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The Stand (M/L, CC, YTEEN) Sequel: To Forget ~{COMPLETE}~

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:43 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Title: The Stand
Author: Borders
Rating: YTEEN
Category: M/L
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything of Roswell, just wish I did.
Summary: Takes place after To Forget which was my first attempt at writing a fic. Go read it first otherwise this will make no sense to you.

**Liz never returned after Destiny and was found by Max almost two years later. Their past lives were revealed and now they have to make their stand against the enemy. Anything else will give it all away. **

Author’s Note: This wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for two very important people. To Jen who gave me inspiration and to Melissa who was there through three different versions of To Forget

I am too critical and everyone that gives me feedback this is for you! Thank you for all the kind words. And may Max and Liz be together forever. If not on the show then forever in our hearts… Keep Dreaming!


Part 1 – Roswell – Tuesday Morning

“Maria get up! We have to go now. Max may have found Liz!” Michael was hovering over Maria’s sleeping form. How beautiful she is when she sleeps. I think I can just watch her forever. It’s hard to believe she is mine! Come on Guerin, you have much more important things to think about other than your beautiful sleeping pixie. Max and his new girlfriend Anna are waiting for you to get everyone going. You are in charge now. “Come on Maria.”

“What I don’t get a kiss and sweet nothings whispered into my ear. You know that would work so much better than looming over me and yelling. Yelling doesn’t do anything for me except make me pissed off. And when I get pissed off all I want to do is make you suffer.”

“Well I thought that once you heard that Max may have found Liz that nothing would keep you in bed, but if you want me to whisper sweet nothings into your ear I think I can arrange that. To hell with Max and Liz they have waited three years what is a few more days.”

As Michael was standing over Maria and saying his last few lines it finally registered to her what he was talking about. “Max found Liz? Oh my God! Liz is ok. Oh just wait until I get a hold of her I am going to do some major ass kicking and then afterwards going to hug her until she is blue in the face. How is she? Where has she been? Does Alex know?”

Michael fell to an empty bed as Maria jumped out of it. He had tuned her out and all he heard was blah, blah, blah. After living with her for a year he got used to Maria’s ramblings and knew when to tune her in and when to tune her out. “ Yes.” To is she ok? “She probably deserves it.” To her getting her ass kicked. “I don’t know? He didn’t say.” To how is she? “I don’t know.” To where has she been? “No. I think you should call him. After all you are his best friend.” To does Alex know? In no time Maria had hit Alex’s speed dial key.

“Come on Alex pick up the damn phone.” The phone continues to ring. Three, four, five…

“Hello?” Alex said groggily.

“Oh my God Alex! Max found Liz. You have to get packed. We are going to Colorado.”

“Maria, you have to slow down. I just got to bed. I was up all night surfing the net. Now, let me get this straight. Max found Liz and has requested our presence in Colorado. For what? It’s cold in Colorado and my skinny ass can’t take the cold.”

“Come on Alex it’s for Lizzz. Haven’t you missed her? Don’t you want to know why she left and never returned?” Maria knew Alex was only joking, but she wanted to hear her friend’s excitement and it just wasn’t happening.

“Oh my God Maria…. Liz is ok… I’m up now. I may not be functioning at full capacity, but it has finally registered. I’m on my way. What do I pack? Are we going skiing? When does the plane leave or are we driving? I gotta go. There is too much to do right now.” He hung up the phone. Maria just pulled the receiver away from her ear and started to laugh. He loved Liz just as much as she did and nothing was going to keep them away from her now. Max would make sure of that.

Turning towards Michael lying on the bed. “So how did Max find Liz?” She asked.

“Max hasn’t found Liz. You weren’t paying attention to me now were you? I said, Max may have found Liz.”

“What do you mean ‘May have found Liz’?”

“All he said was that he had dream walked Anna while they were sleeping and in the vision he saw her brother there. He was sent to protect Liz and that Liz is one of us. Tess is actually Khivar’s daughter and her and Max were married and we were then killed all on the same night. There is too much information that I didn’t get from him. We will just have to wait until we get to Colorado… Now let’s get packing. I will call Isabel and see if she can make travel arrangements.”

“Whoa spaceboy. Tess is actually Khivar’s daughter? She is the enemy. How could Max marry her in his former life? What was he thinking? Do you think she knows who she really is? Is she coming with us to Colorado? Why did she help us defeat the ‘Skins’ if her father is their leader? We have just got to go see Max soon. You are right there are too many unanswered questions that need to be answered.” While she was talking she was bouncing all around the room grabbing clothes and what not and shoving them into the suitcase that lay open on the bed. “Come on Michael you just can’t lay there all day. We have to get packed. Chop. Chop. Go call Isabel already.”

Michael got up and dialed Isabel’s phone number. It was busy. “Who can she be talking to at four o’clock in the morning? Alex.” He hung up the phone and went into the closet to grab some clothes.

“How long are we going to be up there?” Maria was curious to how many outfits she should pack.

“I don’t know; probably just a few days. Why?”

“I just need to know what to pack. Maybe we can go ahead and take a week vacation. Ooh. I have always wanted to go to a ski resort.”

Michael tried Isabel’s line again and finally got through. “Hello?”

“Hey it’s me. Max wants us to go to Colorado. There are more of us and he may have found Liz.”

“I know. I just got off the phone with Alex. What do you think will happen?”

“I don’t know. All I know is that Max doesn’t want Tess to find out just yet. I can’t explain it over the phone. When you get done packing have Alex come pick you up and we will meet at my place. Ok?”

“Ok. I don’t understand why Max wouldn’t want Tess to come? She is one of us and has gone through everything with us. We can’t leave her behind now.”

“Once you get here we will call Max again and see what is going on. Ok?”

“Ok. Bye. See you later.”

“Bye. Be careful.” He hung up the phone. Something was nagging at the back of his mind. Things weren’t quite over yet. They were only beginning.


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:44 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 2 – Colorado – Tuesday Morning

Anna was in the kitchen making breakfast for Max. She had dreamed of waking up in his arms and cooking breakfast for him since she was in High School. She had a spring in her step and was humming a quiet tune. Max just sat at the island and smiled. Everything was perfect. He had the woman of his dreams. She was safe and most of all she was the same as he is. There will be no more doubts. Whatever comes from here on out they will do it together.

“I hear you. You know that don’t you?” She called out to him.

“What do you mean? ‘You hear me’?” He asked.

“I don’t know ever since I woke up this morning it feels like this blind has been lifted off of me and all of my senses are so acute. I don’t know it is hard to explain. Maybe I was blocking everything before; maybe the grief of everything and the things that Jordan did to me to make me forget. They aren’t necessary anymore and maybe my subconscious mind is finally free to do what it was meant to do. Search for you to be one with you. I don’t know. It’s just silly.”

Max got up from the kitchen stool and walked around the island to pull Liz into a huge hug. “Nothing about you is silly.” He said out loud. And I’m glad that you can hear me when I don’t speak because by the time the others get here they will still be in the dark about you and I don’t think that I will be able to say what I really want to say to you out loud. I love you Liz Parker. He thought.

I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you too Max Evans. Anna thought back. “Did you hear me?”

He just smiled and said, “Yes!” He bent down and gave her another kiss. It was the kind of kiss that both of them had dreamed about for so long. It was hard to believe that everything was back to normal. Well, almost everything. They had to get everyone here and they had to get the next plan of attack in order. The war wasn’t over. It was only the beginning.

“Max, if we don’t quit I will never get breakfast done.” She begged.

“That’s ok. You are all I want. You complete me and nothing more is needed.” He scooped Liz up and headed back to the bedroom. Before they were even able to get undressed the phone rang.

“Hello.” Anna said.

“Um, Hi. Is this Anna?” It was Michael.

“Yeah, This is she.”

“Do you happen to know where Max is by chance?” Michael was nervous he didn’t know how to act on the phone with this strange woman. It took some fancy talking by Maria to get her number from Max’s ski lodge, but she did it. Leave it to Maria to have the gift of gab. Sure Max said she was one of us but still it was a stranger and he didn’t take too kindly to strangers. What if she was the enemy too and they were mind-warping Max into all of this. It could be possible you know.

“Hang on Michael I will get him for you.” Liz handed the phone to Max and smiled at him.

