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Back Around Again (M/L) TEEN/ADULT *Part Five* 20/5 [WIP]

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 8:14 am
by con angel

Title: Back Around Again
Author: Conangel
Category: Max/Liz, Kyle/Liz, Max/Tess (POSSIBLE M/M, A/I)
Rating: YTEEN for now, ADULT IF I FIND A WAY TO GET OVER MY PROBLEM WITH SAYING *cough cough* SEX *cough cough*
Disclaimer: I don't own Roswell. If I did, I'd still be slapping myself over letting the show end.

Okay guys go easy on me, this is the first fic I've posted so don't hurt me. Those who know me know I'm a dreamer, so the bad stuff will go away.

Summary: This is completely AU, so no aliens, sorry. It's all about that crazy little thing called love and how it works in strange ways. Mainly Liz POV. By the way Zan is in this story for a bit, as a friend of Max's but not his twin.. think more Nathan Scott (OTH)

Italics = Journal entry


October 12th 2004

If someone had told me two years ago that I'd end up here I would have paid their cab fare to the nearest shrink and escorted them into a padded room myself, but oddly enough I'm back where it all started, and it doesn't seen to bother me at all, in fact I haven't been this happy in years.

My grandma Claudia always told me that love works in mysterious ways and that when things start to look their worst, it's just always a sign that the future will be better. Of course I always thought that she was a bit crazy to think that, I mean how can pain be a sign that something is going to get better?

At 16 I never listened to my mother's or my grandmother's lectures and advice about boys, love and future heartache. At 16 all I was worried about was picking an outfit for the next party, or how I'd be able to sneak in drunk at 4am without my mother knowing, or even about Michael getting all older sibling and scaring the absolute bejesus out of my newest bofriend.

I was never worried about being the victim of a broken heart or even how my actions could break someone else's heart. All I wanted was to enjoy the party, have a few of those funky pink drinks and flirt with joe anonymous.

I wish now that I had listened, maybe it wouldn't have hurt so much when it did eventually happen to me, maybe I could've said or done something differently or maybe I could've been the good little girl that my parents wanted me to be.

But then again I can't change my past or my mistakes, right now I wouldn't for all the money in the world. All my mistakes have led me here to where I am today and who I am now, so why should I regret them. Maybe I should give you a little insight into my life, maybe then you would understand.

Maybe I should just play it all out for you bit by bit like a movie, I'm warning you though there are things that I've done that I'm not proud of, but I can't change the past. I'm stalling here, okay here we go.

It all started at a party about a month or so before my 17th birthday...



What do you guys think?? Should I continue?? Honestly?? If you think it's a bit on the crappy side just remember that writing stories out of boredom and actually posting one of them for the first time is very different... so I've learnt.

By the way if I do continue will someone do a banner for me?? Pretty please, I'll give you my first born now, and my second born in July.[/img]

Back Around Again (M/L) Part One

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:33 am
by con angel
Thanks guys. It's good to know that there are some people out there willing to give a new writer a chance.
I should have warned you all in the first part, there also will be some alcohol and drug use, so for those of you with the innocent Lizzie Parker in mind, forget about it.
Here is your next part.

Part One

July 8th 2000

"Come on Liz, you just have to come," Maria whined "It's only a couple of blocks from here."

Liz rolled her eyes and stubbed her cigarette out "Maria, it's Max Evans, what makes you think his 17th birthday would be worth crashing?"

"Liz honestly what makes you think it's going to be an innocent dinner party with Ma and Pa Evans?" Maria stole Liz's cigarettes off the lounge and lit herself one.

"Please, like Max Evans is really going to be involved in anything more, Michael said he ran when his grandfather got him a stripper last year, I seriously doubt he'd take part in any kind of debauchery, jeez Maria when a girl sits down in front of him with a visible g-string the boy blushes." Liz smiled as she recalled the day Pam Troy tried to get Max's interest by flashing her thong.

"We have to go Liz, I overheard Isabel telling her band of drones that their parents went out of town yesterday for business and they'll be gone a week, we can't miss this." Maria said, and upon seeing the 'I'm not going' look in Liz's face got onto her knees. "C'mon Liz I'm begging here, just think there has to be some cute guys there if Isabel has anything to do with it. Please please please."

