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Preternatural Curses UC/Adult

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 3:16 am
by StormWolfstone

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Title: Preternatural Curses

Rating: Adult

Disclaimer: I in no way own or have rights to Roswell or the Anitaverse.... this was simply an idea taken from my imagination and created for fun.

In 1947 the first reported crash was reported as being a weather baloon, however some found out the truth, though they often found out and died. It was soon forgotten by some, though not by UFO enthusiasts and not by anyone in the Roswell area. However, unknown to anyone, there was another crash in 1890, never reported simply because people at that time were unable to find proof that something had indeed happened. Nor could they even think that it was possible for there to be 'alien' life.

There were incubation pods placed on both ships, however for an unknown reason they didn't hatch until 1989. Out of the two different ships, came the forms of six year old children. However, in one there was only one surviving pod, while in the other four hatched. All these children managed to find homes and be adopted, seemingly living a normal life. However, they were hybrids, having both human and alien DNA.

This story begins years later in 2001 when these children have begun to learn more about who they were, though still had unanswered questions.

As many thought Aliens were a myth, so to did they feel about Vampires, Lycanthropes and Zombies.

However, as word began to spread that there were people being attacked by these very creatures, there were others that were covering those stories up. In the Roswell area, a Vampire by the name of Lenora has been usurping power, feeding off of the people of New Mexico and building a small army of her choosing. She can lure many to her easily, looking childlike and chooses her prey for different reasons.

A visiting vampire named Asher has been watching and is not appreciative of what he is seeing. Having only recently aquired the ability to call an animal, he first calls another master vamp that he knows, asking her to join him. Talia, arrives and the two decide they will need to combine their efforts if they are to take down Lenora's powerbase. Asher calls the wolves and Talia the leopards.

Both the Pard and the Pack have young leaders.

Below is a small descrip of each character and what will be happening with the beginning of this game.

Max & Isabel Evans, Michael Guerin - In 1989 they hatched from their incubation pods, though Max and Isabel were seperated from Michael for a time, they were reunited and since then made a pact that they would never reveal themselves to anyone as being aliens. However, Max broke this pact in the name of Love when he healed Liz after she was shot. Since then their lives and the lives of those that have been let in on the secret have been timultuous.

Liz Parker - Her life was changed when a fellow school student brought her back to life with a touch and revealing himself, his sister and a friend of his to be 'not of this earth'.

Maria De Luca - As one of Liz's best-friends, she hadn't been able to let things go when Liz was shot, certain something had happened that Liz hadn't revealed, however when the truth came out it was hard to swallow. Since then things have progressed and she and Michael have a 'thing'.

Alex Whitman - Just as he has learned about the secret that Max, Isabel and Michael held, he is about to have another secret revealed to him. Best-friends with Maria and Liz, he may find himself feeling just as the girls did when they held a secret from him.

Kyle Valenti- Still in the dark, he is feeling left out as his father continues to chase after things 'alien'. Having his hopes dashed as it were by his father time and time again he has hopes that this camping trip will be good for him and his father, help bring them together.

Mista - By a standard, one could say her life began in 1890 when her ship crashed. However, the pod she was in didn't hatch until the same day as the others in 1989. During her life she has learned that she is not only an alien but she is also a necromancer and more then eleven years ago she became a lycanthrope. She is the Ulfric of the Lukoi (Werewolves)

Lenora- A Master Vampire that is over eight hundred years old, she has enjoyed the fruits of her existance to the fullest, mastering her powers and even feeling as though she could be akin to a Goddess. Able to feed from youth, fear, and blood she is a terror and yet her existance has remained hidden since she moved into her current territory over a hundred years ago.

Asher- He is a self-proclaimed five hundred year old Master Vamp, who has come to value human life to the extent that he will not feed without permission. When he enters Lenora's territory it is as an emisarry from another Master that he has been assisting. However, what he finds there disturbs him.

Talia Nearly a thousand years old, she has served the council and the mother of her bloodline for long centuries, now she and Asher have become good friends, and she feels close to him, like a sisterly love. When he calls her to tell her of his concerns, she instantly agrees to join him. In doing so, she brings some of the vampire's that she has sired.
"Never forget that they are monsters; no matter how human they look, they aren't. Don't take off your cross, don't let them touch you and don't stare directly into their eyes." -Circus of the Damned by: Laurell K. Hamilton

Tears -Vampire tears are tinged red with blood.

Smell -Vampires in a closed space tend to smell. They don't smell like dead bodies. It's the small of snakes and yet that isn't it either. It's a neck-ruffling smell. Thick, musky, more reptile than mammal. The smell of vampires.

Glow -Strong emotions, like fear, lust, or anger tend to make lesser vampires lose their humanity. Their skin takes on a translucent, almost glowing quality.

Saliva -Vampire have an anticoagulant in their saliva that keeps the blood flowing.

Bleed- Vampires bleed almost like a person.

Explanations of Vampiric Powers:

First, not all vampire's have the exact same abilities. Some powers are considered as Master Vampire Powers. In this game there will only be three Master Vampire's. However, there can be as many lesser as one wishes.

Common Vamp powers:

Vampiric Powers

Unlike human, your Vampiric powers increase with age. After a certain point, however you're powers will level out and no amount of aging will make you stronger.

Smell, Vampires don't rely on scent they way lycanthropes do, but they have a much better sense of smell than humans.

Vampires cannot drown, nor is running water a deterrent to them.

Vampires cannot freeze to death, and they do not get cold. Most vampires like to play human by wearing coats in the winter, even they don't need to.

Inhuman speed.

'Roll' is the ability to en-spell humans with their eyes. Those that are weak willed are the easiest. Mind Rolling is the ability to 'embrace' a human's mind while take their blood. It's an extremely pleasurable feeling.

Master Vampire powers

Power over lesser vampires, at least to the ones that they sired. Which is weakening and putting them into slumber by their will alone.

Calling animal/lycanthrope to their aid. Or other things, like ghosts or ... butterflies.

Fear- some can feed off a fear, as if it were blood. They are called Moras and Nighthags.

Can feel his/her people like background noise. In extreme duress, they can feel their pain, their fear. However this awareness can be blocked by an even more powerful vampire.

Some are Resistance to silver

Some have Levitation

Not so common Vampire powers Others have the ability to lose their form and rot like a corpse, which makes them difficult to kill.

