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Coming Around Again (AU,M/L,MATURE/ADULT) Ch 21 [WIP]

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:26 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Coming Around Again by Behr-y Roswellian


Couplings- Max and Liz, possible CC later on.

Disclaimer- I own nothing Roswell, although if I did Jason Behr would be locked in my pleasure chamber as we speak. :lol:

Category- AU, no aliens and only a brief mention of Roswell.

Summary-Max is the older man that every girl dreams about, wealthy, mysterious and sexy as hell. Liz is the girl that dreams about a better life. Both have a lot of emotional baggage and one of them is harboring a dark secret that could threaten everything.

**Authors Note** This title is taken from a song by Carly Simon.


Chapter 1

“You’ve been following me, haven’t you?” He stopped and tilted his head to the side as he spoke. “Surely I’m not worthy of such trouble, especially for a pretty young woman such as yourself.”

She watched him turn slowly and smile. The smile was warm but didn’t reach his eyes. “I have been sir; you see you struck me odd back at the theater. There’s something different about you.”

He arched a dark eyebrow at her and took a couple of steps forward. “I struck you odd did I?” He looked her over and pursed his lips in thought. “What is it about me that was odd?”

“Well,” she began as she took a small step back. “for this neighborhood at this time of night I’d say you are severely over dressed. No one around here dresses like that.”

“Ah, so you intended to follow me then perhaps rob me?” She shook her head violently and watched him as he continued. “Perhaps you were going to use a weapon?” He clasped his hands in front of him and looked at her through lowered lashes. “Or could be you thought your beauty would be enough to distract me.” Once again he left his gaze wonder over her. Her hair was dark and long. Her eyes were soulful and deep. His gave lingered on her lips and on how she now chewed lightly on the bottom one.

“Hardly, I know I am no great beauty.” She sighed and shifted uneasily. “Well, I guess I’ll be on my way now. Have a pleasant night.”

“Wait!” He called out to her. “What is your name?”

“Forgive me, my name is Elizabeth Parker.” She turned at stared at the man in front of her. She wasn’t lying when she spoke of his wardrobe. He was dressed in a white button up long sleeved shirt and a pair of black dress slacks. The first thing she had noticed though when they exited the theatre side by side were his eyes and how they almost glowed.

“Well, Ms. Parker, how would you like to come with me and have a nice cup of coffee?” He waited for her response with a knowing grin.

“Um, alright. But first, what is your name?” She asked quietly as she walked toward him. He grinned lopsided at her.

“Maxwell Evans at your service.” He bowed and watched her amused reaction. “Please call me Max though. I know I’m old but the sir thing will give me a complex.”

“Yes, of course, Max.” She smiled and looped her arms through his as they headed down the dark New York street.

“You’re a very trusting person aren’t you?” He asked mildly surprised that she would let him touch her. “That’s not safe for a young woman in this city.”

“You seem like a nice person, should I be afraid of you?” She looked up at him with her big doe eyes and he shook his head.

“I’m one of the good guys.” They continued to walk until they came across a small all night diner. As they stepped into the light she became aware of how they must look together. She- a poor orphan dressed in rags and Max- an older man well dressed. If the looks they were getting from the patrons in the diner weren’t bad enough, the one she was getting from Max was. “Elizabeth how old are you?”

She looked around and tried to stop the feeling that she was being examined under a microscope. “I’ll be 18 on the 22nd of next month.” She explained as she fiddled with the napkin dispenser.

She was but a child he thought to himself. What on earth would a child as pretty as herself be doing wondering the streets passed Midnight? “What do your parents thing of their daughter being out so late?”

“Oh, my parents…” She sighed and looked up at him. “They’ve been dead since I was five.” He winced as soon as the words left her mouth.

“Please accept my deepest apologies for bringing up a painful subject.” He reached across the table and squeezed her hand gently. His skin was bronze and flawless and his fingers were long and elegant. This paled in comparison to her short stubby fingers and alabaster skin.

“Thank you.” She smiled and took a sip of the coffee that the waitress had just placed in front of her. “I want to know all about you. Like, how old you are and where you’re from. Oh, and what you do for a living.” He smiled and withdrew his hand.

“I’m 30 years old and I’m an art collector. I’m from all over really. I’m just in town looking at some perspective paintings.” He sighed. “Not much to tell. I travel a lot.”

“I’ve always wanted to travel. I’ve been living on my own since I was Fourteen and aside from just graduating from High School I work in a Florist Shop. I’m trying to save up enough money to go to college. I have good grades but it still costs a lot of money.” Money was something she had very little of. She wore the simplest of clothing. A white t-shirt with lettering that had long since faded almost completely away and a pair of well worn blue jeans. Her hair hung loosely around her face; a face that wore no makeup.

“Where do you live?” He asked as he rotated the coffee cup over and over.

She blushed and looked down. “A tiny hole in the wall about five blocks from here.”

“There’s no reason to be ashamed. You have not had anyone to look over you. In my opinion you’re a very bright and intelligent young woman.” She looked up at him with bright eyes.

“Thank you Max.” She started nibbling on her bottom lip again. “Are you married or have a girlfriend?”

“Not at the moment.” He frowned slightly and raised his hand signaling for the check. “Come, I’ll walk you home.”

“Oh no, you really don’t have to.” She dug in the pocket of her jeans and pulled out some mangled money. “I can get a cab.” She said as she placed a couple of the dollars on the table in front of her. He grabbed her hand and shook his head.

“My treat, I insist.” He smiled as she took the money back. “I would really like to walk with you. It’s a lovely night and quite honestly I would worry about you making it home safely.”

She nodded and chuckled softly. “I bet you think I’m a basket case. First I’m at a low budget theater that’s showing a sappy romance and then I stalk you and end up making you buy me coffee.”

“Not at all, I think we’re a lot alike actually, we’re both very lonely souls.” He smiled and took her hand as they exited the diner.

The walk home was made in comfortable silence until they neared her apartment. “I would invite you in, but I’m sure you’ve better things to do with your time.” She closed her eyes and frowned. “Not like I could offer you anything to drink, unless you’d like a glass of water or milk?”

“No, I’m fine thank you. I’ll be leaving tomorrow. I’ll be going out of the country for awhile. Is there anyway I could perhaps contact you?” He noticed that she had stopped in front of a rather shabby looking building.

“I don’t have a telephone or anything. If you’d like to wait for a minute I can give you my home and work address.” He nodded and waited at her front door while she jotted the information down on a piece of paper.

“I had a nice time with you tonight Elizabeth Parker.” He took her hand and brought the back of it to his lips giving it a gentle kiss.

“Same here Max Evans,” She blushed and swallowed hard. “But please, call me Liz.” He nodded and stepped down onto the sidewalk.

“Until we meet again Liz Parker.” She watched him walk off and only after he was out of her sight did she shut the door.

She sighed and laid her head against the cool hard wood. “Until then Max Evans.” She whispered into the night.

Chapter 2

The weeks soon turned to a month and Liz hadn’t heard anything from the mysterious Max Evans. For the first few weeks she had found herself practically running home from work and checking her mail. The only things waiting in her mailbox though were bills. Her life had almost returned to normal by her birthday. She had even started working double shifts at the Florists. Tomorrow she would be 18 years old. She would finally be considered an adult. She could vote, buy cigarettes and get into clubs well, in theory anyway. She had no desire to do any of those things. Her only wish was that this year she wouldn’t be alone.

“Package of an Elizabeth Parker.” The voice of the Fed-Ex driver broke her from her thoughts.

“Oh, I’m Elizabeth Parker.” Liz put down the broom she had been using and stepped toward the messenger.

“Here you are.” He handed her the small package and held out his clipboard for her to sign. “Line Forty Three please.” She nodded and signed her name.

“Thank you.” He walked out of the shop leaving a bewildered Liz in his wake.

She sat the package down on the counter and looked at it oddly. “Oh!” she jumped as the box started ringing. She tore into it and removed from the box a small cell phone. She cautiously brought it to her ear. “Hello?”

“Hello, Liz.” The voice was deep and smooth as honey. Max. She recognized it right away and her heart jumped for joy. “I’m glad you got my present. This way I’ll be able to keep in touch with you easier. I’m not much for letters.” He chuckled into the receiver.

Liz’s heart was racing. He had bought her a cell phone so he could talk to her. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Thank you works for me.” He could tell by the sound of her voice that she was overwhelmed. “I have another surprise coming for you too, but it won’t be here till tomorrow. That is your birthday is it not?”

“Mmmhmm.” She nodded, her mind still trying to process the evens that were transpiring. “Thank you Max.”

“You’re welcome. Now, bright and early tomorrow morning expect another package. This one considerably more quiet.” He explained. “You’re at work now no doubt so I’ll let you get back to whatever it is that you do.” Your cell phone is programmed with my cell number so if you get lonely just give me a call.”

“Max…” She trailed off trying to find the right words. “Max, I can’t accept this.”

“Nonsense, it’s my gift to you. Completely paid for until your next birthday-now, no more arguments.” He cleared his throat. “You know, respect your elders and such.”

“You’re not that old.” She replied automatically. In truth he didn’t look his age. Thirty wasn’t really that old, but his face and skin didn’t make him look like a man of thirty. He looked more like Twenty-Four or Twenty-Five.

“I’m old enough to know better.” He replied quietly. “I’ll talk to you later Liz, goodbye.”

“Goodbye Max.” She pulled the phone away from her ear and pressed the End Call button. Her own cell phone and she didn’t even know the number. That didn’t really matter though because no one had ever done anything like this for her before. She hurried with her closing duties and ran home. Tomorrow Max had told her she would have yet another surprise. She was so excited and yet so confused. Why was he doing this for her?

The whole time during her shower she thought about Max and what his motives might be. After drying off and changing into her pajamas she crawled into bed. She stared at the cell phone that sat on her bedside table. She couldn’t sleep and she knew she wouldn’t be able to until she at least got some kind of answer. Deciding that it was now or never she picked up the cell and scrolled through the options till she came to the phone book. There, the first and only entry was listed as, “Max’s Cell.” She took a deep breath and pressed the Call button. It rang twice before a groggy voice answered. “Hmm, yes?”

“Max?” Liz asked hopeful as she sat up in bed. She drew her knees up to her chest and sighed deeply. “I’m sorry to wake you.”

“No worries dear, what can I do for you?” Liz could hear the bed sheets rustle around him as he too sat up. She could picture him sitting here in his bed. The sheets would be black silk along with his boxers. She could feel the blush creep into her cheeks and she sighed deeply. “Liz, are you alright?”

“What? Oh!” She blushed deeply and sighed. “Yes, I’m fine, I was just curious.” She twirled a strand of hair around her pinky. “I was curious about why you’re doing all of this for me. You don’t know me Max. I may not be the person you think I am. I could be some horrible monster who’s using you.”

“If that’s the case you’d be no different than some others in my life.” He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. Liz, I’m helping you because you struck a cord in me. You’re so smart and funny and yet you are all alone. I have a feeling with the proper guidance and counsel you would be able to accomplish a lot in the world.”

Liz closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “No one has ever had that amount of faith in me before. I don’t even think I have that much faith in me.” She laid back and snuggled under the covers. “I’m not just some charity case to you am I?”

Max could tell that even this small woman had her pride and he couldn’t help but smile. “I don’t do charity Liz Parker. If you want to think of yourself as something well, think of yourself as my project.”

“Hmm, a project?” She asked and then yawned.

“Yes, now do us both a favor and hang up. Your package should be arriving in approximately 5 hours.” Liz looked at the clock and saw that it read 1 in the morning. She could hear Max rustling with the covers. She tried to fight off the image of her earlier fantasy.

“So um, Max, what are you wearing?” She said with humor. Of all the things that could have come out of her mouth he never once envisioned that. Without missing a beat he replied back.

“Nothing.” His voice was deep and husky and it sent shivers throughout her body. “Goodnight and sweet dreams Elizabeth.” She heard the phone click off in her ear and she bit her bottom lip hard. That last comment was sure to give her some kind of dream, right?

What were her exact feelings for her mysterious friend? Any woman with a pulse could see that he was attractive. It wasn’t just looks though with him. It was his whole being, he just radiated strength, sex and intrigue. On more than one occasion Liz found herself remembering that night when they went to get coffee and with how one pointed look she could feel what no other had ever made her feel. She laid there in the bed with her eyes closed for awhile just thinking about her life before she finally fell asleep.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Liz darted out of bed and threw her bathrobe over her half naked body. She ran to the door and threw it open with a scowl. “It’s too early.” She stopped and stared in surprise at the man standing before her.

“Are you Elizabeth Parker?” Liz could hardly believe her eyes. In front of her was a man holding a vase of at least two dozen white and red roses. He held them and an envelope out to her. “Sign here please.” He pointed toward the clipboard and she signed her name.

“Who?” Then she remembered Max told her bright and early. Well, it didn’t get much brighter or earlier than this.

