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Running Away (CC, M/L, ADULT) ~{COMPLETE}~

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 12:00 pm
by Innocent Eyes
Running Away

Author: Innocent Eyes, aka Tânia
Type: Fluff... of course!! For me the best kind of fics on earth... along with romance, of course. :wink: Hey, that is me!
Pairing: Max/Liz
Rating: ADULT
Summary: Max and Liz's love cannot move on with their parents' constantly trying to get them apart. The only way is... to run away. And start a new life, together.
Disclaimer: The author of this fan fiction does not own any aspect of Roswell. Those rights belong to Melinda Metz, Jason Katims, WB, UPN, 20th Century Fox, etc. Disclaimer added by moderator.

Author Notes: Just a short fluff thing I came up with after having a dream (which is mostly chapter 1 - the make out parts. Only here Liz didn't hide Max under her bed, like in my dream. It didn't get the chance ^-~). :D :P
I am sorry for any bad mistakes. I want so bad to get on quickly with the story to the point I want that right now my writing is kinda bad. I hope you understand. :roll: Thanks a whole bunch.
Anyway, hope you guys like it. Read on.


"Come in. My parents must be asleep already", Liz whispered, taking Max's hand and leading him into the house.
"Are you sure?", Max asked nervously.
"Huh-huh. Don't worry", Liz softly assured. "Come here. Let's go to my room", she said.
Max could not resist to that. He threw all his worries behind and entered inside Liz's room.
It was dark there, and the only light came from tiny little stars and moons glued to the ceiling. The atmosphere made them reach for each other and soon they were sharing a passionate kiss.
Liz ran her hand over the wall and a soft light ilumminated the room.
Max's tongue explored Liz's mouth with passion and she moaned softly, running her fingers through his dark messy hair.
She directed Max's head to her neck, and Max continued placing wet kisses down her collarbone, making Liz's cries get louder.
"Liz, your parents are home", Max reminded her softly, nearly out of breath.
"Sorry", she breathed. "Don't stop, Max. Please, don't stop".
As they were getting on with it, Max and Liz stumbled towards her bed and laid down heavily, not breaking their kisses.
"Liz", Max said breathlessly, "Are you sure? Do you really wanna do this? I mean we don't have to-"
"I do, Max", Liz affirmed. "I've been waiting for this pratically my whole life. I don't want to stop now. I can't".
Max smiled and started caressing her, this time not with the passion and fury they were kissing, but slowly and deeply. Max's hands were magic and Liz closed her eyes, arching her body to his every touch. Max's hot lips touched her belly button and he ran his tongue over her stomach, making his way up. Liz cried out in pleasure. Max's hot tongue on her cool skin made her jump.
Max covered her mouth with his, to keep her from crying out again and making them get caught. But it was too late.
"What the hell is going on here??!"
Liz opened her eyes and stared in horror, at her mother and father who had just entered in her room. Max quickly got up and Liz rearranged her clothes.
"What is he doing here, Liz?", Jeff demanded.
"Dad, dad I can explain", Liz began in panick.
"You sure can, when he gets the hell out of here!", Jeff yelled.
"Mr. Evans, we can explain", Max tried.
"I don't even want to hear a word coming of you. Get out of my house - now!"
Max and Liz exchanged a sad look.
"I love you", Max whispered, getting ready to leave. "We'll talk tomorrow".
"I love you too", Liz said. "Bye".
When Max had gotten out, Jeff and Nancy sat down on Liz's bed.
"Now, in what the hell were you thinking when you got that boy in your room?!", he demanded.
Liz said nothing. She knew it was pointless. Her father wasn't going to forgive her. So, she just looked down.
"Liz", Nancy insisted with softness.
"He's my boyfriend! I thought you'd at least have some little trust in me to let me bring him over!", Liz yelled.
"You're too young for that! You're only 17", Jeff pointed out.
"Almost 18! And I think that I'm grown up enough for taking care of what concerns me!", Liz went on.
"While you are under my roof, you follow my orders!", Jeff spat angrily. "And my order right now is that you're not to see that boy anymore."
"What? I'm not to see Max again??!", Liz repeated. Her voice broke with a sob and she felt her eyes fill with tears. Her dad could make her do anything he wanted. Anything at all. She would handle it. But not to be away from Max. They couldn't be parted. She was a part of him. He was a part of her. If she'd do that, she was sure she would die. It was just... cruel.
"Exactly. And tomorrow we're going to talk with his parents and when they know the whole story, I'm sure they will agree with me", Jeff concluded, getting up of the bed.
"Mom? Mom, please don't do this to me. Don't. I love Max. He's... my life", Liz begged, her voice getting weaker. Tears were softly rolling down her cheeks, but she was strongly trying to keep neutral in front of her mother and trying very hard to hold her crying.
"I'm sorry, honey", Nancy said sadly. "But it is for your own good".
She slowly got out of her daughter's bedroom and followed her husband over to hers.
In the moment she was left alone again, Liz let out a long, painful sob and started crying like she had never cried before. She couldn't be away of Max. They couldn't ask... tell her to do that. She just couldn't. At least she would be able to see Max in school the next day and she would be able to talk it over with him... and even cry a bit more. She'd always feel better when she cried in Max's arms. They made her feel so strong and secure. To remember Max, his tenderness, his sweetness, his deep, soft touch, made her sob once more. And so she cried all night long, until she fell asleep, exhausted.

A/N- Awww! I feel so mean! I'm really sorry for poor Liz. But it has to be like this. I don't know if her parents' would be that severe, but I guess they would, so!... I felt this chapter was awful, specially the you-know-what parts, and kinda jumpy sometimes... but what can I do! I hope it gets better next time I post. Please review, still I want to know what you guys think! But please be gentle...! :wink:

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 8:02 am
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- Thanks for reviewing!!! *muacks* The fluff will come later... this is gonna be short... I guess... :wink:


Morning. It was about time. Liz rubbed her tired eyes, who still had traces of all the tears she had cried last night, at the first sight of timid sunbeams who were getting in through the window. Now, all she wanted to do was to scoot over to school, find Max and talk to him. And make it very quick.
Liz was determined not to speak a word to her parents: not after what had just happened last night. She couldn't forgive them. And she wouldn't. Their fight last night still made her heart ache and brought up all the painful emotions she had experienced. So, she took a shower, got dressed, brushed her hair and, when she entered the kitchen to get breakfast, she saw her father at the table. None of them said a word. When her mother got inside, the silence still kept floating heavily above them.
When Liz got out of the house, she sighed with relief. She was going to see Max and that was starting to make her heart lighter, a little happier.
She entered the high school hallway, desperating looking around to catch a glimpse of Max. Finally, she saw him. Her heart twisted hard.
"Max! Max!", she yelled, scooting in his direction.
Max looked at her curiously. Liz couldn't help it. Just to be so close to him, just to look into his beautiful eyes, made her eyes fill with tears again.
"Liz? Liz, what's wrong?", Max asked concernedely. "Why are you crying?"
"Oh, Max", Liz sobbed. "If you could only know..."
"What's going on, Liz? Tell me. You know you can trust me. And if it is something serious, maybe I can help you... you know that, don't you?", Max insisted with softness.
Liz sobbed harder and nodded.
"Max, last night, when my parents caught us...", she began.
"Yes?", Max sweetly instigated.
"When you left, they had a talk with me and said I was not to see you again... ever", she sobbed again. The tears were now running down her face without any effort to hide them.
Max's expression became concerned.
"And my father- my father said that he would tell your parents and that he was sure they would agree with him when they knew all the story", Liz continued.
Max said nothing. He just hugged Liz tighter. He would never be able to let her go.
"Max, what are we gonna do?", Liz cried. "I can't leave you. I can't quit seeing you. You are my life, Max. And without you, I'll... I'll die. I love you..."
Max kissed her forehead.
"I love you too, Liz. So much. And I know I can never leave you. I won't. I can't. You are my only reason here, Liz. Without you, nothing will make sense anymore".
Liz buried her head on his chest, feeling Max's strong arms sweetly wrapped up around her. That made her feel so good. But then a worrying thought crept up.
"Max, how's it going to be when your parents know it?", she asked.
Max looked at her sadly.
"To tell you the truth, my parents have been suspicious of some things. They say I'm... I'm hanging with you too much. They don't even care when I say them that we're dating. They didn't use to be like that. I don't know what to do, Liz".
"They're gonna split us apart! I just know it! When my parents call them up and talk to them, I'm sure they'll agree to do the same thing and make us not see each other anymore!"
Just to think of it again made Liz start crying again.
"Shh, baby. It's okay. Cry. I'm here. I'll always be here for you, you know that, don't you, Liz? And I'll never let anything to get between us. It's okay..", Max sweetly whispered to comfort her.
Liz slowly stroked Max's face and noticed a tear behind his lashes.
"Don't cry, Max. Please don't. If you cry, I won't know what to do. Makes me feel even worse. Makes me feel there's no way out".
Max blinked.
"It's okay. It's over. We'll figure out a way to sort this. Of one thing I'm sure of, I won't let our parents get us apart".
Liz nodded.
"Promise me you'll calm down, ok? We'll still see each other in school, and we'll talk. I'll go home today and I'll talk with my parents, and if I notice that they've talked to your parents and made up their mind...", Max bit his lip for a second. "Then I'll talk to you and we will figure out a way. I promise".
Liz nodded again.
"Kiss me, Max. Please", she begged quietly.
Max united his lips to Liz's. The kiss was sweet and gentle at first, and then became more passionate as they urged for each other. Max sweetly broke the kiss.
"We gotta go. We'll see each other later, alright? You'll be okay?"
Liz nodded.
"Yeah", she said weakly.
"I love you", Max said.
"I love you too", Liz replied.

A/N. - Next chapter soon I hope... keep reviewing! The high point is close enough...! :wink:

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:34 am
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- Thanks for the reviews!!! *hugs everybody* Here's Chapter 3... the high point of the story is getting closer and closer... :D
Read on and enjoy!


"Liz, can you step over here for a minute?"
Liz heard her mother's voice outside. She bit her lip. She had no intention whatsoever to break her inner promise and start talking to her parents. And she was sure they were going to tell her something else about Max. Like, whose rules she was to follow now that they had talked with Max's parents. That if they walked by each other sometime they had to look down or look away, and that they had to pretend they didn't know each other, or...
"Liz? Did you hear me?"
Liz sighed.
"Comin'", she muttered.
She opened her door's room and poked outside.
"Yes? What did you want to tell me, mom?"
"Actually, your father also wants to talk to you", Nancy said, sort of shyly.
"I knew it", Liz thought. "I just knew he had something to say too".
She followed her mother to the living room and sat down on a couch.
"Yes?", she asked, not too enthusiasmed.
"I have talked to Max's parents", Jeff merely said.
Uh-uh. Nothing good could come out of that.
Liz remained silent.
"I have told them what happened yesterday. They said they really were not expecting their son's behavior to be like that." He paused. "And to get himself into your room all of a sudden.."
"But I was the one who asked him to come in!", Liz exclaimed, exasperated. She so wanted to cover Max's back that she decided to admit it straight way. She didn't even care anymore.
"What?", Nancy asked, looking like she didn't believe it.
"Yes! It was me! I thought you and dad were asleep and I said that he could come in, so what? We're dating!", Liz said, with her voice getting louder.
"Don't you realize that you're too young for getting a boy in your room already?", Nancy asked, also about to lose control.
Liz just shook her head and looked down to her feet.
"So", Jeff continued. "They agreed that it was best for both of us to you and Max stop seeing each other. He will not go to the Crashdown anymore, except if he has his parents with him. You're not to talk in school, unless you have some work to do in classes or something like that".
Liz closed her eyes and felt the tears start to join behind her lashes. Thankfully her long hair was covering up all her face and she was still staring at her feet.
Nancy and Jeff exchanged a quick glance. Nancy was worried and wanted to ask her daughter if she was alright. But she didn't. Jeff seemed also to suffer with that decision, but he said nothing to ease his daughter's pain.
"Why are you doing me this?", Liz asked with a broken voice.
"This is only for your good. Someday you will thank us", Jeff replied.
Liz lifted her head, the tears running down her face. She couldn't feel them. And she didn't care with hiding them from her parents.
"Can't you see that you're not helping me?! You're just destroying me!! Without Max near me I can't live! Don't you two understand that?! Don't you accept that we love each other??! Is it too hard to accept that I'm growing up??!", Liz asked angrily. The tears were running down more abundantly. "Is it too hard for you to accept this, dad?", she cried.
Jeff just stared at her with a sad look. He sensed how much his daughter was suffering with that decision. But he thought it would be better for her some way.
"Oh honey", Nancy said, getting up and trying to hug Liz. "I'm really sorry..."
Liz jerked away from her mother's arms and scooted off to her room. Her parents' had taken that decision without at least consulting her and caring a bit about her feelings. She was willing to do some craziness. She felt the anger boil inside her, feeling like she could kill only to be next to Max. She would do anything. And she was now ready to hear what Max had to say to her, the way he had figured out to be next to her, and she would do anything, anything at all, to keep on being next to him.


Next day, 4.30 p.m., high school

"Liz, do you have a minute?", Max said, rushing over Liz to catch her pace.
Liz closed her eyes and felt her heartbeat race. It was so weird to think that now talking to Max was forbidden. Not that she thought of him like that, but she couldn't help remembering her parents' words. And it still remained so... painful.
"Um, sure", she replied.
"Liz...", Max began. "I... don't know how to start..."
Liz shook her head.
"I know what you're gonna say, Max. My parents talked to yours. They told me last night".
"They told you we had to pretend we didn't know each other in school?", Max asked quietly, even though the pain was plain in his voice.
Liz nodded, also with pain in her eyes.
God, he just wanted to hold her and kiss her until he saw she was feeling better. But there was no way that Liz would feel better that soon. She was heartbroken. Just like him, by the way.
"Liz, you know I'll never able to do that".
Liz looked him in the eyes.
"Neither do I, Max. I will never be able to do that, and I won't. I don't want to be apart of you".
As a response, Max just held her for a while and Liz put her arms around Max's waist, until she felt all his warmth become a part of her.
"So I came up with a plan", Max continued.
Liz immediatly met his gaze again.
"I know it sounds kinda crazy, you might get scared".
What? Didn't he know that she would do anything to be next to him? Anything??!
"I won't. I will do anything to be with you, Max", she replied.
Max smiled and Liz smiled back at him, knowing that that smile was a way to say that he would do the same thing for her. And it felt so good, even though he hadn't said it.
"Liz... you know that soon high school will be over".
Liz nodded.
"I thought... I know it is crazy... Liz, since we won't be able to see each other anymore... at least, not here. So I thought... that the only way is to run away".
Liz gasped.
"I know, I know", Max simply replied. "I didn't mean to scare you or anything. I know you'll say no. It isn't something that gives security".
"No, Max", Liz said. "It's not me thinking it's crazy. For me anything is good if I get to be with you. Only... how could it work? Where would we live?"
"I've thought about everything", Max said. "We're both going to Medical School, right?"
"Yes", Liz said.
"And we've both been accepted in a college in Conneticut, right?"
Liz nodded more slowly. She was starting to get the point. And she was starting to think that maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
"Why don't we go there? We can work. We'll find some place to live. And...", he couldn't help grinning. "Remember I can turn stones into diamonds?"
Liz smiled lightly.
"I don't know... This is so... I don't know if this would ever work".
"We can give it a try. Please, Liz. It's the only way we can be together. I'd do anything for you, even if it is silly, or immature, or risky, or just... stupid."
Liz smiled.
"How could we possibly meet if now our parents' keep a sharp eye on us?"
"We can pick out a day next week, like, the prom, and I can tell you a hour and you meet me there and we just drive off".
"Um. Okay. I guess".
"I'm not really feeling like myself doing this", Max confessed with a smile.
Liz laughed. It was the first time she was laughing since the day her parents' had caught them.
"Neither do I!"
"We'll talk tomorrow here too, okay? Now I'm not even allowed to go to the Crashdown by myself..."
"Yes. I know", Liz replied sadly.


