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Pirate's Bounty( Started)ADULT/CC (need Michael and Kyle)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:39 pm
by StormWolfstone

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...

Pirate's Bounty

Rating Adult

I do not own Roswell characters, however this idea is one of my original idea's.

This is an idea I came up with because of a book I've been writing. (which I haven't really done a great deal of work on) I think it would probably make a better role play with the changes to allow the entry of all the characters.

Now, please keep in mind, that I am fully aware that this doesn't fit with our own timelines. (Mainly because of the travel times)This is around the appx time of 1500 ac

Elizabeth Parker- Born the daughter of an English Duchess, Liz was given privelage and respect that got her many places. She also had many suitors after her hand in marriage and only recently, her father had accepted and signed a marriage contract that placed her as the fiance' of a man that Liz had not only, never seen, but rumors spoke that he had murdered his past two wives.

Maria DeLuca- Maria was born to a family that was not as well off as Liz's, in fact she was the daughter of a servant in the Parker's home. However, she was also Liz's best-friend and this afforded her with the chance to be given a real education and not have to follow her mother's footsteps.

Isabel Evans- Isabel and her brother were adopted into a middle class family, however at one point when her brother was sixteen there was a disagreement between him and their father which caused him to leave. Left alone with her parents, she felt as though she was missing something especially when their friend Michael Guerin had also gone with him. They'd given her the option of going along, but she was too concerned about the chance that she didn't know any other life and their mother at the time was ill.

Tess Harding- Tess was adopted into an American family, but after they died she was sent to England to live with their parents. She has barely arrived in England when she finds herself already feeling like an outcast, but she finds a friend in Isabel who she feels as though she knows from somewhere.

Maxwell Evans- After leaving home, he found himself taking up with sailors that later turned out to be pirates. However, he found they were nothing like all the stories he'd heard. In fact, the men he'd taken up with were more honorable then the many nobles he'd seen. Michael and Max both had become captains of their own ships, always working together on raids.

Michael Guerin- Michael was adopted by a Pirate, but was soon abandoned with the woman that acted as his mother. The only thing that kept him from going down a really bad path was the fact that he was befriended by the Evans' kids and he found that they were similar to him.

Alexander Whitman- Alexander was born to a middle class family and took to the life of a minstril. However, the life he wanted to live came crashing down when a new Baron was placed over his family and taxes rose. Knowing that his parents wouldn't be able to afford the taxes and have the extra mouth to feed, he left, started playing his music in taverns and inns throughout England until he ran into Max who seemed taken with his music and offered him a way to make money by simply playing music.

Kyle Valenti- Kyle's father was a commander in the British Royal Navy and thus he spent his life on the sea. Not quite by will, but he found it to eventually give him a home. However, to get out from underneath the influence of his father, he signed on to a vessel as a deck hand, not knowing when he first signed up that the cargo he was carrying was going to be women being sold as slaves.

Isabel, Liz, Maria and Tess are abducted from their prospective homes by slave traders and placed on a ship bound for the auction blocks of America. Bound and uncertain of how they would escape this fate, they met the deckhand Kyle when he was sent down with food for them. Realizing his shock at seeing them down in the cargo hold with many other women, they came to see him as being the only friendly face among barbarians. At one point, Isabel uses her Dreamwalking to attempt contacting Max and Michael, hoping that they'll both remember the dreams and realize that what she is telling them is real. Having used this a couple of times in the past, she can only hope that the distance doesn't interfere.

Max and Michael heard rumors of yet another slaving ship sailing out and made plans to intercept the ship. The night before the raid is set underway, Max and Michael have a short dream of Isabel telling them that she is in danger. Sailing under the black flag, Michael's ship the 'Dark Blast' and Max's ship the 'Devils Rose' make their rescue, taking the women and other cargo on board while burning the ship. However, it is only Tess' plea that saved Kyle from the same fate as the others on the ship.

Once safely aboard the Pirate vessels, the speed of which no British ship can match, they make for an Island Getaway where they plan on resupplying and making some changes to their ships in order to take the ladies back home.

The Island base is known as the Lucky Ace. It's an entire village where several Pirates make their home. The families on the Island live in harmony with each other for the most part. However, from time to time they get visiting Pirates that are not all that nice.