“Thank you Ma’am, have a nice day.” The delivery man walked back to his truck and Liz shut the door behind her. She carried the flowers to her small and scarred living room table.

After arranging the flowers in a way that made her happy she sat down on the couch. The plaid material had seen better days in the 70’s perhaps, but it was all she had and at the moment she was too excited and awe struck to care. She flipped the slim package over and ripped the seal off. As she blew into the envelope she was able to spy a single white piece of paper and another smaller square. “What the…?” She trailed off as she slid the contents into her waiting palm.

The paper shook in her hand as she stared at it. If she chose to do so she would be meeting Max at his vacation home in Vail, Colorado. The flight from JFK Airport left at 7:00am tomorrow and would deposit her at Eagle Co. Airport by 11:00am. Inside the small package was also a note with her name on it. She hesitated only briefly before opening it. Inside was a credit card, platinum no less, with her name on it. The letter was simple; she could only guess that the writing belonged to Max. In neat bold strokes he told her to "Go Wild," and "Pamper yourself". She shook her head and looked at the card. She was torn because she WANTED to go out and pamper herself. She wanted to go wild and get a makeover, a manicure and clothes. On the other hand she didn't know what he wanted out of her. As she was about to pull out her cell phone it started ringing. 'How does he do it?' she
thought to herself before answering.

"Has it arrived?" He asked her. The amusement in his voice was evident.

"Yes, it has but I can't just pick up and leave my job with only 24 hours notice." She sighed deeply, "This is all just too much Max."

"Liz, please indulge me. I don't have anyone else to spend it on. What's the use of having money if you can't share it?" Max desperately wanted to see her again but this time in his own element.

"I know that Max, but I'm a stranger. I don't want you to feel like you have to buy my friendship or me." She stared at the card in her hand and trailed her fingers across the gold letters that spelled her name.

"I don't. I travel a lot. I've already explained to you how lonely I get. I figure I could perhaps pay you this summer to be my traveling companion. By summers end you should have enough money to go to college." He had put a lot of thought into this. "I can honestly say that I will make you earn your money. I'm considerably moody and sometimes even downright bratty." He grinned and cleared this throat. "There will however be dull auctions and banquets that I will have to attend that I would be in need of a beautiful young woman to accompany me."

"I don't know what to say." She was for the first time in her life, speechless.

"Say yes please. I know we barely know one another, hell, you probably think I'm some creepy old man but I really enjoy talking with you." He sounded very saddened by the thought.

"First things first, you are not old and most certainly not creepy." He took a deep breath and chuckled as that left her mouth. "Now, what kind of credit limit are we looking at here?"

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:12 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Chapter 3

Liz had been marveling over her new look for the past hour now. After calling her work and informing them that she wouldn’t be coming back she had gone and gotten her hair trimmed and a make over. She was now on her way uptown to a couple of boutiques, she had absently flipped through a couple of magazines while waiting on her stylist so she had a good idea of what the fashion world considered in this year. She had never really enjoyed shopping but then again she did the majority of her clothes purchasing at various Goodwill stores. This was a completely different story and suddenly she felt like a kid in a candy store with a platinum card.

Several hours later and at least a month’s worth of new outfits and accessories she headed back to her small apartment with her arms full. The taxi driver eyed her suspiciously as she told him her address. Here she was with bags hanging off her arms and asking to be taken to one of the worst neighborhoods in New York. She didn’t care though because she had just had the best day of her life.

After packing her bags and then double checking them she sat on the edge of her small twin bed and picked up the tattered quilt. As much as she hated to admit it she would miss her place. Since she was Fourteen and her Grandma Claudia died she had been on her own. Now she’s got someone to take care of her. A part of her felt as though she was taking advantage of Max’s generosity but another, larger part of her almost didn’t care. What kind of person did that make her?

Without dwelling on that subject she picked up her phone and called Max. “So where will I be meeting you?” She asked the slightly out of breath older man.

“Good hearing your voice too.” He chuckled. “Um, I’ll be waiting for you by the luggage pickup.”

“You’ll be happy to know I put that card of yours to good use today.” She settled back against the wall. “I’m going to clean you out, you realize this, right?”

“Hmm, I don’t know about that. Are you excited?” She could hear music in the background and frowned.

“Yes, terribly, I um, am I interrupting something?” She nibbled on her bottom lip and frowned.

“I was just reading and indulging in a glass of brandy.” He explained. “So I take it you enjoyed yourself today?”

“You bet, I’ve got enough clothes to last me a couple of years provided I don’t gain weight.” She looked at her freshly manicured nails and smiled. “And yes, I bought more than just t-shirts and jeans. I think you’ll like it.”

“It doesn’t matter if I like it or not Liz, what matters is that you’re happy with it.” He glanced out the window and grinned. “I’m hoping that you bought warm clothes because it gets cool at night.”

“Uh huh, I bought several warm outfits and even flannel pajamas!” She giggled happily and sighed. “I still don’t know how I’m ever going to be able to repay you or show you how much this means to me.” She had actually been thinking about that a lot today. What happened if she went to Colorado and he expected certain things from her? Granted, she didn’t think he had that kind of interest in her, but the prospect alone was enough to make her blood pump faster through her veins.

“Don’t worry about it; really, it makes me happy that I can put my money to good use.” He suddenly got quiet and Liz couldn’t help but wonder if he had second thoughts.

“You’re not having second thoughts about me coming out there are you?” She asked him in a tiny voice.

“What?” He sighed and shook his head. “Lord no, I was just thinking how good it will be to see you again. I don’t know what it is about you Liz Parker, but since that moment in the alley I’ve found myself thinking a lot about you. I know I shouldn’t because I’m 12 years your senior but, I can’t help it.” His confession brought a smile to her face.

“That’s good Max Evans, because I’ve been thinking about you a lot as well. I’m glad that I stalked you that night.” He laughed and she could imagine him licking his lips as he did.

“I’m very fortunate indeed.” He paused before continuing. “Happy Birthday by the way. What did you wish for?”

“Well, if I told you it wouldn’t come true now would it?” She loved the playful banter the two of them had created. “But, if you insist, I wished for an extremely handsome older man with dark hair to wisk me away to exotic places.”

Again he chuckled and it warmed her heart. From their one brief encounter he had struck her as a person who was hurt and guarded. “You kill me young lady. It’s getting late and if you plan on getting out of bed in the morning and being at the airport you had better get some rest.”

“I couldn’t sleep if I even tried, I’m too excited.” Her yawn gave her away and she chuckled. “Well, maybe if I tried really hard.”

“Indeed. Goodnight Elizabeth, I’ll see you soon.” His voice was so smooth and deep that it alone could lull her to sleep.

“Goodnight Max.” She said wistfully before ending the call. She snuggled into the covers and closed her eyes, visions of her and Max spending one incredible summer played behind her eyelids.


Liz arrived at the airport in time to check her bags and board her flight. Her stomach was in knots not only because she would be seeing Max soon but because this was her first plane trip. She strapped herself tightly into the seat and laid her head back against the head rest. As the plane started moving she had a white knuckle death grip on the arm rests. By the time they were in the air she had a check on her emotions and was now looking out the window at the view below her. She finally settled back into the seat and closed her eyes. They didn’t reopen until she heard the loud speaker announce that she would be arriving in Eagle County airport in 10 minutes.

She pulled out her small carry on and checked her reflection. Her hair was sticking to her head in places so she ran her fingers through it and applied a small amount of vanilla lip gloss. Her hand stopped in mid air as she suddenly thought about how she would approach him. Should she go running to him and jump into his arms like they were long lost lovers? Shake his hand like they were mere acquaintances? The more she thought about it the more nervous she got. She stayed like that until the plane landed. Resigned to just let him make the first move she unbuckled and got out of her seat and stood in line waiting to depart the plane.


Max had been anxiously waiting for Liz in the baggage claim of the airport for almost 30 minutes. He knew he should feel guilty for the way he was feeling toward her and in a way he did. He just tried to convince himself that he was helping her out because she was a nice kid. A nice kid with a great smile, a warm heart and kissable lips. “Damn” he muttered to himself. Only once in his thirty years on Earth did he ever trust another woman with his heart and to say that she had shattered it would be putting it mildly.

He hadn’t trusted another living soul until he met Liz and that was the most frightening part. Not that he wanted to bed her because truthfully what thirty year old didn’t want to sleep with an Eighteen year old girl, but because he could see himself starting to trust her. Trust was something that he didn’t give anyone, not the various strings of lovers over the past ten years or even the people that he called friends. He couldn’t help himself because all it took was one look into her brown orbs and he was falling.


Liz exited the tarmac and very nervously made her way to the baggage claim. She looked around trying to spot Max. When after the first sweep of the area she didn’t see him she was terrified. What if he forgot about her? “Hello there Miss, expecting someone?” She closed her eyes and smiled happily.

“Max!” She turned around quickly and was greeted by a site that almost took her breath away. He stood before her dressed in a tight ribbed white sweater and faded blue jeans. He looked so masculine it made her legs weak and her head spin.

“You look wonderful Liz.” He grabbed her bag and wrapped one arm around her shoulders. “You have a nice flight?”

Well, that settled her internal debate on how to greet him. “Yes, it was my first time on a plane.” She looked up at him and sighed. Why did he have to look so damned edible?

“I hope I can give you many firsts Liz.” Now, Liz was almost sure that he didn’t mean it the way she was thinking but her face started heating up anyway. “Which ones are your bags?” He glanced down at her and frowned. “Are you alright? You look a little flushed.”

“Wh..oh, I’m fine.” She smiled up at him and pointed toward her luggage. “These are mine.” He grabbed her suitcases and escorted her toward the exit.

“The house isn’t too far from here.” He tossed her bags into the back of his Chevy Trailblazer and then got inside. “So what would you like to do today Ms. Parker?”

“Well, I don’t know really. Probably eat.” She laughed and looked down at her hands. “I was too nervous to eat this morning.”

“Did I forget to mention that I’m an excellent chef as well?” His eyes twinkled mischievously at her as they headed down the road.

“Oh Max, it’s so amazingly beautiful here.” She was watching the scenery through the window in awe.

“I’ve been coming here for the past couple of years. I like my privacy and this place is quiet and serene.” He turned a corner and kept driving letting his eyes drift over to her every so often.

“If you like privacy why did you invite me? Not that I’m complaining I just don’t want to be a bother.” She looked over at him and admired his strong jaw and the few strands of curly hair that clung to his neck.

“Because I like you and decided that I wanted company this trip.” He shrugged and squirmed in his seat. She decided to let him off the hook and the rest of the trip to the house was made in silence.

Chapter 4

“So what do you think of the house?” He asked as he showed her to the guest bedroom. Liz surveyed her surroundings and inhaled deeply.

“I’m sure that I could get used to it.” She eyed the large bed and smiled. No more sleeping curled up in a ball. She rushed around the room looking at everything and Max couldn’t help but be swept up in her enthusiasm. “Oh My God…” She trailed off as she opened the door to the bathroom. Inside was a bathtub that could fit two people. She automatically blushed at the thought and turned to look at him. “Max, this place is just…wow.” She shook her head.

“I’m glad you approve. I’ll leave you to unpack. Meet me downstairs in the kitchen when you’re finished.” He smiled warmly and started toward the door. “Oh, and please just make yourself at home alright?” She nodded and wiped her eyes trying desperately to keep the tears from falling.

After unpacking Liz decided that she needed to freshen up. She changed clothes quickly and brushed her hair so that it hung around her shoulders and framed her face. She looked around the room once more before heading out the door. She passed several rooms on her way downstairs and stopped in front of one. The door was slightly ajar and she could barely make out what looked to be a study. She opened the door and stepped inside.

She walked around the room and looked at the various paintings and sketches. On a shelf behind a leather bound copy of “A Tale of Two Cities” Liz found a picture of Max. With him was a beautiful blonde. They were smiling down at a small bundle that the woman was holding. The baby looked to be at least two months old and was dressed in a blue sailors outfit. Liz frowned in confusion. Did Max have a child? If so why did he never mention him?

“Liz, you almost finished? Lunch is ready!” She slipped the picture back into the corner and turned around quickly and exited the room.

“Yeah, I’m on my way.” She bound down the stairs and followed the aroma into the kitchen. “What are you fixing? It smells wonderful.”

“Well, I didn’t know what you would like so I just stayed simple. It’s chicken teriyaki stir fry.” He turned around and presented her plate. It was covered with snow peas, broccoli, glazed chicken and onions. Liz looked up at him and smiled.

“It looks amazing.” She grabbed the plate and fork and looked around. “Um, I’m not use to the multiple rooms for eating so you’ll have to forgive me.”

“Well, since it’s just us I figure we could just sit over here at the bar and eat.” He motioned to the two bar stools and small table that was in the corner of the room.

The two of them ate in silence all the while Liz was trying to think of a way to bring up his past without letting him know she had been snooping. “So are you like, old money or something?”

