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Two Squared (AU, M/L, Mi/L=Siblings, TEEN) ~{COMPLETE}~

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:08 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Title: Two Squared
Author: Borders
Rating: TEEN
Category: the whole gang
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! Just wish I did…
Summary: Alternate Universe… The Aliens in this fic are Max, Michael, Isabel and Liz. Hopefully no Tess. Michael and Liz are brother and sister and live in Clovis, NM. Max and Isabel are brother and sister and live in Roswell, NM. Neither set of podsters is aware of the other. Will they meet? Of course. Read and find out….

Part 1

“Michael what are we going to do now?”

“We will lay low and see if anything looks suspicious. We can’t take any chances that who ever killed Mom and Dad did it because of us.”

The two teens turned and left the ceremony where they had just buried the only parents that they have ever known. Without noticing the tall dark figure looming in the background they got into the Toyota 4 x 4 and went home. Their meeting with Harold, the family lawyer, wasn’t until 3:30 that afternoon and the funeral services were at 11:00 so they had time to kill.

“Liz, what do you think Harold is going to tell us?” Michael asked.

“I don’t know Michael. Maybe there is a lot of money. More than likely he's going to tell us what needs to be done with the house and all the legal stuff that we will have to sign. Stuff like that.”

Their home was about 10 minutes away from the cemetery and when they pulled into the drive the two teenagers dragged themselves out of the pickup and slowly made their way into an empty house. Harold had been there yesterday and had grabbed some stuff out of their father’s safe and had taken it back to the office. “I will give this back to you tomorrow during our meeting. Will you two kids be ok for the night or do you want to come and stay with me and Wilma?”

“We’ll be ok.” Michael said as he pulled his sister, Liz, into a warm embrace.

“I can’t believe they’re gone. What are we going to do Michael? Where are we going to go…not a single relative came for the services? We were their only relatives and they were ours.” Liz headed towards her room and turned on the radio.

I just want to feel safe in my own skin
I just want to be happy again
I just want to feel deep in my own world
But I'm so lonely I don't even want to be with myself anymore

Liz plopped down onto her bed and just cried; she had never felt this alone before. She knew she would always have Michael, but she felt like there was still something missing from her life. Her and Michael were to be seniors this year, she wanted to go to Harvard and study Molecular Biology. Now she didn’t know what was going to happen.

On a different day
If I was safe in my own skin
Then I wouldn't feel lost and so frightened
But this is today
And I'm lost in my own skin
And I'm so lonely I don't even want to be with myself anymore

Michael heard Liz turn on her radio, he felt for her. He knew that this day would come sooner or later; he had prepared himself, but he hadn’t prepared himself for his parents to leave first. He always thought that Liz and him would have to leave because of who they were. “This really sucks. Hopefully Harold has some good news for us…”

I just want to feel
Safe in my own skin
I just want to be happy again.

Honestly Ok – Dido

Time passed quickly and the two got back into their pickup and headed into Clovis. That is where Harold’s law office was and where all their answers were.


Two Squared Part 2

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:09 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 2

“Phillip. Harold is on the phone for you… He wants to know if you can come into the office and help him on a reading today…”

Phillip came to the phone that his wife Diane held out to him. “Hello.”

“Hi Phillip it’s Harold. I have an interesting situation and know that you would be able to help the two kids that are involved. Can you make it to Clovis by 3:30 today?”

“I don’t know Harold. It’s Saturday and I had hopes of spending time with my family this weekend. Max and Isabel will be going off to college before I know it and I will regret it. What’s going on that you think that you need my help?”

“Do you remember Jeff and Nancy Parker?”

“Yeah, they adopted two kids around the same time Diane and I adopted Max and Isabel. Why?”

“They passed away the other day… They were in a really bad car accident, dead on arrival. No hope of saving them.”

“You got to be joking.”

“No, I’m not. The kids aren’t quite eighteen yet. I don’t want to see them go back into the system. Jeff and Nancy wouldn’t want them to go back into the system. You have to help me help them… They are good kids, pretty levelheaded. What do you say?”

“I will be there. What time is the reading?”

“3:30 this afternoon.”

“Ok, I’m leaving now.”

Phillip hung up the phone and went to go find his wife outside in the garden…”Honey, I’m sorry but I have to go into the office today.”

“But Phillip you made such a big deal for Max and Isabel to stay home. You know they are going to be upset for you leaving.”