Aura- can hurt others that have an aura of power. They can use this aura to cause physical damage without actually having to touch that person.

Rot- A rare type of vampire is one that can rot and reform at will. Which makes them harder to kill. And the only sure way is by fire.

Corruption- One of the rarest of vampire talents is to spread corruption from their bite. Which causes the victim to rot while still alive. But it can be healed by another vampire if they take the corruption into themselves and conquers it. If the vampire is not strong enough, they will rot and die.

Sex- Some vampires that are descended from Belle Morte can use sex/lust as a means of living on, instead of blood, also use it as a second lure for mortals/humans. They can gain power from it, called an Incubus. It's rare so... you get my drift.

Hide- Really old vampires can hide in almost plain site. They can wrap themselves in shadows, then fling them aside like a cloak.
Common Terms Vampiric or Otherwise:

Master of the City- Currently is Lenora. She is in charge of all the vampires that have been given permission to stay in Roswell, New Mexico and the surrounding area.

Master Vampire Determined by sire and by age, they posses additional powers than that or a normal vampire. They can call an animal to their aid, which will include lycanthropes of that specific animal type.

Master Vampires will also be limited, depending on your audition and bio. If it's in depth, full and wonderful, then it may be decided.

Pomme De Sang - means "apple of blood" is a sobriquet given by the council to individuals who are considered willing food for the vampires. Lycanthropes can also be Pomme de Sang because of how quickly they regenerate and heal. To kill one the repercussions can be severe. One needs an actual vampire to become one, so if you have another character that's a vampire, it may work, or if you have a friend that's already on the list that is playing a vampire, that will work even better.

Pomme de Sang Etiquette: If a vampire feeds from their Pomme de Sang, they are duty bound to protect them, like a shepherd keeping the wolf from his sheep.

Triumvirate -A group of three preternatural creatures who combine their power in order to create an unified force that is greater than thee sum of all three. Most common is Vampire (Master), Human Servant, and Lycanthrope. The higher the level of the participants the more powerful the triumvirate. And the other two participants should have been marked by the vampire.

Human Servant- In order to be a servant, the character must be either receiving the four marks, or has already. Once a human servant, makes them difficult to kill and will live as long as the vampire does, because they possess the vampire's strength and stamina, without giving up daylight. Wounds heal quickly, and can stand higher levels of physical pain, and immune to disease and poison. Also linked to the vampire telepathically, immune to other vampires that will try to 'roll their mind'. One human servant per vampire. Also human servants must obey their vampire masters. One needs an actual vampire to become one, so if you have another character that's a vampire, it may work, or if you have a friend that's already on the list that is playing a vampire, that will work even better.

Human Servant Etiquette: If you're a vampire that has one, sharing blood with them is a real faux pas. Only a lesser vampire needs to take blood from his/her servant to just renew warmth. A strong vampire can do that with touch alone, but if the servant touches the mast too long or forcefully, the servant's skin will deaden for the night. But if one does feed of their servant you can get a real high from it.

This story begins just as everyone is setting up their campsite's during 'Into The Woods'.

As with the story, all things are as they were, however Michael, Isabel and Max have more enhanced powers then they had in the show and at the same time, Liz is already finding out she has powers as well.

While they are setting up camps.... Mista, her 'parents' and a few others show up, stating some reason why they had arrived without the bus and settle down not far from the others.

As the story progresses however, there are going to be more then just dangers from other aliens, there will be dangers from Vampires and Lycanthropes as well.



Liz- Kat
Max- Isabelle
Isabel- Storm
Alex- Kat
Michael- NightshadeIsis
Maria- Storm
Kyle- Isabelle
Tess- M

Mista- Storm
Talia- Storm
Asher- Storm
Lenora- Storm

Current Established Couples:


Other then Liz/Max (unless Isabelle and Kat were to change their minds which I doubt ;) ) All couples can be different from how they were on the show as long as you clear it with the other players involved. Thus, Michael and Maria can split up.... Isabel could end up with Kyle....etc. You can also have a cannon hook up with a preternatural character if interested.

Quick note: When it comes to Original Characters that I run, I do not make plans ahead of time for relationships... as when I write a character sometimes they go in a direction I don't expect.

Talia is capable of calling Leopards. Levitate, use Aura as her Master Vamp powers.

Asher feeds from sex and lust, similar to a succubus. He can also call wolves.

Lenora feeds from fear and can rot her body at will. She has no animal to call. She can also feed off of youth.

Other then Mista, the images can all change for Talia, Asher and Lenora.

Feel free to create your own preturnatural character and also, I am including a link that will have more information about each preternatural type.


This is a pic of Mista




Talia ... 1090110265

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 6:47 am
by StormWolfstone

I'd made my way into the town of Roswell, under the cover of darkness and gone to pay my respect to the local Master of the City. Lenora, a child vampire who had garneshed way too much power over the centuries. She'd been this city's Master for nearly five hundred years and as I saw some of her throng of vampire's I could tell instantly what sort of Master she was.

Her conclave was located under the local carnival center, it reminded me a great deal of Circus of the Damned, a place I had visited before the current Master had taken over nearly four years ago. The rooms were barely decorated other then with black silks that looked worn with age. As I walked into her meeting room, or throne room as she seemed to enjoy calling it I gave a low bow of respect and saw the aging vampire's at her side. I could tell that some were barely a hundred, they should not have looked as they did, yet here they were. I was able to see nearly all their bones under the thin line of translucent skin.

It was sickening to me. "Asher, what brings you to my place of rest?" Her young voice speaks, a hint of french in her accent. It occured to me that she was from the same line as I was.

"I am visiting as I often do, Lenora. I simply wanted to gain permission to remain on your lands for a time, to observe the human interaction with the lycanthropes. As you know, Master of Beasts, Padma is no longer wishing to visit among the American people, thus I have been sent to give him reports and act as his emissary as well as emissary for Belle Morte and The Dragon." I told her quietly, in a way letting her think they might be considering her as being fit to take the currently empty seat on the council.

"You are welcome, Asher. Would you wish to remain here as my personal guest?" She questioned me, her meaning obvious and I suddenly felt a tug on my energy. Quickly, I erected a special barrier and shook my head.

"As much of an honor as that would me, Mademoiselle Lenora. I feel it would be better to be among the human's above." I tell her smoothly, I already know from meeting her centuries past that she can not sense when a lie is spoken.

