On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 65 - Completed: 12/18/2019

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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 47 - 10/19/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

I do miss her Max mused a half hour later after his father left to head home. I should be used to being without her as I had almost fourteen years without her, and only a handful of years with her but I miss her he sighed as he looked outside his house window into the dark night. He should be thinking about what his daughter was encountering at her first prom, but he couldn’t help but think about his wife. He was married but his wife lived in a different state because she didn’t remember being his wife.

“Max, talk to me” he heard come into the silence of the night. Turning around he saw his computer, and the ring he had installed to tell him that Beth was calling. Walking to his laptop on the magazine table, and he answered. “Beth, hello.”

“Max,” Beth said quietly from her office in the house in Madison. “I didn’t know if you would answer.”

“Why wouldn’t I?” Max asked as he sat on the couch and watched the love of his life on a screen so far away from him. I love her! God, I am hopeless

“I don’t know,” Beth said from his desk in her office. Carrie was now home and was watching a movie with her sister and Beth needed time because memories all night had flooded her brain and she hadn’t come to terms. “I guess because of the distance.”

“I am glad you called,” Max sighed.

“How did Grace look?” Beth asked. “The girls reminded me that it was prom tonight. I am sorry I didn’t get a chance to see her…”

“Gorgeous” Max admitted. “She was looking so grown up Beth, I don’t know where the time went. All I could see was the tiny girl who had my thumb wrapped around her fingers,” he sighed as he remembered how beautiful Grace looked as she walked to the limousine. “I wish you could have seen her.”

“Me too,” Beth nodded. “Alexandra mentioned you were going to take pictures,” she asked. “Did you?”

“Of course,” Max said as he was lifting his phone. He had taken a roll full, but he had one on his phone, and he sent it to Beth’s office computer. She heard the ping of the message coming her way, and she downloaded the photo and gasped. “Wow, she’s so beautiful. She doesn’t look sixteen.”

“No, she doesn’t” Max said sighing as he looked at his copy of the picture of Grace and Jake, looking so happy and she knew their daughter was too grown up these days and he hoped she was ready for the future because it is out there for her to grab. “I wish she could always stay my little girl.”

“We all do,” Beth acknowledged. “I see it every day with the twins and wish that for myself.”

“I miss them,” Max allowed.

“I know you do…” Beth nodded as she saw the tension in his eyes through the screen. “They are looking forward to July. They tell me you might take them on a road trip with Grace?”

“If that is alright with you?” Max asked.

“Max, it’s up to you because they will be visiting you and Grace, but I think they will love it as we never get a chance to travel, and it will an exciting time”

“Neither did we,” Max nodded. “Once we graduated from high school and got married, well, it was saving for college and then attending college, and then Grace came along so it was always one thing or another” he murmured as he remembered how young and in love they were and how ready they had been for the challenges. “I want that to be different for Grace and the girls.”

“I guess you and Grace got a good head start with California and then the cruise” Beth asked.

“Yeah,” Max nodded.

“I am just glad we’re able to talk,” Beth admitted as she felt a rush of memories of two teenager standing before a priest with a crowd of smiling family and friends behind them in the seats of the Crashdown. Max and Liz had wanted to marry at the Crashdown so they created the ultimate romantic wedding in a café because it was the place they had truly met, when Max saved her life as tables were moved around, and chairs because where their family and friends would sit and watch the ceremony, as they stood in a beautiful arc brought in and placed by the counter tops. They logistics were fun, but it was what Max and Liz wanted for their small intimate wedding.

“Do you Elizabeth take Max to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, for as long as you may live?”

“I do”

“Do you Max take Elizabeth to your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, for as long as you may live?”

“I do”

“Then I pronounce you husband and wife, so Max you may kiss your bride” came the words as Max leaned in and they exchanged a passionate first kiss as they stopped back as the pastor pronounced them as
Max and Elizabeth Evans to plenty of claps.

Beth’s eyes blinked hard at the memories.


It was hour three and Michael was bored as he sat in his car and watched the car he had been following. They were now nearby the Royal Roswell Palace where the prom for West Roswell High was being held. He hadn’t gone anywhere since arriving as he waited to see if his target exited his car to head into the hotel. It was his way of making sure the kids had a safe night. But he was hungry, and he was tired. He knew Maria would be home by now, and miffed he wasn’t waiting for her.

It had been his deal when he had reneged on going to the gala with her. Now he sat in the car and made sure the kids were safe. Although who knows what mischief they were getting with the prom in the hotel. Please god, don’t let me think of that please he moaned as he was so immersed into his thought of the what his kids could be doing that, he didn’t hear the door open as someone hopped into the passage seat. “Who are we following?” came the voice as she foists a box of pizza his direction. “Sweet and Sour chicken, with tabasco which is your favorite”

“Isabel?” Michael asked of his long-time best friend as he took the food. “How did you know?”.

“At your service,” Isabel quipped. “I knew you were up to something so I knew you wouldn’t be stopping to eat… so, who are we following?”

“What are you doing here?” Michael asked desperate not to lose eyesight of the car he was trailing as he grabbed a piece of pizza since he had a feeling thing would be picking up soon…

“It was dinner with my father-law when Maria called trying to figure out where you were, and I knew you were up to something if your wife didn’t know where you were so when dinner was finished and the kids were all in their rooms either asleep or amusing themselves with some activity or another I put Kyle on kid duty and I came looking for you because Max is in the midst of his pity party over Beth aka Liz.” Isabel murmured. “So, I got Jim to run your car VIN number, and presto”

“You didn’t need to come,” Michael said.

“That’s a matter of an opinion, given your wife was concerned. So, what is up?” Isabel asked as Michael worked his binoculars to check out his target and then over at the hotel to make no changes were occurring at the front entrance “Again Michael, who are we following?”

“Nicholas…” Michael muttered as he for a moment put the glasses down as he ate another bite of pizza. “He’s following my kids and Grace tonight, and I want to know why or if not why, I want to make sure he doesn’t mess with them.”

“ARE YOU KIDDING ME” she frantically asked as she looked out of windows of the car as Michael handed him a spare set of the binoculars. Isabel grabbed them and worked them to check out of the action.

“Nope,” Michael muttered. “He’s up to something…” he sighed as he looked out himself. “I am trying to make sure he’s not ruining the night for the kids and so far, he’s kept to the car, which is strange in its own right.”

“How did you get a beat on the snake?” Isabel asked.

“I ran his information and I eventually got a hit, and so I have been following him for days trying to figure what he’s been up to and so far, I haven’t been very lucky, but I am still trying” Michael murmured. “We ended up here.”

“Why would he be across the street from the hotel?” Isabel asked.

“He was following the kid’s limousine as it left Max’s place earlier tonight,” Michael muttered, and I started following it. First to the restaurant they were having dinner at before the prom started, Senor’s Chows and then finally here to the hotel.”

