The Calm Before the Storm - Epilogue - 10/24/07

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Obsessed Roswellian
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the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 119

They went to the steam bath and it was all tiled, L shaped, with the source of the vapour coming through a mass of different herbs which filled the room with their scent. Michael took the short side and lay down with his face in his arms, having to flex his legs a little so he could fit and braced his feet against the wall. The others took the long side and sat there staring at Michael, having the same ideas but waiting to see in which room they would end up staying. They made small talk and after five minutes, dripping wet, Stuart suggested they were ready for the sauna. That was a larger room, everything was wooden, included the walls, and totally dry. Michael was able to stretch out and the guys again sat across from him staring and imagining how they would do it. There was a kind of box filled with red hot coals and a bucket and ladle. Stuart poured some of the cold water over te coals and watched them steam. Barely two minutes later, Michael pushed up and shook his head.

“Sorry, I don’t like this one, I’d rather be wet and I just loved the scent of the herbs.” He returned to the steam bath with all of them in tow.

Michael was on his hands and knees about to stretch out on the long side this time but Max rushed to him and knelt behind him, pulling the thong aside and letting his erection open his towel at the front. He felt Michael was totally wet from the humid environment but he knew that didn’t make him slick where he should be, though it would help some, so he used his powers to provide the needed lubrication. Michael laid his chest on the tiles keeping his hips up on his knees in an open invitation. Max spread Michael’s thighs further with his knees and drooled at the sight of his target. Kyle and Stuart also knelt at Michael’s side to watch the action, getting one hell of a high to think they would soon be there too. Max slid smoothly into Michael and the boy’s moan was music to his ears:

“Ohhhhh…” Groaned Michael, embracing the dull burning pain caused by Max’s slow, deep penetration, so different from the excruciating sharp one from the parasites that had been torturing him lately.

The welcomed pain started merging with the kind of pleasure that made Michael crave for it.

“Feels good, huh?” Max slurred.

“Yeah…hurts damn good!” Michael winced.

“No, I don’t want it to hurt!” Max protested and stalled.

“Man, when are you finally going to get it? It has to hurt!” Michael insisted.

“Why Michael, why?” Max sounded exasperated.

“Max, you’re such an idiot! Can’t you still see there’s a rather large difference in size?” Michael grinned ending in a wince bucking to try and make the reluctant stalling Max to keep on filling him up.

“He’s got a point there, you know?” Stuart contributed seriously as Kyle nodded with enthusiasm.

“Yes, you’re right, I’m utterly stupid.” Max shook his head smiling in defeat and acceptance. “You’re completely right, well then, enjoy!”

Michael gladly braced himself and gasped in his kind of pleasure as Max resumed the action and shoved his steel hard cock all the way in with a steady thrust as Michael felt his insides stretch to an almost breaking point. Max felt their bodies meet as he held Michael’s buttocks apart to reach the deepest possible and heard the boy go: “Ungh!” when his balls made contact with the infamous piercings. Max grinned wickedly and rocked from side to side making Michael hiss and clench, his face a mask of ecstasy. Max pulled out slowly until the head of his cock was level with Michael’s prostate and did the teasing against it, loving to see Michael writhe and moan. Then he repeated the previous move and Michael almost lost it. Max froze while Michael waited for it to pass, and then he stayed deep, rolling in a circle, alternating directions as Michael squirmed and slithered under him in ultimate delight. Soon, Max had to stop and wait for Michael to get back in control, not wanting it to finish yet. As he did so, he turned to watch Stuart and Kyle’s faces and gloated at what he saw in them.

“Learn from the master!” He goaded them, enjoying their temporal envy. “Ready again for me, baby?”

Michael nodded and bucked, unable to wait a second longer to feel Max as deep as he could go, and just as he was expecting, his lover obliged, but first teasing his g-spot long enough to get him where he wanted, and feel him begin to come as he thrust it all the way into him. Max couldn’t have held back any longer and he kept pounding into Michael until the last drop left his cock, as Michael reciprocated giving him all he had. The orgasm was awesome, as the aftermath which Max cut short for the sake of the other two in line, but something was a little off, though Max couldn’t put his finger on it so he blamed it on the illusion, knowing he was just looking for an excuse. He watched Kyle and Stuart enjoy Michael, giving him all the pleasure they always did, and still Max felt something
wasn’t quite right. Then they went to join the girls at the Jacuzzi where Michael stretched out and kept his head above water by laying his cheek on Maria and Isabel’s shoulders, as they sat close together sharing him. Max could swear his sister also shared his thoughts as she sat there with a weird vacant look in her eyes, one arm around Stuart’s neck and the other under Michael with Maria’s. They were caressing the front of his body, comfortably out of sight of his sisters’ eyes, but their fingers did accidentally show every now and then between his thighs. The lazy shifting of Michael’s body accompanied by purrs, made it quite obvious how much he was enjoying their touch. Max also noticed Serena kept checking Michael out, carefully pretending she wasn’t, so he was sure she was sharing his suspicions too. He decided he would need an exclusive alien chat with both ladies as soon as they were out of dreamworld, to find out what it was all about and satisfy his curiosity. They wished they could stay there forever, but unfortunately the distress signs as Michael’s pain peaked with the parasites awakening hunger, brought them out of it.

When the healing session was over and the guys were leaving Michael in female hands, Max hooked Serena and Isabel’s arms in his as they crossed paths sending them a mental request to make it seem casual and not important, not to alarm anyone yet. Serena got it even faster than Isabel did.

- Max, give us a hand to make you guys a nice cup of hot broth, ok? Isabel, get the chicken breast flaked I’ll take care of the water. Max, bring out the soup bowls. - Her voice carried sounding carelessly normal so when Liz went to take a peek into the ‘kitchen’ asking if they needed any help, Serena only had to wink and Liz just nodded, going back to join the other three girls with Michael.

When the three aliens were left alone, Max was able to pursue his point.

- Alright Isabel, I know you’ve noticed it too, and so have you Serena, you don’t need to ‘be’ with Michael to know what’s going on inside him. -

Max didn’t like the look he got back from them at all.

- No, I won’t accept he’s giving up, not him! - Max exploded.

- Max, Michael is not giving up, you know he’s a fighter so he will fight until the last fraction of a second of his life, and he’ll go down fighting, he’s just accepting the inevitable as even the best warrior will when he knows he is defeated, and doing it as bravely as his nature is. So if you really love him as you say you do, you’ll stay with him all the way until the end, as we are doing. Sorry to be so blunt, but that’s how things are. - Serena was as coherent as she always was, and straight to the point as well.

- No…no…- Max backed away from them, shaking his head in denial.

- Max, I know how you feel…- Isabel got up and reached out for him.

- No you don’t! You have no idea…- Max snarled.

- Oh I don’t? And how the hell do you think I feel? I’m carrying his children! Have you forgotten that? Well, tell me, how do you think I feel? Take a guess! - Isabel threw at him, furious.

- Alright, that’s enough, I know how you both feel, in fact I know how everyone here feels, and in case you care to know, I hate myself for not being able to save him again! -

- This can’t be happening! This is a nightmare! I have to be with him…- Max backed another step and rushed out towards Michael.

Isabel and Serena hurried after him, worried that Max, in his current state, would do something stupid that might upset Maria, channeling directly to Michael through their now even stronger bond because of their offspring. But Max stopped and just stared down at the sleeping Michael. Then he sighed dramatically and what he did next had Serena and Isabel thinking that Michael’s fatal condition was working unexpected miracles: Max went to sit beside Nicholas, sharing his grief with his ex-enemy’s.

The tense moment was set aside by the well timed arrival of Ramthis, this time by himself. Max and Isabel gave him questioning looks wondering where their mother was, but Ramthis just shook his head, sending them the mental answer that she was too upset and had decided her tears were the last thing they needed right then. The siblings nodded, having to agree, but still disappointed.

Ramthis knelt beside his son and patted his cheek gently. Michael smirked and sighed. Ramthis started a mental communication, making it possible for all to hear.

“Something’s bothering you child, tell me, let it out. You’ll feel better once you do it.” Ramthis’ voice was soft and understanding.

“It’s not fair! If I’m the great warrior they say I am, I should have had the honour of dying in battle, to be remembered as at least a soldier, yet both times I’ve had such a degrading death! I feel cheated, like somewhere along the way, I failed to do the right thing, making me totally undeserving of what should have been the appropriate end for me: fighting to my last breath, falling to a sword or even cowardly arrows, but not tortured to death or at the hands of such tiny enemies yet unable to kill even one of them! It’s so shameful!” Michael scoffed angrily.

“No son, you’re wrong! The grievous wounds you’ve taken in battles in both your lives would have killed any lesser man. You survived them because of the strong warrior you are, because you refused to die and you wouldn’t accept getting killed before your people were free and safe. Only your Royal blood made it possible for that kind of will power and resistance, as the fact that you had a healer, even if he couldn’t take your pain away because of the difference of status. I know how much you suffered even after you were healed and I know no one else who could have taken what you have for us, for the Antares, for your friends. It may not be in a battlefield, but you are fighting your own kind of battle, as bravely as you always have, not giving up until your last breath and that makes you the greatest of warriors. Death could have come quicker and more mercifully in the battlefield, I know, though surely not in your case, but you’re proving your worth and your courage, unlike no other warrior, because you are definitely the best ever. Never doubt that!” Ramthis kissed Michael’s cheek and the boy could feel the hot tears falling from his father’s eyes on his face as he backed away. “Rest, Michael, and don’t you dare doubt yourself, because everyone on Antar, the whole galaxy, the five planets, know what you have done for them and look up to you as their saviour. I love you, my child, my son, and so does your aunt and your sister. I’ll be back with them the next time I come to you.”

Ramthis vanished, leaving everyone touched by his truthful words, as Isabel prepared to take her true love to the dreamworld of his choice, as she had promised herself she would as long as he was there with them.

As the women connected with Michael, Max and Nicholas would not be left behind. Stuart and Kyle would be brought over into the dream without the need of their physical presence, while they took their rest.

“What do you want Michael? Where do you want me to take you, baby? Have you something on your mind?” She asked, soothingly, waiting for his answer.

“I’d love to go camping in the open country…no, I have a better idea. How about a log cabin, with a great fireplace, by a lake totally surrounded by green cliffs? Oh, and no snakes, please, like in Ireland. I read somewhere that there are no snakes there in spite of its beautifully green countryside because some saint had the brilliant idea of kicking the freaking reptiles out of the island. A saint Patrick I think it was…” Michael’s voice was totally relaxed.

“Yeah, a saint Patrick Swayze probably dirty danced them into the ocean and drowned them all out the place! Good for him!” Maria laughed as they all joined her.

“Yeah, cool, whoever he was and however he did it. How about making the shore of the lake behind the cabin as it rounds away from it, kind of winding, with a horseshoe shaped pool and a waterfall to give us a natural shower. Make the weather warm during the day but colder in the evening to enjoy warming up and sleeping in front of the fire. How does that sound to you?” Michael smirked.

“Awesome! Let’s go!” And that’s all Isabel needed to materialize Michael’s fantastic idea.

Still, she exceeded expectations and the place was absolutely gorgeous! They stood awestruck, gazing at the beautiful turquoise coloured waters of the lake contrasting with the bright green of the vegetation covering the cliffs completely, topped by the brilliant blue sky with a few cotton white cumulus clouds and the sun shining down on them.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Michael was as naked as he really was, so he just had to wade slowly into the sun warmed water.

They seemed to be rooted to the ground, watching Michael’s progress as the water rose up his legs, covering his thighs, hips, and stopping halfway up his back. Then he turned wondering why they weren’t joining him to find them staring at the gentle ripples surrounding his body and he knew they were imagining what it felt like to be the water and caress his sensitive parts. He reached out to them smiling as their clothes changed into bathing suits and they began to join him. Maria and Isabel walked into his waiting arms and he hugged them to him. Their bellies glued to his hips made him feel the jolt of the four new lives he had created and he could see the tears in their eyes as they could also feel them through the three way contact. Another set of eyes caught Michael’s attention and he met Stuart’s. There was no jealousy in them, just pride, sending to Michael that he was honoured that the woman he loved would mother his Royal children and still be with him, a simple earthling, as her partner. He promised that he would cherish Isabel and her children, and he would always be there for Maria and her children too, when Michael was gone. Stuart nodded and Michael smirked, to let the doctor know he had got through and how thankful he was to trust his girls and future children to him. Stuart had to look down when grief struck him hard and his eyes began to get as teary as the girls’. The others noticed and respected what was going on between them, waiting quietly until the moment passed.
Michael pulled Isabel and Maria under with him and they rose dripping wet, the girls laughing as he hugged them tight to him. As he headed for the shore, he gave Isabel to Stuart and continued out with Maria. He stretched down on the powdery sand and before Maria could complain, he send to her he would get rid of every single grain of sand that dared touch her body. She giggled as she straddled his thighs and gave him a back rub. She loved touching him and he loved to feel her hands on him. They could hear the laughter of their friends as they enjoyed themselves splashing around.

“Care for a shower? I’m curious about the pool with the waterfall…” Maria suggested and she rose to let him up.

Once he was upright too, she wrapped her arm around his waist as they went to discover the mystery on the left shore. Maria gasped at the beauty of the rainbow that came out of the falling water to disappear into the foam created as it plunged into the pool.

“I know you love rainbows. This one is specially for you.” Michael took her in his arms and kissed her.

“I love you, Michael, you are my special rainbow.” She whispered when they broke the kiss.

Michael eased her into his arms and carried her across the waterfall, giggling and squealing as they went through to the other side. Once there, she was struck dumb with what she saw: the walls all around and over the small cave seemed to be made of crystal, and the falling water not only acted as its door, but also as a prism, making the sunlight flood the place in rainbows criss crossing each other. The ground rose into a small sandy beach comfortably large enough for both of them so Michael laid her down gently and covered her with his body. Maria decided the place had to be magical, because it was so peaceful in there, that all their problems were forgotten, it was just the two of them and no one else would come until they were invited. Maria felt Michael’s teeth nibbling at her nipple as his fingertips gently playing with the other one. She threw her head back with pleasure and buried her fingers in his hair. She could feel he was ready for her but wanted her to be as ready as he was before he took her. Maria smiled and raised her hips against him showing she was already there too. Michael eased himself slowly into her and Maria was enveloped in his feelings, knowing no one else could love her the way he did. He bared his soul to her everytime their bodies met and it was overwhelming to feel so loved. She reciprocated with all she had and she could swear he was tingling in her arms.

Their pleasure vibes reached the group at the lake simultaneously, making them automatically gravitate to a circle connection, falling into their corresponding places like pieces of a puzzle: Max, Liz, Isabel, Stuart, Ava, Kyle, Laurie and Serena. When Michael and Maria were with them, then Stuart and Isabel would invert places, so that both Isabel and Maria would hold Michael’s hands. If Derek were present, he would of course fit between his wife and Laurie, and lately, with Wayne joining them sometimes, Kyle and Ava would also switch places so that Wayne would be between the Dupree twins. The pleasure they were all sharing, though it was of a sexual source, was just expressing the joy of still having Michael with them and not in pain, so even his sisters were glad to feel he was enjoying some precious moments with Maria.
When the vibes died down to absolute peace, they knew they had finished and suddenly Isabel pulled away from Liz and turned to raise her other hand to her mouth, kissing Stuart’s hand in hers. Stuart understood what was going on and let go of her with a smile: Michael needed her. Isabel seemed to glide away from them until she was lost from sight as she descended into the pool. From where they were, they couldn’t see her walk through the waterfall, so they just waited for another sign. Soon after, Isabel’s pleasure shared with Michael’s filled their minds and Liz took Stuart’s hand to close the circle. A while after, they all felt the pull towards Michael and headed his way, mystified. Isabel and Maria were standing in front of the waterfall, but Michael wasn’t there with them. Their smile told them everything was alright and they mentally guided Max, Stuart and Kyle to where Michael was waiting for them. Then they turned to the rest of the females and they went to the cabin to get food ready for when the men came back to them. Isabel, Maria, Liz through her empathy, and Serena through her powers weren’t much help as the vibes from the pleasure Michael was getting from his three lovers hit them hard. So it was up to Laurie and Ava, always understanding how their brother could get to them, so they took charge of the kitchen duties without the least complaint. By the time they had managed to prepare everything they knew Michael liked, thanks to Isabel’s magic making it possible with all the ingredients they needed, the four women sitting in complete relaxation on the large couch, began to show signs of coming out of it. Michael’s lovers had sure given him a long session each, and by the time they arrived at the cabin, Isabel made it nighttime and turned on the fire. They had their fill and lay by the hot flames reaching up the chimney, on soft plush alien made sleeping bags, designed by Isabel and Serena. Three hours later, when Max, Isabel and Serena’s eyes fluttered open, Maria’s trembling voice woke up the others to find Michael doubled over holding his lower belly and gasping in pain. They wished they could have stayed there much longer, but Michael’s torturers were coming active once again. Reality was claiming them back out of their dreamworld as Amaru patiently waited for them, unable to give up on Michael.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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the calm before the storm

Post by julamorb »

Love every second I spend reading it and enjoying your wonderful story! Sorry to hear about the earthquake but glad that you're both all right. I hardly have time to post a reply but I read each chapter. Thank you for making my day each time you treat us with a new surprise. Awesome writing!
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 120

- Michael…Michael! - Wailed Maria as she desperately tried to push her hands along with Michael’s to help ease his pain, but the boy’s tortured writhing made it impossible.

- Allow me, please…- Amaru requested respectfully, sympathising with the girl’s grief.

He could hear the female sniffling surrounding them and the men’s worried breathing.

- I’m here, my prince, with Max and Stuart. Let us do what we can to help you. - He said gently.

- Amaru…it hurts…too bad…worse…they’re higher…- Michael whispered.

Amaru expertly wedged his hand between Michael’s and his stomach and felt the parasites slowly advancing upwards. The boy was right…they were rising, surely trying to get away from the serpents’ reach. He looked up to Max with a slight frown and had him by him in a fraction of a second.

- I know how it’s going to sound to them, but please, send everyone out. The doctor can stay, but no one else. Tell them we need to have Michael as relaxed as the pain will allow, but their worried vibes make it difficult for him to reach that state. No need to cause panic and make things worse. -

Max could barely hear the Shaman’s words, he spoke so softly, and he nodded, gulping down a sob.

Amaru could see from a corner of his eye the distrustful looks going Michael’s way as the somber procession reluctantly left them alone. Though they had been in Isabel’s dreamwalked world, in real time, they had had a reasonable amount of hours of relaxed sleep, and a very pleasant realistic experience. But nothing could prepare them or make them forget the ordeal they were going through once they woke up.

- Amaru…? - Stuart’s voice shook slightly in spite of his efforts.

- The parasites have realized that they have to rise out of the snakes’ reach and also to go on eating, so that’s what they’re doing. - The Shaman told him.

- That would endanger his vital organs…- He sounded alarmed.

- No, that’s not the problem. The parasites will not touch anything vital, robbing them of their nourishment faster than they want. They won’t even touch major blood vessels for the same reason, that’s why the internal bleeding is controlled and never out of hand. Only the one that was within our reach to take care of turned somewhat massive, as you recall. They feed on the connective tissue which is essential as it holds everything in place. That means that as long as Michael is lying down, he will manage alright. The parasites are eating away these tissues that keep everything together, prefering the ones that surround the intestines for some reason I’m ignorant of. Michael’s Royal blood regenerates them while the parasites are forced to take a break due to the sedation, so they start all over again. Their reason for migrating is because they have grown so much and that area of feeding is not enough any longer as well as an issue of survival. If they rise above the area reached by the serpents, they will be able to keep on eating away without danger, thus the other reason to mobilize out of the way of the threat. - Amaru explained.

- What can we do about it? We can’t give up! We must find a way to keep them from rising! - Stuart was becoming agitated in his frustration. - If Michael could swallow something that fights them from above, advancing down on them, we might even be able to flush them out of him or at least keep them within our reach! -

- Sure! Easier said than done! - Max shook his head, knowing it was impossible.

- He can eat, right? Maybe we can find something he likes that might affect them…-

They had completely forgotten about Nicholas, but there he was, in the hour of need. The man was right! Why hadn’t they thought of it before?

- We’ll try something, after using the snakes we’ll get the last parasites they have eaten that are still alive. It’s possible because they’re very resistant! We can experiment with those to see if we can find some edible nutrient that can kill them. - Amaru felt a slight relief at the remote but not impossible breakthrough.

- There must be something that Michael usually eats that might do the trick. He does like a lot of stuff, so it’s not totally hopeless! - Stuart nodded eagerly. - Let’s do it! -

- I don’t want to get your hopes up. Like I told you, these parasites are very resistant, just imagine they’re surviving in a totally different environment, an alien planet and a hybrid, partly of another species. - Amaru observed.

- But there is a possibility! - Stuart insisted.

