left.” Poor thing, he didn’t even know what hit him; I was all gung-ho about it until I was saying good bye to him at the airport.

“I overreacted. I was scared that he wasn’t coming back to me so I flipped. He had no idea that I had any doubts about him going.” Maria looks down, guilt forming on her face.

Liz walks towards her friend and embraces her. “I’m glad everything worked out. I was getting sick of you mopping around like you just lost your favorite play thing.”

Maria nudges Liz and they laughed.

“Besides, now that you guys have had time apart, you can spend a lot more time together, uh reminiscing.” Liz raises her eyebrows as she grins at Maria.

“Oh Liz, please. He’ll be talking about Japan so much that he’ll forget all about the fact that our bodies, well mine at least, hasn’t had any satisfaction since he’s been gone.” Maria pouts.

“What! Do not pretend you don’t work that vibrator when I’m not here.” Liz laughs out loud as Maria gets up and they run through the house play fighting.

“I can’t believe you said that.” Maria says somewhat out of breath.

“I have to get ready for work, the rent isn’t going to just disappear you know.” Liz heads towards the shower.

“Oh Liz, I all most forgot, I’ll be staying at Paul’s’ for the next couple of days. So don’t get worried if you don’t see me. I’ll call you.” Maria puts on her coat getting ready to walk out the door.

“All right, Maria, just call me and let me know you are ok.”

“Will do babe. See ya later.” Maria leaves, humming a melody as she makes her way to the airport.

In no time, Liz is dressed and out the door. Trekking to Manhattan everyday by public transportation is a pain to some, but Liz loves it. Letting someone else drive her to her destination, and all she has to do is pay $2.00 for the ride. ‘Can’t get this in Roswell’ Liz thinks to herself as she sees the QM18 approaching. Roswell. Why does she keep thinking about Roswell? She’s been here for three years and hasn’t given her old town much thought until now.

‘Get a grip Parker’, she says as she boards the bus and greats the driver. She can’t get a grip though. As she sits down all these images of her home hit her.

*The Crashdown. The place her parents owned that she often worked in. Ugh, that ugly uniform! The many days she spent after school doing homework, chatting with her best friends, Alex and Maria. Being shot. Being healed. Making new friends; Max, Michael, Isabel. The UFO conventions – Max. All the drama that went on in that place -- the arguments, Michael getting sick, Max and Liz sharing a kiss – man there was a lot of kissing. Falling in love. Tess – yeah that girl. Destiny, the thing that ripped everything apart. Heartache, despair, feelings of defeat and the need to escape.*

It’s funny how all of your memories are centered around a specific location. Liz sighed as she looked out the window and noticed the bus taking a detour. One of the passengers questioned why were on a different route.

“There’s a big accident or something that happened up there on Leff and Rockaway. All buses are detoured until they can get everything cleaned up. Couldn’t get close enough to see what was up; but it look like something big went into the earth.” The bus driver shook his head as he told the info “I hope no one was injured”

‘Me too’ Liz thought. Something in her gut told her that whatever happened it probably is big. From a distance, she notices that there weren’t any NYPD, but there were a lot of people out there. Blue and white uniforms (is that plastic?), were all over the area – and suits, about six. Then there was that huge tent. Liz wondered what was inside. Something big is going on. Liz just hoped it didn’t have anything to do with Czechoslovakians.
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Part 4

Post by Luvtruche »

Ok guys, here is the next part. Dream sequence is in italics. Let me know what you think of this part. More to come soon!!!

Part 4
Mars 2112

Liz walks into her place of employment, Mars 2112, a exotic restaurant with an alien theme. ‘Only the lord knows why I work here.’ Liz thinks to herself as she goes to the employee only elevators that take her to her office. You’d think that in order for Liz to get away from her past she would need to find some sort of closure so she could deal with her future. Ending her times and tribulations with aliens for good.

The Crashdown was bad enough, but this place would put the Crashdown out of business. There is this huge elevator that is like a theater which makes the customers feel as if they are “flying through space”, a retail store where you can buy all your souvenirs and Mars 2112 memorabilia, and a dining space that looks like nothing on this earth.

Maybe it’s the symbolism that drew Liz to this place; a little bit of home away from home. At least she didn’t have to wear the stupid uniform and antennae that came with the job. Liz was no longer a waitress, but an event coordinator for all corporate and private functions that are held there. This job has all the perks she could ever want, it fits with her school schedule, she can work from home if she wanted to, and the pay would make Mr. Parker’s eyes bug out.

“Who would’ve thought that all those years of service would land me this job,” Liz breathed as she stepped into her office and looked at the office she calls her “lil’ abyss”. Her office had the same design as the rest of the restaurant, red cave-like walls and concrete floors; her desk seemed as if it came out of the ground, and as she sat down, behind was a glass aquarium. The space was big, but it was comfy.

Liz was very happy with her job. Normally, when she would enter her office she would be excited about the days events. Today, was different. She felt uneasy, like something bad was going to happen and she didn’t have any control over it. The feeling didn’t keep her from completing her tasks, but it was all ways in the back of her mind. Well, that, and Max. His face kept coming into her mind, and it wouldn’t go away. She would look at her computer screen and there his face would be bouncing from end to end.

