Collision in Roswell (AU,M/L,M/M,MATURE/ADULT) [COMPLETE]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 18, 2002 2:45 pm

Post by katrina »

**I actually thought I wouldn't be able to post tonight but I made it. Sorry I'm late. I also apologize because I don't really have time for individual comments tonight.

Thanks for the feedback:

Chapter Eleven

Liz rapped on the Deluca door incessantly. Horrific thoughts trampled through her mind all relating to what happened to Maria. Each idea was more insane than the last due to Liz’s cluelessness on what was presently occurring in her best friend’s life. She couldn’t help but scold herself for her oblivious manner lately. During these last few days, Liz’s mind hadn’t traveled further than her own concerns. Why hadn’t she seen what was further than her own nose? How could she miss out on Maria’s life? What kind of best friend was she?

Liz was beginning to drown in guilt when the front door finally opened. What she saw made her lungs still and the tide of guilt rise.

“Maria?” she could hardly whisper out. The girl in front of her was a shell of her former self. Maria was puffy-eyed and disheveled. Her normally vibrant complexion was now dull and pale. What happened to her life-long friend?

Liz’s heavy heart went out to the wretched girl as she pulled her to her bosom in comfort. Liz held Maria tightly hoping to soothe her best friend. Maria returned the hug as tears renewed in her eyes.

“Oh, Lizzie, hic he was such a bastard!”

“Shh,” Liz responded still holding her. “Why don’t we go inside and you tell me all about it over Ben and Jerry’s?” Liz felt Maria nod and released her. She then grabbed Maria’s hand and guided her inside toward the kitchen.

Liz sat Maria down on a stool at the counter and put herself in charge of preparing everything. She took out two spoons from the drawer. In the very back of the Deluca freezer, she found an unopened carton of vanilla ice cream. She took its lid off and stuck the two spoons in.

Liz plopped herself beside a still hiccupping and teary Maria. Taking a bite of the sinful pleasure she prompted, “Okay, spill it all out.”

Maria nodded slowly and took a deep breath hoping to calm down a bit. She realized that she had to tell Liz everything even though she had her insecurities regarding the consequences. She took a small bite of ice cream and closed her eyes. Her hiccups stopped. She hoped that Liz wouldn’t blow up at her for what she had done. Her emotional state of mind at the moment would not be able to take it.

Liz nudged the abnormally silent girl. “You know I have always had a great ear for listening to all the troubles you have had throughout your life. There’s been quite a few. You know I’ll love you no matter what going on,” Liz encouraged. “So spill.”

Maria looked at her friend. Liz appeared so sincere and so worried for her. She could do this. She nodded slowly. “I just don’t want you upset with me, too,” she responded slowly. “Okay.”

She took another spoonful before continuing. “I was going out with this guy,” she started looking at Liz for any reaction and encouragement.

“A guy,” Liz repeated smiling slightly. Of course it was a guy. “So what did the bastard do? And how come I know nothing about there being a guy in your life?”

“Liz,” Maria scolded smiling slightly at her friend’s light response.

“Okay, okay. So what happened with this guy that has put you in this rut?”

“Well, we were getting along pretty well spending as much time together as we could.” So far so good.

Liz nodded for her to continue though wondering how she missed all this guy time Maria seemed to be spending with a boyfriend rather than with her.

“Things were going great but kinda faster than I wanted.” Maria pushed the ice cream away growing angry, again, at what had happened earlier that afternoon. “And when I told him that I wanted to slow down, he went ballistic.” The ice cream lay forgotten on the counter.

Maria became so caught up in her emotions that words began to come out unchecked. “Michael Guerin is such a self-centered pig! He only thinks of himself. What I saw in him I have no clue. God, couldn’t he have been more sensitive? He just kept going on and on. He said that we had people on our side. He said that we didn’t have to stay a secret. Our relationship could finally go public and that I was trying to ruin it.”

Liz gaped at her best friend. Her mind could not wrap around this. Michael and Maria?

Maria took no notice of the shock on Liz’s facial features. “And you wouldn’t believe what the bastard said about you. He started talking about how you and Max Evans, of all people, were together. He said you guys were even having sex and that you could help us chase the whole North-South hostility away.” Maria stood up and forged on. “I mean who would believe him? You and Max together? HA! You guys are like the paradigm of the North and South. You’re like oil and water… you can’t mix! He’s a lying bastard. He would not let me have my way. He just started saying anything trying to make me give in to him.”

Maria finally looked at her best friend again. “Liz? Liz?” Maria watched her best friend waiting for a response. Wait, did she say too much?

“You and Michael?” Liz asked calmly staring at what seemed to be nothing. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Maria sat down again on the stool and studied the white tiled floor. “I don’t know. I guess I was scared. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with him. It was wrong and now you’re going to hate me for it. We weren’t supposed to be together.”

Liz continued to stare as she spoke again. “When did Michael exactly start talking about Max and I being together?” Liz was beginning to see red as she waited for an answer. How dare he tell Maria about her and Max’s relationship? He did it for purely selfish reasons. The jerk told Maria their secret after promising less than an hour before that his lips were sealed! The bastard indeed!

“Earlier today, before I called you.” Maria watched her best friend cautiously. “Are you mad about what I did, Liz?”

‘So as soon as he found out, he told Maria,’ Liz thought not hearing what else Maria said. Well that was the final straw.

Liz stood up from the counter and made a beeline for the phone. She quickly punched in the already memorized phone number.

“What are you doing?” Maria asked confused. What was going on? What was going on in that mind of hers?

Liz put her hand up to indicate silence as the other end of the line was picked up.

“Hello?” greeted a deep comforting voice. Liz was so enchanted by the single word that she nearly forgot her reason for calling. Nearly.

“Hey,” she responded in a dreamy voice trying not to linger but still wanting to. “Could I chat with Michael for a sec?”

On the other end, Max froze not quite believing what he was hearing. “Michael? I shouldn’t be jealous, should I?”

“Oh, this is definitely not a social call. If anything, you should be grateful that I don’t want to talk to you right now. He and I have something we need to discuss. He is always there so is he around?”

“Uh, yeah, okay,” Max responded. “One sec.” He poked his friend beside him. “Michael, Liz wishes to speak with you.”

Michael could only cringe when he took the phone. He did not want to talk to his girlfriend’s best friend. Or was it his ex-girlfriend?

Max watched Michael curiously. Since when did they have matters to discuss?

“Hello?” Michael greeted cautiously.

“Michael,” Liz responded angrily. “How could you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Uh, where should I start? There was breaking my best friend’s heart? How about not telling Max and I that you were in the same kind of relationship as us? Or there was you actually telling Maria my and Max’s secret? Huh? How could you?”

“Hey,” Michael retorted becoming angry at her accusations. “I had to say something. The chick was breaking up with me. What was I supposed to do? Huh? Tell me that. I love the chick whole-heartedly and she wanted to take a break. It was what I had to do. I had to.” This girl had no right.

“Michael,” Liz stated calming down because of his plea. She was beginning to understand the reasons behind this guy’s arrogance. “Why didn’t you tell her that you loved her?”

“Her large ass mouth got in the way.” Michael ran his fingers through his spiked hair still pissed by what Liz said a few minutes before.

Liz smiled at Michael’s choice of words. Her anger draining quickly. “I think you should come and straighten out your miscommunications.” Liz said resolutely. “It’ll help you both.”

“She’ll just say the same things again.” Michael shook his head.

“Who says? Get here ASAP. No way are you going to get out of this.” Liz hung up the phone feeling much better than before. She finally understood what had happened. Everything would turn out fine. She knew it.

Liz turned around back toward the counter then froze. She totally forgot that Maria was there. She stood there with a pallet of emotions swimming across her face. Anger, confusion, curiosity, and nervousness were all visible.

“What the hell was that?” she asked heatedly. “Since when do you talk to Michael Guerin? Did you use yourself AND Max Evans in the SAME sentence? What’s going on? What were you two talking about?”

Liz shook her head not able to stop a smile from parking on her face. “You’re not the only one with secrets. What a story I have to tell you.”

Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 18, 2002 2:45 pm

Post by katrina »

**Hey, I'm back with a new part early! I'm not sure if I'll be here later so I decided to post it now. OMG, I absolutely love you guys!! Just to know that people are reading this story and liking it just makes me feel so warm and fuzzy.

Thanks to:
Emz80m - Liz is pretty powerful, isn't she? :wink:
Lizza - Glad you feel that way! :D
Behrsgirl77 - Welcome! Wow, thank you! You have no idea how crazy this road is gonna be. :twisted: :wink: As a side note, your stories are yet more that I lurk on. Sigh, sorry about that. I absolutely adore them by the way. The way you write Max and Liz is so cute! But anyway, thanks for the feedback! :)
imnotic - Welcome and thank you! :P
VeronicB - Glad you loved it! :D

Ok, here it is...

Chapter Twelve

“So that’s what you call it these days?” Maria asked incredulously. “A “story” - Unbelievable.” She rolled her eyes and plopped herself back on the stool resignedly.

