Roswell Revisited (AU/CC Mature) Thread #3

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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »

DaisyMae24 wrote:*Isabel*

I push my way back into the dining area after cleaning up a mess in back and notice Liz standing by the counter looking kinda glum. I release a small tired sigh and walk over to join her. "Liz. You okay?" I ask softly.

I stood there behind the counter, feeling a little sad. I know Max saw Jose asking me out and I know pretty upsetting to see. But can't he see the reason were not together is because I didn't want him to be screw up in this alien bullshit. I did it for him; he may not see it that way. But deep in my heart knows I did the right thing. I know I did, didn't I?

Let's think the facts, just in three days I screw up his life. 1. I told him about my freakiness. 2. Michael wanted to meet with him. 3. I lost my memory and completely forgetting about him and our love. 4. I was too screwed up to be with him. Come on I did drugs, I tried killing myself numerous times that I didn't think Max deserves have a girlfriend like myself.

“Liz. Are you okay?” I looked up hearing Isabel voice. She had this worried look in her voice. But not sure if ready to open people yet. I had to give up the only person that truly saw me from the inside and out. And here I am alone because I screwed up his life.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just thinking that all” I said. I see the last customer that just left; I guess it is closing time. Good I’m so exhausted, beside; I have to return some of Max’s money. I don’t deserve his money and plus he needs it more. I just hope he not home when I give it to him, knowing Max and his stubbornness. He won’t accept the money back. He will actually argue about me crushing his prude but all I’ll be doing his doing him a favorite. He lives on his own and need to feet the monkey, whatever that means. He always says that. There no monkey, I been in his apartment many of times. I think it one of those jokes I never will understand.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"oh no i totally agree!..we wouldn't want to over whelm me on our first time out...we have heaps of time to see everything" She replies while pushing a lock behind her eye and biting her bottum lip in the most provocative way. Does she have any clue the havoic she is reeking on my body. I am a mere mortal man. My restraint is fairly low and if she keeps looking at me like that we won't make it to our destination. I'll be forced to pull over and persuade her to 'kick the gear shift' with me.

Letting out a low whistle I admire her work of art as she admires mine.
"wow she's beautiful!" Could this girl be more perfect? She has respect for a man's automobile. Now if I can get hr to watch sports with me and like it we're gold. "Yep, she's my baby." I refrence to my car as I open the passenger side door for Tess and wait foe her to enter. "My dad gave me the best dating advise I've ever recieved. He said Never stay with a woman that doesn't appreciate the fact that ou clean the inside of your rims."

I reveal with a slow easy grin. "So far you've aced the Valenti quiz."
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Post by aliensister »


what a gentleman!!! he just opened the door for me, i smile at him once more and then slid into the front seat, ooh such interiors!

"Yep, she's my baby."

"My dad gave me the best dating advise I've ever recieved. He said Never stay with a woman that doesn't appreciate the fact that ou clean the inside of your rims."

"while i have never been given that advice i can certainly appreciate it, i mean i love my Desoto and just the thought of being with guy who doesn't look after his car" i let out a shudder, yeah i know it's weird but i really do love my car.

"So far you've aced the Valenti quiz."

i chuckle and do up my seat belt.

"so theres a quiz huh?, whats the other topics? quite good at contact sports but dont ask me anything about tennis cause if theres not gore, im not that good at answering" i laugh

"can't help it , i love contact sports" i wink and readjust my skirt, i dont need to be showing to much skin before we really get to know each other, i mentally laugh. Like you dont know that you'll be getting/giving kisses before the night is through i think to myself
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Post by DaisyMae24 »


I smiled slightly at Liz and could tell ther really was something bothering her but I didn't want to push her since we didn't know each other well enough yet so I walked to the door to lock it behind the last customer that was just leaving.

As soon as they were out and the door was closed behind them I released a soft tired sigh. "Another day of work done." I muttered to myself
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


Isabel locks the door and I start helping out cleaning. I don't say much because all I want to do is finish cleaning and go over to Max's to return some of his money. So after sweeping the floor and putting all the dishes away, it was time for everyone to go home. "Come on Liz I can take you home." Alex said.

I look at him and shook my head, "No I'm going to walk home. I need some fresh air anyways, but thanks Alex" I said with a smile before walking in the back and change into my casual clothes. I put some of the money in Maria locker, because technical it's her money and not mine; and some in my bag to return to Max. I put hair down loose and walk out in the back and into the alley.

