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Charmed Again (CHMD,XO,CC,TEEN) (Complete)

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:49 pm
by Buffsteraddict
Winner - Round 10


Winner - Round 8



Title: Charmed Again
Author: Buffsteraddict
Rating: TEEN
Disclaimer: None of the Roswell or Charmed character's belong to me, they belong to Jason Katims, Fox, Upn, ect.
Category: Roswell/Charmed crossover
Couples: M/L, A/I, CC
Summary: (Repost) Piper and Phoebe are devastated by the loss of their sister, Prue. In frustration and despair, Piper casts a spell to summon a lost witch and bring back Prue. The spell works, but not as intended.A lost witch is is found-heir to a shocking Halliwell family secret.
Author's notes: This is a Repost, I posted this fic as Dreamer_forever13 a while back and I tought of reposting this story. I tought it would make a good fic. A big thanks to Traitor for the banner! It looks so amazing!

Roswell: Takes at the end of season two right after Alex's death. More specifically during the episode 'It's too late, And it's too bad'. Liz doesn't leave for Sweden to continue her investigation and Max and Tess don't sleep together and she doesn't get pregnant.
Charmed: Takes place at the beginning of season 4, right after Prue's death.


Runner up for Best Portrayal of a Crossover Character (Piper) Round 8


Piper Halliwell began to chant. Her voice was scratchy and tear-choked. Her brimming eyes veered in and out of focus as she stared intently at the flickering candle flame.

''Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
The oldest of Gods are invoked here,
The great work of magic is sought...''

As she prepared to say the last words, she felt her heart constrict with pleading. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, begging the elders for their help.

''In this night and this hour,
I call upon the Ancient Power,
Bring back my sister,
Bring back the power of three.''

Piper drew a deep, shuddering breath before she slowly opened her eyes. Despite the spell, she was alone. There was nothing in the attic apart from the usual cast-off furniture, old pictures and toys- remnants of Piper's childhood spent in the looming Victorian mansion in San Fransisco.

Piper's head still spun at the memory of it all, altough the memory was still fuzzy. She remembered Shax, The Source's latest assasin- bursting into their homes. With a concussive blast, he'd sent both her and Prue hurtling trough a wall. They'd broken clear trough plaster, wood beams, and siding, landing on the grass near death.

A sob escaped Piper's troat. The idea of a lifetime, an eternity, without her sister.It was too painful to bear.

There has to be something, She tought, pushing all of her tought's away, she re-opened the book of shadows and began scanning the pages. She froze when she finally spotted a phrase at the top of one of the pages: To call a lost witch.

She quickly grabbed the sliver bowl from her left and and then started selecting the needed herbs for the potion.

''Rosemary,'' She muttered, breaking off a fragrant sprig of the plant. ''Yarrow root...cypress.''

Piper quickly measured out each herb and tossed it into the bowl. Then she reached for the athame. Clutching it so hard her knuckles turned white, she stared into the bowl.

''Powers of the witches rise,'' She began, her speech softened now by the weariness.

''Course unseen across the skies.
Come to us who call you near,
Come to us and settle here.''

Unflinchingly, Piper thrust her right index finger over the bowl and pricked it with the athame. Blood oozed out of her fingers and over the dried herbs.

''Blood to blood I summon thee,'' She chanted, squeezing drop after drop of her blood into the bowl. ''Blood to blood return to me.''

She immediately felt a small breeze cross her brow, barely lifting her long, silky brown hair off her shoulders. There was clearly some magic in the air, but it was nearly enough to bring her sister back to life.

As she watched the candle flicker and dim, Piper began to feel the remnants of her hopes begin to die. She squeezed her tired eyes shut and let her head drop into her hands.


Piper slowly opened her eyes and peered over the candle. Someone was coming through the attic door and emerging from the shadows.


Piper's shoulder's slumped. It was Phoebe, who was wearing blue silk pygamas and looking exhausted.

''It's four o'clock in the morning,'' Phoebe said, crossing over to Piper. ''Piper, your bleeding.''

Phoebe quickly reached among the herbs and grabbed a handkerchief and wrapped it around Piper's finger.

''I don't understand why magic can't fix this, why it can't bring Prue back.'' She said plaintively. ''I mean, it's not like we've never cheated death before. Why does this time have to be any different?''

''Leo can't heal the dead,'' Phoebe said quietely. ''You know that.''

Piper snatched her hand away from Phoebe. She began to flip through The Book of Shadows again. ''So, there's other magic, magic we've used before.''

Piper skimmed from page to page, listing some of the many spells available to them.

''Reversing time, calling for a lost witch, scrying.'' Piper said. ''But none of it's working all of a sudden. It's like if the books deserted us. Deserted Prue. And I don't understand why.''

Phoebe reached over The Book of Shadows and gently took it from Piper's hand. She took her other hand in her own. ''We lost our sister, Piper,'' She said, holding back her own tears. ''How can we ever understand that?We've tried every magical way possible to bring her back. But we can't. She's gone.''

At the words, Piper felt a pain that was almost physical. Yet another gush of tears welled up in her tired eyes. Through blurred vision, she saw Phoebe start to cry as well.

''I just thank God I didn't lose you, too,'' Phoebe said, wrapping her arms around Piper's shoulder. Sobs wracked Piper's body. She's never known something could hurt that badly.

Finally, Phoebe pulled away and gazed into her sister's eyes. ''Come on,'' She said, pulling Piper to her feet. ''We'd better get some rest. Prue will never forgive us if we look bad at her funeral.''

Piper couldn't help but smile. Leave it to Phoebe to lighten the mood. She rested her head on Phoebe's shoulder as they walked towards the attic door. A moment before she left the room, she sensed a breeze behind her, one of those faint, supernatural rustling's that had teased her all night. She had an impulse to take one last peek into the attic. But, no..Phoebe was right. Prue was gone. And there was nothing they could do to change that.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:09 pm
by Buffsteraddict
Hey everyone,
I'm back with another part. It's short, but i'll post again this week. A huge thanks to Sarcasticthang, mrsjberh, purpleant, kitkat405, DreamerHeart, Traitor and burningchaos for the feeback.

Chapter One- San Fransisco, California

''Piper?'' Leo poked his head inside of they're bedroom. Piper was sitting down at her bedroom dressing table, dressed in her black funeral suit.

''Honey,'' He said, walking over to her. ''We have to go.''

Piper picked up her hairbrush and started brushing her hair. ''I don't want to go.'' She said as new tears formed in her eyes.

''Why not?'' Leo asked, kneeling at her side.

''Because if I go,'' Piper croaked. ''Then that'll mean that Prue's really not coming back. And I don't think I can handle that.''

''We can handle it together.'' Leo said. But Piper simply shook her head.

''She's always been there,'' Piper said, not meeting Leo in the eyes. ''My whole life i've had a big sister. How am I suppose to live without one?''

''Piper,'' Leo breathed. He placed a warm comforting hand in the back of Piper's head but she shook it away. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her husband's face collapse a little.

''Piper?'' He said.

''Why didn't you save her?'' Piper said.

''I tried.'' Leo said, wounded.

''But you didn't save her.'' Piper said. ''Why didn't they let you save her, too?''

''The Elder's?'' Leo asked, glancing upward. ''They couldn't let me save her. They don't have that kind of power.''

Piper flung her hairbrush on her dresser and got to her feet.

''Then what the hell good are they?'' She demanded. She swiped more tears away from her eyes and grabbed a kleenex.

''It's okay to be angry.'' Leo said soothingly.

That's when Piper lost it.

''I'm not angry.'' She exploded, whirling around to face Leo. ''I'm pissed!How could you save me and not her!?Don't you understand?You healed the wrong sister!''

Tear's filled Leo's eyes, and he shook his head and took a step towards Piper.

But she quickly backed away and shrieked. ''You healed me because i'm your damn wife!But you should of healed Prue. Because she was the best.''

Piper buried her face in her hands and let herself sob. ''You should of saved Prue.'' She wept. And this time when she felt Leo's strong arms encircle her heaving shoulder's, she let him hold her. She leaned into his broad chest and and wailed,

''Why did they put us trough so much only to have it end like this!?''

''I know,'' Leo answered. ''I'm so sorry.''

There was a sudden loud knock from the door and Piper pulled herself away from Leo and got to her feet.

''Come in,'' She said loudly, grabbing a kleenex and wiping away her tears.

The door opened and Phoebe entered. Like Piper, Phoebe was also dressed in a black funeral suit.

''We have to get going.'' She said softly. ''Dad's gone already. He said he was going to meet us there.''

''Were coming.'' Piper said, grabbing her jacket from her bed. ''What car are we taking?'' She shot Leo a look.

''Um, actually,'' He said. ''I'm going to have to meet you there.''
''Why?'' Piper said.

''The Elder's,'' He said. ''They wanted to see me about something. I don't know what it's about but it sounded important.''

''Is it about Prue?'' Phobe asked, sitting down on the edge of Piper's bed. ''Or the Source?'' She added angrily.

''I really don't know, Phoebe.'' Leo admitted truthfully. ''I'll go see what they want and i'll meet you at the funeral,okay?''

Piper nodded slowly. ''Fine. But don't be late.''

''I promise.'' Leo said, bending down slightly and giving Piper a small kiss before disappearing in a swirl of blue lights.

''Where's Cole?'' Piper asked.

''He's downstairs.'' Phoebe answered. ''He's a little nervous of coming to the funeral. What with the Source still out there. Who know's what assasin he'll send next.''

There was an awkward pause until Phoebe stood up from the bed and and took Piper's hand in her's and give it a big squeeze.

''We'll get through the day, Sweetie.'' She said. ''I promise you that we'll make it through the day.''

Piper simply nodded, hoping that Phoebe was right, the two of them walked out of the room.


''Leo, thank you for coming.'' The Elder said, a grim look upon his face.

''I don't have much time.'' Leo said worriedly. ''I have to get back to Piper. The funeral is in fifteen minutes and she's not doing so good.''

