Flaw (AU,M/L,mature) Epilogue [COMPLETE]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

Here's the next update right on time. :)

Sternbetrachter- I’m sorry about the cliffhangers, but you know I just have to. I do it with love. :)
KarenEvans- Wow, I’m happy you don’t think Tess is that horrible. :lol:
ShadowLight- “But Tess will work.” :lol: I love it!
RhondaAnn- Hmmm…Secret evidence? That’s pretty smart but I’m not sure Tess would have thought things through like that. We’ll see. As always, thanks for all you have to say, RhondaAnn.
teuathisy- Aw, I’m sad you think that Thomas is a brat, but you do make a valid point.
anais- Nicholas does seem like a better candidate, but maybe the boys have something else in mind for Nicky. And no, Liz does not know about Max’s mother.
Icequeen- Oh goodness. I absolutely love that you love fencing Max. :lol: And I love that you love threatening Max too.
Stargazer’s Delight- I’m so thrilled you took a chance on my story. :) I really love Jim when he became the gang’s ally on the show, but I was intrigued by the rough Sheriff we were originally introduced to in the beginning of the first season. So I kinda flipped things a bit. :) I think you may be the only one who likes the bad Alex. :lol: That’s ok though, a bad Alex is very appealing.
candycane14- It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you’ve read, as long as you come back and continue reading. :) I’m happy you’re back. Those are some very interesting thoughts you have there.

Let’s see how the story develops.

Thank you all as always.

Accompanying music HERE. (Don't forget to push play.)

<center>Chapter 35- Grief

“No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.”
–C.S. Louis</center>

Michael quickly heaved all the baggage into the storage compartment located under the plane. Meanwhile, Kass stood at the hatch, leaning out and offering a hand to Isabel as she climbed the few steps into the private jet.

“Sorry for the delay, Isabel,” the pilot apologized.

The tall blonde ducked before entering the plane and smirked appreciatively toward Kass. “That’s all right,” she said.

Max followed up the stairs without assistance. “Go ahead and get things ready for take off,” he ordered. “We need to leave as soon as possible, Kass.”

The young pilot nodded and went straight to the cockpit where his co-pilot was looking over charts and readings. Michael then entered the plane, locking the hatch behind him. He took a seat next to Max and buckled his seatbelt.

Max, Michael and Isabel left the safe house quickly after the phone call. The two boys didn’t even settle the poker game. Michael was willing to hand over the dough but Max left the table without saying a word. He just gathered up everyone’s things and tossed them into the car. He sat at the wheel, patiently waiting for Michael and Isabel. Max obviously wasn’t in the mood to speak. So no one spoke until now.

Michael leaned toward his best friend, briefly looking at Isabel sitting behind them. “Max, you need to talk to us.”

But Max just stared through the window beside him. Soon, they were speeding down the runway and eventually lifting off the ground. Max wasn’t fazed by the rockiness synonymous with a plane taking off. There was nothing inside of him at the moment. His soul had taken a vacation, but it was more like a sabbatical.

Michael couldn’t understand his best friend’s sudden vow of silence. Max would shut off once in a while and that was nothing new to Michael, but this time, it was different, and Isabel was no better, except she was showing a little emotion. Ok, a lot of emotion. Worry and fear were slapped across her forehead as she began whimpering silently to herself. She tried to keep her posture and she tried to remain calm but she just wasn’t very successful. It was tearing Michael up. He couldn’t stand to watch any longer. He wished that there was something he could do to ease her pain but the only thing that would do would be answers, and he didn’t have any and he couldn’t get any. Max had all the answers, but he wasn’t saying a word.

“It’s bad, isn’t it?”

Max finally looked away from the window and at his best friend. Michael sat still with great posture, staring straight ahead as if he had said nothing at all, and as if he didn’t even need an answer, because he didn’t, Michael knew all along that whatever it was was bad.


Valenti casually jogged down the stairs and strolled through his restaurant while his oldest son followed closely behind him. Alex watched his father move with determination as he followed him not knowing where they were heading. Soon enough, the two men were outside, huddling under a large umbrella held by Sebastian, the driver. The rain came pounding down. Alex didn’t even know it was supposed to rain. They soon entered into the limousine and apparently the driver knew where to go because he started driving without orders. Finally, Alex got the courage to ask some questions.

“Where are we going?” he wondered.

Valenti poured two glasses of scotch and handed one to Alex. “We’re going to your sister’s. I’d advise you to drink up.”

Considering his options, Alex grabbed the glass and downed it all in a single gulp. “Thanks,” he replied.

Alex let the drink take affect and stared at the empty glass in his hand. Things had changed in an instant. The day started off with Alex and Valenti working as colleagues and now, Alex just didn’t want to be anymore. He didn’t want to deal with Basil Deo and have to work with his father. You know damn well that that’s the last thing Alex wanted to do. Except, now he had this obligation to his father, and he did, after all, need to uncover the enigma that was Basil Deo.

“Mind topping me off?” Alex wondered.

Yeah, I’d say the same thing too.

Valenti grabbed the decanter of scotch and refilled his son’s drink. “What do you have to say about your sister?”

Alex’s eyebrows frowned. “What do you mean? She didn’t do anything wrong.” Alex despised the fact that that’s how Valenti was making that seem.

“Alex, she married Max Evans,” his father scoffed.

After downing another glass, Alex shook his head. “I’m not going to get into it with you, and honestly, you shouldn’t get into it at all.” It might have been the alcohol, but Alex was feeling liberated. “Sebastian,” he called. “Sorry for the trouble, but drive us back to the mansion.”

“Sebastian,” Valenti urged. “Disregard that and continue to Liz’s.”

With great irritation, Alex shook his head. “Fine, then drop me off here.”

“And what? Take a cab home?”

Alex scoffed. “Why? Is taking a cab below me, the favored Valenti child?”

Valenti clenched his jaw shut, nearly pursing his lips in anger. “Alex, you’re pissing me off. We’re almost there.”

As he rolled his eyes, Alex extended his index finger and stuck his hand into his glass, trying to get the last bit of scotch out. When he believed he got as much as possible, he withdrew his hand and took his finger into his mouth and playfully popped it out. He’d ask for a refill, but that would mean speaking to his father. He would reach over and just grab the decanter himself, but that would mean reaching over his father. So Alex stuck his finger back into his nearly empty glass.

The limousine came to a stop next to an old and rusting red brick building. Alex couldn’t count how many times he had been to his sister’s loft because he just didn’t go there that often. I think it may only have been once. Maybe twice.

Alex opened the door before Sebastian could and quickly stepped out of the way so that his father could depart the vehicle. Sebastian selflessly held out the umbrella for Valenti and son, exposing himself to the rain and letting the water soak him.

“We’ll only be a moment or two,” Valenti told the driver and Sebastian walked to the driver’s side and got back inside the car. Valenti looked up at the building and sighed heavily. “Well…” he said to his son. “Let’s go.”

Alex shoved his hands into his pockets and carelessly strolled over to the building entrance. He stood aside as his father rang his sister’s apartment and waited for a reply.

“Hello?” Liz skeptically answered.

I’d answer the same way, Alex thought to himself.

“Liz, it’s Dad,” Valenti said into the intercom.

There was a moment of hesitation until the buzz sounded and the front door became unlocked. They don’t want us here, Alex continued speaking to himself, but the two men were climbing up the many steps that led to Liz’s loft. It was a difficult feat, but Valenti walked up the nearly dozen sets of staircases with ease while Alex was cursing each step.

When they reached Liz’s floor, Liz was standing in the doorway, having been patiently waiting for her brother and father. “What do you guys want?” she wondered.

Alex nervously stood behind their father and peered into the apartment where he could see Maria and Natalie standing not too far behind their sister. He wanted to offer a smile and wave, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull his hand out of his pocket. He felt like his sisters were sending him death stares.

“I need to have a word with you,” Valenti said.

“So say it,” Liz insisted.

Valenti cleared his throat. “Can we come in?”

Alex tensely lifted up his shoulders wondering if they would serve as some sort of shield. Liz nodded and stopped blocking the doorway so that her father and brother may enter. They walked past her and apprehensively stood to the side, waiting for Liz to close the door and show them inside.

Liz slid the heavy door shut and walked into the apartment, showing her father and brother to a couch where they could sit. Meanwhile, Maria and Natalie sat across the room from them. Natalie offered a welcoming smile but quickly made it disappear while Maria just watched every move their father and brother made.

“So what did we do to deserve this rare appearance?” Liz smugly asked.

Valenti was pursing his lips again. “Don’t be like this, Liz. I just want to talk to you.”

Maria jutted her chin in Alex’s direction. “And what are you doing here?”

“Uh…” Alex nervously sounded. “I was just along for the ride and that ride took me here.”

“And why was that ride headed here in the first place?” Liz wondered.

Valenti looked to Liz’s left hand, saw the rings and pointed. “Because of that,” he said simply.

Liz looked down and repositioned her hand to clearly show off her engagement and wedding rings. “So now you know,” she said.

“I do,” Valenti nodded. “And your brothers and I don’t appreciate not knowing about it.”

“If you were more accepting of my relationship with Max, then maybe I would have considered inviting you. It’s a stupid restaurant rivalry!” Liz laughed, because essentially, that’s all it was. That was the only reason Valenti despised Max.

“You’re right,” Valenti nodded. “That’s how it started out, but over the years, things stupidly escalated and right now, with Max’s friend dead, things are messy.”

Liz stared at her father. “Was it you?” she wondered.

Valenti looked back at his daughter with the most bewildered look on his face. “Was it me who killed Larek?” he said, spelling out his daughter’s subtext. “No. It wasn’t.” Valenti exhaled sharply.

And Liz shook her head in confusion. “Why did you come here?”

Honestly, Valenti didn’t know. “I guess I just wanted to see for myself.”

“See what?”

“See how happy you were,” Valenti sighed. “And I see that you are.”

Maria cleared her throat. “We all are,” she announced.

Valenti started bobbing his head in understanding.

“Maybe you guys should leave,” Liz suggested.

Valenti started to stand, but Alex remained seated, shaking his head.

“Don’t treat us like this,” he told his younger sister. “Why can’t you just get over yourself?”

“What?” Liz asked, taken aback.

Alex took a deep breath. “You can’t keep treating us like dirt, like we’re not your family.”

“You lied to us,” Maria stepped in. “Both of you lied to us.”

“That is such a bullshit excuse,” Alex laughed. “All of you came to me, even you, Liz, to get Dad out of prison.”

“Don’t blame—”

“No,” Alex said firmly, interrupting Maria. “You can’t keep saying that! It doesn’t apply anymore. ‘Don’t blame us’?” he mocked. “Well, I’m not!” Alex paused for a deep breath. “I’m not blaming you,” he sternly went on. “There’s no one to blame! So stop playing the victim and just own up to the fact that you asked me to get Dad out, because you guys did. I’m not saying that you guys were the one who made the deal, because I did that. I put my ass on the line and it’s still on the line.” Alex took a deep breath and sighed heavily. “I was the one who was always there for you guys, who would always follow through for you. And I’m getting all this shit? I don’t deserve that! I don’t need it.”

All of Alex’s sisters were a shocked by their big brother’s rant.

“I did what you guys told me to do,” he went on more calmly. “Honestly, this was the only way to go. I can’t see why you guys are mad. It hurts and it pisses me off. I don’t feel like your brother anymore.”

Liz, Maria and Natalie were slapped with the cruel reality. They were bitches. The whole family was so screwed up that the only knew how to hate each other. In addition to that, they were spiteful people. They wanted to punish their father for mistakes made in the past and the only way to do that was to be angry at him. That’s all they knew how to do and feel.

Alex exhaled sharply and got to his feet. “If that’s how you guys want it to be, then fine.” He shook his head and held up his hands in surrender. “I just want it to be known that I did my part. I did my part to fix this family by getting Dad out. It may have fucked us up even more but at least I did something. That’s more than you can say, Liz.” He looked down at her in disappointment. “I never thought that you would ever turn against me.”

“Alex…” Liz pleaded.

“No,” he shook his head. “I don’t want to talk to any of you right now.” Alex started for the doorway. “Congratulations, by the way. I’m happy for you, Liz.”

All three of the girls hung their heads low and stared at the ground in disappointment. Meanwhile, Valenti had spent this whole time, silently standing to the side. He took a deep breath.

“And I thought I was going to be the one to do some yelling,” he said. “I thought that I was going to blow up over this marriage, but that would have achieved nothing. If you love Max, there’s nothing I can do.” He gave one shake of the head and started to leave, but he stopped and looked over his shoulder. “Liz, just please consider this, coming from a father worried about his daughter: With how things are right now, with this death, can you stay away from him until things are ok?”

Valenti had no idea that all the girls were connected with Evans boys. So they looked to each other and actually contemplated it as their father left, closing the door behind him.

“We’ve dished it all out before,” Maria said. “This is how it feels to take it.”

Natalie bobbed her head. “It sucks.”

“I guess Dad isn’t the only one who needs to change,” Liz sighed. She was shaking her head to herself, stunned by the magnitude of the mess their family was in. “How do we fix this?” she wondered.

“I don’t know,” Natalie said, shaking her head. “I stuck by Dad’s side, but truth is, I was angry at him like you guys were. We need to fix this before we regret it for the rest of our lives.”

But Liz was uncertain. Like I said, the only way she knew how to feel toward their father was hate—Ok, so “hate” is a strong word—angry. That was the only way Liz knew how to feel when it came to Dad. “I can say sorry to Alex and mean it,” she told her sisters, “but I don’t know about Dad. I don’t know with him.”

“Should we call a therapist?” Maria wondered with an innocent smile.

Natalie gave a sad little chuckle but then turned to her oldest sister. “Liz, do you think Dad knows Max isn’t exactly a law abiding citizen?”

Valenti’s last warning did raise a flag about it, but he would have just said to stay away because Max was Basil Deo, but Valenti didn’t.

“Maybe he has an idea,” Liz guessed.

“Do you think we should listen to him?” Maria asked. “Do we stay away?”


“It’ll be a bit of a bumpy landing,” Kass said loud enough for them to hear.

But if Kass looked behind him, he’d see that the only person who might have heard him was Max. Michael and Isabel were fast asleep and the reason I say that Max might have heard was because he was staring out his window with a catatonic stare and so it was almost certain that he wasn’t paying much attention to anything aside from what was on the other side of the window. He watched the rain smack the window and every so often, he glanced at the wing, watching the red light on the end blink every two seconds.

The plane hit some turbulence as it made its decent. It shook and things rattled. Michael stirred and eventually, woke up. He began rubbing his eyes as he looked around the cabin. He looked over his shoulder expecting to see Isabel crying maybe, but she was knocked out. Her eyes were already pink and swollen. Beside him, Michael noticed the same image he saw before falling asleep. He rolled his eyes, growled and kicked out his feet and raised his hands above his head to stretch.

“Are we almost there yet, Kass?” he wondered.

Not bothering to look over his shoulder, Kass nodded. “We’re making our decent right now. Sorry for the turbulence.”

Michael tilted his neck, causing a few cracks. He looked to his side and didn’t receive any sort of response from Max. Michael looked over his shoulder and then unbuckled his seatbelt and made his way to the back. He lifted Isabel up and let her use himself as a pillow. He buckled himself in and then started to ease her awake by gently rubbing her arm.

“Iz…” he soothingly said. “Isabel? Wake up…”

She gave a little moan after stirring a bit. Then in an instant, she woke and quickly sat up. “Where’s Thomas?” she demanded to know.

Michael glared angrily in Max’s direction, but then looked at Isabel comfortingly. “I don’t know,” he told her, “but we’ll find out soon. We’re almost home.”

Isabel sniffled and started to tear. “Michael, I’m scared.”

“I know,” Michael nodded. “I am too.”

He eased her toward himself and let her rest her head on his shoulder. Thunder was louder in the air and the lightning was brighter. As the cabin shook, Michael closed his eyes tight and took deep breaths. He felt Isabel squeeze him tighter. He opened his eyes and glanced over at Max who was still staring out his window as calm as could be.

“All right,” Kass started, “I hope you guys are buckled in tight.”

The plane’s nose dove a little steeper. Michael could see out the window that they were reaching the ground quickly. The plane lined up with the runway and pulled up, letting the back wheels touch down first and then the front wheels. Michael and Isabel braced each other for the landing and they loosened their grip on each other as the jet began to coast down the tarmac.

The jet was as close to the private terminal as possible. Michael unbuckled his belt and reached the hatch, opening it up and letting the stairs down, but he nearly jumped out of the plane and waited for Isabel to head down the steps. Nicholai came running up behind Michael with an umbrella already open.

“When was the last time you saw rain like this, huh?” the driver wondered.

Michael smiled appreciatively and took the umbrella from the man’s hands. “Grab the bags, will ya? I’ll take Isabel to the car.”

Nicholai nodded and headed for the storage compartment while Michael held out his hand for Isabel to come down the steps.

“Be careful,” he warned, noticing the high heels she wore.

Isabel walked down the steps, crouching under the umbrella, trying her best to keep dry. Once she touched onto the ground, Michael handed her the umbrella and told her to go ahead to the car. So Isabel followed orders and scurried over to the limousine.

Michael looked up at the hatch, patiently waiting for Max to climb out. It took him a moment, but eventually, Max did. Nicholai was already running back to the limo with all the bags in his hands, under his arms and on his shoulders.

“Max, come on!” Michael shouted.

Carefully, Max jogged down the stairs and hurried toward the car with Michael by his side.

“Max, you gotta talk to me now!” Michael shouted over the rain and thunder. “Where is he? Where is Thomas?”

Their clothes weighed them down with water and with every step they took they were squishing water in their shoes. It was then that Max decided to break his silence.

“At the hospital!” he shouted at the same volume as Michael. “Will was in a car accident!”

Michael froze and pulled on Max’s arm to stop him as well. “What did you say?”

Max leaned in toward his best friend, looking him straight in the eyes. “Will is in the hospital!”

“Why didn’t you say anything before?”

Max looked down for a moment and stared down at a puddle as rain fell into it. There were no ripples as drop after drop disrupted the ripple effect. As he stared down, the rain dropped onto the back of his head heavily. He could hear the drops hit his shoulders. His clothes were soaked through and though. It was about fifty degrees out. It was almost midnight. It was cold. It was freezing, but Max felt none of that.

“I don’t know!” Max shouted. “I didn’t want to scare Isabel!”

Michael laughed. “A little too late for that! She’s scared out of her mind! She’s thought about every worst-case scenario twice! So really, why didn’t you say anything?!”

“Because I didn’t want to believe it!” Max finally admitted. He marched away and eventually jogged to the car. He climbed inside and received a scolding from his big sister.

“What the hell took you so long?” she demanded to know. “You’re going to get pneumonia! Where’s Thomas? Is he hurt?”

The limo started to speed off as Michael reached for the bar and pour himself and Max a glass of brandy. “This’ll warm us up,” he said, handing Max a glass. “Isabel?” he asked.

A dry and content, for now, Isabel shook her head. “No. Thank you.” She turned back to her brother. “Max, tell me what’s going on? Where are we going and what’s happened to Thomas?”

Max shivered. His teeth chattered against the glass when he brought it up to mouth. “T—To the hospital.”

Isabel brought her hand up to her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. “Oh my God…” she whispered. “What happened?”

Max couldn’t look in his sister’s eyes. Instead, he remained huddled around his glass of brandy and glanced out of the corner of his eyes. “He was in a car accident,” he mumbled.

But Isabel heard him loud and clear. “Oh my God…” she repeated.

This time, the tears came on stronger and Max wasn’t cold anymore. He set his glass down and wrapped his arms around his sister. He wanted so much to tell her that it was going to be ok but it wasn’t.


Liz glanced at the clock on the fireplace mantel and then the one on the microwave and finally the one around her wrist. They all said the same thing. It was five ‘til midnight and they hadn’t heard from Max or Thomas. Liz looked down at her lap where Natalie rested her head. Listening to Natalie’s breathing and watching the rise and fall of her sister’s chest, Liz knew that her sister was asleep but Liz could hear and feel Natalie wince and grimace. Hoping to calm her sleeping sister, Liz lightly ran her hand through her sister’s hair. Liz loved it when their mother did that to her. It always made her sleep easier.

“Here you go,” Maria whispered. She held a cup of coffee in front of Liz’s face and sipped on her own.

“Thanks,” Liz whispered back. She carefully took a drink and went back to comforting her baby sister.

Maria took a seat at the other end of the couch, lifting Natalie’s legs and then letting them rest across her lap. “She’s beat,” Maria observed.

“You don’t think anything’s happened do you?” Liz wondered. “We haven’t heard from them in a long time.”’

Maria realized that long time had passed since the last phone conversation. “Let’s just hope nothing’s happened,” she sighed. She warmed herself up with another sip of coffee. “Have you been thinking about what Dad said?”

Liz copied her sister’s actions by taking a sip from her cup as well. “I want to say that he has no idea what he’s talking about, but Jesus Christ, you know he does. So I don’t know. I hate that I’m away from Max now. Who knows how long whatever this is will last? I mean, can you stand being away from Michael for that long?”

“No,” Maria quickly answered. She tightened her grip around her mug. “Michael and I haven’t even started yet but I’m so anxious to see where things go with him.”

“So what do we do?” Liz sighed. “Do we stick by our men or by our family?”

Maria watched in confusion as Liz hurried to carefully put her cup on the coffee table. When Liz started reaching for her phone, Maria’s confusion disappeared. She, too, put her coffee down and then anxiously watched her sister answer the call.

“Hello? Max?” Liz whispered, glancing down at Natalie for a moment.

“Um, no, it’s Michael,” said the voice on the other end.

Liz looked at Maria for a moment. “Michael?” she said curiously. “Why are you on Max’s phone?”

Michael looked down at the other end of the limo, witnessing Max try to comfort a nearly hysterical Isabel. Michael nervously cleared his throat. “He’s unavailable at the moment,” he said, “but he wanted to let you know that we got here safely.”

“You got ‘here’?” Liz questioned. “Where’s here?”

“We’re back in L.A. Something’s happened and we had to come back.”

Liz brought a worried hand up to her mouth. “It’s not Thomas, is it?”

Natalie quickly woke up and looked up at her sister.

“He was in a car accident. He’s at Cedars-Sinai. We’ll see you there.”

And then Liz was left staring at her phone in disbelief while her sisters were eagerly waiting for news. Slowly, Liz closed her phone and put it away.

“What?” Natalie questioned. “What is it?”

“We need to go to the hospital right now.”


The limousine pulled up into the hospital’s emergency room entrance where Nicholai raced to the end of the vehicle to open the door. Max climbed out first and then helped his sister. As they walked toward the hospital, he wrapped one arm around her waist and assisted her all the way inside. Michael followed close behind them after giving orders for Nic to go home.

It was late at night but there quite a few people in the ER. A man sat in the waiting room with a bag of ice on his eye while a woman held a bunch of gauze firmly onto her son’s leg as the little boy cried. There were other patients as well, but they didn’t look too bad, probably nothing more than allergies or a cold.

Max, Isabel and Michael walked on through the shining white emergency room and headed for a large desk under a sign that said “Nurses’ Station.” The man behind the desk was startled by the sudden appearance of the three people before him. They were rather well dressed people but haggard beyond belief. The two men standing on either side of the woman were terribly soaked while the woman looked as though something terrible had happened and the man behind the desk realized that maybe something terrible did happen.

“Hi,” the man offered with a gentle smile. “What can I do for you?”

Max cleared his throat. “I got a call…My brother was in a car accident. His name is William Thomas Evans.”

The smile on the man’s face disappeared, replaced with a sympathetic frown. “Ah, yes,” he said softly. “Just go down this little hallway. It’s the last door. Trauma Three.”

“Thank you,” Max said with a nod. He grabbed hold of his sister once more and walked with her toward a hallway the man pointed to.

You can never brace yourself for what these three were about to see.

Slowly they walked. Eventually, Isabel didn’t need to lean into her brother to walk. Instead, she grabbed his hand and then Michael’s and headed toward Trauma Three with both men right by her side. They passed Trauma One where a man held a tube to his mouth to help him breath while his family sat beside him. Nothing was in Trauma Two, just a gurney waiting to be used. Obviously, next was Trauma Three. Isabel stopped as Max and Michael looked back at her and watched as she took a deep breath. Max gave his sister’s hand a squeeze and a wiggle after turning his head to hide his tears.

Max, Isabel and Michael approached the last set of double doors and through its windows they saw their brother lying frightfully still on the gurney. Isabel turned away and buried herself into Max’s chest, crying hysterically once again. He wrapped his arms around her and placed his chin on her head as he stared into the room. Meanwhile, Michael leaned his arm across the door frame and slammed his head against his forearm.

“Mr. Evans?”

All three of them looked to the doctor that approached them. Michael quickly wiped his eyes and watched Isabel do the same. Max, who still held onto his tears, held out his hand for the doctor.

“Max,” he corrected. “This is my sister Isabel and my brother Michael.”

The woman smiled appreciatively and shook Max’s hand. “Max, I’m Dr. Price. I was the attending physician on your brother’s case.”

“Why aren’t you guys doing anything to help him?” Isabel demanded to know.

Dr. Price nervously fidgeted with her metallic clipboard. “Ms. Evans—”

“It’s Isabel.”

The middle-age woman nodded. “Isabel…Your brother was brought in by EMTs around 7pm. He was in a car crash that left him with a broken jaw, both legs broken, a spinal injury and collapsed lungs.”

Isabel struggled extremely hard to keep herself from crying while Michael turned back to the wall and hid his face in his arm, and Max? He found himself having trouble breathing. His jaw fell open and he breathed heavily through his mouth all while the tears began to blur his vision.

“There has to be something you can do!” Isabel cried. She was on the verge of getting on her hands and knees and begging.

Before that could happen, Dr. Price, with her own eyes welling with tears, sadly lowered her head. “William died tonight; about four hours ago.”

“NOOOOO!” Isabel wailed.

She collapsed into Max’s arms so suddenly that he didn’t react soon enough to catch her. Isabel fell to the floor and hugged Max’s legs, sobbing into his pants. Michael slammed a fist into the wall and then slid to the floor, crying with his knees pulled up to his chest and his face still hidden. And Max. Max clasped his hands and let his palms rest atop his head an action done after a strenuous run or when one tries to catch his breath. Max stared into the trauma room where his dead brother lay and fought his tears.

Liz would never forget the sight. She, Maria and Natalie just arrived to the hospital. She quickly asked Jerry where Thomas was and when they reached the beginning of the hallway, they saw. They saw Michael and Isabel on the floor weeping and they saw Max stand unsteady, ready to fall and break down.

“No!” Natalie shouted. Thomas was ok. They weren’t supposed to be crying, but Natalie was wrong. It didn’t take her long to realize that. “No…” she began to cry softly.

Maria and Liz brought their attention to Natalie and both of them wrapped their arms around their sister as she began to weep and sob at the same volume as their family down the hall. Maria soon began to cry with her sister. She tried to be strong. She rested her forehead on Natalie’s.

“It’s ok,” Maria offered. “Go ahead and cry.”

“Noooo…” Natalie bawled.

Liz closed her eyes as she also rested her forehead on Natalie’s. Her tears came quietly but they came quickly. She turned back to Max and took deep breaths in and out through her mouth as she watched her husband.

Max still stood with his hands atop his head and he continued looking into the trauma room as he struggled with all his might to fight his tears. He took a deep breath and held on tight. Not able to keep the air in any longer, Max blew it out sharply. Then he took another breath, held onto it tight, and soon he quickly released it. He continued the process in order to keep from crying. But slowly, his hands slid to the back of his head and then continued down to his neck and simultaneously with the descent of his hands, Max’s tears fell. He cried as he pointed his face to the heavens. Max broke down and cried.
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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

Hey there everyone! To avoid being repetitive, I’m going to go ahead and answer some of your FB in a single paragraph and then list those of you who left something for me to read. :)

I’m surprised by all of your reactions to Thomas’s supposed death. I love the hope you all have. Some of you hope that maybe he’s in a coma. Others believe it’s not Thomas at all. You’ll find out early on in this next chapter. Icequeen, thank you for the kind words. I tried my hardest not to make it cheesy. I think it’s kind of hard to write people’s reaction to a death when you portray them devastated and crying, especially with male characters. You don’t want them to seem like pansies or little babies. I appreciate you all thinking that this past chapter was well-written. I desperately wanted it to be. So thank you.

Ok, a little note about this upcoming chapter. I already know a lot of you will be angry at one particular character. Please keep in mind that he/she just lost a brother. Don’t be too mad at this person.

Thank you all for reading. Thanks to the following for the following to take the time to leave some FB. :)

Jason’s Lover
Stargazer’s Delight

Again, thank you,

Accompanying music, World On Fire by Sarah McLachlan.
(This doesn't go to my Xanga site. It'll open a new window with just the video and should play automatically.
Again, just have it playing in the background while you read.)

<center>Chapter 36- Wake

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”
–Norman Cousins</center>

“I’m truly sorry,” Dr. Price offered. She was speaking to nothing but weeping souls. “We tried so hard but there was just too much damage. We’ve cleaned him up as much as possible. You can sit with him and say your goodbyes. Unfortunately, he needs to head to the morgue soon so you’ll only have a few minutes.”

Stopping his tears and pushing them away, Max nodded to the doctor, but he didn’t look at her. No. He couldn’t look at her or anyone. Instead, he looked up and restrained his tears. Max needed to be strong for his family. No more crying.

Max loosened his leg from Isabel’s grasp and crouched down, drying his face on the way down to the floor. He grabbed Isabel’s arms and used them to pull her into him. “I know. I know,” was all he could say. Max gradually started to rise off the ground, taking Isabel up with him. “Come on.” He looked over her shoulder and down at Michael sitting with his knees up to his chest and his elbows on his knees as his palms drove into his eyes. Max held out his hand. “Michael, come on.”

Michael looked up and brought his eyes to Max’s hand and to Max’s face. He saw the self-control in Max and the stability in him. Michael knew that he, too, needed to be the epitome of strength. So he placed his hand in Max’s and grasped it tightly. Locking his arm, Max pulled Michael up off the floor while he managed to keep Isabel on her feet as she cried into his chest.

As Michael dusted off his clothes, Max glanced down the hallway, meeting Liz’s stare. “Take Isabel for second?” Max asked.

“Yeah,” Michael nodded, sniffling the rest of his tears away. He took hold of Isabel and led her into the trauma room.

Meanwhile, Max, with his eyes still fixated on Liz’s, jogged down the hallway toward her. Liz looked to Maria, noticing that her younger sister had control of their youngest sister, and then let go of Natalie and ran toward Max. She took maybe three steps when Max met up with her. They immediately wrapped their arms around each other.

“Max, I’m so sorry,” Liz cried. She didn’t sob or wail but the tears just kept coming. She struggled to fight them, hoping that maybe she could be strong for Max, but she was failing miserably.

Max clenched his jaw shut hard still fighting his tears because they were so close to resurfacing. He held Liz tight, cupping the back of her head with his hand and holding her head to his chest, letting her use him as a Kleenex. “I know…” Max said again. What else can you say besides “I know”? You can’t say, “It’s ok.” That’s a downright lie. And you need to say something. So… “I know,” Max repeated. He glanced over at Liz’s sisters. Natalie kept her face in Maria’s chest while Maria continued to rest her forehead on the top of Natalie’s head as they cried together. “Natalie?” Max said. “Do you want to see him?”

Maria was the only one to look at Max, and then she turned to Natalie and encouraged her to lift up her head. “Sweetie, come on,” she suggested.

Natalie finally lifted her head and Max could see the pain on the young woman’s face. It must have been how he looked because right now, all he felt was pain. He may have been hiding it well but his insides were tearing apart. His thoughts were turning against each other. Honestly, Max was on the verge of madness except he used all that he had inside of him to keep himself under control because right now his sister needed him, Michael needed him, and people were going to look to him for comfort and strength.