In the comfort of her own room, Liz thought about Max's proposal back a few hours ago, in school. They were known for being "Mr. and Mrs. Right", so methodical and sensible. Now, they were willing to do that... craziness to be together. She smiled. Funny what love could make even the most sensible people do. She wasn't sure if that was going to work out. Probably not. But she always trusted in Max's plans and she knew he would plan things to the milimmeter. She also knew he wouldn't suggest something so... radical, if it wasn't an extreme urgent case. She closed her eyes and took a deep, tranquil breath. However things would turn out to be, if she'd get to be with Max, it would always be good and right.

A/N.- Hey!... I know what you're probably thinking... that this is really, well, stupid, and that it's not going to work out because they're 17 and they can't live by themselves in a strange state and whatever... but hey! This is a fanfic! And it's Max and Liz... anyway, seriously, I just thought this was the most realistic (!) way to make them run away and be together. And, I'm not too sure if what Max turns into diamonds are stones, but if it isn't, I think it's something close to that. :) Don't flame on me because of that. The high point of the story: VERY close... next chapter, as a matter of fact. :D Thanks for reading!!

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 7:26 am
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- Finnally, the high point... the RunAway... Enjoy! :P

Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell or its characters, even though I'm going to keep on dreaming. And I don't own Delta Goodrem's song "Running Away".


Almost a week after Max had told her that they were going to run away, the prom day came and Liz was nervous, excited to begin a new life and at the same time, scared with that chance and leave behind all that she knew. That day, she skipped her father's protection and met Max in an isolated place, where they couldn't be caught by someone who knew them.
"Tonight", Max reminded her.
Liz nodded slowly. Max, however, noticed that something wasn't right with her.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm scared, Max", Liz merely said.
Max nodded silently. He knew how she felt. He was kind of feeling the same away.
"I know", he softly replied. He took her hand in his and kissed it sweetly. "Everything's gonna be fine, you'll see. Do you trust me?"
"I trust you", Liz replied, looking him in the eyes. It was true.
"What about Maria, Michael and Isabel? Are we going to tell them? We have to. They are our friends. We've always trusted them and them in us. And they've always been here for us".
Max bit his lip.
"We have to keep this secret".
"I know, but they are our friends", Liz insisted.
Finally, Max nodded.
"Okay. You're right. I'm going to tell Isabel and I'll tell her to announce the others."
Liz nodded sadly and looked down. "I wish I could say goodbye to Maria".
"We can't waste too much time", Max said, although looking also sad for not being able to say their goodbyes properly. "Do-- do your parents know-- that you're not going to the prom?"
Liz shrugged.
"I said them I didn't want to go 'cause I didn't feel like partying, and if I wouldn't get to go with you, I wouldn't go anyway. And they said better, 'cause they wouldn't let me anyway. To go with you. So I guess they think I'm going to spend the night watching TV".
Max sighed.
"This will be better for us", he said.
Liz slowly met his gaze.
"So. Where do we meet today?"
Max told her a place that was far enough from her house to get caught. "I'll be waiting there. You'll see the Jeep. 10.15 p.m."
Liz nodded.
Max stroked her face with tenderness.
"Don't worry. This is gonna work out fine. I feel it".
Liz hugged him, not wanting to let him go for that couple of hours. But she knew she had to. At least, until that night.


9.45 p.m. ~ Liz's room

Liz bit her lip nervously, feeling her hands trembling and drop everything she'd touch. Damn. She wouldn't get too far if she'd keep like that. She had to have some self-control. She was good at that. She'd be able to do that this time too.
Liz looked at her backpack, stuffed with her best clothes and every memory that she had of Max. Even though they were going to leave together, she didn't want to leave any trace of him behind. Then she noticed that her diary was still lying on her desk. She smiled lightly. How could she forget? She stuffed the diary into the backpack and looked around. Everything ready. She put on her denim jacket and tossed aside her long straight dark hair. She bit her lip again. Now it was the hardest part. Saying her written goodbyes.
She took a pen, a piece of paper and began writing, feeling the emotion start to boil inside her, as if it was something alive:


I feel coward to do this, but I didn't want to leave without at least saying you a goodbye. I know how will you and dad react. But I just had to do this. Being with Max is not dangerous for me, dangerous is being away from him. That kills me. He is like the air I breathe, and you can't take the air that someone breathes. Don't worry about me (although I know you and dad will) - this is the best way and believe I am happier this way. Even after of all that you and dad made me suffer, I understand. You were worried. But now it's time to live my life, the way I want, with someone that I love deeply, and that makes me happy.
I'm sorry it had to be this way. There was no other choice left. Don't you think it doesn't hurt me. But I will never forget you or dad. I love you.

Missing you already,

Now she had to leave a note also to Maria. She was her best friend and it made her heart ache not being able to say goodbye to her. So at least she would say something to her, even if it was written, because she didn't know when would she see Maria again. Liz's heart twisted in pain at that thought.

Dear Maria,

I know you're going to freak out when you read this and I will not be there to explain. Don't think this was a decision taken easily. It hurts so much to leave my parents, you, Michael, Isabel, and all of my friends. But it's time for me and Max to be happy and if our parents won't let us, we'll run away. It scares me not to know when I'll see you again. But once we have our life settled, I'll come back to visit you. I promise.
Be happy with Michael, because you surely deserve it, and remember I will never, ever forget you. I love you.

Lots of love from your friend who'll think about you all the time,

Liz slowly opened her door's room. It was a very good thing her parents' would go to bed so early. She left the note on her bed, knowing that in the morning, when they didn't see her, they would probably go check in her room and spot the note.
She grabbed her backpack and Maria's note, opened her house's door very slowly and left after taking the last glance up from her tears. She knew that, despite it all, she would miss her parents and her home.


When she noticed she was far enough from home, Liz started running with all her strenght. She knew Maria would be at the prom, but she didn't want to knock and face Amy. She couldn't take the risk of somebody knowing her and Max's plan. She tucked the note under Maria's door and looked around, her tears almost running down her face. God, it hurted so much to say goodbye to the people she loved the most. It was like she was dying inside. But she had no choice. It had to be that way. She gently took her fingers to her lips and placed a light kiss on Maria's note. She would miss her and the others terribly.


I close my eyes and make a wish for
Inner peace and tranquillity inside
My mind I feel it’s changing
Breaking down the defences of my heart
It’s like a new adventure
And this is my life
No longer know the girl inside
The stranger in my mind

Liz got to the place Max had settled and she recognized the figure of Bob far away. Max got out of the jeep and when he noticed her, he ran to her and held her tight for a long time.
"I can't believe you're here", he whispered, smoothing her hair. "I don't ever want to lose you again."
"You will never lose me, Max", Liz smiled. "Ever. I'm here. We're going to start a new life".
Max smiled and took her hand.
"Come on", he whispered, opening the door to Liz's side.
"You ready? Are you sure?", he asked one last time.
Liz nodded.
"Let's just go".
Max took her hand and kissed it, and Liz smiled, knowing how important it was that for him. And her, by the way.
With that, they drove off. To an unknown state for them, but where they would start a new life. And who knows, be happily ever after. Because they deserved it.

I’m running away
Running away from you
Though I beg you to stay
I’m running away from you
I’m running away
From predictable
Miss reliable
So methodical
Wanna be individual
And original
So radical
And desirable


A/N.- HA! FInnally! The HIGH POINT!! :wink: Please drop a reply, you know you want to... :D [/i]

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:22 am
by Innocent Eyes
A/N. - This will be probably one of the last chapters. I said it was going to be short. :D Also, M/L first time.God help me. :P I hope it gets good, though. :)
A/N 2.- After so much angst, I hope that the fluff eventually begins here!!! :D


Houston, Texas, 11.10 p.m.

Max and Liz drove silently for a while. Liz looked lost in her thoughts, and Max didn't want to interrupt whatever she might be thinking of. He understood she might be already missing home and her friends. He, himself, was already missing Michael and Isabel, and his parents.
When they drove by a Drive-In, Max shyly cleared his throat and asked "Um, uh, Liz... are you hungry?"
Liz turned to him with sad eyes. Then she smiled, and Max felt that smile warm up his heart.
"A little", she admitted.
"Would you like some McDonalds junk?", he asked with a joky smile.
"That'd be great", Liz smiled.
When she saw Max taking out of his pocket some money, she asked, with worry in her face:
"Max, do you have enough money? From Texas to Conneticut it'll be a while, a long while, and we'll have to spend lots of gas".
Max's response was a light smile and he replied, "Don't worry".
And Liz trusted him. That was amazing. It didn't matter what they were at, he always made her trust him.
“So, what do you want?”, Max broke Liz’s thoughts.
“What do I want?”, Liz repeated.
Max smiled sweetly.
“What do you wanna eat”.
Liz smiled.
“Oh. A cheeseburger. And a coke. Oh, and a Sundae”.
“Chocolate sundae?”, Max teased.
Liz smiled.
Max ordered what they’d just asked, and Liz stared at him. Looking at him, she didn’t regret at all having run away. She had the man she loved next to her, so close that she could hardly believe it. She noticed how his muscles ripped when he stretched his arm to take the Sundae. She felt the butterflies starting to rush on her stomach, and she felt her body fill with other thing... desire. She wanted Max. So bad. Since the day they had been slipt apart, she’d been thinking over and over how would it be like to make love to Max, and being in his sweet arms, feeling all his love, tenderness and warmness. She shook her head, trying to wake up. Luckily, now that they were together, it wouldn’t last long to make that dream come true. At least she hoped so.
“Yeah, umh, sorry”, she said, grasping the cheeseburguer away from him. “Sorry”, she said again, blushing.
Max smiled softly.
“Up in the clouds?”
Liz smiled.
“What were you thinking about?”, Max asked, with a note of tease in his voice.
“Thinking about you”, Liz replied with a smile, taking up to her mouth a spoon of chocolate Sundae.
Max smiled.
“You got chocolate on your chin”, he noticed.
“Whe-“, Liz began. Max joined his lips to hers, finishing with a quick lick on her chin. “Right there. Done”.
Liz smiled weakly, still breathless and trying to calm down the waves of desire that were pumping through her body.
They stopped for a while, eating in silence. Liz’s hunger had doubled in the last three minutes, and she devoured her cheeseburguer, while Max stared at her, slurping his coke.
“Liz?”, he asked.
Liz stopped eating and asked softly, “Yes?”
“Do you regret this?”, Max asked. “I mean, I know I’ve asked it before, but I just want you to know that I understand if you feel...”
“Shh, Max”, Liz sweetly placed two fingers on Max’s lips. “It’s okay. I’m alright. I would never regret being with you. I love you. I’d do anything for you”.
Max smiled and, in one breath, blurted out: “Do you wanna marry me?”
Liz gasped, staring at him as if he had gotten crazy. Maybe it had been too much Coke.
Hadn’t it?...
“What?! Max, have you gone mad?”
“I love you. You love me. We’re 17 and I think we know what we’re doing. Being your husband would let me the happiest man in the world”.
Liz smiled softly. Being Mrs. Evans didn’t sound bad at all.
“Max, our parents don’t know. We don’t have rings—“
“Just check this out”, Max beamed. He picked up little metal pieces who were lying on the ground, squeezed them in his hand and when he opened it, there were two beautiful silver rings with an M and an L decorating them, laying on his palm.
“Oh, Max”, Liz breathed. “They’re beautiful...”
“So, will you marry me now?”, Max tried to joke, but he had never been so serious.
Liz bit her lip. That probably wouldn’t work out. But she had thought exactly the same when Max had suggested that they should run away. And she thought “screw it”, and took a chance, because she loved him. She had done what her heart had asked for. And now, maybe she should do the same. The idea of being Max’s forever was very appealing. Getting married at 17? She smiled. She never thought of that before. But it sounded beautiful. So romantic. Like in those old love novels.
“Yes, Max”, she finally said. “I want to marry you. I wanna be yours. Forever”.
Max smiled happily and, sweetly cupping her face with his hands, placed a gentle kiss on her lips.


Lately I’m so tired
If I took it all I’ll warn you
I never meant to
If you ever felt like I’d ignore you
No my life is all you

So put your best dress on
And wrap yourself in the arms of someone
Who wants to give you all the love you want

Tonight, I’m gonna make it up to you
Tonight, I’m gonna make love to you
Tonight, you’re gonna know how much I miss you, baby
Tonight, I dedicate my heart to you
Tonight, I’m gonna be a part of you
Tonight, you’re gonna know how much I miss you,
And I miss you so

Max stared with a wide smile lighting up his face, as Liz began to walk slowly towards him, as if she was being led by unhearable music. And she had never looked so beautiful. She was wearing a long frilled white skirt and a white top, walking with her bare feet and with her long dark hair simply free, ilumminating her beautiful face, and holding a while lily on her hand.
Max thought that they had been lucky. Fortunately they had their ID’s and birth certificates. He smiled to himself when he showed that they also had theirs parents’ permission. He knew that Liz had been staring at him at the moment. She probably knew that those papers had been a little mixed by him. But he would do anything to go ahead and fulfill that dream.
“Do you, Maxwell Evans, take this woman to be your wife?”
Max looked at Liz and smiled.
“I do”.
“Do you, Elizabeth Parker, take this man to be your husband?”
Liz smiled at Max.
“I do”.
“By the power vested in me by the state of Texas, I now pronounce you man and wife”. He smiled at Max. “You may now kiss the bride”.
Max looked at Liz smiling, their eyes shiny with tears of happiness. He cupped Liz’s face gently and kissed her sweetly, but passionately... the first kiss of their new life together. Despite it all, since she had ran away, Liz had only had happy moments.
Max held out his hand to Liz, who took it, and they walked hand in hand out of the Wedding Chapel.

