The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 75 - Completed: 04/25/2021

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The Story of My Life - Chapter 56 - 03/10/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Some life I have here Jeff muttered as he stormed into the back room of his restaurant and dismissed his employees who were taking a break, as he asked for privacy as he rued the life his family had been under since his daughter married Max. Of course, Phillip had come with him as both men were now in a stare down with the federal agent who stood in the back room looking like was too amused with himself. The two other man were not. “If you here to ask me anything of me in relation to my daughter’s marriage,” Jeff muttered. “Then it was a waste of a trip because I can not help you because I do not know anything” he muttered as he looked at Phillip who nodded as neither men were prepared to be that open with the federal agent. And especially Jeff knew enough to know the last thing he should be doing was commenting on his daughter’s marriage given that he had given Phillip some information about his daughter’s activities and it had come back to haunt as it proved to be ammunition to help put Max behind bars. Confession or no confession. It had taught Jeff a lesson. He might not like the man who was his daughter’s husband, but he would protect his daughter at the end of the day. “If it is, then you can leave…”

Dave stood in the back room looking around the back of the Crashdown. A small room still residing like it was a decade long ago. While the front of the restaurant had been spruced up over the years, with nothing changing of its paint or atmosphere, the back room had not much done to it in the years that have passed. It had surprised him that Phillip Evans was here because he had been aware that the Evans were not that close to their son’s wife’s family. “I am aware that you do not have very high opinion of your son-in-law?” Dave asked as he looked at both men and could not help feeling amused by the fact it, Phillip Evans son they were talking about in this instance. “It is a surprise to see you here Mr. Evans?”

“Why?” Phillip asked. “We are family, and we have kept our association up over the years” he lied because there was very little association except as patrons of this restaurant and since his wife was an accomplished cook, well, they rarely had a need to come to this establishment and had left it to the kids to come and he had known for his son The Crashdown had felt very personal because he had been smitten by the waitress, and so he knew his son and daughter had spent a lot of time in this establishment.

“As I said, I am aware of how you feel about your son-in-law?” Dave asked as his directed his glaze at Jeff who recoiled.

“Does not mean I would want to take it out on Phillip here, or his wife for that matter” Jeff murmured. “Plus, why would I want to lose business. So, yes, I can feel one way about their son and wish my daughter had a picked herself a different husband and yet say hello, especially if they were to come into my restaurant,” he sighed. “As I said before if this is about Max than you are asking the wrong person.”

“Why is that?” Dave asked.

“I know nothing,” Jeff said honestly. “So, I am the last person to be in the know,” he mumbled. And mostly I prefer it that way he told himself. Being in denial is a better life to lead so that you do not have to fear for your only child “I have rarely been told information in relation to my daughter or her friends, and that goes back to the beginning.”

“And that is September 18, 1999 when your daughter was a victim of a gun shot here in this very restaurant?” Dave wondered as the tension rose in the restaurant as it became clear to both gentlemen that the agent was on a fishing expedition. “She was lucky to survive?”

“Yes, but she did” Jeff murmured as it was the only thing, he gave his son-in-law credit for. Saving his daughter’s life. It was not an easy thing to know his daughter could have died at fifteen in his very restaurant if it had not been for Max. Still, though given everything else that had transpired in the following three years, it was hard to keep the positive thoughts even if he would never want his daughter to be gone from his life. Still, it was hard to think positive.

No matter how he tried. And even if it was hypocritical given his own difficulties when he was young. But he never was in prison even if he should have been, he thought as he remembered his former girlfriend before Nancy who had died in his car, because he was slightly too rebellious for his own good. And that is why he fought his daughter’s track down the same route. Fearful that she would be taken from them.

Only to find out she could have taken from him fore a very different reason, but Max had saved the day, but it still did not mean he liked the fact his daughter fell for a boy who had changed her life and taken her far form the route that she had been on until that September day. “I do not have the answers to any of your questions” Jeff murmured.

“I know that your daughter almost went to prison because of her association with the man she would later marry” Dave murmured.

“But she did not,” Jeff sighed. “She got lucky.”

“Yes, she did” Dave conceded. “It does mean that she has been in the middle of some incredible events that can be traced back to that day, in this very restaurant.”

“I do not know what you are after Agent Barker,” Phillip murmured. “Our children have kept to themselves, and the last thing Liz would do is tell her father anything about her husband given as you said yourself, he does not think highly of the man?”

“Your son” Dave asked.

“Yes,” Phillip acknowledged. “I am aware my son had done things that one would regret but it does not change how much I might love my son” he sighed as he wished he could say as much to his son face to face. Maybe one of these days I will

Dave did nod. “You have not visited your son at the prison that he has been a resident of, these last sixteen years,” he murmured. “Why is that?”

“That was my son’s choice,” Phillip muttered. “If it had been my wife or I’s choice. We would have been there, but my son wanted to keep his wife, and us, away from him” he sighed. “So, there was no reason to go, if our son did not want us there…”

“And now your daughter is his lawyer,” Dave asked. “Following in your footsteps?”

“Is that against the law to have a family member represent you?” Phillip murmured as he did enjoy the fact his daughter had found a love for the law. Even if the very nature of their family tested that love and desire with each passing day.

“Why did you not represent your son all those years ago?” Dave asked.

“It was not my kind of law,” Phillip murmured. “I do not have the experience in that kind of litigation” he gritted. “After all this is a small town. And there is not really a need for any other kind?”

“Yet your son challenged that view,” Dave asked. “And did you not handle your son’s case in Utah when he was picked up for robbing a convenience store with his girlfriend” Dave Barker asked. “Which is why this is federal, because his knack of committing crimes over state lines” he sighed the anger in both men’s eyes.

“Is this going somewhere?” Jeff asked as he recoiled against the memories of the past. “You are looking for my daughter’s husband are you not?”

“That is right, I am” Dave murmured. “Are you sure you do not know anything?”

“Why would I?” Jeff sighed.

“I am told your granddaughter comes here a lot, and you are quite close the girl. Maybe she said something about her father in the last twenty-four hours?” Dave asked as both men stepped back at the mention of their mutual grandchild. “Would a grandchild not mention their father in a course of a visit?”

Jeff once again recoiled at the use of Olivia to get at him, or to score points. Because no matter how he might feel at the child’s father. Jeff did love Olivia greatly, and was immensely proud of her, and did not want her hurt. “Why bring up my granddaughter?”

“Because she is part of this,” Dave Barker mused.


Shit came an irritated Zack as he and Amelia taking their turns eavesdropping through a heating grate, as it went I not the back room, and they were trying to overhear what was being said. And they had finally heard the cusp of the visit. Olivia is right Amelia mused. That idiot is going after her? as she stopped back and looked at Zack who was just as irritated as Amelia was herself. “They are looking into Olivia are they not?”

“Yup,” Amelia admitted as they left the area before being discovered, and quickly left the restaurant and stopped nearby. “Olivia told me herself that they were sniffing around, but it’s more than that, they are clearly interested.”

“They know she disappeared from the prison with her mother’s car?” Zack asked.

“And they have a missing ambulance,” Amelia murmured.

Which is not on her Zack muttered out loud as they continued to walk. “All she wanted is for her Dad to be free” he wondered aloud at his detachment of the fact Max was his biological father. Still to him, Max was more Olivia’s father than his because he did have a mother and father.

“Yeah,” Amelia allowed. “I do not think she set out to do it. As she said, she acted without thinking of the consequences. Which has been something she has been doing more and more recently,” she sighed. “Olivia all her life has been pretty cautious. But lately, that has been out of the window.”

Zack murmured. “That is normal?”

“Unless you never stepped out of line before,” Amelia murmured I am always stepping out of line. Olivia was a different soul. And it eventually wears on you, when you attempt to be someone different than who you are, she mused. “Which was Olivia before all this…”

“Still, she does not deserve this,” Zack murmured.

“None of us do,” Amelia murmured as for once she was thinking more and more of her mother’s line of worry that the legacy of the original generation that began with the shooting, was now moving onto the second generation, and how it would end, was anyone’s guess. She was a wildcard. She always knew it. But she could see her mother’s point. Messing with their futures makes you lose big once you bluff too much.

“Where is Olivia now?” Zack asked.

“Who knows,” Amelia sighed.

“That is not good,” Zack murmured.

“She probably went to see you know who,” Amelia murmured because they were still walking in daylight, and who knows who would have ears and make the connection if they were too implicit. “So, she is probably safe for now.”

“But for how long?” Zack asked.

“They can’t possible think she is guilty?” Amelia asked.

“She is,” Zack murmured.

“But they will never believe she could have done it alone. Given her condition. The idea she could have done it all by herself…”

“But she did,” Zack sighed as he remembered how she had maneuvered through all the security gates, and all he did was drive the ambulance. His half sister had surprised him with her moves. She was stronger than most would give her credit for being.

“What are you going to do about it?” Amelia wondered.

“Hell, if I know,” Zack sighed but he was thinking of doing something, and Amelia could sense it.

“Zack, you are not going to do something crazy are you?”

“I do not know what I am going to do,” Zack sighed, and Amelia knew he was lying as she had the guess that this was going to get messy.

Very messy.


Olivia did not care that others were worried for her as she stood back against the set of rocks, and the cave, as she sought the fresh air. She figured her mother and father were spending time together. She wanted that for them. She knew her mother had missed out on too much. Just like she had missed out on her father. Her mother of course had missed out on having her husband, and seeing that scene before, had allowed a whole lot to make sense again.

She had never seen her mother respond to someone like she had with her father. It showed how when two people made sense than the world can right itself, and make it the world go around, and make you truly understand the world, even when it was spinning out of control.

It made Olivia see that she had not found that herself, yet. As she though of what she had achieved with Alex. But now she was doubting it and she wondered if that was just childish fun. With consequences to be had. The way her mother had looked at her father, or her father had when he looked at her mother.

She saw love, and love that was real.

Adult and something special.

She was dreaming and thinking of when it all made sense and did not hear the Olivia come her way. “Olivia,” came the voice again, and finally she snapped out of her trance. “Oh,” she said as she saw her aunt.

Isabel was looking at her niece weirdly. “Where were you?”

“Dreaming,” Olivia smiled. “What are you doing here?” she asked as she had not expected to see her aunt. Maybe she should have. “Is everything alright back home?”

“I hope so,” Isabel smiled because she did not want anything else to be wrong still though, well, she knew Kyle was taking the girls out to dinner and a movie after school let out. So, she had a few hours to deal with collision of drama going on in the family. She had wanted to come to see her brother. She had yet to visit since Max had woken up because she had had wanted to give the time for her brother to be with the people he loved. “Why are you here?”

“I was visiting Dad, you know” Olivia allowed.

“Why were you not inside then?” Isabel wondered as she looked around. “Too many people out here, and people might wonder,” she asked even though they were up on the incline and out of the view of the expansive desert sands.

“I was letting Mom and Dad have sometime alone,” she sighed. “I did not want to go in there and intrude, you know.”

“I know,” Isabel smiled. “It was sickening back in the day,” she sighed as she remembered how lovey dovey her brother had been over Liz Parker back in the day when things were sane and had not gone out of control. It was sickening perfect and had made her want it, herself and eventually she had gotten it, the harder way and still she knew she had it easier than what her brother had been fated to “But they were decent, were they not?”