“You kept things from me too, you know. Just maybe we’re more alike than we ever imagined.” Liz looked at her friend. Below Maria’s interior, she saw herself and her own fears about a forbidden relationship. Sure, they had enough similarities to be best friends but there were more differences between them than she could count. This just seemed to prove that they were close for a reason.

Maria stirred her half-melted ice cream with her spoon. “How do you figure that one exactly?”

Liz smiled. “We both broke the rules and damned the consequences.”

Maria looked up sharply. What rule did she break? Well, besides going out with Michael; Liz would have never crossed that line too. Or had she? “What rule did we both break?”

Liz couldn’t help but giggle at Maria’s response. Maria had to know, she wasn’t stupid. “Well, you’re with, excuse me, were with this ‘guy’ and I’m presently with this other ‘guy’ and they’re coincidently best friends.”

Maria’s eyes widened at Liz’s revelation and her jaw dropped. Even after hearing the confession, she could not believe it. “Lizzie! You aren't?!”

“I’m afraid I am.” Liz shook her head still smiling. Thoughts of Max kept that smile from diminishing.

Maria opened her mouth and closed it again. Liz and… and… him? Unbelievable. “You’re with Max Evans? You’ve suddenly got the hots for someone that you have loathed all you life? How’s that possible?”

Liz laughed again. “Crazy, huh?”

“That’s an understatement.” Maria looked up at Liz and immediately saw a faraway look in her eyes. The Liz she knew was suddenly gone. “How is it that I’m finding this out just now?”

“Oh, see, it’s kinda a new development. You’ve been doing this sort of thing much longer than I have.” Liz sighed contentedly.

Maria frowned. That’s why she hadn’t noticed this change in Liz’s glow before now. “Then how come Michael knew all about it?”

“Um…” Liz bit her lip in embarrassment. Did she really want to get into it? She realized that the guys were coming at any second now. Maria wanted an answer and she didn’t have the time to give her the one that she deserved from her best friend.

Ding Dong

Liz sighed in relief. Saved by the bell.

“Hold that thought.” Maria jumped from the stool and headed for the front door. As she opened the heavy oak, she dimly recalled Liz’s phone conversation earlier. Crap! Facing her was Michael.


Earlier, Michael hung up the phone in mixed spirits. On the one hand, he had a chance to make amends with a girl that he admitted has wormed her way into his heart and won’t vacate it. But would she be willing to go back into a relationship? Liz seemed to think so. But Maria broke up with him because she wanted space. Or so she said… If Liz was correct in her thinking, then Maria really broke up with him for the reasons he had always believed were plausible: the South/ North shit. If this didn’t prove that no man could understand the other half of the world’s population, then he didn’t know what would. God, women confused the hell out of him.

“Michael? What did Liz want?” Max’s question pulled him back to reality. Shouldn’t he be going to Maria’s right now?

“Huh, oh. She wants me to make amends with Maria because she got an earful of her best friend’s complaints about me and God knows what else.” Michael grabbed his leather jacket. “Let’s take the Jeep to Maria’s.”

“Whoa, whoa,” Max’s head was spinning. Had her heard him correctly? “I heard something about you and Maria and Liz and that you want me to take you to Maria’s in the Jeep? What’s going on?”

Michael rolled his eyes. Must Max always know everything before he does anything? His instinctive responsibility sucked. “I’ll explain on the way. Do you want to see Liz again today or what?”

Max grabbed his wallet off the dresser. Of course he’d go to see Liz. He dragged his fingers through his hair. “You better explain on the way.”

“Yeah, yeah, let’s go.” Leaving the house, Michael could only wonder if he was about to make the mistake of a lifetime.


“Michael,” Maria greeted him as coldly as she could. This was horrible. She was still puffy-eyed and pale from crying over him earlier.

“Hey.” Michael scratched his ear nervously. Was he the reason that Maria looked like shit?

Maria tried to look anywhere but at the guy in front of her. The first thing her eyes landed on was Max who was standing a couple feet behind Michael.

“Hey, Max,” Maria chirped as cheerfully a she could under the circumstances. Maybe she could irk Michael by acting extra nice with Max. “So what’s this I hear about you and dear Lizzie? You better treat her right or I’ll beat the crap out of you.” So much for being nice. “How’d you two get together anyway?” She’d talk about anything to postpone her confrontation with Michael.

“Um,” Max scratched his head slightly nervous. “Liz didn’t…”

“Max, Michael. Come on in. Maria, don’t you have any manners?” Liz was relieved that she came into the room just in time. She wanted to tell Maria all about her and Max privately where there wouldn’t be any interruptions. She knew that Maria would respond strongly whether it be in a positive or negative way, and Liz wanted to tell her in the best way that she could. She wasn’t trying to keep anything from her.

“Long time no see, guys,” Liz said trying to make conversation. “So… why don’t Max and I go to the kitchen where I still have some ice cream left while you two talk.” Liz didn’t wait for a response. She grabbed Max and dragged him into the other room.

Maria and Michael were left in the front hall alone. Neither was happy with the tension that decided to stick around them nor were they happy that they were left to their own devices.

“Well?” Maria tapped her foot irritated at both the situation and Michael.

“Well…” Michael replied. What was he supposed to say?

Maria rolled her eyes. “You came here to say something so say it.”

Michael quirked an eyebrow. “Aren’t we straight to the point. No polite conversation to start with?”

“You and I were never subtle.” She crossed her arms across her chest remembering their recent blunt relationship. Michael remained silent.

“If you’re not going to say anything, then leave. I have better thing to do than waste my life waiting for you.” Maria was prepared to kick him out of the house again.

“Am I just trash to you?” Michael shot back. “I came here to apologize for being an ass to you and you don’t want to hear it?”

“Well, if you don’t say anything…”

“Sorry if I wanted to find the right thing to say.”

“Apologizing isn’t that hard you bastard,” Maria’s voice rose. “‘I’m sorry that I didn’t believe you about Max and Liz.’ See, even I can do it.”

“Do you wanna know what I can do easily since apologizing is too hard?”

“Can you do anything with that dense skull of…” Maria couldn’t finish because Michael grabbed her. As his mouth touched hers, thoughts and anger dissipated to nothing.

Michael ran his tongue against her lips for entry and she quickly complied. He attacked her mouth in new aggression. Hair was mussed and clothes were smudged. Maria’s earlier appearance changed dramatically, not that either noticed. She was flush from desire versus her earlier upset look. Maria also hardly noticed the wall against her back as she wrapped her legs around Michael’s waist so she could feel his erection more directly.

Michael groaned responding to the added friction. Pleasure was the extent of his thoughts and the argument was temporarily forgotten.


Liz pulled Max into the kitchen and closed the room’s sliding door. She wanted to ensure their privacy as well as Maria and Michael’s.

“Hi,” Liz said cheerfully as she turned toward him.

Before speaking, Max responded by grabbing he around the waist. He kissed her deeply and thoroughly before pulling away slightly.

Forehead touching, he said, “I’ve wanted to do that since you left earlier.”

Liz licked her lips and smiled. His voice was like honey. “If that’s a hello after a couple of hours away from you, then I can’t wait until we’re separated for a night.”

Max grinned at her eagerness. “Well, I’d need some practice for that.” Their lips met again eagerly less than a second later. Neither one’s hands could resist the flushing skin under one another’s clothing. Max pushed Liz’s shirt up so that her flat stomach was visible and slid his tongue down her tan skin.

Liz had removed his shirt and let her hand roam his ripped abs. His tongue made her skin sizzle. Desire for one another was about to explode.

Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 18, 2002 2:45 pm

Post by katrina »

Hey, guys! Yay, I'm on time today.

Thank you for the feedback:
icequeen - School is the next obstacle. :)
Smac - Yep, Maria's a bit busy at the moment. :wink:
Behrsgirl77 - M/M have the school thing down since they have been together for a while, but you're right, school will be a problem since neither couple can keep their hands at bay. :wink:
roswellluver - I stop at inopportune times in a few of the remaining chapters as well. :twisted: What can I say, I'm evil! LOL
tabata - Here's the update. :wink: A/I will show up sooner or later, but in the beginning when I stated which couples I'd be focusing on, A/I really are more minor. Isabel, though, will be making an appearance sooner or later.
Emz80m - Thanks!
VeronicB - Well, when a feud has been going on for generations, people just get stuck in their ways and nothing changes.

Chapter Thirteen

Max and Liz had been making out for an unknown amount of time before Liz pulled away. She had to rip herself away from him quickly or they would never have stopped. And she did not want a purely physical relationship with Max like Maria had with Michael. Look at Maria now because of it; her best friend was a mess. No, she and Max had to build a strong balanced relationship. She cared about Max too much to ruin him in such a way.

She cared for Max – huh. A week ago, she hated his guts and now she was falling for him. It was like a fairy tale – getting together; overcoming all obstacles, such as a split town – another reason to strengthen their bond. Roswell could break them - shatter them - easily.

Max was breathing heavily in front of Liz. All he could think was, ‘Had he gone too far?’ That had to be why she had broken away so quickly. “Sorry,” he huffed aloud, “but you’re too damn irresistible.”