I don’t wanna act like
I know that you’d be mine forever
Though I hope it’s forever
Don’t want you to feel like
I’d take you for granted
Whenever we are together

So put your best dress on
And wrap yourself in the arms of someone
Who wants to give you all the love you want

Tonight, I'm gonna make it up to you
Tonight, I'm gonna make love to you
Tonight, you're gonna know how much I miss you, baby
Tonight, I dedicate my heart to you
Tonight, I'm gonna be a part of you
Tonight, you're gonna know how much I miss you
And I miss you so

Oh yeah
So put your best dress on
And wrap yourself in my arms of my love

Tonight, I'm gonna make it up to you
Tonight, I'm gonna make love to you
Tonight, you're gonna know how much I miss you, baby
Tonight, I dedicate my heart to you
Tonight, I'm gonna be a part of you
Tonight, you're gonna know how much I miss you

Tonight, I'm gonna make it up to you
Tonight, I'm gonna make love to you
Tonight, you're gonna know how much I miss you, baby
Tonight, I dedicate my heart to you
Tonight, I'm gonna be a part of you
Tonight, you're gonna know how much I miss you
And I miss you so


“I can’t believe we’re married”, Liz sighed happily.
“Neither do I”, Max agreed. “But it has been a really good feeling so far”.
“Definetively”, Liz smiled.
As it was really late, they decided to spend the night on a guesthouse. Not their dream place, but it wasn’t bad for their wedding night either.
“We’re here”, Max announced, unlocking the door of the room that belonged to them that night.
“Better than I imagined”, Liz observed.
“Yeah”, Max agreed.
They looked at each other for a couple of seconds. Liz looked away, blushing, and started unpacking.
The room went silent for some minutes, until Max’s voice rose, strong and clear:
”I want you, Liz.”
Liz closed her eyes, her back turned on him. She had been waiting all her life to hear that, although she knew, deep inside of her, that Max felt it.
She turned slowly and said what her heart and body felt:
”I want you too, Max. So much...” she began when she saw Max coming closer and closer to her. “So much...”, she repeated, before having her lips glued to Max’s.
Shyly, she began to run her hands over his chest. His perfect, muscular chest. Just to know that in a few seconds she would see that beautiful chest bare, she felt the butterflies rushing on her stomach. But she had waited so long for that night. She didn’t want to miss a thing. Max looked at her anticipatively, but letting her get comfortable and explore. He felt his body shiver when he felt Liz’s touch, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, which fell onto the floor. She stared at him in awe, feeling the butterflies going crazy on her stomach. Max noticed that something was going on with her and asked softly:
”Are you nervous?”
Liz looked at him for a while, then nodded slowly.
“A little”.
“Are you scared?”, he went on, introducing his hands softly under Liz’s top, reaching for her bra.
Liz shivered, when she felt Max’s strong hands touching her softly, but it was the most intense thing she had ever felt. And it felt so good.
“No”, she breathed. “I’m not scared”.
Max bent to kiss her neck, then he gently bit her ear. Liz felt the desire tingle in every inch of her, so clearly, and rose her arms, caressing his rigid back, pulling him close to her. Max continued to kiss her all the way, making her feel shivers to the top of head, till the tip of her toes. It felt so good. She began to lose the shyness and aching more and more for Max. When Max’s strong hands began to lift her top up, he looked at her, making sure she was ready and did want that. She nodded. “Yeah”, she whispered. “Take this off”.
Max did so, leaving her with an also white bra, who’d bring out her beauty and pureness. And she was his... she was going to be his. Liz, his wife, his lover, his friend. And she was going to be a woman for the first time in his arms. It was just too good to believe.
Sensing that things were going to take a deeper lever very soon, Liz put her arms around Max’s neck, who carried her and placed her on the bed. For some moments, they didn’t say or do a thing. Liz caressed slowly Max’s strong arm, making him grow deep down more and more. Max was ready to lift up her long skirt and caress her leg. He was longing for that so much, but at the same time he was enjoying being just like that.
“Are you sure, Liz?”, he asked one last time. He wasn’t going to forgive himself if she did that without being ready.
Liz nodded.
“I am”, she said. “I couldn’t be any more ready. I’ve dreamed of this every night, Max. Every long, lonely light, since we got caught. I’ve been longing for you ever since. So much it aches inside”.
Max didn’t need to hear more. Hearing those words was blissful. He kissed her on the lips, this time with passion and desire, slowly caressing her leg, going higher as he heard her soft moans. When he reached her panties, he heard Liz moan louder.
“Take the skirt off, Max”, she urged, her eyes dark with desire. “Please, take it off”.
He did as he was told, leaving Liz with her white panties, looking like an angel. A beautiful dark-haired angel, who loved him and who was now his wife.
Liz continued to caress Max’s back, feeling his manhood pressed against her, making her ache for him even more, but she didn’t want to hush things, and neither did Max.
Max kissed her, now trying to unhook her bra. As he did so, he stared at Liz, not believing in what he was seeing.
“What?”, Liz asked worriedly. Hadn’t he liked what he had just seen? Maybe she wasn’t good enough for him. She had always realized that. Was it possible Max thought she was just another ‘skinny chick’?
“Nothing”, Max whispered, smiling to tranquilize her. “It’s just... you’re so beautiful.”
Liz smiled. “I thought you weren’t liking me... that you hadn’t liked what you had seen”.
”Never”, Max smiled. “If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t do... this”, he said, reaching for Liz’s hardened nipple and running his tongue slowly across it, making Liz moan louder. “Oh God, Max”, she whimpered. “That feels... that feels... oh my God!”
Max smiled, still with his tongue on her nipple, sucking softly, then a little harder. Liz ran her hands through his hair, begging him to go on. That was the best thing she had ever felt in her life. Max’s tongue was... was just magical. When it touched her skin, she’d just go crazy.
“You drive me crazy, Max”, she breathed.
He smiled and stopped for a while.
“I’m glad you let me know”, he grinned. “So I can go on—can’t I?”
“Please”, Liz moaned. “Please go on”.
Max smiled “You told me to”, he warned, and started sucking softly the other nipple, circling it with his tongue, making her almost rip his hair off, she was pulling it so hard.
“Easy, baby”, he sweetly reminded her.
“Sorry”, Liz breathed. “I’m sorry”.
“It’s okay”; Max smiled. “I don’t mind. It’s actually good... to know that you... like it”.
“I love it”, Liz sighed. Then she grinned. “But now it’s revenge time”.
Max arched his eyebrows.
“Revenge time?”
Liz nodded. “Huh-uh. Cuz you made me go crazy, and now it’s my turn... I just don’t know if I’m going to be as good as you”.
“Try it”, Max suggested with a grin.
Liz smiled, positioning herself so she could be in the top of him instead. She began by kissing him on the lips, playing with his tongue, teasing him. Max’s hands ran hungrily over Liz’s hips, reaching for the panties’ elastic.
“Uh-uh”, Liz replied teasingly. “Not yet. It’s my turn now”.
Max sighed, grinning at her. “Oh. Sorry”.
“Don’t worry”, Liz assured. She started running her lips across Max’s cheeks, softly, then by his lips, his forehead, his ears, his nose, his chin.
“I’m drooling you”, Liz giggled.
“No, not at all”, Max replied. “Go on—”
Liz directed her lips below, over his neck, that beautiful neck of his, and then down to his chest. God. Just what she had been waiting for. The butterflies started going crazy again on her stomach, as she approached her lips of Max’s rich colored chest, so tanned and perfect and muscular and...—
“God, Liz”, Max moaned. “God...”
Liz’s tongue darted across Max’s chest. She couldn’t take it any longer. She began by licking softly, and as Max’s moans got louder and more frequent, she half smiled while she licked harder, then going down again, towards the dark line of hair that began on his belly button and disappeared down there... just looking at it made her mouth water. She wanted to explore that place too. But maybe she should take a little more time, just to tease him for a little bit more...
“You’re gonna drive me crazy that way, Liz”, Max warned breathlessly.
“I’m just doing what you’ve done to me”, Liz replied innocently, starting to unzip his pants.
“Oh my God”, Max began, his erection getting bigger and stronger just to feel Liz’s fingers. She pulled his pants off as quickly as she could, then looking at Max up and down, as if she couldn’t believe that he was yours and was there, ready to make love to her.
“I need to kiss you, Liz”, Max said, his voice harsh.
Liz smiled.
“Kiss me”.
Max took her in his arms and kissed her passionately, now running his hands all through her body, gently bitting the tip of her ears, kissing her neck, her stomach, letting his tongue slide on the places he knew Liz liked.
“Max...”, she moaned, running softly her fingers through his hair, pushing his head down. Max started pulling softly her panties down. After a moment of hesitation, that Max respected, Liz ended up saying: “Yeah. Go on.”
“I won’t do anything you don’t want to, Liz”, Max said.
“It’s okay”, Liz smiled with all of that tenderness and respect. “I want to”.
Max removed her panties completely, leaving her naked. Liz felt a shiver down her spine, being naked and being looked at by Max as if she was a Godess.
“God, Liz”, he murmured, in awe. “You’re so beautiful...”
Liz gave him a sweet smile and pulling him closer to her, whispered in his ear, while softly stroking his hair: “Take me, Max”.
Max looked at her, as confirming what she had just said.
Liz nodded in confirmation, repeating: “Make me yours, Max”.
Max caressed her face sweetly, kissed her and said: “Don’t worry, I’ll go slow”.
Liz nodded, biting her lip. How many times she had dreamed with that moment, the moment she would be Max’s and he would be hers, as one. The anticipation made her heart twist, spreading the butterflies once more. But, as many of other girls, she was also scared of that moment, scared that it might hurt too much or that it wouldn’t be as she had imagined.
She gasped when she felt Max entering gently inside her, trying as hard as he could not hurting her. She felt a stab of pain that made the tears sting her eyes. It was more of uncomfortableness that anything else, but it still hurted.
“Liz, are you okay?”, Max asked worriedly, seeing her eyes fill with pain.
“Hmm”, Liz murmured, trying to relax.
“I don’t want to hurt you”, Max whispered. “If you want to, I can stop”. He wouldn’t forgive himself if he kept on hurting her. He’d rather stop, than make Liz umconfortable, even if, despite he was a little nervous himself, that was one of the best feelings he had ever had... until that moment.
“No”, Liz whispered. “I don’t want you to stop. I just want us to be like this... together... it isn’t hurting anymore”.
Max started moving slowly, letting Liz get used to him inside her. A low gasp escaped from Liz’s throat, when she started feeling clearly Max inside her. It was wonderful. So much better than she had ever dreamed of. Max and her were as one, one only human being. It was a connection deeper than anything else, and as she started getting used to the feeling, she started aching for more.
“Max...”, she murmured. “This feels so..”
“I know”, Max whispered. “It’s so... feels so good”.
Liz started to feel the orgasm building inside her, as Max started moving a little faster.
“Like that, Max”, she urged. “Just like that. Don’t stop... don’t stop...”
“I won’t”, Max assured. “I’m not going to stop. I can’t..”
Liz smiled, moaning passionately.
“God, Max...”
The orgasm was now coming faster, covering each inch of them, the most delicious, powerful pleasure they had ever felt. They felt like they were floating above everything, heading towards heaven, as their bodies shone with a mysterious light.
Liz arched her body, wondering what had that light been, tiny drops of sweat dripping off her forehead, digging her fingernails into Max’s back and opening her legs a little more, which made him move even faster.
Liz cried out his name as the orgasm exploded inside her. It felt so good, she didn’t want that to stop. It was a dream.
As the storm slowly went away, Max slowly rolled off of Liz, his face and body sweaty, which made Liz think that he looked even more irresistible. They remained in silence for a while, enjoying the warmness of each other’s bodies.
Max stroked Liz’s back slowly, kissing the top of her head.
“It was wonderful”.
“Yes”, Liz smiled. “It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever done. The most magical thing I’ve ever felt. You are magic, Max”.
Max smiled.
“I’m so glad you’re the only I’ve done this with for the first time, and that you’ll always be the only I’ll make love to”.
“Me too”, Liz smiled, feeling Max’s strong arms wrap tighter around her waist, feeling that delicious heat.
“I love you Liz”, Max said. “With all my heart, body and soul. Always”.
“I love you too, Max”, Liz said, feeling her eyes starting watering with tears of happiness. “So much. With all of me. And I will always belong to you”.
Feeling their hearts light with happiness and joy, they fell asleep in each other’s arms, thanking God they had finally gotten to be together without barriers, forever.

A/N. 3- Not the best first time, but I guess it isn’t that bad, although I think I could have been better. :? Oh well, I hope you guys have enjoyed it, get ready for the next chapter... the fluffy little things are starting to appear... In my opinion, though. :D Maybe the marriage hasn’t been the most realistic thing, but I’m an hopeless romantic, so I couldn’t help it. :D Thanks for reading!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 1:23 pm
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- New chapter! It’s getting close of the end. Please leave some feedback people!!! *I need feedback!!!* :D Sorry. I know it sounds pathetic to beg. I think I’m getting desperate. :lol:


Liz slowly opened her eyes, wondering where she was. She rotated her eyes around, not recognizing the place. Then a vivid flash crossed her mind. She had run away. With Max. They had driven towards Texas, where they were. And – oh God – they had gotten married! And they – they had made love for the first time. She remembered it now so clearly. Her heart twisted in her chest, filling her with a nice and warm sensation. She was happy like she hadn’t been for a long time. Maybe she had never been as happy as she was now.
She felt fingers gently stroking her stomach, below her belly button, making her shiver with tickling and bringing back the desire that had burnt her last night.
“Max, stop, you’re tickling me”, she giggled softly, turning around to face Max. He had never looked so beautiful before. He smiled at her – a sweet smile, the one smile he’d always give her – and kissed her softly on the lips: “Good morning”.
Liz ran softly her hand across Max’s cheek, smiling, and replied: “Good morning”.
Max pulled her close, wrapping her in his arms, and they stayed like that for a while, still tasting the happiness of the previous night.
“I don’t even want to get up anymore”, Liz confessed, stroking his back. “I just want to lie down like this..., by your side, for the rest of my life”.
“Me too”, Max said. Then, after another moment of silence, he added: “But we’ve got to get going today”.
Liz sighed.
“Yes. I know”. She remained silent for a while, then said: “Max, I have to ask you something”.
Max tenderly made her face him and said, inciting her trust: “Yes? You can ask me anything”.
“Do you have an idea of the time we’ll spend to get to Conneticut. It will be a very long way. I was wondering—I don’t know if we’ll be able to make it, you know, just the two of us”.
“I understand”, Max said. Then he smiled. “But I’ve already thought about that”.
Liz arched her eyebrows:
”You have?”
Max smiled.
“Yes. I think it’ll be a week until we get to Conneticut or so. Face it that way... it’ll be like it was our honey moon. A long honey moon. Just the two of us...”
Liz smiled at that prospect, burying herself into Max’s arms.
“Hmmm. That way it sounds really good...”
“It does, doesn’t it?”, Max asked, kissing her hair softly, while he caressed her all the way.
“But I know you’re worried about the money, though”, Max said. “I’m right, isn’t it?”
He felt Liz nod against his chest. “Well, yea, a little”.
“Well, don’t worry, I’ve gathered all the money I could take. My money, in case you’re wondering if I’ve stolen anybody. I guess it’ll all work out for us pretty well. And as a last resort, I’ll still have my powers”.
Liz giggled.
“Okay. I’m glad I’ve married you, Mr. Sensible. That way I don’t need to worry about anything”.
Max kissed the top of her head.
“It’s you that keeps me going on, Liz”.