What happens on the Island Getaway, and in between is up to the players.




Max- Isabelle
Liz- Katnotkath
Isabel- Storm
Alex- Katnotkath
Tess- Storm
Maria- Isabelle

This game won't start until I return from my vacation on Sept 7th, however I look forward to getting things set before I leave on the 2nd.

When we start, they'll already be in the cargo hold.... I'll post a basic abduction scenario for how Isabel was taken and the rest can do the same if they want.... ending with being in the cargo hold.

For Kyle... he would more then likely have been out with a few of the men while they were being brough on board to help get supplies.

Michael and Max would be on their ships, and Alex can be on either one of them as well.

We'll make the basic rescue bits as short as possible but there would be sword fights a bit and such... if you don't feel confident in writing out the fights, I will be available to assist by NPCing them.

Max, Tess, Isabel and Michael are aliens.... however they are not aware of this.. in fact they are scared of people finding out their secrets because of the fact that there have been things that have happened to people that had unexplained abilities.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:23 pm
by StormWolfstone

I couldn't believe this was happening. Only hours ago, I was on my way back home to bring my mother the drought that the doctor had given me for her. I was barely even a block away, and though it was nearly sundown, I thought I had plenty of time before safety would be an issue. After all, I was dressed in a simple gown that didn't even come close to being something that would catch attention. Mother, felt that it would be safer for me to go out like this since word had reached us of women going missing all over Wales.

Before I could react as I turned the corner, I was grabbed from behind a hand with a cloth stuck over my face and my arms were held to my side. My first thoughts were that I was going to be the victim of debauchery or killed. They were also my last thoughts for a time. Then, next thing I knew I awoke with shackles on my wrists and ankles, other girls around my age were in the same predicament and I asked what was happening.

One of the girls responded that we were being transported to a ship as slaves to be sold overseas. I felt the panic rise within me at the thought that I would never see my parents or my brother again. I couldn't afford to risk using my 'gifts' to try and get out of captivity so there was only one other course I could think of to take, but I had to wait a few hours. I needed to wait and hope that Michael and Max would both be sleeping and that somehow, someway they would be able to help.

Now, that time had passed and the girls around me were sleeping, all except for three others. One was a noble named Elizabeth, another a recently arrived in England girl named Tess and the other a servants daughter named Maria. We'd spent some time talking, trying to keep ourselves from giving into the terror. Some had already spent all the tears they could shed for the time being, others had sobbed themselves to sleep.

Tess, Maria and Liz; as Elizabeth preffered to be called; had all grown silent. Leaning my head back and closing my eyes, I began concentrating on my brother first. I didn't pay attention to the type of dream I walked into, simply seeking him out and standing before him as I told him. "Max, I hope this works and you actually get this message the way I want. I'm on a slaving ship bound for America. They took me not far from home. Help me, please. There are others here too, at least fifty of us." I pulled out of his dream and went on into Michael's, feeling it necessary to say exactly the same thing to him as well.

Slowly, I drew myself back, feeling a slight haze. It had been so long since I had done that, nearly three years, I was a bit drained from it. I just hoped that it had worked. I just couldn't help but fear that we wouldn't make it out of there.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:14 pm
by Anna-Liisa
I hope it's okay to put kyle bring the food already


I was standing on the ship deck, feeling the wind brush my hair. The sea. How a man could get bored to this. I didn't just because I had been here all my life. I sighed as I heard someone call my name.

"Yeah what?" I asked and turned.

"You need to take this to the hold" he said giving me food.

"Huh? What----"

"No questions, it's an order" he says.

"Yes sir..." I mumbled and walked to the gargo hold's door. I wondered why I had to take food there. No one had really told me what kind of vessel this was. I got a bad feeling about this as I opened the door and walked in, closing the door afterwards. When I got in, things were simply different.

"Oh my god..." I whispered.

Women? This couldn't be....that kind of ship, could it?

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:31 pm
by isabelle

I'm relaxing on my ship, The Lucky Star, watching the sea go by. We're about 30 miles from shore and running low from our recent resupply. We've got a goat and three more chickens, plus loads of feed for them and grain for the crew. We'll have a good supply of milk and eggs for a while, anyway, and plenty of tack.