“I know. I was just going to go tell them how sorry I am for having to leave, but I think they will understand. Jeff and Nancy Parker passed away the other day. Do you remember them?”

Diane thought for a minute. “Yeah, they adopted the other two kids that were found around the same time as Max and Isabel were found. Didn’t they?”

“Yeah, that’s them…”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. It depends on how the will is set up. It depends on a lot of things. Especially what the two kids want to do. I will call you when I know more. We may have company tonight.” He walked over to his wife of almost 17 years and gave her a hug and a kiss goodbye. “I gotta go talk to Max and Isabel now. Wish me luck.” He turned and left to go look for his two kids.

Knocking on Max’s door. “Max? Are you in there?”

“Yeah, Dad. Come on in…”

“Hey, I have to run into work to help a couple of kids get their parents will straightened out.”

“But dad you made Iz and I stay home because you wanted to spend some “good quality time” with us.” Max used hand quotes to signify good quality time. “And now you are bailing on us. That’s not right.”

“I know you are upset. You have every right to be, but if it was you in this situation I think you would want me there too.”

“What do you mean dad?”

“A couple of kids your age just lost both of their parents and the will reading is today. Their lawyer has asked me to come see if there is anything that I can do to keep them from going back into the foster care system. I have to meet them to see if they are willing to live on their own or even if they can make it. It won’t take long. I should be back by 8:00 this evening. I’m sorry son. If there is anyway that I can make it up to you let me know. Ok.”

“Sure Dad.” Max was disappointed. “Good luck with Isabel; you know she had big plans for today and had to change them to accommodate you; and now you are going to have to go tell her that she can do them now… She’s not going to be a very happy camper.”

“I know. Thanks Max. I’ll see you tonight.” He left. Max was the easy one. He didn’t ever seem to do many extracurricular activities outside of school. Max kept to himself quite a bit and it worried him. Now Isabel on the other hand had things planned for almost every day of the week. However, she didn’t seem to have very many meaningful relationships. It seemed like she didn’t like to be alone, but she didn’t want anyone to close to her either.

“Honey?” Phillip was knocking on her door.

“Yeah, Dad. Come on in.”

“I really hate to do this to you, but I have to go into work today. It’s really important.”

“You expect me to let you go that easy. What I had planned was really important too. I had a date with the captain of the football team and I had to call and cancel because my dad wanted to spend time with me. Now what am I to do?”

“Well, you can go out with Max. It’s been a long time since he’s been out on a Saturday night. Go to the Crashdown grab something to eat and then go to the movies. My treat.” He tossed her a fifty-dollar bill from out of his wallet and gave her a pleading smile. “Please. I will make it up to you I promise.”

“You know dad I will hold you to that.” She smiled and waved him out the door. “Now go on before you are late. I’ll see if Max will go out with his one and only sister.”

“Thanks Izzy. I love you.”

“I love you too Daddy.”

He turned around and left.


Two Squared Part 3

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:09 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 3

“Michael and Elizabeth Parker?” The secretary was looking at the two teens with pity on her face. ”You can go in now.”

“Thank you” Liz said.

“Liz… Michael. I wish that we could meet under other circumstances.” Harold was trying hard to make the teens more comfortable. “Before we begin I would like to introduce you to Phillip Evans. He is a partner here and is excellent at what he does. I have asked him here in case there are any questions that you want to ask. Phillip is very good at custody suits and with the two of you only being seventeen it could get very difficult for you.”

“Hi, Mr. Evans” Liz was the first to make a move. Michael on the other hand didn’t trust anyone. If it wasn’t Liz than it was no one he could trust. He just nodded his head at the other man in recognition.

“Well, lets get started.” The whole will reading took all of twenty minutes. The two found out that their college tuition was paid for. The house was theirs as well. They were handed a safe deposit box key and a letter to be opened at a later time.

“Do you kids have any questions?” Harold asked them.

“No Mr. Martin.” Liz said as she looked over at Michael and saw that his wheels were still churning and knew that he wasn’t going to ask anything soon. She shifted towards Phillip and asked, “Mr. Evans, can help us make sure that we don’t get put back into foster care we would really appreciate it. They were all we had besides each other and we don’t want to replace them so soon.”