Liz nearly giggled. He gets brownie points for that. But right now they had to be serious. “I just think that we need to go slower. We don’t want to end up like them.” She pointed towards the other room with her right thumb.

“True.” Max sighed in disappointment as he backed away from her. What were they supposed to do alone then if they weren’t going to make out? He took a seat on one of the stool the Liz and Maria were sitting on earlier and slipped his shirt back on.

As Liz sat beside him, she pushed the now melted ice cream away while throwing her shirt back on. Were they supposed to talk about their interests or what they should do during school the next day? Liz wrinkled her nose. She definitely did not want to even think about that. It was a disaster in the making. Any way that they would go about it would be messy in the end. She’d do nearly anything to postpone it until the end of the world. But that would never work. They had to do something very soon. All they had to do was end that stupid Roswell Feud. How hard could that be? She snorted to herself, definitely impossible.

Max, after putting his shirt back on, took Liz’s bowl of discarded vanilla ice cream and polished it off. It was just a tad bit melted but still good overall. It was better to eat in the thick silence than to do nothing at all. And right now, the silence seemed to be their lot in life: a silent relationship, some silent friends…

“Rere, Riz.” Max handed Liz a now empty bowl, though the same could not be said about his mouth.

Liz groaned taking the bowl and dropping it into the Deluca’s kitchen sink. “What is with the male population? Do you all talk with your mouths’ full?”

Max offered a confused look. “Huh?”

“Humph, never mind.” She figured it was better that she put away the bowl rather than do nothing at all.

“So,” Max prompted. He actually wanted to talk about how they would go about the split town issue that was keeping them apart publicly. He really did not want to be the one to bring it up first. This was on few their few minutes alone together, and he didn’t know how she would react to an end in the silence this way.

“So,” Liz echoed in a drawn-out sort of way. What were you supposed to talk about to build your relationship? If she asked interests, would he reply by saying that he liked staring at her or kissing her? It would definitely butter her up, she thought with a small grin. But then, she’d become Jell-O and they would start making out again.

Geez, she scrutinized things way too much. They could always talk later. Yeah, smooch now, chat later – she liked that plan. But she was the one who had wanted to talk in the first place. She shook her head. She should really turn off her brain for awhile.

Max had allowed himself to be sucked into Liz Land again. Why make plans to be together when they could be together freely now? That creamy smooth skin… he remembered how soft it was… and those luscious lips… how sweet they tasted…

Liz had to quit thinking. She looked at Max wanting to ask him something… anything… And that’s when she lost herself in him. His dark eyes seemed to glow darker with desire… they were nearly black. She grew flushed by how he seemed to be devouring her with those eyes…

“We could do more of that thinking later.”

“Or never again.” Nothing else was coherent for a long time.


An hour later, the two couples had finally put their heads together so that they could figure out how to keep their relationships. Max and Liz were especially eager to come up with a solution. After their make-out session, the awkward silence had at last been broken. They talked about what they enjoyed to do in their spare time after they had studied. They discovered mutual interests like stargazing. They both liked going out to the desert to look at the stars in the twilight. Both also wanted to escape Roswell at the first chance that they had once they graduated.

Max smiled in Liz’s direction while the four tossed ideas to each other. Who knew that he and Liz had so much in common? He regretted hating her for so long. Why had he hated her in the first place? He couldn’t imagine a life without her. What would he have done if things were as they were before?

His thoughts shifted to his worry that they couldn’t spend time together now that they realized their feelings for one another. The North-South thing had to give or he would never be happy. Why was the big split such a big deal anyhow?

“You guys,” Max looked at the other three upon his realization. “I don’t know how much you know about the whole North-South rivalry but speaking for me, I really don’t know all that much about it.”

Michael, Maria, and Liz looked at one another and shrugged. The hostility was like a tradition. The reasons hadn’t seemed important anymore.

“So all we have to do is push the town back together,” said Maria. “We don’t really have to resolve the feud or anything; we just have to make everyone forget about it.” Maria shook her head. “You’re full of shit, Max.”

“No, he’s not,” Liz stood up for her boyfriend. “It’s the best chance we have to change anything around here.”

“So what do you suggest exactly?” Michael cut in while pulling Maria against him in a protective manner. “We can’t just like hold a huge party somewhere and have everyone play nice.”

Both Max and Liz smiled. Who knew that Michael could come up with something that might actually work? Max slapped Michael on the back. “If we do something like that, it’ll eventually spread from the people that go to the party to their parents, siblings, and friends. Michael that could actually work.”

Michael gave Max a confused look. “You can’t be serious. I mean, Pam’s party for all of Roswell is one thing, but us trying to push the North and South together by holding another party would never work. No one would go and we’d be found out.” He squeezed Maria more tightly.

Maria let her head fall against Michael’s hard chest. Letting all her fears out really did wonders. She and Michael were slowly getting back on track. “I agree with Michael. A party could backfire big time. As seniors, we can’t afford to do anything risky. It could ruin us all.” Maria looked at Liz and Max as she sighed. “I say that we just keep it a secret. After this year is over, we can leave this shit hole and never come back. Then, we can all be with whomever we please freely. No one would even look twice.” She closed her eyes at the thought – freedom.

Max grabbed Liz as a response to Maria’s input. How could they live with this secret for an entire year? Would they survive living in the darkness?

Liz was thinking along the same lines as Max. Could they cover themselves well enough to raise no suspicion? Ideas on how to do so surfaced in her mind. She and Max did have those three classes together – what was once a nightmare had become a blessing in that moment. They couldn’t just restrain themselves for an entire year; they would stay together.

Max let out a sigh. “Let’s not decide this now. We could do the secrecy thing for now but I don’t think that it will work long term.” The other three nodded in agreement.

Maria, glad that they were using her plan, said, “Shouldn’t we make an oath, or something so nothing will ever leave this room? If any of you say anything to anyone, I swear I’ll kill you slowly and painfully.”

“An oath?” Michael scowled. “What, are we in the fourth grade or something?”

Liz could see Maria’s temper rising quickly so she spoke up before Maria had a chance to retort. “It shouldn’t be an oath really, more like a pact. That way we all know our relationships will be kept secret until all four of us agree to divulge them, whenever that is.”

Michael rolled his eyes. A pact?! “Fine, whatever. As long as I don’t have to sign anything.”

“Okay,” Max agreed. “Only when all four of us agree can we tell what has gone on in the last week, including all that has gone on in this room today.”

“Wait,” Maria interrupted. “What has gone on this past week exactly?”

Liz offered an impatient glare while Michael and Max looked on in amusement. “I’ll tell you about it later. Let’s just do this.”

They all shook on it.

Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 18, 2002 2:45 pm

Post by katrina »

Thanks for the feedback:
roswellluver - Thanks!
CherryFlavoredChica - Welcome!
Emz80m - Right now will probably only work temporarily... :?
VeronicB - Sooner or later they have to do something though... :? :wink:
icequeen - The eraser room is always a possibility! :wink:

Thanks everyone! ~Katrina

Chapter Fourteen

Life went on in Roswell – a normal life for most. But for the four who shared a deep secret, life was anything but normal.

Urges to give public affection to their significant others were hard to avoid. No one knew how hard it was to stop a simple kiss or even a small squeeze in the hallways at school. Neither couple could even make conversation of any kind outside of their common classes. Liz and Max wished they could talk about anything besides plant and animal cells occasionally.

Sure, both couples could have a secret rendezvous in the Eraser Room or in the desert after school, but those were kept to a precious minimum to prevent suspicions from being raised. Not that the other students of West Roswell didn’t have suspicions. Anyone would if four of the most eligible students suddenly acted as if they were no longer on the market. But when friends questioned the four, each shrugged it off lightly:

“It’s just that I’ve gotta keep my grades up,” Liz would always say.

Max would always answer, “I’m just taking a break from girls. I want to be single for once.”

Maria would respond, “I like guys chasing after me - I don’t want to be caught.” And she’d giggle flirtatiously to avoid more confrontation.

And typical Michael would say to prying eyes, “I don’t give a fuck what others think.”

Many eyebrows were raised in question but none were answered. Some people tried to make it their job to find out what was going on but none of them could figure it out.


“I don’t know why he won’t stop with the hard to get crap. I’m sick of chasing him,” Tess whined to her best friend Pam. “He’s supposed to be chasing me!”

Pam shrugged as if she were bored out of her mind. “Maybe he really wants to stay single. That way he can have all the girls without commitment.” After pondering the weird attitudes of four classmates, she was sick of it all. “They all just want attention. That’s all it’s ever been with Max; being the center of the show.” Pam stood up from the crate in the Eraser Room. “Just pick somebody else to go after. It’s been a month and you are no closer to getting Max than I am. He’s not worth it. A girl’s got her needs and he’s just not supplying.”

Tess sighed in defeat. “Who should I go after then?”

Pam smirked with eyes full of mischief. “I hear Kyle Valenti just broke up with his girlfriend.”

“Hmm,” Tess pondered for a moment. “Not a bad choice.”