Not too long after that, Max and Liz left the guesthouse (although Liz had worried a lot about the blood spread on the sheets) and got ready to leave the state of Texas, heading then towards Louisiana, Mississipi, Tenessee and all of the other south states until they’d made their way to Connecticut.
They had been suddenly made to stop in their way along Virginia because Liz had been feeling sick lately.
“What’s wrong, Liz?”, Max asked concerndly, staring at her pale face and the look in her face.
“I— I don’t know. I’m feeling kind of sick, I guess”, Liz replied weakly.
“You really don’t look the same”, Max observed carefully.
“I don’t feel the same”, Liz replied. She clapped a hand to her mouth, trying to keep something to spread all over. “Oh God”, she said.
“Liz?—", Max began.
“God I need to throw up”, Liz blurted out, and stormed towards the Ladies’ Room of a convenience store.
Max couldn’t follow her, and he thought it was better not to, since Liz looked really bad. Better leave her alone for a while and let her do her own thing. She had been feeling that way some days since they had left Texas. What was that? He couldn’t help worrying about her. Could it be—... Oh God! Oh God! Would that be what he was just thinking of?!


Liz took a hand to her mouth, exausted after throwing up. It wasn’t usual her feeling that sick and throwing up like there was no tomorrow. She had feeling a little sick a couple of days after leaving Texas, but nothing as big as that. She felt dry and empty after that. “God, I feel like I’m dead”, Liz lamented mentally, while softly massaging her temples. What could that be?! Could it be—...? Oh God! Could it be what she was just thinking of? Could it actually be it??!


3 years later

Danbury, Connecticut

Liz walked towards home, smiling at the picture she could have a sight of from her window. Then she slowly stepped outside, breathing in the sweet Spring breeze, and walking towards the large lake who’d just stay right in front of her house.
Her smile widened and her pace quickned to reach a little kid who was playing by the lake, giggling happily and feeding the ducks. The child turned around and, when she saw Liz, her eyes lit up and she ran to her, with a huge, bright smile, while burying herself in Liz’s arms:
”Mommy! You’re home!”
“Hi, sweetie”, Liz smiled, kissing the top of the little girl’s head. “Yes, I’m home”.
“I’ve missed you”, the little girl said.
“I’ve missed you too, my little flower”, Liz tenderly replied, gently stroking the soft, round cheek of the little girl.
“Daddy said he had a lot of work today, but that he’d try to go back home as soon as he can”, the little girl told Liz.
“Thanks for letting me know, honey”, Liz smiled. “Where’s Alice?”
“Well, I told her to leave me feed the ducks and play by myself for a little while...”, the little girl confessed, looking carefully at her mother. “Sorry, mama... I know you said I shouldn’t... but she isn’t far away, look, I can see her from here!”
Liz got up and waved at the old housekeeper, who was also her daughter’s baby sitter when she and Max were still in college. Then she smiled condescendingly at the little girl. “Alright, Violet, it’ll pass this time. But from now on I want you to play outside and keep yourself always next to Alice, ok?”
Violet nodded.
“Now, do you want to stay here with Alice for a little bit more or do you want to go back home?”
Violet smiled at Liz pleadingly.
“I wanna stay here a little more. Can I, mommy?”
Liz stroked her daughter’s hair.
“Of course you can, sweetie. I’ll be watching you through the window. Keep close to Alice, alright?”
Violet nodded.
“I will”. She ran towards Alice but turned around and yelled at Liz: “Alice made my favorite cake! But we saved some slices for you and daddy”.
Liz smiled.
“Thanks, sweetheart, I’ll go have one in a minute”.
Liz smiled again, giving one last glance at her daughter, and went inside. She saw the cake on the table, already divided into slices for her and Max. She smiled. Although Violet was so little, she was already responsible and liked to share. “Just like her father”, Liz thought innerly, and couldn’t help beaming lightly.
Although Violet hadn’t been at all expected, she and Max agreed, especially now, that she had been the best thing that ever happened to them. Max often used to say that he was blessed, because he had gotten everything he wanted and loved the most in a little amount of time. Liz knew of what he was talking about. What Max meant was that they had run away and gotten to be together at last, but that had also gotten married and made love for the first time, everything in the same day. And, some time later, he had found out that he was going to have a child. They were experiencing the purest happiness in the world. They were also facing the hard times and responsabilities of life, with only 17, but it had been a risk they had wanted to take. And they never regreted it, even after all of those years. They had always been together and helped and supported each other, and still had their child to help them keeping going. Liz sat on a chair, by the kitchen table, and closed her eyes, with a light smile ilumminating her face, remembering the past. It had been 3 years since they had left New Mexico, a run-away carefully planned, on a Spring night – like now – the prom night, where all the students were trying dresses and tuxes on and getting ready for a new life in college. In that time, Max and Liz were more worried about making their love survive and resist to the barriers that were placed in their way. Luckily, they had succeeded.
Liz found out the was pregnant when they were almost in Connecticut, in Pensylvannia. She already sensed it, deep down inside of her, but she decided to take a pregnancy test, just in case, without telling a word to Max, although she knew he was already suspicious. When it came positive, Liz did not know what to think. She felt like crying and laughing – crying and laughing with hapiness, happy that it was Max’s child she was carrying, but she was also worried and stressed that, if they hardly knew how to live a new life and in a unkown state, just the two of them, having to work hard to keep the payments of the house they’d just rented and having also to study every day and night, let alone also raising a child. Everything had turned out alright for them, though. Liz used to say that the luck was on their side.
When she told Max she was pregnant, his reaction was pretty much the same of hers, but he hadn’t stayed angry at all. Even though he was already suspicious of a pregnancy, hearing that that was really true after all caused more impact. At least that was what Liz had thought. She sat back and relaxed, still smiling with her eyes closed. It was time to come back defenitively to the past... 3 years ago, when she found out she was pregnant with Violet.

~ Flashback ~

Liz laid the pregnancy test down and covered her head with her hands. She knew that she was happy, but also worried. How would Max react to that? She had to tell him, and do it right away.
Oh God he was home.
“I’m here, Max”, her voice came soft and calm, despite it all. “In the bathroom”.
She heard Max’s footsepts becoming closer.
“Come in”, she said.
Max opened the door and stared at her, smiling.
“Hey. How are you?”. Liz was quiet for a while, and Max’s face become serious. “What. Is it because of your… feeling sick lately again? I thought you said you were feeling a little better”.
“I thought so”, Liz replied. “Look, Max, I have something important to tell you... something that I’ve found out today”.
Max noticed it was serious and sat on the board of the bathtub.
“You can tell me, Liz”.
Liz bit her lip, feeling her heart beating nervously.
“Max, I don’t know where to start... I guess the worse is that I don’t know how you will react... if you’re going to blame me or...”
Max got up and cupped her face sweetly, giving her his trusting and sweet look that made her melt.
“Whatever it is, Liz, you know you can trust me. You always could. No matter what it is, I’ll be here for you”.
Liz gave him a grateful look in return, and then took a deep breath.
“Max, I’m... I’m pregnant”.
Max’s eyes became huge and stared at her like he didn’t know what that could possibly mean.
“Pregnant? Oh God, are you—are you sure?”
Liz nodded.
“Look”, she said, handing him the pregnancy test.
Max eyed it carefully.
“It’s... it’s blue, really”.
Liz nodded again.
“It turned positive”.
Max slowly handed her the pregnancy test back.
“Max? Max, please say something”, Liz begged.
After a moment of being still and quiet, Max pulled Liz close and hugged her tight.
“Oh God, Liz, I really wasn’t expecting this, though I had pretty much convinced myself that you might be pregnant, but I’m... how could you possibly think that I was going to blame you?”
Liz felt her heartbeat ease.
“Well, I don’t know, but... in the heat of the moment you could start throwing things on my face, or...”
“Liz, do you really think I could do that to you?”, Max asked sweetly, with a smile.
“Well,... no”, Liz smiled.
“Yeah, we shoulda’ve thought of that when we… you know, when we made love for the first time. But I was so... we were so... I could only think of feeling you, and kissing you, and I couldn’t think of anything else.
“Yes”, Liz nodded. “I felt that too. It seemed so... surreal that we were finally making love for the first time, without having to worry with the possibility of being caught...”
“I really had thought of having a child with you, we both had, I just… didn’t expect it would be that early, but still, this is the best news you could ever give me!”, Max exclaimed.
Liz smiled.
“I’m happy too. The happiness is bigger than the worries, really”.
“We’ll hold on somehow, you see. I just know we will”, Max said. “God, I’m gonna be a daddy... you’re gonna be a mommy... we’re gonna be parents, Liz!”
Liz smiled, the tears of happiness and relief waiting behind her lashes for a chance to come out.
“I so wished that Maria, and Michael, and Isabel, and even our parents could know this”, Liz said, her face becoming a little sadder.
Max held her, kissing her forehead.
“Yeah. I’d love too, baby”.
“Do you think someday we’ll get to tell them?” Liz asked, looking up at him.
“Yes, I’m sure someday we’ll tell them. And we’ll tell our baby everything about them too”.
“Yes”, Liz smiled, burying herself in Max’s arms. “I’m sure we’ll do that”.
“And we’re going to have a child and raise him, and he – or she – will only know our happiness and our smile. And he – or she – will know that he was born out of a great love, our love. God, we’re gonna be three! I can hardly believe it. You just can’t imagine how much you’ve made me happy, Liz. Thank you. Thank you for this”, Max said touchingly, also with the tears in his eyes, and placing his hand tenderly on Liz’s stomach.
“You’re welcome”, Liz said with a smile. “You had a little to do with it too, you know”.
“No, seriously”, Max said. “Thank you. This means so much for me”.
Liz smiled and replied again:
“You’re welcome”.

~ ends flashback ~

With that, Liz and Max’s days went by. Luckily they had already made their way to Connecticut, and their child was going to be born there. They were living in Danbury, were their college was, and they really liked it there. They had rented a small house for a while, and they tried hard to pay in time their bills. It was a solution while they couldn’t find a house of their own. In her first months of pregnancy, Liz worked as a waitress, but then she quit because Max could handle both college and work, and he thought it would be better for Liz to only concentrate in studying and being quiet at home with the baby. Liz smiled, remembering it as if it was yesterday. Max proved since the very beginning that he was going to be an excellent father. He used to stroke softly Liz’s stomatch until she’d fall asleep and had a lot of patience for her food cravings, which meant chocolate ice-cream at any hour of the day or night, but soon he got used to that, and watched Liz taking huge spoonfuls of ice-cream to her mouth delightully, while stroking her belly and talking to the baby, saying he was sure that baby was going to be as crazy for chocolate ice-cream as Liz was. He also talked to the baby for hours and used to read him – her – bedtime stories every night, to get him or her used to it, as he explained, while Liz just smiled and approved it silently.
When Liz completed 9 months of pregnancy, she started getting a little nervous. She was studying to be a doctor and she knew she should be more neutral, but she couldn’t help it, because she was the one who was going to have the child and she was sure every woman would feel that way, doctor ou not, especially if it was going to be their first child, as it was her case.
Liz took distractfully a slice of cake to her mouth, while she sat back again and closed her eyes again, while chewing the cake, and remembered the day that she and Max had been waiting for impatiently: the day their child was born.

~ 2nd flashback ~

“Breathe, Liz, breathe!”
Liz was was taking few short breaths, but it wasn’t helping. She squeezed Max’s hand harder, feeling the sweat creeping through, feeling a dreadful pain stabbing her middle and her sweaty hair glued to her head.
“It hurts, Max”, she whispered faintly. “It hurts so much...!”
“I know it does, Liz. I know it does. But we’re almost there. I know you’ll hold on. You’re strong, Liz. You’ve always been strong. And you’re gonna be strong again, I know it. We’re gonna get through this together, you’ll see. Just keep on breathing, Liz! Keep on breathing!”
Liz tried to, but while she was breathing in she felt again the pain, much more piercing and stronger, sharped like a knife. She let out a cry of pain.
“Max”, she said with tears in her eyes. “I don’t know if I’m gonna make it”.
Max pressed his lips against her sweaty forehead vehemently.
“I put all my faith in you, Liz. I know you’re gonna make it. And we’re going to have a beautiful child, just like you. Look, we’re here. The doctors are going to take care of you and our child, and soon this will be over. Trust me”.
“Please stay here, Max”, Liz begged. “Don’t go away. Please stay with me”.
“I will”, Max promised. “I won’t get out of here for a minute. Here”, he said, holding out his hand for Liz to grab, when he saw her face screwed up in pain. “Squeeze. Hard, if you need to. I’m right here, baby. I’m here with you”.
“Doctor, I don’t know if I can take this any longer”, Liz whimpered to a doctor around 55 who had approached her. He was the doctor who had been following Liz since the beginning of her pregnancy and Max and Liz had all the trust in him, also because he was really friendly and nice. Even if he faced the worst of the cases, he was always optimistic.
“Mrs. Evans, I think your baby is ready to get out very soon. I’ll just need you to push now, ok?”, the doctor said, in a humorous tone, trying to make Liz relax a little more.
Liz nodded quickly and bit her lip.
“Are you ready Liz? Now, push!”
Liz closed her eyes hard and digged her fingernails into Max’s hand, while she gave a strong push.
“Good, Liz! You’re doing fine. Just keep pushing!”
“Oh my God, this HURTS!”, Liz cried.
“It’ll be over, Liz”, Max murmured soothingly, placing a light kiss on her hair. “Just keep going. You’re doing great. This’ll be over soon, I feel it. Just think that our child is going to be born soon. Push again!”
Liz gave another push, not even feeling the tears of pain scattered across her face, and without waiting for the doctor’s voice again, gave another one.
“You’re doing great, Liz! You’re almost there! Just one more!”
“I can’t take this no more”, Liz breathed. “I feel like I’m spliting in two”.
“Just another push, Liz, and it’ll be over!”
Liz pushed harder, and with the second push, she cried out in pain... and the room was filled with a strong cry.
The doctor took the baby in his arms and then announced:
“Congratulations, you’ve got a girl!”
Max and Liz looked at each other happily, looking at the baby who was still bloody in her head, chest, legs and in some parts of her arms.
“Max, would you like to cut the cord?”
Feeling shaky and overwhelmed, Max took a step closer and cut the cord gently, looking at the baby with adoration.
Liz’s tears were now of emotion, as she carefully opened her arms to receive the tiny pink bundle the doctor was handing her.
“Hey sweetie”, Liz whispered with the tears still scattered across her cheeks. “I’m your mommy”. Liz could not say anything else, just staring at the baby with a motherly proud, rocking her gently. The baby stopped her crying and stared at Liz with her eyes wide open. Liz smiled, looking the baby in the eyes. That color was very familiar.
“Look, Max”, Liz pointed out proudly. “She has your eyes”.
Liz handed the bundle to Max, after whispering: “And this is your daddy”. Max held the baby carefully, kissing the top of her head, staring at her with a look so full of love that made Liz’s heart melt.
“How will you name her?”, the doctor asked, bringing Max and Liz back from their own world.
Max looked at Liz and smiled. He knew Liz liked the name Violet and that she dreamed of calling the baby, if it was a girl, that. He had never said a thing about it, but, and as he liked the name himself, had promised himself that the baby’s name, if it was a girl, was really going to be Violet.
“Violet”, Max smiled up at the doctor. “Because her mother and I love the name”.
Liz smiled gratefully at Max, who bent down and kissed her on the lips.
“Thank you for this, Liz”, he whispered. “We’ve made it. We have a daughter”.
Liz smiled at him.
“My best feeling about this is that I was able to make you happy, Max”.
“I love you”, Max whispered, as he said whenever he wanted to thank Liz.
“I love you too, Max”., Liz smiled.

