A Gypsy's Enchantment (AU M/L Adult) Chpt 5 04-15-09 [WIP]

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A Gypsy's Enchantment (AU M/L Adult) Chpt 5 04-15-09 [WIP]

Post by Evansgurl01 »

AN: Hey you guys! I don't know if you guys remember but I had posted this story before but hadn't updated it for a while so it was removed from the site. I've decided to repost it and continue where I left off. Hope you enjoy it! EG

Title: A Gypsy’s Enchantment
Disclaimer: Ya’ll know the drill. Aren’t mine.
Rating: Mature/Adult
Couples: M/L
Summary: Max Evans comes from a long line of gypsies. When he was nine he met a young girl by the name of Liz Parker. Circumstances happen and they never see each other again for thirteen years. Jeff Parker wants a rare one pound blue diamond worth over 100 million gold coins. He knows the gypsies have it and will do anything to get it.




Nine-year-old Liz Parker held tight to her dolly as she quietly made her way down the spiraling staircase. She held tight to the shining mahogany banister not wanting to accidently slip. Once she reached the landing she looked from left to right to make sure none of the servants saw her. She’d be in big trouble if anyone saw her sneaking away. Her dad had told her she wasn’t ever allowed to go see the circus that came to town every year. A bunch of dirty, stealing, gypsy scum owned the circus he had said, but Liz had to see it. She wished she could’ve gone to see the circus with kids her age but she didn’t know anyone. She was home schooled and her dad didn’t allow her to speak to anyone outside of the house.

“A proper young lady didn’t consort herself with riff raff like the likes of those gypsies,” Jeff Parker had told her last year when she had begged to see the circus. “What would your mother think if she knew that her one and only daughter wanted to run around with garbage like them?”

Nancy Parker had died on Liz’s fifth birthday. She had been in a horrible car accident according to what her daddy had told her whenever she asked. Her mother’s last gift to her was her raggedy Anne doll. When Liz held it tight she felt a hard stone where a person’s heart was. “Whenever you feel scared or alone hold her tight and feel her heart for it is mine that is in there. Remember I am always with you. You hold my heart in your hands little one.” Her mother had said to her.

Liz didn’t remember much of what her mother looked like anymore but she’d never forget the beautiful song she had always sung to Liz before tucking her in bed. Her mother had had a beautiful voice, like an angels.

Every voice is silent 'round the world
All the earth is sleeping
On this night, my tired little one
You are in my keeping.
I can hear you softly as you breathe,
Your tiny heart is beating,
Savor every moment now my child
For youth is surely fleeting.
I am here now,
Have no fear now.
I will keep you safe until the dawn.
Come the sunrise in your young eyes,
All your tears and worries will be gone.
O, young you are But strong you will grow,
I watch your life unfolding.
So gently now,
I cradle in my arms
This miracle I am holding
I am here now,
Have no fear now.
I will keep you safe until the dawn.
Come the sunrise In your young eyes,
All your tears and worries will be gone.

Her soft voice had always made Liz feel safe and loved. Now that she was gone Liz had no one to sing the song to her. Sometimes at night when all the bad monsters would come out to try and steal little girls like Liz she would hide under the covers and sing her mother’s song, pretending it was she singing it to her. Her father had tried throwing it out after Nancy’s death stating that young ladies had no use for dirty, worn dolls, but Liz had hid it from him. He had said proper young girls didn’t play with toys, they needed to learn proper etiquette and discipline. She loved her father very much but she found he didn’t understand her and ignored her when she tried to explain herself to him. Deep down Liz secretly thought that if her mother were still alive she would’ve probably joined her on the trip to the circus instead of forbidding it.

Seeing the coast was clear Liz quietly made her way to the large wooden doors and opened them as softly as she could. Once she closed the door behind her she ran across the lawn and stopped behind the bushes just in case, peeking around the bushes one last time for good measure she darted off and out of her dad’s property. Grinning because she managed to leave her house undetected Liz ran off towards town excited about watching her first real circus.


Liz stared wide-eyed at the massive amount of people bustling around town today. Women, men, and children of all ages were laughing and talking loudly about the performances to come. Liz’s eyes darted from one thing to the next not wanting to miss anything. Beautiful decorated tents stood tall housing fortunetellers or belly dancers. There were ring jugglers, fire breathers, and men walking on stilts. Liz even saw a dog jump through a flaming hoop!

Loud music blared from one of the tents drawing Liz towards it. There already was a crowd of people gathered around, the air was buzzing with excitement. Liz slipped past everyone until she was standing in the front row right in front of the stage. Two men with bandanas on their heads and gold hoop earrings in each ear played the drums to the beat of the music. A beautiful woman with long blond hair and shiny gold earrings appeared on stage. She was wearing a long black skirt that stopped right above her bare feet. A gold ankle bracelet glittered in the sun while she moved to the beat of the music. Her white peasant shirt dipped low but not immodestly so. The crowd clapped and whistled as the woman danced.

Moments later a man joined her on stage. He wore black loose pants and a black buttoned down shirt. He unlike the woman wore black boots on his feet. He also wore a white bandana and his diamond stud glinted on his ear. He danced rhythmically with the woman their movements synchronized. Liz couldn’t believe how beautiful they danced. The music at the background was unique and energetic. Liz couldn’t help but gape in awe.

The gypsy men started to beat the drums faster. The dancers picked up the pace, the man starting to spin the woman in fast circles. Liz was getting dizzy just watching them. Finally with a loud bang a cloud of smoke appeared; everyone waited with bated breath as the smoke cleared. Applause erupted when they noticed the dancers had disappeared.
Liz clapped enthusiastically along with everyone else.

A rumbling sound came from the stage and a new bout of smoke appeared. The dancers reappeared out of what seemed like thin air and received another round of claps. From the corner of her eye Liz saw someone making their way around the crowd with a bag. She turned to look and saw a little boy around her age collecting money. He wore black pants similar to the man on the stage. His white shirt was crisp and clean matching the white bandana he wore on his head. A gold chain with a cross amulet dangled around his neck. Liz was a little surprised to see he had a small hoop earring on his right ear.

As if he could feel someone staring at him the little boy turned his head and met Liz’s dark brown eyes. Her eyes widened and she held tighter to her doll as he made his way through the crowd closer to her. She didn’t know why but her tummy felt like it was full of fluttering butterflies. Before she knew it the little boy stopped in front of her. She noticed he had pretty eyes, like the honey the maids would put in her afternoon tea.

He tilted his head studying her for a while before smiling at her. Liz couldn’t help but smile back shyly.

“Hi.” She said in a small voice.

“Hi.” He smiled wider.

