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Mmcherron AKA Lissalou72 Fic's (Updated 2/03/07)

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:56 am
by mmcherron
Hi everyone I just thought that it might be time to make my own page. I will start with my very first Fic.

WIP Fic's


Thank you DramastarOF06 for the wonderful banners!!!

Rating: ADULT

Summary: Liz has a hard life and finds comfort in the arms of a friend.I also want to put there is going to be Violence and sexual situations in here I'm sorry. but this first chapter is bad. It won't be like that on every chapter I promise.

Couples: Max and Liz this is AU fic. CC couples too.

This Fic is WIP. Its my very first one that is going to take some time to work on but it will get finished.


Thank you Crashdown for the wonderful Banner!!


Here is another Challenge by Lullaby that I couldn't pass up.

Maria and Liz have been friends since they were 4, they met in dance classe and since then they been best of friends. they do everything togther.

Maria is a single kid and lives with her divorced mother and has a pessimist outlook on life. But loves Dancing.

Liz is full of dreams and her ultimate goal is get into Julliard, and she'll do everything to obtain her goal. She dating the love of her life Max Evans.
Everything is going perfect or so they think.....


Thank you Mary for the awesome banner!!

This is going to be the first Fluff Fic that I'm ever going to write. I want to thank Believer2 for write it out and telling me that I could do it. Its like a dare...Can I write Fluff?

Love, Secrets and Strawberry Pies


Liz feels like she will never met the right man. It was a blow to her when she found her mom and her boyfriend sleeping together, even worse he is her step father now.

Maria secretly puts her in this Love connection show to try to get her to meet mister right. What will happen? Will Liz finally meet the Man that will sweep her off her feet? Will she find that true love she so needs and wants?

I hope that I can do this one or I will die trying....LOL



Thank you JBehrsGurl for the great banner!!

Thank you Amara for the wonderful banner!!

Authors: Believer2 & Mmcherron
Rating: Mature
Category: AU w/out Aliens
Disclaimer: I do not own anything worth suing for.


Maxwell Evans had exactly what he wanted - the perfect life. But then in one split second, it all came crashing down. He walked away from certain death and faced his life. Disheartened by what he sees, he embarks on a journey into his past wrongs to make amends. But can a man so selfish really change? Can he really make amends? And will he be able to redeem his soul?


Thank you so much Behrsgirl77 you did an Awesome job on our Banner!!! Smooches!!


Title: Silent Whispers

Authors: Luzser1800 and Lissalou72

Summary: What happens when you lose someone you love? What happens when they never go away? And What happens when someone can help you bridge the gap between two different planes of existence?

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 11:01 am
by mmcherron
*Finshed Fics*

Thank you Selena for the wonderful banner


Rating: ADULT
Couples: Max and Liz
Summary: Well everything happen up to right up to Max dropping off Liz at the Cashdown in Departure. There are a few changes that I put in there. Liz went to Max's house before he left.....But that is all I can tell you without giving to much away.


Thank you Pooh for the wonderful banner!!!


Rating: YTEEN

Couple: Alex and Isabel

Summary: Isabel has to learn to say goodbye to Alex….Can she do it. Can she leave everything she loves behind? This fic is one of the sequels/tag that I have written for the fic called Too Little Too Late. This take place about Departure time, just my take on it.


Thank you Selena for the awesome banner!!


A Parent's Betrayal

Summary: What is it that Alexia has to be so angry about? Where is all her anger coming from.


Thank you Dreaming in Purple for the awesome banner!!!!!


Title: She’s Mine
Author: mmcherron AKA Lissalou72
Rating: MATURE
Couples: M/L
Summary: What happens with Max finally stand up for himself and won’t let Liz just run away?


Thank you Ki-Ki Aka Lizard Queen for the awesome banner!!!


Title: Because
Author: mmcherron AKA Lissalou72
Couples: Maria POV
Rating: MATURE to ADULT Because of violence and its pretty dark
Summary: Maria reflects on how her father affected her life.
Authors Note: I want to thank everyone that always encouraging me to keep on writing. This is my very first Maria POV I thought I should give it a try. I will warn you now that there is some violence in this so if you don't like that please don't read this because there is some darkness to this Fic.


Co-Wrote Finished Fic's

Thank you for the Awesome Banner Too Kiss A Frog!!!

This one I Co-Wrote with Faithlee It a one pater and with hopes of write a sequel...maybe

Couples: CC

Rated: TEEN


Summary: No Alien in this one sorry. A tragedy happens will Max ever be the same? Warning this is angst.


Posted: Sun May 01, 2005 10:13 am
by mmcherron
*Coming Soon Fic's*

Thank you Anniepoo for the great banner!!

Here is a Fic Challenge that I picked up looking in the the Challenge thread I thought it looked pretty good. The Challenge is from Loveisforever.

Title: The Ultimate Ransom

Summary: Liz's son was kidnapped and the only way she can get him back is to turn Max over to his kidnapper.