It was a short while later, that I placed a call to the town where I had last heard my friend and one time traveling companion was visiting and left a message that I needed her assistance. I was abhorred at the idea that Lenora was obviously feeding off of the youth of her vampire's and more importantly, I was certain she was taking bits of youth from the people of Roswell, mainly children. I also knew Talia well enough to know that she too would be against such an act. Just as the Council had ordered that we could not turn children, we were not supposed to cause harm to them either.

While I was waiting for Talia to join me, if she recieved my message, I decided to pay a visit to a 'freak party'. I'd had a very good travel agent who had seen to it I had a list of where all the underground 'freak parties' were so that I would be able to feed without having to call my animal's yet. At a freak party, human's that enjoyed being used by vampire's came a dime a dozen. Most were strippers at the vampire clubs that had become big in the last couple of years. Clubs that were invite only in this area.

Using the car I bought nearly two years ago, I drove to one of the addresses and knocked on the door. An middle aged woman opened the door, her brown hair was cropped short and she was sporting several nice scars. I wasn't the type to feed needlessly, so as I walked in after flashing her my fangs and being invited, I began looking around carefully for a possible donor that I could take to the hotel with me and see to it he or she was well cared for while providing me with my meal.

Over in one of the corner's a young girl, barely nineteen if estimations were correct was hovering fearfully. As a Master Vampire, I was able to move much faster then lesser vamps and was next to her before she had the chance to leave. Looking at her, she met my gaze and I smiled as I spoke, letting my eyes roll her while my voice soothed her. "Do not fear child, I can see this is your first party eh?" She nodded and I placed a hand on her shoulder, she was already trapped in my gaze and unable to remove herself as I told her, "Well, let me take you from this place, thus you will not become the prey of the wrong type of vampire."

Come two hours later, I had released the girl from my hold and let her rest in my hotel room. She had of her own free will, acknowledged that her name was Tara and she was willing to be my donor for as long as I wished. I waited until I was certain that she was comfortable, watching her as she went into the restroom and then came back out to sit on the edge of the bed. "Are you certain, dove?" I questioned her from where I was standing against the wall, nearest the exit.

"Yes, I am completely certain. You have helped assure me that it will not hurt as much as what I saw at the party." She responded in a tone that held no doubt, only sincerity and trust.

With a quick movement I was before her and then sitting beside her as I gently slid her hair back from her face and neck. I could hear the sound of her pulse beating as I ran my tongue gently across the artery in her neck. I didn't need to look at her now, my bite was one that gave pleasure, unlike most vampires. Slowly, I lifted my head anyway and kissed her, allowing the passion of the ages to flow from that kiss.

If I could get the girl turned on enough, my bite would add to it and I would be able to feed from her lust and blood at the same time. Using the many lessons that my maker had taught me, I waited until I had her gasping at the simplest touch of my skin to hers before finally sinking my teeth into her warm flesh. I drank from her carefully, lingering only long enough to use my bite to bring her to an orgasm, then having become sated from both of my hungers without having to do as some of my line did, I pulled back from her neck and instantly licked the access blood from my lips before covering the twin puncture marks I had left on her.

Tara looked at me and smiled, her eyes were glazed over with the afterglow of sexual release and I smiled at her in return, "Does it always feel like that?" She asked and I nodded, "Why did others cry out in pain before feeling pleasure?"

"The other vampires do not care for those that are sharing their blood and giving them sustenance. And the freaks, enjoy the pain it gives them an odd sense of pleasure." I explained. Lifting her in my arms, I carried her to the other side of the bed, placing her gently down and covering her up, "Now rest, Ma Petite. You will feel weak otherwise." She nodded and closed her eyes.

After a time, I laid down beside her, knowing that I would be needing to get up and go out during the day to meet with the local Ulfric and the other Lukoi. I was hopeful that by tomorrow night, Talia would be here to call the Pard as well, maybe even be bringing some of her current Leopards, just as some of my wolves were on there way here.


Morning arrived and the day was nearly wasted as it was the following afternoon before I awoke and the girl beside me was sitting on the edge of the bed, talking on the telephone to what sounded like her boyfriend. As I listened, I couldn't help but notice that she spoke as though he was a 'freak'. Now, I was able to put it together. She had obviously gone in hopes of learning why her boyfriend was into such things. "Good evening, Ma Petite." I whispered and she jumped slightly before turning to smile at me.

"Look, Hank. I've gotta go. I'll see you in a few days when you come back home. I love you." She spoke into the phone and then hung up. Instantly, she lay back down next to me, baring her neck as she told me, "I know you said you would need to feed as soon as you awoke."

It was true, since sunlight was still shining outside, though it wouldn't be long, I had to feed or I would not be able to be out in it. This time, I didn't work up to it all that much, instead I rolled her slightly, then bit into her neck. I would feed the ardeur at another time, blood was all I needed right now.

Once I was finished, I again bandaged the bite mark and then stood, walking to the closet and removing the outfit I planned to wear. It was a pair of leather pants with a crimson red shirt that I would only button up part way. Without thinking, since I have not been shy for centuries, I stripped right in front of the girl and heard her gasp. Looking over at her, I caught her staring at every bit of me and smiled. Placing my shirt on first, I decided to torment her as I moved over toward the bed, leather pants in hand and moved to sit on the bed as I placed my legs in them before standing to pull them up.

I always knew that I had this ability to turn a woman's head, no matter how old, young or in love they might be. It was part of being in Belle Morte's line. In many ways we were like a succubus, able to draw attention to ourselves because of our 'beauty' as Belle Morte would say. After all, my sire's name meant Beautiful Death. Seduction was our specialty. Something, I enjoyed greatly. I also enjoyed the fact that with a mere touch, I could send a woman into a climax. Power is a beautiful thing.

"I'll be going out, Tara. You may stay here and enjoy the luxuries of room service on my expense." I told her as I started out the door.


OOC: More characters to come as they are completed.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2004 9:33 am
by FallenMagic
I had no idea what to do so I hope this is okay. Storm just let me know if I should change something :)

~* Talia *~

The call from Asher was not a suprise. In fact I had been almost waiting for it. I had heard rumors from the many vampires and other creautes I had met during my travels of Lenora's growing power and her use.