“What in the world –“
And then it was gone.
It was like that all day, with her day planner, the fish in the aquarium, sometimes even when she looks in the mirror. There was this strange humming sensation, very low but there. It felt like when she knew that she was close to Max. When he would come into the crashdown. She knew he was coming when he was a block away – and the sensation would increase, as he got closer, until it was a slight rumble. But the sensation wasn’t getting any stronger; just low and annoying.

When Liz got home all she wanted to do was tell Maria about her weird day.

“Maria, you will not believe the day I had today” Damn. I forgot, she’s at Paul’s house. Damn.
The need to talk to someone -- the need to make sense of the things that are going through her head. ‘Parker, for the umpteenth time, get a grip!’ She slams her bag down and plops down on the couch. She looks at the ceiling as she thinks up a good reason for why her world is suddenly getting difficult. Why is she thinking of Max Evans? Why is there a huge gapping hole six blocks away from where she lives and how come the word aliens hasn’t left her mind since she saw what crash site. Liz was thinking so hard she didn’t even realize that her eyes had closed and she was in dream land, her thoughts continuing.

“Max!” Liz calls to Max as he is walking away from her. He turns around and sees her. He says her name, so softly she could barely hear it. Liz runs towards him and they embrace as if it’s been years since they’ve seen each other.

“Max, I’ve missed you!” Liz kisses Max, forcefully. This moment, this is what I need. I don’t want to let him go, I don’t want to lose him again.

“Liz, don’t ever leave me again. I know that we can work through any problems that are keeping us from being together. Just give us a chance.” Max looks so honest, as if he’s regretted everything bad that has happened between them.

“Max, I don’t know if things can ever be right. You have a destiny that doesn’t include me. I love you, but I know that we can’t be together.” Liz doesn’t want to say this, but she knows it has to be said.

“Liz, Tess and I aren’t together. We’ve never been together. All I want is you Liz.”

Those words, the words that I’ve wanted to hear forever, he’s said it to me. He didn’t accept his destiny, or is it me who is his destiny.

The humming is intensifying. I’m close to him; this is real!

“Max, I love you. I want to be with you. We have to start slow though. Things are different for both of us now.”

If I thought I’d be able to finish my complete thought, I was wrong. In that moment, he kissed me, and I felt all of the love he has for me. After all this time, he still loves me. Wait. There is something that I need to tell him about -- The crash! Maybe he knows something.

“Max, there’s been a crash. I don’t know what it is, but everything in my body tells me that it’s alien related. The site is not far from where I live.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing that you should worry about.” Max kisses her again.

“No, Max this is serious. There were FBI agents, not cops. Everything was top secret. The news said it was a meteor, but the feds wouldn’t be all over that.” Liz was trying to let her feelings of worry flow through him. It was no use. He was in Liz haze. He kisses her again. The intensity of it all makes Liz forget about everything and she was thinking just flies out the window.

Liz, doesn’t know if this is still a dream, but she doesn’t want it to end. Feeling Max, her Max, holding on to her, touching her, loving her – she’s missed him so much.

“I don’t want to let you go”. Liz wanted him to know that, but he said it first.

The humming is was getting weaker.

“No! Max, please stay with me!” Liz screamed as Max’s body started to shimmer.

“Liz, I can’t. It’s time for me to go.” Tears formed in her eyes. The first time, she left him. Now, he’s leaving her.

“Don’t worry, Liz. I’m coming for you.”

“MAX!” Liz fell off the couch hoping she could catch him.

“Max, I need to –“ He’s not here. It was a dream. But how? It felt so real. Liz, motioned towards the phone, and started to dial Max’s number, but she hung up as soon as she started.

“What, am I just going to call this man I haven’t seen in three years and say, ‘Hi, remember me? I just had the best wet dream about you and was wondering if you had the same?’” She’s officially lost it. Get a grip was no longer the phrase she needed to say, Get a shrink, was more like it.

“LIZ!” Max jumped up as he felt himself leave her. It was a dream, But it felt so real. I have to remember what she was telling me. Everything seemed to go so fast. She was there in his arms, and then his mouth was on hers, and he felt everything. Her yearning to be with him, her love for him. She felt everything that he was feeling, he was sure of it.

They were connected. He could feel the humming in his body. She was close to him. He had to find her, to talk to her. It was the only way to make sense of what happened. She mentioned a crash. New York, she’s in New York?

“I’m coming for you, Liz.”
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Changing Faces Part 5 -- Pg 3

Post by Luvtruche »

Part 5
Along came Alex

The Crashdown is busy today. Something about Aliens that just puts everyone into a weird unending cycle. Roswell, the place where it all began. The place where Alex had to believe in aliens. Aliens that turned his entire world upside down.

Alex walked into the Crashdown looking at all of the mayhem. His thoughts went immediately to when Maria and Liz would be working their asses off trying to keep the peace. Ah, those uniforms – I’m surprised a petition hasn’t been made and delivered to Jeff Parker demanding a new style. But everything is still the same, nothing has changed – except for the people and the crowd, and the kids. He looks over at a bunch of kids sitting at a booth, laughing hysterically at a guy who just shot milk from his nose. Damn, were we all that dorky?

“Alex?” Jeff says as he walks behind the counter.

“Mr. Parker, long time no see!” Alex gives the man a handshake and then was pulled into an embrace by Jeff.

“No need to be civilized, we are practically family.”