With their hands entwined, Max and Liz walked a step or two ahead of Maria and Natalie. As they reached the end of the hallway where Trauma Three was located, Max hesitated and twitched slightly, squeezing Liz’s hand. He was scared. So Liz squeezed back, letting him know that it was going to be ok, she was here for him.

Max had had his eyes fixated on the center of the room where Thomas rested so peacefully. Isabel sat on a stool next to the bed. She held their little brother’s hand as she bawled. Max couldn’t remember when Isabel wasn’t crying today. Off to the side, Michael leaned against the wall, watching over Isabel and Thomas. He stood with his arms crossed and he stood firm, but Max noticed the tears in his best friend’s eyes.


Max looked down at Liz and nodded. Together they pushed through the double doors and held them open for Maria and Natalie behind them. Max slowly approached the foot of the bed and Liz already began to study Thomas’s body. She noticed the awkward position of his legs. They were probably broken in several different places. Max and Liz walked closer and Liz observed the blood all over Thomas’s body. Thomas’s body was covered by his clothes, but his shirt was torn and cut down the middle. Liz was sure if she were to lift up one side, she’d see the damage of what looked like a car accident and the incisions made in an attempt to save his life. Liz was supposed to be immune to sights like this, but looking at Max’s brother, she wanted to turn away.

Eventually, Max and Liz, followed by Maria and Natalie, were standing by Isabel. Upon reaching his sister’s side, Max placed a hand on Isabel’s shoulder and then brought his gaze to his baby brother’s face. Max wasn’t the least bit squeamish but he wanted to vomit immediately. Thomas’s face wasn’t how Max remembered it. Several cuts were scattered about with a couple of streams of blood coming from Thomas’s hairline. Blood spatter covered his neck and jaw; the jaw that was swollen and discolored. Though it was a gruesome sight, Max prayed that his brother didn’t suffer, but he had a feeling that Thomas did and that feeling was fueling Max’s madness with anger.

Max set those feelings aside to say goodbye to his brother. He whispered words under his breath as his hand combed over Thomas’s head. Max leaned down and placed a kiss on William’s forehead. It was the first, and the last.


Max scanned the shelves of the pantry. What would it be tonight? Chicken noodle purée? Nah. Vegetable beef purée? What the hell was vegetable beef? Max sighed heavily and reached for the lasagna with meat sauce purée. With the small jar in hand, Max headed back to the kitchen and started searching for his brother’s favorite spoon. It was the only one Will would take. It wasn’t in the drawer. Max headed straight for the sink and there it was. It was covered in dried sweet potato purée. Max looked around him wondering why the spoon wasn’t cleaned by now. He set aside the jar of baby food and rolled up his sleeves to scrub and wash the plastic spoon.

Thomas’s wailing could be heard throughout the house. Max hurried to the dining room with spoon and baby food in hand. He rushed in, startling Isabel and maybe making Thomas cry even harder.

“What happened?” Max demanded to know.

“He’s hungry.”

Max unscrewed the baby food jar and started to spoon some of the pastel red mush on the spoon. Baby Thomas hadn’t noticed the food; his eyes were closed as he screamed and cried.

“Shh…” Isabel urged. She had grabbed the baby food and spoon from Max’s hands and tried to feed their baby brother. She brought the spoon up to Thomas’s mouth but Thomas fidgeted so much that Isabel couldn’t get the spoon inside.

“You’re doing it wrong,” Max told his pre-pubescent sister. He took back the food and spoon. “You have to get his attention.”

Max leaned in toward Thomas and gently ran his hand over his baby brother’s soft head. Just like that, Thomas stopped. He whimpered a bit, sure, but he was coming down from his tantrum and was now fixated on his big brother. Thomas gave a little giggle and opened his mouth.


Liz crept into their bedroom when she noticed Max still asleep. After glancing at her watch, double-checking, she sighed heavily and approached their bed. Max was curled up on his side, sleeping so peacefully and comfortably. Liz hated to wake him, but she had too.

“Max…” Liz placed her hand on his arm and lightly shook his whole body. “Max, come on. It’s time wake up.”

He groaned and turned over.

“Max, please,” Liz begged, speaking to her husband’s back. “It’s eleven. There are things to be done.”

“Liz, I want to be left alone,” Max mumbled. He kept his eyes closed, trying desperately to fall back asleep.

Liz placed her hand back on Max and began rubbing his arm comfortingly. “I understand that,” she offered, “but you need to get up and out of this bed. Larek’s viewing is tonight.”

Jesus Christ. It still shocked Liz that now they had two funerals to deal with.

“The viewing is at seven,” Max continued saying through his conscious sleep. “Until then, please, Liz, just let me be.”

Liz wanted to be a good wife. She didn’t want to push Max, especially not now. She was going to let him run this course of seclusion and she’d let him come to her whenever he was ready. So Liz bobbed her head to herself as she took her hand off her husband. And then she left the room.


Maria looked around the room she sat in. The drapes were covering the windows, but even on this rainy day, the California sun was bright enough to make it through the curtains, lighting the room just enough for Maria to keep herself occupied by studying the walls. She smiled at the posters; Metallica, Pink Floyd, Staind, Led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, Flogging Molly…His room was just absolutely covered. He had good taste.

“No…” Michael whimpered softly.

Maria’s eyes shot off the walls and moved straight to Michael’s bed where he lay asleep. She quickly moved to his side and started combing his hair away from his sweating face.

“Get away!” Michael shouted as he jumped awake. He quickly scurried to the other side of the bed.

“It’s ok!” Maria said, holding her hands up in surrender. “It’s just me.”

Michael realized he was awake and as he panted for breath, he studied Maria’s face in the darkness and realized she was nothing to be scared of. He ran his hands through his hair and eased himself back over toward Maria.

“I’m sorry,” Michael breathed out.

Maria quickly shook her head and grabbed his hand. “No, it’s ok,” she said softly. “Bad dream?”

“Yeah. A dream.” He looked down at his hand in both of Maria’s and followed her arm all the way up to her face. “Have you been here all night?”

Maria nodded.


It was simple really. “You guys needed us,” Maria answered. “So we’re here.”

“Where’s Natalie?” Michael wondered.

“Oh, I hope you guys don’t mind, but we put her in one of the guest rooms.”

Michael shook his head. “No, that’s absolutely fine.” He cleared his throat. “How is she?”

Maria smirked sadly. “I’m praying that she’ll be able to get over this, but it’s going to be so hard for her.”

“It will be for all of us,” Michael nodded. He sighed heavily. “But Thomas…He really loved her. I hope she knew that.”

“She did,” Maria smiled, “and she loved him back.”

Michael stared into her eyes. He couldn’t fight the urge. The moment was just right. Michael leaned forward and pressed his lips against Maria’s. He closed his eyes tight and held her face to his. When they pulled away, they both tucked their lips into their mouths and savored the kiss.

When Michael opened his eyes, his smile disappeared upon looking at Maria’s distraught face. “What is it? Was that not ok?”

“No,” Maria quickly shook her head. “I just—” She looked into Michael’s beady and vulnerable eyes and had to grab his hand once again. “I just don’t know if I should get into it with you.”

Michael started bobbing his head. “I understand,” he replied. “But I care about you and I think I love you.”

“You barely know me.”

“I know,” Michael agreed, “but there’s just this overwhelming feeling I get when I think about you, when I see you. It gets stronger when I’m with you.”

Maria smiled and reached forward, grabbing Michael’s neck and pulling him onto her for another kiss. Instead of pulling away, she rested her forehead on his. “I think I love you too.”

“Do you want to be with me?” Michael asked.

“I don’t know.”

Michael exhaled sharply. “I’m not like Max, you know?”

Maria nodded, their foreheads rubbing against each other.

“I can see Max changing,” Michael went on. “I know he’s doing that for Liz, and it’s an honorable thing, but I’m not that guy.”

“I know,” Maria nodded.

“I’m not used to having a relationship,” Michael continued to explain. “There are things in my life that are just as important as you are. That sounds shitty but—”

Maria pulled away. “Michael, I know all of this and I’ve thought about it. I’m here, aren’t I?”

“You’re not going to still feel this way in the future.”

Maria scoffed. “Maybe you won’t feel this way in the future. Who knows, maybe you will change.” She smiled and let her hand graze his face.

“It’ll all come natural,” Michael smiled. “Max told me that. He also told me that we have to work to be together. I’m willing.”

Maria thought about all her options and there was honestly no reason to not be with Michael. “You know, you say you’re not like Max,” she began. “Well, I’m not like Liz—Well, the Liz that she used to be. She wanted nothing to do with the lifestyle that you and Max lead, but she’s changed and she understands that this is your job and it’s what you have to do. I understand that too.”

Michael gave a soft and nervous chuckle. “So what does this mean?”

“We’re giving it a shot,” Maria smiled.

A huge sigh of relief expelled from Michael as he grabbed Maria’s face. “Thank you so much for being here with me.”

Maria pressed her lips against his. “I’m not going anywhere.”


“No!” Isabel shouted into her phone. “White roses for Larek and red roses for Thomas. Why is this a problem? Larek’s wake and funeral should already be taken care of. The wake is in four hours for Christ’s sake!”

Macy, a house maid, hesitantly approached Isabel with a list of people attending Thomas’s funeral. The plan was to ease it onto Isabel’s clipboard and run away. The task would be nearly impossible since Isabel held the clipboard in her arm. But since Isabel was on the phone, occupied, Macy figured that it still could be done. She’d just have to sneak up to her boss and toss it in front of her and then run. Macy definitely didn’t want to be around when Isabel discovered that there were more people attending the funeral than expected.

“If I see one white rose at my brother’s wake or funeral, I will kill you myself,” Isabel growled.

Just as Macy was walking up right behind Isabel, the tall blonde snapped her phone shut and whipped around, confronting the maid. Isabel nearly stumbled backward in shock.

“Jesus!” she cried out. “What the hell are you doing, Macy?”

The young woman cowered slightly as she held out the piece of paper. “I’m really sorry to have bothered you, Ms. Evans, but here is the finalized list of the guests coming for Thomas.”

Isabel snatched the paper and started studying it. Immediately, she noticed a problem. “This is a list of two hundred,” she realized. “There’s only supposed to be a hundred.”

“I understand that, ma’am,” Macy offered, “but I believe Thomas’s classmates found out about the funeral and have asked to come. We can’t exactly tell them ‘no’.”

Isabel cringed. “Thank you, Macy,” she growled.

Macy nodded and quickly scurried off, but she came to the doorway of the library and was met by another maid.

“Isabel has a visitor,” Gilda informed Macy.

“Well go ahead and tell her.”

Gilda shook her head and started to back away. “You’re closer to her.”

Macy spat out a laugh. “What? I don’t really know her.”

“I mean you’re standing closer to her,” Gilda said, pointing out the distance.

“G, I’m scared of her!”

“Who isn’t?!” Gilda turned the younger maid around and pushed her back toward Isabel.

After unsuccessfully holding off Gilda, Macy gave in and stomped her feet in defeat. “Fine!” she whispered loudly. Macy took a deep breath before braving it back to Isabel while Gilda sped off. Macy edged closer toward Isabel, watching her boss shout into her cell phone once again. Since Isabel was going on in a rant, Macy patiently waited in Isabel’s line of sight.

“Hold on a second,” Isabel said into her phone. She covered the receiver and looked to Macy. “What is it?”

“You have a visitor,” Macy nervously announced.

Isabel held the phone to her chest. “Who?”

Macy internally winced. She forgot that piece of information. “I’m sorry,” she regretfully answered. “I don’t know.”

Isabel brought her phone back to her ear, covering the receiver still. “Go ahead and send whoever it is in.” After ordering that, she quickly went back to her conversation on the phone. “I demand to talk to Father Davis. Tell him it’s Isabel Evans. He’ll know what this is in regards to.” Isabel growled at the reply she received. “I didn’t ask to speak to the deacon. I want to speak to Father Davis.”


Isabel whipped around at the sound of a man clearing his throat. “Alex!” she said elated. Her eyes widened and a breath of new air entered her body. Isabel quickly ran over to him and jumped into his arms. “God, I’m so glad to see you.”

Alex wrapped his arms around her tight; one hand on her back and the other on the back of her head, holding her close to him. “I’ve heard about your brother,” he said. “I’m so sorry.”

As she pulled away, Isabel placed a kiss on Alex’s cheek and wiped the single tear from under only one of her eyes. “It’s all over the news,” she sighed with disgust. “Everything. Larek’s murder. My brother’s death. The whole world knows my friend was murdered and my brother died in a terrible car accident.”

Alex tucked strands of hair behind Isabel’s ear and away from her face. “Do the police know what happened to your brother?”

Isabel shook her head. “They’re still trying to figure it out,” she answered. “They say it might take a while because his car was absolutely destroyed.” Isabel stared off to the side and then closed her eyes. “If he just went straight to your sister’s! I don’t understand why he had to come here and grab his car!”

Alex quickly grabbed a hold of Isabel. “Shhh…” he said calmly. “Don’t worry yourself with that, ok?”

“You’re right,” Isabel nodded. She pulled away completely and focused intently on her phone. “I need to call and talk to Brody and then get more chairs for Thomas’s burial. And after talking to the florist, I’m worried about Larek’s funeral. So I need to make sure—”

“Isabel…” Alex grabbed her phone and politely took it out of her hand. “How long have you been on this thing?”

Isabel stared hungrily at her phone as she shrugged her shoulders. “I think since seven.”

“This morning?” Alex scoffed. He shook his head disapprovingly and placed the phone into his pocket.

“What are you doing?” Isabel exclaimed. “There’s too much to do.”

Alex shook his head and grabbed Isabel’s hand, leading her to the couch. “You need to take a break and just let things set in.”

After touching down on the couch, Isabel quickly got back onto her feet, beginning to panic. “If I don’t take care of it, no one will.”

Alex quickly caught her arm and pulled her down onto him.

“Alex!” Isabel shouted. “There’s too much to be done.” She said with a tired breath. “There aren’t enough chairs. Too many people are coming. I need to order more food.” Her voice became shakier with each word spoken. “Thomas hates white roses. He said that a rose was never a rose unless it was red.”

Isabel began to cry against Alex’s chest as she sat in his lap. He held her close, resting his cheek on the top of her head. Isabel grabbed a hold of Alex’s shirt, clenching it in her fist and then clawing for more.

“God…” Isabel wept. She breathed quickly and deeply, nearly hyperventilating. “He’s gone.” She cried harder and managed to keep her wails soft. “Alex, he’s gone.”

With tears in his own eyes, Alex swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. “I know,” he whispered. “And I’m so sorry, but I’m here, Isabel. I’m here for you.”


Liz spooned her baby sister, holding her tight. Natalie cried softly and quietly. Her energy had been drained from the night before. Now the tears were just constantly and naturally falling from her eyes, even as she slept.

The whole day, Natalie lied in bed. The untouched breakfast tray set on the end table next to the bed was replaced with the untouched lunch tray and then that one, too, was replaced by the currently untouched dinner tray. The water in the glass also on the end table remained at the same level. No finger prints on the glass. No lip prints. Not even the side next to her in bed had been disturbed until Liz climbed in with her.

For at least an hour, Liz silently kept her sister company. Liz wasn’t sure if Natalie was awake or asleep, but she stayed. Liz might have dozed off for a minute or two herself every so often, but then she’d hear a sniffle or a soft whimper from her sister and she’d wake up. Liz tightened her grip around Natalie every moment it felt like her grip loosened.

It was getting dark out. It was that point in the day where the sun was below the horizon but the sky was still blue, just a darker and dimmer blue. Liz sighed heavily as the light began to disappear from the room, replaced by darkness. She slowly lifted herself up and peered over her sister.

“Natalie…” she whispered. “Sweetie, Larek’s wake is soon. Are you going?” Liz didn’t receive an answer. “Well, I should really go, ok? I think Maria’s going too. I don’t want you to be here by yourself, so maybe we should get you home?” Liz crawled over her sister and knelt down on the floor in front of her. Natalie’s eyes were closed. As gentle as possible, Liz placed her hand on the side of her baby sister’s face; she wiped away the tears with swipes of her thumb. “Natalie, come on, wake up,” Liz whispered. Natalie slowly opened her puffy eyes, revealing just how devastated she was. It physically pained Liz. “Let’s get you home and in your own bed,” she offered. “I’ll be right back, ok? I’m going to tell Max I’m going to take you home.”

With her head still resting on the pillow, Natalie nodded. Liz gave a faint smile and kissed her sister’s forehead before leaving the room. As she walked through the corridor of the west wing of Max’s mansion, Liz started letting worry enter her mind. What if Liz found herself in Natalie’s position? What if Max was taken away from her? It was a likely possibility. Larek and Thomas died within two days of each other. That can’t be a coincidence. It was an awful thought, but you can’t ignore it.

Liz picked up her pace and headed for the master bedroom. When she reached the door, she took a deep breath and coolly walked in. As soon as she did, Liz spotted Max near the bathroom, standing in front of the full length mirror fixated to the wall. Max lifted his chin and looked down his nose as he fixed his neck tie. He was dressed in black. The Man in Black. Johnny Cash anyone?

“Max?” Liz slowly approached.

Via the mirror, Max looked at Liz but didn’t say a word.

“I’m going to take my sister home,” she told him. “I’ll be stopping by my place to change, but I will be back in time for Larek’s viewing. I’ll meet you all at the cathedral.”

Max wiggled the knot of his tie a bit and then slid a black tie clip on, fastening the tie to his shirt.

Liz started bobbing her head to herself and began to leave the room. She was no more than a step away from the door when she stopped and turned back around. “You said you wouldn’t shut me out, Max. Talk to me.”

Max continued staring at himself in the mirror. He tilted his head to the side, studying his apparel. He straightened his neck and began to run his hand down his chest, ironing his tie out.

Growing frustrated and afraid at the same time, Liz started to cry. “God, Max!” Through her tears, she watched Max lower his head slightly.

“What do you want from me?” he said softly.

“Just talk to me. I don’t know where you are right now.”

Max finally turned around. He held out his arms and shook his head. “I’m here.”

“No,” Liz tearfully cried. “No, you’re slipping away from me! What if I lose you too? It could happen at any time.” Liz looked up to the ceiling, hoping that her tears would drain back into her body instead of falling out and down her cheeks. “I just want you to talk to me.”

Frustrated, Max sighed heavily. “About what?” he asked.

Liz shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. “Anything. I don’t care. Just let me hear your voice.”

“I honestly have nothing to say.”

“There has to be something.”

“Liz, I don’t know what you want from me!” Max shouted as he held out his flexed hands in aggravation. He suddenly reached the breaking point. “MY BEST FRIEND WAS MURDERED! MY BROTHER IS DEAD! I’M QUICKLY LOSING EVERYONE I LOVE! AND IT’S ALL MY FAULT! WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?!”

Liz quickly stepped forward. “It’s not your fault.”

Max spat out a laugh. “First Larek and now Will? You look me in the eyes and tell me that’s just a coincidence.”

Liz couldn’t. In fact, she even looked away.

Max started bobbing his head. “See? Now, what else do you want to hear? Let me warn you now: It’ll be depressing.” He stared down, off to the side, and scoffed. “Two days ago, I was waking up on my wedding day. My life was perfect. This morning, I woke up and I realized I’ve lost two important people in my life. Jesus Christ, I’ve lost my brother.” He stared into Liz’s beady eyes. “I know I said that I shouldn’t shut you out, but right now, Liz, it’s just what’s happening. I want to talk to you, Liz, I do, but I’m feeling too guilty and ashamed to face anyone. So please, just leave me alone.”

“Don’t be like this, Max.”

Max threw his head back and then threw it down just as fast, bringing his eyes quickly to his wife’s. “Liz, I can’t help it, ok? For your own good, you better stay away from me. I don’t want to say or do anything I’ll regret.” Max stepped forward and grabbed onto Liz’s arms. “It’s not you I’m angry at. I’m angry at me. I am angry and I want revenge.” He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek. “For the time being, Liz, just please leave me alone.” Max let her go and then disappeared into the bathroom.

Liz stared at the invisible path he left behind. She used her fingers to swipe the tears off her cheeks and walked out of the room. Quickly, she headed for Natalie but before entering the guest room, Liz took a deep breath and regained her composure.

“Are you ready?” she asked, peeking her head into the door.

Natalie finished touching up her makeup and nodded.


Liz quickly brought her Jeep to a halt in front of their father’s mansion. She grabbed her purse and pulled the keys out of the ignition. “Let’s go,” she told her sisters.

Natalie unbuckled her seatbelt and started to get out, but Maria found herself a little confused. From the backseat, she looked from Natalie to Liz, watching them exit the vehicle. Natalie stepped onto the pavement and waited just outside of the car to help Maria out.

“Are you coming?” she asked.

Maria shook her head, but more in confusion than anything else. She quickly leaned toward Liz. “What are we doing? I thought we were going back to your place to change.”

“We’re not going tonight,” Liz informed her sister. “Dad was right: We need to stay away.”

Liz shut her door and started up the steps to her father’s mansion. Natalie followed after her leaving Maria to scramble out of the car and chase her sisters up the steps.

“What are you talking about?” she asked Liz. “Something’s going to happen, isn’t it?”

Not wanting Natalie to hear, Liz slowed down a bit as Natalie gained a two step advantage. Liz continued climbing the stairs slowly while Maria walked closely beside her. “Max thinks Thomas may have been murdered,” Liz whispered. “Who wouldn’t?”

Maria couldn’t help but agree, but she remained silent and didn’t bother interrupting her sister.

“I think Max may know who’s out to get him,” Liz continued. “He said he wanted revenge, Maria, and he warned me to stay away.”

Maria grabbed her sister’s arm, stopping Liz completely. “What are they going to do?”

Liz shook her head worriedly. “I don’t know but it’s probably best that we don’t go to Larek’s wake. We need to be careful right now. I know that we want to be there for Max, Michael and Isabel, but our want might get us hurt.”

Maria hesitantly agreed and hooked arms with her sister. The two of them continued up the steps making it to the front door where Natalie was waiting, along with their father.

“I saw you come up the drive,” he greeted them.

Remaining quiet, Liz and Maria nodded while Natalie took the arm Valenti offered her. The father and his youngest daughter led the way into the house, all the way to the barely used family room. A fire was burning strong in the fireplace while the aroma of fresh baked cookies filled the air. They were waiting on a plate on the coffee table with glasses of milk and mugs of hot chocolate. This never happened in the Valenti household. Maria could have sworn she was dreaming.

“They’re not homemade, unfortunately,” Valenti nervously chuckled. “When I saw you coming up, I had Giolla take them out of the package and warm them up. She made the hot chocolate though.”

Still quiet, Liz and Maria offered small smiles and took a seat on the couch with their younger sister. Valenti sat in the leather chair slightly off to the side of the couch, resting his elbows on the armrest and clasping his hands together. He looked at his daughters proudly, trying to remember the last time the three of them all sat next to each other.

Valenti sighed heavily and dropped his head regretfully. “I heard about Max’s brother,” he offered.

Maria and Liz instantly looked to Natalie and watched her as she closed her eyes. Liz looked back to their unaware father.

“You should know,” she said, “that Natalie was seeing him.”

Natalie opened her eyes and tried her best to keep from bawling. It was a damn struggle as she clenched her fists and let her knees nervously bounce. Maria reached for her sister’s hands and squeezed them tight.

Valenti’s mouth dropped opened slightly. His hands become unhinged as he leaned forward. “Sweetie, I’m so sorry.” He opened his arms for his daughter and let her cry on his shoulder.

It was a heartbreaking moment and it even got to Liz. She looked away, not being able to bear the sight because she knew that she, too, would break down. “We need to stay here for a couple of days, under your protection.”

Valenti opened his eyes and looked to Liz.

Still staring away, Liz sensed her father’s eyes on her. “You’re right about some things,” she told him, “but please don’t ask any questions.”

Valenti bobbed his head understandingly. “Of course. Your rooms are just how you left them, just a little more tidied up.”

Liz finally brought her eyes to her father’s. She nodded appreciatively and even gave a small smile. “Thank you,” she said.

“No problem. Welcome home.”


Max kneeled on the kneeler belonging to the first pew as he rested his elbows on the wooden partition in front of him. He clasped his hands together and let it serve as a support for his head. He stared ahead of him and slightly to the right at the closed casket.

For the most part, the large cathedral was silent. You could hear the murmur of voices, but those that were speaking were located in the back of the church and so it wasn’t much of a disturbance to those praying.

Michael finished greeting as many people as he could for the night and headed up the aisle. He entered the first pew and got down on his knees next to Max. “You were looking for me?” he said.

Max nodded as he lowered his head, resting his forehead on his block of hands. “They’re ruling Thomas’s death as an accident,” he said softly, and with an eerie calmness.

“Because it was,” Michael whispered back.

“Don’t be stupid, Michael. With Khivar and Nicholas after me, you know damn well that it wasn’t.”

But Michael didn’t want to believe that Thomas, who he considered his little brother, was murdered. “Max, there are rules to our business,” he reminded him. “If a crew experiences a death, they’re allowed time to mourn. We lost Larek. No one would go after Thomas. Everyone respects the rules.”

“You’re forgetting that no one knows we have a crew. We’re fair game.” Max lifted his head and sighed heavily as he went back to staring at Larek’s casket. After a little while, Max finally spoke again. “I want revenge,” he decided.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Max.”

“They murdered Larek and Will, Michael. I want them to pay.”

Internally, Michael was freaking out. There was great possibility that they would be exposed in this quest to seek vengeance for their fallen brothers. Michael couldn’t let that happen.

“For now, Max, let’s stick with the whole framing idea,” he proposed. “Back in Roswell, I think Isabel had more to say about the issue. So come Tuesday, we’ll all sit down and talk about it, all right? Look, Khivar, Nicholas and Tess will pay. I promise.”

Hesitantly, Max nodded and Michael was sighing in relief.

“Where are the girls?” Michael wondered, twisting his neck around to search for the Valenti sisters.

Max glanced at his watch. The wake had started an hour ago and he hadn’t seen Liz or her sisters. Max figured that Liz took his advice. “I don’t think they’re coming,” Max told Michael.

“What? They should be here.”

“They’re better off with their father. They’re safe away from us for now.”

“What are you talking about?”

Max took a deep breath, expelling it sharply. “Tonight they need to stay away,” he said, “because if I see Tess or Nicholas here, I will start shooting, so help me God.”
Last edited by hoLLyBEHRy on Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

First, I’m beyond flattered by the reactions I’ve received. I’m so appreciative. I’m glad I was able to produce something to that extent. Second, I’m happy that you were all understanding of Max’s reaction.

Thank you,
(You and Fencing Max. :lol:)

KarenEvans (Thank you so much for appreciating my style. :))
Stargazer’s Delight
Jason’s Lover

Thank you to everyone!
candycane14 wrote:…and please let there be some good news. I don't care if it is that Liz turns on the television and the news report shows how some cat was saved from a tree. I need some kind of hope here.
:lol: You’re too cute. :)

Accompanying music, ”Angel” by Sarah McLachlan.
<center>Chapter 37- Quietus

Part 1

“If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever.”
–Sarah from motion picture The Crow</center>

Marco was nearly eighteen. He was a kid who didn’t exactly have a normal lifestyle. He could remember watching Sabrina—you know, the good one. The one with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart—and completely relate to Sabrina, Audrey’s character. That’s definitely a rarity, for a boy to relate to a woman character in a movie, especially an old black and white. If you’re not familiar with the story, let me give you the relevant stuff to my point. Audrey’s character, Sabrina, was the daughter of a private chauffeur to Humphrey Bogart’s extremely wealthy family, the Larrabees. Even before she was born, Sabrina’s father and mother, when she was alive, worked for the Larrabees and lived above the garage. The apartment above the Larrabee garage was Sabrina’s home her whole life. The Larrabee property was where she grew up.

Six months before Natalie was born, Leo and his wife—God bless her soul—had Marco. When they took the little tyke home, they took him to the Valenti mansion, because that was home. Marco’s life was very reminiscent of Sabrina’s. Weekends were spent washing cars with his father. On Valenti party nights, Marco watched from afar. He was the quiet boy who only knew the life of being a servant’s son. Here or there, Marco helped out around the property. He mostly just parked cars, and as he waited at the front steps of the house, he was about to park another car.

Alex was coming up the driveway—actually; he was speeding up the driveway, but whatever. It’s the same thing. Alex stopped about five feet from Marco and the young man started walking toward the car. But Alex climbed out of his black Porsche and held up his hand to the boy.

“It’s all right, Marco,” he started to explain. “I’m only here for a minute or so.”

Marco nodded and walked away toward the garage. Meanwhile, Alex was jogging up the front steps three by three. He quietly and stealthily made it into the house. It was always freakishly silent in the mansion and today was no different. It made it hard for Alex to sneak around. His shoes tapped against the wood flooring and then the tile flooring, echoing in each room he walked through. He constantly looked over his shoulder as he moved through his house. As he was about to enter the kitchen, he had his chin turned over his shoulder and so Alex didn’t see Liz as she was coming through the swinging door.

Alex turned back and his face slammed into the door. He quickly found himself on his ass with his feet in the air.

“Oh my God! Alex!” Liz cried. She immediately crouched to the floor and helped her brother sit up.

Alex propped himself up and started feeling the bridge of his nose. “Is it broken?” he wondered.

Liz peered in closer to examine. After a moment, she shook her head. “Don’t think so.”

“Feels like it,” Alex sighed. He held out his hand, silently asking for Liz to help him up.

“You’ll be fine,” Liz assured him.

Alex smiled appreciatively as they stood a foot away from each other with Alex’s eyes focused on the ground and Liz’s on her coffee mug. Yeah…It was pretty much awkward.

“I’m sorry,” Liz offered. She kept her head down.

But Alex finally looked up. He knew she meant sorry for the door just then but she was also sorry for more. What he said was said and done two days ago. He didn’t care about that anymore.

“You were right,” Liz went on. “We need to stop being angry. All of us.”

“Liz,” Alex said, stopping her before she could go on any longer. “None of that really matters right now.”

Liz stared bobbing her head in understanding. “Um, where have you been?” she asked.

Alex nervously cleared his throat and straightened his clothes. “I’ve been staying at my old apartment…and I’ve been spending quite a bit of time with Isabel.”

Liz quickly looked up in surprise.

“I spilt wine on my black suit last night,” Alex started explain. “I’m just here to grab another one.” He suddenly realized that he was in his father’s house and Liz was too, but Liz was never at the house just because. “What are you doing here?” Alex curiously wondered. “Where have you been? I didn’t see you at Larek’s wake or funeral. I thought that you’d definitely go to Thomas’s wake last night.”

Liz brought her attention back to the coffee mug in her hand.

“Are you going to his burial?”

Alex’s sister remained silent.

“This is your husband’s brother I’m talking about,” Alex said.

“Yeah, well it’s my husband who told me to stay away.”

Then everything clicked. “Is that what you’re doing here?” Alex wondered. There was only one reason for Liz to be in the proximity of their father: safety. “For protection?” Alex said. He watched his sister continue to keep her eyes away from his. Alex quickly got a chill and felt a twinge of anger. There was something about Max that he never liked. Maybe it was because he was on the list of people assumed to be Basil Deo. Even though Max wasn’t, Alex was always skeptical of him. “What is he hiding, Liz?”

“Alex, I can’t.”

Hurt, Alex started to bob his head. “You used to come to me with all your problems, Liz.” He sighed heavily. “Now, I barely see you and I barely talk to you.”

“And it’s all my fault,” Liz admitted. “I was angry and scared; just a whole bunch of shit. So I ran away.” She looked into his eyes, pleading with him. “Max is a good guy and I love him.”

“Isabel said the same thing,” Alex sighed. “She ‘loves him.’ He’s ‘a good guy.’ Well, from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t seem like it.”

Liz squinted her eyes in confusion. “What are you talking about?”

“He’s a little…I guess, rough is the word. Brash as well.”

“That’s because he just lost his best friend and his brother.”