It disgusted me, the way she used the vampires that served her. Worse, much worse was the news from Asher that he suspected that Lenora was feeding off the youth of Roswell as well. I suppose it shouldn't have been a suprise to me. Lenora always thought she could do anything and get away with it. It was time to tell her otherwise.

For the moment, I let thoughts of Lenora pass from my mind. I, instead, revelled in the pleasure of seeing Asher again. It has been too long since I've seen my dear friend. Even though the circumstances we are meeting under could have been better, I'm just glad to see him again.

He'd asked me to bring my pard. For the moment, I've brought along those that were with me when he called for me. I had to be quick and reach Roswell. I didn't have the time to wait for the others to join me before I left. I left instracutions for them to join me in Roswell before I was on my way with those few that were loyal to me.

The journey was long and tiring but I'd been on worse journey's before. The urgency with which Asher called me made me hasten and not pay much attention to anything else. I had fed only hours ago to keep my strength so by the time I reached Roswell, I was feeling energized and more than ready to face whatever trouble Lenora had install for us.

It was dusk by the time I reached my destination. One of the vampires I had sired, pulled the car to a stop before a bus stop right outside Roswell and looked at me curiously.

"Aren't you going to enter the city, Talia?" He asked.

I shook my head. "I prefer waiting for Asher here before I enter the city. I don't want Lenora to know I'm here as yet."

Saying that, I waited for Asher to arrive.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 8:11 am
by StormWolfstone

The night was growing far too close to the full moon for my liking, some of my young wolves were already restless and having problems with maintaining their human form. By my calculation we actually had four nights before the blue moon which would cause us to have the greatest Lupanar we'd had since I was named Ulfric. Strange to think that I was one of the rare types, a female Ulfric. Not to mention one that was seemingly so young.

School was growing increasingly more difficult to continue going, but I had to maintain at least a semblance of normality. As it was, a few students had asked whether I was taking part in this camping trip and I'd had to respond that it wasn't set in stone yet. I know too that there are others in the school that I should tell about who and what I am, but trusting is not easy. Even being a part of a pack had been hard. "Mista?" I heard a questioning voice call from behind me and turned to see one of the young members of the pack.

"What is it, Nichole?" I asked her as she came up and greeted me as a Lukoi is supposed to, placing her nose behind my ear and sniffing lightly before I returned the greeting and she stepped back.

"Yancy was wondering if the plan was still for us to be out in the woods tonight. You'd mentioned wanting us to lead the search dogs away while you took care of something?" Nichole stood with her form rigid, her hands clasped behind her back.

"Yes, the plan is still the same. Moira, Daniel and I will be showing ourselves to the campers in human form and once everyone sleeps, I will leave and take wolf form giving the signal to all of those I have asked to be with me. Then we will continue with the plan as it was formed." I responded with a smile, "Relax, Nichole. I am not angry with you for double checking with me. If I didn't think you were a good wolf, I would not have made you my Geri." I informed her. In my pack I had two second-in-commands.

One was my Geri, Nichole and the other was my Freki which is a guy named Daniel. If I was unavailable to act in the pack's interest it was up to them to do so. For the moment I was actually lucky that I didn't have a Fenrir to worry about. I could do without having that particular hurdle for a while since I was certain it would be harder for me to beat another lycanthrope that was perhaps older and stronger then myself without using other abilities.

With a sigh I moved to the closet in my room and began taking out the things I was going to bring to the camp out, where Daniel would be posing as my father and Moira as one of my friends, which she was. "Nichole, I am going to need you to be ready to return here as soon as I give the signal that the Lukoi's are to retreat. I'll be away the entire weekend to make things look good for the school and from what I hear, the Sheriff. So, it will be up to you to take care of our wolves while Daniel and I are otherwise entangled."

Nichole nodded and smiled, "I am always up to the task of following my Ulfric's bidding. How shall I handle things if our wolves come across interloping leopards?" Hearing this question I was again reminded that I had yet to inform my pack that we were going to attempt a peaceful existance alongside the wereleopards.

"They are to be welcomed into my home if in need, protection offered. I will not be following the same path that our former Ulfric did. Their Nimir-Raj is strong and would make a good ally even if his Pard his not of large numbers." I informed her and then lowered my voice in warning, "Any Lukoi that does not follow this order, I will deal with personally."

"Understood, my Ulfric." Nichole intoned, knowing that when I used that tone it meant there would be no arguments and that death was a penalty if the order wasn't followed. Yes, the ways of the pack weren't quite humane but it was the only way that we were assured that the system would remain intact. "How much longer do you figure it will take before the humans in Roswell realize that all of us preternatural creatures exist?"

I laughed, "Some of them are bound to find out soon, others it might take years. As long as we remain cautious, we should be alright." I told her.


A few short hours later, we were pulling up to the campsite. Daniel, who looked to be in his late 30's was standing at my side, carrying most of our equipment. While Moira and I had decided to dress up in matching black leather pants and a low cut leather top. If not for the differences in our facial features and skin tone, Moira and I could have been twins. Her eyes and mine were both emerald, our hair was a silvery white, naturally anyway, currently dyed midnight black with lavender highlights. In most cases my hair was currently rather close to the color my hair had been before the werewolf attack I survived.

After my first shapeshifting experience something happened that cause my hair to be the same color as my fur, so now I was of a habit of dying it. It didn't automatically change back this way, though after a time it would. I don't know how many times a year I was dying my hair, but being a Lukoi had it's advantages. My hair follicles never suffered because shifting helped revert all damage to them.

Thinking of that as I started helping set up out camp, which was not that far from a few students that I had a feeling were out in these woods for the same reason I was, I ended up laughing slightly and then whispering what I was thinking about to Moira. Both of us ended up in laughter. Moira didn't look like much as to her appearance, meaning she wasn't all that muscular the way most of the Lukoi were. Still, she was one of my Enforcers, better known among the Lukoi as a Hati.

I had yet to appoint a second Enforcer that would then be my Skoll. I smiled as I saw Alex arrive with his father, "Hey, Alex." I gave a slight wave toward him before turning to the firewood, making it look like I was working at it the way a nature lover would. After a couple of minutes, I sent out just a small amount of power and got the fire started.

