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The Royal Four (AU/CC/UC,ADULT) A/N- 12/28/05 {WIP}

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 8:35 pm
by sam25_2003

Okay it has been a really really long time since I've wrote fb would be appreciated ALOT...

Rating: ADULT
Disclaimer: Checks tag…nope not mine…I’ll just play with them for a while K?

The Summary: Mostly CC, but 1 UC (don’t worry to all those dreamers, candies, & gazers) Alex is still alive, It is right before Tess kills him. No Baby, no Jesse, pretty much no 3rd season. But Tess is still evil and Future Max still happens and the Sheriff is still the Sheriff. I can’t say anything more without giving away…oh the plot

Any the in “” they are talking…anything in italicize they’re thinking.

Part One

“Michael I don’t believe it!” Isabel exclaimed. “What the hell are you talking about? Tess is mindwarping Alex?”

“When we were training to day, I got a flash of her mindwarping Alex into doing something.” Michael stated aggravated. He had called this meeting for a reason. All of Michael’s protective instincts were reacting in full force. They had to get to Alex and they needed to get to him NOW.

“Guerin she wouldn’t do that,” Kyle put in. So this was why Michael had been adamant about Tess not being here.

“Oh yes she would Valenti, if it got her what she wanted.” Michael shot back.

“And we all know what that is,” Maria added looking pointedly at Max. Michael had already told Maria what he had flashed on, so she was semi coherent, although mad as hell. “Where is the Gerbil anyway?”

“Moving the rest of the stuff out of the Harding residence into storage. Well supervising the move.” Kyle answered looking at Maria.

“If Alex is in trouble we have to help him.” Liz said coming out of the Crashdown kitchen. She barely glanced at Max as she went and sat down by Maria. At least know she knew why Maria insisted she be here. After all only Maria knew the a little of the amount of guilt over Future Max and what she had done to Max.

Future Max had it easy, Liz though He gets to disappear and I have to deal with the consequences.
“Absolutely,” Max said staring at his soulmate. Something was not right with the whole Liz and Kyle sleeping together and he was going to prove it. Their love was to strong for her to just throw it away. After all he knew this woman inside out and his heart kept telling him that there is no way that she would trample on what they had. Max dragged his mind back to the matter at hand. “But we can’t act without proof, or let Tess know where on to her. Is can you dream walk Alex? Just to see if he is actually in Sweden and not somewhere else?”

“It could be Ava,” Isabel stated, “Max I don’t think Tess…”

“...That’s right chica!” Maria yelled. She had had enough already. Her best friend could be in danger and all they were doing was sitting around talking about it. “Don’t think, just go with your instincts ands what they are telling you!”

The rest of the group all looked at Maria with weird looks. “Yes I did say it and you are a chica.”

“Thanks, Maria I think. My instincts have been telling me something has been wrong for a while, but I put it down to missing Alex. I was going to figure out the time difference and try dreamwalk him anyway so there is no time like the present. Liz can I use your bedroom?”

“Yeah sure, my parents are at a restaurant convention for the weekend.”

They all went upstairs to the apartment. Liz, Maria, and Isabel went into Liz’ bedroom. “Here’s a picture of Alex,” Liz started towards it.

“Thanks, but I already have one of my own,” Isabel replied as she pulled the picture out.

Liz and Maria looked at Isabel, then each other, “Well, well, well…” Maria muttered.

Isabel laid down on the bed and touched Alex’s picture. It waved and Isabel closed her eyes.


“What is this place?” Isabel asked out loud as she looked around at nothing. It was completely black.

“Isabel I need you. Help me.”

Isabel spun around, “OH MY GOD ALEX!”

Alex was kneeling on the ground in the fetal position rocking back and forth. “Isabel I need you. Help me,” he kept repeating over and over again.

“I’m here Alex, I will help you,” Isabel exclaimed running over to him. “Who did this?”

“No I’m not talking to you. You’re not IS.”

Isabel knelt down and placed her hands on his cheeks forcing Alex to look at her.

“Yes, Alex it is me.”

“No way.”



“Okay can anyone do this to you like I can?” Isabel asked as she leaned into him and kissed him with everything in her. After a good while they finally broke apart.

“Is, it is you.”

“Alex you need to tell me where you are and who did this to you.”

“I can’t remember, can’t concentrate.”

“Okay one question at a time and try to concentrate, keep the answers as simple as possible. Kay?”


“What are you doing?”

“Translating book.”

“What book?”

“Your book.”


“Las Cruces.”



“No not that why. Why are you translating the book?”

“She’s making me.”


“No she won’t let me tell you. She’ll make me forget about all of you again.”

“That’s okay Alex, hold on baby we’re coming.”

Isabel sat straight up in bed. “Oh My God!” Someone was hurting Alex. She was going to seriously hurt whoever it was. She was going to make then wish they had never been born, hatched or husked. Isabel looked at Liz and Maria, she couldn’t say anything to them. She jumped off the bed and ran for the door, with the other two girls following.

“Max. Michael’s right. Alex is in trouble.” She said, as she barreled into the living room. “Someone is making him translate the book.”

Max stopped pacing and looked at her. “Who?”

“I don’t know that. He couldn’t tell me, but he is at NMSU.”

“Tess has the book,” Michael put in quietly.

“Looks like a road trip.” Kyle said standing up.

“Not for you Valenti.”

“What? No way are your leaving me out of this, Guerin. Alex is my friend to.”

“Yes we are. If Tess is the one behind this, it would be mighty stange if you diappeared with us, Kyle.” Maria put in.

“Good point so what’s the cover story?”

“That’s an easy one,” Maria said, “Max, Michael, Liz and I took Isabel camping to get her out of this slump she seems to be in.”

“Maria, No way are you coming along!”

“Yes I am Spaceboy, investigating together? Remember that?”

“Not a chance on this one Blondie, there are two many unknowns.”

“Yes, both her and Liz are,” Isabel interrupted what looked like a major battle between the passionate couple. “We do not have time for this, he was pretty far gone and we might need them to help break the mindwarp. After all who knows Alex better?”

“You?” Maria queried.

“Maybe,” Isabel conceded, “but I still think we are going to need the two of you.”

“Okay start calling parents. Kyle, Michael put the camp stuff in the Jeep.”

“Why do you need the camping stuff?”

“To make the story stick Valenti. Are you sure you’re the Sheriff’s son?”

“Shut up Guerin.”

I can’t believe them Alex is in danger and they are acting like 5 year olds. “NOW IS NOT THE TIME. Kyle don’t say anything about our suspicions to your father yet, unless you’re 150% sure Tess is no where around. Now let’s get going. We have a best friend to save.” Maria finished, looking fed up at her on-again/off again boyfriend and her quasi stepbrother. “Now MOVE.”

“Yeah sure, no prob, just leave me to deal with a possible alien psychopath.”

“Don’t worry nothing will happen to you that you do not karmatically deserve.” Max put in, just to torture Kyle. That was worth seeing the look on his face. Max thought as Kyle threw a worried look at Liz.


Okay so what do you think?[/url]


Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 9:22 pm
by sam25_2003
roswellluver, Anna-Liisa, aurorasky thanks.
Sternbetrachter don't worry
Earth2Mama Roswell without Alex is just wrong...

See Dislaimer at the begnining of the post...

Okay this is just a quick itty bitty teaser..I will post more either later tonight or tomorrow promise...but this kinda sorta just got pushed out by my muse...


Meanwhile down in Los Cruces

“Hey Ray, wait up”

“Do I know you?”

“Not really, but I saw you translating that book, when I was here for the Open House. Ancient language right?”

“Yes it’s just an extra curricular thing.” Ray muttered, as he unlocked his dorm room. At least my roommate wasn’t home, so I can have some quiet time, hopefully I won’t black out tonight. “Was they’re something else?” Ray asked.

Ray never saw what hit him, but he ended up on the floor. What the hell? I can’t move. What is going on? “Why are you doing this?”

“Because that book is to important to fall into the wrong hands.”

“It’s just an extra curricular thing for marks.”

“No, it’s extra-terrestrial is what it is. Don’t worry, you’ll understand later. This won’t hurt. Go to sleep, your friends will be here in the morning,” was the last thing Ray heard as he closed his eyes, to tired to fight the suggestion in his mind to just sleep.

Well, so the others have some human friends in the lives, well okay so they are a little bit more than friends. They so are not going to be happy with what was done to this human, especially V from the looks of things. But at least now I know for certain that everyone was still in Roswell, including the traitor and with the flashes I’ve gotten from this poor guy I know better what I will be dealing with when I get there. They never could do things the easy way, especially Rath. Oh well, neither could I. Although it’s not going to be easy for them to believe who I am after all the stuff they’ve been through. Now to make sure the annoying roommate stays away tonight

So have I got you wondering yet?

Chapet One Part Two

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 11:34 pm
by sam25_2003
Disclaimer: See above..not mine..just borrowing

Part Two

Max, Michael, Liz, Isabel and Maria drove all night in order to get into Los Cruces in the morning. Max and Isabel were in the Jeep, while Michael, Maria and Liz rode in the Jetta. They broke every speed limit to get there, but even Maria didn’t complain. They pulled into New Mexico State University just as the campus was starting to come alive with activity.

“So where do we start looking?” Maria inquired as they all got out of the respected vehicles stretching.

“Well he did say supercomputer so let’s see if we can find the thing and remember low profile.” Michael replied, looking around. He was in full warrior mode, scanning the area for any threats.

