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Carve UR Heart Out! (M/L,ADULT) Ch.23 08-02-06 [WIP]

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 6:33 am
by Crashdown_51

<center>Carve Your Heart Out!</center>

Authors: Crashdown_51 and Lizard_Queen

Rating: MATURE/ADULT we haven't decided.

Genre: M/L mostly but other CC as well ---> No Aliens :twisted:

Disclaimer: We don't own any of the Roswell characters.

Summary: The perfect Masquerade Valentine's Day Singles party was all that Maria was planning to have. The masked women pick keys and try to find the masked mystery man that's wearing the lock that their key pertains to. Who would have known, that when Liz Parker chose her key, she would be the picking key to her mystery man's heart and unlocking the dangers that came hidden with it.

Authors Notes: This is our first co-writer's fic so please be gentle. If anyone is iffy about our writting, please do not hesitate to PM us, there are two addresses so I'm sure you can get in touch with at least one of us. Or we can follow mother's rules "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" Um, since we are both writing four other fics individually, we will be updating as soon as we can.


<center>Chapter One</center>

ET Office


One word that summed up her current status.

She had been writing reports for four hours straight, focusing on the inconsistent mixture of the black ink from her fountain pen to the ivory Xerox sheets with words that had become one big blur to her. A long overdue yawn took over her lungs, forcing her to lower her pen and cover her mouth with her numbed hand. From her mouth, she slid her hand to rub the tension from the back of her neck, rotating her head in circles and hearing her bones crack as she did so.

“Ah.” She whined when she looked back at her cluttered desk, thinking that somewhere between the madness of the back-to-back reviews and annoying phone calls, her career had changed from Evidence Technician to paper pusher.

Glancing at her wrist watch, she was shocked by the time…3:04 A.M.

“Damn it.” She cursed when she estimated that she wouldn’t be done for at least another hour. She let out a dedicated sigh, picked up her pen, ready to write but just froze. She lost her train of thought by the wicked urge to sleep taking over her.

‘Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.’

The rhythmic sounds of her pen tapping on the surface of the papers grabbed one of the floor security guards attention and walked over to see what was wrong.

“No footprints found…”

“Parker?” He called out, startling her completely.

“Jesus. Sean.” She gasped clutching her heart, trying to control it’s sudden speed.

“Sorr…Man, you look like crap.” He pointed out, daunted by her tired features in an amused chuckle.

He had worked security on this floor for over a little over two years now and it never failed him to expect to see her working late, crouched over paper work or a microscope.

“Thanks Sean.” She sneered, rolling her eyes playfully at his comment.

“Why don’t you get some sleep?” He questioned, pulling a twinky from his pocket and split it with her.

“Thanks.” She spoke, taking a bite from the creamy treat and then looked back at him as she dusted her hands of the yellow crumbs. “I’m almost done here and besides, I slept in January.” She answered in a laugh, driving one out of him as well as he walked away.

Sleep. Something she desperately needed. Her body craved it.

“Maybe for a little while.” She says to herself and walks over to the small sleeper sofa in the side of the office and snuggles in the puffy cushions, falling asleep instantly.

‘Are you okay?’

The most soothing and seducing voice whispered in her ear. “Mmm hmm.” She could hear herself answer as she felt his soft skin with her hands. Moaning….loud, erotic, heavy breathing moaning, escaping her lips as a mysterious man ravished her to the full extent on the sleeper sofa in her office. Entwined limbs, connected lips that electrified her senses to the maximum capacity.

The man was unknown to her…but to her body…it felt as if she’s known him all her life and any other life.


She heard him pine. Her hands began roaming his chiseled back in longing, feeling the warmest skin she had ever felt in her entire life…but then suddenly chiseled turned to liquid. Warm thick liquid. Her face scrunches up in confusion at the awkward feeling and looks over his broad shoulder to see her hand covered in blood.

“Oh my God!” She gasped, about to tell her bewitching companion, but then puffed out what ever air remained in her lungs when she felt his heavy body drop down on her. “Ah!” She yelled, struggling to slide out from underneath him. “Help! Somebody!” She screamed from the top of her lungs, but all remained the same. “Sean!” She called out, but when she looked through the glass walls her office was divided with, the only thing she could see was a faint red glow coming from the soda pop machine at the end of the corridor that lead to the elevators. “Uh!” She shouted again, this time accompanied by hot tears of fear that helped her adrenaline gather to pull herself out from underneath her “once passion”. She quickly sat up on the sleeper sofa and screaming at the sight of her blood stained trembling hands. Her quivering body turned to the side and looked upon the lifeless body of a mysterious dark haired man on his stomach, who’s face was covered by dark shadow, and shrieked at the sight of a knife stabbed into his back.


“Uh!” Liz gasped sitting up frantically when she felt someone grab her hand and then looked around, noticing that she was in her room with Maria was sitting at the end of her bed with a bewildered expression.

“Dude, did you have a bad dream or something?” Maria asked with concern and amusement mixed as she watched Liz flipping her sweaty hands back and forth like she was looking for something. “Are you okay?” She asked with a small chuckle.

“Um, yeah. Um, just had a weird dream.” Liz answered with her hands on the top sides of her head and her elbows resting on her knees.

“What was it about?” Maria asked curiously as she watched Liz grab her hair softly.

“I have no idea.” Liz said with a small laugh and then hopped off her bed and walked over to her vanity stand to pick up her cell phone and see if she had any

“Uh, what the hell are you doing?” Maria asked roughly.

“Checking my messages.”

“Uh, no you’re not. Me and you have a date today.” Maria reminded, hopping off Liz’s bed and snatching her cell phone away from her and hid it behind her back.

“Maria.” Liz called out in a warning tone.

“Uh uh. You promised. Now shoo. Go get your shoes. We have to go to the dry cleaners to get our clothes and then to Parade to get our shoes.” Maria announced, checking off those errands from her mental schedule. “You’ll get this when our mission is accomplished.” Maria threatened playfully as she waved Liz’s cell in front of her, jerking it back when Liz tried to reach for it and then walked out of her room. “Get ready.” She yelled from the living room.

Liz just laughed in defeat and then looked over to her reflection her vanity mirror was displaying. Her work clothes were a bit wrinkled from her sleeping with them and her name tag was still clipped to one of the belt hoops. “Terrible.” She commented to herself as she ran her fingers through her hair.

“Liz!” Maria yelled.

“I’m going.” Liz answered and moved to the side of her bed to slip on her dressy ankle-low boots, grabbed her purse and ran out of her room to see Maria waiting by the door. “Alright. Alright. Let’s go.” She cheered as the both grabbed a button up knitted sweater from the wooden coat wrack and headed for out the door.

“Liz! Maria.” Kyle greeted from his side of the apartment hallway, inserting his key in the keyhole and unlocking his door before turning in their direction.

“Kyle, hey.” Liz said in a surprised voice.

“What’s up?” Maria asked, pointing her chin up and then down.

She knew that he had a crush on Liz since the moved into the building, hell, the whole building knew since he wasn’t exactly an expert on hiding it. Liz on the other hand was not interested. She had broken up with Doug Shellow, or more like “Dog Shallow” like Maria liked to call him, when she walked in on him sleeping with one of her co-workers. After that Liz refused to date.

Doug Shellow was the ideal guy that every career girl was suppose to marry. He graduated from University of New Jersey with a major in Ancient Languages and became a very well known Archaeologist, so known that Liz’s hectic schedule was contradicting with all his digs and important dinner meetings…so he found another girl that could fill in Liz’s absent spots.

“Maria?” Liz called out.

“I’m sorry. What?” Maria questioned, snapping out of her thoughts.

“Wine glasses.” Kyle answered. “The were left her by the delivery company accidentally.” He informed her as he disappeared into his apartment and then later returned with a box marked “Fragile”. “Someone having a party?” Kyle asked with a happy smile.

“Um, yeah. Didn’t you get the invitation?” Maria asked with a fake smile plastered on her face, since now she was forced to have to invite him to it since he lived right next door.

“No. I didn’t.”

“It’s a Valentine’s Day Singles party. Kind of like a masquerade with a kick ass DeLuca twist.” Maria announced very proud with a fist.

“Right. Right.” Kyle said with a smile, anxious to go.

“It’s tonight. Dress…not like you do.” Maria snorted in distaste as she eyed Kyles athletic gear and then shivered. “Um, you have to wear a mask that covers your face. Mandatory. The rest you can read here.” Maria said handing him an invitation written in Calligraphy and had the image of the “Comedy and Tragedy” masks in gold.

“So see ya there.” Kyle spoke waving the invitation.

“Masks Kyle. So, no you won’t.” Maria reminded annoyed and pulled Liz away in the direction of Alex’s apartment that was down the hall.

“Alex?” Liz called out as she knocked on the door.

“Man, he’s probably downstairs, being a friendly neighbor, supplying sugar to that new chic Isabel that’s ga ga over him.” Maria snorted as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“How do you know that?” Liz questioned with a giggle as she followed Maria to the elevators.

“Babe, trust me. I got like a sixth sense about these things. That girl definitely digs him.”

Liz's Room

1 Hour Later

“Liz, you want me to do your hair?” Maria asked armed with a cosmetics bag and a blow dryer. “Don’t worry I won’t charge.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

“Ouch! Aooo! Aooo!” Maria whistled and howled like a woof when Liz stepped out of her bathroom wearing the strapless little black number that Maria had picked out with strappy black heels. “Hot Mama.”

“Shut up.” Liz laughed, blushing by Maria’s cheers and whistles.

“Oh yeah. Who ever’s lock you open is gonna be one lucky bastard.” Maria declared flashing Liz with a wink and a gun.

“I’m sure he would.” Liz answered sarcastically.

“Seriously, I can’t wait to find out who’s lock your key opens, so I can personally tell him what a great catch he has.” Maria continued to kiss ass and then laughed. “Let’s get you gorgeous, so Mystery Man can go crazy.”

“I wonder who it’ll be?” Liz questioned as she gazed at her reflection on the vanity mirror and watched Maria start on her hair. Whoever he was…she was about to find out in an hour.


K so what do you guys think? Y A H T Z E E ??

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 5:40 am
by lizard_queen
Hey everyone. Wow, its my turn to post. I'm so excited... and i dont know why? Its an odd feeling. Hopefully i can do this story justice and not dissapoint all of u readers and especially Crash...

Now, a quick message from my superior thanking you all for the wonderful feedback. Thanks guys, we couldn't have done it without you:

Okay guys, Crash here, letting you guys know that with my sneaky psychic powers I've been trying to convice Lizard_Queen to post earlier than Sunday, and I only have one thing to say:

Y A H T Z E E!!!!
hazz wrote:How many fics is this for you now?? 5000?

Well, we try. :oops:

Icequeen wrote: What the hell was up with that dream????

Um it's like deja vu. It does happen, to all of us at least once...I guess we all have a little alien in us.
Icequeen wrote:
Where do they live?? Roswell????

The live in New Jersey, something different, just like with the Isabel digging Alex instead.

Thanks everyone else for the awesome feedback. We really appricate it. Lots of new names to thank, me likes:

Angel Eyes
Natz ~ Thanks.
Jason's Lover
Chosen~Now -
Meh, use exclamations all you want deary.... go crazy! i do it aswell!

And now on with the story:

<center>Chapter 2</center>

“Guys, come on. It’ll be fun.”

“Hey, just because you have the hots for your neighbour does not mean that you have the right to drag us along to some crappy Valentines party.” Michael said before taking a bite of a carrot stick.

He and Max were both sitting on Isabel’s new blue leather couch as she unpacked boxes full of junk that she insisted on making them transport over to her new apartment. They were supposed to be helping her unpack but instead found sitting down and watching her do all the work more enjoyable.

Michael swallowed the carrot that he was chewing before continuing. “And besides, how do we know that Max’s stalker chick won’t be out on the town looking for him?”

Isabel narrowed her eyes at the two men and crossed her arms over her chest in an intimidating stance. “Okay, first of all, it’s not my fault that Max felt the need to date a psycho cheerleader who has stalker tendencies. Second of all, she doesn’t know where I live. I just moved here so you’re the only two people who know where I live. And last of all, it’s a masquerade party, so even if she does magically show up to stalk Max, he’ll be wearing a mask so she wont know who he is.”

“She doesn’t stalk me.” Max said defensively as he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.

“So what would you call it then?” Isabel asked with a raised eyebrow.

“She just happens to go many of the same paces I go to and she runs into me… a lot.”

“Yeah, cause that's just coincidence.” Michael added sarcastically.

“Plus, she was never a cheerleader Iz. Where did you get that idea from?”

“Are you kidding me? With all that unnatural blonde hair and obvious breast implants? She definitely wanted to be a cheerleader. It doesn’t necessarily mean that she was one… but I swear to God that that girl went through a stage where she wanted to be one.”

“Aren’t we getting a little of topic here?” Max said, desperately trying to steer the subject away from his strange ex-girlfriends and back to Michael and Isabel being consumed in their little argument.

He had met Tess in his senior year of college after she had literally run into him… spilling boiling hot coffee all over his new white shirt. She was definitely nowhere close to his type, but when she asked him out to dinner as a way to say sorry for scolding him with burning hot liquid, he found himself agreeing out of guilt. The night was quite boring as she spent the entire time talking about herself, never once asking him anything except what wine he wanted to drink.

When he had dropped her off at her apartment across the other side of town because her car had just happened to be getting fixed… she had very un-subtly leant forward so she was showing off far too much cleavage, winked at him and then invited him in for ‘coffee’, which Max immediately refused, claiming that he had to get home to feed his dog… which doesn’t exist.

About a week after what Michael had christened the ‘date from hell’, Max had run into Tess again at his gym that she had just joined. When he had mentioned that he was going to the movies that night she decided to invite herself along. Tess spent the entire night trying to kiss him in the dark so naturally he found a lot of reasons to leave the cinema; his favourite one being that he had a weak bladder.

That night would be forever imprinted in his mind, as it was the first time someone told him that they loved him, without it being family. It was a little freaky for him since he had only known her for a week, but she had refused to get out of his car until he admitted his undying love for her.

All that he managed to do was threaten to call the police before she pounced and sealed her lips to his. She had somehow managed to escape her seat and was sitting directly on his lap as he fumbled for the door handle. He swung the door open and tilted to the side so she fell off his lap and landed on the ground, screaming something about him denying his destiny and how they were meant to be together as he sped off down the street.

Normally, he would have just put it down to her being a little confused with her feelings… but Max saw the way she was looking at him with the strange gleam in her eye, like she was a predator on the prowl for her next meal. When she had said the three words that he had dreamed of having his dream girl saying to him… he saw the intensity and how much she believed that she really did love him… and it scared the shit out of him.

Max had often dreamed of an unknown beauty, with long brown hair cascading down her back and delicately soft skin and lips… but he had never actually seen her face. She plagued his dreams, the good and the bad… but after the incident with Tess, when ever this mystery said those three little words in his dreams, his entire body froze and a cool sweat covered his clammy skin as he woke up screaming from the nightmare where her straight long brown hair had turned into blond curls and her face had come out of the shadows to reveal Tess herself.

As much as he hated to admit just how right Isabel and Michael were, he did have the strange suspicion that she may have been following him. Really, how many times could her showing up at the same place as Max was be called a coincidence?

“Max?” Michael practically yelled into his ear, causing him to jump at least a meter off the seat.

“What?” he said moodily as he rubbed his ear that was still ringing.

“Max, this is Alex.” Isabel said as she motioned for the fourth person who was now standing with them in the apartment. The man was tall and lanky with a goofy grin and friendly eye. He shook Max’s hand like a fish, no strength what so ever.

“Alex, this is Max, my brother. Excuse him, he just tends to space out a lot lately.” Isabel explained as she placed a soft hand on Alex’s shoulder and looked up at him with sparkling blue eyes.

As soon as Max saw how Isabel was acting towards Alex, everything immediately clicked into place. ‘So this is her neighbour’ he though to himself, exchanging a private smirk with Michael who had clearly come to the same conclusion.

“Oh, its perfectly fine. I just wanted to come down and make sure that you guys were coming to the party tonight? It’ll give you a chance to get to know everyone else in the building and make a few friends… and possibly a new partner.” Alex said with a wink in Isabel’s direction, causing Isabel to giggle sheepishly, Max to sigh internally and Michael to clear his throat in a blatant attempt to call order to the strange meeting.

“So Alex, tell me, just how many hot single chicks will be there tonight… in case I decide to tag along with Izzy here?” Michael asked with no facial expression what so ever.

Alex softly cleared his throat in nervousness and he tried to figure out if Michael was being serious or not. It was hard to tell, as the man was just sitting there, giving off no clues as to any emotions flowing through him. “Well… um… they’re mostly friends of Maria and Liz’s who are going… so I would guess that there would be a few…”

“Sure, we’ll definitely be there. Wont we Max?” Isabel said as she walked Alex to the door, turning around to address her brother who had once again fallen into his mind.