How did she know who I was? That was really strange. Michael thought.

“Hey Michael what’s going on? I’m really glad you called. We do need Tess here so you might as well invite her and Kyle to come along ok…”

“That’s the reason why I called Max. We have lots of questions and we really don’t know where to start.”

“At the beginning would be good.” Max said jokingly.

“I take it that you found Liz then?”

“Why do you say that?”

“Your mood. You aren’t yourself. What’s going on? We deserve to know what is going on Max.”

“Yes you do. No I haven’t found Liz yet and you will know what is going on as soon as you get here. That is all I can say right now. To say anymore could jeopardize so much. I can’t risk that. The life of everyone depends on this to be quiet. Michael -- No one can know what is going on. As far as anyone is concerned you are taking them on vacation because I really want you guys here. Ok?”

“Max… I already told Maria, who told Alex, who told Isabel. They all think that you found Liz.”

“I figured as much. Don’t worry. Just tell them what I told you. I haven’t found Liz, but I know where she is. That’s it. So come on already get your butts packed and head up here. Let me know when your flight arrives. I can’t wait for you to meet Anna. She’s great!” If only he could tell them the truth. I’m sure they will find out sooner or later, but until the time is right they will have to go through the pain and suffering of seeing her grave.

Anna was in the kitchen when she heard Max’s thought and it reminded her too of what her friends would have to go through when they got here. How were they going to handle the grave and yet accept her and Max being together? It was going to be so hard. I hope Jordan has a plan already worked out. She had gone to the kitchen while Max was on the phone with Michael. She needed to get breakfast moving along while Max was distracted with Michael. Otherwise they would never eat. It’s hard to believe that after so long he still feels the same way for her, and what about her, she still felt the same for him.

The memory loss didn’t affect her at all now. She remembered all three lives. She remember being madly in love with Zan and how they had chosen to keep their relationship quiet due to the fact that they were scared what everyone would think because of who they were. Zan was the leader of their planet and Kyla was merely a peasant girl who had helped Vilandra with her studies. After the first few days of coming to the castle she had caught Zan’s eye. It was love at first sight. Even then they were drawn to each other. It was awkward at first, but then after a few excursions to the hidden pond they weren’t able to be away for too long. Zan would escape the castle walls at night, only to go to her window in town. They hated to be apart. It reminded Liz of the time that the orb was calling to her whenever Max and her were together. Even when she was Anna, the pull towards Max was almost unstoppable. They were meant to be together, they both understood that now. Nothing would keep them apart and now they had a common goal. They had to free the people at home and there was only one person that could actually make this happen. Tess. They had to make sure that Tess understood their past. They had to make sure that Tess was truly in love with Kyle. If she was maybe she could go to her father and beg for everyone’s mercy. That’s a thought. Tess begging. Liz drew a small smile. She’d hope that Tess had finally grown a heart, if not the road ahead was going to be a tough battle. Jordan had told Liz and Max that there combined power would be great, but Liz hadn’t felt any powers. How would she be able to help Max and the others if she didn’t know how to use them? There was so many unanswered questions that Jordan needed to answer.

Max hung up the phone with Michael and looked around the bedroom for Liz. She wasn’t there. Then it hit him; the aroma from the kitchen was absolutely wonderful. He was hungry and glad that Liz wasn’t in the bedroom anymore, otherwise they would never eat. He tip toed into the kitchen and grabbed Liz into his arms and swung her around. She was in the middle of pouring pancake batter into the frying pan so needless to say it was now on the kitchen floor and everywhere else. Max slipped and lost his footing and they both fell to the kitchen floor. They were laughing and giggling and Max was already asking, “Are you ok? Are you hurt?’

“No Max I’m fine. Help me get this mess cleaned up and then we can eat some breakfast and then head over to Jordan’s. Ok?”

“Anything for you…” Max helped Liz up off of the floor and gave her one more kiss before getting a wet rag and wiping the spilled pancake batter up. They had finished eating breakfast and Liz was doing the dishes and was putting them into the dishwasher while Max was in the shower. It would be her turn soon and so she sat down at the bar and thought. I could get use to having Max around like this. I hope we aren’t moving too fast. I don’t think I could handle anything else going wrong right now. Get a grip Parker. You heard Jordan we are meant to be together. Nothing will ever come between us. NOTHING!

Just as she was finishing her thought she realize that Max was out of the shower and was leaning against the corner of the wall gazing at her. What are you thinking about? He thought to himself knowing that Liz would be able to hear it. Do you know you look so beautiful right now I could just take you to bed right now.

“Max! Stop thinking like that. We have to get to Jordan’s and find out what he has planned. He will have to go to work around 11:00 this morning so we have to get a move on. It’s already 9:30 it won’t leave us much time to talk.” Do you know how sexy you look in that towel? She thought to Max. Be strong girl; don’t falter now. There will always be tonight, and the next, and the next. Liz rushed by him and gave him a small peck on the cheek and as she left; she grazed her hand across his right nipple.

“Liz! That’s not fair. I will get you for this.” He said as he chased her down the hall to the bathroom. He helped her undressed and their kissing began to deepen. She pulled off his towel and pulled him into the hot steamy shower.
They had to be in there for almost a half-hour because the water had turned cold and she just couldn’t take it any longer. “Max, come on. Let’s get dressed. The sooner we get this over, the sooner we can come back.” He knew she had a good point so he gave up and helped her out of the shower. Always the gentleman. She thought.

“I am aren’t I?” He said back.

“I keep forgetting that you can hear me just like I can hear you. I love you Max.”

They got dressed and headed towards Jordan’s. He was at the front door waiting for them. “It’s about time you two showed up. Kara and I were beginning to worry about you.”

“Jordan you of all people should know that Max and I had a lot of lost time to make up for.”

“This is important. There will be plenty of time for you to catch up on old times after we go back home.”

“Home?” Max asked.

“Yes, Home. We will be going back to release Antar from Khivar’s rule. With the eight of you and the two of us we should have plenty of power to over turn him.”

“What do you mean the eight of us?” Liz asked. “Why do they all have to come with us? They are humans they won’t be able to help.”

“You are forgetting. Your powers are human powers. Humans can have powers just like you. You have found your soul mate just like the others have found theirs. Your powers are much stronger when linked with another that gives off the same signature as you.”

“What are you talking about signature?” Max asked.

“Each one of us has a unique signature. That signature is our energy. Some are healers like you Max in turn need to be balanced by an enforcer. That is where Anna comes in… Her power is the ability to infiltrate and demolish… The two of you compliment each other. Don’t get me wrong Anna, you do have the ability to do others but your signature chooses this strength for you.” Jordan could see what was going through Anna’s mind.

“All I can do is destroy… That doesn’t seem right. Jordan I haven’t noticed these powers. Are you sure I have them? The only thing that I can do is hear Max’s thoughts. I know that won’t help us any.” Liz was disappointed that she should be able to help more but to no avail it just wasn’t going to happen that way.

“You are wrong; so very wrong. Your abilities are not to be used individually. When you and Max join forces you can do so much more. The mind is the limit. It will come naturally. Don’t worry.” He told both of them.

“Don’t worry. I can’t believe you said that Jordan. We can’t sit here any longer we have to start preparing for our future, the future of everyone on Antar. We are their only hope and by looking at me I say our chances of defeating Kivar and the rest of his followers are zilch!” Liz was getting upset and her anger was growing. All of a sudden the windows on the enclosed porch started to crack and they exploded shattering everywhere.

“Liz you have to calm down. Look at what you just did sweetheart. As long as we are together it will be all right. I can feel it. I know it in my heart that this is meant to be. We will make our stand together. We will also have eight others that will make that stand with us. Believe in us. That is all I am asking.” Max grabbed Liz and turned her so that she could look into Max’s eyes. What she saw was hope and undying love. She knew deep down in her heart that they would always be together. Look what had already happened. They had died and had been genetically created and somehow their souls had found each other. There was no denying that if anything went wrong that they would be able to find each other again. Liz relaxes and as she was gazing into Max’s eyes and realizing everything could be all right the glass reformed back into the panes on the porch. They were “healed”.