He put his fork down and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “I was wondering when you’d ask. I started out a trust fund baby. My Grandfather David Evans had a business partner. The two of them were big thinkers. They played a leading role in computer graphics. More recently Evans and Sutherland have been assisting the military with simulation programs.” He paused and got up. She watched him with interest as he poured two glasses of iced tea. “Do you like lemon in your tea?” She nodded and he added a slice of lemon to the teas. “Well, when Grandfather passed away in ’77 my father took over. By the time I was 10 I had enough money to last me a lifetime. When my parents passed away in 1993 the bulk of the estate went to me. I still hold the majority of stock in E&S but I don’t do any of the day to day decision making.”

Liz had been watching him silently and reached out to place her hand over his. “What happened to your parents?” Her fingers were gently caressing his knuckles and he had to hold back a groan of frustration.

“They were on their way home from a charity event and were hit head on by a drunk driver. My older sister was with them. Her name was Isabel.” He smiled sadly and looked at her. “What happened to your family?” He figured since they were getting all of it out in the open now would be as good a time as any to ask.

“I’m not originally from New York. I was born in Roswell, New Mexico and only moved to New York to live with my Grandma Claudia when I was five. Jeff and Nancy Parker, my parents, owned a restaurant called “The Crashdown Café.” She took a deep breath and removed her hand from his. “I don’t remember them, I used to try and picture them in my head but I never could.” He frowned and searched her face wondering if he had pushed her too far. “There was a break in one night, I’ve never really understood what happened after only that my parents were dead and the police found me the next morning huddled into a locked closet.”

“Oh Liz, I’m so very sorry.” He reached out and wiped a tear from her cheek. “I’m sure that they are very proud of you. You’re an amazing young woman.”

She caught his hand and brought his finger to her lips. “Why do you keep doing that? You always have to put “young” in front of everything when it comes to me. I’m a woman Max why can’t you see me as one?” She kissed his finger tip all the while keeping her eyes locked on his.

He jerked his hand back like he had been burned. “Don’t complicate things anymore than they already are Liz.” He stood up and grabbed his plate then took it to the sink. “There are a lot of nice younger boys around here that could entertain you.”

Her face paled as she watched him. “Is that what you think? I want someone to entertain me?” She marched over to him and stood beside him. “I don’t need any entertainment; I’ve never even had any male entertainment if you must know!” The tears were falling freely from her eyes. “I just thought I would try and comfort you, I don’t know how to act around men. I’m not experienced or worldly like you!”

“Liz…I’m sorry, it’s just been so long since anyone cared.” He wrapped her in a tight hug. “Please don’t cry on my account.” He smoothed her hair and laid his head on top of hers. “I’m just a cranky old man who’s not use to having anyone around.”

“I’m sorry if I was too forward, but I like you Max.” She wiped her eyes and looked up at him. “I just wish you would quit treating me like a child.”

“Don’t you see that it’s easier for me that way?” He sighed and pulled away from her. “If I keep in mind that you’re still a child then I won’t do something that we’ll both regret.” He walked out of the kitchen and Liz heard a door shut somewhere down the hall. She sighed deeply and shook her head before heading to the sink to do the dishes.

After the dishes were washed, dried and put away she decided to explore the house more. It was a large cabin, and so far she had counted three bedrooms and two bathrooms. She hadn’t seen Max since the incident earlier but figured she’d see him when he came to terms with whatever demons he was dealing with. She settled down in the living room and in front of a piano. She hadn’t played since her Grandmother’s death but soon found herself playing Mancini’s Love Story.

“I didn’t know you could play.” Max was standing behind her close enough that they were almost touching. He had listened to her wonder around and then to his surprise the house came alive with music. “You play wonderfully.” He placed a hand on her shoulder while she continued to play.

“My Grandmother taught me. I remember running home from school every day just to sit and listen to her play.” She continued on playing even though tears were threatening to fall. “She used to buy me musicals on tape and I would listen to them for hours.” She seamlessly moved from Love Story to Un Bel Di Vedremo from Madame Butterfly.

“I must pursue her though I damage her wings.” He whispered and sat down next to her on the piano bench. She looked at him amused.

“You know the Opera then?” He nodded and she stopped playing. “About earlier, I’m sorry. I overstepped the invisible boundary that you set.”

He chuckled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “No problem, just don’t make a habit out of it.” He cleared his throat and nodded toward the piano. “You’re the first to play it in ten years.”

“I thought it sounded a little out of tune. I shouldn’t have played, I’m sorry.” She noticed the far away look in his eyes and went to close the keys off.

“No, don’t. It was nice. You know, I can sing a little, but only to Dave Matthews.” He chuckled and went to his stereo. “And I sing only with Dave.” She grinned and watched him flip through his collection; he smiled and then popped in the CD.

A guitar suddenly filled the room with music and Liz grinned and shook her head. This was going to be good.

“Where you are thats where I want to be
And through your eyes are all the things I want to see
In the night you are my dreams
You’re everything to me”

Max sang in tune perfectly with Dave and Liz couldn’t help but be impressed. She tried hard not to imagine him singing the song just for her, but with his amber eyes boring into her as he sang she was finding it difficult to do so.

“You’re the love
Of my life
And the breath
In my prayers
Take my hand
Lead me there
What I need is you here”

He really did have a nice voice and she watched mesmerized as he walked over to her. He stopped right in front of her and held his hand out which she took happily. He held her close and danced all the while continuing to sing in her ear.

“I can’t forget the taste of your mouth
From your lips, the heavens pour out
I can’t forget when we are one
You and I are free”

As they danced Max’s singing was forgotten. They were just two people enjoying music and their closeness. After the song ended Max looked down and her and grinned. “I’m no Dave Matthews but, once, when I was 17 I hired a mariachi band and actually serenaded a girl on her balcony.”

“That’s so romantic.” She whispered and closed her eyes. His lips were mere inches from hers and she was almost certain he could feel her heart racing.

“That’s not what she thought.” He kissed her forehead and released her. “I’m getting hungry again, how about you?”

She tried in vain to hide her disappointment at the kiss and sudden loss of his warmth. “Yeah, um, I’ll cook this time though. We’ll take turns.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. I’m going to go shower and I’ll meet you in the kitchen.” He left her standing there in confusion. She walked over to the stereo and pressed play, letting the song he was just singing repeat itself.

(AN: Song is Love of My Life By The Dave Matthews Band. I give them all the credit!)

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:31 am
by Behr-y Roswellian
Disclaimers and such in the first part. If someone could please, please make me a banner I would appreciate it! Also, if any of you out there in fic land would like to be a beta for me, let me know!

The last part of Ch. 6 might be a little hard for all you Maxaholics, but it will get better and be explained shortly. :D

Chapter 5

In the kitchen Liz was rummaging through the cabinets trying to find vegetables to go with the meal she had planned. Max was upstairs sitting on the edge of his bed holding a picture frame between his knees and staring at it longingly. He traced the features of the person behind the glass and then slipped it under his pillow. He had hoped a shower would clear his head but if anything it made it fuzzier. He thought that after her outburst of being a virgin he wouldn’t want to be with her anymore but it just made him want to be her first. It had to be some alpha male thing that made him want to mark her as his. Rolling his eyes he got up and headed downstairs. Now he was thinking along the lines of a canine.

He leaned against the kitchen doorframe and watched her fuss around. She looked to be grilling steaks and was in the process of mashing potatoes. “May I assist you Ms. Childs?” He asked and smirked as she threw him an irritated glance.

“I’d prefer to be compared to Emeril not that British flake.” She huffed and added more milk to the potatoes before going back to mixing them. “And could you please turn the steaks?”

He nodded and the two of them worked around the kitchen. Max brought out a bottle of wine and then looked at her. “You won’t turn me in for contributing, right?”

She rolled her eyes and dished out the potatoes on his plate. “Do I need to like, bare my breasts to you to make you believe that I’m not a child?” She smirked as his face grew red. “I may not be 21 but do you know of any 18 year olds that haven’t had at least one drink before?”

“Good point.” He was setting the table and poured both of them a glass of the dark red liquid. “And um, baring your breasts well, as tempting as that sounds might not be such a good idea.” She chuckled and brought his plate to the bar.

“You’re just no fun, you know that right?” She slid into her seat and looked at her plate. “It’s nothing gourmet but hey, it’s homemade and you know what they say about homemade food, right?” He shook his head as he cut into the steak. “Every bite is made with love.” He smiled at her and she started eating. “So tell me Max, how is it a guy like you is still single?” She took a sip of her wine and licked her lips. She didn’t notice his face cloud over.

“I was married once.” He said just above a whisper. The blonde in the picture Liz thought to herself. “It was a long time ago and it didn’t work out. I’ve pretty much swore off dating since then.”

“Must have been some divorce.” She murmured and glanced at him. She knew that the subject was dead in the water so she moved on. “I’ve only had one boyfriend and that lasted all of a month.”

“What happened?” He wiped his hands and tried to concentrate on what she was saying but images of the past kept coming back to him.

“Oh, he thought that just because I had my own place he could come over and party with his friends whenever he wanted.” She shrugged. “No big loss right?”

“I suppose.” He agreed all the while pushing the food around on his plate.

“I guess my cooking is no good.” She pointed at his plate and frowned. “I’m really sorry, if you’d like I could fix something else.”

“No, it’s great really.” To prove his point he shoveled a spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth.
“I’m sorry if I upset you. I just don’t know anything about your past and if you’d like to keep it that way just tell me and I won’t ask another question.” She started to reach out to him but stopped.

“It’s not that, I just don’t like talking about my failed marriage.” He got up from the bar and walked back with the bottle of wine and poured himself another glass. “I mean, who wants their mistakes thrown back in their face?”

“You’re right, not another word.” Liz finished in record time and put her plate in the sink. “I’m going to go try out that fabulous bathtub and then go to bed. Thank you for everything Max.” She kissed him on the cheek and left him alone with his thoughts.


She secured the robe around her waist before opening her bedroom door. “Max?” She called downstairs but to her surprise the door to the right of hers opened.

“Yes?” He smiled as she jumped. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”

“S’ok, um, I can’t reach the towels.” She gripped the top of her robe tighter afraid that he might get the wrong idea.

“I’ll just have to fix that problem for you, won’t I?” He walked through her room and into the bathroom; from there he moved all the washcloths and towels from the top shelve to the bottom one. “All better.”

“Thank you, goodnight Max.” She smiled at him and he looked over at the bed and noticed her underwear and pajamas were lying there.

“Um, I forgot to mention but tomorrow night I’ve got a thing to attend. I’d like it if you joined me.” He watched her squirm.

“Yeah, no problem, that’s what I’m here for right?” She nibbled on her bottom lip and shifted her feet.

“Right, yes, alright then, goodnight.” He left her room and shut the door behind him. Liz let out a huge breath that she didn’t even know she had been holding. It was going to be a long summer.

Max grimaced as the first few words from the song he had sung earlier came from Liz’s room. “Forgive her Dave, for she knows not.” He whispered and shook his head. He was about to turn in himself when his phone rang. “Evans.” He answered stiffly.

“Guerin here.” Michael chuckled into the phone. “Need to work on your phone answering skills Maxwell.”

“Bite me Michael. What do you want?” Max smiled and yawned.

“Maria wanted me to call and make sure you were going to be at that pediatric AIDS charity event tomorrow night.” Michael put his hand over the receiver and said something to the other person in the room. “Oh, and she wants to know if you’re going to bring a date because she’s got someone that she’d like you to meet.”

“Oh no, we tried that once before remember?” Max shuddered at the thought of the blind date Maria had set him up on. “I’ll be there and I’ve already got a date.”

“Whoa, with who?” Michael tried to hide his shock and failed miserably.

“Someone I met while in New York. She’s staying with me actually.” Max knew that Michael would tell Maria and therefore he would be off her radar for the rest of the summer.

“Well, go Maxwell, I didn’t think you had it in you anymore.” Michael sounded pleased so Max didn’t correct him.

“Yeah, well, I’m really tired so I’m going to hang up now, tell Maria I said I’ll see her tomorrow night.”

“Will do.” Michael hung up the phone and Max shook his head. Who need to work on their phone skills now?

After her bath Liz lay in bed thinking. Max had been married, more than likely to the blonde in the picture. But what about the baby; where did he fit in? She tossed and turned for awhile and wasn’t able to get comfortable which was laughable because this was probably the most comfortable bed she had ever slept in. Finally giving up she got up and decided to watch some television downstairs. She remembered seeing a satellite dish outside so there had to be something on, right?

She crept down the stairs and into the sitting room where the television was. She turned it on and turned the volume down low. She must have flipped through a hundred channels before she came to a Vincent Price classic, “The House on Haunted Hill.” She had been watching for almost twenty minutes when Max appeared.

“You do know it’s a carnal sin in this house to watch a Vincent Price movie and not invite me, right?” He sat down next to her and started watching the movie.

“I do now.” She grinned and scooted over. “I didn’t know you liked Vincent Price movies.”