Liz sighed "Maria, we know you are not going to troll for cute guys, you are going so you can attempt to get my brother drunk and get a repeat of the perfomance at Paulie's last party."

"Liiiiiizzz." Maria's face turned bright red at the memory.

"Honey as much as I love you I still haven't gotten the picture of my brother's naked ass out of my head." Liz shuddered thinking of how horrific it was to walk into a room to pass out and instead stumble upon her drunk brother doing a strip tease for an equally drunk Maria.

"What if I promise to lock the door this time around so you don't end up more scarred than you already are?" Maria knew that if she could get Liz to the party she could end up with somebody on a more permanent basis, instead of the fortnightly make up break up she kept having with Maria's idiot cousin Sean.

"Fine, Maria we'll go, but if you don't lock the damn door this time, you are paying my therapy bills for the rest of my life, got it?"

Maria jumped around squealing, "Oh chica this is gonna be the best night of our lives, ooh clothes" and with a quick hug to Liz she bolted for Liz's closet to find her something to make the boys drool, but not small enough to put her in Pam Troy's trash category.


Max Evans made his way through the crowd that had gathered in his kitchen trying to find his sister. He never thought that the kitchen could fit 30 or more people, but as soon as Michael and Kyle bought the kegs in everyone was in a rush to get into the kitchen, and Max was proven wrong.

As he escaped into the hall Max spotted his sister in the middle of her group of bubble brained cheerleader friends, and before she ran off to greet anymore people just arriving he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into their father's study.

"Isabel, who are all these people? I thought it was just going to be a few friends not the entire student body of West Roswell High." He started as soon as the door was closed behind him.

"Max these are my friends, and they, like me want to celebrate your birthday. I thought you'd be grateful that you are going to be known for having one of the best parties this year?" Isabel spoke in a tone more like her true Ice Princess self.

"Is, I don't know half of these people, and with every person who comes through the front door, I'm starting to wonder if they even know who I am or even live in this town."

"Come on Max, it's your birthday, you need to loosen up, have some drinks, dance a little, lose your virginity. You know have fun. There are dozens of girls out there just itching for your time, live a little for once." Isabel was missing out on criticising everyone who needed to be criticised, and if she didn't get outside soon her friends wouldn't be happy.

"I appreciate you for doing this for me Is, but there is no way in Hell I'm going back out there to be mauled by the dozen or so girls that decided they had to touch my ass while I was looking for you, and no offense intended Isabel, but I wouldn't touch any of your friends with a ten foot pole." Having enough of trying to get Isabel to understand Max got up to walk away but was stopped by Isabel's next words...

"What if I told you Liz Parker was coming tonight?"


Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 7:55 am
by con angel
Hey guys, time for your next part. I just wanted to let you know that I'll try to regularly update this story, because I want to have it finished by the time bub is born in July. I definatley won't have much time after that.

Dreamer19 - What guy doesn't change his mind when a girl is involved??
FSUMSW94 - When in hasn't Max had a huge crush on Liz??
Behrsgirl77 - Tanya hon, so good to see ya. I apologise for ever being impatient while waiting for you to update, never knew posting a story was so hard.
Emz80m - Glad you like it chica, yet another Australian having to put their two cents in.

And now on with the show....

Part Two

Liz Parker.

In the twenty minutes since Isabel had said that Liz would be coming tonight as he was about to leave the room, Max hadn't been able to think about anything else. Isabel sitting him down on the sofa and returning to the party didn't register in his Liz fogged brain. Even the pounding music outside couldn't break his train of thought.

He had loved Liz Parker for as long as he could remember, before he was old enough to understand what it meant to love someone who was not a parent, sibling or close relative. Since the first time he saw her in the first grade, Max had never let a day go by without thinking of her.

He rememberedwhen Liz used to be the cute little girl with pig-tails and scratched knees, the Liz who was so shy her friend Maria had to do all the talking for her. A far cry from the fun loving party girl who would no doubt be here and partying for his birthday very soon...
"Oh crap," Max said to himself "she'll be here soon." He stood up and his gaze was drwn to his reflection in one of the many mirrors that his mother had hung around the house, "I've got to change, I can't let her see me looking like this."