“Be patient my children, it will come in time. Granted we don’t have much time to waste and I promise as soon as the others get here we will start training. Kara just let to go to the campsite that we will be training at and has already started setting up some drills. It will all come together. Have faith.” With that Jordan walked past the two and said, “ I have to be going to work. I don’t want to alert anyone that anything is happening. I advise the two of you to go about your daily routine as well. Who knows who could be lurking in the shadows?”


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:45 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 3 – Roswell – Tuesday Morning

Alex went by to pick up Isabel. You would think that she was leaving for good with as many suitcases she had packed, he thought to himself. It had only been 2 hours since she found out that Max found Liz. Boy that girl could pack!

“Hey Alex.” Isabel said as she handed one of many bags to him to put into the back of the car.

“Did you forget anything sweetheart?” Alex asked.

“No, I don’t think so.” She said back.

“Are you sure? I think you better go back in and see if you can grab the bathroom sink as well. I might be able to squeeze it in…” He was grinning from ear to ear. “Jeez Isabel we are only going on a short trip. Did you have to pack your whole wardrobe?”

“For your information I didn’t pack my whole wardrobe. I didn’t bring any of my summer clothes. Besides like you said we will only be there for a short time now won’t we.” Isabel shot her reply back at her loving boyfriend.

“Have you ever thought about how we are going to get from the airport to the lodge? There will be six of us and probably Max, that’s seven, plus our entire luggage. Max will have to come in a Greyhound bus to get us all unless some of us are willing to stay at the airport until your luggage is safely delivered to the lodge. I don’t think that will happen. Let me help you take these back in so we can re-evaluate your packing decisions. Ok?” Alex was trying to ask Isabel as nicely as possible to think logically. He hoped that he didn’t hurt her feelings too bad.

“You’re right Alex. I don’t know what I was thinking. Maybe I wasn’t thinking at all. I am just worried about Max and especially about Liz. Why wouldn’t he tell us more about her? Something is wrong, I can feel it deep down inside.” Isabel had already turned around and was taking two of the many suitcases that she had packed back into the apartment that she was staying at while attending college.

Alex grabbed two more as well as the carry-on and followed Isabel inside. “What do you mean something is wrong? What do you know?” He waited for her to answer and when she didn’t he continued. “Have you dream walked him lately?”

“It’s hard to say really. Like for instance the other night. I felt deep pain, deep sorrow it was like his heart had broke into lots of different pieces, but then after a while it just disappeared. It’s really weird. Something is going on and I don’t like it.”

“I’m sure he will let us know what is happening when we get there. Come on now let’s see what we can leave behind.” Alex was beginning to worry. He knew the connection between Max and Isabel was strong and he knew that Isabel had gotten a feeling from her brother. What kind of feeling was still unclear? Hopefully nothing was wrong.

Thirty minutes later they had finally reduced Isabel’s three suitcases and 2 carryon down to 1 suitcase and 1 carryon. “I am very proud of you sweetheart. You should be rewarded for your actions today.” Alex looked around the room and saw an empty vase. He grabbed it and held it up into the air. In an announcers voice-over he began his speech. “After many votes and numerous call-ins the award for ‘how to pack for a skiing trip’ goes to the beautiful and talented Isabel Evans.” He looked at her and began clapping and making audience sounds. “Isabel. Isabel. Isabel. The crowd just loves you and the announcer does too.”

Isabel loved Alex and his corny jokes she knew deep down in her heart that he would be with her forever. After all he was the only one that really knew her. The real her. To him she wasn’t a sister, or a betrothed, or a traitor. She was Isabel, smart, beautiful, and held his heart in the palm of her hand. She grabbed the vase and acted like she tapped on a microphone. “I would like to thank a few people for helping me win this award. I really couldn’t have done it without my generous and loving boyfriend” Alex started to bow when she said the next word. “Tim.” She looked at Alex and waited for his rebuttals.

“Hey who is Tim. I didn’t see any Tim here today. I demand a recount. I say you aren’t the real winner.”

“Oh, I’m sorry that was someone else. How could I forget your name? Would you like to come up here and say a few words Alex?”

The playful bantering continued for only a few more minutes when it was interrupted by Isabel’s phone ringing. “Hello?” Isabel answered.

“You haven’t left yet? Michael asked.

“We would be on our way by now if you wouldn’t have called. What do you want Michael?” Isabel demanded.

“Our plane leaves at eleven and we still have quite a bit of driving to do to get there.”

“We are on our way. We will be there in a few minutes. Ok?”

“Alright. Hey? Can you do me a big favor and go over to Valenti’s and see if you can get Kyle and Tess packed. Max wants them to come after all.

“Sure we can go by there and see if they want to come or not.” Isabel offered.

“I don’t think Kyle and Tess have an option. It sounds really important that we all are there. Max didn’t go into details, but I think the war is beginning again for us.”

“Ok. See ya. We will be there in a few.” Isabel hung up the phone and headed for the door. Alex had already taken everything out to the car and had it organized.

“You ready?” He asked her as she was locking the door.

“Yeah, lets go.” They drove to the Valenti house and to Isabel’s amazement they were already packed.

“How did you guys know that Max needed us?” Isabel was waiting for a reply.

“Max thought that he had better call us himself. He wanted to make sure that I didn’t feel left out.” Tess replied.

“Oh, Ok. Well lets go the plane leaves at eleven.

By the time they had reached Michael and Maria’s place it was almost seven in the morning. They didn’t even get a chance to get out of the car when Michael came up…”You got everything and everybody?” He asked Isabel while looking into the crammed SUV. They had to take it because the ladies had packed too much they stuff. They had to unload Alex’s car and load it all into Tess’ car.

“Yeah.” Isabel replied.

“Well let’s go.” Michael turned on his heels and headed for the jetta.

“The caravan is on its way.” Kyle noted.

“Could this really constitute as a caravan Kyle after all it is only two vehicles. I think you might call this a posse or something like that.” Alex and Kyle made corny jokes all the way to the airport. Needless to say both Isabel and Tess were ready to get out of the car. As soon as the car stopped they were the first ones out of the car.

The group grabbed their luggage and piled in onto one of the luggage carts and headed for ticketing. Michael was the first to get to the counter. “I’m here to pick up my tickets”

“Driver’s license please.” The counter attendant asks.

Michael tossed it down on the counter and the attendant started to type in his information. “I’m sorry Mr. Guerin. I’m not showing that you have a reservation.”

Michael turned to look at the group and said, “Who was in charge of getting us tickets?”

Everyone looked at each other and to the surprise of everyone Tess offered her services. “Here let me take care of it.” She moved up to the counter and started to focus and before anyone knew the attendant had six first class tickets for the group.

“Alright, Colorado here we come!” Kyle and Alex said in unison.


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:46 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 4 – Colorado – Tuesday Afternoon

Anna was standing behind Max, she was nervous about how the others were going to take her being there. Max didn’t care there was no way that Liz wasn’t going to be by his side from here on out. The group would just have to deal with it.

“Flight 187 now landing.” The voice over the intercom stated.

“That’s them. Are you ready to go see them?” Max asked Liz.

“Yeah, I just wish that they knew who I really was so I can hug them all. I have missed them all and not being able to act the way I want to is going to be difficult.” Liz was worried that the group wouldn’t accept her taking her place. A little ironic isn’t it, she thought to herself After a short delay people started to get off the plane and to Max’s amazement the gang filed off first.

“Hey guys.” Max said. “How was your trip?”

“It was wonderful… Tess got us first class tickets for free. You should have seen her in action. She had that ticket agent hopping through hoops.” Alex had a grin from ear to ear as he was telling Max the story about the ticket agent.

The group got quiet all of a sudden when they noticed a petite brunette woman with brown eyes standing behind Max. She looked like she was waiting for the group to pounce on her. “Well since you all asked, I would like you to meet Anna Lawson.” Max pulled her out from behind him and waited for someone to make the first move. It was Maria, of course.

“I’m so glad to finally meet you. Thank you for looking after him for me.” She then embraced the new found friend of Max’s and waited beside her as the rest of them came and greeted her. To Maria’s surprise not one single person came to offer a hello.

“What is wrong with you people. Cat got your tongue. I know you don’t take too kind to strangers, but if Max likes her then she is ok, and besides I have already talked to her. Everything is ok. Now move it!” Maria was demanding and after her speech the group moved in closer so Maria could make the introductions.