“Are you kidding me? House of Wax is my favorite.” The two of them sat like that until commercial break. “Couldn’t sleep huh?”

“No, I guess I’m still in shock, or maybe I’m not used to sleeping in a big bed. I’ll adjust.” She looked down at her bare feet and wiggled her toes.

“Liz, if you start feeling uncomfortable or get homesick, whatever, just let me know and you’ll be on the next plane back to New York.” Max squeezed her shoulder gently.

“Trying to get rid of me already?” She looked up with a sad smile. “I don’t know why but sometimes even in a room full of people I feel all alone. Do you ever feel like that?”

He nodded. “All the time, I think that’s what happens when you’re orphaned at a young age.”

“I agree, but I don’t feel that way when you’re around.” She inched closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. “I know, I’m too young or you’re too old but to me it doesn’t matter. All I know is that I feel safe with you, and that’s a feeling I haven’t felt in four years.”

“Liz, you’re innocent and pure. I’m not. I don’t deserve anything you have to offer. No matter how badly I might want it.” She laced her fingers into his and let them rest on his thigh.

“I know, but I have all summer to convince you, don’t I?” She looked up at him and winked before going back to the movie.

Sometime later Max was assured she was asleep. Her breathing had long since evened out and she was relaxed completely with her head resting comfortably on his shoulder. He didn’t want to move but it was really late and he longed for his bed. Not wanting to wake her he scooped her up in his arms and started up the stairs.

“What are you doing?” She asked sleepily as he opened her door.

“Nothing, just go back to sleep.” He laid her on the bed and pulled the covers over her. “Goodnight Liz.” He whispered and walked out of the room. She sighed happily and snuggled into the warm blankets.

Once back in his own room Max stripped of his clothes and put on a pair of sweatpants. He grabbed the picture from under the pillow and kissed the glass gently. “Goodnight baby.” He whispered and placed it on the desk next to his bed. For the first time in a while he slept peacefully, the horrors of his life didn’t haunt him.

Chapter 6

Groaning Max rolled over and looked at the alarm clock beside his bed. He blinked trying to get his eyes to focus. It was still early, a little after 9 o’clock. He threw the covers back and stretched-that’s when the smell of bacon greeted him. His stomach rumbled and he grabbed the picture frame from his desk, kissed it good morning and the put it under his pillow.

Liz had been up almost an hour and was busy cooking breakfast. She had heard somewhere that it was the most important meal of the day. She grinned as she heard Max stumbling down the stairs. “Good Morning!” She smiled brightly at the disheveled man in front of her. She kept the smile plastered to her face as she looked him over.

Did he do this purposely she wondered? He stood there in a pair of gray sweatpants. She was entranced by the sight of his toned bronze body. “Good Morning, now I could get use to this.” He murmured as he walked by her to grab a cup of coffee. “Here’s the deal, you cook breakfast and I’ll handle dinner?”

“Yeah, alright.” She nodded all the while wondering what it would be like to run her fingers through the fine dark hair that trailed into his pants. “So what’s on the agenda for today? I know we have that thing tonight.”

He sat down at the bar and sipped the steaming brew. “I don’t care, I’d got to make a few calls and after that we could do whatever.”

“Ok.” She put the scrambled eggs, bacon and biscuits with sausage gravy on the table. “I love breakfast food, it’s my weakness.” She admitted as she dished the food out.

“It certainly looks good.” He smiled. “I don’t think I’ve had biscuits and gravy since my parents passed on.”

“Well, I hope you enjoy.” She grabbed her glass of Orange Juice and drank from it quickly. The whole time she was eating she would sneak glances at his bare chest. “So, what kind of dress should I wear to this thing tonight?”

“Oh, it’s a Pediatric AIDS charity event. So an evening gown should work.” He commented while cutting his biscuits. “You know, I’m going to be fat by summers end if this is what breakfast is going to be.”

“Max, you don’t have an ounce of fat on you. In fact I’d say you worked out a lot.” She looked him over more openly this time. “Maybe you could take me to the gym sometime?”

“Maybe, I have a better idea though. Would you like to go hiking today? We could pack a picnic lunch and just walk around in the woods for awhile.”

Her face lit up and she smiled. “That’s sounds great!”

“Alright then, you head on upstairs and get ready and I’ll start on the lunch.” She darted from the room and he shook his head in amusement. Liz was like a breath of fresh air around here. He’d never met anyone like her and doubted he would again.


“Ok, I’m officially out of shape.” She complained as she plopped down on a rock. Max looked back at her and sighed.

“Liz, come on, it’s just a little further I want to show you something. Then we can sit down and eat.” He walked back to her and stood there with his hands on his hips. “Don’t make me throw you over my shoulder and carry you.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” She challenged as she met his eyes. The amber pools glowed with mischief.

“Oh yeah?” In the blink of an eye she was hoisted over his shoulder and being carried. “Think again Ms. Parker. You’re a featherweight.”

“Max Evans put me down this instant!” She pounded lightly on his back before noticing the way his butt moved beneath the denim of his jeans. “So um, how often do you work out?” Max laughed and sat her down.

“I work out whenever I get a chance. Now come on, it’s only a little more.” He coaxed her into walking again.

“You said that 15 minutes ago, and then 15 minutes before that. I’m starting to wonder if we’re lost and you just don’t want to admit…” She trailed off as they came into a clearing.

“You were saying?” He asked as he spread the blanket out for them to sit on.

“Wow, Max, this is beautiful.” She stared in awe at the waterfall a few hundred feet away. “I wish it wasn’t so cold, I’d go play in it.” She frowned as she plopped down on the blanket.

“Well it’s very cold so no funny business. I don’t want you getting hypothermia.” He pulled her plate from the basket and handed it to her. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, what is it you want to do when you get out of college.” He had almost said grow up, but figured why spoil the afternoon.

“Until I met you college was just a dream so I hadn’t really thought about it.” She smiled and grabbed a strawberry from her plate. She bit into it slowly and closed her eyes savoring the sticky sweetness. Max watched in morbid fascination as she chewed slowly and when her lips parted and her pink tongue darted out to lick the juices from her lips he almost lost it.

“Could you try to not look so sensuous doing that?” Her eyes flew open and met his hungry gaze. She blushed and sat her plate aside.

“Max…” She got on her knees and crawled over to him, moving the various items of food out of her way as she did. The internal battle he was waging against himself was now a full blown war. He sprung up quickly to his knees and captured her arms. He pushed and a second later she was flat on her back and he was looming over, holding her wrists above her head.

“Max, you’re going to bruise me!” She cried out suddenly struggling to get free.

He straddled her hips and let his eyes wonder over her body lingering on curves and outlines hidden by the bulky sweater. It had ridden up during their struggle and was exposing the creamy skin of her stomach. He used one hand to slide across her stomach and inch upward.

“I wanted you last night,” he said harshly. He continued to feel her skin and she gasped when his fingers trailed over her taunt bra encased nipple. “And if you hadn’t been a virgin, I’d have taken you. Truthfully though, any woman would have done, you’re just a body to me so if you’ve been trying to plan your future with me, forget it.”

Her heart jumped and she watched his eyes cloud over. Was he able to see through her that easily? She had been thinking today about what it would be like to wake up and make breakfast for him every morning and fall asleep watching movies with him.

“I’m not planning anything, you invited me here.” Her dark eyes pleaded with his and he tightened his grip on her wrists.

“Let’s make sure of that shall we?” She opened her mouth to question him but he was quicker and before she was able to make any kind of protest his mouth covered hers. His tongue worked inside her mouth and his teeth were surely bruising her lips. “This is how it would be if I took you to bed, hard and rough and purely for my own pleasure.” She whimpered and fought against him but he was just too strong. His hand was still on her breast this time though he pinched her nipple painfully and ground his body into hers. She could feel him through his jeans and it frightened her, but it also awoke something deep inside her and soon she was kissing him back.

Max couldn’t think, he could only feel and what he felt was something so powerful and frightening that it caused him to stop. He felt moisture on his face and was surprised to find that she had been crying. He pulled away and let go of her wrists then swallowing hard he looked down at her. The utter look of confusion and terror on her face broke his heart. “Liz…” he whispered and backed away quickly. “Oh God, Liz, I’m so sorry.”

He paced around mentally beating himself up. “I don’t know what came over me Liz, I didn’t mean to hurt you or scare you.” He finally stopped long enough to look at her. She was sitting up now her lips were still swollen and red. He glanced at her wrists and winced, they looked raw.

“I think we should get back to the house.” She whispered and started gathering the food up. Max took a couple of steps toward her and she backed away quickly.

“I’m not going to hurt you again. I just wanted to check your wrists.” She looked up at him and held her arms out. He took them gently and checked her wrists. They were red and slightly swollen. “Can you please forgive me, I don’t know what happened one minute you were sitting there and you looked so innocent and the next…” He actually knew what happened, Tess happened. She made sure that he would never be able to love another woman.

“I’m not her.” Liz whispered and pulled her arms back to her sides. She lifted her chin and gazed at him. “Whatever it was she did, I won’t do.” She grabbed her bag and put it on her back and walked off in the direction they came. Max gathered the rest of their things and started off toward her. He stayed several steps behind her debating on what would happen when they got back. Would she pack up and leave?

Liz kicked her shoes off as she entered the door to the house and silently went upstairs Max heard her bedroom door shut and plopped down on the couch holding his head between his knees. A few minutes later he heard her coming back down the stairs and he looked up, ready to take her to the airport but she just stood there in front of him. “Do you have an ice pack?” She rubbed her wrists absently and he nodded.

She followed him into the kitchen and watched as he prepared her an ice pack. “I know you’re not ready to tell me yet but I’d like to know what happened out there. I’m going to go lay down for awhile, wake me a couple of hours before that event tonight so I can get ready.” And like that she left him, completely speechless and wondering what he had done to ever deserve to have someone like her in his life.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:24 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Thanks for all the feedback! It's helped me so much. This part is a little short, but it gives insight to what happened to Max. I'll try and post at least once a day, don't know how well that will go though with work and the baby.

Disclaimers and such in the first chapter. **Italics indicate the past.

Chapter 7

Max put the paper he had been reading away and looked at the clock. He had been sitting there for hours reliving that terrible night, the night that his life had changed forever.

“Max! Max wake up!” Tess’ voice woke him from his deep slumber. She looked panicked and grief stricken.

“What’s the matter?” He sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Jesus Tess, its Three O’clock…”

“Max, Zan’s gone!” Those three words caused him to bolt out of bed and run to the baby’s room. The crib that his son had been laying in only hours earlier was now empty, where his son was lay there was a note. “No, don’t touch anything, I’m calling the police.” She informed him and pulled him away from the crib. How did this happen? His 2 month old son had been taken from him in the middle of the night.

“Tess, what happened?” He grabbed her shoulders and stared into her eyes.

“My breasts started leaking because Zan missed his normal feeding time, he didn’t call out Max so I went to check on him…” She started crying and all he could do was hold her.

“We’ll get him back.” Max whispered into her hair as she pulled away and called 911.

The first day he and Tess had received a phone call demanding 4 million dollars for the return of their son. They agreed with the caller and a drop off was set up. The ransom was paid the next day against police wishes but Zan was still no where to be found. The couple had clung to some hope that they would hear from the kidnappers again but no phone call ever came.

Max wiped his eyes and took a deep shuddering breath. He could still remember the day that the police arrived with the news.

“Mr. Evans, I’m sorry to inform you but we’ve found your son.” Max’s world crashed around him. He had demanded to see him. Tess had wanted to stay as far away from it all as possible. Max remembered walking into that cold sterile room and gazing at his son. It looked like he was sleeping.

“What happened to him?” Max asked the Coroner who stood on the other side of the table.

“He was smothered.” The doctor went on to explain that it looked as if someone had held a pillow over his face and choked the life out of his son. Max kept his eyes on the little boy who in only two months time had come to mean everything to him. He reached out with a shaky hand and traced his finger along the baby’s cheek. He would never forget the feeling of Zan’s skin, so cold and hard.

The police had done everything that they could but no leads were found and soon the case grew cold. Tess had withdrawn from him completely and he couldn’t understand why. He needed her now more than ever.

It would take two months before the truth came to the surface. The police had finally gotten a solid lead and it led them straight to Kevin Hughes. Kevin had been a High School friend of Max’s and a member of his fraternity. That was when all their dirty secrets were revealed.

“Tess, what are you doing in here in the dark?” Max walked into the bedroom and gasped at the site before him. His wife sat in the chair holding a gun.

“This is my entire fault.” She whispered as she sat in the dark room. The silver from the gun reflected in the moonlight.

“What do you mean it’s your fault?” Max walked over to her carefully.

“I never loved you Max! Kevin and I have been seeing each other since before the baby was born. When we found out I was pregnant we decided to use it to our advantage. Zan wasn’t suppose to die, we just wanted the ransom money and then we would be off to Mexico. You could have kept the kid.” Tess cocked the gun and brought it against her head. “But now that’s all fucked up because Kevin’s stupid ass got caught and I’m not going to jail Max.”