“Yes,” Olivia laughed as she hugged her aunt. “Thank you for coming.”

“You are welcome,” Isabel murmured as she took solace in her niece. “I am glad to see you too,” she sighed as she did not relish the drama that was coming their way. “You are doing okay, right?”

“Sure, why would I not be” Olivia wondered.

“I guess there is no reason,” Isabel lied. “Are you going to come back inside with me?” she wondered as she glanced at her niece and wondered what was going on with her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Olivia lied “I was just thinking about things in my own life.”

“How about you take my car, and drive back into town,” Isabel murmured suddenly and without really thinking it through and she knew it was the right thing because the change in the cars would keep her niece out of the spotlight of Agent Barker. “I have some things I want to say, and I can get a ride into town with your mother, and pick up the car later?”

“Why?” Olivia wondered.

“I am being nice,” Isabel smiled.

“That is why I am worried,” Olivia asked warily. “You are going to talk about me, are you not?” she wondered.

“Maybe I will, maybe I will not” Isabel chuckled when she saw the weariness on her niece’s face “All I want to do see my brother, okay?”

“Okay,” Olivia conceded so that she did not have to wait for her mother to want to leave her father, and it would give her them more time together, without her getting in the way. If she agreed to take her aunt’s car then she could get home, and deal with whatever was happening back there without worry, because her mother would be fine here with her father.

She of course now knew that her father never willingly hurt her mother. Because she was everything to him.

“So, how about you do this for me, and I will let your mother know that she can meet you at home” she sighed. “It will give you some time to think…”

“If you are sure,” Olivia asked as Isabel handed her the car keys.

“I am,” Isabel murmured.

“I guess, I will” Olivia nodded as she hugged her aunt and walked away. Sighing with dread of what was upcoming. Isabel watched as her niece walk towards her car and get inside. When she knew that her niece was safe Isabel turned and put the hand towards the rock, and it opened, and she walked inside.


Inside the chamber. Max and Liz were in their own world once again. Neither though it was strange that Olivia had not come back inside once she had concluded with her call. They just took in each other and enjoyed spending time together.

Time that had eluded them for these past seventeen years. Since the time when they were only eighteen, and young and naïve. It was glorious to spend time together, and reality did not bust through, except when it did.

But for now, all they were doing was looking into each other’s eyes, and they then her the rumble of the door opening. Thinking it was Olivia, they did not think anymore. But then when a different sense came set in on the chamber. They knew it was someone different.

“Who is it?” Max called out into the cavern.

“It’s me,” Isabel said softly as she walked in and took in her brother and Liz together. She could not help but think everything was right when she saw her brother with the woman he loved. Too much had been taken from them, and from her brother.

She wanted life to matter again. For happiness to finally come to her brother.

“Isabel,” Max said softly as she got up from the rock they were sitting on together as his sister walked into the chamber. “What are you doing here?”

“Visiting you?” Isabel laughed as she and her brother hugged as they both took in the concept that they were able to touch each other. Something that had not been allowed for nearly seventeen years until recently. Max revelled in the moment.

While Liz sensed something was up “Where is Olivia?” she asked it finally dawned on her that her daughter had not come back inside the chamber as she too easily got drawn in by her husband. Isabel was a remembrance that she was no longer eighteen anymore. She did have responsibilities, and one of those responsibilities was her own sixteen-year-old.

“She is headed back to town in my car,” Isabel allowed.

“Why would you send her back to town in your car?” Liz asked.

“Because we have to talk” Isabel muttered in her professional tone, and both Max and Liz knew that would mean bad news.

Uh oh Liz muttered to herself, and even said it out loud too “What is going on?”

“We were right Liz,” Isabel mumbled. “Agent Barker has made it crystal clear when he found me at my office. That yes, we do have to worry about him coming after Olivia, but he is also coming after all of us” Isabel sighed “And while I wanted to see my brother. I knew now is the time we talk about this, and because of that, well, I felt it was better to speak of this matter alone without Olivia stressing out about it?”

“Agent Barker” Max asked clearly in the dark. Mainly because Liz had been unable to break from their glow to level with him about the federal government sniffing around them, and especially their daughter as she turned to face Isabel with a degree of misery. “What is going on?”

“The federal agent they sent in search of you” Isabel muttered.

“Shit,” Max muttered as if he should not have realized that they would have come after him, and by coming after him. It meant his family would be a target of their wrath. “I am very sorry…”

“Right,” Liz muttered as reality was breaking through the bubble and she did not know whether they would be able to get back to how it was, which was very appropriate she bitterly told herself. This is how it always is with us. One good moment in a ton of bad ones she sighed as she allowed Isabel to break the bad news as she took her husband’s hand as they both grasped it for dear life. “It’s not your fault. You did not ask for this to have happened,” she muttered because it had not been Max’s decision to break out.

“But it someone who we all love,” Isabel murmured as she saw the misery on her brother’s face and knew they all felt it. Because it was going to take a lot of effort “They were sniffing around Liz’s place last night and angling in on Olivia” Isabel sighed. “Which is bad news, because Olivia is actually guilty.”

“Zack is too,” Liz allowed.

“But Olivia was the mastermind,” Isabel mused. “She takes full responsibility, and that is bad news if they were to catch up to her?”

“Are they?” Max asked with fear because this was why he had confessed all those years ago. Taking the danger level away from his family and most of all his wife, and his sister who were in the lion glare of the federal government, and their military once they found his parent’s surveillance tape and they had gotten the witness that had been able to identify Liz’s powers to turn, and say Liz was one of them which was only half the story.

They had saved her, and the military had squeezed her, and she had admitted to such tactics by the military after she testified in court, and Michael and Isabel confronted her, and she told them what had happened.

Max did not blame her because anyone would have turned, and he compounded the misery in his clan by confessing and having to deal with what the government was putting them through so the last thing he would want to do now, so many years later, was to have either of his children facing the danger that came under the microscope.

And especially Olivia.

When all she did was want to know him, and she opened the pandora box of the past.

“We are trying to keep them away,” Isabel murmured. “It is not going to be easy. So far, the agent whose name is Dave Barker is asking questions without a lot of evidence to back up his suspicions. All he has is Olivia at the prison with Liz last night after they got word of what happened with you. The warden was not giving out any information, and so Liz went to speak with the warden…”

“Right,” Liz murmured. “Olivia stayed in the security area, and then she disappeared. I was not able to contact her, and when the warden discovered you went missing. I was with him, but he would not let me leave until I called Isabel, and she zoomed up to the prison and got them to release me by pointing out that the warden was my alibi. Which he was. I had been there for many hours in a stare down trying to get information on you, and neither of us left the room. So, I have an alibi. But Olivia does not, and then they discovered that she vanished herself. My car was gone, and so was an ambulance.”

“She would have taken the car?” Max asked.

“Yes,” both women agreed. “Zack admits being the driver of the ambulance. Olivia had contacted him and needed his assistance, and he came up via his own Uber driver, and they brought you here, and it took a little while before Isabel and me, along with Michael and Maria to figure out this was the destination. Amelia and Alex had gone missing themselves, and they helped aid and abet moving you into this chamber because you were still unconscious…”

“Jeez,” Max murmured as he felt the flashbacks coming to his brain of their own mischievous missions back when they were teenagers. Capers all hours of the day, and night, and their parents were oblivious until they were not and that ended up biting them, and especially him in the end.

“As I said, it has been a wakeup call for all of us” Liz murmured.

“Once again I am glad my own girls are too young,” Isabel sighed.

“One day Isabel, one day” Liz warned.

“I know,” Isabel sighed. “Kyle and I are armed for that day…” she muttered even though she knows that they were not truly.

“How do we protect Olivia, and Zack for that matter” Max muttered as he was once more remaindered how he was in a cocoon of sorts in this sealed caved, and still he did not know where that took him, from here on out.

No one did.

Because they knew sometimes the federal government was too armed, and they would win in the end.

But they had to try at least, right?


Zack walked into his motel room and started to plan while at the same time Amelia walked into her house and saw her mother. “We have trouble,” she muttered to her mother who was doing paperwork for the store which was closed for the day for inventory. She had staff doing it for her, because she felt the need to be home closer to the kids. Assuming her kids showed up, and now Amelia had, and she could see the concern on her daughter’s face. “What is it Amelia?” she asked. “Is everything fine with Greg?” she wondered as she remembered her talk with Ann Simpson.

“Of course,” Amelia muttered as a frown came over her mother’s voice as she became worried that she was missing something “What is going on Mom?”

“Nothing, just doing the books for the store,” Maria murmured as she sat in front of her laptop and thanked the lord for the creation of accounting software because she cursed not spending more time taking mathematics seriously in school. She had her other interests that took precedent, and doing math was not one of them.

She could not help but remember how when she first took over the store how she had been tutored by Liz on how to deal with the accounting programs, for payroll, and the store inventory because Liz had been an old pro because of her responsibilities at the Crashdown. It was always a laugh a minute to think of herself as a businesswoman, but it was largely working, and keeping the roof over their heads.

And that was important given her daughter was testing every limit.

“Do you something I do not with Greg?” Amelia wondered because this was not the first time, she had gotten the sense that she had not been told something. But with Greg, it was easy to ignore the feeling and spend time together, because in only a few days, he would be leaving again, and plus, he was being cagey with when he was coming back again, and that made her have different kind of worries than whether her parents approved of her friends or not.

“No,” Maria murmured. “You are spending more time with Greg honey than I am, so you would know more than I would” she smiled, and her daughter was not put off by the dodge because she knew a dodge when she saw one because she was an old hand at it.

“Mom,” Amelia wondered.

“Seriously honey, it is fine” Maria murmured. “I should be dealing with this tricky accounting program,” she sighed as she checked the clock on the wall “You should know that dinner will be later because your father is working on a case.”

“Okay,” Amelia muttered as she knew something was off with her mother as she remembered her own worries as her mother did not follow up with her earlier warning. “Mom.”

“What?” Maria asked as her concentration went back to the computer.

“I think the FBI is looking at Olivia,” Amelia muttered, and Maria went pale. “I thought you should know if you did not already know.”

“Oh god,” Maria muttered as she stopped focusing on the store and turned her concentration on her teenage daughter as if she had not already been warned about this development in their escalating story. I have been but still there was stuff she did not know “What do you know?”

“Some FBI agent were interrogating Olivia’s grandfathers, both of them, at the Crashdown just now when I was there,” Amelia muttered as she went onto explain why she would have been at the restaurant “I was finishing up lunch with Greg, and he had left to meet his mother and grandparents when I was talking to Zack…”

“Zack,” Maria muttered.

“Mom,” Amelia sighed as sent out of an eye roll. “All we were doing was talking, and we overheard a conversation which makes me think that they are looking into Olivia’s whereabouts last night…”

“Shit,” Maria muttered as she picked up her cellphone, and started dialing, “Michael, we have to talk” she sighed as Amelia knew trouble was in the offering as she did not tell her mother than she had the suspicion that Zack was going to be doing something stupid in protection of his half sister.

