Paradox (AU M/L,MATURE) Chpt 17 18/1/06 [WIP]

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Paradox (AU M/L,MATURE) Chpt 17 18/1/06 [WIP]

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Title: Paradox
Rating: MATURE

Pairing: M/L

DISCLAMIER- I don't own Roswell, or any of there characters, they belong to melinda metz, WB, UPN, SCI FI. I don't own gates of paradise please don't sue me.....

Author’s note: This story is inspired/based on Virginia Andrews novel “Gates of Paradise,” Please read it at your own leisure. A BIG THANK YOU TO gosiek for making this banner. :D :D

This is my very first fic with no Aliens.

And this is a dreamer story and you will wonder, “How they will end up together so please read the prologue closely…” but it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Plot: Keeping secrets from each other can be very dangerous-so is forbidden love.

Max and Liz are in love- when a terrible car crash kills Liz’s mother Nancy and leaves Liz temporary paralysed from the waist down, her great grandfather Edward Harding in Boston takes Liz into care. Then, strange things start to happen…and terrible secrets of her family’s past are revealed.


Evans Manor

Nancy Evans locked the bathroom door behind her, sat down and curled herself into a human ball. Today was her daughter’s eighteenth birthday.
Eighteen years. Nancy thought. Has it been eighteen years since I’ve kept this secret inside? Not only was this secret hurting her it was hurting her daughter, and Max. Yes, Nancy thought. She knew what kind of feelings Liz harboured for Max. She saw the same expression on Max’s face every day when Liz was in the room; their faces lit up like fire! But because of the secret Nancy kept from everyone they can’t be together- Max and Liz cannot express their feelings of love- for everyone believes that they are half brother and sister, and cousins.

They’re not, Nancy realised. They’re not blood related at allbut I cannot reveal this to them- I can’t risk the scandal that will follow. My husband will be crushed to find out that Liz isn’t his daughter.

It has been eighteen years since I have seen Liz’s real father. Oh, he knew all right! and as much as he loved her as she did him…she also loved Phillip and it was forbidden for Nancy to love the other man. But they didn’t know, no one told her! Nancy blamed Edward for this! If he told her earlier about Esther then ….Liz wouldn’t have been born.
Everything happens for a reason, Nancy realised. She muffled her cries by a handful of tissues. She felt like she was betraying Liz- the one chance to be happy…. Nancy should reveal the secret…

No, Nancy told herself. You promised him that you would keep this a secret. You knew the dangers and consequences of what you were doing.
So, if I can’t reveal this secret I’m going to be bad as my mother was!

Nancy sighed; wiping away her tears she decided that today was the day that she was going to change things.
If she can not reveal the secret…then she must help her daughter through this hell of loving Max…as Nancy once had…. and find someone for her …not necessarily to love, for no one can replace the love Liz felt for Max. No, she needed to find someone Phillip would approve. With that thought Nancy unlocked the door and started to get ready. After all it was her only daughter’s eighteenth birthday.

Chapter One

I feel an ill sense of forbidden when I look at him
, Liz thought. Peaking from underneath her dark brown shawl of hair she saw Isabel and her twin, Max gazing at their chemistry textbooks with discontent; they will have their finals in a few days but today was supposed to be special. Today was their eighteenth birthday.
“Chocolate or strawberry?” Isabel asked her brother and half sister Liz Evans.
There’s the forbidden fruit, Liz thought.

Liz’s mother, Nancy was married to a wealthy lawyer, Phillip Evans. However, this is when things in Liz’s family tree get a little twisted. When Nancy was around Liz’s age, she fell in love with Phillip. It was supposed to be some fairy tale but her Aunty Diane was anything but…a nice sweet bag of honey.

In order to understand their heritage-Liz had to mull over the past- the thing was- she didn’t know anything. None of them did really, her mother Nancy never spoke of her background…except for a crazy old man called Edward Harding-Liz’s great-grandfather and chairman of Harding restaurants.

Cutting a long- and vague history short her grandmother, Esther was Edwards’s stepdaughter. Wait…. let’s start again shall we? Margo Ross- Liz’s -great grandmother was vain about beauty and hated her daughter, Esther, whose beauty was like the goddess Aphrodite. Margo married Edward when Esther was eighteen.

Now, something happened, something terrible to drive her grandmother, Esther away. She left Boston and headed to Roswell, New Mexico. There, she met a man called Hank Guerin and then Nancy was conceived, along with Diane and Michael…wait…Michael is their half brother, Liz corrected herself. Wait, I’ll get to that point in a sec…

Anyway Diane and Nancy grew up together, working at Hank’s restaurant ‘The Crashdown’ but that didn’t mean that they were raised differently. After Esther died, giving birth to Diane Hank was on ‘booze and drugs’ to put it in Diane’s words. When Nancy was eighteen a man called Edward, contacted her by mail…who as we know turned out to be her grandfather. Nancy left Roswell and headed to Boston to live in the Harding Manor. There she met Phillip, an aspiring Lawyer, twenty-four years of age and if I stop here…you can guess what happened? Yep, they got together and married and conceived Liz…However, this wasn’t supposed to be a happy ending.

Diane was like the bad seed of the family…the black sheep. Everyone has one, the one family member that doesn’t have a name but is always referred to as a sneer…or a piercing glance of ill contempt. Diane was Roswell’s village bicycle…just about every male had a ride by the time Diane reached the age of sixteen.

Diane never went to High school. Instead, she worked at the Crashdown until she was eighteen; she fell in love with some unknown thirty-year-old millionaire and married him…headed off to Las Vegas. Diane and Nancy’s father didn’t care…. he left the Crashdown in another family’s care- the Delucas- and left for the Caribbean with a French courtesan.

However, as the old age saying goes…you are never satisfied with what you have. It was no brainier that Diane wanted Phillip- in fact she lusted after him. She divorced her husband, married someone else, and had a ton’s of other male relationships but none could fill the void of her desire for the married man, Phillip. It wasn’t love, no; in fact the reason why Diane wanted Phillip was that it was Nancy’s lover. Phillip didn’t respond as first but when Nancy went away to attend a family funeral in Boston he gave in and Diane fell pregnant.

What Phillip didn’t know was that Nancy was also pregnant. It was pure disaster for the next couple of months. Diane, demanding that Phillip should be with his unborn twins but Phillip was torn between the lust he once had for Diane, the responsibility of his unborn children but also his loyalty and undying love for Nancy. In the midst of this Michael came into the picture. He was three years old at the time- Nancy and Dianne’s half brother. Nancy and Diane’s father and his mistress died in a boat crash in Paris and now the prospect of guardianship was between them. In the end of the three month gruelling battle for custody Nancy was granted guardianship of Michael Brandon Guerin while Diane was handed money from her father’s will (Hank favoured Diane a little more than Nancy…Liz always thought that was cruel)

Then a few weeks after in May of 1984, Isabel, Max and Liz were born. To be more precise Liz was born two hours after them but they all shared the same birthday: May the sixteenth. Phillip stayed married to Nancy while Dianne continued to fill the void with other men and money. . That was Liz’s family tree. Liz grew up with her half uncle, Michael, but she loved him and thought of him as an older brother. While, occasionally Isabel and Max, her half brother and sister would come over on weekends to stay over. But mostly…it was just Liz and Max who remained close over the past eighteen years.

“I dunno…. I like vanilla,” Max said to his sister- he smiled at Liz and she ducked her head in embarrassment. Isabel huffed, shuffled her textbooks into a pile- “Fine then…” she seethed and walked off in a puff-“Yuki!” She screamed into the hallway-her favourite maid, Yuki replied,
"Coming Madam Evans,"
Isabel disappeared into the spiralling hallways.

Max and Liz shared a chuckle. He got up form his seat, headed over and sat next to Liz- their bare arms touching-sharing heat and warmth.
“So, do you feel any different?”
“Different?” Liz said “How?”
He shrugged his shoulders, his skin rubbing into hers in a slow circle.” I dunno…we finish school in three weeks. I don’t know about you…but I’m sacred…. shitless”

“Shitless?” Liz laughed. “How can you be- shit-less…what? Do you shit less than usual..?...Come-on tell Dr Evans...”
Their last names were the same. Diane wanted her daughter and son to take on their father’s last name…as supposed to Guerin, her maiden name.
“ Well,” Max said, leaning back to rest his head on her lap- her hands went into his dark hair—Daddy’s hair was dark…Nancy’s hair was a golden auburn. Liz looked at her own hair and wondered how she got brown hair- the colour of melted chocolate- she loved her father’s hair…but Max’s was a much thicker texture, like raven’s feathers and his piercing amber eyes came from Liz’s aunty Dianne. She loved spending hours, filing her thin fingers through his dark fur. He enjoyed it too
“My mother is on some business trip with Greg…or was it Tim-“
“Last time I heard it was George Fred…” Liz joked lightly- she knew that deep down…Max loved his mother but she also knew that Max wished that Nancy were his biological mother. Nancy cared for Max like a son…better than Dianne did. However, Isabel favoured her mother more than her father- even though together they were untied they were also divisions when it came to family loyalty.

Max chuckled into her stomach; he was on his side, so, when he spoke, his lips touched her stomach and the moistness of his lips spread warmth throughout her body.
“So…. I was kinda hopping that I can crash here while Isabel has her friends over at Fehr Mansion.”
Liz nodded; her long brown hair was a shade for their faces-, which was a good thing…it was like their own secret world…
“We can play Fantasy land.” He suggested.

It was a make believe game they always played- where Liz would pretend she was a princess locked up in a castle and Max was the prince, trying to save her from the evil dragon.
“What game?” Liz asked.
“We can play any game you want…” He lifted his head from her lap-they were inches apart. She cold smell his rainforest aftershave with the hint of masculinity that no man should have the right…. to smell this good.
“Well, I was watching re-runs of Buffy last night-”
“Which one?”
“Season Two -the good one,” Liz teased-ogling her eyes at him. Max laughed
“I was sad when Angel had to leave …. It was when they first made love,” Liz softly added.
Max Evans was the next Tom Cruise. Every Drama academy in the Western Hemisphere has begged Max to join their College. They would spend hours in her room, reciting lines from Homer’s Odyssey, The Iliad, Hamlet and their personal favourite-Romeo and Juliet.

(Flash back)

“But Liz, I don’t want to go,” Max confessed.
“Why not?”
He cupped her cheeks gingerly, and hoarsely answered, “I don’t want to leave my leading lady behind,”

(End of Flash back)

“Buffy,” Max spiked his thick dark hair with his hands-his voice thick with a native Irish accent. He wrapped his arms around her, coxing her to laze on top of his lap.
“I must go or else the Judge will rise,” his eyes rimmed with tears he kissed her fingertips.
Breathe Liz, she thought to herself. Her heart-thudded wildly-she rested her hands on his chest and felt the rapid beats of his heart.
“Angel,” She whispered back with the same about of forcefulness. “I love you,”
Something flickered in his eyes-joy perhaps; he smiled sadly and traced her arched eyebrows.
“I love you,”
He leaned in closer-tightening the hold on her. Liz held her breath, as she was inches from tasting his mouth.

“Still playing that childish fantasy game,” his vile words broke the lazy spell-Liz repelled, and scampered onto the seat away from Max; she hugged herself but dare not look up at her half Uncle.
His gelled brown hair was slicked back and his goatee well trimmed. But his eyes held no warmth, no kindness Liz once knew from her half Uncle. His lawyers brief case was on the table and he just stared-all his hatred, his nausea at Max.
“…........”Liz couldn’t say anything, she coughed. “Mic-ael,” she rubbed her forearms for the coldness emitting from Michael was colder than a winter’s day.

“I hear that you are spending your summer at Julliard,”Michael chuckled at Max. “Acting is vile as begging on the streets in my book-“He shot a glance at Liz, “Fortunately Liz will never stoop that low to be seen with such vermin…” He added, “She will be spending her summer at the Elder school of music in Berlin,”

Did he have to bring up that, Liz thought. She should have told Max earlier, but then again, he never told her that he was going to New York.
“Liz is very gifted in piano,” Max spoke silently. “It is no surprise to me,” He looked at her-his eyes spoke many secrets-betrayal-sadness-affection. “She is very talented,”
The tension could be cut with a knife but before anyone could say another jab to break the bonds of friendship Isabel entered the room with her favourite maid, Yuki.

Yuki bowed to everyone, her dark hair tied in elegant bows and braids. “Dinner is served, Master Guerin, Evans and Madam Liz,”


What do you think? Shall I continue?

Last edited by on Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:25 am, edited 32 times in total.
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Chapter 2

“I’ve finished my Exams…unlike….you!” Liz pointed her finger at Max, he caught it and smiled.
“That’s because you’re beautiful,” He let go of her finger and continued walking alongside her down the long hallway.
There was something that Liz was supposed to do before she sat at the dining table.

What was it again? She couldn’t remember after Max caught her finger.
Isabel was giving order to Yuki. What Isabel didn’t know (She would if she spent more than odd weekends at her house) was that Yuki’s knowledge of English was minute. So when Isabel is talking about the social ethics on what colour her pyjamas should be-Yuki wouldn’t understand a thing and adopt the nod and shrug with the occasional remark of that’s wonderful, Madam Isabel

“That’s wonderful, Madam Isabel,” Yuki applauded.
Max and Liz sniggered-their arms vine around each other tightly, Liz leaned over to see Michael staring at them at the back-his brown eyes full of scorn.
Yuki san, Daiijyobu?” (Yuki, are you okay?) Liz asked the maid-her eyes veered over to Isabel, busily unaware of Yuki’s distress.
Yuki smiled warmly at Liz, shaking her head, “AA-Daiijyobu,” (Yes, I’m fine)
“You sound so smart when you speak Japanese,” Max said, his eyes dancing in the dim lighting of the hallway. Yuki bowed to everyone before descending down stairs to the first level leading to the servant quarters.