At this distance, we really don't have to worry about other vessels, as we're heading east just south of Dover. There's a little island less than 160 miles away where we'd just spent a fortnight careening the Star. I've captain'd this ship only a little over a year, but I don't like it too covered with barnacles. The girl flys much faster when she's clean.

Suddenly, I blink as I have an exceptionally strong memory of my sister. "Max, I hope this works and you actually get this message the way I want. I'm on a slaving ship bound for America. They took me not far from home. Help me, please. There are others here too, at least fifty of us."

I realize this is no memory. Isabel's in real trouble and she's using her secret abilities to let me know. She disappears before I can respond, so I fly from my cabin and head for the bridge. The news is worse than any I can imagine. My sister in the hands of Slavers? I won't stand for that, as well she knows.

"Come about!" I shout. "Northwest! Full speed!" The crew jumps to, turning the rudder and trimming the sails without question. That course should bring us on an intercept with any ship leaving Wales for America. I pray we have good winds. I'll need to free her as soon as possible.

As we finish the turn, I give the order to signal Michael's ship. He's close behind and has probably already noted our change in course. I know he'll help when I tell him what I've heard.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2004 5:52 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the time this took, I wanted to get it just so... Anyway, hope this is ok for everyone.


Oooh…why does my head feel a ton of bricks…and why do my eyelids feel so heavy…? I begin to wake and raise my hands in order to rub my eyes. Something is not right though…that noise… I look down and suddenly I am one hundred percent awake. What on earth are those things around my wrists…? I look down and see something similar connecting my ankles. I shake my head, feeling that this must be some sort of dream. Ok…I am ready to wake up now… I tilt my head back to look around at my surroundings and bang my head on the boards which appear to make up a wall. “Okay…so maybe I’m not dreaming…” I mumble to myself. Come to think of it, those chains feel way too real too… My alarm is growing at an incredible rate, but right now I’m fighting to keep my emotions under control. I reach up to rub my head, unsettled by the clinking which the chains around my wrists make as they crash together. My head still feels heavy and fuzzy, but I think I am beginning to remember something of what happened… I was called to meet my father in his study, and he mentioned something about a betrothal…


“Father, you cannot be serious, please…?”

He looks at me, narrowing his eyes. “Elizabeth, I have made my decision and you had better get used to it…” He turns back to the paperwork that he is working on.

My lip trembles…I do not want to believe this… “No…”

My father looks up again. “Young lady, you are going to do exactly as I say…you will not attend any more functions…nor have any male guests…you will remain in the house and assist as necessary in the preparations!”

I look at him desperately. “But father, I am not ready to be wed…and especially not to a man who’s twice my age…father please reconsider this…”


I away from him, shaken by the tone of his voice, but can’t give up quite yet. “I have heard what he is supposed to have done to his previous wives…what have I done to make you willing to give me to someone like that…” I trail off, the look on his face is enough to tell me I have pushed him as far as I can afford to.

“You will be married in six months!” His voice is harsh and cold and tells me that to continue arguing will only anger him. “I do not want to hear anything more from you about it…”

I nod silently, my body shaking some. I know better than to argue with him when he gets like this… He waves me away and I drop a curtsey in front of him, as he expects, before turning to leave the room.


Moments later I am running out of the house. I have to get away from here… I can barely see where I’m going, blinded by the tears which are running down my cheeks. I am running down the path, taking a route which is so familiar. I push the doors in front of me now open and dash inside, going over to one of the stalls and slipping inside. The horse inside neighs softly and stomps it’s foot. “Hush Star…” I whisper as I walk up to him, reaching out my hand to stroke his hair. Just the feel of his soft coat under my hand starts to make my tears dry up and I pick up one of the brushes which is stood on a small ledge, sliding it onto my hand and reaching up to begin to groom the beautiful chestnut mare that is in front of me. Doing this has always been one of the only things which will calm me…


I do not know how long I have been here…I tend to lose track of time when I am like this… My head is still spinning when I think about what my father has arranged. Desperate, I begin to come up with a plan and go over to retrieve the cloak which always hangs on the back of the stable door. I take it off the peg, then hear something move behind me… What the…? I turn around to look and…everything goes black…