After a month of secrecy, Max and Liz were both beyond frustrated. By sitting next to Max in Bio made Liz want him – all of him. It was torturous. They only snuck away to the Eraser Room once a week, if they were even lucky, to keep their relationship low key. To Liz, that was not nearly enough. She thought back to the activities the day before that had taken place in there.


No words were uttered as Liz let Max have his way with her. That tongue of his should be illegal; it left a sizzling trail down her body.

***End Flash

She ached to feel the heat again. Liz glanced sideways at Max only to have to swallow hard to keep her away from him. To her, he was an addictive drug. Mmm, she would have turned to drugs earlier if she had known how pleasuring it was. Liz began doodling on her notebook while pondering when she and Max could be alone again. She couldn’t wait for that day. Sure, they hadn’t slept together since that life- altering night but they were slowly building up to it and she just loved spending time with him. Life was as great as it could be minus the double agent life. But every time she looked into his honey-like depths, all the secrets and lies were worth it.

“Miss Parker? Miss Parker?” Liz was torn from her daydreaming by the call of her name.

“Huh?” She asked flustered, already feeling the warmth from the red growing on her cheeks. She spared a quick side-glance at Max who flashed her a quick silly grin that he reserved solely for her which always made her melt.

“…not even hear what I asked you?”

Liz trembled slightly at the tone of the teacher’s voice. “I’m so sorry, I must have just spaced for a moment without realizing it.”

“Please pay attention. I’m giving you important information for next week’s exam,” Ms. Hardy nearly snapped in her direction before turning to Max. “Mr. Evans, maybe you can answer the question that your lab partner cannot: What type of relationship is between two organisms if only one benefits while the other is harmed?”

“Parasitism,” Max responded promptly and the teacher nodded before returning to her writing on the chalkboard. “And an example…” Max squeezed Liz’s hand quickly and dropped it again before anyone would notice. Then, he nudged her notebook slightly so Liz would look down at it while smiling cockily.

Her blush grew more apparent as she realized how lucky she was that the teacher had not noticed her doodling. Liz had written I love Max in big hearts all over it.


The final bell rang and Max gave out a sigh. Everyday life seemed to be becoming harder. His life had turned into a web of lies and he couldn’t help but admit to himself that spending time with Liz was not paying off all the trouble it was causing. They hardly spent any time with one another. It’s not that he wanted to break things off with her but… something just had to change. Max didn’t want to live like this anymore.

Max walked out to his Jeep and opened the car door. He was so deep in thought that he hadn’t registered the front passenger door opening and closing and a person sit beside him.

“Hey,” Isabel greeted her brother. Max jumped slightly at the voice before turning his head in her direction.

“Geez, Iz, I didn’t even realize you were here.”

“Nice to know that I’m at the center of your attention,” she replied sarcastically. “Actually you’ve really been different and kind of out of it lately. I’ve hardly heard a word out of you in the last month. What’s up with that?”

“Nothing,” Max mumbled while starting the car. “I’ve just had a lot of stuff going on lately.” He pulled the car out of the spot and began to drive home.

“Oh, like what? Oh, wait, I know. It’s the nonexistent girl troubles right? Being single isn’t as great as you thought it would be. Or…” she paused for dramatic effect before snapping her fingers once. “Could it be all that sneaking around that you’ve been doing lately, hmm?” She looked knowingly at her brother.

Max opened his mouth but could only close it again because he had no reply. Had he really been that obvious with his sneaking around?

Like she could read his mind, she assured him, “Yeah, it has. So what have you been up to?” She reiterated her original question.

Max looked through his windshield not knowing how to answer. But Isabel continued to look at him expecting one. Max slumped slightly in defeat. “Can’t you ever just let it go?” he grumbled. “Sometimes I like to keep my thoughts and problems to myself.”

“Oh, but dear brother,” Isabel smiled cheekily. “I’m your nosy sister who must know everything about your life.”

Max sighed inwardly. He would only tell her half-truths, even if it killed him. Like the rest of the world, his sister, for once, couldn’t know the truth. “It’s about a girl.” He told her almost incoherently.

“A girl?” Isabel repeated and Max nodded. Finally, she was getting somewhere – if only it had ended up being something more than girl problems. He had never kept that type of thing from her before. She had thought his sneakiness was because of something more than that. It was almost disappointing. “Well?”

“Well?! Well, there’s nothing else to it. I’ll figure it out.” Max parked the car in front of the garage in the driveway. He got out of the car and stomped into the house toward his bedroom.

“Nice talking to you, too!” Isabel called out. Something more was definitely going on, she surmised. Something that was harming their normally open sibling relationship. Something big.


Max dialed Liz’s cell number when he reached his room. Lying to Isabel was almost impossible; he didn’t think he could lie to her again. The weekend was here finally and he wanted to spend some time with Liz and forget about all the problems growing because he was secretly dating her.

“Hello?” Liz’s voice rang out almost immediately after he finished dialing the number.

“Hey,” Max replied, his previous thoughts concerning his problems flying out the window. “What are your plans this weekend?”

Liz’s heart fluttered slightly as it always did when she heard that masculine voice. “Just working tonight and Sunday morning until noon. Otherwise, I’m as free as a butterfly.”

“Aw,” Max nearly pouted while his sullen mood began to shift to a happier one. “That’s too bad because I’m really bored right now and can’t wait until tomorrow to spend time with you.”

“That’s too bad, Buster.” Liz giggled at his boyish tone. “I’m as busy as a bee tonight working at the Café.”

“What’s with all these animal references?” Max asked huskily. “The bees make me think of sweet honey and that can only come into being when I’m in the company of you. Plus, you’re making me hungry. Maybe I’ll come by to grab a bite.” And maybe something more, Max added silently.

“Hmm, I could use some honey myself so maybe I can take my lone break tonight when you come by and you can come into the backroom to eat and keep your lonely girlfriend company.” Liz grew giddy at the thought while laughing slightly at their corny conversation.

Max smiled as their plans took shape. “I’ll come by as soon as I can, to put a halt to that loneliness of yours.”

“Can’t wait,” Liz replied before pressing the ‘end’ button on her cell. She definitely could not wait.

Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 18, 2002 2:45 pm

Post by katrina »

** Mwah! Thanks guys! It seems that you guys are getting worried... :wink: My following comments apply to all of you since most of your feedback is roughly the same -- first, this story is actually pretty short. In other words, there are only a few chapters left... can't say how many exactly because that just might give something away. :twisted: Secondly, Max was thinking pretty cynically, but if his feelings are true, he just might surprise you. Lastly, um... this part comes from left field and even I was surprised that I thought in this direction. So I'm just gonna go and hide now... :|

Thanks you guys!! ~Katrina
VeronicB - When there's a will, there's a way. :wink:
Emz80m - Hey, no worries... Tessie's gone. She gave up. :wink:

Chapter Fifteen

Max walked through the Crashdown doors just when the sun was setting in determination. He only slowed his step slightly in order to assure himself that no one in the restaurant had paid any attention to the soft jingling of the front door bells. Very few people were seated in the alien-themed booths, he noticed, due to the evening lull that always took place around this time on Friday nights. Gaining confidence from the emptiness, he spied a certain brunette waitress near the backroom doors. Max quickened his pace and walked toward her as soon as he saw her.

When he was less than five feet away, Liz glanced up from the notepad she had been studying. She could feel someone staring at her. Her mouth curved slightly in a small smile when she glanced into his admiring eyes. She looked around the restaurant quickly and was relieved that the few customers were occupied by their meals and her father was concentrating on counting money from the cash register at the other side of the café. She turned her attention back toward Max suddenly wanting her break to start. She looked at her father again and knew that if she left the room for five minutes now he wouldn’t notice her absence.

Liz made a quick decision then. She beckoned Max with her finger in a small movement and offered a short wink and smile before turning on her heel and walking through the backroom’s swinging door.

Max, enthralled by her seducing gesture, followed Liz. Once inside the backroom, he immediately crushed against her and gave her a thorough kiss, which she eagerly returned. Max broke the kiss before it became too deep and he lost control. He wanted to tell her something and if they got to making out, he would not have time.

Liz looked at him in confusion and frustrated desire. “I only have five minutes. I’m the only one waiting on the customers for another half hour until Maria’s shift starts.”

Max took her hand and led her to the worn old couch in the corner. “That’s okay,” he replied beginning to feel warm from nervousness. “I just wanted to tell you something real quick before I lose my nerve…”


Isabel walked into the restaurant slowly, hoping that her brother wouldn’t notice that she was spying on him. She looked around herself unfamiliar with the atmosphere. She’d never been in here before. ‘What is Max doing on this side of town?’ she wondered to herself. He was always the type of person to stay on his own side of the tracks.

Isabel, though intrigued by her small discovery, found herself uncomfortable to spy on her brother any further. Not only had she lost him once she had entered the café but he also seemed to really want to keep something a secret. He was spending time in North Roswell of all places. She really had no idea what was going on in her brother’s mind anymore, which was why she ended up following his jeep to this very restaurant. It felt weird to not know Max anymore since she always had before. This was the reason she was following him: so she could be close to him again.

Isabel turned toward the door to walk back to her car and drive home deciding that testing Max’s lifelong trust in her wasn’t worth it. She stopped in her tracks, though, when the door’s bells jingled announcing a new customer.