The Evans Manor was a modified version of the French Château and a Victorian house. It was three stories-the first level, or the ground level consisted of a cellar with wine vaults of Chardonnay dating back to the eighteenth century and a store room full of Nancy’s glory boxes, clothes and photos from her adolescent years. There was a hallway leading to the servant quarters, in which, Liz was told from Yuki that it consisted of a bunk house with a small lounge room, bathroom, shower quarters and a huge switch board with every room lit up (it was a simple beep system- a light would flash and beep when one of the family needed them)

Liz was forbidden to go down to the ground level-so it was locked tight. The first floor, in which Liz was currently on, consisted of two dining rooms, a rumpus room, lounge room, tea room, the library, study area, the kitchen. The first dining room was at the front (which was the room Liz was in a few moments ago) It contained a dinning room table next to a bay window- with a view of the garden, immaculate with lilies, lavenders, roses, digonlillies and an ivory cherub fountain, sprouting water into the small pond with goldfish and Lillie pads.

The first floor had a staircase to the servant quarters, on the ground floor. The rumpus room was the men’s quarters- a cigar room where her father would have his modern day symposium with his fellow work mates. As much as Liz loved her father she wouldn’t be surprised if he also had a couple of concubines in there as well. The lounge room was next door to the dinning room (the two rooms were concertina doors.) it had three red velvet sofas and a plasma flat-screened television. The library was opposite the first dinning room- nest twenty-four rows of Library books and on the right hands side was the study area, three sets of desks with a small desk lamp. The kitchen was a separate area that can only be accessed via a second set of stairs in the servant quarters (from the Bunk house) and through a door in the second dinning room-aka the main dining room for breakfast, lunch and brunch, dinner and supper. The first dinning room area is only used when Liz’s friends’ were over- which was just her and Max.

The tea room was a small area-it should be named “the Music Room” for Liz’s grand piano resided there and Liz would spend most of her day practicing. Playing works from Mozart, Bach, Beethoven and her own music. Truth was, she loved playing for Max-his face was focused on her and she didn’t have to worry about strict teachers-her parents or anything. It all dissolved away when it was just her and Max in the room. Just listening to her music and him softly humming along-their own universe.

The third level was the sleeping quarters. At the entrance of the house- the first thing you see is a wide spiralling stair way- a semi bronzed naked women statue (only clothed in bronze silk) was in a frozen leaping position- the left leg on the ground and the right leg slightly arched backwards- carrying a torch. The statue resided on the banister onset.
The staircase spiralled twice and led to the third level with twenty-five rooms and only four were used. Her parents bedroom was on the left ride hand side. In other words, you turn left at the staircase then turn on the first left and walk to the far end to find the master bedroom. Liz never set foot in her parent’s room, but she knew that there was a balcony

Her room was on the right hand side. Liz would turn right at the stairs then turn left immediately to a room wedge in between two other rooms on either side. Max’s room, when he used it, was next door to hers on the left (the first room you see once who have climbed the stair case) The only problem was that Michael’s room was also next door to hers, on the right hands side. So, Liz could never sneak into Max’s room without Michael watching.

The main dining room was adorned with paintings of the Ireland countryside-their heritage and their House Satin colour displayed over a deer’s head, mounted to the wall room above the golden chair-her father’s seat. Liz’s mother sat on the silver chair on the right hand side. The Table was long and thin, with two seats on opposite end and three on each side. Liz sat next to Max on the right hand side and on the left sat Isabel and Michael. Max, Isabel, Michael and Liz took their seats-carved out of wood and polished a dark mahogany with dark red seat cushions. Their plates were white china, thin crystal a wine glass, brandy glass and water glass neatly clustered together on Liz’s right. A small bread and salad plate was on Liz’s left, a large plate in the middle with three sets of cutlery surrounding the plate. A faint silver vine and rostellate design was edged around the plate’s rim.

Every meal was a fancy occasion that was dealt with precise and gentleness- edict was on top of the list. Edict like a princess, Liz’s mother used to say.
Her parents joined them a few minutes after, the nameless maids in grey uniforms helped them into their seats, flashed out a white napkin to wipe their fingers and pour them red wine.

“Everyone,” Phillip said, “Let’s say grace,”
Everyone, including the six maids and butlers on stand by folded their hands in prayer and waited to Phillip to say the Lord’s grace.
“Come Lord Jesus….”He began in a soft whisper.

CRASH! The door was kicked open and in walked Diane Guerin.
Diane Guerin dress code was of a cheerleader on speed. She wore a black leather skirt down to her ankles with black stilettos heals. A black corset pushed her cleavage-bosom upwards and neatly cupped them slightly- as if they might fall out at any moment. She wore a long black cotton shawl over her bare shoulders, a silver diamond necklace rested below her neck, dancing like stars; it shone its light everywhere. Her arm length black leather gloves fit her like second skin.

Her silver dark blonde hair was shoulder length and half pulled back-it was hidden underneath a black large puffy hat, titled sideways and only her left sea green eye, surrounded by a light emerald shimmer ogled everyone in the room.
It seemed that vampire/gothic woman was her theme for tonight.

“Aye, ya no’t goin tu start yer dinner wit ot moi,” her Irish accent drawled.
Yep- both sides of the family were of Irish decent, and yet… Diane had very bad speech and grammar- (Diane spent her early twenties in the Bronx, after her Las Vegas marriage)

“No, Dianne- my husband was just about to say grace,” Nancy chided.
Notice how my mother’s eyes drooped? Liz thought.

Nancy’s nose clenched and Liz noticed that her mother pronounced her sister’s name as Dianne, not Diane. Nancy also pronounced the word Hus-band very slowly. Liz noticed many things.

However, Diane thought nothing of it and placed her leather-gloved hands on her huge hips. “Well’er dats kay. (She glared at the maids and butlers on standby)… Aye maidsn’butler! Give’s me a seat and some grog!”
She laughed heartily and Phillip shared a blushed chuckle.

Please, let there be no dramas, Liz thought, grasping Max’s hand in comfort. He lightly squeezed her hand-his sign of saying that he was too uncomfortable about the scene in front of him.
The tension was thick-undercurrents of past history, Liz thought. Max leaned to the right, pretending that he was veering over the fine china design on Liz’s plates-he whispered softly though his lips remained in a fixed smile.

“Don’t worry, I have a surprise for you afterwards,”
Liz blushed, a surprise?
Max smiled at his mother, pretending to approve her new outfit.
“You like it?” Diane cooed, touched by her son’s admiration for her outfit.
Max seethed through his clenched teeth smile. “Kill me later,”
Liz chuckled, lightly glancing at Max. “Repeat after me, I…. Will… Survive,”
Max shook his head, “Come on Liz? We both know that will never happen,”
“Let’s just get through this, and then….” She got distracted by his
smouldering amber eyes; she could stare at him for hours. How Liz wished that they were both alone, so she can climb on top of his lap and listen to his heartbeat, his hands stroking her back and combing her hair. Her face flushed, imagining his hands slithering underneath her blouse- how she wished his hands were inside her. “I… can give you my… birthday present…to…you,”
Get a grip! Liz told herself.

After her father said grace the maids served the entrée-pumpkin soup and a light garden salad. After finishing the main course of roast pork with plum sauce Liz was finishing her last morsels of Pavlova cake- she cringed with every bite. The cake was too sweet for her but it was her mother’s favourite. So, for her sake she endured the sugary onslaught and pictured herself with Max, handing him his birthday present.
It was a silver heart that was split in two-one half for her and the other half for him. It symbolises that they will always be apart of each other’s lives…she was afraid though, that Max might think that the present was too stupid, mundane and beneath him…

No, she thought. I’m just afraid…I can no longer shield my feelings for him…from him….

How many times has she smiled and whispered her feelings underneath her breath? How many times has she wanted to kiss his lips when he held her close? The number was Infinite but he never knew…of course…they had a close relationship but Liz always had doubts. When they recited plays, or played the fantasy game…it was all an act…. another character…to her…it was playing with her emotions.

The maids had cleared the table and were serving coffee and tea. Now was their chance to leave!
“Mom, Dad,” Liz said, standing up, grabbing Max’s long sleeve shirt and tugging him upwards. “I’m going to help Max with his up-coming exams,”
Her mother nodded in approval and Max and Liz smiled. Success!….


Their backyard consisted of three archers, containing a pool and stables and a never-ending garden- full of trees, small ponds…. and statues.
Liz and Max walked to their spot in the Garden- it was down the hill from the entrance in the second dining room. It was a weeping willowing tree. Its long branches drooped down and touched the grass, creating a small dark green cave. Inside the cave was a wooden bench.

“We are free!” Max declared, lying comfortably on the bench. His head rested on the pink cushion-nestled on the wooden arm. His eyes look at her, his arms stretched out, his hands clutching air. “Come here,” he coaxed. Liz lost herself-looking at him wearing his long sleeve dark grey shirt and dark blue jeans.

“I’m fine, standing,” she replied-finding her voice again. She gulped and wiped her sweaty palms on her jeans.
“Please,” He pleaded, bitting his lower lip. “There is a small hole in the cave ceiling….I can see the stars from here, come here,”
Her hands travelled down his muscled arms, leaning into his embrace-she then turned her back to him and nestled between his legs, her head resting underneath his chin-she moved to lie on his right shoulder and gazed up at the night sky.

“Wow,” Liz whispered at the sight before- a bed of stars covered the night sky. “It’s beautiful,”
His arms rubbed up and down her bare arms. Liz shivered at the coldness of the chilly night but the sensation she felt when his hands rubbed her skin. It didn’t help either that her sleeveless blouse had ridden up- and Max’s- her back came into contact with his exposed stomach- his rippled muscles burned into her flesh.

They lay there for a while, their legs entangled in each other on the bench.
“What are you wearing for tomorrow’s ball?” Max was referring to their joint birthday party at his house tomorrow evening.
“I dunno,”Liz turned her head and his face was inches from hers. “I…guess….a dress”
She rose up, slowly rubbing her forehead and Max was behind her-arms hooked around her and clutched her close. His lips touched the shell of her ear.
Liz breathed heavily but all she could smell was Max. She could hear him breathing as well- the warmth of his skin enveloped in hers started to heat up.

Slowly Liz unhooked the necklace hidden underneath her black blouse. She broke the small silver heart in two and handed the left halve to him. “H-appy, Birthday Max. I know…. Its no playstation...but I thought that since its our last year…and.” Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of being separated from him. “We are going our separate ways… so this is a token of our friendship…you will always be apart of my heart.”
Heart? Can you be more obvious Liz!
She saw him, from the corner of her eyes placing the necklace around his neck.

“Thank you Liz, I will cherish it forever,”
He pulled her closer to him; his left hand slid down hers until he held her small hand in his.
“Now, for my gift,” His fingers closed around her ring finger-she felt something cold slide onto her finger. She looked down and gasped at the silver band glowing in the faint moonlight-she then realised it was because of the bed of encrusted diamonds- a small diamond circle in the middle of the heart- a crown on top with two hands holding the heart. The crown pointed outwards with the heart pointed inwards…it was a claddagh ring.

“Wear the ring with the heart pointed towards you. Like this” he showed an identical ring on his left hand. “It means that you belong to someone,”
“I will never take this off,” Liz told him.
“Me too,” He replied, his smile disappeared for a brief moment. “No matter what happens….I will always belong to you…” He kissed her neck softly.

“And I you,” her voice a whisper as a faint tear trailed down her cheek. It was so beautiful…so expensive…how Liz wanted to disappear forever in his arms.
He lay back down and pulled her on top of him, their arms in a tight embrace and they gazed up at the night sky. The was no need for words, Liz only focused on the feeling of his arms around her and pretending, just for a moment that she was his wife and that they weren’t hiding from everyone in this small cave but in their own garden.
If only dreams can come true, Liz thought.
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A/N- sorry, this time is hetic for me becasue I am in my last week of semseter much work that needed my attention.....

special thanks to ISLANDGIRL5- she pointed out that i left the disclaimer........uh-oh

Chapter 3

Morning church: Those two words don’t go together. Just think for a moment. Church: a place of worship and joyful singing. Morning: dawn, chilly spring wind.
Still, her mother insisted that the entire clan commute to church and at least have a religious experience.

Liz and Michel were the first ones to score the back pew. She wore a light blue shirt and neat black jeans. Sunday was the only day Michael wasn’t wearing his suit. He wore black cargo pants and a grey shirt with a dark blue shirt underneath.
“Communium or non-communion?” She asked Michael. When it was just the two of them, he was fine, gentle even…. the side that only Liz had the privilege of seeing. Her parents were speaking to Amy Deluca and Miss Brighton in the pew before them.

Michael peered over to see if there was anything placed on alter before answering. “Communion,” he nodded.
“Great,” Liz rolled her eyes. It only meant one thing. One hour service-so it wasn’t too bad. It’ll finish around ten which would leave pliantly of time for Liz to help Isabel go over the last few details for tonight’s party.
“You’re not going to like this,” Michael said. “But Jason Bridges is the host today,”

Liz’s mind exploded in panic. Make that a three-hour service. Wait, just to be on the safe side, make that a four-hour service!The host’s job was to announce the bible readings, the sermon and the bands’ song and so forth.