Max couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had been set up by the woman he loved and a friend. “What happened to Zan Tess? Kevin get a little carried away and decide to just take care of a loose end?” Max’s voice came out hateful as he advanced on her. His body moved out of sheer hatred.

“Stay away from me Max or I’ll kill you too!” She held the gun out and pointed it at him. “I didn’t want anything to happen to the baby. I didn’t love him, I know I should have but I just couldn’t do it. I wanted you to be able to keep him though.”

“All this time Tess, you could have divorced me, you would have gotten something out of it and you and Kevin could have been happy…but no!” He was screaming now and tears fell freely from his cheeks. “You had to take away the only family I had. You took away an innocent life Tess. Life matters Tess, my life, your life, his life!” He was only inches away from her now and reached out for the gun.

“Screw you Maxwell, I just want you to know that you played some part in this. If you would have actually seen how unhappy I’ve been maybe this would have worked out differently. You always come first, always about you and how you lost your family.” She laughed cruelly. “Well big deal, you’re a multi millionaire and you’re only 20!”

“Go ahead Tess, kill yourself, I want to watch you do it. Because I swear to God and everything Holy that if you don’t do it, I’ll kill you myself. I’ll hold you down and smother you just like Kevin did Zan.” That’s when she snapped. She pulled the trigger and Max was blinded by the explosion the bullet made as it exited the gun.

Tess didn’t die though, she was in a rehabilitation facility in upstate New York. When she fired the gun her hand tilted up and instead of going through her brain like she had planned it just lodged in there. She’d been in a coma for the first year and a judge had to sign off on the divorce. When she awoke she didn’t remember anything. She couldn’t even feed herself. As hard as he tried Max could feel no sympathy for her, after all, she was still alive and their son was still dead. At Kevin’s execution Max got a little feeling of justice but nothing could ever bring back his son.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:11 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Disclaimers in the first part! Enjoy, I'm off to bed now!

Chapter 8

Liz rolled over and jumped. Max was standing in the doorway watching her. “Max, is it time for me to start getting ready?” He nodded and left. She sighed and took a deep breath before getting up. It seemed that the closer she got to him the harder he pushed her away.

She showered and fixed her hair. She decided on an elegant twist and piled her hair high. Satisfied with her appearance thus far she went to the closet and pulled out the red silk dress. It clung to her body plus, she noted looking down at her wrists that were still red and angry looking, it had matching gloves. She slipped it over her head and then smiled as she turned around to get a better look in the mirror. The back was open and scooped low. She smoothed the material down her stomach and sighed. Max had been hurt by a woman, his wife she assumed and that’s why he acted out like he did today. She pulled the black stockings up her legs and then slipped on the heels that matched her dress. As she was putting on her gloves Max knocked on her door.

“Liz, is it alright if I come in?” He fidgeted nervously outside the door.

She sat down on the bed and started pulling on her other glove. “Yeah, it’s open.” She looked up and watched his reaction.

Max’s breath hitched in his throat and he had to clear it in order to speak. “You look really nice…I um, here, these are for you.” He held out a black box and waited for her to take it. “Are you wearing the gloves because…” He trailed off as she took the box from him.

“They also go with the outfit.” She said quietly and opened the box. Inside was a gold chain with what looked to be a two carat diamond hanging off of it. Above the necklace were matching earrings. “Max?” She looked up at him and frowned. “I can’t wear something like this, I’ll break it.”

“Please Liz, I bought them for you when you agreed to come.” His eyes were softer than they were earlier and she felt herself melting. “Let me help you with the necklace.” He grabbed it out of the box and walked behind her. “Dear Lord Liz, half of your dress is missing.”

She laughed and shook her head. “That’s the way it’s made Goofy.” She could feel his breath on her neck and she cringed.

“I really messed up bad didn’t I?” He whispered as he closed the clasp on the necklace. He turned her around to face him and frowned as he saw her complexion turn white. “You’ve seen me at my worst and what I did is something I can’t ever take back.” He grasped her face gently and using his thumb he traced her cheek. “I’m not a monster, I’ve got demons though. One day I hope to be able to explain everything to you.” He dropped his hands and Liz licked her lips.

“Tell me one thing; did you do it as punishment to me, or to yourself?” He looked away and closed his eyes.

“Both, I wanted you too much and I know I can’t have you. You have your whole life ahead of you Elizabeth; you don’t need someone who carries around as much baggage as me.” He shrugged miserably and looked up at her. “It’s no excuse but I hope you can forgive me.”

She suddenly smiled brightly and it threw him off guard. “Of course I forgive you, now, come on, I want to show off my dress.” She grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the room.

“You might want to show it off, but I don’t want to have to fight the men off with a stick.” He sighed and let himself be pulled down the stairs. “Have I mentioned that I really hate these things?” He helped her slip into her coat and the put his own jacket on.

“Suck it up Evans, I’m excited. Me; Liz Parker is going to be among the beautiful people tonight!” She clapped her hands happily and waited for him to adjust his bow tie.

“When are you going to realize you are one of the beautiful people?” He asked as he took her arm and escorted her out of the house.


“Holy crap look what the cat drug in.” Maria whispered to Michael as she spotted Max. Michael saw where she was looking and whistled.

“That’s no cat honey, that’s a very attractive brunette.” That remark earned him an elbow to the ribs and he frowned. “Hey, just stating the truth.”

“Yeah well, don’t forget I’m your wife and it’s me you’ve got to go home with.” She smiled smugly up at him.

“I don’t HAVE to.” He muttered and she glared at him.

“I heard that Michael.” Maria pulled him toward Max and his date. This was the first time she had ever seen him attend one of these functions with someone she hadn’t set him up with.

“Hey Maxwell, nice of you to grace us with your presence tonight.” Michael clasped his friends shoulder and squeezed it affectionately. “And who might this lovely woman be?”

“Michael, Maria, allow me to introduce Ms. Elizabeth Parker.” Liz smiled at them and extended her hand.

“Please call me Liz.” She said as she shook both of their hands. Maria eyed her up and down before smiling back at her.

“Liz, welcome, how did you ever manage to get Max to come?” Maria asked and Michael rolled his eyes.

“He invited me.” Liz said and looked back at Max who was frowning.

“Save the interrogation for later Maria.” Michael grabbed Liz’s hand and smiled at his wife. “I’ve got dibs on the first dance.” Before Liz knew what was happening she was being pulled to the dance floor.

“So Michael, how long have you known Max?” Liz asked as they started dancing. Max and Maria followed them to the floor and started dancing themselves.

“Since we were six.” Liz looked up surprised.

“Oh.” Was all she said. She glanced over Michael’s shoulder and spotted Max grimacing at something Maria was saying. “Um, so how long have you and Maria been married?”

He chuckled and spun her around. “Feels like since we were six.” He dipped her and then grinned mischievously. “Alright, I think I’ve pissed off both Max and Maria enough.” He held her elbow and walked over to where Max and Maria were arguing. The duo stopped as soon as Michael cleared his throat. “Honey, may I have this dance?” He held his hand out to Maria who blushed and took it happily.

Max shook his head and watched the two of them. “Don’t worry, they always act like that.” He told her and then motioned toward a table. “Do you want to have a seat?”

“Are you kidding? I want you to dance with me.” She stepped up to him and placed her hand in his. Max looked uncomfortable and Liz frowned. “Is something wrong?”

“No, it’s just, people are staring at you.” He wrapped one arm around her waist and held her against him as they started moving to the music.

“Staring like, gawking or staring like envious?” She asked nervously. She tried to catch anyone looking at them but she and Max were spinning around too fast.

“Well, the men are gawking and some of the women look envious.” He smiled at her blushing cheeks and she rested her head against his chest.

Chapter 9

“Michael, look at that!” Maria exclaimed in a harsh whisper. Michael looked to where Max and Liz were dancing and smiled. “Did you know that she’s barely 18?”

“No kidding?” Michael silently congratulated Max. “Max looks happy Maria.” He sighed and looked down at his wife.

“Yeah, but she’s 18 Michael, I mean, what if she’s just after him for his money?” Maria pondered and chewed at her lip. “Just after everything that’s happened…” She trailed off and sighed.

“Max is a big boy Maria, he can take care of himself. I for one think that Liz may be good for him.” Michael scolded her gently. He couldn’t get mad at her for looking out for Max’s well being.

The music ended and the band took a break. Max and Liz found an empty table and sat down. “What were you and Maria arguing about?” Liz asked after catching her breath.

“She’s just worried that you’re after my money.” Max grinned and watched as Liz’s eyes flashed with anger. “Don’t pay her any attention; she’s always looking out for me.”

“You don’t think that do you? That I’m just after your money?” Liz asked him trying to hide the hurt in her voice.

“Of course not.” He smiled and she sat back relieved. Michael and Maria sat down across from them. “If you’ll all excuse me, I’ve got to go write out a check so I can leave.” Max stood up and walked over to another man. Liz turned her attention back to Maria.

“I don’t want you to get the wrong impression of me. I’m not going to hurt him.” Maria’s eyes opened in shock and then looked over to Michael.

“What do you know about Max anyway?” Maria asked, intrigued and up for a challenge. Liz looked her in the eye and smiled.

“Not as much as you if thats what you’re getting at. I know that he was married and that she hurt him. What I don’t know is how. Maybe one of you can enlighten me.” Maria shook her head and Michael shook his head.

“It’s not our place to tell you. When he’s ready he’ll let you know.” Michael said quietly. Liz looked around the room and suddenly she needed to get away. She didn’t belong here with these people.

“I’ve got to find Max.” She got up and left the couple staring after her shaking their heads. She saw him talking to an older lady and who she assumed was her husband. She came up to them and smiled. “Excuse me.” She pulled him over to a corner.

“Thank you so much, I was nearly bored to tears.” He joked then frowned at her. “What’s wrong? Did Michael or Maria say something?”

“No, I just wanted to tell you that I’m going to call a cab and go back to the house.” She bit her bottom lip. “I don’t belong here Max.”

“Well, let’s just sneak out the back shall we?” He grinned and grabbed her elbow as they made their way through the various people that were standing huddled around. “From now on I promise that we’ll only attend the really important ones.”

“Thanks.” She smiled gratefully at him as they jumped into his SUV. They set in silence for a while before she blurted out. “What you said earlier in the woods… about how it would be if you took me is it like that all the time?”

He gripped the steering wheel tighter and shook his head. “No.” He sighed and glanced over at her. “And I didn’t confuse you with my ex-wife.” She pursed her lips together and nodded.

“I didn’t think you did, what I was trying to say is that I won’t hurt you Max. I can’t hurt you if you don’t let me in right?”

They pulled into the drive and she started to get out but the hand on her arm stopped her. “That’s where you’re wrong, you are in and I can’t get you out.” He let go of her and she hopped out of the vehicle.

Upon entering the house Max wandered into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of wine. “I think we could use a drink. Liz, did you bring a swim suit by any chance?”

“As a matter of fact I did, why?” She was taking off her coat and hanging it in the closet.

“Put it on and meet me on the back deck when you’re done.” He took the bottle and two wine glasses and headed out to the deck.

The night was chilly but the deck was enclosed and had a large hot tub. He figured if he got drunk enough he might actually be able to tell her what happened.

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:12 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Disclaimers and such in the first chapters. This part is a little short, but I had to get it out. I'm working on the next part as we speak and it might take me a little longer to get it the way I want it. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

Chapter 10

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” Liz said as she walked into the kitchen and nodded at the bottle of wine in his hand. He sighed and sat the bottle down.

“Remember last night when you said that you felt safe with me? I ruined that today, didn’t I?” He slipped his dress jacket off and threw it over his shoulder. “You have to believe me when I say that I never meant to hurt you.”

“Well, you did Max; you scared the hell out of me.” She frowned and shook her head. “No, you didn’t scare me as much as you disappointed me.”

He looked away, unable to meet her heated gaze. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me but know this, for the first time in ten years I felt something while sitting across from you in that diner, and no, before you say even think it, it wasn’t pity or sympathy, I felt happiness.” He raised his eyes to hers. “Just sitting in that diner talking to you made me happy. I was happy because I didn’t have you sitting there thinking about what happened to me in the past. You were interested in me, not what happened 10 years ago.”

“I still am interested in you, but whatever it was that happened is a part of who you are. A part of who you’ve become.” Liz walked over to him. “I’m not going to force you to tell me, but if you expect me to understand you I need to know.”

“Liz,” he sighed and smiled at her gently. “I don’t want you to look at me differently. You of all people should know how it is when someone looks at you with pity in their eyes. I can’t stand that, and I couldn’t stand it if you looked at me like that.”

“I wouldn’t Max, and I guess we’re at a standoff. If you really knew me you would know that I wouldn’t look at you differently. I wouldn’t feel any different about you.” She shook her head and bit her bottom lip. “Max, I want you to come to me when you’re ready, I want to hear about the blonde in the picture and the little boy she’s holding.”