''I know.'' The Elder said with a sighed. ''Something's come up.''

''What is it?'' Leo asked. ''Is it the Source?'' That's when he notcied a young man standing beside the Elder. He was young. No more than 18 years old that's for sure. He had short, dark brown hair with matching dark brown eyes. He was wearing a dark blue shirt, with a simple pair of jeans. He looked lost and definetely scared.

''Who's this?'' Leo asked, staring at the guy. ''He's not a Whitelighter, is he?''

''He is.'' The Elder responded. ''His name's Alexander Whitman. He died a couple of days ago and he was brought back as a Whitelighter. A Whitelighter in training mostly.''

''What do I have to do?'' Leo asked.

''He's going to be staying with you and the Charmed Ones for a while. After a while, when he can handle his powers, we'll assign him someone.''

''But are you sure this is a good moment?'' Leo said. ''I mean, what with Prue dead...the sister's aren't doing so well. Wouldn't it be better to wait a while?''

''It's the perfect time.'' The Elder reasured him. ''If the Source attacks. You'll have more fire power to defeat it.''

''I still don't understand.'' Alex interupted. ''How-How is this possible?Was I resurected or something?What is all of this?I'm suppose to be dead. S-She killed me.''

''Come with me Alex.'' Leo reasured him. ''I'll explain everything later. Take my hand.''

Alex's eyes were full of fear and worry. But he did as Leo asked and he reached out for Leo's hand. And the two of them orbed out, leaving several of the Elder's to stare after them.


Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 7:19 pm
by Buffsteraddict
Darn it, I’m so sorry I haven’t updated in so long. My computer crashed and the guy couldn’t fix it until today so I couldn’t work on the new part. Now I know this is short but I’ll have another part for you guy’s by Thursday. Thanks to everyone for the feeback, Traitor, burningchaos, purpleant, roise101, sarcasticthang, ladyjr15, AmberEyed 51, Luvya, Serephinah, Milly, aliensister, stargrl678, Alexceasar, Fallenfaerie, majiklmoon and Arianneleigh. Thank you guy’s so much!!!

Charmed Again
-Chapter 2- Roswell, New Mexico-

Liz Parker sat alone under a big oak tree in the center of the West Roswell High school quad. She gazed longly at the people around her, completely lost in her thoughts of the last couple of days. She was so lost in her tought’s that she didn’t even notice that Isabel was coming her way until she stopped only a couple of inches from her.

''Can I sit?’’ She asked, looking down at Liz.

''Oh, uh, sure.’’ Liz said, snapping out of it. ''Go ahead.''

''Thanks,'' Isabel said, sitting down next to Liz.

''So what’s up?’’ Liz asked.

''I just…I kind of needed to talk.’’ Isabel answered. '' know that I haven’t been the friendliest person to you in the last couple of day’s. And I wanted to apologize.’’

‘’Wow,’’ Liz said, taken aback. ‘’I wasn't expecting that.’’

‘’There’s something else I had to talk to you about.’’ Isabel continued. ‘’It’s about Max. And also about Tess.’’

‘’What about them?’’ Liz asked, a small trace of disgust in her voice.

‘’Lately my brother’s turned into one big jerk.’’ Isabel said angrily. ‘’I found out a while ago that I was graduating early.’’

‘’That’s great.’’ Liz said, a smile forming on her face. ‘’You must be so happy.’’

‘’Not so much.’’ Isabel scoffed. ‘’I told Max that I was graduating early and that I was leaving Roswell to start College in San Francisco in the fall. My mom and dad were thrilled about it. All the teachers here supported me.’’

‘’But?’’ Liz urged her on.

‘’The King decided against the idea.’’ Isabel continued angrily. ‘’He threatened me. He said that if I left Roswell to go to College in San Francisco he’d tell mom and dad that I’d been doing drugs. He’d tell my teacher’s that I’d cheated on every test for that last three years. He said he’d physically drag me back if I left.’’

‘’Oh my God,’’ Liz said, he eyes wide with disbelief. ‘’No way, that doesn’t sound like Max. I can’t believe he would say something like that to his own sister.’’

''I know,’’ Isabel said. ‘’God this place is killing me. I just wanted to get away from this place.’’

The two of them remained silent for a couple of minutes., staring around the quad. That’s when Liz noticed that Tess watching them from a distance, sitting alone by the basketball court.

''That’s Great,’’ Isabel snorted in disbelief. She looked in Tess’s direction. ‘’Now the King is sending his crew to watch my every moves.’’

''Maybe,’’ Liz said.

''You know what?’’ Isabel said, ‘’I’m starting to think that the reason why my brother has turned into such a jerk is because of Tess.’’

''Why do you think that?’’ Liz asked curiously.

''Oh come on, Liz’’ Isabel said. ‘’Those two have been getting closer together for a while now. She’s always’s following him around everywhere, she practically has her own room at my house. Who know’s what she’s doing to him.’’

''Are you saying that she could be like, brainwashing him or something?’’ Liz asked worriedly.

Isabel sighed and passed a hand through her long blond hair. ‘’I’m not sure. But I need to ask you for a favour. I need you to talk to him.’’

''What?’’ Liz said. ‘’No way, Isabel. Max and I haven’t talked in day’s. He won’t listen to me anymore.’’

''He will.’’ Isabel reassured her. ‘’Because he’s still in love with you.’’

''No,’’ Liz answered stubbornly. ‘’He’s with Tess now. You just said it yourself.’’

''Yeah, but he doesn’t love her.’’ Isabel said. ‘’I just want you to try to knock some sense into him.’’

''Liz, please.’’ Isabel begged. ‘’You’re my last chance of getting out of this town. I just want you to try.’’

‘’Fine,’’ Liz answered finally. ‘’But I really don’t think that this is going to work.’’

‘’You’ll have tried.’’ Isabel said with a smile. She got up and brushed the dirt of her pants. ‘’Anyway’s I got to go. I have English next. But I’ll talk to you later, okay? I’ll drop by the Crashdown after school.’’

''Sure.’’ Liz said.

''Bye, Liz.’’ Isabel said before turning around and heading towards the main entrance to the school, leaving Liz behind. She had no idea how the heck she was going to get Max to let Isabel leave.


San Francisco, California

‘’We need to talk.’’ Leo said, gently guiding Phoebe towards the stairs that led to the attic. ‘’Where’s Cole?’’

‘’I’m not sure.’’ Phoebe answered. ‘’He said he’s meet us back here but I don’t know where he went. ‘’

‘’Alright,’’ Leo said, leading the way up the stairs.

‘’Where’s Piper?’’ Phoebe asked. ‘’Is she okay?’’

‘’I’m not sure,’’ Leo answered, entering the dark and musty attic.

‘’Leo?’’ Piper asked, slamming the Book of Shadows shut. ‘’What’s going on?’’

‘’Don’t worry it’s nothing bad,’’ He said, trying to reassure her. ‘’Well, I don’t think so anyway’s.’’

‘’Alright then, spill.’’ Phoebe said worriedly.

‘’Your getting a new Whitelighter.’’ Leo said. ‘’Starting today.’’

‘’What!?’’ Piper exploded angrily. ‘’What about you?And why now?Don’t they know what the hell were going trough!?’’

‘’Piper, they know-‘’ Leo started, but was stopped short by Piper.

‘’Then why are they sending us a new Whitelighter??We don’t need one, we have you.’’ She snapped.

‘’Sweetie calm down.’’ Phoebe said, wrapping an arm around her sister’s shoulder. She looked up at Leo. ‘’It might not be such a bad idea. If we plan on beating Shax we’ll need all the help we can get.’’

‘’Phoebe’s right Piper.’’ Leo said, looking down at Piper.

‘’So, what’s his name?’’ Phoebe asked. ‘’And why exactly are they sending him here?’’

‘’He died a couple of day’s ago and the Elder’s decided to make him a Whitelighter.’’ Leo answered calmly. ‘’His name’s Alex Whitman. He’s only 17 years old.’’

‘’Oh my god,’’ Phoebe said. ‘’He’s so young. How did he die, what happened?’’

‘’Let’s just say it was a car accident.’’ Leo answered quickly.

‘’But it wasn’t.’’ A voice said as a person suddenly appeared with a swirl of blue light’s.

‘’Alex,’’ Leo said. ‘’How are you doing?’’

‘’I’m not sure.’’ Alex answered truthfully. ‘’A little weird. It’s not everyday that you find out that you’re a…..’’

‘’Whitelighter.’’ Phoebe filled in for her. ‘’Well, welcome to the Manor.’’ She said, wazing a hand in the air.

‘’Thanks.’’ Alex said. ‘’I’m Alex,’’ He reached out his hand and Phoebe shook it. But as her hands touched his, she let out a small gasp. She felt her knee’s buckle as an image shot into her brain.

In her vision, she saw Shax, the demon who had killed her sister. This time, the underworld assassin was standing in what seemed to be a small restaurant, bearing down on this young women, who crouched, screaming.

Then Shax struck, throwing a lethal, concussive blast at the girl.

But before Phoebe could see what was going to happen, she was sucked out of the vision. She emerged with such force that she was thrown to the ground.

‘’Phoebe!’’ Piper cried, rushing to her side. ‘’What happened!?Are you okay?’’

‘’Yeah,’’ Phoebe answered, sitting up with a groan. ‘’I think so.’’

‘’What happened?’’ Piper repeated. ‘’What did you see?’’

‘’Oh my god,’’ Phoebe exclaimed, her voice quavering slightly. ‘’I saw him. I saw the demon that killed Prue.’’

‘’Shax?’’ Leo asked. ‘’What was he doing?’’

‘’Killing a girl.’’ Phoebe answered, looking up at Leo and then at Alex, who stood a few meters away, looking extremely freaked out by what was happening. She quickly lurched to her feet and took a couple of steps towards him. ‘’The girl I saw in my vision, you had to know her. Or else I wouldn’t of gotten a premonition from touching you.’’

‘’Well, what did she like?’’ Leo asked.