Max and Liz hadn't talked in years not after Max find a note for some Jason that was a love letter to his wife. Max couldn't believe that Liz would cheat on him like that and left her. But not only did Max leave but everyone else did as well.

Liz set out to find Max so she can get his help to save her son. A few weeks past and she finds them. Max's has a new life now he's dating and seems happy Liz re-entering his life isn't something he or the others want.

But when he learns that a innocent child is at stake Max's agrees to help his wife out.


Thank you Selena for an awesome banner!!

This is another Challenge by Loveisforever but when I saw it I had to have it....


Max Evans did something when he was 17 that he has regretted for so many years that he's lost count. But he knows he has to make it right.
Liz Parker was his girlfriend and when he got her pregnant he took off to go to college leaving his highschool sweetheart behind.

Now years later he returns with making it up to Liz and their children. Its the only thing on his mind now....Or so he thought...


Thank you Crashdown for the awesome banner!!!


This is a Challenge by Lullaby I know I have another Challenge but this one is one that I couldn't pass up

Four girls from different worlds find in each other the same pain of being rejected this way from their parents, and form a strong friendship based on trust, mutual pain and hardships.

Would they all be able to find happines with their special ones?

After the humiliation their parents made them feel, would they realized that their only mistake was finding lovers at a young age and celebrating that love. According to what the society dictates.


Thank you Selena for the great banner!!!!

Summary: Liz finally graduated along with everyone else in the class. They are all going on a Graduation trip that they have every year for the graduates.

Liz is dating Kyle all through out high school and even though they are close Liz feels that there is something missing. She has been waiting for that special moment to take their relationship to the next level and this trip seem to be the prefect setting.

What happen when she finds her on little surprise on the plane when she was waiting in line to the bathroom? Will Liz ever recover from the heartbreak?

Max has his own little secrets. One of them is about his lab partner for many years. Will he finally be able to tell Liz exactly how he feels?

Will Liz ever find out what has been missing in her life?


Thank you Selena for the awesome Banner!!!!!


After all Liz's dreams coming true in her life why does it seems to be a bit out of control? She married her high school sweet heart and has a loving husband and loving kids.

Why does Liz feel like screaming at times and other times being head over heals in love? She has 2 loving kids and is pregnant with twins maybe Liz needs a vacation? She will never admit to herself that maybe she just needs to relax and ask for some help from her friends and family.

Well she ever open her mouth and let everyone know exactly how she feels?


Thank you Selena for the great banner!!!!!

Summary:Isabel Ramirez thought she had the perfect life. She was truly happy, married to the love of her life, and with great friends and family. But when that perfect life begins to unravel, she finds out the true meaning of friendship and that girlfriends will always be there.


Thank you Mary for the wonderful banner!!!

Summary: Something happens that make her ask her self can she let the man she loved forever go??


Thank you Ki-Ki for the great banner!!!

Summary: Maria all her life just can't get over the way her dad left. What happen when his secret really comes out. Will she ever trust him or forgive him??


Thank you Fehrbaby for a wonderful banner!!!

Summary: What happens when you grow up with the same friends. When those friendship grows stronger then family. You know that you can come on your friends...Sisters.


Thank you max and liz believer for the wonderful banner!!!

Title: Watching You

Summary: What happens when you start to fall in love with the one you have to protect? You you be able to protect with everything you have even when its from her own heart??


Thank you Tanya for the awesome banner!!!!

Title: Forgive Me Father

Summary: What happens when you don't believe in love anymore? When growing up alls you wanted was your father to notice you and he just didn't want to give you the time of day. What happens when your whole world turns upside down because of Love...What are you so scared of?


Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 1:05 am
by mmcherron
Please Delete

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:46 pm
by mmcherron

Hey everyone I just dropping these Nominations off that I got

Best Portrayal of the Hacker - Lost Without You

Best Portrayal of Maria Deluca - Because

Best Melting the Ice FanFiction - Lost Without you

Best Coming out Behind the tree most improved

Best Duo

Thank you everyone for the nominations.



Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:42 pm
by mmcherron
Hi Everyone!!!

I just wanted to let you all know that I have started to write again and I'm almost finished with a Chapter on For the Love of Dancing and I am also almost finished with 2 new One Parters.

Thank you so much for hanging in there.

PS: I have updated my Authors Pages.



Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 4:39 pm
by DreamerLaure
Oooh!!! Your beta didn't know about this - I think you might actually make me smile this week Lissa! This is really great ;)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:33 pm
by mmcherron
I'm sooo sorry I didn't know I didn't have the links to my fics.

Thank you 2004 for Pming me



Re: Mmcherron AKA Lissalou72 Fic's (Updated 2/03/07)

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:12 pm
by CrashandBurn8321
Just wondering when you were going to write more of True Confession of Best Friends?

Re: Mmcherron AKA Lissalou72 Fic's (Updated 2/03/07)

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 12:21 pm
by Michelle17
Wow all your fics look reallygood can't wait to read them :D