They found the computer lab and started asking for Alex Whitman, but no one knew who they were talking about. All five teenagers were getting frustrated knowing they were so close to helping Alex, but not being able to find him. They were once again outside the building trying to decide what to do next.

“We need to do something else.” Michael growled, letting some of his frustration out.

“Yes, but what Spaceboy? In case you haven’t realized it, no one seems to know Alex.” Maria replied. If Michael wanted a fight, she was willing to give him one. She was just as frustrated and as worried as he was.

Oh no, it is so not the time for one of there scenes. Liz thought “Maybe he thinks he’s someone else,” she ventured. “You know the whole mind warping thing.”

“You’re right Liz,” Isabel said. “Of course, whoever is behind this wouldn’t send him as Alex.” Isabel looked around the campus Perfect, just what I needed. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

Isabel pulled out her picture of Alex while she walked up to a group of guys. “Excuse me? But have you seen my boyfriend? I was suppose to meet him, but I can’t remember where.”

“Ray White?” was the distracted reply from a heavy set jock type. He had been thinking about the redhead he had been flirting with the night before, but this blonde in front of him looked just as good. “Yeah he’s my roommate, sure never figured he’d have someone as good-looking as you Babe.”

Yep just another male thinking only with his Johnston. God I really miss Alex. Isabel looked at him. “So do you know where he is?”

“Either in with that supercomputer or in the dorm. That guy never has any fun, which is why I booked last night. Although I would never stay away from you, Babe.”

“Thanks very much. But I forgot where he said he was.” Isabel looked expectedly

“Oh Number16 Garcia Hall”

“Thank you so much.” Isabel continued laying on the charm.

“Anytime Babe.”

Okay that is it. Isabel’s face went glacial. “Do not call me Babe, or you could end up with nightmares. I have a name and it is Isabel.”

“Sure thing Babe.”

"I did warn you.” Isabel said as she turned on her heels and walked away. Four sets of eye looked at her.

“Well?” Max queried verbalizing their thoughts.

“Ray White, Garcia Hall, Number 16.”

The group made there way to Alex’s room. Isabel got to the door first, but it was locked. A quick check in the hall relieved no one around, so she held her hand in front of the door until she heard a familiar click, signaling that the door was unlocked. Isabel put her hand on the doorknob and started to turn it when a hand reached out and stopped her.


“No way Is, it could be a trap, I go first.” Michael replied.

“Let it go Isabel,” Maria piped in, “He’s in full protector mode there is no way you will win this fight.”

“Alright no arguments, Alex could be in there.” Isabel said looking between Michael and Maria.

Michael opened the door and went inside. “Oh shit, get in here and lock the door,” he barked.

“OH MY GOD ALEX!,” Isabel cried running over to his prone body. She knelt down beside him. “He’s still breathing, Max.”

Max was already moving to kneel beside Alex. As he brought his hand up, Max noticed a very distinctive mark already there. Max put his hand down.

“Max?” Isabel asked looking at him.

“Someone already did.”

“What?” Michael practically shouted.

“Easy Spaceboy,” Maria said coming over to him, more than a little shocked herself. Michael looked at Maria. She’s scared that the alien abyss is about to throw us another curveball. It doesn’t matter what happens though, I will keep her safe. Michael pulled her into his chest and just held her there. “It’ll be okay Pixie.”

Suddenly they heard some moaning coming from the floor. “Ouch! Hey guys keep it down I’m sleeping here.”

“Alexander Charles Whitman, I suggest you wake up and you do so NOW.” Maria growled from within the safety of Michael’s arms. Independence aside I do love his arms around me.

Alex sat up, his eyes widening as his memories started to come back to him. “She told me to go to sleep and that you would be here in the morning,” Alex said groggily, “Of course that was right after she knocked me on my ass.”

Isabel looked at him for a full 60 seconds before she leapt. Alex once again found himself on the floor, only this time he was enjoying it a lot more.

“Don’t…ever…do…that…to…me…again.” was the only thing the other four shocked occupants of the room could make out. Isabel sat up. “you are mine, Alex and I do not want to ever contemplate life without you.”

“Is…” Alex began.

“No, Alex let me finish. I love you. I always have, this whole thing just showed me how much I do. No more Ice Princess, we definitely have a lot of ice to melt. Got that?”

“Yes, no more Ice Princess, ice to melt, got it.” Alex repeated. Well I guess my life should have been in danger sooner, if this is the result. “I love you to Is, You’re what kept me going, it was something untouchable.”

“Speaking of which, someone has a story to tell doesn’t he?” Maria put in, “Something about translating a certain book and not doing it willingly? Not to mention the mysterious Czechoslovakian who healed you.” She finished, bringing up the reason for the latest round of alien madness.

“Oh yeah,” Ales said with a grimace. Sleeping on the floor does not do a body good. He thought as he got up and stretched. “Max, buddy, your Destiny is a Bitch, literally. Tess was the one who pulled the whammy on my mind; she wants whatever’s in that book badly.

“Told you Maxwell.” Michael said

“So who broke the warp and healed you?” Liz interjected, while she was trying to process this new information Tess did this? Future Max was wrong then He had to be wrong.

“I don’t know, she blocked that memory,” Alex said.

“Michael looked up, “She?”

“Yep, She,.” Alex replied, picking up a strand of long, red hair off his shirt, “Unless some guy has hair this long.”

Everyone is safe, except for having to deal with Tess and this possible new threat, which WILL be dealt with later, but what is in that book? It’s time for some answers, and maybe this time some of them will be true. After all if Tess is working with the enemy chances are so was Nasedo. All three members of the Pod Squad were thinking that thought through their connection, They looked up at each other and they began to verbalize thier thoughts.

“So what about the translation?” Michael asked,

“We might get some really answers and some truth this time.” Isabel continued

“Because if Tess is working with the enemy, Nasedo probably was to,” Max finished.

The three humans looked at each other a little shaken.

“Okay who actually thought that?” Liz inquired, "because I heard it before anyone said anything.”

“Same here,” Maria added.

“Make it three,” Alex said looking at his clock, “As for the translation, it should be done any time now, don’t worry no one will be able to access it.”

Isabel, Michael and Max looked at each other. They were not sure who did what. Sure they had tried telepathy through the connection when they were little, but it hadn’t worked.
“Okay, we will deal with EVERYTHING that has happened today, later. That means Tess, The unknown that healed Alex, and this telepathy thing later, which by the way is new to us to.” Max said.

Just then the phone rang. Alex just looked around and let the answering machine pick it up.

“Hey Ray, just calling to let you know your translation is done..”

The six all looked at each other, “Well let’s go get the damn thing,” Michael said.

“Not yet,” Alex looked around, “Help me pack first? I want to go home.”

Alex went into the computer lab. He downloaded the translation onto a CD-R then deleted all traces of his source material. As he had told the others it would be nearly impossible for someone to gain access to it but as a precaution, he had made sure that if they did all they would not be able to figure it out.

While Alex was at the computer lab, the others packed him up. It did not take them long to pack Alex up, as all he had was clothes and some pictures. He did not want to take the laptop as he was sure Tess had it bugged somehow and he did not want to give her a heads up that something was wrong. Tess had been demanding updates, so Alex planned to set a few e-mails up to be sent to Tess at various times over the next two weeks from the school computers.

The group meet up about later in front of the computer lab. Max, Liz, Michael, and Maria were trying not to watch as Alex and Isabel kissed as if they had not seen each other in twenty years, not twenty minutes to the astonishment of the student body around them. Many catcalls and other remarks were thrown at them.

“So, Ray what does your little book say? Is it just recipes?” asked the jock from before.

“Yes as a matter of fact it is.” Isabel answered turning in her best Ice Princess voice.

“Yeah sure babe, not the way he’s been working on it day and night.”

“Yes well if you had someone as good as my sister to get back to you would do the same,” Max said taking a protective stance slightly in front if Isabel.

“Of course we would never let you near her.” Michael growled, coming up along side Max.

Boys will be boys, Even Alex is doing it Maria thought looking over at the overprotective males, Alex was holding Isabel loosely, but his body language indicated he was ready for a fight. Enough. “Okay so Ray is coming home, so I do believe you need to find another sucker to be your roommate.” Maria said taking a hold of Michael’s hand, leading him away to the Jetta. Isabel and Alex followed. Max and Liz looked at each other and then slowly began the trek to.

They stopped by the vehicles; Liz had reached a decision over Future Max. Tess betrayed them, I have to tell Max everything, but I can’t do it with everyone here. So I know what I will do. “Alex, Isabel, do you think you can ride with Michael and Maria. Max and I need to talk about stuff.” She rushed out before she could lose her nerve. “Maria you can tell them on the way back okay?

“About time chica,” Maria said herding the three astonished people towards her car before they could break out of the shock. “Okay get in the car.”

Isabel had clued in Liz was finally going to tell Max why she broke his heart. They need this time alone.

Damn straight girlfriend and it’s weirder than aliens are among us. Maria thought back. All six people stopped and looked at each other.

“Well we will be going now.” Alex said, “We’ll see you at Michael’s apartment when we see you.” Alex open the door and let Isabel into the car, then walked around to the other side.

“Your driving Spaceboy,” Maria chimed in, handing the keys to Michael and crawling into the passenger seat. Michael for once didn’t say a thing and just got in.


“Look I will tell you everything I know okay? It’s wasn’t what any of you think, or the reasons you think it was for and by the way this whole telepathy thing is kinda freaky isn’t it.”