It seemed like a straight forward procedure, except instead of just saying ‘and now, the bible readings,’ Jason says, ‘Jesus Christ always touches our lives and in today’s bible readings…’
“Pass me a pillow, its going to be a while,” Liz joked. Michael laughed. “I bet you ten bucks that the service goes for two hours,”
Liz pondered for a moment, “You’re on,” He shook his hand to seal the deal.

“What did I miss,” Max said in a rush, he sat next to Liz. She saw Michael flinch and get up from his spot to sit in the pew in front of them, next to Nancy and Amy Deluca.
“What?” Max had his hands in the air.
She sighed, “I really wished that you two would get along,”
“But he is always mean-,”
“Yeah,” Liz agreed. “But only when…” You’re around….Liz finished silently.
A girl around Liz’s age with curly blonde hair walked in with Diane and Isabel. She gazed at Max as they walked past and sat in the front row of the nave.

“Who’s that girl,” Liz asked- only men not much older than Michael would sit at Diane’s side.
“Who?” Max said, flipping through the pages of the bible.
Before Liz could say anything the service started. By the sermon Liz had forgotten what she was going to say and sat next to Max, smiling at their matching rings.

“You owe me ten bucks,” She stretched out her hand smugly. The service went for three hours and forty-five minutes. Max had to leave after the service. Something about getting some shut eye before tonight’s ball? Liz couldn’t remember his exact words but she knew him well enough to know he was lying, but didn’t push it. She knew that sooner or later Max would tell her what was on his mind.
Michael threw the bill at her; she caught it and placed it in her pocket.
“So, what are you doing today?” Liz asked.
Michael shrugged his shoulders. “I’m thinking of heading over to a mates house, play snooker, watch brave heart.” He sniggered. “I don’t have to ask to know what you’re doing,”
Liz inwardly groaned. Isabel can be such a controlling wench when it came to organizing…. Max nicked named her “Christmas Nazi” Liz would opted for “Hitler’s bitch” but that was too mean.

“I still have to go shopping with Izzy. Shopping and Isabel together are weapons of mass destruction…I mean honestly,” Liz waved her hands about in the air, her face contorted in a twisted Isabel sneer. She visualised Isabel flipping through dozens of DK sweaters, throwing them into a pile while yelling at the clerk “This is lime orange, not tangerine enough!” Liz face went back to her Doris day smirk-her signature smile Max had called it. “I need all the caffeine I can get!”
“Just remember what I’ve told you, be quite and nod and smile….nod and smile,”

“Va, Eliza!” It was Mrs Dignns, old granny-smith of a lady but used to teach Liz and Michael German before Liz gave up and went onto Japanese. However, if Liz was going to spend three months in Berlin, she has to be nice to this lady.
‘….nod and smile Lizze…’ Michael chanted.
Liz swatted him away, nudging his shoulder not too hard but as a warning if he continued chanting. “Guten morgen ?” She arched her eyebrows…..she couldn’t remember how Germans say hello?
Mrs Dignns, however, frowned and pinched Liz’s chicks-the way Grandmothers do to show affection towards their bustling grand-children. It hurt like hell to have her skin being pulling in two different directions, kind of like plastic surgery but without the drugs.

‘…nod and smile….nod and smile…’ Michael whispered softly in Liz’s ear.
“Oh my little Lizze wizzy. My! How you have grown…but your accent…tut tut,” she shook her head with worry. “You need a good spanking or two! To get the native cheer-men acconnt!” her breath smelt like fish sticks and Liz could see the crooked yellow horse teeth almost gnawing at her skin-there was also a piece of spinach stuck in between the front teeth.
‘…..nod and smile….nod….and smile…’ Michael voice was calm, but very annoying.
Liz continued to ignore him by taking deep breaths, but only managed to breathe more in of Mrs Dignns fish breath and her perfume, it smelt like cat pee.
“No…that’s o-kay Mrs Dignns….”
“Ah Noh! You call me Helga!” She laughed and Liz could see into the deep abyss behind the obscene teeth. Only to discover a cave with bits of half digested food stuck along the surface before disappearing down her swollen throat.
‘….nod and smile Lizze…..nod and smile…’
“O—okay….Helga…When would you like me to start?” don’t look into her mouth! Oh Michael would you please shut up? Liz wished Max was here and pull his knight in shining armour stunt. Then again, Max would also tease Liz to death and sing his song he made up about Helga Dignns in the style of the old Lady who could eat a horse- or some other nursery rhyme.
nod….and smile….nod and smile nod and smile nod and smile….NOD AND SMILE’ Michael’s chanting became louder in her ear but Mrs Dignns not only had bad breath, bad teeth and perfume smelling like cat pee- she was also deaf. So the possibility of hearing Michael chanting like a complete lunatic was -----zilch---nada. It also explained why Liz was slow close to the edge of her crooked teeth ( So Mrs Dignns could hear) Liz was afraid that an inch closer Helga Dignns might mistake her brown hair as chocolate and start to devour her.

“O----- ere abeoit next Thursday?” Mrs Dignns sniffled. Great, Liz thought-she also has the flu.
‘…..NOD AND SMILE……nod and smile…….NOD AND SMILE…..
“OH WOULD YOU SHUT UP!” Liz screamed, her hands rubbing her throbbing temples, Mrs Dignns face fell, and her lower lip trembled.
“Oh….Mrs Dignns…I didn’t me…ah….I meant Him!” she pointed at Michael, who was doubling over with laughter but it was too late. Mrs Dignns already trotted over to Mrs Appleby, crying over her shoulder.
“Oh~~~~~~~~YOU!” Liz’s voice wavered, slapping Michael on the head. He ducked.
“Hey! Man….don’t have a cow…”
“A cow?” Liz said, taken back. She laughed. “Oh Michael,” She walked towards him, her head in mid air, thinking. “Oh…Mikey….wieky….Mikey wieky….” She smiled. “I-(she pointed to herself) …….won’t have a cow…in your case I’ll have a whole HERD after the stunt you pulled. Now, Helga is babbling to Appleby- she’s known for being a Miss Nosey Parker….so….so…”Liz clenched her fists-eyes flaming at Michael as her anger rose.

Before she could say or do anything remotely harmful to Michael. Isabel interrupted by introducing the girl Liz asked Max about at the beginning of the service.
The question he didn’t answer, Liz thought, her anxiety rose….was it his girlfriend? No! maybe it was one of Isabel’s friends Max wanted to get away from…yea…that’s it, Liz reassured herself….but it didn’t remove the small hole that appeared in her heart as soon as she met the girl face to face.

She was around Liz’s height, possibly an inch taller with porcelain skin--milky as white snow---ice blue eyes with long blonde curly tresses that rested around her broad shoulders. Not to mention a rack the same size as Isabel. Liz inwardly groaned, looking at her own in vain. She immediately hated the girl before knowing her name.
“Everyone, this is Tess Hart,” Isabel grinned.
“Tess Hart?” Michael’s face went pale. “As-in….the Hart gold law firm? As in the Hart Hotel Empire…???....” Michael was babbling, fidgeting with a small piece of paper in his hands like a schoolboy. Michael never did this…unless.
“Actually, I’m both,” She had a smug smile plastered on her face. “My father earns the law firm while my mother owns the hotel. My mother has a friend called Juan Dartanyon…a famous French chef. Very good friends with Diane.”
This can’t be good, Liz flamed. Anyone who is good friends with Diane must be sleeping with her…..this isn’t good at all.
“I ---work—for---Wolfman and associate lawyers I….manager….tax….” He was lost for words. In fact, telling by the sparkle in his eyes he was in awe. She also hated that he was practically salivating at the sight of her flawless bosom.

“Well,” Liz clapped her hands- shocking Michael out of his trance. “Nice meeting you Tess but right now Isabel and I need to go shopping….” Liz flipped out her cell phone. “I’ll just get Bob here in a jiffy…come on” She took Isabel by the arm and dragged her towards the exit.
“Uh….Liz” Isabel said.
“What?” Liz turned around, her brown hair spiralling around her shoulders, straight like a chocolate river-Max loved her hair but the sight of Tess Hart…she began to doubt that if Michael acted this way around her….what would Max act like?

“Tess is coming too,” Isabel smiled, and shrugged. Tess’s face brightened and giggled like she was slurping sugar candy-----very energetic------too hyper active….Liz noticed the shy secret glances between Isabel and Tess. Something was up.
“Just ----great----fantastic---“ Liz smiled but her eyes were full of anger…doubt and fear…as to the possibility of Isabel and Tess’ shy secret glances, Michael being nervous, and Max lying to her were all linked.

Chapter 4

“Here are the table settings,” Tess tossed the pile to Liz, caught the heavy pile with a thud, grimaced and smiled. “Thanks,”
Tess scoffed and went back to reading Cosmo with Isabel on Isabel’s’ king sized four-poster bed.
Turns out, they didn’t need to go shopping. Isabel was more concerned about table settings. Liz didn’t mind. Liz already picked out her evening dress for tonight; she only hoped that Max would like it.

They were in Isabel’s room at her Mansion. Max wasn’t around but Liz knew very well he was hiding. Liz thought of a number places he could be hiding, their cave, the West Roswell Library and even the UFO centre. He was nowhere to be found and his cell phone was switched off. She gazed at the promise ring on her left ring finger-it was like an engagement ring, She knew it and Max knew it- it was an unwritten rule between them- as she hoped- So, Liz decided, to past the time, and to take her mind of Max she would glance at the table settings.

The Table settings seemed okay, except for one thing. Max was seated in the middle of the hall next to Tess and Isabel. Liz had been relocated to a table with her mother and Michael- at the back row.
Liz also noticed there were a lot of names she didn’t recognise. “Why-------” flipping through the pages- “Am I placed at the back; I thought it was a joint birthday celebration?”

Isabel looked up from reading her magazine-the bible- according to how Isabel compared her lief with simply replied, “You had a dinner at your hours, my mother has invited a lot of Juan’s friends and associates…including Tess’s family,”
It didn’t satisfy her question. In fact she noticed Tess blushing when Isabel mentioned her relatives coming to the ball.
“But why would-,” Liz began

A loud beeping noise resembling the chicken dance tune interrupted her sentence. She looked down to see her cell phone lighting up-surging to life with the word ‘max’ flashing on her screen.
“Hello, Mom,” Liz answered cheerfully.
“I guess that means you with Isabel?” Max answered, he sounded half worried-so un-like the man she knew who was gentle and kind-and also quite mischievous.

“Well, we didn’t end up going shopping like planed.” Liz began-she glanced at Isabel and Tess. She fooled them into thinking she was talking to her mother and they resorted to painting their toenails and looking at a bridal magazine.
“I met a lovely girl called Tess. Isabel’s friend and we are now in her room going over the table plans for tonight,”

Translation: Tess is a bitch and I am stuck with all the organising for tonight’s ball. Help me

“I am in the house---in my room----meet me there---I’m watching chicken run and eating Oreos—I feel bad for leaving so abruptly.” He apologised. Warmth spread all over her body. He didn’t leave because of her. Liz realised that his words were so far apart that it seemed that he was looking over his shoulder as he spoke-but she didn’t ask- she was glad that he called.

“Sure mom I’ll do that straight away-yep…” Her voice quietened. “I love you,”
“I love you,” He replied. He hung up.
Now, all Liz had to do was make an excuse and head over to Max’s room.
“Uh---I’m just going to the loo,” She got up and added. “Table arrangements are just fine,” She bolted.
Max’s room was on the bottom floor and is quickly accessible through the servant stairs. Once Liz slid off the last banister she began walking though the front entrance when someone yanked her to the side.
“Shh” Max placed a hand over her mouth. “Come, this way,” He looked over his shoulder.

She followed him back to the servant stairs and turned left, he pulled out a brass key and inserted it to a brass coloured key hole. Once opened he shushed her inside, slid the door behind him-back into the wall as if they was no door to being with.
“It’s a secret room,” Max supplied. “I’ve discovered this room last week from Hose,”
Hose was his favourite Butler- he was from Mexico and they both liked reading stein beck.
Clutching onto his dark blue shirt with a lighter long sleeved shirt underneath; she followed him blindly through a narrow corridor.

It was a large room-bigger than her room and his room put together. It was a recreation room with a couple of sofas, a large plasma screen hanging on the far wall, hi fi system, and a king sized bed.
“Let me guess…hose,” Liz giggled. Max rolled his eyes.
“Gee,” he muttered. “Hose understands …”
Liz nodded, she understood perfectly well that Max preferred to be left alone. “I have a couple of hours to kill before getting ready...SO….Chicken run and Oreos?”

He smirked and led her to the green plush sofa in front of the plasma screen, in between the blue and the red couches. The movie, chicken had been paused at the beginning. A box of Oreo cookies were half open-the cookies spilled onto the small coffee table.
Clutching her at her supple hips he tugged her down to the couch, and pushed the green button on the remote to un pause the movie.
The volume was on low-Max put the subtitles on so they could talk during the movie- and yet she didn’t have words in mind to speak to him. She only used her eyes to gaze upon his gentle face.
“You know, if I push you cheeks together-you look like a fish,” Max said, pushing her cheeks together.
Liz scoffed. “Great-so now, I look like a fish?”
“No,” He wrapped his arms around her waist.

