Innate Attraction,M/L,ADULT A/N pg 10 8/8/06[WIP]

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Innate Attraction,M/L,ADULT A/N pg 10 8/8/06[WIP]

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Title: Innate attraction
Rating: Adult...It took me a while to rate this i do have alot of dark scences and sexual content i decided to rate it R/NC-17 meaning adult. However, if you believe this fic should be for mature audiences..please let me know kay?

Couple: M/L (dreamer insured) however
Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended

BannerArt: It was my first attempt so please don't kill me :lol:

Author’s note and summary: Okay…I had this idea since 2001 ( thats a veery long time) but I kept getting writers block because for some reason I found this story hard to write…. Okay…in this story Tess and Liz have switch roles. In other words, Tess is Human (but not Nancy and Jeff’s daughter..) and Liz is the four member of the pod squad. This story follows all the episodes in season one up to Independence Day. There’s no Sexual Healing. I also will use season one and two as a brief guideline

Even though Max is together with Tess…he thinks he’s in love with her.. I don’t really like Tess…but I will try and write her in a good light.

I also want to say a big thank you to Steph/ Stephanie (you know who you are) thanks for helping me when you did..

Plot summary: Ava aka Liz has lived for seventeen years on the run with her protector Nasdeo. When they arrive in Roswell and Liz is told her density is with Max Evans, the future King of Antar, she refuses, believing one person can choose their path.

Liz goes to great lengths at keeping her destiny under warps from everyone but as she gets to know the Roswell gang Liz has a hard time believing that she can fight her destiny.

There is also the fact of: whether or not her feelings for Max are genuine… Or just innate attraction.

Then in comes Leto. A man seeking redemption that turns Liz's world upside down-making Liz question if she can choose her own destiny or be doomed to repeat it??

Chapter One

They were out there; Ava could hear the pitter-patter sound off their scuffling black shoes. Her left hand was placed outwards in attack mode while the other was fastened around Jake’s hand. Even though there were issues between them right now Ava had to keep him safe from the FBI and her protector.
“ Connie! What the hell is going on, man? Is it the secret services or something or..”
“Jake, Shut up,” She whispered back. Truth was, her name wasn’t Connie. To Jake, she was Connie Savannah Kornikoff, a Russian born American cheerleader from West Bridge High, her father; Ivan was involved with the government. As far as Jake knew, he thought that the FBI was attempting to kidnap a helpless human Russian girl whose father is a nuclear physicist. In reality Ava was a genetically engineered hybrid alien, a cloned queen of a planet she called Antar.

She liked to keep it that way but her real name should be lies, deceit and treachery.
Why did she agree to meet him at the Old Soap Factory rave party in Santa Monica?
That was not the point now. She was now the prey of the FBI agents.
“Now, listen to me Jake, very carefully” She turned to him, a ferry of her long dark hair billow in front of her and covered hair of her face but still masked the fear she felt since a child now crystallized into a queasy innate feeling in her seventeenth year.
“We are going to snake through the factory hallways and get out of this Kay? Ill tell you everything afterwards but for now, keep quiet and I’ll get you out,”
Truth was, she wasn’t even sure how to get out of here without using her powers.
She wasn’t human, and that was the secret that she has kept from everyone ever since she hatched out of her incubation pod.

Ava was the child survivor of the 1947 crash in Roswell New Mexico, she was still gesturing as a zygote in the pods and it took forty-two years until she hatched in 1989. She hatched alone. Three other people like her left before she hatched. She met her protector three days later. He was in one of his disguises then, an elderly woman with fiery red hair but Ava instinctively knew who the lady was. From then on it has been seventeen years old walking from destination to destination with a new name and fake story of her childhood.

Two years in L.A and Ava knew her protector who calls himself Ed wanted to trade her for her stronger counter-part, Serena. When their ship crashed two set of genetically engineered pods were on board-her duplicate was faster, sassier and everything her protector wanted in a queen. However, Kal-the other sets protector said that only she had the seal of Antar-guaranteeing her a place as the ruling half of Antar. It was Ed’s job to protector her but she always knew he would arrange something like this just to kill her so he could have Serena as Queen.

It was an old soap factory maze made of iron, bronze and rusted steel. She bent down low and trudged against the hulls of the ovens. She heard the steps come at her faster. SO, she squeezed Jake’s hand and dove into a small passageway in-between the seven cooking ovens, weaving herself and Jake in and out of each square.

She saw a flutter of black suits out of the corner of her eye, she dove quickly, skinning her knees and cutting a layer of skin off but she gritted her teeth and hid Jake and herself in the far corner of the boiler room. They were trapped and out of exits. So, she had only option left.
“Jake, stay low,” Ava had her eyes open this time. Luckily, Jake wasn’t a hero or a macho man when it came to dangerous situations. He did as he was told. Ava could feel a sense of fear, confusion, and regret that he wanted to fight.
Not this time, she thought silently and let her mind unravel outwards, stretching out like invisible hands to the hearts and minds of the FBI agents.

There were fifty of them. Too many minds to mind warp but she had to in order to protect Jake and herself.
She could feel the wetness of her own blood pouring out of her nose as she scrunched up her face in concentration. We are invisible to everyone, she projected an image to every FBI agent and each time she saw their shiny black sunglasses gaze right at her she only pushed harder with her mind to cloak herself.

She felt the pressure build up behind her eyes like hot teapots ready to burst with steam. The darkness staring creating fuzzy shadows, dancing around her form but she only pushed harder, even when every scrape of energy drained out of she didn’t give up. Then, like her hand was caught in the jar her mind finally snapped and she collapsed on the floor. She saw the white floodlights on her skin, blindly she look into the face of a Spanish woman in her mid twenties. Her face masked in fear, shock and horror.

Its over, she thought groggily. She felt jakes arms around her, giving her mild comfort.
“Come in Agent Eliza Lopez,” a buzzing sound vibrated from the agents left pocket. She produced a walkie-talkie. The loud click of the red button felt like a guillotine slicing her neck open. She was done for. She could almost feel the incisors shredding her liver and intestine until everything was a blurring mush of concoctions.

“Nothing to report sir,” The agent whispered. Eliza smelt like honey lemons crouched beside her. “Take her. Go!”
The agent vanished form her blurring eyes. “Come on, Connie,” Jake cried, hauling her upwards. This time, it was Jake that led her out of the Bats cave and she was breathing cold air that it stung her insides. She was out and free from those monsters, well, except for Eliza. The Angel who saved her from hell.

“Well, Jake…I did…promise.”
His high shrill cream honked off like a fog off. She felt his skin bring and he flopped to the ground. There stood Ed with his glowing hand outstretched and his silver handprint burned into Jake’s ashen face with his fear etched in his face and mirrored in his glazed eyeballs.
“Come on,” Ed instructed.

Ava couldn’t remember much after that. She didn’t know how she got into a car but Ed was driving in his normal human form that he always returned to after all that shapeshifting. He was a shape shifting protector and Ava had been in some many situations like this that she knew everyone in there was dead. Including the innocent teenagers who went to the rave and the mothers and children of the people who saw her using her powers.

Ava hated herself for being careless and being the cause of so many deaths.
“Chosen a new name for a new destination,” He said, not in a caring, or cheerful tone, like a father or someone who cared but in a mocking tone as if he was mocking her for her novelties of choosing a new name for herself.
Not this time, Ava thought. This name I am going to keep and make my own.
“Liz,” Liz replied, in memory of the FBI agent who saved her life, before closing her eyes as her body gave in to exhaustion.

“Did you speak to River Dog?” asked Max’s on again, off again girlfriend and Maria’s best friend, Tess Hart. She dipped her fry in sweet and sour sauce then ate it whole making a face as the fry slid down her throat. Tess rarely ate junk food. It was ironic that she chose to try some fries from the Crashdown; it was notorious for its alien themed, greasy food.

“Yes,” Max replied groggily looking at his also sleepy sister, Isabel. Their friend Michael however, was wide-awake. Max and Isabel were barely able to keep their eyes open after the Frazier woods incident, and with the constant feeling of being watched, they were exhausted. Lately that feeling had been getting stronger, so strong that Max wouldn’t let himself rest until he felt entirely sure everyone in the group was safe before he would sleep, including Michael, who had a habit of disappearing in the middle of the night. Both Michael and himself had dark circles under their eyes as a result. The dark puffy bags under Max’s eyes resembled purple cream puff pastries. If his eyelids drooped another inch he’d look asleep.

“That message we received in Frazier woods a couple of weeks ago meant something. I think Nasedo’s back.” Michael placed his crossed arms on the bench.

“And what does that get us?” Isabel whispered, being careful not to let other people hear their conversation. “You!” she said glaring at Michael. “Burning a symbol outside a school library and Max making a fool of himself at that concert.”

“It was one little sip,” Max protested. “Anyway, I can’t remember any of it. All I did was ruin everyone’s night,” he said looking at Tess, her pink lips formed a thin smile.

“Not everyone,” She gently nudged him underneath the table with her pink flip-flops. Max nodded a thank you before looking at everyone individually in the group.

“Look, everything that’s happened these past few months, Tess getting shot, the Sheriff being after us, Alex donating blood when I needed it, Michael getting sick and receiving the healing stones, the cave symbols, finding the necklace, everything, we’ve gotten through it together. Whatever happens, nothing is going to break us apart. Not even Nasedo and his message for us.”

Last edited by on Fri Jul 14, 2006 1:30 am, edited 46 times in total.
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Chapter Two

On the outside Liz looked like everybody else: five foot seven, long brown hair and almond eyes. It’s on the inside that the similarities between Liz and humanity end.
She could feel the power underneath her skin, like smouldering embers in the fire. The power within her never diminished, it always waited for her to strike.
A lady should never speak her mind. Her protector hammered the words of the Antar hierarchy into her brain ever since she left the pod. Ever since she left the pods, she always felt alone.

“Welcome to Paluma Heights, Miss Harding,” The Mexican chaffer said as the black stretch limousine made its way through the Richville of Roswell.
‘Whatever’, she thought. Edward Harding, her protectors new M.O sat next to her, but was as far away as possible, letting Liz know that she was alone in this universe.
Mina dusapeisa taesa peilaka” (I despise this place) Liz spat to her protector but her venom words sounded like a rasp. She hadn’t used her voice in days and the red marks from her protector’s hand have yet to fade from her skin. It has been days, weeks even and she could still taste the ash from the charred bodies that Ed killed in her name.

Although the scenery was whizzing past Liz wasn’t looking. Curled into a small ball, she was trying to block out the world but nothing could push out the image of deep brown hair, sea green eyes and a smile that once warmed her heart. However, as the houses all bled into one blur while the car hummed onwards she felt something jolt inside her. This feeling was like a warm ice pick in her stomach. Liz didn’t like that feeling; it felt foreign to her…like some part of her was waking up for the first time in decades.

“They say the scenery is one of Roswell’s merits,” She heard her protector drawl as he skimmed through a pile of photos. He was glaring at her fragile ball from the opposite end of the stretch limousine.
“Honestly!” He huffed, visibly irritated by her silence, dropping the pile of photos onto the floor. An image of a dark haired male in black and white stared up at her. “Roswell’s not that bad,” they both knew that Ed wasn’t talking about Roswell.

Liz wouldn’t dare look at him; she could still smell his rainforest cologne and see faint splatters of red blood all over his skin.
Why, Liz bit on her own tongue, the taste of her own blood dripped from her trembling lower lip as her red-blotched eyes peered over form her pillow to glance at the arid desert blurring before her, only the sound of the car speeding through the highway gave Liz mild comfort. Why? Why did he have to do that? It wasn’t Jake’s fault. It was her fault. Ed picked up his photos and resumed studied its content. Liz only caught a few images of girls with blonde hair.

The car stopped next to a white mansion that had a small fountain with an ivory cherub spouting water out of its mouth in front of it. The garden was immaculate, with lilies, white and red roses, and exquisite rare flowers Liz couldn’t name all neatly maintained in their own separate areas. Why did Ed go through so much trouble with every house? It was only temporary, and as soon as the feds got on their trail again, then it would be adios amigos to this dump of a town called Roswell, New Mexico.

However, glancing over at Ed wearing his glasses, looking at photos, it seemed that Roswell was more concrete than the others had been.
“Would you at least clean your face?” Nasdeo complained, still staring at the photos. He picked up his red permanent marker from his breast pocket and placed a red cross over a girl with blonde curls. Liz rolled her eyes, waved her hand over her face, arms and limbs until her skin was unscathed and almost glowing.

Finally, the five moving vans, Humvees, and Army jeeps piled into the driveway, and Ed was out of the car to be the first to open the two huge, white doors using the menacing lion’s head doorknob.

“Isn’t it nice,” Ed complimented, turning to Liz. Liz returned with a flashing fake smile.

“Oh yes, Daddy I love it.” Giggling Liz thrust her hands in the air. “I could just die,” She said. Spinning around, she arched her peachy keen fake smile and added, “I can’t believe we left Los Angeles for this place!”

He glared at her. “Do I have to remind you that I am not your father but your protector?” Nasdeo lowered his voice as he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Agent Pierce was hot on our trail. He was about to discover everything. We had to move.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Do you have to remind me? Oh wait… yes! Just like everyday, you have spoon-fed me this same garbage for the past seventeen years? And for your information I don’t give a damn about Agent Pierce!”

Nasdeo glared at her, took her arm and squeezed. Liz winched, pain, he knew that she still had sore muscles from trying to escape from the soap factory in Santa Monica. But her pain gave him self-satisfaction.
Nasdeo lowered his voice as he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “ As I said before Agent Pierce was hot on our trail. He was about to discover everything. We had to move.”

Liz turned to him, shook his grip off, “So, what was Jake? Collateral damage? “No, He was a loose end,” Nasdeo smiled.
Before Liz could conjure her powers and blast him across the room a moving man interrupted them.
“Where do you want me to put this?”
Liz shrugged. “I dunno, in the study?” And added with a fake smile, “Please.”

The mover shrugged off her weirdness and left the hallway. Nasdeo forcefully grabbed her elbow and jerked her to the adjacent dining room, as the black grand piano was being heaved in.
“I shall remind you that you are the future Queen of Antar. Do you think your husband would tolerate this kind of behaviour?” His eyes bugged out of their sleepy sockets.

“You know, that look gives away the fact that you are an..” Liz’s felt her throat being squeezed by Ed’s powerful mind control. Inside her mind, she was throbbing from his scalding remarks.

Dunutot be chiladusaha Vaveva. Ona vara warasa toue Hemavanu binugesa!’

(Don’t be childish Ava. You are worse than these pathetic human beings) Liz gasped and absently rubbed her throat. Liz didn’t have to listen to this. She headed towards the stairs, and then turned to look down at her protector.

“Yeah, that’s right! I’m da man! Just like Kal said. So, stop thinking that you can trade me for thirty piece of silver so you can have Serena instead of me!”
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Chapter Three

“You’re not even watching the movie!” Jake scolded, but Liz could see his loop-sided grin and knew straight away that he liked having her curled up beside him.
“I’ve seen Donnie Darko a thousand times,” Liz replied, still marvelling at his nicely sculptured face, and full lips that may have kissed a thousand girls but now only enjoyed hers.
Liz placed her hand on his chest, Jake wasn’t breathing and his skin was cold. She looked up to find herself lying on the desert floor with a dark haired male staring back at her.


“Ow,” Liz seethed, rubbing her forehead gingerly. She eyed the bedside table her forehead had recent contact with.
The clock read 7: 45am, which meant she had half an hour to get ready for school.

School, Liz thought. School number twenty-five, Liz chuckled. In actually fact, Liz lost count of how many schools she attended.

[Knock Knock Knock]

“Ara yenu dusakanutot nga?” Nasedo’s voice hollered from behind her white door. Liz winced. Mavaneise, her native tongue. The language Ed insisted she speak at home. Liz looked down at her pink shirt with the words ‘Abduct me’ and white draw strong pants before saying “Yensa!”
“ Come down stairs! Nasedo replied in English

After having a quick shower Liz walked down the stair into the adjacent living area and front door to find Ed in the living room.
Liz was wearing a black blouse with tight fitting grey cargos. The material felt like sheer Indian pants. Her hair was loose around her shoulders. Only her lips had a coating of lip-gloss and a single outline of mascara was around her almond eyes. She was a natural beauty, remembering what people at her old school used to say. Ed Harding however, wasn’t pleased.

“You need to wear a push up bra to enhance your bosom,” Ed Harding straightened his gray tie that he wore with a white business shirt and designer slacks.
“Why would you care?” Liz replied, tossing her hair to one side. “Caring what other people think is human.” Liz pointed to her self and said slowly “I’m not human,”
“You are when you need to do whatever it takes to reawaken your husband,” Ed pulled out a small metallic book from behind him and placed it in Liz’s hands. “It’s time to carry out your destiny as Queen of Antar,”

Liz glanced down at the book in her hands. It was bronze with deep magenta and green swirls. A thick wire spiral was at the side, and it was the only thing that held the book together. The symbol of their home planet, the V shaped star constellation had been pierced in by fine hot pokes. Carefully turning the front page Liz glanced down at the foreign language before her. It was pure Mavaneise symbols- Liz couldn’t read it. So she turned the page, careful not to roll her eyes in the process. The next page hit Liz like a ton of bricks. Carefully drawn into the metallic surface were the faces of the other three. Liz turned to the next page and there was an image of her and a man with an unborn child in her womb, symbols were all around them.