“What? Oh…um… yeah…” Max replied, getting a death glare from Michael who now had a permanent scowl plastered across his face.

“Great. I can’t wait to see you all there tonight… or not see you considering I wont exactly know which ones you guys…um… Don’t forget your masks!” Alex said before happily trudging out the door with Isabel closing it behind him. She feel back against the wall after she had re-locked it and let out a deep sigh as she thought about the party tonight and how great it would be to see Alex.

But what if he liked someone else? What if he already had a girlfriend? What if it was a singles party for everyone but him? What if he thought she was repulsive? What if he thought her and Michael were together?

The thought alone was enough to make her want to hurl… besides, he would never think she would go for someone like Michael… would he?

“What the hell did you agree for?” Michael spat at Max, pissed that he didn’t get a say in their plans for that evening.

“You don’t have to go. You can stay at home all day if you want.” Max said, shrugging off the waves of hostility he could feel emanating from Michael and instead focusing his attention on a box of black and white photos Isabel had taken for her last show. They were images of random people that she had just found on the street, all showing different emotions that were raw and focused.

Isabel had wanted to be a photographer ever since her thirteenth birthday when her parents had bought her her first official camera and she had spent the entire day taking picture of people doing strange things. Needless to say, not very many people were pleased with the fact that she had captured one of her uncles making out with one of her aunties from the other side of her family… and there was a very upset wife and boyfriend after the party that decided that payback was the best answer and were caught a few moths later in bed together...

…But photography was her passion and she had bloomed in the field of art and was now a very well known photographer in New Jersey, with her works being sold for thousands of dollars at art galleries all across the country.

“Since when have you ever wanted to go to a singles party anyway Maxwell? I never would have thought of that being your style.”

“Its no where near my ‘style’ Michael, and I doubt that anything will come of it, but Isabel wants us to meet some of her new neighbours and have some fun, so that's what I plan to do.” Max said with an authority in his voice that Michael hadn’t heard for a long time. The truth was, Max really didn’t want to do anything remotely involving partying tonight, but the thought of possibly meeting his mystery dream girl gave him a sense of curiosity that he had never felt before.

“Fine.” Michael pouted, crossing his arms over his chest and sinking further down into his position on the couch as he tried to ignore Isabel and Max for the rest of the day.

By the time came for them to make their way to the party, Michael was excited and ready for the first single woman he came across, and Max was the one grumbling.

“Why are we doing this again?” Max asked in a stressful tone as they stepped into the elevator and Isabel pressed the button for the floor above them.

“Because you were a dickhead and agreed to come. Now quite your complaining and have some fun for once Maxwell!” Michael replied as the doors opened and they stepped into a brightly lit hallway. Following the beating pulse of the music as it became louder, they reached a door that was half ajar.

Isabel stopped in front of the two men and pulled down her mask, signalling for them both to do the same. As soon as she was satisfied with their appearance, she pushed the door open and stepped inside the crowded apartment with Max and Michael following obediently behind her.

Max sighed as he entered the apartment, with his last though before his mind was drowned out with music being ‘This shall be fun’.

Chapter 3

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:40 am
by Crashdown_51
Happy Thanksgiving Guys!
FSUMSW94 wrote:I hope she will have the key that works on him and the same for Michael and Maria. Poor Isabel so hot over Alex, that is definitely a nice twist.

Come know us. Well, me especially. :twisted:

Thanks guys for the FB:
~ And then some.
Jason's Lover
Earth Angel
~ Where's your AVI from? Love your sig banner.

From Lizard_Queen:

Chosen~Now - I'll only update if she does, and that using that many exclamation marks isn't healthy

Crystal - I love your sig. A life size Jason is yummy. Ok, he's half life size.


Chapter 3

Maria & Liz's Apartment

“Hey, welcome to Casa de Amor. I’m your host Maria.” Maria greeted, displaying herself to the masked trio that were standing by the door looking around.

“Hey Maria. It’s me Isabel.” Isabel proclaimed through her red mask.

“Isabel!” Maria repeated surprised. “Glad you could make it. Here’s your key Senorita.” She said breaking their hug and pulling out a key that was separated from the rest, swooping it over Isabel’s head like flower girls would do in Hawaii.

“Thanks.” Isabel answered as she held and looked down at her key.

“So who are the mystery men?” Maria asked in a yell, trying to speak loud enough so she could hear her over the music.

“Oh, uh. This is my brother Max.” Isabel introduced, pointing to the 6’ 1” brunette, wearing a black mask, like Zorro’s, to match his white business shirt, underneath his leather jacket, and black baggy jeans.

“And this is our friend Michael.” Isabel finished, pointing to the 6’ 2” brown haired stallion, with broad shoulders that were traced by the white long sleeve warmer he had on, with a pair of baggy leather pants and a round silver cowboy like buckle to accessories and match his white mask that looked like it was from “The Phantom of the Opera”.

“Your lock Monsieur.” She said with a french accent as she hung the lock around the Max’s necks.

“AAA-nd let’s just hope illterarcy doesn’t ruin your knowledge on how the key and lock work.” Maria mumbled under her breath, as she hung the lock around Michael, fuming that he ignored the invitation requests and came dressed like he was about to shoot an LL Cool J video, rather then attending a Valentine’s Day party.

“What?” He questioned curiously, swearing he heard her mumble something about him.

“Nothing.” Maria quickly answered shaking her head, putting both their keys around her wrist, for the next two female guests that arrived, her wrist that was already decorated with at least twenty thin, gold braclets, and then hooked her arm around Isabel's, guiding her to move away from the front door.

“Go. Mingle. Find your mate and get to know him.” Maria advised her, flashing her “the wink and the gun” as she escorted them to the snack table that was professionally decorated by herself. “Chips and dip. Punch. Pop. Beers’ on ice.” She informed them displaying the table with the wave of her hands. “Spill anything, anywhere, I will be force to charge with interest and escort you out. Room’s are off limits, anything other than that…have a nice time.” Maria declared with a smile, trying to break her repeated introduction when she saw Liz standing by one of the pillars that led to the corridor of her room, wearing a shiny silver mask and staring down at her champagne glass in depression. “Alright, I’ll be back to check on you.” Maria promised and then made her way to Liz.

“Babe, what are you doing? You’re suppose to be mingling.”

“I am. With my friend that’s in the bottom of this glass.” Liz answered tipping her glass to Maria before taking another gulp.

“Okay, so someone has a taste for the bubbly.” Maria snickers and then snatches Liz’s glass from her hand and sets it on one of the décor tables that decorated with three picture frames of her, Liz and Alex, and a small lamp.

“Hey!” Liz shrieks, poking her butt out, trying to avoid getting splashed by the champagne that escaped the confines of the glass when it was snatched from her hand.

“Okay, Liz, babe. I threw this party for a reason. For us to have fun.” Maria reminded as she held Liz by her bare shoulders and shook her lightly as she talked. “And you’re killing my happy buzz by standing here and moping.”

“Sorry, It’s just that...”

“Yes, yes, I know. You’re depressed and all that good stuff.” Maria quickly summarized, not really paying attention to Liz’s grief and then wrapped her arm around her. “But take a look around. There are at least 50 guys here and one of them is the lucky winner of you having the key to their heart…” Maria prepped as she looked for the chain with the key on Liz but couldn’t see it. “Um, where the hell is your key?”

“I haven’t gotten one yet.” Liz answers shyly and then snatches her glass from table and swirl her finger around the edges.

“Okay, are you trying to kill me here? Cause that’s exactly what you’re doing.” Maria retorted in shock that Liz was so…reserved. She didn’t care if she had to scam and cheat, her goal for this party was to make love connections for her annoyingly single best friends and possibly snag herself a fish while she was searching. “Look, Liz. You’re not Liz Parker anymore.”

“Oh yeah? Then who am I?” Liz asked with amused curiosity and her hand on her hip.

“Who ever the hell you want to be.” Maria answered opening her arms wide and then drapping one arm around Liz’s shoulder. “Liz, that’s the main reason for the masks…is to not feel embarrassed and worry about the reprecussions.Be spontaneous. It’s a party for Christ sakes, not a funeral, so loosen up alright?” Maria cheered, leaning down a bit to see Liz’s hidden expression by her lowered head. “Huh?” She asked nudging her for a response.

“Okay.” Liz answered, getting a tight hug from Maria.

“That’s my girl.” Maria broadcasted.

“But know I’m only letting my guard down ‘tonight’…just for you.” Liz warned, holding up her pointing finger in acknowledgment.

“And for that I am gratful. Now, I’m gonna go get you a key, by the time I get back you better be mingling.” Maria ordered as she returned the warning point as she walked away in the direction where she had the keys and locks separated in.

Liz sighed and mentally agreed that she shouldn’t be such an outsider.

“Liz. You look great.” A tall dark haired man commented, dressed in black suit with a black business shirt, the collar unbuttoned, and a blue mask.

“Alex?” She questioned, not really able to recognize his voice by the loud music, but recognizing his clothes. Maria had selected Alex’s waredrobe earlier, like she did with her, since Maria already had her outfit selected a week prior to the occassion.

“Yeah.” He yelled leaning down by her so she could hear her better. “Why aren’t you mingling?” He asked nodding his head to the music.

“Because I’m talking to you.” Liz answered, getting him to smile, before he took a sip of his Chivas on the rocks.

“Well, try to unlock me. Maybe that way, were both not doomed with a blind date from hell.” Alex cursed as he held out his lock so Liz could try her key.

“I don’t have a key.” Liz informed him.

“What?” He yelled not hearing her.

“I-don’t-have-a-key.” Liz repeated louder.

“Your loss kid.” Alex replied with a shrug and laugh, and then proceeded to a trio of mystery women to see if one of them were the lucky ladies that held the key to his Paramedic heart.

‘Ding. Ding.’

“Welcome to Casa de…”


“Kyle?” Maria questioned, recognizing his build and athletic style, even with the red and black mask on that had the insignia of the New Jersey Devils on each side.

“Yeah.” He answered with a grin.

“What is it with you guys? Did the invitation NOT say to dress for the occasion? I already let in two tall members of the “no suits” club.” Maria exclaimed, engulfed that people weren’t following her directions to the T, as she hung a lock chain around his neck before letting him in.

Distracted, Maria had completely forgotten about Liz, and moved over to the kitchen to see Isabel, Max, and Michael, standing next to each other and not associating with anyone other then themselves.

Seriously irritated, she had convinced herself that she was in a room with complete anti-social guests and was planning to do something about it.

“Alex! Alex.” Maria called out, grabbing his arm and pulling him back to her when she spotted him going in the opposite direction still with his lock locked.

“Hey, Maria. You look great.” Alex commented on the skin tight, hip hugging, black leather pants and gold corset that matched perfectly with her bejeweled and feathered gold mask, the most decorated mask he had seen yet which reminded him of a Carribian carnival.

“Thanks. You look hot.” Maria replied and then pulled him over to the kitchen, seeing the trio straighten at their presence. “Hey, haven’t found your pair yet?” Maria asked, starting off the small talk.

“Thought the girls were suppose to come to us?” Michael questioned, waving his beer as he talked.

“Yeah, and when you woke up from that dream….” Maria answered, rolling her eyes at his cockiness and then focused back on Isabel, who was in deep smiling conversation with Alex after discovering that her key pertained to his lock, and smiled at her work.

“So you planned this whole thing?” Max asked, trying to end the awkwardness.

“Yep.” Maria nodded proudly with a hand on her side.

“It’s very unique.” Max stated, looking around, impressed by the apartment which was a size bigger than Isabel’s.

“Yeah, Gunnise World Record.” Michael mumbled uder his breath before taking another swig from his MGD beer bottle.

“So, what is that you do exactly.” Max quickly asked, trying to cover Michael’s bold comment.

“I own a hair salon. Maria’s, on Willow and Lake.” Maria advertised.

“Willow and Lake? That’s…”

“Yeah, like two blocks away from here. I like to work close to home.” Maria replied and then glancing real quick behind her to make sure everything was okay.

“No, I was going to say that that is across the street from where we live.” Max corrected.

“Oh, well, small world.” Maria answers, intigued more on their new neighbor after finding out she moved not too far from her previous place. “Isabel never really mentioned she had a brother.” She spoke. “So what do you do?”

“I’m a Political Interpeter.” Max answered, moving over quickly when Michael spit out his beer from a chuckle.

“Um, are you okay?” Maria asked perplexed, not sure what was wrong with him.

“Yeah.” Michael coughed as he tapped on his chest with the circle of his fist.

“You sure?” Max asked, patting Michael’s back twice but hard, getting back at him for his reaction.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Michael repeats, trying to hide his smile by covering it under the C of his thumb and pointing finger.

Maria watched the irritating Michael curiosly, intrigued even more about the trio and more about him when she caught a glimpse of his smile, thinking that by the way he covered his smile, it didn’t happen on a normal bases, making it…rare, cute almost.

“Sorry. Where were we?” Max asked, completely embarrassed by Michael, who was still coughing.

“Um, Political Interpeter.” She answered.

“Right.” Max nodded, but then realized he had lost his train of thought and decided to change the focus off of him before things got too detailed. “Um, Alex?” He asked pointing to him and getting a nod from Maria that he was right on the name. “What does he do?”

“He’s a EMT.” Maria answered, noticing both guys taken back on the news. “Yeah, he and Liz, have the big fancy careers that need initials. He’s an EMT and she’s an ET. Mine’s just plain and simple.”

“Hair dresser, right?” Michael butted in sarcastically, getting a cold nod from her and then began looking around at her place from where he stood. “How’d you get a place like this?”

“I have a room-mate.” Maria answered with a little torque, irritated by his rude questioning that she could safely assume was loaded with stereotype since he discovered her profession.

“Alex?” Max asked.

“No. Liz.” Maria answered and then turned on her tippy toes to see her still standing by the pillar, with another glass of champagne and talking to someone she couldn’t recognize... but by her body language…you could tell she wasn’t in good company.

By the Pillars

“Come on Liz. You can’t honestly call this socializing.” The man in the green masked questioned with a cocky chuckle.

“I already told you to leave.” Liz answered vexed and then took a gulp from her freshly poured champagne.

“Why? Because I’m telling you the truth?” He asked with the same cocky chuckle that was making Liz’s stomach turn. “Come on Elizabeth. You know that you and I don’t belong in this-THIS realm.”

“What realm is that?” Liz asked with one hand on her hip.

“This one. Surrounded by maids and hairstylist and…” As he explained, a man walked behind him wearing a cut off black shirt that revealed arm murals of tattos that accessorized with his lip piercing that peeked out of his half skeleton mask. “…and freaks.” He finished, appalled be the sight and then looked back to Liz.

“Look, Doug. You and I are over. You made sure of that when I caught you with Claire, okay? Now do use both a favor and stop persuing something that’s never gonna happen again!” Liz began to yell, pushing Doug back with her last statement, but he caught her arm and pushed her up against the pillar, making her champagne glass fall and break on the pine wood floor.

The Kitchen

Maria had been watching catiously as she watch Liz exchanging words with the green masked mystery man.

“Is something wrong?” Max asked curiously as he looked in the directiion Maria was look at nervously and seeing a girl in a little strapless black dress that complemented her figure magnificently.

“Yeah, I don’t like the jerk that’s talking with Liz, she looks like…whoa!” Maria exclaimed, quickly moving to get to Liz when she saw the way the man grabbed Liz and pushed her against the pillar.

She felt Max and Michael following behind her and could only assume they saw what she had just seen.

“Hey, jack ass!” Maria yelled tapping on the guys shoulder and watched him turn around slowly. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Let go of her.”

“Great. If it isn’t loud mouth, 'sticks-her-nose-in-everyone’s-relationship', low-class Maria.” Doug snorted, still maintaining his tight hold around Liz’s arm.

“She said, let her go!” Max yelled in a warning position as Michael cracked his knuckles with his fist at his sides, preparing himself in case he had to back him.

“This is none of your business. This is between Elizabeth and I.”

“Doug stop it!” Liz demanded, trying to break out of his hold.

“Doug?” Maria exclaimed in shock at the sound of his name. “You have a lot of balls coming around here again.” Maria retorted in dismay and then held on to Michael’s arm as she look passed him to where Isabel and Alex were talking. “Alex! Alex!” She yelled, seeing Isabel point to her and then Alex looking her way. She waved her hand for him to come over quickly and then turned back to Doug who was exchanging words with Max.

“What’s going on?” Alex questioned with Isabel right behind him with her hand holding on to his arm in worry.

“This Egyptian asshole is back.” Maria answered pushing Doug back, but then jumped back herself when she saw him jump forward in intimidation, like he was going to hit her back, but ended up being blocked off by Michael.