Smiling, I lifted a piece of wood that I'd turned into a torch before even coming out to the woods and lit it before walking around to other campsites questioning, "Anyone need help getting their fire's burning?" Of course, at some of the sites I made the question seem to have two different meanings causing Moira who wouldn't leave my side, to laugh. A few of the sites already had some of my pack members and those were the main one's that I helped get a fire going for.

Making my way around I came to Kyle's site and smiled, "Hey, Kyle. Need help with the fire?" From there, I would go to Max and Isabel's, then Liz and Maria's before finishing with Alex's. I worked at the Crashdown part time so I basically knew Liz and Maria more from there then school. Max and Isabel, I shared a couple of classes with where as Alex, we were friends.

So far, Alex was one of the few humans I could say I trusted, though I still wasn't trusting him with the truth about me. Not about the alien part and not about the Lukoi part. No one knew about the first and only the pack knew about the latter.

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 8:13 am
by StormWolfstone
~~* A JP between myself and Fallen Magic for Asher and Talia*~~


After I left young Tara resting, I went to my car and drove out to the bus stop where I was planning to meet with Talia. It would be nice to see her again, having been nearly seventy years since our last venture together. She was one of the few that knew how old I really was, others only knew that I claimed to be five hundred, when in reality Talia and I were turned the exact same day, almost a thousand years ago. We might even have the chance to celebrate the occassion during the time we were in Roswell since it is only a few days away.

As I pulled up, I instantly saw her standing out among those of her pard. A smile lifted my lips as I stopped the car and climbed out. "Talia, Ma Cherie. It's is wonderful to see you again." I told her as I walked toward her.

~* Talia *~

A smile instantly formed on my lips when I spotted Asher coming towards me. It really had been too long since I had last seen him. For some reason I expected him to have changed but of course that's just silly. He's exactly as I remember him.

I lift my hand to allow him to take it before I wrap them around him for a quick hug. "And you, Asher." I say. "It really has been too long since we last met." I smiled at him then, and said, "Tell me, did you miss me at all in these years or did you simply not want to come meet me for even a while?"


I chuckled, low and deep at her words. "Ma Cherie, if I could have been at your side during all these past years, I would have jumped at the chance. The Council has kept me far too busy to have the chance without risking their ire." I leaned in and kissed each of her cheeks briefly before looking at her. "As beautiful as I remember," I commented.

"Shall we go? I have accomidations already in place for all of us to use." I informed her, holding my arm out as I often did to act as escort.

~* Talia *~

I laugh lightly at his words, remembering how smoothe e had been with words. It appears he still is. I talk his offered hand and slip close to him. "Is it safe there?" I ask. "I mean, I assume we dont want Lenora to know about our plans just yet."


I nodded as I responded, "Do not worry, Talia. As far as Lenora is concerned I am here on behalf of the council and she knows that I would never be alone in her territory." I inform her with a smile before questioning, "Shall we have your pard follow us and you can ride with me?"

~* Talia *~

I nod. "I'll tell them to follow us. i'll tell one of them to stay here to guide the others to your place." I tell him. "I'm still waiting for most of them to arrive."

Then I turn to the vampire closest to me and give him brief instructions. Once I know he's understood, I turn back to Asher and smile. "Let's go then."

~ Asher ~

I nodded and smiled, guiding her toward my car and opening the passengers side door for her. Once she was settled, I made my way to the driver's side and we were off, heading toward the house I had been waiting to go to until tonight where the owner was to meet us both to hand us the keys.

The house was more like a manor, large enough for her Pard or Leopards and my Pack or Wolves aswell as for several of the vampires we had sired or had connected to us. My entourage would arrive in the next couple of days in the meantime we would get a hold of the local Pard and Pack and request their assistance. Though, I hoped that I would not have to force them to assist us.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 6:38 am
by StormWolfstone

As was normal for me, I couldn't help but remember after Asher left how I had first been embraced into immortality. When I return to my memories, it almost seems as though it were just yesterday. I was naive then, so sure that I knew where my life was heading. I was a mere slip of a girl, about to be introduced to society and presented at the courts. Excitement and pleasure at such a thing had been my main emotion.

It was the day of the ball, I was dressed in a gown of white silk and wore gloves and shoes to match. My mother had even had a tiara made for me as part of the coming out vestments. I walked down the velvet carpeted stairwell into the ballroom, all eyes were on me. Yet, as I took in the room, there was one man that caught my attention. His dark hair was trailing lowalong the center of his back and as I watched him, his well toned muscles swelled and fell with even movements while he strode in my direction. Lord and Lady, he was suave and handsome.

His hand reached for mine as I stepped off the final step and he smiled while bowing and placing his lips to my knuckles. He seemed at least six or seven years older then I was, but he showed interest. When I met his eyes, I felt as though those emerald depths held me and caused my heart to melt, caused me to drown in their pooling light. We danced immediately and I danced every dance with him. At one point during the night he asked me to walk with him in the gardens nd though I knew it was inappropriate, I agreed without being able to find the words to protest.

He led me through the winding gardens and I was smiling widely when he suddenly pulled me into his strong embrace. He kissed me and as he did, I don't know what it was that came over me, but suddenly I felt as though I was floating on air. When he pulled back from me, keeping his arms in place I found that indeed we were. He had levitated us and as I began to panic he leaned in to whisper in my ear, "Ye will ne'er 'ave to worry again, Lady Lenora. After tonight, ye will be in heavens arms for eternity."

Before I could respond I felt sharp teeth bite into me, this reminded me that I had been bitten twice in the last few days. It was as though someone had clouded my mind, yet now as his fangs punctured my skin, I felt numb, remembering that he had come to me in the gardens twice already. Soon, darkness had overtaken me.

When I woke, I was being cradled by a stranger and could hear a woman's voice. "Ash, are you certain that it is wise to take her in to Belle Morte? She has yet to learn of court life among us and could end up being led astray."

The man cradling me looked up, away from me as he spoke, "Dee, we have been over this already. She has been brought over, more then likely against her will and Belle will not tolerate her being brought up outside her throng since her sire is no longer around."

"Look, she's waking." The girl's voice said and I glanced over to see a lovely redhead. She looked as though she was positively glowing and then I saw her smile, fangs slid slid into view for a moment and I simply screamed. The man held me down.

"Let me go! Please, don't hurt me." I begged and began crying, but it was then that I felt a strange hunger gnawing at me and began looking around. "I'm hungry, I'm tired and I want my parents." I exclaimed.