Something stupid was exactly what Zack was planning…
Last edited by Parker1947 on Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 56 - 03/10/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

The agent is after Olivia........and put her grandfathers in a bad position.
Yes Zach......this is messy.
Amelia is probably right, Zack might cause trouble trying to protect Olivia.
Hurry back.
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 57 - 03/12/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Jeff watched as the federal agent drive off as he glanced over at Phillip who was watching as if he knew something that he did not. “That went well,” Jeff muttered not he muttered to himself as he thought of the annoyance of the conversation as it was clear they were looking at his granddaughter for some reason. Something that Jeff had been left in the dark about, and most days he wanted that to be honest because he knew his daughter had fallen in love with someone who was truly different and unlike most people on this planet which was an understatement of the century but still now to know something was up, and he suspected that Phillip was in the know. “Why would he be thinking our granddaughter would be in the middle of this?”

“Because she is” Phillip muttered as she knew that Jeff had been in the dark mostly by design because of the past. Still, given they shared a mutual granddaughter. It was clear that the danger level was increasing, and the Parkers did need to know what was going on. Of course, Phillip did not know everything, but enough.

“What does that mean?” Jeff asked.

“That we need to go somewhere more private,” Phillip muttered as they had been lucky that their conversation already had gone smoother than it could have given the set of the circumstances, they were under. “I think we would need more privacy to discuss this to the lengths that we should be,” he allowed.

“Fine, let us go up stairs. Let me go to the front and tell them I will be upstairs,” Jeff muttered. “This is about him is it not?” he asked before he went into the front of the restaurant and cursed to himself when he got a nod from Phillip as he went back into the front, and Phillip let out of a deep sigh.


As on the other side of town. Olivia was letting herself out of the car after parking her aunt’s car. As she walked into the house, well, she could not help but think a lot had changed in the last month or so, as before March 15th, she had been an above average teenage girl who had been testing her limits and trying to be a model daughter to a single mother who had to work too much to pay for the mortgage of their home who had strived to give her only child everything that a growing girl deserved despite not having a father in her life.

And then she had to upset everything by going to visit her biological father.

The man who had fathered her and yet who had been taken away from before she was a glimmer in either of their eyes. She could tell that she had upset the apple cart and opened themselves to a world that had closed itself when her father had sacrificed himself. She wished everything could be easy.

But it was not easy because she had to go and confuse everything again with her actions. Actions that made having a baby at sixteen tame in comparison when she could be facing prison. Of course, she did not think they would convict her, but she could guess that they got their hands on her, then they would have a whole lot of intel on them.

And it made her see why her father had sacrifice himself in the first place. She could see her face in the mirror and knew she might look like her who her mother had been at sixteen, but she was very much, and too much like her father at the same time as she opened the fridge and got a snack out of the fridge.

As she took some of the homemade tabasco fudge brownies out of their container and sat down and reflected some more as she text, we need to talk she sent, and she waited.


“What were you referring to downstairs,” Jeff asked as he closed the door of his apartment and looked around and thought of the home he had made in this apartment with his wife and his daughter before life began to spin out of control when his daughter was in high school. Once she met Max. And now again the ground was unsettled, and he could feel the tremble that meant that there was an earthquake coming towards them all because his daughter fell someone who had taken her down a path.

One that Jeff had not wanted for his daughter. He had wanted his daughter to excel, and to grab for her dreams. And he knew that had been happening from an early age when it looked like Liz was gifted and was able to reach for the ceiling in terms of everything that a father wanted for his child.

Only to see that detour once his daughter was in high school, and met Max.

All because of a shooting in his very restaurant. And while he was appreciative that she was not dead and buried in the ground. Still, you could not deny that his daughter’s trek was dramatically altered on that day, once he came into the secret and knew exactly what had gone down on that September day.

So much had made sense when he did find out. But it did not mean he liked the fact his daughter was facing a dangerous road. All because of choices she had made because she loved Max. Jeff knew of course he could not put it all on Max’s shoulders.

His daughter chose the road she went down. She could have left as she told her father that she had a chance to walk away. She had with Florida, which made a whole more sense when his daughter had finally been upfront or once he read the diary which told the whole sordid deal. And then later when she went to boarding school.

Something Jeff wished he had pulled the trigger on before he did because it might have saved his daughter a lot of heartache.

But children picked their own routes. Parents can only pray that they make it down the road and so Jeff could only pray that this would work out for his daughter, and now granddaughter because he did treasure his granddaughter even if he wished he did not have to deal with her father, but his daughter loved him, and one of these days Jeff knew he would have to make peace with the fact that Liz had chosen someone he would not have picked for her.

It had given him Olivia to love and cherish, but it also gave him nightmares so as he watched Phillip in a quandary over his love for his son A truly unique family, we have here he muttered to himself. “I am sorry Phillip.”

“It is alright,” Phillip allowed. “I recognize that my son has given you reason to distrust him. If the situation were the way, it was with my daughter than I am sure I would have felt the same” he sighed as he thanked god once more that Isabel had found happiness without too much heartache as he thought of the conversation that he and Jeff had rarely been able to have over all these years.

“What is going on?” Jeff wondered. “Why was the agent all over us?”

“Because Olivia had a hand in Max’s disappearance,” Phillip murmured as Jeff’s frown increased. “I know, okay. I wish she had not done it, and in this, it seems she did it all on her own. Your daughter was not in the know until it was too late.”

“Where is Max?” Jeff asked.

“I do not know,” Phillip murmured, which was the truth.

“How can you not know?” Jeff asked. “It’s your son, and you family?” he could not help but ask. “You are a lawyer…”

“As I told that Agent, it’s not my kind of law” Phillip murmured. “As you saw yourself all those years ago,” he sighed of those awful days. “There is a lot my kids will not tell me. And while yes, there is a lot I do know compared to when they were in the high school. Well, there is still a lot they will not tell me. Like any kids, but then my kids are not your average kids?”

“I know,” Jeff allowed as he cursed the events of twenty years before “My daughter was changed because of your son” he muttered even if he did not personally know that his daughter had powers, and special gifts. All he could think was how his daughter, changed from the girl she had been, and it was all because of one boy.

Max Evans.

“Again Jeff, I am sorry” Phillip murmured. “None of this is what you asked for…”

“And it was not asked by you and Diane as well,” Jeff conceded. “Look Phillip. I know kids mystify. I am proof that you can have a rebellious life, and turn your life around but then I am not your son, and I did not cause my daughter harm” he murmured No, but you did cause the death of your girlfriend when you were a teenager he sighed because that was what he was so trying to prevent with his daughter back when in senior year Liz and Max went rogue, and became Roswell’s version of Bonnie and Clyde. Frustrating, and mystifying their parents at the same time.

“I know,” Phillip sighed.

“My daughter chose the route she took, and it is not all on your son” Jeff allowed as he knew that was as far as he had come in admitting the truth of the situation. “I will always be grateful that he did save her, that day, here in the Crashdown” he murmured as he thought back to those days, and how confusing it was to understand what was happening, and it was only after his daughter had sent him her diary, with some choice edits or material evidence that was clearly left out when it became clear how risky her diary had been, but Jeff did not know that except to know what he had read was completely overwhelming, and made him tear up because his daughter had vanished on him.

Only to come back into his life and totally confuse it even more with the news of Max’s confession, and the events of Vermont which had been whitewashed to make it more heroic than what the tapes of the surveillance gave the picture to be.

Watching the surveillance tape had given a side of the events that was very hard to unsee and think it was totally innocent.

No matter how he tried. And he had, because he had known it had been important for his relationship with his daughter, and now his granddaughter.

“It’s a crazy life,” Phillip agreed. “As Diane and I have told Olivia. It took us by surprise, but we love our kids. All kids are unique, in their own way and it just happens I have to exceptionally unique kids, and I wish they could have trusted us enough to come to us before it all ballooned,” he admitted. “But we have to deal with the events that did happen,” he sighed. “I do not want that life for my granddaughter, or Isabel’s girls who are fortunate to be so young, that they have come into what all this means.”

“But Olivia has?” Jeff muttered.

“Yes,” Phillip muttered. “She is very much like your daughter, but she is very much like my son as well.”

Jeff nodded. “It was only natural that she would want to know her father,” he allowed. “I just wish it had set off the fireworks that it did…”

“So, I ask, what were you referring to downstairs?” Jeff asked, once again as they circled back to their original worries…

“Olivia,” Phillip muttered.

“Right,” Jeff sighed. “That agent was not bluffing when he was nosing around for information on our kids, or our granddaughter?” she wondered, and his blood pressured only skyrocketed some more at Phillip nod. “What did she do?”

“As I said, she was responsible for Max disappearing…”

“Shit,” Jeff muttered instinctively as it was starting to hit him and to sink that his granddaughter could be in a danger zone that none of them had imagined for her.

“Right,” Phillip muttered. As he said, he loved his kids, and loved his son and wanted one day to show his love to his son once again if he would allow it but it did not mean he wanted his granddaughter to revisit the same road as his son. She had a future, and she needed to able to embrace it.

Now that she was giving her baby to Liz to raise.

One more reason why she needs to be protected Phillip muttered to himself. “None of us asked for it, but she still went ahead and acted…”

“Just like her mother and father before her?” Jeff muttered as she he tried to understand what could be happening to their families because for so long their families were going alright, and now the past had reawaken, and it could take down even more than it did at the time, seventeen years before.


“I love you,” Max whispered as he hugged his wife and they exchanged a passionate kiss that rivaled anything they had exchanged back in the day when everything was so bright, and it ended taking them down a hard road as Isabel could only watch. As the time had come for Liz to know she had to leave, and head home and face reality.

Whatever that meant. So, she was exchanging one last good-bye with Max.

Max promised to stay in this sealed in cave. Until they knew more, but Isabel suspected it would be hard to keep him in even though he was a wanted fugitive, and his picture was in the newspaper, and on the internet in many forms. “Forever…’

“Me too,” Liz murmured as they kissed once more and finally, she dragged herself back to reality and glanced at Isabel. “I will give you two a chance to say good-bye. I love you,” she murmured as she walked into the outer chamber and waited for Isabel as she was the only way Liz was able to get out of it because she was not gifted to be able to open it.

Unlike her husband, or her daughter.

She had abilities, but there were limits as she was always fine because she had barely used them as she powered through her life remaking her life, and going on, by her own terms.

While Isabel stayed behind for a few more moments and hugged her brother. “You stay here, okay. We cannot have you roaming the desert, or the streets in Roswell,” she warned as Max nodded but Isabel suspected that it would be hard to stay here as this was even more of a bizarre prison than the one, he had in cement and bars that had restrained him from the outside world. “I love you.”

“I love you,” Max smiled. “I am proud of you…”

“One of these days,” Isabel murmured as she walked away and met up with Liz who glanced back and saw Max in her eyesight, and they both could not help but stare until finally she decided to brave out of the sealed sanctum, and deal with reality.

“I know,” Isabel said softly as they walked to her car, and got in. “This is not the life we wanted for him.

Not by a long shot Liz told herself as they started the drive back to town.


“What was she thinking?” Jeff Parker asked once more as if he had not already asked it. As they sat and share a beer. As downstairs life was running around in normal pace and he wished he were downstairs manning his restaurant and living in oblivious bliss without this added information which Phillip had been so kindly telling him. If only I had put an end to Max and Liz back in the beginning, but he did not know how bad it would get, or how complex and unique the situation would end up being. Still, he had to ask why this was their fate as he worried for the safety and the future of their mutual granddaughter.

Phillip could not answer because still it was a question being asked. “She had to think this cannot have ended well for them,” Jeff asked as Phillip told him as much as he knew. Which was still not a lot, but enough.