Liz had two reactions. Apart of her was happy, almost delirious at the idea of meeting three other people like her. The other was shame and sadness. The other three were clueless about their destiny. To have her here and expect her destined mate to be with her was ludicrous. Ed pointed to a face below her. “This is your brother, Rath.” Ed then pointed at her brother’s mate. “This is Valandra. Your best friend,” Ed then pointed at to her mate, and smiled. “This is Zan, his highness and your husband.”

“So,” Liz shrugged her shoulders. “What do you expect me to do about it?”
“Confide in them. I have some business to attend to for the next three weeks. I expect progress when I get back, Ava. No childish business, you’re a woman, a warrior, a Queen. I expect results. Now, go to school. Remember, I’ll be watching you,”
Liz saluted. “Yes Sire,”
Ed scoffed. “Ava….”
“Sorry,” Liz got up from the couch, picked up her schoolbag and opened the door to get outside. She listened to the satisfying sound of the door slamming behind her. She placed the destiny book in her bag and hoped that today would be a good day.


Good impression, I must make a good impression? How was she supposed to do this? Come on Liz, think? Don’t be afraid I’m just an alien like you? Wait…. no?
Take me to your leader?

Liz’s mind was amiss as she gazed at Valandra just like the woman she saw drawn in the destiny book.
“Isabel! You’ve missed your health class for the last time,”
“I’m sorry Miss Shoe but I…”
Liz found her answer. She ran towards the duo at the end of the hallway.
“Its my fault,” Liz said as she caught up with them. “I’m new in town. Liz Harding and Isabel was my welcome wagon. She kindly helped me to find the front desk and even showed me around school so I would fit in. Please don’t punish her for her warm hospitality skills,”
Miss Shoe eyed Isabel and said. “Welcome to West Roswell High. Do you know where you next class is?”
“B 54,”Liz replied, but she wasn’t planing on going to lesson. However, Isabel was off the hook and mouthed. “Thanks” before walking into her class.

You know when you meet a very popular person you wish that they have some kind of flaw? Doesn’t it infuriate you to find someone who was popular, gorgeous and intelligent? However, Isabel’s only flaw was that she was an alien. But Isabel didn’t know that Liz knew that
“Welcome to West Roswell High,” Isabel’s boyfriend, Alex shook her hand. She received a few flashes of uncertainty, friendship but overall a general likeness towards her.
“Sorry, I’m So-----late but your brother insisted I stay and help him study,” A tall girl with blonde curls and blue eyes sat down next to Isabel and ignored Liz. The girl wore a low red bikini top and tight blue jeans. Liz also noticed that half the guys on the football team were drooling at this girl. This was the same girl Liz saw in the photo with a red X drawn across her face.
“Tess, this is Liz.” Alex made the introduction. Tess turned around and smiled. A smile Liz knew was completely false, as if Tess didn’t care who Liz was.
“Well, I must warn you that most guys want to confined in me because they want to jump my bones,” Tess smiled. “Most girls want to know me because they want to find out if I’m going to jump their boyfriend’s bones….”
“That’s great… but you’ve just reminded me that I need to check in at the library for some chem. books.” Liz stood up and didn’t bother to say good-bye. She heard Alex scolded Tess, ‘You scared her away,’ Alex said but Liz didn’t feel like putting up the image of a preppy Texan schoolgirl or the badass chick. After what Ed did Liz didn’t feel human anymore.

The library was small but filled with endless rows of bookshelves. Opposite the front desk were three sets of tables. At the far end was a man with dark hair, studying. That must be Isabel’s brother, Liz concluded, she didn’t know how it happened but she ended up walking to his table and taking a seat.
“Hi, are you Isabel’s brother?” Liz asked.
He looked up and Liz bit her lip. His smiled shyly, “Yeah, Max Evans. What has my sister done now? Given you fashion advice or?” Max started listing of many things Isabel could have done but Liz shushed him.
“No, I’m new in town.” She felt like an idiot for saying that but it was the truth. “Isabel was the only girl I have met so far-------” She didn’t want to mention Tess. Liz felt bad vibes off her and she felt that she couldn’t say anything without blasting something. “---- I was wondering if you could help me get some of my text books?” She saw a flicker in his eyes. Liz stood up, “Or not, just tell me where I can find my books cos’ Isabel wasn’t helpful and Tess…well…” Shit, Liz thought. I mentioned Tess and here I am babbling about textbooks to this man, this supposed Zan that was going to be her husband. Or was her husband in another life.
“Sit,” Max said and gestured to the seat Liz was sitting in. As Liz sat down he continued. “First off, I’ll be happy to help you and second. Isabel can sometimes come off cold and thirdly; Tess is a box of chocolates. You don’t know what kind of mood you’re going to get from her,”
They shared a smile. Liz rolled her eyes, stop flirting, she scolded herself. “I’m Liz Harding. I transferred from Westbridge in L.A,”
“City of Angels,” Max nodded.
Liz’s face fell. More like city of demons
“Yea,” Liz smiled, and eyed his papers-biology. “You have the equation around the wrong way,” She noticed, picked up his pencil and leaned over to correct it.
She felt tingly all over and had the strongest urge to touch his bronze coloured skin. Liz immediately fell back into her seat. She regained composer and stood up.
“Thanks for the help, Max,” and left.

“Wait,” She heard a deep rumble in his throat, like a snake rattle and she was flipped around in one fluid motion and swept upwards, his lips scorched hers, and, caught off guard tried to back away but something inside her snapped and she gave into the taste of his skin.

Liz shook herself out of her revive and realised that she was still in the library, and Max, was already gone.


I love Fridays, Liz thought to herself while in the Crashdown Café. The Café had bright coloured walls of UFO’s and little green men but Liz didn’t care, she loved the novelty. She only had been in Roswell for one week and already the group, Alex, Isabel, Tess…shunned her off.
Ahhh, the strong blend of coffee beans and lots of milk, Liz thought to herself. The perfect cup of coffee for any kind of occasion and that was what Liz needed. School was a complete drag. She had all the usual mind-boggling subjects. Only AP Bio seemed to keep her interest simmering through the two hours. The worst part was after the library incident Max was avoiding her. Hell, what a way to treat a new person. Looking at her coffee, she felt her tongue touch the roof of her mouth and grimaced at the bitter taste of it. All she needed was a single drop of Tabasco and her coffee would be sheer perfection. Liz looked on her Crashdown table and found a small Tabasco bottle that was half empty.

Hmm, Liz thought as she dabbled the last dregs of Tabasco into her coffee. I must tell the Crashdown staff to stock up on their Tabasco bottles. She rubbed her forearms in disgust. She hated feeling sweaty after playing roller hockey. She only had PE this morning and she could still smell the sweat from her clothes. There was a small yellow-brown bruise on her elbow next to a grease burn she got from the kitchen during Home Economics. Liz should stop trying to be normal. She should face the fact that she can never be normal in a society with faulty saucepans and half empty Tabasco bottles.

She heard the faint jingle of the close encounters theme and looked up to find her new friend, Alex Whitman with a guitar strapped to his back. He slung off the soft case carrying the guitar and slid into the booth opposite her. “Hey.” He grumbled and started to flip through the menu. Judging by his eyes, Liz thought, I’d say he has spent all his waking hours in this family restaurant. She shook her head.
What was his problem, Liz thought as she continued to gaze at Alex’s sullen expression. I mean, the food isn’t that spectacular, but at least it has a large range of caffeine drinks that give a nice buzz?

Looking at her pink sweatband that was damp from her sweat, she was about to ask what was up, when she saw Isabel Evans flirting with some of the guys from the Drama group.
“Oh,” Liz said, looking over at Isabel.
Ava saw Valandra flirting with the waiters again.
Typical, she thought. Valandra couldn’t get enough from Rath so now she must start another transient relationship with the bus boy.
“She isn’t worth it,” Liz finished, rubbing her forehead. What was that vision she saw? It only lasted for ten seconds but she could still see the colour of Valandra’s light silver skin.

Alex looked up from his charade of reading of the menu. “How would you know?”
Gee, that hurt, Liz thought. “Look, I’m kinda a loner, so, I have these brown eyes that see stuff. I see your girl using you,”
“She isn’t like that,” Alex said.
“Then, why are you here? In the Crashdown, moping?” Liz lightly slammed her hands on the table.
Alex remained silent.
Gee, can he be that thick? Isabel was using him. Although Isabel was an alien like her, no one should have a right to use someone like Isabel was doing to Alex.
“Just sitting,” Alex finally answered.
“Well, I have a lot of time on my hands.” Liz confessed, looking over at Isabel. “I could always lend a hand.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well,” Liz leaned closer to the table whilst lowering a voice to a whisper. “Make Isabel make a complete fool of herself,”
“I’d like to see you try,” Alex was smirking and shaking his head. “The ice will never melt,”
“I bet twenty bucks,” Liz said.
“Twenty bucks?”
“Yeah,” Liz said. “ Twenty bucks.”
Alex struck out his hand. “Alright, you’re on. But I’ll buy you a cherry cola or something,”
Liz shook his hand. “Deal,” Liz smiled. “Now, pick up the menu and start reading,”
Alex looked at her dumbfounded.

“Trust me,” Liz said. Truth was, she didn’t want him to see her closing her eyes. She could always mind warp with her eyes open but it took too much power. That way, by holding up a menu in front of her, she would at least have some privacy for concentration without looking like a complete loon. Once she saw Alex holding up his menu pretending to read Liz did the same thing. Only she closed her eyes and concentrated on collecting her power. So, what image should I project to Isabel? That’s how Liz could describe it. First Liz had to picture in her own head what she wants Isabel to see. Since, Isabel was already an alien it was a little bit easier to connect with her mind and wrap around the image of Liz flirting with Alex. But, this was the hard part.

It was like daydreaming, first she had to think of a situation and then she had to concentrate to make it real. So, in her mind, she could taste Alex’s lips, feel the wetness against her skin, and smell his mint tulip cologne around her. Once, she felt it was real enough she would project the image to Isabel’s brain. Kind of like casting a line in fishing or sending an ims to someone’s cell phone. Then, Liz had to wait for the tingle, a jolt of energy from Isabel.

When Liz projected the image, she had to keep focusing on the image, like a broken record playing the same tune over and over, so her energy seeps into Isabel’s brain and hijacks, like a hacker into a computer, Isabel’s occipital lobe section of her brain that controlled the perception of vision, the temporal lobe controlled memories, the parietal lobe was in charge of perception of touch and comprehension of speech; and the frontal lobe was in charge of movement, thinking, behaviour, and personality.

By taking over that part of the brain, Liz would be able to leak her image into that section and use it to alter Isabel’s perception of the room and control her feelings and reactions. But, Liz wasn’t going to do that. She was only going to alter Isabel’s perception of the Crashdown all in a matter of thirty seconds. The hard part was freezing the image in Isabel’s brain. She had to hold the image long enough to get a reaction from Isabel and to make sure Alex continued to read the menu.

Liz spoke too soon. She could feel in the connection she had with Isabel, while mind warping her, Isabel’s feelings became hers. Her throat closed up and all her senses blocked out. She wouldn’t look. She will just stare at the milkshake machine.
No, Liz thought. They weren’t her thoughts. They were Isabel’s. Learn to control your emotions just like Ed told you. Block out your emotions and break away.
Liz felt the blood stop pumping through her fingers as she clenched the menu in front of her face.
Just a little more, Liz thought. She could feel Isabel slowly breaking her control. A single tear fell underneath her eyelids. She hated crying.
No, Liz thought. She wasn’t the person crying. It was Isabel. She was apart of Isabel. Liz concentrated on the image of Alex’s hand gently stroking Liz’s hand across the table.
Just a little more, Liz thought.
When she felt she had done enough damage, she slowly untangled her own self from Isabel’s mind and opened her own eyes. Liz was back. She slowly exhaled a shakily breath and paced the menu on the table.
Isabel was backing away from the Crashdown, and didn’t even care she was causing attention to herself. She turned and left the restaurant.

Mission accomplished, Liz thought. She couldn’t help but feel a stab of guilt for doing that to Isabel.

“Oh, my,” Alex said as he got up from the booth. “I…gotta.” Alex was backing away from the booth and followed hastily after Isabel.
“And I get no thank you,” Liz said to herself, crossing her arms. She felt light headed. So, she picked up her bag and walked into the ladies bathroom and closed the door by melting the door lock with her powers. Liz sunk down against the wall and covered her head in her hands. She winced at the bruises underneath her blouse. These purple marks were not from Gym glass but from her protector.

Jake, Liz thought. I’ve betrayed him. They weren’t even together but after what Nasdeo did Liz deserved all the unhappiness in the world. Nasdeo, that’s what Isabel called him.

Max Evans, Liz thought. She knew nothing about him, but she was already attracted to him. The dreams were not helping either. Liz knew that the dreams were a sign that their biological sex drives were waking up, and it was her time to get pregnant and return home and become the Queen of Antar.

But, for that brief moment when she was mind warping Isabel, she got a flash of Isabel’s life in Roswell. Isabel and her brother Max were happy in Roswell. Michael, her brother, had a hard life in Roswell, and only stayed because he was in love with Maria but wouldn’t admit it to anyone. Michael also recently gained emancipation from foster care. Liz knew this because Isabel knew this. They were all connected.
Now Liz was supposed to drop the bombshell about their destiny?
No, Liz thought. Even though she craved to be around her own kind. She wouldn’t destroy their lives at her own expense of being known as one of them.

She was cold and her hands were shaking. Her veins were still buzzing and humming and her head hurt. She hadn’t perfected her mind warping powers yet. She knew these seizures would come and go. It was a reaction from using too much energy on a power she hadn’t perfected, like riding a bike. So, she just had to ride this one out. She spat out the salty taste of her blood that was streaming from her nose. Liz ripped off a piece of toilet paper and shoved it to her nose and squeezed.
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Chapter Four

All that Liz remembered was the sound of bombs exploding, the pain of knives lodged in her brain, a white light. Max Evans and now…. a desert plane.
Her feet were sifting though the hot desert sand like towering waves. She could feel the life within her drain as her calves arch in a never-ending circular motion.
Soft as silk but the illusion of cotton Liz wore a starless flowing white dress.
If this was heaven, then I’m ashamed, She thought, using an abandoned stick to jab at the stone symbol etched on the desert plane.
Pretty odd oblong thing, Liz realized as she took another glance at the object she was poking with a stick. It was four rusted metal squares with a packman inside each square and a cross in the middle, joining the fours squares together. Foursquare, Liz thought.

Liz’s limbs seemed to be firmly rooted to the ground. When Liz rose and stood at one of the square ends with her feet rooted in the ground. Liz first felt his warm hand slid hers and Liz knew it was Max’s and then she saw Max Evans holding hands with her, on the square alongside her. It was as if she had the vision of the invisible onlooker conveying the scene. She looked upwards to see Michael and Isabel holding hands, with neutral faces staring through her.

Ava,” Isabel and Michael whispered, but not through words but through their connection with one another. No, Liz felt the words stabbed in her brain as if their thoughts were invading her. Liz dropped her left hand with Max as if it was burning, only to see two swirls entwined to meet a small dot burned into the inside of her wrist. Then it was harder to register the images flowing through mind like pudding. She remembered a green sphere with a v shaped constellation glowing from Max’s left hand, A huge purple cone and a white crystal, the images rapidly accelerated until only white flashes of three moon sky, images of Liz and Max holding their child until all the images melted into one distorted image or a million blinking eyes.

What’s so important about two swirls and a dot in the middle? The question baffled Liz, but she couldn’t seem to stop drawing the doodle over her note pad. It was as if she was compelled for all eternity to draw this symbol until she got the sheer importance of it. The symbol seemed to take a mind of its own, attacking the page like a hungry animal She knew it was alien but what it had to do with her was a mystery.

Those amber eyes, Liz thought. Max could melt anyone with the molten colour of his eyes. They were like honey from a beehive. She could feel her tongue tingle with anticipation of tasting those full lips.
No, Liz ordered herself. Those feelings were not true. It was just an innate attraction. It was just her pheromones reacting with his pheromones and nothing more.

Today was like any other day when Liz pretended to listen to her history teacher drawl on about the Greeks and Alexander the Great.
If she hadn’t pulled the stunt in the Crashdown yesterday her new friend, Maria would be sitting next to her and not some skater guy in the back row.

Nasedo would kill me if he knew I was acting like this, Liz thought. That’s what the others called him, Nasedo. When Liz took a tour in Isabel’s mind she learnt about the Indian from the Mescalero reservation called River Dog who helped her protector. River Dog called him Nasedo, which meant outsider. Liz made a mental note to visit the reservation after school. Its not like she had any other plans.

Mr. Thompson, her classics teacher, was now ambling around the classroom isle. No, make that sloshing around like a lava lamp around the room. He looked like Godzilla with a weight problem, long greasy curly brown hair and thick glasses.

He was like the fat geeky kid that got bullied from elementary school to his late thirties, and had nothing else going for him except making other kids miserable at school, as if some kind of revenge for all the pain his peers caused him when he was in high school.

He was collecting last night’s homework about Troy. When he wobbled his excess fat to Liz’s table she looked up at him and handed him a blank piece of paper with her name in red bold letters. With a little mind warp, she made Mr. Thompson think her paper was top quality.

