Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 50 Complete 10/4

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 7 8/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Carolyn Alex is a very sweet guy. He even after Liz pushed him away still saw her as one of his girls. Diane will give Max some information on Liz today and let him know how to get more.

Eve Liz really has been living in fear for a long time. She really did want tyo protect her friends.

L-J-L 76 most Victims of abuse like Liz has gone through see what happened to them as their fault in some way. Liz really lived in fear that her stepfather was going to hurt her worse or go after her friends. It will take her a long time to recover. But she will never be the same person she was.

max and liz believer Jo, you are so right! It will take time for Liz to feel safe and fully trust those around her.

saori_1902 Yes Liz is now with people who really care about her.

Part 7

Liz walked out of the bedroom and found Serena working on her homework.

"Hi Rena." Said Liz
"Hey. How you feeling?" Asked Serena
"Sore. But that is normal for having broken ribs."
"I did pick up your homework for you. I mean I did that after we knew you would come and stay here."
"Thanks. Maybe you and Alex can help me get caught up?"
"You bet."
"I did look around and found a bunch of my things from Richard's apartment in your room."
"It's our room Liz. The sheriff took Maria over to pack up your stuff. There are a few things that are boxed up in the basement. Some of it was your mom's." Said Serena
"Liz is everything ok?"
"Rena, things are really hard for me right now."
"I know. Liz, even when you pushed me away I didn't stop caring about you."
"I pushed you away because I couldn't risk you getting hurt."
"Liz, you could have said something. You know I would have helped you."
"I know."


Max was sitting at the kitchen table working on his homework when his mom walked in.

"Max, can I talk to you?" Asked Diane
"Sure mom."
"Are you still worried about that girl you told me about?"
"Yeah she hasn't been in school for over a week."
"Want to tell me her name?"
"Liz Parker."

Diane sat down and took his hand.

"Max, you don't have to worry about her being hurt any more."
"So you know something?"
"Nothing I can tell you. You might want to talk to Serena Kent or Alex Whitman. They maybe able to tell you about where Liz is."
"Thanks mom. I will talk to them at school tomorrow."
"Alright. I'm going to get dinner ready."

Max when back to his homework. Diane started on dinner. She hoped that Liz would learn to trust and see that Max was a good and kind person. But she also knew people who have been abused like Liz trust is a very hard thing to give once it has been broken. She still wanted to find out what had possessed Ed Harding Liz's ex case worker to leave her with that man. There were red flags all over that file.


Serena woke to screams coming from Liz. She jumped down from the top bunk and knelt next to the bed.

"Liz, wake up you're safe! He can't hurt you any more." Said Serena softly while shaking her.

Liz woke and wrapped her arms around her friend as she cried. Serena just held Liz. Serena heard the door open and saw her mom and Alex standing there.

"It was a nightmare. She will be OK." Said Serena
"You sure honey?" Asked Sarah

Once Alex and her mom left Serena looked at her friend who was crying.

"You want to talk about the nightmare?" Asked Serena
"Liz, you know that this isn't healthy."
"Rena, look if I have to go to a shrink then I will. I will talk to the shrink. But I am not going to talk to you about what that bastard did to me."
"Liz, I am worried about you."
"I will be OK. I just need time."
"Just remember I am here for you if you need me."
"Thanks Rena."

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 7 8/16

Post by begonia9508 »

We all women have in life good and bad experiences with love life but Liz... :? :?

For Liz, to start a new life is going to be so difficult, and especially painful to learn to trust some one!
I am not talking about love - because for her, it must be an un-nown name and experience, especially the lost of her parents has not made her life easier and being raped made her life a nightmare!

So her friends will all need to have a lof of patience and give her time...

EVE :? :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 7 8/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I'm glad that Serena, Alex and Miss. Kent is there for Liz. I think it was nice of Serena to get Liz her home work. I Think that is good Liz suggested for Serena and Alex to catch her up on her school work. It is good that Liz is starting to talk a little but I agree with you that it will take time for Liz to talk about it. And she should go talk to a therapist maybe that will help Liz more. I think it is a very good idea for Diane to find out why Ed Harding let Liz stay with Richard with all those red flag. I think it is sweet that Max is worried about Liz. I hope Max will take his mom's advise and go ask Serena and Alex about Liz. Max maybe surprised by what he finds out. And he maybe glad about what he finds out.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 7 8/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Liz's former case worker needs to be investigated. Hope Diane can get him removed from the profession,
Poor Liz with the nightmares. Hope her friends will be patient.
It will take a long, long time for Liz to have trust, and I don't blame her after what she endured.
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 7 8/16

Post by max and liz believer »

Ugh, I imagine it would be very hard (not to mention awkward) for Liz to go into details with anyone close to her. But she really needs therapy to go through everything that has happened. She needs to work it through with an "outsider", so that she doesn't have to be afraid of stepping on anyone's toes and can just focus on telling the whole story.

It makes me really happy to see that Max is still worried about Liz, especially now since she's been absent from school. Hopefully, Liz will eventually let Max in. But it will take some time...


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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 8 8/17

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Eve Liz really is going to need her friends to be there for her. But they will have also understand that she will not talk about what happened with them. Hopefully they will understand while Liz's heart is telling her that she can trust them, her brain after what she has been through is telling her no one is trust worthy.

L-J-L 76 Serena never stopped caring about Liz. Liz had been her best friend. Ed Harding is going to be looked into.

Carolyn Liz's former case worker will face an investigation. Liz is going to need time to trust anyone again.

max and liz believer Jo, it is very hard for Liz to talk about what happened to her. She knows that keeping it to herself isn't healthy. Max felt something for Liz the moment he saw her. But he knows she is going to need time to heal. But part of him is hoping she will trust him one day to show her how a woman should be treated.