With that Max did the dash upstairs to his bedroom to make himself look a little more like he was actually at a party.


As they stepped out of the car, Maria and Liz could hear the pounding bass coming from the Evans house.

Maria couldn't help but smile at the look of shock that crossed Liz's face when she heard the music. "See chica, I told you there would be fun to be had and not some innocent little dinner party."

"Maria, like I said earlier, it's Max."

"Liz honey, I thought you would have realised that with Isabel planning the whole thing, we'd be in a serious party situation."

Liz rolled her eyes at Maria's blatant I told you so. 'Oh well,' she thought to herself 'there might be a chance for fun tonight afterall.'

She opened the backdoor of Maria's Jetta and retrieved her usual party supplies, namely a bottle of tequila and three lemons, no doubt she would be able to find salt in Max Evans' house.

As Liz started walking up the driveway toward the house Maria grabbed her cell phone and dialled the cell number of her newest partner in crime. "She's here, hope he's ready."

She quickly caught up before Liz could even realise she had lagged behind for a few seconds. "C'mon Ria," Liz said as she turned "Lets get our party on."


Max was in the middle of trying to find a suitable shirt when he heard a loud banging coming from the other side of his bedroom door. As he moved to unlock it he said a quick prayer to whatever God that was around watching, that it wasn't one of Isabel's scary stalker friends on the other side, if it was he'd slam the door on her and send her back to the surgeon's for a new nose job quicker than Pam Troy could strip.

"Here goes nothing" he sighed to himslef as he pulled the door open. A look of relief crossed his face when his best friend and brother to the love of his life, Michael Parker walked into the room.

"Maxwell, what are you doing hiding in your room? There is fun to be had and I will not let you sit up here and re-arrange your wardrobe, now find a shirt and get your butt downstairs."

It was obvious to Max that Michael had had a little bonding time with one of the kegs, he was swaying on his feet, and looked like he'd probably pass out if he had another beer.

"Michael, I'm not re-arranging my wardrobe, I'm trying to find a decent shirt." Max said as he held up another horribly scary shirt that his mother had bought for him. "You know, you could get off the bed and help me out here."

Michael sat up and regarded Max with the kind of curiosity only a drunk would have. "What makes you think I'm gonna help you get all... all... all gayed up? Who are you trying to imp..." the look on Max's face cut Michael's question before he got a chance to get it fully out. "You're gonna try hook my little sis tonight aren't you?"

The answer was clearly already written on Max's face. "Maybe tonight I can work up the courage to ask her out. Before you say it I'm not going to hurt your sister Michael."

"Good because if you do buddy boy, I'll have to hurt you, when I can't see three of you that is." Michael reached into Max's wardrobe and pulled out a dark red button down shirt, "Put this on, she likes this colour, now hurry up, I really don't like Kyle being left alone to make love to the kegs."

As they opened the door to return to the party they caught Isabel out side the door with a huge grin on her face, "Looking good Max, now get downstairs, I've got the perfect girl for you, and don't groan brother dear, Pam has already gotten plastered and hooked up with Paulie again so you are off the hook there." Isabel couldn't help but grin at the look of horror on her brother's face. 'I so can't wait to see his face when I get him downstairs...'

Isabel led Max and Michael, well mainly Michael downstairs, to what she hoped would be the best night her brother ever had.


I'll try to get back soon, but if I can't please don't kill me, I have a son in his terrible two's and it's hard to get anything done.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:30 am
by con angel
Hey guys, sorry to disappear on you for two months and leave you without an update, thanks for being so understanding about my absence. But here I am, ready to go with chapter three.

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to Lizard Queen... Thank you for the absolutley gorgeous Buffy/Angel and Max/Liz avis you made me honey. You are definately my favourite, but don't tell Channi, she'll be very cranky...

Hold onto your hats girls... and boys...

Part Three

Maria led Liz around the party, they stopped and chatted to random people they knew from school, but the whole time Liz could see that Maria was looking for someone in particular.