Liz noticed the crowd was starting to disperse and move on to other tents. She looked back at the boy who hadn’t taken his eyes off her. He didn’t speak just stared at her as if he’d never seen a little girl before. She started to fidget with the hem of her dolly’s dress under the boys gaze.

“So se nav?” the boy asked.

Liz had no idea what that meant shaking her head she answered. “I do not understand.”

He smiled again. “Mi nav si Max.”

“I-do-not-under-stand–what-you-are-say-ing.” Liz said slowly.

“Max.” He said again pointing at himself. “Max.”

Liz opened her mouth in an understanding ‘o’. “Oh that’s your name. Max.”

Max nodded smiling brighter. “Mi nav si Max.”

“I’m Liz.” Liz said pointing to herself.

“Liz.” He repeated.

Putting the bag of money in his pocket Max grabbed her hand. “Leso Kil.” He said while he pulled her towards the back of the performance tent. They passed by people enjoying the entertainment. She noticed whenever too many crowded around them, Max would hold her hand tighter and stand in front of her as if to protect her.

Liz didn’t know where he was taking her but she found she wasn’t afraid. Once they reached the back of the tent he led her past other gypsies that looked like they were practicing for their own performance. Most didn’t pay much attention to them but some stopped to pat Max on the head.

“Max?” A woman’s soft voice called.

Liz and Max turned around to see the woman who had performed on stage walking towards them. She said something very soft to Max in a different language and Liz saw him hand her the bag of money. Her eyes drifted to Liz and she stared at her for a while before smiling at her. Max looked over at her and grinned before speaking very fast to the woman.

“Hello beti yeck.” She said kindly.

Liz held on to her dolly tighter with one hand and Max’s hand with the other. “Hi.” She said softly.

“Did you enjoy the show?” She asked.

Liz nodded. “Oh yes. You dance very lovely.”

The woman smiled. “Well it takes a lot of practice. You speak very well for such a tawnie child. My miro camo and I have danced all our lives.”

“I wish I could dance like you.” Liz said shyly.

“You may someday beti yeck. All you need is practice.” She said tapping Liz on the nose.

Liz smiled.

“Daj.” Max rolled his eyes impatiently.

The woman smiled at Max and spoke very fast in their language before turning to Liz.

“You and my son go play. He has been working hard today and is getting impatient.” She said patting Max on the head.

“Leso kil.” Max repeated to Liz.

Liz didn’t understand him but smiled anyway.

“He is telling you to go play.” The woman said. “Go. Have fun.”

Liz let Max pull her away from his mother and towards a trailer. Leading her inside he walked towards a door. When he opened it she soon figured out this was his room. It had a small bed in the corner where he sat her down. Liz could tell this was definitely a boy’s room because of all the mess and car posters he had.

He opened a toy chest he had near his closet and pulled out two trucks. He walked over to Liz holding out the red truck to her. Liz looked at it questioningly. Girls don’t play with trucks.

“Acai.” Max said pushing the toy closer to her.

Liz looked at it warily for a while before taking it. Max grinned then sat next to her on the bed. He started rolling the blue truck he held on the soft comforter of his bed. He grabbed Liz’s hand pushing and pulling the red truck trying to get her to join him. Liz hesitantly started rolling her red truck and soon they were both racing their trucks across the floor. Liz jumped up laughing when she won. Max smiled shaking his head then walked over to his toy chest pulling out a red ball.

He held it up as if to say ‘this is what we’re playing with now’. Liz nodded putting down her dolly on the ground and holding out her hand for him to throw. They played with the ball for a while until Liz finally got tired and shook her head at him.

“Let’s rest.”

He tilted his head at her.

“Rest.” Liz said pointing to the bed.

Grabbing her doll she walked over and lay down on the bed. “Tired.” She said fake yawning so he understood.

Max put the ball down and walked over to the bed lying next to her. He looked down at her doll.

“Kon se oduvvu?” he asked pointing at her dolly.

Liz didn’t know what he asked but answered anyway. “This is my dolly. Her name’s Nancy. My mommy gave her to me when I was a baby. She’s in heaven now.”

Max looked at her for a while as if trying to understand what she was saying.

“Heaven,” Liz said pointing at the ceiling. “My mommy’s there.”

Max nodded as if in understanding. His gold necklace glittered when he moved.

“Who gave you that?” she asked pointing to his necklace.

Max looked down at his chain holding the cross in his hand. “Baba gael amande.”

Liz didn’t understand what he said but nodded.

“Max!” Liz heard someone call.

Max got up taking her hand. He and Liz made their way through the trailer and outside where his mother stood.

“What is your name pireni?” Max’s mother asked.


She smiled. “I am Cinella. It is getting late beti yeck. Your daj and dado will worry for you if you don’t get to them soon. Why don’t you go home and come see Max collico.”

Liz’s eyes widened. She hadn’t noticed the time! She hoped her father or any of the servants didn’t notice her missing. He would lock her up in her room and never let her out if he found out.

“I have to go.” She said to Max.

Cinella translated what she said to Max. Max nodded at his mother before answering.

Cinella turned to Liz. “Max wishes to walk you to the end of the street.”

“Okay.” Liz said nodding.

Max started pulling her outside towards where the circus was still going on. “Goodbye. It was nice meeting you.” Liz smiled at Cinella.

“I will see you collico.” Cinella smiled.


Max and Liz walked hand in hand through the crowd. They were almost at the corner of the street when a shout stopped them in their tracks.

“You thieving scoundrel! You stole that coin from me!” A man roared.

Liz watched in fear as a man attacked one of the performers. A fight quickly broke out and people were soon running and screaming. Max held tight to Liz’s hand.

“Leso jallan!” Max yelled pulling her towards the street.

They broke off into a run trying to get away from the fighting. They ran towards the end of the street where Liz could see the path ahead that led to her house. “MAX!” They heard Cinella’s voice.

Cinella came quickly towards them. She spoke fast to Max the turned to Liz. “We must go. I am sorry but we must leave now.”

“Will I see you tomorrow?” Liz asked.

Cinella shook her head. “I am sorry beti yeck but we must leave this place. We will return someday.”

Liz’s eyes widened. “But-“

A loud gunshot made Liz jump, cutting her off.

“We must go little one.” Cinella said taking Max’s hand and starting to leave.

Liz felt tears come to her eyes. “Wait!” Liz ran towards them and handed Max her dolly.

“Take her. Give her back when you come see me again.” She said smiling through her tears.

Cinella quickly translated.

Max nodded before taking off his necklace and putting it around her neck. He said something to her.

“He says he will return for his necklace. We must go now pireni.” Cinella said running towards their trailer with Max in tow.