~ ends flashback ~

Violet Marie Evans was born on the March 5th, in Danbury, Connecticut, at 6.55 p.m. Liz remembered everything so clearly, now smiling when she saw how much her daughter had grown up. The little healthy baby had become a beautiful 3-year-old, who seemed very mature and sensible for her age. “Just like her parents”, Liz couldn’t help grinning. Violet was like a miniature of Liz, with delicate and fair skin, long dark brown hair, in a tone of chocolate, and had a beautiful smile, but her eyes were just like Max’s, a mixture of amber and gold, who seemed green sometimes on sunny days.
Liz suddenly opened her eyes and got up. It was nearly 8 p.m. Violet and Alice must really must have been so caught up in whatever it was that they were doing, that they had forgotten the hours. Anyway, it was time to go call Violet. She was glad Alice had already cooked dinner. That way, Violet would go to bed early. Everyday, before going to bed, Violet always liked a bedtime story and Liz had gotten used to that ritual ever since her daughter was born, now looking forward to those hours herself. She smiled before stepping out of the house to go call Violet. The reason she had remembered everything before and throughout Violet’s pregnancy and labor, was also because she was going to have another child.

A/N.- Ha!! The fluff DOES begin here!! Hehe :D Hope you guys have liked it. Next chapter soon I hope. Only two or three more to go, I think. Please, feedback people!! :D Thank you and thank you for reading!! :D

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 1:32 pm
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- This is gonna be short, but fluffy. Enjoy! :D


“Alright, sweetie, get into bed”, Liz sweetly instructed, while she watched Violet climb into the bed.
“Will you tell me a bedtime story then?”, Violet asked.
Liz smiled.
“Yes, but only when you get nicely tucked into the bed, like a good little girl”.
Violet covered herself with the sheets and the blanket and smiled: “All done, mommy”.
Liz smiled approvingly.
“That’s my girl”, she beamed. “So, what do you want me to read you tonight?”
Violet thought about it for a while.
“Fairy tales, like we use to?”, Liz suggested.
Violet shook her head.
“No. I don’ feel like it tonight”.
“So?”, Liz sweetly insisted.
“Can we start The Illustrated Mom tonight?”, Violet asked, beaming.
Liz smiled.
“Ok. But I won’t read you the whole chapter, Vi. It’s too big. I’ll read a bit, alright?”
Violet nodded.
Liz got up and reached for the book. She opened it, while Violet stared at her in anticipation.
“You ready?”, Liz teased.
Violet nodded eagerly.
“’Course I am, mommy! You can start!”
Liz smiled and started reading, Violet’s amber eyes sparkling with interest:
“Marigold started going weird again on her birthday. Star remembered that birthdays were often bad times so we’d tried really hard. Star made her a beautiful big card cut into the shape of a marigold. She used up all the ink in the orange felt-tip coloring it. Then she did two sparkly silver trees with her special glitter pen and added ‘Happy Birthday’ in her best italic writing. They do Caligraphy in Year Eight and she’s very good at it.
I’m still in the Juniors and I’m useless at any kind of writing so I just drew on my card. As it was Marigold’s thirty-third birthday I decided I’d draw her thirty-three most favorite things. I drew Micky (I’d never seen him but Marigold had described him enough times), and Star and me. Then I drew the Rainbow Tatoo Studio and the Victoria Arms and the Nightbirds club. I did them in the middle all clumped together and then round the edges I drew London and the seaside and stars at night. My piece of paper was getting seriously crowded by this time but I managed to cram in a CD player with lots of Emerald City CDs and some high heels and a bikini and jeans and different colored tight tops and lots of rings and bangles and earrings.
I was getting—”

In that moment they heard a key on the door and Max entered inside and stood by Violet’s room door, smiling.
“Daddy!!”, Violet exclaimed happily and, getting rid of the sheets and the blanket, ran towards Max and jumped into his arms.
Liz smiled softly at this, also because she was already missing Max. She placed the book on the bed and turned around to watch the scene.
“Hey honey”, Max said, kissing his daughter’s forehead. “You still up at this hour?”
“Mommy was reading me a bedtime story”, Violet explained excitedily. She threw her arms around Max’s neck and laid her head on his shoulder. “I missed you daddy”.
“I missed you too, sweetheart”, Max smiled. He made Violet slide to the floor again and got closer of Liz, placed a kiss on her lips and whispered: “Hey”.
“Hey”, Liz smiled. “I was just about finishing reading Violet a bedtime story”.
“What? No!—”, Violet pleaded. “I want some more!”
“It’s late, honey”, Liz said, kissing Violet’s forehead. “I’ve read you lots. Tomorrow there’s more”.
“You promise?”, Violet insisted, staring at Liz with those wonderful golden eyes of hers.
“I promise, sweetie”, Liz smiled. “Now, let me tuck you in”.
“Where’s Ginger?”, Violet wanted to know, looking around the room.
“Here she is”, Liz smiled, grabbing Violet’s favorite doll. She had long red hair in two ponytails and Violet had that doll since she was born. She could not sleep every night without her by her side.
“And Kitty?”, Violet insisted, holding the doll next to her.
“Found her”, Liz smiled patiently, handing her daughter her stuffed Hello Kitty, without which she also couldn’t sleep.
With her two favorite dolls next to her, Violet laid down happily and yawned.
“Ni-night, little flower, we love you”, Liz said soothingly.
Violet blinked and whispered exhaustedly: “Love you too mama”.
Max placed a hand on Violet’s head and kissed her cheek.
“I love you, Vi”, he whispered.
“I love you, daddy”, Violet whispered, this time without opening her eyes.
Max and Liz smiled to each other and got out of the room, closing the door.
“I’ve missed you too”, Liz confessed, hugging him.
“Me too. I just got stuck in college finishing work. But you and Vi were always on my mind, and you’ll always be”.
“You’re always on our mind too, Max”, Liz smiled. Her smiled widened when she said: “I’ve got something to tell you”.
Max looked at her:
“What is it?”
Liz shook her head, smiling.
“I can’t tell you today. It’s late. I’ll tell you tomorrow”.
“What, is it serious?”, Max insisted.
Liz kept on smiling.
“I don’t think so. I think despite it all, you’re gonna be happy. You’ll see tomorrow”.
“Well, guess I’ll have to live with curiousity”, Max shrugged, smiling and her, and taking off his shirt.
Liz’s heart twisted, when she saw Max’s bare back. It had been 3 years since she had lost her virginity to him and she still wanted him and remembered it as it had been only yesterday. She smiled. She could hardly wait for the next day so she could tell that soon Violet would be a big sister.

A/N 2.- I don't own The Illustrated Mom, it belongs to Jacqueline Wilson. it is only one of my favorite books and I thought it'd be cute to use it here. :D

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:24 pm
by Innocent Eyes

A/N.- Hey people, sorry I took too long. Now, summer vacation, yay!!! :D
P.S.- I’m planning to write a brand new fic, an AU one, right after I finish “Running Away”, so I won’t be so busy updating a lot of them at the same time. I also have in mind a sequel for “What dreams are made of”. ^-^
So, let’s get to the story then.
Enjoy! ^-^
xoxo – Tânia

The next morning, when Liz was done helping Violet dressing up and having breakfast, so they could drop her off in the kindergarten before going to college, and was getting dressed, Max kissed her cheek behind her and asked:
“So, what was it that you wanted to tell me last night? I’m dead curious”.
Liz smiled, her heartbeat racing with anticipation.
“You sure you wanna know?”
Max nodded.
“Of course, I almost dreamed with that!”
Liz laughed softly at that and decided to tease him a little:
“Look at Violet. Our little girl has gotten so big”.
“Yeah”, Max agreed. “She really has. And she’s beautiful. Just like you”.
Liz blushed lightly with those sweet words, then went on, holding Max’s hand and without taking her eyes off Violet, who was carefully taking sips of her milk in the kitchen:
“She’s so lovely. She has her little friends in kindergarten, of course, but sometimes I wonder if she doesn’t feel alone when she’s at home”. She paused, her smile widening: “I’m glad soon she’ll have another child to be playing with here”.
Max’s eyes got twice bigger, as he made Liz turn around to face him:
Liz kept on smiling.
“I said I was glad she’d have someone to play with soon”.
“You mean you’re—you’re—”
Liz nodded, smiling.
“Yes. I am”.
“God, Liz”, Max stuttered. “You’re—pregnant?!”
Liz smiled.
“Of weeks”.
“When will... when will the baby born?”
“February”, Liz smiled.
“Oh my God, Liz”, Max hugged her. “So that was it you wanted to tell me?”
“Huh-huh”, Liz nodded against his chest. After a pause, she said: “I know that maybe this isn’t the best time, that this wasn’t planned, like Violet wasn’t, but it just happened...”
“Shh”, Max cut her off gently. “Don’t say a thing. Don’t worry. God Liz, I really wasn’t—expecting– something like that, but... this is so great. I’m going to be a daddy again. Sounds so great”.
“I know”, Liz said. “It’s overwhelming. I am so happy, Max. We’re going to have another child”.
“Yes”, he smiled, kissing her forehead.
“It’s been 3 years already”, Max said in a whisper, after a moment of silence. He was smiling, but Liz noticed it wasn’t just a smile. It was a smile of longing.
“3 years since what?”, Liz asked also in a whisper, but knowing what he was referring.
“Since we left Roswell”, Max said. “And I... I miss them”.
Liz nodded.
“I know. I miss them too. Everyone”. Then she smiled lightly. “But it’s okay. I have Violet. And I have you”. Then she paused. “But I would love to see them again”.
“I—I’ve been thinking about this for a while”, Max confessed. “I thought that—maybe you’d want it too”.
“What is it?”, Liz asked, curious.
“I—It’s been a lot of time. I miss my parents, my sister, Michael, Maria, Alex, and... I know you miss your parents too. And I would like them to see Violet, and Violet to meet them at last. I know we still have to finish college here, but what do you think if we—we’d come back to Roswell sometime?...”
“Are you serious, Max?”, Liz asked, her dark eyes glowing. “Do you really mean it? Do you want to go back?”
“Yes”, Max nodded. “We’re in May. Soon college and Violet’s school will be over and we’ll be able to go back to Roswell. It’s only a couple of months to go. So, Liz. What do you think?”
“Oh Max, that sounds wonderful”, Liz said, hugging him. “It’s what I want the most. Thank you”.
“Thank you”, Max smiled, hugging her tighter and placing a kiss on the top of her head.