"Ria, if you wanna go find Michael, I'd be more than happy to find the nearest table and start my own party" Liz said holding up her bottle of tequila.

Her friend turned to her with a rather odd look on her face, "honey, what makes you think I'm looking for Michael... yet? He's probably already drunk, and passed out in Isabel or Max's room."

Liz was laughing at the possibly true mental image of her brother passed out in Isabel's room, when someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug.

"Is my Lizz, you got more drinks for your favourite almost brother my Lizz?" Liz lokked up into the eyes of a very drunk and swaying Alex Whitman and laughed again. Alex rarely ever drank at parties but when he did, it was definately always a sight worth seeing.

"Aleeex," Maria squealed while wrapping her arms anound Alex, nearly knocking him and Liz over at the same time "Looks like our boy decided to get his party on too, you do realise that you should do this more often so you can actually drink more than two drinks without getting shmammered."

Liz rolled her eyes at Maria, ever since they had started going to parties and getting drunk, Maria had always lectured Alex about how only two drinks would get him completely inebriated. Liz was broken out of her thoughts by Alex tugging on her arm.

"Hey Liz, did our little Mareeeeea tell you she's hooked you up with a... how did you put it reeeea? (SWITCHES TO GIRLY VOICE)...a fine specimen of the male species?"

Liz looked from Alex's glazed yet still mischevious eyes, to Maria's guilty ones. "Maria what did you do?" Liz asked slightly worried about who Maria was trying to set he up with this time around.

Maria glared at Alex, seeing that he wasn't going to help her explain she turned her eyes back to Liz, but not before someone behind Liz caught her attention, and smiling when she saw him approaching she grabbed Alex's arm and bolted into the hallway.

"Hi Liz."

Liz turned and came face to face with Kyle Valenti. 'Oh crap, please don't let him be the fine specimen Alex was talking about.'

"Hey, Kyle, who are you here with tonight?" 'Say someone else, say someone else.'

"Maria said that she was going to arrange for us to be here together tonight." Kyle answered looking slightly confused, hadn't Maria told her that Kyle wanted to come to the party with her, as a couple?

"No she didn't Kyle, I'm really sorry but can you excuse me? I really need to pee." Before he could even answer Liz was gone.

'I am so going to kill Maria for trying to set me up with Jockasaurus.'


Meanwhile on the other side of the party, Isabel was dragging her brother over to his date for the night.

"I think you guys will make the perfect couple, you have so much in common with her brother dear." Isabel couldn't wait to see the look on Max's face when he saw who she was trying to set him up with, she was so sure that he'd be buying her a load of thank you presents after this night.

Max on the other hand was a bit nervous, he was worried that Liz would think him too nerdy and quiet, and really not worth her time. He grabbed the beer out of Michael's hand and started to drink it as fast as he could to calm his nerves.

Isabel looked over at her brother, he was so jumpy, 'That's no good, I can't have him all skittish when he meets his perfect girl.'

"Now Max, before I take you over to her, just breathe for a minute, you look like you are going to pass out, jeez, if I had know you'd be this nervous I would have given you some more drinks."

Max turned to look at Isabel, "How do you expect me to not be nervous?" he asked, not liking the slight raise in his pitch.

Isabel sighed, "Max, honey, I know you're mad nervous, but just take a deep breath like I said before and everything will be alright, you guys are perfect for each other, if you weren't I wouldn't put you through this."

Max leaned against a wall in breathed in a few times.

"Are you ready now Max?"

'Am I ready, oh crap, I'm getting set up with Liz Parker, oh crap.' Max was starting to calm a bit, "Yeah Is, I'm ready."

Isabel lead him into the living room, "Max, I'd like you to meet Tess Harding."


Hope you guys liked the new part. Sorry it's so short, but computer monitors are bad when you have a headache.

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 8:54 am
by con angel
Hey guys, I've been haveing some really annoying computer problems lately, In fact I've tried to post three times and my computer decided that
I wasn't allowed to do that and it shut down on me everytime.