“Watch it.” Michael warned, looking eye-to-eye with Doug, as Maria stood closely behind him, smelling the mixed bold scent of Drakkar colon and Right Guard deodarant…a scent that was bewitching to her suprisingly.

“Doug, didn’t we go through this already the first time I kicked you out?” Alex questioned with his arms crossed, feeling Isabel gripping on the side of his blazer. Normally, Alex wouldn’t be the type to step up to any other guy, especially one of Michael or Max’s build, but since he knew he could take Doug, since it had occurred in the past, he was going to be as cocky as he could.

“Stay out of it Alexander.” Doug warned.

“Doug, if you don’t let go of her, you’re going to be thanking the Egyptian Gods that I’m a paramedic.” Alex threatned, and watched Doug slowly releasing his grip on Liz’s arm and leaving an impression on her skin of his hold.

Maria quickly pulled Liz away and into Liz’s room to check on her with Max right behind them.

Liz’s Room

“Is she okay?” Max asked concern from the doorway.

“Yeah, um, can you get her something to drink?” Maria asked as she knelt down in front of Liz, who was sniffling on her bed.

“Um, yeah, sure.” Max answered and exited the room.

“Babe, are you alright?” Maria asked, hurting to see her friend in pain, and feeling guilty as well.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Man, I’m so stupid. I should’ve hired a bouncer or something.” Maria cursed smacking her forehead and then moving to sit beside Liz.

“Maria. This is not your fault. How were yousuppose to know Doug was going to be here? I didn’t even know.” Liz asked with an amused smile as she lifted her mask to her forehead while she wiped the tears away with a tissue she snagged from her nightstand. “And besides, Alex and those other guys came to the rescue. Who were they anyways?” Liz asked of the mysterious hereos.

“Um, the one in that just left is Max, Isabel’s brother, he’s a Political Interpeter, what ever that means.” Maria informed her with an arched eyebrow, setting the mood as if she just released a juice piece of gossip.

“Really?” Liz asked intrigued as her eyebrow arched as well. “What about the other one?”

“Complete ass.” Maria said waving the thought off as she sat up.

“So, how old is this Max guy?” Liz asked curiously, really flattered by his concern.

“Um, I don’t know. I didn’t ask.” Maria answered with her eyebrow arched and her head slanted to the side in suspicion of the sudden question. Then it dawned on her that she had Max’s and Michael’s key wrapped around her hand since she continued to talk to them after giving them their parts, and like a little demon popped on Maria’s shoulder, Maria slyly planned the hook up in her mind. “Oh, yeah before I forget. I got your key.”

“Ugh, Maria. Do I have to go back out there?” Liz whined, looking down and to the side aggravated by Maria’s persistence.

“Yes. Now especially to forget that jerk Doug. Here.” Maria ordered as she put on the chain with key pretaining to Max’s lock around Liz’s neck and then lowered her mask, giving herself props for giving out the keys in shape order. The key to Max's lock was a pentagon and Michael's was an oval.

“Okay, but if I’m wearing one, so are you.” Liz declared and snatched the key Maria had in her hand and placed it around Maria’s neck.

Suddenly the door opened and the noise and music spilled in and then quickly vanished when Max closed the door.

“Uh, sorry. Didn’t think you’d hear me if I’d knock.” He apologized as he walked to them. “Um, all you had left was beer.” Max announced as he handed Liz an un-opened MGD bottle.

“Shoot. I’ll be back okay? I’m gonna go refill the drinks.” Maria broad casted as she rushed to the door. “Take care of her for me, will ya Max?”

“I will.” Max answered, toasting his beer, and then watched Maria rush out the door and the sound of Liz giggling, which brought an awkward silence to the room when the faced each other…more like he looked down to her 5’3” self.

“So…” Liz spoke, biting her lip as she nodded and then moved to sit on the floor with her shapely legs at her side and her palm flat on the floor to hold her up as she sat on her upper thigh.

“Yeah, oh, um, I’m Max.” He introduced extending his hand as he followed her down, sitting Indian style and then felt her hand grab his and shook it.

“Liz.” She answered and flashed him a curious smile. "So...has your lock been open already?" She asked noticing the chain around his neck when he bent to sit down.

"Um, no actually. Haven't asked anyone to try." He answered, pulling out the chain with the lock that he had tucked underneath his shirt and showed it to her to prove that it still remained lock.

"Well, I haven't tried opening anyone's lock you mind?" Liz asked, relieved that her mask was covering her embarrassment.

"No. Go ahead." Max answered with a blushing half grin and extened the chain by the lock, holding it steady while Liz grabbed the pentagon of the key, scooted closer to him, face almost touching, and then placed her hand over his, feeling a heated rush by the touch.

'What are the chances?' Liz thought to herself, actually dying from the suspence, and then finally inserted the key and twisted it completely, and watched the lock fall off the chain and on her carpet.

They quickly looked at each other surprised.

"Um, wow. I was just thinking what the chances were of this happening." Liz confessed as she looked down at the floor, blushing.

"I guess the chances were good then." Max answered with a nervous smile.

"So I guess we should..." Liz trailed off, pointing to her mask.

"Right." Max exhaled and reached for the sides of his mask as she did with hers, both taking a deep, anxious, breath as they were about to reveal their identities to one another.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:20 pm
by lizard_queen
Hey everyone... i'm back! Wait... we're back! He he...

Anyway... where was I?

Oh yes, your FB.
LovinGuerin2much wrote:Im also wondering what exactly Max does for a living
Icequeen wrote:What the hell is a political Interpreter?
So, you all want to know what a Political Interpretor is... well, because Joye and i feel like being craps, we're not telling! You'll just have to wait... or if your really desperate, you could ask around and see if anyone you know knows what it is? But we advise the 'waiting' part. Its more entertaining for us.
Chosen~Now wrote:You may recognize this feedback due to my increasing stupidity but I'll re post it here anyway.
Rosie, i think its only fair of me to say: You Doofus! Lol, i checked this story first so i just thought you were going insane until i check G/S and i saw it posted there aswell, and i cracked up laughing. Ahh... you people are entertaining. Lol.
LovinGuerin2much wrote:Your both :twisted: for stopping there!
Evil? Us? Never! Okay, well yeah, maybe just a little. :D

Thank you everyone else who left fb. It means a lot to both of us and we're glad that you all like the story so far. New readers, wlecome, and lurker (if there r any) dont be afraid to drop by and let us know what u think.

AmberEyed51 - Welcome, and your hopefully not the last new reader :lol:
Jason's Lover
Icequeen -
I was gonna post yesterday, i really was :cry: But Crash wasn't online so we couldn't convene.

I hope this part will do justice for the time being, and Crashdown_51 should be back to post the next part on Thursday, if you're all lucky.

Oh yeah, the song used in this chapter is Placebo - Sleeping With Ghosts

<center>Chapter 4 </center>

‘Oh God’ Max thought as his hands slowly went to the sides of his mask, watching as Liz’s did the exact same thing. ‘What if she thinks I’m hideous? What if she sees me and screams before running outside calling for help? What if when I take of my mask I have the biggest pimple right on the end of my nose?’

Little did he know that the exact same thoughts were running around in Liz’s mind. She felt as though she was going to vomit, she was so nervous. But yet, she had no idea where this nervousness came from. It wasn’t like removing a mask from her face would be a life-changing thing. She was simply here to have some fun like she promised Maria she would, and in the morning she could go back to being little mousy Liz Parker, and Max could go back to living his life without having to put up with her.

‘That's all this is. Just some fun, and tomorrow, after the alcohol’s worn off, I doubt he would even give me the time of day.’ She thought to herself as she tried to control her rapid breathing.

Max swallowed back his fear and somehow found his voice. “Okay, ready?” Liz gave him a slight nod, her hands shaking as she held onto the sides of her mask in a death grip, still not ready to reveal herself to him.

“Okay… 1… 2…” Max counted leaving long pauses between the numbers. He had squeezed his eyes shut and was now taking shallow breaths as he tried to remain calm and not cause himself a heart attack at such a young age.


He lifted the mask off his head in one swift motion, still clamping his eyes shut as he waited for her reaction… but none came. Assuming that she had already run out of the room so she could vomit from the sight of him, he cautiously opened one eye and saw that she too had her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

He opened his other eye so he could get a good look at her face. Her skin was flawlessly smooth, and he longed to reach out and feel its softness against his fingertips. She had a cute button nose that was scrunched up from how tightly her eyes were closed, and she was nibbling on her luscious red lips, causing Max to groan internally at the sight.

She cautiously opened her eyes in the silence; assuming that the man had already bolted out of her room once he saw what she looked like without a mask.

They both audibly gasped at the sight before them.

Max’s gasp was for her eyes that she had only just revealed to him. They were beautiful dark brown pools and he was mesmerized by their effect and how he felt as though he could see all of her, just from her chocolate eyes.

Liz’s gasp was in awe of his beauty. Just by talking to him for ten minutes, she immediately knew that this man would be beautiful, inside and out… but she had no idea just how beautiful. His skin was a golden brown and highlighted all of his supermodel features that fitted his personality perfectly. He had the softest looking lips she had ever seen, and Liz literally ached to just lean forward and kiss him. But it was his eyes that captured her immediate attention. His lashes where long and beautiful as they rested on his cheeks, acting as a frame for his unique irises. They shone like sparkling amber jewels laced with specks of gold, and Liz was in awe of how she felt as though she could see into his soul.

“Wow.” Max whispered as he let out the breath he had been holding. “You’re so beautiful.” Liz looked away with a small blush, not knowing how it was possible someone like him could think that she was beautiful. Or maybe it was just the fact that no one had ever told her that before. Even the entire year that her and Doug had been dating, he had never once told her she was beautiful.

“Thank you.” She said quietly trying to avoid getting sucked into his eyes again.

Max reached out and caressed her soft cheek, just needing to see what she felt like. Liz leant into his warm touch, loving the electricity that she felt flow through her veins just from the contact. A strand of her long dark hair dropped out from behind her ear and fell over her face, but before she could reflexively brush it behind her ear like she did every other time, Max had reached over and done it for her, making sure his hand lingered there for longer than necessary before he regretfully pulled away.

The intruding sounds of laughter and loud music filled the room, and they were slowly brought out of their dream world and back into reality as the volume outside became louder as people enjoyed themselves dancing and drinking.

Liz looked over to the door with a frightened expression before looking back at Max who was content with just watching her. “Ugh. Do I have to go back out there?” She pleaded to him, trying her best to persuade him with the puppy dog eyes.

“Um…” Max said shyly as he felt a blush creep up his cheeks. “Maybe we could go back out there… and you could dance with me? That way you wouldn’t have to talk to anyone, but you would still be making an appearance.” He asked hopefully, scared to death that the beautiful angel in front of him would say no.

A small smile graced Liz’s features as Max very subtly asked her to dance. She really didn’t want to go back outside after the scene that her and Doug had created earlier, but she knew that Maria would soon be back and would tell her to go back outside and mingle, and besides, it would give her a chance to get to know this dark haired stranger in front of her.

“Okay.” She said quietly, and Max let out a deep breath he didn’t know he had been holding. He immediately stood up and held out his hand for Liz to take.

She pulled her mask back down over her eyes, once again shielding her face from Max, before placing her small hand in his and standing up. They walked outside and into the main party as soon as Max put his mask back on, hand in hand, neither wanting to let go in fear that the other would disappear if they lost contact.

“Liz! You came back!” A drunk Maria shouted as she stumbled over to the two of them, dragging a very ravaged looking Michael with her. “Oh, I missed you Lizzie. Don’t ever leave me again.” Maria sighed as she hugged Liz tightly, not exactly sure where Liz went, but she was glad that she was back. Liz stood there awkwardly, trapped in the death grip Maria had on her and she silently mouthed the word ‘help’ to an amused Max.

“Michael, what the hell did you do to her?” Max asked his best friend as he tried to keep from laughing at the face Liz was making.

“Me?” Michael yelled over the music, offended that Max would assume that this was his doing. “I did nothing to her. One minute we were talking, and the next she was gulping down that cheep champagne by the bottle full, muttering something about always getting stuck with the loser. Huh, loser my ass. She didn’t think I was a loser when she was trying to make out with me before.” Michael said as he shook his head at the memory.

“Um guys? A little help here?” Liz asked as Maria went limp in her arms, letting out a noise that resembled snoring. “I think she’s fallen asleep.”


Fire Escape Out Side Liz’s Room

A silent figure watched from the fire escape outside the window as the couple left the room, hand in hand.

It wasn’t right. No one should be even looking at him, not to mention touching him, without her permission. Who did this woman think she was, louring him into her bedroom to have her way with him.

And poor Max, utterly clueless of the dark haired temptress and her plans for him. He had no idea what he was getting himself into.

The figure clenched her fists with rage when she saw the way he was looking at the small brunette. He was under her spell, that was all it was. The woman was making him see and feel things that should be directed at herself, not some little drunk fling.

For now, the figure would just watch, study the object of her affection, but soon… she would get Max Evans to admit his true feelings, if it was the last thing she did.


Party – Living Room

The sea's evaporated
Though it comes as no surprise
These clouds we're seeing
Their explosions in the sky
It seems it's written
But we can't read between the line

Liz swayed to the music as Max’s strong arms held her against him, guiding her movements with his hands that were placed on her hips. After the great difficulty of getting a sleeping Maria off Liz, Michael had taken care of her and took her to her room, whilst Max pulled Liz into the living room where everyone was dancing. He pulled her against him and started to move to the music, never once taking his eyes off her as they danced to the soft tune of Placebo.

It's okay
Dry your eye
Dry your eye
Soul mate dry your eye
Dry your eye
Soul mate dry your eye
Cause soul mates never die

Her head rested in the crook of his neck as she breathed in his deep scent, so strong and arousing. Liz could feel his hot breath right next to her ear, sending small shivers down her skin everywhere he touched.

This one world vision
Turns us in to compromise
What good's religion
When it's each other we despise
Damn the government
Damn the killing
Damn the lies

This man was doing things to her that she had never felt before. He was exciting her in all of the right places, making her want, need so much more. She felt the safest she had felt for months as he held her close in his arms, griding his body against hers in a sensual rhythm to the hypnotising beat of the music.

It's okay
Dry your eyes
Dry your eyes

Max slowly moved his hands from her waist to the small of her back, subtly pulling her closer to him. She unconsciously licked her lips as she felt his growing arousal rub against her, having no idea what the simple act she just accomplished sparked inside Max. Liz looked up at him with eyes clouded with desire, and he couldn’t hold back any longer.

Soul mate dry your eyes
Dry your eyes
Soul mate dry your eyes
Cause soul mates never die

He leant down towards her, his breathing coming out in shallow pants as he swallowed deeply before sealing his lips to hers. As soon as his soft lips touched hers, Liz swore she could see fireworks. The electrical charge running through her body that was caused by the sensual man in front of her was enough to power all of New Jersey for at least three years. She opened her mouth slightly and Max took the opportunity to plunge his tongue into her mouth as he buried one hand in her silky, dark hair.

Soul mates never die
Never die
Soul mates never die
Never die...

He moved his lips from hers and brought them down on the tender flesh of her exposed neck, biting into her skin gently getting the desired reaction when Liz gave a small moan of satisfaction.


Soul mates never die
Soul mates never die
Soul mates never die
Soul mates never die

They stood there dancing for what seemed like a millions songs afterwards, never breaking their swaying motion or the contact of their lips on heated skin. It was like they had drifted off into another world where there was no party and no interferences, but just each other.

The feelings that this man was evoking inside Liz were new and exciting, something that she had never felt with Doug before and doubted she would ever feel again. Max was intoxicating in everything he did to her, and maybe it was all just the alcohol talking, but all Liz knew was that she didn’t want this night to end.

Other side of the room

A very pissed off Kyle stood watching Liz Parker and some stranger swap saliva as they danced provocatively with each other, not caring that they were in a crowded room with people watching them.

That should have been him dancing there with her as he finally had the chance to kiss her sweet looking mouth and claim her as his. He didn’t get how she could know this guy for five minutes and be comfortable making out with him at a crowded party, and yet she had known him for over a year and still wouldn’t give him the time of day.

He clenched his jaw as he watched the man Liz was with run his hands down her back and cup her ass as he grided his body against hers, causing her to once again moan enticingly and arch her head back while he kissed a trail up and down her neck.

“There you are, sweet cheeks.” A masculine voice said from behind him as a hand slapped his ass, causing him to jump at least a meter in the air as he swung around angrily to face the person who had felt the need to intrude on his personal space.

“What the hell do you think your doing?” Kyle hissed at the man who just blew him a kiss and gave a seductive wink. The man walked towards him, backing Kyle up against the wall behind him.

“L-leave me alone you freak!” Kyle stuttered out, not knowing what in the hell this man wanted with him.

“The names Nathan, darling.” The man said as he ran a finger suggestively down Kyle’s cheek and neck, resting on his strong shoulder.