“Miss Parker, You have two options… The first one; is you can continue living here in Clovis and continue going to school here. If you continue to live here, then Mr. Martin will look in on you from time to time and confirm with the courts that you are continuing your education and that you aren’t causing any trouble. The second is you can live in Roswell and will be under my supervision. If you move to Roswell you will have to be enrolled at West Roswell High within one week of moving there. I will be the one checking in on you two from time to time to make sure you are doing everything that is needed to live independently. Now don’t think this is going to be easy. You will both be required to get jobs at least twenty hours a week. You will have to show up to school everyday and maintain passing grades until you graduate. This is not going to be a picnic. It’s going to be like you are on probation. The State of New Mexico makes it their business to make sure that all emancipated young adults are responsible… They don’t want to be paying for them in the future. What do you two say? Do you think you can handle it?”

“Mr. Evans” Michael finally spoke up. “As long as my sister and I are together we will survive. Nothing is too hard for us to conquer as long as we are together. We can do it…but I don’t understand why we only have two options.”

“You only have two options because that is what the will stated. Either you stay here in Clovis and have Mr. Martin look after you or you come to Roswell and I look after you. Ok, Mr. Parker? If you two are willing to live on your own then I will look in on it on Monday. In the meantime there is two weeks before school starts and you have two choices to make. If you would like you can meet me in Roswell and I can have my two kids show you around town and see if you would like to move there. There is no hurry I’m sure you want to be able to go through everything that your parents had left you. So, how about we try next weekend?”

The two looked at each other and without saying a word they had a silent conversation. Liz was willing to go to Roswell, however, Michael wasn’t.

“Here is my phone number. Under any circumstances you need anything feel free to call me. I knew your parents before they adopted you two and I feel that I owe it to them now to make sure you two are well taken care of.” Mr. Evans handed Liz his business card after scribbling his home phone number on the back of it and gave them both a warm sincere smile.


Two Squared Part 4

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:09 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 4

“I don’t like it Liz. He knows something. I don’t trust him… I think we should stay here.”

“Michael, come on. He was being very nice. He was only trying to reach out to us. After all he knew Mom and Dad. He doesn’t know anything. Quit being so paranoid. I think we should go see what’s in Roswell. If after we go you still don’t like it I will agree to go where ever you say. Agreed?”

“I’m only looking out for us. Who knows who the enemy is. We have to be ready to leave in a heartbeat. It’s just you and me. There is no one else. Don’t you think that if there was they would have contacted us by now? We can never have a normal life.”

“Yeah, but Michael wouldn’t it be nice if we could find some sort of explanation to our existence here on Earth and what if it is in Roswell? And what if there are more of us. You know I feel that we aren’t complete. There just has to be more of us.”

“We will find out what Roswell has to offer after we go to the bank on Monday to open up the safety deposit box. Ok?” Liz nodded her head and got up off the couch and kissed her brother on the top of the head before heading towards the back door.

“I will be outback if you need me. I just need some time alone.” With that Liz went to the backyard to lie in the hammock that was strung up between two oak trees.

She always went out there to look at the stars. She always wondered which one her and Michael had come from. She had seen visions before but nothing that gave her very many details. If only she could convince him to go to Roswell. She knew that there was something there that would help them know who they are and where they came from.


Two Squared Part 5

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:10 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 5

“What can I get you two?” Maria Deluca was asking the Evans kids. She always thought that they were strange. Max was cute and well Isabel… She was cold, but who wasn’t when they were that popular?

“I will have a Will Smith Burger with seasoned space fries and a Cherry Coke.” Max placed his order with the blonde waitress that he had come to observe as being a complete chatterbox. She was cute but not his type. For some reason no one was his type. He started to wonder if maybe his kind weren’t supposed to mate? He probably would never know. They didn’t know much about themselves other than the obvious.

“I will have the lunar salad with honey mustard dressing and a Cherry Coke.” Isabel saying to the blonde waitress that she had seen hanging out with the gorgeous Alex Whitman at school. She didn’t understand why no one ever dated Alex, he was funny and cute and she knew from visiting his dreams that he liked her. She was hoping that he would work up enough courage this year to ask her to prom, but she knew better. After all she was the Ice Queen. No one got close to Isabel Evans unless she said so.

“That is one Will Smith burger with seasoned space fries, one lunar salad with honey mustard and two Cherry Cokes. Can I get you two anything else? Maybe a new bottle of Tabasco sauce?” She asked rudely. She didn’t know why she felt uncomfortable around these two they were just weird.

“No that will be all.” Max said trying to make the Tabasco comment go by unnoticed. The waitress went to turn in their order when the bell above the door chimed.