Max’s head snapped up at her remark and he clenched his fists. “Have you been going through my things?”

“What?” She asked and took a step back. “I went into the study to find something to read, I saw a picture wedged behind a book.” She licked her lips nervously and watched as he shook his head in defeat.

“I don’t want to talk about it right now, it’s late and I’m tired Liz.” He grabbed the bottle of wine and headed upstairs.

Kicking herself mentally Liz followed behind him slowly. She winced as he slammed the door to his study closed. “Good going Parker.” She muttered as she closed the door to her room and undressed. Liz put on her pajamas and headed downstairs, she couldn't sleep. Not only because of what happened with Max, but because she'd slept too much earlier today. Only one thing could make her feel better, ice cream. She made a beeline for the freezer and peered inside skeptically. There, in what seemed to be hiding was a pint of Cherry Cordial. She grabbed the container and then a spoon from the dish rack then sat down at the bar. She didn't hear Max enter because she was too busy enjoying her ice cream. "I'm sorry about earlier." The voice was so soft that Liz almost didn't hear him.

"I had no business asking." She said just as quietly. Max was standing behind her and running his hand down her hair.

"Anyone ever tell you what beautiful hair you have?" She shook her head and put the spoon down. The warmth that had settled in the pit of her stomach was now spreading like wildfire through her. "Has anyone ever told you that you've got incredible eyes?" He tilted her face to the side as he stepped into her line of view. He touched her wrists gently and then brought them to his lips. Liz's pulse pounded in her ears and she could do nothing but watch helplessly as her body turned to goo at the slightest of Max's touches. "I've hurt you,
marred you, you should run from me Liz, run fast and far."

She bit her lip and shook her head. "I couldn't move even if I wanted to." She caressed the side of his face and then ran her fingers through his dark locks. "This is where I want to be Max.

"I'm not good at opening up to people, I don't trust easily." He ran his fingers down her arm and Liz couldn't help but lick her lips. "Do you even know what you do to me?" He groaned and closed his eyes. "I shouldn't do this and I know that I'll regret it but I can't stop myself." He bent down and placed his hands on either side of her face. Liz felt the first brush of his lips connect with her forehead, from there he moved to her cheek and finally when she didn't think she could take anymore of his teasing he tasted her lips. This was
nothing like the previous kiss they shared. His tongue gently made its way into her mouth and he moaned in satisfaction.

The kiss was all too brief for Liz and frowned as Max pulled away. "Why did you stop?" She looked up at him, her eyes almost dark with lust and longing. He traced her cheek with his fingertip.

"I just wanted to show you how it can be, how it's supposed to be." He whispered and smiled sadly. "I didn't want to scare you off of men completely."

"Max, I'm falling in love with you." Liz blurted out and shook her head. "I'm sorry to just come out and say it like that, but it's the truth." She looked up to gauge his reaction and almost started crying. His face showed both fear but his eyes, they were burning
bright with what she could only wish was hope.

"I'm flattered Liz, really I am, but you don't mean it. You're so young and have got so much to look forward too in life. Enjoy it and embrace it." He sighed and sat down next to her on the stool.

"That has nothing to do with this. I feel something for you Max and if you can sit there and look me in the eyes and honestly tell me that you don't feel a thing for me then I'll drop it." She challenged.

"Liz, I do feel something for you, but it's not what you want me to feel." His voice was so soft and yet it torn her heart to shreds with it's meaning.

"Oh..., oh my, I'm sorry. I've made a complete fool of myself." She got up quickly. "I'm going to go to bed now, goodnight." She muttered this last part quietly as she ascended the stairs. Max watched her leave with sad eyes.

Several hours later Max lay awake in his bed thinking about his life. He cared for Liz a great deal but love? He just always assumed that his heart would never be able to love again. Sure she made him happy, he thought about her a lot, but was that love? From down the hall he heard a door slam and he jumped up and swung open the door only to come face to face with Liz. "Alright, I've thought about what you said, and now I want you to do something for me."

He arched his eyebrow and tried hard not to smile. Here she stood her hands on her hips and her eyes blazing. "Yes?" He asked casually.

"Kiss me." Those two words would have knocked him down if he hadn't been holding onto the doorframe. "Max, kiss me and after that tell me that you don't feel just a little of what I feel."

"Liz..." He trailed off and sighed, “Please, you’re making this harder than it has to be.”

“Do it Max, because if you don’t kiss me, then I’m going to kiss you.” She stood her ground and Max could tell she was angry. “You’re constantly blowing hot and then cold, what am I supposed to think?”

“Fine, I’ll kiss you.” He pulled her body flush with his and pressed his lips to hers. Her hands wrapped around his neck. The kiss started out very innocent, their lips barely open but soon mouths opened and tongues were coaxed out. A small moan escaped her lips and that was almost his undoing. He gripped her lips and held her against him; she could feel him growing against her stomach and she pressed even closer.

Max pulled away and licked his lips. “There, is that what you wanted?” He asked her as she stood there out of breath and wanting.

“As a matter of fact it is. I think I’ve proved my point.” She smiled smugly.

“It would take a blind man not to see that you’re beautiful, and only a crazy person wouldn’t want you Liz. I can’t give you want you want.” He replied and was surprised when she took the news in stride.

“And how the hell do you know what I want?” She walked by him and sat down on his bed. “I don’t want to be a virgin anymore, and I want you to remedy that.”

Max stared at her dumbfounded. What kind of response could he give to that?

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 8:50 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
This is for all of you just DYING to know what happens next. Hopefully I'll have a new part within the next two days. Enjoy!!

Chapter 11

“Excuse me?” He stammered still in shock. He watched her sitting there smiling brightly at him. One would think that red flannel pajamas wouldn’t be a turn on but to Max, nothing could be more sexier at the moment.

“You heard me, I want you to make love to me.” She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him. “I want my first time to be with someone that I love.”

“Oh Liz, don’t say that…” He wiped his hands over his face trying to block out the images of the two of them-skin against skin, tangled in limbs. “You deserve to have the person love you back.”

“I know what I want Max, and I want you.” To emphasize her point she started unbuttoning her shirt. By the third button Max’s mind was made up.

“Think long and hard about this Liz because once we start, I don’t know if I can stop.” He licked his lips as the valley between her breasts was exposed.

“I’ve been thinking about it since the first night I saw you. I’ve fantasized about this.” She popped the last button off and tossed her shirt across the room. There she sat with her white demi bra and pajama bottoms.

That was all he needed to hear and he was across the room to her in the blink of an eye. His lips were on hers and he had to suppress a growl of hunger. She arched her back and exposed her neck to him as his hands traveled over her shoulders sliding her bra straps off in the process.

He broke away and looked into her eyes as he trailed a finger along the lace cup of her bra. “I’m not superhuman Liz, “he said softly. “There will come a moment where I’ll lose absolute control. Hopefully, I can bring you to that point before I reach it. If not then I’ll make it up to you afterward.” With that said he unhooked her bra and stepped back to take in the view. “My God, you’re beautiful.” He whispered and she blushed.

“Max, don’t stare at me like that.” She crossed her arms over her chest and bit her lip.

“No, please don’t.” He gently removed her arms and then cupped her round, pert breasts. Her nipples hardened with desire and Max admired their deep chocolate color. Liz’s breath was uneven and her knees felt weak. She lay her head against his chest for support and let her fingers slip under his shirt.

He grabbed her hand and pressed it against the bulging material. “Oh…” Liz mused and looked up at him. “Do I do this to you?”

“You little vixen, you know you do.” He rubbed her nipples in slow tantalizing circles with his palm. “Touch me.” His voice was pleading with her and she could only oblige. He sucked in a deep breath when she slipped inside his pants and her tiny hand encased his engorged member. His hands wondered from her breasts down her stomach and around to her ass.

He was drowning her in sensation and she loved him so much it was torture. It was going to be harder to leave him at the summer’s end but how could she fight this? She was overwhelmed by his strength and size but she could remember when he had been so tender and careful not to hurt her.

“Come,” He pulled her hand out and led her to the bed. He skimmed his hands down her shoulders and arms before looking up at her with a smile. “I’ve never had a virgin before, so I’m probably just as nervous as you.”

“I don’t know about that.” She blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She saw the uncertainty in his eyes and hurried out. “This won’t change anything Max, we could be summer lovers.”

“Right.” He got down on his knees and tugged at the waistband of her pants. They slid down her legs easily to reveal simple white panties. Max’s mouth watered at the sight of her toned and shapely thighs. He hardened even more when he saw that she was already wet for him. The crotch of her panties clung to her and outlined her lips perfectly. Not knowing where to start he nuzzled her stomach and placed small nips along her hip bone.

“I…oh, um,” Liz had lost all sense of coherent speech. Max understood though when he knees buckled slightly. Standing quickly he scooped her in his arms and lay her on the bed. She watched with heavy lids as he stripped out of his clothes quickly and as hard as she tried she couldn’t help but look as his manhood was exposed. She had seen pictures of naked men in her time, but none of them compared to his beauty. He was thick and long and she ached to feel him between her legs. He noticed where her gaze was and his cock twitched involuntarily causing Liz to gasp.

Max chuckled and lay down beside her on the bed. “He likes what he sees.” He teased her and watched as she started to blush. It spread from her chest up her neck and landed in her cheeks. “It’s been a long time for me, but I’m not going to rush it.” He promised to her as he captured her lips in another searing kiss.

Liz didn’t even realize he had removed her panties until she felt the cool breeze hit her moist heat so wrapped up in the kiss she was. His hands skimmed over her ribs and down to her stomach and rested at the apex of her curls. He trailed one finger over her slit before dipping inside her folds.

It felt as if 100 watts of electricity were going through her body at his touch. Using her hand she grabbed him and slowly began stroking him. He hissed in response and his mouth came crashing down on her breast. He licked, nibbled and sucked at her nipple until it was a rigid point and Liz was writhing under him. Her thumb circled his enlarged head and was surprised when she found liquid seeping out of him.

She cried out as his finger entered her slick passage. Max marveled as her muscles milked his digit and could only imagine being fully embedded inside of her. He removed his finger and smiled at her. “Lay back and relax.” Liz nodded and let go of him. She missed the loss of his finger but was soon rewarded with something completely different.

He parted her legs gently and opened her folds. The most beautiful, tiny pink nub greeted him and he licked his lips. “Max..what?” She was cut off as he blew a tiny gust of air directly at her throbbing clit. “Oh God.” She arched off the bed and clutched the sheets in her hands.

He nibbled at her lips and licked around her entrance. Liz was slowly becoming insane with desire. “You taste like honey, so sweet and hot.” He wanted to devour her whole and it took only an iron will to stop him from doing so. “Does that feel good? Talk to me Liz, let me know what you like.”

Although her brain was clouded with lust she was able to comprehend what he wanted and she started encouraging him. “Max, please, I’m so close.” She panted and whimpered as his tongue entered her. “Yes, harder please Max, harder!” She grabbed onto his head and pressed him into her core. He was able to maneuver himself so that he could latch on to her clit and when he did she exploded.

As she came down from her orgasm induced euphoria she noticed that he was lying beside her again, and stroking himself. “You’re so damned gorgeous; I loved making you come apart with my mouth.” She rolled over and smiled lazily.

“I want to do you too.” She whispered and Max’s hand stopped instantly. He was already on edge and if he continued while thinking of her sweet little mouth on him he would lose it.

“You don’t have to.” He smoothed the hair off her forehead and smiled. “Unless you want to of course.”

“I want to.” She licked her lips and smiled shyly. He lay back on the bed completely exposed to her and she crawled over him. He fought the urge to thrust up into her as her wet core danced above him. She started out slowly, kissing and licking his neck and as she gained courage from Max’s murmurs of pleasure she ventured lower.

She gripped him in her hand and let her tongue run over his head. She swallowed the slightly salty substance that had collected there and went back for more. Max’s head lolled from side to side as she slowly worked her mouth over him. He was holding back and it was nearly killing him. “I don’t know what to do.” She continued licking him, from base to tip.

“You’re doing great, believe me.” He struggled to get out. “Could you um, suck on him?” He sounded so unsure and it only made her want to please him more. It was at that point and time that she realized she would do anything for him. She did as he asked, and was able to take over half of him in her mouth. She used her hand to pump him while her tongue and mouth worked him to the edge. “Liz, honey, I’m going to cum.”

She doubled her efforts and was rewarded by a shout from Max and hot liquid assaulting her senses. She swallowed as quickly and as much as she could but some escaped her mouth and dribbled down her chin. She let go of him and smiled, then wiped her chin.
“That was amazing.” He whispered and held his hand out to her. She crawled up beside him on the bed and snuggled into his embrace.

“I’m still a virgin Max.” She teased and cupped his now flaccid member. It twitched slightly and he shuddered.