“W-what do you want?”

Nathan moved his hand from its place on Kyle’s shoulder and to the lock that was hung around his neck. With his free hand, he picked up the key that was resting in his pocket and held it up next to his face for Kyle to view.

“You’re the only one I haven’t had the pleasure of trying to unlock my dear.”


“And I know for a fact that Maria said there would at least be one other gay guy here, and she would make sure I would get him.” Nathan explained as he put the key in the lock around Kyle’s neck and turned.

To both their surprises, the lock fell open with a click.

“Mmm… I’m going to have to thank Maria for this. She said you were cute, but she never said how cute.”

“I-I’m not g-gay. I’m not gay! Liz! Help me please! I’M NOT GAY!” Kyle yelled, desperately trying to seek refuge with the small brunette who was currently pre-occupied with dragging Max off the dance floor towards her bedroom.

“You may not be gay now, but I can bet that you’ll be singing a different tune by morning.”

<center>***** </center>

Living Room/ Dance Floor

“Liz…” Max moaned into her mouth as she ran her hands up and down his strong chest.

“Mmm…” was her only response, far too focused on what she wanted to do with the God in front of her.

“W-we should go… somewhere…” he said breathlessly as he pulled away from her lips and joined his forehead with hers. He hated the fact that they still had to wear the masks whilst they were out there in the main party area. Not only had it proved to be a bit of an obstacle for when he tried to kiss her, but it also stopped him from being able to look into her beautiful doe brown eyes.

“Okay.” Was her whispered response before she grabbed his hand and pulled him in the direction of her room, not hearing Kyle trying to scream out her name over the loud music.

She was far too focused on what she was going to do to this man as soon as they reached the safety of her bedroom.

TBC.... Mwa ha ha

Chapter 5

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:51 am
by Crashdown_51
Smac wrote:Did Maria intentionally set Kyle up with the gay guy? Maybe to get him off Liz's back with whom it seems he has an obsession.
YAHTZEE! Um, for you non-Crash readers, that means YES.
AmberEyed51 wrote:I feel so bad for Kyle, he thinks hes gonna get lucky, and look how ironicly things turn out. Oh well, im sure Buddha has something really insightful to say about this.
Yeah, like don't drop the soap. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
LovinGuerin2much wrote:And is Kyle gay?
Nope. Maria just pulled a prank on him. :lol: Oh, and LQ said she ate all the Devon.

icequeen ~ I'm typing as fast as I can. :?

FSUMSW94 ~ Interesting. Very interesting. :twisted:

Allie1031 ~ First Welcome and Thanks. We try to keep it as twisted as possible.

mmcherron ~ Thanks

Thanks for the feedback guys:
Jason's Lover

Author's Note: Hey guys. I got an IM, praising me on the last chapter. Just to let you guys know, I'm writing the odd chapters and Lizard_Queen is writing the even ones. So that last Chap was LQ and this chap is mine.

Chapter 5

Song: To Be With You by Hoobastank

Song: Scene of the Perfect Crime by Concrete Blonde

Deluca/Parker Apartment


“ you have a gallery anywhere?” Alex asked Isabel before opening the bottle of ginger ale and pouring some in his glass as Isabel leaned closer to his side and watched the golden liquid splash off the ice and fill the glass.

“Um, pretty soon.” She answered nodding. “I’m actually working on it now, the only thing is I have to select which photographs I’m gonna use.” Isabel answered, letting her interested _expression change into a more serious one.

“Ah, well, from what I saw back at your place, you’re gonna have a tough decision. They were all great.” He answered before flashing her a smile, hearing the ice cubes shift against the glass when he swirled the liquid, mixing it with what ever flavor was left of his Chivas he was drinking earlier.

“Um, thank you. That’s really sweet of you to say.” Isabel blushed, grinning ear-to-ear before looking down at her strappy high heels while her cheeks heated rosy-red from his compliment and then look up at him when he lifted her gaze by her chin with the curl of his finger.

“Really. They are.” Alex assured her, making sure she knew how sincere he by gazing into her almond eyes that were fluttering from how flattered she was.

“Um, thank you.” Isabel replied, trying to lower her head again but Alex held his curled finger underneath her chin to make sure she didn’t break the connection she found herself giving into again.

“Your welcome.” Alex answered with a half smile.

“Um, I have-I have some, khmmm, excuse me.” Isabel apologized after clearing her throat, noticing the amused smile he carried by her nervous babbling. “I have some photos already selected.” She informed him, watching his reaction carefully for what she was about to ask. “If you’d like....I can show them to you.” She offered, seeing his head move back in interest and then nodded in agreement. “Great. So...let’s go.” She said taking his hand and pulling him out the kitchen, passing the doorway where Kyle seemed to be in distress as he talked to one of the guests, and then exited the apartment, heading towards hers.

Side of the room

“Come on.” Nathan badgered as he tickle Kyle’s chest, who was pressed up against the corner of the room, looking around for someone to help him.

“Hey.” Kyle warned, smacking away Nathan’s curious hands.

“Ooo, feisty. Daddy likes that.” Nathan hissed. “Come on mini-Rambo. Papi’s got a sweet tooth for white chocolate.”

“No. No. No.” Kyle argued, pushing Nathan back, straightened his clothes and then exhaled when he saw Nathan press his hand against his chest in a offended manner. “Look, Nathan. There’s been a misunderstanding here. I’m not gay. NOT gay. Do you understand? Kyle likes Mami’s..‘NOT’..Papi’s.” Kyle assured him. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna get a drink.”

“Okay, you go do that my petite-Schwarzenegger.” Nathan yelled as he waved goodbye to Kyle and then lowered his eyes to Kyle’s butt. “Ooo. Daddy likes. Daddy likes that a lot.”

Corridor to Maria’s Room

“Come on, Party Queen.” Michael strained as he struggled to keep Maria up, but then her legs gave out, causing her head to tilt back and her arms dangle weakly. Quickly by holding her by her from the small of her back and the back of her neck, before she hit the floor, he remained in his bent position, admiring the smoothness of her neck and the touch of her blond hair that was veiling over his hand that held her neck. “You’re prettier when you’re not flapping your lips every two seconds.” Michael confessed, gazing at her lips for a moment, since it was all he could see because she still wore her gold mask, and then snapped out of his trans when she began to stir in his arms.

“Mmm...” Maria murmured, poking her chest out more, which added more weight on the hand that was holding her up from the small of her back, and to Michael’s growing interest. Shaking his thoughts from his head, he quickly moved his hand from her back to hook her legs and then carry her the rest of the way to her room, noticing a Japanese Sukoshi folding screen by her doorway. He squatted down a bit, turning the knob of the door and then kicking the door open only to make the folding screen shake by the force. “Not even Pier 1 Imports has this many decorations.” He sneered as he looked around at all the accessories she had to decorate her room. Feeling his arm turn to jello, he forced Maria to stand on her feet and began tapping her cheeks lightly to get her up. “Hey. Wake up. Wake up.” Getting annoyed, he lifted his mask up on his forehead and then removed hers completely, taken back at the beauty underneath that he had been butting heads with since he walked in the door. “Hey. Wake up.” He said softer, this time caressing her cheek, soft enough to see her eyes open delicately and look back into his.

“You think I’m pretty?” She asked softly, surprising him since he assumed she was out of it when he admitted that.

“Um, yeah. You’re okay.” Michael answered nervously, seeing her lean forward and tried to back away, but this time she grabbed the sides of his face before she covered his lips her her soft full ones, causing Michael to fall back, with her, shutting the door and hearing the folding screen fall against the door. Just as Michael was about to pull away from the kiss, Maria passed out in his arms and left him pinned against the door trying to hold her up.

Perhaps it was the mesmerizing kiss that paralyzed his body at the touch of her soft lips touch his, but Michael didn’t know how a 5’ 2”,110 lbs little pixie could hold him down. He swooped her up again, this time setting her on her bed and then moving to the door. He turned the knob and attempted to open the door, but it wouldn’t open. He turned the knob frantically while banging on the door, but nothing. He could hear the laughing and the music from the outside which would explain no one hearing him. Then an idea dawned on him, patting down his pants and shirt, he remembered he didn’t have any pockets and had given his cell phone to Isabel to hold. “Fuck!” He cursed, sliding down the door, sat down with his forearms on his knees and banged his head against the door.

Fire Escape

Tess quickly pressed up against the brick wall when she saw the door open. Sliding down the rough surface of the brick wall, she squatted by the window and gasped when she snuck a look inside to see Max ravishing the dark haired temptress.

Liz’s Room

Ecstasy. Absolute Ecstasy was what Liz was feeling as Max’s tongue caressed Liz’s moans. She was completely spell bounded by him...his fingertips...his hands...his tongue...his animality. It was as if a million matches had lit simultaneously in her private emotion.

Make me feel again
Slide across my skin again
Let me uncover you to rediscover you
And i will open up
If you promise to give in
On this perfect night
Let the two of us be one

Not wanting to break the kiss, Liz leaned down a bit and slipped off her shoes, tossing them to side before she moved to the sides of Max’s leather jacket and stripped him of the heavy material as he handled the buttons of his shirt and stripped himself of it, unleashing the ironness of his physique that wasn’t receiving the justice it deserved with all the layers of clothing, that where quickly vanishing.

We will be again another time
No matter what all the others say
Cause i would leave it all so far behind
Just to be with you today

Before he knew it, he was standing in the center of her room, in his boxer briefs, unzipping her little black dress and divulging her in her black lacy thong and bra-less breasts.

So make me feel again
Feel your every breath again
Nevermind everyone
There's only me and you

Kissing every patch of her silky skin, he slowly edged his way to her bed and covered her body with his, continuing his exploration on the captivating pixie underneath him, who was succeeding in pulling the elastic hem of his boxer briefs and sliding them as low as she possible could from her pinned position.

We will be again another time
No matter what all the others say
Cause i would leave it all so far behind
Just to be with you today

His ears twitched, body burned and mouth thirst all because of her. Her lips. Her tasty tongue sweetening his mouth.

Just to be with you today
Just to be with you today
Just to be with you

Her hands stripping herself of her thong and then reaching for his arousal, which nearly sent him through the roof.

We will be again another time
No matter what all the others say
Cause i would leave it all so far behind
Just to be with you today

Spreading her legs open with his hands caressing her inner thigh, he adjusted himself between her before pushing his passion deep inside her, kissing between her breast when her back arched in enjoyment.

So we will be again another time
And i will do all i need to do
To leave the others all so far behind
Just so i can be
Just so i can be....
....with you, with you, with you, with you....

Fire Escaping

Tess watched in shock as Max pumped himself into mystery woman. Watching her enjoy every minute of Max’s hand’s squeezing and exploring. Searching a body that should have been hers.

She could practically hear the brunette screaming in erotic ache and fascination. Hear her panting and moaning Max’s name as he pumped harder inside her and kiss her lips until the were puff and pink.

Watching Max hiss and pull lightly on her lower lip, clearly signs that he was aroused by the new vixen in her life. Watching him turn her over and kiss the flawless back as he clasped onto her breast and rocked slowly into her again before speeding up. Seeing her tilt her head to the side to connect her lips with his as their privacy vibrated.

Ravishing her until the last possibly extent, Tess couldn’t take it anymore. Feeling betrayed. How could she trap him like that? How could someone so small be so devious and taint him when he was so clearly hers.

“How?” Tess questioned herself as she sat on the step and rested herself on the wall. “Bitch!” She cursed, thinking of Liz when she pounded the side of her head against the brick wall. “Oww.” She cried, wincing at the pain but continued to bang different sections of her head against the wall and then roughly dragged her hands and arms on the tough material, watching how the scratches turned from white to red and the blood surface when the unsmooth ridges pierced through her skin.

Grabbing her hair frantically she watched as he consumed the temptress. Drinking every drop that was her. Loving her as if it were the last time.

Then suddenly a smile crept it’s way on the corners of her busted lips. Loving her as if it were the last time because in her would be.

My eyes are jaded and complicated,
tired of the liars and the masqueraded
Who steals our innocence away,
like a thief in the night?
Who took away our faith in what we know to be right?
That was another world, then
that was another time
You can never go back to the scene of a perfect crime
You can never go back to the place where love is blind

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:39 pm
by lizard_queen
Hey everyone! We are back with a new, rather long, chapter. So sorry if it gets boring or anything, but we have how many weeks of not posting to make up for?

Crashdown_51 apologises immensly for Johnny (her computer. :roll: don't ask) getting erased, but she back now and desperatly trying to finish writing her fics so she can finally update! Yay!

mmcherron wrote:I really wonder what exactlly they are going to be doing up at her apt.?
Guess you'll just have to wait for the next chapter :twisted:
mmcherron wrote:How did she even know where the party was? I thought that Tess didn't know where Isabel new place was?......
Well, i now must quote from the second chapter, and leave you to interpret it how ever you like:
Chapter 2 wrote:Isabel narrowed her eyes at the two men and crossed her arms over her chest in an intimidating stance. “Okay, first of all, it’s not my fault that Max felt the need to date a psycho cheerleader who has stalker tendencies."
Plus, if you go back and re-read that chapter, theer r heaps of other mentions of the word in bold... so yeah, how did she find Max?

So, you all think Tess is a little insane. Well, all i have to say is "BRING ON THE INSANITY!" I mean, come on, its just not Tess unless shes some kind of nut job.

You'll all probably be like WTF when you read her bit for this, but it will all be explain in due time my little minions.

Thank you all so much for all your wonderful feedback. At least we know you all like it. Welcome all you new readers, and we hope we can keep this fic up to your expectations. :D

And remember: bugging the hell out of us does eventually work to get you a new post. Just ask Icequeen

Now, the part you've all been waiting for, the morning after:

<center>Chapter 6</center>

“Mmm…” Liz mumbled as she snuggled in closer to the warm body pressed up against hers. She pulled the blankets tighter around her and let out a small content sigh as she drifted back into the realm of sleep.

Max couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face as he watched her. His hand stroked through her silky dark hair in a soothing pattern and he just watched her sleep. Her head was resting on his bare chest, her hair tickling his sides every time she moved.

She was even more beautiful in daylight than she was last night after he had had a few drinks. The way the sunlight streamed in through her curtains and illuminated her face perfectly made her look almost angelic.

He wasn’t drunk last night, just tipsy enough that only a few memories of last night remained, all of them having to do with Liz. He remembered that asshole Doug and how he tried to get Liz alone with him. He remembered her key fitting in his lock and when she took her mask off. But most importantly, he remembered what happened after they danced, and how they came to be waking up naked beside each other in bed.

It was a classic one-night stand and Max knew that when she woke up there would be the awkwardness of people promising to call but never actually carrying out the promise. There would be the fact that they knew nothing about each other and they had given it away to one amazing night of sex… but he didn’t care, because it was truly amazing.

Last night had be an exhilarating experience, having never felt like that before in his entire life, but he doubted that the feeling would be more than one sided. He would be happy to let this strange relationship form into something more, but the possibility that the beautiful woman lying next to him would feel the same was very slim. Last night she just needed to get lost in something, and he was the lucky fool that she chose.

He should have done the classic reaction to waking up after a one night stand; silently get dressed and leave, but unlike most, he thought she deserved more than that. He didn’t think of her as a good fuck, he respected her as a person and thought she deserved something other than a ‘fuck you and leave you’ approach.

She shifted beside him as she slowly stirred out of sleep, her large brown eyes slowly opening to be met with deep amber orbs. As soon as she spotted the Greek God laying in bed with her, all of her memories of last night came rushing back so fast that she wasn’t sure if the headache she was experiencing was from them or a possible hangover.

“Hey.” Max whispered as he saw her squeeze her eyes shut in pain and grab her head. “How are you feeling?”

“Ugh… like I got hit by a frigin truck.” She replied as she sat up against the headboard and pulled the blankets up around her to cover her naked body from any prying eyes. “Remind me again, how much did I have to drink last night?”

“Hem…” Max cleared his throat, looking everywhere but at Liz as he sat up next to her, keeping his distance so as to not make her uncomfortable. “Well, I um… I don’t know how much b-before you had the argument with Doug… but you didn’t drink too much afterwards. I-I think you were too busy enjoying yourself… to need it.”

A blush stained Liz’s cheeks as she remembered just how much she was enjoying herself last night. If it wasn’t for the music being turned up so loud, all of the neighbours would have also known just how much she was ‘enjoying’ herself as well.

Silence followed as they both avoided each other’s gaze, looking everywhere but at the person they had just spent an entire night with. Max found it strange how it didn’t matter if their personalities connected or not, or what the other’s life was like or if they were a good person, but as long as there was attraction, it could lead to one night of mind blowing sex that could rival sex with someone you know everything about and you love.