Alex nodded skeptically. “I hope so,” he replied. He turned his wrist and glanced at his watch. “I better get going. You know, you should go to Thomas’s funeral today. We’re all family after all.”

Liz took a moment to consider things. Nothing happened at Larek’s wake and burial. Nothing happened at Thomas’s wake. Maybe it was safe. Liz nodded to herself. “You’re right,” she smiled. “But I’m not sure Natalie will want to go.”

“They were classmates, right?”

Liz looked up surprised; Alex was still out of the loop. “Alex,” she said. “Thomas and Natalie were in love.”

Alex’s jaw bounced open. “Shit…I had no idea.”

“It’s ok,” Liz offered. “Not everyone did.”

Absolutely shocked and suddenly saddened for his sister, Alex was scratching his head. “First you and Max. Me and Isabel. Thomas and Natalie. Who else? Maria and that Michael guy?”

Liz nodded.

Alex’s eyes widened. He scoffed in disbelief. “Then we should all go, Liz. We’re all family.”


The rain had stopped early this morning and the sparse clouds were returning to a comforting white color. The sun was shining and the end-of-winter California warmth was in the air.

Yesterday was a whole other story. From morning to night, it was dark, raining and frightfully cold. Carrying Larek’s casket to the burial site was a difficult task. The rain dropped hard on the heads and shoulders of those without umbrellas, and it was basically the pallbearers—Max, Michael, Brody, Cal, Hal, and Griffin—who were umbrella-less. Even though all of the men wore black leather gloves, the rain was making it impossible for any of them to have a firm grasp. Then the walk to the site was terrible. The Davis family plot was located atop a small knoll. During a nice spring day, it would have been bittersweet to carry Larek’s casket up the hill, but on this winter day, the rain made the grass slick and it made one wonder where all the mud came from.

After having the mud cleaned off of them the night earlier, Max’s black leather dress shoes, with the fine wooden shoe trees still in them, rested at the foot of his bed where Isabel currently sat, dressed in a simple black knee-length skirt and blazer. Her hair was straight and sleek, just the front pulled back and clipped tight. Her makeup has just been retouched. There were no visible signs of her crying.

Isabel looked over her shoulder at the windows. “It’s beautiful out,” she commented. She looked across the room at her brother.

Max slid into his jacket and bounced a bit to let it sit naturally on his shoulders. He was wearing the same outfit he had worn in the past two days but it was a new suit each day. Again, Max stood in front of his full length mirror, adjusting his black tie, making sure the knot was perfect and that the whole tie was straight. When he was satisfied, he slipped the black tie clip on and then he buttoned his jacket and walked toward Isabel for his shoes.

“It still doesn’t feel real.”

Max was bending toward his shoes when his sister spoke. He quickly grabbed both his shoes and looked at his sister.

“Thomas is gone, but I feel like I’m going to wake up tomorrow and find him at the breakfast table,” Isabel said with a sad smile.

After taking out the shoe trees and dropping them to the floor, Max took a seat on his bed and started sliding his shoes on. Once they were on, he got back on his feet. “I think we’re always going to feel that way,” he replied. Then he walked back over to the mirror and checked his appearance one last time. He grabbed a hold of the knot of his tie and started fidgeting with it. The knot was too bunched up, too tight.

“I want to set up a fund in his name,” Isabel announced. “To help the families of teens killed in car accidents or something like that.”

Max turned to his sister. With a soft smile on his face, he nodded. “That sounds nice.”

Isabel smiled back but pulled on her smile hard, trying to stop her tears. “It doesn’t feel real, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t miss him,” she said softly. Screw the makeup. Isabel wanted to cry. She got up and hurried to her brother.

Max quickly turned and welcomed her into his arms. He grabbed hold and comfortingly rubbed her back with both his hands.

“We just got him back,” Isabel cried. “We didn’t have him for long. It’s not fair.”

“I know,” Max nodded.

Isabel started crying harder. “We didn’t even have him back for one year! God, we could have had him for all seventeen years, but we didn’t!” Her voice was muffled against Max’s chest, but Isabel was shouting. Max could clearly hear her. “We shouldn’t have sent him away! I shouldn’t have listened to you!” Isabel tried to push herself away but Max tried to hold onto her tight. “Let me go!” she cried. Her knees weakened so much that Max was holding her up as she fought against him. “Seven years I missed of his life! This is all your fault!”

With his eyes closed tight, Max took the badgering. He even started to take the hitting. Isabel balled up her hands into fists and started slamming them against her brother’s chest. She was about his height, weighed less, but seemed like she was just as strong as he was. The hits hurt, but Max wasn’t fighting her.

“You did this!” she cried hysterically.

Michael heard the cries from all the way downstairs. He had scaled the steps, making it up them in just a few leaps and then barged into the room. He scanned Max’s room and quickly found Isabel pounding Max’s chest. Michael rushed over, wrapped his arm around her waist and tried to pull her away but he felt a tight grip around his forearm. He looked to the hand, discovering that it belonged to Max.

“Don’t,” he ordered.

Michael slid his arm away and backed off. He watched as Max continued to hold Isabel. Eventually, her pounding weakened. She was getting tired and as Max eased to the floor with her still in his arms, she stopped. Instead, she just cried while Max held her.


Liz gathered the few things she had brought with her to her father’s and went searching for Maria. It took a while to find the one person in the large mansion, but Liz finally found her little sister in one of the guestrooms.

“What are you doing here?” Liz asked, lingering in the doorway.

Maria had been lying on the bed but jumped at the sound of her sister’s voice. “Hi,” she quickly replied.

Liz walked in and took a seat next to her sister. “What are you doing here?” she asked again.

“Thinking,” Maria shrugged.

But Liz knew that it was more than that. As she sat, her head turned slowly from side to side, studying the room as if it were the first time she’d seen the place. Only one of the four walls was wallpapered. Off in the corner were buckets of wallpaper paste and rolls of wallpaper matching the only decorated wall. Tarps and off-white sheets draped the furniture. The bed was just a frame and a mattress. This room was the only bedroom, out of eleven, to be unfinished.

“This was supposed to be Natalie’s guestroom,” Maria sighed.

Liz nodded. Six bedrooms were occupied by all the members of the Valenti family. Five rooms were left for guests with each room’s décor inspired by a Valenti child. Amy Valenti never got to finish Natalie’s.

Maria took a deep breath and blew it out sharply through puckered lips. “I’m worried about her.”

“I know,” Liz agreed. “Me too.” She stared down at her hands in her lap as she imagined her baby sister still in bed. It was early, so maybe Natalie was asleep, but Liz knew that Natalie would probably stay there all day. “Do you think she wants to go to Thomas’s funeral?”

Maria stared at her sister. “Are you going?”

Liz bobbed her head.

“Don’t you think it might be dangerous?”

Liz went on bobbing her head. “But this is his brother,” she replied. “I need to be there for him, at least for today.”

Maria heard that unrecognizable change in tone and mood in her sister’s voice. “What’s the supposed to mean?”

It was almost time for the funeral, Liz needed to get going. She got to her feet and started walking away. “You should stay here with Natalie,” she told Maria. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Liz,” Maria started to say with a cautionary tone, “he’s your husband and I know you love him very much.”

Stopping at the door, Liz looked around the incomplete room and sighed. “Exactly,” she said.


Liz stepped down from her Jeep and handed her keys over to the burly man in front of her. “Thanks, Nicholai,” she smiled softly.

Nic gave a noble nod and smiled back. “You’re welcome, Liz. I’m glad you’re here.”

On the other side of the Jeep, Alex climbed out as he pulled at the cuffs of his suit jacket, then he pinched some material in the thigh area and tugged downward. He started to move awkwardly, hoping that the suit would sit right on his body. The suit was a little smaller than he remembered. It wasn’t a noticeable difference in size, but it was uncomfortable to Alex.

Nicholai sped off in the Jeep, leaving Alex and Liz facing each other in front of the Evans’ mansion. They exchanged looks and simultaneously sighed. Alex held out his elbow and Liz walked over to take it. They silently walked to the front door. There was nothing to say. They were both on the same page. They were as ok as they were going to be, given the situation. It was who they were here for who weren’t.

After being let into the large home, Liz slid her arm away from Alex’s and kissed him on the cheek. “I’m going to find Max.”

Alex nodded and went off to search for Isabel. He was sure that he’d find her in the library. Apparently, that’s where she always was, but today was different. Isabel was no where to be seen. The house was too large for Alex to roam around and he’d never been through the whole house before. It’d be rude to just start wandering around. So Alex walked back to the foyer. He remembered seeing a servant tending to the plants.

“Excuse me,” he interrupted politely. “I’m looking for Isabel.”

The servant gave a sad smile and pointed to the top of the grand staircase. “She’s in her room. Turn into the right wing and you’ll find her in the third door on the left.”

With great appreciation, Alex offered a smile and a nod. He headed up the stairs a single step at a time. There was no need to rush. When you rush, you miss out on seemingly invaluable seconds of your life, but at least they’re seconds of a life being lived. You get what I mean?

Once Alex reached the top of the steps, he followed the directions he received. He turned into the right wing of the mansion. He walked maybe fifty or sixty feet until he reached the third door on the left; a closed door. Maybe she’s not ready, Alex thought to himself, but it was nearly an hour until the funeral, she had to have been ready. After a deep breath, Alex lightly tapped on the fine wooden door twice with the apex of his curled index and middle fingers.

There was hesitation before Alex heard the command. “Come in,” she said.

Alex opened the door slowly, peeking his head in first. “Isabel?” he said. He spotted her sitting on the foot of her neatly made queen-sized bed with her back to the door. When he spoke, she looked over her shoulder. The streaks of tears down her cheeks made Alex rush into the room and move to her side. He reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out a small pack of Kleenex. “Here,” he offered.

Isabel lifted a corner of her mouth. A pitiful attempt at a smile to be brutally honest. “Thank you,” she practically whispered.

“It’d be awfully stupid of me to ask if you’re ok, but I’m here if you want to say anything.”

In the mess that had become her life, Isabel was happy that she had Alex in whatever sense he was to her. She wanted to rest her head on his shoulder. So she pulled him off his feet from his crouching position and moved him to sit next to her. Now she could lean against him. Slowly her tears stopped. It was so easy for her to break and start crying again, but with Alex next to her, it was a little easier to hold onto her tears.

Her right palm kissed his left palm. Every other finger was hers. Every other finger was his. Her right forearm on top of his left. Her right arm against his left arm. Her head on his shoulder. She could sit like this all day.

“I love you, Alex.”

He didn’t want to move her. So Alex just rested his head on hers. His left cheek against the top of her head. He smiled and he knew she felt his smile. “I love you too.”

“Will you love me forever?”

Alex closed his eyes and nodded, letting her feel the nod.

“I need your help. Will you help me?”

Without hesitation, Alex nodded again.

They continued sitting next to each other, neither of them moving really. Alex would nod and Isabel’s body would shake for the length of every breath she took, but that was it. They were side by side. Foot by foot. Leg by leg. Hip by hip. Fingers by fingers. Hand in hand. Arm by arm. Head on shoulder. Head on head. Both closed their eyes as they just sat.

“Are you looking for Basil Deo?” Isabel asked.

This time, Alex hesitated, but he didn’t move to look Isabel in her eyes. He continued sitting still, only nodding his head after a reluctant moment.

“Then I guess my brother’s in trouble,” Isabel said softly.

Alex didn’t move, but he was closing his eyes tighter.

“I can’t lose him too.”

Alex didn’t do a thing. No nod. No closing his eyes tighter.

“I have a plan.”

Again, Alex remained still.

Isabel noticed, but she didn’t get scared. She looked down at her hand and Alex was still holding it. “There’s more to it than you think,” she told him. “I’ll explain everything.”

Finally, Alex sighed. “What’s this plan of yours?”


As he walked into Max’s bedroom, Michael ran his hands over his clothes. Taking a hysterical Isabel to her room was no easy feat. The creases in his suit were proof of it. He might have to change. That’s what Max was doing.

Max had put on a fresh black dress shirt over his black wife beater. He was buttoning it up when he saw Michael through the mirror. He stopped and stared at his best friend. After a moment, Max went back to fiercely buttoning his shirt.

“She literally beat the hell out of me,” he said. He lifted his chin and fastened the top button. “And I deserved it.”

“Max…” Michael started to disagree, shaking his head along with his verbal reply.

But Max scoffed, silencing his best friend, as he grabbed an undone black necktie and wrapped it around his neck. With what looked like a great aggravation, Max started to do his tie. His hands moved fast. He forced the tie through the loop and made quick tugs and pulls to make the knot. Once it was done, he started nudging the knot side to side. “What the hell was I thinking sending him away?” he finally said. “And why did I keep him away for so long?”

Michael wasn’t exactly sure what Isabel had said to her brother. He had barged in at the end of her rant, but apparently, she blamed Max for sending Thomas to military school. “You had to,” Michael said, defending the choice Max made years ago. “We were kids ourselves. It was best that he went away.”

Max shook his head and finally turned away from the mirror, approaching Michael. “How do we even know that?” he asked. “We could have had him come home years ago and tried to raise him, but I never thought to.” Max stared off to the side, clenching his jaw shut. He swallowed the lump in his throat and it dropped into his stomach like a cannonball falling from the sky. “I just didn’t care.”

The tears in Max’s eyes forced Michael to look away and stare at the ground. “That’s not true.”

“You’re right,” Max nodded. He started to walk back to the mirror. “I did care, but there were just more important things than my brother.” He fiddled with the tie a little more before putting on the tie clip. “Jesus, if he wasn’t even kicked out of military school, he’d still be there. He’d be there and I still wouldn’t have given a damn just like I did when he was away.” He spoke with disgust. It was definitely disgust in himself. “He’d graduate. We’d all go, but then he’d be off to college. God knows he’d choose to go somewhere far away. He’d be gone, hating me, but at least he’d be alive.”

“Shut up, Max,” Michael ordered. “Quit doing this to yourself.”

Max stared at himself in the mirror and took a deep breath. “Whatever,” he sighed. “I have to live with the choices I make, right? It’s my burden. I’ll carry it. I deserve it.”

He was so nonchalant about it, like he really accepted it, and it pissed Michael off because there was no way Max could take responsibility for this. There was no responsibility to take. Sure, if there was something to be done to prevent Thomas’s death but nothing was done, then there’d be blame. No one knew Thomas was going to die. Even though there’s always a possibility of someone dying, you just pray and hope to God that no one does.

Michael decided not to get any farther into the conversation. They’d just end up going in circles anyway. “You better hurry up,” he suggested. “We should get going soon.”

Max agreed and started to casually reach for his shoulder holster, but the tapping on the door froze him. He looked to the doorway expecting to see a servant but it was Liz. His Liz.

Michael’s head turned from Max to Liz and back and forth. He clapped his hands together and rubbed them hard, as if he was trying to keep them warm. “Well, that’s definitely my cue to leave.” As he walked toward Liz, he had a modest smile on his face. “Hi,” he said silently.

Liz smiled back and walked into the room, getting out of the doorway.

When Michael took her place, he was ready to walk completely out, but he stopped and placed a hand on Liz’s arm. “Is she here with you?”

Regretfully, Liz shook her head. “She’s taking care of Natalie.”

“Oh,” Michael replied with complete understanding. “Well, I’m glad that you’re here.”

Apparently it was a popular sentiment. Liz’s cheeks turned a pleasant pink hue. She stood off to the side as Michael stepped out of the room completely, pulling the door close behind him.

Liz looked over in Max’s direction. He stood still and upright. Given the circumstances, he looked good. But you tend to say that after you haven’t seen a person after a while, and yes, two days from your husband counts as “a while.” Honestly, it worried Liz, that Max looked good. Ordinarily, while mourning a family member’s death, you assume that a person would look haggard, sullen, somber, depressed, something along the lines of that. Max didn’t. You wouldn’t have known that he lost someone. He might have been a little quieter and a little more stand-offish, but that can be easily misconstrued for a bad day.

If they were just going to be in the same room and not talk to each other, then Max might as well get dressed as they did. He offered a smile but all that came out was a smirk that didn’t even really qualify as a smirk. It was just a little twitch. Max quickly looked away after the sad attempt and reached for his shoulder holster.

Liz took long strides and got to Max as he gripped the leather harness. Surprised, Max’s eyes shot to Liz’s and for the first time, Liz saw the pain. Her heart dropped. It slammed into the ground. Her breath was taken from her, but then Max quickly looked away and feelings and life came back to her.

She swallowed hard and gave her head a little shake. “Um, let me,” she said. “If you have to, then let me.”

Max gave short nods and stood back up. He faced the mirror and used it to watch Liz. He saw her fascination with the holster, she must not have realized the actual weight of it. It was heavy.

Again, Liz swallowed the lump in her throat and held open the holster for Max. He looked over each shoulder as he slid each arm in. Once they were, Liz lifted it up to his shoulders and let it sit accordingly, and it did so almost immediately. If you were to put the harness on Alex or someone like that, the appearance would have been strange, but with it on Max, it was just the opposite. The shoulder holster on Max was like a second skin, like it belonged on him, and if he was without it, he’d be lesser of the man who was Max Evans. In other words, he’d be incomplete.

Liz couldn’t stop staring at Max in the mirror. He was this man of power. Dressed in black, the shoulder holster blended in, but the shine of his silver guns on each side of him stood out. Liz had to shake her head and turn away. She reached for Max’s jacket on the hanger and held that out for him just like she did with the harness. Again, Max looked over each shoulder and slid each arm inside. Liz lifted the jacket up and placed it on his shoulders. A few bounces and the jacket was on comfortably, and the holster with the guns disappeared.

Unable to resist touching him, Liz leaned into Max’s back and wrapped her arms around his waist, her hands clasped on his stomach. Max could feel her rest her right cheek between his shoulder blades. He placed his hands on hers and then he let his head fall back slowly until his head touched her head. He closed his eyes. She closed hers.

“I know I shouldn’t be here,” Liz said softly, “but, today, how can I stay away?”

“Today you can’t,” Max stated, trying to understand what she was saying. “And tomorrow?”

Liz took her cheek off Max’s back to rest her forehead there instead. “Tomorrow…” she began, closing her eyes tighter. “Tomorrow I have to stay away. Tomorrow and for a while.”

Max nodded. “Good,” he whispered.

“But just for a while, until we can actually be a married couple.”

This made Max turn in her arms. He looked into her eyes. He let her look into his and through the pain, Liz saw a little hope. Max even smiled—Ok, it was more like a smirk but at least it was actually a smirk.

“So we’re agreed? We separate for a while?”

Max nodded. “We separate for a while.”

“It’ll be for the best. You’ll take care of what needs to be done.”

“You do know what needs to be done,” Max said with a questioning tone.

But Liz shook her head. “Actually, not exactly and I don’t want to know, but they did kill your brother.”

Max understood and accepted. He gave a nod and then he gave her a tender kiss and Liz hoped that “a while” would be soon. She could feel the hard guns in the firm leather holsters touching the inside of her arms, but soon she forgot they were even there.


It was hard for Natalie to move. It was hard for her to do anything but lie around and remember Thomas. So when she climbed out of bed, it was like a foreign feeling; painful almost. She was weak and practically fragile. Her sisters kept her company. Her father was there to make sure she drank a glass of water and then a glass of milk a few times each day. Even her brothers, both of them, made sure she ate. But the person that mattered to her most was the one that made sure she did those things. Images and thoughts of Thomas, memories, made sure that she continued living. Yes, it was hard to wake up the next morning, but Thomas was in her heart and mind, reminding her that she had a family behind her, a family to live for. Even though they may be against each other, there’d be no way they’d go against her. They’d come together for her. And they have.

“What are you doing?”

Natalie didn’t even look to the doorway to look at Kyle. She quickly slid into her pea coat and started putting things into her purse. “I don’t care if his family is our family’s sworn enemy,” she said, concentrating on the things she needed. “Thomas’s funeral is today and I’m going to be there.”

“And so will we.”

This time Natalie looked up, because it wasn’t her brother who spoke, it was her father. What she saw at the doorway made her weak in the knees. Maria, Kyle and Valenti were dressed for a funeral.

“Come on,” Maria said, holding her hand out for her baby sister. “Alex and Liz are already there. They’ll be so happy to see you. Thomas’s family will be too.” She smiled and wrapped her arm around Natalie.

Last edited by hoLLyBEHRy on Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

I can’t thank you guys enough for your awesome praise. I’m thrilled you all enjoy what I put out there. It definitely means a lot and I’m so bummed you guys will never know exactly how much.

Thank you, thank you, thank you:
Stargazer’s Delight
Icequeen (Aw, you’re not a big dork. I’m so happy you like Max here. And your love for Fencing Max will always make me smile.)
(LoL. It’s ok to laugh. Thank you for noticing the quotes.)
tequathisy (Thank you for such kind words. You’re too sweet.)
L-J-L 76

Thank you to all!

Little note: You'll recognize the dialogue toward the end of the chapter. You'll know where it's from.


Accompanying music, "Amazing Grace." Press play.
<center>Chapter 37- Quietus

Part 2

The shrill shrieking of a bagpipe turned into the unmistakable tune of “Amazing Grace.” The man playing the Scottish instrument was only ten seconds in when the song became immediately recognizable, when Isabel couldn’t hold it in any longer. For the most part, she kept her composure, but then her straight posture collapsed as she brought her hands up to her mouth, hoping to muffle and essentially silence her wailing. Sitting next to her, Liz tried her best to keep it together, but it all came down on her and so her tears fell fast, pouring out like waterfalls. Even though, on the other side of Isabel in the seat that would go to Michael, Alex was letting her rest on his shoulder and comforting her, Liz grabbed Isabel’s elbow and took her hand into hers and away from Isabel’s face. Their hands rested tightly in each other’s.

A beautifully varnished dark cherry wood casket rested in the hands of six men as it approached its final resting spot. Max and Michael were at the front. Behind them, young Eli and Father Brody. Hal and Langley supported the end. They all walked in step, staring at the ground as they did, with the same grave looks on their faces. Then halfway down the aisle, when the other two bagpipe players joined in, bringing volume, all six men carrying the casket teared up, also triggered by the moving song. Even Stonewall Guerin. He tried to fight it and the struggle was in his distraught face. On the others were expressions of despair and sadness as the tears fell down their cheeks or remained in their eyes. However, on Max, he wore the same still face he had had for days, void of any expression, but the tears still rose to his eyes and poured over then down his cheeks.

When the six men reached the grave, they carefully placed the casket on the lowering mechanism and joined the congregation by taking their seats. All six men were men of importance; therefore they sat in the first row of chairs except for Brody, who had remained at the front. Michael walked over to the chairs first and both Isabel and Liz stood to greet him. They hugged and then Michael took the seat next to Isabel after Alex graciously gave it up and took the seat next to Michael.

Meanwhile, Max stayed by his little brother’s side with his hand resting on the casket. He stared at it for a moment until Brody walked up to him, placing his hand on Max’s shoulder. Max was unresponsive to the touch, but walked away from the casket anyway, knowing he needed to take his seat. His face was still blank as he walked to his chair. His eyes moved back to the ground. Isabel stepped up to him and grabbed him tight, but Max stood still in her arms. She let him go and walked him to his chair where Liz was waiting. Liz clearly noticed Max’s despondent stare as she got on her toes to kiss his cheek. She was almost positive that the kiss did nothing for him. He sat down without saying a word, without giving a look. Everyone else quickly followed in suit and took a seat. They were the remaining members of the Evans family. Max, Liz, Isabel and Michael.

Max’s eyes were focused on the sheets of bold green Astroturf surrounding the grave, hiding the unattractive sight of newly dug up earth, but really, Max stared at nothing. His tears had stopped and the trails on his cheeks had dried but his eyes were still glazed over and slightly outlined in pink. Then without taking his eyes off nothing, Max reached into Liz’s lap and put his hand in between both of hers. Upon instant contact, Liz looked at Max in surprise and was even more taken aback when she noticed Max’s lips gradually move, albeit very slightly, as he silently said the words to “Amazing Grace.” His bottom lip quivered with each breath he took. Liz then looked back down at her hands sandwiching Max’s. Looking down caused her tears to drop on their hands, but she didn’t bother wiping them away. Liz smirked appropriately and lovingly squeezed Max’s hand.

As the song neared its end, again one bagpipe player solely carried the tune, letting it fade out. Brody took his position behind the coffin. He opened his Bible to a marked page, but didn’t look down at it.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

Brody stopped and murmurs of voices took over. Finally, Max took his eyes off nothing and looked around, trying to discover what the interruption was over. His eyes stopped at a group of people walking up the aisle.

There Valenti was, standing in front of three of his children—Kyle, Maria and Natalie. Max stared at Valenti for a long while, but then Natalie grabbed his attention. He smiled at her and then looked to Michael. Nothing was said between both of them. It was just a look and then Michael looked around, spotted who he was looking for and held up four fingers. He tilted his head behind him and as if the workers had mind reading powers, four chairs were set up next to Alex’s. Valenti took the end seat. Kyle sat next to him and Maria next to her twin and then Natalie in between Maria and Alex. That was it. The whole family was there.


“…Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.”

Brody stood at the head of Thomas’s casket and with his right hand he made the Sign of the Cross in the air above the coffin. With grace, Brody placed his hand on the coffin and leaned forward to place a kiss. When he stood back up, he looked in the Evanses’ direction.

And everyone got to their feet. Max walked over first, still holding Liz’s hand. Behind them, the convoy followed, but Kyle and Valenti found it appropriate for them to remain by their chairs. Up at the casket, Max, Liz, Isabel, Michael, Alex, Natalie and Maria stood along the length of it.

Isabel leaned against her brother’s coffin and cried into her arm. No one could do anything but watch. Alex tried to do something, but the best he did was place a hand on her shoulder. It was enough. Down at the end of this row of dignified people, Natalie cried into her sister’s chest for the umpteenth time, but she never took her eyes off Thomas. Maria just let the tears fall. She glanced over at Michael, watching him unsuccessfully fight his own tears. He dropped his head and closed his eyes tight. Then at the front of the row, at the head of the casket, Liz held Max’s hand tight and hugged his arm even tighter. She cried softly and quietly as she stared at the coffin. Then Max’s free arm came into view. He placed his hand on the casket and she watched as he clutched at nothing but tried desperately to do so. But when her body shifted along with Max’s, Liz realized that he wasn’t just touching the coffin, he was using it to brace himself, to keep him standing. From his firm open hand on the casket, Liz’s eyes moved up his firm and locked arm. Her stare brought her to Max’s face. He hung his head, crying hopelessly, weeping like that day in the hospital. This time harder with more pain of the harsh reality.

“Max…” Brody carefully placed his hand on Max’s shoulder. He felt Max’s pain, but he knew that even though it was the end for their brothers, it was not the end for them. They had time to live. “Max, it’s time,” he said.

But Max couldn’t stop. That didn’t help Isabel who continued resting against her baby brother’s casket, crying softly. Who was the only person able to pull them away?

Michael placed his hands gently on Isabel’s waist and eased her off the coffin. He leaned toward her, whispering into her ear. Gradually, Isabel pulled away. With her face off of the wood, Isabel brought her hand to her mouth. She placed a kiss on her fingers and then gave the casket a final touch, transferring the last kiss. Natalie quickly did the same.

After Isabel was away from the coffin, Michael eased her onto Alex. He took her willingly, holding her tight in his arms. Michael had moved to the head of the casket where Max was grieving. Michael placed his hand on Max’s, the one on the coffin. He gripped it tight and eventually took Max’s hand in his own. Again, Michael did some convincing and was able to get Max away from the coffin, but he did more than that. Max was still unsteady on his own feet, so Michael grabbed a hold of Max, one arm over one shoulder, his other arm under Max’s other shoulder. He squeezed tight with brute strength and Max hugged back as he cried into Michael’s shoulder. Michael was barely holding his own. It was so hard with his best friend crying on him, but miraculously he managed.

Liz watched as Michael held onto Max. She, and no one else in this world, would completely understand the unique bond between these brothers and the grief they shared over the brother they lost. It was a bond that shared the same likenesses to hers and her sisters. Liz looked over her shoulder, down the short row of people. Maria was still holding Natalie. Liz had no idea how it was that she, herself, was holding up so well. The embraces occurring around her were devastating, heartbreaking images. Liz slowly walked to her two sisters and wrapped her arms around them. They cried, their tears falling on each other.

Maria gradually turned Natalie around to give Liz a chance to offer some comfort to their baby sister. Barely lifting her head, Natalie grabbed a hold of Liz and buried her face into her sister’s coat. Liz continually combed her hand over Natalie’s silky dark brown hair. Liz looked over at the spot where she was standing and noticed the void.

“Come on,” Liz whispered. She walked Natalie to the head of the casket. They stood right next to it. “Go ahead,” Liz suggested.

Natalie placed both of her hands on the cool varnished wood. She touched it softly and looked up and down the length of it. She had her regrets with Thomas. She wished that they might have gotten closer sooner or that they never broke up, but she was also grateful for the time she had known him. She was so happy to have loved him. He was a perfect first love.

Even though she managed to have slowed her tears, a small puddle had collected on Thomas’s casket. He would be buried along with his love’s tears and kiss. Natalie leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss goodbye on the coffin.

With his mouth right next to Max’s ear, Michael softly spoke to Max. What he said to him, no one will ever know, but it apparently got Max to stop crying. Max pulled away, rubbing his eyes, quickly trying to dry them off, after realizing he was in the company of guests. He nodded in thanks to Michael and hugged him once more. They patted each other on the back firmly and then pulled away.

Max turned back to Liz. He quickly moved from Michael to Liz and held her tight. All Max’s gratitude for her was in that sole hug. Liz could feel it and she tried her best to do the same for Max.

“It’s time,” Brody said again.

Drying off the last of his tears, Max nodded. Brody motioned for the groundskeeper to lower the coffin. A simple tapping of a lever started the mechanism that slowly dropped the casket into the ground. Six feet below. Thomas’s family watched; Michael with Maria in his arms, Alex with Isabel in his, and Liz and Natalie in Max’s arms. The seven of them watched the casket reach the bottom of the grave.

Once it was there, long stemmed red roses were handed out, but before anyone could toss them in, Max bent down to a small pile of soft soil. He grabbed a good handful, feeling the dirt get beneath his nails. He held the fistful out in front of him and above the deep grave, above the casket holding his brother’s soulless body. First, Max’s closed palm faced the sky but then he slowly rotated his wrist so that the sun touched the back of his hand. Then like a backhoe’s claw, Max slowly opened his hand, releasing the dirt onto the casket. He grabbed a rose offered to him by Liz and tossed it in. Everyone followed.

Soon a bed of roses blanketed the coffin. Everyone left before they could watch it disappear underneath hundreds of pounds of dirt.

<center>“He left the world knowing he was loved.
Nothing in life could be a more precious gift.”

William Thomas Evans

Beloved Brother and Friend

April 7, 1987 – February 11, 2005


It was only a little past noon, but everyone was spent.

But there was still the following at the restaurant. People were already there waiting for the “surviving” members of the Evans family, and the family of the deceased, the guests realized, extended far past Thomas’s brother, sister and their best friend.

They walked in in this small cluster. Max, Liz and Natalie were leading the way. Once inside, they were approached by guests and they would never get a moment to themselves until tomorrow.

“I’m sorry,” they all heard several times, in addition to, “I wish I knew him longer.” And every time he heard it, Max nodded, thinking, “Yeah, me too.”

After about an hour, Isabel was tired of it all, but she didn’t even meet with all of the guests. There were more at the somber reception than the funeral but Isabel just didn’t want to deal with it anymore. So she hid out in one of the VIP rooms of the restaurant with Alex. They didn’t do much. They just sat quietly.

Outside, the rest of the family remained. Michael and Maria clung to each other and Max would have loved to do the same with Liz, but no one gave him a chance to. It was ok though, because Max realized Natalie needed Liz more than he did right now. So Liz stayed with Natalie as Natalie’s classmates tried to comfort her. They tried and Liz knew that it was a valiant effort but she also knew that Natalie wouldn’t even believe her if she said it was going to be ok. It wasn’t. It wasn’t going to be the ok that Natalie would want. That ok involved Thomas being alive.