- A very small one, I’m afraid, but we may as well give it a try. What can we lose? And we might find an answer. - The Shaman sighed. - Let’s get him ready. -

It was only then that they realized how used they had got to Michael’s whimpers and moans that they had just been delivering over him as if he weren’t even there! ‘How heartless can we get?’ Stuart thought, knowing it was part of a doctor’s life. Amaru went to Michael’s side and very tenderly caressed his hair and cheek.

- We’re going to try finding a way to fight them from a different approach, ok? We’ll use the parasites that are still alive in the snakes for that. - Amaru whispered.

Michael just nodded, bracing himself to suffer another torture session. Nicholas, glad he had not been sent out when discovered, crouched by Michael holding his shoulders steady. His mind kept racing at the speed of light, desperately trying to come up with something better. He felt the strength coming from Michael and found it hard to believe how much the boy could resist. He scoffed at the irony, coming from him, who had actually managed to kill him before, with such unspeakable cruelty. Who better than him to know what Michael could take?
He couldn’t conceive that the beautiful body in front of his eyes was being destroyed inside by these tiny murdering beings, it was absolutely incredible. He wanted to send a surge of his powers straight into them and fry them, but to reach them he had to go through Michael’s flesh, and the damage he could cause would probably be more devastating that the one that was already killing him. All he would do was put him out of his misery, and murder him again, no matter how justified it could be considered, even an act of mercy. No, he wasn’t doing that a second time, not a chance! Nicholas heard Michael’s husky voice in his head: ‘It’s ok, thanks anyway.’ ‘Michael!’ He couldn’t help tasting his name, hating himself for having ended in a sob, not worthy of the warrior whose mention had preceded it. But that was as far as their silent dialogue went, when Michael was wracked by the pain of one of the serpents doing its job. He went rock hard under Nicholas’ fingers as the alien watched the Shaman’s hand holding on to the restless tail of the reptile with amazing strength for such a small and old man. When Amaru considered the snake had retrieved enough parasites to be still within the width that would not cause considerable damage on the way out, he pulled it out of the boy. Then, forcefully holding its tail still, he pressed his thumb and index against the middle of the sleek body, squeezing the upper half of its load out of its mouth into a shallow container which Max had materialized for that purpose and was holding in his hands. The insignificant looking killers kept bouncing up and down without straying from the very spot where they had fallen, turning impossible shades of every colour available in the spectrum with a dull buzz accompanying their visual display.

- I want you to isolate them and provide each with a different kind of every nutrient Michael is likely to ingest, be it liquid, solid, sweet, whatever, and watch their reactions. - The Shaman demanded.

Max complied with his request and left Stuart watching them intently while he healed Michael. By the time the whole session was over, Max took Stuart’s place while the doctor did his thing with the painkillers and sedation. Amaru found Stuart’s eyes with a silent question, but the younger man shook his head.

- They seem to be thriving instead. They find it so easy to adapt to whatever they’re fed. I’m afraid it’s not working. - Stuart scoffed with despair. - But the results may not be immediate, I hope. Maybe it might work through a combination, switching the nutrients but keeping track of what they’re being fed. -

- Right! I’ll do that! - Max said, agreeing with the possibility.

Stuart looked up to find the girls waiting for permission to approach Michael. He touched the Shaman’s wrist and gestured with his head in their direction. The old man smiled kindly and waved them over. Liz and Serena went to Max, intrigued by what he was staring at with such intensity. Their hands covered his and got the whole story while Amaru felt his duty to inform all the rest realistically, what they were up to. Nicholas felt their eyes on him when they were told of his valuable contribution and was humbled by their thankful vibes coming his way.

- Go have your meal and take your rest, Max, I’ll watch them for you until you come back. - Liz said as she turned her head to receive his kiss.

- No Liz, go to Michael and to wherever Isabel is taking you this time. He will miss you if you don’t, but he won’t need me until the next healing session. I’ll take care of this. - Amaru assured her and sent her to her friends.

Liz watched her husband head for the kitchen area where Stuart and Kyle were already feasting on what they had prepared for them. As he had been doing lately after the healing sessions, Amaru placed his splayed out hand on the small of Michael’s back with his thumb pointing to the lowest point of his spine and his pinkie in the opposite direction, sending him a boost of energy that spread out throughout his body. Then he went to check the reactions of the parasites.

The girls went to Michael and Isabel took one of his hands while Maria took the other.

- Michael honey, where would you like me to take you? - She asked, placing her lips against the back of his hand.

- Anywhere you want…- He sighed. - You choose…-

Isabel turned to Maria and saw in her eyes the alarm she had felt coming from her. Michael sounded so tired, as if he didn’t care anymore.

- Michael, love, are you alright? - Maria sobbed.

- I’m very sore, baby, wherever you take me will be fine, really. - He whispered.

- Isabel, can you trust me on this one? I’m sure I know something Michael would love to do…- Laurie said shyly.

Isabel was pleasantly surprised at Laurie’s suggestion and nodded with a smile.

- Is that ok with you, baby bro? - Laurie asked him, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

- Sure, big sis, thank you…- Michael bit his lip and moaned.

They hurried to take their places around Michael, with Isabel, Serena and Laurie on Michael’s left side, and Maria, Liz and Ava on his right.

Isabel let Laurie take control and suddenly they were standing in broad daylight on this busy huge riding club where a major competition seemed to be taking place. Behind them was the beautiful course and right in front of them was a large schooling ring where several horses and riders were warming up, getting ready for their turn. A thin man in his forties walked up to them and addressed Laurie quite familiarly.

- Laurie Dupree! Long time no see! Last time I remember you, you were holding your grandpa’s hand and you were still a little girl! -

- Todd, right? Wow! Glad to see you! - Laurie beamed.

- Hey, Beezee! Have you seen Laurie’s brother? - He asked a rather short stout lady about his age as she passed near them in the ring, walking her horse.

- Laurie! Hi! Yes, he’s over there, see? - She pointed him out to them. - He’s going over the square oxer…Wow! He’s damn good! Beautiful horse! That’s Charles’ black? So we finally get to see him! -

- Charles spoke wonders of him…Moonshadow? Yes, definitely Moonshadow. Uh oh! Better get ready, I’m only two riders away, just after Michael. -

Laurie had been going with her grandfather for several years to watch the show jumping competitions and she remembered how all the riders enjoyed talking to him. They accepted his ‘eccentricities’ and respected him as an experienced horse breeder. She was telling them all about the fences: the verticals, the different kinds of oxers, the triple bars, the crossrails, the double and triple combinations, so they would be able to identify them and the difficulties in dealing with them, when Michael rode past them into the course. The day was scorching hot, so the riders were allowed to wear short sleeves, no coat or chokers, but of course, the helmet was a must. Moonshadow behaved like a champion, and Michael handled him like no one else could. He won the competition after three jump offs, but stepped back for Beezee, who had come in second. He didn’t care about winning; he just enjoyed taking Moonshadow over the fences. Most horses dreaded the water jumps, but the huge black horse simply flew over them.

- You ready for something different? - Laurie asked Michael, as he dismounted, his cheeks flushed red from the exercise.

- Sure, whatever…- He smirked, and Laurie could see the way the crowd of people was looking at him.

How could she blame them? He looked just gorgeous, with Maria and Isabel clinging to him on either side.

- Congrats, kid…- A familiar voice made them turn to find Max, Kyle and Stuart.

Their surprise was explained by an embarrassed Liz, who admitted she had mentally told Max what they were up to and he got the other two joining them with him.

- Cool, let’s go! - Michael grinned.

Laurie took over again and Michael found himself ready to take off at none other than a steeple chase in England! The speed was intoxicating and the huge fences were a challenge, much wider and more difficult than the course he had just been at. One of the fences, for example, had an open ditch right in front of it, while another had a water ditch right after it that the horse didn’t see until he was in the air. The ones that spooked and stalled ended soaked on the other side. Moonshadow had no problems, being a large long legged horse, with such strides that left the others easily behind him. After the race, Michael hugged Laurie and admitted that for once, he wished he was a simple human and could do what he had just done, without the need to hide not to attract attention to him or them. But that could only happen in the dreamworld, though they all knew he would be just as good in real life, if he were able to do it. Maria was thankful it would never be, because she didn’t think she could handle the worry it would mean to her. Michael, knowing her thoughts, took her in his arms and kissed her.

- Guess I would deserve a spanking after each competition for making you worry, don’t you think? - He bit his lip given her one of his sexiest looks and she uncrossed her wrists at the small of his back, sliding her hands down to cup his ass and dig her nails in viciously.

- You sure would, and not only that! - She smiled wickedly.

- Ok, ok you two, you’re turning us all on, and people are really staring. Cool it! - Kyle scolded, his face flushed red too but for quite different reasons.

- Ok then, we need to relax, Michael here specially, after the adrenalin highs he’s had. How about our pool, back home, would you like that, Michael? - Laurie already knew the answer.

- Oh yes, please! But first the Jacuzzi by the pool! - Michael agreed, and the words: ‘there’s no place like home’ were perfect to describe how he felt.

And there they were, listening to Anita’s voice carrying from the kitchen as she chattered in Spanish, even over the gurgling water, as Sylvia giggled at whatever her mother was saying. It was great being back there, but at the same time they felt so homesick! They came out to find Anita and Sylvia had excelled themselves in their salads and desserts, which were so special because of the love with which they were made. Maria fed Michael as he lay on his favourite spot by the pool and then watched over him as he took a well deserved nap. But then, as usual, reality caught up with them sooner than they would have wanted, and Michael was writhing and moaning with pain as the parasites’ feeding spree kicked in again.

The look in Amaru’s eyes told them something had happened, whether good or bad, Nicholas had the same look.

- Alright, what is it? - Max faced them before anyone else dared open their mouths.

- Nicholas had another idea, and in theory, it kind of worked. - The Shaman said.

- What do you mean ‘kind of’? - Stuart wondered.

Amaru and Nicholas reached out for them to make the connection and show them their discovery.

Time was turned back in the illusion and they saw the Shaman watching the parasites as Nicholas joined him.

“Anyone dead?” The small alien asked, hopefully but Amaru shook his head.

“Alright then, if human food hasn’t killed them yet it means it just won’t. But I can fry the little buggers!” Nicholas exploded in anger.

“They’re not so little anymore. They’ve grown to almost ten times their original size, that’s why the serpents keep getting less of them each time. They are also rising for need of more food, not only the threat of the snakes. The damage inside Michael is too serious. The battle is already lost, but Michael wants to live as long as he can to be with us. If he loses the will to live, he will die in seconds. I admire his courage; I simply can’t imagine how much he’s suffering not to let us down.” Amaru could tell how the truth in his words was infuriating Nicholas and he showed it in his following action.

He aimed his hand at one after another and literally fried at least a dozen parasites before the wise Andes man stopped him.

“How exactly do you fry them? Is it actually electricity or something else?” He asked.

“Good question. I’ve always done it but haven’t cared what the source of the zap was. It should be electricity, I guess.” Nicholas observed.

“Let’s say it’s electricity, can you graduate the bolt?” Amaru inquired.

“Of course I can! I can tease just as easily as I can kill.” Nicholas gloated.

“And the distance? Can you control that too?” Amaru insisted.

“If I can manage the intensity, the distance is a piece of cake!” Nicholas made a face, stating the obvious, but meaning no disrespect for the older man.

“If you aim for, say, an internal organ, how much damage will you cause on the way to it, or can you focus on just the target?” Amaru’s persistence was paying off.

“I’ve honestly never thought of that, because I’ve never cared about my victims, except…you know? What and how exactly do you mean?” Curiosity was getting the best of Nicholas.

“Try zapping one through my hand.” Amaru demanded and placed his hand over one of the parasites.

“No, no, I can’t risk it. You need your hand to help Michael.” Nicholas refused to do it. “But I see what you mean and there might be another way.”

He ran into the kitchen area and brought a chicken and a large thick steak.

“They can’t say what they felt, but we can cut them open to see what it did to them! That good enough?” Nicholas beamed.

“I think the chicken would be more like it.” Amaru decided.

So Nicholas zapped one of the parasites gently through the chicken and it lay still but soon after came back to life.

“I guess I just stunned it, no good, I have to kill it, right?”

Amaru nodded and Nicholas restored the trajectory he had made through the chicken and tried several times, a little harder each time until the parasite didn’t move again and was triumphantly declared deceased. They dissected the chicken and there was a definite burnt path, but though it did look painful, it wasn’t a life threatening one. Max could easily heal it. Nicholas concentrated and practiced on the rest of the parasites getting it right each time so he knew exactly the degree of intensity he needed to kill them, but there was one problem: it would be very painful and Michael was already weakened by pain.

The connection was broken as there was nothing more to say, so Amaru proceeded to do the healing with Max’s help while Nicholas’ brain kept straining to tackle the problem. Once Stuart had Michael sedated, they all turned to their present dilemma. Eating, sleeping and dreamwalking were forgotten due to the more urgent issues.

- Ok, I want to be sure I heard it right. Nicholas can kill the parasites through Michael’s flesh, is that it? Then what are we waiting for? - Maria urged them.

- I can, but Amaru says…- Nicholas stopped as he felt an icy hand had clamped over his mouth.

- The results could be just as bad. - Amaru interrupted hurriedly and finished the sentence for him, as soon as he had rendered Nicholas silent, before the words that would follow could be guessed or elicited from the alien’s head, knowing what it would do to the younger group. - The bolt he has to send will burn through Michael but Max can only heal it after each blast, and he is already in too much pain. In spite of his resistance, we would be pushing him too far and he could go into shock. In his present condition, it would be the end. -

- I can treat shock in the first stage, which knowing that’s what’s happening is to our advantage. - Stuart assured Amaru. - In his case, it would have to be hypovolemic, from blood loss, or septic, from infection which would make sense by the way those creatures are feeding on him, and they’re probably also full of alien germs. -

- You can treat it on his human side but the alien kind is different and useless. Once it happens, nothing can change that condition. The controlled blood loss caused by the parasites is efficiently regenerated by its Royal status and whatever ‘germs’ present would be also eliminated in the same way, but the tissue loss that has been eaten away takes too long to replace or recover, and the speed at which the parasites are destroying it, has them easily winning the game. It may not show on the outside, but they have already infested most of Michael’s lower body and they are quickly progressing to the upper part. He is suffering more than enough, and whatever we may achieve, unfortunately, will not alter the outcome. I can’t lie to you, because I would disappoint you and lose your respect. - Amaru was making it clear for Michael’s sake.

He didn’t want him to die again tortured in Nicholas’ hands, no matter how well he meant it this time. His death would be in Nicholas’ conscience just the same and Amaru was certain the small alien would not be able to face it once he was lucid enough to realize what he had brought on. Right now, he was so high with the hope he could kill all the parasites that it made him unable to recognize the logical reasons why the Shaman was against it. The wise old man knew for sure that by the time it would kick in as a result of the tragic aftermath, it would be too much for Nicholas, putting him in danger of falling into shock himself. Amaru sent Ava all the details of what he feared would happen so she used her powers to make Nicholas aware of what the Shaman was foreseeing and that had him sadly realizing how right the old man was. But it was Michael who would make the final decision, as it was his life that was at stake, shaking them with his words:

- Do it Nicholas! Kill as many as you can as long as I can stand it! Do it for me! -
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
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the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 121

Nicholas, obeying Michael’s demands, had killed as many parasites as he could with Max healing the burnt tissue right after, until he realized there were too many, and he was just torturing Michael all over again. The rage at his imminent defeat had him flashing back to the infamous torture chamber on Antar and the sight of the bloody dying Rath-Michael with the red hot poker sticking out of him almost had him puking his guts out. He was rudely but efficiently brought out of it when Max, Kyle and Stuart shook him like a rag doll until they feared he would simply come apart, but they didn’t stop until his eyes rolled back to normal and he opened his mouth screaming for them to stop. Their contact with Nicholas had them viewing what had put the small alien in such a state and that was mainly the reason for them to let go of him.

- Shit Nicholas! Why the hell did you have to remember that? - Max yelled at him.

- Do you think I chose to? Why do you think I was almost convulsing and hurling, huh? Because I enjoyed it? I felt I was doing the same thing all over again so it must have happened to stop me! We’re not getting anywhere, they’re too damn many and if we go on we’ll end up killing him before the bastards have a chance to! That’s it, I can’t go on, it’s useless! - Nicholas shouted back in a fury, pressing his back against the rocky wall and slowly slumping to end up sitting the floor hugging himself and sobbing.

- Hey, sorry, if that’s how you felt, than you can understand what you got us feeling too. You’re right, it’s not helping but making it worse. Just let it be. - Stuart sighed, the truth of the issue hitting him hard.

Max and Kyle looked as disappointed as Stuart and Nicholas did. They had thought they had the bull by the horns, which they actually did, but the bull proved to be too strong for them and sent them flying. Their impotence and helplessness had sent them into a raging fury that wasn’t getting them anywhere, so they just had to cool off with reluctant resignation.

They were forced to accept that they had finally reached the dreaded last stage of the tragedy that had been Michael’s short life. But they had to, because by then, every movement sent most of his lower body into a spasm of searing pain, making them hate the fact that he would end his existence in such torture, so young yet again. Ironically, the affected area was the one contained between his thighs and the small of his back, where practically all his erogenous zones were found. It was absolutely beyond them how he could summon the strength and courage to shift his body every now and then even slightly, for the sake of comfort. Amaru was thinking how hard it would be to explain to the Antares the way their beloved and admired Prince Rath-Michael’s second coming had developed on Earth, turning him into a victim of the same infamous depravity that both planets seemed to have in common: sexual abuse, even if on Antar it had been taken for granted under the shameful deceit of duty and politics. Worst of all, they would all have to witness it, knowing how much Michael needed them by his side to his last breath. Maria hugged Isabel, full of pity that she would have to go through it a second time, unable to even think how she could take it, if she herself was devastated, on this her one and hopefully only time.

Max was the most aware of the amount of loss of connective tissue that Michael was suffering, because during his healing sessions he could see the shocking lack of it where it had been before. No wonder Michael was in unbearable pain when he moved as there was very little support where it was needed, as it had been eaten away by the parasites. Max had always thought he wouldn’t stand losing Michael, but he simply couldn’t bear to see him in such torment, and lately, he wasn’t sure which one was worse. He sat with his arms wrapped around his sharply flexed legs, his chin resting on his bent knees as his eyes stared straight ahead at the rocky wall of the cave, certain that he would find there no distraction from the obscurity of his thoughts. Then, he was suddenly drawn out of them as he felt the heated gaze of several eyes, burning into the back of his head. Concentrating the best he could, he felt distinctly five persons, male and human. Kyle and Stuart, of course with…Jim Valenti, yes, but there were two more, and he was perplexed not to be able to fully identify them as every time he came close to doing so, it seemed to elude him in the last moment. Angry with himself for being unable to focus, unconsciously knowing why it was staying away from his grasp, he turned to face them. He felt himself paling as he recognized Derek and Wayne, because the main reason for their arrival, would be Serena summoning them to be able to say their farewells to Michael. That was why Max’s brain had refused to identify them, he just couldn’t face the purpose of their presence.

Derek and Wayne had gone back to Roswell for two reasons: the cave was crowded enough and they didn’t want to be in the way, and actually the real one, it was tearing them apart to see the horrid things that had to be done to Michael without much hope of any of them successfully saving his life. Serena had asked them to visit the Evans and knowing Derek’s sensitivity, decided he should be the one to inform them of what was going on in the most diplomatic way possible, because it was fair to them, and both Max and Isabel had agreed with her. They weren’t up to it themselves, knowing how their parents had come to feel about Michael. Derek and Wayne had made Serena swear to them she would ask them back when she thought it was necessary, which meant they wanted to be with Michael in his last moments.

Max saw their reddened eyes and the message they carried couldn’t be any clearer. They must have got Jim on the way over and most surely Amy was there too. Max stood up and took a step towards them feeling his legs falter, as if they weren’t there at all. If the three men hadn’t rushed to him, he would have ended sitting back on the floor. Max took a deep breath and felt Jim and Derek’s hands holding him up by his upper arms.

- Let’s go Max, Michael needs us. - Jim said in an unusually shaky voice.

As they approached the area where Michael lay, Max was shocked to sense the unmistakable vibes coming from Philip and Diane Evans, who had insisted on being with Michael too. He tried to wipe the feelings of doom and foreboding away from his face and felt he was doing a lousy job as he could tell the expression on his Earth parents’ faces mirrored exactly what was showing on his own. Nothing could have prepared them for this.

A very pale Maria let go of Michael’s hand and moved aside into her mother’s arms to leave her place to Max. Isabel was holding his other hand with her ‘parents’ right behind her. Max took Michael’s free hand and felt him squeeze back, whispering his name.

- Michael, I love you so much…- He couldn’t go on; he didn’t know what else to say.

