Three's a party (UC/CC/AU ADULT) Thread 1

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Post by isabelle »


Just as I'm laying down my note, Liz seems to leap into action. She's a blur as she explains that she needs to work early and is apparently about to be late. I don't dare laugh at her, 'cause I know how serious it is, but it is a little funny to see her rush.

Then she kisses me on the cheek and tells me she had fun before she disappears into the bathroom. I pause, revelling in the feeling of the kiss and the fact that she wanted to do that. I look down at the note in my hand, wondering if I should leave it or what...

... Then I remember that I drove her here because her car wasn't working well. She has no way to get to the Crashdown in any reasonable time. I'd best wait and give her a ride. I just stand in the middle of the livingroom, not sure of what-else to do. Fortunately, it's not a long wait.

In far less time than it would ever take Isabel, even if she were in a hurry, Liz steps out looking magnificent. Okay, the unform isn't exactly a fashion statement, but it does accent her legs in a wonderful way. But I was really thinking of her face and hair. She's all pulled together and she looks amazing.

"Zan..." she says, sounding surprised.

"That's me," I confirm as I retrieve my car-keys from my pocket. "I know you have no car here, so I figured you would need a ride." I take a step towards her and put my arm around her shoulder, giving her a quick squeeze and a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"I had a great time last night, too," I say, completely sincerely. I would love to spend the morning hanging out with her, making her breakfast, whatever -- but clearly that's not going to happen today.

"C'mon. I'll get you there in no time," I promise.
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"That's me," Zan comments and I can't help but smile even though I'm definitely surprised that he was still there. His next words help answer the unspoken question that was burning in my mind. "I know you have no car here, so I figured you would need a ride." He moves over to me and puts his arm around my shoulders with a light squeeze and I feel his lips on my cheek in a gentle kiss. I turn to look at him with a smile.

"Thank you, Zan. I'd appreciate that." I tell him softly, nibbling on my lower lip even as I allow myself to lean against him.

"I had a great time last night, too," I hear him say and I feel a thrill. I'm glad to know that he did enjoy himself. "C'mon. I'll get you there in no time," he promises and I nod.

"Sounds good to me. I took the extra shift." I glanced around the apartment and gave a nod as I mentally checked off a list to make certain I had everthing I needed. "Ready when you are, Zan." It's going to be strange to me, having spent the night out with Zan, going to work and then tomorrow, going out with Max. I can't help but wonder if we're still going to be on for it if he heard about this.

Maybe, I should try and ask him if I see him later if we're still going out to the movies tomorrow. I don't want to lose the chance to get to know him right now. Especially, when I'm not sure how far things will go with Zan. I know I want to spend more time with Zan, get to know him more and that I could hardly believe just how he thought of me, but Max had always had my interest too and I really want to get to know both of them.
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Post by isabelle »


"So," I say after we're both in the car and I'm driving down the road. "I hope you're okay with me staying there last night. You fell asleep and I ... I didn't want to wake you. I actually, really liked it. Holding you like that..." I finish, feeling uncertain and embarrassed, but truthfully, she didn't seem mad or anything. I decide to push on through, hoping she won't notice that awkward statement.

"I know you're working the double today and you'll probably be beat. I don't want to presume or anything, or monopolize your time, but I really am still riding high on everything," I smile at her. She already knows how I've been watching her and waiting all this time, writing songs and doing nothing. What a dork I've been!

"... but I was wondering if you weren't busy tomorrow, maybe we could go do some minature golf, or maybe a movie? You know, a regular planned date. Would that be okay?"

I smile at her but inside I'm dying, waiting for her response. Am I being too pushy? I should have asked for next weekend, not for tomorrow. I don't want to ruin things by seeming to anxious, but I can't help it. Last night was the most perfect night of my life...
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Post by StormWolfstone »


We make our way out to his car and he starts driving, the entire time I am trying to think of what to say. I don't want last night to be a one time thing, I enjoyed everything we did together. "So," his voice registers and I turn to look at him, wondering what he's going to say. "I hope you're okay with me staying there last night. You fell asleep and I ... I didn't want to wake you. I actually, really liked it. Holding you like that..." He liked it? He seemed to be as uncertain as I was feeling at first this morning.