Max turned their eyes meeting once more before disappearing through the crowd. Liz held on to the cross on the necklace around her neck letting more tears fall.

“Bye Max.” she whispered after the first friend she’d ever had.

So se nav: What is your name?
Mi nav si Max: My name is Max
Leso Kil: Let's play
Beti yeck: Little one
Tawnie: Little
Miro camo: My love
Daj: Mom
Dado: Dad
Acai: Here
Kon se oduvvu: Who is that?
Baba gael amande: Grandmother gave it to me
Pireni: Sweetheart/Honey
Collico: Tomorrow/Yesterday
Leso Jallan: Let's run
Last edited by Evansgurl01 on Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:37 am, edited 5 times in total.
At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that it's happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away

-Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)
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Re: A Gypsy's Enchantment (AU M/L Adult) Prologue 04-07-09

Post by Evansgurl01 »

Thx for your reviews! To answer your questions the time period I want to say is around the early nineteen hundreds but there may be some things that exist in my story that didn't in that time period. Know that is in the past though. :) The language is a mix between celtic and some ancient gypsy language that still exists today. Some of the words I may have changed the meaning to for some sentences. It's hard to write a completely different language I sometimes don't even understand. Well, here's the second part! Enjoy!


Chapter 1


Thirteen Years later


Liz cringed when she heard Sean calling for her. The man obviously didn’t know she was hiding from him. Sean Shellow was the son of a very prominent hotel owner who would soon be retiring, leaving Sean with a hefty inheritance. Sean was very wealthy, was into politics and he happened to be Liz’s fiancé. According to her father, Sean would be a perfect asset to the family and a wonderful husband to his only daughter. Liz on the other hand thought otherwise. He was handsome, sure, but his inside was rotten to the core. He was selfish and arrogant and conceited and completely wrong for Liz.

“Elizabeth!” Sean’s voice called again.

They were supposed to be attending a brunch with her dad and his political friends. Liz was to sit with the other women and chat about nonsense like shopping and make-up. All things, according to her father, that was proper for a lady to speak of. Liz would much rather speak of the books she’d read or the places she would one day love to travel to. Of course the women would look at Liz and smile indulgently obviously not caring about what she had to say but pretending to listen nonetheless. They could never speak ill to Elizabeth Parker, daughter to the very wealthy, very powerful, Lord Jeff Parker. Rolling her eyes at the thought of what she had to endure Liz hid behind her closet door hoping Sean would give up and leave her alone. She heard his footsteps coming closer to her room and instinctively held on to the cross amulet on her necklace.

“Ah, there you are. Didn’t you hear me calling?” Sean asked coming around the closet door.

Liz forced a smile. “I must have been daydreaming.”

Sean shook his head. “You’re always dreaming about something or other. When are you going to get your head out of the clouds?”

“When my dreams finally come true,” Liz said through gritted teeth. “Which doesn’t look like it will be any time soon.”

Sean laughed. “Oh don’t fret darling. We will be married in a month and all your little dreams will be met.”

Liz didn’t answer. She was dreading the day she was to marry Sean. She could see it now, she at home left to entertain herself until Sean decided to grace her with his presence. He’d only need her as a trophy wife of course, only speak when spoken to and all that. He would also need an heir, someone to take over the family business once he died or retired. She could just imagine the little monster Sean would turn their child into. Shuddering she tried to banish those thoughts.

An image of a small boy with honey eyes came to her mind and she smiled. Max. She still thought of him often. She wondered where he was now, what he looked like, if he was still in the circus. That day, when he had left her, she had gone back home and cried herself to sleep. Thankfully no one had noticed her absence, but the servants did wonder why she was crying. Every year she waited and waited for the circus to return but they never did. After ten years Liz had given up on them ever returning.

“Get ready we have to meet your father in a few minutes.” Sean said going over to her bed and laying on it with his hands behind his head.

“I will be ready soon.” Liz said looking pointedly at the door.

“Oh, don’t be such a prude. It’s not like we won’t be married soon. I should get a preview of what I’m getting.” Sean said crudely.

Liz held back the urge to gag. “It is not appropriate to be intimate in any way before ones wedding.” She reminded him.

Sean rolled his eyes and got up. “Be ready in five minutes.”

Once he was out the door Liz pulled out a long cream colored dress. Quickly taking off her sleeping gown she pulled on her clothes. Slipping on gold slippers she brushed her hair out and made her way downstairs.

“Let’s go.” Sean said as Liz made her way down the grand staircase.

Waving a hand he called over a servant to open the door for them.

Liz rolled her eyes before slipping her hand around his outstretched arm; he couldn’t even hold open his own door. She smiled kindly to George, her butler and thanked him.


“Did you see that new dress at Georgio’s?” Pamela asked the group of women as they sat around a table.

The women nodded and started another conversation about another dress. Liz turned her head so they wouldn’t see her roll her eyes. They had been at this for the past two hours. She hated coming to these brunches; they were so predictable. The conversation continued for another half hour before Sean came over to their table.

“Excuse me ladies but I must go get some paperwork done.” Sean said cutting off the girls conversations. “Elizabeth? Would you like me to escort you home?”

Liz shook her head. The less time she spent with the man the better she was.

“Well, then I will see you later darling.” Sean made a show of kissing her on the lips before leaving.

“Oh, you are sooo lucky Elizabeth.” Tina said fanning herself as she looked after Sean.

Liz forced a smile. “The luckiest.”

“You should have gone with him!” Melissa agreed.

“I know. I mean if I was the one marrying Sean I wouldn’t leave him alone for a second,” Pam said enviously. “If you do not watch out another girl could come and snap him up.”

“I wish.” Liz muttered under her breath.

“Oh my god! I didn’t tell you guys about these cute new shoes I bought…” Molly started.

Liz rolled her eyes and blocked them out. After ten more minutes of shoe talk Liz got up not able to stand it anymore.

“Excuse me. It has been fun as always but I am a little tired, I will see you guys next Sunday.”

“It was lovely as always Elizabeth.” Tina smiled.

“Yes.” The rest of the girls agreed.

Liz smiled before quickly walking out. She needed a break. Liz thought about stopping one of the many carriages riding along the cobbled street but decided against it; she’d walk for a while. She had been walking for ten minutes when loud music caught her attention. Her heart started hammering in her chest. It couldn’t be….

Picking up the pace Liz quickly made her way towards the center of town. The closer she got the more people she saw. Women, men, children just like before. The fire breathers, jugglers, and men walking on stilts where back. Liz couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on her face as she made her way through the crowd. Colorful tents were already put up housing the fortune tellers and tarot card readers.