In a way, it was freeing. To just give yourself to a complete stranger for one night and then be done with it the next day. But the thing was, Max didn’t want to done with it. Just being in her presence was intoxicating enough, but he knew that if he left her apartment this morning with nothing more than a ‘thanks for the awesome sex’, it would be one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

The short brunette with the most beautiful eyes and gorgeous body that was lying next to him had captivated his senses as soon as he saw her last night, and she didn’t even have to speak for him to know that she was a wonderful person.

It took him all the courage that he could muster to break the silence, and even then his voice came out as nothing more than a squeak. “Liz!” He cleared his throat and tried again, this time his tone was husky and deep, sending shivers right down Liz’s spine. “Liz…”

“Yes.” She quickly interrupted, breathing shallowly as she tried to get her heart rate to slow down. What was happening to her? All he had to do was speak and she was a puddle of goo. No man had ever had this effect on her before. Maybe it was just something that happens after you have a one-night stand…

But was that all it was? If it was just a one-night stand, shouldn’t he have left at the wee hours of dawn whilst she was still asleep? Or maybe Max was one of those guys who liked a quickie in the morning before he left and never called her again?

Not even Liz could believe that for one minute. She had known this man less than 24 hours, but she could already tell that it wasn’t in his nature to be like that. He wasn’t a common jackass looking for a piece of ass to play with and then throw away come morning.

It also helped her come to this conclusion when she looked over and saw the way he was nervously looking at his hands as he played around with them in his lap. She trailed her gaze up his body, letting it linger on his stone hard abs and his golden skin, feeling the sudden urge to lean in and lick his muscular flesh… like she had done more than once last night.

Liz quickly looked away with a giant blush staining her face as she bit her bottom lip and stared at the blank wall across from her, trying to get all kinky thoughts of Max Evans out of her head and locked away safely in the back of her mind in case she ever needed to use them on those cold, lonely nights alone…

“I… uh… I was wondering if maybe…” Max started, swallowing thickly as he tried to stop his hands from sweating and shaking like crazy. Oh dear God make it stop!

“Maybe…if… if you wanted to… we could maybe… sometime… um… get together? Like…um… go grab coffee… or something…if… if you wanted…” he asked bashfully, his amber gaze finally landing on her sparkling brown eyes.

She was stunned, so not expecting him to have said that. She was prepared for him to say “well it was great, don’t call me” and then leave, but the last thing she expected was for him to ask her out… for coffee. Maybe it was just something he did with all of his conquests. Bought them coffee as a thank you for the sex.

All of his conquests? God, now she was expecting him to do this sort of thing every night. But really, what could it hurt, right? If she agreed to go for coffee, maybe she could get to know more about the strange man she took to her bed without a second thought last night, and maybe, just maybe, he would ask to see her again?

Liz opened her mouth to speak, fully prepared to answer him when a high-pitched scream coming from somewhere over the other side of the apartment got her attention.


“AAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!” Maria screamed as she opened her eyes and her gaze landed on the person lying in bed with her.

“Ugh… would you keep it down I’m trying to sleep.” Michael mumbled as he rolled onto his stomach and buried his head into the pillow with his eyes closed the entire time.

Maria stared at him, her mouth agape as she tried to process why she was lying in bed with someone she barely knew. Her head pounded from her assault on the alcohol last night, but she wasn’t so trashed that she didn’t remember talking to the rude, ill-mannered asshole that currently was sharing her mattress. It was just a question of how they came to be in bed together that she couldn’t remember.

“What the hell do you think your doing?!” Maria screamed out once she managed to find her voice.

“Sleeping” was Michael’s only reply as he pulled the covers further over his head in an attempt to drown out her voice.

“Sleepi…ugh… GET OUT!” She screamed, her fists pounding into his back and being met with nothing but rock hard muscle. He pounding slowed down and she stared in astonishment at his shirt clad back. “Wow, you really like to work out, don’t ‘ya.”

Michael rolled over in exasperation, rather enjoying the massage she was giving him until she stopped and started complaining. He kicked the blankets off and sat up to face the fiery blond that intruded his peaceful slumber. Her hair was a mess of curls and her cheeks were crimson as she stared at him with half lidded eyes as they roamed over his strong form.

Maria raised her gaze to his face and was taken back by the intensity in his dark brown eyes. The way he was staring at her was enough to make her blush and get all hot and flustered like never before.

“What is it that you don’t understand about I’M TRYING TO SLEEP?” Michael spat at her, causing her to flinch back from his sharp tone. The look of hurt that passed through her eyes made the annoying feeing of guilt rear its ugly head, that was until she responded with just as much fire.

“What don’t you understand about GET OUT!” She replied, crossing her arms over her chest and staring down at him with blazing green eyes. The way she had her arms crossed made her cleavage push up into view, and Michael couldn’t help but look. Hey, he was a guy after all.

Maria waited for a response from him, but as the time ticked by and he just sat staring, she finally realised that he wasn’t going to answer her. She followed his gaze with her own eyes until they landed on her perky looking cleavage. Covering herself more fully so she blocked his view managed to grab Michael’s attention and he looked up at her with guilty eyes.

She raised one perfectly manicured eyebrow as she stared him down. “That may have been okay for you to do last night when I was plastered and for some unknown reason decided to sleep with you, but today is a new day, so I advise removing your eyes from my breasts before I’m forced to kick your ass!”

“Don't flatter yourself, we're locked in and I wasn't about to sleep on the floor because you think your Martha Stuart or something with all your decorations that have us locked in here in the first place!” Michael retaliated, letting out a huff of annoyance before rolling back onto his stomach and once again burying his head into the soft pillow. It has a scent about it that made him want to stay there forever and just breathe it in… a scent that he would soon figure was Maria.

“Excuse me?” She said with her mouth agape.

“Excuse you.” Michael mocked in a childish response. All he wanted to do was get in a few more hours sleep. Was that too much to ask?

“Whatever.” Maria said as she stood up and grabbed a robe from the back of a nearby chair. Even though she was fully dressed from having to gone to bed without changing clothes, she still felt naked in front of him.

She tied the robe around her waist and walked over to her sliding door, but when she went to open it, it wouldn’t budge. She tried to push it again, jiggling it around on the hinges, but still it remained stuck.

“Why wont you open you stupid piece of shit!” Maria mumbled to herself as she once again tried to slide the door across on its hinges, yet all she succeeded in doing was pulling a muscle in her arm.

“Fuck!” She yelled in exasperation as she kicked the door, oblivious to Michael sitting up on her bed watching her with a smirk. Being trapped in her bedroom with someone as cocky as Michael Guerin was almost as bad as going to hell for the rest of her life. She knew that he would undoubtly have something to say about her inability to open her own door, and sure enough, moments later he didn’t disappoint.

“Would you like some help there?” He asked arrogantly and Maria had to bite her tongue so she didn’t respond with something that would have to be beeped out.


Tess awoke with a start as a scream echoed through the air around her. She ran a shaky hand over her face trying to wake herself up, but stopped when she felt her blood encrusted skin. A giant throbbing was coming from the back of her head, and as soon as she placed a gentle hand on her hair, she knew the reason why her head was pounding.

Flakes of dried blood fell from her hair onto her palm and she shuddered from the feeling of it. It was only in that instant that Tess noticed she wasn’t waking up in bed like she should have been.

Taking in the scenery around her she noticed that she was nowhere near the ground. The thought made her entire body stiffen as she pushed her body flush against the wall, wincing from the pain that shot through her when her wounded head came into contact with the bricks.

She clawed at the wall with her scabby fingers and tried to get her breathing under control, all the while repeating to herself ‘don’t look down. Don’t look down.

How had she gotten here? She didn’t remember anything from last night, including how she came to wake up on a fire escape of some unknown building down town. It had been happening a lot lately. She would black out and wake up hours, or even days later, in some unknown place, not being able to remember anything that had happened.

She could hear voices coming from the building she was currently leaning against. One was a woman’s voice, the other a mans. His words were muffled from the closed window, but still Tess noticed something familiar about his tone.

Was it possible that she knew the man inside that room?

Before she had a chance to look through the window and confirm her suspicions, another scream filled the air surrounding her, causing her to flinch and knock her head against the wall again. Thinking she had been seen, Tess tried to stand up but was frozen to the spot as he legs started to shake.

Don’t look down. Don’t look down.” The words rung through her head like a mantra as she tried to steady herself, but her legs caved underneath her and she fell down onto the metal with a small thump.

Dizziness took over her entire body as she struggled to keep a grip on reality and not fall of the fire escape. She hated heights; she always had, so why on earth she woke up two stories off the ground was a big question rolling around in her head.

Tess shut her eyes, trying to gain her focus on what she was doing, but the pain was too much. She slumped down on the wall, her death grip loosening as she drifted off into unconsciousness…


Michael stood up from the bed and walked over to stand in front of Maria who had her arms crossed as she tried to glare him down. He raised one eyebrow at her, prepared to fully show her up by being able to open up the door and then have her jump in his arms and say ‘My Hero’, right before a hell of a lot of thank you sex…

But as he tugged on the door, willing it to slide open so he could prove to her just how much of a man he was… nothing happened. After tugging it at least ten more time to only have it stay in the exact same place as before, he was becoming frustrated. A highly amused Maria watched as he failed to impress her, and she had to bite back her own nasty smirk that was threatening to spill onto her lips.

“Mother fucker! Why won’t you open damn it?” Michael yelled as he kicked the runner of the door, given up trying to open it. All he planned on doing now was abusing the door until it either broke off or he starved to death trapped inside this room.

“Hey! What did my door ever do to you?” Maria asked as she watched him kick the crap out of what had been an excellent door for the past four years. It didn’t deserve this kind of treatment from any one, especially some stranger who thought he came before everyone else.

“Apart from trap me in here with you all night… nothing much.” Michael said as he turned towards her, giving the door one last good kick before focusing his attention on the blonde standing next to him.

“You leave my door alone Mr. I never made you come into this room last night, and it certainly wasn’t my door that made you come in here, so its your own damn fault that you’re stuck in here, and not mine. You leave my door outta this!” Maria raged as she poked him on the chest, moving forward with each poke, causing Michael to have to move backwards until he was trapped against the corner where her door joined the wall.

“Well, if it wasn’t for all of the alcohol you had to drink last night I wouldn’t have had to carry you in here!” he defended, suddenly feeling not so big as he watched the fire flame in her eyes.

Uh oh… he pissed her off… too much.

“Well maybe I wouldn’t have had to drink so much if I wasn’t forced to look at your ugly face all night!”

“Hey! News flash! I didn’t want to come to this stupid party in the first place Miss I Know Everything! If your going to blame anyone, blame that Alex guy that Isabel’s so hot over! If I had it my way I would have been at home watching the hockey instead of coming to this crappy party!”

Maria’s eyes widened at his words and she felt the start of tears. Trying to get emotion sunder control she turned her back to him and wiped at the tears starting to fall. Michael immediately felt guilt building up in the pit of his stomach as he watched her pretend not to cry.

“Maria I-”

He started, but was interrupted my her tiny voice as she turned around to ask him “You thought the party was crap?”

“No I-”

Regaining her composure, she interrupted him again but this time with the anger evident in her voice. “Do you know how much time and effort I pout into that fucking party that was so ‘crap’, as you so eloquently put it?” She took a step forward so they were now face to face, inches away as she once again poked him in the chest.

“Do you know how many people I-” She was stopped as Michael lost his footing when she poked him too hard and he grabbed onto her for balance.

He fell back against the door with Maria on top of him, and it was in that instance the door decided to cave in, causing Michael to land with an ‘oomph’ in the middle of the hallway, Maria on top of him and her bedroom door falling off its hinges with a giant hole in its centre.

Maria screamed from the pain of landing so hard on the ground just as Max and Liz came running out of her room across the hall, Max only clad in boxer shorts and Liz trying to her bed sheets around her naked body.

“Oh my God! Maria, are you okay?” Liz gasped when she saw the sight in front of her.

“Fucking door.” Was Maria’s only reply as she rolled over onto her back, laying as still as possible due to all the pain. “I think I jarred an ass cheek.”

Liz smiled and turned around to face the shirtless God standing behind her. Her smile faltered when she saw the heated look he was giving her, and his earlier question came flooding back into her mind. She still had to give him an answer.

Max just stood there with a sexy smirk on his face as he scratched behind his neck. The awkwardness just keeps on coming. Now, he had slept with a girl that he hardly knew, asked her out but she was saved the trouble of turning him down because his best friend had broken her best friends door and knowing Michael, insulted her to the ends of the earth. He had then chosen to rush out to see what all the commotion was about in only his boxers.

Could it get any worse?

“DELUCA! GET YOUR ASS HERE NOW!” a furious Kyle yelled as he stormed through their front door but stopped in his tracks when he saw Maria lying on the ground next to some guy and Liz in nothing but sheets and some other guy wearing practically nothing.

He could see through the doorway of Liz’s bedroom from his position and he knew that she didn’t sleep alone last night once he got a glimpse of the clothes strewn about the floor that the man she was standing next to was wearing last night.

His heart broke as he wondered why she would throw away one night for meaningless sex with a stranger, yet she wouldn’t give him the time of day? He had been trying for years to get her to notice him, and all this man had to do was walk into a room and she would screw him.

Maria sat up from her position on the floor and smirked when she saw the bags under Kyle’s eyes and his ripped shirt. Someone obviously had fun last night, she thought with an evil smile. Kyle was staring at Liz with his mouth opened and a lost puppy dog look on her face, and Maria knew that he would be upset about more than one thing this morning.

Maria speaking broke Kyle out of his Liz educed gaze and he turned his furious eyes to her green sparkling ones.

“What’s up Kyle? Run out of Lube for you and Nathan?”

TBC.... till next time...

Chapter 7

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 5:26 am
by Crashdown_51
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, for the delay. Hope you're not mad at me. :cry:
Icequeen wrote:WTF is going on with Tess???? She needs help.
She's a complicated girl. Very complicated.
Icequeen wrote:Michael and Maria were too funny. I love their interaction.
Just you wait til' this chapter. Me and Kristen were literally laughing our asses off as I wrote this chapter. :lol:
Icequeen wrote:I wonder what Kyle wants? Maybe it's to bitch at maria for trying to set him up with the gay guy.
I'm guessing he wants to bitch at her for setting him up with "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" and for Nathan trying to "groom" his "equipment".
FSUMSW94 wrote:Tess needs help seriously. Maybe she has multiple personalities or something and can't remember her other self.
Interesting theroy. :twisted:
Jason's Lover wrote:I don't mean to be insensitive, but Kyle is so pathetic. How could he even question Liz's actions? Does he not have eyes? Can he not see what Max looks like? The man screams sex! I can't wait for the next part!
Okay, me and Kristen can not agree with you more. Definite hottie. :wink:
AmberEyed51 wrote:And for Tess, what the fuck is going on with her? It seems like she may not be AS horrible as we all thought, just very troubled, but I've never been in the Yathzee's winner's circle, but a girl has to try.
And try you must. I'm very picky with my YAHTZEE's. Ask any Crash reader, it's very hard to get one. LQ's gotta crap load of YAHTZEE's from almost all my fics, hence her co-writing with me, lol. But bravo on the YAHTZEE's. Hope you get another one, cause trust me, there will be a crap load of mystery coming. :twisted:

Thanks everyone else for reading:

Author's Note: I'm not sure if we answered the question about the careers??

Liz --> ET (Evidence Technician) - CSI type
Max --> Political Interpreter
Michael --> Cop (Homicide Detective)
Maria --> Beautician (Owns her own Beauty Salon)
Alex --> EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) - Paramedic
Isabel - Photographer

<center>Chapter 7</center>

Girl's Place

"Son of a fucking bitch!" Michael cursed as he picked himself off the floor, feeling an unreachable burn across his back when the tense air beat off the exposed strip of his back.

"Ouch. That's gotta suck." Maria analyzed, imitating a wince when she saw a long cut on his lower back caused from falling out the door, while a piece of his shirt hung from the opening of the hole on her door.

"What?" Michael question in disbelief, lunging one step to her before Max separate him from her. "This is all your fault!" He yelled, pointing to Maria, who was huddled close to Liz, while Max struggled to hold him back.

"My fault?" Maria repeated outraged.

"Yeah. Thanks to you my shirt's ruined." Michael shouted, yanking his arm away from Max and stepping away while he remove his shirt to see the damage.

"Your shirt?" Maria repeated, taking a step forward, annoyed by his selfishness. "Look at my door." She exclaimed pointing out the hole on the door. "Way to go, J Lo." She cursed sarcastically and then gasped when she saw broken pieces of her folding screen. "Uhh, and my Japanese Sukoshi." She cried, kneeling down and picking up a tattered piece, looking at her loss sadly and then glared at Michael, who had his head tilted and shaking in amazement of her overreaction to the the situation when he was the one wounded, both emotionally and physically.

"What?" He questioned when she glared at him with a hand on her hip while her foot tapped to soundtrack how riled she was.

