Blue Skies (AU,M/L,MATURE) Ch 4b - 09/02/04 [WIP]

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Blue Skies (AU,M/L,MATURE) Ch 4b - 09/02/04 [WIP]

Post by prettylittleroswellian »


Author: prettylittleroswellian/Kirsty

Rating: MATURE

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of Roswell, nor the actual story by Catherine Anderson with the same name. I have never read the actual book, only the synopsis, similarly I do not know how her story ends, I have just taken the idea and attributed it to the characters of Roswell and it follows a different course of actions.

Plot: Liz Parker has been blind since birth; she is an honour student and her best friend Maria Deluca has always been there to help her since they met in Kindergarten. Maria never leaves Liz’s side. This is a Max and Liz story, but they have never met where the story begins. Not all the characters of Roswell are in it, but we will see. They are at College and Liz discovers that there is a chance she can gain back sight that her illness took away from her, she has the operation and all is well. As her sight brings her new experiences every day, her confidence grows and it leads her into a troubling situation with a guy, which may take away her sight once again…

~ Please don’t investigate the real story, otherwise it might spoil my story, mine won’t be exact obviously but it does follow some of the main events, and the ending won’t be the same as the book because I have never read the book and don’t know it myself ;) Oh, and no alienisms I’m afraid. :(
~ Some of the characters will make brief guest appearances but they won't remain, just the way its gotta be! But I wanted to try and include everyone.
~ If you look closely, there are links everywhere hidden in my stories to Roswell ;)

Dedicated to: Mesmerized from Forums for Fans, she’s the one who encouraged me to start writing Fan Fiction again after a 3 year (!) absence. Also thank you to Diana and Jules, I love you guys!! :)

Feedback: Yes please!!!!! But be nice! lol! I will get better, it has been 3 years!


Lights flashed on and off. Silhouettes went past Liz’s eyes, she heard voices around her and she turned her head in the direction of the sounds searching for a friendly voice. Maria was long gone, after many tears, mainly Maria, they were separated and Liz could feel nothing but a raging pulse and a 1000 butterflies in her stomach. She wanted to stretch her arm out to find something or someone comforting, as her sense of touch was something she relied on but she had been drugged, she was under anaesthetic and was slowly loosing consciousness. She was scared, her heart pounded for fear of the outcome of this operation. Liz couldn’t see what they were doing, were the doctors shaking their heads? Mouthing ‘No hope” At each other? Liz didn’t know. She was blind. It was a transplant she was having, a corneal transplant. Liz knew the chances, and tried not to keep her hopes up. But when you haven’t seen anything your whole life, its hard not to.

She was being wheeled to Surgery; it felt like she was floating. But it was frightening, she couldn’t hear who was steering her, they didn’t talk to her. Not that Liz could utter any words herself. ‘Where’s Maria?!” she screamed inside. She heard the sounds of doors opening and her trolley squeaked to a halt. Something cold and plastic was placed over her mouth, it startled her. Her head was lifted up and elastic she assumed was wrapped around her head to fix the plastic thing in place. Shadows of many arms went over her body, she felt herself being poked and prodded as things were attached to her.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beeping from her left began, she half turned/ half flopped her head to the side, it was the heart monitor. Incoherent mutters began again and a voice whispered in her ear “Everything is okay Liz, you’ll be going to sleep in a minute and then when you wake up in a few hours, it will feel like you’ve just been asleep for a few minutes. Are you okay? Blink once for yes twice for no.” Liz blinked a long, sad ‘Yes’, she was scared, but she knew she had nothing to worry about. The male voice gently touched her on the shoulder, and she felt a smile, well, that’s what she imagined. She smiled weakly and drifted slowly off to sleep.[/img]
Last edited by prettylittleroswellian on Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:19 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Chapter 1:

