Remember me (CC, AU, Mature) Thread #1

Like to Roswell Role Play? Like to roleplay for other shows too? Like writing fic, but want to write with others and play off their writing? Then you'll like this place

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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »

This is fun once you get rolling!


"Michael I--" I started to say, but it was too late. He was already gone. Damn it! Why is it that things just seem to spew out of my mouth without my consent? Thinking back to what I just said, I realized that I would hate if Michael had said something like that to me.

But wouldn't I want him to be honest with me? Or do I really try to control him that much? It's not what I want to do, I don't want him begging and pleading and worshipping me every second of the day. I just want him to love me, completely and fully love me, and I think he does, but how can I know for sure unless I'm arguing with him and forcing him to crawl back to me?

Hey." A sad voice said, and I turned to see Max. "Are you ok? You look about as good as I feel. You wanna talk about it?" Max asked. I sent him a mild glare, still a little angry at him for earlier.

"Or are you mad at me for some reason?" he asked hesitantly.

I sighed at that. "No, it's not your fault that I'm an idiot." I replied, matching his desolate tone.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>

Post by POM »


I was totally lost trying to get to my dance class--I went back to the main hallway--and saw Max and I think her name was Maria..but I wasn't sure. I went up to them, and asked them is one of them could help me--I knew where all the classrooms were, this was a new building...tucked away somewhere--and I couldn't find it for anything. "Um...excuse me..." I asked..they looked at me...Maxs smile was brilliant...but I couldn't let that distract me.."hey..I've been trying to find the dance you guys know where they are? Yeah..I know the library like the back of my hand--but I can't find this classroom..." I told them as I laughed. "You can just point me in the right direction if you want. Really, I don't want to inturrupt anything..." I asked them both.


"Hey Iz...what do you want to do after class today?" I asked her as I walked her to class.
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Post by maxandliz4ever1357 »


I waited for Max to reply to my 'I'm an idiot' comment, but as he opened his mouth to speak, someone called to us.

"Um, excuse me..." I heard a voice say, and turned to see Liz walking towards us. I glanced over at Max and saw him give a dazzling smile, all sadness forgotten.

"hey, I've been trying to find the dance studios, do you guys know where they are?" Liz asked.

Max seemed to have gone mute beside me, and I rolled my eyes at him. "Do you know where the library is?" I asked. I knew the dance class was back that way because it was in the same building as my singing class.

"Yeah, I know the library like the back of my hand--but I can't find this classroom." she said softly. "You can just point me in the right direction if you want. Really, I don't want to interrupt anything..." she said hesitantly.

I smiled at her. "Don't be silly." I told her reassuringly, and then gave her the directions. "You just go straight back to the library and then turn right. Walk a little ways, and you'll see a fairly new building that says 'Elective Classrooms' meaning that dance, chorus, and band are all in there." I explained to her.
<center> I was terrified and would you mind if I sat next to you and watched you smile? </center>
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Post by Earth Angel »

I got behind and now catching up :?

.:* Isabel *:.

"Hey Iz...what do you want to do after class today?"

"I dunno maybe go catch a movie? Or we can all go to the party at the soap factory. I heared it's going to be good. It's up to you. I'll see you later."

I give Alex a kiss and enter my classroom. The school still buzzing about Liz's new look. I roll my eyes. Don't these people have there own lives to think about.

I get to my seat and Mrs. Lee begins her lecture.

I got many different names but 2u it's all the same I be the crawlin' in your skin I be the reason 4 your sin
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Post by madroswellfan »

This was it Evans. A chance to redeem yourself.
"How about I take you? I know where it is."
I turned to Maria
"If you wanna talk about it you know Im here for you ok?"
I then turned my attentions back to Liz. "Shall we go?"

Post by POM »


"that would be nice..." I smiled.. "Oh..Thank you Maria...maybe we can talk sometime...get to know eachother..I'd really like that..." I told her as I smiled at waved at her as Max started to lead me down the hallway. "Are you going to class today...I just asking because you have a thing for skipping classes--" I looked at him..."don't even try to deny it..because you do." I told him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I laughed.
"Yeah well thats because I have good days and bad days like today where something is in my mind and I can't concentrate on anything else, so I don't know. I mean I have Geography now. I really don't know if geography is a good idea today. Why do you ask? Your not thinking of skipping dance are you" I gave her a mock shock horror face. "Yeah you'd never do that. Don't deny because I know its true" I said copying her words.

Post by POM »


"I don't know..." I told him teasingly. "so, I if you don't go to class..where do you go? Just play ball or something--I mean if you having trouble in your classes, I can tutor you--I'm not implying anything..It's just that if you ever need help..I can help you." I told him.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Yeah normally, or perhaps just go for a walk. I would ask you what you do but I bet you've never skipped a class in your life. No wonder your so clever. Well....I am having this problem with algebra. Ive never been good at that. It's just too....algebra. Besides when I try and get some studying in, something more fun comes the soapbox party tonight. Are you up for it?" I said cringing at my "oh so subtle" way of asking her to go out with him.

Post by POM »


"Sure..why not...I'm probably going to be finished with everything..pretty early tonight...just umm..can we met somewhere...I don't want you to see where I live..." I asked him. "I can help you with your Math..if you want..I've already had it...I'm in really don't mind." I told him.