“Everyone make sure your Maria filter is securely fastened.” Alex quipped. Maria turned to glare at him. “Good, know that you stopped that rant. Just tell us.”

“Okay the night we went to see the psychic Liz got a visitor from the future.

“What? Why the hell wouldn’t you tell me about that?” Michael fumed.

Isabel took in the situation, added up everything she knew and realized something “Max came back from the future?”

Maria looked at her. “What I’m a girl Maria. Give me some credit.”

Maria then started to explain everything that had proceeded to happen.

Meanwhile, Max and Liz had not moved yet. Finally I can figure out what is going on now. “Liz?”

“Max, just get in the Jeep and I will explain everything okay, please?”

Max helped Liz into the Jeep then went and climbed in himself.

How do I tell Max about Future Max? Where do I even begin? Liz was thinking to herself.

“Liz you start by telling me what you mean by Future Max?” Max said out loud.

“You heard?”

“Yes I heard, and that the whole telepathy thing is really starting to creep me out.”

“Okay Max I will tell you everything.”

So on the road back to Roswell were four every astonished people as they where told Max came back to fix the future, by unknowingly leaving a traitor in their mist and by how much Liz Parker did love Max Evans.

Meanwhile across town, the social worker walked into a near empty apartment.

“This is not a particularly good idea.”

“Yes it is and since I am finally emancipated there really is nothing you can do about it.”

I understand that but don’t you think it is a little much. I mean your foster mother just died and little over three months ago, and you’ve only just gotten emancipated last week and know this move.

“I kinda noticed the changes myself thanks.”

“You are still in the middle of several big changes. You really should take your time and think things through.”

Oh lady if you only knew how much thinking I have done in the last three months. But I can finally go to them. Ava has shown her true colours, and revealed herself as a traitor. All I have to do is convince them that I am who I say I am. It was so hard not to go today, I can feel their pull. But soon everything will be the way it was, they way it should have always been.

“Are you even listening to me?” the social worker interrupted, “I mean what is so important in Roswell?”

“My brother.”


Okay so do you want more?

Royal Four Part 8 NC-17 Language only for now

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:56 am
by sam25_2003
Angel eyes, roswellluver thanks
Asabetha Well we can't leave Kyle alone that is just so wrong.

Part Three

As the two vehicles pulled into Roswell, Maria called Kyle to tell him and his Dad to meet them at Michael’s apartment and to find a lab top and printer. They all showed up at the same time.

“Dad’s working and can’t make it,” Kyle told them as they got out of the vehicles

“Any trouble with Tess?” Michael asked.

“No, she’s at home. I told Dad at work and then I went on a date.” Kyle looked up as Alex climbed out of the Jetta. I really can’t believe it. Tess is a good actress, if she could pretend to care and still do that to Alex. “It’s true then?” Kyle directed his question to Alex, knowing he would understand.

“Yeah, sorry man.” Alex replied, looking around. It’s gotta sting that someone you trusted can do that.

“You have no idea how much, Alex,” Kyle replied. He stood perfectly still when it occurred to him that Alex didn’t say that last bit out loud. “Huh guys? What was that?”

“That is something new to all of us, and we have no idea how to turn it off, or even to tune it down.” Isabel said looking at Kyle, “You okay?”

“Yeah sure, Buddha says…well I’m not sure what he would say about now.”

“There goes my theory.” Liz started. “About it only being with your significant others.”

“Liz?” Isabel said, “How about we not do this out here? Too many ears, plus we need to get Alex inside.”

“Hey Michael looks like you have a new neighbor.” Maria piped up, pointing to the late model Ford Taurus, filled with boxes.

“Oh great, another person to explain that I do not want to be friends with.” Michael groused.

Everybody stopped and looked as a 17 year old girl came out of the apartment next door to Michael’s. She went to get more boxes out of the car. She was about 5 feet, with sable eyes, and red hair that was half way down her back.

Hot body.

“Kyle!” Three annoyed female voices interrupted.

Kyle looked like a deer in the headlights. “I was umm… talking about the car?” He ventured.

“Even I know that one’s not gonna work, Valenti.” Michael absently added, watching the redhead pick up some boxes.

“Spaceboy?” Maria queried, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s not just him Maria, it’s all of them” Liz added, looking at Isabel and Max. The Evans siblings were also watching the redhead.

Okay it’s been annoying so far but maybe it can be useful, All I have to do is concentrate. Maria thought to herself, then she tried to reach all of them. CECHSLOVIAKIANS! INSIDE NOW!

Everybody jumped. “Good call Blondie,” Michael said as he led the way into the building.

They got into his apartment and Maria had it. “Okay Spaceboy, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?”


“Nothing my ass,” Kyle added. “All three of you zoned, alien style.”

“I think I know who healed me.” Alex added from the couch

“WHAT? I thought Max did that?’ asked a now totally confused Kyle

“No when we got there, Alex was already healed.” Max answered. “Alex, what do you mean?”

“The redhead outside, it’s a little to coincidental. I get healed by someone with long red hair and Michael’s new neighbor has long red hair?”

“Okay so just to sort out all the weird stuff around let me get this straight. 1) Tess was warping Alex to translate the book, 2) Somehow Michael picked up the flash about it. 3) Someone else healed Alex. 4) The whole mind thinking thing, that is not only with the aliens but all of us. 5) Evans is no longer pissed at me. So you all probably know I didn’t sleep with Liz, but I still need an explanation about that.

“I’ll tell you later Kyle,” Alex said, knowing that neither Liz nor Max wanted to go over the whole Future Max thing.

“Okay. Now what about our problems?”

“Where do we start?” Isabel ventured.

“Well, Maybe the destiny book has something in it about the telepathy, and how to shut it off, or better control it?” Liz asked looking at Alex.

“I’ll set the computer up and do a search in the text for telepathy.”

“Not yet Alex, we need to stash you somewhere safe first. Tess has access to all of our places, so we will need the Sheriff’s input on this one. Kyle ask you Dad later K?” Michael said.

“Not a problem.”

“Okay that’s one down, two to go. As for our unknown redhead, she did heal Alex so she can wait until later, because she may not be an enemy, but a friend. Concerning Tess, well I’m not sure about that one yet.” Michael finished. “As for the telepathy thing, we will just have to concentrate on not letting anyone else hear what we say until Alex gets that book printed.”

Everyone was just looking at Michael. “Michael, did you connect to something from your past life as Second? Because that sounded like a planned out military solution to the problems.” Isabel asked.

Max was looking at Michael as if for the first time, “Yeah it’s not your usual hot-headed, act first, question later.”

“I’m not sure, it just seemed like the thing to do.” Michael answered Isabel, ignoring Max. He made sure his stonewalls were in place because he didn't want his thought getting to Maria, otherwise he would never hear the end of it. Well maybe I am not as big a fuck up as I thought.

“You know what, we have a lot of thinking to do and I don’t feel like doing it on an empty stomach.” Maria said coming out of the kitchen, “and since Michael has no food, I suggest we take a break and order pizza”

Everyone agreed to that suggestion. After all they had all been too busy to eat today. After the pizza’s arrived they sat around trying to figure out what to do. Several plans were started, but then discarded. Kyle and Alex had had a private conversation in the kitchen, with Alex telling Kyle about Future Max. Kyle came back into the living room, looking at the time. “Well I better get home before, our little snake in the grass tries to find me. I’ll keep her occupied tonight, and I will ask my Dad if he knows of a place to stash Alex. Oh yeah Evans, you hurt her again and powers or not your going down K?”

“Get in line Kyle. I’m first to kick my own ass.”

“Anybody need a ride?”

The original six looked at each other. They were staying together tonight, no matter what. If they could figure out a way to keep Kyle around they would have too.

“No, thanks.” Isabel replied.

After Kyle left the girls just looked at the guys. All three girls went to were their significant others were sitting, and cuddled up to them. Maria was just getting really comfortable in Michael’s arm, when she though of an important detail. He didn’t want to break the silence so she decided to try going telepathic again What about the Four Square?

The other five looked at Maria. I’m not sure, Maria, but we will figure it out. Max answered.

At least with a little practice the telepathy will be under control. Liz added, but she has a point. What if Future Max was right?

He can’t be Liz, Isabel said, After all Tess nearly killed Alex.

Besides Tess does not complete the Four Squares, That’s my job.


OOOPS! Gotta go.


More? Feedback appreicated...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 3:33 am
by sam25_2003
foreverdreamer15 I cannot answer that question on the ground that it will give away the story.

roswellluver Sorry have to wait and see again will give away the story.

Okay this part is kinda weird but once you read all of it’ll make sense - no nookie yet, but close (I need to work myself up since it has been a long llllllooooonnnnnggggggg time since I wrote smut

Disclaimer: SEE PART ONE…. Check’s tags again…nope still not mine :wink:

Part Four


Isabel was looking around, the dream plane. She was in the desert again. It was the same dream that the aliens had had when Tess first came to town. But this was different, this time it felt right.

“Is? What’s going on?”

“I don’t know Alex. This looks like the same dream Michael, and I had when Tess came to town, but it’s different somehow.”

“Okay if it’s your dream why am I dreaming it too?” Alex asked. He was looking at the ground. “Is do you know this symbol?”

Isabel looked down at the symbol on the ground. It was an upside version of the Royal Seal. “It represents the Princess.” Isabel was getting excited, “Alex, it represents me. It is my place in the Royal Four. I’m remembering. Oh God Alex, what if I remember Vilandra’s betrayal?”