‘’I’m not really one hundred percent sure.’’ Phoebe said, ‘’Everything happened so quickly. I do know that she was in a small restaurant. I think she had long, brown hair. And she pretty young. About your age, Alex.’’

‘’Does the description tell you anything?’’ Piper asked, looking at Alex. ‘’Anything at all?’’

Alex looked thoughtful for a couple of seconds, he looked at Leo and then at Phoebe and Piper.

‘’I think, I’m not sure.’’ He said, finally, ‘’There is a girl that matches your description. Her parent’s own a small alien-themed restaurant in Roswell, New Mexico, the Crashdown Café.’’ He paused slightly. ‘’Her name’s Liz Parker. It’s just-I don’t understand how she could be involved in all of this.’’

‘’Well, for some reason, Shax is after her.’’ Phoebe said quietly. ‘’And we have to do something and quick because if we don’t, this girl’s dead.’’


Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 7:29 pm
by Buffsteraddict
omg, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated any sooner. i've been busy working on this Buffy season 8 fanfiction site and i'm still working on it. Thanks to everyone for the feeback, thank you guys so much and once again i'm terribly sorry for not posting before.

Chapter 3
Roswell, New Mexico

Liz walked down the hall of West Roswell High, scanning the crowd around her, searching for Max. She hadn’t seem him once and she had to talk to him by the end of the day.

‘’Michael!’’ She said, spotting Michael by his locker. If someone knew where Max was, it was him. ‘’Michael, where’s Max?’’

‘’Why?’’ He asked, eyeing her curiously. ‘’Aren’t you two like in a fight or something? I really don’t think going to him is such a-‘’

‘’Just tell me where he is.’’ Liz said, letting out an impatient sighed.

‘’I’m not sure,’’ He answered. ‘’Last time I saw him was about 15 minutes ago. Anyway’s I think he has a free period right now and I think he told me he was heading for the library.’’

‘’Fine,’’ Liz said, walking past him.

‘’No need to thank me,’’ She heard him mutter, but she continued on toward the library. She could feel butterflies forming in her stomach when she got near. Why had Isabel asked her to do this ?Max wasn’t going to listen her damnit, not when the two had been distancing away from one another for the past couple of weeks.

‘’Max!’’ She exclaimed as she saw him coming out of the doors to the library. He turned around quickly when he heard his name, staring in her direction.

‘’Max, come with. I have to talk to you.’’ She said urgently.

‘’Why?’’ Max asked sourly.

‘’Just come with me.’’ She answered back. She led the way up the stairs and into an empty Biology classroom. She quietly closed the door behind them then turned around to face him.

‘’Let me guess, you’ve found the alien that killed Alex and today that alien is me? Or maybe it’s Isabel? Or how bout Tess!?’’ Max asked, his voice full of venom.

‘’What the hell is wrong with you Max!?’’ Liz exploded angrily. ‘’This isn’t about me, this is about you! Your hurting everyone around you and your not even noticing!’’

‘’What are you talking about?’’ Max asked.

‘’I’m talking about Isabel.’’ Liz answered. ‘’Your threatened her or something and-‘’

‘’She came to you about this?’’ Max asked calmly. Way to calmly.

‘’That’s really not the po-‘’ Liz started but Max seized her arm before she could finish her sentence.

‘’Did she come to you about this!?!’’ He asked forcefully. ‘’DID SHE!?’’

‘’Max, let go-‘’

He shouted angrily. ‘’Answer me!!’’

‘’Yes!’’ Liz answered, pulling away from Max. ‘’God, you really have turned into one big creep!’’

Before Max could do or say anything, there was a flash of light and a figure appeared out of nowhere behind Max. This figure looked nothing human. Long, silvery hair, a gray face contorted with fury.

‘’Oh my, God,’’ Liz let out a small shriek and backed away.

Max quickly whipped around. ‘’Who the hell are you?’’ He asked, extending his hand out, ready to blast this time back to wherever it came from.

But the demon didn’t answer. Instead he hurled a tornado-like blast straight at Max, who flew backward through the air and crashed into the wall and then sank painfully to the ground, definitely unconscious.

Liz held her breath, or at least until she saw him move feebly. He was still alive.

‘’What are you??’’ Liz managed to ask as the gray-faced creature turned toward on her. That was it. She couldn’t get out of it now. She was going to die.

She let out a squeal of terror as the demon waved his hand toward her, a concussive blast emanated from his palm.

Liz threw her hands over her hands and cringed in anticipation. But only seconds before she was blasted, a flurry of white lights began to swirl around her body. And as the lights flared out like dying embers, so did she.

As soon as the demon’s blow had passed she reappeared once more in a shower of white light’s at Max’s side.

‘’Witch,’’ Shax growled angrily. ‘’That’s okay, I’ll be back back for you don’t worry about that.’’

And what that simple statement he disappeared in a flash of light and wind.

‘’Oh my God, Max.’’ Liz said as soon as he was gone. She kneeled down next to him and checked his pulse. He was alive. But the ball of energy or whatever it had been had hit him hard. She had to get Michael or Isabel. They would know what to do. But she didn’t want to leave Max alone. What if this demon came back and finished him off for good? But what the heck did it matter if he did anyway’s? After the way he had just treated her, the way he had yelled at her. She thought of the power she had used. How had she been able to do that?? To simply dissapear and then reappear safely on the other side of the classroom completely unharmed. Then she thought of the of the demon and she shivered and felt goose-bumps on her arms. She remembered his slightly decomposed flesh and those dark, greyish eyes. Worst of all, she knew that she would be seeing those eye’s again.


San Francisco, California

Her life’s in danger, Phoebe thought. Just the way Prue’s had been. And she probably doesn’t even know it.

‘’What do we do?’’ Piper asked, looking around the attic.

‘’I’ll orb over there with Alex.’’ Leo suggested, turning to Alex. ‘’There’s only one small problem though. Aex’s friend’s might not take it so if they see him. You are technically dead you know.’’

‘’If Liz’s life is in danger, I have to go.’’ Alex said. ‘’believe me, they’ve seen weirder thing’s.’’

‘’Leo, you stay here with Piper.’’ Phoebe said. ‘’I had this premonition, I’m going with Alex.’’

‘’No, Phoebe.’’ Piper said. ‘’This is a bad idea. What if Shax show’s up?? We’re not the Charmed ones anymore. We don’t have the power to vanquish him anymore.’’

‘’There’s a spell.’’ Phoebe said. ‘’I looked in the book of shadow’s and you don’t need the power of three. I’ll be fine.’’

‘’I still say this is a bad idea.’’ Piper argued.

‘’Well, it’s the only plan we have and we have to do something and quick before Shax takes another victim.’’ Phoebe argued back. ‘’If you have another plan, just tell me.’’

Piper didn’t say anything.

‘’Great, then it’s settled then.’’ Phoebe said. ‘’Alex, orb us out of here. Orb us to Roswell and we’ll start from there.’’

‘’I’m not really used to this orbing thing yet,’’ Alex answered.

‘’It’s easy.’’ Leo reassure him. ‘’Just close your eyes and concentrate on the place you want to go.’’

‘’Take my hand, Alex.’’ Phoebe said and Alex took her hand in his and concentrated. And in a swirl of white lights the disappeared, leaving Leo and Piper behind.


Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 7:35 pm
by Buffsteraddict
Thanks to everyone for the feeback, it's really appreciated. :)
Now here's Chapter 4. Enjoy.

Steph :) :D

-Chapter 4-
Roswell, New Mexico

Max’s eye’s fluttered open and he took in his surrounding’s. The first thing he saw was that Liz was knelt next to him, starring at him, with a small look of concern on her face.

‘’Liz,’’ He groaned and clutched his head.

‘’Are you okay?’’ She asked.

‘’My head hurts,’’ He croaked. ‘’What happened?? Where did that thing go??’’

‘’He left.’’ Liz answered. ‘’Right after he attacked you.’’ She knew that she was partially lying. She had left out the part where Shax had attacked her and how she had used some powers to save herself. But she wasn’t about to tell him that. Especially after he had practically attacked he right before that demon had attacked.

‘’He didn’t say anything before he left?’’ Max asked, slowly sitting up. ‘’Anything at all?’’

Liz shook her head. ‘’He didn’t. He just left.’’

‘’Liz, I’m so sorry.’’ He said. ‘’Before he attacked, I came on to you strong and I-‘’

‘’You don’t have to explain yourself. ‘’ Liz said, backing away. ‘’We all have issues.’’ She grabbed her bag from one of the empty desks. ‘’Your okay now. So I better get going. Staying here isn’t going to solve anything.’’

And before he could say anything to try to stop her from leaving, she hurried out of the empty classroom. Where was she suppose to go now?? She had no one to turn to. All of her friends had abandoned her. That’s when it hit her. How desperately she wanted Alex to be here right now. But he wasn’t. He was gone.


Phoebe and Alex waited patiently in the back alley of the Crashdown Café. Alex had successfully managed to orb them out here. Now all they needed was a plan.

‘’What do we do now?’’ Alex asked nervously. He had no idea what would happen now. Would he be seeing his friends anytime soon? What would they think? What would they say? And was Liz going to be okay?

‘’Alright, I think I have a plan.’’ Phoebe said finally. ‘’I’m going to go in there and ask for Liz Parker.’’

‘’And then?’’ Alex asked. ‘’What are we supposed to do after that?’’

‘’I’ll think of something.’’ Phoebe answered. ‘’The main thing is to make sure that she’s safe.’’

‘’Your right.’’ Alex sighed. ‘’Well, what am I supposed to do while your in there?’’

‘’Nothing.’’ Phoebe answered. ‘’You have to stay here okay? If you went somewhere and someone recognized you, were in deep crap.’’

‘’Aright, Alright.’’ Alex said. ‘’I’ll stay right here waiting for you.’’

‘’Good.’’ Phoebe nodded. ‘’I’ll be right back.’’