“Yeah, sorry, it’s just a little awkward.” Alex glances around in this familiar place that doesn’t seem so familiar anymore.

“So how’s the college life.” Jeff muses.

“Well, Mr. Parker, it’s boring. Don’t’ get me wrong, I’m happy with MIT, but they don’t have much of a party life.” Alex sighs.

“Heh. You the party man? What you need some adventure?”

“I don’t believe I’m going to say this, but it isn’t Roswell.”

Jeff looks at Alex as if he’s just lost his mind. Jeff never understood the bonds that were created between the three and then four aliens who just happened to be a major part of his Liz’s life. All he knew was that it changed her, and she wasn’t the same ever again. His Liz was damaged.

Alex realizing that Jeff didn’t understand his hidden message said, “No, it’s not about the partying. It’s about being with your friends that matter the most. Liz and Maria, are like my best buds and I haven’t really heard much from them in the past three years. I know everyone’s busy and certain situations create these little “separations”; but they are still my family. No one at college really compares to the relationships I’ve made here in my home town.”

Jeff must understand by now. He looks a little perplexed. Damn, maybe he didn’t know that he hasn’t spoken with Liz in a while. There he goes again with his mouth. Jeff was saying something to Alex, and though he was looking right at him, he didn’t understand a word that came out of his mouth. The only thing that he thought about was his memories of high school. How it use to be just the girls and him, and then it turned into the girls, him, and five other people. Four of those five completely changed their lives forever. One of them he fell head over heels in love with, only to be heart broken in the end. It seemed that that was the way with the three humans up against those three aliens we chose to fall in love with – we all got our hearts broken. And for what? To save a race? We left our home to get away from them – all though, neither of us will admit it, well Liz kind of admits it; but it’s an in addition to.

Alex was so into his thoughts that he didn’t see Max come in to the Crashdown. He didn’t see Max’s face light up and walk over and sit right next to him. All he heard was –

“Alex, is everything all right? I thought you were in Boston, what made you decide to come back to Roswell?”

Then the question that always pisses him off.

“Is Liz in trouble?”

Is it possible that I, Alex Whitman, have the words “Liz’s Protector” on my forehead?

“Hey Max. I’m doing great. Thank you for asking. College is wonderful. How ‘bout you Max, kill any Aliens lately. Wait let me guess, you haven’t taken the advance class for that yet?” Sheesh.
Max looking a little embarrassed by his actions looks down guiltily and says, “Sorry Alex. Things have been a little edgy lately and something’s have happened, but I don’t have anyone to talk to. Then I saw you here and I knew you were in Boston, so I figured that the dreams I’ve been having mean something and that Liz is in trouble.” Max catches a breath.

“Uh Max, has Liz spoken to you at all since she left Roswell?” He didn’t need an answer to this question but he figured why not humor himself.


“Ah, so why would you all of a sudden think that something was wrong. I know that you guys have this weird connection and all, but really, she’s let you go and I think that you need to do the same.” Alex was a little infuriated. He thought he’d get more of a warm welcome from the Aliens, especially because they don’t really belong on his planet. Yeah, he owns stock, they don’t.

Max senses that he step on some eggshells tries to think of what he can do to relieve some of the tension made.

“Alex, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump at you like that. You don’t have a clue as to what’s going on with me, and I don’t have a clue as to what’s going on with you. I still believe that we are friends, though. Let’s start over.” Max runs out of the restaurants, takes a pause and then reenters with a grin plastered on his face that would make you laugh out hysterically.

Alex not knowing what to do, rolls his eyes and turns around waiting for Max to make some big “Wazzzup man” statement.

“Alex! Is that you? Oh my God it has been ages man!” Max grabs Alex into a bear hug, the grin still on his face.

“Dude! Ok, I get the point. All forgiven, can I breathe now?” Alex can’t help but put a smile on his face.

The two guys sit down and order. They spend about an hour talking about the past and how much things have changed, how all of the memories they have are all wrapped up in this restaurant. How they missed the way things were, well, before everything got all “spacey”; and how they have adjusted to their new lives out there, away from Roswell – at least that’s what Alex was talking about.

Alex and Max are laughing about the time they all went on that three day road trip, and how he ended up getting poison ivy all over him.

“Everyone kept looking at you because you kept scratching your crotch!” Max laughed.

“Yeah, well it would have been a little nice if you would’ve helped me out Max.”

“Alex, I love ya man, but there was no way I was going to touch your crotch.” They both roar with laughter.

As the two calm down and catch their breaths, Isabel comes up from behind. She can’t believe that Alex is here. She’s missed him so much, but he’s here. So many things were going through her head as she slowly walked up to his back.

‘Will he dismiss me? Will he think that I don’t care about him? Geez, Isabel, you are always on your unending thesis reasoning why Alex Whitman hates your guts after you broke his heart.’ This was no time to get all psycho. It’s best to just be civil.

“Hi Alex.”

Alex knew that voice. He never thought that he would hear it again and not want to run for his life. He felt like everything in the restaurant just stopped moving – it was completely silent except for his own heart beat. It was beating so fast he thought he might have a heart attack.

Alex turns around to see the woman, uh Alien, that he’s found the most beautiful for all of his adolescent and adult years – Isabel Evans.

With the most dorky grin on his face, “Hey Isabel!” he says.

You can’t be mad at the one you love forever.