“It doesn’t matter you are not Vilandra! She died. You are Isabel Amanda Evans, and someday you will Isabel Amanda Whitman, if I have my way” Alex stated quietly but forcefully

Isabel blinked, “Did you just TELL me I was going to marry you?” she asked, very annoyed.

“Well I was kinda hoping, but I was planning on asking when we got a little older you know. I just wanted you to know that I have every intention of sticking this out to the end.”

“That’s better, I almost thought you were Michael there for a minute. Since I am planning on being Mrs. Alexander Whitman anyway, I guess I can let it slide.” Isabel walked up to Alex and kissed him softly. Suddenly a silver light began to form above them. It washed over then and the streaked off into the desert. Alex and Isabel looked at each other, at the trail, then back at each other. Without saying a word, they grab each other’s hand and started walking after the trail.


Michael was pissed off. Of all the things to be dreaming about, it had to be the stupid Destiny dream. Maria and him were finally getting back together and then this thing pops up again. He looked around to were Isabel was last time and saw a familiar head of blond hair.


“Hey yourself! So this is the Destiny dream huh? So where is the little munchkin from last time? I need to tell him that if you have any kids that they are going to be with me.”

“Maria you’re starting to babble.”

“I’m sharing a dream with my boyfriend, and not just any dream, but the one that heralded devastating consequences for us and for all our friends. I’m allowed to babble Spaceboy okay? Good then! Michael what is that?” Maria pointed to the ground. It looked kind of like the Royal Seal, but had two intersecting lines

Michael looked to where Maria was pointing. “That’s the symbol of the General Blondie,” He said, as if it were common knowledge.

“Oh my God Michael!”


“All of the other symbols we have found, have seemed familiar, but none of you knew what they stood for, not even Tess, but you remember this” Maria explained. “This symbol represents the General, Michael, it represents you. Oh man where is my cedar oil when I really need it?”

Maria was beginning to panic. Since she didn’t have any cedar oil in this dream, Michael chose to use his preferred method of calming her down. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Maria returned the kiss with as much passion as Michael had. They broke apart when air became necessary. “Who needs cedar oil? This is much better.” Maria mumbled, pulling Michael’s head back down. They were both so involved in the kiss that they did not notice the energy nexus forming above their heads. This energy had a bonze tone to it. It engulfed them and then took off into the desert, leaving a trail for them to follow. “Wow, that was intense, Spaceboy, Let’s get going.” Maria said as they turned to follow the trail into the desert.


Max was confused. This was the Destiny dream. He looked around trying to find Michael or Isabel. He could not see either of them, but what he did see made his heart soar.

“Max, what is going on?”

“I don’t know Liz, but it must be something important.”

“Yes, but isn’t this the Destiny dream? Why am I dreaming it to?”

“Because Liz, no matter what anyone else says you are my Destiny. You always have been and you always will be.”

“So what do we do now?”

“I don’t know, I’m not the one who had it last time. Michael and Isabel were. So how about we find them first?”

Liz had glanced down at the ground. “Just a minute Max. Isn’t that the Royal Seal?”

“Yes it represent the King when the true Royal Four are together again. But none of us have ever actually seen it.”

“That’s because Tess does not belong to the Royal Four.” Liz said breathlessly as the realization came to her. “She doesn’t belong Max.”

“Your right Liz,” Max had reached the same conclusion. “But that leaves the question of who does?”

Liz walked up to Max and put her arms around him. “We will figure it out my love together. We are stronger together and I plan on keeping it that way for eternity.”

“I couldn’t agree more Liz,” Max said as he kissed here, well above their heads energy gathered. This one was gold in colour. As it washed over them, Max and Liz both felt its need for them to follow it. They broke the kiss and headed out into the desert.

Part Five

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 3:36 am
by sam25_2003
Earth2Mama, anwesrs to questions following

Sternbetrachter Don't worry you will find find out all about Alex's roommate's nightmares. as for Kyle his confusion is just beginning.

roswellluver, linliz68 Thanks for the feed back

Disclaimer: PART ONE…. Check’s tags again…nope still not mine

Part Five

As all six teenagers were following their respective trails into the desert, they could feel the pull of each other as well.

Michael and Maria reached the symbol of the Four Square first. They looked at each other “So what now Spaceboy?”

“I don’t know Pixie Girl, never had this particular dream before.”

“Well fancy meeting you here.” Alex said, as he and Isabel walked up to Michael and Maria. The two couples were at a 90 degrees angle from each other.

“Hey did either of you see the baby?” Maria asked of them. Both teens shook their head no. “Good. Neither did we.” Maria answered the unspoken question.

“So I guess we’re waiting for Max and Liz to put in an appearance?” Alex asked.

“Not to long a wait,” Michael said, pointing off directly in front of him. “Here they come now.” Max and Liz were directly in front of Michael and Maria, again at 90 degrees from Alex and Isabel.

“Hey chica, no baby,” Maria exclaimed happily. “So any guess as to what this means?” Maria asked, her mood flipping to serious, as only Maria could.

“I think we should just see what happens and then go from there.” Max answered, “We can compare notes in the morning.” The other five teenagers agreed. Even Michael didn’t have an argument against Max’s suggestion.

“Well it looks like we are not the only ones having this dream,” Isabel said, building up energy, as she pointed to the cliff in the distance. All six teenagers could just make out the figure that was on top of the cliff. Tess turned to look down at the Four Square Symbol.

SHIT. As if it wasn’t hard enough to mindwarp Isabel when she first had this damn dream, and change her mind about her feelings towards Alex, now I have all six of them to contend with. Oh well, I will just have to do it again and it looks like my little computer boy here is back in Roswell, so I have to change that. Camping, my ASS, they went to rescue poor little Alex. Looks like he’s back from ‘Sweden’. At least it gives me time to find the translation and see what mommy dearest had to write and then rewrite it to my version of Destiny. Then there will be no way to stop me.

‘I wouldn’t place any bets on that Ava ‘

Tess looked up. There directly in front of her, blocking her path, was a brown eyed, red head girl.
Even though the two girls were far away, the six teenagers standing by the Four Square could hear the exchange taking place on the cliff.

“You can’t be here, Kivar promised me you were dead.”

“Well technically, I was Ava, but here I am.”

“But how?”

“The same way you are, you didn’t think I would let you get away with it, did you?”

“You forget yourself, Rowena, I am Queen.” Tess decided to bluff her way around this problem.

“Rowena was who I was in another lifetime. I prefer Katherine now actually. Oh and No you are NOT.”

Tess took a step back. “What do you mean by that?” she demanded angrily.

“Well you and Zan are NOT married in this lifetime and as an added precaution, since the original marriage was never consummated, the Queen Mother had it annulled. So I recalled the powers and my position in the Four, as Zan had always planned.”

“You except me to believe that. Why would the Queen Mother do that?”

“Let’s see …#1) Zan never loved you, it was only political, until we could figure out what the hell Kivar was up to. #2) just a little to coincidental that two weeks after Zan announced Rath and Vilandra’s betrothal, and a week after my father turned down Kivar for my hand, you were presented as Kivar’s choice as Zan’s Queen. #3) As if the first two reasons aren’t enough, you had yet to prove your loyalty to the Royal House in order to receive the powers that I still held in trust. #4) Rath discover the identity of the betrayer and my brother told me who it was as he lay dying in my arms.” Katherine finished as tears formed in her eyes. While she did not have all of her memories of Antar, she did possess the poignant one. Rath’s death, as well as Zan’s and Vilandra’s were some of them.

“Yes well your precious Vilandra did prove her loyalty or lack thereof to her brother and yours didn’t she? By taking their enemy has her lover.” Tess taunted.

Katherine took a step forward and decked Tess. The blonde hit the ground hard. “You lying BITCH! Vilandra never betrayed anyone. Not her brother, not mine and not me. Hell why would we concoct a fake betrothal between her and Rath if she had taken that creep as a lover? She died to protect the throne and to ensure that Kivar would never have a legitimate claim through marriage. Even as she laid dying, she begged me not to reveal the truth. She let herself be labeled a traitor in order to protect me. She was never his lover, but you were.”

Tess was finally realizing just how much this reincarnation of Rowena knew about the past. Her stomach sank and she began to shake. Tess was having her first experience with a human emotion. It was fear. She could deal with Max, Michael and Isabel, but even as Ava she had always been in fear and awe of this girl in front of her.

Tess looked up at Katherine. “Still the warrior I see, but I am not done yet.” She said as she stood up. “I have a few tricks up my sleeves yet.” With that Tess disappeared out of the dreamscape as she woke up.

Katherine debated about waking up and following her. As she looked over her shoulder she decided to stay just a little longer. Katherine turned towards the symbol of the Four Square and the six stunned and shocked teenagers.

Yes everything I said was true. The Destiny Book as you call it has all the same information, only more detailed. That’s why Ava needed it so badly. She needed to change it so you would follow the scheme she concocted. Yes, Rath there is even proof of whom I am in there. I will be waiting for you, after you confirm this of course, and no I did not go anywhere near the lab at Los Cruces. Oh by the way don’t worry she doesn’t have access to the Granolith. Let’s just say the lock has been changed.

Katherine knew she had to be content with that for now. She had delayed long enough. The reincarnation of Ava could be up to anything by now. “I will see you soon, my brother.” Katherine whispered, looking directly at Michael, as she faded from the dream.