“Alex!” Maria said as she greeted her best friend since the third grade. “Do you want anything?” She asked while standing behind the counter.

“Yeah, I will take a orange soda. It’s been a hard day. Make sure it’s on ice.” Alex always ordered orange soda when he was having a bad day. It was his signature drink. Maria always knew that he needed someone to talk to when he ordered an orange soda.

“What’s up babe?” She asked.

“It’s my dad. He is insisting that I get out more and away from my computer more often. Doesn’t he understand that computers are my life? They are the world’s future after all. You would think that he would be excited that his son was going to be going to MIT next fall.” Alex had gotten a full ride to the most prestige computer college in the US. He was excited and nervous; after all, his best friend was going to New York to the School of the Arts to study singing.

“Did you happen to see who was here? Issss aaaa bellll Evvvv aaans.” Maria was teasing him. She knew he had a thing for her, but didn’t really understand it. All he would say was that she was different in his dreams. That she didn’t act like an Ice Princess at all. Hell that was in his dreams, in Maria’s dreams she was rich and had men waiting on her hand and foot. Anything was possible in your dreams. “Are you going to ask her to Prom this year or are you going stag again? I guess if I don’t find a date; we can go together again this year. That is if you want too?”

“Do I have to answer now or can I check with my agent and get back to you at a later date?” That was a running joke between the two friends. Maria always threatened when she was famous that he would have to go through her agent to even get to say hi to her.

“I’m in no hurry, but I don’t like that fact that I am, being your best friend in the whole wide world, being put on the back burner for some remotely slight chance that you grow a backbone and work up enough courage to ask Isabel Evans.

The bell at the window was ringing, and Maria knew that was the order she had placed for the Evans’. She went and picked it up as well as a fresh bottle of Tabasco sauce. She never understood how someone could even eat that stuff. She tried once and her eyes and nose ran for an hour afterwards. Alex didn’t help any all he did was laugh at her. “Her you go, one Will Smith burger with seasoned space fries and one lunar salad with honey mustard. Is there anything else I can get you two?” She asked.

“Uh yeah… Where is our Cherry Cokes?” Max kicked Isabel under the table and gave a ‘better be nice look or else’. She gave him a go to hell look right back. Didn’t he know that she didn’t have to be nice to anyone, besides that was how she got the nickname Ice Queen?

“Oh, I’m sorry… I got sidetrack. They are on the house. I won’t charge you for them.” Maria felt like such an idiot. All she had to do was get the drinks, place the order and make the delivery. If it weren’t for Alex she wouldn’t have to be giving them free drinks. She returned to their table with two ice-cold Cherry Cokes and one bottle of Tabasco sauce. She didn’t know why she was always so nice to them, probably because it came with the job. Be nice to the customers, the customer will return and after all she needed all the customers that she could get because this restaurant was a family business. Her mom ran it after her so called dad up and left them with nothing else.

Alex watched Maria fly around the restaurant as if her life depended on it and when she finally came back to the counter where he was sitting all he could say was, “Your wish is my command. Gosh Maria you were hopping around like there was no tomorrow. Why are you so nervous around them?”

“You have no idea what she is capable of doing to us Alex. She could make or break anyone of our High School careers just by the gossip she could spread.”

“You worry too much. She is not like that. I don’t know how I know; let’s just say I have this gut feeling. One day we will all be friends and we will sit back and laugh at all of this.” With that Alex got up and headed for the door. “Hi, Isabel.” He said before leaving.

“Hey Alex. How are you doing?” She asked back.

“Pretty good. My dad is giving me a hard time about spending too much time with my computer. He tells me I will be a senior in high school in a few weeks and he hasn’t seen me on a date in ages. How is he to know? He isn’t around all of the time.” Alex pulled up a chair and was sitting in it the wrong way. He was actually having a conversation with Isabel Evans.

“What are you doing now?” Max asked.

“Um… Getting ready to go home.” He said.

“Why don’t you go to the movies with us. It’ll be dad’s treat. He had to ditch us today to go help a couple of kids in Clovis. Something about their parents dying. What do you say?” Max knew what he was doing. Isabel liked this boy; Max had caught her dream walking him on more than one occasion. If Iz wasn’t going to ask him out maybe he could. Who knows, he seems nice enough? If there was anyone in Roswell that Max would want to be friends with it would be Alex Whitman and if his sister liked him too then he knew it would be ok to open up a little bit.