I couldn't wait to introduce Alex. I felt like Alex's character was so sweet and genuine, yet he never really made known when he felt things that were going down were a bunch of bull -- This Alex calls everyone on their bull :lol: tell me how you guys like.
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Changing Faces ** Part 6 6/7/04 **

Post by Luvtruche »

Part 6
Buggin’ Maria

“Paul you know that I’ve missed you like crazy”

Maria lunges at Paul and gives him a big kiss

“I thought we were done with the welcome hugs and kisses.” Paul says

Maria looked at him and rolled her eyes. Paul may not be perfect, but he is definitely not Michael Guerin. Michael. That prick didn’t know how good this Tequila Sunrise was. I don’t even think he noticed when I left. He sure as hell didn’t say good-bye.

Maria thought about the day she told Michael that she was leaving for New York.

“Michael, we have to talk.” Maria says as she enters his house and walks straight to the couch.

“What did I do now!” Michael says all ready exasperated.

“Just because I say ‘we have to talk’ doesn’t mean that you’ve done something wrong. Well, unless you did do something that I don’t know about, which means when I find out, I’m either going to kill you or kiss you.”

Maria smiles at him and gestures for him to come and sit down. Michael chuckles at her brief run-on as he goes to sit down.

“Ok, so I haven’t done anything wrong. You know Maria, whenever you say that something is wrong, or that you and I need to talk, it is never good.”

“Yeah I know. This is good though, I promise.” Maria crosses her finger in hopes that what she’s about to tell Michael will give him the same tingling feeling that it gives her.

“Okay then spill.”

Maria puts on her best smile.

“I’m going to New York.”

Maria wanted so badly to go to New York and try her magic at singing, mainly because it was her calling, but mostly because she needed a change of pace. Roswell was suffocating her.


Michael’s face dropped from its usual scowl into something Webster’s Dictionary would need to make a new word for.

“What do you mean you are going to New York?”

“Michael, I need to do this. I want you to come with me.”

“It may seem easy for you to pick up and leave when you feel like it, but I can’t just do that Maria.”

Why does it all ways have to be this difficult?

“Why not? You can pretend you’re in danger if you’d like so you don’t feel guilty about leaving.” Maybe a tiny joke will ease the tension.

Or maybe not.

Michael was infuriated, she could tell.

“You think this is a joke? That the reason we move around is because we like playing ‘find the alien’?”

Maria realized that this wasn’t going to go as smoothly as she rehearsed it. ‘What are you going to do now Deluca? I can’t get upset, even though he’s pushing it. I have to remember that he has feelings too, and that his feelings are important.’

“Wait, Michael stop. I’m not here to argue with you.” She puts her hand on his leg. Michael gets up.

“Really, well you sure as hell confused me.”

Michael started to pace. Why is he acting like this? He should be happy for me.

Michael stops pacing for a moment, looks at Maria quizzically.

“Did Liz put you up to this? She leaves Max, and needs a companion?”

Shit! How did he know that Liz was in New York? Wait. I didn’t tell him.

“What are you talking about. I don’t know where Liz is. She just calls me to let me know she’s all right. She has this feeling that if any of us who are still in Roswell know her location that Max will come running to continue the love.” Damn, I hate lying to him.

Maria looks at Michael, her eyes pleading for him to calm down and really think about what she’s saying.

“Yeah sure, whatever.”

Double damn, he doesn’t believe me. It’s time to get tough on his ass.

“Look Michael, this is something that I want to do with you. If you don’t want to go that’s fine, but I’m going.” Maria stood up to face him.

“You can’t go until we discuss this with Max and Isabel.”

No he didn’t. Who do I look like? I am not an Alien and the last time I checked the only permission I ever needed was from my mom, and that is rarely.

“Excuse me? Discuss what? With Who? I believe that you, space boy have officially lost your damn mind.” Furious is not the word for the rage that is building within her body.

“Maria I’m trying –“

“No! I don’t need permission from any of you. I didn’t ask to be apart of the ‘Alien Brigade’, I was put in by default.” If he continues to push this issue he has no idea how sorry he will be for every word that comes out of his mouth from this point on.

“Maria, Lis –“

You know what, he is not going to get another chance to say anything that will make me beat his head in.

“I will not listen to you trying to bullshit me out of this. All this time I’ve done what was best for you. Always! You’d think you’d be a little gracious and let me do something for myself.”

Maria walks to the door and turns around to face him. Her eyes shooting daggers at him; but wanting to see if he could redeem himself.

“Is there anything you’d like to say?” Couldn’t hurt to prompt him.

Michael’s face went through a variety of contortions before it turned into a fierce grimace.

“What does it matter? When it comes to us, it’s all about you and your feelings.”

Oh yeah, Michael, just turn this all around and make it seem like I am the one who doesn’t like to compromise.

“Me and my feelings? Michael is your head made of granite? You know what, I’m not going to explain this to you-- ”

“So why the fuck are you still standing there! Go if that’s what you want to do. Go!”

Tears welled up in Maria’s eyes as he started screaming at her.

“I don’t know why I ever loved you.” The last words she would ever utter to Michael. Her heart was completely broken, as she walked out of Michael’s life forever.

“Hello, anybody home?” Paul says as he snaps his fingers.

“What! Oh sorry, spaced out there for a minute.”