Meanwhile across town at the Valenti’s house Kyle was listening in on a very interesting conversation.

“No dammit, Nasedo, She is her. On Earth possibly in Roswell and she knows what happened on Antar.”

“Fine, I will. But don’t let me down.”

“No none of them know anything about it. You think I would let them know that?”

“Please I am better than that, and there is no way they could have stumble on to that little weakness of my powers.”

“Well obviously, Alex finished the decoding the damn book. A book you should have destroyed. God only knows where the translation is or what the thing says.”

“Please these human I’m staying with don’t know anything and when I get what I want there will be a nice little house fire at Hotel Valenti.”

“Yes I am going over there right know.”

Kyle heard the door shut. He was in shock. All this time and she was planning that. She really is the enemy. I have to warn the others Kyle ran outside and gunned his engine. His Dad had been called out, so he didn’t have to explain things. Besides this is just going to hurt him a lot. Kyle drove as fast as he could over to Michael’s apartment, thinking that this would be the first place Tess would come. Kyle had just pulled up, when he saw that Tess’ SUV was already there. He decided to park his car in the back alley so she wouldn’t see it. Kyle walked over to Michael’s in a panic. Act calm, be rational. Do not panic out in the open keep moving. Kyle was walking, and mumbling to himself about finding his center.

I’m sorry, but I had to stop you. I can’t stop her by myself. was the last thing that went through Kyle’s head as the world went black.


The next morning Kyle on woke up on his couch to with a splitting headache. OUCH! Man she has a really good right cross. So she brought me home but what about everyone else? I gotta tell them what Tess is up to. Kyle followed thoughts with actions. He got up, noticed Tess wasn’t here and took off over to Michael’s. He made it there in record time, after a quick stop for donuts. He knocked on the door impatiently.

“Yeah, yeah, keep your pants on,” Michael grumbled as he unlocked the door. Kyle barreled into the room ready to ask what happen with Tess last night. When he stopped dead in his tracks. There on Michael’s couch laughing and joking around was Tess What the hell is going on? Tess is a treacherous little witch and she should not be here, but here she is sitting between Alex and Isabelof all places? And to top it off it’s like nobody remembers anything.?

“See here he is the man of the hour, with donuts as promised.” Tess said, looked over at Kyle. Kyle could feel her invade his mind, changing his memories. He was just about to panic, when he realized that if he could feel her, then he could see through the wrap.

Just let her think she succeed. She needs to think she’s gotten into your mind to change things to her advantage. It won’t work this time, but she need to think it did. Everyone’s depending on it.

Okay who are you and what are you doing in my mind?

I’m a friend and I am here to help.

You’re the one that healed Alex aren’t you? The redhead from yesterday?


I am going to put my faith in you, but Buddha forgive me if you are lying to me I will not be responsible for my actions.



Deal if I am lying I won’t hold you accountable for your actions. By the way the ring on your necklace. Don’t let Tess see it and whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE IT OFF…. It’s the only thing that breaks the warps. Remember what I said.

As Kyle felt the presence in his mind recede to the background, he understood what Tess was trying to implant in his mind. This was definitely not good.

“So isn’t it great that Alex came back from Sweden early Kyle?” Isabel asked.

This is worst than I thought.

Yeah try being me. I finally actually find them and because of the bottle job why would they even trust me?

Because you have me
Kyle thought back as he felt the wave of sadness coming from this girl. Even though he had only seen her once, and only for a few seconds, ha had a feeling she was going to turn his world on it's axis, but he was kind of looking forward to it.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:18 am
by sam25_2003
Thanks for all the feedback...This next part is didn't really fit in with the stuff before the the stuff's kinda a little bridge between things....

Disclaimer: checks tags...nope..still not mine...sigh....

Part Six

The whole gang, including Tess had breakfast, before Kyle could finally get out of there. Kyle was not wasting any time. He had a problem to fix.
Okay, were can we meet? Kyle asked his unknown co-conspirator. Kyle knew he should be more cautious, but something within him was telling him that he could trust her.

Sorry, but I do have to get things in place here. I mean the whole school thing, plus I am an emancipated minor, which means I need to find a job to pay my bills.

I know about the whole emancipation thing. Michael is one too. Your best bet for a job is at the Crashdown. Liz parents own it. Liz, Maria and Michael all work there, plus it is the local hangout so Alex, Isabel, and I are there a lot. Plus Tess is there a lot anyways. By the way, what is your name?
Kyle could feel Kat’s interest perk when he had mentioned Michael’s name. Kyle was starting to have the old familiar twinge of jealousy. The ones he used to have concerning Max and Liz

Oops, sorry I am Katherine Morris, but my friends call me Kat, and Michael and I are something different that you are thinking.

Well it is nice to meet you Katherine, I am Kyle Valenti., but I am sure you already knew that somehow.

Does it make it any better that I didn’t know the last name?

A little. This is an interesting ring
Kyle said, as he sat in his Mustang looking at the ring around his necklace. The ring was made up gold, silver, bronze and copper all interwoven together. So what exactly does this ring do?

Kat started to say panicking,

don’t worry I’m in my car; all by myself. So are you going to answer my question?

The metals represent the Royal Four, and as such, it will block any powers. It was specifically designed to go up against mindwarps

You mean it was designed to block Tess, and she isn’t part of the Royal Four is she?

That is a subject I would prefer discussing face to face. I have to go now. I have commitments to this life to look after, but I will talk to you later okay. Oh Kyle one more thing, the CD of the translation is in your glove box.

How did you get it?

I have my own ring, so well Tess was out in her car, trying to get into their minds, I did a little B&E in Michael’s apartment. I had pretty much just came out, when you showed up. So I stuck the CD in your car, because you care about them and will look after it. I am sorry about knocking you unconscious.

That’s okay; you do have one helluva right cross though.

You mean for a girl?

Nope. I’ve gotten hit by guys who are weaker than you are. You are dynamite!

Don’t forget that.

With that last parting shot, Kat let her mind leave the conversation. She was still upset this morning about the whammy Tess had pulled last night. She made sure her connection to Kyle was securely closed before she went over her own thoughts.

Damn Ava or Tess or whatever she goes by. I was so close and now again I have been blocked. It really sucks this time, worst than any of the other times. This time there is no one to stop me, especially since Rena is missing. They were ready and I want them, I want him to know damnit! I have waited long enough to have my family back. To find him again since that night in the desert. I NEED my brother; I have always needed him, and now that I can finally have him back, and he knows about me that manipulative little bitch once again put a whammy on us. She may think che has me over a barrel, but I still have a few aces up my sleeve as well, and for the first time in three months since Rena left I am not alone. Kyle and I will bring you down once and for all.

Katherine stopped her train of thought as she walked into the Crashdown Café to fill in an application. Hopefully she could get a job here, and then all that was left was to register for school at West Roswell High tomorrow morning.

Kyle had to give himself some time to think. Since Tess seemed to be staying close to the rest of the gang, in case her mind warp broke, he didn’t need to worry about her. He needed to stash the translation. Kyle though about it for a second. He had gotten a laptop and printer for Alex, last night. It was still in his car. Kyle decided to out to the quarry since he had a power converted with him. He was going to print off a copy, as well as make a backup of the CD. He figured it was the least he could do for everyone, since he couldn’t tell them what was going on. Besides which it would not hurt to have a backup of the translation just in case.

After he was done Kyle drove back to Roswell with both the CD and the hard copy I need to find a place to hide this thing. I know, I will take a cue from the aliens. The best place to hide something is in plain sight.
Kyle placed it put it back in his car. Tomorrow was Monday and he had the perfect place to hide this CD. After all he thought who would think I would stash something so important in my locker

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:52 am
by sam25_2003
Earth2Mama, Don't worry I can't hold on much longer without them meeting up..Kat is sitting on my shoulder getting impatient

roswellluver, Sternbetrachter Tess will not be getting a copy of the translation until the gang wants her to..and maybe not even then...

Part Seven


Kat looked around, What the heck am I doing here?

“Hey Red, what exactly is going on here?” Kyle asked, slowly looking around the dream.

“As a guess I would say we got pulled into their dream.” Kat replied, pointing off into the distance. “Probably because subconsciously they know I belong here, and they trust you.”

“So Tess’ mind warps have faded?”

“No, they might not remember in the morning. I stopped her from mindwarping there dreams, but I didn’t in the real world.”

Kyle looked down at his friends. “So we do we go down there or what?”

Kat looked at Kyle. She had such a sad expression on her face that Kyle couldn’t help but reach over and take her hand. “No not yet, it’s not time.”

Kyle and Kat just stood and stared at each other for a while. They both could feel a connection starting to form between them.

“Hey you know, maybe we should just leave for know, until it’s time for you to join them.”

“You’re probably right, but it just hurts, being so close to them, especially Rath.”

“Okay,” Kyle started, feeling his jealous spike, “What exactly is the deal with Michael and you already? Because I can honestly say Maria will not let anyone take him away from her. Destiny or no Destiny.”

“It’s nothing like that, Kyle.” Kat replied gently. “Let’s just say, Zan and Vilandra were not the only brother/sister combo they sent down.”

“Oh man, you’re his sister?”

“Yes,” Kat started to cry, “I finally get to come to him again after eleven years and Ava took that away.” Kyle put his arms around the sobbing girl. “Don’t worry we will make this right.”