Entering the restaurant were two people, one of whom she had known like a brother for most of her life from the million times he had hung out with Max at the Evan’s household. She could only gape in surprise. What was Michael doing on this side of town?


Michael couldn’t help but smile as he drove his girlfriend to her place of occupation. He loved being with Maria more than anything. After Maria had revealed her fears to him, he had tried very hard to spend time with her. He wanted to assure her that he enjoyed being with her and that they weren’t just some casual thing.

Though Michael never revealed his feelings about her, Maria was gaining confidence in their relationship again. By the amount of attention he showered on her, Maria could feel how much he cared; he cared as much as she cared for him. “Sorry I have to work today, Michael,” Maria told him regretfully. “I know that you wanted us to spend the afternoon together.”

“It’s cool,” Michael replied only glancing at her for a second before concentrating on the road again. “Max and I got some hoops to play anyway.”

“You’re gonna get all hot and sweaty without me?” Maria pouted. “But I’m more fun.”

“But you, little Missy, have to work.” He parked near the Crashdown’s entrance and both got out of the car. “But I can go inside with you since I have some time to spare.”

“Oh,” Maria faked a sigh. “My boyfriend has time to walk me in? How sweet is he?”

“You better believe it,” was Michael’s reply as he began to run at her.

“Oh, no you don’t.” Maria ran to the Crashdown doors before Michael could try anything. She stuck her tongue out at him as she opened a door. Michael rolled his eyes but smiled gruffly as he followed her in.

Immediately, Michael realized that something in the café was out of place. Or actually someone. “Isabel?” he questioned wide-eyed. “Shit.” Maria looked at the blonde that was staring at Michael then back at her boyfriend in alarm. Wasn’t Isabel Max’s sister?


“Liz,” Max started holding her hand tightly in his own. “These last few months with you have shown me what a relationship truly is.” He looked into her dark eyes and searched the endless depths.

Liz stared back into his eyes while tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear, nervous about where his words were going to lead. Did he think that keep secrets weren’t worth it? Was she not worth it to him?

Max, not wanting her to be so nervous took her other hand and placed both his and hers on her lap. He had been thinking about this since the other day when he saw her drawing little hearts on her Bio notebook. He wanted to tell her how he truly felt, how he felt about her. He continued, “I don’t know what life path I was on before I knew you but I know that it wouldn’t be as great as this.” He scooted closer. “I’ve never felt this way before.”

Liz opened her mouth to say that she had never felt this before either but Max forged on not letting her make a peep. “The thing is, Liz,” Max bit his lip before blurting out, “I love you.”

Tears filled Liz’s eyes not believing what she had heard him say. “Wh…what?” Liz could only stutter out. This was something she hadn’t expected. He was in love with her? Max just told her that he loved her?

Max searched her face trying to read her expression but all he saw was shock. “I love you, Liz,” he repeated wanting her to say something.

She looked into the eyes that she always found herself drowning in. She could see all the love he felt for her, all the love that she felt for him. “Max,” Liz nearly whispered in a heavily emotional voice. “I love you, too.” Hearing those words from her lips, Max released her petite hands before bringing his own to her face. He traced the tears that had fallen down her cheeks before kissing her softly. He felt her return it with all the love she felt for him. She loved him. They were so different from one another but yet they were the same also. And they loved each other.


Max and Liz parted regretfully mere minutes later knowing someone would probably come in the room at any time.

“Well,” Liz said trying to regain her composure futilely. “I’ve really got to get back to work now.”

“Right.” Max gave her a small smile. He kissed her good bye, not letting it get too out of control. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Mm hmm,” was her reply as she savored his taste. Liz gave him one last look of longing before adjusting her antenna and entering the restaurant.

Max sighed as his stood up and hooked his thumbs in his front jean pockets. She was completely adorable and he had totally fallen for her. They were in love with one another, he thought reflecting on what had just occurred. They both had confessed their feelings and they had found this new strength in their relationship. Doubt was no longer in his mind; they could keep their relationship going. As long as they loved one another, they would conquer.

With a grin plastered on his face that no one would be able to wipe off, Max turned to leave. He had to get going if he wanted the surprise dinner to be ready for later that day. He opened the back door, which led to the side alley, with a turn of the knob when he heard a sudden ear-splitting crack.

Max froze feeling an unknown dread begin to fill the pit of his stomach. Sounds of screams and chaos filtered into the backroom from the restaurant in the next room. He pushed the swinging door with an unknown force and immediately spotted Liz. The worry inside him began to explode on sight.

Lying less than six feet from him was Liz Parker. Blood was pouring from her lower abdomen. She was paling at a rapid pace.

He ran to her and fell at her side. He could only feel panic as he began to put pressure on her wound. “Someone call an ambulance,” he screamed out not taking into account anything that was going on around Liz and him.

Tears filled his eyes unchecked as he watched his love’s eyes flutter and threaten to shut completely.

“Don’t you dare!” he yelled at her. “You’re not gonna die! Not now! You can’t leave me here without you!”

“Max it hurts,” She could barely choke out. Pain seared from her stomach. How could this have happened to her? She barely heard the sirens as she fell into an inky blackness.

Max watched her eyes close in terror. ‘No,’ he thought desperately as the paramedics took over. He grabbed her limp hand and squeezed it tightly. She can’t leave him here, not when they had their whole future ahead of them. A future together filled with an unbelievable amount of bliss… after all that has happened, she can’t die.


The paramedics looked at on another as they put the victim onto the stretcher. What should they do about the boy? He paid no attention to them; he only held the girl’s hand. “Must be the boyfriend,” one said aloud. “Let him come with. He won’t be seeing her for a while after this.” ‘This girl needs surgery and a miracle to survive’ went unspoken.

The paramedics stood and began to roll the stretcher toward the front door. Max stood with them unconsciously and followed the paramedics out to the ambulance. He never let go of Liz’s hand or noticed the congregating of people left standing in the Crashdown behind him. He didn’t see Maria sobbing into Michael’s shirt or the mask of worry and confusion Isabel was wearing as he left them all behind. He missed the mixture of looks that revealed the jumbles of thoughts in all the customer’s eyes. He didn’t even notice Jeff Parker leaving the café with his car keys.

No, all Max could think about was the terrifying thought that he might be left all alone without the love of his life.

Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 18, 2002 2:45 pm

Post by katrina »

**Sorry, got a bit busy when I was supposed to post this. Well, better late than... really late. :lol: Thanks guys! You all seem like you were as surprised as I originally was with the direction this story has taken. I hope you continue reading!

lizard_queen - Jeff didn't go in the ambulance because 1.) he was in shock, 2.) it was in his cafe that his daughter was shot, and most importantly 3.) he had to drive Nancy Parker to the hospital. Yeah, no one really thinks at a time like that. :D Liz die? I dunno.... what if it was for the greater good? :lol: Joking!!!
martine - Liz was shot by random gunman... well, we don't really know what happened exactly. I was thinking about what happened during the Pilot of Roswell when I wrote the scene. I had to put some kind of Roswell spirit in it! :wink:
Emz80m - Oh, I can explain the whole break up vibe ~ Max wasn't sure if Liz wanted to be in it for the long haul but he knew that he was in love with her so he decided that he should just tell her and see if she felt the same way. He didn't want to keep going with the charade unless they were both in it for the long haul... all the secrets wouldn't have been worth it otherwise. Luckily, Liz loves him too! :D
VeronicB - Unfortunately, life isn't always fair. :?
Lizza - *Looks over the desk to see you on the floor* You okay, hun? :wink: Hope you can get through all the aftermath.
Behrsgirl77 - To kill or not to kill? That is the question. :roll:
roswellluver - Thank you!

Chapter Sixteen

The hospital’s waiting room was stark white except for the rows of black plastic chairs occupying the area. The place was hardly vacant with about half of the seats filled with an anxious family member or friend of a patient on this floor of the hospital – the ICU.

Among the tired and worried faces was Max. He sat in a hard chair in the corner of the room with his head in his hands. The tears had long ceased falling from his red puffy eyes and every so often, he would scrub them with his hands trying uselessly to erase the burning tear tracks.

It had been over two hours since he had taken a seat in the morose Intensive Care Unit waiting room. He was alone slouched in a chair hoping with his entire being, that someone would soon tell him about Liz’s condition. He had no idea if she was even alive now, four hours after the gun had gone off. He hadn’t heard or talked to anyone since Jeff Parker told him to sit down in here.

Jeff Parker. He could almost snort except for the fact that he had no more emotion left inside. He had released it all in the after hours of the shooting. After arriving at the hospital by ambulance, Max was removed from Liz’s side so they could work on her. He stood in front of the trauma room’s glass doors listening to the occasional beep of the machines whenever a nurse pushed open the door to enter or leave the room. Even through the slightly filmy windows, he couldn’t take his eyes off her beautiful face. Even though she looked deathly pale and he couldn’t see her sparkling brown eyes, Liz looked exquisite. She was utterly flawless lying in the bed as if she was only sleeping.