“She wanted to know her father,” Phillip murmured. “As he has been a ghost to her all these years. How could she not?” he asked himself and out loud. It is natural for kids to have questions about what was being denied to them, and Max had been denied to Olivia, all her life, and it was only natural for Olivia as she was getting older to want to know more.

“It is one thing to go and visit him, which I know is what she had done, but it is entirely to put her future up on a high stake bet for a man she does not know,” Jeff muttered as he struggled to make peace with it because for so long Olivia had been his special granddaughter. A replica of his daughter when she was a baby, and it grew even more apparent as she had grown up into a remarkable and independent young woman.

Why would she want to risk it all Jeff wondered to himself Then why did my own daughter want to risk everything she had a chance at for Max he continued to mutter to himself.

But he had known that Liz had…

“She could not help herself,’ Phillip murmured. “So, when the Agent was asking questions, well, he obviously suspects but I am told there is not evidence to be able to pin anything on our granddaughter, fortunately, but we do have to worry about the possibility that they might come up with something” he sighed because he did remember their kids rebellious trip to Utah, and how the cops were able to come up evidence to almost send Liz to jail which fortunately for himself and his son, they found a way around it.

“Do you know where our granddaughter took Max?” Jeff wondered.

“No,” Phillip said shaking his head, and Jeff could only look at him wearily as he did not trust Phillip and the other man could understand it because he would be the same way in a reversal of a situation. “I am being truthful here, Jeff” he sighed. “My daughter did not tell me, and I asked, but she is being protective of the information.”

“Where could he be, given he cannot go anywhere?” Jeff wondered and if Isabel knew than he knew his daughter would know, and it was more danger for his family.

“I do not know,” Phillip muttered as both men could not help but think about the danger that was coming for their family, after so many blissfully tame years and both of them were thinking of the worse…


“You are going to do something stupid, are you not?” Olivia was muttering as she observed her guest as they sat at the kitchen table and shared the tabasco flavored brownies that she had recently made. Like Amelia she could not help but get a sense that Zack was planning something, and it would dwarf her kidnapping her father, and bringing a very messy addition to their lives. Because of course she did not know Zack that well and had only had him in her life for a little over a month now, but she was getting a sense from him and it was not her trusty powers, and the ability to being finely attuned to someone she was observing. It was ability to pick up on the signs that Zack was clearly giving out.

“What makes you think so?” Zack asked as he was still amazed that Olivia had summoned him, and it was just talking she wanted to do because they were not that close, and they were not like normal siblings, he knew, so he had been surprised when she texted.

Because I know you,” Olivia murmured.

“No, you do not Olivia. Not by a long shot,” Zack sighed because it was the truth. Neither of them knew the other person. They might think they did, and he had done enough research even before coming to this town, but neither really knew each other and so it made days like this was even more bizarre because he knew the last thing Olivia’s mother wanted to do was recognize him as family given the circumstances of his birth. “I do not know you” he muttered as he thought after picking up a brownie from the plate. “I do not know why you like these things so hot,” as he dipped the brownie in the bowl of ice cream he had, to help cool down the heat, as Olivia could only laugh. “What?”

“I cannot believe you are not like the rest of us with our tabasco quirk,” Olivia mused as she took a bite of her own brownie, and did not need vanilla ice cream to cool it down and if she had, than she would have added tabasco to it, because they only kept the vanilla ice cream for her mother because Olivia liked to spice it up if they could not find other brands of the food item. “It a special alien quirk.”

“I am not an alien,” Zack bristled as he had still not come to terms with the fact that he was different and had found others who were exactly like him. Because he would rarely just be human, and be normal, and not have to deal with the insane differences one did if you said you were one of them.

“Of course, you are. You are one of us,” Olivia batted back. “An alien human hybrid,” she sighed. “We might be more human than our parents, but then even you cannot say that because both of your parents were one of us. My mother is more human than yours was…”

“And they say our Dad changed your mother?” Zack asked.

“Yes, he did, but it still does not change who we are” Olivia murmured. “Of course, we all have different levels to who we are, and how human we are, and we certainly are more than our parent’s generation but then one never knows, which is why I worry for the baby.”

“And which is why your mother is going to raise it?” Zack asked.

“Yes,” Olivia sighed as she thought of the plan of like a week ago, she sighed to herself Then I went and screwed up everything, and everything now is on the line in ways I never had imagined a month ago. “Although I have no idea what the future holds for us tomorrow or in September when the baby is due” she wondered because she did not know whether she was a blurry line and one foot from joining her father if they ever found him.

“Yeah, after last night, right?” Zack asked as if he knew what she was thinking.

“Yeah,” Olivia nodded as the back door burst opened, and in walked her mother with a bag of groceries after stopping with Isabel who needed to pick up some food for her own home, and so Liz had elected to pick some stuff up because of recent events had turned their fridges bare, and they had barely any time to go shopping “Mom,” she said as she got up.

“No, sit down” Liz murmured as she spotted her daughter’s guest of course she told herself as she felt it was a comedy to have just been with her husband and to come home to their daughter, and her husband’s son and despite the ways she had come still she had not gotten used to the fact that Zack could readily show up at the house, and while she did want the kids to get to know each other, still, it took some getting used to. “This is a surprise?”

“I better go,” Zack muttered as he got up, and grabbed his jacket. “Thank you for the brownies and the conversation,” he sighed as it did not take a genius to recognize the tension on Olivia’s mother’s face and knew no matter how much she was making peace with the past, still he was evidence of how it had gone wrong for her, and his biological father.

As he soon vanished to Olivia’s warning, “Do not do anything stupid, okay?” she muttered as she did not get a response back and that worried her a she watched her mother put the few groceries away. “I think he’s going to do something stupid.”

“Why do you say that?” Liz asked.

“I do not know,” Olivia muttered. “But it is only this feeling that has come over me as I was sitting there, and talking to him, and all I could feel was a wave of anxiety coming off him, and planning,” she sighed. “And it makes me afraid of because I know what we are capable of doing, so it makes me afraid for him.”

Of course, when do we not do something stupid in this family Liz muttered to herself as she tried to process her daughter’s fears and wondered if she should be worried.

“How is Dad?”

“You know your Dad,” Liz smiled as she thought Perfection. “Speaking of stupidity, he does not want you to add to it, okay?” she asked. “Me, either.”

“I promise” Olivia muttered, and she knew she could swear it because she knew she had to protect her freedom for herself, and the baby’s sake, but now she worried for Zack because like Amelia, well, she had a very definitely thinking that this story was going dangerously off track.
If had not already done so…


Act two has come to a close. The final act will be beginning. Where a race will be beginning, and several unexpected events... Enjoy...
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 57 - 03/12/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

The two grandfathers have lots of worries over Olivia.
Jeff does remember he wouldn't have Liz if it wasn't for Max.
Will Max stay put in the cave???
What is Zach up do??
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 58 - 03/15/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

Twenty-four hours later the party was in full swing as the Guerin twins Alex and Amelia were celebrating their sixteenth birthday in grand style at the old UFO Museum, now named UFO. The establishment was across from the Crashdown. The old Museum had relocated down the street after the recession hit Roswell hard the decade before. So, the owners who had taken over once Brody had sold out before their senior year of high school sold the building themselves to someone in the club business, and because the tourism business never died, thanks to the rumors that stemmed from Max’s arrest, whether they were proved true or not. The new owners transformed the crumbling building into a thriving dance club, and therefore it had now been rented for the party.

Despite all the headaches of the previous days. The teenagers were celebrating in style and trying to forget what could be tomorrow because today was a night for parties. You are only sixteen once Amelia had declared at the start of the festivities. Olivia was dressed in a beautiful long black gown, with a skirt, trying to hide obvious weight gain, and the birthday girl Amelia was the bell of the ball in an even more stunning gold dress. She looked like Cleopatra. Dressed up to the nines… All gussied up in a sea of Alien artifacts, and decorations If you are hiding in plain sight you might as well celebrate who you truly are Amelia explained when Olivia questioned the plan.

Alex was off with friends, and the girls were dancing and having a good time and forgetting about could be coming, and just being teenagers. Greg was talking to friends, and so Olivia and Amelia were drinking lemonade, and talking. “The day is here,” she laughed. ‘You probably did not think it could get here?”

“That is for sure,” Amelia muttered of their long journey “It been a long road,” she laughed as she was full of glee. “Thank you for coming tonight. I know you have a lot on your mind?”

“And miss your party?” Olivia murmured. “I would never have forgiven myself, and plus, we have been planning this day for years” she laughed as she thought of all the plans she and Amelia had devised for their birthdays. While Olivia ended up having a more low-key day, out of choice, Amelia had wanted the big party…

And one that her parents had come through with… With plenty of decorations, and balloons, and it was nice to not think about reality for one night as she saw Alex across the dance floor and her stomach still fluttered for reasons that she did not quite understand…

There was no official chaperone, but Isabel and Kyle were mingling around. Respectfully keeping their distance as Michael and Maria agreed to stay away. As they trusted their daughter.


“You should go ask him to dance,” Amelia asked as she saw her friend staring at her brother. “You are still friends, right?”

“Right,” Olivia asked as she knew it was still the awkward stage. She had wanted the breakup, and nothing had changed on that front but on a night like this and seeing Alex across the room. It gave her pause to wonder about her many choices in life. She wanted New York, but life had a way of giving her new decisions to make.

Ones that you did not see coming.

“Olivia, you look beautiful” Greg smiled as he arrived with a glass of punch for the birthday girl as the music moved onto a new selection.

“Don’t sweet talk me,” Olivia laughed. “You should spend time with your girlfriend,” she smiled as she walked off as got stopped by a friend or two, she had not seen since she stopped attending school, and went on-line for her studies.

“You look gorgeous,” Greg smiled as he and Amelia walked onto the dance floor. “I am glad I came for the weekend, because I did not want to miss tonight.”

“Are you going to tell me what you are keeping from me?” Amelia asked as she had a foreboding sense all day since in the middle of the night she had woken up to a nightmare as if Greg wanted to tell her something and had been ignoring it since he had come back from Roswell.

“Not tonight,” Greg muttered.

“But there is something?” Amelia asked as a slow song started.

“Maybe,” Greg said noncommittal which annoyed Amelia. “Let us party, and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow shall we” he asked as he took her into his arms, and they danced slowly, and had a good time, and she almost forgot that there was something he was not saying to her…


But it was a party, and she was in the mood to party after some dark recent days, so she got into the celebratory mood.


Michael and Maria abided by their agreement to stay away from the party. They knew from constant check in texts from Isabel that everything was fine. No trouble, and no spiked drinks, which made the twins parents happy as despite their promise not to go to the party or set foot in the limits of the building.

They were across the street having dinner at the Crashdown with Liz. It was not very glamorous to celebrate their children’s sixteenth birthday. But it was close by, and they wanted company, and Liz wanted to do something that did not involve thinking about Max.

Because with a federal agent around and sniffing around her own sixteen-year-old. And who would likely want to take down the whole clan if given the chance. She had to be careful, so she could not sneak out to her real life and disappear into her favorite cave and jump her fugitive husband.

Why not?