“Vi?”, Liz entered inside her daughter’s room. She smiled. Violet’s room was like a little princess’ room, full of magic. She couldn’t help feeling that she had entered into a new universe whenever she stepped into her daughter’s room. It was surrounded by dolls of all types, especially porcelain dolls, stuffed animals, child books and even some pre-teen and teen books that Violet would already understand, and that she used to read her every night, smiling at the glittering amber eyes of her little girl.
“I’m here, mommy”, Violet said, getting out of the bathroom.
Liz smiled and picked her up.
“Hey baby. Mommy’s got something to tell you”.
”What is it?”, Violet asked, brushing one of her ponytails.
“C’mere”, Liz instructed, sitting Violet on her bed and doing the same.
“Yes, mommy?”, Violet asked.
Liz brushed away a soft brown highlight that had escaped of Violet’s ponytail.
“How would you feel if you had someone to play with soon, honey?”, she asked.
Violet shrugged.
“I don’t know. It would be ok, I guess”.
“I do know that you like to play with the other kids and your friends, right?”
Violet nodded, looking at her.
“So... what do you say if you had... a little brother or a little sister for you to play with, sweetie?”
Violet’s eyes sparkled.
“Really?”, she asked.
Liz smiled and nodded.
“My own little brother or sister?”
Liz nodded, still smiling.
“Yes. Your own little brother or sister for you to play with. So? What do you say being a big sister soon?”
Violet smiled widely.
“Okay!” Then her eyes darkened a little.
“Yes, sweetie?”
“Are you really going to have a baby?”
“Yes, honey, I am”.
“When will he come?”
“February, love”.
“What if... what if…”, Violet began, biting her delicious tiny upper lip.
“What if what, sweetie?”, Liz insisted sweetly.
“What if you and daddy quit liking me? What if then you and daddy just like the baby and forget about me?”
Liz felt the tears sting her eyes. She pulled her daughter closer to her and hugged her tight.
“Me and daddy will never quit liking you, Violet. Never ever”.
“Really?”, the little girl asked hopefully. “So you will like me forever?”
Liz stroked her soft chubby cheek.
“We don’t like you, Vi”.
The little girl seemed confused. Her eyes darkened a little bit more.
“You don’t?”
Liz smiled.
“No. We love you, honey. We love you more than everything and anything. You’re our little angel, our big little girl”.
Violet giggled at this.
“I am?”
“Of course you are”, Liz said, kissing the top of her head. “We’ll never, ever, stop loving you. Even when the baby is born, you’re still in our hearts, baby. Don’t forget this, Vi”.
Violet nodded.
“Now, what if you go help me with dinner?”, Liz asked, knowing how Violet liked helping her.
“Sure!”, Violet cried, pulling Liz by the hand and storming into the kitchen.
Liz smiled beforing following her, glad everything had been easier than she had thought.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 9:17 am
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- I AM BACK!!!!!!!!! :D Lol. I’m SO sorry that I’m late, but I got lazy when it came to update this fic. ^^ Neverthless, I never forgot it. I guess it was because of the so much warmth you readers, have been giving me!!! Thank you so much for the awesome feedback everybody. I love you I love you I love you!!!! ^-^
Hope you enjoy this one. The high point number 2... the return to Roswell!! Taking place a couple of months after the last chapter. Lots of emotion, and happiness tears... :D Enjoy!
xoxo ~ Tânia


Liz held Max and Violet’s hand, looking around the familiar place, feeling that her heart would burst with the emotion. Everything was exactly the same, which made the memories come even easier, remembering when she was ‘just’ Liz Parker from Roswell, New Mexico, a small-town girl who worked as a waitress after school, loved Science and was in love with an alien.
“Is this it, mommy?”, Violet wanted to know, not letting go of her hand and looking around akwardly.
Liz smiled. Violet seemed to be a little disappointed.
“Yes, sweetie. This is Roswell”.
“Oh”, Violet said, still looking around.
“It’s better than it seems, really”, Liz said, kneeling down in front of her daughter, biting her lip to keep her from laughing. “Don’t you want to meet your grandparents, and your uncles and aunties, sweetie?”
Violet nodded.
“I do”.
“Let’s go then”, Liz smiled. She looked at Max: “Where do we begin?”
“The Crashdown”, Max suggested.
Liz nodded.
“Where we going, mama?”, Violet wanted to know.
“We’re going to the café grandpa owns, baby. You remember when daddy told you the story, don’t you?”
Volet nodded. Liz smoothed out her hair, smiling, and remembered when Max told Violet that they were going back to Roswell, for her to meet her family... the rest of the family she never dreamed she had.

~ Flashback ~

“Hey little flower. What you doing?”, Max wanted to know, sitting on the bed next to Violet.
“A puzzle”, Violet replied, without looking up.
Max glanced at the puzzle box, picturing a big lake with daisies around. He smiled, thinking how Violet took after him and Liz, loving anything who’d take concentration and never giving up from what she liked.
“Can you interrupt it for just a little second, sweetheart?”, he asked.
Violet looked up and nodded quickly.
“Sure. What is it, daddy?”
Max took her hands in his, sitting close to her.
“Look honey, me and mommy made a kind of... plan, and we want you to know about it. So, wanna listen?”
Violet nodded eagerly.
“You never wondered why you never saw your grandparents or your aunt, sweetie?”
Violet looked at him blankly and shrugged.
“I thought I didn’t have any”.
Max felt a stab of guilt for not having told her anything about the rest of the family. But they faced a so difficult situation that he and Liz thought it would be better not to mix Violet with it yet. After all, now they had a new life. But now it wasn’t the point.
“The truth is that you
do have them, sweetie, only they’re kind of far away from here, you know”.
Violet kept on staring at him.
“How far?”
“They’re in Roswell. In New Mexico”.
Violet’s tiny mouth formed a small O.
Max smiled for a moment and went on.
“When... mommy and I were 17, we moved here, because we had some... problems with our parents. And also we were going to college here. But now, we thought in going back and visiting them. We miss them, and we want you to meet the rest of your family. Mommy’s parents, daddy’s parents, and your aunties and uncles”. He figured Michael and Maria, Isabel and Alex and Kyle and Tess would still be together for sure, and maybe they even had already kids of their own, maybe even Violet’s age.
Violet’s amber eyes sparkled.
“Really? I can meet the rest of my family?”
Max laughed.
“Yeah, so that’s what we wanted to tell you, baby. We’re planning in doing a little trip over to New Mexico during summer vacation so you can meet them and they can meet you, what do you say?”
“Great!”, she joyfully jumped up. “I’m really happy, daddy”.
Max smiled at her, ruffling her chocolate hair, and said:
“Just before I let you go on with your puzzle, sweetie, I’m going to tell you more about them. Wanna hear?”
Violet nodded hard.
“So. Mama’s parents are Jeff and Nancy. Grandpa Jeff has a café called the Crashdown”.
“The Crashdown”, Violet repeated.
“That’s right. That’s where lots of people go to. That’s a really popular place in Roswell, you know. That’s where mommy worked when she was younger, she was a waitress there”.
Violet nodded.
“Then, there’s my parents”, he smiled. “Philiph and Diane. Grandpa Phil is a lawyer”.
“So he can send the bad people to jail?”, Violet asked.
Max laughed at that perspective, but he had to admit that it was someway true.
“That’s right, sweetie. Then, there’s my sister”.
“You have a sister?”, Violet’s eyes glittered. “Like I’m going to have one? Or a brother?”
“Exactly”, Max smiled. “Her name’s Isabel”.
“Isabel”, Violet repeated. “That’s a really pretty name”.
Max smiled again.
“You can call her Iz or Izzy, that’s what lots of people call her. She has this long blonde hair and pretty brown eyes. She used to date a friend of your mom, but I’m sure they’re still together. His name’s Alex. He’s really nice and funny. I bet you two gonna love each other”.
“I think so too”, Violet replied excitedely. “Aunt Izzy and Aunt Alex. Wow. I can’t wait to meet them”.
“Wait until you meet the next bunch”, Max winked. “Then, there’s Aunt Maria, who’s mommy’s best friend, and Uncle Michael, who’s daddy’s best friend. Sometimes they are a little... stubborn, but they’re one of the best people me and mommy ever met. And I bet they’re going to love you too”, Max said, stretching out to tickle Violet.
She giggled and then jerked away.
“And, to finish this up, we have Uncle Kyle and Aunt Tess, who’re also friends of mom and dad. Sometimes they are a little like Uncle Michael and Aunt Maria”, he smiled, “But deep down they’re one of the best people we could ever find”.
Violet smiled delightedely.
“Whoah, daddy. I never thought I would have a family so big. I can’t wait to meet them all”. Then her face darkened. “Daddy... do you think they’re gonna like me? I mean, they never met me... because you and mommy went away. Didn’t they get angry?”
Max couldn’t help but thinking just how smart his daughter already was. He placed a hand on her head, stroking her hair softly.
“We had reasons to, sweetie. Maybe your grandparents were a little angry... but that’s because we and mommy had no choice. About your aunts and uncles... they may have been a little shocked, and sad. But maybe by now, they’re not angry anymore”. He smiled. “And I’m positively sure they’re gonna love you as much as I and mommy love you. I just know it. So don’t worry about that, baby”.
“I’m sure they must miss you and mommy lots”, Violet pointed out.
Max felt a knot on his throat. That sure was true. Just as much as he and Liz missed them all.
He gave Violet a confident smile.
“We miss them too, little flower. But don’t you worry, ‘cause the time in which we gonna meet ‘em is almost coming”, he said, riffling her hair.

~ ends flashback ~

Liz felt a knot forming on her throat as they approached the Crashdown. Everything was just the same. She felt the tears welling up in her eyes, remebering the last time she had set foot there. She tried to clear her vision to see better who was there, and her heart gave a huge twist in her chest. As if they had did it in purpose, everybody was there. Michael and Maria, Isabel and Alex, Kyle and Tess (A/N: Oh, by the way, before you guys start throwing rocks at me, Tess is here, alright, but she is a good girl. Alright? A good girl. No such thing as destinies needing to be fulfilled right here, she loves Max as a best friend, just like the others, and Max is a friend of her too. No shit here. She dates Kyle, they’re in love since the first moment they’ve led eyes on each other, and that’s it. TESS IS A FRIEND OF LIZ TOO, SO THERE’S NO STEALING-YOUR-MAN STUFF IN HERE, AND CONSEQUENTLY, IF TESS IS A GOOD LITTLE GIRL, NO NEED TO KILL ALEX. EVERYBODY’S HAPPY. JUST LIKE I LIKE. :D) and her parents. Then she noticed two kids wandering around the tables, a boy and a girl. The tears started to well up again. Would they be anybody’s kids? Would she also be an aunt without knowing it, just like they were?
She looked at Max and noticed that his golden eyes were also shiny. Max squeezed her hand in support.
“Let’s get in”, he whispered. Holding Violet’s hand a little harder, Liz took a deep breath, pushed the door open and got in.
It took a while before everybody could realize the three people who had just gotten inside, because they were so engrossed talking to each other. Nancy was the first one to notice who they really were.
“L-Liz?”, she stuttered, the tears rapidly starting to well up in her blue eyes. “Lizzie, is it really you?”
“Yes, mom”, Liz replied in a chocked voice, the tears now rolling down her face. “Yes, it’s really me”.
“Oh, sweetie”, Nancy ran to her and they hugged each other tight.
Max and Violet watched the scene without interfering, even though everybody else’s eyes were already fixed on them.
After hugging her daughter, Nancy turned to Max, although there was no anger in her eyes. She seemed to be as glad and happy to see him as she was with Liz. They exchanged a long hug too, until she finally spotted little Violet behind Max’s legs. She looked at Liz with an incredulous but undeniably happy smile, and Liz nodded, smiling back. Nancy kneeled down and Violet took a few steps foward. She didn’t need to ask who she was, because she already knew it.
“What’s your name, sweetie?”, Nancy asked softly, her voice shaky with emotion, stroking Violet’s hair.
“Violet”, Violet replied shyly.
“That’s such a pretty name”, she said, looking up at Max and smiling. He smiled back at her.
“You’re Grandma Nancy”, she shyly said.
“Yes I am”, Nancy smiled at her. “How do you know?”
“Mama and daddy told me all about you”, Violet said with her sunny smile, feeling a little more confident.
Nancy gave Liz and Max a grateful look, before she stroked Violet’s hair again and got up.
“Oh my God, you can’t imagine just how much happy you’ve made me. A granddaughter. I have a granddaughter. And she’s so beautiful”. She gave a look filled with love over to Violet, who blushed lightly and smiled at her. Slowly, behind Nancy, Jeff appeared. Max’s heart started to race. What was he going to say? Would he try to kill him? Would he start fighting with Liz? Maybe not, after all there were kids standing there... namely his own granddaughter.
“Liz”, was his first word. Looked like he was also trying to choke this own tears. And yes, Max noticed a lot of emotion in his eyes. He also ran to his daughter and hugged her tight.
“God, Liz, you scared us so much”, Jeff said against her shoulder. “We thought you were never going to come back. We thought we had lost you forever. We regreted have forbbiden you to be with Max in the instant we found out you had ran away. Only then we realized he really was the right guy for you”.
Max smiled lightly when Jeff looked at him.
“It’s okay, dad”, Liz smiled between the tears. “I said I forgave you two. I knew you were doing that because you loved me. I just... couldn’t bear being away from Max anymore. That looked like the only solution at the moment”.
Jeff nodded.
“Please forgive us, Liz”. He turned to face Max. “And you too, Max”.
“You’re already forgiven, daddy”, Liz said tenderly, and Max nodded, smiling in approval.
Jeff hugged Liz once more, then Max.
“Thanks for taking care of my daughter”, he whispered. “I guess I always knew you weren’t going to hurt her... only I was scared, and in denial”.
“It’s okay, Mr. Parker”, Max smiled.
Just like Nancy had, Jeff kneeled down in front of Violet, already knowing who she was. He looked up at Liz, strongly touched.
“God, she looks so much like you”.
Liz smiled at him.
“Hi, Violet”, he smiled at the little girl standing in front of Max.
“Hi, grandpa Jeff”, she gave him her irresistible smile.
“Can I hug you?”, Jeff asked behind the tears.
“Sure”, Violet beamed at him, and threw her little arms around Jeff’s neck, who hugged her. Liz and Max watched the scene with a touched look, until Liz saw someone slowly approaching her.
“Lizzie”, she saw Maria standing in front of her, her usually short and then curly hair now longer and completely straight, and her greenish eyes full of tears. “I can’t believe you’re back!”, she said, throwing her arms around her and holding her.
Soon Michael, Kyle, Tess, Alex and Isabel were surrounding them.
“Maxwell man, I swear I could kill you right now”, Michael said, before choking Max with a very tight hug. “We were pratically dying here!! No clue whatsoever of where you two might have gone to, everybody was damn depressed! You should have seen Maria! What happened after all?”
“We had serious problems with Liz’s parents”, Max explained. “They wouldn’t let us be together. So we moved to Connecticut where we were going to college”.
“Connecticut?!”, Michael’s eyes widened. “Geez, Max! That’s damn New York!!”
“I know. I know. We hadn’t any other choice. I’m sorry, Michael”, Max said sincerely. “I really am. But we didn’t see how we could be together if we didn’t run away”.
“I see”, Michael said. “Anyways, I’m damn glad you’re back”.
“So am I”, Max smiled.