“Yes, yes you are, but see, unlike you I have what we call a recovery time believe me, I wish I was 18 again.” He kissed the top of her head and sighed. “We have all summer Liz; let me get used to this.”

“Thank you.” She whispered and kissed his lips gently then snuggled deeper into his arms and fell asleep. Max lay awake for some time after thinking about what had just happened. He felt guilty for taking advantage of her feelings for him but, he couldn’t deny he had feelings for her too. Only time would tell how deep those feelings were. Deciding to tell her the whole story of his sordid past tomorrow he drifted to sleep, the smell of Liz wrapped around him like a cocoon.

(AN: Like Liz, this is my first nookie scene, be gentle. :P )

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 9:41 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
I'm still not too happy with this chapter, but here ya go! Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Chapter 12

Liz awoke sometime before sunrise to something poking her in the back. Realization dawned on her where she was and she grinned then tried to roll over. Max’s leg was thrown over her and she soon found that she was in an awkward position. She wiggled her hips and pressed back against his growing erection. He groaned and wrapped his arms around her tighter. After much internal debate on whether she should leave the confines of his warm arms she decided to get up. She wiggled out of his embrace and headed back to her room to bathe.

She didn’t know what possessed her to approach Max like she did last night, but she didn’t regret it. If anything she felt liberated. While the tub filled with hot bubbly water she grabbed a towel and washcloth from the bottom shelf of the towel rack. She inhaled deeply the lavender and chamomile that was slowly filling the room with fragrance. She had just stretched out and gotten comfortable when Max came busting through the door. “Liz, oh thank God.” He sighed in relief.

“What’s wrong?” She looked at him puzzled and started to get out of the tub.

“You don’t have to get out, it’s alright, I um, well, when I woke up and you weren’t there I freaked and thought that maybe you had left because of last night.” He sat on the edge of the tub and skimmed his fingers through the water.

“I have no regrets Max. I enjoyed last night immensely.” She rose up slightly and reached her soapy hand out to stroke his cheek. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine just a little confused and maybe concerned.” He finally admitted.

“Why are you confused?”

“I can’t understand why you would be willing to give yourself to me so freely. I don’t want you to think I go around having sex with just any woman.” He cupped her hand against his cheek.

“I can give myself so freely because it’s to someone that I care about. Someone that I can trust.” She replied honestly.

“Alright, when you’re finished pack an over night bag, we’re going to go on a little trip.” He smiled and stood up. “The first part of you understanding me lies in Cambridge, Massachusetts.”

She looked up at him oddly and smiled. “What’s in Cambridge?”

“My son.” He frowned slightly and walked out of the bathroom.


Liz finally thought she was getting somewhere; until they boarded the 6 ½ hour flight from Vail to Boston. Max refused to answer any of her questions, instead he concentrated on the book he was reading. Liz couldn’t understand why he was ignoring her, but decided that it was probably just nerves. She didn’t know how long it had been since he had seen his son.

“Will we be meeting your ex-wife too?” She whispered as the plane descended on Boston Logan International Airport. Max made a face and shook his head.

“I promise, where we’re going is only a ten minute drive from the airport.” He told her and grabbed her hand as they exited the tarmac.

After collecting their bags Max and Liz headed over to the car rental agency. They secured a nice sedan and started out into the afternoon Massachusetts sun. Liz fiddled with the stereo and glanced over at Max, he seemed to be miles away.

“How long has it been since you’ve seen him?” She sat back in the seat and adjusted her seat belt.

“Too long.” He replied and from the determined look in his face she knew that she wouldn’t get any more answers from him until they arrived.

“What are we doing here?” Liz asked as they stopped in front of a large metal gate with the words Mount Auburn Cemetery written across it in old English.

“Visiting my son.” He got out of the car and spoke quickly with the groundskeeper who opened the gate for them.

“Max…?” Liz reached out to touch his shoulder and he shrugged her off.

“Not now, wait until we get there.” Liz bit her bottom lip and nodded, realization dawning on her. “Here we are.” Max finally said after stopping in front of a large pond and an even larger weeping willow tree. Under the tree Liz could make out a headstone.

Liz got out of the car and followed Max to the gravesite, he walked slowly and hesitantly. “Liz Parker, please meet my son, Zan Connor Evans, my son.” He swept his hand across the grey marble and looked back at her.

“Max, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed you.” Liz wanted to hold him and to ease his hurt.

“You didn’t push me Liz.” He told her quietly and then sat down on the cold, hard ground. “Have a seat; I’m going to tell you a story.”

“Is it about what happened?” Liz asked as she sat down next to him.

“Yes, yes it is.” He sighed and took a deep breath. “Don’t stop me until I’m finished, alright?” She nodded and he licked his lips.

“I was 18 when I met Tess Harding. We were seniors in High School, you know, the ultimate cliché, I was the preppy Quarterback, and she was one of the cheerleaders.” He smiled wistfully. “Everything was perfect, we dated for the rest of the year and when it came time to go to college, she followed me to Boston. I was at Harvard Medical School; she was at Berklee College of Music. Everything was great until my family died. After our freshman year we got married. I wanted to have a family so bad, I missed them so much.” He glanced at her to see if she was still listening and smiled. “I loved Tess, I really did. She was beautiful, funny and she could sing.” He cleared his throat and stared at the headstone. “Michael and Maria both said that we were too young and we should wait until we graduated but we didn’t care. A year after we got married we found out she was pregnant. I guess that’s when things went bad.”

Liz stretched her legs out in front of her and held her thoughts to herself. It pained her to hear that he had loved his ex-wife so much. Then she scolded herself, what was she to expect, they were married.

“I never noticed how much time Kevin had been spending with Tess, I never noticed because I didn’t think that she would cheat on me. She loved me, right? When you love someone you don’t cheat on them.” She nodded in agreement and he continued. “Zan was born December 4, 1993. I was the happiest man alive. I had it all, a beautiful wife, a healthy baby boy and a fat bank account.” He chuckled and fiddled with the grass. “I was so naïve. On Valentines Day I took Tess to dinner and out dancing. Maria had watched Zan for us. We got back late and went in to check on him. He was sleeping peacefully and looked so damned happy. I had visions of him becoming the President. If I would have known that was the last time I would have seen him I would have picked him up and held him. I now think about all the time I missed while in classes where I could have been with him instead.”

Liz finally took his hand in hers and squeezed it. When he made no move to brush her off she ran her fingers over his knuckles; trying to give him the strength to carry on.

“Tess woke me up at Three in the morning hysterical. Something had happened to the baby. I went running to his room and saw that he was gone. All that lay where my son once did was a dirty note requesting 4 million dollars. I paid it thinking it was a small price for my son’s return. He never came home though.” Max blinked back tears and took a shuddering breath. “They found his body a couple of days later; someone had left him in a dumpster. The police came and asked if I could identify the body. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. He was laying there on that metallic slab so cold and lifeless. The coroner said that he had been killed shortly after he was kidnapped. Smothered.” He shook his head sadly and wiped at his eyes. “Tess and I drifted even further apart; she was absorbed in herself, and I in grief. I now can look back and see how something wasn’t right but I had no clue.”

Liz scooted closer to him and wrapped her arm around his waist. She could only imagine how hard all of this was for him.

“A few months later they traced some of the ransom money back to, get this, Kevin of all people. The minute we got word Tess ran to the bedroom and called for me. I was so stupid Liz, so fucking stupid. I went thinking that maybe since the kidnapper had been caught we could finally grieve together. Imagine my surprise when I walk in and see her sitting in the chair holding a gun on herself. I thought that maybe it was just too overwhelming for her to believe that a friend could do something like that. I was wrong. She admitted to me that she and Kevin had planned the kidnapping. She wanted to leave me, but not without a sizeable cushion. 4 million dollars is pretty sizeable, don’t you think?” Liz didn’t move, she could only fear what he was about to say to her next.

“She said that the baby wasn’t supposed to get hurt, that he was supposed to be returned and that she would have left a couple of weeks after to follow Kevin. She was going to let me raise him.” He choked on his tears and it took a few minutes before he could continue. “She said that she never loved Zan or me and that she just wanted the money. I wanted to kill her myself, I wanted to grab that gun from her and just shoot her point blank. I mean, how can a mother not love her own child?” Max shook his head sadly. “She shot herself in the head, right there in front of me.” Liz gasped and wiped her own eyes. She hadn’t realized that she had been crying. “I didn’t call for an ambulance right away, I was too shocked, I sat down on the bed and cried. When I finally called for an ambulance she was in critical condition. After all of that she lived. She’s still alive, with no memory of what she did to me or to her own son!” Max spit out that last sentence with venom. “The bad thing is though; I could have prevented it all. If I would have been more observant I could have seen that something wasn’t right. I could have saved my son.”

Liz hugged him tight and stroked his head. “You didn’t know Max, you loved her. You couldn’t know how she felt. Please don’t blame yourself.”

“I can’t help it Liz, my son is still dead.” He sniffled and wiped his eyes as he pulled away. “This is why I can’t give you what you want Liz, I wish I could.”

“Shh, it’s alright, just let me help you. I want to. Here, let it all out.” She embraced him again and felt his body shake in sobs. She still had so many unanswered questions but they had to wait and would wait as long as it took. She had fallen in love with him and vowed if nothing else came out of the time she spent with him she would at least do one thing: Help him heal.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 1:44 am
by Behr-y Roswellian
Thanks for all the feedback guys, it's what keeps me going. Hopefully I'll have chapter 14 done tomorrow sometime.
PS- Check out my banner. My hubby is the greatest.

Disclaimers in the first chapter.

Chapter 13

Liz didn’t know how long they sat there. She was too busy trying to comfort Max. “Thank you.” He whispered and pulled away.

“For what?” She whispered back and used the pad of her thumb to wipe his cheek.

“For just being you I suppose. For being so understanding.” He glanced at the headstone again and smiled sadly. “Can you believe it’s been a couple of years since I’ve been here? I’ve been too scared.”

“What have you been scared of?” She asked and sat back on her knees.

“Scared of feeling this guilt. Scared of all the pain that would come flooding back.” He looked up at the sky, “I’m glad you know now.”

“I’m glad I know too.” She took his hand and held it tightly. “Do you want to stay here a while longer?”

“No, it’s getting late. We should probably try and find a room, and some food.” He stood up and walked over to the headstone one last time. Liz watched him sadly as he placed his hand over the name. He whispered something; Liz couldn’t make out what and then turned quickly and walked back to the car. Liz had to run to catch up with him.

“This is a really beautiful place. If you don’t mind when we get back home I’d like to see a picture of Zan.” Liz spoke quietly and Max nodded then started the car.

“So, are you hungry?” He asked as they pulled out of the cemetery. Max felt as if a weight had been lifted. Maybe his therapist had been right, talking really did help.

“Starving.” She admitted with a grin and rubbed her stomach. “I should have warned you that I’m a pig.” Max smiled.

“Alright, we’ll go find a room and then I’ll go get some take out.” Max offered and pulled onto the main road.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Liz yawned and rested her head against the cool glass. She closed her eyes and soon fell into a deep sleep.


She awoke 30 minutes later to a door shutting. Max was walking into a small Motel office so Liz too the time to reflect on what she had just learned. It was so sad that he had to endure such hardships in his life. It explained a lot about his reluctance to trust and open up. She saw him walking back out with a key in his hand. She grabbed her bag and got out of the car with a smile.

“You got us a room?” She ran her fingers through her hair trying to get it out of her face.

“Yeah, it’s um, well, it’s only got one bed. Will that be a problem for you?” He smiled slightly and she shook her head.

“I think we’ll manage.” She winked and grabbed the key from him. “I’m gonna go check the room out. Why don’t you go get something to eat?”

“Anything in particular?” He asked.

“Surprise me.” She smiled and slung her bag over her shoulder. “I’ll see you in a bit.”

“Yeah.” He got into the car and headed off in search of food.


Once inside the small hotel room Liz stretched out on the bed. She lay there for awhile with her eyes closed replaying the events that had happened the previous night. Max had been so gentle with her, which was a huge contrast to the way he was in the woods.

With a sigh she got up and grabbed her bag. She rummaged around until she found what she had been looking for. Grabbing the items she ran into the bathroom. She heard Max coming in a few minutes later and grinned. “Liz?”

“Yes?” She asked as she stepped out of the bathroom. Max blinked twice and then licked his lips. There she stood in a lacy bra that kept nothing to the imagination and those little boy short panties. The white lace just barely covered her intimate parts. “What did you get?” She walked over to him, the white see through robe she was wearing swayed carelessly behind her.

“I, um, Chinese.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her. “I hope you like sweet and sour pork.”

“Sounds delicious.” She smiled seductively and took her carton of food out of the bag. She sat on the bed and placed the carton in her lap. “I was wondering Max, was last night a one time deal?”

“I hadn’t really thought about it.” That was a lie, he had done a lot of thinking about last night and every time he did he got painfully hard.