Because they suspected they were now being followed. And they had to be careful, and so they stayed close to Roswell and plus with party central across the street. Being at the Crashdown was a reasonable substitute even if Liz was getting the eye from everyone who saw her come into her parent’s restaurant, and even from her own father.

Like she knew something. Like she knew where her missing husband was.

Which she did.

So, she had to stay away which was making her mood worse than it had ever been before since now that she had gotten to see Max, and experience and touch him. Yeah, it was hell, so they chose not to go to Cow Patties and get drunk in case disaster did happen at the party.

Which according to their past.

It could not be ruled out.

Although Liz suspected that it would go fine tonight. Because outside of the party had a chance to explode but not within the party. A sixteenth birthday party was not important in the larger scheme of things, right but other parts of the story were…

But one never knew.

So, they glanced across the street with a wary glance as if it could all explode at a moment’s notice.

“It will be fine,” Liz assured her best friend.

“Are you sure?” Maria muttered as they drank at their booth. Michael was taking call from a client and was outside the restaurant, so it was just the women talking. While Jeff Parker came out of the back room and spotted the women once more and decided to the approach. “Uh oh,” she muttered to her friend.

Liz agreed because she had not spent much time with her parents since Max had come back into her life because of the views her parents did hold against her husband. She might love her parents which is why she never cut off contact despite their annoying opinions, but still it was hard to hear them bad mouth the man she loved.

The only man she could love.

“I am checking out the washroom, tell Michael if he comes” Maria murmured as she did not want to get in the middle of whatever Jeff wanted to say to his daughter, which he could tell from his face was something, and she already had too much to worry about as she looked across the street, and the glow of lights and music coming from the UFO which was the name of the club that her children was having their party in.

Summoning enough courage, she turned and went the opposite direction as Jeff approached. “Honey.”

“Dad,” Liz allowed.

“Is everything alright?” Jeff wondered as he had been heartened by the fact, he had overheard laugher coming from the booth which made him happy because his daughter deserved every happiness even as he knew they had not spent too much time in recent weeks, ever since Olivia had gone and met her father, and brought the whole nightmare raring back again.

Now that Jeff knew that Olivia was aggravating old scars. It made him worry, and yet he wanted the best for his daughter, and granddaughter.

“Perfect, why?” Liz smiled as if she did not know what her father might be after but chose to stay silent. “The kids are at the twin’s birthday party, across the street and we are trying to keep our word about not crashing it, to see what our kids might be up to, so we are having a good time together. Michael is outside taking a call on some case or another,” she sighed as she thought of the life, they had been forced to lead without Max in it.

So much was started nearly twenty years before, in this restaurant, and being in here could not help but bring the memories.

“If you are sure,” Jeff muttered as he was unsure of how to approach his daughter, and his daughter certainly knew it and wished things could be different. “Can I sit for a minute?” he wondered as Liz did nod, it is your restaurant after all she mused to herself as she loved this place. She remembered fondly working in this restaurant so many hours, and of course she had met the love of her life in this very establishment, so she had a chance to reflect as her father sat down. “Honey, I wish things could be different, and that you can come to me?”

“What can I say Dad,” Liz murmured as she did feel guilty that she was staying away from her parents. While she loved her mother and father, but it did not stop the fact they did not love her husband or support her decision to stay with him. “You do not like my husband. And Dad, before you defend yourself. Yes, I know he has done things that no person should love, and yes, I they should not have happened, but I did things back when we were younger that I certainly wish I could do again, better, which might wipe out a lot of what went wrong with him so Dad I love him, and that will not change because it has yet to, and it has been nearly twenty years.”

“It’s not that I do not like Max,” Jeff said in defense.

“Is it not?” Liz asked. “Because Dad, you wanted me to divorce him. Back when all this began and while I agree, I was probably a little too rebellious back then, and did things that look reckless to my eyes now, and if only certain things could have been different, but they are were not, although now that I have my own daughter who is the same age as I was when everything started it does give me pause because I do not want that life be revisited on my daughter. But I say it again. I love Max,” she sighed. “I tried to walk away. And maybe if I had been successful, he would be happy, without me and none of this would have happen but I cannot say I regret it Dad. I tried to walk away. It did not work. Therefore, he is the only one for me. Because at the end of the day he is the reason why I am alive today,” And we have certainly have not made it easy on us Liz mused to herself.

“Your mother and I only are worried for you, and for Olivia” Jeff sighed and wished she could add that Max was the reason his daughter almost died,” but he did not because he knew his daughter would get up and walk out of the restaurant.

“I get that, and I am grateful that you are watching out for us, but know I have a handle on this life I am leading” she sighed as she knew it was rich to say she had a handle on it, when the opposite was true. “I am a big girl. I know what I am doing, and you and Mom need to respect that, okay?”

Jeff did not respond and only nodded, and Liz took that as a concession. A small one, for the moment, but it was better than it could be. “I love you; you know Dad and that will never change. So, thank you.”

“I love you too, and I love Olivia,” Jeff sighed as he thought of his granddaughter. “You know honey, Phillip did some talking to me last night…”

“Really,” Liz asked slightly surprised because she had not known that her in-laws were speaking to her father, given the circumstance and certainly her life had strange bedfellows in it as she saw that Maria had started to come out of the washroom and spotted her with her father, and she chuckled and decided to walk out the front doors to check in on her husband.

“So, is it true what I heard from him regarding our granddaughter?” Jeff wondered.

“Dad, I do not know what you might have heard” Liz muttered as she was reminded once more this was an odd life, she had going on here…

“All I am doing is being concerned,” Jeff murmured.

“I get that, but you do not have to worry. Neither does Phillip. I have a handle on what is going on with my daughter” Liz murmuring even though she was willing to admit to herself that she only had it up to a point. “I am pretty entuned with my daughter, okay?” she sighed. “I know what is going on.”

Jeff nodded.


Fifteen minutes before…

While at the same time, outside. Michael had been getting some fresh air when he finished off his call and looked inside and saw Zack in the kitchen, muttering to himself, and seeing his wife and Liz talking. Needing a break to lower his stress level over the case he was working. Although taking a break from it tonight. As he had someone else staking out his target. Instead, he was keeping an eye on the UFO across the street, which seems like it was full of life, and full of lights. Michael trusted his kids, and he was seeing nothing to indicate they should worry about the events of this night when he saw someone familiar walking his way. Uh oh he muttered to himself. “What are you doing here?”

“Can a girl not get something to eat?” Serena laughed as they both knew that she had not been seen in the establishment since her relocation to Roswell once she gave notice at the prison. “My protectee requires food,” she murmured as she been keeping an eye on the cave. As she knew Max was growing restless, and that might pose to be trouble for them if she did not get him something familiar.

So, he requested a burger and milkshake from the Crashdown. Now, it was forcing her out more into the open.

“It’s just a surprise, that is all” Michael murmured. “Can I ask, what is your purpose to this story?”

“Who knows,” Serena said honestly. “I am making sure our protectee stays safe, and I cannot be gone long because there is no telling what he will be doing now that I am gone,” she muttered. “It has been extremely hard to keep him there…”

“Yeah,” Michael muttered as like Liz, he had not been able to the cave for fear the agent would get a clue and would follow them. From his surveillance he was able to see that they had to be careful because Agent Barker was barking around their squad, and they had to be careful which is why Liz was unable to go over, and he and Isabel had not been able to be there.

So, Serena was their lifeline to keep an eye and he knew it was going to be exceptionally hard for Max to stay in the cave. Until they figured out where they went next in this insane new part of their situation as he looked through the window of the Crashdown and noticed that Maria had left the booth, and Jeff Parker was now talking to his daughter.

“This is some restaurant,” Serena muttered as she looked in. “It’s insanity that one town can ride on us, and using it to buck up their tourism industry?”

“Many want to believe,” Michael observed. “Of course, most do not, but some want to believe and so this town needs all the revenue it can get” he sighed as he thought of the drama nearly seventeen years ago. In the wake of the botched graduation where he just barely saved Max, only to watch him get eaten up by the government only weeks later, and how it had escalated in a way that would help their dwindling economy as it would get a significant boost over the next number of years.

And to this day, the hoopla had not died down yet.

All because of how graduation had gone. And how the government wanted the town to believe they were aliens.

Unlawful, and dangerous.

Sure, they had made some iffy choices, but he would quibble with the it all as he did not see his wife coming out of the washroom and come his way. “It has fantastic burgers,” he mused as Serena nodded.

“Michael,” came Maria’s voice. “What is going on out here…”

“Oh,” Michael acknowledged as obviously he had not seen his wife coming out of the restaurant. Serena who was preparing to enter, stopped in place. As this time within their story. Serena had only met with Michael and Max.

No one else.

“Who are you?” Maria asked as a flare of jealousy sprung through her. One that made their marriage healthy because she knew that she would never have to worry about Michael because her husband was faithful, and loved her, but still, she suspected something was off with this one, and she could not help herself.

“Maria. This is Serena, you know, the one” Michael asked as if he did not have to finish the sense as Maria stopped in place as if she understood because Michael had explained to his wife what had happened. “We have her over there, you know…”

“Right,” Maria muttered because she knew to what her husband was referring to. “So, you are Serena?”

“Yes,” Serena murmured as she was happy not to have to go by Scotti anymore. “I was coming for food for my protectee…” she sighed. “Which I might as well do, because to leave him alone any longer could cause an incident that we do not need.”

Michael nodded, as he agreed. Because the longer they left Max without supervision. The more he would act out as Serena walked through the doors, and walked right past Jeff and Liz who were still talking…

“She knew Courtney, huh?” Maria muttered as she still had conflicting feelings about the blonde messed things for her and Michael back in their junior year of high school. She might have made it work with Michael, but it does not mean it was not hell of a ride. Only Max and Liz could lay claim to a rougher ride.

She got the happy ending.

Max and Liz got the shaft.

Michael did not want to talk about Courtney or Serena for that matter and Maria knew it as they watched across the street, and hoped the night stayed peaceful.

Except that there was a chance it could go way off the tracks, in ways that they would not expect as across the street in an unmarked, black car, Agent Dave Barker sat and observed Michael talking to a leggy blonde and then his wife coming out. Because he knew the case, well, he knew the people. And knew the leggy blonde had been a guard up at the prison until suspiciously when Evans disappeared coming down with some mysterious ailment and submitting her resignation to focus on her health, she looks perfectly healthy to me.

So, he could not help but observe…

“These people cannot help themselves, can they?” he murmured out loud in his car.


While the kids partied and had a good time. At the chamber Max was becoming restless. Given he had been spirited out of a prison where he had spent nearly seventeen years behind bars, and behind cement walls. With guards standing by, and technology making sure he did not form a prison break. You would think he would know how to stay still. While he did, still his restless feet did not account for having experienced the love of his life. Knowing she was only miles away. Same with his daughter. Knowing his family was just out there, just beyond his fingertips. It made it heard to concentrate.

Especially when he had memories of Liz bombarding his brain and making him remember when things were bright. Of course, he knew that their time was always running out, or being forced to be cut off when they were just on the cusp of everything righting itself.

Now that he had a taste. It was hard to heed Serena’s orders to stay put, and not to leave.
Unfortunately, he was given powers. And unlike it was any other mere mortal stuck in this cave. They would not be able to get out.

But he could.

So, while Serena was off getting him a burger and milkshake. Max put his hand against the rock, and the rock roared opened, and it gave him an opening to leave.