She was nervous as she walked down the hall. Suddenly a hand reached out and pulled her into a room. She was pissed, but knew she couldn’t use her powers. She open her mouth to scream, but her mouth was covered by someone else lips. Even though she had not had all that much practice in the kissing department, she knew good kisser, when she was kissed so she decided to go with it. It was a slow, tender exploration.

Kyle broke the kiss, “Sorry, but that was the quickest way to make sure you didn’t scream.”

“Well maybe you shouldn’t have just grabbed me?” Kat said quietly. She was on a slow burn. He kissed her for that reason. I mean he couldn’t just kiss her cause he WANTED to?

“Well I needed you attention, before you went to class. So what’s the plan?”

“I’m not sure, I need a time when they are all away from Tess in order to break the mindwarps.”

“She skipped school today claiming that she needed to go out of town today to go shopping for Michael’s birthday present, but I think she is headed to Los Cruces.”

“She’s looking for a copy of the translation.”

“Yep. So that is your opportunity. ” Kyle looked at her with a little grin.

“Well there’s no time like the present? Do you have the translation?”

“Yes, and a backup and a hardcopy. I figured that even if she got her hands on one of them, if we had a backup it would all be good. By the way is there anyway you can shut them up for now?” Kyle had been getting thoughts from the other six all morning. "It is driving me crazy and I have learned some things I really DID NOT want to know. Especially about Michael and Maria?" Those two are really horn dogs.

“No actually, we are going to the link to our advantage right now? How do you feel about being kidnapped?”

“Sound like fun, but aren’t you going to get into trouble for skipping your first day?”

“I haven’t actually registered yet I was on my way when I got pulled in here, so technically I am not in school yet.” Kat grinned.

“Cool, let’s do it then.” Kyle reached towards Kat and kissed her again. While the kiss was brief it was filled with passion. That was because I wanted to.


Maria, Liz, and Alex were walking into the school when they felt it. Michael, Max, and Isabel were already in the hall. The six teens meet at the door.

“Well it’s a good thing none of us have a test today.” Liz said as they walked back out of the school.

“His mustang is here.” Isabel injected.

But he isn’t. He is with me and if you want to see him again, ALL of you will meet me at the Pod Chamber in an hour All six teens jumped.

“Uh guys?” Alex asked, “What was that?”

Five teenagers looked at Alex with the same shocked looked. “I don’t know but first we get Kyle back and then we will figure it out. Liz call the Sheriff and let him know.” Max answered for the group.

Actually Liz, don’t call the Sheriff. Just you six .I won’t hurt him.

Max, Michael, Isabel, Liz, Maria, and Alex all looked at each other.

“We don’t have a choice Maxwell”

“I know let’s go, but be careful, especially you three.” Max pointed towards their human counterparts.

The Jeep and the Jetta made it out to Eagle Rock in record time.

All six teenagers got out and looked around.

“Max,” Isabel exclaimed pointing, “Look”

All of them turned around. There at the base of the Rock was an opening, with a very distinctive silver hand print. They all looked at each other again. “Why didn’t Nasedo tell you about another opening?” Alex asked.

Because he didn’t know about it. Kyle is inside with me. Please come in. I am not an enemy, but a friend.

Why would we believe that?
Michael thought. Everyone looked at him, their faces mirroring their shock. They had heard Michael, but his lips never moved.

Because Rath, if I wasn’t we would not be having this telepathic chit chat. Kat replied exasperated. It seems in any life, he was stubborn.

Max, Michael, and Isabel started forward. “Okay Maria, Liz and Alex stay behind us and be ready to run, if it is a trap.” Michael said as he led the way into the cave.

The six teenagers entered the new cave to find there friend standing there waiting patiently.

“You okay Valenti?”

“Better than you are Guerin,” Kyle answered. “Look the long and short of it is Tess is a mindwarping bitch. Alex never went to Sweden, she sent him to Los Cruces to decode the Destiny Book, and you found out and went and got him. She found out then mindwarped the lot of you.”

“Kyle what are you talking about?” Max asked. “Why the hell would she do that?”

“Because she isn’t part of the Royal Four, I am” came the reply, as Kat reveal herself to them. As the three aliens raised their hands in defensive postures, Kat closed her eyes and unlocked the memories Tess had warped.

“Oh My God” Liz started.

“That Bitch” Maria exclaimed.

“You healed me.” Alex added

“I know you.” Isabel said looking at the redhead in front of her

“So do I.” Max added.

“Long time no see, baby sister.” Michael said as he walked over to Kat and pulled her into a hug. “Eleven years to long.”

“Rath” was all Kat said as she stood crying. She just hugged him back.

Part Eight

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:16 am
by sam25_2003
Part Eight

After about five minutes, Katherine got a hold of her emotions. Michael did not want to let her go. Come on big brother, there are a lot of questions that people want answered. Katherine though over to everybody.

“Yeah speaking of that,” Maria said walking over to Michael. He looks like he did that night he crawled through my window, no wonder I couldn’t say no. She thought to herself. She laid a protective hand on his elbows. “How do we know you are who you say you are?”

Katherine just looked at Maria, “Like I told you on the Dreamscape, my proof is in the book.” Katherine began. “That still remains…” Katherine suddenly broke off as a bright light filled the rooms. When the light faded the eight teenagers standing in the newly opened chamber all gasped collectively. There in front of them was a hologram of a woman.

“If you are seeing this, it can only mean one thing. My son, Rath, and my daughter, Rowena have finally been reunited, as it can only be activated when the Royal Four are together. Do not worry this communication will not send any signal to your enemy. I am assuming that you have heard the message left to you by Zan and Vilandra’s mother. I need to inform you that the message you received from her about your Destiny is incorrect. At the time Kivar’s forces were holding her. Do not worry, that situation was corrected long before we recreated my daughter to join you. I do not have much time left. So I will deliver my messages. You need to know that your Four, Zan, Vilandra, Rath, and Rowena are truly the Royal Four. Ava is not to be trusted, that is why the Granolith is in two pieces. Zan, you did marry Ava, but it was only every a political match in order to keep Kivar at bay and it was never cemented. As such the High Priestess, meaning, me, with your mother’s full permission and the council’s full backing have freed you of that obligation, therefore she is no longer you Queen and can never received any of the powers your Queen is destined to have. Vilandra, despite anything you may have heard, you did not betray your brother. As to your betrothal to my son, you need to know it was concocted at your behest to keep Kivar away from you. While Kivar tried to frame you, those that know you best, especially the other three that stand beside you know you would sooner end you life than betray them. I pray this is true in any life. As to my children, Rath and Rowena you need to know that your father and I are have always been proud of how you and we still have that pride and love. Please forgive us for keeping you separate. It was the only way to protect the four of you. My hope is that you are strong enough to face your enemies. But remember the only way to defeat them is together. I must also speak of Destiny. When you were babies, I looked to your future to see were your life would lead. Individually, and together your Destinies seemed to be linked to the planet on which you now reside. I know that all four of you will find your soulmate. There is a prophecy on Antar about you, as well as one on Earth. You must seek out a man named Riverdog. Your real protector gave him the prophecy, as he was aware of the Earth version of it. This was done before the enemy shape shifter took his place. I know all of this because of the return of the ship that brought Rowena to you. Just as I know you survived the crash. I must also let you know that when this message started it sent a communication beam to me on Antar, so that The Queen Mother, My husband and I will know that you have received it, and that you are safe. The signal will not be interrupted. My husband is to go for that. The Queen Mother as well as my husband and I do not care so much that you fulfill the prophecy or if you even return to Antar, so long as you are happy. Be safe children of my blood as well as my heart.

All eight teens just stood there stunned.

Maria was the first to recover. “I’m sorry I was a bitch before.” She started to say to Katherine.

“No need. Especially considering that the last hybrid who came to town IS the BITCH.” Katherine cut in. “By the way I’m Katherine Morris, not Rowena, anymore.”

“Michael Guerin”

“Max Evans”

“Isabel Evans”

All four podsters gave their names, still stunned by the messages. The humans slowly volunteered theirs as well.

“Liz Parker”

“Alex Whitman”

“Maria Deluca.”

“And everyone already knows me,” Kyle injected, “So what’s the plan concerning Tess? I want her out of my house like yesterday.”

“We confront her tonight and see what she has to say. We’ll meet at the Crashdown at close,” Max said firmly. After what she has done, she is going down he thought to himself, making sure his emotions and thoughts were his own for the moment.

Michael looked over to Katherine. I have mother and father and I have a sister who is here. Michael was keeping his thoughts closed. “The Crashdown is a alien theme restaurant. Liz, Maria and I work there” He started to explain.

“Yeah I know that, you’re looking at their newest waitress.” I wonder what he is thinking. Is he happy that I’m here?

“I’m all up for confronting Tess, but what about her powers?” Isabel asked. I hope she is nothing like Tess and that she is actually going to be a friend.

“Oh yes about that. Put these on,” Katherine instructed. “ The metals block her mindwarping capabilities. So she can’t erase your memories again.” Katherine opens a small box. The six ring in the box, but the teens could see were two more were suppose to be. “Kyle and I already have one.”

“What about my Dad?” Kyle asked.

Katherine looked up as she finished handing out the rings. She flipped the inside of the box out and pulled out a necklace made out of the same material as the rings. “This would be for him.” She just finished saying, when the teens heard a vehicle pull up. All eight teens just looked at each other. They all held their breath when they hear a voice call out.


“Where in here ” Kyle called. Kat I need you to pull your whammy.

You got it.