The hour into the reception had been calm and bearable but then something changed in the environment of the restaurant. As Max was speaking to one of Thomas’s former classmates from military school, he noticed members of his organization scurrying throughout the restaurant, meeting up with other members of his crew. As politely as he could, Max interrupted the cadet.

“Excuse me,” he said, placing a hand on the young man’s arm.

The cadet nodded and Max was rushing toward his closest employee, but Cal was walking in the opposite direction.

“Cal!” Max shouted out.

The bald man whipped around. He took his sunglasses off and wiped his brow with the back of his hand. “There you are,” Cal said to Max. “Tess is here and she’s not alone. I don’t know where she got them, but she’s got her own men now.”

Max turned, full circle, searching his restaurant. “How many?” he asked.

“Two that we know of but you know we can’t be too sure.”

Max sighed heavily and continued scanning. “Where’s Duffy?”

“She’s scrounging up bodyguards for you. We might have to get you out of here.”

“No,” Max refused, shaking his head. “It won’t be necessary. I don’t think there’ll be a gun showdown or anything.” He looked around once more. “Just make sure that you search her men when they come in and make sure all of our men are on the same page and on their toes.”

Cal nodded and hurried off. Max took a deep breath and undid the button to his jacket. Now he had better access to his firearms. Before moving to find Tess, Max lowered his head. He prayed that he wouldn’t have to use his guns and he prayed that if he did, that he would have the strength to stand firm and defend himself.

Max quickly did the Sign of the Cross, something he hadn’t done since he was six when he received his First Communion. Afterward, he was off. He marched with a mission, continuing to scan his restaurant. Damn all the blondes in Hollywood. Did there have to be so many here today? But then he spotted her. It was unmistakable. Max knew how Tess moved, how she stood. With calm, he walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Tess whipped around, surprised by the touch. “Max!” She made an attempt to hug him, but he stopped her by holding up his hand.

“Don’t,” he growled. His eyes were ablaze. His temples and the muscles of his cheeks bulged as he clenched his jaw shut. He focused solely on Tess that he didn’t notice the three large men behind her. “You waged a war against me and now my brother is dead. You are responsible.”

“I had nothing to do with Thomas’s death,” Tess said calmly but with desperation.

“But you knew about it!” Max accused.

Tess held up her hands to hold Max at bay as she shook her head. “No, I just meant that I didn’t have anything to do with anything!” She was nearly begging with Max to do nothing drastic. She was deathly afraid of his unpredictability at this moment and she have better been.

“I don’t care,” Max continued saying in the pit of his throat. “You started this.”

From across the room, Michael had witnessed Max’s approach and immediately rushed over. Now he was grabbing Max’s shoulder, trying to pull him away. “Max, Max, Max,” he said quickly. “Come on.”

But Max didn’t budge. He leaned in toward Tess, ready to wrap his bear-like hands around Tess’s throat, but he wouldn’t. Max wasn’t planning on getting physical with Tess, but her bodyguards assumed so and now they were getting physical with Max.

One man lunged forward, shoving Max into Michael. Instinct made both men lunge right back at him. Then in an instant, it happened. Tess’s second bodyguard pushed her out of the way as he grabbed his gun at his side. Max quickly reached into his jacket, just under his left arm, and drew out his gun first and fast like Dirty Harry. Fearing that Max was going to shoot first, the bodyguard pulled the trigger before Max could. He didn’t even bother to aim so, fortunately, Max was left untouched as was Michael. Pray to God that everyone else was too.

Michael had quickly looked around to see if anyone was hurt, and at first sight no one was. Thankfully Michael was fast enough to search before the restaurant started to panic and run wild. There was screaming and shouting. People darted for the doors. The alarms attached to the fire exits started to go off and the sun seeped in through every open doorway. It was pure mayhem.

Back over to Max and Michael, where all the action was happening, the action that caused the chaos, Tess started to run with her bodyguards following after her. Michael threw his hand forward with his gun in his clutches but Max quickly pushed Michael’s arm down.

“They’re getting away!” Michael protested. The mobster in him had come out naturally and he had forgotten where he was and the why, until Max stopped him.

Max wasn’t even watching Tess scurry away anymore. He was calmly holstering his gun and securing it in place while everyone was still rushing around him, trying to escape the danger that was no longer existent at the moment. After his gun was safely in its place, Max watched the stampede of people. Good, Max thought to himself. At least now I can be alone.

Max sighed heavily and turned to Michael. “Would you mind finding Isabel and telling her about this?” he asked. “We should warn her. The police—”


It was a blood-curdling cry that made Max’s heart drop to the floor and shatter. With panic that rivaled the people around him, Max began to search for the woman who screamed his wife’s name. Max grabbed Michael’s chest and the two of them exchanged a glance of agreement. They rushed against the crowd.

“LIZ?” Came the scream again with a different tone, a frightened tone.

Max and Michael ran side by side as they pushed their way through all the people to reach the back of the restaurant where the scream originated. They reached the opening to the kitchen and the opening to the hallway that led to the VIP rooms but neither of the men saw anything.

That was until Max look toward the bar. There was a group of people not running like the rest of the guests. They stood huddled over something and then breaking through this group of people, Maria appeared.

Michael followed Max’s stare, finding Maria across the room. She searched around until her eyes fell on them. Her mouth open, eyes wide and face a ghastly white. And then Michael knew and he knew Max did too. Max started to rush forward but after taking just a single step, Michael stopped him, placing his hand firmly on Max’s chest.

“What are you doing?” Max demanded to know. “Let go of me.”

Michael was just trying to protect Max from seeing what they both know he’d see, but Max shoved Michael off him and started to run toward Maria. Michael rushed after him and watched as Maria disappeared into the crowd. The two men would follow her.

Max spread people apart, out of his way, with his arms and made it to the front of the huddle. In front of him, Natalie was on her knees by Liz’s legs. She looked over her shoulder when Max ran into her. When she got on her feet and backed out of the way, Max saw. Max saw an image that was hellishly seared into his mind. Liz was lying on the floor lifeless. Max’s mouth dropped open as the tears rushed to his eyes, but surprisingly, the sight didn’t immobilize Max. It fueled him to move.

“Call an ambulance,” he said to Maria, pulling her out of his way. Then he got on his knees where Natalie was and saw the bullet wound in Liz’s stomach surrounded by an incredibly large stain. The stain was growing and seeping through her black dress. With trembling hands, Max gripped the tattered material around the hole the bullet had made and ripped Liz’s dress right down the middle, exposing her stomach and the mess of the shooting. “Oh my God,” Max gasped. “Uhh…It’s going to be ok.”

“Oh my God!” someone gasped much louder than Max.

Max briefly looked over his shoulder and Michael was pushing the crowd away.

“Hey, get back!” he ordered.

Max brought his attention back to Liz. He placed his fingertips under Liz’s chin, lifting her head slightly. “Liz? Liz! You have to look at me.”

Liz struggled to open her eyes but her eyelids only fluttered, and when she managed to open them, it was only slightly and even then she couldn’t focus onto Max.

Max grabbed the back of her neck and held her head up. “You have to look at me,” he begged again.

This time, she opened her eyes, slightly again, but was able to look at Max. Max forced a smile and then looked back at her wound. The blood was gushing out. It didn’t seem like it was going to stop but Max was going to try. He placed his left hand on her stomach, directly over the wound. He pressed firmly but his hand slipped and slid thanks to the excessive outpour of crimson red blood beneath his palm.

Max’s eyes darted between Liz’s face to her stomach where her blood was coating his hand like a glove. “You’re all right now,” he lied. “You’re all right.”

But Liz’s eyes closed and they stayed closed. She turned cold and limp in Max’s arms.

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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

Bump and you shall receive. :)

I finally have the next chapter. Thank you all so very much for being so incredibly understanding. School’s pretty crazy for me this semester. My classes are all over the place and I’m usually away from my computer the whole day, but I’ve decided to start bringing my computer with me to school even though I don’t need it in class. I’m going to bring it with me just so I can write because I want to make sure I deliver!

I’m so happy you all liked the funeral scene. I really worked hard on it and it’s one of my favorite parts. I’m sorry to have left you all in suspense, but you know it must be done. Worry no more though because the next part is here. So I will stop gabbing and let you read on.

My extremely wonderful feedbackers whom I love so dearly.
Thank you so much for the kind and flattering things you have said. It means a lot.
Stargazer’s Delight
L-J-L 76

And love to all the readers! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And looky, I actually won an award. Thank you so much to those at A_Roswellians'_Fantasy_Convention.


Accompanying music, "Take Cover" by Acceptance. (Make sure to press Play.)

<center>Chapter 38- The Worst?

Part 1

“Nothing in life is static; it either gets better or it gets worse.”
–Lloyd Dobens</center>

“NOOOOO!!!” Max growled. He growled from the pit of his stomach. Still supporting Liz’s head with his right hand, Max brought his left hand to her face and he touched it lightly. Realizing he just painted Liz’s cheek with her own blood, Max began to cry as his jaw dropped to the ground along with his heart. “Liz, please!” he begged.

“Max, do something!”

But Max shook his head, looking from Liz’s bloody stomach to her now bloody face. “I—I can’t,” Max wept. “I can’t heal her!”

Max held Liz’s head to his chest and then rested his head on hers and cried. He cried with such desperation and pain. He wept.

Off in the distance, the ambulance’s sirens pierced the air. Max quickly looked up in the direction they were coming from. He looked down at Liz. After pressing his fingers against her neck and then listening to her chest, Max knew that there was still life in her, but barely. Max hurried to his feet and scooped Liz in his arms. As soon as Michael saw that, he moved everyone out of the way and started running ahead of Max, clearing a path until they were outside the restaurant. There, the ambulance was waiting. The paramedics had just opened the back doors and were pulling a gurney out. The man and woman in uniform were prepared and ready to roll it into the restaurant but when they turned to rush in, Max was placing Liz on the bed.

“She’s been shot in the stomach,” Max informed them.

The paramedics quickly assessed the situation and pushed the bed back into the ambulance as quick as they had pulled it out. Then the female EMT jumped in while her colleague rushed back to the driver’s seat. Max climbed in without hesitation and then looked out the opening. He held out his hand.

“Maria, Natalie, come on,” he ordered.

“No, no, no,” the paramedic argued. “Just one more.”

Max looked over his shoulder at the young woman. “They’re her sisters,” he told her. “They’re coming.”

The EMT was too busy tending to Liz to care anymore. So she nodded and Max helped Maria and Natalie inside. Michael stepped forward and grabbed each of the doors.

“I’ll get Isabel and Alex and follow,” he said. He closed the ambulance and slapped on the doors.

“Let’s go!” the female paramedic ordered.

They were speeding off with the ambulance’s sirens wailing over head. It felt like they were going seventy miles per hour. Maria prayed that they wouldn’t get hurt on the way to the hospital, but more so, she prayed that Liz would be ok. She held Natalie’s hand and gripped it tight as they watched Liz’s body shake so loosely with every dip and bump they hit in the road.

Max awkwardly knelt down next to Liz in the cramped ambulance. He combed her hair back with one hand while the paramedic was squeezing the air bag rhythmically. Max’s other hand held Liz’s and he held it firmly, but he looked down, watching her hand rest lifelessly in his.


Alex contemplated the situation as told to him by Michael. It was a vague recollection from only one of the participating parties, but there was no doubt in Alex’s mind: Max and Michael were not at fault. When the police would investigate, they would discover that no bullets were shot from neither Max’s nor Michael’s guns. It wouldn’t matter who drew their guns first, Tess’s bodyguard was the one who pulled the trigger.

Now that that was out of the way, Alex focused on the bigger picture here. Someone was shot by the stray bullet. That someone was his sister and that’s all he cared about.

Sitting in the backseat with all control given to Michael at the helm of the car was hell to Alex. He was on the edge of his seat with his knees bouncing. He nervously cracked his fingers and then his wrists and then he continued trying to crack them even though he successfully did so the first time around.

Isabel looked at Alex as he worriedly looked out the windows. She ran her hand through his hair, hoping to calm him down, but it seemed like he didn’t even notice. Isabel would still try though, because Alex was there for her. She needed to be there for him.

Michael broke hard right on the sidewalk in front of Cedar-Sinai’s emergency room. He jumped out and helped Isabel out of the car as a police officer ran toward them.

“You can’t park here,” the man protested.

Michael sighed heavily and handed the keys over to the uniformed officer. “Keep it,” he replied and then he continued with helping Isabel out.

As soon as all of them were out of the car, they were running into the hospital. They were dressed for a funeral and to the people in the hospital, it looked like they were just prepared for what was to come. The three of them didn’t know where they were running to until they saw Max pacing the length of the waiting room. They rushed him, causing him to jump back.

“Where is she?” Alex demanded to know.

As Max ran his hands through his hair, Isabel shuddered. Her brother’s hands were covered with dried blood, hiding in every small crevice and in between his nails. Despite his black apparel, Isabel could see the blood all over Max from when he carried a bloody Liz. Even on his face were splotches of blood and Isabel noticed how much he looked like their father that dreadful rainy night. It was like déjà vu. It was terrifying.

“She’s in a trauma room,” Max answered. “I think they might have to take her to the OR.”

When Max brought his hands to his hips where they were when he was pacing, Isabel had a clear look at his face. His eyes were swollen from crying, the whites of his eyes were pink, his cheeks were wet and Max was just a mess. He went back to pacing as he started to undo his tie. He grabbed the knot he had so perfectly aligned and started to roughly pull it down while he undid the tie clip. When his tie was undone, he let it drop to the ground, stepping over it with each pass he made. He grabbed his collar and unfastened the top few buttons with a single hand. Isabel knew that Max would take off his jacket if he could, but then his firearms would be in plain sight.

Alex began rubbing his forehead in shock and disbelief. He always thought that maybe this would happen one day but he never really believed it. Now it was actually happening and Alex had no idea what to do, but he did know what he was feeling.

Max jumped when Alex lunged at him. Alex grabbed Max’s lapels and shoved him into the nearest wall. “If she dies, this is all your fault,” Alex growled, his face a mere inch from Max’s.

There was justification in Alex’s attack. So Max didn’t fight him, and even if there wasn’t justification, Max still wouldn’t fight back. He was beyond devastated by what had happened, and you could clearly tell that Max knew full well that he was carrying all the weight on his shoulders.

It frightened Isabel. She wasn’t sure what her brother would do if he knew Liz wasn’t going to be ok. She felt that maybe he would take his own life if Liz’s was taken. Isabel was terrified.

“Alex, let him go,” she begged. “Please.”

As soon as Isabel placed her hands on his arms, Alex let go. He backed away, glaring angrily at the criminal. Alex was ready to turn Max in. Now that this has happened, Alex wanted to do so more so than ever, but then he glanced over at Isabel who was trying to get more information from her brother. She lovingly held Max and wiped away her brother’s tears. Alex loved Isabel. Alex loved his job and the laws he defended. Yet, here he was at a fork in the road, but he already knew which way to take.

“Where are my sisters?” Alex asked, calmly.

Michael eagerly wanted to know as well, and just as Alex finished speaking, Maria and Natalie were rounding a corner, coming into their view. Alex immediately spotted them and rushed over. With his lengthy limbs, he took both of his sisters into his arms.

The tables had turned. Now it were the Valentis who were grieving and worrying and it were the Evanses who could only watch and hope that whatever they would do would help the Valentis in some significant way.

“Thank God you two are all right,” Alex sighed. He kept his eyes closed as he squeezed his sisters. Their arms around him comforted him, made him feel a little better, but not enough. “How’s Liz?” he wondered.

Maria shook her head and wiped the tears from her face yet again. “She lost a lot of blood,” she tearfully replied.

“Is she going to be ok?” Alex continued questioning, frantically. “Where is she?”

“She’s in the OR,” Natalie replied after dropping her head. “The bullet tore her insides. They need to do a lot of repairing, and maybe removing. She might need a hysterectomy.”

Max’s insides were taken by the hand of some unknown force and crushed like putty. He slammed his head back against the wall and then slid to the floor. He looked like a rag doll. He sure as hell felt like one.

He and Liz had talked about kids briefly, a few times. They both knew that neither of them were in the position to have kids or raise them, but eventually, they would both put themselves in the position to do so. They would have made time for kids. Nothing else would have mattered.

Max brought his legs up to his chest. He rested his elbows on his knees and then let his forehead lean into his palms. There was only one resolution to rid him of the hollowness inside of him: Liz, but that resolution was slipping away before him. There was a possibility that Max was going to lose Liz. Why not? He had lost so much already. Why not another person he loves?

“Where is she? What happened?”

People turned around while Max looked up from the ground. They all stared at Valenti and Kyle who had just run in. They were panicked, sweating and out of breath.

“Where is she?” Valenti asked again.

Maria stepped forward to deliver the news. “It doesn’t look good,” she grimly disclosed. “She’s in the OR now. We don’t know how long she’ll be or what exactly they’re doing to her.”

Valenti stared at his daughter with his face burning red but Maria’s fragile image wore him down. Her eyes welled up. She looked like crystal and was just as breakable. So Valenti quickly took his daughter into his arms and held her close to him.

“Oh, sweetie,” Valenti said softly. “It’ll be ok. I’ll make things ok.” He looked over in Natalie’s direction and waved her over. Within his arms, he held his two daughters, wishing that Liz was here as well.

“Maybe we should go to the OR then,” Kyle suggested. He had quietly stood in the background, trying his best not to grab any attention. That had been his role lately, the absent brother. Unbeknownst to his family, it was because of Tess Harding, the woman also responsible for the shooting, but Kyle didn’t know that.

Max and Michael did though. They knew everything. They knew that it was Tess’s bodyguard who fired. They were there. And the boys knew that Kyle was seeing Tess. How would he feel when he learned Tess was responsible? How would he feel when the rest of his family found everything out? But the question really was: Would Max or Michael really do that? Would they really be the ones to disclose all that information, turning family members against family members? If Maria and Natalie knew that Tess was the enemy and that Kyle was diddling her, they would become infuriated. It’d be betrayal to the worst degree. Now, you can go ahead and say it’s the same thing as Liz being with Max, Maria being with Michael, Alex with Isabel, and Natalie with Thomas, but it’s not, because none of them ever shot one of them.

Right now wasn’t the time to deal with any of that. Instead, Alex led the way to the elevator and Max and Michael kept their mouths shut. All eight of them—Valenti, Alex, Kyle, Maria, Natalie, Max, Michael and Isabel—squeezed into an already occupied elevator. The other occupants spoke but none of the eight heading to the operating room floor.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor. The doors opened and Liz’s support group poured out. Dead ahead of them was the nurses’ station where they all raced to.

Alex placed his hands firmly on the counter and stood tall. “Excuse me,” he said. “We’re looking for Liz Parker.”

The desk clerk was a little taken aback by the amount of people who rushed her, but she regained her composure and began to search charts and then the wall behind her. “They’ve just started on her,” she replied. “It’ll be a few hours.”

After nervously scratching his brow, the back of his head and then his neck, Max leaned forward. “Do you know what they’re doing to her?” he asked shyly.

“Are you family?” the clerk wondered.

With all eyes on him, Max swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. “I’m her husband,” he proudly admitted.

The clerk offered a soft smile; a That’s-nice-I’m-sorry-for-what’s-happening smile. “I don’t know what they’re actually doing. Reparative work. Maybe a hysterectomy.”

The same news was just as devastating as it was the first time around.

“So what do we do now?” Kyle wondered.

“We wait,” Alex said.


The first two hours they waited, everyone was on the verge of insanity. At one point or another, at least everyone paced the room. A path was nearly worn into the carpet; a circular track around the chairs in the waiting room. They had waited those two hours without more than the “Reparative work. Maybe a hysterectomy” information. Being in the dark began to drive them mad.

No one really spoke. In fact, they all kind of stayed away from each other. The waiting room was occupied by only them. So they felt comfortable enough to spread apart. Valenti sat closest to the corridor where Liz’s operating room was. About five chairs from him was Kyle. In the next row of seats were Maria and Natalie, an exception to the silence. Natalie cried, Maria tried her best to comfort her. Moving on to the next row, where Alex sat by himself. Isabel was sitting in a chair that was part of a row that lined the back wall. Michael was sitting a few seats down from her. And Max was sitting in the corner, the farthest corner from the corridor.

Now this insanity I speak of stemmed from something different in each person. All of them were being driven crazy by lack of information, but that was just a small part of it.

Valenti stared at the opening of the corridor with thoughts of losing Liz crossing his mind over and over again. The regret of not being the father she always wanted was eating him alive. The regret of him not being there period was destroying him. She had been rightfully angry at him, but now he wanted to prove her wrong. He wanted to prove that he was a father more than anything. If he didn’t get that chance, Valenti would punish himself for failing in the worst possible way.

Kyle kept his focus on his hands in his lap. The poor boy was so far out of the loop. The news of Tess’s involvement would crush him and the news of Liz’s death—Pray it doesn’t happen—would scar him for a life. Out of all his siblings, he and Liz were the least closest. Yes, even Kyle was closer to Alex than Liz. It just happened that way. If Liz died, Kyle knew full well that he lost an opportunity to know a wonderful person he would have been lucky to consider his sister.

Maria and Natalie shared the same emotions at the moment, the same fears. They were so fortunate to have been so close to Liz as they were. Sure, there was that dark period of time where they were barely sisters, but the moments where they were sisters mattered most, which would make Liz’s death hardest on them out of the whole family.

For the Valentis, Liz’s death could lead to two different and distinct futures. Either the family would fall apart completely or come together stronger than they had never been before. No one wanted to think about it, but the great possibility of the former happening was too probable. It scared the shit out of all of them.

Not wanting to impose or be a bother, Michael and Isabel were watching their loved ones from afar. They felt so helpless just sitting across the room from them but they knew that right now, Alex wanted to be alone and that Maria needed to be with Natalie. So they just sat against the wall and waited for the moment when they would be needed. In the meantime, they sent out good thoughts and prayers for Liz; praying for her sake, her family’s sake and Max’s sake that she would make it through surgery and recovery.

Michael and Isabel didn’t even want to think about what would happen to Max if Liz didn’t make it. They didn’t want to think about it, but they couldn’t stop the morbid thoughts from entering their minds. It was impossible to think otherwise. Isabel glanced over toward her brother and could already see the torment and punishment he was putting himself through.

Max felt 100% responsible for Liz’s shooting. How could he not? If Max wasn’t in her life to begin with, she would never have been shot. She would have never been on the operating room table. He didn’t even know what they hell they were doing to her. Liz didn’t even know what they were doing to her.

How stupid was Max? How stupid was he to have led Liz into his life without being upfront about what his life really entailed? And then how stupid was he to have believed that his whole life was so easy to walk away from? How could he have done that? How could have been so incredibly stupid?

Oh, but God, the last few months were the happiest of Max’s whole life. For the first time, he had believed that for the rest of his life he would have been happy. He was so sure of it.

Larek and Thomas’s deaths might have been inevitable. Tess had always been a jealous and vengeful woman. Even if Liz wasn’t in Max’s life, Tess would have wanted to go after him at some point or another. She would turn to Nicholas and Khivar like she did and the results would end up the same: Larek and Thomas dead. They’re deaths may have been inevitable, but that didn’t mean that Max didn’t want to punish those responsible. With Liz’s life hanging in the balance, Max’s rage and need for revenge was getting stronger with every breath he took.


Another hour passed but finally, they all received a little more information. It wasn’t details, just a brief update, but at least it was something. The desk clerk had gotten news from the operating room. She restated that they were doing some repairing, but the new news was that everything was going fine. When Liz was going to be out of the OR was still up in the air. Oh, and the part that everyone seemed to block out was that Liz’s injuries were extensive. That, they didn’t want to hear.

Unable to just sit around anymore, Isabel ventured the floor, discovering a coffee vending machine. She then witnessed what looked like watered-down coffee fill into a small Styrofoam cup. She watched the process seven more times. By the vending machine was a little coffee station. Free stirrers, creamer cups and colorful packets of Splenda, Sweet&Low and plain ol’ sugar. Isabel secured the eight cups of coffee into two trays and grabbed a handful of stirrers, creamer cups and an assorted variety of sweeteners. She stuffed them into her pocket and walked back over to the waiting room.

As she handed out the cups of coffee, Isabel felt as if she was back at the homeless shelter where she volunteered during the holidays. There, she handed out bowls of soup to saddened, unresponsive and unfortunate people.

Isabel made her way around the room, starting with Valenti. It was definitely awkward to approach the man and hand him a coffee, but under these circumstances, it didn’t really matter. Isabel offered the coffee, received an appreciative thanks and was on her way to the next person.

After delivering the coffee, with a cup left in each hand, Isabel sat next to Alex. She held out the cup in front of him. It was no longer steaming hot but she still told him to be careful. Remembering that he liked his coffee black and straight up, Isabel didn’t bother to offer Alex a creamer cup or a packet of Sweet&Low.

“I’m sorry if it’s not strong enough,” she said. “It’s the beset I could find around here.”

Only having been looking at the coffee in his hands, Alex nodded.

“I’m sure Liz is going to be fine,” Isabel continued speaking. “They’ve got some of the best surgeons in the world here.”

“Isabel, if you want to talk about brother’s situation, right now isn’t the time,” Alex finally said.

Isabel’s eyes widened in shock, but she knew she was just putting on an act. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Isabel was anxious to discuss Max’s legal situation now that Liz had been shot. Isabel thought about it, yes, but really, she didn’t want to bring it up at this moment.

“Alex, that’s not why I came over.”


Isabel shook her head even though Alex continued to keep his eyes off of her.

But then Alex surprised her. “Actually, you know what?” he said. “Let’s talk about it.” He turned to her and Isabel realized he was being serious. “It’ll help me keep my mind off what’s happening.” Suddenly his persona changed and he seemed to have forgotten about Liz immediately. “We still go through with our plans. This shooting will have no affect on Max, just more on Tess, which is what we definitely want. I guess there’s some good to come out of this,” he sadly admitted.

Isabel nodded in understanding and appreciatively.

“Maybe we should include your brother and Michael in our discussions,” Alex suggested.

Wide-eyed yet again, Isabel was now bobbing her head, nearly flabbergasted. She got up from the chair first and led the way to the far end of the room where Max and Michael were still sitting several chairs apart. Isabel motioned for Michael to follow herself and Alex as they walked to Max. Obediently, Michael did so and three of them huddled around Max. He was intensely staring at the ground, so deep in thought that he didn’t even notice Michael, Isabel and Alex approach him and stand before him.

Isabel placed her hand on her brother’s thigh, grabbing his attention. “Hi,” she said delicately. “I need to talk to you.”

Max bobbed his head like a little boy who was about to be spoken to by his parents. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, hoping to stimulate them.

“I’ve figured out a plan,” Isabel began to explain, “regarding Tess and Basil Deo. Alex, here, is going to help.”

Max looked up at the tall man standing in front of him. He could feel Alex’s anger piercing him. So Max nervously stared back down at the ground.

“Isabel’s informed me of your situation,” Alex said firmly, “and she’s right, I’m going to help you, because I want to help her.”

Max nodded.

“What I’m about to tell you is confidential information,” Alex went on. He spoke slowly, clearly, yet softly. “Currently, I’m working with the FBI’s OCP. They’re biggest threat is Basil Deo. Essentially, they’re looking for you. Actually, my father and I are looking for you.” Alex briefly glanced over his shoulder at Valenti. “I was able to get my father out of prison by making a deal with the FBI. As long as my father helped them get on the inside, he’d be able to stay out of Eagle Rock. So I took the deal, for the sake of my family. I believe that you understand the importance of family.”

Max nodded again.

“They specifically wanted my father to discover the true identity of Basil Deo.” Alex looked at Isabel who gave him a faint appreciative smile. “Isabel came to me,” he said. “She came to me asking for help. She told me who you were.” Alex sighed heavily. He glanced to Isabel and suddenly he was sure of everything again. “The three of you have lost Thomas. Isabel said that she couldn’t lose you too. So here I am, helping you.”

A light lit up in Max’s eyes and there was a possibility that he smiled. “Thank you,” he said.

Michael nodded in agreement. “Yeah, thanks,” he said genuinely. “But what exactly are you going to do?”

“We’ve got a slight bit of evidence against your ex-wife,” Alex explained to Max. He didn’t really speak to Michael. There was something about him he didn’t like. “According to Isabel, years ago, when you were first opening Ronin, you needed startup money. You supposedly received about five hundred thousand from Basil Deo.”

Max nodded.

“That was money you got from Tess, right?”

More eagerly and excited now, Max nodded. “If you look back to when I received that money, you’ll see that she has it recorded as a donation to an undisclosed charity.”

“Perfect. I’m sure she’s got other financial discrepancies we can get her on. In addition, she’s been involved with Nicholas. He’s definitely a blip on the OCP’s radar. That’ll be enough, and as long as it comes from my father’s mouth, the OCP will take everything into consideration.”

“Believe me,” Max said, ‘if you’ve got Tess, you’ll never hear from Basil Deo again.”

Michael’s brow frowned.

“Good,” Alex nodded. “I’m glad this’ll work out for you.” He turned and walked away.

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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

Ok, so here I am at a food court at my school, delivering an update for you all.

Thank you all so very much for making me smile with your wonderful and hilarious FB. I'll keep saying it because I mean it so much: I appreciate it and you all greatly.

Jason’s Lover
Stargazer’s Delight

I'll quit stalling and give you the rest of Chapter 38. Enjoy. =)

Take care,

Accompanying music, "Apologize" by OneRepublic.
<center>Chapter 38- The Worst?

Part 2</center>

Two hours had passed and the intensity of the sun had gone down as the day was nearing its end. And in the waiting room, the Valenti family and the Evans family had remained in the seats they had occupied for the past five hours. No one wanted to leave. Everyone was too scared to.

For Michael, so much was festering inside of him. Liz, Max, Maria, the Valentis, Kyle, Tess, Nicholas, Khivar, the plan…It worried Michael. It bothered him. He was so unsure of things even though the plan was clearly explained to him. He and Max didn’t have to do a thing to get Tess in trouble. It was simple. It was cake. Yet Michael was uncertain about one thing.

“Hey, Max,” he said. He took the seat next to his best friend but barely managed to grab his attention. “I need to ask you something.”

Max turned in his chair and looked at Michael.

“Um…” Michael quickly cleared his throat. “I’m not sure I totally understand your plans for the future. I’m confused really. What—”

Max’s attention was stolen away by a man walking through the corridor in green scrubs. He was taking of his cap and mask as he approached Valenti. Max quickly got on his feet and rushed over. Despite being interrupted, Michael followed without argument and soon everyone huddled around the stranger who emerged into the room.

“Hello,” the middle-aged man said. He was a kind and caring man. You could tell by the way he spoke; carefully, softly and consciously. “I’m Dr. Lawrence. I was the head surgeon for Liz’s surgery.”

Everyone nodded but it was Valenti who stuck his hand out to shake the doctor’s and even though the man had been in surgery for the past five hours, he still had a firm grasp. He was weathered, fatigued. His blinks were slow and delicate and his breaths were appreciatively taken.

After Valenti introduced himself and the rest of the people behind him as Liz’s family, the doctor spoke again. “I apologize for the lack of information you’ve received. To be honest, we were taking everything as it came.”

“Is she ok?” Max desperately asked. “I’m her husband.”

The surgeon took a deep breath as he looked at Max…regretfully. He placed his hands on his hips and rested all his weight on one leg. “The bullet entered her lower abdomen,” Dr. Lawrence began to explain. “We located and removed it thankfully, but the bullet tore her intestines pretty good. We did our best to repair it and I really hope that it’ll be enough.”

Maria shook her head in confusion. “We were told that she might have needed a hysterectomy.”

Dr. Lawrence still had that regretful look on his face, but it a little more somber now. “Thankfully we didn’t have to.” He took a moment and looked at the ground. He looked back up and locked eyes with Max. “But we couldn’t save the baby.”