‘Don’t die’ was in his mind but it was stupid to say that. Michael answered him anyway.

- I don’t want to die Max, I don’t want to leave you guys. I should be able to face my enemy, defend myself and get rid of it. This is so ridiculous, so unfair that I can’t do anything about it! I’m a warrior, dammit! - Michael’s voice was strained, barely dealing with the pain that was killing him. - I’m sorry to fail you Maria… Isabel, I can’t stand it any longer, I hate to admit it, but I just can’t…hurts too much…- Michael gasped and shuddered.

‘Yo bro, just let go…please? It doesn’t make sense to keep hanging on, lying there hurting and barely able to move isn’t a life anymore! Don’t you get it? Join us bro, I promise it’s not like you think. You’ll be much better off, everyone will. It’s tearing them apart to see you like this! Trust me! What’s waiting here for you is just what you’d want, it’s for you to take, you’ve won it, you deserve it, but you must let go!’ Rath surprised them with a rational, sensible, almost unaccented speech.

- You know we’re right, brother, what are you waiting for? Do as we ask you to and you’ll lose nothing, not the way you think. We are Royal blood, we have privileges no one else does. Your life will not end, it will just change, you’ll get anything you wish for! We’re waiting for you to become a whole. Rath has nothing to look back to so he’s willing to embrace your memories, and you’ve already lived mine, which are already in the past, so you’ll be the one leading the way. Do it! - Rath-Michael spoke in his native Antares which made no difference to Max and Michael, but Serena’s powers turned it into English for the rest of them.

- Yes! I will, but when I’m ready, and I’m not quite there! Let me finish! - Michael accepted, protested and demanded, so his alter egos had to comply and obey, stepping back until they would be needed.

The startled looks on the faces of the Evans and Amy DeLuca made it clear they were totally at sea on the matter, so Serena used her powers again to mentally brief them on who the disembodied voices they had heard belonged to.

- Serena…- Michael moaned and she rushed to his side.

- Tell me child, what can I do for you? Anything that’s in my hands…just ask! - Serena spoke against his cheek as she kissed it.

- Isabel…I want one last dreamwalk, make it in three chapters, ok? I want to see what it would have been like if Serena and Derek had adopted me instead of Hank, then if it had been Jim and then the Evans. Can you do that for me? - Michael asked, and they noticed his breathing was getting laboured. - Amy? -

- Yes Michael, honey, I’m right here…- Amy placed her hand on his shoulder as she knelt beside Maria.

- I don’t need a dreamwalk to know how it would have been with you. You would have belted my ass till I bled every time you found me in Maria’s bed, which would have been too often and traumatizing to the three of us but still Maria and I would have ended together in spite of it, so I guess there’s no need to delve into that, right? - He smirked failing to hide a wince.

Amy just shook her head, not daring to open her mouth, afraid of the sobs that would escape. She realized Michael could not see her although he was facing her way because of his prone position, as even turning to look up was an effort, so she squeezed his shoulder for her answer. She knew she had got through when Michael’s voice rang inside her head: ‘Ok, thanks for sparing me from it.’ She had to smile at his joking tone and at his mental chuckle to her reaction.

- Michael, I’m sure Derek would be able to recognize the resemblance to your grandfather...- Serena observed.

- Maybe not at first, I met Charles when he was already in his late twenties, much older than Michael is now, so I never saw him as a child. So by the time it became obvious, I would have investigated and made sure they met to find out about it. No harm done there, quite the contrary, Charles would have surely been thrilled, seeing he was right about his so called ‘obsessions’. - Derek nodded.

- Fine, let’s see what happens. - Serena decided.

- Ok then, shoot me up Stuart, for the last time I think, because when these bastards wake me up next, it will be to finish me off. - Michael scoffed and regretted his words the second they left his lips from the anguish and sadness he could feel they had caused. - Shit! I’m an idiot! Some stupid bugs won’t be able to keep me away from you guys, not even death, you heard my twins, so you know what I’ll wish for. Please Stuart, I need a break from this real bad…-

Michael buried his face into the pillow and shivered. Stuart drove the needles into his butt because it didn’t matter anymore what the bugs that were left would do about it after the sedation wore off. They watched him slowly start to relax, as the sedative kicked in first. His body language showed no relief from pain yet, as the different composition of the analgesic, oilier and thicker than the other one, took longer to be absorbed, delaying its effects. Finding a blood vessel to pump some for a faster effect would mean more pain and Michael already had enough of it, so a few more minutes of the steady one didn’t justify the worse and sharper one of the searching needle at all. Finally, the signs of discomfort began to wear off and Michael was still and quiet in a drugged sleep. Stuart had to keep changing sedatives as the parasites got used to it and the effect gradually dwindled to fewer hours of rest. He was administering this one for the first time, so he was guaranteed Michael would have at least seven hours’ sleep, which was what he had discovered it took the little bastards to start neutralizing the drug.

- He’s all yours. - He said, putting his patient in his girlfriend’s hands.

Isabel nodded, thanking her boyfriend with a sad smile, and turned to her true love, whose children she was carrying. This time the circle connection took some time to get started having to choose carefully the position of the many extra participants, but eventually, everyone was able to fit in.

Serena and Derek were lately very worried about their adopted son Wayne. For one whole year they had done everything in their hands to help him overcome the depression of the loss of his parents in a car crash. That was the reason why they had decided to move, leaving behind all the sad memories that kept plaguing Wayne. He had turned 13 and instead of becoming the typical teenager, it was quite the contrary, he was even more responsible than ever about his schoolwork and grades, he showed no interest at all in girls or trash food and preferred reading to watching TV. He still ate very little as was even thinner than before. Serena, needing little sleep, could sense him sitting on his bed with his light on and a book in front of him resting against his knees. If he slept at all, it would be along with her because it was the only time she wasn’t aware of his apparent insomnia. He wouldn’t touch the subject, quickly and cunningly changing it when his new parents showed their concern, making it obvious he would have none of it. Serena had one of her alien dreams and told Derek she had seen an alien little boy of noble birth abandoned in an orphanage in Roswell, New Mexico. She insisted that if they didn’t adopt him, he would be taken into a foster situation where he would be abused and beaten, and become a rebel. She thought another boy might be just what Wayne needed, giving him the responsibility of becoming an older brother. Derek agreed so they spoke to Wayne who thanked their respect towards his opinion in the matter and was totally for it. Of course the alien matter was not mentioned, as they were still trying to find a way to let Wayne into their secret without shocking him out of their wits. Now with the coming of the alien boy, it would be a must and on top of their priority list. Being a good student, they had no problems taking Wayne with them just missing a week of classes, as that’s how long the paper work took to Derek’s efficient lawyer and Serena’s suddenly boosted powers giving a subtle hand. The boy Michael and Wayne hit it off great from the start and Derek and Serena were thrilled, specially her when she recognized who Michael really was and that he was the source for restoring her original powers. Derek was informed of Michael’s status and his awe and respect for the child grew with every passing day, seeing how bright he was, and how he got Wayne totally changed. The older boy even gained a little weight though not much, but enough according to his built. Michael on the contrary, was a cuddly chunky kid and a mischief maker. He got his coming spankings to keep him in hand but they would all laugh at his pranks together. He had excellent grades as his brother and got into riding and ice hockey but Wayne just liked to be his sidekick as far as his kid brother’s taste in sports was concerned. Michael had the resistance to get hurt but Wayne cringed at the thought of it. He always played safe. Like it or not, the alien issue had come up sooner than they expected, barely a few days after they arrived home. Michael kept dreaming about this girl and her brother, and got restless in his sleep speaking in a foreign language. The first time, Wayne called his parents and he was surprised his mother could understand the child’s words. Serena’s touch calmed Michael down without awaking him and that seemed to be the end of it until the next night, when it happened again. Things began flying around the room and Wayne ran out for dear life. Serena calmed Michael down again as Derek did the best he could for Wayne and then they had a talk as Michael went on sleeping. She told Derek her whole story making sure he understood her life and Michael’s were on his hands. Wayne thought the whole thing was the most awesome and coolest thing that could happen to him and swore their secret was safe with him. He loved them too much to ever put them even at the slightest risk and he always kept his promise. By the time Wayne came back after graduating from college, Michael was still in high school and they kept their close relationship enjoying every second of Wayne’s holidays which he could hardly wait for, to come home to his family, and specially to his kid brother. Michael was a mostly grade A student, excelling in Maths, Literature, History and languages, being fluent in Spanish and French. When Derek heard about his friend Charles Dupree’s death, it all clicked in his mind. Michael had always reminded him of someone, but living in New Orleans, he couldn’t quite get it until then when he realized the kid was a dead ringer for his deceased friend. He told Serena and had Wayne come home to stay with Michael while they went to pay the family their respects. Serena hadn’t met Charles, because he kept to his home and his horses, doting on his granddaughter. She had met the girl, who was four years younger than Wayne, as he had befriended her at school when he found her crying and she told him of her parents’ death, reminding him of going through the same experience. They had become friends in spite of the difference in age, and being both loners, they spent break and lunch hour together every day. Wayne would invite her home often enough for Laurie to start calling Serena and Derek aunt and uncle, loving it when Derek sent his love to her grandfather with her, but respected his self forced retirement. Laurie once apologized to Wayne not inviting him over to her home because they said her grandfather was nuts, insisting she was sure he wasn’t. Wayne told her he understood so it was always Laurie who did the visiting at the Lavoisses, where she was always welcome and Wayne would walk her home. But then they were separated when the Lavoisses moved to New Orleans for Wayne’s sake, and they rented their property in Tucson. Being away from Tucson to try forgetting his parents’ death didn’t do much for Wayne that second year after the tragedy, as he missed his friend Laurie, finding no one compatible with him at his new school. No one there liked nerds at all. That was the main reason for Serena’s idea of adopting Michael after her dream revealing where he was and it had turned out perfect. On their visit to Tucson, Derek and Serena found Laurie devastated by her grandfather’s death, they briefed her on their lives and gave her Wayne’s love. She sent hers back to him and to their other younger son whom she hoped to meet someday. About a year later they heard that just some months after Charles’ death, Laurie had been sent by her aunt and uncle to a mental hospital declaring her insane. They were outraged but it was family business and there was nothing they could do about it. To their utter surprise, Laurie made her appearance in New Orleans looking for them and when she met Michael she went berserk at his resemblance to her dead grandfather. It took Derek and Wayne but mostly Serena’s powers to calm her down and try to understand the situation. Serena decided Laurie needed to know the truth about them and it was Wayne the one in charge of telling her. She was shocked but at the same time grateful to know her grandfather had not been insane like they said she was. They all took her back to Tucson with Derek’s lawyer and Meredith and Bobby were kicked out of the property returning it to Laurie as the lawful owner by inheritance. The hospital was sued and had to pay back every cent they had received to declare Laurie insane, plus all the extras for keeping their mouths shut and another million as retribution. Serena spent weeks going over Charles’ writings on his abductions and it was established that his DNA was used to clone Michael. The Lavoisses returned to Tucson and were once more next door neighbours to Laurie where she accepted Michael as her brother and she started dating Wayne until they married. Serena, together with Michael, managed to contact their family on Antar and he was recalled to his planet to free his people. There he found his aunt had algo got in contact with her children and they were also brought back to Antar where Michael met Vilandra and fell in love with her all over again.

As the vision cleared to go on to the next one, Isabel felt a little guilty and not having been able to place their human friends anywhere, but then she felt Maria giving her a mental thumb up and no hard feelings. Isabel thanked her and went on to the Valentis.

Jim Valenti was going out of his mind with his son’s sniffling away every night after his wife left them. He had recovered this naked kid from the desert, taking him to the orphanage, and he was plagued with these crazy dreams each night when he had to close his door to be able to get some sleep. He saw the cute little boy taken into a foster situation with that trouble maker boozer Hank, who abused and beat him, turning him into a rebel. After a week of these nightmares, he made up his mind and as he dropped Kyle at school, red eyed and runny nosed, he told him:

“Alright, you need a brother, and that’s final!”

He shut the door of the van leaving his son open mouthed, and took off. Being the sheriff and quite respected, he had no problems adopting the boy.

“So he’s six, right?” Jim asked the woman in charge.

“We’re not sure and he doesn’t seem to know. According to our pediatrician, he’s sure the boy’s younger, big for his age, but he’s very smart. He’s also strong and healthy.”

“Well, he’s six to me, like my boy.” Jim decided.

There was some initial trouble when Jim brought Michael home. Kyle tried to boss him around not very comfortable with what Jim had told him about Michael’s age and size. Something told him height was important and though his father looked big to him, he compared him with other people and he wasn’t a tall person as he wished he was, to assure him he would not be a shorty, which was his pet peeve as he was the smallest in his class. Michael ignored him, being bigger than Kyle, and when it got to be too much, he just grabbed him, shook him like a rag and tossed him on the couch, where Kyle ended sitting and glaring at his new brother. Jim observed them and admired Michael’s patience cause Kyle was a constant pain in the ass to the younger boy. That was until one day soon, three older school bullies were after Kyle and Michael came out of nowhere and stood in front of him, protecting him with his body. In the scuffle, Michael grabbed two of them by the throat with both his hands and squeezed. The jerks were turning blue and the third one, in desperation, landed one hell of a kick on Michael’s ribs from behind, trying to make him let go but got nowhere so he ran to get help. When their movements went sluggish, Michael let go and they slumped to the floor, wheezing and holding their throats. Michael then placed his arm around Kyle’s shoulders and led him away as he winced and reached back for his ribs with his other hand. He managed the next class but before the following one which was the last period, Kyle insisted on taking him to the infirmary. At the door, they saw the two bullies sitting in there with ice packs on their throats and left before anyone saw them. They sat at the back of the class until the bell and then, with Kyle holding Michael up like when they had fled the scene, they went to climb on Jim’s van. Michael went for the back seat as he usually did for a snooze on the way to and from school, but he simply collapsed on it.

“What the hell…?” Jim went. “Kyle! What’s wrong with him?”

Kyle told him the whole thing and Jim’s respect for the boy kept growing. He looked back at Michael and saw him lying on his side, with his hurt ribs off the seat and his back to them. Jim rushed him to a hospital where they gently pulled him back onto a gurney without altering his position because of the obvious damage he was sustaining. The doctor cut off his t-shirt and what he suspected from the painful response along with the beginning of a large bruise, an X-ray confirmed. Michael had two broken ribs and a cracked one. Michael insisted on going home so the doctor bandaged him and gave him a couple of shots. He told Jim he would go visiting in a couple of hours when his shift ended to see how he was doing and bring him some medication. When he arrived home, Michael flopped face down on his bed, as he always slept and fell into a drugged troubled slumber. When the doctor came to check on him, he wouldn’t wake up but Jim told him he was a heavy sleeper. Still the doctor said he was definitely feverish, he tried taking his temperature placing a gadget against his face but Michael buried it into the pillow so he did it on gently on his hurt ribs as the source of the problem and the thing went nuts turning all colours. He then had to take his rectal temperature and he went crossed eyed to see the mercury all the way up.

“We must take him back to the hospital!” He shouted.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 122

The word hospital set off an alarm in Michael’s subconscious and he opened his eyes slowly.

“NO! I’m not going back there!” He shouted.

“You’re burning up with fever!” The doctor yelled back and realized how stupid it was to be having an argument with someone who should be unconscious if his temperature readings were right.

“I’m fine, it’s just that it hurts like hell!” Michael growled.

“Then you’re not fine! I can’t understand how you’re conscious at all!” The doctor insisted. “Here, take these. Jim get him some water.”

“What is that?” Michael asked suspiciously, looking at the pills on the man’s hand.

“Some medicine that will make you get better.” The man said, wondering where the kid came from that he didn’t know what a pill was.

He should have protested at the injections at the hospital, but he didn’t seem to mind them and now he shied at pills? It didn’t make sense.

Jim handed Michael a glass of water and he started drinking it.

“That’s to down the pills!” - The doctor said, stopping him.

“How?” Michael was clearly confused and Jim and Kyle thought he was just being difficult but they couldn’t understand why.

“Put them in your mouth and swallow them with the water.” The doctor snapped, beginning to get exasperated.

The boy didn’t seem retarded but was sure acting like one.

Michael raised them to his mouth and took a whiff frowning, the alarm inside him was getting worse.

“No! I can’t!” Michael refused.

“Michael please, just take them, they will make you feel better.” Jim pleaded.

“Yes Michael, dad and I take them all the time.” Kyle chimed in.

“Why? What’s wrong with you?” Michael looked surprised.

“For headaches or colds. They don’t hurt like the needles.” Kyle coaxed him.

“I don’t mind that. At least they don’t taste bad!” Michael was getting stubborn.

“Alright kid, take them!” The doctor ordered.

Michael placed one in his mouth and the taste was so foul, he gagged and spat it out, almost getting sick.

“I can’t! I told you so! It’ll make me throw up!” Michael protested.

“I’ll have to inject you!” The doctor threatened.

“Do it, I don’t care! Just don’t make me eat those things!” Michael buried his face again in the pillow.

The doctor shrugged and took what he needed out of his bag. Jim and Kyle had to look away because just the sight of the needle made them shudder. They hated to admit it but they were full fledged chicken when it came to shots. And in the ass again? No way, what did they have arms for? And even there, it gave them the jitters! They heard Michael grunt and their stomachs did a flip.

“Have it your way, kid, sorry. He’ll need two a day, I’ll come early tomorrow and in the evening. If he’s in too much pain during the day, give him one of these, even if you have to tie him up.” He tossed what looked like big capsules in a kind of tin foil and Jim realized what they were.

“Dad?” Kyle started and Jim stopped him with his hand as he followed the doctor out of the room and to the door.

“I’m sorry…”Jim began to apologize.

“Nah…it’s unusual, but there are some very isolated cases, thankfully!” The man chuckled. “Hope you have no further problems.”

“Yeah, I hope so. I wouldn’t like having to tie him up!” Jim chuckled back.

Jim and Kyle went to watch TV, leaving Michael sleeping. Some time later, Jim fixed dinner with Kyle’s help and Michael limped into the kitchen and sat gingerly, stating he was hungry. The Valentis took it as a good sign and gave the boy a heaping dish of mashed potatoes, three fried eggs and chicken nuggets. Michael overturned almost half a bottle of ketchup over it and spooned away. Then he went for Rocky Road ice cream covered in fudge and a cherry coke.

“Thanks…” He whispered and limped back to bed.

When the game was over and Jim turned off the TV set to head for their bedrooms, they heard Michael moaning. They rushed to him and found the boy was writhing with pain.

“I’ll have to give him one of these.” Jim made a face of disgust.

He peeled one of the slippery things and sat on the bed by Michael.

“Michael, let me give you this…” Jim said softly.

Michael nodded and lay still, thinking Jim was going to give him an injection.

“Spread your legs.” Jim ordered as he slid his free hand between the boy’s warm thighs.

Michael obeyed instinctively, feeling no threat in that area. When the boy complied willingly, Jim’s hand slid up to his buttocks and held them apart. Then he shoved the medication into the boy who pushed up slightly helping him, and Jim felt his finger entering the hot spot up to the first joint. He pulled out quickly and the boy clenched and gasped.

“Did I hurt you?” “Did it hurt?” Jim and Kyle asked simultaneously.

“Not much, it kind of stung.” Michael slurred, relaxing.

He sighed and was asleep in seconds. Kyle had to call his father to medicate Michael twice during that night. The next morning the doctor found his temperature reasonable at 99.3 but recommended he stayed home for at least a week and then they would see. Kyle stayed home with his brother, because at that age, what could they possibly miss in school? And Jim didn’t want to leave Michael home alone. Kyle had to medicate him about three times during the day, as his father had shown him, make him lunch and watch TV all day as Michael lay on the couch and Kyle sat beside him in the armchair. Kyle was very finicky about what he was doing to the boy and the uncertain way he did it tickled Michael who would squirm and hiss with pain when he tried to laugh. The first time he did it, Kyle told Michael to keep still as he pushed it in and kept his fingertip pressed against Michael, so it wouldn’t come out again. Then when he thought it was ok, he started pulling away, but he saw it sliding out so he shoved it back inside and Michael bucked, plunging Kyle’s whole finger into him.

“Ahhh…” Went Michael, as he squeezed the invading digit.

Kyle yanked it roughly out and Michael grunted.

“Easy, hey!” Michael complained.

“Did it go in?” Kyle said to hide his embarrassment.

“You just stuck your finger almost to my stomach and you ask me if it went in?” Michael smirked.

Kyle found it hilarious and couldn’t stop giggling.

“Hey! Shut up, I can’t laugh cause it hurts like hell!” Michael struggled for control.

“Ok, ok, sorry!” Kyle said contritely, and clamped his hands over his mouth to keep the giggles in, sounding like he was choking.