Jim Valenti walked into the chamber where the eight teenagers were. Kat concentrated and broke all of Tess mind warps. These were extensive in Jim, as his training as a police officer had Tess constantly warping him so his suspicions would not get aroused. Jim’s eyes widen in realization of what had been happening under his very roof. “Is everyone okay?”

“Yeah Dad were fine. How are you?”

“Not really that surprised. Most of my affection for her was from the mind warps. We’ll talk more about that later. What’s the plan?”

“Smackdown at the Crashdown.” Maria put in. Meanwhile Katherine walked over to the Sheriff carrying the necklace. “This is for you, It blocks Tess ability to get into your mind.”

“Thanks, uh you ARE you?”

“Long story.” Alex said.

“I’ll fill you in later,” Kyle finished. “What are you doing here.”

“None of you are in school, so I figured it was alien related. Where is Tess anyway?”

“At a guess,” Kat replied, “Down in Los Cruces trying to find a translation.”

“Shit!” Michael exclaimed, “She was at my house all day yesterday.”

“Relax, bro, she never got it. I kinda did a little B&E before she got there. Kyle?”

“Right here.” Kyle said digging out the original CD, the copy and the print out.

Maria suddenly perked up, “Wait a sec, you broke into Michael’s while we were all sleeping? That’s it you really are his sister.”

Everyone broke up laughing at that observation.

The Royal Four Part 9 NC17 Sept. 27/04

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 3:01 pm
by sam25_2003
Biged, Roswelllostcause, aliensister, ms8309 Thanks for all the feedback

Disclaimer: Checks tag…nope not mine…I’ll just play with them for a while K?

Okay here is the long awaited part 9. I humm had some Max and Isabel issued to work out, but then my sweet tooth came out. I really really really need feedback on this one Please….

Part 9

The Crashdown was steady that night, not to busy but not slow. Alex, Isabel, Kyle and Max hung out in the ET booth. Liz and Maria spent most of the night showing Katherine the ropes, while Michael cooked. The few teenagers who had parents to worry about had managed to cover the skipped morning classes.

Around closing Jeff Parker went to find the new waitress.

“Katherine, since we have slowed down, you can go home if you want.” Jeff said, Katherine and Liz were laughing at something.

“Actually Dad, Katherine is going to hang out with us tonight.” Liz replied.

Jeff was surprised. After all his daughter had her little circle of friends. The last new person to join had been Tess Harding. Well Jeff could not pinpoint what was wrong with her, he did not like her and really didn’t want her around his daughter. But Liz was sixteen and had a pretty good head on her shoulders. Besides Katherine seemed to be the level headed type anyway.

“Are you sure your friends won’t mind Liz?” Kat asked.

“Not a problem. Maria already asked them”

“Okay then honey. Don’t stay up too late. It is a school night.”

“Okay Daddy Good Night.”

Liz and Kat watched him go up the stairs, then looked at each other. Okay were good Liz thought to the others. They had all been practicing the telepathy since they remembered about it and all eight of them were getting pretty good at it.

Not quite Kyle thought Houston we have a slight problem. Namely My Dad just called to tell me Tess called him and apparently she has had ‘car problems’ and she does not know when she can get back. Apparently it might be three or four days.

Well that sucks.
Maria put in.

Not really, it will give us a chance to go over the book. After all I spent what two, three months transcribing it. It has to be somewhat important right?

Probably, but I think we should get a little vocal here, before Mr. and Mrs. Parker notice a lack of anything verbal communications.

What they do forget to include your fun gene Michael?
Katherine finished the conversation as her and Liz joined the rest. Michael had closed the grill and Maria had finished wiping off the counter while they were having their telepathic conversation. Michael just looked over at Katherine with his registered smirk, not answering her. Max and Isabel shared a looked. This was not going to be easy on Kat. The last time they meet so-called friendly aliens, Michael had his heart ripped out and stomped on. He was not going to just pull it out again. “Well since we won’t be seeing Tess tonight how about we get on with this and see what the book has to say.”

“Who gets to read first?” Kyle inquired.

“Alex…” All three members of the original Pod Squad said.

“After all it was his brain that was just about mashed.” Michael said, looking at Alex, “Sorry man.”

“Hey if you didn’t say it I would have. Liz how about you tell your parents were gonna go watch a movie and then we can go. I made some extra copies so everyone can read it.”

“OK.” Liz replied, going into the back and upstairs to tell her parents.

Michael looked at Maria when she didn’t pull out her cell phone. “Pixie what about your Mom?”

“My Mom Spaceboy, is out of town at some conference or another. Do you have anything to eat at your apartment?”

“Not really.”

“Oh God, let’s go NOW! We need to go shopping. Tell Liz” Maria finished pulling Michael to the door.

Kat was watching things between those two. “Are they always like that?”

“Pretty much.” Isabel replied.

“Welcome to the wonderful world of Michael and Maria. They never stop with the flirting…er I mean arguing.” Kyle added, then he got serious. “Give him time Kat.”

Kat looked at Kyle then at Max, Alex, Isabel, and finally at Liz when she entered. “Why do I get the feeling this is an intervention of some kind?”

“Because it is,” Alex replied. “Maria will work on Michael but there are a few things you need to realize about your brother.”

“Namely, he blames himself for Tess coming into our lives,” Isabel added, “He has always been obsessed with finding others, and then when he does find them, not only are they not what he wanted, but they essentially took Max and I away from him as well. Then you have what Tess actually did.”

“And then there is you, Kat ” Max finished. “His every hope and dream. All the things he gave up on when Nasedo and Tess came to town.”

“He’s scared to have his dreams ripped from him again.” Liz added quietly.

“So just give him time,” Kyle added.

Kat thought about what they just said. She looked at all five. “ I have awaited eleven years already. If I have to wait a lifetime I would.”


Meanwhile Michael and Maria had finished shopping and were in the kitchen getting things ready. Maria knew that Michael wasn’t ready to talk just yet, so there was complete silence as they worked. While their friends frequently saw their arguments, they never had been privileged to this passionate couple’s quiet time. When one or both of them were hurting, the other would just be there. No talking was required, actually the silence was preferred, until the one in pain decided to break open. Michael walked out to the couch with Maria following him. As he sat down, he pulled her into her lap and buried his head in her chest. Maria went willingly and just held on as she felt the tears soaking her shirt. “SSHH Spaceboy. It’ll be okay. I’m here.” Michael just held on to her tighter. “You know what? Screw it. No more tonight.” Maria said. Then she went silent. Can you guys here me?

Yes Maria we can. Were still at the Crash. Where are you?

I’m at Michael’s, Liz, and I think we have all had enough for today. We can deal with everything else tomorrow.

Maria I think we really need to get started….

Max listen to what I have to say one more time…NO… Spaceboy cannot handle anymore tonight. If you really must go ahead without him, but not here and definitely not tonight.

What does Michael have to say?

Isabel Michael has himself totally shut off right at this moment so what does that tells you?

It tells Me that I am personally leaving my brother alone for the rest of the night, and I will do serious damage to anyone who doesn’t respect your wishes.
Kat put in glaring at Max and Isabel. You take care of my brother and I will make sure your left alone. After Maria left the connection, Kat turned around and looked at the other teenagers in the room. “No wonder he is so closed off. Do you guys every stop to consider what he is feeling? Because you are the ones who just gave me a lecture about leaving him alone and suddenly you want to interrupt? Over a stupid book that will be their tomorrow? Do you guys and when I say that I mean all of you, always gang up on him. Let me take a wild guess and say that Maria is the only one who not only listens to him, but also actually hears what he has to say. God, even I could tell he was close to the breaking point. And I’ve missed eleven years! Hello!! Long lost sister, that he never even had a clue about coming out of the woodwork and you expect a little half-hour talk from his future mate to make it better? God Grow Up Already! There is more to this thing then just you two,” Kat said pointing at Max and Liz, then she looked at Alex and Isabel. “Or you two. You dare to stand here and tell me he needs time to come to terms with me, but you won’t let him have it?? What EXACTLY is wrong with this picture? I’m going home. I will see you tomorrow and then we can deal with EVERYTHING.” Kat finished angrily, storming out the door.

Kyle had just stood on the sidelines. “Well I always figured Maria would be the one to do that to you guys.”

“What are you talking about Kyle?” Isabel asked. She was trying to process what just happened.

“To give you shit over the way you guys treat Michael like he’s not that important since you found out he’s not your brother, he’s just your Second and your ex-fiancée. But again maybe I see it, cause of the fact that like Michael and Maria, my life at home is not all sunshine and daisies. Of course Maria sees it a lot more, but then she puts up with her own version of it from her best friends. Ya know I’m outta here to. Buddha says that the stronger you are the harder you fall. Which in Michael’s case will be a hell of a fall.” Kyle finished and walked out.

Kyle walked out and caught up to cat in the parking lot. “Hey Red, wait up.”

“Why do they do that?”

“Because Michael is Michael and he puts off the invincible Stonewall attitude that only Maria has ever been able to get inside of. But that’s just a guess, the only one who would know for sure is Maria. He just doesn’t trust anybody easily. A lot of which had to do with how he grew up or more importantly who he grew up with.”

“What do you mean by that? Tell me everything, please” Kyle and Kat went out for coffee while Kyle explained about how Michael grew up and what he had been through.

Inside the Crashdown the four remaining teenagers looked at each other.

“Do we do that?”

“Do what Alex?”

“Treat Maria like they treat Michael?”