The Parkers had arrived not long before they had taken Liz to the OR for surgery. Mrs. Parker had tears streaming unchecked down her cheeks and Mr. Parker looked as if he were trying his hardest to keep his emotions inside. Max barely paid any attention to them as he watched helplessly while the doctors had rolled Liz away.

“Let’s go, son,” Mr. Parker said gruffly after Liz was no longer visible. He led both Max and his wife to the ICU waiting area without another word; he just kept his arm wrapped around Liz’s mom who said nothing. Surprised, Max could only follow Liz’s dad and hope that this was a good sign and he could see Liz again soon. He sat down in the chair that he was currently seated in two hours later. Mrs. Parker was curled up in a chair a couple rows away and Mr. Parker had left the room looking for anyone would could tell him about Liz. Mrs. Parker had still said nothing. No one else had come to the hospital yet but he knew that it was only a matter of time before Maria would come running and more than likely with Michael in tow.

Max sighed as he stood up to stretch his cramped muscles a little. He glanced around the room at the worried people before seeing Jeff Parker looking at him. Max walked over to him knowing that Liz’s father was probably full of questions and answering at least some was inevitable.

“Max, right?” Jeff Parker asked as soon as Max had reached the edge of the waiting room where Jeff stood.

“Yes, sir,” Max replied in a polite but dull tone. “Max Evans.” He kept his arms wrapped around himself trying not to be intimidated by Liz’s father.

Mr. Parker nodded. The last name sounded familiar and Jeff frowned hard attempting to recollect some other memory of the name. Where had he heard it before? Whom did he know with that last name? “Evans?” he repeated.

“Yes, sir,” Max responded nervously before asking, “Do you know how Liz is doing?” He couldn’t take not knowing.

Mr. Parker studied the young man in front of him. Pure concern and worry were shown without guard by his facial expressions. ‘Who was this boy?’ He couldn’t help but wonder and continue to rack his memories in order to find out where he had heard the name Evans before. “She’s stable,” he answered finally. “They’re settling her into a room now.”

“Is she okay?” Max asked quietly holding a fresh set of tears back.

Mr. Parker sighed as he let his shoulders drop. “We have to wait and see if she wakes up.” He couldn’t completely concentrate on the health of his only daughter though. If he did so, he wouldn’t still be standing. So instead, he thought, ‘Did he go to school with an Evans?’

Jeff Parker’s jaw dropped slightly with realization. “Phil Evans,” he stated a tad more loudly that he should have. It had to be. How many Evans could there be in this town?

“Excuse me?”

“You’re Phillip Evans boy, right?” Max nodded warily. How’d Mr. Parker know his father, a South Roswellian?

“I knew Phil in high school,” Jeff went on lost in memory. “He was my wife’s – then girlfriend’s – lab partner in biology.” Phil. He hadn’t said a word to him in years.

“Oh,” was all he could say when he realized why he hadn’t stayed in touch with him. “You know you’re playing with fire, son?” he asked quietly looking into the young man’s eyes. They were so full of emotion that he almost had to look away. Jeff Parker hardened his gaze instead. “You shouldn’t be here.” These kids had no idea what they were doing. They didn’t belong with one another no matter any attraction that may be between them. Oh, what was Lizzie doing?

Max slumped in resignation. “I’m sorry, sir.” And he turned to leave knowing he could do noting else. It was the end.

Mr. Parker hesitated then remembering the smile gracing Liz’s lips before the accident. He had never seen her so happy. He grabbed Max’s shoulder when he changed his mind. “Wait.”

Max took a deep breath waiting anxiously for Liz’s father to continue. He was so in for it now. But nothing prepared him for Mr. Parker’s next statement.

“She’s in room 324,” he choked out. “I can only pray that she will smile again like the one that had lit her face earlier.”

Max nodded with gratitude. “I hope she will too.” A lump began to form in his throat in response to the compassion of the man in front of him.

Jeff Parker nodded unable to form any more words on the subject. “We’ll wait here,” he croaked out knowing he made the right decision in letting him see her.

Max nodded again before heading down the hall of the ICU where Liz lay unconscious.


Maria shook almost violently in the middle of the Crashdown. The café had slowly emptied after the police had left with accounts from all the witnesses of the shooting. Maria had been rooted to the spot since the single shot had rung out.

Strong comforting arms caressed her hair and wiped her tears every so often. Michael held her oblivious to the activity – of lack there of – only worried about her. She hadn’t let all her frustration and sadness out yet, he could tell. Beside the little bit of tears and her uncontrollable trembling, Maria had let out no emotion. She hadn’t said anything either for that matter and that worried him.

Michael held her in the middle of the Crashdown for a long time. The sun was descending at a 45 degree angle late in the after noon when the silence was broken with a soft strangled “Why?”, he had nearly thought that it was his imagination.

It wasn’t. But he possessed no answer to the heartbreaking cry.


Isabel sped home well above the speed limit. She kept hearing the loud firing sound from the gun. Repeatedly in her mind, the scene replayed itself. The girl was hit in the stomach and her brother ran to the girl’s side. His face held such an anguished look as he ran in and knelt down to help her.

She had called for an ambulance as quickly as trembling fingers would allow her. The gunman ran away as she dialed unnoticed by all but a few.

Guilt filled as she remembered why she had been in the café in the first place. Of all the selfish jealous feelings she had felt, she should never have directed them at her brother. Now look what had happened.

Parked in her driveway, Isabel crashed back into reality. Then, her tears began to fall.


Max cautiously stepped into room 324. The room was silent except for the regular beeping of the heart monitor.

Max sat down in the old cushioned chair beside her bed. He took her pale limp hand in his and looked at her face. Her skin still held a deathly pasty tint and he hoped that that was not a bad sign. She looked so helpless lying in the sterile white bed unconscious. A tear crept into his eye. The lone droplet soon filled his eye and he had to blink not wanting to see Liz in bleary vision. His eyelid pushed the tear out and soon the salty water traveled down his cheek.

He looked at the sheet-clad body knowing a serious gunshot wound was trying to heal underneath. He couldn’t help but wish he had alien powers so that he could heal her, the love of his life.

He didn’t notice Mr. Parker talking quietly outside the door urging the nurses to allow the boy to stay. He didn’t see the shadows moving stealthily on the wall opposite the windows. He paid attention to nothing but his soul lying in front of him.

He laid his head down beside her not letting go of her hand. Allowing more of his grief-stricken tears fall, he did something that he never had done before:

He prayed.

Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 18, 2002 2:45 pm

Post by katrina »

**Thanks everyone for the feedback! It makes me feel so happy, especially after this up and down week I've had this week.

lizard_queen - Tears.... thanks, that means I did something right! :D
martine - I'm glad I can convey the emotions!! I was worried I didn't get that theme of the chapter through so it's a great comfort that you made a note of that! Thank you!
Emz80m - Thanks!
force - Liz... hmmm, she's hanging by a thread there! BTW, Welcome! :D
VeronicB - Jeff just understands Max's love for his daughter... and he once had friends from South Roswell (ie. Diane and Philip Evans).
Lizza - Random shooter like on the show!!! Tess, she's just a shallow cheerleader who is now going after Kyle Valenti... just normal teen stuff going from one guy to another!!! She's not completely evil here, more just like a typical high school brat. LOL :wink:
Smac - Nah, the shooter was random like on the show. Liz's dad, well, he knew some people for the other side of Roswell in his die and he feels like the town's feud is full of crap like everyone else does. The only reason no one does anything about it is because it's kind of ingrained in them. If someone tried to take the initiative to change it, most of the town would probably follow along right away. :roll: Now, if only M/L and M/M knew that!
behrlyliz - Well, we can't have too many obstacles to overcome. I think Liz's fight for her life is quite a bit as it is!! :wink:
CherryFlavoredChica - Thanks!
Behrsgirl77 - Eh, Isabel's not a bad person. She just spied on Max really. She doesn't like Tess at. And Isabel feels very badly just for doing that!

Wow, lots of feedback! Welcome new readers and lurkers! We're winding down here. Here's a relatively long chapter as we continue on this journey through the Collision of Roswell...

Chapter 17

Max left Roswell Memorial Hospital when the visiting hours had ended. Mr. and Mrs. Parker came in during the last ten minutes but the three stayed silent. Regarding Liz, there had been no more progress. The Parkers looked worn with grief and anxiety over what had happened that day. Jeff Parker then offered Max a ride home. Having no other ride because of riding in the ambulance earlier, Max agreed.

Nancy and Jeff remained silent while driving Max home. They pondered not for the first time on how Max and Liz, from completely different worlds, managed to find one another. These thoughts were secondary to their worry about their daughter of course, but the aforementioned thought stuck in their minds.

Max quietly gave instructions that would lead them to his home on Murray Lane but said nothing else. He felt so worn out but knew that he would get little sleep that night because of the worry he held in his heart. He still couldn’t get over the fact that one minute he and Liz had been proclaiming their love to one another and the next she lay dying on the floor. Max could only let out a strangled sigh as they reached his driveway.

Jeff Parker surprised Max by turning the car’s engine off once they reached the top of the long driveway. Seeing Max’s look of surprise, Jeff sighed.