“This is Alex Whitman, my best friend.” Alex nodded his head to acknowledge who he was. “Isabel Evans, Max’s loving sister and Alex’s better half.” Isabel waved and mouthed the word hi to the girl that was now between Maria and Max. “Moving on, this is Michael, he usually is grumpy until you get to know him a little better. It took me two long years to break down that stone wall that he had built, but never the less it still surfaces every once in a while. He’s not that bad…” Michael grinned sheepishly and waved to her. “Next is Kyle Valenti and Tess Harding they are no ones brother or sister and how they became a part of the group is really hard to explain, but anyway that it. This is the group.” Maria finished with her sweeping her arm as if she was showcasing her friends.

“Hi” Anna said to the group that Maria had introduced to her. She thought it was cute how Maria was already taking her under her wing. The rest of the group still seemed a little bit reserved about someone else being there where Liz should have been. “If you want to come this way we can go get your luggage.” Anna led the pack to the baggage claim area of the airport. She was glad to see that the group had formed an even tighter bond since she had left. It also saddened her some to know that they had gotten to be this close without her. How were things ever going to be the same as they were before? Kyle and Alex’s appearances had aged some; they weren’t the same young looking kids anymore. They were grown men that had fought a battle for the women that they loved. Isabel, Tess and Maria looked great, but their eyes shown some sadness. Liz wondered if it was from the battle that they had endured or if it was from something else.

The luggage carrousel started to go around and one by one everyone’s luggage fell into place. “I’m glad we brought two vehicles.” Max said. “Who would have thought that a four day trip would have caused the girls to pack this much stuff.” He just had to give them all some ribbing.

“Watch it Max or we will make you carry it all to the cars.” Isabel shot back to him.

The group was in good spirits for now. Liz and Max discussed when they would tell them the news about what happened over a year ago and the reason why she never returned to Roswell and it was decided that it would be tomorrow. Tonight they were going to have fun as a group again. The whole group whether they knew it or not.


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:47 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 5 – Colorado – Tuesday Early Evening

The group was settled into Anna’s cabin. She had worked on cleaning it up before her and Max left to go pick the gang up from the airport. Michael and Maria took the bedroom across the hall from Kyle and Tess and Alex and Isabel took the one at the end of the hall next to the bathroom. Everyone was buzzing around with excitement it had been a long time since they were all together.

“Isn’t this great. Why on earth would anyone want to live someplace else?” Maria asked.

“I don’t think I have ever seen this much snow in my life. Why don’t you stay here Anna? Why do you live in town in a crummy old apartment?” Isabel asked.

“It’s a long story.” Anna left it at that but not without noticing how Isabel looked a little bit suspicious.

“What do you have planned for us to do on the first night of our vacation?” Tess inquired.

“Well, we thought we would take you to a local restaurant that all the tourist rave about and then how about some dancing at a club?” Liz didn’t realize how difficult this was going to be to act like Anna. All she wanted to do was talk about old times, things that she had missed and most of all she wanted to pig out on ice cream with her best friends Alex and Maria. How I have missed the two of them. If only things where different. She thought to herself.

“That sounds good. I’m ready. How about you guys?” Maria asked as she looked at the remainder of the eight.

God, Max I feel like such an outsider. I forgot how hard it is to become part of the group. Now I know how it felt when Alex was trying to get something out of me. We all just clam up. Liz was silently communicating with Max. After she finished her thought he went over to her and wrapped his arm around her gently for a little added support. As he did that Tess gave Anna a weary look, but soon dismissed the action once she glanced up at Max.

“Guys, I think we need to have a conversation before we leave to go eat. There is something you need to know. Anna is one of us. Her brother Jordan and her came here to Earth around the same time we did. I have noticed how you all are reacting toward her and it just isn’t right. I know it is hard to let new people into our small elite group, but let me assure you that we can trust her and her brother completely. I can’t explain more than that but if you can just believe in me and know that I believe in her we can have a really good time tonight. Ok?” Max was hoping that his speech would do the trick. To Liz’s amazement there seemed to be a cloud that lifted off of the group. It was amazing what a little bit of encouragement could do for the atmosphere. But she did note that there were a few eyes that didn’t pay any attention to what Max had told them.


The Restaurant – Same evening

Everyone was sitting around a huge round table enjoying a wide variety of different foods. The restaurant that Liz and Max had taken the group didn’t specialize in any one type of food. The one common denominator that tied everything in was all the empty bottles of Tabasco sauce. There were four in all and the waitress couldn’t believe that all these young people like the hot sauce so much. She had noticed that they even put it into their drinks.

The group was talking about old times, High School in particular. Everyone was telling about how they all became such good friends. “ooh, wait. I got one. Remember Evans the night that Liz had that blind date and I came by to rag on you and you took that drink out my flask and you were sooooo drunk?” Kyle was suddenly kick by Tess from under the table and he looked at her while he flinched from the pain that she had inflicted. “What!… Oh, sorry. I was just trying to bring back one hilarious moment. I didn’t mean anything bad. Besides, Liz was always there and just because she isn’t here now doesn’t mean that we can’t reminisce now does it? I don’t think that is wrong. Besides, don’t you have any information about her Max?” All eyes went to their king.

“I really didn’t want to bring this up right now, but Kyle is right. All of us got together and became the unit we did because of Liz. It’s not right that we don’t include her in our memories.” He squeezed Anna’s hand and asked silently if she felt like this would be a good time to take them to the graveyard. She nodded slightly and gave a small smile. This was going to be a nightmare and neither her nor Max wanted to break the mood that the night had. “Is everyone done eating?” The group nodded and waited for what was going to follow. “I know where Liz is and have known since Monday Night.”

“What!” Almost everyone in the group said at once.

“Where is she Max?” Maria asked with a pain expression on her face. If she wasn’t here with him then it didn’t look good.

All of a sudden Anna spoke up. “This isn’t right Max. Let me tell the story.” She insisted and he grabbed her hand. “Two years ago a girl came into town looking for a place to stay. She had long dark hair and dark sad eyes. She told me her name was Beth. We became friends instantly and that fall we enrolled her into school with us. We claimed that she was our cousin from out of town. She never asked how we got the paperwork passed through the school system, but Jordan and I did it. She was troubled and insisted on being alone so I offered her the cabin that you are currently staying in. I didn’t get much out of her, but every once in a while she would let things slip. She claimed that the one person that she loved in this world was destined to be with another. Who was she to fight destiny? She always said. She became my best friend. We did everything together. One day she told me everything and Jordan finally realized who she was. She was the one we were sent here to protect. She was Kyla, the beloved one of our prince. One day we were going to the mall when out of no where we were attacked. After talking with Max I figured that was the day your war ended in Roswell. The reason it ended was because they had killed Liz and knew that there was no way that the Royal four would be able to defeat the Skin on Antar. She was the key to your survival. We had failed. Until Jordan came up with this plan to have all of you come here and united with the three of us. Hopefully, the power of the combined will be enough to defeat Khivar.” The group sat in silence and everyone was looking at Max to see if what she was saying was true.

“Is Liz really dead?” Maria choked back a sob while looking at Max. Max shook his head, yes. “NO! I don’t believe it… How can you just sit there and accept this Max? How can you sit here holding HER hand? What about Liz? Don’t you even remember how long it took you to get over her leaving you? She left us and never came back… I was starting to move on knowing that it was her decision, but after all this time I find out that it was beyond her control. She could have came back if it wasn’t for YOU! How could you?” With that said, Maria ran out of the restaurant as a few customers stared at the rest of the group. Michael got up and ran after her, and not soon after everyone else left the table leaving Anna and Max behind.


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:47 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 6

“Max you should go and be with them… They won’t understand why you insist on being with me.” Liz announced.

“Are you sure. I am so sorry. I had no idea that they would take it this hard.” He said.

“I did… After all I was Maria’s best friend as well as Alex’s too. I dated Kyle and well… Michael even opened up to me on more than one occasion… It’s going to be hard Max, but maybe after they meet with Jordan tomorrow they will settle down some.” Liz was giving every option under the sun so that Max wouldn’t take it so hard, but she didn’t think it was working.

“Maybe you are right. I think I will go find them. Do you want me to take you home?” He didn’t want to leave Liz all alone after all she has been alone for almost two years and here was her chance to be apart of the group and they rejected her.