"You destroyed my stuff." She answered.

"Your stuff trapped me with you and then wounded me, so if you really look at it, I'm the victim here." He retorted.

"Are you kidding me? My stuff is worth more than you and your K-Mart, blue-light special warmer, that no where nearly falls under the party wardrobe category, let alone, something to wear with leather pants, oh, and news flash buddy..." She pauses with a small sarcastic chuckle "...the U2-Bono look is out." She declared with a cocky attitude, before crossing her arms and scanning him up and down, finally noticing his shirtless form.

He wasn't as toned as Max was, who was still standing near Michael in his cotton boxers with the morning rays bouncing off every cut of his muscular body, nearly blinding them. But his body was definitely worth a look. Muscles wasn't really one of her "must" in her "guy must have" list, but Vandalizer sure as hell wasn't.

"Yo, Maria. Hello?" Kyle huffed waving his hand in front of her face, breaking her gaze from Michael's physique to his pissed off face.

"What?" Maria yelled, not sure if she was mad that he interrupted her argument with Michael or that he interrupted her visual evaluation of Michael's physique.

"Oh. Nothing." Kyle answered sarcastically and then pointed to his ripped shirt. "I just thought I'd come over and borrow some sugar, but hey, since we're on the topic of disasters and damaged property, ooh I don't know, maybe you can tell me WHY THE HELL you set George Michael's on me last night!"

"Sweetie, please, don't flatter yourself. Nathan is no George Michael's." Maria huffed in amusement.

"Just keep him away from me." Kyle threatened, giving Maria a warning look before he directed his attention to Liz, who was clutching on to the thin bed sheet and then looked to Max who was watching Kyle carefully. "Liz." He called out in a way that demanded an explanation.

"Kyle." Liz replied in the same tone.

"What's going on?" He clarified, looking back and forth from Liz to Max.

"Not much." She answered coolly, annoyed be his meddling questions, which lead to an awkward silence between the five of them.

"Um, I'm gonna go get dressed." Max announced, breaking the silence and then nervously returning to Liz's room to get dressed.

"Yeah, you do that." Kyle commented sarcastically as he watched Max walk away. "Don't want you to catch a cold Van Damne."

"Right." Liz retorted and then looked to Maria with a "get him outta here" wide look. "Uh, Maria. I'm gonna take a shower, you're gonna be okay?" She questioned taking one step in the direction of her room and inching closer and closer, awaiting her answer.

"Sure. What's the worse that could happen when I got Bootylicious here to protect me?" Maria answered pointing to Michael with her head.

"Keep talking, cause you're about one Krispie Cream away from joining TrimSpa, Anna." Michael retorted, smirking at the nerve his comment hit when Maria gasped.

"You jerk!" Maria vented pushing him back a little, while Liz quickly closed her door, leaving them to argue.

"I'm sorry, all I hear is "blah blah blah TrimSpa baby"." Michael replied taking a step forward.

"Oh yeah, all I hear is you breathing. You know, theft is a crime buddy, and I'm pretty sure Barbra Streisand is missing her nose." Maria retaliated taking a step foreword herself.

"Yeah, and while we're on Hollywood square, you can return Angelina Jolie her lips back." He added, face-to-face, as he looked down to her 5'2" small frame while she looked up to his.

Liz's Room

"Um, sorry about that." Max apologized as he zipped up his pants and then looked around nervously for his shirt.

"No, really, Maria would bicker like that with anyone really..."

"I..." He interrupted, watching her smile go blank in attention to his voice. "I meant if-if I messed something up between you and...and..." Max stuttered as he turned his body slightly to the door to insinuate Kyle, which Liz quickly gathered, and just as quickly tried to explain.

'Hey, Judge Judy. Why don't you take a spoon and eat my ass.'

'Believe me, it'll take all week to eat that ass.'

"Um..." Liz spoke, trying to hold her laugh after hearing the insults Michael and Maria were exchanging, and tried to continue with the conversation she was having with Max. "Max, Kyle is no where near being a reason for you to be apologizing." She explained with a small laugh.

"Really?" Max asked with his small sense of hope returning.

'I'm not paying for shit! You should be paying me, since I was on the brink of murder-suicide when I was locked in the Martha Stewart hell hole you call a room, that's a fire hazard in so many ways.'

"Really." Liz answered, confirming her statement.

'The hell you're not! That's Sukoshi, buddy. Comprende? Sukoshi. Maybe if your steer away from your caveman, "I Joe, you Jane" existence, you would realize how famous, not to mention expensive, Sukoshi is.'

"So, about that coffee...."

'Ahhh, Sukoshi these nuts.'

Michael then storms in Liz's room and spots Max, who quickly slipped on his jacket and starts looking for his right shoe. "Let's go, Maxwell. I rather bleed to death in an alley than stay here any longer." Michael exhales and then looks to Liz, who's looking around nervously at the unexpected burst while she still was robed by the bed sheet. "You're friends crazy. I hope you know that."

"From the sounds of it, she's not the only one." Liz answered, prepared to start her own debate with him if it meant defending Maria. A debate Michael was surely weak to participate in after the energy he used up in his debate with Maria.

"Whatever. Just tell her that she can Su- me all she wants, cause I can give two Ko-shi's about her crap that was probably made by some 4 yr. old in a Kathie Lee's sweat-shop anyways."

"No. No. No." Maria waved in aggravation, catching his last statement. "You got something to say, you say it to me."

"Bite me. How's that?" He answered with a smirk and a tilt of the head.

"Screw you." Maria answered with her arms crossed.

"Not even if you paid me." Michael replied with the same cocky smile, only to receive the middle finger from her that he smirked to as well and then looked to Max, who gave an apologetic look to Liz before he followed Michael out.

"Asshole!" Maria yelled when she watched the door close behind them.


Both Maria and Liz heard Michael yell in the hallway. Maria turned to look at Liz in shock that the man she had now dubbed, her one true enemy, would not stop until he had the last word.

" was you're night?" Liz asked with an innocent smile.

"OOhhh." Maria exclaimed, pointing her finger to her in disbelief of what she was sure happened between Liz and Max from their wardrobe.

"What?" Liz asked, batting her eyes and rocking innocently.

"You." Maria pointed, wiggling her eyebrows to hint to mischief.

"Shut up, Maria." Liz blushed, as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and then looked to Maria, who had her eyebrow arched, awaiting a detailed explanation. "It was innocent." Liz quickly spoke heading into her bathroom and climbing into the shower.

"Innocent. Right." Maria huffed in a low chuckle and then spotted something by the nightstand. A condom wrapper. Maria gasps in happiness that her suspicions were right, but nearly dies of surprise when she spots another torn wrapper peeking out from under one of the pillows. "Ohhh." She laughed and then bolted to the bathroom to throw her evidence in Liz's face. "So, Miss Double Trouble, why didn't you tell me you were doing our new neighbor's little bro?" Maria shouted so Liz could hear her.

"I'm not." Liz yelled back. "It sort of just happened."

"Two times?" Maria gasped surprised, seeing Liz poke her head out from behind the shower curtain and then showed her the two condom wrapper she found, followed by Liz blushing uncontrollably.

"Okay, so it sort of happened two times." Liz confessed as she chewed on her lip.

"I-I'm sorry, all I heard was 'blah blah blah I'm a dirty hoe'." Maria teased, realizing she had just used one of Michael's insults on Liz.

"Am not." Liz answered in dismay, hiding behind the shower curtain again so Maria wouldn't see her puzzled expression.

"Well, of course you're not, Liz. I meant 'lucky hoe'. Max's body is smokin'." Maria commented followed by a whince and a whistle. "Mmmm mmmm mmm mmm mmm."

The Boyz Place - Later on that morning

"What the hell happened?" Courtney asked as she pulled the few wooden splinters from around Michael's wound with her tweezers as Max looked on.

"I got attack by Pinocchio." Michael exhales with sarcasm as he holds a liquid ice pad to his head.

"What?" Courtney questioned confused, while Max snorted a laugh.

"Long story." Michael shrugged as Courtney covered the wound and then lower his shirt. "Thanks."

"What are partners for?" She answered as she watched him straighten himself, before grabbing his holster and putting it on.

"You working today?" Michael questions Max, pointing to him with his chin.

"Yeah." Max let out a sigh, getting a quizzical look from Michael.

"What? Like being a Political Interpreter is hard." Michael question in amusement.

"It can be." Max defended.

"Whatever. Let's go Banks." He nods over to Courtney, grabbing his jacket before they left.

ET Office - 1:11 P.M.

"Morning Sunshine." Alex greeted, fully dressed in his E.M.T uniform.

"Hey, you." Liz greets, surprised to see him, since he usually would be making the rounds in the ambulance at that time.

"Now, Maria insisted I come over here and tease you by repeating the number two to you?" He informs her, confused by the new inside joke between the two.

"Right." Liz laughed, blushing when she knew Maria was hinting towards the condoms. "Um, what are you doing here, aside from making my day bearable?" Liz asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Had to drop off a Jane Doe." He answered as he leaned on the doorway.

"Oh. Who's the ET?" Liz asked curiously and then assumed the worse by Alex's eyeful expression. "Claire?" Liz asked in aggravation.

Claire Green. A busy body who made it her life's mission on making Liz's life miserable. Doug being her primary target.

"Sorry, kiddo." Alex answered as he took a step back and walked backwards to the elevators, pushing the down arrow.

"Hey where did you go last night?" Liz questioned, when she recalled not seeing him in the party for a while.


"A gentleman never tells." Alex replied with a sly smile, entering the elevator and waiting patiently for the doors to close. Liz smiled at his dodging response and then returned to her paperwork, that seemed to increase in the matter of seconds.


Just as the doors closed, the doors of the elevator beside the one occupied by Alex, opened and allowed it's passenger to step out and proceed to Liz's office.

"Max?" Liz gasped in surprise to see him standing by her doorway when she turned around.


Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:49 pm
by lizard_queen
Hey everyone. I guess its my turn again.

Thank you all soooo much for your fb, it brings a smile to our faces to know that you guys are enjoying this fic... as cheesy as that sounds. This chapter isn't as funny as the last one, because we all know that Joye is the funny one in this partnership, but i hope you like it all the same.

Thanks again for your fb, we love it.

<center>Chapter 8</center>


“Hi.” He said quietly as he gave a small, nervous wave.

“W-what are you doing here Max?” Liz blurted out. ‘God, could I be any ruder?’ she thought to herself as she buried her face in her hands.

“I…um… I just wanted to see you… but you know, if you’re busy then I could go…” Max said nervously, pointing over his shoulder to the door.

“What? No!” Liz slapped her hand over her mouth when she realised her sudden outburst. Max just stood at the doorway with a giant smirk on his face as he watched her get all flustered. He knew exactly how she felt because he felt it to. On the inside he was shaking so badly he thought he was having a seizure.

“Um… no, stay.” She said again, just calmer this time. Liz smiled at him and Max could swear that he was melting. She looked absolutely gorgeous with her hair pulled up tight to show off her beautiful face.

“Nice goggles.”

“What?” Liz asked, having a temporary moment of confusion. Goggles? Understanding finally dawned on her when Max motioned to her hair where she was wearing her goggles like a headband so her hair wouldn’t fall in her eyes. Her cheeks went bright red and she fumbled with them, trying to get them off her head. “Oh um… forgot to take them off from before when I was looking at something before.” She said with embarrassment, pulling them off in one swift motion that caused her hair to cascade down around her face perfectly.

Max let out a small chuckle and leant against the doorframe, taking in her appearance as she casually moved around the room. There was no denying how at home she looked in her office, even if it was a grim job that she had to do.

“So, how did you find where I worked anyway?” Liz asked as she cleaned up some loose paperwork on her desk.

“Your roommate. It took me a while to get it out of her but once I promised to relay a few… messages… to Michael she caved.”

“Messages?” Liz asked curiously. This could only be entertaining.

“Yeah, it was something along the lines of ‘you owe me $700 for my Sukoshi, $100 for my door and a million dollars for pain and suffering’” Max said with a slight chuckle.

Liz laughed at her best friends antics but stop short when her gaze met Max’s heated eyes. There was no doubting the desire she could see swimming in his sparkling pools and she suddenly felt extremely naked. Even though she had taken part in the most intimate act know to man last night… twice… she still couldn’t help the red blush that stained her cheeks from his scrutinizing gaze.

“So…” Liz said, stumbling with her words. Why was he here? Not that she wasn’t ecstatic and doing cartwheels on the inside, but why would he want to see her again? She could guarantee that even if it was one of the best nights of her life last night, she probably didn’t make it that exciting for Max. Unless he was here for a quickie before ridding her of his life? Like a parting fuck before he never saw her again. Maybe Max just wanted closure.

“So… um… its cool if you say no and everything, but ah. You never answered me.” Max said, nervously scratching behind his neck and sticking his free hand in his pocket. What was he doing here? She probably just wanted a good time last night and nothing more, and now here he was embarrassing the hell out of her because he thought that maybe, just maybe, there could be something between them.

“Answered you?” Liz asked, taking a step closer to him and look up at him with her big dough eyes.

“Yeah… about coffee some time.” Max explained when he saw the confused expression marring her features. “Its cool if you don’t want to or anything, I wont bug you about it or turn stalkerish or anything. I mean, I understand that last night was probably just some fun, but I figured that there was a fifty-fifty chance that you would say yes to my offer… so why not take the chance of coming down here and making a fool out of myself on the hope of you agreeing to a warm, caffeine filled beverage.” A blush stained his cheeks as he rambled, letting out a small chuckle once he had finished listening to himself and wondering how in the hell Liz could possibly think he was sane.

Liz gave a small nervous smile, gushing at how adorable he looked when he babbled. His ears flamed bright red along with his cheeks and his eyes were looking everywhere around the room but at her. “Sure… I would love that.” She said softly, gazing up at him from underneath her long lashes.

“R-really?” Max asked in disbelief, almost choking on his dry throat, staring at the small brunette in front of him in awe. She was agreeing to coffee with him? If he weren’t trying to make an impression on Liz right now, he would have stripped off all his clothes and started a naked happy dance.

“Yeah.” Liz nodded, feeling a small blush stain her cheeks from his burning gaze. “I-if you want… I was just about to have my lunch break… and if you don’t have anything on right now we could maybe get some lunch as well? But only if you’re not busy!” Liz clarified, not wanting to force Max into anything. God, what was she doing? Of course he didn’t want to have lunch with her. He probably had a load of work to do and didn’t have time for her pathetic attempt at a half date.

“Definitely!” Max said in a breathless reply. Oh God, he was having lunch with her. He was having a lunch date with Liz Parker! Was that what it was? A date? Or just two friends having some coffee together? Was she even interested in having this develop into something more, or was she just trying to let him down in a friendly way?

Doubts filled Max’s mind as he tried to uncover her true intentions for agreeing to see him. He watched with growing fear as she went over to the small lounge across the office and grabbed her bag and jacket. Was this where it would all end with Liz… or where it would all start?


Maria’s – corner of Willow and Lake

“Alright, who do we have next?” Maria asked herself as she scanned down the page for her next booking. The bell on the door jingled as it was opened and she looked up with a smile to greet her new customers. The smile immediately fell once she realised who was at the door.

“What the hell do you think your doing here?” She roared, stepping around the service counter and pointing a shaky finger towards Michael who was currently staring at her with his arms crossed over his chest and an amused smirk. Maria stalked right up to him with fiery eyes, completely ignoring Isabel and another tall blonde who were standing on either side of him watching with fear the drama they could tell was about to unfold.

“Um… we’re here to get our hair done.” Said the unknown blonde quietly. She was dressed in dark blue jeans and a navy blue polo shirt that said NJPD in white across the left pocket. You could clearly see her police badge hanging on her jeans pocket from how short her shirt was.

Maria’s head snapped to the intrusion and she was just about to bite her head off for interrupting when her eyes softened, a thought entering her head. “Please, take a seat Miss…” She said, her voice coming out fake as she desperately tried to calm herself down. Turning her blazing green eyes back to Michael a wicked smile crossed her face. “But I’m sorry, your dog will have to wait outside. This is an animal free environment.”

“Then how did you get in?” Michael replied with a sarcastic smile, loving the way he could get under her skin so easily without even breaking a sweat.

Maria, fuming, clenched her fists at her side, knowing full well that he was here just to piss her off. A small, quiet voice coming from his right snapped her out of her rage filled daze and a soft smile formed on her lips.

“Hey Maria.”

“Isabel! Hey! I didn’t realise you were here because of this big lump of ass blocking my view.” Maria replied dryly, sending one last heated stare at Michael before turning back to the quiet blonde in front of her.

“So, what can I do for you today?” Maria asked going back into business mode with a friendly smile.

“Oh, um, if you have enough time Courtney and I just wanted to get our hair done quickly. Its not too much trouble is it?”