Part 8

It was a week after she moved in with Serena's family that Liz returned to school. Her ribs still were healing so she was excused from gym class. She spent that time in the school library working on all the work she had missed. She let out a sigh as she tried to work on her algebra. She was just not getting it. She knew Serena would be no help. Hell Liz had to help Serena with her math before she had pushed her friend away. Alex might be able to help. But he wouldn't be able to help until maybe tomorrow.

"Want some help?" Came a male voice.

Liz looked up to see Max standing on the other side of the table. She bit her lip not really expecting him.

"Liz are you OK?" Asked Max
"Uh yeah. You can sit down."
"Thanks. It looks like you are having a problem with your algebra."
"I am. I missed a lot when I was in the hospital."
"Well I am kind of good at it. I can help you if you want."
"Yeah that would be great."
"It would be easier to sit next to you."

Max moved to sit next to Liz and showed her what she was doing wrong. He very gently pushed a strand of her hair back from her face. He saw her flinch at his touch.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Said Max
"No it's ok. I just am not comfortable being touched."
"He really hurt you didn't he?"
"Max, I can't talk about it."
"Liz, my mom didn't tell me what happened."
"Alex and Serena?"
"Uh yeah."
"I know they care about me. But they shouldn't have said anything."
"Liz, Alex didn't want to...."
"But Serena spilled."
"I don't think she told me everything. All she said is that your stepfather was hurting you."
"It's ok. Just don't talk about it with anyone."

Just then the bell rang and Liz packed up her books.

"Liz, we are both heading to biology let me carry your bag. It can't be good for your ribs to be carrying it."
"Ok. But only because we are going to the same place."

Max smiled took Liz's bag and they headed to class together.


Sean Carter watched as Liz Parker walked down the hall with that new dork. His Uncle had made him a promise that he would get the chance to fuck that bitch. Now that Uncle Rich was in jail because of that bitch he would have to take matters into his own hands. Yeah he knew his Uncle had been screwing her for a while. But his Uncle had told him that sex with a virgin sucked. He had found that out himself when he was at the beach over the summer and he fucked a girl he met there. But when he got his shot at that Parker bitch he wanted to know what he was doing for his own sake. He needed to know what he needed to do with a bitch to get off the best. It wouldn't be long before he had his dick in her pussy. He grinned as he thought about how he was going to make her scream.


Isabel watched the way Sean was watching Liz. She didn't like it. She didn't know what had fully happened to Liz. But knew that she was hurting bad. She head off to class vowing that she would keep an eye on the punk.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 8 8/17

Post by L-J-L 76 »

Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to find out what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I'm glad Max was there to help Liz with her work she needed to catch up on. I think it was very sweet of Max to carry Liz's things for her. I hope Max will be there for Liz if she needs him. I really hate Sean Carter. He is as bad as his uncle Richard. I can't believe Sean just wants to make Liz pay for sending his uncle to jail for raping her. Sean is a major asshole and I hope he goes to prison like his uncle Richard and rots in hell forever. I'm so glad that Isabel saw the way Sean was looking at Liz. I really do hope Isabel will keep an eye on Sean. And I hope Isabel will tell Max, Serena, Alex Maria, Miss Kent and Diane about Sean.

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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 8 8/17

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I'm glad Max offered to help Liz with her school work...........but he will have to be very careful around her.
That's great that Isabel saw Sean watching Liz.......she needs as many friends as possible protecting her.
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 8 8/17

Post by saori_1902 »

aww Max and Liz.

Sean :x :x :x :x

Great part.
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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 9 8/18

Post by Roswelllostcause »

L-J-L 76 Max carrying Liz's bad was his way of being a gentleman. He knows that Liz will need a long time to trust him or anyone else. As for Sean he is going to be trouble.

Carolyn Max knows that Liz went through something really bad. He knows that if he wants any kind of relationship with her he has to be very careful and take things very slowly. Isabel and Liz haven't actually met yet, but Isabel is already looking out for her. Sean will cause trouble before long.

saor_1902 It will be a slow go for Max and Liz. As for Sean he is bad news!

Part 9

Maria DeLuca sat down at the table in the quad that Liz and Serena were already at. They were just waiting for Isabel and the guys to show up for lunch.

"How are you doing Liz?" Asked Maria
"OK. I mean it's not easy being back." Said Liz
"I wish I had known that he had been beating you." Said Maria
"I couldn't tell you." And I never want you to find out that he was forcing me to have sex with him.
"Liz, Serena and I were your best friends! But instead of coming to us for help you pushed us away." said Maria
"Maria, I messed up. I can't talk about this with you. But I am going to therapy starting today. But I want you to know, even when I acted like a bitch to you, that I still cared about you. That there was a reason that I pushed both of you away. I am not ready to go into it yet."

Liz grabbed her bag and headed to her next class. Max came from the opposite direction that Liz took off in. He started to go after her but Serena stopped him.

"Let her go. It will take time for her to heal. Her stepfather really screwed her up." Said Serena
"He didn't just hit her did he Rena?" Asked Maria
"No he didn't." Said Serena


After leaving Maria and Serena Liz went into the bathroom to try and pull herself together.

"Are you OK?"

Liz turned to see a girl with long blond hair and brown eyes.

"Liz right? We haven't met. I'm Isabel Evans. Max's sister."
"Yeah. I am ok."
"You sure? I can go find Serena if you want."
"No you don't have too."
"OK. I can understand if you don't want to talk. But just remember that you have people who really care about you."

Liz washed her face grabbed her bag and headed to class.

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