Liz looked into every tent grinning from ear to ear. Just like before Liz was drawn to the giant blue tent housing the stage. Her stomach was once again fluttering with butterflies as two gypsy men with drums came on stage. Liz quickly made her way to the front row. The music started playing and the men began banging the drums to the beat. Liz waited in anticipation for Cinella to come on stage. A minute later a blond woman came on stage but Liz realized she was too young to be Cinella. This woman had long curly hair that ended at her waist. She wore a long white flowing skirt and just like Cinella's had been her feet were bare. Her white peasant blouse was accentuated with a black corset giving her ample cleavage. The woman moved to the beat of the music receiving applause and whistles from the men in the crowd.

The man that joined her wasn’t the same either. This guy, Liz thought her heart beating a little faster and her stomach doing a strange flip, this guy was very handsome. He wasn’t wearing a bandana like the other gypsy men though he did have a gold hoop on his right ear. Liz couldn’t see his eyes because he seemed to be focused on his movements with the woman but she did notice the dark stubble that surrounded his full lips. Her eyes drifted down to the open black button down shirt and she sucked in a breath. The man’s body was hard, muscular and was a lovely golden brown color. He had a silk bandana for a belt around his waist holding up black loose pants.

Liz couldn’t take her eyes off the way he moved his hips. He and the woman were in perfect rhythm. Liz found herself envying the woman who got to touch and be so close to such a handsome man. Faster than she would’ve liked the gypsy men started beating the drums at a quicker pace. They couple danced faster until with one last bang and a back flip from the handsome dancer they both disappeared. Liz clapped enthusiastically with everyone else. With another loud bang the couple reappeared on stage to bow.

Liz finally got to see the man’s eyes and she gasped when she noticed their unique color. They looked just like Max’s. As if sensing her looking, the man met her stare giving her a small half smile and a wink. The curtains closed on them before Liz could react. A man with a bag came around the audience collecting money. He wore a black bandana on his forehead leaving his brown spiky hair free. He like every other gypsy man she’d seen had a gold stud on his ear. He soon reached her with the money bag looking at her expectantly. Liz pulled out a small bag of gold coins from her purse and put it in the bag.

“Somi.” He smiled. “Thanks.”

Liz knew this guy wasn’t Max. “You are very welcome.”

He continued collecting money. Liz sighed, wandering off through the crowd wondering if Max or Cinella were even here.

“Come get your cards read gudlo.” A woman said from a tent.

Liz turned to see an old lady beckoning her from a small green tent. Her hair was white and curly from under her purple bandana. Her eyes were rimmed with black eye pencil and she wore large gold hoops in her ears. The bangles on her wrist clicked as she waved Liz over.

Hesitantly Liz sat down at the bench across from the woman. The old lady handed the deck of cards to Liz asking her to shuffle them.

“Let’s see what the fates have in store for you gudlo.” The old lady said taking the cards from Liz and flipping one over.

It was a picture of a man with two faces. The old lady mumbled to herself before flipping another card. It was a beautiful woman. The next card was of a heart and the last card was of a man with a sword.

“My, my, my, what the fates have for you my dear!” the old lady croaked.

“What?” Liz asked.

“A man that you are very close to is deceiving you. You see this card,” she said holding up the man with two faces. “It means he is not who he says he is.”

Liz’s heart beat faster.

“These last three cards represent you and your true love. See how he wields the sword proudly? There will come a time when your cami will have to fight for you.”

Liz swallowed. “Will he win?” she whispered.

The old lady stared at Liz for a long time before answering. “If you do not believe in him…then no he will not win. Love conquers all beti yeck. Sometimes it is best not to see with ones eyes but with ones heart. There will come a time when you will have to choose between what everyone is telling you is real and what you believe is real. Choose wisely gudlo.”

Liz got up not sure if she should believe the old woman’s fortune. Her dad did always say gypsies were a bunch of liars who were just after their money. Taking out a four gold coins Liz held it out to the gypsy.

The woman shook her head. “Keep your money beti yeck I have no need for it. Go and find your soul mate. He is out there right now looking for you.”


“Hom te jay.” Max said to his best friend’s wife.

“Where are you going?” Maria asked.

Usually after they have finished a show Max would join her and Michael for drinks. They’d celebrate the money they made with their friends and family.

“I have to find her Maria.” Max said impatiently as he buttoned his shirt.

“The doll girl?” Maria asked.

Max looked over at his bed where a very worn raggedy Anne doll lay. “Pisha nav si Liz.”

Maria sighed. “Kisi tu lati jinnen odi si acai?”

“Mi sai vere pisha.” Max answered putting on his black boots.

Maria’s eyes widened. “You have seen her? Where?”

Max grimaced. “Well, I am not sure if it is she who I saw.”


Max gave Maria a quick kiss on the cheek. “Hom te jay. Mi sai te encontrai pisha.”

“Do not go looking for trouble.” Maria warned as she followed him towards the door of the trailer.

Max turned smiling wickedly at her. “I do not go looking for trouble gudlo. Trouble usually finds me.”

Somi: Thanks
Gudlo: Sweetheart/Honey
Cami: Love
Beti yeck: Little one
Hom te jay: I must go
Pisha nav si Liz: Her name is Liz
Kisi tu lati jinnen odi si acai: How do you know she is here?
Mi sai vere pisha: I have seen her
Mi sai te encontrai pisha: I have to find her
At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that it's happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away

-Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: A Gypsy's Enchantment (AU M/L Adult) Chapter 1 04-08-09

Post by Evansgurl01 »

Thank you so much for your reviews. I'm sure you have a lot of questions but I promise they will be answered as the story goes. This wont me a terribly long story mind maybe 10 chapters or so. Enjoy!


Chapter 2


Jeff walked inside his office grinning like the cat that ate the canary. The brunch this morning had gone exceptionally well if he did say so himself. Sean Shellow was the best thing that could’ve happened to him. Not only will Jeff own a huge chunk of the hotel property but Sean would also take his daughter off his hands. His daughter, in Jeff’s opinion, was too independent and asked too many questions for her own good. She was exactly like her mother and she needed a good firm hand to keep her in her place. Sean assured him he’d show Liz how a respectable wealthy woman was to behave.

Jeff would never forgive his whore of a wife for what she did. He had married the bitch for the blue one-pound sapphire diamond, the diamond that was worth over a hundred million gold coins. The diamond had been in her family for generations and he had thought in marrying her, the diamond would be his. He had been wrong. He had spent five years with the filthy slut and she hadn’t even given him a hint of where it was. Or where she kept it hidden.