They were sprawled on the bed-they got tired of the movie about half way through. She only said that she was tired so she could hold him, the worried feeling inside had increased, infecting every cell in her body-mutating it and causing it to explode into more worrisome chemicals. She called the worry virus- Tess.

Her shrieking face like a gerbil was inside her mind every time she looked at Max. When she touched his face she only fel the thick texture of Tess’s make up. Tess unnerved her but Liz wouldn’t brief the topic up-she was afraid of the answer he would supply.

“U---h you aren’t feeling so flash-"his face edge in worry-neatly shaped brows drew together in thought as he touched his forehead with her own.
Liz lightly laughed-he was inches from her own face that it would be so easy to close the distance-she settle for gently touching his biceps.

“I’m fine Max, wether I’m sick or not I’m still attending this birthday bash.”

“But you don’t really look good, Liz, I can take you home and we can spend the night watching Lord of the Rings? The Grudge? The Ring?”

“Na-uh I’m still going Max! It’s our joint celebration. Your mother has invited half of the town and some of her associates.”

He sucked in breath when she said the word-associates. An image of the guest list flashed through her mind. Diane had invited half of the town, plus Tess Hart and her family.
“It’s not really a birthday bash if the participants are sick or aren’t enjoying themselves. No one will miss us! It’s more likely that it will end up being my Mother’s birthday and her tongue down Phillip’s throat,”

Liz jumped away from him; she sat on the other side of the bed-“HOW dare you accuse my father of that!” her father was loyal to her mother. They were in love, the kind of love that Liz dreamed about.
“He is my father too…and come on Liz…I have seen them practically getting it on in the…”
“Mr Father’s exploits have nothing to do with your bickering about the party….” Her eyes watered. “Just say that you don’t want me there and I won’t be,”

“I don’t want you there,”
Her eyes practically bugged from their sockets-her heart clenched and closed the blood through her heart, her broken heart started skipping beats as the mantras of Max’s words I don’t want you there rang like a broken record. She looked at the silver ring on her left finger and began to take it off.

“NO!” Max yelled-taking her hands in his and rubbing her left ring finger-rotating the silver diamond.
Liz flinched, but the soothing warmth from his touch planted her feet to the ground.
“I want you there,” He said with urgency. “Believe me I want you there, only you….but you can’t.”
“Why,” she rasped, a single ear trickled down her cheek. God, she hated crying,
She could see the tears in his eyes; something was eating him up on the inside. “Please…”His voice was so soft that Liz could barely make out the words.

He’s lying; a knife deeply lodges its way through her throat to her heart, leaving a burning fire in its wake.
She didn’t realise that they were still holding hands that the cold seeped into her fingers when she left go of his hand.

“See you later tonight,” Liz said, and leaving him in the secret room. She didn’t know what she was doing or the reason why but she knew that tonight things were going to change between her and Max, and apart of her was thinking that this change could be critical to the future of their relationship


So what do you think? I tried to convey the pain betwwen Max and Liz? did I succeed?

the bad news is that i can not update until next week-possibly 5th of july....the reason is that i have to finsh my work- update My Immortal which is laying dormat and i made a comminment to stick with the story- and its reaching its climax....thing a ma gig....but also this week is my year 12 formal/porm thing and i will be away in the first weekened on july...sorry folks....but as soon as i get this work done, do formal i can fit more story time in....yay....hopefully my work doesn't go crazy, giving me shifts during the holidays-well for me i have no holidays.....lots of studying... :( :( :(

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Addicted Roswellian
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Thumbelina, Lizza, kittens, moonlight, roswellluver, Anya

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR YOUR REPLIES! sorry this update is late and short, and not enough suspension and coolness but i hope you like it....

Chapter 5

She couldn’t remember how long she remained curled underneath the folds of her blanket; she was trying to recreate the feeling of being inside her mother’s womb. Max was lying to her? Why? Liz huffed and opened a small airway point to allow light to seep into her private abyss. It was six thirty pm-her hair appointment was in twenty minutes.
She remerged from underneath the covers, hair dishevelled and her face contorted in a half groan.

“You look like hell,” Michael commented from her door entrance.
“It’s a phase I’m tryin…so far I give it ten points for originality.” Liz bit back a yawn and opted, instead, to stretch her tired arms in the air.
Michael shuffled from foot to foot before entering her room to sit next to her on the bed. “What’s up?”
It was more of a rhetorical question- he didn’t need an answer. All he had to do was look at her blotched face and faint trial marks staining black mascara on her cheeks to know something was wrong.
“Is it Max and Tess?”

Max and Tess? “What?” Liz faulted, her arms dropped to her sides. “Is he d-ating her?” this inflamed her; her hands covered her mouth as if it uttered vomit. Her stomach doubled over at the image of Max and Tess, close together, his hands through her blonde curls.
“He dated her for a while when he was sixteen,”
“Sixteen?” Liz breathed in. That’s when they started hanging out. “Sixteen?”
“Hey, you were dating that guy from your PE class,”

True, Liz reasoned. Although David Ford was a guy she would like to forget. That and he was a bad kisser.

“Max doesn’t want me at the ball tonight,” Liz’s confession made the realisation that Max was going to be there with Tess even more depressing.

“He WHAT?” Michael exploded but then the angry flush from his cheeks dimmed and a small smile while in thought emerged from his lips. He scuffled her hair for a moment gazing at her with determination…determination for what?

“You. Are. Going. End of story,” He said slowly. “Come on, get dressed and after half an hour you’ll start to feel like your old self.”
“Old self,” She chuckled, sliding into Michael’s embrace. He never gave hugs to anyone, her mother was the only exception but Nancy always said to Liz that she was Michael’s top priority in life: to protect her.
Protect from what, Liz always wondered.

She knew that Michael loathed Max with a fiery passion and he dove at any chance to prove to her what Max really was: a bloody bastard. So, seeing Michael suddenly all excited about going to a cheesy ball because Max excluded her caused Liz to even doubt her own instincts. She knew something bad will happen if she went but if Liz didn’t go she will forever be unsettled.

Michael pattered her shoulder. “For all we know it could be that Max doesn’t want you to laugh at him like you did last year,”
“Last year?” Liz thought, a bright smile erupted and she hugged her sides to keep herself from laughing. Last year Isabel was obsessed with Moulin rouge , she still is but last year she was obsessed with the can can song that she made Max dress in one of those female Moulin rouge outfits. The image of Max wearing knee hair red polka dot socks, poking out from the knee high black boots with silver studs at each side, with a green flowing short skirt to successfully kick his legs in the air, Isabel and Max danced to the can can song.
Liz laughed the entire way home back to her house, Michael, at the time was going out with Rachel, so he drop her and Max off at the Manor before heading back into town.

Her face flushed in remembrance of what happened that night. She teased him the whole night, taunting him that shell show the photos she took to his classmates. He only meant to grab her by the waist but from her fluid movements his hands landed on her breasts.
“Liz,” Michael called, “Move it,”

“Liz, my, my…!” Her mother was speechless. Liz worse a two pieces black silk dress with a black boned-bodice, adorned with vines with pink and red roses billowing out. Her shoulders and neck were bare with long silver earrings with pink diamond teardrops on each end of the five uneven silver rods. The hairdresser did her makeup; her foundation was light and her eyes were darkened to bring out her eyes. Her shiny hair was up; curls covered the crown on her head and spiralled down to gently touch the back of her neck. Her hair was parted to the left side and gently pined up, so, only a few loose locks slanted to one side of her forehead.
Her black satin skit fell down, lightly touching the ground and she had a small trail at the back. She wore plan black cross-strapped heals, her legs were covered by a sheer flesh coloured stockings but her light nude coloured toenails occasional peaked out from beneath her dress. Liz blushed at the sight before her.

I’m beautiful, But the thought only lasted for a second. She touched Max’s ring on her left hand and blushed again at the thought of Max’s seeing her in the dress.

Michael, wearing a black tux, placed a velvet black Spanish shawl over her bare shoulders. Her manicured fingernails painted the same colour as her toes touched his shoulder and Liz smiled. She clutched her small bag and, escorted by Michael entered the Fher mansion.
The Fher mansion was decorated with ruby reds and white gold furnishings, like a 19th century French palace.

The maids bowed as Liz walked past and when she entered the ballroom, she was greeted by a dimly lit room with white oval tables with black oval chairs with the entire ceiling covered in gold and silver balloons. A long table stood out from the small dance floor and two big red chairs were sitting in the middle, side by side. Diane obviously had over done it this year for two reasons, she is getting a lot of money and sex, and she’s getting a lot of money and sex. Its not like Liz hated Diane but over the years Diane the sex queen, was what Liz grew up knowing. If Diane turned around and wore woolly sweaters and badge long skirts Liz would be worried.

“AH, you made IT!” Isabel beamed. Her long blonde locks were gone, replaced by a dark brown and she wore a red dress with a v slit down the front, her breasts pressed together and half exposed. Liz wondered if she gently nudged one of them, would they pop out? Michael must’ve have guessed what Liz was thinking. He smirked and tried not to laugh. The laugh only lasted thirty seconds before her realised who was on Isabel’s right arm.

Tess’s dress wasn’t evening but a cocktail dress. It was a very short light blue dress with no straps, her skirt frilled out and gently rested underneath her round buttocks. Her corset one piece was low, so low that her breasts were pushed upwards and together; a single diamond necklace was lodged in-between her cleavage. Her hair was straightened and rested around her shoulders. Her lips were glossed, as if they were dipped in honey while her ice blue eyes were surrounded by light blue shimmer eye shadow.

“Wow, that’s…us a nice dress for.”She arched her eyes brows, and laughed.
“I got mine from Hiltons? Where did you get yours? ‘Sluts R Us’ or maybe ‘Free n easy come and blow me?’” Liz had enough of Tess’s demoralising her emotions. She didn’t’’ care what blue blooded family she was, she hated people harassing her.

Tess glared, her eyes were twitching but before she could do anything Isabel shushed her away.
Liz shrugged, Michael, on the other hand was too busy being shocked at her bluntness to reply.

As more guests started to arrive, Liz realised she hadn’t seen Max. Where was he? Her stomach squeezed as bile rose from her throat, she couldn’t see him and she couldn’t go around looking for him either. A butler had ushered her to her seat at table forty-two, the very back but had a front view of the long table behind the dance floor.

“Welcome, Welcome, Welcome everyone,” Diane spoked into the portable microphone. Diane was wearing a red corset and a nineteenth century Victorian dress that puffed around her waist, three huge bumps and bunches around her behind that Liz could see from Diane’s side. Tasteful for once, Liz realised.

“Before we start tonight’s festivities, I have an important announcement to make,” Diane gestured to the far side and…MAX! Liz realised. Max trudged onto the table with…Tess? What was Tess doing there?
Max was smiling, but she knew him. She could feel his thoughts as if he was screaming them into her ear. She was not happy, he felt caged, trapped and….heartbroken?

Liz didn’t bother with Tess, she was like a lap dog, eagerly leaning on Max’s shoulder and waving to her friends and family and visibly excited. His eyes locked onto Liz-her heart slowly broke in two. He mouthed. ‘Remember’ and went to touch his dark gelled hair and she saw his matching ring. Remember their promise, Liz realised. What…why? Although her mind had no clue her body sagged and her face no longer was smiling, all life seemed to be sucked from her as she saw Tess kiss Max on the cheek and with the final blow from Diane’s coffee coloured lips.

“Tonight is also an engagement celebration! My birthday gift to Max is a wife! Tess Hart. He will be married in three months before they both go to Julliard to continue their promising acting career!”
She could hear the snap of the world, closing around her and forming an invisible cage around her heart and freezing it.

So that’s the commotion, Liz thought as she saw the crowd stand in ovation, hooting loudly and clapping the happy couple but if Liz didn’t look at Max she wouldn’t have seen the same expression she had of total isolation, sadness as the cord of their relationship was being cut off by outside forces.
Last edited by on Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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chapter 6

Post by »

A/N- althought i remeber posting this on july3st it must have been lost during the sorry I spent the whole week not being able to get to this site.....ah welll back to my IT homework...I really hate databases and programming......

Chapter 6

Everything seemed in slow motion; delayed reaction? Perhaps? Or was it the sensation of her heart going cold, shrivelling into a small black plump before surrounding itself with ice. It was as if all her happy bubbles were coated with poison-arms as they popped around her, invaded her skin, sweat began to bead underneath her armpits and on her forehead. She could no longer hold the fixed smile on her face.

She walked through the darkness, weave through the happy crow, they always smiled and were happy for the couple. How did they not see the corruption? How can they not see the sadness? Liz could feel the cold wall surrounding herself-like there was a wall between herself them and. No matter how she tried they was no loophole.

Max whispered, in short pants. “Liz…”
Such a voice, she thought. How can a man wield power over someone? How can a man say a word and the woman be mesmerised? How can someone whom you have strong feelings for betray you? Lie to you? Say one thing and do another? It makes you wonder if that person did really love you or even cared about you?

She never let her guard down, even with Max. She never showed what she really felt with people-anger-hatred-all these feelings were bottled up inside her and she was teetering because the bottle was about to smash.
Why didn’t he say something? Was it because, ‘oh I care so much for you but not in that way’ little things can damage people. It makes a mark and it eventually heals, but the person is left with a scar-broken and mended but is never new. Like an old toy that has been decorated with shiny new things but the sadness and heartbreak still shadows in the dull round eyes. She felt suddenly only, surrounded by happy people. She wanted to be apart of their happiness but she couldn’t find the door-she was affected changed. Heartbroken.

