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Post by DaisyMae24 »


My eyes remained fixed on Michael almost like I was afraid if I took my eyes off him that he would somehow disappear from my sight. I didn't want that to happen so I continued to keep my eyes on him.
Jessi Mae

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Post by Buffsteraddict »


"Alright then," I answer with a small yawn. "I'll see you guy's tommorow morning. Goodnight."

And with that I head down the hall towards my room for the night. I quickly unlock my door. I step inside the dark room and switch open the light.

I quickly slip out of the pair of jeans that I'm weaing, kick my shoes off and slip under the covers. First thing tommorow I'll take a shower. I'm just too tried to take it tonight.

Beofre I fall asleep, I can't help but wonder if Serena's okay. Did she get back with Nathan or did she decide to give him some space? And what about Khivar and Nicholas? Are they on their way over here right now? Are they still in Roswell? And what the hell are they planning for us next?

And what about when all of this blows over? What happens if we manage to kill Khivar and Nicholas? What happens to me? I can't go back to L.A, for God's sake's I have no life there. The only reason I ever even went to L.A was because of Serena and Nathan.

I let out a small sighed and roll over, closing my eye's, hoping to have a good nights sleep.
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Post by madroswellfan »

"I am going to go for a walk."
When I turn around, shes gone.
I sigh...God why does things have to be so complicated with her!

"Alright then, I'll see you guy's tommorow morning. Goodnight."

I sigh. "Come on Zan...Kyle"
I take them through into our room.
"Kyle....your bed" I say pointing it out to him.
"Come on then fella" I say taking Zan in my arms and laying down on the matress.
Soon Zan is snoring away.
Liz is in the next room.
It feels so....strange. She's back.
And yet I dont think I can say the same thing about me.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Occ~ Hey, Just thought I'd fast-forward the time for Liz, Max, and Kyle. So I hope you guy's don't mind If I fast forward time until the next morning???


My eye's snap open all of a sudden and I find myself lying in a small, musty hotel room.

I let out a small groan and roll over to check the time on the small bedside table. 8:35 a.m.

I groan and slowly sit up. Great, my neck hurts from the way I was sleeping.

I manage to roll out of bed and I quickly take a small shower, using the hotel's small blow-dryer to blow my hair dry.

Once I'm all dressed up I quickly make my way to the room next door and give a small tap on the door, hoping that Max and the others are awake.
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Post by madroswellfan »

I yawn as Zan starts pummeling me.
"Wake up Daaaaddy!"
I groan. Its not as if I got much sleep knowing Liz was just seems so incredibly early....
"Im moving" I mutter. I sigh. "Go to your grandparents they have all your clothes ok sweetie"
He nods and wanders off. I start getting dressed. I had just put my trousers on when theres a knock on my door.
I havent got my shirt on yet but....oh well....
I open the door and see Liz. I swallow hard.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


The door to his room open and Max is standing there. Wearing nothing but a pair of pants. He's not wearing a shirt. Which practically causes my mouth to drop open at the sight of his toned and very hot chest.

Liz, his eye's are up there not down there! So snap out of it and look up! , I think to to myself as I force my eye's up to his face.

"Hey," I manage to choke. "I didn't wake you guy's up did I? I just figured I'd stop by your room, see if you were awake, and to see if maybe you wanted to get some breakfast downstairs?"
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Post by maougha »


Well that was more fun then a barrel of monkeys. I think to my self slipping into bed and pulling the covers up to my chin. It’s not really cold but it’s comforting and let me tell you after losing your memory and getting attacked by an evil alien. Yes an alien in Roswell the irony is not lost on me. It’s good to get a little comfort.

I close my eyes but I can’t sleep every time I close my eyes images just flash by. It’s enough to start another head ache really. What’s worse I can’t make any since of the flashes and that is kind of driving me crazy. But I must get to sleep some time though because the next thing I know.

"Wake up Daaaaddy!" Someone groans. "DAAAD!"

"Im moving. Go to your grandparents they have all your clothes ok sweetie"

maybe if I just lay here he well ignore me. There’s a nock at the door and he goes to answer it. "I didn't wake you guy's up did I? I just figured I'd stop by your room, see if you were awake, and to see if maybe you wanted to get some breakfast downstairs?"

Food? No I still don’t wanna get up even, for food.


“Today will be sunny...”

“We’ll see about that!” I wave my hand towards the sky and smirk has the clouds begin to converge darkening and then the rain begins to fall. Aw much better.

“Now what’s on the agenda today my dear Nicholas?” I ask turning from the window.

“You have a meeting with Elizabeth Parker’s father Jeff. Your cover is a health inspector.” he answers

“Sounds like fun.” I stroll to the door. “First I’ll put her parents out of business then... what do we have planed for the parkers? No wait never mind lets just deal with one thing at a time.”
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Hey, I didn't wake you guy's up did I? I just figured I'd stop by your room, see if you were awake, and to see if maybe you wanted to get some breakfast downstairs?" it me or is she looking at me strange...
I haven't got a shirt on. Idiot! She's probably thinking how gross that is.

"Yeah Im awake...don't know about Kyle though. Zans my parents. But Im up for breakfast" I say turning away to pull on a shirt. "Sorry..."
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


"Yeah Im awake...don't know about Kyle though. Zans my parents. But Im up for breakfast"

He turns around and quickly puts on a shirt.

"Sorry..." He says quietly.

Hell you don't have to be sorry!, my mind practically screams.

"Alright then, let's go." I say as he steps out of his room, closing the door behind him.

We head downstairs in silence, heading towards the small restaurant right near the lobby of the hotel.

I scan the restaurant quickly and decide on a small table by the window overlooking the back of the hotel.

I frown slightly as I take a look out the window. Weird.

"It's raining outside." I say slowly. "I thought it was suppose to be sunny today...I mean, it was sunny when I woke up. There wasn't a cloud in sight..."

I shrug slightly as Max takes a seat in front of me.

"So.." I start, unsure of what to say next. I pick up the menu that's lying on the table in front of me. "Guess we're heading back to Roswell, huh?"
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


The next morning I wake up and quickly head down the stairs to the living room. Max hasn't even bothered to call and let me and Michael know that he's okay! The least he could of done is call!

I grab the phone off the living room couch and punch in Max's call phone number. I wait patiently for Max to pick up but he doesn't.

I drop the phone on back on the couch and run an angry hand through my hair. What the hell am I supposed to do now!?