Max’s tear-filled eyes widened. More tears rushed in as his mouth opened and just hung open. “Baby?” he breathed out. “There must be some mistake…Liz wasn’t pregnant.”

“You wife was four weeks along,” Dr. Lawrence begged to differ.

I honestly can’t explain how everyone was feeling because I don’t exactly know how a person feels when they hear news like that. I imagine it hurts a little more than any other death. I don’t want to generalize. I don’t even want to try to explain, because it won’t be enough. Whatever I say doesn’t even compare. Maybe it’s just best that things are left to your imagination. Besides, that version will be gentler than the reality.

What I can tell you is that everyone was affected. There were quite a few “Oh my God” gasps and thuds from jaws dropping on the floor. The level of devastation I cannot explain, but it’s safe to say that Max was hit the worst, and he looked hit. He looked destroyed. He had fallen and it was going to be hard to get him back up.

He looked to Maria, desperately wondering if she knew, but his sister-in-law shook her head. “Liz didn’t show any signs,” Maria argued.

“That’s not uncommon,” Dr. Lawrence replied, shaking his head.

No one knew what to say next. What question do you ask first? Are there questions you don’t ask at all? No one knew, but Valenti made an attempt.

“How is she?” he asked.

“She’s in recovery. Give her half an hour to wake up and then you all can see her.”

“But is she ok?” Kyle wondered.

You better hope she’s ok, Michael thought as he stood behind Kyle.

Dr. Lawrence bobbed his head but the words that were about to come out of his mouth were not as positive as his head bobbing let on. “Of course we’ll need her to stay a while under strict observation. We have to watch for internal hemorrhaging, healing and so on.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Natalie demanded to know.

The surgeon lowered his head slightly, embarrassed and ashamed. I don’t know. “For now she’s ok,” Dr. Lawrence replied. “I’ll be back in that half an hour.” He took a few steps back and then turned to walk away.

If the Valentis and the Evanses could wait five hours, they could wait another half an hour. It’d pass by in no time, but still, Max had something in mind to pass the time by even quicker.

Max turned fast on his heels and started marching away while everyone leisurely headed back to their seats. Michael hadn’t even noticed Max jet off. He had started walking back to the chair against the wall with his eyes focused on the ground. Gradually Michael lifted his head and he immediately caught sight of Max speeding away. Without hesitation, Michael sprinted after his best friend. As soon as Michael was within reaching distance, he grabbed at Max’s arm and harshly tugged him back.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Michael growled.

“Michael, let go of me.”

Michael jumped in front of Max and pushed him back into the waiting room. “If you think you’re going to go after Tess or Nicholas or Khivar by yourself, I oughta kick your ass so hard. Your wife is going to wake up in a little bit and she’s going to wonder where you are. I’m not going to be the one to tell her that you went to get your head shot off.”

Swallowing all his anger, grief and madness down, down into his stomach, Max nodded.

“Now come on,” Michael urged, patting Max on the back. “Let’s wait.”

The two men walked back to the seats they claimed as theirs. Isabel stood there, waiting. She quickly hugged her brother once he was within reach. Even though Max didn’t hug her back, she continued to hold on, leaning her head on his shoulder.

“Max, I’m sorry.”

He nodded back, his chin tapping her shoulder. A blank stare in his eyes. He didn’t know how to feel about losing a baby he didn’t even know about. He was hurting. So I guess he did know how to feel. What he didn’t know was how to think. There were no thoughts in his mind at the moment. He stared vacantly at the wall behind Isabel, nodding his head because it was just his reaction. He did it without thinking.

“Do you need anything?” Isabel asked as she let go of her embrace around her brother. “You want some coffee? I’ll find the good stuff.”

Max made an attempt to smile. It wasn’t a very good one. “It’s ok,” he said. “Thank you though.”

Isabel nodded. She watched her brother sit down completely before grabbing Michael and pulling him away. “Please look out for him,” she begged.

“Of course,” Michael nodded. “There is no way that Max is in the right state of mind, but I really can’t blame him for wanting to rip Tess’s head off.”

“Me too,” Isabel nodded, “but we have to refrain from impulses and carry through with our plan. It will work. Tess is going to pay for starting this and she will suffer.” Isabel felt power. Each word she spoke was said with force and a certain energy. She managed to convince herself that things really would work out and even if it would seem like things wouldn’t, Isabel was determined to see things through.

Michael sighed heavily and glanced over at Max. He was sitting hunched forward with his elbows on his knees and his chin resting in the crevice created by his wrists. He was like a little boy, bored out of his mind, contemplating who knows what.

If there ever was a time when Michael felt incredibly hopeless, it was that moment, looking at Max. Michael felt the urge to go after Tess himself right then, but it wasn’t where he was supposed to be. Not now. Definitely later.

At this moment, Michael needed to be here. For Max. For Maria.

Across the room, Michael spotted Maria deep in conversation with Natalie even though they looked like they were both at a loss for words. He wanted so badly to sit next to Maria and just hear her voice but he didn’t have the slightest idea as to how she was feeling. Michael had seen the way Alex was reacting. Alex wanted to grab Max by the throat and slam him against the wall. Alex sure as hell didn’t admit it verbally but every other way he did.

Maybe Maria felt that way. Maybe Maria was angry that Liz was shot. Maybe she too blamed Max and essentially Michael, since he was nearly one in the same as Max. Not knowing how she was feeling was killing Michael, but he wasn’t important. It wasn’t about him right now.

“Max is going to want to do something about this,” Michael said to Isabel. “We can prevent him from doing anything right now, but you know he wants revenge. And I happen to agree with him: Something has to be done.”

“Something will be done,” Isabel insisted. “Putting Tess away and making her suffer in a maximum security prison? What better punishment is there? And don’t you say what I think you’re going to say.”

Michael shut his mouth and nodded. The Antarians never killed. They weren’t going to start now, even if it would have been completely worth it and most importantly, warranted.

“Just put this plan in action as soon as possible,” Michael sighed. “I will hold him off for so long, but if this thing takes a while, I will let him loose eventually.”

“Michael, you do that,” Isabel warned, “you know what Max will do. You know how much trouble he will get into, how much trouble you will get into, and how much trouble I will get into. He deserves payback. And I love my brother. But you can’t ruin everything for me or yourselves. It’s not fair to any of us.”

Michael looked deep into Isabel’s eyes with a desperate need for her to understand. “Larek and Thomas are dead. Liz is…They just lost a baby…” He said it softly. He didn’t want Max to hear it a second time. “We have to make sure that they pay.”

Isabel noticed a sense of apology in his tone and in his face. Her growing fear was developing catastrophically. She stared down at the ground regretfully, helplessly and hopelessly. Then suddenly her head shot up to quickly search for Michael’s eyes. “What do you mean ‘they’?” she demanded. “Michael, I can’t help you two if you go after Khivar and Nicholas as well.”

“Don’t worry,” Michael assured her. “Whatever will happen to us, we’ll make sure that you’ll be ok.”

Isabel soon became so scared that tears returned back to her eyes. And she had been doing so well without them. “Michael, please…”

Michael didn’t get to hear the rest of Isabel’s plea. Everyone stopped what they were doing and brought their attentions to the corridor where they stood minutes earlier. Dr. Lawrence was there once again, waiting for everyone to crowd around him, and then soon enough, they all rushed toward him.

Many feared that something had happened. Something wrong. The surgeon had said that he would return approximately a half an hour later to notify them all that Liz was fully awake. It had only been about ten minutes.

After he cleared his throat, Dr. Lawrence took his eyes off of his feet and made an attempt to look at everyone. “Liz wants to see her visitors,” he admitted. He received sighs of relief. “I have to warn you that the anesthesia hasn’t completely worn off, but Liz was rather adamant about seeing you all.”

“Do we all go at once?” Natalie wondered.

“I don’t recommend it.”

Dr. Lawrence took a step back as Liz’s family all began to exchange glances. Who would be the lucky one to see Liz first was on everyone’s mind. Maria, Natalie and Max all had a lock on each other. The others were wondering which of the three candidates would win.

“You two should go,” Max said to the girls. “I think I’d get her all wound up anyway.”

Maria smirked appreciatively but shook her head. “Liz probably insisted to see visitors because she wanted to see you.”

Natalie was bobbing her head in agreement.

Feeling unworthy of the position, Max looked around, at the faces of his family around him.

“Come on, don’t keep her waiting,” Natalie smiled.

Max nodded and took a deep breath as he followed Dr. Lawrence into the corridor. While he sat in the waiting room, Max had wondered what this corridor held. The only thing that he could picture was an endless hallway. He was relieved to see the wall at the end of the corridor.

Hospitals paint their walls white or something light. Colors like that usually make you feel a sense of happiness or something to that effect. When you put those colors on the walls of a hospital, it doesn’t seem to do that. The depressing and fearful feeling you have in a hospital is just so outstanding it turns these white and light colored walls scary and frightful.

“She’s right through here,” Dr. Lawrence announced, pointing to the door they stood next to. He gave a sincere smile and started to walk past Max. “Five minutes, alright? We need to get the others in as well and then Liz needs to rest as soon as possible.”

“Of course,” Max nodded. He was ready to walk into the room, but halted quickly. “Doctor, does Liz know about the baby?”

“I want to tell her when she’s completely conscious.”

“I understand,” Max nodded.

Looking over his shoulder, he watched Dr. Lawrence disappear from the hallway. After another deep breath, Max gathered his courage together and carefully walked into the room. The moment the door opened, Max heard the beeping and wheezing of the machines next to Liz’s bed. The noises scared him. They scared him more so than he was before. But after finding Liz on the bed, Max was deathly terrified, enough to immobilize him. His body became numb. He didn’t realize that his mouth dropped open, that his tears fell down his cheeks, or that he was squeezing his fists so tight his nails dug into his palms.

“Do I look that bad?” Liz spoke softly. She struggled with the words. She struggled to think of them and then to say them.

Max quickly shook his head. Eventually his mouth shut. His tears quickly dried and the stinging pain kicked in causing him to loosen his fists. “No,” Max whispered. “That’ll never happen.” His smiled but it died away when he watched Liz struggle again, this time with her own smile.

“You’re not giving me much hope when you keep looking at me like that.”

Max genuinely chuckled resulting in a lingering smirk. He stepped up to Liz’s side, dragging a chair behind him. He took a seat, kissing Liz on his decent down. Max had already forgotten how it was to kiss Liz. The kiss reminded him of how good it felt to kiss her, how good she made him feel. But when Max sat down and looked at the needle in the back of Liz’s hand feeding her fluids, he forgot the feeling again. It had been replaced with guilt.

“It’s not your fault,” Liz said, reading Max’s mind.

Max carefully took Liz’s hand into his and shook his head. “How can you say that? If you and I never met this wouldn’t—”

“Don’t do that,” Liz sighed, throwing her head back. “I hate it when people do that. You might as well say, ‘If my mom and dad didn’t have sex that one night, I would never have been born, and this wouldn’t have happened.’” Liz tried to squeeze Max’s hand, but she barely bent her fingers. “This is not your fault,” she insisted.

With so much adoration for her, Max just stared into her eyes. He wanted to remember everything about this moment, everything about her.

And Liz looked back into his eyes. There was something in them. A feeling. A fear. “What’s wrong?” she wondered.

Max squeezed Liz’s hand, careful about the IV needle. He lowered his head. Now he couldn’t look Liz in the eyes. He didn’t want her to see his tears. He was trying to swallow them down but his feelings weren’t having it.

And now Liz was crying. She might have been a little out of it, but she could read her husband. She could sense the good news from the bad. Right now she sensed no good news. “Max…?”

“Liz, I have to let you go…” Max said softly, tearfully.

Liz snatched her hand out of Max’s. “You mean just for now, right?”

Max shook his head as he continued to stare down at the ground.


“Because I’m just like your father,” Max spat out. The words came out as if they had been buried deep and were desperate for air. It was a realization even to himself.

Liz couldn’t believe what he was saying. She shook her head, looking at him in absolute shock. “I—I don’t even know what to—What are you talking about?”

Max cleared his throat and he continued to stare at nothing but the ground because if he looked into Liz’s eyes, he wouldn’t be able to go on. “Face it, Liz,” he said. “I’m too much like him, and if you and I are together, then I’m just going to end up hurting you like he did to your mother, and I don’t want to do that to you. I refuse to do that to you.” He passed the back of his hands over his eyes. “I’ve already done that to Tess and look what her life and my life have become. I can’t. I can’t do that to you. I’ve caused so much damage already. I don’t want to ruin the rest of your life.”

“So then don’t do this,” Liz pleaded. “I want to be with you despite whatever you choose to do. If you want to be in, then I’m with you. If you want to walk away, then I will walk away with you. I mean, why don’t we do that? Let’s just walk away.”

Max finally looked up with his eyes filled to capacity. His vision was a little hazy from his tears, but still Max laughed a sad chuckle. It was such a nervous laugh. “It’s not that simple,” he grinned.

A look of betrayal and deceit appeared on Liz’s face. “You were so sure that you could do it.” And the moment she heard it aloud, she realized just how naïve she was to believe it.

Max dropped his head once again. It wasn’t because he might have broken down, but because he couldn’t stand the disappointment in Liz’s face, especially since he knew he’d receive a look far worse when he told her his near-future intentions. Before he did, Max took his time. He took his time and he cleared his throat. He tried his best to think of the right words but there’s really no other way to explain it.

“Things aren’t so simple…” Again, Max cleared his throat. “…Because I want to take matters into my own hands. I need to make things right and just.”

Liz grew frightened of the man sitting beside her bed. “That’s not your place, Max.” Her eyes were just absolutely filled with tears and terror and as she shook her head, the light hit her eyes, making them shine and exposing her heartbreak and devastation. “You’re not God.”

“I know,” Max nodded, “but God has failed me. My enemies need to be punished. I need revenge.”

Liz couldn’t argue with him. She knew it was wrong, but Larek and Thomas were dead. The police were getting no where with Larek’s case. Why? Although they were America’s finest, maybe they weren’t the brightest. Or maybe they didn’t give a shit because the case greatly involved Max, and they just…Well, bluntly, they didn’t like Max. There was something about him to turn them off. And then when it came to Thomas, that was “obviously just an accident.” Their words. Not mine.

Max sighed heavily. His shoulders rose greatly and then dropped slowly. “I can’t walk away right now or ever anymore. I have a duty to Larek and my brother.”

“You have a duty to me.”

“And I’m following through with that duty,” Max insisted, “by letting you go.”

Liz shook her head. At this moment, she was afraid of him, but she knew this wasn’t the real Max. Right now, he was a hurt and grieving Max. Eventually, those feelings would go away with time.

“Find another way,” Liz begged.

Max smiled at Liz. Her naïveté was endearing, if only he wasn’t in this position. “Liz, your father hurt your mother,” he reminded her. “He hurt her and held her back because his job consumed him. He couldn’t get away from it. And your mother loved him too much to walk away. That’s us, Liz, but we’re going to be different, because I’m aware that I’m hurting you.”

“You’re not.”

“You were shot,” Max scoffed.

“By a stray bullet.”

Max nodded adamantly. “Exactly. Being with me, you’re in danger’s way even if you think you’re far from it. Don’t you see?”

Liz didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to say anything.

Max chuckled that depressing chuckle. “I made my life what it is. I didn’t fall into it. I chose this path and I’m too far down it to go back.” He took a deep breath as he stared at his hands folded in his lap. He didn’t make any attempt to grab Liz’s hand after she had snatched it away earlier. Instead, he just placed his hands on his thighs. “I can’t be with you, Liz.” He swallowed hard. “I don’t want to be with you, because of what I am and what I know I’ll become and what we’ll become if you keep fighting me on this.” Max brought his hand up to his nose to scratch an itch, but of course it was a fidgety move.

“You know that feeling?” Max wondered. “When you look forward to something? You get so excited. You hype yourself up. You live for that something. A concert. A date. A person.” He looked at her and smiled, and then he let that smile fall and disappear. “But then that something comes and goes, whether it’s because it’s over or done or you’ve let go…Then you’re left with memories you hope that you can hold onto forever and an overwhelming feeling of emptiness. It’s a loneliness that hits your heart and surrounds your insides. It reaches your bones like the cold and changes your whole attitude. It changes you. You feel a sense of hopelessness. It’s like, ‘Now what do I do?’ You feel the lowest of low and so you search and search to find something else to look forward to, but in the back of your mind, you already know that it won’t make you feel as alive as the thing that preceded it. The thing you will always compare it to. The thing you loved with all your heart and soul.”

Max looked down and the tears dropped to the floor. “I love you and even though I will feel that way the rest of my life, I’m willing to, as long as you’re alive and safe and happy.”

“What about me?” Liz demanded. “I’m going to feel that way too, but I don’t want to.”

“We have to,” Max admitted sadly. “Liz, today you’re alive and I thank God for that. He didn’t fail me there. But what about tomorrow? Or the next day?” He took a deep breath. “I don’t want to have to bury you like I did Larek and my brother. Please don’t make me, Liz.”

But Liz still couldn’t believe it. She shook her head as her tears fell. Forget the pain from her surgery. Forget how miserable her body was. “That’s it?” she wondered. “It’s done? It’s over?”

Max regretfully nodded. He hadn’t hesitated one bit. “Don’t think it was all for nothing,” he told her. “I am a better man for having known you. If things were different, things would be perfect. You and me…We’d…” Max smiled at the thought. “We’d grow old together. Happily. But we can’t, because things aren’t different. I’m in this situation that just blows. It sucks. I hate it. But there’s nothing I can do to escape it. All I can do now is protect the ones I love and punish those who have hurt me.”

Liz was hurt and angry. She was furious. There was nothing she could do or say to change Max’s mind. It frustrated her even more that she was confined to the stupid hospital bed. Everything was taking a toll on Liz’s already weakened body and state.

“Go then,” Liz ordered. She didn’t even look at Max anymore. She closed her eyes, forcing the tears out. “Just go.”

Max complied with a nod and got out of the seat. He backed away, keeping his focus on Liz. He hoped that maybe she’d open her eyes. He wanted one last look at them. But she kept them closed until he turned around. As soon as he did, somehow Liz knew and she opened her eyes to watch him leave the room.

It might have been the last time she saw him.

Max strolled out of the room and marched through the corridor, back to the waiting room. He sped past everyone, confusing them, making their heads turn. But Max didn’t notice or he didn’t care. One or the other. He kept on walking. He was heading for the elevators and on his way, he gestured to Michael, the only person he looked at.

“What’s going on?” Michael wondered as he marched alongside his best friend. “Is she ok?”

“She will be,” Max nodded.

Michael smiled. “That’s great. But where are you going?”

The two of them arrived at the elevator doors where Max punched at the down button on the wall.

“The gloves are off, Michael. I’m fighting back.”
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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

Cue the trumpets! The newest chapter is here! Finally. I've actually had it ready to be posted for more than a week, but I've just been crazy busy with finals. Those are done with though and so is my fall semester of class and thus, I've got a month to write and post. Yee-haw!

As always, many thanks to all my readers for everything!


<center>Chapter 39- Fighting the World

“Love is everything it’s cracked up to be. That’s why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.”
–Erica Jong</center>

Max reached forward, pointing his index finger and aiming for the Down button next to the elevator. With Max’s arm extended like so, Michael grasped it firmly, squeezing hard with the intent of actually hurting Max. He pulled Max’s arm and harshly turned him around, still squeezing tight.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

Max turned to glare in Michael’s eyes, staring him down, ready to make him an enemy in a second if he didn’t let go. “Don’t try to stop me.”

Michael didn’t loosen his grip one bit. “I will never fully understand your anger. No one can. But I do get the fact that you want someone to pay. You have to be smart about it though.”

“I don’t want to waste time planning something out.” Max spit out the words quickly, as if he were in a real rush, like his life depended on it. “It just takes one shot to kill a person.”

“You know what it sounds like you’re going to do?” Michael asked rhetorically. “You’re saying that shit to me and I’m picturing you walking into Joplin and opening fire at Tess.” He finally let Max go, but not after physically guiding him away from the elevator. “You’re still in control, Max. You’re still in control of yourself. It doesn’t have to be done this way, all right? Besides, there’s no way you’ll be able to get to Tess. You try to and her men will kill you before you set foot on the sidewalk in front of Joplin.”

Max clenched his jaw shut. He could feel the muscles in his lower jaw bulge out. He was angry because Michael was right. He was angry because in all actuality, Max did need a plan. Max needed to take the time to make a plan so that he didn’t get himself killed. Or at least so Max didn’t get killed before his enemies did.

“Look,” Michael went on, “right after the shooting, Tess ran away knowing that you would eventually go after her, and I will bet my own life that she’s alerted Khivar and Nicholas. Their eyes are wide open, Max.”

“So help me!” Max shouted. He quickly glanced out of the corner of his eyes, embarrassed by his sudden outburst. “Help me, Michael.”

Michael bobbed his head obediently. “That’s the reason I’m here,” he smiled. “Now just sit down. I’ve got something in mind. Let me execute it and I promise Nicholas and Khivar will pay.”

He sat Max down and calmed him as best he could. So there Max sat, in the chair, right on the edge, letting all his energy and adrenaline move to his right leg, causing it to bounce vigorously. Michael watched him worriedly and frightened by the fact that he was watching his own king slowly come to destruction.

Michael sighed heavily and glanced around the room, but he didn’t really need to search for someone. Michael knew where Kyle was. Michael knew all along and had been thinking of this plan the minute he saw Kyle run into the hospital.

Without hesitation, Michael strolled right up to Kyle. Michael stood just feet away from Valenti but he didn’t even glance in the esteemed man’s direction. Michael focused on Kyle, because Kyle was the key.

“Hello,” Michael said firmly.

Kyle’s head shot right up. A terrified glimmer masked his eyes. “Y—Yes?” he stuttered.

“My name’s Michael.” He held out his hand and cautiously—extremely carefully—Kyle took it. “I’m a friend of Liz and Maria,” Michael went on. He was still holding onto Kyle’s hand. Tightly, I might add.

“N—Nice to meet you,” Kyle continued to nervously speak.

“And you,” Michael nodded with a devious smile across his face. “Actually…we’ve met before.”

Added to the terror on Kyle’s face was confusion. “We have?”

Michael stood confidently and leaned forward with arrogance. “Yes, it was at Ronin. Don’t you recall? Oh, you know, you might have been too intoxicated to remember.”

Now Kyle was the face for sheer horror.

“Calm down, Kyle,” Michael grinned. He casually took the seat next to him and continued leaning in and speaking with a hush and secretive tone and volume. “But do you remember now?”

Kyle shut his mouth and bit down hard. He stared straight at the ground as he nodded.

“You were sticking your nose in a place where it shouldn’t have been,” Michael said. “Luckily nothing bad happened to you.”

Kyle’s eyes narrowed. “You’re an Antarian,” he realized.

Michael chuckled and patted Kyle on the back. “What would make you think that?”

“The way you’re speaking to me right now,” Kyle confidently answered. “And Tess…”

Michael feigned a surprised look on his face. “Tess?” he exclaimed. “Wait, you’re not talking about the same Tess that’s responsible for Liz’s shooting, are you?”

Kyle’s eyes pierced into Michael’s. It was a How-Dare-You and an I-Don’t-Believe-You-You-Son-of-a-Bitch look.

“Believe it,” Michael insisted. He was adamant and assured. “I was there when Tess’s bodyguard pulled the gun.”

“For all I know, it could have been you,” Kyle argued.

Michael shook his head and shrugged. “How do you even know I own a gun?”

Kyle reached toward Michael. He reached for a specific spot just under his arm and with the knuckles of his index and middle finger, Kyle knocked against Michael’s jacket. He hit something solid. Something hard. Something metal. “I know your type,” he told Michael. “I was raised around men like you. Did you seriously think I wouldn’t figure it out?”

“So you’re smarter than I thought,” Michael said, bobbing his head.

“So you are Antarian.”

Again Michael shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I’m just one of those ‘types.’ Who knows. That’s not why I wanted to talk to you.”

“Oh, so there’s reason for this harassment.”

Michael laughed. “This isn’t harassment, little boy.” He took a deep breath and looked around the room, briefly glancing at Max. “This is just two men conversing. This is just me informing you. I’m informing you of your girlfriend’s dealings. I don’t think you know her very well. I don’t think you know her at all.”

“I know her better than Max did,” Kyle quickly quipped.

“Funny,” Michael nodded. “You’re funny. But did she ever tell you why Max divorced her? Has she told you how she suddenly got Joplin? Has she told you why she has bodyguards?”

Kyle went silent.

“Tess is a…She’s a woman who wants things, but what woman doesn’t, right?” Michael laughed again and slapped Kyle’s back, but then his chuckle abruptly stopped. “She doesn’t make the right friends.”

“Are you talking about me?”

Michael shook his head. “No, not at all. I was referring to two other men. But no, not you. I think you’re just a little troubled. You seem like a nice guy. You’re related to Liz and Maria after all. Let’s talk about them now.”

Kyle subtly nodded.

“Now I personally have a thing for your sister,” Michael coolly admitted. “In fact, I may even love her and that doesn’t happen a lot. You get me?”

Kyle went on bobbing his head.

“Max over there,” Michael said, pointing across the room at his sullen best friend. “He married your sister for no other reason besides love. You still following?”

“You guys love my sisters,” Kyle answered.

“Exactly.” Michael got into Kyle’s line of sight and stared him in the eyes. “And what about you?”

Kyle shrugged smugly. “What about me?”

“Do you love your sisters? Now before you answer that,” Michael went on with hard emphasis on the “now” to prevent Kyle from replying right away. “Remember they’re your sisters. Flesh and blood. You came from the same father. The same moth—”

“Don’t you talk about my mother,” Kyle growled. “You don’t know a fucking thing about her.”

Michael actually smiled proudly at this reply. It showed him that family meant something to Kyle. Family had some sort of importance to the guy. Well, at least their mother did. But you have to figure: Mama Valenti was important to Kyle. His sisters are at least somewhat important to him too. You hope, for Kyle’s character at least, that they are.

“Your sister’s shot,” Michael said, feeling the need to remind Kyle. “Who knows if she’ll make it?”

Kyle snatched Michael’s collar and gripped it tightly in his fist. He briefly glanced around him to see if anyone was looking. He glanced so quickly, he wasn’t even sure if anyone was looking, but that didn’t matter, because Kyle didn’t really care. All his anger and emotion was focused in on, aiming toward, Michael.

“Just get to your fucking point,” Kyle snarled. “Quit talking about my family. Quit thinking I don’t give a shit.”

“So you do,” Michael smiled. “You do give a shit.”

Kyle let Michael’s collar go and went back to staring at the ground with deep intent.

Michael sighed heavily. “What are you feeling?”

“You’re Dr. Phil now?” Kyle glared out of the corners of his eyes.

“Just answer me.”

Kyle began to grind his teeth. “My girlfriend basically shot my sister. How would you feel?”

Michael started bobbing his head. “Understandable,” he replied. “What are you going to do about it?”

“You mean am I still going back to Tess.”

Michael nodded.

Kyle breathed in deeply through flared nostrils. “No,” he hesitantly admitted through his clenched mouth. “I won’t.”

“Wrong answer,” Michael quickly replied. He immediately received a look of confusion from Kyle. “You’re going back to Tess, and you’re bringing Max and me with you.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Michael took a deep breath and expelled it quickly through his mouth. “After all that’s happened, Tess is kind of afraid of Max and me. I mean, she should be, right? She shot Liz.”

Kyle reluctantly nodded.

“But if you wanted to see her, she’d be glad to,” Michael went on. “I’m sure she’d be so happy to see you. See, she doesn’t know anyone got shot. She doesn’t know it was Liz. She doesn’t know Liz is your sister. She’d just be relieved to see your face.”

“What are you going to do to her?” Kyle wondered.

Michael shook his head. “Nothing. We don’t really want to get to her. She’ll get what she deserves eventually.”

Kyle was having trouble following along. He shook his head in confusion and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t get it. Why do you want to meet with Tess then?”

“Remember how I said that Tess doesn’t make the right friends?” Michael asked, receiving a nod soon after. “Well, they are the ones we want to talk to.”

Kyle’s knees nervously started to bounce as he worriedly started rubbing his hands together. “What are you getting me into?”

Michael shrugged carelessly. “Something I know you’ve wanted to get into for a long time.”

<center> *~*</center>

Their eyes were glued onto Max and then on Michael and then, for some unknown reason, their brother. It was Michael and Kyle. The only conceivable reason Michael would talk to Kyle would be because of them and about them—Maria and Natalie. That would be the only thing Michael had that tied him to Kyle. There was no other reason, right? So there was no reason to be worried.

But you can’t help the feeling.

Maria was so fixated on Michael, for the first time since…God, she couldn’t even remember. There was so much going on that she didn’t really think about him. Should she feel bad about that? Should she feel bad for not feeling bad?

As Maria’s head dropped, Natalie placed a hand on her sister’s shoulder. “Come on,” she said. “Someone should be with Liz.”

Still looking at Michael, Maria slowly started to back away. She gave him a faint smile he did not see and then turned to follow her baby sister.

They walked into the corridor not knowing which room Liz was in. They moved on impulse. Everyone did. Right now, planning something or going in with a plan seemed so trivial and useless.

It wasn’t until they saw Dr. Lawrence come out of a room did the two girls stop. They nearly jumped out of their sandals.

“Hello,” the doctor said, just as surprised as the sisters. “Liz is right in here. Let me warn you that the after-effect of the surgery and the drugs may cause her to cry for no reason. Go ahead and let her. It’ll be good. In a few minutes I’ll be back to tell her about the baby.”

“She doesn’t know?!” Maria exclaimed.

With calm, Dr. Lawrence nodded. “I didn’t want to inform her when she was incoherent. It’s not exactly the best time.”

Maria eased down when she realized the sense in that. “Is she ok to talk to us now?”

“She was responding quite all right,” Dr. Lawrence replied. “There’s a slight delay but everything should be fine.”

He stepped out of the way for the two girls to enter. They walked in slowly. Each move they made was careful, as if they might hurt Liz if they moved too fast, even though they were five feet away. When they approached Liz’s bed, when they saw her, they stopped completely.

“That seems to be everyone’s reaction,” Liz cried, but she said it with a smile.

Of course since they were informed of the side effects, Maria and Natalie just assumed that’s what the tears were—side effects. Cautiously the girls approached the bed; one of them on each side. Then they sat on either side of Liz’s hips. In unison, they placed a hand on their weeping sister.

“Liz?” Maria whispered softly. “Liz, it’s ok.”

Liz opened her eyes. She squinted at first to see through her tears but after she wiped her eyes clean, Liz opened her eyes fully, or at least as fully as she could. They were red and puffy. Liz was embarrassed to be seen this way and she tried to hide her face as she turned away.

“It’s ok,” Natalie insisted. “Just let us talk to you.”

Liz nodded.

“You’re going to be fine, Liz,” Maria said. “You’ll be just fine.”

“How can I be fine?” Liz answered back. “I was shot, I could have died, I am confined to this damn bed and I’ve lost Max.”

Maria and Natalie quickly exchanged glances.

“What are you talking about?” Natalie questioned.

“Max!” Liz shouted. “He’s gone.” She hated how ridiculous she appeared, stuck in bed when she should clearly be standing for this outcry.

But Maria shook her head and grabbed Liz’s hand that was up in the air and pointing out of the room. “He’s in the waiting room,” Maria replied. “He’s not going anywhere.”

“Everything’s done,” Liz cried. “He’s left. We’re getting a divorce. We’re done.”

Both Natalie and Maria’s mouth dropped open and they looked to each other at a complete loss for words and thoughts.

“Fine…” Liz said. “Everything’s fine.”

“Liz, I’m sorry,” Natalie offered. She soothingly rubbed her sister’s arm. “But I think it’s time we realize that that’s how it’s supposed to be.”

Maria looked at a spot on the bed.