It was expected of her now, to move on? Could she move on? Would she still think about him when he was with her? Would she sit alone at night and wonder what he was doing every few months? Occasionally message him on his cell just to have a conversation, but no reply comes? Would she feel little, weak, incapable of moving on? Would anyone else want her? Would she look back and realise how much of a fool she has been?
What am I thinking? Liz realised. There was no chance; she was his half sister and cousin. However, sometimes, which weren’t really occasionally but every day Liz wished they weren’t…maybe then they could have a chance.

She didn’t have to turn around to know he was standing right behind her, every molecule of her being was on fire-her body could feel the chemical vibration emitting off Max like a blaze.
“Great party huh?” Liz mumbled so only he could hear; her throat was too tight to reply. Already she could feel the black tears streaming down her rosy cheeks, staining her face like ink.
Max slid an arm around her shoulders and moved her out of the ball area. Liz only concentrated on scooping up her trail into a small bunch and make sure no one stepped on her gown as she blindly followed Max.
She could vaguely see through her blurred vision and the constant fall of tears, hiccups, but they weren’t hers. Max’s face mirrored hers and his eyes were red-our faces trembled. But it didn’t take away the pain inside.
Their secret room was dark and the only light came through thin white beams from the space in-between the wooden panels.
“Liz, you should’ve stay home,”

“Why? So I could miss your engagement celebration? Huh? You’re marrying the whore with the dress to match?” Her voice caught in her throat. “ But hey? I’m insulting your new wife? So how long huh? Maybe I should start giving pointers on stuff?” She crossed her arms and faced him head one. Yeah, she thought. See my weakness and vulnerability. See the tears, hurt, pain, the pain you caused, Max.
“That’s not how it is,”

“Then, tell me Max? Tell me what happened to the man who gave me this ring.” She showed him the ring he gave her, it glowed in the small pillars of light and it reflected small rainbows on her blotched face. “This ring now burns my very hand and sends liquid poison into my very soul. Remember? Remember what? The time you gave me the ring? Or the vision of her pout bubblegum mouth planting a kiss on your cheek? Gelled hair and all? Yes I should’ve have not come, but I did. So, please explain why everyone knew this but…’she stopped briefly before whispering, me?

“I only knew of this the night I gave you the ring, but the message wasn’t my reason on giving my heart Liz. Three months earlier though, I saw Tess at one of my drama classes. She was currently living in Prussia…boarding school…. then decided to live here, in Roswell with her parents. When my mother took interest I got worried.”

She laughed half heartily. “Nice story Max? But what about the part when you lied to me? Huh? What am I to you know? Some sick twisted fantasy?”
“No! Liz you mean everything to me…. more than you’ll ever know in our predicament.”

“Why did you agree to this? Did you know? Or was it a surprise…”She could read his answer on his face, her heart broke some more as his betrayed unravelled, “. No…(she waggled her finger in the air)…it wasn’t…” his face told her yes.
“You gave me this ring knowing that tomorrow you’ll be with her? Is this really a sign of the end of our friendship?”

“No, didn’t you hear me?” he closed the distance between them, she felt weak by his presence. All she wanted to do was to collapse into his arms but she stood still and concentrated on listening, “ I have been thinking about giving this to you for a very long time! I gave this to you as a promise of our eternal bond and friendship! My future…the one I wanted was to live with you until our old age-you a spinster and me a bachelor…we will live in a small cottage in the country side…”
“Well I guess that idea is out the window….”Liz laughed.

“Don’t Liz me Max, Maxwell! So what is the alternative? Huh?”
“You don’t know the half of it” He prowled around her, seeing his demur change so quickly gave Liz insight that maybe…there was more to the story, “…he threatened me…my own father…your father Liz.”
“What…so you are a coward and a wimp? So what is he going to do huh? Cut your weekly allowances…oh poor Max,”
“How about disowning his children?”

That sentence topped it all off, with a cherry on top. It was so quiet she could hear the quiet bubbly laughter of Diane from the rumpus room.
“What?” Liz said, shrugging her shoulders.
“If I don’t agree to this my mother would lose a lot of money she put in with the deal to get Juan. Juan is a client of the Aramai…”
“The what now?”

“A Law firm…no just any law firm but it deals with all kinds of people. The mafia mob…you name it! If I do what my mother asked and marry Tess then I will have protection from her father Edmund Dantez Hart…that’s his full name anyways…”
“Hart gold law firm? Hart Hotel Empire? Michael was afraid of them…but you said before that the Aramai was powerful?”
“Well, the Hart is the number two…. Its like Passions…”
“Oh come on….Max don’t get me started on my soap addiction..”
“Our soap addiction” He corrected. “…. anyway the Aramai is Alistair Crane while the Hart Empire is Julian Crane…. you’re Teresa and I’m Ethan…”

“Stop with the analogy…so if this Aramai is big and powerful…then why the trouble?”
“No one knows who is the CEO of the Aramai…but he is rumoured to be very powerful and no heirs to the empire…my parents are hoping to be the next owners…”
“So your like the pawn in their quest for more riches,” This was so like her father and so much like Diane. “…Great…what does this have to do with me?’

“If I don’t agree…he will disown you as his daughter…”
“Did you forget about the Harding’s? They’re are bloody billionaires?”
“Our father will make your life a living hell before you even touch one of their green coloured bills…. I’ve seen the side of him that you and your mother have not…He’s a dark lawyer. I don’t want my parents to hurt the one I love.”

“Oh, so you are like protecting me? Great Max! Excuse me but I’m going and when you have a satisfied answer….let me know.”
“No, Liz don’t leave…. please…”
“Max…this is the time for me to be alone max. I have just been lied to. Twice by the man that…. the man I shouldn’t have feelings for…. now let me leave,”


whadda think

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Chapter 7

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Its been a long time but here is a new part....its kinda short but i am currently working on the next part-Rae...and thanks for waiting

Chapter 7

Take note everyone: when buying high heels make sure you can run in them, Liz realized as she tripped over a mosaic vase and tumbled to the ground. Liz’s neck smacked against the cold marble in one fluid motion. Pain unfurled like a cold slap, hard jabs of small metal bolts embedded into her skin. Her black high heels were broken at the heel, its column snapped like dried bones. This sucked, Liz realized. This really sucked. She groggily sat upwards but fell back down again as blood rushed to her forehead.

“Liz, are you alright?” Max was behind her, his arms clasped around her and she couldn’t help but lean in to anchor herself from the throbbing pain in her head.
However, they were both disrupted by a loud moan coming from Diane’s chambers.
“…Nuther man whore…”Liz waffled, smiling, as she tried to not give into the wave of warm sleep that managed to weave itself around her body like a warm blanket.
Max gritted his teeth together, “Come on,” He un-strapped her shoes, and hauled her upright-her full body weight was flush against his but Liz was too concerned about what happened between them earlier, and the noises from Diane’s room to be bothered registering the warm tingling feelings floating around her heart at the feeling of Max up against her. “At least there is a first aid kit in Diane’s room, aspirin, vodka….”
Liz noticed how Max referred to her as “Diane” and not “Mom”, her heart panged for him. Like her, he was too; caught in the middle of this muddled web they called “Family”.

The noises were escalating higher and they both cringed. You know the sound that no child wants to hear it’s their parents indulging in the primal act of sex. Somehow, the sound of Diane rolling her moans out like an Italian Opera singer fused Liz and Max’s fragile relationship. When it comes to any situation concerning Diane they looked out for each other. Liz remembered when they were nine, back when things were normal and you believed fairies and Peter Pan existed Max always used to sneak out of his bedroom and walk over to her house- this was course, before Max discovered the secret room in his own house.

She could still picture the young pale-faced boy with dark hair and tiger-eyes. She even nicked named him tiger because his honey colored amber eyes resembled those of a tiger, or so she believed.
She started to feel like her own self again-except for the excruciating headache. Still, Max clasped her to his side just in case she had a dizzy spell and suddenly faint. Her heart quailed at the thought that despite all the pain they shared he still remained at her side. She wished she could say the same thing for herself.

The entrance to Diane’s chambers was by the two big heart shaped red oak doors with golden trimmings. The door was ajar and, therefore, Liz and Max were able to peak without being seen. Unfortunately, they couldn’t see anything except the Formica coffee table.
“Liz!” It was a low hiss from right behind them. Liz felt Max tense-they looked sideways to find her mother, Nancy Evans wearing her dark crimson dress and black Spanish shawl. Her red-auburn hair spiraled in wavy ringlets, which billowed evenly around her shoulders.
“What are we doing?” Nancy flinched at the sounds Diane was making.
“Getting a free lesson in sexual health?” Liz smiled, flashing her pearly whites. Her mother, however, wasn’t amused.

“Forgive Diane and her lack of morality or her loss count of transient relationships.” Nancy shrugged, placing her hand on the golden doorknob that was shaped like a cupid’s baby wing.

“This was supposed to be your birthday,” She spoke to the both of them- and opened the door wide as if she was striding into the mouth of the beast. Just as she quickly opened the door she screamed.
“PHILLIP!” The word rang like noonday church bells of Notre Dame.
There was Phillip Evans; whip in left hand as he was in mid whip on Diane, still in her undergarments but nonetheless. Liz refused to see the horror that her mother witnessed. Still, Liz felt the vision her mother saw as she continued to howl at the sight of Phillip riding Diane like a wild stallion.

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Chapter Eight

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Hey guys! I'm back...enjoy this chapter...although its a bit short...
FYI---I don't have my driving License (althought I'm way old enough to have it by now) its just Buses are more convenient....anyhow so if you read this part and i got something wrong....sorry

Chapter Eight

Her mother was driving home. Lets think for a moment. My mother is driving home drunk, Liz thought. Her mother, after witnessing the adultery by Diane and her husband skulked straight three shots of Bundy that looked more like whiskey, Smirnoff Ice vodka; the kind Liz never really liked [Like Bundy, it always left a fire in her stomach] three bottles of Pale Ale Beer and various other brands. Then, Nancy decided to leave, dragging Liz behind her and drive home in her Red Ferrari.

Liz never witnessed such a sight and at any other given day Liz would have laughed with the others. But, considering they both had their hearts broken by the men they loved, Liz considered it justifiable to the extent… which meant…. Liz was afraid of her mother as she drove a hundred and twenty in an eighty-kilometer zone. Scary mom speeding was the phrase that came to mind.

“How dare he….after all I have been through!”
You ever get the impression that drunken people are always talking to an invisible person while you’re in the room? Liz had that feeling as she only got one side of the conversation. She couldn’t possible fathom what her mother was going through but the thought of Max doing the same with Tess.

Her mother was too drunk to drive. So Liz, with no driving experience had to be her mother’s eyes and ears.
“I should’ve have seen this coming…he’s a no good two timing…. although…. he used to be such a honey and every night he would-“
“MOM---” Liz grabbed onto the steering wheel and made a hard right, away from on coming traffic and the intersection off Rosemont. Liz clenched onto the steering wheel, her ears almost popping from the sound of the screeching tires and the smell of rubber burning. “ ----Eyes. Road, place your foot on the clutch as you turn…. turn…mom…TURN!!!” Liz gave up and slammed her foot down on the clutch and turned the vehicle right onto Therry lane near Owen junction.

The entire time her mother couldn’t stop laughing, as if she gave up on the purpose of driving and handed the driving to her inexperienced daughter.
“You love him, don’t you Liz?” Nancy whispered, her eyes were on her as she placed her hands back on the steering wheel. “You know, it might be nice if you removed your foot from mine? I kinda need it to drive,”
“Sorry,” Liz replied dryly, although she was still reeling from her first revelation. Her mother kept her eyes on the road. “You love him so Much! But he’s the thing you gotta know…cos I don’t care anymore and you deserve to…” Nancy turned the car left at the Owen junction, the busiest intersection in Roswell city limits.

“Mom, you’re drunk and drunk people say a lot of dumb things…. like…Jack Sparrow is in love with Will Turner….or orange is the new green?”
“You aren’t related,…”Her mother stressed, back to her original composure of laughing and laying limp in the driver’s seat. Nancy also reverted to talking to the invisible person again.
“Mom, come on…I’m your daughter and Diane is kinda like, your sister,”
“She isn’t…were different. okay?……you aren’t related and therefore free to be free with Max ….”

“He’s still my half brother…”What was Liz saying? She’s confessing to her mother? It felt like a part of her was dying inside at confessing her forbidden secret. It almost felt incestuous.
“He isn’t your brother, honey,”
That’s all her mother said, or that Liz remember. In that brief second, in between her mother’s words and a loud noise and bright lights…. she only had the image of her mother’s lopsided grin to part with as she blacked out in pain.


what did you think?

so max and Liz are not related?

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A/N- hey guys.Sorry. Its a word I keep saying but if you must know my sister is getting married next weekend so I have been preety busy with that and it is also christmas time. SO I apologise for the wait. I also did some research but if i get something wrong please let me know...hopefully

Also I HUGE THANKS to gosiek for this loverly banner!! :D


Chapter Nine

A lone figure shifted timidly underneath the constraints of heavy hospital blankets. A man with his head bowed coaxed the figure to lie still, and he waited until she found peace again in slumber to look upon her angelic face. Max sat as close as he could to Liz’s hospital bed. He noticed a lock of hair that fanned her face, so he gently tucked the loose strand behind her ear. “You had a hair thing,” He whispered, his heart heavy with guilt. He looked down at her naked left hand that gently clutched the lien cloth underneath her. Looking sideways Max held the promise ring he found at the crash site and placed it on her finger gently, smoothing out the wrinkles it caused as the cold metal slid back to its home.