“I thought that the least I could do was talk to your parents, Max. You haven’t been home all day and they should know why you look like you added ten years to your age.” A half smile appeared on Jeff’s face. Max truly looked like he added many years to his life even though it had in reality been mere hours. “Your parents should know, Max. The worst thing you can do is keep your life a secret from them. That would only make your life worse. I can imagine what they would feel from today’s events alone.”

Max paled a little at the prospect of telling his parents the secret that has become his life in the last few months. Him and Liz, Michael and Maria, the whole world turning upside down.

Jeff Parker climbed out of the car without a reply from Max and his wife slowly followed. Max’s heart began to pound nervous about what was about to happen. Geez, his life had taken so many turns in the last twelve hours; he didn’t know which way would turn it right again.

Max climbed out of the car and walked to the door just as his father had opened it. Surprise couldn’t describe the expression on his face. After all, when was the last time that he had talked to the Parker’s?

“Nancy, Jeff! It’s good to see you. I can’t remember the last time we’ve seen one another. Would you like to come in?” Phillip had failed to see his son standing behind the Parker’s in the shadows.

“Sure,” Jeff replied tiredly.

Holding the door open, Phillip continued, “My daughter Isabel was just saying earlier that your daughter was shot today. My condolences, is there I anything I could do?” When Isabel had come home crying earlier, all she had said was that Liz Parker was shot and in the hospital. She then had proceeded to her room before either he or Diane could question her tears. Maybe Jeff knew though he had no idea how. The Parker’s lived in North Roswell, no place for his daughter to be.

“Actually…” Jeff began to reply as they walked into the Evans foyer but in that moment, Phillip saw his son lurking in the shadows.

“Max? What are you doing? Where have you been?” he asked startled by his son’s sudden appearance at the front door.

“Hey, Dad,” Max greeted his father weakly.

“Phillip, I can explain,” Jeff said. “Let’s just sit down somewhere and I’ll tell you what has been going on without your or my wife’s and my knowledge.”

Philip crinkled his brow in confusion but led Jeff and Nancy as well as his son into the living room. “I don’t understand...”


Max lay on his bed with his head resting against the headboard behind his hands. To say that he was tired was a massive understatement. The past weeks wore him out emotionally and he felt no amount of sleep would be able to fix it. From feeling the nerves before telling someone you loved them and becoming sick to the stomach when your girlfriend falls to the ground after a gun was shot to anxiously listening to your parents and your girlfriend’s parents talk in a serious manner, he wasn’t sure if his mind would be able to shut down. Not for the first time in the last few days, no weeks, he silently questioned how his life could have taken so many directions in such a short amount of time.

It had been a week since the shooting; one long agonizing week of his zombie-like behavior; one week of growing alarm and worry; one week of silence. Max’s parents and sister attempted to only comfort him, no scolding, or word of warning. They were smothering him although they had good intentions. He had visited the hospital every day after school, which he was barely attending. He skipped every class that he and Liz had together not being able to take the empty seat next to him in Bio, the empty seat in the front of the room that he could never avoid looking at.

Liz. She had gone in and out of surgery an unknown amount of times during the week because of internal infection and bleeding. It was nearly a relief that she hadn’t woken once since the tragedy seeing all the painful procedures done in an attempt to save her life. She was stable now, no longer in critical condition. She had a nice room in the hospital, but it killed him that she knew nothing about it. It broke his heart to go in there day after day and find that there had been no change in her condition. It was killing him little by little.

It’s hard to imagine how attached and how much he cared in such a short amount of time they had been in acquaintance with one another and dating one another. He had fallen so fast… how would he be able to bear it if he could never gaze into her beautiful brown eyes again… never see her tuck her hair behind her ear… never see the sway in her walk.

He didn’t think that he could bear it.


A soft knock on his door caused Max to sit up from his bed. The door opened slowly and revealed his sister in the hallway.

“Hey,” Isabel greeted her brother quietly while standing at the door. Max didn’t respond but looked at her warily.

Isabel bit her lip still feeling guilty about her thoughts the week before. She couldn’t believe how jealous she had been! What Max did was none of her business and yet she had questioned him and later followed him as if her brother was a criminal. Now she had all the facts. Michael had told her the day after the shooting why Max had been there. Max was in love with that girl. He loved someone who he wasn’t even supposed to be with. And she felt slightly jealous about that too. That her brother could love someone and not keep away from a girl he wasn’t supposed to even talk to made her come to a realization. Who cares about social status and where this or that person came from. Friends should be people that have good hearts and are easy to talk to. Who cares if that person was from the North. Her realization made her warm and happy. And now she was going to thank and apologize the person that helped her realize what life was truly about.

Isabel stepped into the dark bedroom slowly. The curtains kept the light out of the room and made it seem like a place of mourning. Taking a place near his bed, she began to talk. She talked with a vulnerability that she never knew could be shown.

“I’m sorry about Liz, Max. Actually, I’m sorry about a lot of things, but first I wanted to tell you that I hope that she will be okay. She seems so strong and if anyone could come out of this type of injury, it would be her.” She took a deep breath. Max continued to look at her without saying anything. “And I’m sorry for the way I treated you right before the shooting happened. Your life isn’t my business and I shouldn’t have pushed you. I was just so afraid that I would lose you.” Her voice began to waver at the admission. Her legs could no longer hold her so she sat on his bed. “I’m sorry I followed you that day to the Café.” Tears fell down her cheeks in earnest. “I can’t believe I would do something so low. When I heard that shot ring out… and you ran to her fallen form… I just felt the guilt come on. After calling for the ambulance…” Isabel trailed off no longer able to talk because she was weeping so hard. “Max… I’m so… sorry. I’m… an idiot.”

Max slowly scooted to a position beside his sister. He wrapped his arms around her as his own tears began to fall. “You’ll always be my sister, Isabel. I forgive you.” The siblings held one another tightly as they cried together letting their frustrations and grief out.


Later when she had returned to her bedroom with dried tear tracks still evident on her face, Isabel stared at her computer screen while clutching tightly onto her lavender throw pillow. She wasn’t sure why but she wanted to be comforted by “guitardude.” She never met the person behind the screen name yet she felt that he could make her feel better. With a trembling hand, she clicked on his screen name and greeted him.

Princess14: hey.
Guitardude418: hey. hows it going?
Princess14: not too good. my bros gf is in the hospital.
Guitardude418: wow, that sucks. 1 of my bffs is in the hospital too.
Princess14: my condolences. wanna talk about it?
Guitardud418: eh… she was shot not too long ago and is in a coma. shes a fighter tho… shell wake up like sleeping beauty when shes good and ready.
Princess14: shot?! no way! that’s what happened to my bro’s gf.
Guitardude418: small world. next ur gonna tell me that she was shot in an alien-themed café.
Princess14: was it in ur newspaper or sumthin?
Guitardude418: that’s what happened?
Princess14: yah
Guitardude418: wait, do u live in roswell, nm?
Princess14: who is this?
Guitardude418: alex whitman… who’s this?

Isabel starred at the screen. How could that possibly be? Of all the people in the world that she could have been talking to, she was talking to that lanky kid that she had bumped into in the hallway so long ago. The Northern whom she had not stopped thinking about. Isabel hugged the pillow more tightly and reread the conversation. How had she not seen it?


Alex starred at his computer screen. Two people with gun shot wounds in comas? That was not a very likely scenario. They just sounded too similar. So he had asked where she lived and she had answered Roswell, New Mexico. He also lived in Roswell. Who was he talking to? How could he not know? Wait. She had said something about the victim being her brother’s girlfriend. Max Evans sister was Isabel. ISABEL. The girl that he had bumped into in that vacant hallway months ago.

His lips curved in a slight smile. She had not replied since he had revealed who he was. Well, he just had to take matters into his own hands.

Guitardude418: hey, Isabel. Whodathunk?
Princess14: lol

This whole thing might just turn out alright. Hmm, Isabel Evans.


Maria, Michael, Alex, and Isabel began to keep to themselves after the accident. It was an odd and a silent rule of the two parts of Roswell that seemed to have shattered. They no longer cared who they were with in public or what other people thought. A stupid feud seemed so inane compared to what was happening to Liz and to Max for that matter. Why was the town so adamant about staying separated anyway?

If the other students weren’t gossiping before about the shooting, they were surely doing so after seeing some of the most popular kids in school seclude themselves away from everyone else. Everyone was talking about it: the Southies and the Northerners, the parents, and the teachers. Heck, they even began to meld a bit by exchanging information with one another. The division had dissolved slightly but noticeably. It was ironic in a way. The North and the South had stayed away form one another for so long and a shooting and a secret relationship that was quickly discovered brought them together as if they were one town again. The schism was still there but the first step in recovery had begun.

Max and Liz’s, Michael and Maria’s, and Isabel and Alex’s fight to be with one another freely had begun. But none of them any longer gave a damn.


Sitting beside her bed holding her hand, Max oddly felt at peace. His distress and worries faded from his features every afternoon at this time as he sat there always hoping she’d open her eyes and offer one of her smiles to him. Sometimes he talked quietly to her, encouraging her to come back to the real world, back to him. Today felt slightly different, though, as if the air was charged with something unfathomable, but he couldn’t figure out why. His hope surged into near excitement feeling this would be the day that she would return to him.