“Why does he want the kids?” Isabel asked of her nieces.

“I would like to know that,” Michael murmured as he and Max had for weeks wanted to know why Khivar’s minions like Nicholas would be after them. “I can only figure it would be the ultimate payback against us” Michael muttered. “He struck against Max with Liz, and now he’s going after the newest generation while trying a hand at Liz again.”

“And not me, as my kids haven’t been targets” Isabel asked.

“Khivar wanted you. You might have stayed away and beat his attempt at bringing you home, but you are off limits” Michael murmured as he remembered the attempt of Khivar to bring back Isabel to Antar. Isabel only barely managed to resist the attempt by Khivar to seduce Vilandra back into his orbit.

“Still,” Isabel sighed. “I don’t see why he would think I would like him going after Max, you, or any of the kids.”

“But he’ll try,” Michael murmured as he picked up his set of the binoculars to concentrate on the hotel while Isabel concentrated on the car. “And it’s using others to do his dirty work.”

“Have you made sure everything is alright in the hotel?”

“Elizabeth will think I will be monitoring her, and that is the last thing I need right now” Michael murmured to Isabel’s laugh. “I figure if something is going on Jake will alert me, and I have been following Nikolas and he hasn’t left the car.”

“Do you think he has someone else helping him?” Isabel asked.

Michael didn’t know but knew he couldn’t check the hotel for fear his daughter would rail against him for trying to ruin her night if all was in the clear, so he didn’t relish going in and checking.


Inside the hotel, and in the ballroom where the prom was in full swing. Elizabeth was off dancing with Finn while Jake was observing the room as Grace was taking a bathroom break. Jake was trying to be good and not play big brother as he had promised Grace he wouldn’t, and he didn’t grudgingly have to admit Finn was a good guy.

Holding Grace’s drink, he saw his sister head off to the bathroom with her friend Sue who attending with her date. Sighing that everyone was growing up, when he saw his ex-girlfriend Camryn approach. “Are you having a good time Camryn?” he asked of his ex.

“It’s a blast. It’s such a pretty hotel. I haven’t been here before,” Camryn admitted.

“Me either,” Jake nodded. “So, I hear Robert is attending Clemson next year. Are you going with him?” he asked of Camryn’s new boyfriend.

“No,” Camryn shook her head. “I am going to Michigan,” she sighed. “We’re going to be trying to long-distance thing. I don’t know how it will work, but he is into football and the program is into him and I want to do journalism.”

“I am happy for you,” Jake murmured.

“Thank you, although I hear you’re giving up on university next year?” Camryn asked of the rumors that had been flying around school. “I can’t believe you decided to forego university. Your parents must be pissed.”

“They aren’t happy, but I am not foregoing university completely as I have repeatedly told them, as I am taking a year off, and seeing where I land next year” Jake admitted. “I might take some classes at Las Cruces on a part-time basis but I came to realize I didn’t want to go to UCLA or New York unless I knew what I wanted to do and since I don’t, well, I can stay home and work and make some money.”

“That is bizarre, but it’s definitely your choice to make although what is Grace saying?” Camryn asked.

“She knows it’s my choice just like it will be her choice when it comes time for her to go to university,” Jake sighed at the thought of Grace going across the country to an Ivy League school that will be calling on her when the time came…

“Yeah right,” Camryn smiled. “So, how it your big brother radar going as I see Elizabeth is going out with Finn Young and they are here tonight together?”

“I am trying to be good,” Jake smirked as he saw Finn talking to friends of his and now his sister and Grace leaving the bathroom together and meeting up with their friend Sue. “Although I do have to admit that it is hard, as she’s my baby sister.”

“I bet,” Camryn laughed. “Belle is your baby sister Jake; Elizabeth just wants to be seen as an adult” and that scared Jake because his sister was only fifteen and at fifteen you can get into a lot of trouble Jake mused to himself. Look at Grace he sighed as across the ballroom Grace was talking to Sue and Elizabeth as she noticed Camryn was talking to Jake across the room. Everyone had been happy to see her come to prom with Jake, and even though she had the cane. It was quite apparent she was almost back to normal.

She was thrilled to have a night to remember and she was making memories that will last a lifetime. Memories that weren’t about the complicated family dynamics of recent weeks or health and trying to pass off as human when she wasn’t as human as most of her friends. Sue was thrilled to see her friend as they teased Elizabeth about their friend falling for Finn after all the drama, she had given Grace about her love life.

“We’re just having fun,” Elizabeth admitted.

“I bet,” Sue smiled. “Prom is always about fun,” she asked as she saw Grace looking over at Jake. “And you,” she pointed at Grace. “You are hopeless.”

“How is it only us. You came with Rick, didn’t you?” Elizabeth asked.

“As friends,” Sue mumbled. “You are dating Finn and Grace is I don’t know what she’s doing with Jake.”

“It’s called having fun,” Grace sighed as she was having fun, and she didn’t want to stop with reality crashing at her in avenues of her life. She loved that Jake was supportive and was there for her and wanted her in his life. “That is all I need right now, as I have too much reality elsewhere.”

“I can’t believe the year is coming to an end,” Sue sighed. “Mom and Dad want me to work this summer but at Dad’s construction company, in the office which is very boring.”

“Find another job?” Elizabeth asked. “Working at Splurge is lots of fun.”

“I wish I could work,” Grace sighed. “I miss the Crashdown.”

“Now that you’re home, and back on your feet. I am sure it won’t be long before you’re back waiting tables” Sue offered her friend. Grace nodded as she couldn’t wait as her grandparents wanted her to wait a few more weeks, but she was still doing their accounting work for the Crashdown which kept her amused.

“What’s up?” Jake said as he brought a drink for Grace as he approached the girls. “I figured you would be thirsty,” he said to Grace with a smile as her stomach fluttered with excitement whenever she saw Jake. Now that life was getting back to normal, well, she felt like a normal girl just wanting to be happy and Jake gave her that feeling and so much more.

“You didn’t bring me one?” Elizabeth quipped.

“You have your own date,” Jake reminded his sister.

“Speaking of Finn, better find him” Elizabeth said as she and Sue left to meet up with their dates for the night.

“Hi,” Jake smiled once they were alone. “You look incredible,” he said softly as Grace took the drink and took a sip and put it down on a table. The way he looked at her made her feel special.

“I look the same as I did fifteen minutes ago,” Grace asked.

“Well I didn’t say it before,” Jake sighed as they leaned for a kiss. “Do you want to dance?”

“Sure,” Grace said as she leaned against her cane. She wished she didn’t have the contraption, but appearances had to be kept because she shouldn’t be this recovered so soon after her attack, as they leaned for another kiss before going out onto the dance floor where they spent rest of the prom.

While outside forces watched, observed and waited and followed when they left the ballroom to get some fresh air, while others followed Elizabeth and Finn as they danced.