The alley is always the faster way to get to Max; I just hope he is not home. So walking into his apartment and up the stairs. I am face with his door, so grabbing the envelope from my bag. I put the money in there and slip in under the door.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Scream 3 sounds perfect," He reveals with a sexy smile. Butterflies fill my stomach and I bit my bottum lip happily as we make our way over to the ticket master. Who in a manner of speaking looks less than thrilled to be there. Michael's thumb rolls over the top of my palm in sweetest fashion. In all rationality I realize it is the simplest of touches ,but with Michael nothing feels just ordinary. I can't believe I'm on an actual date.

I've always had to protect other people from... well myself. Being with me could be dangerous for them because of Hank, but now that I've moved on I feel like I can finally start living. Staying in that hell hole with that bastard wasn't living. It was just waiting to die. I finally found the strength to remove myself from a doomed situation, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that some of that strength came from the angel standing beside me.

"Two tickets to Scream 3 please?" He asks the bored fellow before handing him the money. Should I have paid for half? I mean I know that some women offer to chip in so that the guy doesn't feel like he's being used. Oh great I don't even know the proper date etiquette. I offer to pay? To not? Is it okay to kiss on a first date? I don't want him to think I'm too forward, but then again I really don't want him to assume I'm a prude. Choices. Choices. I have no friggin clue. Who knew dating could be this hard?

I'm in the middle of a huge debacle with myself when Michael thankfully interupts,"Now, I don't know about you, but I'm a popcorn kinda guy. You want anything?" My brow creases in deep thought over the whole candy decsion. Surely other girls find this sort of thing easier. Then it hits me. I know exactly what I want.
"M&M's" I state proud of my choice. "We absolutely must have M&M's." Michael grins and I wait for the man to bring around our choice.

"So.. there's been something that's been bugging me every since I left The Crashdown. I kind of had this talk with your sister in the break room before I came out and something seemed to be bothering her. Are her and Max still fighting?" I question with a look of concern. I'd seen Max after one of their spats and he was drunk off his tail. He looked absolutely destroyed. I hope they work out whatever problems thats plaguing them. No one deserves to be that unhappy. :wink:
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"so theres a quiz huh?, whats the other topics? quite good at contact sports but dont ask me anything about tennis cause if theres not gore, im not that good at answering" She replies with a sexy giggle and I have to clench my jaw to hold my mouth closed. Otherwise I'd be literally drooling all over her. She likes sports!! That's it. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found the one! You are looking at the future Mrs. Kyle Valenti. Inside I'm doing cartwheels naked with glee, but outside I'm keeping cool.

"can't help it , i love contact sports" She winks as she readjusts her skirt which had rode up revealing the tops of her lovely thighs. Shaking my head to try to maintain some since of control I look deeply into her eyes and I mumble to most endearing words I could think of. "Me too." Okay, so I never said I was good at this. You put a girl sexy enough to be a supermodel in my car and I get a little nervous, but don't you worry ,because tonight I'm bringing the A game.

"Well, you've passed in all areas of the test thus far. I've got high hopes for you, Tess Harding. I think you just might make the best score yet." :wink:
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Post by aliensister »


Kyle stares into my eyes and it's like and earth quake building inside, I feel all hot and cold...This is crazy how can one male make me feel like this?.

"Me too."

If Nascedo were still alive I would be in so much trouble, he used to tell me how humans were below us not worthy of the attention but he was wrong I knew it then and I'm certain of it now as I look at Kyle, fear floods my body what if Kyle whats more than I'm ready to give? this physical stuff I can handle but I could never go out with can you give someone your heart if they don't know that the heart in question isn't even human?? This is crazy! what am I panicing about Kyle never said he wanted anything but what Im offering.

I look over at Kyle and smile, take a deep breath Tessa Louise Harding you are a big girl, no Nascedo to tell you what to step at a time and you can do this! i tell myself.

"Well, you've passed in all areas of the test thus far. I've got high hopes for you, Tess Harding. I think you just might make the best score yet."

Warmth fills my body and i can't help but smile, I like Kyle and despite my reservations I've got high hopes for us too
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Post by madroswellfan »

I sigh as I look at the alcohol shop. Do I really want to be back where I started?
I look at the taunts me.....
But Im stronger
Deciding to be strong I walk away from the alcohol shop thats next door to my apartment and up the stairs. I walk all the way to the top of my flight of stairs and stop.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »


"Liz???" I heard Max's voice and jump up. I really didn't expect him to show up the moment I was dropping off his money. I know now that when he see the money or if he see the money he going to go crazy.

"Oh...hi...Max" I said.