The man placed a hand on my shoulder as he spoke, "Lady Lenora, there is something you must understand. The man you were in the garden with killed you. You are no longer seen as being among the living. You are a vampire now, as are we." He motioned to someone and I sawa young boy walk over his chest bared and it caused me to blush. The boy pushed his hair to one side and leaned his head showing his neck. "I am Asher and this woman is Deeandra. This boy here is your meal, aren't you Joseph?"

The boy nodded, "Aye, tha' I am."

I shook my head and returned my thoughts to the present as I looked around. Asher's visit would forever remind me of the day I was reborn. I heard a cry of fright from one of the doors leading into my conclave and smiled. Marco must have returned with my playtoy for the night. Waiting, I was soon rewarded as he brought in a young woman, probably around seventeen years of age. He was literally carrying her as she tried to get free. However, my human servant was stronger then a human could even imagine to be.

As he stepped before me, he placed her down none to gently and grasped her hair so she was looking at me. With a smile, I reached a hand out to run it along her jaw slowly. "Your fear is strong. I like that." My smile shifted into a smirk as I concentrated on rotting the hand that touched her face. "Marco, bring her closer to me." I commanded and Marco pushed the girl forward until her head fell in my lap. I smiled as I stroked her hair gently, "Ah, fear is such a boost of energy." I commented as I nodded toward Marco who yanked the girls head back by her hair. "What is your name child?"

Stuttering she responded, "R..R..Ren..Renee." The fear and anguish on her face was a lovely sight to me. Placing both hands on her face, I made her meet my eyes and bespelled her with them as I drew her toward me. Pressing my lips against hers while I let her youth feed and nourish me. Such a delicate feeling, the energies of humans. As I contiued to feed from her youth, I drew my lips away and watched as her hair went from a golden blonde to white, her face wrinkling and skin drying up.

It was time for me to feed from her blood and I simply lifted her wrist in my hand, sinking my teeth into her flesh, watching her pained expression, the fear and uncertainty sliding behind her eyes until pale gray eyes went lifeless as I drained the last of her blood and youth from her body.

I dropped the girl and pushed her away from me as Marco motioned for one of my vampires to take the body away. I had not fed like that in over a hundred years, but it was Asher's reminder that caused me to do so. I do not blame him for what I am, but for who I am now. It was he who turned me over to the mother of our bloodline and she had made me who I am. She had taken the last vestige of purity I'd had from me and shaped me into someone else. For this, I swore one day, Asher would pay.

That day would have been today, had he not been here on an official visit from the council. "Marco, my shoulders ache." I told my human servant and he moved behind me, massaging my shoulders as I closed my eyes.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2004 10:36 am
by Elf3748

I am currently standing in the woods freezing my ass off. Tell me why I'm here? Oh yeah I came with Liz on this little camping trip for $62.50! $62.50! That's not even worth it. I mean I dont even have a dad, why am I here? Just think, I could be in bed right now, snuggled up in the blankets, all warm and cozy.

"Stupid father kid camping week." I mutter.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:46 am
by isabelle
I groaned when I noticed Valenti moving to make camp nearby ours. It was enough that Max and I were there to see if we could figure out what that sighting was about that had been reported in Frazier Woods, we didn't need to be worrying about the Sheriff. Then, Liz and Maria end up being close by, along with Alex. I knew we were going to have to be careful, but now I knew we were going to have to be even more wary and tactical in leaving camp once everyone bunked down.

Dad was busy setting up some things in the tent and I turned to Max, "Alright, now what? Any idea's how we make certain Valenti isn't watching us?" Ever since my brother had saved Liz, the Sheriff had been suspicious of Max, and now it seemed to include Michael and me as well.

“He is watching us. We just have to be normal.” I tell my sister, hiding the panic that I feel when I see him so close. There’s no way he came over here by chance. He swore to me he was going to find out the truth. I know he’s after me. He certainly heard the reports of the lights and I’m sure he’s not here just to spend time with Kyle. “We’ll have to distract him, somehow,” I say. “We can’t let him find whatever this is before we do.”
I notice that Liz and Maria are nearby with Mr. Parker. She's not looking at me, at all. I know it's a good idea to keep my distance from her, but it's so hard when she's right here.
I notice a movement from Isabel and I turn quickly back to her. "What did you say?"

"I know, Max." I respond to him, I know he's just as worried as I am about Valenti's reasons. Then I noticed him get distracted by the sight of Liz and shift my weight to try and get his attention. I rolled my eyes and stepped closer to him, ready to try again when he turns to me and I give a light groan of frustration as he asks what I said. "Max, pay attention. This is important. We need to figure out exactly how we are going to do this. How should we distract him?"

I should have known that as soon as the Parker girl was around, Max's attention span would shorten. It always seemed to be that way. I glanced around and saw Mista over in her camp with her dad and one of the girls we went to school with. It seemed strange that Mista was rubbing two sticks together to get her fire going, but as I watched, a minute later it started to smoke before it became a small flame which she stroked into a larger one. With a shrug I glanced around trying to think about just what we could use for a distraction, maybe one that was as good as how Max got distracted.

I frown, trying to think of something that wouldn’t point back to us.

“Hey, Max. Do you have your sleeping bag?” Dad called from the tent.

“Oh, sure, right here,” I tell him. I slide the bag and my backpack inside along his, grateful for the short distraction, then I move close r to Isabel. “We’ll have to play it by ear, I think. He probably won’t go to bed until he’s sure we’re asleep. We’ll have to make sure he doesn’t wander away while we’re pretending.” I pick up Isabel’s things and pretend to be busy helping with her tent as I keep thinking about it. Making everything look as normal as possible for Valenti.

“We could just sneak out the back of the tent,” I suggest with a grin. There is no door on the back, but that won’t be a problem. We can easily create an opening and seal it up again. If Valenti doesn’t catch us in the act, we’d be golden. Although it would be all over if he did actually see anything.

I shrug, we'll figure something out I'm pretty sure. We've been doing well so far with that. I started attempting to help with my tent, though I really wasn't all that focused on it. Though we made short work of it, just not too short. What I really hated about Valenti being there was that I had to really work at reminding myself not to even use a small amount of power that could be seen as being a bit suspicious.