At least my powers come in handy once in a while, Liz thought.
The bell rang putting an end to the gruelling school day. Liz slid her notepad and pencil case into her small backpack and pushed through the mass of other students to catch up with Maria. Maria had vanished from the school hallway. She sighed and when Liz caught sight of Alex, he made a beeline for the toilets.

Could they be more obvious about avoiding me, Liz thought.
“They do that to everyone,” a voice said behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to find a man with brown hair and blue eyes smiling at her. Liz rolled her eyes and walked in the opposite direction.

“You need a ride?” the man was following her. He was around her age and she sensed a whacked sense of humour, but she had no time to fool around.
“Do I look like I need one,” Liz asked, she stopped by the swinging doors and looked at him. He was grinning like a complete idiot.
“Kyle Valenti,” He struck out his hand.
“Liz Harding,” she replied.
“So-” Kyle drawled and let his words hang in the air. Liz sighed.
He is trying to be nice. I might as well accept his offer. But if he tries anything…well lets just say he won’t be so nice next time.
“ I need a ride to the Mescalero reservation outside of town.”
“I’m there.”

Liz dropped her left hand with Max as if it was burning, only to see two swirls entwined to meet a small dot burned into the inside of her wrist. She looked upwards to find a rocky cliff in the middle of the desert.
I’ve seen this place before, Liz feel the energy pulsating from within the cliff face.
Max was next to her; he slid his hand in hers again.
“I Know,” He replied. “It’s home,”

Liz groggily awoke from her dream and discovered that they were out of town. Kyle had the radio blaring full blast with Sum 41.
“Did I sleep all the way?” Liz yawned; she could still feel Max’s hand in hers. God, how Liz missed it, wanted it, needed it.

No, Liz thought. No you don’t. You’re Liz, you’re in control of your own destiny. You alone.
“Not really. Almost there.” Kyle replied, his eyes staring off into the distance.
“So, why take a complete stranger to an Indian reservation?” Liz asked.
“I have done far worse. And, you’re gorgeous.” He flashed a smile, “Need I say more?”
Liz allowed to silence to fill the car.
“I was in a generous mood…normally I would have felt you up by now.”
“What’s stopping you?” Liz asked.
Kyle quickly side glanced at her before turning down a secluded dirt track. “In 1996, I was involved in a car crash with three mates.”
“Speeding?” Liz asked.

“No, drunk driving. My friends Travis, Brad, and Rory all died, but I survived…barely.” Kyle added. “I spent the whole summer in the hospital. After I got out, I decided to turn my life around. Now, I’m a Buddhist,”
Liz felt touched by his openness. So, she decided to spill her guts, but only a little bit. “I never knew my mother. I live with my father, but he’s barely there. Always involved with his work.”
“Know what you mean. My mom left when I was six and my dad the sheriff of the town. He takes care of everyone but me.”
He parked the care next to a pack of caravans, and they both got out.
“You can wait here if you want,”

Kyle shrugged. “I’m cool.”
Liz hated doing this to someone she barely met, but already Liz felt a kindred friendship with him. However, she was on a mission that didn’t involve humans. Liz mind warped Kyle to believe his car had some car troubles and that he needed to get it checked out.
His eyes glazed over and said in a dull monotonic, almost robotic tone. “Ill check on the car. You, go on,”

So, here she was. Liz Harding, hiking through the rusted burnt trees. Liz placed her hands in front of her face, bracing for attack and to brush out the lone tree branches that connected with other trees to form an network of a wooden wine cobweb.
“I don’t have time for this,” Liz sighed, placed her palm outwards and parted the cobweb vine like a curtain to find the mouth of a mammoth cave. It was cool, damp and wet inside the cave mouth. It was also harder to see inside the cave.

It was pitch black inside the tunnel, Liz too baby steps, concentrating on the sounds all around her, her hand already up and ready to strike.
A small flicker of fire caught her eye. Liz flinched as the light cast its warm glow on her face.
An old man with long white hair, blue eyes and a blue bandana wrapped around his forehead, smiled at Liz. It was River Dog, the same man from Isabel’s memories.

“Come,” He simply said. He gestured with his fire torch to cast the light to a rock face with neon green symbols. Symbols from her dreams, Liz realized as her eyes feel upon the huge four squares and the whirlwind symbol.

“You’re one of them,” River Dog whispered along side her; she could feel his eyes on her as she reached out to touch one of the symbols.
“How did you know?”
River dog place the Tiki torch firmly on the ground. “You have the same expression as the first,”
Liz realized that he was talking about Max. From Isabel’s memories she gathered that they found a necklace in marathon, Texas, which led Max and Tess to this cave. Max stood in this same spot Liz was with Tess.
There was a slight change in the air and all her hairs at the back of her neck, stood upwards.

Kyle, Liz realized, wide eyed, she saw him enter the cave with a torch in hand.
“Eddie sent me here,” Kyle said. “What is this…” Kyle was looking at the cave drawing.
“He is meant to be here,” River Dog cryptically explained, turning to Liz. “Your journey brings peril and pain.” He pointed to Kyle. “They have sent you Kyle for strength and wisdom.”
Liz stood by the tiki torch while River dog stood at the back to give her mild privacy in order to tell Kyle. Liz didn’t want to tell him, her past history with telling her secret to anyone brought death but if it was meant to be then let it be.

“You need someone to trust or you’ll end up like Nasedo.” River Dog warned.
“Okay,” She said, sighed in defeat and clapped her hands together. “Kyle.”
Kyle shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah?”
“She’s not from around here,” River Dog interrupted.
“Would you mind?” Liz seethed through her teeth, her eyes glaring back at River Dog, whom seemed amused because he knew something that she didn’t know. “What he means is that I’m an alien,” Liz explained, her hands by her side.

Kyle was silent for a moment. Then, he broke in laughter. Liz glared at him, then simply waved her hand in front of him and changed her hair color from brown to blonde and then back to brown.
“She needs your help in order to understand that destiny can not be stopped. He’s meant for her, no one else,” River Dog chose to walk to back into the small circle of Liz, Kyle and two tiki torches.

“I know,” Liz sighed, knowing he spoke about Tess and Max. They were in love, no doubt, but sooner or later. She will have to tell him that his destiny was with her. Liz hoped it didn’t come to that.
River Dog pulled out a small metallic oval shaped football. It’s light blue silver shimmering, almost seem to glow with a dark blue whirlwind symbol edged in one meter deep, like a deep crease.

“Nasedo said that you would come day. Looking for this,” He gestured to the wall behind him. “He told me that this was for you to find and figure out what it is meant for,” River Dog placed the orb in her hand.
“So, aliens, evil shape shifters, alien galaxies and you’re some kind of cloned hybrid Queen?” Kyle said in-between a morsel of Crashdown waffles they picked up on the way to Liz’s house.

“I’m no Queen,” Liz corrected, dosing her Tabasco sauce on her own pile of waffles and whipped cream. Liz invited him to her house to explain. It took a few hours but Kyle relented. River dog was right to say Liz could trust him. Liz placed the sauce back on the table. “You do realize that you can tell no-one?”

“Yeah, I know,” Kyle, replied, placing his crossed arms on the table. “It would be cool for a while but I’ve seen what FBI agents do to aliens from E.T and…”

“O-kay, I just…wanted dot know…that’s all,” Liz smiled, hopping off the kitchen stool.
“So, does your Dad know that…”Kyle pointed upwards. “You know?”
“Of course. He’s an alien also.” Liz replied. “He isn’t my dad. I was cloned. So I guess my real parents are back on my home planet. Nasdeo, that’s what he’s called…he’s just my protector but…he’s not very fond of me having human friends….so for now….keep wary of him when he comes back,” Liz didn’t want to tell him the truth of what Nasdeo did to her friends at West Bridge High. Cindy, Lucille, Sara, and Claire didn’t even know she was an alien and now they’re dead.

That night, Liz had the same dream but it was different this time. This time, it seemed important.
Liz was in the desert again with max. She could feel him between her exposed thighs and in-between the heat from the sun and the scorching sand she moaned at the inmate contact their bodies made with each fluid movement of their bodies, close to becoming one. Above them the same cliff face radiant with energy as Max’s hand began to unravel her white silk dress.


The loud noise was persistence but Liz was drunk in the movement of Max’s hands and his hot breath harsh on her skin. His right hands nudged open her thighs and his hand slid upwards her soft skin to the apex of her thighs and inside the hot center. Feeling him inside, Liz arched upwards and looked upwards at the night sky, the V-star constellation glowed green and swirled around with the other stars, casting its light on their near naked bodies. Meanwhile, He danced inside her using his hands while his teeth raked against Liz’s right collorbone. Liz could feel the indent of his white teeth on her white flesh. And then, his hand stop and slid outward and she felt a sudden cold take over. Max hovered over her with the silver orb in one hand and an identical on in the other hand.
“Home,” He whispered, excited, gesturing the orbs to her more closely then eyeing upwards. “Home,”


The sound of Liz’s alarm going off woke her up. Liz sighed; she forgot to turn her alarm off. Today was Saturday. No School. She could sleep in, Liz smiled dreamily at the thought but her body felt sore. Liz rubbed the side of her neck and yawned. Liz snapped her eyes open, feeling the right side of her collarbone she felt an indent of teeth. Liz went pale and jumped off the bed, and rushed to her bedroom mirror next to the balcony. It was unmistakable. On the right side of her collarbone was a hickey. Max’s hickey from her dream, and it was glowing.


OKay Questions?

First off, Liz mind warp powers? I know she has been on the run for 17 years and by now she should have super powers but I wanted my version of the fourth member to be different. Liz is also afriad and kind of like her brother, Micahel with his powers. It will be explained later.....

Do you think liz is doing the right thing by not revealing herself to the group....why are they avoiding her? this, also will be in the next part

“So, aliens, evil shape shifters, alien galaxies and you’re some kind of cloned hybrid Queen?” is a favourite quote of mine that i have changed from Angel season anyone who is an angel fan...try and guess

Overall I hoped you have enjoed this so faar....and i am just happy that i was able to post it...that's all

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Addicted Roswellian
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Chapter Five

Post by »

Hey guys. Thanks for all your replies.
Did you know that chapter five is 6,600 words!!! that's alot LOL well i got up this morning and started writing and yeah...i spent the whole day writing...i had nothing else to do and i was in the mood. Hope you like it


Chapter Five

Liz had a hickey. Not the everyday kind, oh no, It was a huge red rash that covered the side of her neck, and it glowed. Liz couldn’t remove it with her powers. Luckily the hickey was more towards her right collarbone so Liz was able to cover it by wearing a black T-shit.
It was around noon that Liz decided to hit the Crashdown and order a MIB pie and cherry coke.

“That will be $6.90,”The pre-teen blonde named Christine replied dully, her blue eyes glazed over and held out her hand. Liz placed the twenty-dollar bill in the girl’s hand and waited while she got back with her change.

Liz saw Alex walk out from the Bathroom.
“Alex,” Liz said.
“Liz,” Alex stood frozen, his eyes looking side to side. “I’m late for band practice but we’ll catch up on Monday,”
He’s avoiding me. This has got to stop! Liz grabbed his arm.

“Alex, I think I’m pregnant with Michael’s baby,” Isabel whispered, tears coating her cheek.
/End of Flash/

Alex got out of Liz’s grasp and left.

Isabel thinks she’s pregnant with Michael’s baby. She’s not; they can’t get pregnant from a dream. But Isabel didn’t know that. Liz inwardly groaned. How am I going to fix that with out revealing my identity or her destiny?
“Here you go,” Christine returned gave Liz three dollars change.
Wait a second, Liz counted her change. I should have received $13.10 change. Liz was $10.10 short.

“Excuse me, this is the wrong change. It was supposed to be $13.10…the meal was $6.90,”
Christine scoffed, like any other waitress who thought the customer had gone bonkers and went back to open the till, only to hand her $6.90 change, the same price as her meal.
“Excuse me,” This time, her voice was stronger, Liz hated speaking up and making a big deal out of things but this was ridiculous. This time a woman with ginger hair caught Liz’s expression and said. “What’s seems to be the problem,”

“I gave her $20.00 for a $6.90 meal and she gave me the real change, I should have received $13.10 change,” Liz placed the change on the front counter.
“Christine said you gave her $10.00?”
“No, I’m pretty sure I gave her $20.00” Liz replied.
The woman smiled sternly, as if Liz was some kind of gold digger, a nuisance and gave her the correct change of $13.10.
She was drawing on lookers and quickly Liz picked up her pie box and chocolate shake and dove for the nearest booth.

Liz unwrapped the Styrofoam box and splashed some Tabasco sauce onto her apple pie. Liz then opened her plastic lid to her shake and sloshed in some of the clear Tabasco sauce and watch it diffuse with the creamy chocolate ice cream.

Liz took one big zip, and looked upwards to find the same woman she talked to earlier slide into the booth.
“Hi, I’m Nancy Parker. I’m the co-owner of the Crashdown. My Husband, Jeff is currently on the grill,”

“Look, I’m sorry for causing trouble but I need that change for the movies,” It was true; Liz was planning to hit the cinema and check out a movie to amuse herself, anything to distract her from the dreams.
“I was wondering if you would like a job? Here at the Crashdown?” Nancy asked.

“Well,” Liz needed the money but she wasn’t sure.
“Your display of good communication skills and hospitality skills were excellent and you can give correct change,” Nancy said. “You get paid well and we always need an extra set of hands during convention weeks,”
“Okay,” Liz said. She liked this woman. Nancy had this charismatic caring nature about her that if Liz had a mother Nancy would be it. Although, Liz didn’t want to dwell on that thought, “I’m Liz Harding,” Liz shook Nancy’s hand.

“Come around here tonight at 6. It won’t be busy tonight. Most people stay in, and you’re crew trainer will give you a run down okay?”

It was 6pm and Liz waltzed in and slid into a booth nearest to the entrance. Liz just finished watching Moulin Rouge with Nicole Kidman at the movies. Liz loved the bright colors and the music, except for the end where the courtesan dies.

Her crew trainer waltzed in a few minutes later and Liz’s jaw dropped. It was Maria Deluca. Maria seemed to be shocked too. Liz could feel Maria’s terror towards her coming off in fiery sparks. Still, Maria sat down, clipboard in hand and said. “You need to fill this out,”
It was a standard form. Name, Surname, Date of Birth. What was her birth date and birthplace again? 5th of May1983. Omaha, Nebraska.

After filling out her details she placed it back on the desk, Maria didn’t touch it until Liz’s hands were at her sides.

She’s afraid of me? Why?

Isabel, Liz thought. They must’ve thought Liz was an alien, probably Nasdeo, the psycho killer.

Maria’s eyes were bugging out, and Liz found out why. In the midst of filling out the form Liz drew the four square symbol and the necklace symbol at the bottom of the form

Shit, Liz thought. Why don’t I make a banner that says, Hi I’m an alien!
Liz decided to say something about Isabel.

Knowing full well that Maria must be upset with the possible baby between Michael and Isabel. And, considering that by her carelessness of drawing these symbols she had blown her cover. Liz mentally kicked herself. She wasn’t this careless and out of it.

Liz thought of the dreams she’s been having and concluded that the dreams have physically drained her energy and therefore is the only explanation to her carelessness and sub-conscious doodling.

“Isabel can’t get pregnant from a dream Maria,” Liz said, her eyebrow raised.
Maria was speechless.
“Look, Maria.” Liz placed her hands on the table, “I came here to get a job but you’re afraid of me. All I’m going to say is the dreams Michael’s been having are just his biological drives waking up. In order for them to have children, if that’s what they want is to do it the old fashion way,” Liz stood up. “Tell Nancy I had some family emergency. I can tell that you don’t want to be around me,” Liz felt rejected, like an ice bucket had been thrown at her.

So she decided to call Kyle. Liz flipped out her cell phone and dialed Kyle’s number.

“Kyle, I’m bored. Wanna watch a couple of videos?”
“Can’t,” Kyle replied. “I’m on a date with Vicky but what about Sunday?”
“Sure,” Liz flipped her phone and placed it in her pocket. Liz felt a little stab of disappointment but Liz shushed it off. She had many other important things to do to distract her. Like, homework, for example. Liz sighed.

Liz decided to ditch her homework for now, her mind couldn’t warp around ecosystems or the nitrogen cycle.

Alone in a big empty mansion Liz decided to find reasons for her strange dreams. Liz looked at the orb sitting on the kitchen table like an eyesore.
“What is it,” Liz said to herself. Liz placed the orb in her black knapsack and heard the doorbell rang. Liz looked at the clock. 7:30pm. Liz wasn’t expecting any visitors. She heard the door cracked open and Liz dove under the kitchen table, clutching the bag to her side. She heard a deep voice that was unquestionably Michael’s.
“Nasdeo must have some stuff lying around,”
“Michael,” It was Max’s voice. “Let’s just go in and go out before someone hears us and calls the sheriff,”

Liz crouched downwards and crawled her way to the Kitchen divining wall that separated Liz from Michael, Max, Maria and Isabel.
Keep calm, Liz told herself. They don't see you. There was no need for her to use her powers.

“Liz said that you can’t get pregnant from a dream.” Maria said. “She seems like a nice person,”
Liz smiled. Maria likes her! It’s always good to know. Liz wouldn’t mind being friends with her.
“She has no feelings,” Isabel whispered back to Maria.
It was a low blow, especially from someone like her that Liz was supposed to have a kismet bond with. Liz bit her lower lip from trembling.