Liz sat bolt upright in a cold sweat; panting and mouth wide open as if she was going to scream. She reached to her face and took short, quick breaths, she couldn’t see her hands, she whipped out her left hand in a frantic movement, hitting something sharply which 2 seconds later hit the floor and smashed. Her roommate Maria stirred. “Liz?” she murmured. Liz, crawled and patted the bed until she found the end, she reached a leg over cautiously and touched the floor. “I can’t see Maria.” She panicked as she wandered towards the direction of the light switch. “What?” Maria sat up “What do you mean?” Liz found the switch, it clicked and a bright light filled the room, Maria groaned and grabbed the cover pulling it over her eyes, Liz slapped her hands up to her face and covered her eyes, the brightness of the light hurt. Slowly, she uncovered her eyes and she panned them across the room floor, breathing an instant sigh of relief. “Its okay Maria I just panicked, I had a nightmare and I woke up, not being able to see, I thought, I was, you know, blind again.” Liz whimpered reminiscing back to when she was blind; it was only two weeks since the operation. Liz had been blind since birth, with a rare disease called Lattice Dystrophy, a genetic disorder. The transplant was a success and she was on medication, but she had sight for the first time.

Maria had got up and was squinting but quickly made her way to Liz and hugged her tight “I know its okay.” She pulled Liz back and looked at her best friend “You can see the state I’m in without my make-up and at-“ she looked at the bedside clock “3am?!” she laughed “This better have been a bad dream hon!” she teased, Liz laughed too, it relaxed her but she was still a little tense. Maria sensed this and turned Liz around to face the full length Mirror on the wall at the end of Maria’s bed. She tucked Liz’s hair behind her ears and stroked her brown hair down. “Look, see how beautiful you are?” Liz blushed and remembered the first time she saw her reflection, Liz had been in ecstasy, wearing a bandage over her eyes for the first few days. She had stood there in the bathroom for over an hour on her own touching the mirror and her face to check that she was real, her eyes were a sparkling deep brown, different to the pictures she had seen of herself, her eyes had been cloudy, like a misty but ill blue, they looked scratched and Liz hated them, she thought she looked vacant and stupid, because she wasn’t looking at the camera, she couldn’t see it.

Her brown hair was just past her shoulders. She was slim, and cute small height, with a light, natural Oriental tan on her skin. Her skin was smooth, blemish free, she ran her hands over it many times and had undressed herself fully, for the first time she saw all off herself. She stood amazed, seeing what people really looked like. She ran her hands over all the lines and curves, re-introducing herself to her body, but this time with her new found sight.

Liz looked at Maria and began to compare the two; they were the same small height. Maria was a unique but stunning blonde, with an individual sense of style and wacky humour. Liz turned round and hugged Maria, crying softly. Maria held her close, comforting her. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what Liz had been through, Liz had never seen a human, the TV or herself, things that Maria felt she had taken for granted. “Hey, why don’t you share my bed, If you’re going to have any nightmare’s, I’ll share them with you little miss fidget,” Maria said laughing “I swear when you’re asleep that you’re alligator wrestling.” She burst out a laugh and poked Liz. Liz smiled and giggled, embarrassed. She began to walk over to the broken glass before Maria began making incoherent, babbling sounds and indicated for Liz to get into bed “I’ll sort that out, you just get back to sleep and I’ll be with you in a few minutes.” Liz giggled again and dodged the glass and breathed a sigh of relief as she pulled Maria’s duvet over her till only her nose was peeping out. She smiled happily. “Thank you Maria…” she said, and closed her eyes.

Last edited by prettylittleroswellian on Thu May 13, 2004 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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look what Hybrid made for me!!! I'm gonna put it in the first post!!

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Chapter 2

8-year-old Alex Whitman clutched nervously at his mother’s hand, turning his knuckles a pale white. He shaded himself behind her, peeping his head round the side her every so often as they walked the short distance to the reception of Freemantles School, a Specialist School for the blind and visually impaired. Similarly, his mother did the same. She held onto the arm of her closest friend, Amy Deluca, a friend who had always been there for Alex’s mother. Although Alex was hiding in fear, Alex’s mother did not, she had poor vision hat had been deteriorating over her life since she was 25, after she had Alex. Amy and his mother had been friends since they were 3, and Amy had never turned her back on his mother when she started going blind.