With one last look at him she disappeared out of the alley and out of sight, leaving Alex behind. There was simply no way that Alex would stay behind and wait in this dark alley for Phoebe to come back. Alex had plans of his own.

And with only very little concentration, he quickly orbed away.


Phoebe entered the alien-themed diner. The walls were plastered with alien cartoons. Everything in the diner seemed to be alien-related, even the uniforms that the waitresses were wearing.

‘’Welcome to the Crashdown,’’ One of the waitress’s said. She had long, curly blond hair and was wearing the same alien-themed uniforms as the other waitresses.

‘’I’m Maria,’’ The waitress said. ‘’You can choose a table and I’ll be right there in a couple of minute’s to take your order.’’

‘’Oh,’’ Phoebe said. ‘’Thanks but, I just need some information about something. I’m looking for Liz Parker. I heard that she worked here and I just wanted to know if she was here today.’’

‘’Liz Parker?’’ Maria asked. ‘’Yeah, sure, she does work here only she’s late for her shift today. I really have no idea where she is.’’

‘’Oh okay.’’ Phoebe said. ‘’I guess I’ll just come back later then. Thanks.’’

Phoebe turned around and hurried out of the restaurant and toward the alley. Now they’d have to think of a new plan to get to Liz Parker. And fast before Shax got his hands on her first.

She rounded the corner, expecting to see Alex waiting there for her. But when she rounded the corner, no one was there.


Alex reappeared in a shower of blue lights and quickly took in his surrounding’s, making sure that he was in the right place.

Rows and rows of tombstones surrounded him. He had orbed at the right place. The Roswell cemetery.
And at his feet stood his own tombstone. Alex C Whitman. June 21st, 1984-April 29th, 2001. Below that read; Beloved son and friend.

He felt tears sting his eyes. Tess had destroyed his life, only because she had wanted to decode that stupid alien book so she could return to her home planet. And what good had that done??

He would make her pay for what she had done to him. He would-

Footsteps. Someone was coming in his direction. What was he supposed to do?? He quickly orbed himself safely behind the huge oak trees right next to his own grave. He knew that he should of simply orbed back to the Crashdown, Phoebe would be waiting for him there. But he simply had to see who it was.

He waited several seconds before he could finally see clearly who it was.

Petite form, long brown hair. It was none other than Liz Parker who now stood at the foot of his tombstone.


Liz stopped at the foot of her best friends tombstone. She slowly bent down and placed a bouquet of white roses, her favourite. She hadn’t been here since the day they had buried him. She had been so busy with the whole investigation thing, with everything that had happened in the last couple of weeks. Her fight with Max.

She felt tears pouring down her cheek. How she missed him. How she missed everything about him. The stupid jokes that used to make everyone laugh. His goofy smile.

She knew that he would never have committed suicide. It just wasn’t possibly. Alex never would of done something like that.

She didn’t believe that ithad been a car accident either. She was positive that someone or something had killed him. But unfortunately, no one believed her. Not Max. And Maria didn’t even believe her.

Suddenly Liz felt something behind her. And she knew, that someone was watching her.

‘’I told you I’d be seeing you again, witch.’’ A deep voice said loudly from behind her.

Liz whipped around and let out a scream of terror when she saw who it was.

The demon


Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 1:20 pm
by Buffsteraddict
Author's Notes: Hey Everyone,
Sorry I haven't been able to post a new part anytime soon. My stupid computer crashed and I pretty much lost everything that I had written, so I had to re-write the whole part.
Anyway's, I finally did manage to re-write Chapter 5 of Charmed Again. And so here it is...

A huge thanks to janesdilemma, orphyfets, purpleant and Earth2Mama for the feeback!It's really appreciated.:)

Chapter 5
Roswell, New Mexico

''What do you want from me?!?'' Liz asked, quickly backing away from the demon, almost tripping on a tree root as she did.

The demon laughed. ''You don't know what you are, do you? This will make it even funner.''

''What are you talking about!?'' Liz asked. ''Please, just-don't hurt me.''

''Hurt you? I'm going to do much more than that.'' The demon answered, ''You escaped once, but that's not going to happen again.'' He threw his hand forward, ready to throw an energy blast at her. Liz was trapped. She could run, he would simply catch up to her in a matter of seconds. She was definitely screwed.

Their was a sudden swirl of blue light and a two figures appeared before her eyes. One women with long, dark brown hair who must of been in her late 20's, and a man who looked just about the women's age.

''Great,'' The demon spoke. ''You witch's are everyone.''

''Actually I think it's the other way around,'' The women said, her voice filled with venom, ''You demons are everywhere. Can’t do anything without seeing your face at least once a day, can we?''

Suddenly, their was another swirl of blue light and third figure appeared right next to her. And this time she knew exactly who this person was.

''Alex,'' Liz managed to say. ''Oh my, God.''

''Liz, are you okay??'' He asked, reaching out a hand.

''I don't think so,'' Liz replied. ''I can't believe this. I want to know what the hell is going on.''

''Alex, get her out of here.'' The women with the long, dark hair ordered. ''Hurry.''

''Now, now,'' The demon said. ''Not so fast.'' He threw his hand out and an energy blast shot out of his palm and straight at Liz.

Before any one could react, Liz herself disappeared in a shower of blue lights and quickly re-appeared on Alex's side. She had managed to dodge the attack one more time.

Before the demon had a chance to strike again, Piper threw a vial of potion at the the demon's foot, but he dodged it and disappeared before Piper's potion could have any effect.

''Ugghh,'' Piper groaned and threw her hands up in frustration. ''Great,''

''Piper,'' Leo said, throwing a look at his wife and then at Liz.

''Oh, yeah,'' Piper said, turning to face Liz. ''How exactly did you manage to orb?''

''Orb??'' Liz asked. ''I have no idea what the hell is going on here. I don't know what just happened to me and who that thing was and I have no idea how it's possible that my dead best friend is standing next to me right this second.''

''Yeah, it can be a little disorienting at first.'' Piper said. ''I know this is hard to take in. I don,t even know what’s going on here. I don’t know why Shax is after you. I mean, you apparently didn't know yourself that you had powers.''

''That thing she just did..doesn't that make her a whiltelighter?'' Alex asked. ''Because that would mean that she would of died.'' He turned to Liz. ''Did you by any chance die?''

Liz shook her head and frowned. ''Not that I know of.'' She paused and tears formed in her eyes, ''Alex, how is it that your alive? I know you died. I was at your funeral. I saw them bury you. What happened to you??''

''I did...die.'' Alex said. ''But I was brought back as a whitelighter.''

''A whitelighter?'' Liz asked.

''A whitelighter is someone who helps witch's. Kind of like protector's.'' Leo explained.

''Witch's?'' Liz said.

''I know, it sounds wacky.'' Alex said. ''I thought it sounded wacky. But it's all true.''

''Your telling me i'm a witch?'' Liz asked. ''Because that's impossible.''

''Were not sure of anything right now,'' Piper said. '' I don't even know why Shax is after you. And that's what worries me. And, Alex, where exactly is Phoebe?''

''Oh crap,'' Alex said.

''Alex-'' Piper said. ''Where's Phoebe??''

''I have to go,'' Alex said immediately. ''I sort of left her at the Crashdown and I didn't tell her that I was coming here.''

Piper let out a sigh. ''Go get her and meet us back at the manor, okay?Take Liz with you.''

''Alright,'' Alex said, nodding. ''Liz, come with me. I'll explain everything else when we get to the manor.'' He took her hand in his his and quickly orbed out of the cemetery. He knew that Liz had he own orbing powers but he really didn't want to freak her out any more than she already was.

''Alex!'' Phoebe said as soon a both Alex and Liz had reappeared in the alley next to the Crashdown. ''Where were you!? I've been waiting here for over 20 minutes!''

''I'm so sorry,'' Alex said. ''I went to the cemetery and Liz was there, and so was Shax. And then Piper and Leo appeared, they tried to vanquish him with a potion but he escaped.''

''Did anybody get hurt?'' Phoebe asked, the anger immediately draining from her face.

''Yeah..'' Alex answered. ''Well, Shax threw an energy ball at Liz, or whatever it is that you call it. But see, the funny thing is, she sort of dodged it by orbing out of the way.''

''Your a whitelighter?'' Phoebe asked, frowning at Liz. ''That's a little weird.''

''I'm not,'' Liz said. ''I'm not a whitelighter. Or a witch.''

''We don't really know what's going on right now.'' Alex said. ''Piper said to come and get you and to meet back at the manor.''

''Well, let's go.'' Phoebe said, reaching out her hand for Alex to take. Alex took it and the three of them dissapeared in a shimmer of blue lights.


Pod Chamber

Max angrily kicked the rock in front of him and ran a hand through his short black hair. He was angry at himself, angry at Liz, angry at his sister. He was angry at everybody and he had no why.

''Maxwell, calm down.'' Michael said. ''We'll figure out a way to solve this.''

''Liz's life could be in danger here.'' Max said. ''How am I suppose to protect her if she won't even be near me?''

''Well, what did you do, Max??'' Isabel asked, angrily. ''What did you tell her??''

''We were arguing about you actually.'' Max said, turning to face his sister. ''You went to her about your college problems. You had absolutely no right to do that.''

''Max is right,'' Tess said quietly. ''You had no right to do that. Max already took his decision. You can't go to San Francisco. We need you here in Roswell.''

''Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?'' Isabel practically shouted. ''Who the hell do you think you are?!''

''Isabel-'' Michael said, trying to calm her down. ''Stop, okay? This is getting us nowhere.''

''You have no idea how much I hate your ass right now, Max.'' Isabel said, lowering her voice slightly. ''Your's and that little tramp's ass.'' She shot Tess a look of disgust.

''You have been acting like an ass for the past couple of day's, Maxwell.'' Michael said. ''You've been thinking about yourself only. Not caring about what your sister might be going to through, or Liz, or anyone else as a matter of fact.''

''What are you talking about?'' Max growled. ''I do care. I'm trying to protect you, that's all i'm trying to do. But apparently you don't seem to understand that.''