Kyle kept getting better everytime until he mastered the technique. And then, as the saying goes, things happen for a reason, and Michael and Kyle bonded even more during his healing time as the elder one played doctor to his brother. Jim was glad to see that at least something good had come out of the unpleasant experience, but was uncomfortable with the fact that now they knew Michael couldn’t take anything by mouth.

As the years went by, Michael and Kyle were inseparable to Jim’s delight, but then, he started noticing some disquieting signs that somehow hadn’t seemed out of place until then, when then turned 13: Kyle seemed to enjoy touching Michael a little too much and unable to stop himself from doing it. Michael wasn’t into the touching thing, but he sure enjoyed his brother’s attentions to his body as he now towered over Kyle who had by then come to accept he wouldn’t outgrow his father, and Michael would always be much taller and stronger than him. Every night when Jim came into their room to say goodnight to them, he would find them in Michael’s bed as the taller boy lay face down and Kyle straddled his thighs giving him a back massage. It was always like that, never the other way round. He would also find them together in the shower, Kyle soaping Michael up and every time Michael said something that amused Kyle, he would whack him on the ass, while Michael would whack Kyle up the head when he started clowning around. Jim had enough one night he arrived after work and found Michael on the couch with Kyle sitting on the floor with his head thrown back pillowed on Michael’s ass and back of his hands resting on the small of his back and on his thigh. Kyle clearly thought nothing of it, not even moving as he greeted his father.

“Hey dad! Left the armchair for you! Let me get you some pizza.” As Kyle pushed up, he patted Michael’s butt asking him: “You want some more too?”

Michael just purred, still asleep so Kyle pushed his hand between his thighs and pinched the delicate inside of one of them.

“Owww! Yes, anything you want!” Growled Michael, without really waking up.

The connotation of what he had just heard threw Jim over the edge and followed Kyle to the kitchen.

“Alright Kyle, this had gone far enough! What going on between you two? Why can’t you keep your hands off your brother’s ass?” Jim accused.

“Dad?” Kyle was shocked at what his father was implying.

“Do you want me to repeat it? Are you on to him? Is that it?” Jim knew he was flushing red from the outrage of what could be happening between the two boys right under his nose.

He couldn’t help remembering his nightmares of Michael being abused by Hank and his adopting him to save him from that so the boy would end up willingly used by his son? This was too sick! Kyle was looking back at him as if he were getting ready to throw a fit. His mouth opened and closed not making up his mind what to say.

“Dad, I’m not gay or anything, you know I like girls, well, there’s a special one at school that I’m working up my courage to tell her how much I want to be her boyfriend. It’s just that I love Michael so much, and that’s my way of showing how I feel about him. I never thought it was giving you a wrong idea because I know it isn’t to Michael. He’s on to Liz’s friend Maria, and they’ve already been for some time in a weird kind of thing, hugging and kissing to then fight and make up. He’s the one pushing me to come clear with Liz but I’m scared she’ll say no. Maria has told Michael Liz is waiting for me to go to her but what if she has changed her mind when I finally get to do it? I’m not like Michael, how I wish I was! All the girls drool after him! C’mon dad! You’re the last person I thought that would get me wrong!”

“I’m sorry Kyle, it’s just that…I don’t know…” He went on to tell Kyle about the nightmares that had him adopting Michael and Kyle said that would have been so gross!

“I’m the one who gets pissed when the guys joke and tease Michael about having a great ass when we’re at the showers, but they know how to shut me up when they start with my having a big cock!” Kyle laughed turning it into a joke and Jim just went along with it, realizing he was making a big thing out of nothing.

“I’m sorry Kyle, I don’t know what got into me, let’s take Michael some pizza before he wakes up and starts yelling for it!” Jim punched his son on the arm and went back to the sitting room where Michael slept oblivious of what had just gone on.

Next day, to prove his father wrong, Kyle finally started going out with Liz and the four of them would spend a lot of time together, with Maria pawing Michael, who just loved it too. Once in a game of truth or dare, Kyle chose truth and was asked what was the most outrageous thing he had done and he told them about having to give Michael suppositories when he gets hurt because he can’t handle the pills, but he has to leave the injections for the doctors and nurses because he just wouldn’t be able to stick a needle into him. Maria and Liz stared at him as if he had confessed being an alien and then just kept asking him what it felt like doing it, and Michael what it felt like getting them, and if he would let them do it to him the next time he got hurt again, which seemed to be rather often. Michael promised them he would and it happened sooner than they expected it when the following week he got the back of his thigh gashed by the blade of a fellow teammate on a hockey match. Michael needed nine stitches and the local anesthetic was excruciantingly painful, having no effect on him whatsoever. He clung to Kyle and Jim’s hands throughout the ordeal, biting on his lip not to let them know what was really happening, but of course his behaviour told the contrary. Once back home, they made it clear he hadn’t fooled them and insisted on their suspicion until he confessed. On top of all he had to have a tetanus shot plus the others to prevent infection, fever, pain and inflammation. He needed the antibiotic injected into him every day for a week and the rest in what Kyle jokingly called ‘ass candies’. The two girls came to see him with Kyle every day after school and took turns massaging his sore butt. They stayed until Jim arrived and they thanked his invitation but said they had to work their shift as waiters at Liz’s parents’ place. Jim suspected nothing until one day he came home to pick up some bill he had to pay and found them at it. They were giggling and babbling loud enough not to hear him open the door and walk right up to them to see one of them spreading Michael and the other one shoving the thing along with her whole finger up his ass. The one holding him apart kept teasing her friend saying she had done it so much better when it had been her turn. It was Kyle who looked up and went pale as a ghost when he saw his father, and the girls shrieked and took off at the speed of light.

“What the hell was that?” Jim asked rhetorically but Michael chose to answer.

“Cool it dad! They’re practicing to be nurses, that’s all…” Michael gave it no importance at all.

“They shove their fingers up your ass and it’s nothing to you?” Jim scoffed.

“So what? Kyle does it too, and so have you…” Michael smirked insolently.

“I haven’t…!” Jim protested.

“Yes you have, a couple of times…” Michael smirked again, taunting him.

“It was an accident, and it was because you moved!” Jim defended himself.

“Whatever, but you did it.” Michael chuckled.

“You’re asking for a spanking, you know? You’re never big enough…” Jim couldn’t stop himself as Michael chuckled again.

He brought his hand down on Michael’s bare butt until it was blood red but the boy did nothing to stop him. He did it himself when he noticed the stitches on Michael’s thigh looked ready to burst with the effort the boy was making to deal with the pain.

“Oh my god! I’m sorry, Michael, I’m so sorry son!” He hated having lost his temper.

“It was my fault, dad, it’s ok, I’ll get the girls to give me another massage and ease my pain. Kyle can do it for me tonight, right big bro?” Michael’s smug smirk almost got Jim starting all over again.

“Goodnight!” Jim snarled through gritted teeth, preferring to leave.

What the hell was wrong with that boy? Jim kept asking himself, was he a masochist? Because those were the vibes he was getting from him. Was he turning Kyle into a sadist? And the girls? He was as guilty too, having fallen so easily into his game just a few minutes ago. But he couldn’t help loving him. There was this irresistible charisma about him so who was he to judge his son and those girls if Michael had just proved he could get him to do to him anything he wanted. Damn boy, what was it about him? He wished he knew! That night he didn’t dare go into their room because he knew Kyle was doing to Michael what he had said he would. He lay there looking at the ceiling and flashing back at the boy from the first time he laid eyes on him, and swore he would never lose it with him again, and take him as he was. He loved him, nothing would change that, and he knew the boy would also protect him with his life, as he had protected Kyle many times at school. Michael was definitely special, and he was lucky to have him. He had brought him home to keep him safe and that was his duty to him. He was now his father, as Michael was now his son and Kyle’s brother. They were a family and would stand together through thick and thin. He would never regret it because no matter what, Michael was caring and close to him and Kyle, so that whatever happened between his two boys, was their business and no one else’s, specially strangers. Not even his boys’ girlfriends’ unless they married them and became part of their family, but until then, they were off limits as long as he wasn’t home to see them, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop them from coming. And he wouldn’t push his boys away from him because of two silly girls, no, he wouldn’t, it wasn’t worth it! Jim took a deep breath and let it out real slowly. Then, in spite of all, he found the way things were developing, rather reasonable. Kyle had come out clear that he wasn’t gay or anything like it and neither was Michael. It was just a healthy brotherly ‘horsing around’ they had going on. They both liked girls and Michael had already been for quite some time on the smooching stage with his girl, while Kyle was still hoping to get there soon too. Of course, Kyle could not compete with Michael in looks, but his son had made him proud to know he had a big cock. About Michael’s great ass, well, that still had Jim thinking…with all the ice skating at hockey and the riding the boy did, it made sense, but then he remembered the kid already had a firm tight round butt when he picked him up buck naked from the desert, so it seemed to have come with him. And the girls liked it too, the perky little bitches! But why were both of them pawing Michael? Wasn’t Kyle after the brunette? It was weird! Then things started getting worse when there was a shooting at the Crashdown, owned by the parents of the said brunette and they thought she had been shot but it had just been a broken bottle of ketchup smearing her stomach. Michael had been there with Max Evans, from school, trying to find out if he was also after Liz Parker, as he had heard and had promise Kyle to investigate. Michael had been hanging out with that guy for the last week on Kyle’s mission but something had happened between those two, and then Evans was with the Parker girl and Kyle was in a foul mood. Jim started picking on Max Evans out of spite for his son’s broken heart and Michael seemed very uncomfortable with the whole deal. Michael kept on with his girlfriend, and it turned out she was the daughter of Amy DeLuca, the very one Jim had a crush on. He had been seeing her very discreetly for some time, and that got him so uptight! Then Jim had gone to visit his father at the home and for the first time, he asked Michael to come with them. He hadn’t done it before in all these years not to add to the old man’s confusion, but he thought it was about time he met his adopted son. He got very agitated, babbling what sounded like: ‘They’re here, they’re back, he’s one of them!’
He kept pointing at Michael, so Kyle pushed him out of the room and they left.

“What’s wrong with him?” Asked Michael, quite worried.

“He keeps seeing flying saucers and aliens all over the place, that’s why he’s here.” Kyle shrugged.

Jim decided it was better to go alone when he visited his father. Kyle started hanging out with the guys from his basketball team and Michael with Max Evans and his sister Isabel. The DeLuca girl kept picking fights with Michael, jealous of the Evans girl, then regretting it and making up so Michael kept bouncing from Maria to Isabel, back and forth. They would be brothers again in the evening when they went to bed and found out how each others’ day had been, Kyle very jealous of Michael’s two girls. Kyle drooled after Isabel as most of the guys in school did but she was taller than him and that was one hell of an issue. Then Michael’s dreams began. Kyle would rush to him and sit beside him, but Michael had his face cradled in his arms and Kyle could barely hear him. He realized he couldn’t understand him because he wasn’t speaking in English. Kyle placed his hands on the small of Michael’s bare back, sliding them up to his shoulders and down again. Michael writhed and moaned and humped the bed, clearly having some kind of wet dream. But then he whispered her name: Isabel.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 123

The dream kept repeating itself several times each night, and during the day, Michael would be with Maria. About a week later, Kyle had had enough and confronted Michael as they had dinner with their father.

“Michael, how come you hang out with Maria every day and dream of Isabel at night? And why are you so chummy with Max Evans after he stole Liz away from me?”

“You wouldn’t understand, Kyle.” Michael smirked.

“Try me.”

“No. I can’t yet. I’m sorry.”

“I hate you!” Kyle screamed, jumping up from his seat and slamming his hands on the table.

Michael winced as if Kyle had hit him and rushed out of the house. He went to the Evans’ home and went through the window to Max’s room. He was sitting at his computer and didn’t seem surprised to see him there.

“Can I crash here tonight? My brother’s pissed at me and I don’t want to sleep in the same house as him.” Michael asked him.

“Sure, do you think he would hurt you while you sleep?” Max wondered.

“No. Kyle wouldn’t hurt me. I just don’t want to be near him until I find out what’s going on with him. That’s all.” Michael assured him.

“No problems. You can crash here anytime you want.” Max went on typing. “There’s a sleeping bag in my closet.”

Michael got it and stretched on it on the floor by Max’s bed. He was asleep in seconds. Soon after, Max noticed he was dreaming but just let him be. By the time he went to bed, Michael was sleeping quite relaxed, but then the dream began again, and Michael jumped up on all fours. When Max asked him what was wrong, he just said: ‘Isabel’, and went to her room with Max close behind him. They found her sitting on her bed, hugging herself and shivering.

“What’s going on?” Max demanded, as Michael went to her and took her in his arms.

“I keep dreaming about being with her every night for a week now, that’s why I came, because I wanted to be as near her as possible.” Michael told him.

“Me too. It’s happening to me just the same. I didn’t know he was here with you, Max, all I knew is that he was very near.” She squeezed him in her arms.

“Well, now you know, Isabel. Michael is like us. He’s the one we cried for after we were separated and we were adopted.” Max sighed.

“Why didn’t you tell me? When did you find out? How?” Isabel was now the one demanding answers.

“Last week we went to the desert on his bike to get some stuff for the science project we were working on. A big rock fell from the hill and was coming straight at me. Michael zapped it into small pieces and one of them was embedded in his thigh. I healed him and when I did so, we saw flashes of us coming out of these pods in a cave which we then found nearby. The empty pods are still there, but there are four. It belonged to a girl who was my wife in another life. I was a king and she was my queen. You were Michael’s fiancé in this other life. He was a warrior, our cousin, the leader of my armies and you were my sister just like you are now. You were tricked by our enemy and we all died. Michael was tortured to death not to reveal where I was hiding, you hanged yourself when you saw what they were doing to him but they still found me and chopped my head off. We were cloned and sent here for safety. We found all this out as we touched the empty pods. When the time is right, our people will come to get us so we will go back. Michael will fight and kill our enemy so we can live there again in peace and you two will finally marry. That’s why you’re having these dreams.” Max explained.

“What about this other girl like us? Didn’t you see where she is? Shouldn’t we try to find her?” Isabel was getting worried.

“No, she will be the one to find us.” Max nodded.

“And what about Liz? And Maria? You two are with them, it won’t be fair to them!”

“We’ll work it out when the time comes.” Max said coldly.

“Michael, do you love me?” Isabel asked him.

“Yes, Isabel, but I also love Maria. Don’t ask me why or how, because I don’t understand it either.” Michael scoffed.

“Maybe we are meant to have more than one wife.” Max concluded.

“Yeah, who knows what it’s like in our planet?” Michael smirked smugly but Isabel frowned.

“Is something wrong kids?” Mrs. Evans said from the door.

“Sorry mum, I had a bad dream and Max heard me and came to find out what was wrong. This is Michael, he stayed over because they are working together on a science project for school.” Isabel told her mother.

“Ma’am…” Michael said and smiled at her.

“Nice to meet you Michael.” Diane Evans smiled back at him. “Are you alright now, Isabel?”

“Yes mum, I think I had too much pizza.” Isabel sighed.

“I think you had too much Tabasco. I don’t understand how you kids can take that stuff!” She rolled her eyes. “Ok boys, off you go, go back to sleep.”

She tucked Isabel in and left as Max and Michael returned to Max’s room.

“We have to be careful, Michael, no one must know about us or we’ll end up as lab rats.” Max looked scared.

“Whatever! Say, if I zap and you heal, what does Isabel do?” Michael wondered.

“What she’s been doing to you…she dreamwalks. She goes into your dreams and shares them with you.” Max explained.

“I like…” Michael smirked and stretched out to sleep.

“I don’t think she will be doing it again tonight, so just go to sleep.” Max ordered.

Michael closed his eyes and thought Max must have been a bossy jerk of a king, hadn’t he just healed the Parker girl a couple of days ago when those idiots had fired away at the Crashdown? He had tried to stop him but then it wouldn’t have been fair to the girl so he had to let him do his thing. Max made him swear he wouldn’t tell Isabel because he knew how she would react, though Michael thought he shouldn’t listen to him. With these conflicting feelings about those issues, he fell asleep but Max was right and he didn’t dream with Isabel again. He didn’t care what Max said, he knew he would have to tell his father and brother about himself, and he was sure they would understand what he was going through. They would never betray him; he trusted them with his life no matter what Max and Isabel could think. He would just have to find the right moment and how to tell them not to shock or scare them. Anyway, Jim’s father had known what he was the second he saw him, but he had been safe there because no one would believe what they said were his ravings. It wasn’t fair, the poor man was confined because he knew the truth. Maybe when he told them, they would bring him home with them and the old man would be able to tell him what he knew about his people. But he couldn’t tell Max and Isabel what he was planning to do because they would go berserk and try to convince him not to do it. That would be his secret, shared with his father and brother, and someone else he knew deserved it.

The very next day after school, Michael went to visit James Valenti Sr. The nurse recognized him immediately and asked him about his father and brother, but Michael told her he was there alone and that he knew the way. She smiled at him and nodded, leaving him on his own. As he headed for the common area where he sensed the old man was, he was wondering how he would approach him without being seen until he was close enough to prevent him from reacting in a negative way and thwart his plans but he was lucky and he found him sitting at a window with his back to him. Michael walked quietly up to him and came into his view from the left where there was no one else. The man’s response was slow as he had expected so he had enough time to kneel beside him and take him in his arms, sorry to see his eyes had opened wide in alarm. Michael stopped the sounds he was making as he tried to speak by pressing his face against his shoulder, careful not to smother him and spoke into his ear:

“Please don’t be afraid of me, I mean you no harm. I’ve come to make my peace with you because you know what I am. I want you to know how grateful I am to your son for adopting me and taking me home with him to become part of his family. I love him for being a wonderful father to me and Kyle for being the best brother I could hope for. They mean so much to me that I have decided to trust them with my secret because I know they would never do anything to hurt me. Then I’ll insist and convince them that it is unfair for you to be here because you know the truth and that the money Jim pays to keep you here should go to someone to take care of you just until you adapt to being home again and go back to normal, which I’m sure will be quite soon. I want you out of here as soon as possible because it makes me feel so bad that it’s because of me and my people and I hate injustice. I want you back with your family, loved and respected as you deserve to be. Please show me you understand and you will do your best to be again the person you were before, because I also love you for making Jim the fair and caring person he is, which means you must be like that too.”

The man had frozen in apparent fright as Michael embraced him but he gradually relaxed as the boy’s words began to sooth him, listening to him without making a sound. Michael moved back and kissed his forehead, then locking his eyes with him searching for his answer. He was worried to see tears falling from the old man’s eyes as he slowly reached out for him. Michael fell willingly into his arms and felt him wrapping them around him with what little strength he had, as he whispered his name. Then he let go of him and pushed him back, giving him a wet clumsy kiss on his cheek. Instead of being repulsed, Michael treasured it, as well as the faint smile that curved James Valenti Sr.’s lips. Michael took his hands in his and when he felt the gentle squeezing, he knew everything would be alright the way it should be. As Michael slipped one of his hands away, Valenti clung to the other as hard as he could. Michael stood up, smirking at the old man’s effort to form a real smile, but it was enough and he had the reply he had wanted and expected. His reluctance to let go of him confirmed it.

“I’ll be back with Jim and Kyle to get you out of here and we’ll take you home as soon as we can. I promise.” He leant down bringing their clasped hands to his mouth and kissed the dry brittle one, feeling it relax as he placed it unresisting, back on the old man’s lap.

As he walked away, he could sense Valenti tried to follow him with his eyes as long as he could and Michael’s heart broke for him. He noticed that the nurse who had met him when he arrived, was standing by the door, looking at him with such pity and sympathy that he was glad to know there was at least a good person there with patience and understanding for the people confined in that depressing place.

That evening when Jim arrived after work, he found the usual scene, Michael sprawled on the couch on his belly and Kyle curled in the armchair watching sports, so he did his usual thing too: he tousled the younger’s incredibly soft hair and punched the elder’s arm. He headed for the kitchen to fix something to eat when he heard Michael’s words.

“Dad, I have something important to tell you and Kyle.”

Jim stopped dead on his tracks and Kyle’s head went up as both true Valentis’ hearts did a flip, suspecting by the tone of Michael’s voice that whatever he was up to would change their lives as they knew them. Jim turned to face his adopted son, as the boy rolled on his side patting the place in front of him, so he indulged him and went to sit by him. Kyle sat on the floor beside them so Michael could take their hands in his and he could almost hear them thinking: ‘Uh oh, this is serious!’

“Yes, it’s serious…” He confirmed and watched their startled eyes open wide, realizing they hadn’t spoken the words out loud yet Michael had perceived them.

As Michael started telling them the whole truth at a pace that assured him he was getting through and they were understanding and digesting it, he felt them, several times, trying to pull their hands away from his, but he would have none of it and had no problems hanging on to them. Their faces had become masks of shock, fear, desire to get as far from him as they could and then finally, at the end, the same pity, sympathy and understanding Michael had seen in Jim’s father’s eyes and the nurse’s. He knew he was safe, but he had never doubted it for a moment, in spite of their previous reactions.