“Yeah, I will be ok. There is a lot to think about. I’m not for sure that everything will go smoothly tomorrow so I’m just going to think of an alternate plan just incase it doesn’t. Jordan has never encountered such a tough group. He has a long road ahead of him…” Liz got up and gave Max a kiss and a hug and together they walked out of the restaurant hand in hand to Liz’s jeep. They went their separate ways.

Max headed to the cabin that the group was staying at and Liz headed to her usual thinking spot, her grave. Neither noticed that someone was lurking around the side of the building and was trying desperately to see where Max’s new girlfriend was going. The figure thought to himself There is something wrong with this picture. He followed the girl all the way to the cemetery. What in the hell is she doing here?

Liz walked up and sat down on the bench that she had done so many times in the last year or so. “Why does it always have to be so hard for us? First it was me getting shot and Max saving my life. Then it was Michael getting sick from visiting River Dogs sweat lodge and then destiny. I leave and everyone else is stuck fighting an evil alien race without me and then they come after me and in order to protect me Jordan erases my memory and makes me believe that I was responsible for my own death. If only the others would believe in me as Anna I know that are bond is the strongest and we will be victorious in our stand. I just know it.” Liz thought she was talking to herself like she always did when she visited the grave. Little did she know that Michael had come up behind her and was hearing everything that she had said clear as a bell. Michael had to shift his weight and in the process he had snapped a twig making Liz throw up a blue force field to protect herself.

“Whoa! It’s just me. Liz.” Michael had stepped back with his hands up in a passive fashion.

“Michael, you scared me… I thought I was alone out here. Wait. How long have you been standing there?” she asked.

“Long enough to hear everything. Why do you guys need to lie to us? Why can’t you just tell us the truth?” He looked at the girl that he didn’t recognize. “Why don’t you look like yourself? What has happened in the last two years Liz? I want answers and I want them now. If you want us to trust you, you better let me in.” he demanded.

“Well, where should I start?” she began. “Well you know that I left in May, right. Well I came here. I didn’t really have anywhere to go so I got a job at the flower shop and the owner rented me the apartment upstairs. She said it was nice to have someone live there that could always open up the shop when needed. I met Kara and we became real good friends. We started hanging out with each other and slowly I opened up to her and it dawned on her right then of who I was and who I was running away from… Never did I tell her that you guys were aliens. She just knew it. Well anyway Jordan enrolled me into school and everything was going well until I went onto the Internet to check out events that had been going on in The Daily Record. The skins must have been monitoring the Internet because it wasn’t but a week later that I was running for my life and was captured by them… Jordan and Kara were able to make them believe that I was killed when they infiltrated their base. They went as far as having a ceremony and all. After that there was no more activity from them. Jordan thought it would be a good idea to erase my memory so I wouldn’t be tempted to check in on you guys.”

Michael interrupted her. “Wait, I don’t understand. Why would the skins leave us in Roswell just to come here and destroy you? What is so special about you?”

“Well it’s sort of hard to explain. The only real way is for you to see for yourself. It will be hard to grasp, but I am sure you will be capable of understanding. I will have to connect with you.” She waited for Michael to nod his head in acceptance before she made a move toward him. She put her small delicate hands up to his face. “You will have to relax Michael if it is going to work. Take a few breaths and close your eyes.” As soon as he closed his eyes the connection was wide open. He saw it all Max’s and Ava’s wedding, the ceremony afterwards and Khivar coming in and destroying everything. He saw the dream that her and Max had when Jordan had visited them and told them how they could defeat Khivar.” Liz dropped her hands and the connection ended. Michael had to sit down and absorb everything that he had just learned. “Are you ok, Michael?” Liz asked.

“Yeah, I think so… I can’t believe it. Tess is Khivar’s daughter and you….” He trailed off not finishing his sentence until after a long pause. “You are my sister.” Michael got up and grasped Anna/Liz. “To think all this time I was hoping to find any kind of family and you were right under my nose all along.” He grabbed her again into a big bear hug and held her back so he could get another look at her. “I can’t believe it. Do you think we have a chance to defeat Khivar?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I am just now coming into the power thingy and am having a hard time adjusting to being alien. I really think that Tess is the key though.” Liz stopped as she noticed that Michael had gotten up and was holding his hand for her to grasp it. “Where are we going?” She asked.

“We are going to the cabin to get things straightened out. We have to tell them why… We can’t let them believe that you are dead… Don’t you realize that you are the only thing that has held us together? You balance us all. Together we can do anything and I will make them see it… I have a sister. I can’t believe it.”

“Michael we can’t tell them that I am alive. Max and I are connected and that is what is scaring Khivar. He knows that with Max and I and the connection between you and me being brother and sister as well as Max and Isabel we can create one ungodly strong force against him. The only thing though is I think Tess is a very important part of it. I just know that we can’t tell them about me.”

“I know we can’t tell them about Liz, but we can tell them about my sister… It can work. I know it. And besides I think Maria is really hurt that you are dead and I think once she realizes the connection to me it might open up the door between you two again.” He smiled at her and they both began to move towards Anna’s jeep…


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:48 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 7

“Max how dare you sit there and say that we have to do what that woman and her brother say… How can you know for sure that it is safe? We have NEVER let anyone in unless we all agree on it… Remember how long it took for Alex to find out.” Isabel was in a total rage. Maria had started it and now she was going to finish it…

“Isabel, please. Just drop it… You will see for yourself tomorrow when we go meet Jordan. We have to make our stand together. Don’t drive this wedge in now.” Max was pleading.

“She is right Max. I don’t think you really know these people… But Isabel and Maria, I don’t think that we should judge anyone so quickly. If what Max says is true we have a chance of going home and defeating our enemy once and for all and most importantly we can free our world from Khivar. Let’s not be so hasty to judge people. I have been there and have done that and I wouldn’t want to wish that on anyone. Besides she makes Max happy and it really is nice to see his smiling face again.” Tess was stepping in and to everyone’s surprise she spoke with reason. It wasn’t anything to do with destiny and of her being the queen it was intelligent for once.

“Thanks Tess. I really appreciate what you said. So are we ok?” Max said looking at Maria and Isabel.

“Yeah, Max. But if tomorrow comes and I don’t like the way things feel I am making Michael take me back home. There is no way in hell that I am going to get killed over your new girlfriend…” Maria had just finished saying her peace when Michael walked in with a grin from ear to ear. “Where in the hell have you been spaceboy?” Maria asked accusingly.

“Out.” That is all he said as he went down the hall and into his bedroom. That wasn’t an acceptable answer for Maria so she was quick to follow him.

“Michael. Michael come back here. What did you do?” The door shut behind the two of them.

“Maria I went for a walk and now I am tired… I see that the girls ganged up on Max tonight. Shouldn’t you look at it from his point of view? Maybe this Anna chick is good for him. After all it was you that yelled at me back in Roswell about not giving him the benefit of the doubt… Now this is all I am going to say to you… Take your own advice and let it be…” He finished undressing and crawled into bed. Maria loomed over him with her hands on her hips and just stared…

“Is that all you have to say? Michael where did you go? What made you change your mind about Anna? You know you have to tell me. I will drag it out of you sooner or later.”

“Ok… I did follow Anna. I wanted to see where she was going.”


“She went to the cemetery… She stopped at Liz’s grave and just sat there for a long time. She caught me spying on her and she told me the whole story. She feels really bad about the whole thing and she has never forgiven herself. But that wasn’t what changed my mind.”

“What changed your mind Michael? You just can’t lie there in bed and not tell me… What did you find out about her?” Maria could be demanding at times and he wasn’t going to let her get the best of him… He had to keep Liz’s secret for now until he knew more…

“She’s my sister… I have a sister Maria and Liz found her…” He wasn’t really lying, but it wasn’t actually the truth… Liz didn’t find his sister Liz was actually his sister.

“She’s your sister? How can you be so sure? Maybe she was mind-warping you like Tess has been known to do…

“That’s impossible… After you have been mind-warped once you know what it feels like and besides, I was the one that connected to her. I was the one that was in control of what was given to me.” Michael rolled over. He knew if he continued to answer all of Maria’s questions that sooner or later he would let the truth slip… Maria had a way of doing that to him. “If you don’t mind I really want to get to bed. We have an early start tomorrow and I want to be ready for it. And if you don’t mind, don’t tell the others about Anna. I want to be the one to tell them…” Maria nodded her head in agreement and left the room…

Tess was waiting outside in the hallway… “What did he find out?” She was probing like usual. She didn’t want to be left in the dark…

“Nothing. He won’t tell me. He said that we would just have to go with Max’s instincts and trust Anna and Jordan for now. But we all know how Michael is… There is something else, something that he isn’t telling me.”