Paul was great, everything a girl could want. We had our problems but he never cursed me out because he couldn’t deal. Still she needed some drama, drama that only Michael could give her. Paul wouldn’t even allow a friggin’ argument.

“It’s been great spending the past couple of days with you Maria.”

Hmm. Perhaps he’s just a bit too mushy. Nope, stop it Deluca don’t go there.

“Yeah, it has been fun. Too bad it’s all gonna go back to normal.” Maria sighs and puts her head in his lap.

“Doesn’t have to end just yet you know.” Paul whispers to her.

Suddenly Maria felt so tired. They didn’t do much today besides “Bed Wrestling” as Paul calls it. She’s never been this tired after sex.

“I know, we’ve got a whole lotta lovin’ to do still my darling nympho.” She grins at him.

“But I need a nap. Wake me in 20 minutes.” She lifts her head and kisses Paul on the lips. Before he could protest she was all ready asleep.

Paul smiles to himself, looking at his beauty passed out. ‘I knocked your ass out’, he thinks to himself.

He slips from underneath her, and walks towards the shower. He turns and looks at her one more time. ‘heh, I guess that makes me the man’ He chuckles as he walks in the bathroom and turns on the shower.

Maria didn’t notice that Paul left. She was in a deep sleep. Every few minutes her body would jerk and she would murmur. It appeared as if she was having a nightmare of some kind.

Suddenly Maria jumped up.
“No, all we want is peace. Please don’t kill me!” She screams shrinking back on the couch.

Maria covers her face protecting herself from whoever was after her. Her eyes closed shut; she slowly opens them to see who’s there – no one. Dropping her arms she looks around and realizes she is in a dark room. She’s lying on a couch. Maria looks at her body and sees there are no injuries.

“I’m safe for now.” She sighs.

There is a thumping noise ahead of her. Maria panics and gets up looking for ran exit. ‘I have to get out of here before whatever that is finds me!’ she thinks. Maria finds the door, and after many lock maneuvers, she gets the door open and runs.


It’s a quiet night. Liz is fixing herself some tea and reading a magazine waiting for the water to boil. There is a knock at the door. It was more like a bang because it made Liz jump.

Liz walks towards the door. “Who is it?”

“It’s me open up, I can’t find my keys.”

Whew, it’s Maria. Liz starts to open the door now a little upset by her abrupt knocking.

“You know you don’t have to knock –“

Liz opens the door and is stunned by what’s in front of her.

“Maria!” Liz pulls Maria inside and brings her to the couch to sit down.

“Oh my God! Are you all right? What happened?”

“Nothing, I don’t know.” Maria says confused.

“Maria, what do you mean you don’t know?”

Liz takes in Maria’s appearance. She has on pajama bottoms, a tank, no shoes, no jacket or pocket book. Maria comes up with some unique outfits, but this wouldn’t be one of them.

On top of that, her hair is mess.

“Would you stop looking at me like that. I’m all ready embarrassed that I was outside like this.” Maria sighs and sits back.

“Maria where’s Paul?” Paul wouldn’t kick her out. Unless they had a fight. Even still he wouldn’t make her go looking like this.

“I don’t know. The last thing I remember is that I was with Paul, we were talking, and then I got really tired and told him I was going to take a nap. The next thing I know I wake up and it’s pitch black and something’s coming after me, so I run out of wherever I am.” Maria starts hyperventilating.

Liz pushes Maria’s head between her legs.

“Maria, you have to relax, girl.”

What the hell is going on? Paul has to know what’s going on.

The phone rings.

“Maria stay just like this. I’ll be right back.”

Maria nods.

Liz runs for the phone.


“Liz! Hey it’s Paul. Listen, Maria’s disappeared or something. I went to get something from the store, and when I came back she was gone. The door was left open. God I think she’s in trouble.”

Great. He doesn’t have a freaking clue what’s the matter with her either.

“Ok, uh Paul calm down. Maria is here.”

Silence. Then sobbing, at least that’s what it sounds like.

“Um, Paul?”

“Yeah, I’m here. Why would she just run out like that?”

Oh boy, this is going to be a hard one.

“I don’t know. Something freaked her out. Could you come over?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there.”
Liz hangs up the phone and looks at her friend.

“Oh my God Maria!” Maria looks at her with a confused look on her face.

“You’re glowing!”



Ok guys, lay it on me! Tell me what ya think. Chapters 7 is all most complete so I hope to put it up soon...Dont' want to keep you guys waiting for too long :lol:
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Changing Face Part 7

Post by Luvtruche »

A/N: Ok here's part 7...let me know what you guys think.

Part 7
The awkwardness that is Alex and Isabel.

“Hey Alex.” Okay, there, I said hello. If he doesn’t say hi back I think I may explode

‘Oh geez, he’s turning around’. Alex turns around and smiles at Isabel.


The grin on his face is growing. He’s happy to see me.

“Iz, Alex just returned from Boston. He’s going to be here for the summer helping his dad.” Max says as he looks at the two of them.

“Wow, you’ll be here the whole summer?” Isabel says as she looks at Max and then back at Alex, her smile increasing.

“Well no, not the whole summer. My dad doesn’t need help the entire time. I figured I’d spend some time here and then vacation someplace else. I was thinking New York.”

Isabel’s smile fades a little bit.

“Well at least the two of you will have enough time to catch up.” Max interjects.