“If Liz is Nasdeo then it will explain why she was messing with Isabel’s mind,” Max offered. He felt so close that Liz could taste him but Liz continued to keep her breathing shallow.
“Then why are you attracted to her?” Michael was poking a few piano keys. The sound was quiet but it suddenly abruptly stopped. Liz heard someone whacking Michael on the head. “Owwie,” he winched.
“Shut up,”

“You’re attracted to her.” Maria said. Liz could feel Maria’s fury.
“Maria,” Isabel warned her, Liz could feel Isabel coming closer to Liz’s current position.
“That’s why we have to stick together,” Max said, Liz could hear his footsteps going upstairs. Upstairs was her area; it also was where Nasdeo kept his belongs and photos. Liz didn’t want Max to go upstairs so mind warp was the only option.

Liz closed her eyes and concentrated.
Isabel’s phone rang. Isabel went pale as she received the call.
“Its Alex, He says that Tess was involved in a car accident,”
“Lets go,” Max’s voice hitched upwards, clearly worried and trudged downstairs and led the group outside the door. Liz continued the mind warp, amplifying the group’s fears about Tess’s car crash, images of Tess’s blonde ringlets covered in blood as Alex hugged her limp body. Once the door was reformed. Liz mind warped the group to forget why they left Liz’s house in the first place.
Liz’s head throbbed, however, this time it didn’t hurt so much. Liz giggled in achievement before collapsing to the floor, and blacking out in a feverish heap.

“So, someone tried to rob your house?” It was Sunday afternoon and Kyle was walking with her to Joey’s supermarket. “Did you want me to talk to my Dad?”
“No, it was just some mindless thugs,” Liz said, leaving out the true identities of the robbers. “ I didn’t see them but I mind warped them to leave,
“How can you do that?” Kyle said. “What’s a ..” Kyle blanked out the word as they walked into the supermarket.
Liz lowered her voice and found a secluded place down by the fruit and veg section in isle 9.
“I can make people see things, do things, feel things,” Liz shrugged. “It’s helped me out a couple of times but I haven’t perfected it yet,”
“Why?” Kyle pretended to be checking the prices of the tomatoes. “I thought you’ll be all Xenia warrior princess by now.”
“ I am,” Liz, said, crouching down, picking up a red tomato then placing it back on the pile. “I also can manipulate the molecular structure of things,”
“Like I did in the cave,” Gesturing to her long brown locks. “ I can see things,”
“What?” Kyle whispered, walking down to the fruit section and checking the price of the mangoes.
“When I touch objects…sometimes I receive a flash..uh…” Liz thought for a moment, and then got an idea. “Hand me your wallet,”
Kyle obliged and Liz closed her eyes and opened them a few moments later. “ You have Vicky Delaney’s phone number in the third pocket of your wallet. You folded it three times last night,” Liz handed him back the wallet.

“I’m impressed,” Kyle said. They entered isle 10 and checked out the prices on kitchen supplies.
“You see, in order to use my mind warp I have to hijack the brain.” Liz cringed at the choice of words. “I can shield myself, make myself invisible, but I don’t like using my powers on people too much.” Liz didn’t want to tell Kyle the truth that the last time she used her powers too strongly she killed the person. Liz was nine years old and Nasdeo had been cornered, back when Liz thought the world of him and she snapped and ended up killing the FBI agent.

“So, can you show me how your powers work?” Kyle whispered.
“I don’t like abusing my powers, well that’s a lie but I don’t like using them too much on one person but since it’s for demonstration purposes, okay,”
Liz picked up a mars bar and placed it on the counter.
The counter chick, named Amy, said, “That will be $2.50,”
Liz concentrated and handed a piece of gum wrapper

/It’s a fifty-dollar bill/
Liz projected the thought into Amy’s mind. Amy placed the gum wrapper in the till and handed Liz $47.50.
Liz left Joey’s super market $47.50 richer and chucked the candy bar to Kyle who was in awe.

“That was too cool,” Kyle smiled, wrapping off the wrapper of the chocolate bar and taking a bite. “Now, lets have some fun,”


Monday morning. Liz rolled over and tried to ignore the alarm clock but eventually gave in and got out of bed. Liz nearly doubled over when she saw a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The hickey had grown and covered a patch of her skin with its dark maroon rash and moved its way upward and now covered her shoulder.

“This bites,” Liz said, applying some strawberry perfume and dressed herself in a short sleeved blue shirt with a lighter long sleeved blue shirt underneath. Liz slid into a pair of black Levi jeans that snugly fit and outlined her curves. Luckily her clothes managed to conceal the rash, for now. It was a cool morning so Liz slid on a gray woolen zip jacket.
Liz arrived at school at 8:20am. First period didn’t start to 9pm so Liz hit the quad and met up with Kyle, who was sitting with his basketball and football team.

“Hi Liz,” Kyle scooted over and Liz sat down.
“Everyone, This is Liz,” Kyle gestured. “She’s cool,”
“Hi, I’m Stacy and this is Pam,” The girl with fake blonde hair squeaked. Liz rubbed her ears to check if they were working.
Pam, who had long red hair pointed to the two other girls with blonde hair. “This is Michelle and Tina, We’re the Roswell Cheerleaders,”
Please help me, Liz said to herself. She felt Max walking towards her and Liz flinched. Not that kind of help.

“Liz,” Max said. “I’m glad I’ve found you. I forgot the biology assignment sheet on reproduction. Do you have a copy that I can borrow?”
“Hey Max,” Stacy cooed. He ignored her.
“Sure,” Liz picked up her bag. “Its in my locker,”
Liz knew there was no assignment about reproduction as their class was working on ecosystems. He wanted to know something. So, Liz played along and as soon as they were out of sight Max pulled her into the eraser room and locked the door, using his powers.
“What the hell are you,” Max glared at her.

“I’m not Nasdeo,” Liz said, “You figure it out,” Liz crossed her arms. She hated being in this small eraser room. All the chalk dust made her eyes water.
“But I get the feeling that you want a lot of answers. So, lets go but you need to guide me out of here.”
“What do you mean?”
“It means I’m going to get us out of here undetected by everyone,” Liz explained, tugging on his arm. “Now, open the door and close it quietly, then walk down the hallway, keep walking and try not bump into anybody along the way,” she instructed.

Max obliged, he seemed curious but foremost he wanted answers. Liz kept her eyes open as they walked down the main hallway. It was crowded and a lot of minds to cloak. Liz didn’t know how it happened but Max offered some of his energy to her as she began the mind warp. Liz heard his gasp as they passed by the crowds of people, including his friends who didn’t notice him walking with Liz.

They were alone in the car park; Liz stopped the mind warp and doubled over. The mind warp was sustained for five minutes. It wasn’t the longest she has ever done but the amount of concentration was high and a lot of minds to filter though and mind warp without doing any damage. Max still had his arm around her shoulder and he offered some of his energy again to heal her. The floor didn’t seem so wobbly anymore and the blood nose never surfaced.

“Thanks,” Liz whispered, stepping back an inch. “I guess,” Liz waved her hand to the parking lot. “Got a car that we can drive with?”
Max shrugged and led the way to his green jeep. They didn’t bother with conversation on the way to Liz’s house. In fact, he stayed back a few meters and followed her inside the house. As soon as she closed the door, he chose then to speak.

“What the hell was that?” He said, “My energy, your energy…I’ve never felt…”His voice changed from awe to authority. “What are you?”
“Well, I am not Nasdeo,” Liz chuckled but Max wasn’t laughing. He seemed generally scared and there was a lot of uncertainty curling off him like fire. When Liz was connected to him it was tight. Tight as in…. not uncomfortable it was too comfortable. Their energy seemed to bleed together and form a strong bond.

I don’t need this, Liz thought.

< Me neither> Max replied, but she heard his reply in her mind.

Liz froze. <What the hell was that? >

< I dunno, you tell me> Max replied, crossing his arms.

< Somehow, through our energy bleeding together we formed a bond with our minds. We can communicate with our thoughts. Thought speak. When I connect with people and even share combine energy we don’t form a cozy bond with one another >

Nasdeo never said anything like this? Liz thought wildly. Why didn’t he warn me about this?

< What didn’t he warn you about> Max asked.

No, Liz thought. She formed a shield around her mind like iron steel but semi permeable; meaning, if she wanted to send thoughts out she could but her own personal thoughts were her own.

< What did you do? > Max asked, he was walking down the hallway and into her living room. He sat down on the couch facing another couch. Liz took the opposite sofa and sat down, facing Max with a coffee table separating them.

Liz spoke out loud, “ I made a shield around my mind so my personal thoughts are my own. When I was learning how to protect my mind Nasdeo could always read my thoughts. He still tries to but since I learnt this technique I can communicate with him silently if I want but he can’t read my thoughts. However, in order to communicate with him silently I need to reach out to him…. this connection was formed without my consent,”

“Oh,” He replied. “So, who’s Nasdeo?”
“Well, what am I Max? Nice of you to ask,” Liz said, irritated, “Well I am just like you and Nasdeo is our protector.”
“I didn’t know there was a fourth member?” Max replied, Liz felt his guilt swirling around. Liz felt rejected; her feelings were raging inside her.
< Sorry for not asking. I kinda knew but I was still adjusting> Max thought to her. < So we can silently communicate but our personal thoughts are barred? >

< Well, mine are but I’ll teach you how to shield your personal thoughts>
Max held out his hand. “Welcome to the group,”
Liz shook his hand. “Thanks,” She stood up and he followed her to the kitchen. “I get the feeling, even without this…bond…that you have some questions. So, Shoot,” Liz opened the refrigerator door and pulled out a carton of orange juice.

“Juice?” Liz held the carton in her hand.
“Sure,” Max replied, taking a stool and sitting down.
Liz poured two glasses and got out her Tabasco sauce and dabbed a few drops into her juice. Max took the bottle from her and did the same.
“My favorite,” Liz said.
“Mine too,” Max replied.

< Okay, this is getting a little freaky> Liz said to him in thought speak.

< You can say that again>
And they were silently sending thoughts to each other again. Liz breathed in and out before sitting opposite from max and said. “What do you want to know?”

Max took a sip of his orange juice and said his first question. “What did you just do earlier?”

“Its called a mind warp. I’m still perfecting it but I made us invisible. No one could see us like the invisibility clock in Harry Potter,”
Max nodded. “So, why are you here, now?”

That was a tough question and Liz didn’t want to reveal anything to him, so, placing her shield up in her mind, Liz replied. “Nasdeo decided it was time to reunite with the group and protect everyone instead of dropping in and out,”

“So, we can’t get pregnant from a dream?” Max said.
“Yeah” she tensed up. “So, I-isabel doesn’t have to worry anymore,”
“That mind warp thing? Is that what you did to Isabel?” Max asked.
“Yeah…I just wanted to help and make Alex feel better,” Liz heard him let out a low whistle. “Sorry,”
Max could feel her guilt as if it was his own. He didn’t know if it was because of their shared connection or the look on her face.

Liz smiled back. She had a nice smile. It wasn’t the fake kind or the kind of smile that made you cringe. Her smile could make the mountain bow down to the howling wind. Max could also tell that she wasn’t used to feeling good or happy. This thought trouble him but he wasn’t going to push her. She already looked like she was looking for an escape.
“We better get back,” Max said.

“Please don’t tell the others just yet. I don’t want them to know,”
Now, why was that? The others had every right to know but the look on her face of fear. Fear for the entire group as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Max gave in.
“Alright but I can’t keep this secret for long or the others will kill me,”
That was true, especially Michael.
Liz breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks..”

Max smiled back and he felt the warmth wrap around them
No, he told himself…. Tess…
Why did he have this close connection with Liz, and no one else? Did it happen when they combined powers? Was it permanent? He couldn’t tell Tess. It would break her heart but the part that scared Max was that he didn’t care. What was wrong with him?

They were walking up the front steps and the next thing he knew he was kissing her. Not just kissing her, he was devouring her. Out of nowhere, in two blinks of an eye they stumbled blindly onto the couch in the lounge room. Her skin felt much softer in real life than his dreams. It felt like vanilla yogurt, and her breath hitch upwards as his hand laid flat on her stomach.

He couldn’t get enough of the gurgling sounds rolling off her mouth. His inhaled deeply her fresh sent of strawberries and watermelons. God, he loved that smell. He placed feather light kisses all over her face before returning to the hot cavern of her mouth. He felt himself go hard and he pushed himself against her thighs, his hand was tracing swirling lines as his traveled upwards and pressed through the space between her button jeans to touch the cotton panties before dipping lower to touch her silk curls. She was just right, like placing your finger in a warm bathtub.
She made a sharp noise in her throat as he placed his finger in deeper, he then realized that he was too close, so he healed her sore muscles inside her.

Max couldn’t hear what she said into his ear but the moist touch of her lips made him inwardly groan. He captured her lips again and bit on her lower lip, tugging it before letting to go to swirl his tongue with hers.
A cell phone interrupted their actions, and also brought him out of a heavy haze. His head felt heavier but Liz slid into his right pocket and Max had to bit his lip from moaning out loud when her fingers brushed against his groin.

So close, he felt as the haze against like a strong wave pushing him along the warm sea. So close to losing it. He sighed in frustration.
Liz flipped open the cell, at the same time place her hand over his throat and his throat felt warm for a second. Then Liz placed the same hand over her throat and spoke.

“Hey Iz, I went over to Liz’s house while she was at school. She isn’t Nasedo, I’m sure of it.” Liz spoke but in his own voice. Her lips were moving but his voice came out. It was creepy and a mood killer.
Liz ended the call and tossed him the phone. “I can also manipulate the muscles in our throats to sound like someone else,” it was her own voice again. Liz looked down at her jeans and re-buttoned them; her face was a pale sickly yellow.

< Liz…I> He didn’t what to say. He never did anything like that before, only with Tess.
Tess, max felt his stomach bile go up and burn his throat at the mention of her name. How was he going to explain?
< Don’t say anything and I won’t say anything> Liz interrupted his thoughts. < Sorry> She amended < You had guilt written all over your face. Your personal thoughts are yours but sometimes they leak in so I will have to teach you to block your mind later> Liz stood up and brushed off her clothes and made a beeline for the door. < We better get back to school. > Liz turned to him, flipping her hair back to the side and erasing his bite marks all over her throat. She pointed to her marks on him and he erased the evidence. < Act like nothing has happened and we’ll be fine>

Max nodded and followed Liz outside. His feelings were a mess, it was half guilt half frustration and fear because he didn’t know what he feelings for Liz were about or the reason behind them but he hasn’t felt this strong bond with anyone, including Tess, and that’s what scared him the most.

“So, how about a Chinese/ slash /Japanese/ slash /Arabian /slash/ toga party?” Michelle piped while eating her frozen yogurt. Michelle Saunders was 5’6 with blonde hair and blue eyes. Tina Davis also was 5’7 but her eyes were more a sea blue green color and her blonde hair had dark brown root showing slightly…Pam Troy was the only member of the cheer squad with red hair and brown hazel eyes. The reason Michelle was talking nonsense was that Kyle let it slip that Liz was currently parentless in Paluma Heights, the richest suburb in Roswell.

Liz hated parties. Sure, she attended them but Liz would rather be alone and practice her powers. Call it seventeens years of being alone but it was a force of habit. Also, Liz didn’t want anyone over the house. Period.
“No. Mic-helle,” Stacy piped in, twirling her blonde pig tail as she seemed to be in deep thought but Liz knew if she cracked her head open she wouldn’t find anything. “We should have a Halloween party,”
“BUT it isn’t HALL-OOO-WEEEN ST-A-CY!” Tina whined in the same squeaky voice.

Lord help me, Liz thought.

“Guys, Shut up,” Liz winced, as her head was hot from their high squealing. There was so much squeaking chipmunks Liz can take! “How about a NORMAL party.”
“You mean naked girls, booze, sex, and naked girls?” Owen Baxter, Capitan of the basketball team joined the group and kissed his current girlfriend, Stacy on the cheek.

“OWEN!” Stacy whined, flipping out her moisturising and napkin. “You ruined my make up!”
Liz tried to not laugh but stuck out her tongue at Owen. Owen stuck his tongue back at her.

“Sorry, Babe,” Owen replied, turning his full attention to his girlfriend, “But you’re such a bodacious Babe!”
Thicker and Thicker…Liz thought.
“So, what is it Toga? Halloween or normal..?”
“Toga!” Kyle said as Ozzie Paxton, Himself and Daniel Strelan arrived and sat down.

“Do you just wear a bed sheet…. any nothing else?” Stacy asked the group, placing a red lollypop in her mouth.
I’m having lunch with bimbos and morons, Liz thought.
< That bad? > Max thought fluttered in.
< How did? >
<Semi permeable remember? Your personal thought leaked in>
< Oh> Liz picked up a large potato fry and dipped it in sweet chilli sauce. <Sorry..>
< That’s okay Liz…What’s up>
< The cheer squad want to have a party at my house.>
< The problem?>
< A toga party.>
< A toga party?>

< I don’t want anything that resembles the toga party in Animal house. I’ll just mind warp them to think they want a normal party>

“Everyone,” Liz looked into each pairs of eyes. “I want a normal party”
“I want a normal party,” Stacy replied, then flinched, and smiled all in three seconds. It was scary to watch that many facial expressions all at once.
“Guys, lets just have a normal party at Liz’s house on Friday!”
“Yeah…. Liz’s house….”
What have I done, Liz thought.