“Um… Sure. Why not? What movie are you guys going to see?” Alex was unsure of the reason why he said yes; maybe it had to do with being close to Isabel Evans that made him do it. Who cares? He didn’t.

They had a great time. Max and Isabel really enjoyed Alex’s company as well as his knack of being able to put a little humor into the evening. After the movie they went their separate ways and after that night a new friendship had form. Sure the Evans kids didn’t tell Alex that they weren’t of this world, but they were able to have fun with him.


Two Squared Part 6

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:10 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 6

“Honey, I’m home.” Phillip called out to his wife that was in the living room watching TV.

“Oh, good. I was just getting ready to sit down and watch the Green Mile. You can keep me company now. How did everything go today?”

“Pretty good. Harold was right when he said that they were a couple of levelheaded kids. They remind me so much of Max and Isabel. They are really close and I just have the same feeling about them as I do the kids.”

“What do you mean Phillip? What kind of feeling do you have about Max and Isabel?” Diane was concerned.

“I think they are special… They were left out there in the desert for a reason. Haven’t you noticed it Diane? Our kids are different from any other kids.” He went on to elaborate after seeing Diane’s confused look. “Max tries so hard not to be noticed, while Isabel on the other hand dates every guy under the sun, but yet never settles on any one in particular. They won’t open up to us when we know that there is something wrong and the fire incident last year is just too much of a coincidence.”

“Oh, I forgot about the fire incident. And remember the tape when we were at the park and Max mysteriously healed that bird. Honey, Max came to me later that day and said it wasn’t anything bad. I gave him my word that I wouldn’t bring it up anymore. It doesn’t matter who or what they are they are our kids. I think we need to let it be. They will come to us when they are ready and when they do I will be there with open arms and I hope that you will do the same. I don’t want to discuss this any further.” She got up off the couch and headed for their bedroom.

“Diane you are missing my point. I agree that it doesn’t matter what Max and Isabel are hiding from us, and yes I will love them no matter what, but what I am saying is I think that there are more and that the two kids in Clovis are like Max and Isabel. Look at the facts. Jeff and Nancy adopted the two kids the same time we found Max and Isabel… Don’t you think it is possible that they are someway related? How probable is it for two sets of kids to be found wondering around in the desert naked and both sets approximately the same age? Think about it Diane. We have to make sure that these kids get taken care of no matter what. I am trying to encourage them to come live in Roswell. Jeff and Nancy left a condition in the will that stated either the kids stay in Clovis under Harold’s supervision or they come to Roswell under mine. I think they had some idea that Liz and Michael were special just like we know Max and Isabel are special.”

“I don’t know honey. Could it be possible? Would Max and Isabel recognize them if we introduced them to each other? What are your plans?”

“I don’t know.


Two Squared Part 7

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:11 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 7

The night turned cold quickly and Liz got up and headed back into the house. Tomorrow was going to be boring, however, Monday was going to be a busy day. They had to see what their parents didn’t want anyone to see but them. I wonder if they suspected us? She thought to herself. A lot had happened in 11 years and although she couldn’t ever remember slipping up and using her powers in front of them there might be some possibility that they knew.

Michael was asleep on the couch watching MTV and like always Liz went in and turned it off and covered him up with a quilt and said “Goodnight” to him softly before heading to her room.

She had to pass her parent’s room in order to get to hers. She paused in front of the door and wagered whether or not to go in. Slowly she turned the door handled and took a few calming breaths before walking inside. She held her right hand out to softly trace everything that she came into contact with. As she passed a few pictures on the wall and had revisited the exact time and place that it had happened she moved on. When she came to her mother’s desk she was shocked to see a leather-bound notebook neatly centered. The reason she was shocked was because on the front of the book was a symbol that she felt she knew. It was strange looking at first, but the more she pondered it the more she realized that that symbol came from HOME. How did her mother get this? Why didn’t she show it to her kids if she knew about them? Didn’t she know the pain that Liz had gone through just because she thought that she wouldn’t be able to be open with her mother? If she would have only told her they could have shared so much more.

Liz quickly picked up the book and headed towards her room. Quietly shutting the door behind her for she didn’t want to wake her brother. It seems like when she wanted to get Michael up he made it hard for her, but then when she was trying not to disturb him he woke up at the slightest sound she made. She thought he did this on purpose, but she had no evidence of any sort. Finally reaching her room she plopped down onto her bed and started to flip through the pages of her mother’s book. To her surprise all of the pages were empty.