“What do you mean, like we treat Michael?” Max asked.

“He means that Kat and Kyle are right. We haven’t exactly been all that supportive of Michael have we?” Isabel answered in a daze. “Think about it Max. We never give him time, I mean really the last time he had time to himself was after Pierce, and even then I didn’t ask him how he was. You had your own problems to deal with, but I should have him. Instead I let him slide, but I always asked you Max, and to make it worst, we have done that more than once Like when he found Laurie, did either of us ask him how he was doing after he came back from Arizona. He found his donor’s granddaughter and he was shot. Neither one of us cared to ask how he was doing.”

“Your not alone in that either, Isabel. Liz and I have been just as bad regarding.”

“Thanks for saying it Alex, but we have know him the longest.” Isabel said as she walked into Alex’s arms. Her whole definition of her world had been rocked. “It’s just that he always has that hard outside I forget how easily it is to actually hurt him on the inside.”

“That’s why he and Maria are good together,” Liz piped in. “She is the same way you know.”

Max had been quietly listen to everything going on around him. He was remembering everything that Isabel and him had done over the years. “We need to do better. He needs to know that he is not just an after thought. That he is important to us. Until Maria tells us he is ready, we don’t push him this time.”

“Well since we have a free evening, anybody want to go out and see a movie. I can’t just go back upstairs. After all I did tell my parents we were going.” Liz interjected.

“Might as well, but not comedy. Right now I don’t feel like laughing.”

Isabel that is exactly the why we need to go watch a comedy.” Alex said.

“How about we skip the movie and go for have coffee instead?” Max asked.

“I don’t really feel like a movie either.”

All three remaining teenagers agreed with him

So they left the Crashdown and headed for the coffee shopo

Meanwhile back at Michael’s apartment, Michael had finally relaxed enough to loosen his grip on Maria.

“Sorry about that Pixie”

“Oh no you don’t” no apologizing for being human, or half human as the case my be…You needed to get it out of your system.”

“ So when are the others getting here?”

“As I already told you and them. Not tonight.”

“Like that will actually stop them.”

Maybe not, by itself, but I think Kat will have a few things to say about it.” Maria grinned at Michael. “Your sister is a little overprotective of her big brother I think.”

“Really,” Michael grinned back.”

“Yes really. “ Maria answered.

“Want to talk about it?”

Michael just looked at his Pixie Girl. What would I do without you? You bring out the best in me. You know that right?


SSSHHH, I’m not done yet. I know I have hurt you in the past but I promise I will try my hardest not to again. I need you too see me, all of me. Before when Max was giving Liz flashes and we didn’t, It was because I was holding back. Take my hands, Maria, please.

Maria put her hands on Michael’s palms. The flashes came at a fast rate, but the one thing Maria could feel and see clearly was that she was the centre of Michael’s world. The traffic of the connection was not just one way either. Michael was seeing that he was just as important to Maria as she was to him.

“Michael,” Maria said leaning down to kiss him. Michael was already raising his lips to Maria at the same time. It was a sweet and gentle kiss filled with promise.

Michael and Maria continued to kiss each other working themselves into a passionate frenzy. Maria worked Michael shirt of his head so that he was bare chest. She leaned back and looked at her hands as they trailed all over Michael’s upper body. Michael just sat there and watched her.

“You do look so good Spaceboy.” Maria said looking up into his eyes with passion showing. That was enough for Michael to start in on her lips again. Soon his lips were trailing down her throat. He was kissing and nibbling wherever Maria’s skin was exposed. Meanwhile, Michael’s hands had found there way under her shirt. His hands gently cupped her breast and trailed his thumbs over her nipples. Maria let out a small gasp. She leaned back again to look at him, then she reached down and took off her shirt.

“God Maria you are so perfect,” Michael groaned, as he looked her over her newly exposed skin. This was the stuff of his fantasies. The only thing restricting was her bra. “But we need to stop this already.”

Maria just shook her head, grabbed her purse and dug around in it. She found the item she was looking for. Placing the small square package into Michael’s hand, she leaned over and gave him a place her lips on his. She deepened the kiss for a couple of seconds and then she pulled back, nibbling on her lips. “Don’t stop Michael,” she whispered, as she started to kiss down his exposed chest.

Michael looked down to see what she had put in his hands. It was a condom. That was all the incentive Michael needed. He reached down and grabbed a hold of Maria as he stood up. Maria wrapped her legs around him his waist. This position brought them into closer contact. Michael walked both of them into the bedroom; Maria meanwhile was nibbling on his neck. As he lowered her onto the bed, Michael’s had found her bra clasp and undid it. He leaned back and looked into her eyes. Maria looked back at Michael, and then she let her bra slip off of her body. They had done this and a lot more before, but both of them knew that this time it was going to be more. Michael then leaned into kiss her, as his hands cupped her breast. Maria hands were not idle either, Her hands were trailing all over Michael’s back. Michael’s lips started to nibble down her body. When he reached her throat he stopped. Michael started on the right side of her kissing her until he reached the left side. He then started to go down lower. He held onto her left breast as he kissed all around it. He then took the nipple into his mouth.

“HHHMMM Michael” Maria moaned pulling him in closer to her. Her hands went to his head, tangling into his hair.

“Maria we need to slow this down.”

“No we don’t Michael.” She replied as she undid his pants and proceeded to tug them and his underwear down his hips. After she had him undressed, she leaned back and looked down. His designer sure had not been slack in any department.

“Damn do you every look good,”

Michael looked at her and then leaned down to help her take off the rest of her clothes. After she was just as naked, Michael just looked at her with awe and wonder, “Pixie you are so beautiful and you are all mine.”

“Well if I’m all yours, then you are all mine.” Maria practically growled at him.

Michael then gave his attention back to her breast. His left-hand came up to take off were his mouth had finished. His mouth replaced his right hand on her other breast. Michael slowly caressed his way down her body with his right hand. He found her already wet for him. His fingers slowly worked there way into her folds, until they found her clit. He slowly started a circling motion that he knew drove her crazy. He slowly inserted one finger into her. She was so tight, and it felt so good. He slowly began moving his finger in and out of her body, adding another as he went. He could feel her juices flowing faster now and knew she was close to exploding.

“Oh God Michael!” Maria whispered huskily. She knew just how talented his hands were, but this was not what she wanted right now. When she came this time, she wanted him inside her. “Michael I want you, all of you.” She looked around and found the package that Michael had dropped beside her on the bed. She reached out and grabbed it. Maria slowly moved her hand holding the condom down his back and around the front. With her other hand she gently tugged on his hair until he raised his head. She leaned up and kissed him.

“Maria,” Michael groaned as he felt her hand slowly go down his dick, as if measuring the length of if. He was already straining hard and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold out, but he wanted to make sure Maria enjoyed herself. Michael looked down at her hand holding onto his dick and realized she has opened the condom, and had already had it place. Michael leaned down and kissed her. As he kissed her, Michael slowly reached between them and guided his dick to her entrance. He slowly pushed his way inside of her until he felt her maidenhead. He leaned back and looked at Maria. “Are you sure Pixie?”

“Michael, Don’t think, just feel.” She whispered to him, pulling him back in. Michael didn’t need anymore encouragement. He quickly thrust into her as he kissed her with all of his passion. Maria stiffened a little bit as her muscles reacted to having Michael inside of her. Maria slowly let out a hiss of breath. “Are you okay?” Michael asked as he tenderly traced her face with his hands.

“Yes, just give me a couple minutes to adjust.” Maria said leaning up and kissing him. Maria moved her hips, feeling no pain, just pleasure. “We’re good, now, where were we?” She grinned up at him.

Michael grinned back at her, “Right about here I believe.” Michael replied as he lowered her mouth to her nipples as he slowly started moving his hips. Soon they had found a rhythm they both liked. As he moved in and out of her, they could both feel the pleasure building. They both climaxed at the same time. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over the two new lovers.



After a while Michael slowly rolled over off of Maria onto the bed. He disposed of the condom and then picked her up into his arms. He moved the blanket and sheets and laid her on the bed. He crawled in beside her, and used his powers to turn out the lights. Michael pulled Maria into his arms, holding her close to him.

“I am never letting you go again. You belong with me forever, no matter what.” Michael whispered to Maria. “I love you so much, Pixie.”

“Good, cause I am not going anywhere. I love you too” Maria whispered back to him. She knew he had a time saying those three little words, so she knew she had received a most precious gift.


Meanwhile in a temple, seven galaxies away, two mothers and one father were having a private celebration of their own after receiving the message that their children were all together. While it was a happy occasion it was also one filled with a touch of sadness at having their children so far away from them and the circumstances surrounding that. They could not have any contact with this planet because only a select few people in the Whirlwind Galaxy knew that they were alive. But soon that would change.

Zanda and Selra were dancing around the temple knowing that while there was a lot in their children’s way, they were closer to getting closer to coming home. Tyrath was watching his wife and his queen from a distance. When a soft glow started coming of to symbols on the wall.

“Ladies…” he called the two over. Pointing to the wall. Both women walked over to look at what was going on. On the wall were eight symbols; one for each of the children spoken of in the prophecy. As the three watched, the symbol representing Tyro and Selra son and his mate merged together.

“Looks like we just gained another daughter.” Tyro exclaimed.

Selra just smiled, “Sure does.”

“Personally, I can’t wait to meet her,” Zanda, “After all any woman who takes on Ra will be most formidable.”


so what do you think? I really need feedback on this one...