“Oh my God, Lizzie”, Maria said with the tears rolling down her cheeks. “I can’t believe this. It’s so amazing to see you again. I found your note when I got back from the prom. I started crying right there”.
“I’m so sorry, Maria”, Liz said sympathetically, feeling her heart shrink with the pain she had given her best friend. “I really am. But we didn’t have any choice. And I just couldn’t leave without at least giving you a reason why. It hurted so much to know I wouldn’t be sure when I was going to see you again”, she said.
“God, me too”, Maria said, hugging her again. “But you’re back. God, you’re back”. She suddenly broke away the hug. “Where are you guys living?”
“Danbury”, Liz said. As she saw the blank look on Maria’s face, she clarified: “Connecticut”.
Maria clapped a hand to her mouth.
“Damn! There’s like, on the other side of the country!”
“I know, but we were going to college there and we just thought it was the right place to start a new life”.
Maria nodded.
“Yeah, I see. I guess I would have done the same thing”.
“But, what about you and Michael? How did things go when Max and I went away?”
Maria giggled, her cheeks starting to warm up.
“Well, they went fine, I guess”.
A knowing smile started to spread on Liz’s lips.
“Oh no they didn’t! C’mon you, I want some details!”
“Well, in the prom, we...”, Maria looked up at Liz, her eyes glittering, biting her lip with excitement.
“Oh God! You guys—”
“We’ve lost our virginity on the prom night”, Maria confessed. She rolled her eyes dreamily. “God, it was perfect”. Then she gave Liz a little shake. “What about you and Max?”
It was Liz’s time to sigh dreamily.
“Well, we got married when we were driving by Texas. In Houston”.
Maria opened her mouth in full surprise.
“Oh no you didn’t!”
“Yes we did”, Liz giggled. “And in our honeymoon... you know”.
“God, that is just so romantic”, Maria sighed. “I wish I could have seen that”.
“You were always there with me”, Liz said. She smiled at Maria. “In my mind”.
“So were you”, Maria smiled. Then she noticed Violet and the tears filled her eyes again. “Oh my God... Liz... is she... is she yours?”
Liz nodded, smiling, and watched Maria kneeling down in front of Violet, her voice shaky with tears.
“Hi”, she said, stroking Violet’s chubby cheek.
“Hi Aunt Maria”, was Violet’s smiling reply.
“She already knows my name!”, Maria exclaimed, with a touched voice. “You told her”, She glanced at Liz, who smiled and nodded. Maria turned again to Violet. “God, you’re so pretty. Just like your mommy”.
“Thank you”, Violet replied shyly, a faint blush coloring up her round cheeks.
“She’s so cute, Liz”, Maria said. “I can’t believe I’m an auntie”.
Liz smiled again, until she spotted a small, blonde-curled girl appearing behind Maria’s legs.
“Maria... oh my God, that little girl... is...?”
Maria beamed.
“My daughter. With Michael”.
“Oh my God, she’s so pretty! So much like you when you had curls!”
“Yeah, isn’t she”, Maria said, beaming with proud. “A stubborn little head. She’s like her father in every bit of her”.
“What’s her name?”, Liz asked.
“Angel”, Maria said proudly. “Angel Gabrielle Guerin”.
“It’s perfect. Just perfect. Who picked the name?”
“Me”, Maria replied. “I’d let Michael pick the name if it was a boy”.
“Sounds fair”, Liz smiled, looking at the little girl. Her blonde little curls were just like Maria’s, but she had brown eyes, suspicious and strong brown eyes, who seemed, however, capable of giving a warm look sometimes. Just like Michael’s. Her lips were tiny, full and pouty, once again like Maria’s.
“She’s beautiful, Maria”, Liz smiled at Maria. “How old is she?”
“Thanks. She’s 3. She was born in April. April 13th. What about yours?”
“Violet was born in March. March 5th. But your Angel is so cute”.
“So is your little girl”, Maria smiled. “Violet. Such a pretty name. It looks so much like a name you’d pick”.
Liz smiled.
“Yeah. Violet Marie Evans”.
“A classic”, Maria smiled.
Liz and Maria glanced at their daughters. Violet and Angel had already broken the barrier of silence and were now talking, soon playing around the café, being joined by a small boy, who seemed to be about 3 or 4, their age, with dark brown hair. Liz and Maria smiled, touched with that pretty picture.
“Who’s that little boy?”, Liz asked.
“That’s Avery. Alex and Isabel’s son”, Maria informed, smiling.
“Oh my God. Alex and Isabel... they have a son? Oh God. He’s so... he looks so much like Alex!”
“Yeah, doesn’t he?”, Maria smiled.
“Definitively”, Liz replied. Then she asked:
“But what about you? What do you do now?”
“Well, have you ever heard of Alyssa Ryan?”, Maria said.
“Yeah, we heard her music on the radio several times. Some people call her the new Britney Spears or Mandy Moore or something like that”.
“Yeah, well, I write songs for her”.
Liz’s mouth dropped open.
“Oh my God—Maria, that is so great! She’s a huge star!”
“Yeah... Not exactly the type of artist I would like to write songs for, I think she’s kind of too bubblegummy, but still, I just couldn’t throw this chance away. Things are doing great. Can you believe it?”
“That’s amazing news! Congratulations!”
Maria smiled and said:
“Of course I haven’t given up my dream of becoming a singer. Now things are harder because I’m already married and I have Angel, but I’m still going to try and record a demo or something and start looking for labels when I figure it’s the right time. Right now, Angel is a handful... and I’m quite happy writing songs as a job”.
“You should be! That’s great! And that’s something you love to do, after all!”
Maria smiled and nodded in approval.
“What about you?”, she asked then.
“Well, I’m fulfilling my dream too. Only medical school is way long and sometimes I find it hard, because I still have part-time work and Violet to look after... but I always manage. I leave Violet with my housekeeper after kindergarten and I can always rely on Max, even though he’s in the same situation I am”.
“That’s so cute”, Maria cooed.
“I know you’d say that. You haven’t changed a bit”, Liz smiled, giving her a playful punch. She saw Tess coming closer to her with a longing smile, and pulled her closer for a hug.
“You cannot believe how much we’ve missed you”, she whispered. “It’s so good to have you back, Liz. What happened?” (A/N.- Looks weird, I know, but they’re good friends here! I like Tess’s character except for the.... you know, she did with Max, Liz and ALEX in the show. But let’s not go there. :D).
“Max and I... we had to run away. You know... my parents. They wouldn’t let us date, and we just couldn’t be apart anymore”.
“Yeah”, Tess smiled sympathetically. “But everything’s okay. You guys are back. I just saw your little girl, she’s so cute. I just thought, ‘She can’t be anyone else’s daughter but Max and Liz’s”.
Liz smiled and hugged Tess.
“I’m glad to see you too, Tess. (A.N.- Oh my God, this is so FREAKY!!!) I’ve missed you guys all, so much”.
Tess smiled at her and said:
“You know, Kyle and I are together”.
“I had noticed that”, Liz replied. “I’m really happy for you guys. I’ve always said you two would make the cutest couple, even though you and Kyle would insist on playing damn hard to get”.
“Yeah”, Maria added.
Tess giggled.
“Yeah, but we worked things out. I just regret that happened a while after you and Max left...”. A shadow darkened her blue eyes.
“Nevermind that now, Tess”, Liz said softly. “We’re back. We’ve just chosen coming back in Summer so we could spend a couple of months here with you guys. We’ll be leaving when college starts again. So don’t worry".
“Where are you guys going to college?”
“Connecticut”, Maria informed, before Liz could make a sound.
“Gee! That’s way far”, Tess exclaimed.
Liz sighed.
“I know. But... it was the only place we had”.
Tess nodded.
“Yeah, I understand”. Suddenly Maria elbowed her. “What are you waiting for to tell her?”
“Waiting to tell me what?”, Liz asked, her eyes looking from Maria to Tess.
Tess giggled.
“Well... you know... Kyle and I... are living together for a while now... and I... it happened that I—”
“She’s pregnant”, Maria said abruptly, interrupting Tess.
“Oh—my— God... Tess, is that true? You’re... really pregnant?”
“2 months”, she said with a widening smile.
“Oh my God, just like me!”, Liz blurted. Then she remembered she hadn’t told anyone about her new pregnancy yet.
“You’re pregnant?”, Maria and Tess chorused, almost in shock.
“Yeah, I’m sorry you girls, I had forgotten to tell about that—”
“Are you crazy? That’s wonderful!”, Maria exclaimed. “Pretty much everybody of our gang is about to have another child. You are, Tess is, Isabel is...
“I noticed that now”, Liz smiled, glancing at Isabel’s huge middle.
“And wait until you hear this, they’re expecting twins. They’re not sure yet, but everybody just knows it”, Maria added excitedely.
“Oh my God. That’s amazing. Alex must be overjoyed”.
“You can bet he is”, Tess said.
“... and me and Michael are planning having another one ourselves”, Maria said with a giggle. “So you know. I think we’re doing Roswell’s young age group a favor. Really”.
Tess and Liz laughed.
“So that means your baby is going to be born in February, right?”, Liz asked Tess.
“Yeah, so is yours?”
“Can I hug this wonderful lady?”
The three of them turned around to see Alex with his arms stretched open in front of
“I’ve missed you, Science Girl. I almost had a heart attack when Maria told me about you and Max’s runaway”.
“’Course you can hug me. God, Alex, I’ve missed you too”.
Alex and Liz exchanged a tight hug in front of two touched Tess and Maria.

After hugging Michael, Kyle and Alex, Max saw her sister, her usually called “Ice Princess” sister, in front of him with her eyes shiny with tears. He glanced at her and saw her middle stretching out behind her pink dress.
“Isabel. God I’ve missed you”, Max said, when they hugged each other, but somewhat parted by the size of her middle. “You’re going to have a baby?”
“Yeah”, Isabel smiled and wiped the tears away. Her smiled widened. “I’m 5 months. The doctor says he thinks they’re gonna be twins”.
“Oh Izzy... that’s so great”, Max smiled.
“And I already have a little boy”, Isabel added, pointing the little dark-brown haired boy who was playing with Violet and Angel, with her head.
“Mommy of 3? I never imagined”, Max smiled.
“It’s the best thing in the world. I could never think of it that way”, Isabel smiled.
“I know what it feels like”, Max said, pointing Violet. “I feel the same way with my daughter”.
Isabel glanced at the little girl and smiled.
“She’s adorable, Max. God. I’m an aunt. I can’t believe it”.
“Thanks”, Max said. Then he grinned: “You wait until you see the next one”.
Isabel blinked at him.
“Wha-what do you mean?”
Max gave her a playful smile, and Isabel opened her mouth.
“Oh God, Max... is Liz pregnant?”
“Yep”, Max smiled widely.
“God, that is amazing. Congratulations”, Isabel whispered with a smile.
“Thanks, Izzy”, Max smiled back.

After Max and Liz talked to everybody and shed more tears and smiles, the night had fallen upon them and no-one had even noticed it. The happiness was plain in everybody. It was like everybody had reborned again. Violet was loving everybody, and Max and Liz were extremely glad they had turned back. They had told everybody about Liz’s pregnancy and they really figured that almost everyone was going to have a child soon. Jeff called Max’s parents who at first didn’t believe their son was really back. They hurried inside the Crashdown and as soon as they saw Max, they started crying, at the same time Diane would hug his son. She was, also, delighted and almost incredulous when she found out she had a granddaughter. Max and Liz stayed in Liz’s old place with Violet, and when they fell asleep, they felt, they were home again, just like it had been three years ago.

A/N.- So here it is your chapter done! :D I think this talk is kind of... I don’t know, dysfunctional. I don’t enterely like it, because I think there’s some rush while writing it (guess why... ^^ :roll:), but that’s not a problem if you happen to like it!! :D I would like to have written more ‘welcome back’ conversations between every single person but I think that would be too repetitive, and I wanted to post this soon, so I hope it’s not something you regret I haven’t done. :) I think there’s only two chapters left to end this fic. Yeah, that’s right. :( But I am so glad you are enjoying the story so much!! That keeps me going on. :wink: Thank you so much for reading and for keeping ‘bumping’ me for more!!! :D YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 1:50 pm
by Innocent Eyes
A/N.- Came back in the blink of an eye!!! Hehehe. This will be ‘gang-chapter’, sort of – more emotions – , but it will have a little of ‘sweet-Evans-family’ in the end... if you know what I mean... but I’m not gonna tell why. :D Hahaha. Well, let’s not keep you bouncing off your seats then. On with the story! :D


“My child’s gonna be born!!!”
Kyle stormed inside the Crashdown yelling. He looked desperate.
“Kyle, what? What happened?”, Liz asked.
Kyle turned to Liz, panic in his eyes:
“Tess! Tess’s in labor now! Somebody please help me, or she’ll end up having the baby in the middle of the house! God, I’m not gonna be able to stand that!”
One of Isabel’s babies, who was asleep in her arms, started crying. Isabel gave Kyle a threatning look, but deep down she forgave him. She knew how that felt like, or at least Alex did. He got frantic when Avery and the girls were born.
“We gotta take her to the hospital”, Liz said, getting up. “C’mon, I’ll go with you. Have you called an ambulance?”
“No! I couldn’t think of it with her melting in pain right there in front of me!”
“Right, we’ll call out of here”, Liz decided, grabbing the phone.
“Liz, you better not get much into this, remember your state right now”, Max reminded, pointing her 9-months middle with his chin.
“It’s okay, Max, I feel fine. But right now I gotta help Kyle or Tess’ll end up delivering at home”, Liz said these last words in a whisper.

It had been nine months since Max and Liz had returned to Roswell. They had left when college started, just like they had said, but they had kept in touch ever since and in that sunny but chilly February weekend, they had come back because Liz claimed she needed to take a break from college and besides needed badly to see them all, even though Max had been fearing for her, because Liz was already 9-months pregnant, and their child could be born in any moment. Violet was growing well, now almost about to be a proud 4-year-old, and there was no one who could resist to that beautiful little face and her gentle, tiny voice. Things hadn’t changed much since then, since they had returned to Connecticut. Isabel had given birth in September, two days before they left; the babies were twins, just like the doctor had predicted: two perfectly healthy baby girls. Their names were Alexandra Anne and Megan, although Alexandra was always called ‘Alexia’, so they wouldn’t mix her up with Alex. Alexia was older by three minutes, and also the most electric of the two. Megan was quieter, shyer and slept all the time. Alex had never been prouder of being a father and Liz thought he had been born to do it. He wouldn’t let the two baby girls alone for a moment, even though Isabel was always trying to shoo him away, saying that they were fine, but always found time to be with his ‘buddy’, his son Avery, who was almost 5. Liz thought the same of Michael, who was about to become a new daddy in October. Maria was 1 month pregnant and was delighted with that prospect, just as much as Michael. Angel hadn’t been too excited about that, but now Maria thought she was already doing fine on accepting the situation. Tess was in the same situation than Liz, and even though you would expect Liz’s child to be born first, it turned out Tess’s wanted to see the world faster.