“How can that be? Why would my mom keep a book with nothing in it?” She asked to herself.

A voice from nowhere said, “You aren’t paying attention my child. Concentrate. Really look at the pages. Feel the pages.” And then the voice disappeared.

It was true. Whenever Liz concentrated on certain things she was able to ‘read’ them so to speak. She could get feelings and sometimes flashes from things. She had discovered this ‘secret’ during Christmas time one year when she really wanted a microscope for her one special present from Santa Claus. She couldn’t take anymore of Michael’s teasing about there not being a Santa Claus and if there was he didn’t bring ‘alien’ children anything that they ever wanted. She just had to prove him wrong and by concentrating hard enough she had gotten a flash of her mother buying it and then asking the young sales clerk to wrap it for her.

“Just wait until Christmas, you’ll see. I’m right and you are wrong.” She had to rub it in good. Michael always seemed to get the best of her and this time she was going to get the best of him. Christmas came and Liz held Michael in suspense when she opened up every present but that one; the one she knew was to be the microscope. Lets just say that Michael never doubted Liz’s sense of knowledge ever again…

After she finished the memory she looked back down at the book and concentrated. She concentrated until three in the morning and got nothing. “It is useless. I have to get some sleep.” Turning over and turning off her light that sat on the nightstand she adjusted herself and quickly fell asleep. The book was still resting next to her.


There were people running in complete chaos and the scene in front of her was yet another funeral. She didn’t know how she knew for all of the images in front of her were vague, but the funeral was for the King of Antar. The people in attendance were the Queen, her daughter, and herself. The Queen was crying as well as the Princess Vilandra. Charisse was in between the two ladies trying to offer her support.

When the ladies returned to the palace, Queen Anna asked for Charisse to accompany her to her quarters. Once they arrived the queen sat down in front of her desk and grabbed the family book. It was leather bound and had the family emblem on the front cover.

“For ages this book has been handed down from generation to generation and for ages it has all come true. You see in this book is our past, our present and our future as the ancients have prophesized to be true. It saddens me to know what I know, because it has foreseen the death of not only my husband, but it is written that the rest of the royal family will soon die as well.” The words that the queen was saying made Charisse’s knees weak. She had to sit down and absorb everything.

~*~ End Dream ~*~

Liz was brought back to the real world with Michael bursting into her room yelling after a shadowy figure who was exiting Liz’s window.


Two Squared Part 8

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:11 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 8

“Did you see who it was?” He asked her.

“No, I didn’t even know anyone was in here. How did you know?”

“I got up off the couch and was going to my room when I heard someone going through mom and dad’s room. They were looking for something, and they didn’t find it in there so they moved in here. They didn’t get a chance to really look around here because that is when I started yelling at him. Are you ok?” Michael sat down on Liz’s bed. He was concerned for his sister; something could have really gone wrong if he hadn’t woken up when he did. “Do you know whoever that was, what they would want in here?

It finally dawned on Liz. “ Michael I think someone knows something. I think that whoever that was, that they killed our parents. I don’t know how or why but I also think that our parents knew who we were…” She was looking to see if Michael thought that she was crazy or not, but she was unable to read his expression. For some reason she didn’t show him the book, she wanted to wait and see if she would be able to read it.

“I’m going to get the sleeping bag. I’m not letting you sleep alone. You are all I have left in this world and I’m not taking any chances.” He left and Liz hurried up and hid the book. She didn’t want to take any chances either so she worked a piece of floorboard loose and jammed the book underneath it. She used her powers to seal the boards back together and hurried up and jumped back into bed before Michael returned.

Michael returned and once he was settled they both fell asleep. Liz hoped that the dream would continue but it didn’t. Morning was here before either of them knew it, and Liz forgot that Michael had slept on the floor until she got out of bed and stepped right in the middle of his gut.

“Hey, watch it! I’m down here. God I get no gratitude. I stay here and protect my only sister and what kind of thanks do I get? I foot jabbed into my midsection.”

“Sorry Michael. I forgot. Are you ok?” Liz sounded sincere.

“I would be better if you fix me some pancakes. It’s the least you could do for your loving brother.”

“Ok. It’s the least I can do for my loving brother.” Liz continued over his lying body and went into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and afterwards was in the kitchen getting the ingredients for breakfast. Michael entered as if on queue when she was getting the first batch out of the frying pan.