“Max could possibly be doing you and all of us a favor,” Natalie went on. She slid her hand off her sister, placed it on her other hand and stared down at them. “None of us can say for sure, but I know we all have a feeling about what really happened to Thomas.”

Liz had stopped crying. The tears on her cheeks had even dried. She just watched her little sister, the voice of reason.

“Our lives are dangerous as it is,” Natalie said. “I know you love Max and I really like him and Michael and Isabel…” She paused, hesitant to go on and say the brutal truth. “…but we can do without them.”

“Natalie…” Maria sighed. It was such a harsh way to put it but Maria quickly realized she didn’t and, more importantly, couldn’t disagree. “We don’t need to talk about this now.”

“This is the only way for her to get over this,” Natalie argued. “She needs to realize the reality. She needs to find the good.”

“Stop it,” Liz demanded. “Stop talking about me like I’m not even here. I’m here. I can hear you. I understand what’s going on.”

Both ashamed, Maria and Natalie nodded with their heads hanging low. “Sorry,” they both whispered.

“Liz, I’m just trying to turn this around—make something seemingly bad…good,” Natalie explained. “You have to look at this the way Max is.”


“Do you get where I’m going?” Michael wondered with a smile.

After a lot of thought and consideration packed into the last five minutes, Kyle nodded. “Yeah,” he succinctly replied. He turned around and walked away.

How can you consciously make an important life-changing decision so quickly and with so little time to consider things? Kyle managed to. Kyle had to. He was put in a particular situation and he wasn’t even sure how he felt about it.

Kyle sighed heavily as he walked back over to his seat. He quickly glanced over his shoulder, wondering if Michael was watching him, and looking back, Kyle saw that Michael was. Now Kyle knew how his father’s lackeys felt, because now he was a lackey himself. He finally was one and he didn’t want to be.

With the mess in his mind turning into a tornado, Kyle took a seat, not even noticing he sat in the chair right next to his father. It was an eerie sight, seeing both James Valentis sitting next to each other; the Senior and the Junior. They sat in the same position as the other. Both of them leaned forward with their elbows on their knees and hands clasped together directly in front of their mouths.

“Are you going to go in next?” Valenti wondered.

Kyle’s eyes darted to left, finally noticing his father beside him. He processed his father’s words and responded by shaking his head. “I don’t know,” he mumbled behind his hands. “I think I’ll go after Alex.”

“Why don’t you go in with him?”

“When are you going in?”

Valenti looked down at the ground. It’s what he had been thinking about since they got to the floor, but it wasn’t a question of “when.” Valenti wondered “if” he was ever going to go visit his daughter, and it wasn’t because he was afraid to or didn’t want to. It was more did Liz want to see him? That’s what was stopping him.

Kyle paid little attention to this conversation. There was something else troubling him. So that’s what he focused on.

“How do you do it, Dad?”

Surprised by the question, Valenti’s eyes widened as he looked to his son.

“You deal with these kinds of decisions all the time,” Kyle went on. “How the hell do you choose?”

Completely out of the loop, Valenti shook his head. “Kyle, what are you talking about?”

Kyle stopped leaning forward and turned in his chair to face his father. “There had to be at least one point in your life,” he started, “where you had to choose between love and family. Right?”

Valenti simply shook his head. “Nope,” he replied. “My love was my family. Your mother was my family.” Witnessing Kyle sigh and retreat back into, what I like to call, the Ponder Lean, Valenti continued on with his reply. “You have to remember though, Son, that I didn’t exactly have the conventional family with the set of parents and siblings. I had the orphanage. I had Il Forza. They were my family, but your mother was more my family than anyone else in the world. That’s what that girl of yours should mean to you. She should be your love and your family. Is she?”

And that was the answer. Kyle couldn’t really remember what family felt like, but he had an idea. So Kyle unclasped his hands and slapped his thighs.

“I need to make a phone call,” he said.

Valenti nodded and watched Kyle slowly walk away, but Kyle only made about two steps before spinning around.

“You should see her,” Kyle said. “You’re our father. Show us you are.” Then he turned back around, grabbing his cell phone from his jacket.

Valenti watched his son. He just stared as Kyle walked off to a corner of the room and talk on the phone. Valenti didn’t know whom Kyle was talking to or what he was talking about. That didn’t matter. That’s not what Valenti was focusing on. Instead, he was just thinking that Kyle was his son. Valenti’s eyes drifted to the left, finding Alex sitting quietly with the tall blonde, who was kind enough to get everyone coffee earlier. She was a lovely woman. It appeared that there was something between her and Alex. Again, Valenti thought about how Alex was his son. Then, Valenti looked over his shoulder and stared at the hallway. He stared at nothing particular, just the general direction. Somewhere in a room in that hallway were his three daughters, one of which was hurt and hurting.

As he stood up, Valenti tucked at the edge of his jacket. He let his hand slide down his tie and he continued to glare at the hallway. Before taking a step toward the corridor, Valenti looked back over his shoulder, spotting Kyle and then Alex once more and landing on Max, sitting pale-faced and in the Ponder Lean. Yup, believe it or not, Valenti considered Max as his son.

Valenti walked into the hallway not knowing where Liz’s room was, but he walked with a feeling and found himself at his daughter’s doorway.

“I lost Thomas,” Valenti heard Natalie say. He even noticed the frailty in her voice. “I can’t…” Natalie went on. “…I can’t lose you. So please, let Max go and start over. If he came to you, telling you that you needed to be without him, then something’s up, Liz. Something’s going to happen and he’s protecting you. Him leaving you is not because he doesn’t love you.”

Liz used the back of her hand to wipe the tears from her face.

“Nat’s right,” Maria said, nodding. “He must love you so much to let you go.” She looked down, thinking about Michael. After a moment, she nodded to herself and got up from her sister’s bedside. “I’ll be right back.”

Natalie and Liz nodded as Maria started to leave the room. She stared at the linoleum floor as she walked, thus oblivious of their father standing at the door.

“Oh,” Maria replied, wide-eyed. “Um, hi.”

Back at the bed, Natalie and Liz stopped talking to each other and brought their attentions to the door where Valenti nervously, and courageously, took a step into the room. He had his head slightly lowered as he raised a hand.

“Hi,” he smiled. He had taken maybe two steps inside before stopping. He stood tall and then took a moment to smile at each daughter, to acknowledge each one of them. “Do you mind?” he asked, directing the question to Maria and Natalie.

No hesitation on their part. The two youngest girls shook their heads. Natalie smiled down at Liz, comfortingly rubbed her sister’s arm and then left the bed like Maria did. Together the two sisters walked out of the room, looking over their shoulders back at their older sister.

Valenti watched Natalie and Maria leave before approaching Liz’s bed, and as he did, he felt out of his body, out of his element. More importantly, Valenti felt inadequate. He failed as a father when it mattered most and this was the daughter who constantly punished him for not being the father he could have been.

Now his children are all grown. His oldest turned 30 not too long ago. Where did those 30 years go? Valenti missed out. He could not figure out the amount of time he spent with each child. Valenti didn’t know. Every moment he spent with his children never registered into his mind. Each moment was a just a passing one; insignificant at the time.

“Hi,” Liz said softly with a smile to match.

Valenti worked up a smirk and stood at the foot of his daughter’s hospital bed. He cleared his throat and shoved his shaking hands into his pockets before the trembling could be noticed. “This is a stupid question, but how are you feeling?”

“Like I’ve just been shot,” Liz chuckled. “But I’m better.”

Valenti smiled again. “Th—That’s good.” He started to nervously rock on his feet.

All the while, Liz observed her father. The awkward silence didn’t bother her. She was too focused on the fact that Valenti looked different to her at that moment. Soon, her mind began to wander. Even if Valenti was a father, Liz wasn’t sure if she would actually know who he was. He wasn’t a man who disclosed a lot. Liz didn’t know what his favorite movie was, what he liked to eat and etc. She would never know. You may notice that he enjoys sports, but you don’t know what sport he enjoys most or what team was his favorite. Asking him that would be weird. He’s a guy who has a past but wouldn’t talk about it and you wouldn’t ask him about it. That’s how Valenti was.

But Liz wanted to see if he could be different than that. “Did it hurt when you were shot?” she asked.

Valenti’s eyes focused on Liz’s. He stared at her, looking into her. He felt as though he had been forgiven, at least somewhat. It threw him off guard. He couldn’t remember how to speak. So he bobbed his head, and then eventually, the words came to him. “What can you remember about it?”

Liz slowly started to shake her head. “I passed out from the adrenaline and the pain, but I can remember the pain, and it hurt so bad.”

“I managed to stay awake,” Valenti revealed, “but I wish I passed out.” He paused, staring at the ground for a moment.

When he did, Liz sensed him recollecting his pain. She felt sorry for him because she believed that he was recollecting ALL his pain, not just his own gun shot wounds. Valenti couldn’t go on and the silence settled in.

Now the silence got to Liz. She wanted to fill it with anything. “You don’t have to worry about Max and me anymore. Things won’t work out. We’re done.”

“I…” Valenti wasn’t sure what to say. Max was obviously important to her, so Valenti wanted to be careful with his words. He sighed heavily. “You girls all have something special from your mother, aside from her looks and her intelligence. Maria’s got your mother’s eyes and sass. Natalie got her nose and her child-like innocence. And you’ve got her smile. It’s a spitting image.”

And on cue, Liz smiled.

“Your mother had a beautiful heart,” Valenti went on. “The most beautiful one I had ever seen. She loved all of me. She loved me when I had nothing, when we struggled for money, and she continued to love me with her whole heart when I became Jimmy Valentine, and, Liz, you’ve got that heart, that wonderful heart. I trusted your mother’s heart, so I trust yours. If you love him and if he loves you the way you say he does, then I truly believe that you love Max Evans, and that he loves you. I was wrong to get in the way of that or be angry about it. I had no reason to be.”

The tears rushed to Liz’s eyes. She smiled again at her father, so appreciative of this quiet gesture of love. “Thank you, Dad,” she whispered.

Liz held up her hand for her father to take and Valenti finally took a hand out of his pocket steady as a rock.
Last edited by hoLLyBEHRy on Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

And finally a new update. I just want to thank you all so much for sticking around and continuing to give me renewed chances. I really appreciate it. If it had not been for all of you, I would not have wanted to finish this story. But you'll all be happy, or maybe unhappy, to know that this story is on the verge of being done. That doesn't necessarily mean that it'll be done anytime soon. I still have to write the last couple chapters, but just prepare yourself for the end. Thank you all so very much. I wish I could do more to express my appreciation and gratefulness.


And now, the next chapter:

<center>Chapter 40- Wounded. In Need of a Hand.

“The spirit of brotherhood recognizes of necessity both the need of self-help and also the need of helping others in the only way which every ultimately does great good, that is, of helping them to help themselves.”
–Theodore Roosevelt</center>

Max was using all his energy to keep himself from falling completely apart. He literally sat on the edge of his seat letting his knee nervously bounce in hopes that his mind would focus on his bouncing knee instead of the fact that his life was out of control and he was ready to take drastic measures. His eyes stung, so Max covered his face with his hands and let the balls of his palms dig into his eye sockets. The stinging didn’t stop and when Max slid his hands up through his hair and pulled them away, he saw the remnants of his tears make his palms shine.

From off to the side, Isabel watched her brother and slowly made her way over to him. She couldn’t imagine how he must have been feeling but Isabel had an idea of one of the things he was thinking of. Now that Thomas was gone (God bless his soul), all Isabel had was Max. There was no way she could lose him. If she lost him, then that was it for her.

“Hey,” Isabel said, sitting down next to Max. She immediately wrapped an arm around him but Max barely budged. Isabel didn’t care. She just wanted to hold him. “I love you,” she whispered.

Max hadn’t acknowledged his sister’s presence since she sat down; but finally, he nodded and what Max was about to say to his sister made his eyes water a little more. “You know what has to be done, Isabel.”

“Max, we have a plan.”

Still not having even glanced at his sister, Max shook his head. “It’s not enough for me.” He took a deep breath that quivered as he inhaled. “Tess may get what’s coming to her, but I need Khivar and Nicholas to pay too, especially before they hurt another person I love.” And finally, Max looked at her, insinuating that maybe she was next.

Isabel stared into his determined and fiery eyes and she was hypnotized and convinced. “I understand,” she replied softly, slightly nodding her head, “but I really wish you wouldn’t, and I’m saying this as your sister, Max.”

Max nodded to give his sister that much, to at least acknowledge and understand her feelings, but he didn’t say anything. He wasn’t about to argue with his sister. There would be no point, because regardless of whatever, Max was going to do what he wanted to do. No one was going to stop him. Who could stop a man who’s lost this much?

There was no certainty of how things were going to fall. Max had no idea of the plan Michael had in mind, but whatever the plan was, Max would eventually take control. Thus, Max would ultimately decide how to reach the fate he decided to be his own. The events between now and then were a little hazy, but it didn’t matter because he would get there all the same.

“Just tell me,” Isabel softly begged. “What are you going to do, when you are you going to do it and,” Isabel stopped, looked down at her hands folded in her lap and let out a little whimper, “am I going to lose you?” she cried.

Max leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees. He buried his face in his palms and let out a heavy sigh. The tears that were pouring into his hands were out of frustration, fear and hopelessness. He wanted so much to not be in these shoes, to have some other life. He was tired, just absolutely tired.

“I can’t tell you what you want to hear,” Max admitted into his hands. He took his hands away from his face and stared at the ground, addressing the ground because he couldn’t bear to look at Isabel. He repeated his reply. “I can’t tell you what you want to hear. I can’t lie to you.”

Isabel looked up at the ceiling with her eyes closed. She took a deep breath and swallowed her tears. She opened her eyes and grabbed her brother’s arm, turning him toward her. “If you can’t tell me what you’re going to do, then tell me what I can do. Tell me what I can do to help you.”

“Let Alex in,” Max replied. “Let him take care of you.”

Isabel couldn’t suppress her tears anymore. She buried her head into her brother’s chest and cried. Max could feel his sister’s tears through his shirt as he held her. He held her close, resting his cheek on the top of her head and then bringing his lips to Isabel’s forehead for a kiss.

“I’m going to miss you so much,” Isabel cried.

“Don’t,” Max quickly replied, “because it’ll make you hurt and you’ve been hurt enough. You don’t need to add missing me.” He palmed the back of Isabel’s head, continuing to lovingly hold her to his chest. “I am so proud of you.”

Isabel began to weep a little harder and Max could only hope to remain strong.

“And be proud of yourself,” he went on, “because you are an amazing woman and the best sister anyone could ever ask for. You’ve done everything right, Isabel. You have so much to be happy about: a wonderful job, a respectable reputation, a man who loves you and a very hopeful future. So don’t miss me. Don’t hurt. Don’t let anything ruin the life you live.”

“You’re a part of my life,” Isabel mumbled into Max’s shirt.

“Please stop fighting me on this,” Max begged. “I have to make sure what I need done is thoroughly carried out, and the only person I trust to do that is myself and me alone.”


“I think his eyes are finally opened,” Natalie whispered to Maria as they left Liz’s room.

The two sisters looked over their shoulders, giving a smile to their older sister and quickly glancing at their father who stood nervously at the foot of Liz’s bed.

As the girls walked through the hallway back to the waiting room, Maria realized that this journey though the busy corridor was the first time she had alone time. Yes, Natalie was walking right next to her, but this was as close to alone as Maria was going to get. So Maria took this opportunity to put things into perspective, juxtaposing her father and Max.

The realization Maria came to was this: despite the amount of wealth and success Max had over Valenti in all aspects, Valenti was fortunate because he hadn’t lost as much as Max. No, scratch that. Valenti was fortunate because no one took away from him what was taken from Max. First, Larek, then Thomas, nearly Liz, and then Max and Liz’s baby. It’s not to say that no one in Valenti’s life has died before. There’s his wife for one, but no one took her away. God took her away? No, it’s not the same thing.

For the first time in his life, someone was almost taken from Valenti. Considering how long Valenti’s been in the business, he’s lucky and it’s a damn shame that Valenti only now realizes that.

So, because of all of that, Maria soon began to wonder just how far Max has been pushed. Maria had an idea and she knew who’d assist Max in his crusade. The moment she and Natalie reached the waiting room, Maria found Michael off to the side on his phone.

“Go ahead and sit down,” Maria told Natalie. “I need to…”

She pointed to Michael and received a nod from her younger sister. The two girls parted ways. Natalie went back to the seat she occupied earlier while Maria headed in the opposite direction and toward Michael. She approached him from behind while he was still on the phone. She patiently waited a foot or two away from him without listening in. He ended his call soon enough and hastily turned around and was then startled by Maria.

“Jesus Christ!” Michael exclaimed. “You scared the shit out of me!”

Maria’s eyebrows frowned as she stared at him.

Michael closed his eyes in self-disappointment as he remembered where he was, why he was there and just everything in between. He quickly wrapped his arm around Maria and pulled her into his chest. Maria let him.

“I’m so sorry,” Michael apologized breathlessly. “I’m so sorry. How are you doing?”

Delicately, Maria pushed herself away. “I’m ok,” she nodded. Her eyes drifted down off Michael’s chest, which was the highest place she could bring them too, and eventually she just stared at his feet.

“Is there something wrong?”

Maria gathered her courage to look Michael in the eyes. She finally did, but Michael knew that she wasn’t looking at him like she normally did, like she could see into him. Instead, she just looked at him and Michael felt his heart twitch.

“I just wanted to tell you…” Maria sighed heavily, trying to find the right words. “Whatever you and Max are going to do, please be careful. Isabel’s been through so much, she’s going to need you.”

Michael smirked. Hopeful. “And what about you? Do you need me?”

Maria’s hesitation was all Michael needed to realize what was happening. That speck of hopefulness disappeared along with Michael’s smirk. He swallowed hard and brought his eyes to the floor, unable to look Maria in the face.

“I’ve always said that none of us belong with any of you,” Maria admitted to Michael. “But Liz totally ignored that and she was happy. I wanted to be that happy. I thought I could be happy with you and I was, but just how long will that feeling last before something happens to me or you? Max was with Liz, Thomas with Natalie. None of them are happy. In fact, they’re in the worst place they could be. I just figure we get out now, hurt, before we get out devastated.”

Maria stood before Michael, waiting for some sort of response from him. She stood with her hands clasped delicately in front of her stomach. Her fingers fiddled. She looked off to the side, just waiting. After a moment, out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed Michael bring his head up, and he just stared at her.

“I want you,” Maria decided to say, “but I don’t need you.”

Michael’s eyebrows frowned and his lips pursed slightly. “I love you,” he said.

Maria nodded and lifted a corner of her mouth. “I know. I wouldn’t be doing this if you didn’t love me…and if I didn’t love you.”

This time, Michael relaxed. He might have even smiled. At least it was something, from both of them. Understanding from Michael and love from Maria. It was enough.

After exchanging sighs, they exchanged soft smiles and Michael leaned forward. He closed his eyes and gently placed his lips on Maria’s. Maria returned the tender kiss and let her emotions take over. Tears streamed down her cheeks as a result.

It was one of those kisses that hit you in the heart the wrong way because it was the last time in a long while you’d share that kiss. That is if you’re even lucky enough to have that kiss ever again.

Maria politely pushed away, playfully slapping Michael on the chest. “Go do what you need to do,” she told to him. “Be careful.”

Michael smiled and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you around.”

Maria nodded and watched Michael turn around and walk away. He didn’t look over his shoulder. He knew it would just make him want to run right back to her.

It hurt, but it didn’t hurt as bad as Michael thought it would. He was fortunate, of course. He could have hurt a hell of a lot worse. Michael knew that. At least he had been burned by love. It was his first time and Michael appreciated the experience, but shit, he was hurting. He couldn’t let his feelings get in the way, though. At least not now. This was when he needed to focus. Granted, it was probably the worse time for Michael and Maria to break up, but you didn’t see Michael stop her and tell her to just hold off until maybe tomorrow. It was better to have dealt with it now than waiting for later.

Michael strolled over to Max and Isabel without any signs of a break-up or any sort of personal dilemma. Instead, he was the obedient and loyal second in command standing in front of Max as he held Isabel. He wanted to give them this moment, but if they didn’t move soon enough, who knows what might happen? Reluctantly, Michael cleared his throat and both Max and Isabel looked up at him. In Isabel’s eyes, Michael saw great hesitation fused with worry and fear. He offered a small smile to her, which she nodded at as she released her brother. Max had looked back at her giving her the same smile Michael had and then leaned toward her to kiss her cheek.

“It’ll all be ok, Isabel,” Max said softly.

Isabel bobbed her head and quickly hurried away to the bathroom wiping her tears away. Michael and Max could only remain where they were and watch her. Once she disappeared into the restroom, Michael sighed heavily and turned back to Max.

“Are you ready to go?” he wondered. “Marcus is waiting downstairs with the car.”

Max instantly shook his head and look in the direction of the corridor. “I need to see Liz one last time.”

Understandable, Michael thought to himself. He bobbed his head. “I’ll just meet you downstairs then.” He checked his watch and then the clock on the wall. “I don’t want to be an asshole, but you can’t take long, all right?”

Max complied with a nod. He wasn’t going to be very long anyway. The longer he spent with Liz, the more it was going to hurt and the more painful it would be to leave her for the second time. What Max wanted to do was make up for the last time he saw her. He didn’t want that to be their last moment together. He didn’t want to leave her that way. It was a shitty way to say goodbye to each other.

As he reached the corridor, Max spotted Dr. Lawrence off to the side. Max quickly rushed over to him before the doctor could be distracted by anything else.

“Excuse me, Dr. Lawrence?”

The tall, slim man turned around acknowledging Max with a nod and a smile. “Yes, Mr. Evans. What can I do for you?”

Max looked in the direction of Liz’s room and back to the doctor. “About the baby.” He was so hesitant to speak those words. It was too surreal. It still hadn’t quite hit Max that he was a father, or had been, or could have been. “Um, I was wondering if it would be ok if I was the one to tell Liz.”

“Sure,” the doctor nodded. “I’ll be in later to further elaborate and answer any questions you two have.”

Max smirked in reply and walked away from the doctor.

Upon reaching the doorway to Liz’s room, Max noticed Valenti at the foot of Liz’s bed. Suddenly, he was overcome by more nervousness than he expected. Max tapped his knuckles against the doorframe and followed it with a clearing of his throat. Valenti turned in response and Liz leaned forward to see her next visitor. She didn’t look happy. She didn’t look mad either.

“Hi,” Max softly said. He realized he had raised his hand as if he were to wave. Max chuckled and forced his hand down and into his pocket.

Back over at the bed, Valenti looked his daughter in the eyes and found himself staring into two insecure pools of tears. He offered a smile but was unsure of the actual impression on his face.

“You’re ok,” Valenti told his daughter. He comfortingly squeezed her shin and then leaned all the way toward the head of the bed to kiss Liz’s cheek.

Once Valenti got off the bed, Max saw that as his cue to take a few steps inside. He was cautious and careful, but more nervous than anything. When he was younger, not too much younger, just a few years ago, Max looked up to Valenti in the same sense that a boy looks up to an athlete or his own father. Then, if Max ever encountered Valenti, Max knew he’d feel the nervousness a boy feels upon meeting his idol. But when Max garnered the amount of power and wealth equivalent to Valenti, Max viewed him as his equal and his opponent. Yet, why was Max so nervous in the presence of Valenti now? Well, that was because Valenti wasn’t just his idol, his equal, nor his enemy. Valenti was Max’s goddamn father-in-law.

As Valenti approached Max, he walked with his hands in his pockets and his head dropped down slightly, but as he neared Max, Valenti looked up and looked Max in the eyes, and smiled. Ok, it wasn’t a smile with, you know, his teeth exposed. It just definitely wasn’t a frown on Valenti’s face.

Then that was it. Valenti left the room. Once again, it was just Max and Liz and a tornado of emotions wreaking havoc within themselves. For Max, he was more scared and insecure than anything else. He had made mistakes. Tragic ones. He was too self-righteous, selfish and damnit, he just fucked up.

“Are you going to come in?”

Max’s eyes shot up off the ground and straight to Liz. She looked better than when he last saw her. Healthier. Just overall better since he first left her.

After responding with a nod, Max ventured further into the room. He stopped at the foot of Liz’s bed and for Liz, it was like déjà vu. Max was standing like her father was standing earlier. It frightened her…at first. She thought that maybe Max was right. Max said he was too much like her father. But Liz’s father proved to her that he was a different man, different than what she perceived. So maybe it’s a good thing that Max was like her father. Her father was a good man, understanding of his faults, willing to improve himself for the sake of his family.

Max shoved his hands into his pockets and sighed. “I, um, didn’t want to leave…you know…I just…” He was so nervous.

“I don’t like the way we left things either,” Liz said, stating Max’s thoughts exactly.

And Max gave a small smile. “Right,” he nodded. He took a deep breath, exhaling sharply and loudly. “I’m not here to change my mind about things. If we stay together, it’s just too easy for you to get hurt physically and emotionally. I don’t want to put you through any further pain, especially because after what you’ve been through and what I’m about to tell you, you’ll have known the worst kinds of pain.”

Max paused, struggling with the words. He bit the inside of his bottom lip, nearly biting a chunk off. Then he swallowed hard, tasting a little blood. When he looked up at Liz, he felt guilt like no other. Liz was just sitting there ready and open for whatever news. She wasn’t the least bit afraid even though she should have been. That created guilt that crushed Max’s heart.

“I’m so sorry for everything that’s happened,” Max said.

“It’s not your—”

Max shook his head. “Please don’t forgive me or give me the benefit of the doubt or any of that. I don’t deserve it.” Another deep breath and Max was ready to just spit it out. “Liz, you were pregnant.”

Liz’s eyes turned into perfect circles of tears and her bottom jaw dropped slightly. She was utterly mortified.

Max couldn’t take the look that she was giving him but he knew how she was feeling. He knew that she completely fazed and would continue staring at him, boring holes into him. So he had to look away. He stared down at the ground and went on.

“I—I don’t know the whole ordeal,” he said to the ground. “Dr. Lawrence said he’d come in later and explain everything to you.”

When Max didn’t sense any sort of reply, he looked up and found Liz with both of her hands covering her face as she cried. Max tossed all his insecurities out the window and rushed to Liz’s side and took her into his arms. She turned into him, sobbing into his chest and finding comfort in her soul mate and was essentially saying goodbye. Max closed his eyes tight and rested his cheek on the top Liz’s head as he combed through her hair with his hand.

Time stopped for them.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.

Max kissed the top of her head and continued holding her close to him, but eventually, he started to loosen his embrace. Soon enough, her sobbing had lessened and she had calmed a bit. She was sitting up on her own and she didn’t need Max anymore.

“I have to go now,” he said hesitantly with his head hung low, “but…I really wish I didn’t have to.”

Wiping the last of her tears away, Liz shook her head. “No, I understand. You need to take care of whatever to make sure we’re all ok. I get it.”

Max bobbed his head and got back onto his feet. “You’ll be all right?”

Liz scoffed. “Will you?” Then seriously, she shrugged. “Who knows? But I’ve got my family. I think I’ll be ok.”

“Good,” Max smirked. He continued bobbing his head and watched his foot glide against the linoleum from left to right. “I don’t want to say goodbye to you.”

“We don’t have to,” Liz told him.

Max nodded and smiled as he walked away. He went back to having his hands in his pockets and his head hung low.

“Max, wait.”

He stopped dead in his tracks and whipped around.

“Come here,” Liz requested.

Easily, Max complied and walked back over. Again, he stood at the foot of the bed, but Liz waved him over. Max nodded and walked to Liz’s side where she grabbed his right arm with both of her small, delicate hands. She tugged him down toward her and then grabbed his face. Without hesitation or pause for a stare, she planted a kiss on his lips. Max’s eyes closed lightly allowing for his eyes to roll to the back of his head in delight. The tender kiss only lasted seconds but Max would remember it forever. Liz pulled away and took her lips into her mouth.

“I just, um…” she started to say. “I love you.”

“I know,” Max smiled. “I love you too.”

They spent a moment looking into each other’s eyes, smiling as they did. Then Max lowered his eyes and turned away. He hesitantly took a step. Then another. He picked up his pace and left the room. Max didn’t look back and he didn’t look forward. He just hurried to the waiting room and stopped. All who were left were the rest of the Valenti family. Michael was still waiting for Max downstairs while Isabel was God knows where.

Upon seeing Max appear in the hallway, Alex stood up and immediately noticed his younger brother do the same. They caught each other’s eye. It’s said that twins can communicate with each other telepathically on some level. Does it work between just brothers or siblings born years apart? I’d like to think so. I believe truth of that fact solidifies the existence of a connection. How nice is it to know, despite the animosity between Alex and Kyle, there is a connection between them?

Alex and Kyle gave each other a nod and simultaneously walked toward the corridor leading to Liz’s room, the corridor where Max stood. But Max walked toward the chairs in the waiting room with his eyes on Maria and Natalie. As he headed over to the girls, Max nearly brushed shoulders with both brothers who walked one in front of the other. As they passed each other, the men respectfully gave each other a nod, and on Max’s face was an apologetic smirk that Alex mirrored while Kyle sent Max a glare causing him to squint his eyes in confusion as he walked toward their sisters.

“How is she?” Maria asked.

“Much better,” Max replied, nodding, “but she’s going to need a lot of help after all this.”

Natalie bobbed her head in understanding. “What’ll happen between you two?” she curiously asked.

Shaking his head, Max shrugged his shoulders, but that wasn’t because he didn’t know the answer to Natalie’s question. Max knew. He’d known for a little while now. His little head shake and shoulder shrug was done out of frustration and fatigue.

“I have to go now,” Max told the girls.

They weren’t sure where he was going or what he was going to do. So they just smiled and nodded before each gave Max a hug goodbye. They had no idea what was going to happen in the next few hours.

Max stepped into an empty elevator. As he reached for the buttons, Isabel had jogged into the hallway, frantically searching around the area for her brother. When she turned toward the elevators, she had caught Max’s eyes and for a moment they just stared at each other. The doors began to close and Isabel ran toward him. She leapt two steps but stopped when Max shook his head “don’t.” He gave her a soft smile as the doors closed.


“Are you in any pain?” Alex wondered. As he sat next to her on her bed, he comfortingly squeezed Liz’s knee.

Liz smiled as she held up her hand. In her hand was a buzzer that wasn’t actually a buzzer. “Morphine drip,” she explained.

Alex chuckled. Meanwhile, on Liz’s other side, Kyle was still studying his surroundings avoiding the stares his sister gave him.

Liz finally backhanded him in the arm. “Hi! How are you?”

Kyle bit down hard as he stared at his hands in his lap. He shook his head in confusion. “How can you be so happy?”

“Well I’m not exactly happy,” Liz explained, “but I’m not going to lay here and feel sorry for myself. Besides, everything’s going to be fine. So smile.”

“There’s nothing to smile about,” Kyle replied. “You were shot, Liz.”

Liz and Alex exchanged confused glances.

“Are you really upset about this?” Alex asked.

“How can you not be?” Kyle said outraged. “The Evanses just lost one of theirs. We almost lost you, Liz.”

Liz was a little surprised by her brother’s reaction, but very much appreciated the sentiment. “You didn’t though,” she told Kyle. “I’m here.”

Kyle swallowed his tears and shook his head. “It was close, Liz…” He paused. “I regret so much when it comes to you.”

“I know,” Liz nodded as she placed a hand on Kyle’s. “I do too. So let’s just take this second chance to make up for things.”

“I want someone to pay for hurting you.” Kyle stared into his sister’s eyes with a revengeful glare.

Alex’s eyes widened. “Whoa. Calm down, Junior. What are you talking about?”

Kyle shook his head and stood up. As he did, he still had Liz’s hand on his own. He leaned down and placed a kiss on the back of his sister’s hand and smiled. “You rest,” he told her. “I’ll be around later.”

Kyle walked away leaving bewildered looks on Liz and Alex’s faces.