“There, I’ve called an ambulance, I’ll go check on Tess with you”, Liz told Kyle.
“Do you guys need anyone else?”, Maria asked.
“No thanks, Maria, we’ll be fine that way. Kyle, let’s get going”, Liz said, before turning hurriedly to Max.
“Max, can you stay with Violet while I’m with Kyle and Tess?”, Liz whispered to Max.
“Sure”, Max said. “But now she’s upstairs with your parents playing with Angel and Avery. But I’ll stay with her if it’s needed and I’ll tell her why”.
“Thanks. I love you”, Liz whispered before giving him a quick kiss.
“Love you too”, Max replied.
“Don’t worry Kyle, Tess’ll be okay. This is just in the first moments”, Alex tranquilized him, when he saw Kyle had still a look of panic plastered across his face.
“Yeah”, Michael added. “We’re with you, man”.
Kyle nodded quickly and scooted behind Liz over to his place.
When they got there, Kyle quickly unlocked the door and hurriedly got in, followed by Liz. Tess was lying on the couch, her face and hair damp with sweat, trying to take deep breaths, but it clearly looked like it wasn’t helping much.
“Tess... Tess, how are you doing?”, Liz asked soothingly, bending over her friend.
“Feeling like I’m dying”, she breathed. “God, so this is the life of a human woman when she’s about to bring on another life”.
“You chose it”, Kyle replied.
“This is all your fault”, Tess barked, stretching out her head to face Kyle. “You got me into this, now you take me out of this!!”
“Sorry, no can do”, Kyle replied.
“He’s as nervous as you are”, Liz excused him.
“Shit”, Tess muttered, when she felt another contraction coming dangerously closer.
“Tess... just try to relax. Think about your child. I know it’s really hard to do it, I felt exactly the same way when I had Violet...”
“Oh Lizzie”, Tess said with tears in her eyes. “You shouldn’t be here. I mean, you’re almost in the same boat I am. If I’m the one who makes you give birth too, I’m not gonna forgive myself. I’m sure you have better things to do then helping a blonde head who right now looks like a cow. Go back home to Max and your daughter. I’ll handle this”.
“Violet’s fine. She’s with Angel and Avery, and Max and my parents are looking after her”, Liz tranquilized her. “I’m gonna be here with you until the ambulance arrives. Take deep breaths... yes... just like that. Relax, Tess, just think your baby is going to be born...”
“The ambulance’s here”, Kyle announced, looking out the window. “Help Tess up, Liz, please. I’m gonna open the door for them”.
When Tess was already in the ambulance, Kyle said:
“Go back to the CrashDown, Liz. I’ll go with Tess and we’ll be fine. Or if you’d rather, go meet us with the others in a while, because now I don’t think they will let anyone else in”.
“Right”, Liz nodded. “Hang on in there, Kyle, I know you can do it. Good luck”.
“Yeah”, Kyle muttered. “If she doesn’t send me a burst of alien powers meanwhile”.
Liz laughed and watched the ambulance leave, before she walked back towards the Crashdown.

“So?”, Maria asked anxiously when she saw Liz getting in again.
“Tess and Kyle have already left”, Liz said. “He said we could go meet him there in a while”.
“We should get going”, Maria suggested. “I mean, by the way Kyle stormed in a while ago, it looked like Tess was pretty close of delivering. And I’m dying to see their baby. So… should we come?”
“I think I should probably stay. I have Alexia and Megan and I don’t think I can go to a hospital with them behind”, Isabel said.
“I’ll stay too”, Alex decided.
Isabel rolled her eyes, but she was touched.
“Alex, go. I’m fine, and besides I’ll stay here with Mr. and Mrs. Parker if I need anything. Just go and give me a call when the baby is born”.
“Alright then”, Alex agreed, even though he didn’t look too fond of the idea of leaving his wife and his daughters behind.
“Max, I think we can leave Violet for a while. My parents are with her, so she’ll be okay”, Liz said.
Max nodded and turned to Michael and Maria.
“You guys go?”
“Yea, I’m just going to talk to Mrs. Parker and ask her please to stay with Angel and tell her what happened”, Maria said, rushing upstairs.
When she came down, they all got into their cars and raced to the hospital, in time to catch Kyle.


“Kyle? Is everything going okay?”
Max was the one who spotted Kyle first and ran towards him. “How’s Tess?”
“Inside”, he groaned. “God I’m dead worried. My dad’s on the way too. He looked like a kid when I said his grandchild was going to be born. He told me to cheer up. Really. Cheer up. As if I could be all joyful in a time like this!”
Max smiled lightly. Kyle’s love and concern for Tess was painfully obvious by now, even though he knew he would never admit it.
“Just calm down. You’ll see everything’s doing fine. Why aren’t you there with her?”
Kyle looked at him like he was crazy.
“Are you mad? As if I could see a labor. They won’t let me in anyway”.
Max nodded silently, seeing the others beginning to surround Kyle.
“I’m going to try and see if everything’s going okay”, Maria said.
“Go, but they won’t let you in”, Kyle groaned.
“Well, you can always try”, Maria replied, and went away.
After a while, while everybody was secretely shaking with nerves, especially Kyle, Maria poked her head outside, yelling excitedely, out of the end of the corridor:
“Kyle! Come here! Get in here, quick!!!”
Kyle started running like mad towards Maria and got inside.
“The baby must be almost out”, Liz said. “God, I don’t know why, but I was feeling so nervous. I think I’m gonna have some water”.
“Yeah, you better”, Max said, and added tenderly. “And just take it easy, baby, you know you can’t get nervous”.
Liz smiled and was about to go get some water, when he heard a familiar voice yelling. It was Kyle.
“God, they’re gonna think we’re all crazy here”, Michael muttered.
Liz poked outside of the waiting room and saw Kyle running towards them, almost slipping down on the corridor.
“It’s born! It’s born! I have a son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Oh my God. Kyle—is everything okay? Is Tess all right?”
“Yeah, yeah, they’re perfect!!! It’s a boy!!! A boy!!! Cameron James Valenti, the man!!”
“Congratulations, Kyle”, Liz hugged him, or at least what would be a hug having the belly of a 9-months pregnant woman bumping against your stomach and her arms around your neck. “Can we go see her?”
“C’mon then. You better pair up, ‘cause we’re too many”, Kyle suggested.
“I’ll go”, Max offered. “We’ll be right back”, he told Michael and Alex.
When they got there, they saw Tess laying down, a no-doubt motherly look on her face, her big blue eyes full of tears, breast-feeding a small little thing curled up in a white bundle.
“Tess, are you okay?”, Liz asked, glancing into the bundle to the baby, and smiling. Even though he was small and looked a little skinny, and had still faint traces of blood scattered across his body, his wispy brown hair was just like Kyle’s and his blue eyes were no doubt Tess’s.
“He’s so cute”, Liz said delightedely.
“Thanks”, Tess looked up and smiled at her. “And he happens to be starving too”.
“There’s my boy”, Kyle cooed to the bundle, glancing just enough to see his son’s little head, covered by faith whisps of brown hair
When we looked behind he saw that Michael and Alex had already gotten in without waiting for Max and Liz to come back.
“Please”, Alex said with a mischivious smile. “Don’t mind us”.
Kyle rolled his eyes and turned again to his son. Everybody was watching Kyle delightedely.
Suddenly Liz let out a low moan.
Max turned to look at her worriedly.
“What’s wrong, Liz?”
“Nothing”, Liz said. “I just... I just had a little contraction. Maybe was just the baby kicking. Don’t worry, Max, I’m fine”. But not five seconds had passed when she grabbed Max’s hand and frowned in pain.
“Liz. Liz. Are you feeling okay?”
“Sort of”, she said. “I don’t know what’s happening”.
“Oh my God. Oh my God”, Maria shrieked. “You’re not going to have your child too, are you?”
“Oh no, not another one”, Michael groaned. “It’s a very good thing we’re in a hospital already”.
“Seriously you guys, I’m fine—oh God”, Liz hold her breath and then let it out slowly. “This one hurted”.
“Shit”, Max cursed under his breath. “We better start calling a doctor. Maria, please, check outside and see if you see some and tell him to get in here”.
“Right”, Maria nodded, and hurried outside.
“Oh God”, Kyle sighed. “Should we call the February 2nd the Labor Day?”
“Seriously, Kyle, I’m fine”, Liz started, until she felt a splash of water wetting her brown shirt and her jeans.
“God no”, Michael moaned. “Water breaking. I’m gonna go outside and see if I grab a doctor more quickly than Maria. You guys hang on. Hold on there, Liz”, and he scooted outside.
“Here, Liz”, Alex grabbed his hand, and helped her sitting on the edge of Tess’s bed. “Hold on, Lizzie. The doctor’ll be here any minute”.
“God”, Liz moaned. “I’m not in labor, am I?”
“I’m afraid you are”, Alex replied. “Don’t worry. The doctor’s almost here”.
Suddenly the door burst open and a doctor, followed by Michael and Maria, got in.
“So here is where the pregnant woman is?”, he asked, and quickly checked Liz. “We better get her a room. I’m gonna call a nurse”. And he stormed outside again.
“Lizzie. Lizzie. Oh my God, are you okay?”, Maria bent down and kissed Liz’s cheek.
“I’m fine, Maria”, Liz said quickly. “Please, just go outside. Alex”, she looked at Alex. “I aprecciate your concern so much, y’all, but I’m better if I’m left alone”.
“She’s right”, Alex said. “We’re gonna get going. Max, just tell us how things are going”. Max nodded and Alex, Michael and Maria left the room.
Meanwhile, Tess and Kyle’s son was full. Tess passed the bundle carefully over to Kyle, who took it and started rocking the baby gently back and forth, when he saw his little mouth opening and yawning.
Tess grabbed Liz’s hand.
“Hang on, Liz”, she said. “I know it won’t be of much help of a woman who’s just given birth an hour ago, but I know you can do it. You made me feel better, Liz, so I would just like to make you feel the same way. You already have a daughter, this is gonna be piece of cake to you... just think you’ll have your new baby in your arms soon...”
Liz smiled faintly, shutting her eyes closed when she felt a piercing new contraction.
“They’re coming faster, Max”, Liz said weakly. “The contractions. God I need a room. I need to start pushing”.
“Hang on, Liz”, Max whispered, kissing her forehead. “Hang on... they’ll be here soon...”
When finally the doctor and two nurses took Liz away, Max turned to Kyle:
“Just call home and tell Liz’s parents what happened, okay? I’m gonna try and see if I can watch the delievering and be there with her. By the way”, he smiled at Tess. “Your son is beautiful. Congratulations”.
“Thanks”, Tess smiled. “Good luck, Max”.
When Max left, Kyle and Tess were finally left alone.
“I just hope Liz is alright”, Tess sighed.
“She’ll be fine, you’ll see”, Kyle replied. “She’s an experienced woman in this stuff already”.
Tess smiled, and received the bundle in her arms again, where this time her son was sleeping placidly.
“He’s adorable, isn’t he?”, she asked Kyle, without stop looking at the baby.
“Yep”, Kyle smiled. “Our little Cameron”.
“I can’t believe we’ve actually made it”, Tess sighed. She looked at Kyle. “It all went so quickly, you know. Seems like it was only yesterday we met. And now, we’re living together... and with a son. God”.
Kyle was silent for a moment.
“Do you regret anything?”, he asked.
Tess smiled.
“What do you think?”
Kyle looked at her faking a blank expression.
“I don’t know. I still don’t know if I can trust you, woman”.
Tess laughed.
“Of course I don’t regret anything”. She paused. “I love you, Kyle”.
Kyle ran his thumb sweetly across her cheek, and smiled at her.
“I love you too”. He went quiet for a moment, then spoke again, akwardly.
“Tess... you know... now we have a son…and...I was thinking...”, he began, stuttering.
“What are you trying to say, Kyle?”, Tess asked, puzzled.
“Well... I’ll go straight to the point then”. Kyle took a deep breath, then paused for a moment. “Tess, do you wanna marry me?”
Tess gasped.
“Kyle, what are you saying?!”
“If you don’t want to, that’s okay”, Kyle said. “But... now we have a son, and... we love each other and all that... but if you don’t feel ready or anything, I understand... I really do...”
“Yes. I want to marry you, Kyle”.
A huge smile started to spread on Kyle’s lips, lighting up his face.
“You sure?”, he asked, kissing her forehead.
“Yep. I sure am, man”, Tess joked, and closed her eyes when Kyle’s lips joined hers into a sweet kiss.


“Push, Liz!”
“I am pushing”, Liz breathed. “God, looks like... I’m giving birth... for the first time...”
“You’re doing very good, Mrs. Evans”, the doctor declared. “We’re almost there. I can see the head...”
“See, Liz? We’re so close, baby... push just one more time...”
Liz digged her fingernails into Max’s hand and pushed.
“Almost! Almost! Just one more push!”
Liz gave a final push and sighed with relief when she heard a faint crying.
“Thank God”, she panted.
“And it’s a girl”, the doctor declared, examining the baby. “Congratulations”.
“A girl”, Liz gasped, then smiled weakily. “I wanted a girl”.
“We’ve made it”, Max whispered in her ear. “We have another daughter. She’s perfect, Liz”.
“God, Max, I couldn’t have done it if it wasn’t with you by my side”, Liz declared with tears in her eyes. She looked at the bloody baby wrapped in a blanket. “You know, I wanted our child to be born in Roswell. That was another reason for me to want to come back now”.
Max smiled.
“Me too”.
Liz smiled and looked at the baby again.
“I so wanted Violet to see this”.
“I’m gonna call your parents and tell them everything’s okay”, Max said. He kissed Liz’s lips. “I love you, so much Liz”.
“I love you too”, she declared, smiling. “So much”.


“So? How’s everything? Is Liz okay?”
Alex asked anxiously, just like the rest of the gang who was waiting in the waiting room.
“Everything’s fine”, Max said. He smiled. “It’s a girl”.
Everybody cheered.
“Can we go see them?”
“Try”, Max suggested. “I’m gonna call Liz’s parents and tell them everything’s okay and for them to drive Violet here so she can see the baby”.
Everybody rushed towards the room where Liz was, except for Alex, who went to warn Kyle and Tess first.
“Liz had the baby”, he announced, poking his head in.
“Oh yeah? Is everything okay? Is the baby alright?”
“They’re both fine”, Alex smiled. “They got a girl”.
“Aw that’s so cute”, Tess cooed. “I wish I could see them. But the nurse insists that I’m still weak...”
“I’ll go there”, Kyle said, kissing her cheek, and winked at her. “I’ll tell you the details later”.
Meanwhile, Max was talking to Nancy.
“Yes... Liz already had the baby... everything’s alright... it’s a girl... so you can already tell Violet she has a baby sister... oh, can you drive here and bring her? We wanted Vi to see her baby sister... alright, then. I’ll be waiting. See you then. Bye”.
When he was done, Max rushed to Liz’s room where everybody was surrounding Liz and the baby.
“She’s the cutest thing, Max!”, Maria said excitedely.
Max smiled.
“Yeah. I know”.
And so the hours went by... with everybody sometimes surrounding Tess and Cameron, others around Liz and little Aurora Melody Evans.

A/N.- So this was more of a Kyle/Tess chapter, but I love them and it’s my first attempt to write something about them, so I decided to just let it go. :D But what do you guys think??! I had to turn this upside down because I wanted Max and Liz’s little daughter to be born in Roswell, but in another situation I wouldn’t get a 9-months pregnant woman travelling to the other side of the USA! :) So it was a girl!!! Are you all disappointed??! Hope not!! :D I could only picture Violet with a little sister, so I made things this way! And I wasn’t supposed to say the baby’s name in this chapter, but I just couldn’t resist it. :D Anyway, this is the way it went. Next chapter will be the last, I think. Hehe, I’m never sure! :) :roll: But it will probably be. Am I torturing anyone out there??! :D Hehehe, anyways, hope you’ve enjoyed this one!