Once my tent was up, I set to work starting to set up the firewood for our fire, it was then that Mista came around to us and asked, "Need help with the fire?" She was carrying a torch, not like a tiki torch, but a real torch. I didn't know the girl well, but I couldn't help but think there was something strange about her.

"Thanks for the offer, Mista. I believe we'll manage on our own, thanks." I looked to my brother for confirmation of this. I realized then that I had never spoken to my brother about how odd I thought the girl was.

I glance as Isabel confused by her refusal. It seemed like what she’d have said if Valenti had been the one offering and that didn’t make sense.

”We’re not quite ready for a light,” I say, gesturing at our half built fire-structure. I’ve seen Mista around at the Crashdown. I don’t pay her much mind as my attention is usually focused on Liz, but she seems nice enough. “We’ll give you a call if we have trouble.” I smile at her.

I sighed in relief as Max somewhat agreed with me and watched as Mista nodded and responded, "Sounds good to me." She smiled and then moved off to help Maria and Liz.

I turned to Max and shook my head, "Alright, now what should we do since other then the fire we're all set?" I continued getting the firewood set, I was certain my brother was confused and I figured that I'd wait and see if he asked, at least for the moment. Since we were around our father, I had to be watchful of what I said aloud.

I look around and note that the Parkers have already set up water buckets and dad has the cookware on a camp table nearby.

“Well, I guess we could start up something to eat,” I tell her. I look through Dad’s pack and find some matches. We could easily skip that if it weren’t for all the witnesses, but we can’t afford to slip up. Can’t dare to ‘help’ the fire along with Valenti so close by. I light the tinder and watch the kindling start to catch. “We should probably invite Alex and his dad, since I don’t think they brought anything at all.”

Isabel smiles at this, but just as she starts to turn away, I notice that Valenti has turned his attention away briefly, as he talks to someone on the radio. “What was that with Mista?” I ask her quickly.

At the comment on Alex, I smiled. Still, I couldn't help but worry about the idea of having a relationship with a human when we had everything else going on. At my brother's question about Mista, I stepped closer and spoke low, "I don't know Max, I just have a strange feeling about her. Like, there's something not quite right about her. She's in a couple of our classes and I just feel like she's got some major secrets. Not to mention, I've caught her staring at us and Michael at times." I wasn't certain if I sounded kind of paranoid or not, but I never hid anything from Max when I had a feeling about things.

"Not to mention, look at her father, Max. They don't look alike and he's got the look of a body builder. It makes me think more that he's a bodyguard than anything." I commented with a slight grin.

"I'll ask Alex and his father if they want to join us." I told Max with a slight smile, ready to change the subject before I ended up being caught in the process of talking about her by someone. I never knew, whether people would hear me or not.

I listen as Isabel lists her observations about Mista. We have some major secrets, too, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad. Still, I wonder what her secret could be. Her ‘dad’ could be a bodyguard from the way he seemed to act around her. But what would that mean? She wouldn’t be in witness protection without a family. Is she supposed to be some foreign princess traveling in disguise?

I laugh at myself then, realizing that description could be applied to Isabel, too, although our parents don’t know it.

Valenti seems to be finishing up his conversation, or at least, taking a moment to steal a few glances in our direction. “You might have a point,” I tell her quietly before adding in a more normal voice. “I’ll start up some burgers.”

I nodded and gave a smile as I spoke normally, "Alright, I'll be right back." Then another thought hit me I asked him, "Should we consider asking Liz and Maria to join us?" I figured, if my brother was going to be distracted, he might as well have the chance to have more of a reason for it. Even though I knew we'd need to ditch them before we left the camp.

Liz and Maria? Why would she offer to invite Liz and Maria? Did we have enough burgers and hotdogs for that many? I wondered, as a thousand thoughts raced through my head. I know that Liz and her dad have been doing this for years. They’re probably way better prepared than the three of us.

Then again, it does make sense to just use the one fire pit. Maybe they could share some of their food, too?

“I, I don’t know.” I said slowly, feeling glad I was able to get my mouth to move at all. “They might have other plans…” If they joined us, then Valenti would be adding himself in, too. Although he was probably going to do that, anyway, just to be in our face.

I laughed and then gave a sigh, "Get the burgers started, Max. I'll take care of the invites." I grinned at my brother, aware that I had probably just completely shocked him with my suggestion. Well, if nothing else, I will have had the satisfaction of surprising my brother. I smiled and turned to walk away, wanting nothing to do with the cooking aspect because I just never really did it.

“Okay, fine,” I grumble. Let her worry about it. If we run out of burgers and wieners and have nothing left for tomorrow, then I guess we’ll just have to hope the Parkers will reciprocate and feed us then. Of course, if we find what we hope to tonight, Isabel just might insist that we head home to her hair-dryer, and we won't have to worry about any of it.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 4:13 am
by StormWolfstone
~~JP by Isabelle and Storm for Kyle and Mista~

"Sure, why not?" Kyle responded to her offer of help with a sigh and she waved Moira off as she began gathering things and setting up the firewood for him. Mista wasn't quite certain how to broach the subject when it came to trying to see what exactly was wrong, other then what she figured was obvious. "Are you alright, Kyle?" She asked as she continued prepping the firewood.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine" Kyle said, sounding almost angry. He shook he head then, realizing what she would think. "Sorry. It's not you. It's just that this camping trip isn't turning out the way it was supposed to be."

After she finished setting it up she walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, it might work out. Just give it time. This trip is just starting, so it might be a slow start." She told him softly, guessing that he meant his dad.

Kyle sighed. He looked up and stared at his father, who was in turn, staring at Max, not paying any attention to Kyle or Mista. "Yeah, well. I don't know about that. Looks more like it's not starting at all." He stood back and took a look at their handiwork. "But I hope you're right."

Mista smiled, "I'm certain it will, but hey, if you get bored and want to just talk or anything, I'll be here." She had a strange feeling that something was going to be happening tonight that had nothing to do with the sightings. She just couldn't figure out what it was, yet. She reached for the torch and set the wood ablaze as she turned to look at the Sheriff.

"Thanks," Kyle said, still a little sadly. Then he looked up at Mista, forceing a bit of cheer into his voice. 'Thanks for your help with the fire, too. You did a nice job."

Mista nodded as she responded, "Thanks, I'm used to it. The woods are a second home for me." She could tell he was forcing himself to seem cheerful.