“Did you try hard enough Maria? Can’t you get anything out of him?”

“Tess, what has gotten into you? Why the sudden need to know everything? We will find out tomorrow ok…” Maria walked passed her and shut herself in the bathroom. Tess just looked at the closed bathroom door for a brief moment and then walked into her room where Kyle had been waiting.

“So… What is everyone up too?” He asked the blonde that had just walked into their room.

“Not much… Someone changed Michael’s mind about Anna and I bet it was the little brunette herself. I don’t trust her Kyle. There is something about her that I just can’t put my finger on.”

“What do you mean, something about her? Do you remember her from your past life?” He sat up in bed anxious to find out what Tess thought.

“Not exactly… It’s hard to put people in our past lives because this form is not what we looked like in our past life. Remember we were mixed with human DNA to be able to survive on this planet. Back home we didn’t have these traits. What you see now isn’t what you would have seen back then. No, I feel something about her… Something that scares me.” She sat down on the bed beside Kyle and he started massaging her shoulders…

“I wonder what Isabel feels about her?” Kyle asked as his thoughts wondered back through the evening’s events.


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:50 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 8


“Jordan can I come stay with you guys tonight?” Anna asked.

“Sure. What’s wrong?”

“We told the group that Liz was dead and they didn’t take it very well. I just don’t want to be alone tonight. I would feel a lot more comfortable if I could be with you and Kara…” Liz felt unsure about herself. Michael had taken it pretty well, but that could be expected. He always wanted to have a family. The others, that was a different problem. Without them knowing who she truly was it was going to take a miracle to get them to trust her… “I just don’t know how we are going to make them trust us Jordan. You don’t know them; they have been through a lot with it just being them. They won’t let an outsider in very easy. I hope you have a way of getting past that.”

“Why don’t you come over and we can sit down and talk some more… I don’t think any of us is going to get much sleep.”

“Ok. I will be over in about an hour.” She hung up the phone and dialed the cabin.


“Hi Isabel, is Max there? It’s me Anna.”

“Hang on… Max it’s for you. It’s Anna.” Isabel practically threw the phone to her brother and sat down across from him.

“Anna? Are you ok?”

“Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that I will be staying with Jordan and Kara tonight. I don’t feel like I should be alone and I didn’t want to cause any more problems between you and the group.”

“I can come over, you don’t have to do that.”

“No, Max you need to be with them. It’s just for one night. I will be fine. Anyway, I think Isabel is a little bit hot yet. I could tell from the way that she answered the phone.”


“Yeah, why don’t you sit down with her and see if you can’t calm her down. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to let her in on me. After all Michael knows.”

“Michael knows? How did that happen?”

“He followed me to the cemetery and he heard me talking to myself. He promised that he wouldn’t let it out about me. I think he was really happy to find out that I was his sister more than he was to learn that I was Liz. Has he come back yet?”

“Yeah, he came back about ten minutes ago. He didn’t say anything, he just had a grin on his face come to think about it. He walked straight to his room and that was the last I have seen of him.”

“Maybe that is how Isabel would react.” Liz said.

“Liz I don’t think that we should do that right now. The more people know about you the more risk there is not only for you but for them as well. We will talk about this later. Are you sure you don’t want me to come over and stay with you?”

“No, Max I will be at Jordan’s I will see you in the morning. I love you.” Liz waited for Max’s response.

“Goodnight. Call me when you get to Jordan’s so I know you made it ok.”

“I will. Goodnight.” Liz hung up the phone and headed for her room.

Isabel had sat across from Max during the whole conversation and when he hung up she had a few things to say to him. “I see now why you are so into this girl Max. She is Liz.”

“What are you talking about Isabel? Anna is not Liz.” There was no way she was going to get this out of him.

“You called Anna, Liz.”

“No I didn’t.”

“Yes you did Max. Is that the reason you trust her is because she reminds you of Liz? Max you can’t go around trying to put these girls into Liz’s shoes. She’s gone. Nothing will bring her back. It’s not so much that I am mad at you for dating Anna, but it’s that I know that you haven’t really let Liz go. I can feel it. You are still in love with her and you haven’t fully let her go yet.”

How true she was. He would never let Liz go, but now wasn’t the time to discuss it. “Isabel, you don’t understand. I spent the majority of my life loving Liz from afar to only have her ripped away from me time and time again. I can’t let her go and I won’t. Not yet anyway. Give me time and in the meantime can’t I be happy with someone else? Anna is one of us. Doesn’t that count for something? I feel really comfortable with her like I did with Liz. It’s hard to explain and I can’t really go into detail about it, but please just trust me on this. I will promise you that when all is said and done it will be worth it. I promise. Please.” Max was hoping that the love between him and his sister would be enough to end this conversation. It was. Isabel got off the couch and crossed the distance between her and Max and the two embraced.

“I hope it is worth it Max. We have had peace for almost two years. For us to go looking for trouble now is insane. I hope you realize that.” Isabel left the embrace and headed towards her room that she was sharing with Alex. As soon as she got to her door the bathroom door opened and Tess walked out.

“Are you getting through to him?” She asked.

“Not really. I think he is in denial about Liz being dead he doesn’t want to let her go.” Isabel replied.

“I hope that Anna isn’t taking advantage of that. She could have used Liz to get the information she needed and could be playing him.”

“I hope not, besides Max seems to really trust her and I think I am going to wait until tomorrow before I cast my vote on the subject. It’s been a long day and I’m going to bed. See you in the morning.”

“Goodnight Isabel. I hope you are right.” The two girls went their separate ways. Isabel entered the room to find Alex sleeping like a baby. She didn’t want to disturb him so she went to the bathroom to change for bed. Moments later Isabel was in bed and was restless with worry about everything that she had gone through today. It was really hard for her to get to sleep with all the thoughts of Anna and Max running through her mind. After tossing and turning for about ten minutes Alex rolled over instinctively and held Isabel. She fell asleep instantly.


Isabel is walking around in a cemetery. She sees a woman sitting in front of a head stone crying, as she walks closer she sees that it is Liz.

“Liz what are you doing here?”

“Isabel.” Liz was startled to see her there. “Are you sleeping?” she asked.

“I think so. How can this be? I can’t be dream-walking you because you are dead.”

“You must be disturbed about something. What is it?” Liz knew that it had to be about her otherwise Isabel wouldn’t have shown up in her dream.

“I wish you were still here. It’s been so long since I have seen you, I never realized how much I have missed you.” She went over to where Liz was sitting and hugged the girl that she hadn’t seen in almost two years. “There is so much that has happened.” Isabel released Liz and looked into her eyes. Just as she remembered them. “We are getting ready to go home and face Khivar.”

“It’s for the best. We have to defeat him if we ever want to have a normal life. You know that Isabel. That’s all we ever wanted. What is really bothering you?”

“Well, I don’t know if I should bring this up but… Let me start at the beginning. Maria sent Max on a ski vacation because everything had taken its toll on him and he was starting to disappear. He wasn’t being himself. I think that he knew deep down that something had happened to you and he started to give up on himself as well. Well anyway, I don’t know how it happened but he met this girl. They hit it off well. It turns out that she knew you.”

“Anna” Liz said.

“Yeah, Anna. What do you think about her?” Isabel was curious to see what Liz’s take on Max’s new girlfriend was.

“Um, It’s hard to say. Let’s just say that if Max isn’t with me I think that she would be the one that I would want him to be with. You can trust her Isabel. Trust her like you would me. It will only help the situation. The stronger the bond between everyone is the stronger the force you all will create. You will need everyone to defeat Khivar.”

“How do you know all of this Liz?”