He’d had no use for her anymore. She wasn’t telling anyone and he knew for a fact that she wasn’t going to tell him. He had a feeling that she knew that he had married her for the diamond. Well, she was gone now and no longer a nuisance. With Sean at his side he would find it. If it were the last thing he did, he would find that diamond.


Liz wandered around failing to find someone who even slightly resembled Max or Cinella. The only person that came close to being Max was the dancer on stage and she hadn’t seen him anywhere either. Sighing Liz headed towards a bench near one of the trailers and sat down. She looked down at the cross amulet hanging from her neck and held it in her hand. It was so beautiful. Gold with small glittering diamonds outlining the cross, it shone beautifully.

“Where are you Max?” she whispered to herself.


Liz looked up startled. “Sean? What are you doing here?”

Sean raised his eyebrow at her. “The question is not what am I doing here, it is what are you doing here?”

“I came to see the circus.” Liz said tucking her cross inside her dress.

“What would people say if they recognized you? You should not be seen walking among these…these disgusting gypsy people. They are nothing but petty thieves. You are lucky no one has tried to steal your purse yet.” Sean said walking towards her.

“Well, now isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black. You could be recognized as well Sean. What would people say about one of the richest men in town if they saw you around disgusting gypsy people as you’ve so eloquently put it.” Liz said sweetly.

“I’ve got my reasons for being here. You on the other hand, do not. Come on Elizabeth I’ll escort you home.” Sean said grabbing her hand and pulling her past the crowd, towards the street.

Liz pulled her hand back. “No. I want to stay a little longer.”

“Look,” Sean snarled grabbing her arm tightly. “It is about time you learned some obedience. In a month you are going to be my wife and I expect you to show me the respect I deserve.”

“Let go of me Sean you are hurting me.” Liz said trying to pull her arm away.

“We are leaving.” He said tugging her towards the street again.

“The lady said to unhand her.” A deep rich voice with the most beautiful accent Liz had ever heard said from behind them.

Sean stopped and turned around with Liz. Liz couldn’t withhold a gasp, the dancer from stage! He stood tall and menacing with his strong arms crossed over his broad chest. His black shirt was now buttoned up and he like every other gypsy wore a bandana on his head covering his rich black hair.

“What are you going to do about it? This is my fiancé. I can treat her anyway I feel like treating her. Why don’t you go find one of your little cock sucking gypsy whores?” Sean sneered.

“Stop it Sean.” Liz said seeing the dancer’s anger rise.

“You shut up. You are not to speak unless spoken to.” He said tightening his hold on her arm and shaking her a bit.

Liz winced slightly.


Max didn’t miss the way the woman’s face contorted in pain. Her chocolate brown hair and equally dark eyes reminded him so much of his little Liz that he couldn’t stop the words that spilled from his mouth.

“If there are bruises on her once you have let go, I’ll make sure to repay in kind.” Max said clenching his fists.

“I’d like to see you try you filthy gypsy thief. If you touch me I’ll have you hunted down like the animal you are. I’ll make sure it’s painful.” Sean said nastily.

Max tilted his head to the side studying the smaller man. He heard the beautiful woman suck in a breath and sent her a smile.

“I’m going to give you to the count of three to let go of her before I do it for you.” Max said softly. “One…two…” Max didn’t even finish his count down.

Sean was out cold on the ground by a swift punch to the face from Max.

“Oh my god Sean!” Liz said already seeing a dark spot marring Sean’s cheek.

“Shan tu kinai?” The man’s husky voice said near her ear.

Liz looked up quickly seeing him much closer than he was before. She watched with wide eyes as his large tan hand reached over and touched her arm. His hand caressed the spot where Sean had held her. His eyes were bright and gold outlined with dark coal eyeliner. His eyes, Liz thought wildly, were like her father’s rich whiskey. He had dark lashes; almost feminine in the way they made his eyes stand out.

“He has marked you pireni.” He murmured softly.

Liz stepped back. “Y-you should not have done that.”

“He was hurting you.” He said glancing down at her already bruising arm.

“I can take care of myself. I do not think Sean was kidding when he threatened you.” Liz said knowing Sean was capable of anything he set his mind to.

“I am not afraid of him.” He shook his head.

“You should be.” Liz glanced down at Sean who was still out of it.

“What is your name?” He asked.


Liz noticed he looked somewhat disappointed. “What is yours?”


Liz’s eyes widened. “Max? Your name is Max?”

Max nodded. “Yes. Mi nav si Max.”

Hearing those words made Liz grin widely. It was he! “Max it’s me…Liz.”

“Liz?” Max grinned then laughed loudly at her nod.

Without thought he lifted her into his arms twirling her around in a circle. Liz laughed.

“Put me down Max.” Liz said smiling, her eyes twinkling.

Max let Liz slide down his body but didn’t release her from is arms. “Mi naki tu sistrella.” He said softly.

Liz looked into his eyes unsure of what he said but feeling the softness of his voice shiver through her.

“Leso jay.” Max grinned before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the tents.

Liz felt like she had when they were young. She didn’t understand what he said but she wasn’t afraid. She trusted him.

“What about Sean?” Liz asked looking back at Sean.

“He will be fine sistrella. Welli.” Max said tugging on her hand again.

Liz let Max steer her away. She would deal with Sean later.

Shan tu kinai?: Are you all right?
Pireni: Sweetheart
Mi nav si Max: My name is Max
Mi naki tu sistrella: I’ve missed you beloved.
Leso jay: Let’s go
Sistrella: Beloved
Welli: Come

At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that it's happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away

-Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: A Gypsy's Enchantment (AU M/L Adult) Chapter 2 04-09-09

Post by Evansgurl01 »

AN: Thanks for the reviews! Here's the next part enjoy!

Chapter 3


Sean groaned opening his eyes then closing them tightly when he felt the glare of the sun burn. Sitting up he felt his cheek throb and lifted his hand to touch the swollen skin. He gritted his teeth, that fucker was going to pay for this. Getting up he looked around for any sign of the asshole or his slut fiancé. They were both gone. Clenching his fists he walked towards the street where his chauffer awaited him in his carriage. Jeff wouldn’t be happy about this. He knew from the beginning Liz couldn’t deny her blood.


Jeff’s office door burst open with a loud bang startling him. He looked up angrily reaching into his drawer for his gun when he noticed who it was barging in.

“Sean. What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“They’re back.” Sean said ignoring his question and sitting down on a chair in front of Jeff’s desk.

“Who is back?” Jeff asked impatiently.

“The gypsies.” Sean said leaning back on his chair.

Jeff felt a wave of cold wash through him. They came back. How could they have returned after the message he clearly sent them last time they were here? Jeff took a deep breath. No matter. He’ll just have to deal with them again.