“What are you going to do?” Isabel asked as she kept her friend company. They had sat and watched and nothing was happening, and they knew prom was going to finish up sooner than later and kids would be flooding out or those who didn’t have rooms in the hotel to prevent drunk driving since they knew the punch would be spiked at some point in the evening.

“I am tired of this,” Michael said as he opened the door as Isabel was quick to join him as he stomped down the street and several cars that stood in between them, before knocking on the window. “Roll down the window,” he yelled.

“Damn it,” the man in the vehicle muttered, as he didn’t roll it down, so Michael did it in his own way and used his powers to open the door. “I don’t want you in here Guerin…”

“Too bad,” Michael muttered as he hopped into the passenger seat with Isabel soon in the back seat. “I’m in here now, and you can’t stop me without creating a whole big scene, right Isabel” he asked of his friend.

“Right,” Isabel murmured.

“God,” Nicholas said as he saw Isabel.

“Nicholas,” Isabel muttered as she glanced at her old nemesis. “What the hell are you doing here Nicholas, and why target our kids?”

“Your kids are none of my concern,” Nicholas muttered as he knew the order had come not to touch Isabel’s kids or husband and that was an order he was tempted to ignore but knew his status was too brittle and therefore he had to do the bidding of his boss before he can figure out how this works for him, and to go out on his own.

“But mine are, right?” Michael asked. “And most of all Max’s…”

“You said it not me,” Nicholas sighed as he thought of the orders that come from on top. “You get what you get when you play with fire…”

“We only want to live our lives, and none of us cares about Khivar or anything he’s trying to pull over on his subjects back home. We like our lives right here and intend to die on this planet whenever that happens” Isabel murmured. “If Khivar thinks we’re coming back, he’s sadly mistaken.”

“He knows you’re not coming back, but he also knows you’re wrecking havoc with your actions here on earth” Nicholas muttered.

“And how are we doing this?” Michael asked.

“Mating with humans, weakening the genetic line that came from superior stalk” Nicholas murmured.

“That is lunacy,” Michael murmured as Isabel gaped at what Nicholas was saying. “Didn’t it occur to you guys that to even exist we had to be mixed with a human donor here on earth, and not necessarily of their own free will.”

“It kept the Royal blood flowing?” Nicholas murmured of the Royal Four minus the turn coat Tess or as she was known on Antar; Ava. “And yet you guys have made it worse for the survival of our species by mating with humans and injecting even more human qualities into your heirs as it will never allow them to be truly an alien or to be one of us when you all had perfectly acceptable alternatives.”

“Fine by me,” Isabel muttered as she shivered at the mere thought that they were better off mating with someone of their own species. She assumed he was talking about Tess for Max, and maybe her and Michael because she did remember those “awakening” dreams back in high school and the fear that ran through them that it was expected or a likelihood when to her Michael was another brother to Isabel, it was Maria who was his destiny like Liz was Max’s, and to think of her and Michael mating, was out of this world and so was the revolting idea of her and Khivar creating an heir as she thought of Kyle and her kids. “I mated with a human, so why am I off limits?”

“If it was up to me, you wouldn’t be…” Nicholas muttered. “But I have my orders and you are off limits.”

“Then tell Khivar that his “pure alien blood” fantasy sucks, and to leave our kids who are moral and human and have a right to exist on this planet alone” Michael murmured. “If any of you even try to mess with any one of my kids, then you won’t be going back to Antar anytime soon… or ever.”

“That is not for you to decide” Nicholas murmured. “As actions are already underway to bring about the future of our alien royal line, and they can’t be undone.”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN!” Michael demanded.

“I mean we can’t let our blood be even more diluted,” Nicholas muttered “Because your child and Max’s bastards are to close to the edge of making our superior race obsolete by putting your genetic powers through more generations forever weakening our powers so we have to make sure our race continues without any hint of human involvement in the takeover of our planet.”

“Grace is no bastard, and something tells you were responsible for taking Liz from us” Michael said. “And why Grace nearly died multiple times over the last few months and you nearly took out my own daughter in your attempt.”

“Any means to the ultimate end,” Nicholas answered. “No heirs are better than inferior heirs”

“Are you forgetting I have children?” Isabel asked.

“He would rather they stay alive because he’s still fond of you Isabel and really you have no claim to the throne if you were to go back but I do, right?” Michael asked. “The seal goes to me if something happens to Max, or his heirs. So, you got rid of Liz to try to eliminate anymore heirs, especially a male heir, right, but didn’t count on Liz being pregnant or surviving but she stayed gone until now, and the twins were female so still not so important and then she came back and you tried everything to get her to go back to Madison and you succeeded by almost killing her again. Given Grace is still Max’s heir as she is the eldest, so you are trying to get rid of her because of Khivar’s fear that they could eventually change the rules of only males being allowed on the throne because something tells me that Khivar hasn’t provided any heirs.”

“Well, you’re also forgetting that we don’t want anything to do with Antar,” Isabel muttered. “I am not going to be queen one day nor are my kids.”

“They still weren’t taking any chances,” Michael muttered. “So, what are you doing to the kids?”

“It’s none of your business as your theories are bullshit, but you won’t stop the greater plan” Nicholas muttered as “Plan B is now in effect because our first plan is no longer effective” as Michael immediately opened the door and bolted out, and Isabel with him as they rushed out of the hotel. “I don’t care if my daughter will get mad,” Michael said outside as they rushed into the hotel.

Only to find the prom was over and being cleared out and the kids weren’t to be found.
Last edited by Parker1947 on Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 47 - 10/19/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Can't wait to find out what has happened at prom......
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 47 - 10/19/2019

Post by Superman86 »

Noooo! Why this kind of cliff hanger. I hope all the kids be okay. #getridofnicholas. Please come back soooon! This just keeps getting better and better. :D Also I love how Liz/Beth had memory of the wedding, maybe she can travel on that roadtrip with Max and the girls, it'll be like Family vacation they never had,for everyone.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 47 - 10/19/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

Loved the memory of the wedding. I wonder if Finn is the newest member of I know an alien club.
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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 48 - 10/22/2019

Post by Parker1947 »

Author's Warning... The warning I gave you at the start of the story is now activated. As we are entering darkness, and the attack will hit everyone in ways they don't see coming as it will be getting worse with each moment, and chances at happiness will impacted by the threats against them, and they will be forever changed... as it infects the rest of the story... So beware... Once it starts up, It won't be for the faint of heart, and is very horrifying... as it won't be easy to read, as it wasn't for me to write...


“What do you mean you can’t find the kids?” Maria asked as she rushed out of the house with her cellphone at her ear, as she had quickly thrown on some clothes after getting home from the gala where she had won an award for her novel, Shock and Awe only to find that her husband still wasn’t home, and so she had changed into her night clothes and was reading a book leisurely when she got the alarming call. “Could they be up in a hotel room?” she asked. “Yes, I don’t want to be saying that…” she muttered. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Did you call Max?” she asked and nodded when Michael said yes as she jumped into her car and raced off to the hotel as she was told that they were searching the hotel rooms, but so far nothing.