“The day I left Roswell and came here, I thought I had done the right thing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that Max and I would be able to be together. After meeting Jordan I realized some things; I couldn’t lay down and die. You guys needed me. Jordan made me see that I was needed, so we came up with a plan to help you out in Roswell. We needed to get the skins out of Roswell to help you guys recoup from all of the fighting. It’s time, Isabel. We have to make our stand now. Don’t fight with Max, leave that for the skins. Tomorrow is a new day why don’t you stop worrying and get some rest. It will be ok.” Liz was hoping she was getting through.

“How can you be so sure?” Isabel asked.

“Do you trust me Isabel?


“Then I need you to believe in Max and I need you to trust Anna as well as Jordan. It is for the best. If you trust me like you say then it will be ok. I will always be here if you need me. I’m glad you happened across me tonight. I hope our little chat has helped.” Isabel leaned towards Liz and embraced her one more time.

“I wish you were still alive.” She whispered.

“I will always be with you.” Liz whispered back.


Isabel sat up in her bed “Liz!”


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:51 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 9

It was five in the morning and Liz was already up at Jordan’s. She was worried about her dream she had last night. Isabel had entered her dream and Liz had to play it off like it was her subconscious that was doing it all. It went well after all she got Isabel to believe in Anna and the cause. That was three out of the seven. Almost half of them were on their way of believing that this was for the best. I’m sure that Michael will tell Maria that Anna is his sister so that will be four. Isabel will sway Alex, which makes five. The hard part is going to be Tess and Kyle. How are we going to get them to believe? Only time will tell.

Across town

Tess got up around six in the morning and the sight she saw was different. There in the living room was Max and Isabel. Max sleeping in the armchair and Isabel draped over the couch holding his hand. Evidently something had happened and the two had finally come to terms. It’s been a long time since the group had dropped their differences and agreed. This Anna thing was turning out to be a good thing after all. Tess walked into the bathroom and took a shower and was dressed in all of ten minutes. She headed for the kitchen and started to cook breakfast for everyone. Anna had stocked the refrigerator and the cupboards pretty well there was all kinds of food for everyone.

The gang started to file out of their rooms and one by one they were dressed and sitting in the kitchen chatting and laughing just like old times. Maria was the last one ready and when she came out she was smiling from ear to ear. Yeah, she had promised Michael not to say anything about Anna being his sister but she couldn’t help but be happy for him. He always knew that there was family out there and to have Max find her was amazing. Everything was right with the world except… No Liz. Maria’s smile diminished as she sat at the bar and waited for Tess to bring her breakfast to her.

“You ok Maria?” Tess asked.

“Um, Yeah. Why?”

“You just look like you were thinking about something sad.”

“I was, but now I’m done. No sense thinking about the past when we have the present and the future to deal with.”

The group finished eating and Max was on the phone with Anna.

“Hey you.”


“I just want to say thank you for last night.”

“What did I do?”

“You know. Isabel.”

“Oh… I didn’t mean to do that. She must have fallen asleep thinking about me and then poof she landed in my dream. It went well though?”

“Yeah, she came out afterwards and we had a long talk. It was probably the best thing that could have happened to us. You should see us over here. Everyone is happy and we are so… in tune to each other. I can’t help but think that it is all because of you. Have I told you how much I love you today?”

“No. But you can if you want to.”

“I love you so much I will never let anything or anyone come between us again. Thank you.”

“Max you don’t have to thank me all the time. I will do it time and time again. Without you in my life I have no life. I will love you forever and ever and when that is over I will love you some more. When do you think you guys will be able to make it to Jordan’s?”

“We should be over there about eight-thirty.”

“Ok. I will let them know. Do you need me to come over and help load everyone up?”

“Yeah, that might not be a bad idea. I will see you in an half hour.”

“Ok. I will be there. I love you Max.”

“I love you too.” He hung up the phone to witness all the girls in the group doing dishes and the boys cleaning up a bit. They were working well as a unit and he hoped that it would continue. We have a tough road ahead of us. I hope we don’t fall apart. Max sat there and watched for a few minutes. What would he have done with out them? Each one had played an important role in his life after Liz left.

Isabel she had been his emotions. She did everything that he should have done when Liz left. Liz’s leaving seemed to affect her more than Max.

Alex and Kyle kept the group light hearted. No matter what they were going through those two could always find the brighter side.

Tess always kept the group on track. She kept us all focused.

Michael took lead when Max was unable or unwilling to lead.

Maria. Maria had turned into the mother hen. She reprimanded us all when it was needed and she basically held us together. She had a way of getting who ever it was that was fighting to work things out. She had her moments however to break into hysterics. The pressure of being Liz was sometimes too demanding but other than a few breakdowns she was cool. Maria held us together when there was basically nothing to hold us together with. Out of all of them she surprised the group the most.

Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door. It was Liz. Max had felt her thoughts at the rim of his mind and he had tried to pour all of his love back to her to get rid of all her doubts.

Maria was the first to answer the door and when she opened it up she took the small brunette into her arms and hug fiercely. The look on Anna’s face was of shock. She hadn’t had a warm welcome from the group last night in fact she thought they would be ready to nail her to the stake and burn her. Evidently Michael told her about Anna’s status of being family.

Next came Isabel. She grabbed the small brunette as well and the two were in a long hug. “I’m sorry for ever doubting you. Can you forgive me?”

“Isabel. There is no need to apologize. I would have acted the same way.” Isabel looked at Anna and the look that Anna saw was one that said that she needed to take the apology. “I forgive you Isabel. I hope after all is said and done we can become as close as sisters one day.”

“I would like that.” Isabel hugged her one more time and led Anna into the cabin.

“Are you guys ready?” The look on everyone’s face was that of bewilderment. The two people that were so against Anna last night had practically begged for forgiveness. It was weird as soon as they saw Isabel and Maria forgive the new member of the group everyone followed suit. As the group walked through the door they each gave Anna a brief sign of affection. It was either a hug or a peck on the cheek.

*Can you believe this Max? What happened last night? What did you say to them to make them so nice to me?*

*I swear I didn’t do anything. It had to be you. Isabel changed after her dream and I have no idea what got into Maria. Do you?*

*Yeah, I think Michael told her that I am his sister. That would do it.*

Max was the last to leave the cabin and as he did he planted a deep kiss onto his dream girls mouth. “I don’t think I have properly acknowledged you this morning. Good morning my sweet.”

“Good morning my love.”

Then they were all loaded and on their way to Jordan’s. The group had yet to meet Anna’s brother and sister in law. It was going to be interesting on how it went.


Jordan and Kara were sitting on the porch drinking coffee when the group pulled up. As they filed out of the van and the jeep Jordan and Kara stood up and bowed. “It’s an honor and a pleasure to be in the company of the Royal Four and their partners.” Jordan said.

“Jordan you know you don’t have to do that for us. We don’t require the tradition that you still believe in. We are all one and should be treated as one.” Max was insistent.

“I would like to introduce you all to each other.” Liz was addressing the group. “Jordan and Kara this is” She pointed at the first in line. “Isabel or Vilandra and her better half Alex.” They both nodded with a smile as they were introduced. “Then there is Michael or Rath and his beloved Maria.” Michael did more than nod he bowed which surprised everyone and Maria did a quick wave. “Next to them is Tess or Ava and Kyle.” They nodded in recognition. “Guys this is Jordan and Kara.” Liz blew out the breath that she had been holding in. The meet and greet had gone better than expected. The group moved into the house and everyone sat in groups of two.

“Well the time has come for us to go home and free our people. You as a group have learned the skills that are necessary to conquer our enemy that holds Antar hostage.” Jordan scanned the group to read their reaction to what he had just said. “There is things that I am going to say that won’t be very pleasant and things that I am going to say that has the possibility of making you think differently of the person you are sitting beside. What I am asking you to do, before you make judgement on yourself or on the others, is to hear me out. Listen to the possibilities that I have to offer and listen to the history that I am about to tell you. Do you all agree?” Jordan waited for the affirmative head nod and after they all did he began. “A long time ago there was a kingdom that had a great king. The land was at peace and all was filled with hope. The king had two children a boy, Prince Zan and a girl, Princess Vilandra. The two children were close they were inseparable. However, an outsider who became to be known as Khivar killed their father. Khivar was greedy and wanted the kingdom for himself. The queen thought that she could put peace back into the land if she would betroth her son to Khivar’s daughter. So when Prince Zan turned of age he became the crowned king of Antar and was betrothed to the very beautiful Ava.” Gasps were heard throughout the room.