Alex knew that he should be in school, his own mother knew he should be in school. But after coming home from school yesterday with a black eye and claiming it was from dodge ball, enough was enough. Even though his mother could still partially see, she could not see her son’s wound. But Amy Deluca, mother of one and a strong survivor of a failing relationship, could. After a phone call from two angry mothers to the poor 60-something school receptionist, Alex was taken out of school for two days till the teachers ‘dealt’ with Alex’s tormentors.

“Not so tight Alex.” His mother said smiling down on him. “What are you so afraid of?” she asked as they approached the two very bright red doors. Amy led them through to the reception where she signed Mrs Whitman in. Alex’s mother was a teacher at this very small independent school, where she taught a class of 3 children blind since birth. Alex gulped and released his grip a little. “My friends said that the other children here are really monsters from outer space who really can see and blast you with their laser vision when you’re not looking.” He said keeping a completely non-expressional face that was slowly turning pale. Amy and his mother burst into laughter “What?” said Amy turning red from trying to prevent herself from laughing. “These kids wouldn’t hurt a fly.” She led them down the corridor stopping at a blue door with funny shaped dots at Alex’s height.

Amy spoke quietly with his mother before walking past Alex and giving him a friendly shoulder punch, “Take care of your mum, I’ll be back after I close the store.” Amy owned a tourist shop selling popular American trinkets that foreigners thrived for. Alex let go and turned round to find 3 very silent children a similar age to him, two boys and one girl, just sitting at desks stroking books with no words. Alex gawped with his eyes and slowly backed away till his back was against a plant, which then spoke to him. “You must be Alex.” He whipped round screaming: “Don’t shoot! Don’t kill me!” and waving his hands around in front of him like a power ranger. The 3 kids jumped up, the two boys began wailing, the girl looked alarmed and was waving her hands low around cautiously. A figure stepped past Alex quickly, and began rounding the children up and calming them down.

Alex ran to his mother “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” She looked down at him, “I know, its okay.” The figure had sat the children down and was behind Alex “I’m sorry,” she said looking straight at him “I didn’t mean to alarm you. I’m Miss Leigh” Alex stared confused “You’re not, you’re not,” he pointed at her eyes, she smiled “No I’m not. I help your mother with the class.” There was silence for a few seconds before his mother spoke “Would you like to meet them?” Alex hesitated, looking from his mother to the lady to the once again silent children. Alex’s mother bent down and whispered in his ear “They are not aliens from outer space.” Alex smiled and nodded releasing his mother. Miss Leigh guided Alex slowly towards the three children. She spoke softly, “Michael, Kyle, Liz, this is Alex. The boy in the middle with brown floppy hair spoke “Was he the idiot screaming like a monkey?” Miss Leigh shushed the boy “Kyle, watch your language” Kyle turned his direction following the voice “What? He was though. He scared me.” The other boy with short brown hair, obviously Michael, fiercely said, “He didn’t scare me.” Alex began to back away but Miss Leigh pushed him towards a small girl with long brown hair smiling. “I’m Liz.” She said and stuck out her hand, Alex shook it and smiled back. She giggled and felt around the table till she found a chair next to her and patted it. “Sit next to me.”
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Chapter 3

Liz sighed happily and snuggled into her coat, hunching up to keep the warmth in. She was sitting on a park bench opposite a lake, the sun reflected off the crystal waters and a gentle sound of water lapping up to the shore across the gravel path sent Liz into a sleepy daze. Liz closed her eyes, they were still swollen, still healing but she was so full of excitement to see the world unknown to her, she longed to see the world. Liz had spent the morning on Maria’s laptop looking at holiday destinations, the Seven Wonders of the World and distant galaxies. But for now, Liz Parker, age 28, would have to settle for 2 years of Graduate School, in Covina, California.

The warmth of the sun made Liz glow, she breathed in the late summer breeze and curled her toes in satisfaction. Something brushed her cheek gently and she opened her eyes to find a golden oak leaf fall on her lap from the tree above, she picked it up bringing it close to her face, she studied it, running her eyes along every edge and singular detail. ‘To be 28 years old…’ she thought, ‘and to have never seen the simplest of everyday things.’ She put the leaf in her pocket, saving it so that she could stick it in her diary, it had only been written in twice, but it spoke of past, present and experiences yet to come.