''Protect us??'' Isabel snickered. ''That's funny. ''That's really funny.''

''You know what? I just want to find Liz right now and make sure she's alright.'' Max said.

''I'm coming with you,'' Tess said, smiling slightly.

''I think it's better if you go home, Tess.'' Max said. ''But i'll call you later, I promise.''

''What are we going to do about this thing that attacked you at school?'' Michael asked. ''Do you think this thing was an alien of some sort? A skin? Or Khivar?''

''I don't know,'' Max answered quietly. ''I really don't. But I know that we'll defentely be seeing it again. Whatever it was.''


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 7:12 pm
by Buffsteraddict
Sorry I kept you waiting for the next part!Thanks to everyone for the great feeback!!


-Chapter Six-
San Francisco, California

Liz slowly took in her surroundings of the huge house that she was in. Manor or Mansion was more like it. What she couldn’t believe was that she had traveled almost half the world from Roswell, New Mexico to San Francisco, California in less than three seconds. And what was even freakier was that, even though she had no idea who these people were, she couldn’t help but somehow feel right at home with them.

‘’Sweetie, you don’t have to just stand there.’’ Phoebe said, pointing to the couch. ‘’Go ahead and have a seat. Even though your probably to freaked and agitated to stay still.’’

‘’It’s like you read my mind.’’ Liz admitted, accepting Phoebe’s offer to sit, she took a seat on the couch opposite Phoebe.

‘’So, tell me about your power’s, Liz.’’ Phoebe said. ‘’Alex told me that you never knew you had them before yesterday?’’

Liz nodded. ‘’Yeah, not before I was actually attacked by that demon. I was actually lucky to get away. If I hadn’t had that power I never would of made it out of there alive.’’

‘’Well, Shax has to be after you for some reason.’’ Phoebe said. ‘’But why? Why does he want you so badly?’’
‘’Because she’s obviously a witch.’’ Piper said, entering the large living room. ‘’And he wants to accomplish something. A ritual maybe, I’m not sure yet.’’

‘’Where’s Alex?’’ Liz asked, slightly worried.

‘’He’ll be back soon.’’ Piper said. ‘’He’s gone with my husband, Leo, to see the Elder’s about you. And also about Shax.’’

‘’Meanwhile, I think we should probably check out the book of Shadows. Maybe find out why Shax would be after Liz.’’ Phoebe said, getting to her feet.

‘’And, uh, how exactly are you planning on vanquishing Shax without the power of three?’’ Piper asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

‘’I don’t know.’’ Phoebe replied. ‘’But there’s got to be something in that damned book that we could use against Shax. I don’t know, something to slow him down or some spell to steal his power’s.’’ She paused. ‘’It’s worth checking the book out.’’

‘’Fine,’’ Piper said. ‘’You and Liz can go upstairs and take a look at the book of Shadow’s.’’

‘’What about you?’’ Phoebe asked, slightly worried. Her sister didn’t seem to be holding up very well. Which worried her because she didn’t know what Piper might try to do. One thing was for sure, she didn’t want to leave Piper alone. Not for now anyway’s.

‘’I’m just going to stay down here, in the kitchen.’’ Piper answered. ‘’I’m going to work on a couple of vanquishing potions. Those always’ seem to come in handy everyday.’’

Piper’s last words were drowned out by a roar of wind. Phoebe spun around to see the door’s of the manor fling open. A mini-tornado whirled into the foyer, knocking the three to the floor.

The gray-skinned demon corporealized before them as Liz let out a scream. He leere down through curled silver lips, his long, dusty hair blowing around his bare shoulder’s.

‘’Damnit,’’ Piper cursed angrily, getting to her feet. ‘’Can’t you just leave us alone!? Everywhere we go, everywhere we are, your always there!’’ She hurled a blast at Shax, with barely any effect.

That’s when both Leo and Alex orbed in.

‘’Leo!’’ Piper said.

Leo quickly talked Shax from behind, jumping on him and wrapping his arm’s around the demon’s large neck.

‘’Get upstairs’.’’ He managed to shout. ‘’You, Phoebe and Liz, get to The Book of Shadows.’’

‘’What good is that going to do!?’’ Piper shrieked.

‘’Just do it!’’ Alex said, urging to the three to go upstairs. ‘’Hurry up. I’ll help Leo out down here.’’

‘’Alex, no!’’ Liz shrieked. ‘’This thing’s going to kill you!’’

‘’Liz, just get upstairs to the book!’’ Alex said. ‘’I’ll fine, just run!’’

Phoebe quickly grabbed Liz’s hand and Piper’s and hurried towards the stair’s. The three ran upstairs and burst into the attic. Piper and Phoebe rushed to the book as Liz shut the door and locked it.

‘’What are we doing!?’’ Liz asked, ‘’How is that book supposed to help us!?’’

‘’Please just trust us, okay?’’ Phoebe said. ‘’We’ll explain everything later.’’

‘’If there is a later.’’ Piper added, frantically flipping the pages of the book. ‘’God, I don’t even know what I’m looking for.’’ Piper said.

There was a sudden swirl of blue lights and both Leo and Alex appeared by Liz’s side.

‘’Alex, are you okay!?’’ Liz asked, grabbing him by the arm. ‘’Alex, your bleeding.’’

‘’It’s okay, it’s nothing, just a scratch.’’ Alex said, trying hard to reassure her that everything was going to be okay.

‘’Leo, what do we do!?’’ Piper asked. ‘’There’s nothing in this book that will help us. We need Prue.’’

‘’Liz can do it.’’ Leo said. ‘’You, Phoebe and Liz, the three of you say that spell to vanquish Shax.’’

‘’Are you out of your mind!?’’ Piper said. ‘’It’s not going to work, Leo. She’s not a Charmed one and you know that. How could the spell work!?’’

‘’Look, just try it okay?’’ Leo said, ‘’We don’t have a lot of time, Shax will be in here any second now. Just say the spell with Liz. I’ll explain everything after, just say the spell.’’

Before Piper or anybody else had the chance to reply, the assassin tornadoed into the attic, then poofed itself into it’s corpeal self-menacing form.

Piper wasted no time. She flipped the page to the spell that would vanquish Shax for good and grabbed Liz’s hand and Phoebe’s.

‘’Read the spell with us, Liz.’’ She said.

‘’Spell!?’’ Liz asked, taken aback.

’Evil wind that blows,’’ Piper and Phoebe began. And then Liz joined in.

‘’Evil Wind that blows,
That which forms below,
No longer may you dwell,
Death takes you with this spell.’’

As the three spoke the incantation, Shax reeled back, readying once more to destroy the three of them. But as the three uttered the last words of the spell, Shax suddenly screamed in agony and then exploded into a fiery blast and then finally disappeared.

‘’Oh my God,’’ Piper said, turning to face Liz. ‘’How-‘’

‘’She’s a Charmed one, Piper.’’ Leo explained. ‘’I just talked to the Elder’s.’’

‘’No,’’ Piper said, shaking her head. ‘’There’s no possible way that she’s our sister, Leo. The Elder’s are wrong. Whatever they told you, it can’t be true.’’

‘’But Piper, you just saw it with your own eye’s.’’ Phoebe said quietly. ‘’We vanquished Shax. And you said yourself, the only way that he can be vanquished is by using the power of three.’’

‘’Your wrong,’’ Liz said suddenly. ‘’This has got to be one huge mistake. This-Everything-it’s just crazy.’’

And with that she quickly orbed off in a swirl of blue lights.

‘’Okay, we have to go after her.’’ Phoebe said, looking at Alex. ‘’Come on.’’

‘’I’ll go after her.’’ Alex said, quickly orbing out of the attic just as Liz had done.

‘’Great,’’ Phoebe said. ‘’Now what?’’

‘’There’s only one way to find out what the hell is going on around here,’’ Piper said, flipping the pages of The Book of Shadows until she found the spell that she was looking for.

‘’And what would that be?’’ Leo asked curiously.

‘’Hear these words,
hear my cry,
Spirit from the other side,
Come to me, I summon thee,
Cross now the Great Divide.’’

Instantly, a small tornado of mist appeared in the center of the Attic. And the white lights of a shimmering body appeared before her. And then there was their mom.

‘’Mom.’’ Phoebe said.

‘’Phoebe? Piper?’’ Patty asked, wearing a gorgeous long white dress with a white fringed shawl. ‘’Why did you summon me here? You know your not suppose to.’’

‘’We’ve been hearing interesting thing’s mom,’’ Piper said, stepping forward toward her mother.

‘’What kind of thing’s Piper?’’ Patty asked. ‘’What’s going on?’’

‘’The Power of three.’’ Piper said. ‘’Prue’s dead but we somehow managed to vanquish Shax.’’

‘’Oh,’’ Patty said.

‘’Liz Parker.’’ Leo said. ‘’The Elder’s told me she was the sister’s half-sister.’’

‘’Liz Parker?’’ Patty said. ‘’No-that’s impossible.’’

‘’But you know her?’’ Phoebe asked. ‘’What does she have to do with us, mom? Is she really our half-sister?’’

‘’You were both toddler’s.’’ Patty said, a sad smile on her face. ‘’You just though mommy had gotten a little fat. You never knew I was pregnant.’’

‘’Oh my God,’’ Piper said, ‘’No-I can’t believe your telling us all this now. For crying out loud, we just lost our sister and now your telling us that all this time we had another one out there!?’’

‘’I was the only one who knew,’’ A voice said as another small tornado of mist appeared next to Patty.

‘’Grams,’’ Phoebe said.

‘’And her father knew, obviously.’’ Patty said.

‘’Why didn’t you ever say anything!?’’ Piper asked, her anger slowly starting to rise.

‘’We didn’t tell anybody because we were afraid you girl’s would have been denied your power’s, your birthright.’’ Patty said. ‘’We wanted to keep the baby, of course, but Mother-‘’

‘’I knew it would be disastrous.’’ Grams filled in, putting a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. ‘’Before you and Leo, Piper, it wasn’t just forbidden. It was unthinkable for witches to be with Whitelighters. Let alone have children together.’’