But I'm attempting again, because I think I've kept you waiting for waaaaay too long.

dreamer19 - You're probably going to try to kill me by the time I get halfway through this story, aren't ya?? Shouild I get life insurance now??
janesdilemma - Uhh.... Welcome... I don't know if that's what I'm meant to say... was it??
Famersamers - You're really making me want a double cheeseburger right now... that's not nice... I'm tooooo lazy to go to Maccas.

and last but definately not least (I'D BE MURDERED IF I FORGOT HER)my own personal stalker Kristen!! Hey hon sorry I didn't get back to you about you posting this for me, I thought I'd give it another try.

On with the show...

Part Four

It was 2am and the party was slowly starting to slow down. Those who were still drinking were inside playing drinking games, trying to dance properly or in the case of Alex and Michael arguing over who had drank more. Those who had taken the sober road were in the front yard helping their friends who were throwing up in the neighbours rose bushes.

Max had been stuck on the couch with Tess for way too long. He was starting to get really bored, and listening to her tales about life in LA, ex-boyfriends and how long it took her to find and buy the top she was now wearing, were only making it worse.

The only reprieve he had gotten the whole time was when Michael decided that Max needed to do birthday shots, and those were the only thing keeping him from getting up and walking away from Tess and her annoying stories...

...Well that and the great view he had of Liz dancing in the middle of his living room...

"Max are you listening to me at all?" Came a whining voice from his right.

"Huh?? Oh... Yeah Tess, I'm still listening to you." 'Oh crap, what was she talking about? That's right, her ex.' "You were telling me about Brett, the guy you dated before you moved here." Max mentally crossed his fingers and looked over at Liz's dancing form, hoping that luck would be on his side and he'd be right.

"Yeah, how rude was he? I mean I asked him to take me to the mall to get a new pair of shoes, and he dragged me around to look for this stupid playstation game." Tess ranted, she had noticed that Max glanced at the skanky brunette and a blonde dancing with a group of guys in the middle of the room when he answered her.

'Look at her, she's dancing with half of the football team. She's probably slept with a few of them, and they're probably just dancing with her cause they know she's easy.'

Max couldn't believe that the guy would be stupid enough to take her anywhere near a mall. He looked over at Liz again. 'God she looks sexy in those pants, how the hell did she get them on?' He mentally shook himself and tried to focus on Tess' story.

"...he ruined my other pair so he should have at least taken me to get another, they cost me $200 and the first time I wore them he takes me to a park after our date..."

'Okay' Max thought 'Liz-land it is then.' He carried on looking at Liz dancing with Maria, paying absolutely no attention to Tess other than the occasional hmm's and yeah's.

Tess couldn't believe it, he was watching the brunette again, Isabel said he was single and didn't have his sights on anyone, and yet here he was looking at the brunette. 'But then again,' she thought to herself 'she's probably been wanting to chat Max up all night, and he's only watching her so that she doesn't come over here and try to ruin our first night together.'

"So Max, how are you enjoying your birthday." Tess asked trying to be seductive by batting her eyes and pouting at him.

Max turned to the blonde "It's been good so far, a lot livlier than my other birthdays." 'What the hell is wrong with her eyes? She's blinking like a crazy person.' Out of the corner of his eye Max saw Liz leave the room and he seized his chance.

"Uh... Tess would you excuse me for a minute?? I have to go to the bathroom."

"Sure Max, just don't be long, I'll be waiting." Trying to make her voice husky.

'She must have something in her eye, and a sore throat...'


Max looked around the whole party, and was now in the backyard, but seeing no sign of Liz he started heading back inside, at least he was until he heard her voice... and Maria's coming from the balcony outside his bedroom...


"Maria, what the fuck do you think you are doing?? I've told you time and again, I don't like Jockosaurus, I don't wanna date Jockosaurus, and yet you still try to set me up with him."

Maria was in shock, Liz never yelled at her like that, not in the years they had known each other. "I'm sorry Liz I just don't like the fact that you haven't got anyone serious."

Liz sighed "Ria, I love you, but I don't need to date some over bearing, under sexed jock to be happy, so could you please just drop it??" she turned her best puppy dog eyes on her best friend knowing that they'd work.

"Okay hon, but I only did it because I love you, okay?" Maria would drop it for now, but she'd pick it up again at a later date.

