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Harry Potter

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 7:30 pm
by Dreamer_forever13
i'm shocked that there's no Harry Potter thread here so I thought I'd start one. I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter. Read all five books. My favourite book is definetely the fourth book. I thought that in the fifth book, Harry was always going of on his friends. He was always yelling, feeling angry and jealous.

i can't wait to see the third Harry Potter movie, which is coming out on June 4th.

Does anybody have any thoughts on what might happen in the sixth and seventh book?

Well that's about all I had to you can post away...

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 12:26 am
by StarGazing101
I'm also a huge fan of Harry Potter and my favorite books are the third and fifth books. Six and Seven? Hmm...I don't have the slightest clue what I may speculate on the next two books, but I'm hoping that we'll get to know more about Lupin and of course, find out more on the Veil.


Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 4:12 am
by Zevrillion
I am also a Harry Potter fan. For me it has to be nr 3 or 4. I loved nr 4 but I missed the Quiddish. I don’t really like nr 5. I thought it was kind of boring. It was only in the end things started to happen. I also thought Harry should have a girlfriend. Maybe Cho.

I don’t know if I will see nr 3 in a cinema but when it comes out on DVD I will definitely watch it or I will download it to my computer end watch it there.

Don’t realty have a clue on what the plot will be in the sixth book. I have been thinking on reading some Harry Potter story on and see what they think will happen after nr 5.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 1:21 pm
by StarGazing101
There are some interesting stories at on people's takes of what happens after book 5. I warn you though, not many of them are good, but there are some amazing stories. Here are a few I found were exceptional.

Harry Potter and the Perils of the Unknown by LogicalRaven (This one is complete and there's a sequel that goes into 7th year too.)

Harry Potter and the Potion of Ferdifendice by TheSerpentAndTheLion (I found this one to be quite interesting as well and not as angsty as most of the Post-OotP fictions.)

Those are just two examples. Of course, not all of them have the Harry Potter..., but a lot of them do. I just started reading HP fic a few months ago and there are many good writers, you just have to wade through the lot of crap fics there. (There's over 4000 pages of fics, but everyone finds something they like. They also have the feature where you can search by character, which makes it a lot easier for me since I'm a huge fan of Remus Lupin.)

Just a tip, when you search through the older pages, see how many reviews a fic has gotten and read a few. I found that to make looking for a decent fiction a lot easier.

Anyway, I liked book 5, even though I found the beginning to be a little boring. I started it the summer it came out and I just couldn't get past the first chapter. I finally read it all the way in a week in November, but now I've reread it like...7 times already? I cried at the end though. (Which is a rare feat for me to do when I'm reading.)

I'm seeing Prisoner of Azkaban in the movies, but I'm afraid of how it will go since the Richard Harris died and Michael Gambon is now playing Dumbledore, but they've gotten some good actors from what I heard to play Trelawney, Sirius, and Lupin. (Like I know Gary Oldman is an awesome actor, I've seen his work, but the other two, Emma Thompson (?) and David Thelewis (? I know I got his last name wrong), I have not heard of.) I also heard this will be the shortest of the Harry Potter movies, which sort of makes me a little afraid.

I'll have to finish this rant later, my dad just called me. Adios.


Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 5:56 pm
by Jadeling
StarGazing101 wrote:I'm seeing Prisoner of Azkaban in the movies, but I'm afraid of how it will go since the Richard Harris died and Michael Gambon is now playing Dumbledore, but they've gotten some good actors from what I heard to play Trelawney, Sirius, and Lupin. (Like I know Gary Oldman is an awesome actor, I've seen his work, but the other two, Emma Thompson (?) and David Thelewis (? I know I got his last name wrong), I have not heard of.) I also heard this will be the shortest of the Harry Potter movies, which sort of makes me a little afraid.

I'll have to finish this rant later, my dad just called me. Adios.

Emma Thompson has done quite a few movies; somewhat surprised to learn you haven't seen any. She was in Much Ado About Nothing with Denzel Washington and her then husband, Kennith Brannagh, the last Defense Against the Dark Arts prof. Howard's End, Sense and Sensibility, Junior, Love Actually are just a couple of a long line of films. But to save you the trouble of watching, although, most of those films are really good, she's great.

I must admit, I don't know the other, David Thelewis and that scares me because Lupin is my favorite character and I want a good actor to play him![/i]

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:06 pm
by StarGazing101
Jadeling wrote:Emma Thompson has done quite a few movies; somewhat surprised to learn you haven't seen any. She was in Much Ado About Nothing with Denzel Washington and her then husband, Kennith Brannagh, the last Defense Against the Dark Arts prof. Howard's End, Sense and Sensibility, Junior, Love Actually are just a couple of a long line of films. But to save you the trouble of watching, although, most of those films are really good, she's great.

I must admit, I don't know the other, David Thelewis and that scares me because Lupin is my favorite character and I want a good actor to play him![/i]
I haven't seen any of those movies (wasn't interested), but I have heard of them. Yeah, I hope he's a good actor because as you said, Lupin is my favorite character too!


Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:00 pm
by Innocent Eyes
I love Harry Potter too. I have read books 1, 2 and 3 but as number 4 had run out I bought book 5 without reading the 4th and I'm afraid I'll be kind of confused!! Can anyone tell me story of the Goblet of fire so I can be a little more informed? :?
Thanks :D

Anyone has a favorite shipper? I personally worship Harry and Ginny. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:41 am
by starlady
Every Harry Potter book can stand on it's own. Each one covers a year in the life of Harry.
If you miss #4 you will not have a problem reading #5.
#4 was the first time "He who cannot be named" first appears in the flesh.
All the events takes place around a huge year long tournament that is taking place at Hogwarts. There is a death in the book that is refered to several times in book 5. It leaves a lasting impression on Harry.

Personally, I hate reading a book from a series, out of order. Even though #5 stands on it's own, it will inadvertantly have spoilers from book #4. If you don't think you will ever get around to reading The Goblet, then move on to The Phoenix, but if you think you can find The Goblet out there, hold out and read them in order.

Regardless how you read them, you will enjoy them both!

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 12:40 am
by LittleBit
I'm late to this conversation but I have to say that number 3 is my favorite, mostly because it deals with Harry learning about his family history. Most of the time he never asks questions unless it comes up during the story. If I was him and had found out that I had a life that was so much unlike the one I had been living up to that point, I'd want to find out everything possible about it.

Number 5 was good, but I think that Rowling made it a little too long. I understand that she was trying to unsettle Harry. Hogwarts is the only home he's ever known and she wanted to take that security blanket away from him and make it a place that he and the other students couldnt' stand to be at but after a while I was like, okay, move on.

I remember one thing that Rowling mentioned about the 6th book while doing an interview for the first movie. Does anyone want to hear it? It's a spoiler although very vague.

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 6:01 pm
by StarGazing101
I know many spoilers for book six already, but whatever you have to offer is okay with me. :)