Liz stood up, brushing away a stray lock of hair that had fallen across her face. She turned to walk as a strong gust of wind made leaves dance around her feet. She smiled to herself, the smile soon spread to a cheeky grin as out of the corner of her eye she spotted a pile of leaves behind a tree, just raked up by the college gardener. She giggled delightedly and ran to the leaves, falling across the pile and throwing leaves up into the air. This is something 2 months ago she never would have done, and not because she had been blind, but because she was ‘Miss Sensible’, ‘too sensible!’ she screamed inside.

Max Evans flipped his head with one, swift moment, sending his dark brown hair of sheer perfection out of his eyes, making two girls passing him go weak at the knees and tremble in ecstasy. An oak leaf floated onto his jacket, he brushed it away, and stopped. 50 feet away leaves were flying everywhere; a girl was rolling across the ground laughing. He curiously took a step forward, she looked familiar he thought squinting. He leaned forward, trying to investigate her. She had long flowing hair, that the sun absorbed with love, revealing natural golden highlights as the sun shone down on it. Her skin was of an olive complexion, and her eyes, ‘those eyes’ he thought. With each step he took, he wanted to see more. “Max!” came a tiresome stern voice. He turned round slowly, trying not to break his view of the girl. A tall elegant blonder stood in front of him on a step, with a hand on her hip, with a frustrated, ‘no nonsense’ expression. It was his sister Isabel. “College has even started yet and already you’re checking out-“ she leaned to the side to see past her brother, and frowned questionably. “ A short brunette who seems to think she’s a border collie. Good job Max.” Max looked down and began studying the floor, shifting his weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. Isabel shook her head and frowned turning to go “Okay.” Max sighed “Lets just go enrol okay, you think you can do that without controlling my love life?” He walked past her and began walking up the steps, she watched him carefully “Oh, so you’re in love with her?” She disapprovingly looked back from the girl to Max. Max became frustrated “I don’t even know her.” Isabel walked past Max raising her eyebrows “O-kay.” Max shook his head and took a step to go but stopped again, he turned his eyes to the brunette again, she was brushing herself off now, but even from where Max was, he could tell she was happy.
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Post by prettylittleroswellian »

aww bless! thank you that'd be great!
so here we go folks, part 4a! the next part interlinks with it hence why it is going to be part a and b. Thanks for all your patience, its meant a lot to me :D

Part 4a
Liz whined and fell backwards onto her bed, pulling her pillow over her face. “Mari-uhh.” Came a tired muffled voice. Maria rolled her eyes and sat at the end of Liz’s bed. “Liz- you can’t lie her all day, no wait, all week?!” she said sarcastically, Liz had not socialised at all since she had come back from surgery, not that she had before her transplant either. Liz removed the pillow and sighed, “Maria, no.” she stood up and walked to the bathroom, removing some eye-drops from the cabinet above the sink. Maria swivelled round to face Liz and whimpered, puppy dog eyes to match. Liz laughed as she looked up towards the ceiling and dropped three drops into each eye “When are you going to take ‘no’ for an answer?” Maria gave a pretend confused expression “Never.” She said bluntly and smiled widely. Liz giggled as a knock came at the door, and began dabbing at her eyes with cotton wool, another knock came and Maria frowned, “Of course Liz I’ll get the door, no problem.”
“Smile!” came a cheery voice as Maria looked back to the door she opened and grinned broadly “Alex!” she sprang forward and hugged her friend tightly, Alex laughed and returned the hug, behind Maria, Liz appeared in the doorway. “Alex?!” she smiled and joined in the three-way hug. “Why can’t I have that effect?” Maria sulked playfully. “I’ve been trying to persuade Liz to come out with me for the night, just to have some fun for once in our dull lives.” She pouted at Liz who immediately rescued herself, “But I can’t drink, and besides, I’m tired. Doctor Rodriguez says I have to rest.” Maria raised her eyebrows and cocked her head sideways at Alex as if to say ‘see?’ Alex looked down and raised his hands up in the air “You are not making me a part of this.” He laughed and stepped past them. “But Liz, that was, what? Two weeks ago now?”
“Actually its three now. But that’s not the point, Maria, I’m not going.”
Maria huffed at Liz, “Liz I know that, you can just come, have fun, and enjoy the delightful company of starlet and best friend Maria Deluca.” She crossed her arms and then added “and Alex.”
“Noo. There is no way you are making me go.”
“You will once I’ve finished with you.” She grinned.
Liz slouched in her posture and walked back to her bed, flumping back once again. Grabbing the pillow over her face she mumbled, “I’ll think about it.”
Maria squealed and dashed to Liz’s wardrobe and began riffling through Liz’s things, dismissing her casual, smart attire. Liz peeped out at Alex as if to say ‘we’ve lost her.’ Alex nodded and fell backwards onto Liz’s bed, joining Liz in hiding under the pillow.
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Part 4b