‘’That’s why we had to-‘’ Patty choked on a sob before she continued-‘’Why I decided to give the baby up.’’

Despite her anger, Piper felt her heart wrench for her mother.

‘’Hold it,’’ Phoebe said, walking over to The Book of Shadows. ‘’Let me get this straight. That girl, our innocent, is actually…our sister?’’

‘’Your baby sister.’’ Patty said.

‘’Your baby half-sister,’’ Grams corrected.

‘’But from my half,’’ Patty countered. ‘’Which makes her a sister witch. Well, actually not yet, not until all three of you are together by the book here, just as on the night you two and Prue became witches.

‘’Charmed…Again..’’ Grams said simply.

Piper was trying catch her breath. Phoebe looking just as blindsided.

‘’And I thought my family was screwed up.’’ A voice said.

Everyone turned towards the attic door to see Cole standing there, both arms crossed over his chest.

‘’Cole!’’ Phoebe said, hurrying over to him and embracing him in her arms. ‘’Thank God, you’re here. Are you okay? Where have you been!?’’

‘’I’m fine,’’ Cole said. ‘’I told you I’d be okay. I’ve just been dodging a couple of bounty hunters who are after me.’’

‘’Thank God, your alright.’’ Phoebe said.

‘’Yeah, I’m alright.’’ Cole said. ‘’But apparently I have a lot of catching up to do.’’ He looked at Patty and Grams.

‘’I’m sorry,’’ Piper said. ‘’But this is just to much for me to handle right now, way to much.’’

‘’Nobody can blame you for being angry, sweetie.’’ Patty said.

‘’I’m not angry mom’’ Piper said. ‘’I’m confused. I mean, this is crazy. You don’t just waltz into our lives after all these year’s and say, ‘Oh , by the way, I forgot to tell you, you’ve got a sister.’’’

‘’I know it’s a lot.’’ Patty said, sounding choked herself. ‘’a lot more than anybody should have to deal with. But your going to have to deal with it, the best way you know how. Losing Prue, learning about another sister...this is your path, your destiny. Be angry, cry over it, but don’t fight it.’’

Piper looked wildly at her mother and her grandmother as she listened to these impossible tasks.

‘’Piper, don’t let it consume you.’’ Patty whispered before both she and Grams disappeared out of the attic in a shower of white lights.

Phoebe took a step towards Piper and said quietly, ‘’The rest is up to us, Piper.’’


Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:44 pm
by Buffsteraddict
I'm sorry I haven't posted a new part before this. But I'm not even home right now, i'm at my Aunt's house in Barnsville, Georgia. I've been here for the past week and we just got the internet to start working. Anyway's, Ive been working on a new part and I got to say it's definitely not my best part and not my favourite but I had to post something. As soon as i'm done posting this chapter i'll go back to working on a new one and I promise that the next Chapter will be better.:)

Also a huge thank you to everyone who's left feedback!It's really appreciated:)

Charmed Again- Chapter 7
San Francisco, California

Piper angrily stormed out of the attic, Both her husband and her remaining sister hot on her heals.

''Piper, come on.'' Phoebe said with sighed. ''Look, I know that this is a big deal. For all of us. Don't you think i'm a little freaked out myself?I mean, to be told that you have a sister when your my age?It's a little disorianting, let me tell you. I know that she should of said something to us before, but can you try putting yourself in her shoes for just one second, Piper?''

''No.'' Piper answered, marching down the long wooden staircase.

''Well, just try.'' Phoebe said. ''Piper, you can't just ignore all of this, because it's not going to go away. We need the Power of three to vanquish The Source.'' Phoebe said, following Piper down in the kitchen. ''We've destroyed Shax, but that was-''

''Look, Phoebe.''Piper said angrily, wipping around to face her sister squarely. ''This is alot to take in. And there's so much that I need to deal with right now. I just need some time to think everything out.''

''I know.'' Phoebe said sadly.''I'm sorry.''

''Piper.'' Leo said quietely, putting his comforting arm around her shoulder. ''We'll deal with everything. I know that everthing that your mother just told you is a pretty big deal. I know I would be freaking out if it was me.'' He paused and pulled her closer to him. ''But, think about it, Liz is all alone right now. She just found out that she's got these power's. And that's she's a witch. She got completely freaked out when Shax attacked her for the 3rd time. And then we freaked her out even more when we told her to join hands with you two and say a spell to vanquish Shax. Then I had to open my mouth and tell her that you were her sister. How do you think she's taking it?''

Piper sighed. ''Pretty crappy I guess. But she has Alex by her side at least.''

''Yeah, it's true.'' Phoebe said quietely. ''She'll be okay for now. She's got Alex with her.''

''Think I should go talk to her?'' Piper suggested, suddenly feeling guilty. She had been so wrapped up in her own life that she hadn't thought one second about how Liz was feeling.

''I guess that wouldn't be such a bad idea.'' Leo said.

''Yeah, I guess you and I should go talk to her.'' Phoebe said, looking at Piper.

''Yeah,'' Piper said, ''But not tonight. It's too late now and anyhow, Alex went after her. So I think I she'll be alright for tonight. It's not like Shax is after her anymore.''

''Shax may be dead, but the Source...''Phoebe said. ''What if he sends another assasin after us?After her?''

''For God's sakes, Phoeb's.'' Piper said, looking inside the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. ''We only just killed Shax. It'll take more than a few hours for the Source to get another assasin after us, don't you think?''

''I hope your right.'' Phoebe answered.


Roswell, New Mexico

Max Evans came to a full stop in front of the Valenti's house and quickly excited the vehicle. Tess rolled her eye's and excited the passenger door.

''Max, I thought you were just coming to drop me off?'' Tess asked as she quickly followed him up the small stone steps that led toward the Valenti's front door.

''I'm here to drop you off, but I also need to talk to Kyle.'' Max answered.

''Talk to Kyle.?'' Tess asked, confused. ''About what exactly?''

''Something important.'' Max answered.

''Ok-ay.'' Tess muttered to herself. ''And there I thought you were coming to tuck me into bed.''

''Is the Sheriff here?'' Max asked Tess when he got to the front of the door.

''No, Jim's not home.'' Tess answered. ''I'm not sure where he went, I just know that he's not here.''

''Good,'' Max said as the front door of the house suddenly swung open and Kyle stood there, looking at Max and then down at Tess.

''What are you guy's standing there for?'' Kyle asked.

''Kyle.'' Max said coldly, turning to face him. ''Is it okay if we talk?''

''Uh...'' Kyle said, looking at Tess for some reasurance. Tess simply shrugged at him and gave him a puzzled smile. Apparently she herself didn't know what was going on. ''I don't know...I mean, sure, I guess.''

''Good.'' Max said, just as coldly as before. He stepped inside the house before Kyle could object.

''Alright, then.'' Tess said. ''I'm going to go to my room and i'll let you two talk..about whatever it is that you have to talk about.'' She quickly hurried out of the living room, leaving a pissed off Max and and desperate Kyle behind.

''So, what's up?'' Kyle asked. ''And it'd be appreciated if you could hurry up and get what it is that you want to tell me out of your system, because I was sort of watching a basketball game on tv. And it's a pretty important game. One of the most important game of the season. And I wouldn't like to miss it.''

''Alright then,'' Max said, ''Then I guess I'll just get straight to the point.''

''Yeah, that would be great.'' Kyle answered.

''Alright then.'' Max said. ''I want the truth. About what happened between you and Liz back in September. And I mean the real the truth. Not that 'I slept with her, you saw it yourself crap'.''

''Max, you saw-''

''I told you not to give me that bullshit, Kyle.'' Max said, anger building inside of him. ''I might of seen you in bed with her. But I know that you didn't actually have sex with her. Liz would never betray me like that. Never. I know her. And I know she loved me just as much as I loved her. And I know that she's been hiding something from me. Probably something important.''

''Max-'' Kyle started, but once again Max interupted him.

''I need you to tell me the real truth, Kyle.'' Max said, looking at him squarely. ''I need the truth and I need it right now.''

''Liz is going to kill me.'' Kyle said angrily. ''I can-''

''I don't give a shit if she tortures you to death or even sets you on fire.'' Max growled angrily.

Kyle let out a sighed before answering him. ''We didn't sleep together. It was a setup. She set it up so you would see it.''

''Why did she do it?'' Max asked. ''Why would she do that to me?''

''I don't know.'' Kyle answered. ''I swear Max, I don't know. She said she didn't want to talk about it.''

''Liz isn't going to tell me the truth.'' Max said, mostly to himself than to Kyle. ''She'll deny it. I'll have to try something else.''


About half an hour later...

''Max?'' Maria asked, clearly confused as she opened her front door. ''Well, that's a suprise...what exactly are you doing here??''

''I'm here to talk to you about something.'' Max stated. ''Something important.''

''What do you want to talk about?'' Maria asked, stepping on the front porche and closing the door behind her so that her mother wouldn't overhear they're conversation.

''I'm here to talk to you about Liz.'' Max said. ''About what happened between her and Kyle.''

For a fraction of a second, a look of pure panic crossed Maria's face, but only seconds later her face was back to normal. ''Oh, well, yeah, that's a tragic shame isn't?But it's been almost a year...shouldn't you have gotten over it or something?Aren't you going out with Tess now??I mean I saw you two a couple of day's ago holding each other's hands in the hall. I thought I was going to puke.''

''I'm not interested in Tess.'' Max said for what seemed to have been the a hundreth time. ''And no I haven't gotten over what happened between Liz and Kyle. And i'm hoping you can help me out here.''

''What, do you want to sleep with me?'' Maria asked jokingly. ''But I mean, seriously, what's there to talk about?'' Maria asked. ''I don't know anything, Max. I just know what happened between the two of them, that's all.''