After taking a shower that night Liz debated on what to wear on her first shift. Nancy called when Liz eventually arrived home and scheduled another session with Maria tonight. Tonight, however was usually busy but Liz was up for any distraction. Liz clutched her towel tightly to her body and glanced at the mirror to find that the hickey had subsided. No longer was it a mutated mass of red shabby hard skin but a small love hart shape mark on her right collarbone.

It must have gone because of that incident with Max in her lounge room, which, Liz avoided like the plague. She could still smell him around her house.
Liz walked the way to the Crashdown. It was a twenty-minute walk so she had a lot to time to think. However, she had this ill feeling that someone was following her. She could hear the slight sound of black suede shoes tapping the ground. She knew that sound off by heart, it was an FBI agent. Liz ducked behind the big blue bins in a side street and watched from the corner of her eye, as the lone agent scoped Main Street for her whereabouts.

Liz focused and reached out to the unidentified FBI agent who was currently listening someone speak through his earpiece. Liz astral projected herself to Oregon Street and he took the bait and sprinted silently in the opposite direction as the fake image of herself shimmered down the Oregon Street. Once he was out of sight Liz bolted down the Main street and was out of breath by the time she plonked herself down at one of the outside tables in the outside dining area of the Crashdown. That was too close. Where was Nasedo when you needed him? Once Liz caught her breath, she composed herself and entered the café to find Maria sitting at the end booth at the right hand side.
“Hey,” Maria said as Liz sat down.
< Max? >
< Yeah> he replied. Max was currently walking down Main Street.
< Did you tell Maria that I am not a threat? >
< Yeah>
< Cool> Liz ended the conversation and said. “So…what’s happening tonight?”
“Well you’ve said that you have waitress experience and your referees said good things about you, or what Nancy told me,”

Liz flinched. Make that fake referees. Liz mind warped Nancy to believe she had called them and that each one said Liz was the one for the job. Liz was good, in fact, perfect for the job but her past jobs were in many different states, each with Liz having a different M.O.
Maria handed Liz a tacky turquoise uniform that Maria was wearing. Liz’s name was laced into the uniform. A silver antenna was placed on the desk. “Your trial run starts now, so, put it on,”

Liz rolled her eyes and went to the bathroom to change. She hated her reflection. Liz hair was tied in a high ponytail and the silver handset bobbled up and down, and side-to-side. Her uniform was very short and something out of Star Trek or Deep Space Nine.

I’ve had worse; Liz coached herself and went to place her belonging into a grey locker. Liz used her powers to seal her locker in case the manger forgets to lock it and someone decides to steal her money or something.
Liz met Maria out in the diner to find the place already bustling with customers.

“Okay, here’s the run down. The diner is divided into two sections, three if it gest busy. There are three booths on each end of the diner so we each get three booths and four tables to look after. The outside diner is only used during the day. Front counter, closest to the drinks outlet behind me is monitored by both of us. After you take each number circle the table number on the top right tell them their price. Here’s a mini size menu to check the prices. The tables are numbered. So, Liz for tonight, you get tables 1-7 okay?”

Liz nodded. “Right,”
Maria handed her pen and notepad and the miniature size menu. Liz waved her hand over the four side of the menu, as if Liz was skimming through the prices but she was actually computing the prices into her memory and locking them in.

Liz now knew all the prices of the entire Crashdown menu.
Liz placed her notepad and pen in her alien face apron and served her first customer.

Liz’s face fell and her bones froze. It was Nasdeo. Ed Harding was wearing a plain white shirt and blue tie, reading the paper.
“Hello, daughter. Missed me?” He piped.
“Not one bit,” Liz whispered. Then, said a little louder. “Welcome to the Crashdown. How can I help you?”
“Oh, nothing for me thanks,” Nasdeo replied, keeping up the charade. “I actually came to check on your progress?”
“Going fine thank you,” Liz bit her lower lip. “Look, if you’re not going to order anything, just leave and do your job that you should have been doing earlier,”

“I was Ava…”Nasdeo leaned closer. “I wanted to see how you’d cope, and you passed,”
“I always can hold my own. Just like Serena,” Liz was about to leave when she heard the bell jingle and saw Max with fear in his eyes as he was walking towards her.

“Welcome, please, take a seat and I’ll be right with you,” Liz perked. In her mind, she asked Max her real question.

<What’s up? >
<An Agent Pierce tried to pick up Alex last night>
< Agent Pierce! > Liz flinched. The alien hunter
< Topolsky contacted Tess a few days ago. Warning us about the alien hunter, Agent Pierce. Did you know him? >
< Of course> Liz was going to ask whom the lady was but clearly Max was angry at her answer.
< Why didn’t you say something!>
Liz rolled her eyes. < Max, look at me? DO I look like a loose lip person? I don’t reveal my personal secrets to everyone I meet>
< Yeah, well I don’t try and have sex with strangers with secrets either but hey…shit happens. Now, you are going to tell me what you know so I can protect everyone. >

Did everyone include her? Probably not. When he said everyone he clearly meant Tess, Alex, Maria, Michael and his sister, Isabel.
< Later. Right now I need to work> Liz turned around.
Max caught her arm and whirled her back to face him. < Can’t you mind warp your way out of work? > Max crossed his arms.
<Yeah, but I wont. I made a promise and I’m sticking to it> Liz thought for a moment. < Look, have your meeting and call me later…all right? After all, you need to protect everyone>

Liz realised that her staring competition with Max had drawn some curious on lookers. Including Nasedo, who was trying not to laugh.
“Fine,” Max said out loud and left the diner, everyone stared at him leaving before retuning to his or her food.
“I see things are going Very well,” Nasdeo said, looking creepier with arched eyebrows.

“Shut up,” Liz turned to him. “Go and keep an eye on his group. Pierce is after them now,”
As Liz made her way to the kitchen to pick up some of her orders, Maria followed her and asked.
“What was that?” Maria was referring to Liz’s staring competition with Max.
Liz turned at stare blankly at her “Nothing,”
Maria’s eyes glazed like marbles for a brief moment, then flinched. “Nothing,” and went back to work.
Liz sighed. She hated mind warping her friends.

Liz decided to not watch the re-run of Passions that night. After a gruelling five-hour shift Liz trudged home in a haze and barely made her way to her bed before collapsing with a sigh.

< Liz? > It was Max’s voice.
< What? > Liz replied, kicking off her sneakers and sighing at the relief that her feet felt.
< Did you get home all right? > He was concerned this time. For her...
< Max, I have seventeen years of experience. I think I was okay>
<..uh…yeah……sorry> He sighed. He was in bed and physically drained from the events that happened earlier. Liz guessed that the meeting was a long one.

< What gives? > Liz asked, pulling the covers over her still clothed body.
< Nothing…just Tess is over at the moment. > Max fell silent. < She wants to be…you know…close…and>
< You don’t? >

I don’t want to have this kind of conversation! Liz mentally kicked herself.
< It’s just that…. ever since…the lounge I can’t stop thinking about it. It confuses me. Why am I feeling this? > Max sounded so confused and lost.
He’s asking why he feels primal, and carnal acts toward me.

He has feelings for me like he has for Tess and it confuses him.

To be attracted to someone without knowing them frightened her more than Max.
< Just say you’re tired? That’s what most guys say…. > Liz tried to be light hearted about this.
<Well…she’s trying to…>

< Max. I don’t want the whole family album> Liz yelled, and Liz felt him grimace, clutching his hands to his head. < Sorry, > Liz apologised, sending a mental hug. < Look, you have issues with Tess and you need to work them out okay? I’m not mind warping your girlfriend. > Liz ended the conversation and locked the door to her mind. She couldn’t be bothered getting out of her Crashdown uniform. So, Liz lay there, awaiting sleep to take over. Anything to distract her from what Max might be or might not be doing.

Hope you like it...FYI that $6.90 wrong change thing is from personal experince. I was so angry with the counter girl that i nearly screamed and the manger actually sccused me of being a liar. I wasn't I was right..but anyway that incident insipred this chapter..

what dod you think of max and LIz's sudden connection from combinding their powers??? there is a reason and it will be known....soon


questions? rants??
Last edited by on Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Hi everyone. Thanks for your replies. I will try and answer your FAQ's later becasue I am about to go to work, again :cry: i don't wanna go so this is like a quick part but its leading up to where i want it to go....
some parts i am not happy the can can part but oh well


Chapter Six

She felt him inside her and it felt good, it felt right. She felt whole for the first time in her life. He bucketed beneath her and she felt him empty himself inside her. Then, he was gone and Liz was left alone in the desert, dying as the rash took over, killing her, forming an exoskeleton of death. Then the image blurred, and suddenly she was back with Max’s arms around her and the rash vanished. Liz got up and stood by herself next to the four square symbol and watched Max, holding the two orbs in his hands like he was weighing them.
“Home,” He said, holding the orbs up high looking up at the V-constellation in the sky.
A crystal shaped dome appeared next to Max. He pointed. “Granolith,” He
said. “Home,”


Liz woke up screaming. “Will this ever end?” What’s with these cryptic dreams? The-biological-drives-we-need-to-get-pregnant-dreams- ended a few days ago. What were these ones called? I want to make you insane?
Liz thought for a moment. In both dreams it involved Max. No surprise but he said, “Home” as he held the orbs…looking at their home planet. He also pointed at a crystal dome and said “Granolith”. The same cliff was in the background. I

t was all connected, somehow. She needed answers fast. Liz decided to walk past the public library that afternoon. However, no dice. Liz went back home to find Kyle by her doorstep.
“Wanna watch a couple of videos?” Kyle suggested.
“Sure, anything to take my mind of things,” Like Max for example.

Soon they were waltzing through the isle of blockbuster video.
“So, what’s good?” Kyle asked. He picked up the DVD and passed it to Liz.
“Whadda think?”

Liz touched the DVD and cringed. “Sex, booze, stripper. Nadda…”
“How would you know?” Kyle placed the DVD back on the shelf.
Liz titled her head. “I kinda scan the DVD in my mind.”
“You scan? I’m not getting it,”

Liz sighed in frustration. “I skim the DVD. Like having the movie on fast forward?”
“So not only do I get my personal Xenia I get a DVD playing chick as well?” Kyle smiled, his eyes brightened. “Cool Liz…that’s way cool…” Kyle picked up the DVD with the Title Velvet Rope with some girl in a French maid outfit. “Please, play it.” he begged.

“No,” Tossing the DVD back to the shelf. “Its useless Kyle I have a lot going on.”
“Like what? PMS do space chicks get PMS?”
“Yeah,” Liz replied, and then smacked him on the shoulder.
“Owwie,” Kyle rubbed his shoulder.
“Well you deserve it boy,” Liz grumbled, walking back to the car. “PMS..Ha!” It should be MS…. Max Syndrome where’s there no cure but the real thing.
Liz went back to Kyle’s house. It was a modest three-bedroom home with a living room and kitchen in one big area. It was nice. His dad was on the job to three am. Which meant no unwanted visitors.
“So, what’s up?” Kyle jumped on the sofa, remote in hand.
“No TV,” Taking away the remote. “But I can get you free cable if you listen to me spill my guts.”
“With your amazing powers?”
“Only if you listen for a minute”

Liz picked up her black knapsack and placed the orb on the table.
“Nice rock,” Kyle said.
“It’s the orb River Dog gave me. I’ve been having dreams about it,”
“What kind of dreams…”
“Dreams..”Liz thought for a moment. She didn’t want to tell Kyle the real truth, which would mean revealing Max’s identity without his consent. So, she gave him the clean version. “Dreams about me, holding the orbs..”
“Orbs? You mean there’s more than one?”
“Two of them and something to do with the V star constellation and the location of where I was born…”

“Wait…. V-Star constellation and where you were hatched out of those human incubators…”
Liz breathed in deeply then explained. “V-star constellation is in a V shape. Venus… a modified version of the constellation Aries… we see the same constellation from our home planet and it’s the symbol of our universe. You with me here?”
“Crystal….” Kyle thought for a moment, then he picked up the heavy orb and suggested. “Maybe its some kind of communication device?”
Liz kicked herself. Of course. Max was holding up both orbs and said home. The orbs communicate with their home planet. Oh…my…god. This was big.

“What about the cliff? I mean there’s a lot of cliffs in New Mexico?” Liz babbled, shivering form sheer excitement. Her dreams mean something.
“Well…”Kyle pulled out a UFO magazine and handed it to Liz. “There’s a convention coming up soon and there’s some information in there…and photos of cliffs. I think there was one on page 36.”
Liz flipped to page 36 and read the article about Marvin Smith who used to own a ranch called Puhlman in the thirties until 1947. Liz’s eyes widened.

Puhlman Ranch
The map in the Cave….a vague memory Liz picked up in Isabel’s mind. Michael matched up locations according to the map in the cave, which means
The four squared symbol on the map, that’s where it is! The crash site is Phulman Ranch!
Liz squealed, higher then Stacy and nearly throttled Kyle’s neck and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Thank you,” She jumped up, grabbed the orb and placed it in her bag and ran to the doorway.
“Liz!” Kyle called to Liz as she had her hand on the doorknob. “Free cable?”

Liz scoffed and waved her hand over the TV.
“Thank you!”
“Lucky for me I don’t get to pay the bill.” Liz smiled, she managed to hijack cable without it being traced and found a reason for her sensual heated dreams.
I owe Kyle, big time!

“Did I say how much I appreciate having you around,” Liz placed her arm over Kyle’s shoulder and gave it a quick squeeze before turning to her locker. “You cured me of my insanity.”
Liz couldn’t wait to search all over the ranch but first, when she had the chance she had to tell Max.
“ Besides free cable?” Kyle shrugged. “I’ll let you know,” He then swore. “Shit, I forgot history essay is due today!”
“On what?” Liz placed her book on Theban plays and Equus in her locker.
“Joan of Arc?”

Liz looked left and right. No one was looking. “Hand me your text book.”
Kyle handed her his textbook and Liz closed her locker and shoved Kyle in the Eraser room that was down the hall.
“Liz, how is making out gonna solve my problems.” Kyle said as the door closed behind them
“Kyle, shut up and keep an eye on the door.” Liz sat down with the textbook and flipped through the pages, and then placed her hand on the white photocopying paper.
“What grade do you feel like?”

“Surprise me,” Kyle eyed the door.
“Okay, A it is” and waved over the four blank pages to produce a fully justified 1.5 line spaced A grade essay on Joan of Arc. Liz handed him the essay. “It’s A grade. As soon as your teacher touches the paper he’ll give you an A and in future he’ll forget the contents of the essay but know it was good and definitely A grade!”

Kyle smiled and placed his textbook and essay in his bag. “Thanks.” He gave her a quick hug before diverting his eyes to the floor.
“Well I don’t normally do that but you deserve it.”
“Thanks but won’t everyone think we were making out.” Kyle gestured to the room they were currently in.

“No, I mind warped everyone to think Owen and Stacy were in the eraser room again. Stacy’s dumb and Owen’s way too spaced out to remember what day it is. So, we’re cool,”
Kyle opened the door and they walked down the hallway. Everyone still thought Owen and Stacy were lip locked in the eraser block and didn’t see Liz or kyle.

Kyle smiled his lopsided grin. “That’s so true about Owen. I don’t know why hes with her.”
“Well, you know what they say,” Liz shrugged.
The school bell interrupted them. It was first period.
“Dumb and Dumber!” Liz finished her sentence and Kyle laughed.
“See you at lunch.”
“Four to the floor… I was sure… never see it clear. I could have it all…. if only you were here...”Liz sang the star sailor lyrics as she was dancing in the gymnastics room. Normally, Liz wouldn’t even be in the gymnastics room but Pam invited her to par take in their cheerleading practice during their free periods. Liz was by herself, tilting her hips from side to side, wearing her gym slacks and pink shirt.

Liz felt Max enter the room. She heard the gym door slam behind him. Liz did two somersaulted and cartwheel to her right and jumped back to face the front and grave vine to the left.

“Wow,” Max commentated and handed her the Mt Franklin drink bottle next to the portable CD player.
“Nasedo trains me to be fit,” Liz replied after taking a big gulp of her water.
Liz wiped the sweat off her forehead using her pink sweatband on her wrists.
Liz smiled at him. She had an insane idea and turned up the music.
“Dance with me,” Liz sauntered her hips and twirled. “It’ll be fun,”
“No,” Max replied but Liz tugged his shirt.

“Please….”Liz touched his face and his eyes seemed to go darker. Liz concentrated and linked his mind with hers into a universe in her mind. Her clothes changed as a pink dust covered them both. Liz’s clothes rippled out from her pink shirt and slacks to a pair of hipster jeans and a sparking pink drawstring bikini top. Her hair was piled upwards and curled and there were a few loose ringlets touching the nape of her neck.
Max’s jaw dropped. He was wearing a button down white shirt and leather pants.