"I'm okay with the fact that you stayed." I reply, nibbling my lower lips slightly. "I liked being held like that..." I pause as it seems that there is something more that he's wanting to say and I don't want him to be held off on my account.

"I know you're working the double today and you'll probably be beat. I don't want to presume or anything, or monopolize your time, but I really am still riding high on everything," I seem him smile and return it with one of my own. I feel myself holding my breath, wondering just whether he was going to ask something more or if I was reading more into it then there was.

"... but I was wondering if you weren't busy tomorrow, maybe we could go do some minature golf, or maybe a movie? You know, a regular planned date. Would that be okay?" A real date? I can't believe I actually heard that. A planned date? Yes, I'd been hoping, but I wasn't really expecting.

Tomorrow? I couldn't. I reach a hand over to place mine on his as I try to decide just how to answer. "I'd love to, Zan... but I can't tomorrow. I've got plans after I get out of work. I would definitely like to go out... I mean, I had a fantastic time... I would like... I..." I pause a moment as I look at Zan, "Could we try and plan another day, even something during the week if it's early enough?"

How am I supposed to do this? I couldn't tell him that I had planned to go with Max to the movies and that I was still planning to even after spending such a fabulous night with him. It wouldn't be right and not to mention it might make it so I never have the chance to see him like that again. Why couldn't things be simpler?

"Maybe, we could even have dinner and a movie sometime in my apartment?" I decide to suggest boldly. I don't have company often and it felt good enjoying some time with someone else in the space that was often lonely for me.
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Post by isabelle »


She's busy. Okay. I let out the breath I was holding and try to relax my grip on the steering wheel.

"Okay," I say, trying to hide my disappointment. She has plans. "I understand. You probably need some time to do your homework and stuff, too." She's a brilliant scholar, but it still takes time to get the assignments done. I already took all of her Friday and today she's working a double. I can't believe I was so selfish, I hadn't even thought of that. I would love to see her every second that she has free time, including her breaks at the Crashdown, but I know that wouldn't be fair. That would be smothering, I know...

"Well, what night are you not working, then?" I ask, hopefully. I'd wait until the weekend if I had to, but she did offer a weeknight get-together. Even having dinner in at her place. That sounds awesome! She's actually offering to cook for me! I'll have to be sure to bring something, too. Maybe dessert? Or wine? Maybe Maria can give me some words of wisdom for that. "Dinner and a movie sounds great. I'd love to see you whenever you have time."

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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Okay," Zan begins and I can see that he's still slightly tense as he continues, "I understand. You probably need some time to do your homework and stuff, too."

Homework? I don't want him to think that it's homework that would be keeping me... but I can't... I can't tell him, 'Hey, I'm sorry I can't go out with you Sunday because hey... I'm going out to the movies with your brother.'[/i/ That would be a sure way to blow everything. And what if, Max learns about last night and he changes his mind?

"Well, what night are you not working, then?" Zan ends up questioning agter a moment and I begin trying to think over my schedule in my had. I'd suggest Monday, but unless some miracle happened, Michael and I were supposed to be studying. Or I should say, I'm supposed to be tutoring him. I have a partial shift that day before my study date with Michael.

"Dinner and a movie sounds great. I'd love to see you whenever you have time." Zan continues and I glance over with a smile.

"How about Tuesday? I'm off completely from work so I can be completely wound down after school. We could have dinner around six, if you'd like?" I suggest, thinking that while I was cooking, I could study and do any of the homework I get. Then I'd be completely free to enjoy myself afterwards.

"We could either pick up a movie after we eat or choose one from one of our collections... or if you wanted to bring one when you came, that would be fine." I remembered then that I hadn't given him my number. I need to give him my number before the end of the day. "We could also talk on the phone sometime between now and then to decide for certain..."
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Post by isabelle »


Tuesday! That's wonderful. Only three days away. I can probably manage to wait that long.