''Kyle told me the truth.'' Max said. ''I know it was a setup. Liz set it up. And I want to know why she set it up so that I would catch the two of them in bed together.''

''Uh...'' Maria choked out.

''Maria, I just want to know the truth.'' Max asked sadly. ''Please?''

''Max, I can't.'' Maria said. ''It's not up to me to tell you. It's up to Liz. She'll tell you when she's ready or something.''

''Maria, she won't tell me anything and you know it.'' Max sighed.

''Look, I really can't tell you anything, okay?It's not up to me to tell you, Max.'' Maria said. ''I would if I could, but I promised Liz.''

''So what?'' Max asked. ''What am I supposed to do?Am I supposed to go up to her and just wait for her to tell me??How long am I suppose to wait until she actually tells me?A year?Two year's?''

''Something like that.'' Maria answered hurriedly when she heard her mother calling her from inside the house. She opened the door and poked her head inside, ''Mom, it's okay, i'll be in in a couple of seconds.'' She closed the door and turned back to facing Max. ''Go see her. Go talk to her. Fix thing's, Max. I'm tired of seeing you heartbroken all the time. It's breaking my heart to see you like this.''

''Okay, I guess you right.'' Max asked, running a nervous hand through his dark black hair.''I'll go see her and talk to her. And hopefully make thing's better.''

''Yup,'' Maria said, smiling. ''That's my boy.''

Maria was right. He'd have to go to her. He didn't give a crap that it was close to midnight. He had to speak with her now. He needed answers.


Liz quietely orbed into her bedroom and immediately threw herself on her bed. She could not beleive everything that had happened to her. All in one day. Alex, Piper and Phoebe, the demon who had tried to kill her, Shax. Her new found power's. She felt confused and exhausted. All she wanted right now was to fall asleep.

But of course that was apparently not going to happen. The second she threw herself on her bed, she saw a figure appear by her bed in a shower of blue lights. Alex. It had to be him.

She looked up, and sure enough, Alex was standing there, looking down at her.

''Liz,'' He said simply, sitting down on the bed next to her and placing a sympathetic hand over her hand. ''You okay?''

Liz looked up at him and shrugged. ''Gee, I don't know Alex. I just learned that i'm a witch with orbing power's. My best dead friend is,well, back from the dead and apparently have three sister's nobody ever told me about, and one of them is dead, killed by the same demon that has wanted me dead since this morning.'' She paused and then added, ''And I have no idea how it's possible that I have three older sister's, because I am telling you I have not been adopted. It's just not possible.'' She paused once more and looked at Alex. ''How are you doing?''

''Feeling like crap.'' Alex replied. ''I was dead, now i'm alive, brought back as a whitelighter to protect innocent witches'...and boy witches'...I'm not sure how you call those. Also, nobody except my best friends know that i'm alive and I can't even see or talk to the girl that I love because she'd probably have a heart attack if she saw me and plainly, I just can't make her see me.''

''Isabel...'' Liz said quietely. '' have to go see her. You have to. She loves you, Alex. I know she does. It's been so hard on her since you've been...gone. And Maria,'' Liz said, shaking her head and thinking of her other best friend and how devastated she had been when Alex had died. ''You need to go see her and explain. We've missed you so much, Alex. You can't even imagi-''

Liz froze all of a sudden and concentrated hard on listening. She could hear someone climbing her latter that led up to her balcony. And her biggest bet was that that person was no other than Max Evans himself.

''What's wrong?'' Alex asked suddenly aware that something was very wrong.

''Alex, you have to go. Now.'' Liz whispered urgently. ''Max is coming up that latter!''

''Oh, God,'' Alex said, and without saying anything else he quickly dissapeared in a shower of blue lights.

Only seconds after Alex had left, Max's face appeared at her window. He was obviously here to talk about what had happened this morning. What else would he be here for?

Liz slowly got up from her bed and dragged herself to the window. She slowly pulled it open to find herself facing Max.

''Liz,'' He practically whispered her name, which practically sent chills down Liz's spine.

''Max,'' Liz said. ''What are you doing here?'' She quickly turned to look on her bedside table at the clock, which read 11:44.

''I need to talk to you.'' Max answered quietely. ''I need some answers.''

''Max, it's 11:45 at night.'' Liz said. ''Are you sure this can't wait in the morning?I am really tired right now, you have no idea.''

''Kyle told me the truth, Liz.'' Max said, going straight to the point. ''He told me you two never slept together.''

Liz didn't answer him right away. She was in shock. Kyle had sworn not to tell anybody. How could he have done this to her!?

''Liz,'' Max repeated gently. ''Can you just explain to me why you would do something like that?Why did you set it up so that I would catch you two in bed together?Do you have anhy idea what you've put me through?I loved you,Liz. I loved you so much. I would of done anything in the world just to be able to hold you in my arms again. But then you set it up with Kyle. I just want answers Liz. That's all I want from you.''

''Max, I can't tell you why I did it.'' Liz answered. ''I'm sorry that I did what I did. But I had no choice. You were stubborn Max. I wouldn't have had to do what I did if you would of just fallen out of love with me when I gave you that speech.''

''That speech wasn't real either, was it?'' Max choked angrily. ''You made up that speech. Everything you told me was all bullshit.''

Liz nodded. ''I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry.''


End of Chapter 7,
Sorry guy's that I had to leave the Max/Liz conversation there. But don't worry i'm off to write the next part right now:)


Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:35 pm
by Buffsteraddict
Damn it.
I am so sorry, I haven't posted in so long!I've been away on vacation for a month and I haven't been able to post. But don't worry I'm not abandoning this fic. I definitly want to finish this one.

And so here I present to you Chapter 8. No worried asbout the next part i've already started working on it so i'll be posting it either this week or the next.

And also, a big thanks to everything for the great feeback:)

:) :D


Charmed Again

Chapter 8
Roswell, New Mexico

Liz angrily shut the window to her bedroom and threw herself on her bed and closing her eye’s.

She had lied to Max. Again. Why hadn’t she simply told him the truth about Future Max? Why had she lied to him? It’s not like Max didn’t know that she hadn’t actually slept with Kyle. Thanks to Kyle who had apparently spilled everything to Max.

‘’You okay?’’

Liz’s eye’s snapped open to find Alex looking down at her with a worried expression on his face.

‘’Alex, ‘’ Liz said. ‘’How did- oh, right. The orbing thing you do.’’

‘’Yeah. ’’ Alex answered. ‘’And apparently you can do it too.’’

‘’Yeah.’’ Liz said, making a face.

‘’So, who was that?’’ Alex asked shooting a look towards Liz’s bedroom window. ‘’Max?’’

Liz nodded. ‘’Yeah. That was Max.’’

‘’You seem…sad,’’ Alex said, starring at Liz. ‘’And you also look disappointed for some reason.’’ He paused. ‘’What did he say to you? What did he do?’’

‘’Oh, no.’’ Liz quickly objected. ‘’He didn’t do anything to me. It’s actually the other way around.’’

‘’Ahh, yes.’’ Alex said. ‘’This wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with Future Max, would it? You know I got to say I’m kind of disappointed that you didn’t come to me and tell about that. You know, when I was still alive. I mean, you told Maria but not me?’’ He place a hand on his chest, making a pained face.

‘’How do you-‘’ Liz started. ‘’Is this some power that you have? Can you read people’s mind’s or read they’re past or-‘’

‘’Nah.’’ Alex grinned. ‘’Maria told me. A couple of week’s before I died.’’

‘’I can’t believe her.’’ Liz said making a face. ‘’You can’t tell the girl anything. She can’t keep anything to herself.’’

‘’ Well,’’ Alex said, sitting down on the edge of Liz bed. ‘’She was really worried about, you know?’’

‘’So she just went to you and told you everything?’’ Liz asked.

‘’Actually, we were talking about some stuff. Don’t remember what exactly. And then we started talking about you and Max and then she just told me.’’

Liz was quiet for a few seconds, starring at the ground.

‘’What are you thinking about?’’ Alex asked.

‘’I was just thinking about Future Max actually.’’ Liz answered, bringing herself to meet his eye’s. ‘’If I hadn’t listened to him, If I wouldn’t of went along with his plan of making Max fall out of love with me- You would still be alive. And Max and I would still be together.’’ She paused. ‘’None of this crap would of happened.’’

Alex placed a reassuring hand on Liz’s shoulder. ‘’We would of all died in this End of the World thing anyway’s. You stopped the End of the World from happening and that’s a good thing. So please Liz, don’t blame yourself for my death, okay?’’

‘’So then, who do I blame for your death, Alex.’’ Liz asked. ‘’I know you weren’t actually killed in a car accident. And I definitely know that you didn’t commit suicide.’’

‘’Suicide?’’ Alex mumbled more to himself than to Liz. ‘’Now who came up with such a theory? Now see I thought I was worth more that that.’’

‘’I’ve been trying to figure out what really happened to you since you died.’’ Liz said. ‘’But I never put it together.’’

‘’See, here’s the thing Liz.’’ Alex said sadly. ‘’I’m not even sure myself how I died.’’

‘’What do you mean you don’t know how you died?’’ Liz asked confused.

Alex let out a frustrated sighed as he stood up form the bed. ‘’It’s like, my mind’s been…tempered with. I can’t remember anything. I can’t remember what happened to me right before I died…but I do know that I was killed in a room. I was murdered.’’

‘’You don’t remember anything at all?’’ Liz asked.

‘’Just that I was in a room when I died.’’ Alex answered. ‘’It’s like my brain’s been fried or something -my memory is just screwed up.’’ He paused. ‘’There’s also other thing’s that I can’t remember. Like for example, Sweden. Remember when I left for Sweden?’’

Liz nodded. ‘’Of course I remember.’’

‘’Well, I can’t.’’ Alex answered. ‘’I know that that I went there-I just don’t remember anything that happened there.’’

Liz didn’t answer right away. She had an idea of who could of done that to Alex. Who else other than Tess knew how to Mindwarp people? Make people see thing’s that aren’t really there? Who else knew how to erase something from someone’s mind?