Meanwhile, at the hotel reception Michael was demanding access to the presidential suite because he heard there was an after-prom party being held up in the hotel suite.

“I am sorry Mr. Guerin; it’s a private party and we’re not allowed to give keys out to just anyone.”

“And most times I would like that policy, but I am trying to find my kids, as I fear they are in danger and I am a private investigator” Michael demanded. “One of them is underage and the other one could be up to anything.”

“That may very be, but unless you have the parent’s permission who booked the suite than I can’t give you a key” the receptionist said as she punched some keys as she anticipated the next question.

“And that would be?” Isabel asked as she stood at the counter and tried to keep Michael calm given when he was riled up about one of his children, he was even more of a loose cannon than her brother which she witnessed first hand with the Tommy Ellis situation which only got them out of it by the bizarre return of Kal Langley; their watcher.

“The Lowell family,” the receptionist murmured.

“Camryn’s family?” Michael asked as she recognized the last name of Jake’s ex-girlfriend and he did have memories of Jake talking about a after-prom party to be held but it didn’t seem like he and Grace would partake.

“Would Jake and Grace have gone to the party?” Isabel asked.

“Yes,” Michael admitted. “But Elizabeth and Finn wouldn’t have because she and Camryn were never that close and she’s too young.”

‘’Grace is not much older,” Isabel reminded her friend.

“Jake is,” Michael muttered. “And Grace and Camryn have become more friendly lately according to Elizabeth and Maria” he murmured. “Which is weird when you think about it.”

“Not every breakup has to be bad,” Isabel reminded Michael. “I am told Camryn is dating someone else, right?” she asked. “So, bygones can be bygones at the end of the day, and anyone would have known that Grace and Jake were doing their dance and were going to be an eventuality one of these days.”

“Unfortunately,” Michael sighed.

“Sir, I can call up to the suite to see if someone is using it” the receptionist asked. “There is a notation on file that the daughter might be using it but it was only if needed, so parent’s wanted to be on the safe side so we don’t have any information whether it really is being used except we gave them a key, and it’s rented until tomorrow regardless”

“Just perfect,” Michael muttered. “And the kids left their phones at home. The one night they needed them, and Elizabeth had told Maria that it didn’t fit with her purse, when she left the house to go over to Max’s to finish getting ready.”

“Thank you, go ahead please” Isabel sighed as she tried to pleasant to the receptionist as Maria swept through the doors and saw Michael and Isabel at the counter. Max was two steps behind her. “The Calvary is here I guess…”

“Anything?” Maria asked feeling winded.

“Nothing as they won’t let us up because they need permission of the people who booked the suite. Camryn’s folks but we don’t even know if it’s being used because it was only being held as a backup,” Isabel sighed. “We think Grace and Jake might have gone if there is a party, but not Elizabeth and Finn.”

“The one time they don’t have their phones,” Maria moaned. “Where is she?”

“You think Nicholas is behind this?” Max asked as he wanted to know if he wanted to know whether his daughter and her boyfriend were up there in a hotel room, and he didn’t but he did because the alternative was worse especially if Nicholas and Khivar was up to no good”

“It sure seems like it,” Michael muttered. “He wasn’t that communicative, so I spouted some theories and he denied them, but still…”

“He says I am off limits, and my kids are…” Isabel murmured.

“Because Khivar wanted you, right?” Max could see that Khivar would still be at the “one who got away” in his view which was Isabel’s Vilondra which would render her life back here on Earth untouched even if he might want to eliminate Kyle. Still the fondness wouldn’t want Isabel to be angry at him to eliminate the faint hope that she might one day change her mind while he and Michael were his enemies because they had beat them…

“That is the thinking,” Michael murmured. “But what is the greater plan?”

“Why now?” Max asked.

“I hate thinking what I am thinking,” Isabel murmured to the sudden whipping of her brother’s heads as they turned to her. “I hope I am wrong, but let’s first concentrate on trying to find the kids.”

“What do you know?” Max asked.

“Let’s concentrate on the kids,” Isabel murmured as Michael turned and tried once again to ask for the key code to the presidential suite.

“Screw this, I am going up” Michael murmured. “Any way possible…”

“Sir,” the receptionist said as Michael stormed off with Max not far behind him as they left Isabel and Maria back. “You can’t…” she shouted.

“They won’t need a code,” Maria murmured as the receptionist watched in bafflement as the guys rush off as they also watched Michael and Max storm off towards the elevator. “Maybe we need stop them before they find what they don’t want to see…”

“You think what I think, right?” Isabel asked.

“I am afraid so,” Maria murmured. “I just got a text from Camryn saying that there was no party, as she decided to go to her boyfriend’s apartment instead, and she gave the key to Jake….”

“Oh boy,” Isabel murmured. “Did she know where Elizabeth and Finn went?”

“Nope,” Maria sighed as she feared the worst because while she knew her daughter could control a lot, but she was still only fifteen and that could mean almost anything.

“Then let’s go” Isabel sighed as they rushed off as Michael held the elevator, he managed to get for them.

“Took you long enough,” Michael grunted as the women jumped onto the elevator. “Let’s go!”

“You don’t want to do this,” Isabel said. “You don’t know what you will find up there, and if you do find Jake up there… You won’t like what you will see…”


“Let me down” Elizabeth screamed as she found herself being dropped onto a chair in a far away chair, in cabin. She was blind folded and had woken up in the back of a black van. She didn’t know where she was as she felt the bumps along the road and felt the stone path they had just gone down after a long while on smooth road.

“Pipe down,” came the response as moments later she heard a loud door slam and therefore she knew she was along in the room.

She thought back to earlier that night or she hoped it was only earlier when she was waiting for Finn who had gone to call the limousine driver to come and pick them up because Jake and Grace were going upstairs to Camryn’s hotel room. She had been told there was a senior’s party up there, and Grace wanted to go, and so she and Jake had gone off moments before with the promise from Finn that he would see Elizabeth home. “I won’t tell Mom and Dad where you are,” she laughed as Grace only shook her head.

“I am calling the limousine to say we’re ready,” Finn smiles as Elizabeth nodded as she stayed out on the veranda as she enjoyed the fresh air as Sue Adams came out and smiled. “So, you and Finn?”

“He’s a great guy,” Elizabeth admitted. “It’s unexpected. It’s something I wanted with someone, but I didn’t think I wanted it at the same time as I was having too much fun observing whatever is going on with my brother and Grace.”

“They went upstairs?” Sue asked.

“Yup,” Elizabeth smirked. “Some party… or so they say” she said as she was surprised Grace would want to go upstairs, but something had come over her during the evening and she had wanted to.