Music throbbed in the air and Liz dragged her feet unenthusiastically behind Maria. Liz frowned, “Why am I here again?” Maria swivelled on one foot and reached for Liz’s hand, pulling her through the crowd “Be-cause, you’re here to have fun and remind your friends that you haven’t vanished from the face of this earth.” She turned back for a moment before stopping and looking at Alex questionably, “You could at least try to look as if you’re having a good time.” Alex pulled a wide grin till her back was facing towards him and leant over Liz as she walked “Give her one hour then we’ll run for it. By then she’ll have forgotten we’re here” Liz giggled and walked on shaking her head.

Tapping the toe of his boot in time to the music, Max ran his finger round his empty beer glass. He watched the crowd bounce up and down like waves across a sea and sighed. The only reason he was here was because Isabel had dragged him here, she protested and stomped her feet until he had said yes. Within five minutes of their arrival, she had pranced off after guy whose name she didn’t know. He rubbed his eyes and prepared to get up when his best friend, Michael Guerin, planted himself down on the empty seat next to Max. He didn’t look at Max, but instead looked dead ahead non-expressional, Max gazed at him with raised eyebrows expecting him to say something.
“This is lame.” He finally said, still looking forward.
“What is?” Max asked. Michael turned his head towards Max and waved a hand round the club. “This place, the music, the people.” Max raised an eyebrow and gave a half-smile, Michael’s behaviour didn’t surprise him.
“But you find everything lame Michael.” Michael didn’t say anything, instead he stood up and turned to go, he wiped the sweat off of his forehead and turned back to Max “I’m meeting Maria over by the bar, you wanna come?”
“I’ll pass, its not going to get any better here is it.” He asked rhetorically. Michael shrugged and walked off down the line of table to the bar. Max watched him go then turned to look at his empty glass, he settled on having one more drink before he told Isabel he was leaving.

Seated at a nearby table, Liz watched Max. His hair was dark and cut stylishly under his ears. She peered at him curiously, mesmerized, intrigued. She found a smile creeping across her face and blushing slightly in fear of him catching her looking at him. He looked the same age as her but she wasn’t sure. Accurately judging someone’s age wasn’t something she had yet mastered. She’d had precious little opportunity to hone that skill. No matter, finally at long last she got to at who Maria was squealing at, and not have to judge from her squeal how good looking the guy was, whether it be acceptable, hot, or totally knock-your-socks-off-and-abandon-Liz gorgeous.
“Okay I give up who are we staring at?” Maria asked low in Liz’s ear, startling Liz. “Michael.” She quickly said, “he’s coming over, did you arrange to meet him?” Maria sat back in her chair. “Unofficially. The man has no sense of time keeping.”
Liz laughed, “Didn’t you buy him a watch?”
“Yes. To Michael just because it says 8:30, doesn’t mean it is 8:30. It’s 7:30 followed by ‘I didn’t know the clocks had changed’ even though the clocks changed 3 months ago, or if he’s early it’s- forget it he’s never early.” She finished just as Michael arrived at their table. Liz turned back to stare at Max as Maria complained on Michael’s time-keeping, but she found herself looking directly in his gaze, he was looking straight at her, and not only that. He was walking over…