And now I wake up here…
I am coming round a little more and realise that I can feel the floor beneath me rocking slightly. That is when I realise that I am on a boat… Maybe I should have realised sooner, but it is not like my brain was fully in gear… Boy someone must have hit me hard on the head… I wince and take another look around. As my eyes become accustomed to the light, I begin to make out more figures…all girls, and all chained like me…

A narrow beam of light creeps through a crack in the boards which make up the ceiling and fall on one of the girls who is still laying unconscious. Her features are unmistakable and I feel my heart sinking. “Maria…”

All around me, girls are beginning to wake up and two others, in addition to Maria catch my eye… One is a small blond haired girl. She is probably as small as me, which really is a feat, and the other is rather taller, with dark blond/light brown hair. Currently, other than myself and Maria, they are the only girls who are not crying. They look as lost and scared as I myself probably do, yet in the same way as me, manage to keep their composure…

I am not too certain how it happens, but we end up talking, the four of us… Maria of course I have known since I was a child, but I am not usually very good with strangers… Strangely enough, I find myself warming to Isabel and Tess, as I now find out they are called, though…there is just something about them… Of course our ease in talking to one another could always have to do with what we have just been told by one of the other girls…we are being taken overseas to be sold as slaves… Sold as slaves…I cannot quite process that fully. Still, this information has seemed to make us more eager to talk, perhaps to keep our mind on anything except our current predicament, and Tess, Isabel, Maria and I have been getting on rather well… I would be happy to have made some new friends…if it was not for the situation… After a while, even we find it difficult to keep up a front though, and one by one, we all fall silent.

Time ticks by and I look around. Isabel appear to have fallen asleep…Maria too perhaps… My hands are trembling and I pull my legs up, tight against my chest, the chains between my wrists sitting at the front of my knees. If only this was a dream as I though initially… Reluctantly, I close my eyes and try to think of happier things…

What was that? I wake with a start. A noise…beyond the door… I open my eyes quickly, realising that I must have fallen asleep for a few moments. I am alert again now though… My eyes fix on the door as it slowly opens to reveal the figure of a young man. He is carrying a tray of food, but from the look on face I know he is shocked by what he’s found.

“Oh my God…”

Although he is whispering, currently the area where we are…the hold is it called…? Never mind, that is not important, the area where we are, is so silent you could hear a pin drop. His reaction tells me one thing…if there is a way out of here, he might just be it… I drop my eyelids slightly, making it appear that I am asleep as many of the other girls are, but continue watching him carefully.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 9:54 am
by Crystalbehr
HI EVERYBODY (waves) here I am


I usually love the ocean. The biggest most beautiful thing in the entire world. My favorite part about being me. The smell, the breeze, the sky in the daytime and the stars at night, all of it is better than anything on land.

Accept today.

Damn! I knew I shouldn't have spent all the time with Adair last night drinking all that ale and playing cards. Now I feel as if pirates have attacked and pillaged my head. The only thing good is that young Adair has not a gambling penny left in his purse strings.

I close my eyes to block out the bright beautiful sun and hopefully it will help my ship stop spinning in circles. (he thinks it's spinning in circles because of his hangover) .


Max, I hope this works and you actually get this message the way I want. I'm on a slaving ship bound for America. They took me not far from home. Help me, please. There are others here too, at least fifty of us."

I'm ripped out of my thoughts when I'm hit with this flash. Isabel, Max's sister. Is she calling to Max with her powers? Is she in trouble? I have no time to further question myself when I look up and see The Star do a complete 180 and head Northwest . Wait she did say she's on a ship in America. He must be headed to Wales...

"Come about YOU SORRY DAWGS get this ship turned Northwest at full speed NOW NOW NOW GO GO GO!!!" I stand and bellow loudly. I know everybody on The Demon can hear me. I love being a captain. ooh wait my head...

If Isabel is in trouble I have to help Maxwell save her.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 12:59 pm
by isabelle
YAY! A Michael post at last. :)


We've come about and are nearly abeam The Demon. Before we pull the sails too, the cabin boy sends up the signal flags that say 'follow me'. They're not even halfway up the line and Michael is already turning. Hmmm. Either he'd turned because I did or he got the message from Isabel, too. Either way, I'm glad he's with us.

