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Sunshine (UC,L/T,MATURE,1/1) - [COMPLETE]

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:30 pm
by MethodicWays
Sunshine: songfic
Couples: L/T (semi-slash mostly friendship)
Rating: MATURE
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Roswell. This story was inspired by the song Sunshine by Floetry I don’t own that either.
Summary: Liz’s POV as she grieves over a dying friend


You know sometimes we ummm,
We don't recognize our dreams inside
Our reality and uh other times
We're not aware of exactly
What's real ya know we walk around day dreaming But the sunshine, the sunshine always is....and I

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. I wasn’t supposed to feel this way. Not about her. All the times I’d spent hating her, all erased in an instant. In the instant they wheeled her through that hospital door. Max and the others were so concerned about the doctors finding out she’s an alien. All I care about is whether or not they can save her.

I just wanna see my lovely sunshine
I just wanna bring back all of my blue skies
And if you take away my rainbow I will cry
Give me back my sunshine

Tears fall from my eyes though I can’t feel their wetness. All I see is her eyes, the lids closed against the tops of her cheeks and I want them to open. I want to see her eyes. That impossible crystal blue. I’ve seen them shine with tears, I’ve seen them brighten with happiness. Now I just want to see them open.

Dreaming my state of being and I see you smiling
You're so happy just laughing and standing
strong I'm missing you right here
Listen to my tears I'm waking up to skies so gray
Needing you to brighten up my day

I remember the first day we decided to put it all behind us. We were all at the park having a picnic, when the guys decided to play football. Max was the captain of one team and deciding to take everyone by surprise I was the captain of the other. If I thought that was surprising what really threw everyone was when I chose Tess as my first pick. Even she was shocked, but by the end of the game we were dirty and smiling and happy as we tackled Michael to win the game.

What I remember most clearly is the sound of her laughter as we stood next to each other. Her laughter could make any day great.

Ok listen catch your breath cool out
You need to calm down
Concentrate don't go making all your time run out
See your ok it looks much worse than it really is,
And you'll pull through come on you know how we be doing this
It's me and you, you promised you can't pull out now,
We're friends for life so you can't just sell me out
We shared a lot but you know we'll see just so much more
Our wedding day and the children that we prayed for

I’m afraid to touch her. Her skin is so pale and holds none of the rosy tone it usually does. Instead there are burns and bruises and scars. I hope they will heal. I couldn’t imagine her spending the rest of her life like that. I want to take her hand but I’m afraid it’ll be cold as death. But I speak into her ear.

“You can’t leave me now, Tess,” I whisper, “Not when we’ve just begun to be what we were meant to be. I know you don’t want to leave me. You have to fight. We have so much time left. Remember? Our children playing side by side, never knowing the loneliness you knew. Never having to fight for love, they’ll always have it. Just like us. I’ll always have someone to love me if you stay here. Stay with me, please!”

I used to depend on your rides to show me the way that I should go
My reality is blurry I'm afraid of being all alone
Your light has been my guide throughout the good and bad
I wish that I had spent a little more attention to my one and only sunshine

After that day our friendship developed so quickly I almost hit myself for not accepting her earlier. We were more alike than I could have imagined. Insecure, practical and scientific to a fault, always needing reassurance; and we could give that to each other. The best was those times alone in my room, doing nothing, talking about nothing, yet experiencing everything. I loved running my fingers through her hair. It was like liquid sunshine. The gold reflecting at a million angles wherever the light hit it. I wondered if the architects had taken such painstaking steps to ensure her beauty or if had been a happy accident. I didn’t like to think of her being engineered. I thought her beauty was divine.

Listen, I'd never leave you yo,
I swear on my grave
Damn what's that I'm feeling dizzy
Kinda getting faint
But it ain't nothing
Didn't sleep that much last night
From watching over you but none less I'm cool I'm fine

Max walks into the room as if he doesn’t even see me, but I ignore him just as he ignores me. He walks over to the bed and begins to whisper to Tess. He takes her hand and squeezes it. I know he loves her. Not in the same way he loves me but still his love for her is strong. When Tess and I first started hanging out it put a strain on our friendship, especially with me and Tess trying to avoid the strain of dealing with Max and forging a friendship. But eventually we all learned to accept each other and our relationship for what it was. Complicated.

Now seeing him comfort her, I wanted to reach out to him. There was no jealousy or pain. Just understanding.

I said I'm feeling fine
So back up off me I'm alright
I'm here to see my friends
And what's up with that blinding light
Said I don't need to lie down
I don't need your help right now
What's up with all the noises all the running round?

There had been such pandemonium after the battle. Blinding lights and energy which scorched the ground. I tried to run to her but Michael and Maria were holding me back, not wanting me to see the carnage Khivar and minions. “Get the FUCK off me! I have to see her!” I screamed. I knew that if I could just get to her, we’d be okay. But I couldn’t get there in time.

You've got it wrong I'm not the one
Who needs the help in here
Yo, what's up with you,
You're crying I see tears
Yo, what's going on don't leave
Please don't take her out
Said I don't understand
I'm kinda feeling scared now

“How are the others?” I ask Max, but he ignored my statement and continued holding Tess’ hand in his hand. As he touched her, a small glowing light emanated from his hand and began to spread to spread all over her body. I gasped it was so beautiful. Max was concentrating so deeply that he seemed to have blocked out my presence in the room and despite my wonderment, he was completely focused.

Finally, the glow began to dissipate. The was a low moan from the hospital bed and Tess’ eyes began to flutter open. I almost cried when I saw that beautiful blue again. “Tess,” I exclaimed but instead of me, her eyes focused on Max. I think my heart broke a little in that instant.

“Max?,” she asked, “Where’s Liz?”
“Tess, I have something to tell you”

I said it's getting hard to breathe
Getting hard to see
I'm not too sure anymore what's going on with me
Please bring her back connect me
Talk just one more time

As he told her both of us shook our heads in disbelief. I railed at him. “Max you’re lying! Why are you lying to her? Why are you lying to us?” But he just continued to speak in that low, calm voice which infuriated me. “It’s not true. You’re trying to keep us apart. How could you do this?!” I screamed. I looked over at the bed and saw the tears falling from Tess’ eyes.

And that’s when I knew. I reached out to wipe the tears from her cheek but my fingers could not connect with her skin. And I knew.

“There was nothing I could do,” Max said, thickly. “By the time I reached her, she was already dead. I tried—“ His voice broke. Tess slid her hand in his and they both mourned the girl they’d loved.

But it's too late the last exhale is mine