“But I saw Camryn head off with Robert?” Sue asked. “Isn’t it her family who booked the room?”

“So, they say, or the rumor mill” Elizabeth laughed. “Well Grace did say she wanted to have fun and throw things to the wind because of how complicated her life has been over the last few months.”

“But is she ready to go all in” Sue asked as they both knew what going up to the suite meant.

“I don’t know, I really don’t” Elizabeth asked Sue’s date came for her, and they hugged with the promise to talk tomorrow. Looking at her watch, Elizabeth knew she had to get home as she was testing her parent’s patients as she wondered where Finn had gone… “Where is Finn?” she wondered as she turned around to look out and didn’t hear the steps before she grabbed and felt a pinprick go into her neck, and she fell unconscious.

She was picked up and helped over the veranda and another pair of hands caught her, and threw her into the van… The mystery man then prepared to vanish when he heard, “Hey, what did you do to Elizabeth?” came Finn’s voice as she was returning…

“Fu@k” said the man under the breath as he turned and knocked Finn over his head, and he collapsed on the veranda.


And now Elizabeth took stock of where she was, and she knew she was in trouble. “Let me go” she screamed.

“No,” said the invisible man. “We need you”

“How?” Elizabeth asked as she tried to figure out where she was as the blindfold was whipped off, and yet she didn’t know who her captor was.

“None of your business,” said the invisible force.

“I think it’s my business if you kidnap me,” Elizabeth murmured. “So, why did you want me?”

“Because your slut of a friend was useless to us” came the response which surprised Elizabeth. “So, you’re our only option”

“Who are you talking about” Elizabeth asked.

“That brat Evans kid” the man said. “She whored herself out, and therefore rendered herself useless to us although we tried to forgive one transgression but tonight, she went over the line, and therefore only you are of use for us”

“She was raped, and whatever she does tonight, or any other time is none of your business. She’s not a whore. She’s normal!” Elizabeth spat as she defended her best friend and whatever she was going or had done with her brother tonight.

“When it doesn’t give us our desired act” the man said. “She is a slut!”

“So, what do you want from me?” Elizabeth asked.

“Shut her up,” the man said to his partner. “She asks too many questions” he muttered as she stormed out of the cabin, slamming the door while the blindfold went back on and then she felt a pin prick and then her brain floating as she was rendered unconscious.


“Young man, are you okay?” a cleaning staff member said as she leaned down as she was helping clean up from the prom when she saw some on the veranda, and went to look and saw the young man, and leaned to shake him as Finn’s eyes open and went wild. “Did you drink some spike punch?”

“Where’s Elizabeth?” Finn asked as he looked around and saw the darkness. “Where is my girlfriend?”

“I don’t know,” the woman admitted. “It was only you when I saw from the ballroom. Do you need me to call someone?”

“Call Michael Guerin” Finn muttered and knew he was getting get the weight of Elizabeth’s parents for letting their daughter disappear.

“Do you need my phone” as she said Finn check his pockets and cursing when he realized he didn’t have his phone. Nodding as she handed her phone from her pocket to Finn as he got up on his feet and struggled a moment before righting himself. “You might need to stay away from the spike punch next time.”

“It wasn’t the punch,” Finn muttered as he dialed.


Upstairs, they were nearing the presidential suite and Maria and Isabel had to restrain their husband and brother from doing something they would regret. “Come on guys, you know what you will find in there so step back and loosen the teeth” Isabel muttered.

“Easy for you to say,” Max muttered.

“Right, count me as the observer in this situation” Isabel smiled. “None of us want things to be as they are but they are, so what matters is we get answers. Why don’t you let me and Maria deal with this, and you stand back and especially you Max?”

“Why me?” Max muttered.

“Because she’s sixteen, and you’re going to be thinking of her as the little princess you watched grow up regardless of recent events in her life. And you Michael, it’s better to stay out of it” Isabel murmured.

“I actually think I would be better than Maria in this situation regarding Jake” Michael murmured.

“He has that right,” Maria muttered. “I am going to strangle that boy”

“Neither of you will do that and especially when you don’t know where Elizabeth is,” Isabel muttered as the phone rang in Michael’s pocket as he reached for it and immediately despite not knowing the number answered, “Elizabeth is that you?” he asked. “Damn it,” he said as his face fell. “Yes,” he nodded. “I’ll be there in a few moments. Stay there…”

Dropping the phone back into his pocket of his pants. “That was Finn,” Michael murmured to Maria. “He wants to talk…”

“Where is he?” Maria asked frantically, for a moment forgetting to be concerned about Jake and Grace.

“Downstairs, he didn’t want to talk about it on the phone. I’m supposed to meet him,” Michael said he rather deal with this than deal with his son’s love life. “Max, you might want to come with me because I don’t think you want to deal with this. Isabel is right, she and Maria can deal with this…”

“Maybe I should stay?” Max muttered.

“Come with me Max, let’s go and deal with this. Because something is not right. Finn sounded strange and I need answers. It’s my daughter who is potentially in danger because it’s obvious that they aren’t together and that is bad news,” Michael said as they rushed towards the elevator.

Leaving Isabel and Maria to deal with this… even if they weren’t ready to deal with it, but knew they had to.

“Are we ready?” Isabel asked Maria who only shook her head. “I know I know,” she muttered.

“I need to know where Elizabeth is?” Maria asked. “If Jake does know something or Grace for that matter.”

“I wish I knew,” Isabel sighed that she wished she could drown out the fear she was thinking now that it looked like it was only Elizabeth missing. While she would have thought Grace was the likely target, but Michael was right. He was second in command which made Elizabeth just as much a target as Grace.

Especially if Khivar was after something now that both Max and Michael had heirs who were coming of age or already there... Being female ruled them out of being rulers, but they had other purposes.

And those purposes scared her.

Knocking on the door… “Come on Jake. Come on Grace, open the door. Stop whatever you’re doing and open up”

They didn’t get an answer.

“Are we wrong,” Maria asked as they looked at the door and prayed, they were wrong, but Isabel suspected they weren’t. “Let me,” she murmured as she worked her powers to open the locked door.

They walked in and found an empty suite, but the bedroom door shut.

“I knew it,” Maria muttered as much as knew it, but she didn’t want to be right at the same time. “Why does it have to be tonight?”

“They are young and in love. Remember when we were that age so be careful with what you say,” Isabel murmured as a warning as they walked to the door. “Jake, Grace, are you in there?” she called out.


Inside the bedroom, in the bed, Jake and Grace looked at each other with the same expression. “Sh!t” they both said in unison. “Why is Aunt Isabel out there?” Grace murmured as she pulled up the sheet. She knew this had been a stupid of her and Jake but couldn’t stop herself. She went with it, and now she was wondering how it would be when this night was over.