“What is he going to do?” Liz wondered.

Starring at the empty doorway, Alex shook his head.

“Well go find out!” Liz ordered.

Alex sprinted after their brother finding him heading toward a stairwell at the opposite end of the hallway, away from the waiting room and the elevators.

“Hey!” Alex yelled.

Kyle froze as he reached for the door. “What do you want?”

“What the hell was that back there?” Alex asked as he marched toward his brother. “Where’d all this brotherly love come from?

“We almost lost our sister because someone shot her.”

“Yes,” Alex nodded. “I think I know that.”

“Aren’t you mad?”

“Of course I am, but we have to let the police handle it.”

“Do you really think your civil servants are going to be able to find out who did this and do something about it?”

Alex couldn’t make a promise.

And Kyle scoffed in response. “I thought so. Now let me do this for the family.”

Alex lowered his head, giving Kyle his permission to go. Kyle pushed through the heavy metal door. Before it could close, Alex stood in the doorway, holding the door open with the side of his body.

“Kyle, wait,” Alex said.

Kyle was already halfway down the first set of stairs, but he stopped and looked back up.

“At the last family dinner, you blew up at Dad, saying he never told you that he was proud of you.”

Alex’s little brother nodded, confirming that moment.

“Well, he’s a fool,” Alex said. “You’ve done more for this family than any of us. You may not think it, but you have. You took care of the restaurant, you took care of Dad’s business, you’ve kept things safe and secure for us, and I’m proud of you, Kyle.”

Kyle smirked appreciatively as he gave a solid nod. Then he went back to jumping down the stairs.


Michael barged into Max’s office taking large strides to get to a beautiful antique armoire against the back wall. Michael quickly pulled the doors to the cabinet open revealing a whole armory full of artillery. Michael reached inside and pulled out a black shoulder harness with holsters and two white gold Berettas. He examined each gun, discharged the magazines, observed them closely and then slammed them back into place. With the harness over his shoulder and a gun in each hand, Michael marched over to Max as he walked into his own office. Immediately, Michael helped Max with his jacket and current shoulder holster as this new one allowed for more movement. Once the former equipment was off, Michael assisted Max in sliding into the new harness. Max lifted his arms as Michael adjusted the straps. With everything secure, Max continued to hold his arms out to the sides as Michael grabbed each gun off the table and slid them into a holster. Afterward, he patted Max’s sides and smiled approvingly.

As Max slid back into his jacket, he watched Michael head back to the armoire and return the harness Max wore earlier. Max observed as Michael reached inside a drawer and pull out extra magazines. He launched them toward Max who caught them with ease and put them in their designated holsters on his harness.

“We’ve got men waiting downstairs,” Michael informed his superior and best friend. “Eddie is already on his way to Joplin with about three more of our guys.” Michael walked back over to Max with a giddy grin on his face. “Are you ready?” he asked.

Michael leaned in for a hug and Max sought this opportunity to reach inside his best friend’s jacket, taking hold of Michael’s two pistols and tearing them out of their holsters as he shoved Michael away. Max aimed both guns at Michael’s head.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Michael exclaimed as he stared into the barrels of his own guns.

“Well, I figured this was going to be the only way you’d listen to me,” Max replied. “You see, I need to do this on my own.”

Michael spat out a laugh and stepped forward. Max didn’t hesitate to click the safeties off both guns. Michael froze still.

“Are you fucking stupid?!” Michael shouted. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Max shrugged so simply. “I’m doing the right thing and in order to do that, I have to hold you at gun point.”

“You won’t shoot me,” Michael laughed.

Max quickly pointed a gun at the television, which was only a foot to the left of Michael’s head and pulled the trigger, blowing up the TV and sending shrapnel to Michael who ducked under his hands, his best defense.

“OK!” Michael shouted. When he looked back up, both guns were pointed back at his head. “Just so you know, I think you’ve fucking snapped!”

“Noted,” Max nodded. “Now, retract those orders to our men. Tell them we’re not doing this. I am.”

Michael shook his head as he nervously held up his hands at chest level. “Max, I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve here. If you’re thinking of throwing in the towel for good, I don’t think I can let you do that.” Michael swallowed hard as he realized Max wasn’t going to lower the guns anytime soon. “You ask me to jump out of a plane, I will. You ask me to rob a bank, I will. You ask me to shoot someone, goddamnit I will and I have. You ask me to get out of the business, you’re asking me to give up my life and I can’t do that. I’m sorry, Max.

“I’m not asking you to, Michael, but I’m done,” Max revealed. “How many more people are going to die at my hands? Thomas and Larek are dead. My baby is dead. Liz came way too close. What if I’m next? What if you’re next? How many more lives am I going to ruin? How many times am I going to hurt the ones I love? I’m killing Liz, Michael. What I am…it’s killing her.”

Michael sighed heavily. “Everyone will come after you.”

Max shook his head. “They’ll come after my money.”

“Exactly,” Michael nodded.

“But I’m not my money, Michael. They can have it for all I care. It doesn’t matter to me anymore.”

Michael gritted his teeth. His frustration was growing. His fear was growing. “They’re going to want you dead. You know how things work, Max. If you stop doing business, you cut off the protection we’ve garnered from all of our deals, all those people watching our backs for watching their backs. If you get out, they’re going to wonder where the hell Basil Deo went. They’re going to panic. They’ll do anything to find out who he is, where he’s gone and you know who they’ll go to to find that all out. They’ll go to you, just like Valenti Jr. did, except they won’t be stupid like him. They will kill you unless you squeal and when you squeal, they’ll kill you anyway because they’ll find out that you are Basil Deo. Max, you have enough leverage on them to turn them all in to the FBI. You have the power to destroy our business and everyone else’s. They are not going to want that to happen. They will kill you, Max, to stop you.”

Max didn’t reply and it occurred to Michael…

“That’s your plan,” Michael realized. “You’re going after Nicholas and Khivar because you know you won’t make it back alive. You’re looking to be killed sooner rather than later. You can’t do this, Max. Isabel needs you. You can’t leave her.”

“You’ll have to look after her,” Max ordered. “The Valenti girls too.”

“This is such bullsh—”

“Just do as I say, Michael.”

Michael gritted his teeth as he exhaled sharply through his nose. “Fine,” he growled. “But what’s going to stop me from tailing your ass?”

Max took a deep breath and dropped his arm about a foot, pointing the gun at Michael’s thigh and pulled the trigger. The loud pop of the gun was followed by an agonizing growl from Michael as he fell to the floor.

“FUCK!” Michael screamed as he held his thigh. “Fuck!” he began to cry. “You son of a bitch, Max!” He spit out saliva with each word.

Max tucked both of the guns behind his back and knelt down at Michael’s side, helping him lay against the back of the couch.

“You’ll be ok,” Max insisted.

Michael glared at his best friend. Well, that was actually questionable at this moment.

Max reached inside his jacket and pulled out his phone. He punched in three numbers and held the phone to his ear. “Hi, we need an ambulance. My friend’s been shot in the thigh. Yes, he’s conscious and coherent. He was shot just a few minutes ago. 1230 Sunset. Ronin, the restaurant. We’re upstairs in Max Evan’s office. Thank you.” Max snapped his phone shut and slid it back into his jacket. “You’ll be ok,” he told Michael.

“You keep saying that,” Michael growled, “but you’re not the one who was shot in the leg!”

Max shrugged. “At least I didn’t shoot you in the back.”

“Oh, you’ve got jokes now,” Michael laughed.

Max chuckled. “Look, I know you wouldn’t have let me do what I wanted to do unless I did this.”

Sweat started to run down the sides of Michael’s face. “Why are you doing this?” he wondered.

“Better me than us,” Max repeated. “I just have to do this on my own.”

The sirens of an ambulance wailed in the distance, growing louder as it approached. Max and Michael stared at the wall as if they could actually see the ambulance coming.

“Go,” Michael insisted.

Max looked down at his wounded best friend.

“Go!” Michael ordered. “I’ll be ok,” he said with a grin, then quickly grimacing in pain.

Max stared at him apologetically. Michael replied with an accepting smirk and watched Max leave the room.
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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

And finally I have the chapter done. I won't say much to stall you all from reading but I just wanted to acknowledge my beyond amazing beta Emma (Emz80m). She got this back to me within the day I sent it to her. Amazing, amazing.

On to the chapter. Enjoy.


<center>Chapter 41- Battlefield

“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it. Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield but to my own strength. Let me not cave in.”

–Rabindranath Tagore</center>

Max latched the locks to secure his guns into place in their holsters, and then he tightened his belt to make sure the two guns behind his back wouldn’t budge during the ride. He slid his helmet on. He threw his leg over his jet black Ducati. He raced over to Joplin.

Have you ever had the feeling that something bad was going to happen, that maybe someone you loved was going to get hurt or worse, or that maybe you would meet an untimely fate? It’s an incredibly uneasy feeling. I tend to have a lot of them, mostly when I’m on the road or when someone in my family is away from home, but then something else occupies my mind and that frightful feeling goes away and when I think about it later on, I realize that feeling was nothing, that I was just psyching myself out. But what happens when nothing else preoccupies your mind, when all you can think about is something horrible happening in the near future? Does that mean you’re rightfully fearing the worse?

Max couldn’t think of anything else. Nothing else was on his mind except that feeling. It scared him. Sure. Not as much as you would think though. Why? Because I told you, he already knew his fate.


“You shot Jimmy Valentine’s daughter?!?!” Nicholas yelled.

If you ever wanted to see smoke come out of someone’s ears, I think right now would be ideal.

Tess had rushed to what she would assume was her safe house, the club that she managed to steal from her ex-husband and the club that Nicholas would use as his headquarters. Also, it was the club that seemed to be going under due to its placement on the new management’s priority list. Anyway, Tess had rushed back to Joplin after the shooting at Ronin with her two idiot bodyguards. For hours, they waited for Nicholas and his cronies. She would need him to get out of this mess.

“We didn’t know we shot anyone!” Tess argued back.

Nicholas leaned one side of his body toward Tess as he angrily glared at her. He was already standing, probably, two feet away from her. “You’re in a room full of people and you don’t know?! How could you be that stupid to go there?”

“It was Thomas, Nicholas!”

“You don’t think I know that?” Nicholas snapped. “How the hell do you think he got into the ground in the first place?”

Tess felt gutted. She felt that every bit of her was ripped apart. She was betrayed, disappointed and violated. Her trust and her faith had been crushed. She was raped without being raped. That’s what she felt like.

“You had him killed? It was an accident…”

Nicholas rolled his eyes and the naïve girl in front of him. He could rightfully do so. While he might have only been 20, or 21, or whatever, Nicholas was smart. “You ask me to do something, I do it and you don’t get to give me conditions or limitations or whatever. I do it my way.”

Tess unsuccessfully restrained herself from crying. “How could you do that? What the hell were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that it would destroy Max and it has…” Nicholas took a moment to think. “And now that you’ve gone and had his girlfriend shot…Max is a loose cannon. That’s it,” he smiled. “Max is done. I guess you did good, Tess. Except one thing…”

Tess wiped her tears away but not the worry on her face. “What?” she wondered.

“Valenti might come after you.”

Tess spat out a laugh. “No…he’ll come after us because the first thing I’m going to do when he comes after me is scream your name, Nicholas. You’ve always wanted me to scream your name.”


There was only one other time Liz was admitted to the hospital. She was eight and she had her tonsils taken out. Her very pregnant mother had stayed by her side through the whole ordeal and her brothers and sister came by whenever their nannies could bring them. Their father, of course, had to work, but he did stop by once. He brought her, what she thought at the time, was the largest bouquet of white roses in the world. It was the first and only time Valenti brought her flowers.

But just as she was recalling that memory, her father walked in, with an even bigger bouquet.

“That is totally not necessary,” Liz laughed.

Valenti shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt,” he smirked. He laid the bouquet on the end table next to his daughter’s bed and took a seat on the stool. He placed his hand on top of Liz’s and sighed. “How are you?” he wondered.

“You don’t have to ask me every time you come in here,” Liz told him. “I’m fine, just like I was five minutes ago.”

“It’s just that you’re rather upbeat considering all things. Did something happen with Max?”

Liz shook her head. “Not anything good.”

Confused, Valenti shook his head.

“I can’t just go around feeling sorry for myself,” Liz explained. “We have to move on.”

“Not this soon,” Valenti quickly replied.

“Then when?” Liz questioned, still helplessly constrained to the hospital bed. She swallowed her tears and continued on. “I hate realizing that I was shot and that I lost a baby.” Liz looked down, hoping that her tears would go away. Instead, they fell on the hand on her lap. She watched as the puddle grew larger. “I hate feeling like this. So I just have to move on. I have to forget everything. I have to be upbeat. I don’t know how else to handle it.”

Valenti gently rubbed his daughter’s hand. “You’re right,” he nodded. “You’re the only person who knows how to handle this situation. Just don’t push us away?” he requested.

And suddenly Liz knew how Max had felt when he lost Larek and Will, because all she wanted to do was be alone and keep her family at bay. It would be hard to comply with her father’s request, but then Valenti caught her eye and Liz realized her father was sitting here with her. Had he not changed, who knows where he’d be right now. She could at least give him the satisfaction of allowing him to be there for her.

Liz shook her head. “I can’t make any promises.”


It was a shot in the dark but Kyle was willing to take it. The cab driver pulled up to Joplin as Kyle reached into his wallet for a couple of twenties. He handed them to the driver and leapt out of the taxi, not bothering to take his change. Kyle had rushed toward the building but as he neared the door, he hesitated.

“Is she even going to help me?”

“Should I go through with it?”

“What was the plan again?”

“What the hell was I getting myself into?”

It was just an endless list of questions running through Kyle’s mind. He didn’t even realize that he had opened the club doors and stepped inside. He walked through the vestibule without conviction. His body just kept on moving as his mind ran through the dryer.

“After we take care of him, you and me…we’re done!”

Kyle slowed his pace as he approached the amphitheatre-like seating area of the club. As the talking continued, he crept forward. Where he stood was at the top level of the five levels of tables and booths. He was able to look down at the Pit, or where the large dance floor and stage were, where Tess and Nicholas argued.

“Forget taking care of anyone!” Tess screamed. “Just leave! Get out of here!”

Kyle couldn’t let that happen. He stood up confidently. “If he leaves,” Kyle said firmly, “I’m going with him.”

Nicholas and his men quickly drew their guns and, without hesitation, aimed them at Kyle. “You take another step, we blow both your feet off,” Nicholas threatened.

For a better image of this moment, it was kind of like The Gladiator if the Sopranos were tossed into the Coliseum with their guns.

“I’m not armed,” Kyle informed him, holding his hands up in the air.

In the next second, Kyle felt as though his left hand was about to be snapped off his arm, which was bent so harshly behind his back that Kyle knew his shoulder was coming out of its socket. The pain and strain nearly brought him to his knees, but Max held him up from behind. Kyle didn’t know where Max had come from but there he was bending his arm like a contortionist with one hand while his other hand held a gun, with a silencer, to Kyle’s temple. Kyle could feel the heat of the gun as he glared at Max out of the corner of his eyes. He strained so hard to look behind him that he knew he would nearly pass out.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Max didn’t seem to hear Kyle’s whimpers. All he heard were the cocking of the guns down in the Pit. “You shoot,” Max warned, “you possibly kill him. If you happen to miss, I kill him anyway because you just tried to kill me.”

Tess scurried over to Nicholas, trying to bring his arm down. “Don’t hurt him.”

“Which one?” Nicholas grinned. He never stopped looking up at Kyle and Max. “What do you want, Evans? How the hell did you even get in here?”

Max rolled his eyes in disbelief. “This was my club before your girlfriend stole it from me, you dumbass.”

Choosing to have meetings at Joplin had to be the stupidest decision Nicholas has made. He knew it, but he couldn’t dwell on it. Sure as hell not right now.

“What do you want?” Nicholas asked again.

Max kicked Kyle’s heel with the inside of his foot, forcing the Valenti to gradually go down the steps. “You destroyed my family,” he said, not specifically to Tess or Nicholas, but both of them. “Soon enough, I’m going to kill you and all your men.”

Nicholas let out a hearty laugh, sincerely tickled. “Max, you’ve snapped. You are so fucking far gone! What makes you think you’re going to kill us all?”

“Because I am so ‘fucking far gone,’” Max growled. “I have nothing to lose.”

Tess stared up at Max terrified of the man nearing her. He was so haggard and disheveled. Tess worried that today she was going to be murdered by her ex-husband.

“You’re just a bunch of talk, Maxie! Shoot us!” Nicholas taunted.

Tess’s hands tightened around Nicholas’s arm. “He’s going to kill us,” she said, so convinced.

The barrel of the silencer slid against Kyle’s sweating face as he and Max stepped down closer to the Pit. “Max, what the fuck are you doing? You’re going to get us both killed,” Kyle cried.

Max tugged on Kyle’s arm, shutting him up after a little whine. “First, Nicholas, I’m going to shoot your guy up in the engineering room, change my position, take out the three guys that are behind me right now and then take a minute to reload.”

“Is that when Michael appears to finish what you started?” Nicholas wondered.

With pursed lips, Max shook his head. “Nah, he can’t make it. I shot him.”

Nicholas lowered his gun slightly, accidentally, while he laughed. “You shot him?”

“Yup,” Max boyishly nodded.

“Ok,” Nicholas chuckled. “So what happens after you reload?”

Max gave Kyle’s temple a rest and casually pointed his gun at Nicholas.

“Me?” Nicholas coolly asked. “But what about my other men?”

“Why? Because you think I should save the best for last?” Max shook his head. “Sorry to say that’s not you. The best would be Tess.” He shot her a glare and then winked.

Tess was in tears from her fear of Max and being so overwhelmed by this surreal moment, but she felt so numb that she didn’t sob or weep. Her tears just streamed down her cheeks. “Nicholas, put your gun down,” she begged.

“Tess, shut up!”

Nicholas shoved her out of the way, turned his gun on her and pulled the trigger. Tess dropped to the floor. After the impact, Tess didn’t move.

After a blink, Max shut his gaping mouth and threw Kyle down to the ground toward a row of tables before Nicholas could aim his gun back in their direction. As Max pushed Kyle away, he used Kyle to push himself in the opposite direction. While he fell toward the ground, Max aimed his gun up at the glass windows of the engineering room just above Nicholas’s head. He shot maybe five rounds, but he heard about fifteen coming from all directions. For a second, Max prayed that the effort he just spent on that room was well worth it. He prayed that he killed whoever was up there because he wasn’t sure whatsoever.


Max looked across the aisle at Kyle clapping and opening his hands like he was waiting to be passed a basketball. Instead, Max reached inside his jacket and took his other gun out of its holster and threw it to Kyle while a barrage of bullets flew over their heads.

Kyle caught the gun with ease and popped up out of safety to shoot the three men Max talked about earlier while Max himself took care of the men Nicholas questioned him about. Amidst it all, Max managed to scour the room, unable to find Nicholas.

After every two or three pulls of the trigger, the shots were followed by thuds of men dropping. Kyle pulled the trigger and heard a click instead of a bang. He quickly tried to duck back down to safety behind the tables and chairs around him but took a bullet in the arm before making it to the floor. Max aimed his gun at Kyle’s shooter and pulled the trigger once and then a second time. Bang. Click. Max slouched to the ground, reaching into his pocket for a magazine that he shoved into his gun. The hail of bullets had stopped.

“Did you see where Nicholas went?” Max asked.

Glancing around himself, Kyle shook his head and focused back on his bleeding arm. He winced as he pressed his hand harder against the wound. “I don’t hear anyone. Do you think we got them all?”

Without hesitating, Max shook his head. “No,” he said regrettably. “Are you out?”

Kyle looked at the gun in the hand that belonged to his bleeding arm and nodded.


Max tossed Kyle his gun and gestured for Kyle’s gun.

“What are you doing?”

“Just give it to me,” Max ordered.

With what little strength he had in him, Kyle lobbed the gun with hit bum arm. It hit the ground just in front of Max’s hand. Max picked it up while Kyle watched him intently.

“You’re not going to reload it?”

Max shook his head. “We’re out of ammo.”

Kyle’s eyes widened. “Then why the hell are you giving me your loaded gun?”

“Because you’re going to need it,” Max calmly replied. “I need you to go down there and get Tess out of here.”

“She’s dead, Max.”

Refusing to believe that, Max shook his head. “No, we don’t know that.”

“Max, I can’t,” Kyle breathlessly panted. “I can barely grip this gun. I can’t drag her out of here. What if Nicholas is still around? What if there are more men around here?”

“I’ll take care of it.”

“With an empty gun?! Max, this wasn’t part of the plan.”

“Tess getting shot wasn’t part of the plan either. Now you have to get her out of here and to the hospital.”

Kyle was reluctant. He was beyond hesitant. He was adamantly opposed. “How the hell am I going to explain all of this? I can’t walk—”


Both Kyle and Max’s eyes widened and they both froze.

Max sent Kyle a glare. “You know, if you quit crying a minute ago,” he whispered, “you could have gotten Tess out of here by now, but now Nicholas is back. So suck it up and get down there.”

After a noble nod, Kyle tightened his weak hand around the gun and made his way down to the Pit while Max made his way up the stairs toward Nicholas’s voice. Max didn’t bother looking over his shoulder once. He stared straight ahead with the empty gun in his hand.

“You killed Larek, you killed my brother, and you almost killed my wife …Who’s next on your list?” Max asked as he reached the top of the steps and by then, he was staring at Nicholas in a good ol’ fashioned western showdown…in Hollywood.

“Well, you already shot Michael,” Nicholas replied as he reloaded his gun. “I guess Isabel’s next. Or we could always go after Liz again.”

Max’s hand tightened around the gun as he clenched his jaw shut.

“Or better yet,” Nicholas went on. “I could just kill you right now.”

“Why can’t I kill you?” Max asked, bringing his shoulders forward.

Nicholas shrugged. “Because I’m just faster than you are.”

“That’s true,” Max bobbed his head. “Can we not use guns?” He let his gun visibly rest loosely in his hand.

“And what, wrestle?”

“Well, I thought I’d start by flicking your forehead first and then—”

“Shut up!” Nichols said, rolling his head. “Max, how detached are you from the world? Should I just put you out of your misery?”

Max looked down at his feet and considered the proposal. Not everyone gets the benefit or the curse of knowing when they die or how it happens. Concerning those who do know, when the time comes, do you think they’re afraid?

Slowly, the gun slid down Max’s hand and off his fingertips. Max looked up at Nicholas who watched the gun as it headed for the floor and while he did that, Max reached behind his back.

But he was faster.

One, pull of the trigger. Bang! A flash of light. A thump.

Another pull of the trigger. Bang! A flash of light. A thump.

Nicholas was faster.

Max stumbled back when the two bullets pierced his chest and then he fell forward on his knees. He leaned all his weight on one arm while his other grasped at his chest. Nicholas slowly walked over, crouching down when he reached Max.

“And now…to finally just get you out of the way…” Nicholas pointed his gun right between Max’s eyes.

Astonishingly, Max sat on his legs and wrapped his hands around the barrel of Nicholas’s gun, pushing it against his own forehead and then leaning his head into the gun.

“Do it!” Max growled.

Nicholas’s eyes grew wide in confusion and fright and Max took this moment of hesitation on Nicholas’s part to pull Nicholas’s gun away while reaching behind his back where he grabbed one of Michael’s guns. It was all one swift motion as Max pointed the gun between Nicholas’s eyes just like Nicholas had done to Max. Nicholas had hesitated.

Max didn’t.

Nicholas fell to the ground. His glassy eyes were staring at nothing while the blood ran down his forehead and cheek. Max swallowed hard but immediately coughed into his hand. He looked down at his palm and stared at splatters of blood. His blood. He swiped the back of his hand against his mouth and again, he was seeing red.

Max dropped the gun and started to stumble out of the eerily quiet club. As he walked, Max held his hand to his chest. He could feel his warm, viscous blood begin to coat his hand.

Coughing up more and more blood, Max managed to evacuate the club and find his Ducati in the alley. Max threw his leg over and started his bike. When he placed his hand on the throttle, it slid right off due to all the blood on his hands. It was like he was wearing gloves that matched the crimson red of his bike. Barely managing to keep his eyes open and focused, Max tightened his grip around the handle bars of his bike and sped off.


Maria stood in front of the coffee machine down the hall from the waiting room. One hand was pressed up high against the machine while the other rested on her hip. There were three kinds of beverages to choose from—Coffee, French vanilla cappuccino and hot chocolate. Maria had been standing in that spot trying to decide for the last ten minutes.


Maria half expected to see Natalie or even Alex call her name but it was Isabel sliding into the little vending corridor.

“Isabel, what’s wrong? What are you still doing here?”

“It’s Michael,” she said hurried. “He’s been shot.”

Maria’s jaw jutted forward in shock.

Isabel tried to catch her breath and moisten her mouth at the same time. “I—I got a call from one of our, um, friends.” Obviously the term is used loosely. “He found Michael in Max’s office. I just saw him being wheeled in. I wanted to come get you.”

It didn’t take very long for Maria to register what possibly happened, what possibly led to Michael getting shot, and added all of that to today. Maria regretfully shook her head. “Isabel, I can’t. I don’t want to be a bitch, but I have to stay away.”

“Maria, please,” Isabel begged with watery eyes. “I know I don’t even know you, but your family is all the family we have left. Please. Michael is going to need you.”

Maria took a deep breath and grabbed Isabel’s hand. Together, they rushed to the elevator and anxiously waited to be brought down to the first floor. The door slowly opened but Isabel and Maria pushed their way through and scrambled around to find their sense of direction. Isabel led the way, heading in the general area where Michael was taken. A doctor emerged from one of the rooms, bumping into Isabel and Maria.

“Are you looking for…?”

“Michael Guerin,” Maria told him.

The doctor nodded and moved out of the way so that the two women could see through the windows into the trauma room. It was a familiar site to see one of their loves ones silently resting on a gurney.

Maria and Isabel held their breath.

“He’ll be fine,” the doctor nodded.

Maria and Isabel let out a huge sigh of relief.

“The bullet hit the femoral artery and Michael lost an immense amount of blood but thankfully we were able to stop the bleeding and now we’re trying to replenish him. He’s weak but he’s conscious. You can see him if you like.”

Maria and Isabel wrapped their arms around each other and hand in hand they walked into the room and stood by Michael’s side. He struggled to open his eyes lids. Each time, his eyes were rolled to the back of his head.

“My leg hurts,” he moaned.

“Probably because it’s sliced halfway down the middle,” Maria observed.

Michael worked up a smile. “I’m really happy you’re here.”

Maria smiled back and placed her hand on Michael’s.

Isabel leaned over Michael and held his face between her hands hoping to get him to focus. “Michael, do you remember what happened? Who shot you? Where’s Max?”

“He shot me,” Michael mumbled.

Isabel’s eyebrows frowned. “What? Max shot you?”

“I think you’re asking him too much,” Maria guessed.

With a nod, Isabel agreed. “Where’s Max?” she chose to ask.

All Michael could do was barely turn his head from side to side.

“Do you know?”

Again, it was just minor turns as Michael stopped trying to keep his eyes open.

Maria feared the worse for but she didn’t want to panic Isabel even more. “Give him some time,” she suggested. “We can ask him later. Let him rest.” She placed her hands on Isabel’s arms and eased her away from Michael’s bed.

Isabel picked up her stride when they neared the door. Maria struggled to catch up.

“I—I have to find my brother.” Isabel was nearly hysterical. You could hear her tears in her throat. “If Michael was shot, Max must be hurt.”

Maria kept her arm around Isabel as they walked toward the elevator, trying to guide her and keep her together. “Isabel, come on. Let’s go back to the maternity ward. We’ll wait there. Alex is there. We’ll all wait together.”

Wait for what?

Maria didn’t know.


In a perfect world, all the seats at his dining table would be filled by the people he loved and the people they loved.

Fifteen seats.

Liz. Isabel. Alex. Will. Natalie. Michael. Maria. Kyle. James. Amy. Mom. Dad. Larek. Brody.


Max came in and out of consciousness as he sat slouched on the floor against the front of his desk. He glanced at his blood-soaked carpet. He didn’t know if most of it was Michael’s blood or his own. Max looked down at his chest.

The majority of the blood was most definitely his.

To get more comfortable, Max wriggled a bit and reached behind his back to pull Michael’s gun out from beneath him. He let his arm drop to the floor with the gun resting in his hand. Max was feeling cold. The blood on his hands was warm but his fingers were cold. His cheeks and lips were getting colder from the inside out.


Max swallowed hard as he gripped the gun tighter. He fought himself to open his eyes. He tried. He was desperately trying as he lifted the gun, unsteadily pointing it at the door. The gun was wavering in the air. He was barely holding on.

Barely holding on to the gun.

Barely holding on.

He wanted to sleep. Max wanted to close his eyes and sleep.

“Will,” he mumbled.

Max dropped his arm and closed his eyes.

He wasn't afraid.
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Post by hoLLyBEHRy »

Alien614 wrote:Has it really been that long since you have been writing this fic? :!:
It's really been that long. :lol:

Well, everyone. This is it. The epilogue. Now, epilogues are supposed to be short and usually done in the first person, but this one's written the same way I wrote the rest of the story. It's rather lengthy because I felt I needed to somewhat close each characters storyline and you'll notice, there are possibilities of a sequel. ;)

And now...


“Never cease loving a person and never give up hope for him. For even the prodigal son who had fallen most low, could still be saved; the bitterest enemy and also he who was your friend could again be your friend; love that has grown cold can kindle.”
-Soren Kierkegaard</center>

“Are you going home?”

Liz finished hanging her white lab coat inside her locker as she looked over her shoulder. She smiled at her co-worker and shook her head. “No, just lunch,” she replied.

The nurse smiled back and went to her own locker. “Do you want to grab something together?”

“Tomorrow?” Liz suggested. “I’m supposed to meet my sisters and my sister-in-law today.”

“Sure,” the older woman replied understandingly.

Liz sat on the bench, took off her sneakers and slid on the heels she wore coming into work this morning.

“So how is it?” her friend asked. “How is your first day back?”

It had been nearly a year since Liz was in the hospital, working or otherwise. Not long after she was released from her five-day stay last year, Liz decided that she needed time; time to recover, to grieve, to think, to breathe…just time. The first month was spent at her father’s home where she could, according to Valenti, “receive the adequate care and attention” that she needed. Valenti hardly left his daughter’s side, and she didn’t push him away. Surprisingly, she didn’t really feel the want or the need to.

The next month, Liz moved back to her loft. Maria had moved out and into a place of her own, a loft a floor above Liz’s. While Liz slowly got back into the routine of things in her own apartment, she decided to purchase her first home. It was time for a change. Then after she settled into the three-bedroom home, Liz spent the majority of her sabbatical traveling.

Liz basically lived in Europe for eight weeks, spending one week in a prominent city like Madrid, and then taking the train to another, like Paris. She ended up being in more than ten different countries. After that trip, she went home to L.A. and realized she needed to do what she did in Europe on other continents. So six weeks were used to travel all over Asia. Four were spent in South America. But the last couple of months couldn’t really be considered as part of her sabbatical since she was, technically, working in different parts of Africa to open a few clinics, but still, she definitely took the time to observe the cultures and her surroundings. As a result of all this time around the world, Liz looked well-traveled, matured and worldly. She was a different Liz, an improved Liz.

Liz looked around the remodeled locker room and sighed. “Everything’s so different,” she replied.

The nurse nodded and the conversation died there. Liz said goodbye with a wave and walked out of the room. She glanced at her watch and opted to walk down the street to the restaurant. It was a beautiful day; a few clouds drifted in the sky, the sun shined bright and the air was crisp. She closed her eyes and lifted her head toward the sun. The warmth on her cheeks made her smile. A lot of Liz’s days over the past few months felt this good.