He looked upwards to see that the IV drip bag was only half full-his face turned ashen and he quickly pushed the red button for help. A few seconds later, Nurse Rose entered the small private room.
“Yes Mr. Evans,” The lady was in her mid twenties with long honey blonde hair pulled back and green eyes.
“Her IV bag needs changing,” Max eyed the half deflated balloon next to Liz’s hospital bed.
“But sire, I only filled it a few hours ago,”
“Then re-fill it…”Max ordered. “Do you know who I am?”
“Of course,”
“Then you will understand when I say that until further notice you worship the ground where Liz sleeps. She needs constant care,” Max crossed his arms over his three day old rumbled shirt and black pants. The same clothes he wore to graduation a few days ago. Liz missed graduation. She wasn’t there…

“I understand,” Rose replied, “Ill get another bag,”
Max scooted closer as far as the orange desk chair allowed to the silver railing on either side of the small slant Liz was sleeping on. Sleeping is the word Max liked to think about. Most of the doctors said that she was temporarily parlayed from the waist down and could suffer severe psychosomatic problems and emotional trauma. Nancy, on the other hand, died in the crash site.

The details of her death were too painful to even think about. The worst part was that his father, Phillip, just shrugged his shoulders and said “Pah!” and went home with his mother.
“Liz,” Max whispered, leaning over so she could hear him better. “I had graduation a couple of days ago. You missed the longest speech by principal wormwood. Also, my…speech,” Max flipped out a ward of worn out paper with hundred of creases as if he had this piece of paper for a long time. “Which I’m going to read to you,” he cleared his throat and sat back down as his legs felt a sudden jolt to the ground. He could feel the bile rise slowly but he wouldn’t lose his cool or lose hope that she would never wake up.

A knock interrupted his thoughts.

Michael entered the room. Alone and bereaved, in his black suit and black jacket. Michael seemed to lose his sense of humor from Nancy’s funeral in Boston.
“Hey Liz,” Max turned, imagining the look upon Liz’s face as Michael entered the room. “Big M is Here! He’s come to say hello,” but LIz's face remained sullen and still as stone.
“Max,” Michael grabbed him by the shoulder and he was wrenched from his seat.
“What are you doing,” Max tried to get out of the arm lock but failed, helplessly he was dragged away from Liz’s room. “Liz isn’t happy, Michael. We were just talking,”
“Max,” Michael pushed up against the wall outside Liz’s room. “Liz isn’t awake. She can’t here you. She may never hear you if you don’t stop harassing the hospital staff.”

“SHe can hear you. The doctors say not to mention anything new when I'm in the room. They are not checking up on her?"Max crossed his arms and stood taller, facing his foe. " What if she needs something? Like food or a bed time story or a—“
“Max, again Buddy. Coma people don’t need food- they have a food bag for that. Again, Liz is asleep so there is no need,”
“She whimpers at night ya’know,” Max slurred in his mother’s country bumpkin tongue.
“How do you know Max? Look, you have been here for three weeks and there is no change in Liz’s condition. Doctors say that if she wakes up she has a fifty percent chance of permanently losing her ability to walk. They say with proper therapy and care she will be able to walk again in three or four months. but that’s the best-case scenario okay? Now get some sleep. I need to discharge Liz,”

“What?” Max said, his head turned to Liz’s room. She looked so small in the white hospital bed. She didn’t look like she was breathing. Only the beeping sound on the heart monitor told him that she was alive.
“Liz’s great-grandfather Edward has agreed to look after Liz. He has the money and resources. I’m here to collect her medical records and there is a plane standing by to fly her to Edwardian Mansion in the Boston countryside. I’ll be there to check on Liz. So, you can go home and start preparing for your wedding,”

“I don’t want to marry Tess,” Max said truthfully, his eyes were wide open and held a blurry anger.
“I see the way you look at her,” Michael said. “Its gotta stop before you cause more psychological damage,”
“What about Liz?”
“What about her Max? “Michael turned away and started walking down the hallway, stopping to look at him. “If she wakes up she needs all the help she can get. From anyone but you. You’re the last person she wants to see when she wakes up,”


whadda think

New part on the 22th ( which is after my sister's wedding)
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Chapter Ten

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extingman wrote:We nearing the end of January and I am just hoping for an update soon!
that made me laugh and realise that its been a while and I was re-reading my own story and even i was crying......I'm so sad but this is a quickie chapter but believe me you realise what kind of hell Liz is in now


Chapter Ten

Ever wondered what happens when you fall asleep. I mean, isn’t the prospect of falling asleep kinda creepy? You have a gap between the time you close your eyes to the time you wake them. That gap in between is lost time, who knows what happens when you sleep?

But waking up is the hardest part. Your eyes have the tendency to glue themselves to the eyelids because you haven’t used them in a while. Or that’s what Liz guessed when she tried to pry her eyes open. She felt the grit seep form her eyes and her vision was blurred when her eyes opened for the first time. In fact, she remembered her eyes watering because her eyes were so raw and dry like sandpaper.

Then, it suddenly came back to her.

“He isn’t your brother, honey,” What did her mother mean, Liz wondered as her vision became less blurred. She could make out dark objects and the feel of satin sheets around her waits but for some reason her legs decided to take a vacation. Liz tried wiggling her toes as she arched her back, still her eyes were closed but then, her body quailed, snapped and pain zapped up her spine and Liz was wide awake.

Where the hell am I
? Liz thought as she took in her new surroundings. The theme for this room was velvet red. Every shade, pastel, water, mosaic red. It was all there. She was lying in the middle of a four-poster bed with deep polished oak columns on either side that reminded her of two snakes tied together. Red velvet curtain were tied to each bed post and she saw light silk rose and sow white curtains behind her, showing a rose colored bay window leading onto a huge outdoor veranda. An IV drip was still in her left hand leading onto a half empty bag on her right and the huge polished oak double doors were closed.

Liz also belatedly noticed she was wearing a red colored hospital gown and her legs were dead straight and together, she was half upright with a sea of red and white pillows behind her.
Where was Max? Liz wondered. She instinctively looked at her left hand to find her ring was on the wrong finger! It was on her index finger and the heart pointed outwards?
That’s odd? Liz thought as she placed it on the correct finger and in the right position.

Wherever she was, Mars, Roswell, New York.... Liz was OUT of this bed and she was going to call Max and ask him what was going on. Then, she’ll call her mother and ask her why was she in this gothic styled mansion. Then, most importantly ask her about last night.

Liz grabbed the bunch of silk and cotton sheets and tossed them as far as she could and managed to fling them off the bed. Her legs were scarred by blood and deep purple bruises and her feet looked pale and ashen; dead looking.

Cringing at her IV drip Liz picked up a small pillow and bit down as she snapped off the thin needle and cried out as the dull pain stung her hand.
Liz tried to get her legs to bend and swing off the bed but nothing happened; they were like cement. Liz shrugged and grabbed her legs and tried pulling them but still; nothing happened.
Maybe they gave me too much morphine- she was so going to sue the doctors when she got up on her feet and marched all the way to the head office.

But then, the doors suddenly opened with a loud creak. A very talk gangly man with a snake shaped head and big ears and a balding brown hair greeted her, wearing torn pants and a red dressing gown.
“NURSE!” He screamed and this huge hippo like nurse, a tall butch Amazon woman with blonde hair tied behind her head like steel marched in and literally picked up the sheets and shoved them over her body as if Liz was thrown in quick sand. Liz’s eyes widened in fear of this oversized female boogieman that she almost forgot that she had only been awake for five minutes.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Liz asked this strange man. Why were they strapping her to the bed? Liz watched as the woman pulled her sheets off her again, cursing in Italian as if she forgot something and began strapping Liz's legs to the bed with leather ropes and huge silver buckles.

Liz paled when she saw a scar on her right calf brake open and blood seeped and trickled down her leg. The nurse placed a band-aid on her leg and slapped her left leg and a bruise started to show.
I don’t feel a thing. Liz realized. I can’t feel my legs…

“What’s wrong with my legs. Un-strap me and get me Max! I wanna talk to Max,” Liz forgot to breathe and started taking in short deep breaths.
“My name is Edwardian Joaquin-Joseph Harding,” He pulled out a syringe form her pocket and squirted out some of its liquid. “I’m giving you something so you can sleep, cool off and when can talk then, without this Max nonsense,” He inserted the needle into the tube of her Iv drip and Liz couldn’t do anything but seethed inwardly at this man. This man she never met and that he had no care about the man she loved and demanded to see. Where was her mother?

“Where’s my mother. I demand that you release me at once!” Liz started to feel her eyelids get heavy again.
Liz focused on the man with ogling green eyes and a snake-like grin. “Your mother is dead and you belong to me now, Ma chéri,”
Lost time. The gap between you fall into darkness and you come out of it, like coming out of the ocean for air after you’ve been in the deep-blue water, just floating by the sea bed before you realize you have ran out of air.
Liz wanted to scream, she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs but she wasn’t moving. Her eyes lids were heavy and half open and already she began crying for her mother who was dead and silently wished she died with her, it was better to be dead than be here in her boxed hell.


so....what did you think? hopefully it didn't suck or anything


FYI---I won't be around this weekened as I'm moving but hopeing i cna do another post TMW.....fingers crossed...
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How bad am I? Rachel shakes her head in shame...sorry....but here it is...

Chapter 11

Beethoven’s moonlight Sonata was Liz’s favorite piece to play on the piano. Max loved it too but not for the music. The way Liz played each note as her eyes were locked on his was pure magic and nothing else. It seemed different now when his roommate, Kyle Valenti was playing it on his electronic piano. Each note sounded computerized and his timing was off. However, Kyle was only doing this just to annoy Max, and it was working.

“Hey, quit it!” Max snapped, his hands still poised on the keyboard. His eyes were watering from staring at the same screen for days.
The twanging slued music abruptly stopped, Kyle sniggered, “Just chill Tom Cruise,”

Tome Cruise, Max didn’t get when he was given that as a nick name but he was a hit here at Julliard. All his professors were promising him big things and stardom in the future. All Max wanted was a beach side cottage and Liz. That’s all he ever dreamed about. Where there were no one around but them.

“Jock,” Max slurred back, Kyle Valenti was another promising actor or the next big thing. He occasionally played the piano on the side because his girlfriend, Serena was majoring in performing arts: solo performance in piano at Julliard.

He could hear Kyle pull a chair out from his desk and slid it across to Max’s area of the Dorm room. He peered at the fuzzy computer, studying the contents on the screen.

“I would understand if you were looking at Porn, Evans. But this? ‘ Harding Corp and associates?’ sounds like a law firm,”
“Well, it’s a company that distributes office supplies to law firms. Owns a few firms on the East coast and owns over five hundred restaurants all across America. Five are in New Port and two are here in New York. Ed Harding the owner is worth over 400 billion dollars.”

Max typed in the word Aramai into the google search engine.
He clicked on the link and read its contents.

The Aramai was a more prestigious organization than Harding corp and accoiaties and Hart Gold law firm put together. It was established in April 21 1947 by Louis Parker, his son, Jeffery Dorian Parker, was said to be the next heir to the empire but committed suicide in September 10 1983. Therefore Louis continued to run the empire until his death in 1987. His business associate, a French/American lawyer, Monsieur Dominick de Bussey currently runs the 6 hundred billion empire. In a recent interview with Monsieur de Bussey wishes to retire but with no heirs to take over the business de Bussey is currently interview several companies such as the Hart gold law firm and the Hart Hotel Empire owned by business tycoons Olivia and Harold Hart.

“The Aramai owns everything from real-estate in Santa Monica to several oil companies in the middle east such as Istanbul and Venezuela. Five opal mines in Australia, supplies electronics to Sony in Japan and runs a couple of Mitsubishi plants in Tokyo Japan. The Aramai is a businessman’s dream.” Kyle was reading off the web page. “Man, that would be intense to be in his shoes,”

Max smiled at Kyle, “Not really.” Truth was, Max wouldn’t mind owning a business of his own. Yes it would be tough work but he was an Evans. Everything else is easy compared to his family’s antics.

Max retyped the Harding corp. web address and continued to search for an address, any address that would lead him closer to Liz.
“Nothing,” Max swore. It’s been five days and still nothing from Liz. Seeing that he couldn’t do anything else for the day he flipped out his phone and dialed his nemesis.

“Max” The cold frosted slurry of an Irish voice, answered the phone. Max never knew how Michael got that accent, whether it was inherited or because he spent most of his time in Ireland.

“Michael,” Max replied. He could picture Michael eyes, a light-amber brown that reminded him of hawk eyes. Predator like, cold, heartless..
“She’s awake. Edward has assured me that she is given the best care. She’s in her therapy session with Dr Kensington.”
“Can I speak with her?”

“Not today I’m afraid,”
“Well, at least tell her that I called,”
“Always do Maxwell,”
“Can you tell me where she is at least?”
“No, Edward is very strict about his privacy. Ever since Jeff’s suicide he’s never been the same.”