“Damn it,” Jake said grabbing his pants. Throwing Grace’s dress at Grace in the bed, but also a robe he found in the bathroom which would be quicker if they were going to face their family. “Why are they here?”

“This can’t be good,” Grace said as Jake struggled to put his shirt back on. “Jake, about this… about tonight?”

“Don’t say it,” Jake sighed knowing they had changed everything with their actions, and he didn’t relish the aftermath. “I don’t regret it, regardless of what might go down!”

“Me either,” Grace said as she quickly put on the robe because she didn’t have the time before the invasion to put back on her dress. “I wanted this… I am the one who pushed you to do this, so it’s not on you.”

“You didn’t push me, because I wanted to, but yeah I know,” Jake nodded as he tried to collect himself as he walked to the door as he struggled to feel done up and opened the door and saw not just his aunt Isabel but his mother, and knew they were in it for it.

“Mom, what are you doing here?”

“Looking for you because you were nowhere to be seen but most of all, your sister. Do you know where Elizabeth is?” Maria demanded as she and Isabel walked into the bedroom. “Oh, I see.”

“Mom, please don’t” Jake warned as Isabel gave him the warning to be careful with what he said.

“Jacob Luca Guerin, I don’t care what you might do behind closed doors although I hope you both were careful,” she said over at the bed where Grace stood in her robe who nodded. “Your life is your life, same goes for Grace.”

“I am glad,” Jake sighed because he knew this wasn’t the end of it.

“But your sister’s life is something I worry about because she is not even sixteen, yet which worries me because we can’t find her…”

“What do you mean you can’t find Elizabeth. Isn’t she home by now?” Jake asked as her concern of what his mother would say about him and Grace vanished into concern about his sister. “She and Finn were headed home when we were headed up here…”

“No, and that is the problem!” Isabel sighed. “Are you sure they were headed home?”

“As far as I know. Sue passed us on her way out and said Finn was calling the limousine or was planning on it,” Grace said quietly because she felt guilty but also not so guilty that she regretted her actions but standing here in the hotel room fearing the judgments of her aunts was not something she relished.

We think our enemies might have attacked tonight, and they might have taken Elizabeth as a result since the both of you were here evidently.

“Are you serious?” Grace asked as she stood terrified for her friend.

“So, we ask, do you know where your sister is?” Maria asked.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 48 - 10/22/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

It's a good thing Max was not there to see what his daughter had been up to. Poor Elizabeth. I have a really bad feeling about this and Nicholas' earlier comments about keeping the race pure.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 48 - 10/22/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I agree with RoswellFan68........."keeping the royal line pure" gives me concern.
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On the Razor's Edge - Chapter 49 - 10/24/2019

Post by Parker1947 »


“Are you sure about this?” Jake asked as the stood outside the suite. He had been shocked when Grace had suggested it as she showed him the key, she had gotten from Camryn contrary to the assumption that she had given it to Jake when she elected to go back to her boyfriend’s apartment. Grace had seen her as she was getting her coat to meet up with Robert. “So, are you going with Robert?” she had asked.

“Yes, although if my father asks… let him think I am upstairs” Camryn laughed. “He doesn’t approve of how serious I am getting with Robert. Especially so soon after Jake.”

“Oh,” Grace asked.

“I love Robert and I want to be with him because I don’t know the future” Camryn murmured as she knew it was a weird situation given how close she was to her ex, and knew Grace was with Jake or trying to figure out what she was, with him. “With him at Clemson and concentrating on football, and me in Michigan”

“Right,” Grace nodded.

“I have applied for the summer program, so I am likely headed there right after graduation, so I want to spend as much time before Robert has to report to university to get started with the football program.”

Grace nodded, as she was struck by a sudden thought. “So, the hotel room will be empty?”

“Likely,” Camryn confirmed.

“Would you mind giving me the key?” Grace asked, which surprised Camryn given she didn’t think Grace and Jake were at that stage yet.

“If Jake is pressuring you…” Camryn asked.

“He doesn’t know,” Grace assured Jake’s ex. “This is all me, so I was wondering if you could…”

“Sure,” Camryn nodded and handed her the key. “But you don’t have to, you know. Just because Jake is older.”

“I know,” Grace assured Camryn. “This is about me wanting to create new memories, to wipe out some recent nasty ones.”

“If you are sure,” Camryn nodded as she walked away to join her boyfriend and they walked hand and hand out of the hotel while Grace soon joined Jake.

And now Grace stood outside the suite and knowing this was what she wanted to do. She knew Jake was skeptical, but she pressed the key into the slot, and the door opened. “I want this” was all she said as they entered the giant room.

“If this is rushing to much, we can do it when you’re ready” Jake asked as closed the door and looked at each other and knew what the night meant.

“No,” Grace sighed. “I need this…”

“Why?” Jake asked as they stood and observed the room, and what it signified. “I want you, but this seems unlike you. You just days ago wanted to go slow, and I am game with that because I know how hard the recent past has been for you but why?”

“I need to wipe the bad memories away,” Grace sighed and knew how it sounded.

“If this is about Tommy Ellis and what he did to do you, then maybe we should wait” Jake sighed. “I don’t want to be something to wipe away the bad memories, when if we only wait, it might be better for everyone,” he muttered. “It wouldn’t help either of us, or it’s not fair.”

“It wouldn’t be fair,” Grace agreed. “It’s about wiping the bad memories into something positive Jake” she muttered. “I don’t want to think of my first time as with a monster. He is a monster, and I know I will never forget it. No matter what comes out of my life now and in the future, but I want a memory that doesn’t cause me pain or angst. I don’t know what our future is, and that is great. I don’t want super intense or to be invested to the extent that we hurt each other. I want to be happy. I know you will find yourself next year at some university, and I could be at another one across the country when it’s my time. I just want to know what time we have together is about us, and not about the past and I don’t want to remember something painful. I want to know I was loved, not hated”

“You’re not hated,” Jake sighed as they kissed.

“I was to Tommy. I don’t want that feeling in my life any longer. I want to be with someone who wants me and is kind and patient.”

“Grace,” Jake nodded.

“Life is too short. I have seen that firsthand, and I don’t want to think I could have had a moment and I stopped it and said no and then lived to regret it. I love you Jake, and I don’t know our future, but I want a moment.”

“I love you too” Jake smiled.

“Then let’s stop thinking about it,” Grace smiled as they leaned in for a kiss that soon got heated, and for once she stopped thinking and they just acted and soon they ended up in the bedroom and slammed the door behind them as they acted on impulse and hell with the consequences, and didn’t even know half of what was unfolding while they relished being in each other’s arms and sinking into their desire for each other.


And now they were facing his mother and their Aunt Isabel. And neither woman was happy to see them but locating Elizabeth was rising in its importance as Jake was trying to figure out what happened to his sister. As he didn’t understand how she could be gone. “I don’t get it,” he asked. “It doesn’t make sense.”