“Smells good.” He said as he sat down at the kitchen table. Liz walked to the refrigerator and got the butter the blueberry syrup and the Tabasco sauce. The last item was something that the two needed in order for the food to even be remotely edible. You could say that it is acquired ‘alien’ trait.

As she handed him the Tabasco sauce she asked, “Have you thought anymore about taking up Mr. Evans offer to go and visit Roswell?”

“No, not really. I say we stay here.”

“How can you say that we should stay here after what happened last night? You aren’t always going to be here to protect me Michael. Lord knows what could have happened while I was asleep.”

It was true and Michael had been thinking about that. “You could have always used your powers on him.”

“Yeah, if I was awake, but I wasn’t. I was having a really strange dream last night. I’m lucky you were up Michael that’s all I’m going to say. If you don’t want to go to Roswell then you don’t have too, but I’m telling you now. I am going whether you like it or not.

The two teenagers sat in silence as they ate their pancakes. Liz cleaned up the morning dishes and headed towards her bedroom. She got the business card that Mr. Evans had given her the day before and dialed his number.


Two Squared Part 9

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:12 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 9

“Hello.” Max had to answer the phone since no one else was at home. His parent’s were at Church and Isabel had gone to one of the many charities that she worked with.

“Um… Hi. Is Mr. Evans there?” Liz wasn’t ready for someone else to answer the phone. She didn’t know what she was thinking. He does have two kids and a wife living with him.

“No, he isn’t. May I take a message for him?” He asked the young voice on the other end.

“Um. Could you tell him that Liz Parker called and that I will call him later.”

“Sure. Are you sure you don’t want me to have him call you when he gets in? He should be back sometime around one o’clock this afternoon.” Max said remembering that his father had gone to Clovis the day before to help a couple of kids. Maybe this is one of them?

“Oh, no. That won’t be necessary. I probably shouldn’t have called on a Sunday anyway. The man goes out of his way to come help us yesterday and just because he said to call anytime doesn’t mean that he meant it.” She was starting to back pedal as fast as she could. The voice on the other end was soothing and she really didn’t want to hang up just then.

“If my dad said to call him anytime he meant it. Is there something wrong, because I can page him and have him call you as soon as possible if you want me too?”

“No. That’s ok. It really isn’t anything. I just wanted to see if his offer still stood. I want to come visit Roswell and see if I would like to live there and attend school at West Roswell High. I was just curious, that’s all.”

Max detected nervousness in the girl’s voice that told him that something else was up. “You can come up today. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind and besides I can take you around and show you what the town has to offer.” Please say yes. He just had to get to see this girl. Something seemed very familiar to him. Maybe spending time with Alex and Isabel last night did something to him that he didn’t realize.

“I really don’t want to be a bother to anyone. If this really isn’t a good time I can understand. I feel like I have to do something; if I don’t get out of this house I will just go crazy.” Liz did feel like she was going crazy. “Sometimes you don’t know what you are missing until it is gone. Thanks so much for the offer but… I don’t want to impose on your Sunday and besides I don’t even know your name.”

“It’s Max. I would be more than happy to run you around town I am a good listener when I want to be, but if you ask my sister you might as well forget it. She has nothing good to say about me.”

“I know what you mean. My brother and I don’t give each other any good compliments either. Sibling rivalry I guess.” Liz was starting to open up to the man on the other end of the phone. She had made up her mind she was going to Roswell this morning. “If I leave now I will get there around eleven or eleven-thirty is that ok?”

“Yeah, that will be good I can take you to the Crashdown for lunch and introduce you to a couple of West Roswell High students. The Crashdown is a popular hangout for the student body. How does that sound?” Max asked.

“That sounds good. Where can I meet you?” She didn’t know Roswell that well. The Clovis Yellow Jackets had played the West Roswell Comets on a couple of occasions and Liz thought that she could find the school.

“Well have you ever been to Roswell?” Max asked.

“I’ve been to a couple of basketball games, but other than that no. I could probably find the school.” Liz still felt a little bit uneasy.

“Well how about this? I will meet you outside Roswell on Highway 285 South that way you won’t get lost.” Max offered.

“Oh, no you don’t have to do that. What will you be doing on the side of the road if I am late?” She wondered.