"Good, now go downstairs and rescue my brother before the blonde patrol get their hooks into him." Liz said laughingly watching her friends face turn into a scowl.

"Crap, he'll let them do anything, don't be long, I might need help!"

Liz locked the door and looked at her surroundings as soon as Maria left, and spied a balcony just outside the room. 'As good a place as any. Time for a bit of relaxation.'


Max heard the door to his balcony open and ducked into bushes that would hide him from whoever was on the balcony, but wouldn't hide anyone on the balcony from him.

He watched as Liz walked out the doors and settled on the chair Max used when he sat out there at night.

He heard the click of a lighter, 'She must be having a cigarette' he thought to himself, but then it occured to him that in the year he'd been her lab partner, she had never once smelt like a smoker. He crept closer so he could she what she was doing, then he smelt it. 'Holy shit, Liz is smoking pot!!'

Standing up he walked to the ladder he had put there when Michael used to stay over and climbed up.

"You know I could tell your brother what you're doing."

"Oh crap" Liz sat there with her heart in her throat, "why the hell are you sneaking up on a girl like that Max Evans?"

"I think I'm allowed when the girl in question is smoking a joint on my balcony, Liz Parker" he said slightly laughing at her shocked expression.

"Oops, my bad. So are you gonna stay there or are you gonna join me??"

Max rolled his eyes, "Liz I don't do that stuff." he crouched down next to Liz so he could look her in the eye.

"Who said I was gonna give you any of this?? I was talking about the bottle of Tequila sitting on your bed. If you'd be a nice guy and get it for me that is..." She and gave him the good old puppy dog eyes.

"B-but what about..." he stuttered, 'why am I all of a sudden so nervous??'

Liz looked at him knowingly "Don't worry Max, I locked the door, you're safe from the bimbo patrol." 'And Michael' she said to herself

It was Max's turn to be shocked, "You saw that?"

"Yup, I came I saw I nearly laughed at how obvious the girl was being."

"Oh okay then, well as long as I'm safe from her, I'm up for anything." Max stood up and went inside to retieve Liz's Tequila.

"Let's hope you are up for anything, Max." Liz said to herself with a sly grin on her face.



Hope you guys liked that, I haven't had much of a chance to go over it, between getting online and being shutdown, I barely had enough time to check my e-mail.

Hey Kristen honey, could you possibly add Michael onto the banner for me??

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 12:04 am
by con angel
<center>HOLY CRAP... PAGE 6... THAT'S NOT GOOD!!!</center>

Hey guys, sorry it's been so long, but I've been pretty busy lately, you know the usual, my boy (AND HOPEFULLY HIS FATHER :wink: ), work, friend's birthdays, and just life in general really. I can't believe it's been almost two months since I updated, I'm so horrid.

LegalAlien - I'd say I was curious about what would happen between a guy and a girl after Tequila was involved as well, but I already know... :wink: :wink:
janesdilemma - Not many can hold Tequila, I know I can't anymore.
- I'm Baaaaaack!!
lizard_queen - Hey hon, Don't upset the poor doggies by saying Tess is like their hair. I'd think of her more as a really annoying cat, you know, hanging aroung, rubbing herself up against someone and no matter how hard they try the damn thing won't go away!! Have I told you lately how much I love my banner??

Okay enough of my babbling and on with the show... it's the only way I know of apologising to you guys...

Part Five

"Isabeeeellll, I can't find Max anywhere, I've looked all over the house for him." Tess whined. Her amd Max had been getting along so great that she couldn't believe he would just abandon her without giving a reason. 'and just when the slow songs are playing too.'

"Tess, hon he's probably looking after Michael, he always does when he's around Michael when he has been drinking," Isabel smiled as broadly as she could "don't worry he'll be back soon, I know he wouldn't run off on you, especially after how well you've been getting on tonight."

"Really, do you think he likes me?? I really hope so, I would like to get to know him better."

Isabel rolled her eyes, "Honey, if you want to get to know my brother in the kind of way that is R rated, please don't tell me, I really don't want or need that kind of imagery."