‘Courtney hey?’ Maria thought to herself as she watched the way the blonde was staring up at Michael with a pathetic aura around hr. She wanted Michael badly, but Michael didn’t even notice her. A satisfied smirk formed across Maria’s lips at the thought of Michael not wanting Courtney but she shrugged it off quickly before anyone could notice. And so what if he did like Courtney, she was… jealous… was she?

“No, of course not. As long as scruffy there doesn’t want a hair cut, because I wont be held responsible for attacking him with the scissors.”

“Are you kidding me?” Michael asked in disbelief. “I wouldn’t trust you anywhere near my hair with a ten foot pole you psycho!”

“Yeah, well-”

“Hey! Hey you two, people are watching!” Courtney interjected when Maria took a step towards Michael. She placed a forceful hand on the feisty blondes shoulder and pushing her back. She could see the way this Maria girl affected Michael, the way his eyes went dark whenever he looked at her and Courtney couldn’t help the possessive feeling that overcame her.

It had taken her all afternoon but she had finally bitched to him enough about how long it took to get ready for her date tonight that he cracked, giving in to her so easily. In the end it was all just a plan to brag to him about her date and to get him all worked up and invidious, to unleash the hidden feelings she knew he had for her.

Paperwork day was the least favourite day for any cop, so the fact that Michael would let her get out of it for an hour just so she could get her hair done showed some sort of feelings towards her, right?



“Listen Liz, I’m sorry for Michael this morning. He can be a bit of a jackass in the morning. He’s not usually like that, he just doesn’t cope well with strangers.” Max apologised as he looked down at where he was currently stirring his coffee. If Michael being himself messed up Max’s chances with Liz he would surely and quickly kill him.

“Max, you don’t have to lie to cover his ass. He’s probably like that all day, just like Maria is, and God knows I’ve given up trying to cover up for her. Most of the time I just pretend she's some crazy person that I’ve never met before. Its been working out good so far.” Liz replied with a soft smile. They had been sitting here for over two hours just talking about everything and anything. It felt so easy to talk to Max that she was sure he was all in her imagination. How could a guy be this perfect inside and out and yet still want to even look at her?

“Sorry, bad habit.” Max ducked his head when he felt another blush creep up his neck and cheeks. What was she doing to him? This petite beauty had the strangest effect on him. He didn’t think he had ever felt so nervous and yet so comfortable all at the same time. She was amazing and perfect, and Max was almost positive that she was just trying to find a friendly way to let him down.

“You... you probably have to get back to work, hey?” He asked quietly, looking up at Liz with his sparkling amber eyes. He didn’t want her to have to go. He just wanted to sit here all day and learn everything there was to know about Liz Parker. He dreaded the thought of having to say goodbye to her.

Over the other side of the table Liz was going through similar thoughts. Would he ask her to go out on another date or would they just go their separate ways, only to see each other again when they happen to somehow run into each other on a busy New Jersey street five years from now? Did he even want to see her again?

Liz nervously started to bite her nails at the thought of leaving Max to go back to work. Or, what was left of work anyway. Her lunch break had ended over two hours ago but she didn’t care. She knew that once she went got back her boss would chew her head off for not coming back to work on time, but Liz couldn’t see past the thought of leaving Max.

“Yeah…” She mumbled in answer to his question. And internal battle was raging inside both of them, neither wanting to leave but too shy around the other to say anything. Liz still found it ironic that they had done so many things last night that could never be talked about in a church, and yet they were still so shy.

She stood up slowly, picking up her purse with dread of going back home to an empty bed tonight. It may have only been one night, but Liz felt as though it was an eternity that she had spent with Max already. She knew every single detail, every crevice, every mole of his perfectly masculine body… it just didn’t seem right to be without him.

Max unenthusiastically stood up and escorted Liz to her car, wanting to drag out the moment for as long as he could. Staring down at her hand as they walked, the urge to reach out and take it in his own was overwhelming, but he restrained himself, damning his self control to hell as they walked.

Liz let out a small sigh once they reached her car. She fumbled around in her bag, trying to find her keys, but if she was honest she knew that she was just dragging the moment out, wanting to linger in these few last seconds with Max before she never saw him again.

“Thank you, Liz. I-I had a really great time.” Max said sheepishly, scratching behind his ear and staring at the ground in front of him. Why was this so hard to do? He’d asked girls out before, so what was so different about Liz… apart from the fact that she just wasn’t any girl?

“Yeah. I had a great time as well.” Liz reciprocated, looking up at him with a dazzling smile that didn’t go unnoticed by Max. She closed her eyes with a sigh and shook her head, wondering why that was all that would come out of her mouth. Why couldn’t she just work up the guts to suggest dinner some time? It wouldn’t be the first time a girl had asked out a guy before, right?

They both stood there in silence for a good five minutes, looking everywhere but at the person opposite them. Finally, after not being able to take it any more, Max broke the silence.

“Do you…um…” He started, stumbling over his words as he went. Liz looked up at him with a hopeful smile that quickly faded when Max didn’t continue. How could he continue? He could hardly breathe the air around him was so thick. So instead he did the first thing that came to mind.

Max stepped towards Liz in slow motion, wrapping his arms around her waist and sealing his lips to hers. She gasped at the contact and quickly melted against him, kissing him back with just as much force as he was giving her, indefinitely taking her breath away. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he buried one hand in her long silky hair, loving the feel of its texture against his skin.

Max pulled away to catch his breath, resting his forehead against hers with a soft smile. They stood locked in the embrace for what seemed like hours but in fact was only minutes, revelling in the feel of each others arms.

“Would… would you like to have dinner tonight?” Max asked breathlessly, startling Liz out of her kiss-induced daze she was still in with his blunt words.

“I-I would love that.” She replied quietly, looking up into Max’s smiling eyes, causing her own smile to break free. The effect this man had on her was astounding.

“R-really?” He had to ask, just to make sure he wasn’t hearing things or to make sure it wasn’t just some joke. Liz’s only reply this time was to pull him closer to her body and kiss him gently, passionately… showing him her answer.

Chapter 9

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:10 am
by Crashdown_51
Hey guys, thanks for all the awesome feedback and welcome to our new readers.

And of course, snaps for Kristen on that chapter, lol. :lol: Sorry, just finish seeing Legally Blond 2 and haven't got it out of my system yet. :( A little Reservoir Dogs will fix that right up.

You know, I'm glad it's my turn. Too much mushy-mushy stuff going on. On with the angsty!!! Muah ha hha ha ha :twisted:

Just Kidding. :D

Or am I? <stroking chin mischievously>


Chapter 9

Maria’s Salon

“So, did you get my message?” Maria asked Michael with a sneer, interrupting his Vogue reading.

“What message?” Michael asked with a sigh of annoyance not looking at her as he thumbed through the pages.

“The message I gave Max.” She replied crossing her arm and tapping her foot.

“Max?” Michael repeated, looking up at her, arching his eyebrow as he tossed the thick magazine to the side and stood up to connect his eyes with her glare. “What are we? Best friends? Since when did we get on first name bases?”

“Since Satan decided to step out of hell and crash my Valentine’s Day party.” Maria retorted, placing her hands on her hip and snapping her head while she talked.

“I didn’t crash. We were invited.” Michael replied in an as-a-matter-of-fact tone and tilted his head as he place his hand on his leg.

“Freak mistake, so I hope you enjoyed yourself, cause-it-won’t-happen-again.” Maria threatened, pronouncing the last five letters one by one while she poked Michael on the chest.

“Promises. Promises.” Michael answered sarcastically looking her straight in the eyes.

“Oh, you bet your Aunt Jemima Butterworth ass it is.” Maria declared, snaking her head side to side with attitude.

“Hey!” Courtney murmured between her teeth, waving her hand between the two, breaking up their verbal dispute. “Cool it, there are people watching.”

“Last time I checked, the sign outside said “Maria”. So in here, I’m Elvis sweetheart.” Maria sneers, turning on her heal and whacking Michael with her hair.

“Don’t be expecting a tip.” Michael yelled to Maria as he watched her move to a customer who’s getting her hair washed.

“Please, your petty tip isn’t gonna make me or break me.” Maria huffed and then turned the dial to the hot wax to commence waxing a customers’ eyebrows.

ET Office

Liz moved from her desk to her file cabinet with a dazed smile, thinking back on the butterflies that fluttered down her stomach to her knees when Max had kissed her. Letting out a pensive sigh, she moved back to her desk and placed her hands on the keyboard, unable to think of anything other than the smile he flashed her before he walked away. Turning her chair, she dug in her open purse and pulled out her cell phone and immediately dialed for Maria.


‘Hey Chica. What’s up?’

“Maria. I’m flipping out over here. I just had lunch with Max Evans and he invited me to dinner, I have absolutely, positively, utterly no clue if I should go. I mean, I said ‘yes’ already, but should I go? I mean I have nothing to wear, not that that’s the reason or anything, but what am I suppose to do? How do I act?” Liz rambled, revealing how nervous she was.

‘First of all, chill-lax, Liz. You’re gonna pass out.’

“Okay. Okay.” Liz answered breathing in and out as she nodded her head up and down, trying to calm down. “Okay.”


“Yes.” Liz assured her, hearing Maria snicker.

‘Hmph, that makes one of us. Your bo’s friend is here. You remember? Fabio?’

“Um, yeah.” Liz laughed.

‘Right. Anyways, back to someone that’s important. Can you give me two hours?’

“Two hours?” Liz repeated as she glanced at her wristwatch. “Yeah.”

‘Cool. I’ll see you then.’

“Thanks Maria.”

‘What are friends for?’

Maria’s Salon

“Nathan!” Maria called out, as she collected her things.

“Aloha.” Nathan answered cheery as he popped his head out from the backroom curtains.

“I have an emergency. I need you to take care of the shop okay? Can you handle it for a few hours?” Maria asked as she wrote something down on the corner of her date book and then ripped it out.

“Sweetie, Daddy can handle anything and everything.”

“Right. Thanks. Kisses.” Maria answered unenthusiastically as she quickly moved to the chair Michael was sitting on and noticed him roll his eyes when he noticed her approaching. “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

“You just can’t stay away can you?”

“Yeah, blue polyester and glazed doughnuts, how can I resist?” Maria asked sarcastically. “Listen, can you try and not be a horses ass for one second. I just found out that your buddy, Dark Stallion Maxie-boy, asked my roommate out to dinner.”

“What?” Michael exclaimed surprised.

“Yeah, shocker too. Anyways, point is she digs him, he digs her. I love my roommate, so whatever makes her happy, in this case, your seducing ‘I’m so innocent-looking’ friend, makes me happy. So, I need to know where and when, A.S.A.P. Here’s my number.”

“You like escaped from an asylum right? Or like some punishment for something I did?”

“Yeah, I feel the same way. So are you gonna be a prick and not do it or are you gonna help me out?” Maria asked with her hand on her side as she waited for his answer.

“A 'please' would be nice.”

“And so would a nice fat check to pay for everything you destroyed, but you don’t see me crying.”

“You were just bitching about it like two seconds ago!” Michael exclaimed in disbelief.

“Whatever.” Maria shrugged crossing her arms.

“Whatever.” Michael repeated in the same irritated manner, taking the piece of paper and looking at it as Maria left the shop. Michael watched as she hopped into the driver’s side of a red Jetta and pulled out without checking, nearly causing an accident that was followed by at least 5 car horns that drowned out what the driver’s were yelling at her from their windows.

“What’s her story?” Courtney asked sitting down beside him with her new look.

“Don’t know, but I bet it’s a long one.” Michael answered as he stood up. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

ET – 2 Hours Later

“Maria!” Liz cheered when she saw her coming out of the elevator.

“Got a little surprise for you when you get home. Plus I got a man on the inside.” Maria announced as she pushed the down arrow button.

“Maria, this isn’t a military operation.” Liz laughed.

“Hey, you know what they say…” Maria yelled as she walked back to the elevator when she heard the ‘ding’. “There’s a thin line between love and war.” She said in a teasing voice as she waved good-bye to Liz.

“I could say the same thing to you.” Liz whispered in the same teasing tone and then shook her head, amused, before returning back to work.


Maria was giddy. She loved playing cupid and the majority of her connections had turned out to be huge successes.

“Oh, my song!” Maria cheered when she stopped scanning through the radio stations. “Oh, go. Look at your watch now. You’re still a super hot female.” She sang along with Gwen Stefani, but then her attention was brought to her rearview mirror when she spotted the swirling red police light. “Damn it!” She cursed, turning off the radio and pulling over. “What seems to be the problem officer?” Maria asked batting her eyelashes innocently but then huffed in annoyance when she turned to see Michael leaning over her driver’s side and looking in her window. “Oh, it’s you.”

“Yeah, happy to see you too.” Michael answers sarcastically lowering her Ray-band sunglasses to the bridge of his nose and then looked back to his car to see Courtney signaling him to speed it up.

“So what did you find out?” Maria asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

“He’s going traditional.” He answered.

“Are you serious?”

“I shit you not. Dinner and a movie.”

“Where?” Maria asked taking out her planner.

“He’s taking her to Cajun.”

“Really?” Maria questioned impressed. “Your boy gots taste.” She comments as she scribbles in her planner. “Okay, what movie?”

“Well, there’s a black and white movie theater on Grove and Lake, The Classical. I think they’re showing like Casablanca or something.”

“Nah. It’s been done. I heard that at the Oriental they’re giving Matrix Reloaded. Liz is a sucker for karate flicks like me, ever since I dragged her to one of my karate classes.”

“Cool.” Michael answered, trying to sound unimpressed.

“Oh, maybe he should take her to the movie first and then to the Cajun.” Maria suggested as she speed dialed someone on her cell phone. “That way they have something to talk about over dinner.”

“What about the reservations?” He asked. Maria just held up a finger for him to hold his thought and then took her cell from between her shoulder and ear to talk better. “Roman, hey, it’s me, Maria. I’m fine. Yeah I heard. Listen, you have a reservation tonight for a…” She trailed off and looked to Michael for the answer.


“For a Evans, party of two?” Maria questioned and then paused while she waited for him to look up the information. “Fabulous, listen, Babe, I need that reservation to be pushed down an hour and for their table to be in that cute little vineyard corner. Thanks Babe, I owe you. Yeah, talk to you later.” She dismissed as she hung up and then looked to Michael who was staring at her impressed. “It’s my favorite restaurant.” Maria explained and then wrote down a little note in her planner. “Okay. So dinner is pushed to 8: 30 instead of 7, that way the can catch the 6 o’clock show. Matrix is like what, 2 hours long, adding 10 minutes for the previews, 17 to be safe. I hope Maxie-boy uses valet. Okay that’s about it, oh wait, what’s he wearing?”

“You do know this is a date right? Not a wedding?” Michael asked, overwhelmed by her calculations.

“A first date should be perfect.” Maria answered.

“Yeah, I’ll remember that.” He snorted and pushed himself off the car.

“I better go. I can see Charlie’s Angel back there wants her Charlie back.” Maria huffed looking to her rearview mirror as Michael looked to his car to see that Courtney was indeed waiting impatiently, this time outside of the car.

“Try not to kill anyone on your way.” He sneers as he walks away.

“Yeah, that depends, are you heading my way?” Maria retorted out her window and then pulled out.

Max/Michael’s Place – 5 o’clock

“Thank me later.” Michael expressed smuggle, tossing two movie tickets on the coffee table and then plopping himself down on the single sofa while he took a swig from his beer.

“What is this?” Max asked, picking up the tickets and reading the contents. “Matrix Reloaded?”

“Yeah, got an informant on the inside.” Michael said with a shrug as he watched a hockey game on mute. “Turns out they have good taste in movies.”

“They?” Max questioned confused.

“I mean Liz.” Michael quickly corrected himself trying not to look at Max, who was looking at him suspiciously before he examined the tickets again, noticing something.

“Wait. Michael. These tickets are for 6 o’clock. The reservations for Cajun is at 7.”

“Don’t worry about it. I took care of it.” Michael waved off. “Dinners at 8:30 now, that way you guys have something to talk about.”

“Wow, I think you planned this better than I did.” Max commented impressed and then headed to his room. “Oh, I forgot to thank you for giving up your reservation at Cajun for me. I now it’s your favorite restaurant…”Max yelled from his room.

“Don’t sweat it.” Michael yelled back as he pressed the mute button to hear the game.

Liz/Maria’s Place

Liz and Alex sat snuggled together as they waited for Maria in the living room, while she went to her room to get Liz’s surprise.

“Relax, little Who’s. Mrs. Claus is here and she comes baring expensive gifts.” Maria broadcasted as she walked entered the room, holding a clothing shield over her shoulder by the hook and a shoe box underneath her arm and then took a little bow in front of them.

“Uh oh. I smell someone’s pocket burning.” Alex laughs, sniffing.

“Hey, the price for beauty is high.” Maria defends as she sets the shield down on the single seat.