“I will be waiting on you. So you better not be late. Just come on down and don’t worry; you aren’t putting me out or anything. Who knows I might be able to get you to have a good time or something.” Max was beginning to get nervous about meeting this girl. What if she doesn’t like it here and it’s all my fault. Max couldn’t help but worrying. He wasn’t very good at interactions with others and all that was Isabel’ field.

“What kind of vehicle do you drive? I would really hate to make a fool of myself if I ran into someone before I came across you.” The other reason is the intruder from last night could be following her and she didn’t want to be put into any unexpected danger.

“I will be in an old army green jeep no top unless it starts to rain.” Max told her.

“Ok, just let me tell my brother where I am going and I will be there as fast as I can.”

“Ok. Remember I will be waiting, so you better not back out on me now.” What am I saying? I don’t usually act this way. What if I end up liking this girl? What will I do? Don’t overreact Maxwell all will be well. It just has to be. “ I will let you go. See you later, Liz.” Max wanted to get off the phone before he said anything else off the wall like he did earlier.

“Ok. Bye Max, and don’t worry I won’t leave you sitting out on 285 South for too long. I promise.” She hung up the phone not a moment too soon before Michael walked in.


Two Squared Part 10

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:13 pm
by Bordersinsanity
Part 10

“Who you talking too?” he asked.

“No one. Why?” she tried to dodge his inquisitions.

“Come on Liz, now is not the time to start lying to each other. There was someone in this house last night looking for something. I don’t want you going anywhere alone. You hear me?” Michael was set in his ways. There was no way Liz was getting out of this house alone.

“Ok. I called Mr. Evans to see if his offer was still open for us to go to Roswell. I need to get out of this house. I have nothing to do and nowhere to go. I just wanted to go drive around for a while. Alright?” Liz was looking at Michael with her big brown doe eyes.

“Don’t pull that look on me. I know better than that. What did he say?” Michael was curious.

“He didn’t say anything. He wasn’t home.” Liz thought it better to play the game this way instead of telling Michael that she had planned on seeing Max, Phillip’s son, later on in Roswell.

“So what are you going to do today?” He felt sorry for his sister. She didn’t really have anyone to turn to. Everyone that was ever there for her is gone, with the exception of him.

“I don’t know. Go for a drive; maybe hang out at the mall, anything but sit here. Do you want to come along?” She asked.

“Are you kidding? Racing is on and they are at Daytona this weekend. I am glued to the TV all day today. I’ll probably make a run to the kitchen around lap 100 but other than that I’m not leaving the living room. You go ahead I’ll see you later.” Michael was already making a spread in front of the TV. This was the first time he didn’t have any parents around the house telling him to go to his room to watch the race. Yep, the house is mine. He thought to himself.

“Thanks. Hope your driver wins the race.” She turned and headed for the bathroom. What am I going to wear? It was going to be a scorcher today. I should probably wear jean shorts and a tank top, but which one? Liz walked over to her dresser and picked out a pair of faded jean shorts and a red tank top…She headed to the bathroom and did a few final touches… One last look in the mirror to look and see if everything looked ok… After all she was going to meet someone new. The smile faded as she realized that she would never be able to have a relationship. There was never going to be another one that she could be totally honest. She pushed that thought back, way back and told herself to quit talking like Michael. There are others out there; she knew it deep down inside. After all who was the one communicating to her about the book? Whomever it was had to be one of them. She just had to find them…

Liz walked out of her room and into the living room. “I don’t know when I will be back, but if you need me call my cell. Have fun and don’t worry, if I run into any car problems I will call you.”

“Have fun and be careful…” Michael yelled back.

Liz hopped into the Toyota and put the manual transmission in reverse. Driving the 4 x 4 pick-up gave the little 5’4”, 110-pound woman an ego boost every time. No one would dare cut her off; at least they better not. The drive to Roswell was going to take a little bit of time, but Liz wasn’t worried she had a few CD’s in the truck and she would be there in no time…



Max looks at his watch 11:15 am Liz should be here anytime now. The sun was starting to beat down on the back of his neck and he had started sweating some. He didn’t want Liz to see him sweat so he used his powers to cool him down. Just as he had finished drying off he saw a silver Toyota pickup pull off the side of the road and a short, petite brunette hopped out and started to walk over to the green army jeep. “You must be Max. I’m Liz Parker. Nice to finally put a face to the name.” Liz held out her hand to shake Max’s hand.

“Nice to finally meet you.” He said as he took Liz’s hand into his. Instantly they both received a flash of the book that Liz had stashed away in the floorboards of her room.