“Oh yeah, sure. As long as it doesn’t involve any broken hearts at the end, we can do all the catching up you can think of.”

Isabel looks completely mortified. He’s still hurt about our breakup. Gosh, if only he understood why we had to end things. After Liz and Max and then Michael and Maria, we were the last standing. It had to end before things got worse between them.

“Alex, I just wanna say –“

“Relax, it was a joke. Sorry if it was a little mean. Going away to college has brought out the evil in me.”

Alex looks at Max hoping he would say something supportive. Max is looking at the menu like he is suddenly starving.

“So Max tells me you have not ventured away from Roswell. That must be so boring.” Max looks up at Alex and rolls his eyes – he knew where I was going with this. Paybacks a bitch.

“Yeah, well I actually wanted to go to New York, to attend college at a university in Brooklyn; but...” Isabel looks down.

Max looks over at Isabel wondering why she didn’t finish her sentence and complete it with the ice glare.

“Let me guess. Your alien registration restricts you to Roswell.” Isabel and Max look at Alex surprised he said ‘alien’, but they both laugh at the comment.

“Something like that. I’m working on it though.” Isabel grins.

“Good. I hear that those in charge don’t like to be assholes all the time.” Isabel laughs and looks at Max who is grimacing.

“The asshole is what’s kept everyone safe.” Max says.

Alex looks at Max surprised.

“Hey, I wasn’t talking about you.” He turns to Isabel and winks.

“I was thinking Michael.”

They all laugh at the thought of Michael’s usual scowl.

Alex looks at Isabel.

“Now that we’ve eased the tension, Isabel, seriously, I wouldn’t mind catching up with you. I’ve missed you.”

Isabel smiles and hugs him. She’s glad he isn’t harboring resentment towards her.

“What is up with you two. Did you both take the bear hug seminar?”

Isabel a little embarrassed releases her grip.

“Sorry Alex.”

“Don’t be. That’s like a two and a half year hug.” He chuckled.

Alex’s cell phone rings.

“Excuse me.” Alex gets up and exits the restaurant.
Isabel looks at Max. “Admit it, you are happy to see him.” Max says.

“Yeah I am. So are you.” Max nods.

Isabel sees the blankness come over his face. He’s thinking about Liz.

“Max, I’m sure one day you and Liz will reunite.”

Max looks at Isabel.

“I wasn’t thinking –“

Alex comes back into the restaurant looking concerned.

“Guys. We’ve got a situation.”

“What is it Alex?” Max asks him.

Alex sighs.

“It involves Liz and Maria.”
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Changing Faces Part 8 -- 7/10/04

Post by Luvtruche »

A/N: I'm going to be out all day so, I wanted to post this and get some feedback. Thanks Guys for all of your comments, I hope you guys enjoy.

Part 8

“What is it Alex?” Not wanting to know what he’s about to say, Max braces himself for the worse.

“It involves Liz and Maria.” Alex says it looking at Max and Isabel; his level of concern seeming to increase.

Those were not the words Max wanted to hear.

Alex continues, “I don’t think this is the best place to talk about this.”

“Well we need to get to my house so that we can discuss it.”

Alex, Max and Isabel turn around to Michael.

“Michael, when did you --“ Isabel didn’t have time to finish her thought as Michael said “not now, lets move.”

The four made their way out of the restaurant.

“Oh my God, Maria!”

Liz couldn’t believe what her eyes were seeing. This is not possible. How in the world do aliens or anything Alien related all ways happens to them. The aliens aren’t even here!

“You’re Glowing!”

Maria jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Liz followed.

Maria looked in the mirror. What followed was a scream that could be heard for blocks.

“Maria! Maria calm down!” How is she going to be able to think if Maria keeps screaming?

“Calm down! You want me to calm down? Do you see what I see? My face is highlighted!”

“Okay, relax. This has happened to me before, with Max.” It is the same glow; at least it looks like it. I’m going to smack myself if this is alien related.

“We aren’t talking about a glowing hickey. Besides those things happened to you after you were in the presence of your horny alien boyfriend. Unless Paul is--”

Maria gasps and looks at Liz in the Mirror.

Liz shakes her head at Maria’s thought.

“Maria, that’s not possible. Paul is not an alien!”

Maria looks at Liz. How can she doubt the possibility? Anything is possible with these damn Czechoslovakians.

“Unless you forgot to mention that you had sex with Max Evans, you have absolutely no itdea if you face would glow after sex!”

Liz’s eyebrows raise in curiosity.

“So that’s why you haven’t called me? You were too busy breaking the bed?”

Liz crosses her arms and looks at Maria with a ‘you’re busted look on her face.

Maria, suddenly realizing she hasn’t spoken to Liz in like three days looks down in shame.

“Liz every time I started to dial your number, he was ready to go – Okay wait. How can you ask me a question like that when my face looks like the sun?”
Liz covers her grin with her hand. “Sorry, I just was wondering. At least someone in this house is getting dirty.”

Liz watches Maria stretching her face in the Mirror when the glow starts to expand down her neck to her shoulders and then stopping at her belly button.

“Does it hurt?” Liz asks not sure of what to say to her.

“No, it’s just warm.”

Maria turns around and looks at Liz.

“Liz, who was the last person that called? Please tell me it wasn’t Paul.”

Liz scrunches her face up confirming Maria’s fears.