To walk away.

So, he did…

And when Serena walked in a short time later. She cursed out loud to find out that he was missing in action.

And she did not have any way of finding him.
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 58 - 03/15/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Nice 16th birthday celebration.
Wonder what Greg has to tell Amelia??
Everyone is now being followed and watched......
Phillip, Jeff and Liz are all concerned for Olivia.
Serena has been keeping an eye on the cave.........but Max has gotten restless.
Hurry back!
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 58 - 03/15/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Nice 16th birthday celebration.
Wonder what Greg has to tell Amelia??
Everyone is now being followed and watched......
Phillip, Jeff and Liz are all concerned for Olivia.
Serena has been keeping an eye on the cave.........but Max has gotten restless.
Hurry back!
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 59 - 03/17/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

At the same time the kids were partying and having a good time. Leaving family drama. Or crimes they might have committed in the background of their brains, and they just wanted to have a good time. Neither Alex nor Olivia approached each other. While Amelia and Greg danced a good number of dances together. Still, Olivia was being egged on by her best friend to dance with her ex.

Alex stayed way. While he was at the same time having fun with his friends. Talking sports, and basketball games on television the next day while his eyes drifted across the room at his ex-girlfriend. So, the exes clearly still had eyes for each other. Despite the awkwardness of the situation. But Alex tried to temper that and dance both slow and fast dances with Heidi Hanks who had asked him to dance. And then with Jenn Smith, so it was obvious Alex was making the rounds.

Olivia could not help but notice, and yet she did not do anything except spend time with friends and drinking unspiked punch. Even though she it was obvious that she was jealous. Something she did not know she had the capacity to feel given she had wanted the breakup. And she had a future she wanted to head for, and they were too young. Still, though she felt jealous. Amelia only laughed at her. And told her to crash the dance. But Olivia resisted and did not approach. Instead, she was taking in the atmosphere with the knowledge that this was the likely last school gathering she was back from New York, and whatever her future held.

Amelia could only watch as Olivia seemed to treat her brother like a plaque and stay away, although her brother was acting the same way. Still though she was having a blast, and she was not going to let the adventures of her best friend’s love life get in her mood, as she was living in the moment.

Because who knows what the future was for any of them as she dragged Greg off the dance floor, and they went to get some fresh air. And found themselves exchanging an intimate moment, kissing in a doorway.

While across the street at the Crashdown Zack was finishing up his shift after observing Olivia’s mother go off with Amelia’s parents, as they had all walked out of the restaurant a short time before, and now he was finishing up his shift. Punching out, and grabbing his jacket, and leaving with a bag of Crashdown specialities to eat back at the motel room because he was tired, and did not want his brain to think too much because of plans he was making…

And with the knowledge it was Amelia’s party, and he had purposely not been invited. Muttering to himself, he was walking out of the front door and was prepared to head into the back to get on his motorcycle, when he stopped….

When he spotted Amelia passionately kissing Greg at the doorway to UFO which was a nightclub he knew was run in town. Catering to the young crowd. His research had told him that it had used to be a UFO Museum and his biological father had worked there. It had closed years before and was transformed into meeting place for the youth of today.

Paralyzed. Zack did not move.


Amelia saw Zack staring as she and Greg were kissing. Stopping herself, she pulled Greg away from the door, and they re-entered the club. Greg had seen that Zack had spotted them as he walked out of the Crashdown. Annoyed by Zack. Still not wanting it to rain on the parade of the party, which was a blast.

He tried to bottle it even though Amelia tried to kiss him again, this time in a corner of the main room, where the party was happening. Because she was beautiful. Greg was not one to resist. But he was still bothered, and when they stopped themselves. “Was that because you wanted me, or being you saw Zack?’

“That is stupid thing to say,” Amelia muttered as she could not deny to herself that she had been stirred up by the jealousy on Zack’s face. But she did not need any one to encourage her and Greg because she wanted him too… What a quandary I am in she muttered to herself. “You are the one I want.”

“Are you sure?” Greg muttered.

“Not this again,” Amelia demanded of the discussion they had before. And one she thought she had gotten him to forget or remove as a worry. Because at the end of the day. She was not interested in Zack. And Zack was not interested in her. Except maybe she was, and maybe he was but she wanted to ignore it. “I told you before, we are only friends.”

“Some friends,” Greg muttered. “I saw him staring, and I saw you staring at him?”

“I was not looking for it to have happened,” Amelia muttered. “Do you think I planned it or something. Greg how was I supposed to know he was finishing up working and coming out of the Crashdown at that time. I did not, so stop making it an issue because I want you, and that has not changed” she murmured. “I have wanted you from the beginning and that has not changed. Just because Zack is here, and we are friends, and we have spent time together does not mean that I want anything to happen with him.”

“I want you too,” Greg murmured as he thought back to the year before when he finally got her to notice him and agree to go out with him. “I guess I do not like that I am back at school, and you are here, alone” he asked. “We talked a lot. You did not mention him being in town?”

“There was no need to,” Amelia muttered. “He’s Olivia’s half brother. The most we have spent together is talking. There is nothing more to it Greg, and it is a waste of time to make anything more of it than it is,” she sighed. “And plus, you will be back here soon, will you not?” she asked. “Then you can have me all to yourself,” she sighed and plus Zack has a girlfriend, and I do not know if he will be here in a month or so once all this blows over.

“Yeah,” Greg muttered.

“There it is again” Amelia said as she leaned her back against the wall and looked talk into Greg’s eyes. “Why is there a feeling I have that you do not want to tell me something. Heck, I think my mother even knows. Something is off just there, so what is going on?” she wondered as she glanced at her boyfriend.

Greg did not want to deal with it.

“Greg?” Amelia asked.

“Not tonight. It is your birthday, and your party. I do not want to make you upset,” Greg muttered and knew it was going to be a losing battle.

“Oh no,” Amelia muttered. “You are telling me right now,” as the music was becoming aggravating, and she knew something was up. It did not seem to be life threatening, but it was obvious that Greg was keeping something from her, and she was going to find out.

Tonight, not tomorrow.

Come on Amelia said out loud as she dragged Greg away from the lights, and the music, and into as private corner outside the main dance room.


“Do you want to dance,” came a voice she knew so well. And it took Olivia by surprise as she turned and faced her ex-boyfriend. “You look beautiful” came Alex murmuring as he finally had the nerve to approach his former girlfriend after spending the night avoiding her and making sure he was always busy.

Olivia did mind that she had been left on her own. She had spent the night with friends. She was happy that Amelia was off with Greg because he would be gone too soon. And she could spend plenty of time with her friend once Greg went back to England. She was observing and keeping watch in her own way. She looked to see the bustling of people, and her observations tended to make its way into her writing.

So, Olivia did not see Alex approaching. She was having a glass of lemonade. And just enjoying the evening, and the atmosphere after talking to some friends who had then dragged their boyfriends onto the dance floor once a slow song started, and now she was seeing that her own past was in the present.

“I did not see you coming,” Olivia muttered.

“Obviously,” Alex smiled. “Do you want to dance. I did not see you much on the dance floor except for those fast songs?”

“Well, I saw you dancing with Heidi and then Jenn?” Olivia commented as Alex could only shake your head. “Which is fine with me. We are over, but still it does not mean that you have been particularly lonely,” she sighed with a chuckle as Alex seemed like he wanted to say something. “Alex, truly, it is fine.”

“They asked me to dance,” Alex muttered. “They do not mean anything to me.”

“You could have said no,” Olivia commented.

“I wanted to dance with you,” Alex murmured I have always only wanted to dance with you as it was a unique experience because for the last two years, they had been each other’s dance partner at school dances or friend parties, and now they had to stay away from each other because they were no more.

“I wish you would not say things like that,” Olivia muttered as she was not ready for Alex to make her question her choices.

“Still. I mean it,” as they both looked across the room and saw his sister Amelia getting into an argument with Greg. “What is that about?”

“I have no idea,” Olivia admitted.

“I am sure my sister can handle it on her own,” Alex murmured as he knew that his twin tended to battle her own battles, and feisty enough to do it. “So, do you want to dance?”

“Alex?” Olivia murmured unsure.

“It a party,” Alex smiled, and Olivia felt the butterflies once again. “It’s also my birthday so why do not give me a gift that I want, which is to dance. We have history, and tomorrow is tomorrow, but tonight is a celebration.”

“I guess,” Olivia murmured. “Happy Birthday.”

“That is the spirit,” Alex said taking Olivia’s hand and guiding her to the dance floor as it felt like it was normal and like going back home to be on the dance floor with Alex. This is not how it should be she mused to herself, but it was. “And thank you. I did always want to spend my birthday with you.”

Olivia smiled.


The black car that held Agent Dave Barker was still across the street, focus was now on party central. It was clear no one was stepping out of line that was perceived to be what was normal for them. Dave knew that Elizabeth Parker had gone to the home of Michael and Maria Guerin. Their kids were now in UFO which was a teen club from what he could gather. None of them had left the proximity of the club since the party begun.

Nearby Zack had finally snapped out of his trance and gone for a walk because he did not feel like the state of mind to be on the motorcycle or back in his motel room. Therefore, he had not recognized the car that was also watching him because in the search it had been reported to Barker that Evans had a son born when he was in high school and who he had given up for adoption just prior to the events of the army base explosion.

The mother of the child was one of the deceased in the explosion. And said child was now in Roswell exploring his history.
Dave could see the pieces coming together. But he did not know which one it would lead him to


At the same time as the emotions were high at the party central Max climbed a tree outside a house he knew belonged to his wife and his daughter. It did not take a lot to get the address of his wife. As he remembered the time on the computer in the prison, but also, he remembered the address on his daughter’s driver’s license when she first came to him, which proved to him of her identity.

It was amazing to him how much had changed in a course of a month. Now he was free, thanks to a prison break. But he was determined not to go back, when he had everything he could ever out here, but he also knew that his family was at stake unless he found a way to stay free, and come back to his wife, and family.

The bruises still apparent on his body, and his face because he could not heal overnight in case, they did catch up to him. As they would have questions if suddenly, he was without an ounce of bruise. Still, his energy was almost back to normal, and that is why he had the strength to climb this long tree that would lead him to a window, which he used his skills.

Unused in many years but still old nature for him as he disarmed the surveillance lock on a room that looked like it was a spare bedroom. Quickly moving inside, the house, he closed the window, and looked around.

Immediately feeling at home.

This was where Liz and Olivia lived.

Immediately put to ease inside the house when he should not be because he knew he was taking a risk. Because he did not know if his wife wanted him here.

And common sense told him not to be here, but he could not help but be, because this was home to him, and he needed to see his wife. Twenty-four hours of being awake and forced to be in the cave had made him restless, and he had been unable to stay when no one could come to him, because they were afraid of who might be following them.

All because Olivia had aided his exit from the prison.

He should scold her for that even though she had seen his daughter to be clearly unrepentant about it. When he knew he would have done the same thing once before, and his friends and Liz had done the same thing once before when he was being held.

But this time he was there because of his own choices.

But he was now free and wanted to stay free.

Now that he had a taste of freedom as he started to walk through the house while at the same time Liz was still at Maria and Michael’s place.
With no clue her husband was at her home.