"Tuesday sounds great," I say. The Crashdown is right ahead and I move over into the right hand lane so I can stop and drop her off. "I'd be glad to bring the movie if you tell me what you feel like seeing." I'm already reviewing some of the movies in our collection in my head, thinking about which ones are most like what I'd think Liz would like... Maybe I'll bring a selection. Or maybe a trip to the rental place will be in order.

I stop the car and put it in park so I can look over at this beautiful angel in my car -- I feel another song coming on, but I put the thought aside for the moment -- "Excuse me," I say as I reach across her lap to open the glove box. I grab a pad of paper there and a pen from center console so I can write down my number. "I'll be looking forward to talking to you," I tell her. "I'll be counting the hours until Tuesday at six."

I offer her the paper as I think about a good-bye kiss. A real kiss, not a peck on the cheek like at her place. I think she'll be okay with that, although I know she's in a rush. I just don't want to see her leave without being able to share that just one more time...
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Post by bluebballjumper »


I wait in my room while Alex talks with Max, only hearing loud mumbles from their conversation. After a few minutes, Alex comes back in and I look up from my bed with a hopeful glance.

"He's in one of his stubborn mule moods...nothing I said made any difference. He's behaving like a spoiled rotten brat. Maybe you should call your mom or dad to intervene and get him to stop this madness."

So much for good luck. I sit up from my bed and pat my bed beside me for him to sit down. "I guess that is the only thing we can do, but we can't make Max's decisions for him. If we could he'd probably still have a date for Sunday." I say with humf and a weak smile.

I wait a few seconds and then look over at him, "So I assume he told you what I said. And I'm also assuming that he mentioned urs and mine relationship...are you okay with that?"
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Post by StormWolfstone »


"Tuesday sounds great," I hear Zan say and release a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. "I'd be glad to bring the movie if you tell me what you feel like seeing." I can't even think of what I feel like seeing. I haven't really been up much on the newer movies. Until last night, I'd spent every day the same since my mother died. School, work, studying. Constantly repeating it almost as though it were a mantra, though not always in the same order.

"I don't exactly have anything specific in mind for a movie." I tell him with a smile, "How about, I take care of the food and you choose movies." Oops, did I just make that plural? Okay, so maybe I did. Maybe it's because I don't want him to leave after one movie.

As Zan pulls the car over and parks in front of the Crash, I can't help but look at him with a smile. "Excuse me," he reaches across my lap and I watch him take out a pad of paper before reaching for a pen. "I'll be looking forward to talking to you," he says before adding, "I'll be counting the hours until Tuesday at six."

I feel myself blushing as I take the offered paper and write down my phone number for him. On the bottom I found myself writing, call anytime you like. When I'm finished, I move to hand the pad back to him and simply look into his eyes, "I should get inside." I murmur, but I don't make a move to get out of the car. I'm not yet ready to.

"I look forward to Tuesday, Zan. And... thanks again for the wonderful night. I haven't had such a good time in a very long time." I tell him, before nibbling at my lower lip. I'd spent last night at dinner, dancing and then relaxing at my place with him. Had woken up to find him still there when I hadn't expected it and now... Well, I couldn't help but think about how it had felt each time we'd kissed and how long it would be until I'd get another one from him.

Would it seem bad if I kissed him? "Are you coming back in later to see Maria?" I decide to ask, thinking that another minute wouldn't hurt anything, besides Maria is his best-friend. I wondered whether or not he'd end up talking to her about us. Or to anyone for that matter.
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My Avatar is an amazing Thai actor named Earth, he also goes by Cooheart and the BL's he acts in inspire writing.
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Post by KarenEvans »


I plop down next to her,wishing that I could slap Max silly.I nod in agreement when Isabel asks if he told me what she had said to him earlier but er next question kind of surprises me,
"So I assume he told you what I said. And I'm also assuming that he mentioned urs and mine relationship...are you okay with that?"

I look at her in confusion,"Isabel...I wasn't the one who decided to keep our relationship under wraps.You were the one who said you were uncomfortable with a lot of people knowing right away since you wanted your privacy.If it were up to me I'd be announcing it from the rooftops."