“I told him to come over; but that was before I saw that you were glowing.”

Maria runs into the living room, panic has set in. Liz doesn’t want to think that Paul is an alien, but what if he is? What if he’s done something to Maria, and now he’s coming to finish us both off?

“I’m going to call him and tell him not to come over. That you’re tired and you’ll talk to him tomorrow.” Liz says as she walks over towards the phone.

“NO!” Maria darts in front of the phone.

“What if he is an alien? He did something to me and though that I wouldn’t get away from him. I did and now he wants to finish this thing up; and now you’re involved so he has to finish you off too.”

It’s really sad, when your best friend thinks the same way you do. Maria has officially scared the shit out of me.

The only response I can make is my lips form an O.

The doorbell rings. Liz and Maria look at the door and grasp each other.

“Liz, it’s me Paul, open up.”

“Oh shit, oh shit, he’s coming to kill us!” Maria whispers.

Liz puts a finger to Maria’s lips and pulls her into the bedroom. As she closes the door, the door bell rings again, followed by knocking. Paul is saying something but it’s muffled through the door.

“Maria, we have to be quiet.” Liz says as she sits on the bed. We are in trouble, somehow we have to talk to Max.

Liz goes to the cordless phone by her bed and dials Max’s number. Three years and she’s calling him to say she is in trouble. Great.

“Hi, you’ve reached Max. I’m not available to take your call but--”

“Damn!” Liz says as she clicks off the phone.

“Were you calling Max?” Liz looks at Maria.

Maria’s glow has spread to all the other parts of her body. Liz nods at Maria’s question.

“This is big and you know it. You never would have called him if you didn’t think it was.”

Maria gets up and starts to pace. She was right. Things have been off for a while. Eventually she’ll have to tell Maria about the dreams she’s been having.

“Liz, call Alex on his cell, he’s in Roswell.”

“Wait, Maria how do you know?” Don’t tell me she’s psychic.

“I spoke to him earlier today. He told me that he just landed.” Isn’t that convenient, Liz thinks.

“Okay, I’ll call him. Hopefully, he’ll be able to get to Max.” Liz dials his number

“Witty Whitman at your service.”

“Alex, It’s Liz. We’re in trouble.”
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Changing Face Part 9 and 10

Post by Luvtruche »

Part 9
Pulling it all together

Another problem Alex looks out of the jeep wondering why does this all ways have to happen when things are going so good.

“You know, I had a real good vibe up until that phone call.” He says turning to Michael.

“Alex, would ya shut up all ready? The vibe is still there its just been temporarily disconnected.”

Michael optimistic? Who da thunk it?

“All right, I won’t say anything else until we reach your house. I need to rest my vocal chords anyway. I don’t think I’ll stop talking until later this evening.”

Isabel smiles at his last comment. She feels so guilty about this. It is all ways us being in danger and them being brought in by default.

“At least everyone will finally get that reunion we’ve all wanted,” Isabel says uncomfortably.

Max hasn’t sad a word sense they left the restaurant. The way he is driving speaks volumes, though. He’s nervous because he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to do anything for Liz because she is so far away. He’s scared because what if they are all ready too late? At least that is what she thinks he’s thinking. All she knows is that she wished he’d slowed down.

“Uh Max?” Alex says a little uncertain.

Max peeks at the rearview mirror acknowledging Alex.

“Yeah Alex?”

“We won’t be able to help Liz and Maria if we all die in a fatal car crash. Heh, I thought you should know.”

Max looks at the speedometer – 90mph. personally, he didn’t think the jeep was moving fast enough. All he wanted was to make Liz’s life right. He’s never been able to do that. She moved away from us, from me so that she could get on with her life, and still things that involve me and who I am make there way towards her. Why? Why does her being connected to me cause her so many problems?

“Sorry about the speed. No sense of really slowing down, since we are all ready here.” Max parks in front of Michael’s house. They all get out of the jeep.

Alex feeling a little unnerved, stands next to Isabel and follows behind her through Gurein’s door.

“Let the rumble being.” He looks up at the sky before going in.
Inside, Michael, Max and Isabel have sat down waiting on Alex. When Alex comes in they all look at him expectantly.

“Alex, we didn’t come here for tea, tell us what’s up.” Michael says with a little edge. He’s trying so hard to keep his cool. He’s really worried about Maria though. They ended things on the wrong terms and all he wants to do is try to make it right any way that he can. He realized the day she left; he broke her heart. All the times they fought not once did he curse her the way he did that day. It’s something that he regrets and would apologize to her in person for.

“All right.” Alex says with a sigh. He walks over to the counter and faces them.

“Liz called me; she said that she and Maria are in trouble. I asked her to explain; but Maria was yammering in the background making it hard for me to understand. From what I could make out, Liz says that Maria is, uh, like a glow and I don’t mean like JLo. I think it’s spread to her entire body. Liz said that there has been some creepy stuff going on and that she thinks it has to do with whatever crashed in her neighborhood.” Alex takes a breather.

Hmph. The aliens have nothing to say. Well a pause is needed so lets pause. Alex goes to the fridge and takes out a Snapple. He didn’t realize how nervous he was until he looked at the bottle shaking in his hand.
Max comes up behind Alex.

“Alex, was there anything else?” Max wondered if maybe Liz mentioned him, even if it was to just curse him out.