Kyle tilted his head to one side, eyeing Mista a little more closely. "Yeah?" he asked. "You and your dad go camping a lot, then?"

Looking over in the direction of Mista's tent, he saw the man he'd presumed was her father, looking vagely uncomfortable, watching the two of them.

Mista chuckled slightly, "At least once a month, we do. It's always been a tradition for us and a group of friends." One thing she could say was that she wasn't lying. She turned to look over at Daniel with a smile and nod toward the older Lukoi as she turned back to Kyle, "One could say that Dad and I are nature lovers to the extreme. One with nature and all of that."

Kyle nodded. "That sounds great. I'm lucky to get dad out to spend some time with me once a year." Glancing at the Sheriff again he thought, Or sometimes less. they may both be in the same place at the same time, but it certainly didn't seem like they were together. "What kind of places have you been," he asked. "Did you ever go winter camping in the snow?"

Around Roswell, snow was pretty rare, although they'd gotten it rather consistently on Christmas day in the last ten years. Still they had very cold nights in the winter, for those who were interested in braving the elements. But Mista was new. He wasn't sure what kind of climates she might have experienced while camping.

Mista nodded as she responded to Kyle's questions, "Actually, I have lived mostly in this area. Dad and a few of his friends took me up to St. Louis once about five months ago, before we moved into Roswell. Winter camping, we've done a couple of times. Though, Dad will say he doesn't enjoy it all that much. He's a bit nervous around large groups of people though, so he's better suited for winter camping." She joked as she looked at Daniel, who was shifting his weight but kept glancing around nervously before looking back at her. She was beginning to think she should have kept Moira over with her and maybe then Daniel wouldn't have been quite so uncomfortable. "What about you? Have you ever been elsewhere? Or gone winter camping?" She asked as she looked back at Kyle with a smile.

"Not with my dad," Kyle said. "His job keeps him close to Roswell. But I've been out with the Boy Scouts to Texas, and to the Grand Canyon, of course. And one winter we went up to Cimmeron. There was no snow, but it was plenty cold," He grinned, remembering the hiking and camping at Philmont.

Mista smiled, "Maybe sometime you could join me and Dad when we go traveling during the summer. Dad's decided we'll be visiting Tennessee and St. Louis again." Of course, it wasn't Daniel's decision, it was Mista's own choice, she wanted to meet with the Ulfric's there and see how they run their packs. She also realized the risk she was taking by even thinking of such a thing since Kyle was human and around the packs it could be hard to keep her secret. She just knew that if she could help someone feel better, it would be a good thing. Risky as it was, she couldn't stop being human anymore then she could stop being a Necromancer, Lukoi or part alien.

Kyle smiled. "That could be fun," he said. "I was thinking of going to Football camp this summer, but that's only four weeks. If the dates are good and my Dad agrees, that could be fun." Kyle didn't even understand why he was agreeing to go camping with a girl he hardly knew, but she seemed nice, and he had plenty of time before he had to actually make a final decision about it. "We'll see how it goes, I guess," he finished.

Mista nodded and gave a slight squeeze on his shoulder as she responded, "Yeah, I am sure we will. Anyway, I should finish making my rounds. There are still people having trouble with their fire's. I'll talk to you later?" She made it more of a question then a statement as she looked at him. She knew she was going to hear all sorts of things from Daniel when she got back to the campsite.

"Yeah, sure," Kyle said, easily. He seemed to be essentially on his own. If he couldn't get his dad to tune in, it would be nice to be able to talk to somebody. And Mista was as nice a somebody as any of them here.


After I left talking with Kyle, I made my way with the torch over to where Isabel and her brother, Max were setting things up. Asking if they wanted help, I was surprised by the slight chill I received at her stony reception. Still, with a smile pasted on my face I moved on to ask Liz and Maria if they wanted help.

"Hi, Mr. Parker, Liz, Maria. How's the firestarting going?" I said with a smile, Mr. Parker was my boss and I worked with Liz and Maria. I had for nearly two months now.

I glanced over toward Danial and sighed, knowing that he was going to be tense for a time with being around all these humans and the moon being so close to being full.

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 11:54 pm
by M

‘ssst’ he hisses quickly at me before whipping around again to face forward. He moves so quickly that he is already turning again before he has fully faced me.

I have stepped on a small twig and the resulting snap has echoed around the small clearing we are currently in.

I shiver and tuck myself deeper into my coat, tucking my cheek again the raised collar. I clench and unclench my fists attempting to warm them inside my pockets.

He is hard, demanding, and abrupt, but then this is nothing unusual. He is all I have. All I’ve ever known.

We are looking for my family. We are closer then we have been at anytime in the last 10 years. Soon I may be surrounded by sympathy and love. Until we find them however I am here alone. Nasedo is the closest I’ve ever had to a family. He is not, and never will be my father. He isn’t even family.
I often dream about what it will be like when we find them. My real family. When I was little I would dream about them, what they’re like, what they like to do, how they would be with me.
I have seen pictures, black and white images that capture them in every emotion. Soon I will see them in person, in colour. I will see them move and breathe, and soon after that they will see me too.

He wasn’t going to let me come. He left a sign and is going to watch them. To make sure they find it. I was going to be left at home. I begged so hard, for so long and he finally agreed to allow me to join him.

We have been living in Arizona, the last in a long line of moves. We have been running as long as I can remember. I don’t have friends. Even if I had been allowed I have never stayed long enough to get to know anyone. All of this is why I can hardly breathe I’m so excited.

As Nasedo begins to move forward I’m brought back to the present. I let out the breath I’ve been holding and the steam escaping creates a cloud that blocks my vision temporarily.
I start to follow but all of a sudden I feel something unfamiliar, like a tickling in my brain. I stop walking, trying to understand this feeling. Nasedo walks on for a moment until he realises that I’m no longer behind him.
He stalks back and hisses in my ear ‘Care to join me, Princess?’ His voice drips with sarcasm but I overlook it as I evaluate my internal compass.

‘I feel them’

He looks at me for a long moment, then just says one word:

We start off in a different direction, moving away from the sign but towards the source of the buzzing in my head. They are close.
After a short while walking we come to a clearing in the woods. Kids my own age are walking around campfires in the growing dusk.
I feel them so strongly here, yet we wait, in the dark, in the shadows and we watch for the right time. It will come soon.