“When does Liz finish?”
“Not now Maxwell. Don’t you have a wedding to prepare for? When is it? September 15th?”
“September 23rd,”Max clarified, “Look, there’s not going to be a wedding,”
Michael interrupted. “Did you also now that thanks to your father, He forged divorce papers and has already disowned Liz as his daughter, he said to me, “That bitch was having an affair anyway. Liz isn’t mine so why bother,” Now, here I am the master of Liz’s only childhood home. Our home, and her only living family, her true family are taking care of her. How am I supposed to break this news to Liz huh? Without having you hanging around to break her heart. Your mother’s family was always incestuous…that lot of you!”

“Don’t you dare Michael! Aren’t you forgetting that you’re related?”
“Well…look at the time Maxwell. Au revoir!”

The sound of my own breathing tells me I’m alive, Liz told herself. I’m going to wake up in my own bed with one major hangover and drag mom out of bed so they could have hangover headaches together.
Liz opened her eyes again to find the horror she thought was a drug-induced dream. She could feel the red stain sheets beneath her hands and Liz knew that underneath the sheets her legs were tied to the bed.
Which meant her mother was indeed gone.

The sound of her own heart beat told her she was alive but inside she was nothing, a hollow shell that only called the howling wind home and the acid sea around her heart was like lovers arms around their beloved.
Looking down at her mould of her legs underneath the sheets she pulled back the covers before tossing them as far as she could master and managed to throw them off the bed with a soft hiss of the sheets touching the ball banister at the foot of her bed.

She saw the thick 4cm cream straps across her legs and the silver square buckle that cut into her calves, leaving a trail of dried blood around her kneecaps and on the sheets.
Looking at her long thin arms in vain, Liz hoped she could stretch her body far enough to yank out the strap that clasped inside the silver buckle. She crouched over until her cheek nearly touched her thighs but already she was straining herself, Liz could feel the heat building around her lower back.

Groaning, Liz flopped back into the back of the bed and a few pillows cascaded down around her. She was going nowhere.
“Maria, now is not the time for one of your rescue missions,” A deep muffled voice emitted from behind the closed door.
“She’s strapped to her bed for Pete’s sake!” The girl with a very thick country accent replied.
The door opened and Liz met two people that she would forever call her saviors.

“Oh my Lord there she’s is, Alex get her straps! ” Maria gasped, she was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a blue shirt with the character Betty Boop in the middle surrounded by musical notes. Alex was tall and was medium build, like he spent some time in the gym; his deep sea green eyes were trained on her constraints.

They never spoke to her but were focused on getting her out of here. Who were they? Friends? Servants? Friends of Max?
Maybe Max sent them, Liz thought warmly. He knew where she was and sent his friends over!!!

She was getting out of here! She wanted to make a loud whooping noise but restrained herself and decided to help out by yanking out her IV drip.
Alex ripped off the straps and Liz saw the deep indents of the leather straps in her skin like tattoos.
“Oh my god its something out of the Texas chainsaw massacre,”
“Maria, get a grip.” Alex replied.
Liz stifled a laugh, she liked these people and not because they were rescuing her.

“Okay, Alex, grab Madam Liz and get her into the tub!”
Alex stood there as Maria was already up and walking to the door, she turned, her long wavy blonde hair billowed around her shoulders. “Alex? Que! What are you doing?”
Liz noticed that Maria spoke French but it came out wrong, the tone of her voice made her French words sound like a country slang dialect or something.

“Look at me? Dodge ball?” Alex said bewildered, his hands were gesturing to Liz’s prone form.
“I’m light,” Liz rasped out and only then did they realized that Liz was awake.

He nodded and scooped her up into his arms. Maria was at the door, looking left and right before whispering to Alex. “Coasts clear. Miss ding-hopper is no where to be seen,”
The hallway was a sanded cream and was warm and inviting, hand paintings of the countryside and old nameless European castles littered the hallway as Alex carried her twelve doors down to an area, next to the spiral staircase. It was a bathroom. It was more of a small condo once Alex carried her over the threshold. Completely tiled a soft pink with a spa bath in the corner and a huge miniature pool was in the middle, which Liz guessed was the bath. It was filled with hot water as steam hovered around the pool and covered the ground.

Maria bent down and untied her blue sneakers and white socks, placing her belongings a few feet from the pool. Once Maria stripped her jeans to reveal her bright pink bikini bottom she stepped into the pool and grimaced slightly..
“Uh…the water is…warm..” she said in-between soft winches. She hoisted herself up and sat on the underwater bench Liz guessed was a step into the shallow end.
“All right Alex, bring her down here,” Maria patted a seat next to her.
Liz was only wearing a hospital gown but no bra underneath, which meant someone, undressed her. Liz cringed and tightened her hold around Alex’s neck.
“Its okay Liz, you can trust us,” Alex reassured her and Liz loosened her grip. Her mind was elsewhere, in a field of roses with Max Evans. Liz could almost feel his strong muscular arms around her. The smell of Max’s rainforest aftershave burning her nose in ecstasy and the feel of his smooth lips placing feather lips kisses on her forehead. Where was he?

Liz watched as Alex crouched down and placed her legs in the water, they were like two sitting ducks but Liz couldn’t feel anything.
“Why can’t I feel anything in my legs?” Liz asked but they continued to slide her down and once the water reached underneath her chest Liz convulsed as the hot water sloshed around her upper body, drenching half of her hair. She watched as Maria grabbed her body and swirled her around. Liz watched as her hair danced along the ripples of the water. Maria slid Liz along the shallow end to a small seat, which was more of a corner step and kept her wet arm around Liz’s shoulder.

“You’ve been in an accident Madam Elizabeth,” Maria said, “Your mother passed away but you, Madame..” Maria smiled, “Are alive! Thank the Lord Savior for that!” Maria’s face changed, Liz watched as the energy that once greeted her died as she looked at Liz’s legs, “But…. you are temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. With therapy and constant care you will be walking in no time,”

“So you’re not here because of Max?” Liz’s face started to floor as images of Max flashed in her mind. His smile, his shining amber eyes.
“Max? Who is this Max? Your boyfriend?”
“He is everything that I care about. He’s my family,”
“Well Monsieur Gurien as said nothing about this Max Evans”
“That’s because he hates him. Now, I don’t care what or how you do it I want to speak with Max and I want him now so screw this. I want to know why…why he isn’t here with me when I need him most,”
“Don’t cry Elizabeth,”

“My name is Liz. I’m guessing you’re a maid then?”
“Well, maid in training but I do a pretty good job here missy,”
“Maria, don’t get catty you’ll know what Monsieur Harding will do if he catches you,”

“So all of this is real. Then…”
“Look Ed Harding is a good man…most of the time but you see he’s old and is senile—“

“Demensia and Alisimes Maria, he’s got Aliesimesa and demensia”
“Well, I reackon he’s senile and anyway,”most of the time he’s does things he can’t help. Last week he attacked Alex because he thought he was Jeffery Dorian Parker,”
“Look. I’ll explain everything I know but right now I need to start your therapy because its been seven weeks since your accident”
“Well your crashed on the 17th of May and you were shifted on the 23rd of June and you have been here with us for five days now,”
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to be talking to her like this…”
“Oh shut up! Monsieur Guerin can bite my…”

“Language Maria!”
“Oh, sorry, I forgot I’m in the presence of royalty,” Maria sarcastically retorted.
“Look I’m no royal saint or whatever you guys think. If you must help me than help me so I can walk again.”
“That’s why were here because there have been no arrangements made for any therapy..”

“Harding Senile? Remember and since Monsieur Guerin has gone to the dark side…”
“What? Dark side, stop with the Star Wars analogies”
“He’s become the next heir to the Harding Empire because Ed liked his work ethic. Despite his bad blood,”
“Enough of this nonsense. I need to call Max, where’s the nearest cell phone or phone for that matter,”

“No cell phones or internet. Everything is done by telegram or post. Harding likes things done the old fashioned way. The nearest computer is a mile away, which is my mother’s house, but I live here most of the time. Cleaning and stuff,”

“So your both maids?”
“No, Alex’s dad runs the security.”
“So there are computers around here?”
“No, at least I don’t think so,”
“No, Liz, My father is the head of security and makes sure Mr. Harding is well protected. My father also teaches I.T part time at W. Boston High,”
“So….um…what are you guys doing here first of all..”
“Well…my great-grandfather has been the security guard ever since Mr Harding built this estate. My father spends his life in between organizing security guards and teaching IT to high school students. I graduated three years ago from W.Boston High and I’m currently studying computer science and engineering but I’m also one of the lead guitarists in the Whits”

“Hem…hem…” Maria coughed.
Alex rolled his eyes.“…With Maria as the singer of course,”
“…Maria here of course lived with her father in Dallas Texas before moving to Las Vegas then spending a couple of months in Orleans…France of course but…Maria decided after she graduated from high school two years ago that she’ll spent time with her mother Amy Deluca, who is Harding’s liaison and go in between spokeswomen between all his companies and affiliates. Maria’s Aunt, Sarah Deluca owns the Crashdown”
“So why help a spoiled rich girl from her senile great-grandfather?”
“Well, for starters you may be rich but not spoiled and second of all I think every one deserves the chance to walk again…”
“Now...I must stand guard while Maria starts your therapy..”
“ What does this entail?”

“Well. from what I read off the internet. So forgive me for not having a degree in this but…I’m supposed to massage your legs and Alex and I managed to buy some equipment to strengthen your muscles and help you walk again… kay?”
Liz nodded her head and wondered to herself how her mother ever survived in this hellhole.
_ _ _ _ _

Boston Massachusetts
Edwardian Château
January 10th 1983

Nancy Evans pulled the long fur coat around her shoulders for comfort. Her long crimson evening ball gown was not for outdoors but she had to see him again. Careful to not attraction any attention from her grandparents Nancy slipped through the ballroom and onto the veranda that faced an open span of land and in the distance a looming forest of native trees.
He was there, standing to her right behind the red curtain and shielded from other guests.
Nancy looked at him in the moonlight, his longish hair just underneath his ears and mesmerizing deep almond eyes that matched his coca brown hair.
“Mon chéri,” My darling.
When his angelic face looked upon her he stretched out his arms and coaxed her into his embrace.
“Ma chéri!” Jeff’s voice was thick with his native tongue, French. Jeff was born in the Normandy, just outside Paris but when he was seventeen he came to live in Boston and spoke fluent English but his accent never faulted, and never ceased to seduce Nancy. He was eight years older than her but Nancy couldn’t help herself.
Phillip was the typical rich business tycoon, many girlfriends but her grand parents favored him and after all, he was her husband and before Jeff Nancy settled for her future with him. Before Jeff Nancy didn’t even known the meaning of the word alive. At first she thought she was in love with Phillip, after all, they spent many times together while she was at college and Nancy lived here in this mansion with her grandfather. At the time any place but her father’s was best but now she doubted herself. Being here was worse than anything else and she was about to leave but a mysterious horseman stopped her, Jeff…. And that’s when everything changed.
“Why are you silent, Nancy?” He asked.
“I’ve missed you. Jeffery,” Nancy flung her arms around him, she breathed in his alluring scent, trying to breathe as much as she could and implanting it into her mind.
“I’m but dust in the wind Ma chéri,” His deep brown eyes gazed into her eyes. “I missed you too,” He inched closer, his warm hands cupping her blushed cheeks as snowflakes started to fall around them. His lips were soft against his skin and Nancy buzzed underneath his intense onslaught.
“I must go before someone discovers where you’ve been Nancy,”
“But Monsieur Parker -“
“No buts Nancy,” His eyes softened. His heated skin still enveloping them in their arousal of each other’s presence. “When its midnight, sneak out your bed and if anyone asks. Say you’ll be reading late in the library and meet me at the usual place,” His hand caressed her cheek, “Until then,” He kissed her again, only this time it was slow and she could feel the heat of his hands sliding underneath her fur coat and massaging her lower back, slowly sliding further down. Nancy pressed herself hard against him, desperately wanting be close to him. It’s been two years since he left to stand by his father, who was plagued by illness. Two years since she felt him touch her in places that no made has ever affected her so deeply, not even Phillip Evans. Two years worth of secret love letters and promises of marriage. Two years worth of deception spat at an inconsiderate husband who has too many mistresses to count to even spend time with his wife.
“NANCY!” The loud shrill of Margo, or Marguerite as she likes to be called was screaming her name just a few feet from them. If it hadn’t been for the large red curtain that flapped with the wind they would have been discovered. Margo didn’t like him but her great-grandmother; Jacqueline favoured Jeff over her own son, Edward. Nancy found that very odd, and yet so is this family. Nancy assumed that Jacqueline’s favouritism has to do with her husband, Oliver. Oliver was notorious for sleeping around.
“I must go,” Nancy placed one last kiss on his cheek and tucked a loose deep brown strand away from his flawless face. “I love you,”
“I love you,”



“You know what?” Liz told Maria and Alex as they carried her back to her bed. “This sucks.” Liz pointed to her legs, “ The whole thing sucks. I wake up and I’m in some kind of Wizard of Oz nightmare and now you tell me that I can’t walk?” She was now lying on her bed and was left sitting in an upright position.
“You will Liz.” Alex placed a comforting arm on her shoulder and squeezed it. “ There’s a difference you WILL!”
“Okay. So maybe you guys an explain the 101 around here?” Liz wanted to know the inner workings of this place. Who lived here, what happened around here and which was the best escape route outta here.
“The one oh what?” Maria twirled her hair around and gave Liz a blank expression. So did Alex.
“Oh Geez” Liz scoffed, “you know…the 411? Who lives here? What’s the MO on this place?” Practically every house had some kind of deal? Like the owner had a thing for kabana boys, or Maryanne the maid was a notorious gambler?
“ Well. Let’s see. Edward lives alone, his wife pleaded insanity and died a few years ago. He lives alone on this level, at the end of the house, which is like, twelve doors to your left—“
“Michael works alongside Ed, making sure things are running smoothly and passing on faxes and messages for Amy to pass onto the store managers…” Alex continued but a door squealed jolted the trio.
“And making sure that my sister receives the best care,” Michael replied from the doorway. He was in a business suit and he still looked the same way that she last saw him. His amber-brown eyes were glaring at Alex and Maria. Liz glared back at him “Deluca, Whitman! Aren’t you guys supposed to be helping George in the Kitchen,” He crossed his arms and nudged his head at the both of them but Liz sensed some tension between Maria and Michael.