I write Michael a quick note and tie it to an arrow. The signal flags can't carry all the detail I need to convey to my best friend. A moment later, the arrow is flying across the space between the two ships and embedding itself in the wood of the wall of his cabin. The crew is always amazed at my marksmanship (and Michael's) over such distances, but it's really not hard when I can use my powers to control exactly where it goes. I actually wouldn't even need the bow, but I gotta use it for camophlage.

Got a message from Isabel. She's been captured and is on her way to America. I'm on my way to intercept and free her and the others. Thanks for your help.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2004 4:01 pm
by Crystalbehr

The arrow lands right in my wood. I take the note off the arrow and read it as quicky as I can for a man with a hangover.

Got a message from Isabel. She's been captured and is on her way to America. I'm on my way to intercept and free her and the others. Thanks for your help.

I grab the nearsest Ink and Quill and scribble in an almost unreadable way some words on the papar.

No need to thank me... I got you're back if you got mine

I go to my chest and pull out my bow and arrow. Ahhh forget it. I just going to make sure no one's watching and I send the message over to Max using my powers. he's not going to be happy when the note gets there to see how I sent it. Therefore, I take time to write a couple more words on the parchment.

Also sorry about the way I sent it, If i had used a bow and arrow, half of you're crew would be dead and or stuck together. I have a bloody hangover the size of England herself.


Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 7:54 am
by isabelle

My eyes widen in shock as I see Michaels return note sailing through the air tied in a tube, but not around an arrow. I reach up and guide it to my hand, plucking it out of the air before any of my crew can notice. I turn quickly to read it.

Got your back, he says. Arrg. I'll have his head if he keeps this up. I'm sure he's telling himself that he was careful and that nobody saw, but we really can't be taking chances like that. We'll be hung for witches if he keeps that up.

Well, actually, we won't. With our secret abilities, I'm sure we'd be able to escape anything like that, but I'd never get a crew under me again once I'd been labeled as such. I hope his hangover hurts like the devil, at least until it's time to take the slavers.

Turning back to the rail, I crumple the note in my hands. Using my mind, I set it on fire and reduce it to ash as I drop it over the side. Nobody will be able to read it now.

I decide not to reply to Michael just now. There really isn't anything more to say at the moment. I only wish there was a way to communicate with Isabel and let her know that we got her message and help is on the way. When we were small, we could talk to each other in our minds, but I don't imagine that will work over such a distance as this.

I send Guiles up to the crow's nest to look out for the slaver ship, although I know we're still hours away from seeing anything. I head for the bridge, making sure we're on course and going as fast as we can. We have a decent breeze just now. If it starts to falter, I'll use my powers to be sure we don't lose speed. I'm not going to let Isabel down.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 11:26 am
by CandyDreamQueen
Post Edited


I have actually been awake for a pretty long time, but I refuse to open my eye for fear that my greatest nightmare is becoming my reality.

Ever since I was a little girl the story tellers of my village, would tell stories about things like this, about little boys and girls that would not behave and so they were taken away from their homes and their parents on huge flagships. These stories used to scare every child in the village where I grew up.

Funny how I never believed them. I thought that they were just tall tales told to children to keep them in line. But deep down I had always been afraid that somewhere out there, there were such ships. This was close enough. A slave ship? Where was it going, why was it taking us.

And as I hang here with my eyes closed tightly, I wonder if this is the punishment for me not striving to be a better daughter to my mother. For all the times that I have been ill behaved.

I had been listening when Liz’s father told her that she was to be betrothed. Nasty little habit that eavesdropping. I fallowed her to the stables. Why did I have to fallow her? The last thing that I remember is waking up here.

The constant swaying of the boat is nauseating, and I have to force myself not to make our accommodations any less uncomfortable. All I want is to go home. Once they find out that Liz is from the nobility, she’ll probably be ransomed off. Same as most of the crying girls in this place whose families’ can afforded it. Which means that I have almost no hope of ever seeing my mother again. And as I sit here and think about it more my anger begans to over shadow my fear. Who are these people to take another life and sell it? Who are they to take me away from my family? No I will not let this happen. I will not let them take me.

“I will not let them take me!” I whispered to myself.