“Oh my god, Michael!” Was all that Jim could whisper when it was over, and Kyle rose up on his knees to lean over and hug his brother as tight as he could, afraid he would vanish and he would never see him again. “How could you live with this and what have I done to my father?”

“Forget about me, Jim, I’m in good hands and though I’ve always felt there was something different about me, I just really found out a couple of months ago when I saved Max and he healed me…” Michael started saying.

“Wow, Michael! Isabel Evans, and Maria!” Kyle interrupted him.

“Dammit Kyle! Is that all you can think of? We must do something about your grandfather!” Michael scoffed.

“You’re right son, but who can we trust to take care of him with what he might say while he goes back to normal? Because getting the drugs out of his system will take some time, with the handful of pills he’s been taking for years!” Jim sighed.

“I could ask Max if he can do something to clean him out. I don’t know if he can, because it’s not really healing.” Michael suggested.

“Wait, that Perez girl in our class mentioned her parents bringing a widowed aunt from Mexico to live with them and that she’s looking for a job but she hardly speaks any English! That would be great because anyway, she wouldn’t understand what grandpa could say!” Kyle was very enthusiastic.

“Cool, but let’s get him out of there first!” Michael agreed.

“Shouldn’t we make sure she’s still available before we do that?” Kyle asked.

“You do that Kyle, and I’ll start the paperwork to get Dad back home. It should give us time to get someone for him, hopefully that lady. I’ll do it first time tomorrow morning!”

Jim felt an incredible relief to know his father was not a nut case, but at the same time an amazing sadness came over him because of the way things had turned out for him and his father. And the irony of it was that an alien he had brought home with him had to be the one to find the solution.

As Michael had suspected, Max was unable to help Valenti Sr. because he was thankfully healthy as a horse, but Isabel’s dreamwalking put him in contact with his son and grandson, and the man’s recovery was astoundingly fast. Señora Perez became his great friend and he taught her to speak English in a very short time with unbelievable patience. Max and Isabel were furious initially with Michael at what he had done, but then Michael reminded Max he had really healed Liz right in front of him, which Isabel didn’t know about and she forgot about Michael to turn on her brother almost biting his head off. But Liz had been discreet and had only told Maria, who, as impossible as it may sound, swore to keep the secret and kept her word so well, that not even Michael knew about her being aware that he, Max and Isabel were aliens. With Jim’s backing them, they managed to have normal lives until Tess made her appearance and also ended living with the Valentis. That made her a better person than she had turned out to be in real life, so once she realized her ambition to be a queen didn’t justify her lack of feelings for Max, and the ones she had for Michael would have to be shared with Isabel and Maria, which anyway, weren’t corresponded except as friendship, she became Kyle’s girlfriend, to his pride and joy. Amy married Jim and eventually had to be let into the secret but she took it much better than they had expected and the Valenti family grew into a happy one. Alex came into their lives as a trustful friend so Tess didn’t have to kill him when he willingly translated the book for them. Eventually the Evans and the Parkers gravitated into the “I know an alien” club with very positive results in keeping them safe and loved. Soon after they graduated from school, Max and Liz applied for medical studies, Maria for music, Isabel and Tess, who had become good friends, for fashion designing, Alex for computing technology and Kyle for mechanics which was his true love, but it wasn’t to be. Their surviving parents: Michael’s father and Max and Isabel’s mother, got in touch with them and recalled them back to Antar, so to Roswell’s surprise, notes were found on the Valenti, Evans and Parkers’ homes saying they had left for an extended holiday in the Amazon rain forest, of all places. They had invited Alex Whitman with them but didn’t know when and if they would ever come back, which of course they didn’t, because life on Antar was paradise compared to Earth. After Michael proved to be the warrior he was and brought peace back to his planet, he stepped down from his rightful place on the throne to crown Max as a fair and respected king. The perfect end everyone would have wanted!

The third chapter of Michael’s odyssey began and he found himself once again that night in the desert as the lights approached them. He pulled at Max and Isabel’s hands to follow him but they were frozen stiff with fear and Michael didn’t let go this time, sure they wouldn’t be able to follow him so it was out of the question to trust they would do so. He stood protectively in front of them, facing them and sending them the security that he was there for them and wouldn’t allow anyone to take them away from him as he clung to their hands, feeling their fear. The next thing he remembered was the hands on his shoulders trying to turn him around and though he felt no threat coming from them, he knew they wanted him to let go of the two hands in his but he was reluctant to do so. He stepped between the two children to pull them away with him and in his haste, he tripped on a rock and sprawled on his face bringing his companions down backwards, to end sitting beside him. The air had been knocked out of him and he growled when he felt the boy and the girl yanking their hands out of his, which had lost some strength with the pain of the fall. Gentle hands slid under his stomach, easing him up and when he turned, he saw the woman with her arms around the other children as the man who was holding him draped him over his shoulder and carried him to the car. He eased him down carefully on the back seat, running his hands up and down his back and front as he lay on his side, making sure he wasn’t hurt, and sat the boy and girl on the front one between him and his wife, before they took off into the night.

Diane patted the little girl’s blonde head and was dismayed when she looked up to her, expressionless.
Then she had an idea. She pointed her finger at her own chest and said:

“I am Diane…Diane…” She repeated with a smile, to then point at the girl’s chest.

“Vilandra-Isabel.” The girl said.

“Isabel! That’s a beautiful name!” She nodded, still smiling, and guessing ‘Vilandra’ must probably mean something like ‘I am’ in her language because it was obvious they didn’t speak English or they would have done so already.

Diane then pointed to the boy, arching her eyebrows in a silent question but he just looked back clueless. The girl nudged his upper arm hard enough to bruise and he yelped giving her an angry look. She nodded energetically at him as he rubbed his sore arm with his hand and answered in a quiet shy voice:


“Alright, Max.” Diane beamed as the first syllable came out almost imperceptible but ‘Max’ was quite clear.

Diane then reached behind her to the back seat and squeezed the other boy’s thigh, but he just sighed, apparently asleep. Diane noticed the girl was looking at her so she gestured towards the sleeping boy with her head.

“Rath-Michael.” The girl said clearly, so Diane took the ‘Rath’ part as maybe ‘that’s’ and got the boy’s name as Michael.

She felt her husband’s eyes on her and turned to watch him nod and smile over the children’s heads, so she answered to him in the same way.

The rest of the trip went in silence as the kids’ heads drooped on each others’ in exhaustion. They parked in the driveway and the sudden silence woke them up. Diane helped Isabel out and Philip took care of Max. A quick glance into the back seat told them the other boy was still out, not even stirring, so they picked the trudging tired kids in their arms and sat them on the couch. Philip went to get the other one and fished him out of the back seat. The boy’s eyes opened when his feet touched the ground and when Philip tried to lift him in his arms like he had the other boy, this one struggled to get away, so he had to bodily grab him and heave him again over his shoulder. Philip pressed the boy’s thighs against his chest so the kid gave up and stayed still. The other two sat close together huddled on the right side of the couch so Philip had more than enough space to unload his cargo. When the boy’s ass touched the couch, he stretched out rolling over and lay with his face on the girl’s lap, as she was the nearest to him. Max sat between Isabel and the armrest, his eyes glued on Michael, who wouldn’t open his eyes.

“I’ll get them some chocolate milk.” Diane signaled with her hand so Philip would stay with them.

She went to the kitchen and got the treat in plastic mugs in case they were dropped. When she returned, she found Philip watching Max and Isabel tickling Michael, who was still lying down, making him giggle and squirm trying to get away from them.

“He’s awake! Good! Here!” She handed Max and Isabel a mug each from the tray but they just looked back at her.

Diane smiled nodding and tipped the mug over Isabel’s mouth, cupping her hand with a paper napkin under her chin to prevent an accident. The girl licked the few drops that had wet her lips and she grinned and reached for the mug. She started drinking with Diane’s hand over hers, helping her so she wouldn’t choke in her eagerness and when Max reached for one of the other mugs that had been left on the tray, Philip helped him as his wife was doing with Isabel. They were so busy that they were startled to hear the gurgling sounds, and turned to see that Michael was helping himself to the remaining mug very efficiently. Philip and Diane almost laughed but stopped themselves not to startle him. They thought that the next step which was to feed them, would now be much easier, but clothing them would be hard because they weren’t sure how they would take that. Philip turned on the TV set and the screen showed a forest scene full of monkeys flying from tree to tree chattering incessantly. Max and Isabel sat there staring openmouthed, following the animals’ progress with their heads until the Evans were afraid their necks would snap, while Michael sprawled again on the couch burying his face in his arms and groaned as if the noise bothered him. Diane hurried to her room and brought some clothes from her closet hoping they would somehow fit. She returned finding nothing had changed during her short absence and making sure Isabel was watching her, she wrapped the blouse around her shoulders. Then she gave it to Isabel and the girl imitated her. Diane smiled nodding and Isabel smiled back. Then Diane, moving very softly, eased the girl’s arms into the short sleeves. Max was watching with curiosity and when Philip handed him the other blouse, he tried to put it on too but needed help with the sleeves, which Philip supplied very gently. A peal of laughter had them turning to Michael who thought the whole thing very funny. Isabel rushed to him and whacked him on the ass. Michael saw her coming yet didn’t do anything to get away from her and let her hit him, which didn’t stop his laughing. Philip guessed that the reason for Michael’s amusement was because both Max and Isabel were wearing similar blouses, so Max was wearing a feminine garment. They did look funny with the blouses reaching down to their knees. Philip then took a t-shirt which was much shorter than the blouses, and donned it over his head to show Michael how to put it on, then he handed it to the boy. Michael took it and examined it thoroughly, but gave it back to Philip to resume his previous position on the couch. He seemed quite comfortable staying naked so they didn’t press him.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 124

Diane left them with Philip and decided to prepare scrambled eggs, which she was sure everyone liked. She mixed the eggs and cheese in a large pan and was about to throw in some ham when she changed her mind and thought better of it. Instead, she diced some tomato to add it at the end, giving it a colourful touch. As she stood in front of the stove, she only had to look to the right to see the living room. Philip had sat on his armchair beside the couch keeping one eye on the children and the other on the TV set. After a few glimpses, Diane noticed something was going on because of the change in Philip’s expression. The scene on the screen had changed to a herd of wild mustangs grazing on a wide green prairie. A mare neighed, calling to her foal, and Michael raised his face from his arms, turning towards the TV set. Philip narrowed his eyes and focused on the boy, wondering what he was up to. Diane saw Michael push up on his hands and knees and slip from the couch, moving with feline grace to touch the muzzle of the horse shown in a close up. But it felt wrong and he turned towards Philip with a confused look. Philip shrugged for all answer and Michael touched it again to watch the head of the horse vanish and the herd behind it also disappear, changing to an Animal Planet documentary which showed dolphins swimming in a blue sea with soft flute music on the background. Michael stepped back in surprise and turned back to Philip, shrugging just like he had done. Philip laughed at the boy’s imitation and Michael grinned. Diane, in the kitchen, laughed too and went to get the children to follow them to the table. They coaxed them into sitting on the chairs by imitating them and then, when Diane served the meal on the dishes she grabbed her spoon and pointed to Isabel’s. The girl didn’t get it so Diane took it and put it in her hand, so Philip had to do the same for the also unresponsive Max. Diane looked up to see how Michael was doing as he sat across from her, but he had already followed their lead and was helping himself to the food. Diane and Philip crossed a pleased look that said: ‘This one isn’t shy at all, he just goes for it.’

When they had their fill, Diane gave them ice cream. Michael spooned in with gusto so Isabel and Max followed his example. They made a squeaking sound and their hands clamped over their mouths, dropping their spoons. The Evans had another laugh at their reaction to the icy mouthful, and gestured with their hands to go slowly. They nodded, understanding, with their eyes watering, and glared at Michael who didn’t seem to be affected at all and had his full attention in what he was doing. When he finished, he looked up to Diane and then back at his empty dish, so Diane gave him a double second helping. This time they finished almost together and the Evans thought it was bedtime for the kids. Diane took Isabel’s hand and Philip took Max’s, reaching for Michael with his other hand, but Michael took Max’s and Isabel’s in his and they were guided to the guest room. The bed was large enough for the three children and Diane and Philip raised Isabel and Max, leaving them sitting on it. They held their hands not sure what they were expected to do, so the Evans pushed them gently down on their backs, closing their eyes a few times to send them the message that they wanted them to sleep. Philip patted the bed for Michael to climb on, having noticed by then that the boy liked to do things on his own, and he moved to do so at the feet of the bed. He climbed and crawled forcibly snuggling his way between the other two and lay face down, wrapping his arms around them in a clear body language that said: You are here with me and I am here for you. He turned his head and laid his cheek on Isabel’s shoulder, his eyes also closed and breathing evenly. Philip and Diane stood there watching them and checking them out. They looked about the same age, Isabel was slim, pretty and looked quite normal, Max was nervous looking and just a tad smaller, so thin, almost emaciated. He would need a lot of food and lots of supplements. Michael was a little taller, good looking and chunky. He had this firm strong body, the picture of health, he had shown to have much better appetite than the other two and a stronger personality, curious and unafraid, quite the opposite from Max who needed a lot of coaxing and waited for his sister to decide what to do. Michael would be quite a handful, that was easy to see. Michael shivered and Philip went to the couch to get the discarded t-shirt, placing it over his back. The boy moaned and turned his head to rest his other cheek this time on Max’s shoulder. They were definitely familiar with each other. Michael and Isabel were probably brother and sister but Max didn’t look like either of them. Their names were not foreign so maybe they had gone through a traumatic experience and they would start speaking as soon as it wore off, hopefully.

“I can’t believe it, Philip, we’ve been wanting to adopt for so long but we never found what we wanted or needed. Now these kids are like a gift that has fallen into our hands, I want them to stay with us, I don’t want to let them go!”

“And they will, I’ll fight with all I have so we can keep them, but unfortunately, tomorrow we must report we have found them.” Philip frowned.

“But they will take them away from us!” Diane whined.

“I’m afraid so, but not for long. I’ll find a way to get them back as soon as possible. Look at him, he looks so protective, like obsessed with it.”

Diane didn’t need to see who her husband was looking at to know he meant Michael.

“Maybe he’s insecure, or maybe they’ve run away and he’s afraid they will come after them.” Diane suggested.

“No, not that one, he hasn’t struck me that way, maybe the other one, the scrawny one, he does look frightened. The girl doesn’t look traumatized at all but still, it’s strange the way and place we found them. Well, we better get some sleep too because we’ll have a busy day tomorrow.” Philip decided.

They backed out of the room reluctant to leave. At about 3:00am, Diane got up to relieve herself and on the way back, went to check on the kids. The small night light was enough for her to see that Max and Isabel were awake, snuggled against Michael’s sides and whispering to each other over the sleeping boy’s back.

“Are you alright? Can I get you some water?”

Diane said softly not to scare them, but the two children gasped and turned towards her with frightened eyes to calm down when they recognized her. Diane noticed Michael’s arms around them also tensed and relaxed along with their reactions, but he didn’t wake up. Diane made the universal gesture of drinking, bringing her hand to her lips and nodded, so when they nodded back, she signalled for them to wait and went to get a pitcher and three plastic glasses from the kitchen. She poured water into two and handed them over. They managed to sit up and drank thirstily but didn’t finish them so Diane took them and placed them on the nightstand with the pitcher and the empty one. Max then tried to get up but Michael’s restraining arm didn’t allow him to. He placed his elbow against Michael’s ribs forcing himself up and Michael grunted in pain, waking up. He sprang to his hands and knees and looked left and right, making sure they were alright.

“Would you like some water, Michael?” Diane asked expecting him to be startled by her presence but he just turned towards her and smirked.

She pointed and gestured towards the pitcher and glasses so he followed her gaze but looked back at her, tilting his head with a puzzled look. Diane went to pour him a glass of water and gave it to him. He downed it and slid off the bed to get another one by himself. Then he went back to lie between the other two and was asleep in seconds. Isabel and Max snuggled again against him and she kissed his cheek as Max kissed his hair. Diane found it endearing from Isabel but weird from Max, though Michael seemed to enjoy it, purring like a cat. Diane went over and kissed their foreheads, but Michael’s position didn’t allow her to do so to him, so she placed her hand between his shoulder blades and slid it down his back. She patted the round compact rump and Isabel and Max giggled when Michael writhed and muttered a string of gibberish that the other two found hilarious and broke out laughing loud. Diane felt glad to see them happy and comfortable with her, but shushed them with a finger to her lips so they covered their mouths with their hands and giggled behind them. Diane pressed her hands together, laid her cheek over them closing her eyes and then pointing at them, silently asking them to go back to sleep. They obeyed placing their heads on Michael’s shoulders and closing their eyes so Diane returned to her room to find Philip sitting up, waiting for her. She shared with him in detail what she had just experienced before they also went back to sleep.

The alarm clock began buzzing at 6:30am and both Philip and Diane were galvanized into action. Their first thought was: ‘The kids!’ so they headed for the guest room. As they approached it, they heard a squeaking noise, giggles and grunts, so they sped up the rest of the way. They found Max and Isabel had somehow got loose from Michael’s grip and were jumping up and down on the bed at either side of him, who grunted with each jolt, still half asleep.

“Hey! Stop!” Yelled Philip and that seemed to finally wake Michael up.

“Stop!” He yelled, imitating Philip and surprising everyone.

Max and Isabel froze, and were picked up by the Evans and placed on the floor.

“You’re having a bath!” Diane announced and with Philip’s help, herded the three kids to the bathroom and started filling the tub, the rushing water catching their full attention.

They peeled the blouses off Max and Isabel, picked them up again and lowered them into the tub. Uncertain of what to expect, they flexed their legs and kept their feet off the water as long as they could. When they felt the water, they gave little cries of alarm that quickly turned into pleasure. They sat and splashed around, really amused. Michael had been watching with interest, and raised his hand towards the adults handling Max and Isabel.

“It’s alright, we just want to get you clean, you’ll like it, you’ll see.” Diane smiled at him as Philip chuckled.

