You Know I'd Love You better(AU-M/L Adult)A/N 07-11[WIP]

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Post by FamersAmers »

Jazzy and I would like to thank you for the feedback. Sorry this part took so long to get out but with RL and everything else sometimes it is just hard. We hope you enjoy and thank you all!


~*~Chapter 21~*~

“I have to go” I back away from the bed but I stop at the door way before walking out.

“Lara, I’m sorry—for everything” I race out the door and toward the hospital entrance I am now a man on a mission. Franco has got to be stopped.

“MAX! Where the hell have you been and why are you leaving? Liz is…”


“Yes dumbass, I’ve been calling you because she is in surgery”

“What are you talking about? I came in and they sent me to Lara’s room…Oh God” I think I am going to be sick to my stomach.

“Come on they just took her in”

“What the hell happened Iz?” This is a nightmare I don’t know what’s going on and I hate it.

“The wont tell me anything, all I know is that they did an ultra sound and she is carrying twins and something is wrong with one of them” Twins? I have to sit down. Liz is carrying twins, my twins. I smile, she is carrying my twins and all I can think is how much I want them, all three of them.

“I need to find a nurse” I get up and head straight to the nurses station, but I don’t think they are going to tell me anything, I’m not family.

“We just have to wait Max” I sit next to her in the lobby and put my head in my hands.

“What happened to Lara?” I know the disdain Isabel has for Lara but Isabel is not heartless and I know it was hard for her to even ask.

“I don’t know, Franco did something to her. I just don’t know what” she lets her breath out.

“Wow, that is insane Max. I wonder why he did that.”

“I have no idea” I just keep going back to what Franco said about those that I love and I look to Isabel.

“What happened to Liz?” she senses the urgency in my voice and she puts her arm on my back.

“We were shopping. I took her out to get her some clothes. We went to the beach club to get lunch and she said she didn’t feel well and she started bleeding” I can tell she is scared. It is not often that her voice cracks.

“How did you get her address?”

“From your address book” I give her the look “What? I wanted to meet the mother of my nieces, nephews or one of each”

“Isabel do you think she was happy about this? I mean about having the babies?” she smiles

“Do not start talking in past tense Max, she is happy and she is going to be fine. She is going to need you so you need to get your act together big brother”

“It is not that easy. Just when I thought that I was done with Lara she pops back into my life. I can’t leave her here alone Isabel. I have to be there for her” I know that look and I know what is coming.

“What happened to Lara sucks, it does, but Liz is in the operating room! Lara is going to be fine, she is stable and in a few weeks she is going to be back to her annoying, scream crying self again. Liz is carrying YOUR children, is laying on a table being cut into with the possibility of dying and or losing the babies and you are worried about Lara? Get your head out of your ass NOW Max” she slaps me on the back of the head and I look up and notice people are staring.

“I know that Isabel” my teeth are clenched and I can see the anger in her eyes and I know she can see mine. “If Franco could do that to Lara, think of what he could do to Liz” she sinks back into chair.

We are quiet for a few moments before she speaks. “Max if you don’t love her then you have to let her go. Tell her now so she can move on and forget about you.” I look at Isabel and sink lower in may chair.

“I didn’t say that I don’t love her. She is carrying my children, of course I love her.”

“Max I know this is hard and I know under stress you have a funny way of dealing with things, but this is your family. This is you and Liz and those two beautiful babies.” The tears have started in my eyes.

“You think they are beautiful?” she smiles

“They have me for an aunt” I laugh and wipe my eyes and she puts her arms around me. “It is going to be ok”

We don’t sit there much longer before the doctor comes in the room. The first thing I notice is that his scrubs are covered in blood.

“Anyone here for Liz Parker?” I stand up and he looks right at me.

“I’m Max Evans, I’m the father of the - ” he nods his head.

“Liz is in stable condition.” That is one down, two to go. “However, we were only able to save one of the babies.” My heart drops. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

“Liz is twenty two weeks pregnant and was carrying fraternal twins’ one boy and one girl. We were able to save the female fetus but we lost the male. We aren’t sure why, there was no infection present. Sometimes these things just happen; there is no explanation for it.” Isabel is by my side holding my hand and I wipe my eyes.

“The doctor told us she was only carrying one” he nods

“Sometimes the heartbeat is muffled by the stronger twin. In this case the female was stronger than the male.”

“Will she carry to term?” Isabel takes over and starts asking questions I should be asking but I can’t seem to find my voice right now.

“Liz and the baby are both stable, she has a good fetal heartbeat and good vitals. Liz is no longer dilated and right now we are monitoring her closely. Right now we have no reason to think she won’t carry the baby to full term, but we have to wait.” I sniff and wonder if he has told Liz.

“Have you told Liz?” he shakes his head.

“No, I am assuming you would like to be in the room?” I shake my head.

“Thank you doctor”

“I will check back on you in a little while. She will be out of recovery and a nurse will come get you to take you to her room” I stumble back to my chair and look at Isabel. There are tears in her eyes and she is still holding on to my hand.