“I’ll take care of it.” Jeff said already picking up his phone.

“Elizabeth’s with one of them. Filthy asshole almost broke my jaw.” Sean said stroking his swollen cheek.

Jeff slammed the phone back down. “WHAT!”

Sean raised his eyebrow at Jeff’s outburst.

“Do you know who it was? Who took her?” Jeff asked almost hysterically.

Sean shook his head. “He didn’t say his name.”

Jeff sat down breathing hard. “We have to get rid of them. Now.” He couldn’t have Elizabeth finding out about her mother. He’d kill her first.


“Max where are you taking me?” Liz asked a smile on her face. She still couldn’t believe she had found him.

Max turned to look at her grinning wickedly. “To play sistrella.”

Liz blushed and allowed him to take her to his trailer. The way he said those words had Liz feeling tingles all over her body. They walked by many gypsy performers who looked at them curiously but said nothing.

Max led her inside his trailer and to the back into a room. Liz didn’t know why she expected to see posters of cars and toys strewn around the floor like before. His room was no longer one of a boy, but of a man. It was a lot bigger than before though his king sized fore poster bed took up most of the space. Liz’s eyes landed on a small raggedy doll on his bed. She gasped covering her mouth with her hand.

“Nancy.” She whispered slowly walking to the bed and picking up the small doll in her hands. She held her tight feeling the stone heart she knew was in there.

“I have taken great care of her for you.” Max said coming up behind her.

Liz turned her head smiling through the tears in her eyes. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome.” Max said softly.

He looked into her eyes for a long time before his gaze drifted to her lips then her neck. He lifted his hand to stroke her cheek then down her throat.

“Tu lati fri sai u nefla?” he murmured.

Liz closed her eyes leaning into his touch. “I do not understand.”

“Do you still have the necklace sistrella?” he asked again in English.

“I have never taken it off.” Liz said softly reaching into her dress and pulling out the cross gold necklace.

Max covered her hand with his over the cross. “It looks beautiful on you.”

Liz turned around so she was facing him. “Where have you been all these years?”

“Everywhere. We have traveled all over performing for many people.” Max said leading her towards the bed and sitting next to her.

“Why didn’t you come back sooner?” Liz asked unable to look away from his handsome face.

“I could not choose the place in which we perform. Eduardo the man that owned the circus told us where we go. Now after his death I was able to convince my family and friends to return here. For you.”

Liz smiled. “You’re English is very good.”

The tips of Max’s ears reddened. “Thank you. Mi daj taught me after we left here.”

“Where is Cinella? I haven’t seen her around.” Liz asked curious to know where the kind woman was.

Max rolled his eyes playfully. “That is because she is most likely in her trailer with my father. You would think that at their old age they would stop acting like tawnie yecks.”

Liz laughed.

Max smiled tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “You have a beautiful laugh.”

Liz’s looked down at her doll feeling her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

Max led Liz to the edge of his bed sitting down and tugging her down next to him.

“I have thought of you all these years. Every night I saw you in my dreams. Did you think of me?” Max asked lifting his hand to stroke her cheek.

“Every second.” Liz whispered.

Max looked down. He took her smaller hand into his, fingering the large diamond ring on her left hand. “That Sean; he called you his fiancé…you are promised to him?”

Liz stared at their hands nodding slowly. “Yes. My father arranged it. Sean is very wealthy and…he wants me taken care of.”

Max gently lifted her chin so she was looking into his eyes. “Cams tu lati?”

Liz shook her head unable to understand him.

“Do you love him?” Max asked his thumb stroking her jaw.

Liz looked away. What did it matter if she loved him or not? They were betrothed no matter what she felt.

“Say no sistrella. Even if it is a lie.”

Liz lifted her eyes to look at him. “No Max. I do not love him.” She said truthfully.

Max nodded smiling slightly. “Good.”

A loud knock came from the door before Liz saw the blonde woman that had been dancing with Max come into the room. She was very beautiful with her green eyes and pouty lips.

“Kye.” She said walking in and wrapping an arm around Max’s shoulder.

Liz looked from the woman to Max before getting up. Who was she? Did he, like her, have a fiancé? A fiancé that he actually loved?

Liz smiled politely not wanting to let them see the sadness in her eyes. Her Max was taken.

“Hello.” Liz said smiling kindly to the woman.

Max noticed the way Liz had put distance between them when Maria came in. He also didn’t miss the flash of hurt in her eyes when Maria had put her arm on him. Getting up he patted Maria on the back.

“Maria this is Liz.” Max said smiling at her.

Maria gasped. “You found her!”

Liz couldn’t help but be slightly amused at the blonde as she rambled on about something in her language.

“Liz this is Maria one of my good friend’s wife.” He said making sure she knew Maria was taken.

“I would be the good friend.” A man said from the doorway.

Liz turned to see the man that had collected money from the audience after the performance.

He smiled at Liz. “I’m Michael.”

Liz smiled in return. “I am Elizabeth but you can call me Liz.”

Maria walked over to her husband letting him wrap his arms around her. “Ahh, so you are the famous Liz. Did you know Max here slept with that doll every night? It was kind of sad seeing a grown man cuddled up to a doll.” Michael said his eyes twinkling.

“Shut it Michael.” Max said his cheeks turning a light shade of red.

Liz bit her lip to keep from smiling.

Sistrella: Beloved
Tu lati fri sai u nefla?: Do you still have the necklace?
Mi daj: My mom
Tawnie yecks: Little ones/kids
Cams tu lati?: Do you love him?
Kye: Hello
At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that it's happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away

-Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: A Gypsy's Enchantment (AU M/L Adult) Chapter 3 04-10-09

Post by Evansgurl01 »

Hey you guys! Thanks for the reviews. To answer your question...Liz is twenty two and Max is twenty three at this point. Your other questions will be addressed as the story progresses. I wouldn't wanna give anything away....


Chapter 4


Max took Liz’s hand ignoring the raised eyebrows of his two friends. “I’m going to take Liz for a look around. You two can stay off my bed. Do not think I have forgotten what you did last time here Prala.” He said looking at Michael.

Michael grinned. “It only happened once.”

“I do not care. Never again.” Max said sternly before leaving.

Max led a smiling Liz through the trailer and back outside to where the circus was still on. He held tightly to her hand as they walked by the other performer’s trailers. Some of the gypsies were practicing their dance moves and the men stared openly at Liz. One in particular guy did a few hand stands and flips to impress her. Liz smiled at the handsome guy but didn’t let go of Max’s hand.

“Oh Max! Odoi tu se!” A whiny voice said from behind them.