While Michael, Maria, and Liz wondered about the party as they shared a drink at Michael and Maria’s house. Liz had not wanted to be home alone. And with things tense with her father. She did not want to stay at the Crashdown, and instead of driving out to Cow Patties with the acknowledgement that they should still close to home, and relatively sober if anything struck.

While Amelia was staring at her boyfriend. Annoyed that he was clearly not telling her everything. “How can we have a relationship if you refuse to tell me what is happening with you?”

“I told you that I will tell your tomorrow,” Greg muttered. “I do not want to ruin tonight for you?”

“Well, you are,” Amelia muttered as she looked at the party, and was surprised to see her brother and Olivia on the dance floor together looking like they were made for each other. If only she told herself. Tomorrow would be about regrets, and pushing away the best thing in your life, but she wanted tonight for her best friend and her brother.

A night of fun. Because of months of angst had doomed them.

Which is why she was taking a have fun and do not let everything get you down attitude to life. And now Greg was raining her parade and making her suspicious and annoyed.

“So, you would rather tell me whatever you have to tell me just as you are on the way to the airport tomorrow night,” Amelia muttered because she knew Greg and his mother had a midnight flight, which had given them the hopes of being able to spend most of the day together.
But now, Amelia was doubting that. “Tell me,” she asked stubbornly.

“If you are forcing me too,” Greg asked.

“Yes, I am” Amelia muttered. “What is it that you want to say to me?” she asked as he just stared at her, clearly stalling “You do know I have my ways of finding out” she sighed because while Greg did not know she had special gifts. Still, she did know that he knew she was odd and was able to find out things when she ferreted around in a situation long enough and maybe he should have been honest in the beginning. When he first came to back to town.

But he wanted to be with Amelia and did want to make things touchy between the two of them.

“Tell me Greg,” Amelia asked.

“Fine,” Greg murmured. “Just know I love you okay.”

“And I love you too,” Amelia smiled.

“It’s just that I am not coming back in June when my classes are finished,” Greg murmured as he could see Amelia’s shoulder sag, or her face drop as it sunk into her what he had just said. “I am staying in England…”

“Oh my god,” Amelia whispered. “But you promised you would come back?”

“And I was, but they extended my Dad’s job for up to two more years and Mom and Dad want to take the opportunity, and therefore I am not coming back and instead I will be staying at my boarding school next year.”

“Why cannot you stay with your grandparents?” Amelia murmured as tears started coming to her face because she knew what it meant if Greg did not come back and stayed gone for up to two more years. When they only had two more years before graduation. “Why can you not come back and be with me?”


Max was walking through the house. Observing the home that belonged to his wife and daughter, and longing for the ability to be here with them. It was unnerving to know that his wife had created a life without him. And that his daughter had been raised in this house without him, and he had not been able to be here and help, or just observe and now was feeling like he was stalking his family by coming here and see that his wife had a whole existence that did not include him because fate had taken them from each other.

Walking downstairs Max continued to observe. Moving into the living room. He stopped when he spotted pictures on the fireplace mantel. One of Olivia when she was younger, and she had a diploma and since he knew she had not yet finished high school. So, he figured it was from when she graduated from junior high school.

Realizing he was missing so much and continued to with each day that passed.

Max’s heart stopped when he saw a picture sitting by itself on the mantel off in the corner of the shelf. It was from his wedding day.
In their outfits that they had found in a thrift store. Liz in her 70’s style dress. So beautiful, and dreamy.

A day when everything was so right. So perfect, and they had everything to look for. “God,” he whispered as he wanted to touch it, and pick it up and remember that day.

And therefore, he was far into his mind and his brain as he did not hear the front door open as he stood with his back turned. And so, he did not hear anyone coming into the house until he heard a familiar voice.

One that he had not heard in nearly seventeen years.

“Max,” said a stunned voice and it sliced into Max’s brain and snapped his trance. And he came right out of it, and turned, and was shocked to see his father…

“Dad?” Max asked as it was the first time, he had seen his father in those years since he was first forced into prison, and his conviction was handed to him and he had seen the devastated in his parent’s face in the courtroom as he turned and was led out of the courthouse.

“Oh my god” Phillip Evans said standing just yards from his father, for the first time in so many years. “Son, what are you doing here?”
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Re: The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 59 - 03/17/2021

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Was surprised to see my previous comments were not here. Must have done something wrong!
Anyway, interesting that Alex and Olivia stayed apart at first, but finally got together and danced.
Zach saw Amelia's kiss.....
The agent seems to be on the scene everywhere......keeping an eye on everyone.
What, Max escaped the cave and showed up at Liz's house?
He's liking this taste of freedom.......but who does he run into????
My question is, what is Phillip doing at Liz's house???
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The Story of My Life - Chapter 60 - 03/20/2021

Post by Parker1947 »

At the same time, across town “Why could you not have called me and told us. Instead, you wait until you came over here” Michael Guerin muttered as he stood with Maria and Liz glaring at their visitor who had come storming into the home a short time before. Uninvited and yet still Serena had shocked them by showing up moments before as Liz had been heading for her jacket as she was getting ready to head home and wait for her daughter to call to indicate whether she would be needing a drive home. Olivia had been unsure of what the plans would be after the party, whether they would continue on for the slumber party portion of the evening, so she had made Olivia promise to call at the end of the evening and wait for a driver to come pick her up, and Liz was ready to head home until she saw a leggy blonde walk into her best friend’s home as if she owned the place. And she had seen how her friend was immediately put-on guard.

And now they were in a showdown over the fact Serena had allowed her husband a chance to escape his safe house, and the cave, and now he was out there, anywhere and no one had a clue as to where he would go because said husband had not been a resident of Roswell since 2002. Therefore, Serena who was also a newcomer to this town had come for assistance instead of calling “You could have called,” Liz muttered as she had shared Michael position while Maria only took it all in.

She did not know Serena.

None of them did. But given that Serena had been a friend of Courtney. Maria was immediately put on the defense. Because she had trusted the blonde who had messed with their world in junior year of high school. And while Courtney had sacrificed herself for them in a battle with the skins and Nicholas.

Still, Maria had not liked the blonde. And they were dealing with another interloper. Someone who was causing confusion in their group even if until then Serena had kept to keeping watch of Max.

“I had to eat did I not?” Serena said in defense of herself and her actions. “Of course, Max wanted food, and so did I. So, I thought I could go, and pick him up some at the Crashdown. You know give him something from his past. I guess I wrong about that because Jesus Michael, I was only gone less than an hour, and when I came back and well, Max was gone.”

“Of course, he was gone,” Maria muttered as she thought of her old friend. “There was no way he would have stayed there.”

“Well, he had to,” Serena muttered as she clearly did not grasp that these people were their own people and they did not follow other people’s orders when they had succeeded in surviving this land, together, and on their own without anyone else telling them what to do since their last watcher was disposed of. “The federal government is on the hunt for him, and is looking at all of us, so he had to stay there until we knew the next stop.”

“How come you could not have figured out the next step by now?” Liz asked. “You have been on my husband’s watch for all these years, and you had to know that Max would not be content to stay once he was back to full health” she asked softly as she thought of her husband and her craving for him. “This is too much.”

“I am sorry,” Serena muttered as she saw the emotion on Max’s wife’s face “I thought he knew it was imperative that he stay there?”

“Well, you were stupid,” Michael muttered as Liz only stood in silence as she picked up her jacket, and purse. Max did know, but there is no keeping him away from who he loves as he turned to glance at a stone-faced Liz “I am sorry Liz?” he would mutter to their friend who only nodded.

“For what?” Liz asked. “That my husband could be anywhere in this town. Or that the federal government is on the hunt for him because my own daughter broke him out of prison. And that means a federal agent is onto our scent, and would love to take my daughter down, and if he can, all of us at the same time. So, no, why would I not be perfect…” she muttered with condescension dripping as she glanced over at Serena. “I do not need anyone feeling sorry for me. But I do need someone to find my goddamn husband.”

“We will find him,” Michael muttered as he glanced over at a grim Serena.

“Oh, I am sure we will,” Liz muttered. “But the question is, if that Agent will find him first and what happens if he should?” she murmured as she glared at the leggy blonde who had invaded the premises “I have had a enough of this so I am going home, as I will obviously wait to hear from either him or my daughter” she vented as she stormed over the front door, and fled the house, and walked to her car, and drove home.

“This is my fault,” Serena muttered.

“Yes, it is” Maria confirmed.

“Michael, so, do you know where he could be?” Serena wondered.

“If he’s anywhere than it will not be long before he goes and finds Liz” Maria murmured. “If he has not already,” she murmured outside. My bet, the minutes are ticking down before they see each other again.

“You think so?” Serena wondered.

“If you have to wonder than you do not know Max and Liz” Maria said wait, you do not know any of us she muttered to with annoyance dripping from her mouth. “I am going upstairs. Call me Michael if you hear from our kids,” she sighed as she showed Serena once more than she was Michael’s wife and that they were family and had kids.

“I do not think she trusts me?” Serena asked.

“She did not like Courtney,” Michael muttered as if that was not an understatement. Of course, he had himself some complex feelings about Courtney. It was only Maria who had his heart, and there would be never anyone other than his wife for him, and he knew his wife knew that, but it does not mean she was not jealousy because they had gotten the chance to be together that Max and Liz were denied.

“Interesting,” Serena murmured.

“Not really,” Michael sighed. “Look, we have to find Max.”

“Do you know where he went to?” Serena asked.

“Probably anywhere that would bring him closer to who he lost out on,” Michael muttered. “I guess we better check?”

“Do you not have to wait for your kids?” Serena wondered.

“They still have some time to go,” Michael muttered. “It might not be so hard to find Max, because I know someplace where he might go, first.”

“Where?” Serena asked.

“You will see,” Michael murmured. “Let hope this is quick” as he knew his wife would not appreciate him leaving with Serena of all people.

Serena nodded as the door slammed shut behind them and Maria heard it and walked down the stairs and saw that Michael had gone off with Serena. She could only sigh. She trusted Michael, but she did not trust that blonde.

Would she be proven right?

Or could they trust Serena?


Max did not know if he could trust Serena or not, and at this moment, trust was not the utter most thought on his mind as he watched his father react to his discovery of his son. The son he had not seen in nearly two decades. “I am sorry,” was all Max could think to say to the man who he had kept away from the prison he had been barricaded in for all these years. Of course, he had kept everyone away. But he did feel guilty about not seeing his wife, and his parents. Max could only guess it was because he knew he had disappointed his parents with his conduct, and his actions in confessing when he was innocent of at least the crime he was imprisoned of. There were other crimes he was guilty of, but not the one that ultimately got him. Still as they glanced at each other. Neither really speaking. They were both speechless until Max said those words.

“Son,” was all Phillip could say because he was truly shocked by the development.

“Why did you come here?” Max murmured unable to know what to say anything more as they stood away from each other. Both clearly afraid to come closer or to think this was anything more than a mirage.

It was not.

Still, Max did not know why his father was here in his wife’s home. A home that was a mystery to him, and one he wanted to explore because it meant he was someplace where his wife called home.

Even if this were only supposed to be a quick in and out, so that his wife did not know he was here, nor would the federal government. As he did not want to risk anything for his wife, and for his daughter. Now this was something that had upped the risk.

Seeing his father.