“God Isabel what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to do this, our son is gone? I…I didn’t think it would hurt this much” I am not a crier but as I sit there with my sister all I can do is cry and I cry harder than I have in my life. I didn’t know that my unborn son would have such an effect on me.

“We will get through this Max. We are a family, we will make it through” I just grab on to her and hold her close to me.

“We have always gotten through together Max, this time is no different” and I try so hard to believe her.


We sit for an eternity before the nurse comes into the waiting room. “Mr. Evans, Miss Parker is asking for you” she has a sad smile on her face and I wipe my red, swollen eyes before following her down the hall to the maternity wing.

She stops at the door and opens it slowly. I see Liz lying in the oversized bed and I notice all the monitors and machines. She has an IV and there is a small monitor covering her distended stomach.

That is where my daughter is resting and for the first time I notice how big her stomach has actually gotten. I hadn’t noticed before, mostly because I didn’t want to but now that woman holds the most precious and important person in my life.

“Hi” her voice is just above a whisper and I walk over to her and sit in the chair by the bed.

I grab a hold of her hand and I wonder what I am supposed to say and how I am supposed to say it. I listen to the heartbeat of my daughter and I smile.

“Have you seen the doctor” she shakes her head. I try to not let the tears come but it is almost impossible.

“It is bad?”

“Let’s wait for the doctor” she shakes her head

“No, please tell me.” I sigh and I feel the tears falling down my face.

“You were carrying twins” Saying it out loud – to her hurts. It hurts like hell.

“Were?” She struggles to speak.

“You lost one of the babies” the tears start down her face and she turns her head and my heart starts to break.

“Liz...” she shakes her head and moves her hand out of my grasp. I can feel her pulling away and I am trying so hard to hold on to her.

“I need to be alone” that is the last thing she needs. She and I need to deal with this, together.

“Liz, we can deal with this together” she is shaking her head and when she gets ready to speak the doctor comes in.

“Liz, how are you feeling” she wipes her eyes and the doctor knows that I told her.

“Like a part of me died” her doctor comes over to her and put his hand on hers. “Why?”

“We aren’t sure sometimes these things just happen.”

“Was the baby a boy or a girl?”

“A boy, and you have a little girl that needs to be taken care of.” She shakes her head and the doctor pats her hand.

“We are going to keep you for a few days, monitor you and the baby and then we will talk about options.” Liz shakes her head and Dr. Barsen pats her hand then turns to me and shakes my hand.

“Mr. Evans we will be seeing you” I nod and when he leaves I look down to Liz.

“Go away Max” it is barely above a whisper but her tone says it all.

“Liz please” she doesn’t say anything at all she simply lays with her back to me. I sit in silence for a while just listening to the heart monitor.

“Liz look at me.” My voice is harsh. She doesn’t turn around and I reach over and slowly turn her to look at me. “Your not going to shut me out. This is happening to me too and I won’t let you keep me out.” Tears start rolling down her face and I reach over to wipe them away.

“I love you Liz Parker and I’m going to be here for your and for our beautiful daughter so don’t shut me out. I’m not going anywhere.” I lean down and kiss her gently on the lips. The realization of what I just said suddenly hits me. The funny thing is that I’m totally ok with it.

“You love me?” She asks softly.

“Of course I do and I’m going to love the hell out of this baby too but you have to let me in ok?” She nods her head and starts to drift off to sleep. Once her breathing evens out I slowly walk out of the room.

“Is she ok?” As soon as I walk out Isabel rushes towards me.

“She’s ok but she’s going to need time to get through this. I have to keep an eye on her.”

“I’ll be there too. “ I start to protest but she stops me. “I want to be here for you guys. You’re my family Max; this is where I need to be right now.” I pull her in for a tight hug.

“I love you.” We go to the cafeteria in search of some food and coffee.

“I need a favor from you Iz.”

“This sounds serious.” We get our food and find an empty table.

“It is serious but it has to be done. Franco needs to be stopped.”

“Max, you can’t go after him. He’ll kill you.” I know she has genuine reason to be worried but I have to do this.

“He may but I can’t let him get away with what he’s done. It isn’t all about Lara either. He’ll hurt Liz, I know he will and I can’t let that happen.”

“I know you won’t but I’m worried about you. Liz needs you too and she doesn’t need to worry about you going on some suicide mission to hurt Franco.”

“That’s why I need you to help me. Keep Liz busy while I’m away. I was going to tell her that I’m going out of town for work but I’ll be around. This way she won’t wonder where I am all the time.”

“I don’t like this Max. I hate lying and I don’t like what you’re planning on doing either.”

“I won’t be alone. Michael’s going to help me.” I haven’t asked him yet but she doesn’t need to know that.

“Alright but you have to call everyday. No exceptions.”

“Deal.” We pick on our food and head back up to see Liz. I want to spend as much time as I can with her before I do what I have to do.
"You know what?House rules, Sammy. Driver picks music. Shotgun shuts his cakehole." Supernatural

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