“You have the whole angel look on the season one of buffy,” Liz smirked and Max’s arms rested around her waist. “But it’s not our scene.” Liz flicked her wrists and her hair billowed around her shoulders. Liz was wearing a bright blue can can dress with a black corset and silver sparkling shoes. Max still wore the same clothes. The Can Can song from Moulin Rouge was playing from her CD Player on a black chair. Max and Liz were no longer in the gym room. Liz mind warped them to be in the middle of a dance floor, crowed with Can Can dancers, ready to dance at Liz’s call.

“Are you ready?” Liz asked Max.
He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “Not even close,”
As the music rapidly move to a hypnotic rhythm Liz and Max danced. Not the same way as the other dancers were but to their own music. Liz lifted up her skirt and flashed Max, swishing her skirt from side to side, laughing. Max grabbed her by the waist and twirled and dipped her before recapturing her and dipping her again to the ground only to pick her up again to waltz with the music.

“Whoo Hoo!” Liz screamed, letting all her worries go to one side.

Liz waved them over and they were back in the gym again, wearing normal clothes, ending the moment.
< How did you? >
< I think its because I am around you guys my powers seem to be improving. How about yours? >
< Not sure…I have bigger concerns>
< Ms Tolpolsky or whatever her name is>
< Yeah, she met Tess again and spoke about an orb. Do you know anything about it? >
< Well, > Liz thought for a moment. < I know something about it>
However, they were interrupted by Stacy and Tina, walking in with their boyfriends in toe.

“Well Max…fermentation is a hard process to understand…like the o-zone layer..” Liz began just as the group were in earshot of them.
“The O-zone layer?” Tina joined Max and Liz. “We sooooo don’t need that”
Liz rolled her eyes and Max bit his lip to keep from laughing.
“Well, anyways. Max. I am in the middle of cheerleading practice. So…we’ll meet in bio? Kay?”

Max nodded, and left.
“Max...” Tina sighed. “He’s sooooo…the dark mysterious type…”
“Tell me about it,” Liz said.

Tess sat by herself in the quad, underneath the huge oak tree, hoping against hope that Max would join her for lunch today.
What was it about her? Was it the long dark brown hair or the wacky sense of humour? Or was it when she smiled Max found something amazing that Tess didn’t already have? It was like they had some special connection that Tess couldn’t compare with, something that Max wasn’t prepared to tell her about it.

The pain was permanently lodged in her stomach, seething and heaving onto every twisted nightmare she had about Max being with Liz Harding. She’s got to be Nasedo, Tess thought. She has some kind of spell over him…

Once again, Tess opened her wallet to find a small photo of them together in the booth. He looked so carefree back then, and that cheeky smile he had as he placed a tender kiss on her forehead showed how much he loved her. Although, he never uttered the words Tess knew they loved each other. Their connection was strong, ever since that day when she was shot in the Crashdown. He risked everything to save her. Back then, Tess was dating Kyle Valenti and soon afterwards she broke up with him. Tess left everything familiar to be with Max and together they created a universe that no one can mess with.

Except that prissy brown haired girl, Liz Harding. Tess scanned the quad to find Kyle and his friends eating lunch with Liz Harding. Tess noticed the way Kyle acted around Liz and got an idea. Maybe, if she talked to Kyle it might help him realise that he likes her and Liz wouldn’t be a problem anymore.
Her friends, Isabel and Maria joined her underneath the oak tree.
“Michael and Max are talking so it wouldn’t be too long,” Isabel explained, patting her on the shoulder, “You have nothing to worry about. Liz is no match for the love you guys share,”
Tess warmed at that thought. “Thanks Iz,”
“So, what are we going to do about Max? He’s whipped about Liz. Even though she’s my friend and everything. Something Blair witch is going on.” Maria concluded.

“Maria,” Tess groaned, shaking her head. “Not everything is like the Faculty..”
“The Faculty? Oh my god. That’s it! She’s the freaky Texas alien chick!” Maria held her cider oil vial and breathing deeply into the forest aroma.
“Don’t hyperventilate Maria. It will be all right. I don’t think Liz is the Texas type and I don’t remember the alien in the faculty being from Texas….The main thing is that Max loves me and we have to let Liz know that kay? “Tess smiled.

Isabel and Maria nodded in agreement.
“Now, this is what we are gonna do,”


Look, i tried... i really did but i just could not write tess in a good light at this sec......

the can can thing, well i was trying to show that Liz's powers are getting stronger

DO you think Kyle really likes Liz?????

what is tess's evil plan??

.tell what you think?


I have some bad news...I am going away on friday the 19th and won't be back to the 25th of i will try an update before thurday night but if i don't its becasue people in my family have taken over the computer like last time...

Thanks for your support and feedback.. :wink: means alot
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chapter 7

Post by »

purpleant-Liz's dreams are certainly "interesting".

They are. if you read into it you can guess where i am going...well sort of....LOL but yeah....

Hey guys. This will be my last update as I am going on holiday with 7 friends for a week from friday 19-thursday25 of November. The next update will be on the 27th of November.

FYI- Thanks you guys for your feedback! I wish i had more time to write all your names down but I have an overnight tonight :cry: from 11pm-7am...ouch...I know....... and I was watching troy at the time i was writing this part so that agamemnon thing is from the its not my idea but its not a copy of duplicate so i won't be sued...(phew) just had to cover myself...

So, hopefully you'll enjoy this part and keep sending your questions.....


Chapter 7

Things change. Like for example, Agamemnon once said “That the beach of troy was owned by King Prissm in the morning and Agamemnon in the afternoon,”

Sometimes one small thing can cause a whole building to fall, including a tiny, thin feather could land on top of an elephant’s head and it would sneeze, causing the whole elephant pack to stop- causing chaos among the jungle. Liz wasn’t exactly sure if elephants walked in packs or alone but Liz had this feelings deep inside her gut, like a knife had been left inside by the doctors and it was festering inside her digestive juices, slowing cutting into her and ripping through the thick layer of her stomach, spraying stomach acid everywhere, killing off the cells that gave her life.

This change Liz was feeling sick about was telling Michael that she was his sister. Which meant, the whole group would eventually know her alien status. She felt comfortable Kyle and Max knowing her secret but her own brother? She never had blood family before. Blood, Liz laughed. Such a strange word to place on a genetically engineered hybrid. They were brothers on her alien side but she wasn’t sure on the human side. Still, the aliens from her home planet concluded that Ava was Rath’s younger sister.

Liz didn’t know for sure if she was younger than Michael in her past life. She tended not to dwell on the fact that she had a past life but it was a feeling inside her that told her that she was younger and Michael needed someone like her around. After all, Liz had seen glimpses from his childhood life. Not just from Isabel’s memories she extracted but in real life. Back when she was a child, Nasdeo made small pit stops in Roswell New Mexico to check on the family.

Even the thought of what Nasdeo said about Michael made Liz hate him even more. Nasdeo simply said, after she witnessed her brother being subdued to physical and emotional abuse was “he needs to be angry”

Liz couldn’t even go near him when she was little or growing up. She would receive feelings from him at times, mostly anger and self-hatred. Liz understood now what Nasedo’s twisted plan was: He needed Michael angry so he would thirst for knowledge and would drag the others away from their familles to find their alien origins. Without Michael and his harsh remarks or his determination to find the truth Max and Isabel wouldn’t bother to find what’s out there.
Liz hoped that with her confession that he would feel happiness, or anything for the matter.


Michael slammed his locker shut. Liz didn’t even know he had a locker.
“Hey,” Liz said to him as he placed the combination lock on his locker. He turned to her and replied. “Hey” arching his eyebrows before walking away.
Liz walked after to him, which only made him walk faster. Liz sighed, clutched her bag and ran to his side. “We really need to talk,”
“About what?” Michael stopped so abruptly that Liz bumped into someone else.

“Sorry” She apologised but only received a roll of the eyes and some uttered remark. Liz turned her attention back to Michael, only to find him already at the end of the hall.
“Shit,” Liz sighed, and sprinted after him. “Michael we really need to talk,” She sighed as the air from her lunges sighed with it; she breathed in deeply before walking after him this time. Liz tracked him down to a small apartment block downtown. His apartment was the first room on the floor.

You can do this, Liz coached herself. She knocked on the door but no one answered. Fine, lets try the other way. Liz knocked the door open with a wave of her hand. Too strongly, as the door fell on its face, splintering in two. Liz walked through and reattached the door back to tis original place, sealing up the gaps with her mind.

“Michael, I know you’re in here. I need to talk to you Michael,”
Silence. His bag was tossed on the couch and there was no one behind the adjacent kitchen.
Liz only saw the flicker of his brown eyes before he pounced, grabbing onto her shoulders and throwing her onto the kitchen table and onto a pile of glass cups. The glass shattered and cut into her back and Liz felt blood ooze like a broken egg on her head.

“Nasdeo,” His face was inches from her face, full of rage as his face was shivering with pent up emotion.
I thought Max told them I wans't Nasdeo. It must have been her display of powers that made Michael Believe she was the infamous shape shifter.

Liz arms were already behind her back, almost at breaking point and her legs were pinned to the bench top. It took every inch of power to keep from screaming. She couldn’t let him have the upper hand, so with her mind Liz pushed his brain, squeezing the muscles until he howled, grabbing his head, allowing her to sneak out from his grasp.

Liz turned to him, watching her brother rubbing his head in pain. He just looked at her before collapsing to the ground. A coldness rushed over her as she pictured countless others that she was forced to kill for survival. Michael acted just like one of them, falling to the ground like shattered clay.

< MAX! > Liz screamed. < MAXXX! > Liz dropped to Michael’s limp form, already going cold and blue but life still rushed through his veins, but barely. Liz placed her energy on Michael’s skin, warming his body to keep his internal temperature from falling but failing. She sent him images, anything to jolt him back to life.

Max opened the door with his powers and dropped to Michael’s side.
“His –hhead….nnneeds healing…”Liz cried. The look on Max’s face could make anyone cry. The colour form his face drained from him as soon as Max saw Michael lying limp on the ground.
Max placed his hand on Michael’s head and concentrated, evening out his breaths and just focusing on Michael. A flicker of green shimmed from Michael’s forehead and colour returned to his face, he groaned, his eyes fluttering.

Liz just got up and left. She didn’t want to see Michael’s reaction or Max’s. She nearly killed her own brother, out of spite, out of protection. Her mind kills people. She was a natural born killer. Period.
She kept seeing her brother’s face, lifeless as stone. She nearly vomited at the thoughts she conjured up. Would Max hate her? She would. She nearly killed Michael! What if she did? Nasdeo would congratulate her on her powers before killing her too. Then, who knows?

Knock knock knock

Was Death calling?
Liz didn’t bother healing her bruises that covered half of her face or the scars on her back from the tiny bits of glass Liz pulled out one by one to remind herself at what she’s capable of.
Liz didn’t answer the door.

“Liz!” It was Michael’s strained voice, along with Max’s.
She didn’t even bother answering. Liz switched on the radio and listened to the star sailor remix. She let the smooth hypnotic sounds of the different kind of beats and alluring techno beat to drown out the sounds from the door.
< Liz, let us in> Max’s caring voice was warmth for the soul. However, Liz remained firm.

< Is Michael okay? >
< He’s fine after multiple haemorrhages> Max offered.
Liz waved in the direction of the door from the lounge room. Michael rushed into the lounge room and nearly fell on top of her if she hadn’t moved just at that second.
She felt Michael’s arms tight around her; Liz had to bit her lip from wincing as his tight squeezing was adding pressure and more pain to her wounds.

“Sister,” He simply whispered, so silently that Liz hugged him back, smelling him and applying that to memory.
< What’s going on? > Max asked.
Liz felt tears leaking from her eyes. < What happened? >
< Well, I was heading to Michael’s house. Heard you screaming for me and I healed him. He woke up and bolted. and…I’ve never seen Michael like this..>

< That’s because he’s my brother> Liz replied. She sat next to Michael, facing him with tears in her eyes.
“Are you alright?” Liz asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’m..s-so sorry but ..”
“Apology accepted.” Michael sighed, rubbing his eyes for a moment. He seemed uncomfortable at his open display of emotion. Max gave them some room and she was grateful for it, however, she needed to talk to Max before dealing with her brother.
“Uh, Michael…”Liz picked up her copy of Brave heart and tossed it to Michael. “You can zone out on this while Max and I get some popcorn…”
Liz felt her stomach do somersaults when Michael grinned for a brief second. What did he know? “Okay...” he said.
Max followed her into the kitchen. “Never ever do that again,” Max told her once they were out of earshot.

“How much damage?”
“A lot…it nearly killed me.” Max confessed. He stood inches from her, so close that she could feel his frustration and anger seep from his skin. Liz slumped onto the barstool.

“I don’t know what to say Max.” Liz looked up at Max, her tears falling freely now, “ I was trying to tell Michael that I was his sister and he thought I was Nasdeo. I just reacted…”
“It was a pretty big reaction. You nearly killed Michael. What if it was Isabel or someone else that made you…react…Huh?”
It cut her even more that Max didn’t notice that she was badly beaten up too. Michael apologised with a hug. How can Liz make it up to Max? She said sorry. She felt sorry. What else is there?

“I don’t react! Max! You don’t know the half of it. What I’ve been through or how many people I’ve cared about died because of what I am! I advise that you keep a close eye on Tess and Maria and Alex because Nasdeo might just react and kill them Huh? Don’t you think about what I’ve done to protect people who don’t give a damn about me?” Liz felt her tears fall from her eyes, blazing her emotions out in the open for everyone to see. “I suggest you and Michael leave me alone so I can’t suddenly…”Liz stopped and pretended to think, fluttering her arms about “ react and almost kill someone else!”


The doorbell rang.
Max was about to heal her but she stopped him. Healing her wounds Liz could from her face but the bruises on her stomach and hip, minor but sore, were left there. Liz left the kitchen and sucked in her own tears and prepared to open the door.

“Hi Liz,” It was Tess with Isabel and Maria. Each one of them carrying a bag full of junk food and a pile of chick flicks. Alex was also there, standing with no bag to carry but a face full of worry “Can we come in?” Tess asked.

“Thank you,” Tess pushed past Liz, followed by Isabel, Maria and Alex.
“Just great.” Liz whispered, closing the door.
The whole group assembled into Liz’s lounge room.
“Max and Michael are already here,” Tess said in disbelief.
“That must have got your M.O of annoying Liz but hey! That’s just fine,” Liz spat. Max was angry with her and she didn’t need to deal with sugary goodness that was Tess Hart.

Tess ignored her and walked in front of Max and kissed him, their lips locked. She felt the knife already inside her gut her deeper and deeper inside to find her heart that was already broken. Michael, for the second time surprised her.

“Tess, I think you should leave,” He stated, his eyes level with Liz, full of understanding. What does he know? He knows something? But what?
Changes. Just like Agamemnon says…for Liz’s life it was that Max was with her in the morning and Tess in the evening.

“Where’s Kyle?” Tess piped up, after a long smooch with Max, right in front of her. If Liz wasn’t civil she would mind warp Tess so bad…
“Out on a date probably,” Liz supplied. “I’m not his keeper,” crossing her arms. “Now, I ask again, why are you in my house?”
“To watch some videos…. be friends…we’ve shunned you and we’re sorry,” Tess said, holding up DVD copies of Ever After and The Matrix.
“Sure,” Liz nodded her head. “And I’m that so called Good Samaritan…” she huffed. “I’m in no mood, just leave,”

“Liz!” Maria jumped in, standing beside Tess who was next to max, holding onto his hand tightly. “We just wanted to----?”
“Max, If you guys don’t leave I do the same thing I almost did to Michael…I’m about to react.” Liz wouldn’t do it but she wanted to be alone. Liz had never felt such a strong urge to cry as she did now. She didn’t want any witnesses.

Max understood. “Tess, let’s go,” The group followed, along with Michael. Michael stopped and handed her knapsack.
“You left this behind.” Michael said. “Keep it safe,” He closed the door on his way out. The sound of the abrupt slam felt like the door closing on her broken heart.

Liz took a quick peak to see if everything was inside. A small white paper, along with the orb and destiny book was inside. The paper said.

Have faith


What did that mean?

What did Michael's Message mean? any ideas? cos I know! Lol

I hate to leave it here when Max and Liz had a fight. I can tell you that the next part involves the NORMAL party which will not be, please read and enjoy and feel free to leave comments and or rants that max and Liz are fighting until I return..I look forward to reading them

And thanks for your support and the feedback. It means alot

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Chapter Eight

Post by »

A/N- the following part contains dialouge used from Season one of Roswell..can't remember which episode but it isn't mine so don't sue me...please
I have another overnight tonight so I must sleep so I have no time to thank everyone- as I should be doing and answer your questions..

Chapter 8

Max held the orbs to the sky and whispered. “Home,” He placed the orbs on the ground and took a place beside Liz on the warm sand.
Liz relaxed, bathing herself on the desert floor by the foursquare symbol, wearing the long white dress and her legs were deep in the white sand. A crystal Dome appeared in the night sky that shimmered into a smaller diamond shard. The diamond manifested and changed into physical form. The crystal was cold to touch but sat snugly between her hands. Liz saw his hand point to the crystal shard. “Key,” Max’s voice echoed in her mind.

Liz woke up groggily from her couch. Thursday morning: approximately twenty-four hours until the Friday night party. At least she had something to look forward to. Liz looked down to see the hickey had once again spread, but this time the colour had change from marron to a hard exoskeleton skin colour and formed five rivets down her right arm and on her shoulder. Each deep rivet was filled with a dark ink colour that looked like thick roots from beneath a tree.