“No! This isn’t true! It can’t be true. Khivar is not my father. I have fought for the last three years by Max’s side and I finally find out that I have been fighting against my father. This can’t be.”

Anna reached Tess and tried to comfort her. “Please, Tess just wait. I know this is hard for you to believe, but please just hear Jordan out. All the answers are here. We just have to listen and find out what can be done to fix it.” Tess calmed down some and waited for Jordan to continue.

“Zan was upset with the arrangements his mother had made with Khivar. People shouldn’t be played with as if they were possessions he said. It was true. Zan thought differently than his father did. He was close to Kyla, Vilandra’s tutor and his Second in Command, Rath’s sister. They were in love and the news that his mother had announced literally devastated the two young ones. There had to be a way to get through to Khivar, but no there wasn’t, he was going to rule Antar or his daughter was going to be crowned queen by the next moon. The royal family had no choice. Zan met with Ava to discuss what she thought. She was just as upset about the news as Zan was. They knew each other and had become friends over time. She didn’t love Zan as a husband and knew that he was in love with another. She tried desperately to talk her father out of it. On the night of the new moon the royal wedding was held in the great hall. All was there and Kyla was supposed to stay away. Zan didn’t want her to see him marry another. However, Kyla couldn’t stay away. She had to see the wedding. After the ceremony the dance followed. As Zan and Ava danced their first dance together as King and Queen Khivar notice Kyla enter the great ballroom. It infuriated him to no end and he made Zan choose who would live, either him or his precious Kyla. Kyla knew who Zan would choose so she made an attempt on Khivar’s life which ended her own. The battle that began after the death of Kyla was great in the end. Everyone was dead. All of Antar’s future was dead. Queen Bacena had an idea that they had a way of gathering the essence of their beloved children and recreating them so that they would not be lost to them forever. The only stipulation that Khivar had was that Kyla not be recreated. His daughter was going to be queen if it was the last thing he did. What he didn’t know was that she did it anyway. She saw how Kyla had given her life in order to save Zan’s and a love that strong would not die. She had her biologist recreate her and send her down years later after the four of you. She wasn’t incubated like you she was an infant when she arrived in ’83 we thought it best if she was raised human that way Khivar and his men would not find her. Time went by and the time has come. The unit is complete. Are you ready to fight for everyone’s freedom especially your own?”


Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 9:52 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 10

The days that followed were going to be difficult. Jordan had a boot camp style work out ready for the group. In the morning they would do conditioning and weight training. After lunch they would work on their powers. It wasn’t going to be easy once they were on Antar and Jordan had his work cut out for him with the group. The main goal was for the group to reach out and learn each other’s signature. If they recognize the signature they could modify their own to who ever they were coupled to. The humans had the hardest time of it. They couldn’t understand how they would be helping the cause by being there. Kara work with them while the others worked with Jordan.

Kyle was scrunching his face as if he was concentrating really hard. “Do you feel me Alex?”

“No. Are you sure you are trying Kyle?”

“Hey man if I try any harder I think I might bust a nut. Come on now concentrate.”

“I am, but you cutting jokes isn’t helping me any. All I am getting is a big explosion from you.”

“What? You are seeing my nuts explode? It’s working… Let’s try this. Kyle sent Alex a picture of a big quarter pounder with cheese.”

“I’m getting hungry how about you?” Off to the side Maria is sitting on the ground with her legs crossed and a vile of cedar oil being held under her nose.

“Kara. When will I know if I feel anything? Who should I concentrate on first?” Just then Maria was hit with an image of the quarter pounder that Kyle was projecting to Alex. “Never mind I think I’m getting something now.” Maria added to the picture that Kyle was sending and sent it back to the guys.

“Hey nice touch DeLuca.” Kyle said. “All these images are really starting to get me hungry. Let’s try something else.” Kyle began thinking of a song in his head and then he scrunched his face again and sent the thought out to the others.

“Hundred bottles of beer on the wall. Hundred bottles of beer on the wall take one down and pass it around ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall…” Alex and Maria started singing.

“Ok, I think you guys have each other down let’s concentrate on your partners. Send and image out to them and see if they recognize you and I want you to tell me what they sent back.” Kara was starting to get through to them. After four days of nothing the ‘three amigos’ came through with flying colors. They believed, finally, that it was possible for them to help out. If they had no other powers at least they were able to contact each other and relay messages amongst the group.

On the other side of the camp there was Jordan, Liz and the pod squad. Their powers were rough around the edges but it was coming along rather quickly. What was really amazing was how Max, Tess and Liz were able to meld their powers together. Jordan’s only explanation to this strange phenomenon was that when they were recreated Tess was changed to match Max’s signature so that when they grew up they would have this pull toward one another. This could be beneficial for the group. Max, Tess and Liz would be able to do a lot more if for some reason they were separated from the group. They had almost the same force combined as they did with Michael and Isabel added. Jordan was working on a plan to use the three’s connection as a hidden weapon.

Having Khivar think that Kyla was dead and then to have his own daughter reconfigured to double Kyla’s power would be the last mistake that he would make. Jordan still wasn’t for sure how Tess was taking all of this and was hoping that once she was back on Antar and in front of her father she would not turn on the rest. She was a liability and it really scared Jordan that she would have the power to destroy their plan if she wanted to. Jordan thought that after tonight he would get with Max and Liz and talk about this possibility of Tess turning traitor.

Later that night the group was sitting around a campfire telling their stories of the day. “Will you guys excuse us. I want to spend some time with Anna alone for a little while.”

“Go ahead. I’m sure we don’t mind.” Tess was the first to speak for the group. Max and Liz looked at the group as they all nodded their heads in agreement with Tess’ statement.

As Max and Liz were walking away they heard Jordan speak to them together but in thought only. *Meet me in my cabin in ten minutes. I want to discuss Tess with you both.*

*We will be there.* Max answered for them.

“I wonder what that is about?” Liz asked Max.

“If Jordan is any good, I think he is thinking of the possibility of Tess turning traitor on us. I’ve thought of it myself. What means more to her, a father that gave her another chance at life or us, the ones that are the first to turn their backs on her when she first shows up in town? You go figure.

“I’ve thought of it too, Max. But the only way we will defeat Khivar is if we all believe in each other. I will admit that I was always leery of her but we have to put the past behind us and make her believe that she will always be one of us. That is what she wants more than anything is a chance to belong. Let’s hear what Jordan has to say and then we will plan from there.”


“Max… Liz… I’m sure you are aware of the situation here. I need to know your feelings about Tess. I am working on a plan and it revolves around her. I need to see how far you are willing to trust her or even if she can be trusted.” The look in Jordan’s eyes was very hard to read.

“What are you planning Jordan?” Max inquired.

“I was planning on using Tess’ connection to Khivar. I want her to betray her own father. I’m not sure she would want to do that. I’m not sure if she could go through with it.”

“What exactly did you have in mind?” Liz was starting to worry… What was her ‘brother’ thinking of doing?

“This is how I am envisioning it. Tess will communicate back to Khivar that she now remembers her past life and that she wants off this planet once and for all. Khivar will ask whether or not anyone else is aware of who she really is. If we play our cards right he will tell Tess his plan once we are back on Antar. We will go back to Antar as her prisoners. We will be putting ourselves at the mercy of one individual. I need to know how far you are willing to trust that said individual. We can’t have any doubts once we set this plan into motion. We need all of you functioning on the same wavelength. Also once we have set the plan in motion I think it is a good idea that we let the cat out of the bag about Anna’s true identity.”

“Jordan are you sure? What if we put our faith in Tess and she betrays us? I’m not sure I would want to have her know anything.” Max looked at Liz for backup.

“Max. Let me approach Tess. Let me feel her out… Maybe if I can make a connection with her I will be able to get a better picture of the situation.”

“No, Liz. I think I should be the one to do it. Sure she hasn’t been thinking about the whole destiny thing but knowing that you are alive and well and that we are in a relationship my put a kink in her way of thought. I think I should approach her.”

“Alright. As soon as you are done Max I need you to come to my tent and let me know how it is going. Anna, do you think that maybe you can get close enough to Max and Tess to see if you can read any of her thoughts? I know I am stretching it a bit, but I have a feeling that your powers will be growing and that you will be able to read the others of the group real soon.”