“ We aren’t slaves, we're helpers,” Maria placed her hands on her hips. If looks could kill Michael would already be dead with the death glares Maria was sending him.

“Funny, I don’t notice the difference,” He smirked. Liz rolled her eyes. She hated Michael for this trait- the- I am so better than you and everyone else is poor- trip. If Liz could walk again she was send a flying kick to his nether regions.

“Leave us,” Liz went into snob mood. “ I want a word with my brother.”
“Eliza, how are you feeling?” Michael was by her side and Liz shield herself from him. Since when did he start calling her Eliza? He hasn’t called her that since the 6th grade.

“Good. Better now that Maria has informed me on my condition,” Liz meet his gaze head on and she could see guilt reflected in his eyes. Good, Liz thought. See my hatred for you in my eyes right now brother.
“Uh Eliza,” he began.

“Where’s Max?” Liz interrupted.
“He’s in New York with Tess,”
“Has he called,”
“Not once,”
“You’re lying,”
“Why would he call you when he knows your safe. He has better things to do with his time?”
“Cause …why are you here,”
“To check upon you,”
“Funny cause it doesn’t seem that way,”
“Don’t Liz me Michael. My mother is dead. Where’s dad,”
“Are you sure you want to hear this?”
“Phillip has disowned you as your daughter, apparently he believes you aren’t his daughter anymore. He married Diane two days ago,”
“What else?”

“Max has started his summer tuition in New York and has set a date for September, he and Tess are very much in love,”
That hurt. It was a low blow but she wouldn’t show him any weakness. She wouldn’t give him the pleasure of thinking that he has hurt her.
“Now that the biggest load of crap I’ve heard Michael. He doesn’t love her,” Liz knew that. She has the ring to prove it.
“We shall see when it is September,” Michael counted. Liz looked over him and immediately tensed. Edward was standing by the doorway.
“Edward! Sire I didn’t see you there,”
“No please call me Ed. How are you feeling Liz,”
“I feel like I’ve been tied to the bed by some bush lady?”
“Who? Ida? Well I’ll see into that. Now excuse us,”

“Liz, I’m Edwardian Joaquin-Joseph Harding. I’m the owner of this mansion and your great-grandfather,”
“I’m sorry to hear about your mother. She was a fiery spirit. Always causing trouble,”
“I’ve arranged for a private funeral. Just you and me..or anyone else in the mansion. She’s buried in the family plots just outside, a small block of land to your right as you enter this mansion. I myself haven’t strayed there for about ten years now,”
“That will be great,”
“Now, is there anything else that you’ll like?”
“Well I want to call someone..”
“No phones but if I give you some pen and paper you can write to them.”
“But I don’t know their address,”
“Well I can help you,”
“Well he goes to New York University,”
“I know that one. I know a few friends who teach music over there. I’ll fetch you the address okay? Anything else?”
“I want to walk again,”
“Okay, Ill call Dr Davis in the morning now can you do something for me?”
“Smile and if you want I can get a hair stylist in and give you a cool makeover?”
“How about a hair dye then?”
“Great, we will do this after the appointment and I’ll fetch you pen and paper. I feel so bad for shunning my granddaughter…I just want to make it up before my memory fades away,”

“Maria,” his brown-amber eyes zipped her up and down, like he was categorizing each part of her body and placing them into a certain group like a scientist did when he analyzed materials.
“Michael,” Maria replied, showing him no respect. He held no authority over her. He wasn’t the manager of this kitchen, well, he was the assistant to the owner but that doesn’t mean she had to show him respect.
“Aren’t you going to clean up your mess Lea?” Maria warned one of the maids who left a heap of food scraps on the kitchen bench.
“I’m kitchen, you’re the maid so no,” Lea snipped and started placing her salad preps (salads in a plastic box for Ed to eat) in the fridge.
“No that goes against the whole maid and kitchen staff relationship here,” Maria waggled her finger and out of the corner of her eye she profiled Michael. Oh yeah, defiantly in the hottie section, in that bad ass sophisticated way.

“laisser tomber,” Lea snapped in French.
“Je ne suis pas Françaises. Je suis Américainne. So, Fuck you too!”
“Maria, clean the mess,” Michael ordered and she could see Les send him a filtrations smile as she went over to the grill. Oh that bitch. Was Michael and lea?

“Oh don’t Maria me monsieur,” Maria dragged out the would mon and let that roll form her tongue and added a couple of ‘sss’ to sieur so it came out as a snakes hiss and she saw Michael wiggle his eyebrows mischievously.

“Maria,” Michael warned. She could see the anger rising from the heat off his face. Maria didn’t have to be even close to feel his heat rolling off him like fire. Good, Maria thought. Serves you for being flirtatious. She knew that type. The manwhore type that got what he wanted out of girls and then leave them for the next best thing or the next sex on legs. She seen a lot of guys in the past but Maria wasn’t sure if Michael was flirting with her was because he wanted an itch to be scratched and assumed Maria did that type of thing or he actually liked her

“In my office,” he ordered. Oh he wasn’t happy. What was up with him? Granted she’s seen him for seven weeks now, ever since his sister ended up in a coma. Maria hoped she wasn’t alone with that vile man named Ed. One time he groped her and moaned out the word, “Esther”. Ever since then Maria wore lots of layers when she served Ed his food up in his study.
“Now!” Michael roared and pointed outside the kitchen.
Uh Oh, Maria ducked her head and walked outside the kitchen and into the front entrance, an open area and on her left was the spiral stair case that lead upstairs. The stairs were 6 inches wide, very long and wide. Speaking of six inches…. Maria felt Michael’s big hands shove her into the janitor’s closet.

Ah, Maria realized. She slouched against the closet wall among the dry mops and brooms as a small light bull dangles above them.
“Don’t you go and do that again,” His hands cupped her cheek and Maria felt his silver platinum rings sting her with their cold metallic touch.
“I thought you liked it when people disobeyed your orders?” Maria slid her hands up his breast-coat and underneath his jacket flap to wrap around his waist. She raised one eyebrow and one her tiptoes whispered in his ears, “I’ve been a very bad girl.” Oh yeah baby, sock it to me, Maria inwardly shook her head. This is dangerous she shouldn’t be playing with fire or flirting with her boss, well technically he was her boss considering Ed was her employer and Michael worked for him.

“Yes you have,” He huskily answered and his finely trimmed goatee itched across her chin.
“Then I have to be punished?” Maria looked into his eyes and saw the desire swell like a fire arch and felt something press against her leg. Make that a definite yes to him being aroused. She couldn’t practically feel him ache, not just physically but Maria could see it in his facial expression as it changed from a cold neutral to a warm, playful, mischievous and alive expression as warmth spread throughout her body.
“With pleasure,”

Ed had returned, just like he said he would with pen and paper, and the address of Max’s university. At this moment Ed was in Liz’s good books but she couldn’t forget their first meeting.
He was still standing by the door, his eyes glazed over.
“You know I’m only ten years older than you…”
“She doesn’t have to know…”
His eyes suddenly unglazed, no, more like became clearer as he become more alert. He muttered to himself before closing the door.

January 11th 1983

“You must stay away from Monsieur Parker, Nancy!” Margo warned her granddaughter, as they were alone in her bedroom. Nancy huffed and sat in the middle of her four-poster bed and hugged one of her red satin pillows. She turned and looked over at the opened doors to her balcony. She could see Jeff in the distance, tending the horses with the gardener Joe. She tucked a loose wavy red lock behind her ear and felt her love for Jeff flush against her cheeks.
“I love him,” Nancy whispered to her grandmother, desperately trying to form a bond between herself and her grandmother. She never knew her mother or her father, and besides Ed, Margo was the only living relative who knew her mother.
“You shouldn’t,” Margo picked up her ice tea and began twirling the slice of lemon with her teaspoon.
“Why not? Nancy turned back to the balcony and watched Jeff tend to the horses. Jeff loved horses; Nancy often thought he was a horse whisper in a previous life.
”He’s not for you. He’s troubled, moody and his father, Louis? Pah blue blood!” Margo laughed but the laugh was full of bitterness. It was no brainier that everyone except Jacqueline and her husband Oliver cared for Jeff. Nancy frequently wondered what was Jeff’s story. Why was he here? But Nancy knew never to push, she knew what it felt like to feel unloved by your own parents and that was the basis of how they started. They were each other’s family. There was no need for anyone else.
“My mother hated you,” Nancy said. It was the truth. Even though she never met her mother Ed told her that it was Margo’s fault that she left in the first place. “So why should I listen to what you have to say?”
“Its because of your mother’s promiscuous ways that got her pregnant in the first place. Your father proved that by sleeping with that milk maid down by Malibu.”
“So what if Diane is my half sister! She’s still…” She still family, despite the many difference Nancy always gave her sister the benefit of the doubt.
“Phillip has made advances towards you. You loved him once, what’s changed,” Margo questioned. It was true, she did love Phillip but there was always this uneasiness and she always doubted her feelings towards her. He was a notorious manwhore. ON the other hand, every moment shared with Jeff was magical. He treated her with respect and made her feel loved for the very first time.
“Jeff showed me what it feels like to be alive,” she looked into Margo’s eyes. “He’s everything I have wanted and prayed for in a husband,”
“You’ll be both damned!” Margo cursed and dropped her teacup and it smashed in three uneven pieces on the carpet as the tea soaked into the carpet. Margo’s face was stone white as her frizzled auburn hair and blue eyes were bulged out.
Nancy shook her head. She never understood the resentment that her grandmother had towards her mother. Who cared really… but there was something going on that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Nancy thought over last night when she and Jeff made love, over and over again. Only a few, which consisted of Margo, most of the maid staff knew off her illicit affair with Jeff Parker but Phillip was so blind of his inflated ego to even notice.



Dear Max. As you read this letter I am stranded on this bed. I am paralyzed from the waist down. There are no phones, no computers near by so this is the only form of communication I’ve got right now. Why haven’t you called? Michael…pah! He’s always around the house, checking on me and stuff…. He tells me that you don’t bother to call. Well, Max…. please call. I just need to hear your voice.
I haven’t explored the mansion yet but Mr. Brodie Davis, or my Doc* told me that I am too weak to even consider walking or even being in a wheelchair. Its funny though, when he was checking my motor reflexes…I felt something….nay I saw my leg jiggle just a little bit and that little bit give me hope that I’ll be able to walk again. However, Davis said my condition has worsened and I am restricted to one recreation activity per day. The Nurse, Ida or Bush lady as I like to call her comes in and checks on me….I don’t like her very much but at least this mansion has its perks…like Maria and Alex.
Maria Deluca is a breath of fresh air. She’s street smart and a run for Michael’s money. Thanks goodness she’s here! She sneaks in and checks on me and paints my toenails. Alex…he’s a goofball…. There’s also a guy called Kyle Valenti that Maria keeps squabbling about. Apparently her mother, Amy has remarried and that guy…his name is Jim Valenti; he’s the local sheriff of this community. Yeah, I know…. but I’m living the Boston countryside … …anyway Jim has a son called Kyle and he’s also at Julliard so tell him I said hello. I get the feeling that Maria doesn’t like Kyle very much but there’s also some sexual tension between Michael and Maria but I don’t want to talk about him or anyone else for the matter.

I don’t have much time as I have a set time limit on writing letters (crazy I know!!!) I need to tell you something.
My mother…you know…before the accident said something about us…that’s we aren’t related…so far I haven’t found anything that supports it. I really miss you Max. Despite what everyone else says I know you…I need you…

Liz placed down the fountain pen and found a couple of tears splotches on the paper, causing some of her cursive words to blur and stain the paper blue. She didn’t want to end the letter but her time was almost up as Jim Valenti was standing by and was going to pass the letter on to Max, as he was visit his son in New York tomorrow.

As soon as you get this letter CALL ME!!!! Hope Julliard is going good and. …that’s pretty much it….I tell you more when you call me because they might read this letter. Liz

She wanted to say ‘Love Forever and Ever’ but she didn’t know if they would read her letters before sending them. Placing the letter inside the envelope she passed it onto Jim.
“Tell Max I said hello,”
Jim smiled, “I will,”
Jim felt bad for lying to this charming young woman but his life was on the line. He placed the letter inside his breast pocket and headed towards Ed’s office. He knocked twice before letting himself inside. Ed Harding was a self-centered twisted and ill man.
“You have her letter,”
“Give it to me,”
“You do realize that if this letter is a false one that I will be speaking to the head board of the police informant. You will be blacklisted and never be able to support your wife and you son and stepdaughter.”
“It is real,”
“Good,” Ed took one look at the letter before ripping into shreds and allowing the broken pieces to litter his floor,
“Merci, Monsieur Valenti,”
Last edited by on Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.