Liz also saw the orb symbol had been edged into the core of the hickey and was glowing.
Liz fell back into her bed and decided not go to school today.
Liz called up Kyle and convinced him to come over and spend the day with her.

It was lunchtime when Liz decided to watch the blockbuster movie Titanic.
“I’m flying, Jack,” Rose cried from Liz’s television screen. A box of tissues and a furry of scrunched tissues laid beside Liz as her red eyes were glued to the screen.

“Oh,” Kyle scoffed, picking up a handful of popcorn from his microwave bag. “You know that the boat gonna sink!”
“Shut it,” Liz blew her nose quietly as she watched Jack and Rose share a kiss at sunset. Liz thought of Max and her head throbbed, missing the sweet deep voice of his thoughts fluttering through like ripples in a pond.

“We might as well prepare for the party,” Liz said. She’d seen this movie too many times anyway. Plus, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of familiarity about Rose and Jack’s dilemma. Something she never felt until now. The thought was seething at her conscious.

Ava, it screamed. Over, and over again. It felt so right but Liz knew if she went down that road she would lose more than she wanted to. Friends, identity, a sense of belonging and worth- NO! Liz wouldn’t yield to her alien side. Not in a million years.

“So a box of UDL’s, raspberry flavoured for the chicks. Barcadi. Rum n’ cola. Vodka. Smirnoff. Hmm, what else?” Kyle began to pile the trolley up with different kinds of alcohol. From beer, wines and spirits and even soft drinks to use as mixers. Of course, Kyle assumed Liz was going to mind warp the clerk into believing they were twenty-one and that they have already paid. It isn’t easy as 1…2….3….

There were cameras disguised everywhere. So, Liz had to short cut their circuits before mind warping the clerk to cover their tracks.
“So, Liz? What’s your poison?” Kyle asked, holding up a bottle of Baileys in the left and a white flask marked ‘Wipe-out’ on the right.
“I’ve…never had any…um…alcohol before,”
“What?” Kyle replied, a little too loudly.
The whole room went silent. The only other occupants in the store were three tourists and the clerk named Kevin in his mid twenties. They glared at her before turning back to their business.

Liz rolled her eyes and plucked the baileys from Kyle’s hand and placed it in the cart, in between two bottles of Smirnoff vodka. “In between the FBI and you-know-who breathing down my back I made a decision to not drink any alcohol. I never had the time to…”
“Well tomorrow night. We will paint the town red.” Kyle smiled; his arm went around her shoulder. The other arm waved in the sky as if he was picturing the night of the party. Liz shrugged him off. “Shut up,” they both shared a smile but neither of them noticed the stranger who stood in the shadow of the walk in freezer a few metres away. He had a picture of Kyle and Liz sharing a hug outside her door in his right-gloved hand. The stranger’s left gloved hand held a red permanent marker and gently placed an X over Kyle’s head.
Kyle had to stop by his Dad’s work before he could drop her off. Something about tonight’s dinner or whatever-- Liz was not being the good friend and listening to what he was rambling about. Just the sound of his voice was able to calm her nerves but not the open hollow cavern inside her. The cavern that Max used to fill with his aura.
His dad wasn’t in his office but Liz felt someone was about to walk in.
“Kyle, stay still. I’m gonna mind warp,” Liz grabbed his hand and began to close her eyes.
“What if its my-“
“Its not,” Liz interrupted focused on the slickly dark presence that caused the back of neck to shiver with coldness.
A deputy walked into the sheriffs office liked he owned it. He was around 6 foot 3, Caucasian male in his mid thirties with brown eyes and gelled brown hair that peaked underneath his wide brimmed cowboy hat. However, his aura felt different than the one she felt before. Liz felt arrogance, not hatred.

The deputy had a file in his hand and gave to the Sheriff, Kyle’s father, as he walked in with his fresh brewed coffee.
“Checks out, Sheriff.” He says as Kyle’s father sat in his desk chair. Liz opened her eyes and concentrated on cloaking their preens. She was standing an inch away from the Sheriff and no one noticed. “ Edward M Harding, civilian consultant, transferred here from Ft. McClellan near Birmingham, AL. Before that, US Army Material Command in Alexandria, VA. Divorced, one child.”

Liz felt her face go cold and her force field began to dimmer but she scrunched her forehead, groaning in pain as her brows almost touching and her eyes felt like hot coal as every cell was pulsating with energy to use to cloak Kyle and herself.
Another man with dark brown hair and light blue eyes walked in and stood next to the Deputy.

“Sheriff?” The man cautiously asked as he tapped on his cowboy hat squashed underneath his arm. Coldness washed over Liz as she stood facing the new guy from behind the Sheriff’s desk. This was the essence she felt before.
“Can I help you?” The Sheriff seemed surprised to see this new man, which only intensified the fear beating inside Liz’s heart. All this time six minutes had passed and it has been six minutes at cloaking their minds. How much longer before she did some damaged like she did to her brother?

“Uuh, Deputy Fisher. You requested me.” Fisher waved his hands in the air, outstretched as if he was nervous.
His name wasn’t Fisher; Liz knew he was lying by the tone of his voice. His essence was thick with lies. Liz dived around his mind but it was blank. He wasn’t Nasdeo but someone who kept his mind free from thought and emotions. The only people Liz had to mind warp who were like this were alien hunters. Was this man an alien hunter?
“Come again?” Jim gulped a few mouth mouthfuls of coffee before side glancing at the deputy, as if to ask with his eyes if he knew anything about this Fisher guy.

Throughout this confrontation Liz was glad Kyle remained silent. Liz didn’t have enough energy to block Kyle’s side-comments. Nasdeo always said that he felt a strong energy from within her and in order to fully harness the power she had Liz would have to give in to her alien side. Once she did that he powers would continue to increase and Liz could mind warp anyone for any period of time and there would be no side affects for herself or the victim.

“Deputy Dave Fisher. Sent down from Santa Fe. Uuh, took me off traffic violations, told me you needed more bodies.” The man had no expression on his face. Well, he did but it was forced. As if he was trying to pull a happy-go-lucky guy but in reality he had no feelings to show on his face and because of that his face froze permanently in that stern lifeless position. If that man tried to smile it would seem he was more pissed off or annoyed than the emotion he was trying to convey.

“I requested an extra man about six months ago; they said they didn’t have any money in the budget.” From Jim’s expression Liz couldn’t help but smile. He knew something was off and he didn’t have any powers like she did to know that Fisher was a facade.

Fisher’s reply was. “ I guess they found some.”
“Listen, Deputy,” Jim jabbed at finger at Fisher, his voice rising with annoyance and Liz placed two ticks by Jim in her mind. Although he was investigating her she could forgive him when he got rid of this Fisher guy. “ I think I’ve got the traffic around here pretty much under control, so why don’t you scoot on back to Santa Fe?”
“With all due respect sir, I do have my orders. And I just put a deposit down on an apartment this morning, they’ve already outfitted me and…”
“All right, all right. We’ll straighten this out later.” Sheriff waved him off- a sign that Fisher was allowed to stay.

Fisher smiled, which wasn’t a true smile but a senile grin of a psychopath about to kill its next victim. “Thank you. Is there anything I can do in the meantime to help you?”

Liz knew Jim wanted to get rid of Fisher; he was inspecting the last dregs of his coffee before replying, “ Yeah. Coffee’s been getting that metallic taste lately. Maybe you could wash out the pot.”
“Yes sir. Thank you.” Fisher left.

Thank god, Liz praised as Fisher left, her eyes rolled up and she collapsed in a feverish heap. She heard Kyle yelping and the Sheriff grunting as he spilled his coffee over his jeans when Liz collapsed over him and was half lying on the desk with her legs bent awkwardly on the cold floor. Liz knew that she was not mastering her powers due to her resistance to be what she is. An alien. A Queen. Max’s wife. By betraying who she was Liz wasn’t able to use her powers very well. This wouldn’t be a problem if she gave in and act like an alien and follow her path to Antar.
Liz felt water slid down her throat and almost chocked as she gulped in air. Her eyes were stuck to her lids like glue. She could hear deep worried grumbling but not enough to register where she was.
That is, until she heard Kyle’s voice. “She had heatstroke. She had nothing to drink when I picked her up this morning.”
“You both cut class and decided to sneak into my office for kicks?”
“She didn’t know and I was trying to impress….”

“We will talk when we get home. Luckily Fisher was able to revive her….”
Liz groaned as her eyes opened to find herself lying on the Sheriff’s floor with Kyle’s jacket underneath her head to act as a pillow.
Jim and Kyle were bickering and she had to fix this.

“Jim,” Liz rasped, she tasted her blood in her mouth but breathed in and stared at the Sheriff. He stood there for a moment before turning to Kyle.
”You could have just gone to the hospital if she was suffering from heatstroke.” Jim sighed, patting his son on the back. Liz succeeded in mindwapring Jim despite her ill state.

Jim said to his son, “Luckily, Fisher was able to revive her with water. Although…he is kind of…”
“Liz,” Kyle dove to her side and wrapped his arms around her waist, supporting her fragile form.
“You alright? Or do we need to call a doctor,” Fisher entered the room, crossing his arms as he stared at her.
Liz touched her chest and…

Liz, out of nowhere falling onto the sheriff’s desk.
Fisher peeking underneath her blouse to see her glowing hickey and recognising the symbol.

Liz fished through Fisher’s mind and erased any contact he had with her and only left the image of him handed Liz a glass of water. Fisher recognised the symbol. Which meant he was FBI.
“I’m fine. Just need to rest,” Liz replied before turning on her side, now lying flat on the floor and falling asleep.
The crystal was cold to touch but sat snugly between her hands. Liz saw his hand point to the crystal shard. “Key,” Max’s voice echoed in her mind. Max held an orb in his hand, but this was a lighter shade of teal than the one she found in the cave. Max handed the second orb to Deputy Fisher and said. “Hunter,” he pointed to himself. “Prey…”

Liz woke up and looked up at her watch. It was 2:45pm, and it was a Friday as she saw her bedside clock beep the word Friday in red letters. This usually happened. When Liz was beginning to use her powers for the first time and she used too much she would sleep for days in order for her body to rejuvenate. The dreams were getting weirder and weirder. Liz knew they meant something but she didn’t know what. Turning to her side and pulling back the covers Liz decided that she better stay cleaning the house, melting locks on doors before the party started.

It was 8pm and Liz's place was already trashed by hoons with booze. Since she had a hickey the size of Texas on her collarbone Liz opted for a short mini denim skirt and a white turtleneck sweater with a pink Singlet underneath. It was uncomfortable but she had to in order to hide the alien hickey.
“Bruce,” Owen hollered to Ozzie and Daniel who were wearing their yellow silk basketball ball shirts. In fact, the entire Basketball team turned up in their uniform. Scary much?
“Bruce!” Some screamed over the hip-hop music radiated from the mansion. The place was packed which Stacy said was a good thing. The cheerleading squad was wearing their basketball uniforms: Yellow and royal blue. Liz saw the yellow tops in the sea of badge for the other occupants inside the house. Amongst this mass of cells was Max but it was like finding a small cell in a room full of transport proteins. Translation. Very hard to find.

“Hey Bruce. This is Bruce. Would you like a drink Bruce,” This sentence Liz heard every ten seconds. Followed by a loud squeal and something smashing on the floor. Followed by the loud reply of “Thanks Bruce,” and the cycle of squealing and chanting from the squad repeating as the basketball players watched the girls soak their shirts with any beverage closet to them.

“What the hell is going on,” She said to herself.
“It’s a superstition.” Michael was behind her, wearing black jeans and blue shirt and a black leather jacket. His hair was spiked with gel and he seemed to be amused about something.

Liz wasn’t sure it was because of her or the site of Stacy scampering over a crowd of people who were on the couch to soak her top with flower water in the white ceramic vase. “Twenty-four hours prior to the game all the team players call each other Bruce. Every time a cheerleader hears the word Bruce she had to soak her top.”

“Don’t they wear anything else?” Liz pointed to the cheerleading outfits Liz saw the group in twenty-four seven.
“Its like magic Mormon underwear. Before a game they bathe with it…And you wanted to be a cheerleader,”
“Please, Don’t remind me,” Liz sighed; rolling her eyes and waved herself towards the drinks station. Which was her kitchen. Liz frowned, as she smelt a horrible smell of rotten garbage and old cigarettes wafting from the kitchen. Three teens were grouped in the corner, inhaling smoke from a bottle and a hose sprouting from its side.

Liz scoffed. “Stoners are outside.” Liz pointed to the outside backyard where people who were smoking camped.
The stoners’ broke into an abrupt watery laughter before scampering with their stuff outside. Liz rolled her e and decided that she needed a drink, and it was only 8pm.

A man in his mid-twenties mixed her an orange juice and Vodka.
Holding the orange juice jug in her hand she gulped the contents down and immediately regretted it as the burning sharp taste of vodka slammed down her throat.

Everything slowed down and warmed up. The laughter was all around her, erupting from multiple mouths and eradicated the shouts of “Bruce,” which were dancing with each other as the cheerleaders soak themselves with any liquid they could get their hands off. Liz rubbed her head and tried to clear her mind, then again. She suddenly didn’t care about pretence and wanted to have some fun.

Slamming her beer size cup on the table the bartender filled her glass again, but this time with water. Liz shrugged and skulled that down too. When she finished her eyes bludged out and Liz spluttered over herself when she realised that it was straight vodka and not water. Stupid Girl, Liz mentally kicked herself as her throat gasp for a drink. The bartender, who was standing at the other end of the table handed Liz a Pepsi can and snapped it open for her.

Liz drank the sugary contents and felt a cold relief wash over her. However, the Pepsi tasted a little off. Liz handed the can back and turned around to face the dance floor, aka, the adjacent lounge area and main front entrance in a new light. No longer was the dance floor filled with mutant morons and bimbos but shiny happy people Liz couldn’t help but giggle to herself as she joined the conga line. Her fingers felt fuzzy as she placed her hands on a waist’s stranger but when she shouted and kicked her hair billowed around her and a wind suddenly picked up. In her mind she pictured a castle with seven towers and tarots –like the one in the little mermaid. She pictured everyone wearing silking dresses with long splits at the sides, watching the three-moon sky glow with energy.

Liz looked up at the night sky that glowed from the ceiling. Everyone looked upwards at the three twirling moons before looking down at their own flowing short silk strapless gowns and long black pants for the boys and silk black tops. It seemed every female was wearing a silk beach towel and every male wearing black Indian pants but no one cared and continued to twirl and dance to the rhythm of the techno music.

The rhythm picked up the bases as the satisfaction song pumped inside her. She become one with the music, the music was talking to her; telling her to move and twirl, giggle. Liz never felt this free and this much freedom to do what she wanted. Never. In the background of the ossias Liz created from her unstable mind was the bartender, smiling as he placed a red X over Kyle, Maria, Tess and Alex’s head with a permanent marker. A few block away Deputy Fisher stared at the black and white photo of Max Evans before making a call.

I know you are wondering why Liz is stupid enough to drink alcohol- nasdeo dind't tell he the side affects and she dind't know..o-kay??

yes, the confrontation fisher lines were from the show-not mine so I am not plagerising as i haven't copied the whole eppisode word for word.
Sorry this isn't a long part but i need to sleep.

Questions anyone? feel free to guess whats going to happen.....
new part soon......TBA


thanks for reading this fic, Hopefully I haven't tainted the image of Liz but she is a teenager...confused....lost.....what do you think?
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Addicted Roswellian
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He guys. I take forver to get back to you guys and I'm sorry. I have my sister's wedding and this is the first time i have been home in ages. I have an overnight tonight...sigh....i need another job.

Okay, here is the next part...

Chapter Nine

Max stood outside Liz’s house, taking deep breaths before psyching himself to go to the party. He was no longer angry with Liz. The problem was- he was attracted to her. He no explanation for it and he was afraid of what will happen when Tess was with him. Isabel stood with Maria and Tess, talking softly but loudly enough for Max to know that they were talking about Liz. He knew Michael was somewhere inside. If he found Michael he would be able to reclaim some part of his sanity.

He turned the knob and opened the front door to find a pile of white snowflake sand pilled around his legs until it reached his knees.
“Uh, there’s sand now?” Maria looked fuzzily at Max but he shrugged. Kyle must have convinced Liz to put sand in her house. For some reason…I don’t know, Max realised as he pushed the door further open as more sand gushed outwards.

They clambered inside to find themselves in a miniature ossias. There was sand underneath their feet and a cluster of stars circling the three silver moons hovering around the ceiling. The piano that was on the left had a bed of purple lilies covering the entire structure, weaving dark blue vines into the small spaces between each ivory key. The stairs were also covered in a mammoth vines, decorated in yellow and red glowing lights. At the top of the stairs stood a vision bathed in an internal light. Her hair looked darker than usual, longer and silkier as it covered her breasts. She was wearing the same strapless white gown he saw in his dreams. The same dress he loved touching every night. The dress he lusted to take off and reveal the heavens.