“Yeah, the price is always high when it comes to women.” Alex answers sarcastically, covering his stomach to block Liz’s offended hit. “Hey.”

“Jerk.” Liz laughed.

“No, he’s right. And I saw the love connection thing happening between you and Isabel, so I suggest you start saving up now.” Maria said with a smile hearing him cough out the rest of his laugh as she unzipped the shield and pulled out the outfit.

“Oh, that’s nice.” Liz gasped as she eyed the selection.

“Black. Never a bad selection and very complimentary figure wise.” Maria displayed, holding the outfit against her body.

“Yeah, and also top choice when you’re going to a funeral.” Alex comments getting another slap from Liz and a glare from Maria for the interruption.

“Like I was saying, the blouse is form fitting and three button, so ladies hold on to your Babes, cause there will be some skin showing. The pants zip from behind, a hit with the male species. Start at the waist and bootleg cut to top it off with these babies.” Maria publishes as she pulls out a pair of dark red boots. “Two-inches high, low enough for you to walk in and high enough for the smooches.” Maria enlightened her as she wiggled her eyebrows in mischief.

“Okay, so what jacket should I wear?” Liz asked as she stood up and took the outfit and boots from Maria.

“Jacket?” Maria laughed as she shook her head. “No. No. No. No. Liz. Babe. Sweetheart. Preciosa. Jackets are so 80’s. If you get cold, he’ll do the manly thing and sacrifice his jacket to keep you warm. You know, Jack and Rose. Titanic. It’s like an unwritten guy rule.”

“It’s true.” Alex nodded in agreement.

“You see.” Maria said pointing to Alex and then holding Liz by her arms. “You put your little heart in my hands tonight and you will have a fabulous time, I guarantee it. Now, get your ass in there and go get changed. Lover boy should be here in like half an hour.” Maria declared as Liz ran off to her room.

“30 minutes?” Alex questioned. “The movie doesn’t start til’ 6.”

“Right. That gives him the minimum waiting time of 10 minutes to wait for his date to finish getting ready, and plenty enough time for me to drill him for info.”

“You’re not gonna run a credit check on him are you?” Alex asked concerned.

“It should be on my desk by 6.” Maria answered with a smirk as she looked to her watch and then moved to the kitchen when she heard her cell phone ringing, leaving Alex to worry on the couch.

Max/Michael’s Place

“Max, my informant says the color of the day is black, hold on.” Michael points to Max so he could hear what Maria was saying. “K. Whatever.” Michael snorts as he hangs up and then moves to Max’s closet as he tucks his cell into his back pocket. “That and that.” Michael says, pulling out a shirt and a pair of jeans and pushing them against Max before turning on his heels and exiting the room. “And bring a jacket.” He yells.

Liz/Maria’s Place – 5:30 P.M.

“Max.” Alex greets when he opens the door and sees Max holding a bouquet of white roses.

“Alex right?” Max asks unsure.


“Sorry, hi.” Max apologizes as he shakes Alex’s hand and enters.

“She’ll be exactly ten minutes.” Alex notifies him, trying to contain his laugh.

“Shut up, Alex.” Maria commands when she comes out of the kitchen. “Hey Max.”

“Maria.” Max greets, shaking her hand.

“Please, sit. Let’s have a little chat while we wait.” Maria says pointing into the living room.

“Um, okay.” Max answers as he looks to Alex who’s giving him a warning look as he follows behind them with his hands behind his back.

“Good luck.” Alex whispers.

“Shut up Alex.”

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:11 pm
by lizard_queen
*cautiously steps out into the open*

Um... hey everyone.

*waves nervously and then taps screen*

Anyone still there? I am sooooooooo soooooooo sooooooooo sorry for the delay on posting this next chapter. I was going to update on Monday night but Joye had some problems and today has been the first time we've spoken all week, and i was too scared to update on my own at the risk of screwing it all up and her yelling at me... so yay, i'm updating!

Thank you all soo much for your fb, from both Joye and I. We really appreciate every single letter of it. You make us smile and do the funny little dance on yahoo that none of you can see but if you type in *\*:*D*/* (without the * of course) it looks really cool and funky.

mmcherron wrote:Alex and Isabel are starting out too so is that going to be Maria's couple to help out?
Maybe :D You'll just have to wait and see.

And from the wonderful Crashdown_51 herself:

"Hey guys. Love. Love. Love the feedback. I'm so happy you guys actually laughed and sorry for the delay."

So here it is guys. I hope you all enjoy:

<center>Chapter 10</center>

“Listen Max,” Maria said as she sat down on the coffee table in the lounge area, motioning for him to sit on the couch opposite her. Alex stood back with his arms crossed over his chest and a cheesy smile planted firmly across his face, clearly knowing where this was going to lead. There wasn’t one guy that left this apartment with their manhood still in tact after Maria had gotten to them.

Max sat down cautiously on the edge of the lounge, looking nervously between Alex and Maria feeling as if he was back in high school being interrogated by his date’s father before the prom. He almost expected Maria to start ranting about how if he even dared to make a move on Liz tonight or get her drunk he would be hunted down with a shot gun and would be praying that he had never left his mothers womb. And if he even thought about corrupting her into some time on the back seat of his car…

“I’m going to be bluntly honest. I like you. I think you’re a great guy. Your sweet and kind to Liz, and you actually did call like you said you would. Not to mention the fact that you’ve already gotten the one thing you wanted last night and you haven’t pissed off yet. Like I said before Max, I like you… but I don’t like the people you hang out with.”

“T-the people I hang out with?” He choked out, confused as to what that had to do with anything. Max looked up from Maria’s serious face and over to Alex, pleading for help with his eyes and only getting a shrug in return. There was nothing you could do once you got her started except endure the torture and prey that she was still smiling by the end of it. If not, the only advice Alex could give was to run. Run and never come back.

“Frankly, I think that room mate of yours… um… Mathew… Mitchell… Markus…?”

“Michael.” Max interjected quickly and immediately regretted his decision when Maria shot him a dark look.

“What ever! I personally don’t give a crap if his name is Mother Mary. In my opinion he should have been executed at birth. The point is, just because I may think you’re a decent guy, doesn’t mean I feel the same about him. He’s a bad influence and I’m rather concerned that you would lower yourself to associate with vandals like that. Vandals who, might I add, still owe me $2000 for my broken door, not including emotional damage associated with that. Liz will not go anywhere near that boy, do I make myself clear?”

Max audibly gulped when her fiery green eyes fixed him dead on. “Um... y-yes Ma’am.” He replied, shaking under her scrutinizing glare.

“Now, back my original point. You know all the basics. You hurt her, I’ll kill you, only I’ll add some more stuff in-between. You so much as even think about making a move on her without her permission and I’ll kick your balls so far into orbit they’ll be the first inhabitants of Pluto. You will call her again and you will take ‘no’ for an answer if it is the one she chose to give. You will have her home by a suitable time as she has to go to work in the morning, and you will in no way stop her from her life goals and aspirations. Capeesh?”

“Y-yes Ma’am.”

Hem hem…"

Liz clearing her throat from the doorway to her bedroom broke them out of their conversation, three heads simultaneously whipping around to see her, three people all gasping at the site before them.

‘She looks… amazing, for lack of a better word’ Max thought, standing up nervously and wiping his suddenly sweaty hands on his trouser pants. Liz was beauty in its truest form. She had just the right amount of skin showing to be sexy but not too revealing, and the black pants fitted her figure gorgeously, all of it topped off with delicate red shoes gave her a few more inches of height. The breath Max was inhaling had left his lugs the minute he saw her standing cautiously by the door and he was having trouble getting it back.

“Hey Maria, have you seen-” Isabel stopped short as she walked through the front door of Maria and Liz’s apartment, unaware that she would be interrupting such a defining moment for Max. “-Alex?” She finished, looking around from person to person wondering what the hell could be going on, and why was her brother here?

“Hem, well, you two better be on your way, don’t want to miss the movie.” Maria said, ushering Max and Liz out the front door with a brilliant smile on her face. She knew that they would have a wonderful time tonight, and if the goofy smiles on both their faces had anything to say about it, many more nights to come in the future.

“Um, Alex, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?” Isabel asked nervously after the couple had left and Maria had excused herself from the room. She stood there wringing her hands across her chest, staring down at her shoes so Alex couldn’t see how flustered she was.

“Sure, fire away.” He replied casually, taking a seat on the arm of the lounge and looking up at her expectantly. Why was she standing so far away from him? Did he have bad B.O. or something? Surely she couldn’t be that nervous of little old him, could she?

“Um, well, I was wondering that if it wasn’t too much trouble, maybe you would like to pose for some pictures I’m doing. I-I just want something different and well, you’re different. But it’s okay if you don’t have the time and everything. I can understand how busy you must be…” She rambled, not entirely sure if asking him to pose for some pictures was such a bright idea any more.

“Me?” Alex asked with surprise. He remembered the pictures he had seen in her apartment last night. There was no doubting how talented Isabel was, but the fact that she was willing to risk her entire career on someone like him was astounding. “Are you sure? I’m not exactly known to be very photogenic.”

“We can fix that.” She said, smiling at how casual he was around her. Why didn’t he get all hot and bothered like she did? Was it because he didn’t feel anything for her? She hoped that wouldn’t affect his decision to pose for her.

What was it her grandmother always used to say? Smile at a man and he’ll never be able to say no. It was times like these that Isabel remembered what a nutcase her grandmother was.

“Sure. Just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.” Alex said with a parting smile, walking towards the open door and turning around one last time to address her. “But just remember what you’re getting yourself into. Tell Maria I’ll see her later.”

Restaurant – Dance Floor – 9:15pm

“Have I told you how amazing you look tonight?” Max murmured in Liz’s ear as they swayed to the soft music classical music the live band was playing. The night had been perfect so far for both of them and the fact that the end was no where in site made it that much better.

“Only five hundred times. You’re going to give me a big ego Mr Evans.” Liz replied playfully, loving how easy it was to just be with Max. All night he had been the perfect gentleman, opening doors for her and proving that chivalry wasn’t dead after all. He was fun and easy to talk to, never once failing in conversation or excitement.

Max was astounded that someone like Liz hadn’t been snatched up years ago. Who ever gave her up must be kicking himself now. Throughout the entire movie he just watched her placidly, studying the way she ate her popcorn and never took her eyes off the screen, but the one thing that would remain with him forever would be the expression on her face when they pulled up in front of Cajun.

The restaurant was amazing, from the food to the service to the atmosphere, Liz could understand how this was Maria’s favourite restaurant. Max on the other hand was having a hard time believing that Michael would find this ambiance his thing. It was the complete opposite of his best friends personality. After all, Michael lived by the rule that if there was no heavy metal or black leather, the place was too classy for him.

“Well, we don’t want that now do we?” Max whispered seductively in Liz’s ear, sending electrical sparks down her spine all the way to her toes. His lips brushed the smooth skin of her neck all the while continuing in perfect rhythm with the music. Max placed a small kiss on the crook of her neck and then took a step backwards, giving Liz room to elegantly spin before landing back in his strong arms.

Ware House – 10:35pm

“No! Please… no! I’ll do anything! Please!” The man cried as the figure approached him. “I can give you money, please, I’ll do anything, just don’t hurt me!”

“Shh now.” She whispered with glazed over eyes. “Not long now.”

Main Street – 10:37pm

“Are you having a good time?” Max asked as they walked hand in hand along the main street. Christmas lights hung in every tree and along every lamppost, creating a surreal effect yet not drowning out the soft glow the moon had on the sparkling street.

“I’m having an amazing time. Thank you Max.” Liz replied with an embarrassed blush. This was by far one of the top ten best moments of her life. And the fact that she hadn’t stoped smiling all night was all Max needed to tell that she was being serious.

He saw a small shiver run over her body as a small gust of wind blew and instinct took over. Max stopped walking and removed his jacket, smiling sweetly at Liz when she looked at him with questioning eyes. He made a mental note to thank Michael for the jacket later.

The material was soft and smooth against Liz’s skin, regardless that the jacket was ten sizes to big for her petite frame. Max’s scent surrounded her and she breathed in his warmth, feeling more content than ever before in her life.

Max’s hand found hers again and they on walking, just soaking in each other’s company, neither wanted to say goodnight and have to be apart from the other.

“So tell me Liz. What was your worst ever date?” Max asked curiously, hoping to God that she didn’t say this one. As far as he could tell she was having a good time, right? It wasn’t like he had dragged her into a dark ally to have his wicked way with her, no matter how strong the urge to do so was.

“Um…” Liz mumbled, thinking to herself for a brief moment before turning her eyes back to him. “There have been so many.” She said with a brief chuckle, loving the adorable lopsided smile Max had plastered on his face. “I guess my last boyfriend Doug. I don’t even know why I stayed with him after our first date. He took me to a McDonalds, told me I had to pay for my own dinner and then dragged me to some stupid R rated movie that was basically two hours of porn.”

Thinking back on it Liz wondered what she ever saw in Doug. Maybe it was just wishful thinking, the small hope that she could change him, mould him to be the perfect man when in the end it didn’t matter. He cheated on her and instead she found Max. In some way Liz thought that she should thank him for being such an asshole and opening her eyes.

“What about you?”

“This girl called Tess. I went on one date with her, not really looking for anything serious, just looking for some possibilities. But she spent the entire time talking all about herself and then she got all freaky and started to talk about our future together. It amazed me that she could even breath she was talking so fast. I think I got her entire life story in those two hours.”

“The date only lasted two hours?” Liz asked curiously. She didn’t want to intrude but the words slipped out before she could stop them.

“Yeah, that was all I could handle. I rang Isabel and pretended that there was an emergency so I could leave. Tess kept on ringing me and following me around for weeks after that but eventually stopped. I see her every now and then at the shops or whatever but I’ve gotten pretty good at running away from her. Isabel still thinks she's stalking me but I like to think that she's moved on to some other unsuspecting fool.” He said with a laugh, pulling Liz’s body closer to his side and wrapping his arm around her waist.

Max drove Liz home once they realised how late it was getting. Liz knew that Maria would be up waiting for her and wanting to know every single detail of the date, and they both had work in the morning.

“Thank you so much Max. I had a great time.” Liz said truthfully with a cheesy smile plastered on her face. They were standing outside the door to her apartment, Max not willing to leave until he knew that she was inside safely. They both knew deep down that it was just an excuse for their night together to last longer, but no one said anything, instead they just accepted the feeling of dread that came with the thought of being away from each other.

“Me too. I had a wonderful time Liz. So wonderful that I was wondering if maybe I-I could see you again?” Max asked, looking down at Liz with hopeful eyes. His throat was suddenly parched and his hands were back to sweating again, but none of that mattered. All that mattered was Liz’s answer.

“Definitely. I would love that.” She smiled up at him sweetly, not even having to think twice about her answer.

“Really?” Max gasped out when he saw Liz nod. He leant forward with a brilliant smile on his face and in his amber eyes, touching his lips against Liz’s softly, caressing her mouth with a sweet parting kiss that would leave her laying awake all night in remembrance of the romantic touch.

“Goodnight Liz Parker.” He whispered huskily in her ear before turning around to leave. Max hated the thought of leaving with such a poor kiss on his part, but he knew that if he tried to deepen it like he desperately wanted to he wouldn’t be able to stop at just kissing Liz. He would have to have more and more of her… and that could wait for another time. He didn’t want to make Liz feel uncomfortable or forced in anyway, so he would just have to wait for her signal to take things further, even though the thought of waiting would be the death of him.

Apartment 5

Kyle watched through the small eyehole in his door with clenched fists. Who did that guy think he was, touching Liz like that? Kissing her when he knew full well that Liz was Kyle’s and no one else’s.

No, this wouldn’t do. Something had to be done about Max Evans. He had to be stopped before Liz became too attached. Before things got too serious.

Warehouse – Midnight

The time was right. It was perfect. It wasn’t tomorrow and it wasn’t yesterday. It was nothing.

The figured walked swiftly towards the whimpering form huddled in the dark corner. His cries for help had stopped half an hour ago and instead the pathetic filth just sat there crying to itself, sobbing incoherently as he awaited his fait. His crotch was wet from fear, the liquid dripping down his thighs and forming a small puddle of the yellow substance on the floor next to him.

There was no one to stop her now. The time had come and it was now.

The dark figure walked towards the huddled form, gripping tightly onto the weapon handle. This was it, the beginning of a journey that would be well worth it once she got what she wanted. What she got what was rightly hers.

The huddled form looked up with fear in his eyes as his attacker approached. Her face was clouded in darkness, the only thing distinguishable about her being the blond curls that covered her head and bounced as she walked.

She took an eerie step closer to him and raised her arms above her head, both of her hands holding onto the shiny silver knife tightly before bringing it down with one fell swoop, the mans world fading into darkness for all eternity.

TBC.... eventually.