That seemed to calm him down and he dropped his hand. Full of curiosity, he walked up to the tub and straddled it to then slide into the water too. He crawled over Max and Isabel towards the open tap and got under it, getting his hair and face drenched. Then, laughing, he shook his head like a puppy and sent his hair into spikes, pointing in every direction, making them all laugh with him. He twisted around and crawled back the way he had come, dropping over the other two children’s laps and holding onto the edge to keep his face out of the water. Diane turned off the tap and poured some suds, using her hand to make the water frothy. Max and Isabel helped her, imitating her moves, but Michael just lay contentedly over their laps in the barely tepid water, which Diane had chosen not to get too hot so it wouldn’t burn and scare them. They had to dress Max and Isabel again with Diane’s blouses but this time Michael took the t-shirt and slid it over his head remembering Philip’s demonstration. They got a measuring tape and jotted down all they needed to get them clothes without having to take them along with them into the store, being far from ready yet for the adventure. Philip had called his office to say he was delayed with some family business, so he stayed home, keeping the kids entertained with the TV, making awesome progress at teaching them several words while Diane rushed to get them the clothes they would need in less than an hour. She was amazed when she returned to hear them repeat and use the words they had learned so well, that she was convinced they did speak English and it was just coming back after a shocking experience. Philip had to totally agree with her, seeing how easy it was for the children to pronounce and understand the use of the words. This time clothing them was easy. Size 7, which she had chosen for them to be on the safe side, fitted nice and comfortably loose for Max and Isabel, but were snug on Michael’s sturdier body. Philip called Sheriff Jim Valenti and explained the whole situation to his sympathetic ears, then waiting for him to call back with instructions. When he did, he told them they had to take the kids to the orphanage as a formality until the paperwork was done, having recommended their plea for adoption the best he could to the pertaining authorities, and had been assured there would be no problems to their claim, knowing the responsible citizens they were. And so it was. After just a few days in which Diane spent all day with them to make sure they lacked nothing and left them in bed in the evening, they were able to take them back home. The psychologist they had to go to, found them quite normal within the traumatized profile, and told the Evans they were coming along fine, they just needed some time, that was all. It was decided they would refrain from school until next September, when according to the doctor, he considered they should be able to socialize with the other children without any problems. By then, Diane and Philip were ready to accept whatever terms and conditions which would allow them to keep the children. Anyway, they were convinced that ten months was more than enough time for them to find out everything necessary about the kids that would enable them to face the challenge and become part of the Roswell community. And so as Philip went to work, Diane took the children to the orphanage. Jim Valenti went with her and explained the whole thing to the person in charge, so that Diane could stay with them as long as she wanted everyday while the law required they stayed there until the legal adoption which due to the special situation, would take just a few days. The fact that she was there with them, smiling and relaxed, made the kids perceive that everything was alright and she wasn’t abandoning them. They took them to the playground to join the other kids there, and Diane wisely stayed behind with the lady in charge, attentively watching their behaviour. Max and Isabel stayed on either side of Michael, thankfully hanging on to his hands, so that even if he had wanted to, he was unable to display the outbursts that would have shown what he really was and got them into serious problems. The children who approached them smiling and friendly, were received in the same manner, though the newcomers didn’t speak at all, but those who showed an attitude, made them tense and Michael didn’t have to even try to push the other two behind him because they did it automatically. Michael faced the unfriendly ones with a smug smirk and a glare that clearly spelt trouble, so they let them be and moved on. After a while, Michael got fed up with the other two and shook his hands free, moving around and checking out the whole place with Max and Isabel in tow. They were very curious, touching everything that caught their attention, but at lunchtime, it was Diane the one who had to coax them into eating. In the afternoon, they were taken to a room where they were given many books full of pictures and Michael again was drawn to those of horses, but Max and Isabel didn’t seem to favour anything in particular at first. Then Max found one in a storybook that showed a king sitting in his throne with a crown on his head and was totally focused on it, going over it with both his hands while Isabel’s hands flew over the colourful pictures of girls dressed in bright clothes. Philip arrived at around 6:00pm and told Diane things were going just fine. She introduced him to the lady in charge and they had a chat as the kids were taken to wash up for dinner. Diane made sure the three under her care did as they were told and then they sat with them as they ate. After that, the children were taken to this big room full of chairs so they could watch TV for a couple of hours before bedtime, but though Max and Isabel obeyed and sat down, Michael would have none of it and lay on the floor with his face on his arms. It was obvious he was sleepy and wasn’t interested in what the other kids were, so the Evans asked the lady to let them take Michael to bed. Philip gently got him back on his feet and took his hand leading him to the large bedroom, followed by Diane with the other two who would not be left behind. The lady showed them their three beds and Diane explained to her that they weren’t ready yet to be separated, so they were pushed together. The Evans changed them into their cotton short and t-shirt pyjamas and Michael once again lay in the middle with the other two snuggled into his sides as he imprisoned them with his arms. The lady didn’t seem very happy with the arrangements but decided it was better not to have any problems with them and she told the Evans she would speak with the other kids so they wouldn’t be bothered. Michael was already asleep and Max and Isabel were getting there when the Evans kissed them goodnight and left. The previous night, the same thing had happened as they stayed in the guest room, so they felt it was the same here too and were ok with it. The Evans left their phone number in case they were needed, saying they would be there right away if it came to that, but it didn’t happen. Diane was there early next morning as soon as Philip left and was told by the woman in charge of the night duty that Max and Isabel had sniffled most of the night but Michael had slept on, having what she thought were just a few troubled dreams. Diane monitored the three children throughout the day and the next one, when her husband came with the papers that permitted them to take them home. The guest room became the kids’ room for years until the Evans thought it was about time for them to have rooms of their own. They reluctantly accepted it, but were constantly found in the guest room, which was still Michael’s, sleeping in their usual way, barely fitting, with just Michael’s arms keeping them from falling over the edges. It gradually became less frequent until they finally got used to having their own space when they were about fourteen. They made some friends in school, where Max and Kyle Valenti drooled over Liz Parker as she and her sidekick Maria and most of the girls there drooled over Michael who apparently drooled over no one, except for being a little possessive over Isabel, who seemed to have a big crush on that particular brother. Max was too nerdy for his siblings’ taste and was always having arguments with them over their lack of responsibility, as Michael kept picking jealous fights with any male who got too near his sister, allowing only Liz and Maria’s pal Alex to get chummy with her. Maria began to catch his attention and they were constantly chased out of the infamous janitor’s room, smooching it out every chance they got. Neither of them was keen on the typical school sports, but as was expected, Michael was hooked on horses from the first time they went to summer camp, and Philip was glad to oblige. He was also often found in the ice skating rink playing rough games of hockey to blow out steam when he was uptight which was quite often, as Isabel had made it clear she wouldn’t be embarrassed by his fighting off the guys that tried to get near to her because she could keep them away herself. The alien issues came up as soon as they were able to speak fluently, and it was more than the Evans had expected to discover about them during those ten months when they were adapting to their new family.

The Evans, eager for their kids to achieve the complete integration to their kind of family life, started asking many questions about what their lives had been like before they came into their hands. Though at first they had only vague memories, more like instinctive ones, as their speaking skills improved, so did their past start coming back to them in flashes and dreams and they were innocently eager to share it with their benefactors. Diane and Philip found it was so much more than they had bargained for, and were thankful that the children were still just in touch with them, so they were able to protect them from being discovered by the wrong kind of people who wouldn’t have given a second thought before locking them up for investigation. At first they had the disquieting impression that the children came from somewhere in the past, as they spoke of kingdoms and battles, but as they progressed, it finally dawned on them that they came from a whole different world, definitely another planet, especifically when Max willingly showed his abilities in healing, and Michael, his in blasting things for protection. Isabel’s dream walking couldn’t be shown during their waking hours but was proved effective that very night. Their other manipulations were common to all of them and also left their new parents quite astounded, and why not? Pleasantly surprised too. The children found it hard to believe that humans couldn’t do what they could, but were smart enough to understand their new parents’ reasons for not letting others know who they were and what they could do. So from the very beginning, they learnt to keep their powers to themselves, and only used them when absolutely necessary and making sure they weren’t seen. On their personal data, their parents found out through the flashes they received by a simple touch, that Michael was the youngest one and the true heir to the throne but preferred the army, so Max being the eldest and his cousin, had to take his place. Isabel had been Michael’s betrothed, so much in love with each other and sexually active since a very young age, and Max had been married to an Ava, not knowing what became of her, but they were expecting their first child when they met their sad end. They were shocked to see how hard Michael had died but they didn’t understand how they had come back to life in this distant planet and neither did the children. They all hoped some day they would have that answer. They couldn’t have asked for a better family and home! The Evans kept them safe and loved until they were contacted by their parents through Isabel’s dreaming skills and recalled to their planet and their people, who needed Michael to set them free again. Their family and friends were given the choice to come with them, but the Evans, though they visited them frequently, preferred to stay on Earth. Liz was by then involved with Max after her near-death experience and Michael had to be forcibly pulled apart from Maria to separate them so both girls came with them. Isabel brought Alex with her, also inviting Kyle, who met Max’s ex wife Ava, with whom he wasn’t in love any longer and she found the human interesting enough to mate with him. Kyle’s father, who had by then married Maria’s mother, were constant visits, Amy finally at peace with Michael, seeing the respected warrior he was in his planet, and Alex’s parents would go there quite often too, making their lives very pleasant in their original home.

Isabel loved the ending, but hated the meaning of it: that Michael’s life was ending…again. With tears in her eyes, she brought them back to their loathed present, knowing they were about to witness Michael’s extremely painful death.

Although she had been mostly in charge of the three illusions, it had all been true to Michael’s nature, and what he had wished it was, with the truths and inconveniencies he knew couldn’t be evaded. Of course it couldn’t be a rose garden, so he made it as realistic as it would have been. They were all specially touched by the way he handled Jim’s father’s issues, and they now knew how he had really felt about it, though he had kept it to himself. And making Diane and Philip Evans part of their secret from the very beginning, had them realizing how much he loved them and would have wanted to trust them with it, but his fear for their safety was greater and hadn’t allowed him to put them in danger, giving them a totally different impression of his reasons, which now they all finally knew, making Isabel so proud of him.

He clung to Isabel and Maria’s hands, knowing he was dying, and stubbornly refused to let it happen, hanging on to them in a useless attempt to delay it as long as he could.

- I’m so sorry…I don’t want…to die! I don’t…want…to leave you! - He moaned pitifully, louder than he had thought possible, with the effort he was making to voice his frustration. - Hurts so much! Too much…Dammit! I want to…stay with you! I want…to be with you…always! -

He bit his lip to hide a wince, letting go of it as he gasped, followed by a sob and ending in a grunt, and then to their horror, his hands started relaxing. Then so did his face, leaving just a hint of the pain that had killed him, but it didn’t marr the beauty of his features even in death, belonging there as a silent witness of all the suffering that had been part of his life, always there with him, one way or another, sometimes coming from whom he least expected. At least he was now free from it; he just seemed asleep, having a not so pleasant dream.

“So be it! Is that all? We don’t think so, are we right, our prince?” It sounded like millions of voices compressed into one and the mirth in its tone was hopeful.

Their eyes searched the place trying to find the source that kept eluding them.

“No! I also want…” And their mouths dropped open, listening to Michael making his demands as his dead body lay in front of their disbelieving eyes.

“Way to go, bro! Didn’t I tell you so? Now you believe me?” Rath chuckled.

“I couldn’t have chosen better, thanks for what I get to share. I’m glad we’re finally together!” Rath-Michael added.

“Hey, I’m going home! My requests aren’t possible on Earth, but they are on Antar, so don’t make me wait, huh?” Yes, that was definitely Michael!

They wanted to be there right away, they couldn’t wait! They needed to see him; they craved to be with him again!

- What shall we do with his body? - Jim asked, always the cop, but hating to have to bring it up.

- What body? - Serena answered him smiling.

It was then that they noticed Michael wasn’t there anymore. When had it happened? How? All their eyes had been on him. One second he was there and the next he was gone!
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
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Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 125

Serena could almost touch their fear of having lost Michael and were desperately trying to understand the intriguing exchange of words they had just heard from Michael, his two alter egos and an incredible amount of dead people wrapped up in one single voice.

- Oh my god, Serena! Please tell me its true! Tell me it’s not some kind of sick joke from beyond orchestrated by Khivar and that creepy demon! - Maria finally managed to break the silence.

- Yes it is, Maria, it’s true. My people don’t happen to have that human disgusting trait, though I have to admit we have some just as sick and even worse, as you have been able to see. But the death…no, the murder of a Royal blooded is nothing to joke about, specially if it involves our admired and respected prince Rath-Michael, who brought back peace to our world. You can be sure the Granilith meant each single word and Michael will get his every wish. - Serena smiled, very pleased with herself.

- Well, what are we waiting for? I want to be with him, we all need him, right? - She looked around the room, getting nods from everyone.

- They’re already working on it, Maria, you must have some patience. Thanks to his Royal blood, we haven’t completely lost him, but you must understand it can’t be the same as when he was alive. - Serena warned. - Isabel? -

Serena had noticed the girl was behaving strangely and she suspected the reasons, but wanted it straight from her.

- I’m a little embarrassed at the fact that though I got the ‘script’ of each possibility from Michael, I got carried away and elaborated and focused a little too extensive on the ones I am more familiar with, specially my Earth family. I didn’t mean to make his life experience with you so much shorter and less explicit than with the other two. - She said quietly, keeping her eyes on her hands.

- Come here! - Serena reached out for her and took her in her arms. - You didn’t need to go into details in our case to let us know how happy he would have been with us too. We are already honoured of having him giving us that chance and even starting with us. Knowing him the way we do, we know that if it had been in his hands, he would have willingly lived the three experiences, one after the other or simultaneously, whichever was possible. That’s his true nature, no matter how it was hidden by the circumstances. We need to get our lives in order for his sake, and prepare to travel. The arrangements will take more than a day, but remember the time space is different, so it may be much sooner than you think. I’m sure Michael would want all of us on Antar, which might initially be the case, and then those who prefer to make it a visit will be brought back to Earth, able to repeat it as often and long as they want to. But it depends on you. Those who want to stay just say so. -

Serena waited for their decision and when no verbal one came, she knew the answer.

- Alright, we all go then and make up our minds once we’re there. I’m sure Michael is hurrying it as much as he can, unable to wait to have all of you back with him, and he will eventually understand those who wish to return home to Earth. No hard feelings, you know him well enough! -

Their composure was beginning to come back, with the reassurance that Michael had not been completely lost to them though it wasn’t quite clear yet how things with him were exactly. Time and travel would tell, so they just hoped it wouldn’t take long because curiosity was driving them out of their minds.

Michael found it so weird, standing there in the middle of nothing whatsoever, and having a very sensible conversation with an invisible source. He felt awesome for a change: nothing was hurting any longer…finally! But his loneliness was worse, and he would gladly take all the pain back again if he could be with all those he had left behind for this relief of his suffering! Suddenly a line from an old Gordon Lightfoot song came to his mind: I get feeling guilty when I’m feeling no pain”…or was it ‘better’ instead of guilty? Well, whatever, in his case, it was definitely guilty! What was weirder still was that his thoughts were heard by the elders of the Granilith, but no, come to think about it, it was no surprise they could hear his thoughts.

“No Michael, don’t! There’s no reason for you to feel guilty. Your lives have been so unfair, it’s time to make up for that injustice, you’ll have them back as promised. Have some patience and let us make you feel better knowing they are going through the same thing too. They can’t wait to have you back and Serena is in charge of explaining to them what we’re doing here to you. They also feel guilty of wanting you back alive, in spite of the pain you would have to go through again, but Serena has explained that won’t be necessary and how things are going to be like from now on. They are very eager to come to Antar and be with you.”

“I need to know how it’s going to be for me, from now on.”

“Of course, listen carefully so you can enjoy your privileges fully.”

The Granilith elders explained Michael what would be possible and how.

“So what do I do now?” Michael asked.

“Nothing my lord, we wish you to rest and let us work on the most appropriate source of energy compatible to your requirements, so your loved ones can be recalled when you are ready to receive them.”

“Will it take too long? I really need them.”

“We know, my lord, we can sense it. Your essence is very strong and compels us to fulfill your desires, that’s why we need you to rest so we can work on it without that distraction to make it as soon as possible.”

“But I’m dead, I don’t feel tired, I don’t feel anything right now, how can I rest? Or sleep, if that is what I think you mean.”

“Yes my lord, that is what we mean, and that’s what the dead do, according to Earthlings…rest in peace, right?”

“Yes, I guess so…I think you’re right, I might not really sleep, but I can try to relax and foresee how I shall spent my available time with them, not to disappoint anyone, enjoying their company the best way I can.”

“Perfect my lord, just imagine the place where you can do that and you will be there right away.”

“Cool…” Michael said, and pictured himself in his huge bed at the Dupree mansion, feeling immediately the soft silky bedspread under the front of his body as he sprawled and snuggled to his heart’s content. “Awesome!”

The elders smiled and put him in the perfect trance to plan his future semi existence.

Then in their infinite wisdom and kindness, touched by the respect and sympathy they felt for the princess Vilandra, they sent her the vision of where her loved one was and what he was doing.

Isabel felt this amazing peace, knowing they would soon be back home with Michael, but she had no idea how that would be. She went to the sleeping area, and lay back half on her sleeping bag and half on Michael’s which was right beside hers. She could still perceive his familiar warmth and sweet scent on it as she placed her hands on her stomach feeling a slight swell forming on it. The vibes of her twins made her palms buzz and she knew that meant Michael’s strong Royal blood was cleaning out their human part to leave them pure Antares. Maria joined her and lay back beside her on the other half of Michael’s sleeping bag, her hands on her stomach too.

- Something’s going on in here; it feels funny, like I was full of bees! - She said, looking a little scared.

- It’s alright, their Royal blood is changing the human one to Antares. It’s happening to me too, but yours have more human DNA whis is being turned into RNA, so no wonder you feel like that. It must be tickling you twice as much as in me! - Isabel giggled.

- Yes, I really needed to lie down and needed to be as near to Michael as possible. - Maria smiled.

- How are you girls doing? - Serena said as she sat at their feet.

Isabel told her what was going on with them and Serena nodded.

- Good, it means they’re getting stronger and they’ll begin to grow at an Antares pace as soon as the human in them is gone. - She told them.

- I can’t wait to hold Michael in my arms again! I need to feel him with me as much as Isabel does too, right? - Maria turned to Isabel.

- Maria, it won’t be exactly as when he was alive because he’s not. Let me give you an idea of what to expect. You will feel him with you all the time, but not physically…- Serena explained.

- You mean we won’t be able to touch him? But he said…- Maria started.

- I know, at first, he will be able to materialize for you but under specific conditions and for just a short time, as the amount of energy required will take him quite a while to boost it up and be able to do it again. With practice, he will master the skill soon enough to be there as often as he wishes, but it can’t be on a constant basis, as you can understand. - Serena interrupted her to clarify it.
- But once on Antar, I’m certain that what will be constant is the mental communication with him. -

- That’s fine with me. I can wait as long as I can feel him there with us. - Isabel sighed with relief and Maria had to agree.

Isabel closed her eyes and this wonderful calm expression appeared on her face as her hands reached out for Serena and Maria’s. She was receiving the message from the elders of the Granilith and she gladly shared it with them. As they watched a naked Michael stretched out as comfortable as he could get on his bed, looking totally at peace and beautiful, they knew everything would be alright. The exquisite display of his gorgeous body told them nothing could go wrong, as he was in the hands of those who loved and respected him and whom they trusted to want the best for him. Together, the three of them sent the mental image to the others and felt their happiness and relief at what would be the end of the nightmare of Michael’s death.

Then, as if hypnotized, they all got together and pushed the sleeping bags close to each other, materializing the extra ones that were needed, and lay back holding hands to make a larger that usual circle. They fell into a refreshing restful and sleep, each one dreaming of pleasant moments they had spent with Michael as they waited to be once again with him. Hours later, they sat up awake together to find the cave brightly lit up, and that could only mean lord Ramthis’ presence coming to communicate with them. He became visible and they could see the Shaman Amaru was with them.

“We have good news. Amaru has found a link between the two world which will provide Michael with the source of energy he will need to be with you. He can explain it better than I can.” Ramthis stepped back and Amaru started speaking:

“This unending source of energy comes from the very centre of the planet, just like the fire in the depths of Earth, at the core of both planets. Michael’s powers can easily access it through his Royal Blood. Once the charge is spent, he will simply withdraw to replenish it, going into a sleeplike trance while the ones he has just been with will also take their rest. It’s up to you to make his new way of existence how he would like it to be, sharing his time with you without jealousy or conflicts of any kind, because that kind of stress in his present state will make it very hard for him to recharge and take him longer to come back to any of you making his stay much shorter too. Are you up to it? For him?” Amaru asked them hopefully.

He received a loud and general ‘Yes!!!’ that place a huge smile on his wrinkled face.

“Fine! I will start working on your transport so you better get ready. It will be there to get you in the next Earth hours.”

Michael had never felt so relaxed in his life. A couple of barks and enthusiastic licking had him chuckling to the innocent love of Laurie’s dogs. The sudden opening of the bedroom door and the familiar voice made him realize where he was.

Sylvia had been dusting the hallway while her mother was waxing the stairs. She had already passed the closed door of the main bedroom sadly reminded of Michael and hoping there would be good news about him by some of those rare miracles. As she passed it again on the way back, she heard the dogs inside the room and remembered the windows had been left open to keep it aired. She opened the door to chase the dogs away wondering why they had gone into the room if they only did it when Michael was there. Her heart skipped a beat and she went dumb when she saw Michael buck naked on the bed, enjoying the dogs’ caresses. Anita heard Sylvia opening the door and turned towards her to see her standing there pale, wide eyed and open mouthed. She got up quickly and rushed towards her.

- Hija, que te pasa? Parece que has visto un fantasma! - (Daughter, what’s the matter with you? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost!)

She reached her and followed her gaze to go exactly as she was. Michael was completely unaware of them as the dogs’ enthusiastic whining and yelping kept him from hearing them, but his ultra sensitive Royal blood alerted him, repeating the sounds he had missed like an echo. Realizing what was going on, his newfound powers had him vanishing from sight, though he remained, in an invisible state mostly out of curiosity to see how they had taken it.

- Mami, tu tambien lo viste? - (Mum, did you also see him?) - Sylvia asked softly, somehow finding her voice.

- Si hija! Ay dios mio! Ya se nos fue! Vino a despedirse, mi pobre niño! - (Yes, daughter. Oh my god! He’s already gone! He came to say goodbye, my poor child!)

The dogs started howling, confirming Anita’s worst fears. Instead of chasing them away, they just left respectfully, as according to their beliefs, the animals were also voicing their farewell.

- Gracias Michael, por acordarte de nosotros. Gracias por venir, hijo! Nunca te olvidaremos, te queremos mucho! - (Thank you Michael, for remembering us. Thanks for coming, son! We’ll never forget you, we love you very much!) Anita said as she quietly closed the door and took a very shaken Sylvia with her.

Michael felt bad at having scared them, he hadn’t meant anyone to see him and he was not sure how he had done it.

“It’s really good, it means you’re automatically tapping into your energy source, which caused you to be visible, that’s why you materialized. You unconsciously turned on the mechanism that will allow you to fully use your privileges. Congratulations! Well done, my lord!” The voices of the elders sounded quite impressed.

“It shouldn’t have happened here, the dogs are no problem, their instincts are true and they know why I was there, but I never meant to startle the women. I feel bad about it, really sorry.” Michael scoffed.