“Apparently,” Maria quipped. “Your father and Max are talking to Finn right now as they are trying to get answers.”

“You mean my father is here,” Grace asked, embarrassed that her father might be in the hotel.

“You got lucky,” Isabel smirked and the embarrassment that came to her niece’s face. “He almost came up here, and he wasn’t going to like what he found, and he knew it but luckily for you, well, he and Michael are trying to get answers into where Elizabeth went too…”

“Why would she be gone?” Jake asked.

“We don’t know as we were hoping you knew” Maria muttered. “Do you know anything, anything at all?”

“No sorry,” Grace thought. “Nothing happened during prom that would give me any idea where she might disappear to because she was having a great time with Finn and I could tell that Finn was having a great time with her, and they were planning on heading home.”

“Okay,” Isabel said as she glanced at her niece in the robe. “We’ll let you get dress, and then we’ll figure out the next step” she murmured as Maria was glaring at her son but stopped and left the room with Isabel. Sighing all the way, Maria had known her son wasn’t exactly a virgin because she knew he and Camryn had gotten serious before they broke up and who knows who else he had been intimate with in those limited dates he did go on before things escalated with Grace but to view it as now with Grace was something entirely different and she didn’t like this view of her son’s love life.

Outside in the larger suite, “I know what you want to say” Isabel sighed as she looked at her friend. “I feel it too, but it’s just easier to allow them to deal with it on their own and know they will be stronger for it in the end.”

“This is not what they need,” Maria moaned as she thought of all the complications it could lead to. “Not by a long shot!”

“Maybe not but it’s now reality,” Isabel sighed as inside the room with the door closed Jake and Grace could only look at each other with confusion and irritation that their perfect night got interrupted by mayhem.

“I am sorry,” Jake whispered for fear the walls had ears as he approached and took Grace into his arms as they hugged. “This is not how I wanted tonight to end because tonight was amazing.”

“I know and I couldn’t have asked for more…” Grace nodded as she thought of how it could have been. “I am just really glad my father didn’t actually come into the suite with your mother and Aunt Isabel.”

“Me too,” Jake nodded as they kissed tenderly, and he hated to have to pull back, but they did as they finished getting dressed and ten minutes later, they joined Isabel and Maria outside in the larger suite.

“We’ll talk later,” Maria muttered. “But let us get downstairs and see what your father did find out when he talked to Finn” was all she said as they exited the suite and walked towards the elevator as they all prayed for Elizabeth, and for some sense of where this was going to go…


Downstairs, Michael and Max observed Finn who was sitting at a table in the ballroom. He was off the veranda, and now back inside the hotel. The cleaning woman had corroborated Finn’s story that she found him passed out on the ground outside, and Elizabeth was nowhere to be seen. “What do you remember?” Max said as Michael continued to observe the boy as he wondered if he could believe it because he was desperately afraid for his daughter. He knew Isabel was thinking about why Elizabeth might have been kidnapped, and he had his own suspicions given Grace once was targeted and now his own daughter vanished.

“I remember seeing a man near where Elizabeth was standing, she was gone but I remember the feeling like she was grabbed. I saw a faint glimpse of her dress, and then it was gone. I came to ask what was going on because I was only gone to call the limousine and I was coming back to Elizabeth. She had been talking to Sue, and then she was gone.”

“What else?” Max asked.

“Mr. Guerin, I don’t know how she could have gotten past everyone because it was starting to slow down, but not everyone had left yet” Finn sighed as he struggled to figure out where Elizabeth may have gone.

“Right,” Michael said through gritted teeth as Max looked around and observed and made noise about going out onto the veranda to look around as Michael glared at Finn. “Why didn’t she go with you to call the limousine?”

“She wanted to get some fresh air, and I didn’t think I would be long and then as I was leaving I saw Sue Adams going out to talk to her, so I figure they would talk and then I would come back and get her because Jake and Grace were going upstairs to some party.”

“Some party, alright” Michael muttered as she saw Maria and Isabel come out of the elevator, and Jake and Grace looking nervous behind him and he knew it hadn’t been pleasant upstairs as Max came back.

“I don’t know how she would have vanished without being seen” Max said. “The only doors are the ones into the ballroom, and there are no steps or anything”

“Which means?” Finn asked deeply concerned.

“They took her over the railing,” Max said softly. “If you saw some of her dress?”

“I did, my brain is still fuzzy, but I do remember her dress” Finn sighed as Max watched as Maria, Isabel along with Jake and Grace joined them. Neither Jake or Grace could look at their fathers and especially Grace, and Max didn’t especially want to be looking at his daughter.

“Dad” Grace said softly.

“I am glad we found you, for a few minutes there we were worried” Max said a little rough but as softly as he could muster as his daughter nodded. “At least you are safe and sound.”

Grace nodded.

“What’s going with Elizabeth” Jake asked pointing at Finn. “I thought you two were going home together. You were going to call the limousine when we last left you?”

“I did,” Finn said briefly. “But as I was telling your father and his friend that she stayed out on the veranda and was talking to Sue, and then when I came back, she was gone but I think she was taken because there was a man there who didn’t want to be seeing me and then knocked me unconscious. When I woke up, a while later… Elizabeth was gone, and there was no trace.”

“Do you see anything?” Michael asked of his son.

“Honestly it was normal, everything. Nothing stood out as different. At least to me, Elizabeth didn’t indicate that anything was wrong.”

“Not to me either,” Grace said softly as she wished she could go home and lock her bedroom door and forget the way her father was looking at her. She felt judged. But she knew it was warranted given the circumstances. “Everything was normal. She was her normal self. We were talking to Sue, and nothing was any different.”

“You didn’t see anyone following any of you?” Michael asked.

“Nope,” Grace shook her head.

“I’ve called Jim” Maria sighed at how complicated the night was and she didn’t see it getting any better. “Mom is already at the house keeping an eye on the other kids,” she acknowledged. “So, Jim is going to meet us there, because we need help.”

“I know,” Michael nodded. “I guess we better get you home?” he said reluctantly to Finn who needed to be getting home.

“I am going home” Grace said as she knew she didn’t want to be at the Guerin house under the circumstances, or least until they knew something. “Call me if something happens but I assume Dad you want to help find Elizabeth, well, so I can go home, and you can come home when you’re ready to.”

“I can see you home?” Jake asked and knew he had said the wrong thing, but he persisted on. “We can take a cab or some thing”

“NO,” the adults said immediately and in unison as Grace only shook her head because she knew that would be the last think that would be allowed if her father wasn’t going to be home yet. It wouldn’t help the situation. “I am tired, so it’s better if I go home and I can take my own cab.”

“I’ll drive her,” Isabel offered because she knew that sending Grace off alone wouldn’t help if someone was truly after them. “I’ll call Kyle and he can meet us at the house, but first I’ll make sure Grace gets home” because she knew it wouldn’t help anything to have Max and Grace in the same car.