A year ago Liz had told her father that the only way to move on was to do so right away. So Liz did. She left the hospital, changed her environment and saw the world. In that month after being released from the hospital, I don’t think Liz spent more than five minutes thinking about what had happened, what she had lost. It’s not like those thoughts didn’t pop into her head, but she just found something else to focus on. First, it was finding her dream home, moving into the 2400 sq. foot house and then decorating it. She didn’t really dwell on the fact that she was doing all of this on her own, as a single woman.

Later it did. Later she began to think of the empty home she owned by herself. That slowly led to Liz failing to really move on. What she was doing that first month was trying to forget what happened. It’s not really the same thing. When she started traveling around, it got harder and harder to forget and move on. She’d be sitting on the balcony of her villa in Naples overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea or walking on a beach in Athens or bundling up by the fireplace in Oslo and Liz would look at nothing beside her and wish that Max was there.


Liz waved back at Isabel and her sisters. She walked into the restaurant and then back outside to the patio dining area where the women sat. Well, at the moment, they were standing to greet Liz. She made her rounds, and after Liz let go of her embrace from Isabel, Liz placed her hand on Isabel’s belly.

“How’s he doing?”

The women all sat down with happy grins on their faces.

“He’s doing great,” Isabel replied, placing her own hands on her stomach. “I was just telling Maria and Natalie that Andrew was rejecting all the Spanish food.”

“Oh no,” Liz giggled. “I’m sorry.”

Isabel waved it off. “No, don’t worry about it. Alex and I are just going to have to go back to Spain after Andrew is born.”

About six months ago, Alex proposed to Isabel. Another month later, she got pregnant. In three months, Isabel successfully planned her dream wedding. After a four-week honeymoon in Spain, here she was with her sisters-in-law having lunch.

“Aside from Andy rejecting all the food, how was Spain itself?” Maria wondered.

Isabel scoffed and shook her head.

Alex and Isabel could have simply waited until after their son was born to have their honeymoon, but Isabel just really, really wanted to go before she wasn’t allowed to fly and before Andrew was born in four months. So right after the two were married, they were on their way to Spain. It had to be the worst decision Isabel ever made. She hardly got to see all that Madrid had to offer. She was either too tired or kept within a close proximity of their hotel because Alex was worried that she might go through too much strain doing the tourist thing. Plus, she couldn’t stomach the food, and Isabel loved Spanish food. There were a few days when Isabel was able to win her case against Alex and go to the beach or shop but there just wasn’t as many of those days as she wished.

“Are you going back to work?” Natalie wondered.

Again Isabel shook her head. “Your brother won’t let me. So I hope you guys don’t mind me bugging you to go to a movie or have lunch or whatever. I can’t sit around the house with Alex calling every five minutes.”

“Don’t worry,” Maria smiled. “When you need us, we’ll be there.”

Both Natalie and Liz nodded in agreement.

“You know, you could always stop by the house or Dad’s restaurant,” Natalie suggested. “I’m sure he’d love the company.”

Isabel bobbed her head definitely considering the idea. There were a lot of things to occupy Isabel’s days. She was going to be ok. She had her family.

“I guess I could use the break after this past year. So, how’s work, Liz?” she asked.

A waiter came by and placed a glass of water in front of Liz and before answering her sister-in-law, Liz requested a cup of coffee from the waiter before he fled. “Um,” Liz replied, getting back to Isabel. “It’s ok.” She sighed as she let her finger run around the rim of the glass. “I really liked not having to work though.”

All the girls nodded in understanding and with slight jealousy.

“But it’s good. The hospital is where I belong.”

Maria and Natalie groaned and rolled their eyes.

“Please don’t fall back into that routine, Liz. We won’t ever see you again.”

“What?!” Liz laughed. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh come on,” Maria scoffed. “You threw yourself into work right after Sean di—” She quickly caught herself, shut her mouth and kept it shut.

All the girls brought their stares down to the table or to their lap or to the ground. None of them wanted to see each other’s reactions. Both Maria and Natalie realized how stupid it was for them to even think that. God. Why? Why did their minds have to go and think that? It hit a real sore spot with Isabel and Liz.

“I’m so sorry,” Maria apologized.

“Me too,” Natalie agreed bobbing her head incessantly.

Isabel ran her knuckle right under each eye.

And Liz watched but she didn’t have those same tears in her eyes. “It’s ok,” she told her sisters.

“No, it’s not,” Natalie insisted.

“Then what do you want me to say?”

Isabel finally looked up and joined the conversation. “Liz is right,” she started to explain. “We haven’t really talked about it and I think we have to.”

“You’ve got news?” Liz wondered.

Isabel’s face didn’t light up like Liz’s did. “Even though they never found a um…” She was so hesitant to speak about her brother this way. “…Uh, well, it’s been quite a long time since Max has been…missing…and, uh, because it has been a long time, I just wanted to let you know, Liz, that you are free to move on.”

“Move on and marry?” Liz asked further.

Isabel gave the slightest nod. “But I think it’d be safer if you got a divorce first, based on desertion.”

“Max didn’t desert me and why would it be safer?”

Isabel could understand her defensive behavior. “Well, because if you get married and it just so happens that Max isn’t dead and comes back, then you’d be committing bigamy.”

Liz shook her head in disbelief. “No, this is ridiculous. We’re not discussing this anymore.”

“Hi! Are you ladies ready to order?” The waiter who stopped by earlier returned.

While Isabel and Liz ignored the young man, Maria addressed him. “I think we need more time,” she told him.

The waiter left once more and the sisters-in-law continued their conversation.

“Liz, I really think we should talk about this,” Isabel insisted. “Tomorrow, the FBI and the police are holding a press conference and they’ll most likely make the announcement that Max is dead.” She had to just spit the words out before her tears consumed her. “Now the reason they never did it sooner was because the FBI strongly believed that he was simply in hiding because he was involved with Nicholas and Tess’s deaths. Due to the evidence left in my brother’s office and the time that has elapsed, the FBI will hold a press conference. That same day or the next, Max’s will is going to be read and I just want to take care of all of this now. I don’t want to have to revisit any of this.”

Surprisingly, more than a year later, this was the first time Liz actually sat down with anyone and discussed Max. After she was released from the hospital Valenti thought it’d be best that no one talked about it. Liz needed to recover and it seemed to him that she was ok with not discussing any of it. It was her way of getting over it; just do it. So why bring it up at that stage of moving on?

But, of course, as it is with someone with a high profile such as Max, the media wouldn’t let the event of Max Evans’s disappearance die out. Pardon the pun. The mansion and Ronin were surrounded by news vans and photographers every day for the longest time. Max was the topic of discussion amongst news analysts and conspiracy theorists. And anyone who knew Max was, at one point or another, hounded by reporters; including Isabel, Michael, even Maria, but especially, Liz. That had to be the main reason Liz decided to explore the world.

For maybe a month or two, the FBI and Isabel spent at least two hours a day holding press conferences or speaking with reporters, trying their best to set the record straight and reject all speculation and rumors. For Isabel, it was hard for her to discuss the whereabouts of her brother. She couldn’t recall how many times she’s pleaded to the camera to whoever, asking to release her Max, alive, and each time, she shuddered, and just thinking about it, she shuddered, but having to deal with all the legalities and the press, months went by without Isabel even noticing it. Isabel had accepted the fact that Max was most likely dead.

“The divorce papers are taken care of. All you have to do is sign them,” Isabel said.

Liz was hesitant to say anything.

“It’s probably for the best,” Natalie reasoned. “Like Isabel’s saying, just deal with all of this now rather than having to remember this all later.”

Liz took a deep breath, shaking her head. “It just doesn’t feel right.”

“It never will.” Isabel brought her eyes down as she took a sip of water, almost as if she was hiding behind the glass.

“Do you have the papers with you?”


Valenti only filled each glass with about a third of brandy. It’d be enough. Well, maybe a little more for him.

With two glasses balancing on one palm and the other firmly in the grasp of his other hand, Valenti walked over to the couches in the study and offered a glass to his son and the other to the FBI agent.

“Thank you,” both of the men replied.

Valenti moved to his chair and crossed his legs as he leaned back. “So what’s new, Danny? It’s been a long time since you’ve harassed me. Is it safe to assume that I’ve paid my debt to society?”

Pierce finished his sip and smacked his lips. “I just thought it’d be fair to let you know that after a year of investigating you were right about Tess and Nicholas.”

Upon hearing the news, Alex choked on his own saliva and suffered a cough attack. Things turned out better than he hoped, with the exception of Max. Considering all things Alex was thrilled. This was over and done with.

“We’re holding a press conference tomorrow to disclose our findings,” Pierce informed Alex and Valenti.

Valenti began to beep with a rhythmic beat. He reached inside his pocket and examined his phone. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I have to take this call.”

“Actually,” Pierce said, standing up, “I need to be going.” He reached out and shook Valenti’s hand. “It was good to see you, Jimmy.”

With the phone already pressed against his ear, Valenti gave a noble nod and left the room.

Pierce turned to Alex. “You mind walking me out?”

Not having said a word the whole time, Alex remained silent and nodded affirmatively.

“You and your father have done good,” Pierce said as they walked. “You did everything we wanted you two to do and in a timely fashion. We appreciate that, Whitman.”

Again, Alex bobbed his head. Pierce reached the front door first and opened it himself. He stepped through but Alex stopped him midway.

“One question: What about Max Evans?”

Pierce shrugged his shoulders. “What about him?” he asked. He snapped his fingers and pointed at Alex. “By the way, your father’s services will be needed in the future. We’ll keep in touch.”

Alex grabbed Pierce’s arm before the man could step out completely. “No, hold on. You said that all my father had to do was find Basil Deo.”

“No,” Pierce replied condescendingly, shaking his head and scoffing. “We agreed that we’d free your father as long as he helped us out.”

“He did,” Alex said through clenched teeth.

Pierce shrugged. “Well, we may need his help again in the future. Now I advise you to let go of my arm, Whitman.”

Alex slowly opened his hand, releasing Pierce’s arm. Pierce put on his sunglasses and strolled away. Alex felt his freedom slip away from him. He had sold his and his father’s souls to the devil. They were indebted to Pierce for life.

Valenti came up behind his son and placed a hand on his shoulder. Alex didn’t jump. He continued staring out the door, watching Leo help Pierce into his car.

“Who was on the phone?” Alex asked succinctly.

Valenti shook his head and led his son back into the study. “Just an associate in Italy. Did Pierce have anything else to say?”

Alex didn’t hesitate to shake his head. He wasn’t going to tell his father anything unless his father—

“What did he say about our deal?”

…Unless his father asked.

Alex helped himself to more brandy, downing half a glass before answering Valenti. He refilled his glass and joined his father on the couch. “Our job isn’t done yet. He may need you in the future.”

“When is this going to be done, Alex?”

“Never,” Alex replied regretfully shaking his head.

Valenti stared at his son. He didn’t have to try too hard to imagine what Alex was thinking. Valenti could see it in his son; the frustration, the helplessness, the hopelessness. “It’ll be ok,” the father told his son. “We just have to suck it up.”

“What are you talking about?”

Valenti gave his son a warm smile. “I got to watch my little girl graduate and I got to drop her off at college. I was there when my other daughter conducted her first concert. I traveled Madrid with my eldest daughter. I’m witnessing my youngest son build his own restaurant. And I was there when my oldest son got married, and I want to be here to watch his son grow up. If I have to be Pierce’s pawn to have done all that, to do all that, then ok. It’s a small price to pay.” He gave a little shrug.

“Dad, you shouldn’t have to be under Pierce’s hand.”

“Alex, I should be in jail,” Valenti scoffed.

His father’s reasoning was hard to argue with.

“It’ll be ok, son.” Valenti put his hand on Alex’s shoulder and gave him a little shake. “Hey, how about you and Isabel come over for dinner tonight? I’ll cook.”

Alex worked up a genuine smile and nodded. “Yeah, I’d love that. Isabel would too.”


“Knock, knock,” Maria said as she tapped her knuckles against the counter twice.

Michael jumped up from behind the bar, causing Maria to jump back about five feet. “Sorry,” he laughed. “How’s it going?” He hopped on the bar like Shamu slides onto the stage and kissed Maria’s cheek.

“Good.” Maria nodded. She lifted her arm, placing a bag of take-out food onto the bar. She had barely let go of the bag when Michael started scavenging through it. “Relax. Your won ton soup is there.” She rolled her eyes as Michael pulled his head out of the bag and retrieved a Styrofoam bowl. “You know, I find it extremely ridiculous that I’m bringing Chinese take-out to you in your own restaurant.”

“Griffin can’t make this soup like Great Wok of China can.” He let his eyebrows dance and huddled around his soup. “So what’d you do today?”

Maria dragged a stool to her behind and hopped on. “Had lunch with my sisters and Isabel today.”


“Yeah,” she nodded. “Apparently my brother’s ordered Iz away from work, so the poor girl is bored out of her mind.”

Michael shoveled spoonfuls of dumplings into his mouth along with bean sprouts, broth and carrots. “Mmm,” he sounded before running the back of his wrist across his mouth. “She actually came by here earlier today but I wouldn’t let her stay too long. I didn’t want her to get hurt with all the movers and boxes and shit.”

Bobbing her head in understanding, Maria gave Michael a moment with his soup while she looked around the restaurant floor. All the chairs were stacked and pushed up against one wall while across from them were the tables barren of silverware, centerpieces and tablecloths. Maneuvering through the maze of mess were movers all wearing the same gray polo shirt. They were all large. The smallest probably six-feet tall. They headed toward the kitchen in a single-file line like soldiers waiting to get into the chow hall.

“I can’t believe you’re selling this place,” Maria sighed. She turned back to Michael, who had finished his soup and moved onto the platter of shrimp with hot chili bean sauce.

He shrugged and focused on the food. “This place isn’t what it was when Max was here. Simple as that.”

Maria twiddled her thumbs as she tried to gather the courage to ask. “About Max,” she started to say with a nervous manner. “Isabel told us about the press conference.”

Michael froze but he didn’t look up.

“If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine,” Maria continued.

Michael went back to digging his fork into the fried rice and throwing it into his mouth. “No, it’s cool. Um…Whatever they announce tomorrow…It’ll be like closure, finally, you know?”

It was hard to understand in this situation.

Maria nodded her head anyway. She put on a smile, deciding the best thing to do right now was change the subject. “Are you seeing Jennifer this weekend?”

“Mmyeah,” Michael mumbled. Secretly, he appreciated the conversation switch, but of course, he didn’t show it. “She’s actually taking me to some club to see this Metallica cover band.”

“I bet that’ll be fun.” Maria smiled happily and grabbed a fork from the bag. She pierced a shrimp from the platter Michael held and tossed it in her mouth. “You know, I really like Jennifer. She’s definitely better than June or October or whatever her name was.”

Michael playfully glared at Maria. “Her name was February, and she was a nice girl.”

“She had a thing for bugs!” Maria laughed. “’There are 4,300 species of ladybugs,” she began to say with a mocking quality.

He tried his best to keep his laughter in, but Maria had a point. “She wasn’t as bad as Orsen. That guy went through three nasal spray bottles a day.”

“The dry air made his nose bleed!” Maria tried to argue.

“He lives in Santa Monica just feet away from the beach!” Michael took a napkin to his chin. Laughing had caused him to cough up a bit of hot chili bean sauce. “He does have a nice pad up there though.”

Maria shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I’m not seeing him anymore.”

Michael grinned a bit. “So you chose Charlie?”

She wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear the gloating but Maria nodded affirmatively anyway.

“I told you!” Michael laughed, throwing his index finger in Maria’s direction. “Oh, I called that. I so called that. What did I say? I said, Charlie was a good man worth your time, but you didn’t believe me. I told you he was going to charm the fuck out of you and you told me you weren’t easily charmed. But you were, weren’t you?”

Maria kept her lips tight and playfully rolled her eyes.

Even with his mouth stuffed with fried rice and shrimp Michael still chuckled. He pushed his fist into Maria’s arms, teasing her a bit more. “You really like him, don’t you?”

Maria bashfully nodded, choosing to continue her silent streak.

“Good,” Michael smiled. “I’m glad.” He pierced the last shrimp with his fork and offered it to Maria.


Kyle manned the stove like a professional chef while two of his sisters sat on the kitchen counter watching his every move. He didn’t even care to look over his shoulder at them. There was nothing for him to worry about. He knew what he was doing and he was doing it well. His sisters even knew that. Not a single critical word or sound came from either of them.

At least one night a week, Liz invited her siblings over to her home to enjoy takeout or, if Kyle came over, a home cooked meal. Tonight, Natalie joined Kyle and Liz for a little sibling get-together. It was kind of a new take on their traditional family dinners. It might not have been exactly like the dinners their mother had always planned, but at least the kids were taking time to be with each other, and honestly, it was quite hard with everyone doing their own thing lately.

Alex was starting his own family. Maria was making her own music in addition to dedicating herself to her students. Kyle moved to Santa Monica and opened his own restaurant. Natalie was six hours away in college at Stanford. And Liz.

Well, Liz was just trying to move on.

“My God!” Natalie mumbled, her mouth full of roasted lamb. “Kyle, this is so good.”

Liz could only bob her head. She didn’t want to take a break from shoveling food in her mouth to express her happiness, but I guess that was expressive enough.

Kyle smiled appreciatively and bowed his head slightly. “Thank you,” he smirked. He had taken a bite or two of his own dinner but spent most of it just watching his sisters genuinely enjoy their meal. He spent a lot of his time being mindful of the situations he found himself in whether it was sitting in his car during traffic or sitting at the dinner table with his sisters. Kyle became appreciative of every moment that made up his life and his family’s life.

“When do you go back?” Kyle wondered.

By the context of the question and her situation, Natalie deduced that her brother was talking to her. “Um, I’m flying back on Sunday.”

“You’re coming home for the summer, right?” Kyle tried his best to not sound so earnest and wimpy.

Natalie smiled at him happily. “Of course.”

“She’ll be staying with me for half of it,” Liz playfully bragged.

“Do I get to have some Natalie time?”

Liz shook her head. “Dad gets her for the other half.”

“Why do you get a whole half of the summer?”

Natalie’s eyes darted from her brother to her sister and back again.

“I get lonely in this house,” Liz reasoned.

“And because I’m a guy I don’t get lonely?” Kyle laughed.

“I can be shared, you guys.” Natalie innocently batted her eyelashes.

Kyle started gathering the empty dishes off the table. “Do you think you’re going to be alone in this house for the rest of your life, Liz?” He paused for a moment to look in his sister’s eyes and wait for her response.

It actually took a moment for Liz to figure out an answer, but even when she did come up with something, she wasn’t sure she actually believed it. Kyle figured all that out before she could even say anything and stopped her.

“I don’t think you realize how many people love you and how much they love you,” Kyle told her.

“What are you talking about?”

Kyle shrugged his shoulders and took the dishes into the kitchen.


Six Months Ago

“Max? Max, wake up.”

Lying in a bed in a room surrounded by beautiful oak paneling, Max slowly opened his eyes with great effort, but the more he opened his eyes the more he wanted to close them. The soft light coming through the windows were just too bright for his well-rested eyes. He gradually adjusted to the light but couldn’t even focus on the only thing he was looking at; the ceiling.


A figure peered over him but he couldn’t make out who it was. Millions of thoughts raced through Max’s mind. First, it was the pain of the sun and then came the sudden shock of his awareness of his body. He could hardly move. He couldn’t speak. He was overcome with fatigue and soreness. Finally, the blood rushed to his head, reminding him of the worst hangover he ever had. Panic set in. Loud beeping rang in his ears.

“Max, calm down. Your body’s hurting. I get that. Just calm down. You’ll be ok.”

The first figure slid out of his view and another figure came in from the other side. Eventually, Max’s eyes focused and then widened at the sight above him.

“You’ve been coming and going for the past four days, Max. Are you ready to wake up?”

Max’s eyes darted in all directions. He had accepted his body’s condition but confusion and panic still wracked his mind.

The figure to his right, the person he recognized, was joined by the first figure he saw earlier.

“Max,” the man on the left started, “you’ve been in a coma for a little more than seven months. You woke up for the first time a few days ago. You were with us for about three minutes. The next day, ten, and then twelve. Yesterday, half an hour. We’re hoping today you come back to us for good. Can you try and work with us?”

With all the strength he could muster, Max tried nodding his head. He assumed he did and waited for a response from the two men above him. All he could hear were their mumblings as they spoke to each other. The man on the left, whom Max assumed to be a doctor, left once again. Max wasn’t very sure if the man went far away, but that was the least of his concerns. Now he was possibly left alone with the man on his right; a man he feared and admired.

“I’m not going to ask how you’re doing, son. What I need to know is if you can understand me.”

Again, Max assumed he was nodding.

“Ok, good. This is going to be a little difficult with you not being able to talk and all, but we’re going to try, alright?” The man went on after receiving a response. “Max, it’s September 18, 2005. As the doctor said, you’ve been out of commission for the past seven months. Do you remember what happened seven months ago?”

Max tried shaking his head.

“Seven months ago, your friend was murdered, your brother was killed and your wife—my daughter—was shot.”

Max looked at his father-in-law through the tears in his eyes. He felt his tears pour out the outside corners of his eyes. They ran past his temple and collected in his ears, but there was nothing he could do about it. He could still hardly move.

“You remember,” Valenti realized. “I’m sorry, son.” He placed his hand on Max’s and felt no reflex. He gave Max’s hand a little pat regretfully knowing Max couldn’t feel it. “Liz is ok, Max. She’s alive and well and traveling the world. She got home from Europe a couple weeks ago and she left for Japan two days ago.”

Max’s tears continued.

Valenti could see all the curiosity in Max through the young man’s eyes. “As far as she and the rest of the world are concerned,” Valenti said, “you’re missing. Maybe even dead.”

Panic overrode Max’s curiosity.

“No one knows you’re alive. Not your sister, not Michael. And, for the time being, it needs to stay that way, Max. You killed Nicholas Crawford and about a dozen of his men. You remember that?”

Max nodded.

“Well, before you killed Nicholas, he managed to shoot you twice. I don’t know what the hell happened but then you shot him right between the eyes.” Valenti spoke with awe and admiration. “Then you got back on your bike, drove to Ronin and walked up to your office. To die, Max? You were wearing a vest. Michael told me you were. You took it off before you went to Joplin? You intended to get shot? You planned to die in your office?”

The whole time Max lay awake, he had given his attention to whomever was hovering above him. For the first time, Max had to look away. He couldn’t look Valenti in the eyes and lie.

Knowing Max’s answer, Valenti let his head drop and sighed heavily. “Unluckily for you, Kyle found you and took you to the hospital. I was read in on the situation and got you out of the hospital, called an old friend and brought you back to my home. You’ve been in my home for the past seven months and no one but a select few know you’re here.” Valenti took a deep breath and sat next to Max on the bed. “Here’s the deal: In your ludicrous attempt to make your ex-wife and Nicholas Crawford pay, you put my son’s life on the line. You used him as a goddamn shield!” Valenti growled. “But you kept him safe. You pushed him away and saved his life. In return, he found you and saved yours. So I’d say you and he are even.”

The confusion was just never going to leave Max’s face.

“You and my son are even,” Valenti started to explain. “But you and I are not. See, you saved my son’s life, you killed the bastards who nearly killed my daughter, and, in the some weird way, you brought my family together. I think I owe you one. So let me tell you what I did for you. FBI investigators were all over Joplin, picking up dead bodies, collecting evidence…You were there, Max. They sure as hell know it. And the thing is, murder is murder. Your guns were used. Your bullets are in Nicholas and his men. The FBI looked for you.” Valenti took a deep breath and patted Max’s hand once again. Still no movement from Max. “But I had a deal with the FBI. I’m allowed to go through anyone as long as I find Basil Deo.”

The heart monitor began to be rapidly, but Max’s face was calm.

“Even in this state, you put up a good front,” Valenti chuckled. “You’re not letting me finish though. See, I’m supposed to find Basil Deo and I’m not responsible for any casualties that may occur along the way. So it’s a shame that Basil was killed by Nicholas and all those people had to die in the process. You’re not following me are you?”

Max shook his head.

“According to Michael, your sister, Alex and Kyle, your plan was to frame Tess, claim that she was the real Basil Deo when in fact it’s you. I have to tell you, Max. It wouldn’t have worked. The evidence wasn’t even worth handing in to Agent Pierce of the OCP.” Valenti gave Max a regretful smirk. “But I bulked up the evidence and I told Pierce that Tess was behind Basil Deo with the help of Nicholas. I told Pierce that we had been watching Tess and Nicholas for some time and that we observed that their alliance was gradually deteriorating. This is where you come in, Max.” Valenti gave a frighteningly devious grin. “I told Pierce that my most trusted hitman was going after Tess and Nicholas. You, Max, are that hitman.”

Painfully, Max swallowed down the lump in his throat.

“This is how it went down,” Valenti went on. “You went to Joplin to kill Nicholas on my orders and then bring Tess in. Nicholas panicked and killed Tess to cover his ass and to get to Nicholas, you killed his men and then eventually him. The FBI is aware that you’re here and in critical condition. In a few days we’re going to contact them and let them know you’ve woken up. You’re in the clear, Max, but they’ll want a statement. So you’ll tell them what you know, leaving out details if you can’t remember them, and there will be things you can’t remember, Max. You understand me?”

Valenti received no response.

“Max, Kyle wasn’t there,” Valenti clarified. “You had ordered him to recover Tess’s body and take her elsewhere, but when he got to her, she was dead. Kyle left her there, Max, and so she stayed where she fell. So there is no evidence to suggest that anyone else besides you were there. You stick to the story, Max: You’re part of my crew and you did what I ordered you to do.”

Max opened his mouth to speak and Valenti leaned forward with great intrigue, desperately wanting to hear Max speak.

All that Max could breathe out was, “Why?”

Valenti exhaled sharply and stared down at his lap. “Because getting out of this business is one of the hardest things to do and I want you out of it.” He looked at Max with a blank expression on his face. “I don’t want you to touch a single gun unless you absolutely have to. I don’t want you talking about this business. I don’t want you anywhere near this business. You’re done with it.” Valenti clenched his jaw shut and glared down at Max as if he was boring the words into him. “You’re leaving that life behind so you can make a decent living and have a life with my daughter.”

Again the heart monitor beeped with a speedy tempo as Max’s eyes widened even as his eyebrows frowned.

“That’s my one condition,” Valenti said. “I help you out but you have to follow through with what you’ve wanted to do since you met my daughter. No one will ever know you were Basil Deo and you will never own up to or take claim of Basil Deo. You will spend the next six months recuperating in Italy, away from here, and then you’ll come back a hundred percent. You’ll come back to Liz.”

Valenti read the word Max mouthed.

“Because you love my daughter, don’t you?’ Valenti said.

Max had no trouble nodding.

Valenti mirrored Max. “And I love her too. That’s reason enough.”


Kyle opened the freezer looking for the banana ice cream he intentionally forgot to bring. He sighed loudly for his sisters in the next room to hear. “I need to head down the street to the market,” he announced upon returning back to the dining table. “Nat, come with me?”

The youngest Valenti shrugged and got out of her seat.

“We’ll only be a minute,” Kyle explained to Liz.

She gave a nod of acceptance or understanding and headed to the kitchen while her brother and sister left the house. She’d occupy herself with the dishes until they would come back.

At the front of the house, Kyle opened the front door for his sister and once outside, in the dark of night, he offered his arm to his sister. They’d walk the fifteen minutes to the store in the safest of neighborhoods but while he had her, Kyle wanted to keep his sister close.

They walked down the couple steps of Liz’s porch and down the quaint cobblestone path in her front yard and through the vine-covered cast iron gate leading to the sidewalk. Natalie stepped through first and then Kyle. He closed the gate behind him, leaving it slightly ajar.

Kyle stopped for a moment with Natalie patiently waiting for him, not questioning his need to pause and take a breath of fresh air. She watched him look up at the sky and then glance across the street briefly. Kyle offered his arm again.

“So tell me what I have to do to get some summer time with you,” he smiled.

“Well, my birthday is coming up…”

Kyle tilted his head back while giving a genuinely hearty laugh. He kissed his sister on the cheek, glancing over his shoulder as he did at the man he had seen across the street who was currently crossing it, approaching Liz’s gate.

The man gave Kyle a nod and walked through the gate into the courtyard. It smelled of honeysuckle and allspice flowers. He stood in the center observing all that he could of the gorgeous Spanish-style home Liz had made for herself. Behind him, water trickled down a miniature version of a fountain the man recognized from a park he once walked through with a beautiful girl. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small handful of coins, searching for a penny. He found one, balanced it on the nail of his thumb and the side of his index finger and flicked the shiny copper coin into the fountain. He smiled to himself and walked the cobblestone pathway to the brick stairs leading to Liz’s porch and, essentially, her door.

Inside the kitchen, Liz took her time with the dishes. She didn’t mind the chore. Dishes can be done mindlessly, except with knives. Be careful with those. For the most part though, you wash the dishes and get lost in other thoughts. You take your time, you’re washing a dish and something pops into your head. Liz loved that she was taking time to herself while taking care of a chore. Actually any chore could be dealt that way. Anyway, the point I was trying to get to was Liz was currently deep in thought.

On the counter, Liz had a small jar of assorted candy; a few Jelly Bellies, individually wrapped mint Lifesavers and mostly, Sweethearts, from Maria on Valentine’s Day about three weeks ago. The candy had caught Liz’s eye reminding her that it would have been a year that she and Max were married. Technically, they were still married. So technically, Liz and Max were married for a year. It wasn’t a great anniversary obviously. Despite the many invitations by the members of her family, Liz opted to stay home and watch a movie, thinking of Max the whole night, but he was never far from her thoughts. He was always on her mind and she could always feel him around her.

Liz looked down at her soapy hands. She could see her rings around her left ring finger shine through the bubbles. With her thumb, she easily slid the rings up and down her finger. The doorbell chimed through the house. Having been in silence for the past five minutes, Liz accidentally slid the rings off her finger and into the sink, startled by the disruption. She reached into the water, searching for her rings but felt the silverware instead. The doorbell’s rings continued and Liz’s frustration got the best of her as the tears started to stream down her face.

“Kyle, why did you lock it?!” she said loud enough to reach the other side of the front door as she marched toward it. “You were coming right ba—”

Liz had approached the door, noticing that the door was in fact unlocked. She cautiously got on her toes and peered through the peep hole. As soon as she did, she stumbled away from the door frightened by what she had seen, but then her doubt subsided and her assurance gave her the courage to pull open the door.

He wore the cowboy boots he always wore when he rode his bike. He had on tattered jeans with oil spots and smears of grease here and there. The belt around his waist was the worn out brown leather belt he bought ten years ago. He had on an ash gray t-shirt for which in his closet there were about twenty more identical ones. Topping his ensemble off was an aged and scuffed black leather jacket Liz knew so well. She had worn the jacket herself a few times when he put it around her to keep her warm.

His hair was a little longer than before but still short, and right now, messy from wearing a helmet. He kept his sideburns short like he always did but they still ran into his five o’clock shadow that surrounded the soft smile on his face. And tonight, Liz noticed that his eyes were more hazel than amber. They tended to change colors from a golden yellow to an emerald green to a rust orange to hazel. Liz remembered all the shades so well. Tonight they were evenly hazel.

“Max.” Liz bashfully wiped the tears from her face.


“Where’ve you been?” she innocently asked.

Max scoffed as he coyly stared down at his feet. He stuck his hands in his pockets and straightened his arms out. After a moment of contemplating his answer, Max looked back up at Liz and shrugged. “In a coma,” he replied. “And then Italy.” He looked her dead in the eyes with a sincere look on his face. “I’ve missed you,” he told her. “Every day I’ve missed you.”

Liz rushed into his arms. She sandwiched his face with her hands and planted her lips on his as he tightened his arms around her. She felt the spark that was always there and for an everlasting memorable moment, Liz just held Max’s face against hers, their tears melding together. She finally pulled herself away kissing him several times until she stopped to look him in the eyes. Their tears covered each other’s faces.

“Welcome home,” Liz smiled.