Max and Liz turned around and saw a short blond gypsy making her way towards them. Liz couldn’t help but notice she was very beautiful. Her short curly hair bounced around her shoulders as she walked. She like every other gypsy girl wore a long white skirt and peasant blouse, though Liz noticed this girl’s blouse was very low cut. Her breasts were almost spilling from the front the closer she got.

“Kye pireni!” the blonde woman gushed wrapping her arms around Max and roughly detaching his hand from Liz’s.

Max hugged her back briefly. He turned around reaching for Liz who had stood to a corner once the girl started fussing over Max and speaking very fast in their language. He grabbed her hand tightly and brought her to his side.

“Tessa this is Liz.” Max said giving Liz a sweet smile.

Tessa looked at the short dark haired girl in front of her then down to where she held her Max’s hand. Forcing a smile on her face she gave her a small wave.

“Kye Liz.” Tessa said in a sugary sweet voice.

“Hello.” Liz smiled uncertainly.

“Kon se oduvvu Max?” Tess asked her eyes never leaving Liz.

“Odi si u chavi mi sai divano.” Max answered.

Liz didn’t understand a word being said but when the blond gypsy looked at her once again, Liz swore the woman’s blue eyes had held hatred.

“I see he has finally found you beti yeck.” A smooth beautiful voice said from behind them.

Liz turned and smiled brightly at the blond woman in front of her. It had been thirteen years since she last saw Cinella but she was still as beautiful as ever. The small lines around her eyes only added on to her beauty and charm.

“Hello Cinella.” Liz grinned.

Cinella smiled down at the petite brown haired girl she hadn’t seen for thirteen years. She could plainly see that the young girls aura was still white and pure as ever. She noticed their clasped hands and shook her head. They looked just as they had when she first met Liz.

“Kye Cinella!” Tessa said moving to squeeze between Max and Liz.

Cinella turned her eyes to the small blonde and forced a smile. The aura of this young one was tainted with green and black. Colors of greed, envy, and malice. Cinella did not like Tessa’s interest in her son.

“Kye Tessa. Su Atch tu jay bal ambrol u baro?” Cinella said.

“Gooi-” Tessa started to protest.

“Jay.” Cinella said a little more forcefully.

Tessa huffed before walking off towards the front of the tent. Cinella looked away from the girl and back at her son and Liz.

“Welli. I wish to introduce to you my cami.” Cinella said turning and beckoning them towards her trailer.

Max grinned down at Liz before taking her hand once more. They followed Cinella through the door and into a small sitting room type of area. There writing a letter was the man Liz had seen on stage all those years before. Like Cinella the man aged very well, looking as handsome as ever. Liz notcied how much Max resembled him.

“Cami, hom cam te bosh te lati Liz. Latis chavi cami.” Cinella said to the man.

The man turned greenish hazel eyed to Liz and smiled before getting up. He reached for the hand that wasn’t holding Max’s and brushed his lips over the top.

“Arey si barvalo te divano tu. Mi nav si Sebastian.” The man said smiling handsomely at Liz.

“Dado.” Max said raising his eyebrow at his flirtatious father.

Liz blushed looking up at Max. “I did not understand.”

“He says it is nice to meet you sistrella.” Max said smiling softly at her.

“You are a very beautiful girl for my son.” Sebastian said to the small girl.

Liz felt her face get hotter. “Thank you.”

“Max, will your sistrella be joining us for the festivities tonight?” Sebastian asked his son.

Max looked down at Liz. “Hom atch jinnen. Will you come celebrate with us cami?”

Liz stared at Max and his parents unsure of what she should do. She couldn’t remmeber ever feeling a happiness as big as when she found Max. She couldn’t part from him, not yet. She knew Sean would’ve told her father by know about the incident with Max. He was probably already angry. What did it matter if she stayed a little longer? She was already in trouble right?

“I would love to.” Liz smiled.

Prala: Brother
Odoi tu se: There you are
Kye pireni: Hi sweetheart
Kon se oduvvu Max?: Who is that Max?
Odi si u chavi mi sai divano: She is the girl I have spoken of
Beti yeck: Little one
Kye Tessa. Su Atch tu jay bal ambrol u baro: Hi Tessa. Why dont you go help clean the stage.
Gooi: But
Jay: Go
Welli: come
Cami: love
Cami, hom cam te bosh te lati Liz. Latis chavi cami: Love, I wish to present to you you son’s love.
Arey si barvalo te divano tu. Mi nav si Sebastian: It is nice to meet you. My name is Sebastian.
Dado: Father
Sistrella: Beloved
Hom atch jinnen: I don’t know
At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that it's happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away

-Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: A Gypsy's Enchantment (AU M/L Adult) Chapter 4 04-11-09

Post by Evansgurl01 »

AN: Thank you so much for your reviews. Now in this chapter the conversation between Max and his friends are going to be in italics to show that they are speaking in their gypsy language. I didn't want to write their entire conversation in the language so you guys would have to continuously refer to the end of the chapter to know what they said. Enjoy!


Chapter 5


Liz looked around in awe, she was in another other world. They were inside a large tent decorated with beautiful paintings, colorful ribbons, and different colored lights. There were four gypsy men drumming, while three other men played the flute. The music was upbeat and many of the gypsies were dancing alone or with a partner. Liz snapped out of her reverie when Max squeezed her hand and pulled her towards a corner of the tent. Michael and Maria were already there, drinking and laughing with a tall beautiful blond gypsy and a handsome sandy haired one. The woman wore a black peasant top and red flowing skirt. She had many colored bangles on both of her wrists and colored necklaces adorned her neck. Her hair was long and fell in loose curls down her back. The sandy haired gypsy wore a loose fitting red button down shirt but it couldn’t hide the well-toned arms and chest the man had. His black pants hugged his thighs nicely. His eyes like every other gypsy were lined with kohl and his two diamond stud earrings gleamed under the many light in the tent.

“Kye Prala!” The handsome gypsy said loudly grinning at Max.

Max grinned clapping the man on the back. “Kye Kyle.”

“ Mandi klidi tu?” the blonde asked.

Max pulled Liz forward so she stood in front of him. The blonde and the man Liz heard Max call Kyle looked down at her. She smiled uncertainly, after the cold way Tessa had treated her she didn’t know what to expect.

“Hello.” She said softly.

“I have been with Liz Preli.” Max answered his sister.

Kyle smiled knowingly when he heard her name. “Liz? I have heard a lot about you. Max has been talking about you for as long as I can remember. I can see why. You are as beautiful as he said he remembered you to be.”

Liz blushed brightly. “Thank you.”