“Well, I have, and I want us to continue. I just don’t know what I’m supposed to act around you. I mean, what are lovers anyway?” She speared a piece of meat and popped it in her mouth slowly.

Max grabbed his food and sat down next to her. “I don’t want you to act any different.” He sighed and licked his lips. “I guess lovers mean two people that enjoy each other’s company and um,” he paused and closed his eyes trying to think of something else to say, “and well…” he trailed off and Liz smiled.

“They have sex, right?” She elbowed him playfully and went back to her food. “Don’t worry Max, I’m not going to throw myself at you.”

“Oh, alright.” He frowned slightly and then shrugged. “It’s not like we have protection anyway.”

“I beg to differ.” She smiled confidently and reached into her bag. She pulled out a small compact with flowers painted over it.

“Um, Liz honey, I don’t think makeup is a suitable contraceptive.” He watched as she opened up the small purple disk and showed him the multi colored pills inside.

“Hardly makeup. It’s my birth control case, isn’t it cute?” She snapped it shut and put it back in her bag. “I’ve been on them since I was 13, for irregular periods.”

“Oh.” Was all he could manage and started eating his food. His mind was racing as well as his heart. How could she know that he hadn’t had sex without a condom in 10 years?

“How long has it been since you’ve had sex?” She asked casually and sat her now empty container on the bedside table.

“Almost a year.” He replied automatically and the blushed. “I um, very rarely give into the more carnal needs.”

“You don’t have to explain yourself Max, I mean, I’m sure you don’t want to hear stories about me having to please myself.” She said this with a tiny smile. Max’s rice fell off his fork and he sat his container down.

“You’re something else Miss Parker.” He shook his head and leaned close to her. “Putting naughty images in my head.”

She grinned and shrugged. “I want to kiss you. Do I need to ask before I do it or just do it?”

“Just do it.” She closed her eyes and her lips found their way to his. The kiss was brief and innocent and she broke away with a frown.

“That wasn’t the kind of kiss that I was hoping for.” She muttered and sat back. He chuckled.

“Your virtue is safe tonight. I don’t want your first time to be in a seedy hotel room. I want to take you back to the house and make it right for you. At least give me that much, alright?” Max got out of the bed and stretched.

She couldn’t be mad with his reason. “Thank you for thinking of me.” She smiled and yawned.

“I’m going to take a shower. Why don’t you try and get some sleep. We’ll be catching the early flight back to Vail tomorrow.” He grabbed his bag and pulled out a pair of boxers.

“Alright, goodnight.” She said sadly as she watched his retreating form enter the bathroom. She had just started to doze off when Max crawled in bed beside her. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

“Goodnight Liz.” He kissed the back of her head. Liz was too tired to say anything just grunted and wrapped her fingers with his as they both drifted to sleep.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:22 pm
by Behr-y Roswellian
Once again I'm amazed at the amount of you guys that have given me such words of encouragement! Thank you so very much.

Chapter 14

Max and Liz hadn’t been home but 15 minutes before Max told her he was leaving and not to wait up. She frowned and thought back to the cryptic message left for Max on his answering machine from Todd Ferguson. He said that he had some legal matters to discuss and requested Max call him as soon as he got the message. Max had spent a couple of minutes locked inside his study before reappearing and letting her know he was leaving.

She decided it must be something important and figured when Max got back he would tell her. In the meantime she remembered something about a hot tub and ran upstairs to change into her swimsuit.


“She has no memory prior to 1993; she thinks you’re still married. I think it would be best if you spoke with her. Let her know that you guys are divorced.” Todd Ferguson sat across from Max and tapped his pen against his mahogany desk.

“Is that legal, can they just let her go?” Max was furious. Tess was being released and expecting him to come get her and take her home.

“Kevin never actually said that she was involved. So it’s just your word against hers. She has no memory so there’s nothing that the police can do.” Todd explained slowly.

“That’s bullshit, complete bullshit.” Max rubbed his hands over his face and groaned. “I want nothing to do with her. In fact, I want her dead. I’m not married to her, therefore I have no ties with her.”

“Legally yes, you’re right. I just wanted to let you know what might happen. She could try and contact you.” Todd watched his friend and client and shook his head.

“I don’t want her to know where I’m living, or anything, is there a way I can block her from contacting me?” Max asked.

“We could try for a restraining order but, I don’t know if we could get one with such short notice. Especially since there’s nothing prior that we could base it on that she’s a threat to you.” Todd frowned and sighed.

“She may not be a threat to me, but I can’t promise I won’t be one to her.” Max stood up and slammed the door as he exited the office. He knew if he went home he would have to explain to Liz what was going on and right now that was the last thing he wanted to do.


After spending the afternoon alone Liz had successfully fixed her own dinner and was now sitting in front of the piano. She found herself playing something that her Grandmother had played to her when she was little and had trouble sleeping. The melody of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata played throughout the house. With closed eyes her fingers danced over the keys, she was so into the music that she almost didn’t hear Max slamming the door behind him. She glanced over and saw him standing in the doorway with an expression she had never seen before. He looked terrified.

She stopped playing and frowned before getting up. “Max, what’s wrong?”

He gulped and shook his head. “Zan had a mobile that played that song. I can remember turning it on for him every night when I laid him down.” She tried to apologize and reached out to hug him but he stepped back quickly. “It’s been a long day, I’m going to bed.” He practically ran to get away from her and Liz bit back a scream of frustration. After everything they had been through the past week he still pulled away from her!

It was a little after midnight and Liz couldn’t sleep. She wondered if Max was awake and felt the same way she did. She hated the fact that he was so close to her, and yet miles away at the same time. It seemed that every time he started opening up to her she did something that made him pull away even more. Well, it wasn’t going to work this time. She climbed out of bed and made her way down the hall to Max’s room. The lights were out so she opened the door slowly.

After letting her eyes adjust to the dark room she found her way to the bed and crawled in beside him. She wrapped her arm around his waist and snuggled into his back. “I was just laying here thinking about doing the same thing to you.” Max spoke quietly and Liz smiled. He rolled over and brushed her hair from her face. “I’m sorry for running off earlier.”

“I’m not going to say it’s ok, because it stung a little. But, I understand your reason for doing so.” He smiled softly and nodded. “I’m going to kiss you Max.”

“Remember, don’t ask, just do it.” She pressed her soft lips to his and pulled away quickly.

“I like the stubble.” She murmured against his lips. “I wanna play a game, I saw some people doing it once and thought it looked fun.”

“Does it involve you naked?” Max asked and propped his head up on his hand. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, now; lay flat on your back.” She instructed and smiled as he complied. “Alright, just let me do this.” She crawled over him and settled herself on top of him.

“Where did you see this at? On television? Let me be the first to tell you, it works better with your clothes off.” He grinned up at her.

“Hush, ok, here are the rules. I get as close to your lips as I can without ever touching them, if I can count to ten without you smiling, you win.” She explained and smiled, clearly satisfied with herself.

“What do I get if I win?” He asked suggestively. She blushed and shrugged.

“What do you want?” If that wasn’t a loaded question he thought. He closed his eyes and cleared his throat.
“Come here and I’ll tell you.” He pulled her head down so he could whisper in her ear, she blushed and sat up quickly.

“Alright, it’s a deal.” She stuck her hand out and he shook it as best he could. “Here we go.” She leaned down close to him, her lips just inches from his and started. “One.” Max could smell the body wash she used and took a deep breath. His manhood started reacting on it’s own but if Liz noticed she didn’t say anything to which he was grateful. “Two.” Her breath tickled his lips and he twitched them slightly. “Three.” She shifted her weight slightly and his slightly swelled member pulsed in response. “Four.” Her hair had fallen over her face and Max could only stare. She looked so beautiful on top of him and he cursed his body for reacting the way it was. “Five.” Deciding that the game had gone on long enough he grinned and darted his tongue out to lick her lips.

“You win, I give up.” She smiled and sat back proudly, it was then she noticed the bulge she was sitting on.

“Oh.” She rocked back and relished in the delicious friction that came from her small movement. Max didn’t know what he should do first- throw her down on the bed and pound into her mercilessly, or just see where she would go with the situation. He opted for the latter and put his hands behind his head.

“You look sinful up there my dear, absolutely sinful.” He raised his lips and was satisfied with the low moan she gave him in response. “Do you feel what you do to me?”

Liz stared down at him and licked her lips. He wanted to play another game and she was more than willing to play along. She rocked back and forth then slid her hand down into her pajama bottoms. “You should feel what you do to me Max, I’m so wet.”

She fought dirty and Max couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was on top of him rocking her hips back and forth with her hand stuck down her pants. That was a visual that could make a monk go hard. He throbbed painfully inside his boxers and licked his lips. “I want to taste you Liz, let me see how wet you are.” He put his hands on her hips and lifted her off him. He pulled her hand out of her pants and brought her fingers to his mouth. He licked the substance off and grinned wickedly. “You’re a naughty girl Elizabeth.”

True to her word she didn’t ask before kissing him this time. She ran her tongue over his lips and tasted herself on them. She found it oddly arousing and thrust her tongue into his mouth. He laid her back on the bed and hovered over her, his mouth never leaving hers as he unbuttoned her shirt. He broke away long enough to remove his own shirt and groaned inwardly as her small hands started exploring his chest. “I want to feel you against me, all of you.” He whispered and tugged at her pants. They came off easily and arched an eyebrow when he noticed that she wasn’t wearing any panties. “What a pleasant surprise.” She blushed and shrugged.

“Saves time, don’t you think?” She was untying the drawstring to his pants and he could only nod in agreement. Once his clothing was gone he lay back down on top of her. Their kiss was wild and deep. Liz broke away and wrapped her legs around his hips. “I want you now.” She told him in a commanding tone.

“I’m still not ready to take your virginity Liz, I’m hoping that you’ll come to your senses and realize that you want to save it for someone that deserves it. But, I will promise you this, we’ll do everything but that.” She looked at him oddly and sighed. He sat back slightly and reached between their bodies. He grabbed himself and Liz sat up to see what he was doing.

“Max, what are you…” She trailed off as the tip of his cock came into contact with her aching clit. “God.” She whimpered and fell flat against the bed. Liz’s body was on fire and Max was fanning it superbly. She had never felt anything like it before and when he slightly dipped his head into her dripping hole she arched her hips hoping he would sink in further.

It was taking everything he had to keep control of the situation; he had almost lost it a dozen times already. He moved back over her and let his cock slide through her creamy folds, stimulating them both. “You feel so good.” He moved his hips slowly, savoring her heat and wetness.

“Please Max, I’m begging you to just put it in me for the love of God!” She writhed under him and he felt himself nearing climax. She lifted her hips in time with him and shuddered every time his head made contact with her little bundle of nerves.

“Shh, just relax and enjoy this.” He said before kissing her. He held back as long as he could but soon found himself exploding. He pulled away from her lips and closed his eyes. Liz watched him intently. She loved the way his face contorted when he came the way his mouth opened in a silent scream. She was about to comment on it but when that first jet of hot liquid hit her clit she arched off the bed and held on to him tightly.

He didn’t know what surprised him more, the fact that he had been able to not take her virginity or the fact that he was still hard. He could tell she was close so he continued to slide his member through her wet folds, up and down rubbing her clit. He felt her body tremble beneath him and then tense. He pulled away so he could watch her and was rewarded by one of the most beautiful sights ever. Her lips were parted and she was panting. Her open and staring at him, he smiled and kissed her tenderly, holding her until the last tremors passed.

“That wasn’t so bad was it?” He asked as he pulled away. She shook her head, her eyes still glazed. “See, there’s a lot of fun to bed had that doesn’t involve actual intercourse.” He whispered huskily and she shivered.

“I’ll say, I may never have intercourse.” She grinned and winked. “You know, when you came,” She blushed slightly and continued. “I want to feel you do that inside me.”

He just shook his head and placed a kiss on the tip of her nose. “You my dear are an animal.” He moved off her and got up.

“Where are you going?” She propped herself up on her elbows and watched him walk around the room. ‘Man he’s got a great ass.’ She thought to herself and smiled.

“I’m going to go get a warm washcloth and clean you up.” He said as he ventured into the bathroom. She closed her eyes and felt the sticky substance between her legs. It felt nice in a weird way.

“I can clean myself Max.” She said softly as he came back into the room holding a wet rag.

“Yes, I’m sure you can, but it’s my mess. So I’ll clean it up.” He spread her legs and gently wiped away his residue. “You’ve got a beautiful pussy.” He whispered with smile as he finished.

“Max!” She blushed and shook her head. When he finished she closed her legs tightly and crawled under the covers. “How many people have you been with sexually?”

“Not many, only four.” He tossed the washcloth into his dirty clothes hamper and got into bed with her.

“Oh, and here I thought you made a habit of it seducing young virgins into your bed.” She joked and pinched his nipple playfully. He smiled and swatted at her hand

“Nope, you are the first to have that honor.” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight Liz.”

“Goodnight.” She snuggled into his embrace, feeling safe and very happy.