‘’Tess.’’ Liz said, starring Alex straight in the eye’s. ‘’Alex, think about it. She can mindwarp people. She probably mindwarped you or something. Maybe she mindwarped you too much and your brain couldn’t take it. And then she mindwarped all of us into believing that you had died in a car crash.’’

‘’No way.’’ Alex said. ‘’I mean, why would she do something like that? She had everything she could ever want. For God’s sake she was even close to getting Max himself.’’

‘’Well maybe it wasn’t enough.’’ Liz answered softly. ‘’She needed something else…but what?? Why would she mindwarp you?’’

‘’Do you really think she would do it?’’ Alex asked.

‘’I’m not sure of anything right now.’’ Liz answered truthfully. ‘’But I’m almost sure that she
mindwarped you and killed. I just have to figure out why. And I also need proof.’’ She paused, pacing around her small room. ‘’We can’t go to Max about this information- I don’t think he’ll believe me.’’

‘’What if I came with you?’’ Alex asked. ‘’He’d have to believe us then, right?’’

Liz nodded. ‘’I guess he would…but I mean, are you sure you want to do this? Because if you go to Max and he finds out-what you are, You’ll also have to tell Isabel, Michael, Maria, Kyle and Valenti.’’

Alex shrugged. ‘’Hey, if it’s going to stop Tess from doing whatever it is that she’s up too. If it’s going to stop her from killing somebody else- then I’m up for it.’’

Liz smiled and wrapped her arms around Alex, pulling him into a hug. ‘’I’m glad your alive Alex. You can’t imagine how happy I am to have you back.’’

‘’Hey, I’m still technically dead, you know.’’ Alex said, hugging Liz back. ‘’Everything is going to be okay, Liz. We’ll take care of everything. Tess, Phoebe and Piper, your new orbing power’s and also the whole you having sister’s thing. W won’t go to Max or anybody else tonight. We can just sleep for tonight and tomorrow we’ll fix everything. Everything’s going to be okay.’’

‘’Of course they will be.’’ Liz said, a smiled forming on her lips. ‘’Because you’re here now.’’


Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:07 pm
by Buffsteraddict

I'm back with a new part. A huge thank you to Roswellgurlygirl16, Rachel17, Spacegal17, stargrl678, behrstars, Erina258, Luvya and orphyfets for the wonderful feeback. Thank you guy's and enjoy the next Chapter!



Charmed Again
Chapter 9
San Francisco, California

Phoebe descended the staircase, cup of coffee in hand. She had barely been able to sleep that past night so she had woken up early that morning and had done a little research in the Book of Shadows. She had tried to find something about The Source, but nothing she hadn't read about before had showed up.

After walking down the stair's, she quietely made her way to the kitchen for a Coffee re-fill. As she walked inside the Kitchen, she immediately spotted Alex by the coffee machine.

''Hey, Alex.'' Phoebe said, smiling widely. ''When did you get up?? And when did you get home last night?''

''Oh, actually, I didn't come home last night.'' Alex said, ''Well, I went to find Liz yesterday. I wanted to make sure she was okay. And then we talked and then she fell asleep and I left to see the Elder's. I had to talk to them about something. I had a couple of questions I had to ask them.'' He paused. ''I just came back.''

''Oh,'' Phoebe said. ''How is Liz by the way? I mean, what with all that stuff that stuff yesterday, it was pretty...big. For all of us. And I understand how she's feeling, really I do because Piper and I are going through the same thing that she is. Except for the finding out that we have power's thing.''

Alex sighed. ''Yeah, well, Liz is going to be okay. She was pretty shaken' up yesterday. I mean, this is huge. Finding out that she's a witch with power's and that all along she had two half-sister's. Like you said, it's pretty big.''

''I know it is.'' Phoebe said, ''And I promise that Piper and I will help her deal with these new power's and the whole witch thing.''

''She'll defenitily be needing your help.'' Alex said.

''And we'll be needing her help if we want to get rid of The Source once and for all.'' Phoebe said.

And then suddenly, out of nowhere, Cole shimmered into the room. He was breathing heavily and his usually impeccable was all tousled.

''Cole!'' Phoebe said, starting toward him. But he threw up his hand, stopping her from going near him.

''Wait,'' He said.

Phoebe stood, rooted to the spot. For some reason she wasn't suprised when a bald bounty hunter in a long coat shimmered into view right next to Alex. Alex quickly ducked out of the way as the bounty hunter prepared to wing a lightning bolt toward Cole, but Cole was too quick for him. Just before the electricity left the bounter hunter's palm, Cole hit him with an energy ball, vaporizing the demon immediately.

The lightning, unfortunetely, launch itself anyway's, missing Cole by a mile but shattering one of Piper's favourite lamp.

crap, that is not going to improve Piper's mood, Phoebe thought.

''Darn Bounty hunter's,'' Cole said angrily, just as both Piper and Leo rushed into the room.

''Oh, no,'' Piper said, looking from Cole to Phoebe and then to the shattered lamp that lay on the floor. ''For God's sake, can we go without violence in this house for one day? What the hell happened in here??'' She shot Cole a dirty look.

''Bounty Hunter's.'' Cole explained. ''They're after me. That's why I haven't been around much these day's. I've been hiding and dodging these Bounty Hunter's for the past couple of day's now.'' He paused slightly, catching his breath. ''And, also, we have a problem. A big one.''

''What is it now?'' Piper asked bitterly, walking over to the broken lamp.

''The Source.'' Cole answered. ''I think he's surfaced.''

''Wait, what!?'' Phoebe shrieked. ''You mean he's here, now? Where...?''

''I don't know,'' Cole said. 'He could be anywhere. Or anyone.''

''He must of come for Liz,'' Leo said grimly. ''But she doesn't stand a chance against him. She barely know's how to use her power yet.''

Phoebe felt her knee's go weak. She leaned against the counter and closed her eye's before re-opening them and turning to face Leo. ''Leo, we don't stand a chance against The Source,'' She paused. ''At least, not without...Prue.''

''But you might with Liz.'' Leo assured her. ''With the new Power of Three.''

''Alex, do you know where she is?'' Piper asked, walking to his side.

''Yeah, she's still at her house. Or she might be in school, I'm not sure.'' Alex said.

''Well, we have to get to her.'' Piper said. ''Now.''

Phoebe stared, taken aback by Piper's sudden rush to get to Liz. ''Piper-'' She started but Piper stopped her.

''Look, Phoebe,'' Piper said, ''I'm not crazy about this, okay? But we can't just do nothing. Not now.'' She paused. ''Mom wouldn't want us to.''

She crossed over to where Phoebe was standing and took her hand in her's.

''Neither would Prue.''


Roswell, New Mexico

Liz stood at her locker, searching for the book's that she would be needing for English.

She still felt guilty about pushing Max back the night before. He had opened his heart to her and she had rejected him. Max had pressed for an eplantion from her but she'd clammed up completely. Liz didn't know why exactly. Why hadn't she been able to tell him the truth about Future Max?

And then there was Alex. He had come to her also the night before and they had talked. He hadn't been able to remember how he had died. He had told her about how he could barely remember some thing's, how his brain seemed completely fried. And then they had discused potential killer's and they had come to the conlusion that the killer could of been Tess, since she obviously had the power to mindwarp. She could of Mindwarped him into doing something and maybe she had mindwarped him too much and his brain couldn't take it anymore.

But she had no solid proof. Maybe she just wanted to beleive that Tess had killed Alex.


The voice snapped her out of her thought's. She turned around and found herself facing Isabel.

''Oh, Isabel, Hi,'' Liz said. ''What's up?''

''Nothing exciting really,'' Isabel said. ''I just...I just wanted to make sure that you were alright. I know it's been a rough couple of day's for you. Make that a couple of month's.''

''Yeah, it has.'' Liz said. ''And yeah, it's been a rough couple of day's.''

''Look about that thing that attacked you the other day when you were talking to Max-'' Isabel started.

''Oh, It's been take care of, actually. We won't be seeing him again anytime soon.''

''Really?'' Isabel asked, suprised. ''How are you so sure?''

''I just am.'' Liz said, smiling.

''Okay,'' Isabel said. ''But, just to be sure, maybe you shouldn't go anywhere alone. Just for a little while anyway's until were hundred percent sure that he really is gone.''

''Uh, sure, I guess that's a good idea.'' Liz said. She couldn't tell her the real truth. She couldn't tell her that she had killed the demon the night before along with two half-sister's who were Witches.

''Good,'' Isabel said. ''We just want to make sure your safe, you know? We care about you. Max care's about you. Alot.''

''Right,'' Liz said, shutting her locker. ''Max,''

''He came home last night and it was pretty late.'' Isabel said. ''It was about 2 a.m and he was pretty screwed up. He was in so much pain. Mentally.'' She paused. ''He wouldn't tell me what had happened. Not that I cared about what he was feeling considering how he's been treating me lately.'' She added quickly. ''But, I guess what i'm trying to say is that, he's only happy when he's with you, Liz. And when he's not with you, he's a very screwed up person. He's mean and rude and he thinks he's the big leader. He thinks he can control everybody.''

''But what can I do?'' Liz said. ''I told him yesterday night when he came to me. I turned him down and rejected him.''

''Then, go.'' Isabel said. ''Go to him. Now. Go to him and tell him you love him. Tell him how your feeling and please do it now before he had a heart attack.''

''Where is he?'' Liz said, scanning the thick crowd in the hallway's.

''He had History first period.'' Isabel said. ''I don't even know if he actually did come to school today. But if he did, you should check his locker, or his History class.''

Liz shot Isabel a greatful smile. ''Thank you, Isabel.''

''Don't thank me just yet.'' She said. ''Now go.''

Liz nodded and hurried down the hall toward Max's locker, hoping to find him there. If she didn't find him there then she would do whatever it took to find him. And when she did, she would apologise for everything and she would tell him everything.

The suffering had to end.