Michael came out of nowhere. “She’s been drinking,” He whispered to Max so only he could hear. However, it was hard to hear over the pulsating beats of the techno beat. “We need her to stop. I’ll keep the others occupied,”
Michael turned to Isabel. “You guys go inside. I’m gonna help Max take Liz to her room.” Isabel nodded and ushered Tess and Maria into the lounge room.
He already found her. She was walking down the stairs, at one with herself and never took her eyes off him.
“Why hallo Max,” Liz slurred from her sultry lips, she stumbled into his embrace and he held her. She felt heavier than usual, and then noticed that it was only his arms that were keeping her up from the ground.
“Ill be fine, I’ll take her,” Max said to Michael. Luckily the group was out of earshot to hear what they were saying. He still kicked himself for not telling the others about Liz.

Michael, usually the first to object to any idea that he made but he nodded his head. Max looked down at Liz, who was busily fluttering her eyes closed. She was close to passing out.
Max touched her hot forehead and connected
< You need to stop using your powers, > It was weird, after so long to be speaking with her like this. It felt like soaking in a hot bath, it tingled all over his soft skin.

Almost immediately the visual illusions of sand, stars and even the smell of vanilla candles vanished like a jolt. It was a heavy mind-numbing jolt and for a second everyone stopped to touched their forehead before going on about their business.
“Here,” Michael handed him a bottle of cold water as Max walked upstairs. “You both need it,” Michael seemed to be a bit off. Whether it was the confrontation earlier or his usual tiff with his girlfriend, Maria. He didn’t know nor cared at this moment with a drunken Liz in his arms. Michael held a red marker in his left hand, and when he saw the pen Michael placed it in his left pocket.

The neon disco lights flickers on their frozen stances every few seconds before Max shrugged it off and pulled Liz to her room at the end of the hall. He unlocked her door with his powers and placed her on the bed. Liz was quiet all this time, until that is, when he closed her bedroom door after her placed her on the bed. She was no longer wearing the white dress but a white winter sweater and short mini skirt and black leather boots.

“Why didja do dat for!” Liz clutched her forehead in pain. Holding the cold bottle in his left, Max twirled the red cap off and took a long swig. The harsh burning liquid swirled down his throat-he immediately stopped drinking and couching, holding his hand over as his brain froze. It wasn’t water at all. It was vodka, and he nearly drank half of it in one go.

Meanwhile, Isabel, Maria and Tess stood in the middle of chaos. On one end of the room there was couple land-where everyone was in mid strip and some were about to have sex before some bystander splashed the couple with alcohol. Everywhere there was the stench of alcohol, tobacco and rotting flesh of vomit. Tess pinched her nose in hopes of getting rid of the smell but her heart was in Liz’s room, with Max, hoping against hope that their love for one another would stand up against the temptress.
“I’m gonna get Max,” Tess suggested. She couldn’t take it anymore. She needed Max by her side. If she just went upstairs then…..
Michael was weaving through the crowds and it was Isabel who spotted him first.

“There you guys are,” Michael saw Maria and smiled. He turned to Isabel. “Where’s Max?” Tess asked. She hoped that Max was in the jeep and was ready to leave.
“Don’t ask me,” Michael shrugged his shoulders.
“We saw you a moment ago. You told Max to take Liz to her bedroom,” Isabel eyed him.

“Wha?” Michael’s face showed that he was confused. It was not the same expression she saw on him earlier. The look of a predator about to pounce-it unnerved more than usual.
“Hey guys,” It was Max. “I took Liz to her room and she’s fine. Hey Michael,”
“Hey…”Michael seemed a little confused but he pushed it aside. There was something off with Max’s posture.

“Let’s go,” Max placed a red marker in his left pocket and grabbed Tess’s hand and led the group into another part of the house.
There is something wrong with Max, Michael thought, and decided to keep a keen eye on him. He had a thought, and he wished that he was wrong but for a second there he felt that it was the shape shifter Nasedo, and not Max. He would only know for sure and that was to not leave the group out of sight.
_ it looks like Nasedo in michael form placed a drunk liz and Max in her room and gave Max a bottle of vodka-told him it was water and Max drank half of it......

so stay tuned.....hopefully i can give you another update on the 23rd of december......I am using season one and season two as a breif guide but.....i can't wait until...wait...i can't say that yet...well stay tuned and you'll see

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Addicted Roswellian
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martine wrote:hey rae,
i found ur fic tonight and i couldn't stop reading it until the last chapter....
i'm waiting for the next part :wink:

This inspired me to write another part...although i shoulnd't say that becasue every reply is of equal value however I have done that too, stayed up all night until i have finsihed reading so i had to write another part despite the fact that i have other stories to update...sorry guys who are reading paradoz and My immortal....I really need to update them...

.my sister's wedding was great but the weather ah it was very hot

foreverdreamer15- yes Nasdeo wants Max and Liz to mate but he has a hidden agenda

Thanks to all your replies:

Emz80m-LOL a drunken Liz and Max.....I could go with that but then again it is not the right way to bring two people together....


So here is the next part...but i warn you i'm obssessed with mythology and the past lives of Ava and Zan are quite different from the others...i enjoy and feel free to question this part....

Chapter Ten

Waking up was the hardest thing for Liz to do. Everything throbbed. Her feet throbbed as bitsers bursts, spreading coolness across her feet and to her ankles. Her eyes felt like grated paper, her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth like paper, cemented by dry salvia Liz finally decided to crack one eye open to find Max laying next to her, a crystal prism nestled between them.

Alarm bells ringing, Liz bolted upwards, now wide-awake and cringing at her throbbing head. Rubbing her forehead she flicked some desert hand from her hair. Sand? Liz looked down to find her bed covered in sand and rock from the desert, her bay window was wide open and the curtains flapped like big bird wings against the howling gale.

Liz looked closely at the crystal shard; picking it up gingerly she noticed tiny greves at certain parts of the crystal as if it was a multi-dimensional key. It was the same shard from her dream. Max was fast asleep, his shirt half buttoned and shoes were tossed aside and lying limp by the gaping bay window.

Careful not to wake him Liz slid of the bed and sunk to the floor, her head in her hands. She hoped to God that they didn’t sleep together. Although a part of her wanted it to happen it was neither the time nor the place. Drunken sex is not the best way to bring two people together. Liz pulled up her pink Singlet and stroked her stomach, her fingers glowing-searching for an intact hymen. A smile broke from her face when she found it intact. At least that was one problem solved. The next one was harder: If they didn’t have sex, then what happened? How did they get this crystal? Liz followed her thoughts to the window and closed the hatch, stopping the curtains flapping wildly. The noise it made as she closed the window jolted Max awake.

Despite popular belief that Max is a Greek god he’s not a morning person. His eyes were still dropping behind the bags underneath his eyes when he woke up. His muscular arms fumbled for solace underneath the covers. While Liz could see the outline of his other hand clutching his stomach in pain, his left leg kicked off an empty bottle and it smashed onto the floor like a thousand pins. This noise caused Max to open his eyes.

“Hello,” Liz waved her hand cautiously in the air, hating the uncomfortable silence and sheer embarrassment when someone you love is in the room.
Love? Where did that come from? She doesn’t even know him!
Max nodded briefly, glancing down at the sand covered white sheets and the crystal slightly longer than the size of his hand on his lap.
“What is that?”

“A key of some sorts?” Liz supplied sitting down at the head of her bed. Max passed her the crystal and she held it close to her heart. “I seriously don’t know what happened last night.” Looking at him with his eyes half closed. “I remember asking for a drink and everything went,”
“Hazy?” Max supplied.

Liz nodded in agreement, her face still flush from sleep Liz handed him back to crystal but couldn’t reach, so, she scooted closer and leaned forward to give him the crystal. However, Liz lost her footing on the ground and tripped, falling on top of him, their hands sprawled on the crystal, hands touching, the crystal glowed and a loud cracking noise, like thunder struck and she was flung across the room, and into darkness.

Antar’s castle, known as Shōran stood stall and menacing by the rising seas. High above the mountain of Antar stood Shoran, a six-storey square mansion with four towers at each corner and one tower in the middle that stood taller than the rest. On this fifth tower, called chant des sirènes (Siren song) was a platform that stretched outwards like two outreached hands. There, stood a small crowd, chosen by the surrounding villages to witness the crowning of their new king at Dawn.
As the sun rose from the ground five women stood next to the fountain of the youth (the centre of the platform and in which the crowd stood around) dressed in blue silk robes and wearing white shawls, singing.

Their angelic voices echoed throughout the kingdom of Doriyan. The Queen mother’s priestess’s was singing the same song their ancestors sang when Azeral Orion, arrived to their land.

Zan’s coronation was seconds away and yet, his face was masked with grief. Amber eyes still held red from a fresh loss, a life that was closely entwined with his that destiny should have allowed him to die with her. Inner demons still tormented him, ever since he saw her pale stricken face fade with the upcoming tides his soul died along with her. Her long flowing hair that smelt like dawn and eyes dark as the earth; she was Antar’s goddess. He felt the cold metal and the heavy burden of the future fall onto his head as the silver crown winked in the daylight. White petals showered the platform. With the two metallic doors behind him Zan
Orion stood proud in front of his people. He spoke of peace and promise of a better future for his people. Although, he knew that Kivar would never stop until he was dead. Kivar despised the gods and anything traditional.

His shoulder length black hair was un-kept and roughly brushed back by the heavy dawn winds as the sun rose from its slumber to block out the night. Zan remembered the story of the sun god, Merion—king of all the Gods, who ran after his wife Meropia, whom had been kidnapped by the Star god Nikita. The constant chasing paralleled night and day. No matter how many times Merion tried he always rose just as Meropia was sucked under by the underworld God, Urion, God of Death and Nikita’s father.

This mythological story was of course, farce to the majority of the people now believing the new age of time, reasoning and technology but those who still cling to tradition believed that the gods controlled everything. This story sadly, reminded Zan about Ava. How Kivar’s hatred for the monarchy drove him to kidnap Ava and smite her into the underworld. He fed her poison and her fate now rested in the underworld. He would be, forever, a lonely soul until death took him.
As the petals showered the platform and fell to the ground level like chunks of rock Zan stood in front of his people, now King, and softly sang the song his ancestors in Vinishu, a language spoken by Ava’s people, an ancient language spoken by the Devine who have lived for decades in the shadows.

L’me Azeral
I am Azeral

Antar tot L’iiku
To Antar I come

Sa’rava’ untot L’adiu
To serve and Lead

duwa’lu un’leádu
And my heirs dwell and lead

Kara le’eanude le’ tot imeir, le’ l'avenir le dira
Until the End of Time (Time will tell)

When finished singing Zan trudged slowly down the footsteps of the tower and stood on the platform. He was walking down the middle of the crowd to the fountain of youth where a single statue of the goddess Aramis who was the patron goddess of Antar stood. Made out of volcanic glass the statue stood facing the castle, with its back facing the pillowing mountain ridges, holding a ceramic bowl. Three circles surrounded the statue. These circles were entwined with one another like entwined snakes, the colours of Antar surrounded it: blue, green and purple.
Her long curly hair rested around her shoulders and she wore a dress with a v in-between her breasts to show the five stars in the centre of her heart, five white crystals were in each hole and would glow if his blood proved worthy.

Everyone watched as he slid out his dagger from its golden sheath and made a slice down his left hand, his hand clutched the dagger tightly, winching in pain and watched as the blood dripped from his hand and splattered into the status’s bowl. Once the stars brightened and glowed at the heart a calmness washed over him.

Suantet ona bekena
She’s behind you
The wind spoke inside his mind and he saw a glint of hope in the statues dark eyes. The goddess Aramis appeared to him, looking unearthly beautiful and she was smiling.

“You are above worthy.” Aramis spoke. No one could see her but him. She bowed and said. “She’s behind you,” She then disappeared with the wind that now raised a few knots. His long royal shawl flapped a few metres in the air behind him.

He turned to face the crowd, following their stares to another beautiful creature standing by the stairs with Lord Elendi and his Queen Auroa. Their daughter was standing in front of them, wearing the traditional Vinishu clothes of the ancestors. The Vinishians were the direct bloodline from the Sun God. They were the children of day and night before the stars took the night from the sun. The Vinishians were a clan of immortals and goddess who were watches over man during each era.
The woman’s long dark hair was now weaved into tight plaits and she wore an identical silver crown with silver studs decorating her forehead and her left cheek. She wore a long flowing red dress as her black shawl was wrapped around her, a single gold gem pin the shawl together to rest underneath her throat.
He couldn’t utter her name but he sprinted towards her, clutching the wind in front of him to see if it was a dream. He wouldn’t let his heart rapidly beat faster if it was just an allusion. He braced himself for disappointment but when he felt her arms around him he sobbed into her hair, breathing deeply the fresh rosy scent that was Ava.

The crowd cheered but he didn’t care, he was losing himself with her earth-shattering kiss. He felt the world open up as they connected with each other. Both god and mortal made contact and the deep rumbling of a storm above clashed with the feelings within Zan and Ava. Although Zan was a descendant of Azeral, Ava origins were a direct link to the Gods. Royalty pulsed through Ava’s veins. It was forbidden for them to love one another. History of forbidden love was repeating itself as Zan’s ancestor Azeral fell in love with a Goddess and was punished with death. It was by chance that his lover gave birth to a son, who in turn lost all his powers except healing, which in time became Zan’s power. Which in itself was power as no one but he possessed this gift of healing.
“I thought you were…”Zan couldn’t bring himself to say it. Just the word brought pain and flashbacks of the many nights he stood by the sea, begging Urion to bring her back.
“I was dying Zan,” Ava replied, her face, now flush with mortality. He remembered her skin reminded him of foam from the sea. “But Merion brought me back, and with help,” He placed a crystal in his hand. “I brought the power of time to help,” The jagged groves inside the crystal felt coarse against his right hand while his left hand was healed but still showed a swollen scar form his test of worth.
“So, you are no longer…”
“Immortal?” Ava laughed, but he could see sadness in her eyes. “No. I am not. I chose my path and I don’t regret it,” She kissed him on the cheek, her soft lips felt like warm water of his dry skin. “I am now, officially the Queen of Antar and your wife,”

The sounds of birds chirping out of the Liz’s bay window as the clock-beeped, the high-pitched short beeps jolted Max from his slumber. A ton of bricks were lodged inside his body this morning. Or, it felt like it. What the hell was that? It was like a dream. He remembered some parts of it. As his body became self-aware the vision dimmed to a vague memory. He took in his surroundings and found Liz on the floor; her long hair sprawled around her shoulders.

“Are you alright?” Max whispered huskier than usual. The image of Liz’s smiling face, with tears coating her cheeks. In his dream she was overjoyed to see him.
“Yeah,” Liz said in a deflated tone. He noticed her eyes were wide and full of surprise when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Her hands kept rubbing her neck and right shoulder in vain.

“Do you need healing?” He asked, looking around again for the crystal. He slid off Liz’s unmade bed. Now, the covers were cropped around the bed on the floor and the sheets were ripped from the mattress and now laid in a crumpled heap.

“Neck cramp,” Liz explained, but her eyes were still looking in the mirror, her hands were clenching her shoulder-as if she was looking for something. Max decided to let it slide for now. He had to ask her what happened earlier. What was that…flashback? Who was Zan? Why did he feel like he was this Zan Orion, the descendant of Azeral. Max remembered Azeral, his ancestor.

The Fates chose the leader of the Orion clan to become king over Antar but Azeral fell in love with the Siren Queen, Perle and swam to the bottom of the sea to be with her. The Fates were not pleased for it was forbidden for a mortal and an immortal to couple and the king of Gods…Merion stripped Azeral of all his powers given to him at birth and was sentenced death. However, the Sea Goddess Perle was pregnant with a son, Joaquin Orion, whom was blessed with the haunted beauty of the sirens and the rare gift that was lost, healing.

To project her son Perle asked the parton goddess, Aramis-- The war goddess and seer of Antar--- to protect her son from the Fates. Aramis consented but asked for his immortality and all powers that linked her son to her be stripped in order to prevent the fates brining hell on Antar. Therefore, Joaquin was sent to live like his father, a mortal man but his rare and powerful gift of healing was not stripped. For healing was a powerful gift from his father’s side, the Orionians whom were powerful sorcerers and leaders of that time.

What? What was that? Max shook his head as more information fell into place. It started to become a blur, as if he couldn’t remember what he was thinking about as his body became more alert to its surroundings. Max vaguely remembered that Joaquin led a rebellion against the Tyrant Ra who attacked the capital city of Antar and was crowned King…back then…Antar had no monarchy but chaos ever since their beloved King Azeral was killed.

Just as these thoughts fluttered in his mind they were lost and Max desperately tried to remember what transpired a few moments ago, but just as the crystal dimmed its eerie glow so did his mind and he was now Max. No longer Zan Orion but Max Evans and he had a lot of questions that he knew Liz had answers.

“Max?” Liz was fanning her hand in front of his face; the tone of her voice told him she was worried.
“I’m fine,” He replied, and then said, “I do have questions. Questions that I know you have answers to,”
Liz seemed to except this, and simply nodded. “Let’s check downstairs at the mess,”


Questions? Look I used some french words in there i know...and i don't study french as i looked the words up on my computer so if i got something wrong I apologise ...

as for the myth behind Ava and Zan? i like it...i was watching retun of the king and yeah...i was thinking about it and i thought...yeah Ava can be a goddess ....kinda like arwen was elvish and aragon was a man??/..yeah so to cover my tracks the LOTR inspired this part as well but the myth about antar's origins...was moi!!LOL so what do you think?

Will Liz tell the truth?????who votes yes?