"Oh, God I'm so sorry Isabel, I didn't mean it that way, I just wanted to get to know him, probably go on a date with him, you know, maybe become a couple." Tess couldn't control the beaming smile at the thought of her and Max being a couple, but her trip to happyland was short lived as laughter behind her pulled her back to reality, looking over her shoulder she realised that the person laughing was a little blonde with green eyes.

It was obvious to Tess that this girl was laughing at what she had said to Isabel, and Tess became angry. "Can I ask what you find so funny??" She asked huffily.

Tears leaked from the corners of the blondes eyes as she tried to control her laughter, "It's just.. you think.. Max would wanna... date you... that's just too... fucking funny..." she couldn't continue she was laughing so much, and this only made Tess angrier.

"I think Max and I have a great possibility of becoming a couple, he was with me all night..." She looked beside the blonde where a tall guy with brown spiky hair stood also laughing.

"Sorry, but I really doubt that Max would be interested in you, I mean, you aren't that ugly or anything, but it was obvious he was only there to watch Liz, I can't see two feet in front of me but, I saw that!!"

Isabel couldn't say a word, she had seen how much notice Max took of Tess when Liz was around, he practically ignored her and payed more attention to Liz.

"Yeah" the little blonde piped up "if he was with you all night, where is he now??

Tess looked at the couple who were now standing in front of her, faces red from laughing so hard. "You must be drunk, Max was in no way interested in that brunette trailer trash, and as for where he is now, he is looking after his friend Michael." she said matter-of-factly.

The guy smirked at her. "Hate to tell ya, but he ain't looking after Michael." looking at the blonde next to him trying to control her laughter.

"I hate to tell you, but Michael happens to be his best friend, and Isabel said that he always looks after Michael when he is drinking."

"My God you are one stupid bimbo aren't ya, I've got a feeling that all that bleach killed every last braincell in that head of yours, you're looking at Michael. And from what I see Max is nowhere to be seen." Maria said while rolling her eyes.

Tess looked directly at Michael, I can't believe this is Max's best friend, I better apologise to him so he doesn't tell Max anything bad. "I'm so sorry, I hadn't gotten the chance to be introduced to you. Max was going to do it when he got back." She smiled as sweetly as she could to get him on her side.

Maria's eyes were firey, 'how dare this little skank give my Mikey the eyes!! Jeez, three seconds ago she was treating him like dirt in her shoe, and I almost forgot about her calling Liz trailer trash. I can't get Liz to come slap her for it, so I'll have to deal with this myself'. Maria thought about Liz's plan for the birthday boy, 'I can't believe she wants to give him a little birthday lap dance!! Ooh better deal with the bimbo now.'

"Can I get you to please stop looking at my boyfriend that way." Maria said staring at Tess pretending to be nice to the new girl. "And while you are at it I think you should apologise for calling my best friend and the sister of my boyfriend trailer trash." Maria's tone was sweet as sugar.

Tess looked at her shocked, 'Oh crap, maybe I should apologise, no I'm not going to do that, the girl is trailer trash, I can't help that I'm the only one who notices it.' Without blinking Tess looked at Maria again and smiled "I don't recall calling anybody trailer trash." Tess expected Maria to believe her, afterall the girl was clearly intoxicated, as was Michael, so she highly doubted that they would remember either way.

What Tess didn't expect was that small fist that met her eye and knocked her back on the chair. Her right eye felt like it was on fire, the pain was so intense, she barely registered Isabel's shocked gasp or Michael's laughter, the only things that came to mind were the pain now overtaking the right side of her face and an angry Maria standing over her.

"Bitch you better get up, I wanna knock you down again!!" Did she really think that she could call Maria's best friend trailer trash to her face and then lie about it, also to Maria's face without Maria noticing, oh God this girl was wrong.

Isabel seeing how mad Maria was made no move to stop her, and definatey made no move to help Tess, last thing she needed was to encounter Maria's killer right hook. She looked at Michael pleadingly hoping that he could sort out his girlfirend before things got seriously out of hand.

Michael saw the look Isabel was throwing his way and decided that as funny it was to see her hit Tess and hot as Maria looked while she was angry he had better stop her. He put his arms around her waist to pull her against him.