She had been lying in the painfully white hospital room for nearly three weeks and the doctors were not encouraging. No one knew when she would wake or if she ever would after the amount of blood loss and the severity of her injury. But Max couldn’t think about the quacks that were doctors. He could feel something coming, feel that something would change today.

He refused to look at the darkening sky outside the hospital room’s window not wanting anything to put a damper on his hope. The clouds were gathering at a rapid pace and soon the sun was completely blocked out. Loud cracks of thunder echoed through the hospital and the lightening lit up the already lit rooms with blinding light every minute or so. It didn’t matter that severe weather seemed to be approaching. He was in a hospital with the love of his life, the girl that would wake miraculously at any moment.

His eyes stayed trained on her and an unknown amount of time later when his head had begun to nod despite refusing to close his eyes for a second, he felt a slight tightening around his fingers. The pressure was so small, it was barely perceptible. His head jerked up to her face in great anticipation. He could barely contain the joy he felt for the slight second he had it.

The joy that was lighting his face for the first time in nearly a month turned to terror with little transition as the monitors began to beep. Alarms went off in his head as the nightmare unfolded in front of him.

Doctors and nurses fled into the room seconds after the continuous beep began. Max was pushed backward to make room for the group of people crowding around her bed. As shock pads were rolled out and prepared for use with a gel, one of the nurses noticed Max and practically dragged him from the room. She shook her head slightly as she allowed the room’s door to close. The poor boy looked as white as a sheet and tears were welling in his eyes. He was hugging himself so tightly that she thought that he was about to pop.

“Come on,” she said softly. “Let’s call her parents.” As she took a step toward him, he took a step back and shook his head. She held her hand out but he only responded by collapsing onto his knees against the door. She nodded slightly knowing nothing would get him to go with her and backed away toward the nurse’s station.

How terribly things had turned as the storm began to rage outside, damaging everything in its path.

Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 24
Joined: Sat May 18, 2002 2:45 pm

Post by katrina »

**Well, here's the end. And you go, "What?! Already?" Well, yeah... no need to postpone the inevitable. Thank you everyone for reading my story. I love posting stories but unfortunately do not have a lot of time to write them. It took me almost two years to write this story and another six months to finally decide to post it and here we are at the end... :cry: I'll miss it. So this is the second story I have completed out of three attempts. Hopefully I'll have time to write another fanfic someday. One day...

I hope you all enjoy this last chapter!

For the last part, thank you to:

Love you guys - readers that both lurk and leave comments! ~ Katrina

Chapter Eighteen

She looked so peaceful lying in that hospital bed. The past forty-eight hours were quite the roller coaster. He shuddered in reflection. When her heart had stopped, he felt as if he had died right a long with her. Slumped on the floor he couldn’t move even if he had wanted to. He hadn’t wanted to though, he wanted to go with her, go wherever she was going. Whether it was heaven or hell or wherever the afterlife was, he wanted to be with her, holding her hand every step of the way.

When he heard the monitor regain a regular rhythm, he wept. His angel, his love was still alive. She hadn’t left him behind. He could still feel that relief from that day so strongly in his heart. He stood against the door frame deep in thought. He didn’t think that the feeling would ever go away; he didn’t want it to.

“Max.” The sound of her voice was music to his ears. It was miraculous that she had woken up not long after she was revived. He remembered standing beside the bed with her parents. They were watching her, each thinking that if they let their eyes wander away from her face that her heart would stop again and she would die. But she didn’t. He couldn’t believe when her eyelids were actually fluttering but they were. And she had woken up. Liz had woken up. His mind still couldn’t wrap around that one. It had been three weeks since the shooting and she had awakened from the coma as if she were only sleeping.

Max pushed away the memory and welcomed his reality. He walked away from the door and toward her. “Hey,” he greeted back as he kissed her forehead. “How are you feeling?”

Liz smiled slightly at her boyfriend while scrunching her nose. “Like I’ll never be able to get out of this hospital. Am I ever gonna be able to go outside and see the sun? I’m as pale as this sheet.” She tugged on the hospital sheets in disgust. “I don’t know where the sheet ends and I begin.”

Max chuckled as he sat in the chair beside her bed while still holding her hand. “Already antsy to get out of here are you? Was the three weeks enough for you?”

“God, yes,” Liz grumbled. “You know how much weight I’ve lost in the last three weeks? I’m all skin and bone. Going home is definitely overdue.”

Max’s face brightened. “Have you asked the doctor about it?”

“Yeah. He said, ‘We’ll see,’” she mimicked the doctor’s toneless voice. “I’m never gonna get out of here!”

“Well, you did almost die and were in a coma for three weeks. Shouldn’t you recover here some before deciding you’re good enough to come home?”

Liz brushed her fingers against his face. “I’m gonna be okay, Max.”

The feeling of Liz’s hand running down his cheek felt like no other. Liz was going to be okay. He nodded. “I know. I love you, Liz.”

Liz smiled brightly. “I love you, too.”


After spending another week in the hospital, Liz was finally released. The doctor ordered her to spend another week at home recuperating before returning to school but leaving the hospital felt freeing. Her parents took her home and helped her into her comfortable bed. Lying under the blankets, she sighed contently taking in the familiar smells of home. It was so much better than the hospital.

Jeff Parker kissed his daughter softly on the cheek. His baby was okay! “Do you need anything, Lizzie?”

Liz shook her head. “I think I’m just gonna take a nap.”

Jeff smiled. “Good idea.”

Nancy, meanwhile, tucked the blankets under the mattress. “If you need anything, sweetie, just give a holler, okay?”

Liz smiled. “I will.”

“Max will be coming by later so I’ll just let him up when he comes.”

“Okay.” Liz still couldn’t believe that her parents were fine with her and Max being together. Who knew that she just needed to fall into a coma after being shot for her parents to accept what was known in Roswell to be a forbidden relationship? She really shouldn’t think that way, though. Max and her would have figured out something eventually anyway. Knowing all this she said, “Thank you for allowing us to be together.”

Jeff patted Liz on the shoulder. “I can see how much he loves you and how you love him. Who can stand in the way of that?”

Nancy nodded in agreement. That old Roswell Schism was getting old anyway.

“I love you guys,” Liz stated before closing her eyes.

“We love you, too, sweetheart,” Nancy replied while tearing up. Her baby was okay. They then left the room so that their daughter could sleep and so they could pray their thanks that she wasn’t taken away from them.


The sky was cloudless and the birds were chirping happily on an early evening in the beginning of May. The sun was shining brightly as six teens posed in front of the Evan’s beautiful garden for pre-prom pictures. After the last pictures were snapped, Max spun Liz around before embracing her tightly.

“You look exquisite, Liz,” he murmured in his ear. Liz gave him a happy smile. She did look beautiful in her red ball gown held only by two thin straps of the same shiny material. She looked so healthy again after losing so much blood. Her skin no longer held that deathly pallor. With her hair piled upon her head only allowing a few wisps fall upon her face, she looked like she never was shot that day in late fall at the Crashdown.

“Thank you,” she murmured back and returned the compliment, “You look handsome yourself.” And he did, the tux fit him perfectly. It was black with a red vest… very traditional.

“Only with you on my arm,” he replied before kissing her. She responded eagerly happy to be with him so freely and lovingly.

A few feet away, Maria shook her head. “Do they ever stop?!” She put her hands up with impatience.

Michael chuckled. “Let them be, Ria. They deserve to be happy.” He then pulled her up against him green dress to black tux and kissed her hard. When he let go, she looked dazed.

“Why did you do that?!” She slapped his arm. “You just ruined my makeup.”

Michael rubbed his arm. That was gonna leave a mark. “Did you have to hit me?!” She glared at him. “That’s what I get for trying to shut you up,” he muttered to himself.

“What did you say?” Maria glared at him with her hands on her hips.

“Just that you look beautiful when you’re mad,” he replied quickly. No need to get her riled up this early in the evening. Maybe later though.

Isabel laughed at the other couple’s antics and only laughed harder when Michael glared at her. She wiped her tears away after he laughter died to a chuckle.

“Did you find that funny, Ms. Evans?”

Isabel smiled at Alex smirking beside her. “Why yes I did, Mr. Whitman.”

Alex shook his head chuckling. “Will you accompany me to the limo, milady?” He held out his arm in question.

“Why, I would be glad to.” After everything that had happened during the last school year, Alex had become her ear. She had felt so guilty for treating Max the way she had and she let out all her frustrations to Alex. And after she had found out that he was guitardude online, she never looked at another guy. Alex was the one she wanted to be with. The Schism could die.

And it was slowly. Some people continued to go by the ways of the generation before but a majority allowed the division between the two sides of Roswell to crumble and meld into one city. Roswell was slowly unifying into a normal small desert town that was rich in both the oil and tourist businesses.

Max and Liz, Michael and Maria, and Alex and Isabel were allowed to be with one another freely and live happily. Finally.

The End