“She said that she hasn’t spoken to you in three years and that she feels like an ass for asking for your help; but she needs your help. They think Maria’s boyfriend is an alien.”

Michael perks up at Alex’s last words.

“Boyfriend? She has a boyfriend?”

Alex looks at Michael as if he’s bumped his head.

“Yeah, Michael, life goes on. This is not the issue, though. We need to get to them now.”

“Alex you said Liz said things were weird since something crashed in her neighborhood. Is she in New York?”

Alex nods. Being in between friends is never a good thing. Where do loyalties lie? Oy!

To Max it all made since; but he wasn’t sure how it all was suppose to fit together. This Paul guy, there is no way he could be an alien. I know that Michael will be on him as soon as we get to New York.

“Yes Max, she’s in New York. We need to get to them now. So what you guys need to decide is when we are leaving.” Alex is ready to walk out of the door.

“Where exactly does she live?” Max asks.

“Dude, I’m gonna show you.” Alex says a little exasperated.

“No, Alex you don’t understand. We have a way to transport. It’s really a mind thing. I think it’s the fastest way to get to her.”

Alex scrunches his face up.

“What do you mean transport? You guys can like blink and disappear, blink again and be someplace else?”

They nod.

Alex couldn’t believe it. They’ve been homing in on their skills. Whatever. If it brings us to them then so be it.

Michael decides to add his two cents.

“For the sake of time, you guys haven’t been around in what, three years give or take?”

Alex nods.

“In that time period the head of the Special Unit was replaced and the successor, Vardek has kept close tabs on us, making it very difficult to get around unnoticed.”

Michael scrunches his face trying to remember all the details.

Max takes over.

“The last thing you remember that is alien related was the holographic image in the pod chamber. That wasn’t all that was in there though.”
Max walks over to where Alex is.

“We found some Alien technology. Its main purpose we learned is to bring us home, but it has all of these other purposes like transporting us from one area to another. The granolith, what it’s called, is a powerful machine, we’ve just tapped into it. We don’t know of all the things that it can do --”

Alex is probably thinking when I’m going to make my point. Max looks around a sheepishly.

“We can connect with the granolith from anywhere. It’s how we’ve been able to get away from Vardek and the SU.” Max continues.

Max pauses and thinks about Tess. She may be needed on this, but he knows she won’t want to come. Tess has been on the we are destined to be together pitch ever since that day at the pod chamber. Max knows that she has feelings for him, even though she doesn’t show it, and lives her life as if she was never in love with him; but when ever he mentions Liz, she gets very upset. Tess coming along is not the best idea.

“We’ve all ways transported with Tess, but I don’t think she would want to come on this one. I do believe that if you are connected to us it should work the same, since our human side is just more advanced.” Max ponders that thought a bit more.

What if this doesn’t work with Alex? I don’t know what Liz would say to me, if something Alien killed him. Max looks at Alex, worry in his eyes. It may be better for Alex to take a plane anyway, this way we can diffuse the situation before he arrives.

Isabel, seeing the pause, looks at Max knowing what he’s thinking. She’s been thinking the same things.

“What Max is saying Alex, is that we need to know Liz’s exact address, wee need to see her street or even her building in order to get there. That’s why Max asked. Have you been there before?”

Alex looks at Isabel, letting it all sink in He’s not completely sure of everything, but he knows that we are going to New York.

“Yeah, I’ve been to her house, her living room.” Alex hasn’t stopped nodding.

Isabel walks over to Alex and takes his hand. She sees that turmoil in his eyes. This is not something that he should have to deal with, this alien stuff.

“This could be dangerous. We understand if you would rather take the plane.” There is no reason for him to make another sacrifice.

Alex’s nod changes into a shake.

“No, I trust you guys. Besides, somebody has to keep the peace.” Alex looks at Max and then Michael. “Let’s do this.”

Max smiles. Alex is very brave; I know why he is my friend.

“Okay Alex, I need you to think about New York, then concentrate on her borough, then her street, then her building, then her living room. It’s very important that the coordinates are exact. Think it over and over. When we arrive there, well you’ll see for yourself.” Isabel says, never taking her hand from his. She is so worried about him.

“I got it. Iz, don’t worry about me. This isn’t my first Alien experience. I’ve all ready been deflowered.”

Alex smiles at Isabel.

Max looks around nervously, and Michael moves towards Alex, Isabel and Max, completing the circle.

“It’s time to do this. We’ve wasted enough time going over the specifics. When we arrive in New York, I’ll put up the shield to protect us from anything that could be after Liz and Maria.” Max’s face has turned from worried to plan evil.

The silence only lasted a moment, when Alex swallowed hard.

“God I hope they’re all right.” Alex says as he extends his hands out waiting to start the meditation.

Michael looks at him surprised. “what made you think of doing that?”

“Well, unless you all have the healing stones, which wouldn’t do much good here, we have to connect – at least you all with me. As max said you are the “advanced humans.”

They all grasp hands, small smiles on their faces as Alex tried to break some of the tension.

Max takes a deep breath.

“Okay, we’re going to start. Alex keep your eyes closed. You’ll see a bright light while your eyes are closed, that’s normal.”

Max begins to concentrate on connecting with Alex. This process takes a lot of time. He’d do anything to just push all his energy to get them there as soon as possible. Doing that may have them all in another place; possibly even another world.