“Dad,” he said softly as he knew it had been a long time since they last saw each other. Nearly seventeen years ago had lapsed. Both were significantly older than they had before when they last saw each other. Both had bits of grey hair. Although for Max, it was only a slightly hair here and there, but for Phillip, it was not to. “I did not expect to see you?”

“Obviously,” Phillip Evan asked as this stunned him as he tried to figure out the purpose of this development “Jim called that there was alarm call from the house. Because I knew Liz was not at home while Olivia also is out for the evening, so I chose to come and check it out,” he said briefly as he thought of the text, he had sent to Liz that indicated he was stopping by the house. So, I guess it was you?”

“Yes,” Max wondered. “I am sorry to burden you. I guess my powers are rusty,” he sighed as he thought of his use of them to get through the

“Or Liz has this place more wired,” Phillip admitted because he had known because it was a single mother of a growing daughter. And even if said daughter had more gifts than an average child still Kyle and Michael had wired the place with plenty of surveillance capabilities to protect Liz and Olivia once they moved into this place after years of being in apartments, with capable security guards in the lobby.

“Good,” Max commented as Phillip took in his son for the first time in all these years. And he could not help but wince at the clear evidence of bruises on his face Whoa, they were not kidding he mused to himself.

“Son, what did they do to you?” Phillip asked.

“It’s nothing,” Max murmured as he had gotten good at ignoring his physical condition and it was nothing he wanted to talk about, and something that had not really be discussed to this point because there had been so many other things to discuss. “I am fine.”

“Are you?” Phillip murmured. “You do not look fine. And Max because I know from your sister that medically nothing truly gets you down which seems true since I have known you and your sister since you both were six and seven years old. Neither of you got sick when you were home with us. Well, only that time in high school. And yet, I hear you ended up in the infirmary, so what is what happened?” he asked as he remembered reading Liz’s diary in the wake of his children vanishing. As Jeff Parker had stormed over with questions for him and Diane and showed the document that he had received from his daughter while on the run. It had stunned him to read in gory detail of what was in the journal.

On paper, black and white and clear as day to read of some of the events that Liz had recorded. One of them was of Max’s illness. That had remained unexplained at that point of time. It had stunned him and Diane to know what they had missed out on. And they had a lot to apologize for which Isabel had not accepted because she knew that she and her brother could have told their parents at anytime what had happened.

They had withheld the truth from her parents, and the consequences were on them as well.

Phillip did not know if believed it, but it allowed him and his wife to still have a relationship with their daughter, and now grandchildren.

“That was nothing,” Max murmured. “And this was not the same thing,” he sighed as he knew why he went unconscious when they beat the heck out of you. It is not hard to fall unconscious, and look for the way out, but I have people who were drawing me back he told himself as it was the truth as he knew his wife and daughter had brought him back. “And what happened is over with, and I do not want to deal with it” he sighed because he was not going to get justice for it.

Because it was the price you pay for being in a prison.

“Max,” Phillip murmured. “Did they do that to you?”

“I do not want to talk about it, Dad,” Max said trying to ignore what was done to him. “I rather think about the future, and not the past.”

“What is your future?” Phillip asked.

“I do not know,” Max murmured. “I only want to find a way to love Liz and our daughter, but I do know that this is a unique situation.”

“Yes, it is” Phillip murmured. “They are looking for you?”

“I know,” Max sighed as he knew why this had to be a get in and get out mission but now that was in peril.


At the same time as Liz pulled up into the driveway of her home. Annoyed by Serena’s inaction and her willingness to let Max get away. All she wanted to know was that her husband was alright. Too much was being bet, and they were on the cusp of losing everything as she saw out of the car window, a black car across from her house.

Anger filled her because it did not take a genius in knowing who it was and because of what she did not know of the whereabouts of her husband, and the danger level that was rising within their clan and its capacity to overwhelm them and take them down at the same time.

So, she got out of her car, and walked across the street. Unaware of what was going on in her own home.

Agent Dave Barker was going to be on the other end of her anger. After getting someone to take the surveillance on the Crashdown and the dance club UFO. He played a hunch and drove over the Parker residence. And now was facing an angry wife coming his way.

“What are you doing here, staking out my house?” Liz asked as he brought down the window of his car.

“You know what I am doing,” Dave murmured. “We are still looking for your husband. So, do you have anything more on that matter?” he asked as if he did not know that even if Liz were to know, than it would be the end of the world before she gave anything up.

“You saw for yourself I did not,” Liz murmured. “You checked my house…”

“That was yesterday, this is today” Dave murmured. “Should I check your house once again?”

“The hell you will” Liz asked. “Obviously, he is not there,” she muttered. “My daughter is not home and is not expected at home because she now knew the plan was for Olivia to head over to Amelia’s for a slumber party after the party let up. She was now a free agent for the evening and was not expected to be in the middle of anything unless Michael did manage to find her missing husband.

“You are letting your daughter be at a dance club, where alcohol is being served?” Dave asked as he knew he was provoking her.

Pushing her buttons and looking for an outburst.

Liz was cleverer than that because she knew that was his angle after years of dealing with men like this one across from her street. So, she only showed her anger, and did not engage “You are ass. If you know anything than you know she is at a birthday party. You also would know that is no alcohol being served on this night,” Liz managed as there were chaperones in Isabel and Kyle to make sure it stayed that way, and Amelia and Alex were too goody goody for that Liz knew and, on that count, she knew she was lucky that the kids were acting out in other ways than with substances. “I am not being naïve, you know.”

“I have a fugitive to find?” Dave managed.

“Then look elsewhere. Given you have been staking out this house or have your goons doing it for you than you would know I have been gone all night, and I was at work before that so go look somewhere else” she said as she stood up and stormed back over to her house, muttering to herself as she walked towards the door, and unlocked it, and slammed the door shut behind her…

Unaware of what was going on in her house.


Zack was still around party central. Almost ready to go home. Coming out of his head and noticing his surroundings and who was around. He then spotted an unusual black car. He had seen enough television to know what that meant. They were under surveillance Uh oh he thought as he decided to stick around because he knew Olivia was at the party. And knew there was only one reason they would outside a sixteenth birthday party. Not that he wanted to think about what was going on in the party. He had yet to see Amelia or her boyfriend once again. Which he was thankful now, and now he was on the scent of disaster.

Obviously, they were watching the party because of Olivia.


While inside. Olivia and Alex were still dancing together. Ignoring their history and the fact that this should not be happening. All they wanted to do was have fun. Forget about their history, and ignore the drama swirling in their clan. Angst could come another time, they both thought as across in another part of the party.

Angst was coming for Amelia and Greg.

Because Amelia was trying process the news that her boyfriend had only just imparted to her by stating that he would not be coming back once classes were over. It was the promise he had made when he told her that he would be leaving for the semester because of his father getting a short-term transfer to England. Now, he was telling her that his father was sticking in England.

And so was he…

“Mom came with me because she is meeting with a real estate agent to put the house up for sale,” Greg grimly said to his girlfriend as he battled on with the relationship changing information. “Otherwise, I would have been staying with my grandparents alone.”

“Which goes to my question Greg. Why cannot you stay with your grandparents to finish high school?” Amelia wondered. “After all was that not the plan if your parent’s stay got extended, and they had to stay longer than the semester. You would come back, and stay with your grandparents until they came back to the States?”

“Because I love my parents, and I like my school” Greg murmured as if it was the only answer. “It would be one thing if I had been staying with them this semester, but I was not, and so I want to stay closer to them and given the nature of my father’s job. Coming to visit would be hard to do, and of course my grandparents are not as young as yours are…”

“My grandparents are not so young” Amelia bristled even though she knew there was still plenty of years to go with her own grandparents.

“Still,” Greg managed. “My parents do not want to put the burden on them to deal with me as I finish up school. And really Amelia. I like my school. I have made friends, and I would not mind continuing to go there…”

“Friends, sure, school sure, but what about me?” Amelia muttered as she could see Greg’s point that no one wants to put pressure on his grandparents if there was any other reason. “I thought we had some special?”

“We do,” Greg protested. “I love you and that does not change.”

“But you do not want to be in the same school or even in the same town as me?” Amelia asked. “You have been talking up your experience in London. Your school because you knew this was coming right. You knew your mother was coming back to sell your house. So, your grandparents know, and I think my mother even knows but you waited to tell me, why?”

“Because I did not want to hurt you?” Greg murmured.

“So, you would have told me on the way to the airport,” Amelia accused. “Were you going to stop by on the way to the airport and be ‘I love you but there is something I need to tell you. I know you are expecting me back in June, but the wait will be longer because I will not be back because I am moving there permanently, or at least until I go to university?”

“I would have told you…” Greg sighed.

“You had not told me before today. Before my party,” Amelia muttered as she looked around as the glow of her party had vanished into the air of the night.

“Because I did not want to hurt you and you are the one who made me tell you tonight. I would have told you Amelia. But tomorrow…” Greg sighed.

“On the way to the airport?” Amelia asked.

“Before that,” Greg murmured.

“How can I believe you on that?” Amelia wondered. “Or you?” she sighed. “We talked Greg. You accuse me of not telling you about Zack. When there is nothing between us, but you are moving to London permanently, and you knew this before you came back, and you did not tell me” she asked. “We have seen every day you have been back here, and you did not tell me.”

“I did not want to say it because then it would be real” Greg sighed.

“You expect to have me sit here and be a by the phone girlfriend. Or Skype or whatever mode of conversation that develops during your absence. We just will not see each other, but we are together, and you will expect me to be faithful like I expect you to be?”

“Right,” Greg asked. “Just because I am not coming back does not mean we have to be over…”

“Yeah, that is what it means” Amelia said with tears coming down her face. “You expect me to be on standby” she muttered in a devastated tone that pulled at Greg’s heart because he knew he had managed this badly “So, if that is what you were thinking, then, that will not be happening,” she sighed as she turned and ran from Greg who could only watch her run, and he did not attempt to go after her…

While Olivia and Alex were oblivious and in their own little world.

While everything crumbled for Amelia as she stopped running when she was out of breath, and tears were running down her face. Olivia has the right idea she muttered to herself as she saw her friend who had been thinking in recent weeks that love was overrated, and you should not put your all into someone. Amelia had thought she was the same even though it was at odds with the happy relationship, which she had until tonight. Because she always thought she was not one of these people who put everything on someone. Someone who would hurt them, and here she was as she looked out at the night.

And then looked back at the swirling of the party. The party she wanted. She was the belle of the party, and now…

All she wanted to do, was leave it.

And then she saw her way out…

She saw Zack watching her…

Zack was on his motorcycle as he had riding by when he saw the vision in gold staring out into the night like it was going to drown her, and so he stopped and staring at her, and saw the tears coming down her face and he knew it was something big. But he also knew she would not tell him if he asked, so, he sat on his bike because he was on the edge of doing something stupid, on several fronts.

“Are you okay?” was all Zack asked.

“I do not want to talk about it,” a grief-stricken Amelia muttered because she knew her relationship had just died in the party. Greg might want us to be together, but he did not act like he wanted us to work out she told herself.

“What do you want to do?” Zack asked.

“Just get me out of here,” Amelia muttered as Zack just wordlessly handed her the helmet off his bike, and she did not say anything even though she was going against the rules set up by her mother.

“Yeah, let us get out of here,” Zack muttered as they zoomed away from the party.

With Greg from the distance watching them go off…
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