“Don’t. They are wise people, the Andes, trust us, to them it was an honour that you personally let them know that you have left their world. They will treasure and remember the experience for as long as they live and tell it to those they love and respect as a beautiful departing gift from you. You heard the elder one thanking you, and she meant it from her soul. The younger one will eventually understand the meaning her mother gave to your appearance, but it will take her some time still, because he can’t accept the fact that you’ve gone from them. She will be fine, don’t worry. She loved you very much, so did her mother.” They said, consoling Michael.

“May I stay here until my loved ones come to me? I like it and I don’t think they’ll come back, not even to chase the dogs away since they’re quiet now.” Michael wondered.

“Of course, my lord, anywhere you choose, if you like sharing your space with those beings.” They answered doubtfully.

Michael laughed at the way they expressed themselves about the dogs and sighed as he felt himself relaxing with the two silky heads resting on his thighs and his hands holding onto their paws.

Laurie’s cell phone rang and she saw it was her home number. Every hair on her body stood on end when she heard what Anita told her.

- Yes Anita. Just a few hours ago. He wanted to stay here so we’re doing as he wished. I’m not sure when I’m going back home, but I’ll let you know. Thanks for calling. Thank you for your sympathy. - Laurie turned to inform them what had happened at her house.

Serena brought them out of their shock, familiar with the Andes traditions. She informed them exactly what the elders from the Granilith had told Michael, making them feel better about Anita and Sylvia, and glad to hear of the progress Michael was achieving towards fulfilling his wishes for the time when they would be together again. Everything seemed to be going according to his plans as Serena had expected.

Michael went through the mechanics that would have been taking a deep breath when he was alive. Then he did his sideways hip snuggle to end with one of the dogs’ muzzles inched upwards to his ass and the other one’s wedged high up between his thighs. It tickled him, making him squirm and got one hell of a jolt as the typically wet and breathing nose nudged the spot where his piercing had been.

‘Wow! Awesome!’ Michael shivered with pleasure. ‘It felt just like when I still had the freaking thingy.’

Michael thought that maybe with an extra push he could make the chains materialize there too, but he wanted to save all his energy for his loved ones, so if the feeling was there, that’s all he needed, and that effort might cost him precious time where it would be most needed, so it wasn’t worth it. The need he was feeling for them was so bad, it hurt. He knew he had chosen the best place possible to be during his desperating wait and decided that time would pass much faster if he followed the elders’ advice to relax while he planned ahead not to waste even a second of the time he could spent with his loved ones. So he indulged himself in a little sweet masochistic torture, picturing what he wanted them to do to him as soon as he was able to be with them.

Ramthis called on an assembly and stood at the castle’s yard, addressing all the inhabitants of the citadel. The grief on his face as in lady Wyteeah’s warned them of what was coming.

“With the deepest sorrow you could possibly imagine, I regret to tell you that my son, prince Rath-Michael has fallen to the revenge of Khivar, who in death, through the alliance he had formed with the demon Supay, have tortured him to death once again, this time on the planet Earth, where they caught up with him. His body has already been recovered by the Granilith and his ashes have joined the sages that form it. His special privilege, through his Royal blood, has been to always be with his loved ones, in which all the Antares are included, after he returned to free us and give us back our peaceful lives again, showing the undying love he has for his family and people. His two pregnant wives, princess Vilandra-Isabel and her Earth one, Maria, will be arriving soon, with our seer, Ser’eeah and Zan-Max, as well as a group of his dear friends from Earth who cannot find on their planet the peace they will be blessed with here with us. Both of them are expecting twins, a boy and a girl each, so you will have four Royal blooded heirs, to eventually pass it on to their children and continue his line of kings. He wants his cousin Zan-Max to be your king again, whose experience on Earth has changed him into a better man as you have already seen during his stay here. Rath-Michael’s essence will be with him, making him the king you will learn to respect through his fair ruling of our system, with my son’s constant advice. He exhorts you to trust him and accept him in his name. Right here, where I’m standing, a statue of Rath-Michael riding into battle in all his glory, will stand for all to see. Remember him always like that, ready to risk his life fighting for your rights.”

Ramthis’ voice broke on the last words and he turned back towards the castle, leaving the crowd mourning for their dead champion, tears falling from their eyes, men and women alike.

As the daylight started to fade, the said statue made its sudden appearance, stunning the people with its lifelike looks and size. They seemed so alive, the wine coloured coat and golden flowing mane and tail of the stallion made it look as if it was about to take another flying stride. Rath-Michael’s helmet lay back behind him, between his shoulderblades, where it always was before he put it on for battle, only this time it was there to allow his rich brown hair to flow free and to show his hazel eyes streaked blue with Gandarium as he led the charge. His lips were parted as he rallied his army behind him, giving him an almost erotic expression, typically his. He ‘wore’ his transparent armour with knee high black boots, his muscle definition matching his steed’s, sword and shield in his hands and the reins wrapped around his wrists, body leaning forwards, fearlessly urging his mount on the enemy. Those who had actually been with him on the battlefield couldn’t help shuddering at the vivid representation of their young warlord. Even the women, most of them having known him well enough to speak with him, kept staring as if expecting words to come out of the full lips, which wouldn’t have surprised them at all, so well achieved was the boy’s inert likeness.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 126

So much like what Michael was doing, Serena got them together and asked them to relax and have pleasant thoughts and memories to help time pass faster.

- Tell us what’s on your mind, Liz. - Serena nodded, noticing the expression on the girl’s face.

- It’s just that I couldn’t help remembering how I was so focused on Max at first that I didn’t pay Michael the attention he also deserved. - Liz sighed.

- No Liz, you don’t seem to recall that after you went to the trailer park to warn Michael of Topolsky’s plans, you asked me why Michael had ended up there and Isabel and I at the Evans’, and also if Hank was always so…and when you couldn’t say the word, I provided ‘rough’ for you. You looked and sounded quite concerned for him. - Max reminded her.

- I was the one that said Michael creeped me out when he checked us through the window of the Crashdown. - Maria admitted.

- And yet, at that time when I was teasing you and I dreamwalked you, I found it interesting that in your dream, you had Michael sitting there all dressed up and tidy haired, looking gorgeous, rather than the monster you thought he was, and probably Max and I too. - Isabel reminded Maria, bringing a weak smile on her face.

- And I was scared shitless of Michael after that night I followed them into the nooky motel and he threw me like a rag doll across the room. Still I wondered next day how come I wasn’t sore anywhere. I think he made me land on a sofa or something that broke my fall easy enough, angry but not really meaning to hurt me. He just wanted to get me out of the way and used what force was needed to make me understand and obey. -

- I know what you mean, I was so scared when I saw him for the first time because he looked exactly like the photographs of Grandpa Charles when he was young. I couldn’t make up my mind if I was really going nuts or if it was some terrible hallucination caused by all the pills I had been taking at Pinecrest. I just wanted to get as far away from him as I could so I ran as fast as I could. He somehow caught up with me trying to calm me down but I kicked him in the balls and took off again. Then when he spoke to me after rescuing me from the wrecked ambulance and whoever it was that was shooting at us, he was so sincere, that he totally won me over, and I couldn’t help trusting him. - Laurie sniffed.

-Yes, he can be intimidating but he always means well. - Ava nodded as she remembered her own experiences with Michael when she first visited Roswell.

- Well, you can’t imagine what it was like to meet Michael the way I did! I was at the operating theatre with my team waiting for our patient to arrive. All we had been told was that it was a kid who needed an emergency surgery. Then finally, they roll in this chunk of a boy, stark naked with a rod sticking out from between his legs and the blood pooling underneath. We all checked him out and went: ‘Ewww!’ I couldn’t help thinking who the hell could do such a thing! I reached out and spread him to confirm the point of entry and yes, it was rammed right up his ass. I took hold of it tugging gently to see if we could hope for an easy removal and I was shocked at the jerk and grunt that made me realize he wasn’t unconscious as I had thought. Then it went from bad to worse. The things we had to do to him to uselessly try to anesthetize him and then what we put him through to just cruelly immobilize him so we could struggle to remove the damn poker and what it took to cauterize the internal wounds it had caused, knowing he was feeling everything we were doing to him! It gave me recurrent nightmares for months and I still get them a little more often than I care to admit! - Stuart shuddered.

- Mine was awesome! Derek had told me about Laurie’s relatives that had suddenly and unexpectedly come back into her life. I got their appearance from the flashes when I touched him and knew who they were because I had seen the abducted DNA donors. Derek of course, had no idea who they really were and I wanted to be absolutely sure before I told him everything about the importance of their reappearance. It was too good to be true, as I had given up hope of finding them so long ago, so I found it hard to believe my luck. When I made contact with Max and Isabel, my doubts were gone, and when I hugged Michael, I almost passed out from the jolt I got from him as the powers which were compatible with Earth’s atmosphere finally returned to me! I felt as if I had been born again! I sensed he had felt it too, but distrustful as he was, he needed much more proof of who I really was, so I had to go slowly not to overwhelm him and maybe make him suspicious of my motives, taking me for an enemy in disguise. He took to me much faster than I had expected and it was absolutely worth it. - Serena recalled. - Now, close your eyes and remember any special time you shared with him, reliving it as vividly as you can, feel him there with you, alive. -

Michael was then so acutely sensitive to their vibes that it was as if he were standing right there beside them, he could hear every word and feel everything too, just as they did. Liz’s empathy was so strong, that she was the first one there with him. He felt her small hands gliding down his back on that Enigma night, to then touch him more intimately, spreading him, prodding him, carefully slipping into him, and shivered with the erotism that she was evoking.

Then Liz was gone and he felt Max tentatively reaching out for him to be pushed bossily aside by Isabel, and Michael found himself bent over the Evans’ coffee table as Isabel invaded his body and then allowed Max to do so to along with her. Then they were in her bedroom joined in a threesome of extreme alien intensity. Michael understood how much it had meant to Isabel and Max, as it was their first time, thinking it was Michael’s too, so he blocked away all the evidence that would prove them wrong. Then, in full hurricane mode, Maria did what she did best: she pounced on him and made him hers. She made sure no body part which gave Michael pleasure was left untouched or unattended until he was gasping and sobbing in a shattering orgasm. He had barely recovered when he felt the strong body of a horse between his naked thighs as definitely male hands pressed his hips back to meet the thrust of a massive cock filling him completely: Kyle. He enjoyed the way the animal’s movement kept his lover shoving into him until they both exploded almost simultaneously. Michael was suddenly wracked by excruciating pain as he felt hands that would soon after become familiar, though they weren’t yet at that precise time, hold on to his thighs and the small of his back to then extract from his body the object that was causing his torment with even more agonizing torture. The pain was gone as both hands slid caressingly up the inside of his thighs and lovingly adjusted his body so they could be joined with ecstatic effects. It was obvious that Stuart was remembering the traumatic very first contact he had with Michael and then the first time he made love to him, which he would never forget. What followed was a strobe-like succession of feeling the pleasant touch of other persons that had been part of his Earth life. First it was Amy DeLuca’s hand on his cheek and calling him her ‘favourite fighter’ or something like that, then it was Diane Evans holding him in her arms as he was medicated, then medicating him herself, drying him with a huge towel, feeding him and kissing him goodnight. Jim Valenti took her place wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug which allowed Michael to sense his guilty feelings at not having adopted him himself. The small, older man whose hands held his, took him completely by surprise, as Nicholas sent him his regrets at all he had done to him, wishing he could have stopped his cousin from killing him, and fading to leave him in Serena’s arms. It was their first contact and he knew immediately who she was but couldn’t believe it, getting from her how overwhelmed she was at their meeting. Yes, it was her, but…dammit, why was he always so doubtful, so distrustful? Couldn’t he just believe something good could happen to him? He felt Serena’s hands on him on several occasions, always sending him her love and a mix of admiration and respect that confused him at first but then, as she had his previous life pass in front of his eyes, he could understand her feelings for him. He felt her always there for him since then, whenever he needed her for any reason. She could sooth any pain away and he would be eternally grateful to her. The booming voice of his father irrupted into his mind with the best of news:

“Son, everything is ready for the immediate transportation. Serena, get everyone ready, it should happen within the next Earth hour at the most.”

The messages were conveyed to both parties simultaneously and Serena alerted her group who had been ready since they heard it was possible. So they just sat there, waiting for it to happen.

- I wish my parents were here with me. They liked Michael very much when he was working at the Crashdown, and I know Michael liked them too. I think they deserve to know what happened to him and since they know about the alien thing I feel bad to have them left out. - Liz gave a small sob and felt Isabel’s hand in hers.

- The Whitmans also deserve to know about their son, and how we all loved him and about Michael too. After all, Michael was also there to carry Alex’s coffin. - Isabel whispered wistfully.

Then both Liz and Isabel felt Serena’s hands on their shoulders.

- I can get them here, combining my powers with Michael’s link with the Granilith. Are you sure you want them here? You’ll have a lot of explaining to do! - Serena reminded them.

- We can brief them in seconds joining our energies and make it on time for the transport to Antar if we hurry! - Isabel said enthusiastically.

Serena nodded and closed her eyes in concentration. She was covered in an icy looking aura, shimmering until it faded, and when Serena opened her eyes, the Parkers and the Whitmans materialized at either side of her.

Jeff and Nancy rushed to Liz when she called her parents and they saw her. They had accepted Max’s alien status as well as Michael and Isabel’s so they guessed this had to do with it. Then the Parkers squeezed Liz’s hands and turned to the others teary eyed, to offer their condolences about Michael.

Isabel stepped up to the open mouthed, shocked Whitmans and took their hands in hers. Serena and Max joined the circle and provided their powers to have the Whitmans informed in bare seconds of the reason they had been summoned there. They were calm and reasonable people and that enabled them to digest and assimilate the information that had just been fed to them.

- This is amazing, Isabel, but first of all, our deepest sympathies to all of you about Michael. We had no idea what that poor boy had gone through all his life, well lives, from what we have just found out. Thank you so much for the honour of including us in this visit to your planet. -

Only ten minutes after everyone had made the Whitmans welcome in their elite circle, Ramthis’ voice rang in Serena’s head.

“Alright, are you ready?”

“We’re ready!” She said, for everyone to hear and know that they would leave right away.

They made the circle connection and the second the last two hands were together they disappeared from Earth. It was as if they had just blinked and they found themselves inside this silver craft and the imposing ex-warlord walked into the room in the flesh, without the glowing edge that he always had during his visits. He hugged Serena for almost a full minute and when he let go, she introduced all those he still hadn’t met.

- Welcome back home, Ser’eeah, Max, Isabel and Ava as well as all our honoured human guests. Are you alright? Michael would experience some discomfort during the trip home but it was probably his ultra sensitive Royal blood kicking his human side away. Max just got dizzy but for only a few minutes. Right Max? So, how are our human friends feeling? - He asked with a slightly worried expression.

- I’m fine, just kind of lightheaded, what about you guys? - Stuart said, getting back nods from the rest of the humans, confirming they shared his condition while the three hybrids did look rather dizzy.

- Good, now follow me to this special room which maintains Earth’s atmosphere and will gradually change into the Antares one so by the time we arrive you will be completely adapted. -

He took them to this big comfortable room with strange looking but very comfortable ‘couches’ where they sat and relaxed as the transition occurred so subtly in a matter of minutes, that they didn’t feel it at all. Ramthis left them while it happened and returned by the time it was over. He could tell by their smiles they were all feeling fine.

- Well Ser’eeah, you’re in charge of tuning up their powers. - Ramthis smiled back at them, and sat to watch her taking those who needed it, through their paces. The ones without any alien influence in them watched open mouthed how the others developed what was due to them without the least difficulty but just surprise to find it so easy. The original plan had been for them to be there to protect Michael with their shields in his final confrontation with Khivar, but Michael, protective as always, had not allowed them there with him, but left them safely behind on Earth. They couldn’t believe the way time had flown when Ramthis told them they would be landing in just a few minutes.

- Mmm…Excuse me, shouldn’t we wear some kind of seatbelt or something like that to make sure we’re safe for the landing? - Maria asked, hating to feel stupid.

Ramthis had no idea what she was talking about so he placed his hand on her head and realized what she meant. His expression passed from surprise to amusement, breaking out in a peal of laughter that no one expected and had Maria blushing red.

- Maria, this is the best craft we have in the galaxy, it is used to transport only the Royals and their guests. I can assure you no security of any kind is needed for the landing and you will realize it’s on the ground when the door opens to allow you out of it. - He informed her when he could finally talk.

Maria was so embarrassed she couldn’t find her voice, so she just nodded, not daring to raise her face.

- Raise your hand those who were thinking the same thing as Maria! - Serena demanded from the rest of the group and all the hands were raised except for hers and Max’s who had already taken the trip before and didn’t count. - Don’t feel bad, Maria, you weren’t the only one, just the first to speak out. -

Maria looked up, smiling weakly but feeling better. Everything was forgotten as the hatch door opened and the view that met their eyes left them gasping for words to describe it.

- Antar…- Serena and Isabel whispered in unison, Serena seeing again a world she thought she had lost forever and Isabel finally in touch with her previous home which had seemed so out of reach since she learnt it really existed.

They stepped out and found the colours fascinating. They were the same colours they knew but so impossibly vivid and radiant that they seemed to glow with an invitation to be touched. They couldn’t resist it and did so, and the vibes they got from the objects was that they enjoyed being touched to such extent that they expected a smily face to form on them as they stopped the contact.

- Are you feeling alright? - Ramthis found what they were doing quite odd.

- Yes! - Isabel answered for all of them. - We feel energized, as newborns, ready and eager to start living! -

- Good! That means the transition went quite well. I will take you on a tour of our citadel but first I need to introduce you to those who Michael loved as much as you…the Antares people. Please follow me. -

He led them over a multicoloured cobble stoned road wide enough for three and as they walked they found the floor resilient and soft to walk on. It ran along the familiar castle from their virtual visits thanks to Serena and around it to open into the huge courtyard overlooking the square which was below them and could be reached climbing down a flight of about a dozen steps. What passed for a bell started tolling but its sound caressed their ears, not startling or deafening like Earth bells could be and they could see the square rapidly filling with people who stared up at them in awe. A very dignified and smiling woman stood there alone apparently waiting for them and reached out as they approached her, recognizing immediately Max and Isabel’s mother. Wyteeah took Isabel in her arms and they laughed with happiness, then she hugged Max, her dear friend Serena and Ava who was trying to make herself scarse.

- Come here, Ava, you are not to blame for your life here with us, I’m so sorry about your parents, but you have a mother in me. Welcome back! - Wyteeah embraced her and kissed her hair as she sobbed quietly.

Laurie came next and Wyteeah felt the familiarity shared with Ramthis’ daughter.
Liz came last but not least of the girls and then Stuart and Kyle were in the woman’s arms one after the other. Derek and Wayne followed and then came the couples: the Evans, Jim Valenti and Amy, the Parkers and the Whitmans.

Ramthis cleared his throat and turned to the square that was milling with people.

- Antares, I present to you my son Rath-Michael’s Earth family and friends, with whom he is linked in death as he is with you. His love for them is as great as his love for you, for whom he suffered and sacrificed physically, fighting for your freedom, as well as phychologically to achieve everything he needed to keep you safe as long as he could in his previous life in this his home. -

All the Antares’ right hands were raised above their heads in acceptance and respect and the Earth party was moved by their unanimous show of love for Michael, receiving them as part of him.

Then Maria started feeling this tingling pleasant sensation surrounding her completely and turned to Isabel, who nodded and whispered:

- Michael! He is here with us! I can feel him! -

Then looking at the rest of them, she could tell by their expressions they were all feeling him there with them too. The Whitmans looked a little uncomfortable, but Isabel explained what or rather who it was and they smiled and relaxed.

- Yes. - Said Ramthis. - He wants you to see his world. Come with me, I’ll give you the tour. -

And those who had already visited Antar through Serena’s magic, found it quite different being really there. As they started following Michael’s father, they were expecting some kind of jet lag that never came, and which wasn’t mentioned not to make a bigger fool of themselves, taking deep breaths of the pure sweet air.

Almost three hours later, they returned to the castle after going over the whole citadel and its surroundings to have a pretty good idea of the wonderful and peaceful lives of the Antares. They even visited the Andes village accessing it through the tunnels which were the safe hideaway during Khivar’s reign. Wyteeah led them to a comfortable private room where a young couple was waiting. They were introduced as O’Sheeah, Michael’s sister and her husband Larek. Though she and Laurie could pass for sisters, they wouldn’t be taken for twins but Larek didn’t look like Brody at all. They proudly told the newcomers they had two little boys. That’s when Michael’s presence became so strong and terribly overpowering as his voice filled the room, taking up all of their attention.

“Can I show myself? Are you ready for me?” He asked tentatively.

- Michael! Where are you? What are you waiting for? Show yourself this very second! - Maria scolded him impatiently.