"Michael as much as I love you and as much as I wanna drag you upstairs and have really mind blowing sex to calm me down a bit, I wanna sort this bitch out and if you try to stop me right now, I will kick you in the balls so hard you'll be able to give yourself a head job."

Hearing the tone he backed away shrugging, as hot as Maria was when she was angry he wasn't willing to be a target. He'd let her have her fun sorting out Tess. 'Knew I shouldn't have given her Rum earlier.'

Turning back to Tess, Maria said sweetly "Why don't you be a dear and come for a walk outside, I'd hate to ruin Isabel's parents carpeting with your blood." Tess was horrified, she wasn't about to go anywhere with Maria. She opened her mouth to reply when a voice in the doorway stopped her.

"Ria, you wanna tell me what's going on here??" Everyone who was watching the display between Maria and Tess, and the two themselves turned to the doorway to see Liz with her arms crossed and a shirtless Max Evans standing behind her...



Max and Liz sat on his balcony going drink for drink, and so far it looked as though he was handling his alcohol pretty well. They talked about the usual stuff, school, work, future plans, people who annoy them.

Liz was biding her time, she was going to give this guy a birthday present to remember, Sean Deluca or anybody else be damned. Looking at Max she realised that it was time to put her plan into action. Standing up, she walked over to Max and deposited herself in his lap.

"Liz?? Wha..."

"Sssh Max, do you want your birthday present now??" Liz said looking into his amber eyes.

"Uhh... yeah.." Max swallowed heavily, having Liz Parker in his lap was like a dream come true, but before he could fully enjoy it Liz got off his lap and walked into his room, his eyes following her movements the whole way.

Liz stood beside his small stereo and looked at the collection of cd's on the shelf above it, not seeing what she wanted she turned to Max, "Do you have any Nine Inch Nails??"

"It's... uh.. I think it's on my desk." He couldn't help looking at her ass as she crossed his room to find the cd. After what couldn't be considered as even a minute she found what she was looking for and moved back to put it in the stereo.

The thumping beat of Nine Inch Nails', Closer came over the speakers and she turned back to Max, she started towards him and stopped just out of his reach. She started moving her hips to the music.

She straddled Max's lap and put her finger to his mouth to stop any protests, "Not a word Max, I'm about to give you your birthday present."

She started to grind against him, and Max was amazed, ho was getting a lap dance from Liz Parker. He could feel himself getting hard, 'Oh boy, this girl's gonna kill me.'

Feeling his hardness, Liz smiled, 'Time to step this up a notch'.She leaned forward and while still moving her hips against him started to unbutton his shirt. 'Hmm my favourite colour.' Just as she had the last button undone, she realised that the song was almost finished.

She stopped with the lap dance and leaned forward placing her lips against his neck. Max nearly lost it then, 'Liz Parker is kissing my neck oh God'. She moved her lips down his chest, sucking, scratching and kissing, smiling at the noises he'd make as she altered her course and started up towards his lips.

The kiss was slow at first, but Max thought he was gonna die if she ever stopped, she tasted like strawberries, 'I wonder if the rest of her does'. Liz couldn't believe how perfect this kiss was, 'Is this what I've been missing?'.

Max picked her up and started carrying her towards his bed, turning off the stereo on his way. They lay on the bed kissing for a few minutes when yelling, easily identified as one Maria Deluca floated up to them.

Liz sat up and looked at Max, "Sorry, I've gotta go deal with her, can we take a raincheck until at least after I sort her out?? Liz looked into Max's eyes silently hoping he'd say yes.

"Sure we can, I better come down with you to sort Michael out, because you know them two, if Maria's yelling there is no doubt Michael will be there too"

They climbed off the bed and straightened themselves out, Max wasn't going to bother grabbing a shirt, he wanted to make this quick. Stepping out the door Max pulled Liz to him and kissed her again then took her hand and walked her downstairs.

As they walked into the living room they saw a small crowd and in the center a worried Isabel, a smiling Michael, a bruised Tess and a very angry Maria Deluca.

Liz walked forward and crossed her arms, "Ria, you wanna tell me what's going on here??"


Apology accepted?? What did you think guys??