The blonde woman smiled. “Do not mind my husband. He loves to make the girls feel embarrassed. My name is Isabelle, I am Max’s sister.”

“It is very nice to meet you.” Liz grinned.

“And this is Maria and Michael. They are very close friends of the family and are married as well.” Isabelle introduced.

“Oh, we have met before.” Liz said smiling and nodding to Maria and Michael.

“So are you ready to party Liz?” Kyle asked.

Liz looked around at the dancing people. “Well, I-I’ve never actually been to a party before. At least not anything like this.”

“You are joking.” Maria said her eyes wide.

“Oh no I am certainly not jesting. I have only ever been to dinner parties that my father forced me to attend. They were dreadfully boring.” Liz told them.

“Well you are going to learn what a real party is like.” Maria said. “Welli Isabella, Liz.”

Max squeezed Liz’s hand tightly, then bent down and pressed his lips to her forehead. “Go with them. I will be with you in a bit.”

Liz was in a daze as Isabelle and Maria took her hands and led her to the dance floor. She could still feel Max’s lips on her forehead.

“Dance Liz!” Maria yelled over the loud music.

Liz shook herself out of her thoughts and watched Maria and Isabelle shake their hips to the music. Her eyes widened at their movements. She stood there stiffly unsure of whether she should try to dance along with them and look like a complete fool or run back to Max.

“Liz what is wrong?” Isabelle asked when she realized Liz was just staring at them.

Liz shook her head. “I-I do not know how to dance. I-I mean I know how to waltz…and I dance very well in the ball room. I just…can not…like you.”

“Well there is no problem then! We will show you!” Maria grinned.

Both women stopped dancing and proceeded to try to teach Liz how to dance to their music. Liz tried to move her hips like they demonstrated but it was proving difficult with her heavy dress. Maria and Isabelle noticed Liz’s predicament and looked at each other with wide smiles.

“Welli Liz. We are going to put you in something more comfortable. You will never move to the music in such heavy skirts.” Isabelle said taking a hold of her hand and heading towards the entrance of the tent.

Maria went off to tell the boys they would return in a bit. She explained they had to do some girl stuff for a few and would be back soon.


“Maria’s clothes should fit you perfectly Liz.” Isabelle said as she led them towards the steps of a trailer.

“W-wait her clothes?” Liz said her eyes moving from one girl to the other.

Maria grinned. “Yes. You will never be able to dance in clothing as constricting as those in which you wear. We will make you even more beautiful.”

Liz shook her head nervously. “Oh…I do not know if this is such a good idea.”

“Do not be afraid gudlo. You are in good hands.” Isabelle said opening the door to Maria’s room and setting Liz down on the bed.

Maria quickly headed towards her closet and searched through her many outfits. Pulling a few garments out she turned to Liz grinning. “I am sure these will look perfect on you. Try them.” She said holding them out to her.

Liz bit her lip staring at the clothes. Should she? She did feel out of place among the gypsies while she was at the celebration. She stuck out like a sore thumb with her gold slippers and cream dress. She looked like a respectable lady of the house. An image of Max’s smiling face came to her mind and straightened her resolve. What would it hurt? Liz took the clothes from Maria.

“Welli, I will help you dress. Maria go get some make up for Liz.” Isabelle said.

Liz swallowed nervously but allowed Isabelle to unzip her dress from behind.


“What is taking them so long?” Max asked Kyle and Michael.

He hadn’t stopped glancing towards the opening of the tent since Isabelle and Maria dragged his Liz away.

Relax brother. You know how these women are. It always takes them forever and a day to do things. Especially if it is girl things.” Michael answered.

Yes, but Maria and Isabelle can be a little…pushy. I do not want them scaring Liz off.” Max said glancing to the opening of the tent once more.

Kyle grinned. “Do not worry. Your Liz is fine. I just can’t believe you actually found her. I honestly thought when we came to this town you were going to be in for a disappointment. I am happy to say I was wrong.”

“She is wonderful is she not? Everything I have always dreamed she would be…yet she will never be for me.” Max sighed.

“I am confused. Is she not your dream girl? The one who you have spoken of since we were children? Why not will she be for you? She has been yours since you met her.” Michael said.

Max shook his head. “She is promised to another, a rich Englishman. He has money, wealth, and power. She will be greatly taken cared of with the wonderful things she is used to having, servants and carriages. What have I to offer her?”

Michael and Kyle looked indignant.

“What have you to offer her? Love and happiness! You may not be a wealthy Englishman brother, but you are by no means poor. Does she love her promised man? I am sure she does not considering she is with you on this night and not him.” Kyle answered heatedly.

“This is true,” Max nodded. “She is here with me but this is just one night. If it comes down for her to make a choice between he and I, I cannot tell you with confidence that it will be me she chooses.”

Michael looked over Max’s shoulder and grinned. “Well, from the looks of it she seems to have already made her choice.”

Max turned around and his heart stopped. There, swaying her hips to the music stood his Liz with Isabelle and Maria. She looked gorgeous. She wore a purple peasant top that stopped above her belly button. The tight white skirt she wore would almost be indecent had she not wrapped a purple shawl with gold stars around her hips. One her right ankle she had a bracelet and on her feet she wore gold slippers. Her normally straight brown hair was now in loose curls with glitter that gleamed under the lights. An assortment of colorful bangles adorned her wrists and neck and large hoop earrings dangled from her ears. Her eyes were outlined with black kohl and she wore shine on her lips making them stand out.

Max watched in a trance as Isabelle and Maria showed Liz how to shake her hips to the music. Liz was a fast learner for she soon was dancing as well as them. Max hadn’t realized he was moving towards her until she looked up at him startled.

“Max. Um,” he watched her cheeks turn an endearing shade of pink.

Max smiled before leaning in to speak by her ear. “You look so beautiful sistrella.”

Her cheeks brightened even more. “T-Thank you.”

The music changed then to a soft melody. Without thought Max slipped his hands around Liz’s waist. “May I have this dance?” he breathed by her ear.

Liz nodded before tentatively wrapping her arms around his neck.


A pair of ice blue eyes fumed with anger as she watched Max dance with his stuck up little slut. Max is supposed to be hers damn it! Tessa’s anger grew when she saw Max whisper something in her ear before pressing his lips to whore’s cheek. Oh, the bitch would pay dearly for taking what was hers.

Kye Prala!: Hello brother!
Mandi klidi tu: Where were you?
Preli: Sister
Welli: Come
Gudlo: Honey/Sugar
Sistrella: Beloved
At the end of the day faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale may be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important happy ever after, just that it's happy right now. See once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you, and once in a while people may even take your breath away

-Meredith (Grey's Anatomy)