They had to blink at the blinding light and when they opened their eyes again, Michael stood in front of Maria wearing the short tunic, tights and boots according to his Antares status.

- MICHAEL!!! - Maria screamed and jumped into his arms.

As she did so, she suddenly thought it might not be a very good idea after all, not sure if he would be solid enough or she would pass right clean through him, but she slammed into him and his arms held her tight against him as his lips closed over hers. Isabel ran to him and grabbed him from behind, pressing herself against his back and that was the cue for the rest of the young ones to galvanize into action, pouncing on Michael from every angle that wasn’t already taken by his the two future mothers.

“Hey, HEY!” Michael called out as he toppled forwards over Maria, holding himself off of her on his forearms and knees. “I’m wasting energy here!”

- Oh shit! Let him get up! - Ordered Max as he moved back to allow the rest to do so too.

They slowly went upright again and Michael pushed up getting Maria up too as she clung to him.

“I’m glad to see you too guys, but I’m just working out how much energy it takes
to keep me in live mode and for how long. This is kind of a ‘test’ appearance until I manage to deal with it accurately, ok? If I start fading, it’s goodbye until I can make it again, and I still don’t know how much time that means yet.” Michael smirked. “Please Maria, Isabel, let me go. Parents have preference, you know?”

He gently peeled their hands off him and went to where the group of amazed older people stood watching the astounding events of communicating with the dead. He went up to the Evans and took Diane in his arms. She automatically responded hugging him back and then gave a little shiver as it hit her that Michael was some kind of ghost. Michael understood and made nothing of it as he felt Philip’s hands carefully feeling his way to make sure he was really solid to then pull him away from his wife and embrace him warmly. Then Michael went on to Jim and Amy, followed by the Parkers and then the Whitmans, who although they didn’t know him that well, were quite moved by the circumstances, ending completely covered by Serena, Derek and Wayne.

“I thought I would never see you again when the darkness enveloped me for the longest seconds ever, and then I heard the voices telling me they were granting me the wish that had been my last words alive. So Rath had been right, and I would get what I wanted. That made my whole two horrid lives worth it! Now it’s just a matter of mastering my privileges, and I don’t think it will take me too long. Got to practise though, so bear with me and have the patience which I’m finding hard to get. Help me there, ok? Hey, can I touch…you know…” He gestured with his head towards Maria and Isabel’s now rounded stomachs which the Antares atmosphere was making them catch up with the birthing cycle of the planet they were in.

- You don’t need to ask, they’re yours. - Isabel said smiling as she walked up to him with Maria beside her.

Michael placed his hands on both of them and closed his eyes, communicating with his offspring.

“Good, they’re very healthy, I know of one who will like to sing, like her mother, and another one who will be very touchy about her clothes, like her mother too. I regret to tell you the males will be as impulsive and…well…like me. Sorry for that.” Michael shrugged.

- We’ll love them just the same, and they will turn out like you should have been, which we’re sure they will be much more manageable, because they will never be neglected. You’ll see. - Maria nodded with emphasis.

- They sure will! - Isabel agreed.

“If you say so. Uh oh!” Michael winced.

- What! - It came out as a chorus from all of them.

“I’m feeling kind of dizzy, guess I’m running out of energy. I’ve got to leave to recharge. You know, the hazards of being dead.” He smirked as his body flickered a couple of times before he was gone.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 127

During the next week, everything started falling into its place. Michael took hold of his present situation and got it under control. Maria and Isabel’s babies started growing as would be expected on Antar and their mother’s bellies got rounder by the hour. Then to everyone’s surprise, specially her parents’, Liz announced she had suspected she had also been in the ‘family way’ for some time now, having missed her periods for just as long as Maria and Isabel, but had somehow managed to keep it to herself, because of the tense situations they had been through. Now that they were safe and she felt relaxed, she had noticed her belly was really growing too and had used her clothes to conceal it, keeping Max at a distance, using her powers to block him away and a number of excuses that had their relationship becoming practically non-existing. Max had been extremely understanding and patient and he deserved to know what was going on with her so she had decided it was about time to do it. Though her instincts and her body told her she was right, she didn’t want to be disappointed, seeing how happy Maria and Isabel were, and specially how Max would be. She had heard of cases where the whole thing had just been caused by the woman’s mind and in the end, there was no baby to be born in spite of how realistic it all had been.

“Yes you are, Liz, I should know, right?” Michael’s words reminded her of their empathy.

- Liz, that night that Michael shared with Isabel and Maria, it was decided the new generation would start right away. We kept your symptoms in check until you arrived on Antar, because your help was essential to keep the group together and in control during the crisis. We could do nothing about the periods because it would compromise your health and anyway it could be blamed on stress. - Amaru explained. - You beat me to it as I was trying to find the adequate moment to disclose this information. -

Amaru seemed about to keep on talking but stopped, looking uncertain, and anyway, he was interrupted by Maria and Isabel who had rushed to Liz to start jumping around like Elementary schoolgirls.

The babies should be born by the week end at the most, thanks to Amaru’s diet full of the nutrients that had them catching up with the Antares cycle. The Shaman had the future mothers bathing for an hour every day in one of the pools that Vilandra and Rath-Michael used to go, choosing one where the water was specifically regenerating and moisturizing so their skin could cope with the strain of the changes they were undergoing. Maria and Isabel did it together, so Michael would be there with them and using his powers, he would be able to have sex with both his wives during their health bath, as they lay back comfortably with their legs open and flexed. He simply dematerialized just the part of his body that would be in contact with their protruding stomachs, merging with them so he could feel the babies inside him as well. While he was with one of his wives, the other one would play with him, giving him the boost to his pleasure he loved and enjoyed. Then Liz was programmed on a different schedule and though Max insisted on being there with her, she kissed him and asked him she wanted to spend that time in full concentration to plan the future of their child. She, like Amaru, seemed to have some extra information they considered not ready to share, so Max kissed her back and had to accept her request.

Michael spent half an hour with each of his girls and then the next hour every other day with the older group, out of respect for them. The Whitmans got to know him and the Parkers as well as Philip Evans and Amy, now Valenti, got to know him better. Jim and Diane were the closest to Michael, as were Serena and her family. Michael loved the time he spent with them, providing him with the social skills which turned him into the person he really should have been. The other days in between, he spent with Max and the younger males, calling it ‘a guy thing’, which of course, many of the ones in the older group knew what it was about and nodded knowingly to one another. Philip Evans, the Parkers and the Whitmans were kept in the dark, remaining ignorant of the issues, being better off that way. The sages had advised Michael to keep it down to two hours daily in a visible material form so he could be just solid in the dark with Maria, resting in each other’s arms at night, as he charged himself with the energy source for the visual part which he could access automatically. By the afternoon of the sixth day, Maria, Isabel and Liz got a ticklish tingling feeling and consulted Amaru who said it was time, taking them to a room to rest and relax. As the Shaman made sure they were comfortable, there was a soft knock at the door and Amaru waved it open to reveal Ava standing there shyly with Kyle peering over her shoulder.

- Alright Ava, come in and join them. It’s about time they know your secret too. -

That’s when the girls noticed she was just as pregnant as they were, and realized the reason why she had also taken to wear these loose blouses about the time their condition became obvious, so hers wouldn’t be noticed either. They had just thought she had liked the way Liz was dressing lately and followed her fashion lead.

- Ava! Why didn’t you tell us? - Maria demanded.

- Is it Michael’s too? - Isabel asked, a little apprehensive.

- No. - Ava said, trying to hide a hint of disappointment, because of the human sibling issues. - It’s Kyle’s. -

The door shut in Kyle’s smug beaming face to give the girls the privacy they deserved.

- Amaru, it’s not fair, she should have had the same diet and baths as we did! - Isabel observed.

- Oh she did. Her food was the same as yours, and she just took the baths on a different schedule. - The Shaman confirmed, winking at Liz.

- But why didn’t you tell us Ava? - Maria insisted and then noticed the interaction between Amaru and Liz. - Shame on you Liz! You knew! No wonder you were so quiet and not surprised at all! -

- Kyle and I just decided to keep it as a last minute surprise. It’s just that I don’t like to have too much attention. I’m used to fend for myself so I kind of like it that way. When I joined Liz at the baths, she had already sensed it, that’s why she asked Max to be left alone. She understood and I was grateful for it, like when I visited Roswell that time with Lonnie and Rath and Liz was there for me too, so don’t blame her, please. No offense meant and none taken, I hope. -

- Of course not! I’m very sorry about the way we behaved that time, but we were so worried about Max. I know Michael has apologized and you have forgiven him, so knowing you as I do now, I’m sure it will be the same for me too. I’m truly sorry, Ava. Now join us since we’re in the same boat! - Isabel ended with a smile.

Ava went to lie back in the ‘birthing chair’ left and Maria reached over and squeezed her hand, smiling at her too, getting Ava to smile back. Liz, on the other side, did the same, also reassuring her. Amaru then gave them the sweet herbal concoction which sent them into a sleeplike trance and they gave birth effortlessly and discreetly in the Antares way with everyone watching. Ava’s little girl was born half an hour sooner and Liz’s ‘princess’ only seconds away. Then Isabel’s twins followed by Maria’s with just minutes in between.

After having a wonderful week with the newborns, the Whitmans and the Parkers reluctantly decided to go back and see how their abandoned businesses were doing back on Earth, quite worried about the explanations they would have to give about their sudden disappearances which they had been informed, would be much longer than the two weeks they would be spending there. They discussed this with Michael and he immediately went into strategy mode which was Rath-Michael’s specialty. He needed just a few seconds to get it all settled: Mr. Whitman was retired so he had no real problems as he had three brothers working with him in what was a family business, so he could take off anytime he wanted without the real need of any explanations. Philip had two very competent lawyers working with him by then and he was sure they were coping fine in spite of being surprised at having been left on their own. Michael told him to send them an e-mail apologizing for the lack of explanations but that he had just found the letter he had written them, quite accidentally in one of their bags, realizing that both he and his wife had thought the other one had posted it. They were sincerely sorry for whatever inconveniences this had caused and would be going back as soon as they got homesick.

- But how will we write an e-mail from all the way here? - Philip wondered.

- We have our computer which can reach anywhere we want to. - Michael smirked.

- Fine, they’re off the hook, but what about me? - Jim asked worriedly.

- No problem. ‘The powers that be’ will contact your direct superiors because they had forgotten, by some stupid bureaucracy, to inform them that they had sent you a letter giving you leave for as long as you chose in apology for having kept you away from the institution on charges of which you were completely innocent due to an ‘unfortunate misunderstanding’ and from which you were automatically absolved the second you were back working with them. When you return, you will take that letter with you saying you found it on your desk the last day you were there but put it in your pocket to read it when you had time. Since it was quite a busy day, you did so back home in the evening, that’s why you decided to accept the Whitmans’ invitation to join his group and travel abroad when they called you. - Michael told him.

- And they will buy it? C’mon, Michael! I need my job, and I’ve already had one hell of a problem before! - Jim frowned. - And where will I get the letter from? -

- Charles here…- Michael began addressing Alex’s father as he had asked him to, on the first day there, - happens to be a computer geek just like Alex was. Where do you think he got it from? He can access anywhere from our computer here and we’re totally undetected, so he can print the letter with the correct signatures and they will not be a forgery, but the real thing. -

- But they will say they didn’t write it at all! - Jim said rather loudly.

- Don’t worry, Nicholas will be able to get to them with Serena’s help plus my boost, and use Ava and Kyle’s mind warping powers to have them believe it on a permanent basis. So you’ll go back to work with everyone asking you about your trip, which you’ll start inventing on the way back. - Michael punched Jim’s arm gently and laughed.

- What about us? What will we find when we return to the Crashdown, if it still exists? - Jeff Parker was now the worried one.

- C’mon Jeff, you know José is very responsible after working for you for I don’t know how many years, and he’ll be coping in every way. If I know him well, he has taken it in his hands and invented some very convincing tall tale. Remember he started as an ilegal so he’s surely quite good at it, and since he needs the job as the family man he is, he will be making it work for both his sake and yours. Am I right? - Michael asked.

- Yes, I guess you are. - Jeff sighed and turned to Nancy who nodded, absolutely agreeing with Michael.

Derek and Wayne would join them for the same purpose of making sure their business wasn’t in trouble in the able hands of their trusted attorneys and partners. Stuart decided to go with them to see how the clinic was doing in the also able hands of his chosen team of doctors and under the supervision of his two very efficient friends and colleagues. He would be back right away and the Lavoisses plan was to spend the equivalent of an Earth day on Antar after a six day week of work so that it wouldn’t be suspicious, that way they wouldn’t be missed. The others decided to do exactly the same thing, the Parkers knowing that José would be the first one ready to push them away to have one day free and away from the restaurant under their excuse of visiting Liz at College. The Whitmans had no problems to go with them as did the Evans but Jim’s job was a little more demanding, so though Amy would be there with the other travellers, Jim would join them when he was able to. Michael insisted on Amy bringing Jim’s father on the next trip, because he totally deserved it, and anyway Michael already knew the amazing progress he had done during their absense with his new friend. He mischievously chuckled to himself undetected, also knowing James Valenti Sr. would eventually marry her, but that was only the future couple’s decision to disclose.

In a beautiful ceremony, half Antares and half Andes, all the children were betrothed.
O’Sheeah’s two boys to Isabel and Maria’s girls and their other twin boys to Liz’s and Ava’s girls, so their eventual offsprings would all have Royal blood. Then Maria spoke:

- I know I will not have any more children but of course all you guys surely will, so will they all be betrothed between themselves too? -

Amaru walked up to her, smiling kindly and wistfully at the same time as he took her hands in his before he turned to the rest of them, who awaited his answer eagerly and hopefully. He sighed as he chose his words carefully.

- There will be no more children for you either, I’m very sorry, but you will have plenty of grandchildren. Royal families were very large originally so they will return to that status gradually. You are the transition step, so there is already a much larger generation that the previous one which had been quite limited as were the last ones. Remember Michael will not age a day after his passing, so it will be hard for this generation to watch him always appear as young as he is today. - He turned to Michael, not knowing how to continue, but sure that he would.

- I will let you decide when you want to leave this world, and I know you will do it all together. I shall be waiting for you to join me, and by then I will stay with you, never appearing here again. We shall start a new Granilith, with the wisdom of both cultures, to honour those worth it, from the planet that sheltered us when we needed it. - Michael’s eyes locked on everyone’s at the same time, due to his powers. - When you decide to join me, I will make you look again as you do now, when you first stepped on this planet, no matter at what age you left it. That is a promise. -

Amaru answered the silent questions on most of their minds.

- The next generation will gloat on the fact that they were lucky enough to know Rath-Michael personally through the generosity of the Granilith, and his fame and reputation as the greatest warrior Antar has ever seen will grow with each day. So will the legend of the Royal Four, even if the outcome wasn’t as had been expected. It will become the Royal Ten, with O’Sheeah rightfully joining the four couples with her husband. Maria, Stuart, Liz and Kyle will be a legend on their own as the travellers that came from Earth to add their wisdom and wrap up the group in happiness with their loved ones. -

- Stuart, I would have wanted to give you a child…- Isabel turned to her Earth mate, full of sorrow and regret.

- No, Izzy, don’t worry. I will love your children with Michael like my own, as much as I love him too. -

- Hey dude, I’m the one who’s sorry. It’s all my fault. After having Royal children, she can’t get pregnant again, except by me, and that’s not going to happen either, as Amaru has just confirmed. - Michael scoffed.

- What do I have to do to you to pay attention? - Stuart playfully goosed him.
- Didn’t you hear me say I will love your kids like my own? -

Michael pushed back against Stuart’s hand and wiggled against it.

- Maybe that wasn’t enough, huh? - Michael said in a husky voice full of lust.

- C’mon Michael, this is a serious matter, can you keep your ass on hold? - Maria hollered making them all break out laughing when Michael couldn’t help blushing on top of all.

Ava and Kyle had immediately used their mindwarping powers to make it seem like just an innocent joke to those who might be shocked by what it really meant.

- Shit…fuck…- Michael clamped his hands over his mouth remembering the group of older people who were watching him quite amused and laughing even harder with his reaction, sensing and thanking Ava and Kyle for their wise intervention. - Ok, got it now, sure dude, I heard, thanks a lot. I owe you so much, and now this! I love you man. - Michael said, his cheeks still red.

- Hmmmmm…- Was heard from the rest of the younger group.

- Oh, you know I love all of you guys, in different ways, mind you! - He corrected himself remembering his siblings were there too.

Ava developed a slight blush but took care of it immediately, so it wasn’t noticed as they were all looking at Michael. He noticed it of course, and winked at her, understanding her feelings for him. After all, Isabel and Max were his cousins, quite close enough to incest, weren’t they? He sent it only to her and she grinned back. He loved her, she knew he did, brotherly, but she always detected a hint of something else, not sure what it really meant and which guiltily kept up her hopes. They were alien after all, weren’t they? She felt Michael was sharing her thoughts with their secret smile and it was all they could do not to blush again. Liz sensed it a fraction of a second before Michael remembered to block her out, but then it wasn’t her business anyway, and she made sure they got that from her. Their eyes locked and blinked imperceptibly, everything was alright between them, they had their secrets, and that’s how they would stay.

Ramthis arranged for the Royal transport to leave by Earth’s evening, which the ones returning had decided would be safer and quite discreet. It would be in three Antar hours so they had enough time to say their goodbyes. Michael went invisible to save energy so he could be there with them when they left, but they felt him with them all the time. It was early afternoon when they climbed on the craft with all the Antares there to see them off, and honoured by the apparition of their warrior which was the first time for them. He usually saved his energy to materialize for his group of friends and family, but this was an exception and the Antares were thrilled.

That evening when Maria sat on her bed, she felt Michael was already there waiting for her.

- Michael? - She said, reaching over to the left side of the bed and feeling him there.

- Right here, my love, waiting for you. - He whispered just before she touched him.

Maria lay back and Michael immediately covered her with his body. Michael had programmed himself to sleep in Maria’s arms and would only wake up after she did. Maria found it ironic that Michael continued to ‘sleep like the dead’. As she felt him relaxing, she remembered those nights, since the first one there, when he merged with her body, like he did at the pool, not to cause her any discomfort and loved taking the burden of the twins away from her so she could rest without the strain of their weight. She clearly recalled her thoughts on the very first night it happened, as she lay dozing, holding Michael asleep against her. She felt like Psyche, in the legend of her marriage to Eros, the god of love. The girl had been taken to this beautiful mansion where she lacked nothing, but her husband only came at night and she wasn’t allowed to see him. She had no idea who he was. Then when she got homesick, her sisters were brought to visit her and they envied everything she had. They poisoned her mind when they found out she had never seen her husband, telling her maybe he was deformed, a monster so hideous and offensive to look at that no wonder he wouldn’t let her see him. Before they left, they told her she had to hide a lamp in the bedroom and use it to see him when he fell asleep. Of course, at that time, she had an oil lamp and when she was shocked to recognize the beautiful young god of love, a drop of burning oil fell on him and woke him up. She was automatically banished for not keeping her word and she just couldn’t go on living without him, missing his wonderful lovemaking of which she had no complains, quite the opposite, totally in love with him. She went through thick and thin, looking for him, regretting her stupidity but Maria knew the gorgeous young boy who was her husband, no guessing there. She realized he would always look like that, going on 18 forever, while she would age like the rest. Now it was like the Highlander, loving his old wife and lighting a candle on her birthday forever, but with the difference that he wasn’t dead, he was immortal which meant he would also stay looking the same eternally. She was thankful that she wasn’t pregnant anymore though she regretted she never would again, and that Michael had promised to make them as young as they were then, when they decided to end their lives and join him. Michael would keep his word, he would never fail them. She slowly fell asleep and her connection had her sharing Michael’s dream, only it wasn’t a dream, Michael was going through their future. He could do that; he could really do anything, being then part of the Granilith. She saw them all aging, very dignified and elegantly, she saw Max was a good king, listening to Michael’s advice and she saw them all being wonderful parents. She saw the next generation’s love and admiration of Michael, following his example to become the perfect Royals that the constellation needed. She had to admit she had become a very good looking woman in spite of her age by then, they actually all had. She saw them receiving Laurie and her husband Wayne, who hadn’t had children, on a last visit. Then all together informing Michael of their decision to join him, and making the circle connection so that the second all hands were joined, they were young again with Michael smirking at them. They knew they were gone when they noticed Serena beside him with all the older group long gone before them, both from Antares as from Earth, the latter brought by Michael to Antar seconds before they peacefully passed away on their home planet, to join them eternally.

Antares was safe again and it would stay that way. Michael had made sure of that through his interaction with the next generation, and that legacy would be passed on to the following ones unfailingly. And yes, Michael had to admit there had been something much better for him and Maria than Roswell, New Mexico.