“If you could Isabel, I would appreciate it” Max said as she hugged her daughter because he wasn’t so much thinking of himself to know his daughter had to be going through a lot of emotion. “I’ll try to be home when I can.”

Grace nodded and smiled at Jake who nodded and didn’t dare go near her, as she walked off with her aunt.

Walking out of the hotel into the cool dark night, Grace looked around and sighed at the thought that life looked so different than it did a few hours before. “Dad hates me.”

“No, he doesn’t” Isabel assured her niece and could sense the turmoil in the teenager. “He’s just surprised. You will always be his little girl, and he raised you and didn’t have the same opportunity with your sisters, so he’ll always think of you as that little girl. No matter how old you become.”

“I am sorry I disappointed him” Grace murmured as they got into the car.

“You didn’t, you just surprised him” Isabel smiled. “It’s not like if it was him and your mother, he might not have had the same restraint if things had worked differently than they had” she cracked of the incredible restraint Max and Liz had shown despite all the turmoil in their lives when they finally did become intimate on their honeymoon. “You just surprised us. Can I ask, why?”

“I wanted happy memories, but I also want to have fun” Grace said as she reflected on her life “Too much of my life has been stuck, because of things that have happened or I let happen, and I want something that wasn’t about angst, and something I can look back and not regret. I regret a lot in my life, and I wanted to go with the flow, and not over analyzed myself to death. Aunt Isabel don’t blame Jake because I am the one who wanted it and I am the one who pushed it with him as he would have waited, but I didn’t.”

“I don’t think you had to push very hard,” Isabel smiled. “Jake is a boy, and boys aren’t ones to show restraint unless it’s under incredible circumstances.”

“Actually, I did. Jake is decent, and he didn’t want to take advantage of me, and he would have waited but I didn’t, and I don’t regret it Aunt Isabel. It felt good to be wanted.”

“Aw,” Isabel thought. That is what it was. Grace doesn’t feel wanted. Given what happened with Tommy, Isabel supposed that was warranted. Then Liz is believed dead only to come back alive, and a whole new woman who doesn’t remember her daughter and then goes back to Madison. So, it makes sense to try to grab onto something that makes sense Isabel mused to herself.

“You’re wanted Grace. You’re a incredible young woman, and we love you and therefore you don’t have to think like that,” Isabel said as they pulled into the driveway of the Evans and Grace looked up at her house and saw the darkness of the house and wondered what the future held.

“Thank you, I do appreciate Aunt Isabel,” Grace said getting out of the car and getting the keys out of her purse. Even though you almost have to say it because we’re family, and it feels bad to say anything else… she mused to only herself.

“And Grace, looking like you do in that dress and seeing you so grown up. I don’t think you had to say a lot to convince Jake,” Isabel smiled, and Grace nodded. “Just be careful okay. You might be sixteen, but you never know what might come tomorrow so don’t rush into adult emotions when you’re only a teenager once, and sometimes it’s better to be cautious.”

“I know,” Grace said. “Although being cautious doesn’t always help either…” she murmured as she said her goodnight wishes to her aunt and then walked up the pathway to the house and moments later disappeared into the it, locking the door behind her.

“She’s home” Isabel said a moment as she called her brother as she watched the light in Grace’s bedroom turn on, and ten minutes later, turn out and the house became dark again. “I’ll be over there shortly.”


Elizabeth awoke and knew she was now tied to a bed. She still felt the blindfold shielding her eyes and knew her wrists were being held to the bed by handcuffs, and same with her legs. She tried in vein to try to bring some strength and try to bust out, but she couldn’t, and she knew they were afraid of what she might do. Se didn’t know what time it was, or if it was a new day or two or even three. She hoped that she found a way out of this.

Knowing she was in trouble, she played passed out and tried in vein to call out to someone. Someone in her inner family, and who knew what she could do or even could match her with their abilities and that meant her aunt Isabel, but she felt resistance. So, she knew it was at least waking hours or her aunt hadn’t gone to bed yet.

Damn it, Elizabeth murmured to herself. Why can’t I reach anyone, what good are my powers if I can’t get help?

She told herself, come on someone pick up

Then she felt something, she felt a small force but a mighty one. Yes, please, come on… See me, see me to help me.

Belle I know it’s you. You need to tell Mom and Dad. You are a true Guerin, and you can see a lot. Please, see what I need you to see and tell them, please
she pleaded.

Eyes in the Guerin house woke up, as she searched the darkness of her bedroom and saw it was the middle of the night, but she knew it was trouble. Getting up, she wrote down some letters on a piece of paper as she grabbed her tiny robe and she went and searched for her parents, but their bedroom was empty. Then she heard voices, and she heard her grandmother’s voice. She didn’t sense her parents in the house because she heard her grandmother say, “They should be here any minute. No, I don’t know what’s going on. I’ll tell them you’re on the way, and you had an emergency at the office.”

“Grandma,” Belle asked as she walked downstairs and found her grandmother in the living room.

“Belle, what are you doing up. It’s the middle of the night” Amy asked as she focused on her tiniest granddaughter as she was on her third cup of coffee since arriving to allow her daughter to run off to find her mischievousness eldest children.

“I had a dream,” Belle said quietly.

“Do you need help going back to sleep?” Amy asked of her granddaughter.

“No, because the dream was about Elizabeth” Belle asked of her eldest sister. “Is she in some kind of trouble?”

“Why do you say that?” Amy asked as she grew tense as she wondered whether Belle knew something. Belle might only be six years old but she could be feisty when she wanted to be, and knew a lot more than most did at her age and she knew from Jim and her daughter that there was already a instance of exhibiting some kind of special gift in the last few months and now Amy wondered if there had been another.

“Elizabeth was in my dream. I couldn’t see her clearly, but she was pleading for me to help her. Then I saw darkness, and I saw a car and a license plate.”

“You did?” Amy asked grabbing onto the dream. “Do you remember the license plate,”

“I wrote it down” Belle murmured as the front door opened and in walked her parents and Uncle Max who immediately frowned when they saw the little girl.

“What on earth,” Maria asked. “Belle what are you doing up at this hour?”

“Belle had a dream” Amy immediately said.

“You did,” Michael asked coming forward and smiling at the presence of her youngest daughter, and knowing she was still so innocent of the big bad world made it very inviting to come home after a reality busting kind of day. “A big bad wolf again?”

“No Daddy,” Belle said looking up at her father. “It was Elizabeth”

“Elizabeth!” Maria asked immediately as she knelt to see her daughter and was reminded of the prior dream her daughter had of her older brother when he had found calamity. “What did you see?”

“Honey, she saw a license plate. She wrote it down” Amy asked as the door opened, and Isabel and Kyle walked in with Jim moments later. Jake wasn’t soon after as he had walked home after deciding it was counter productive to be in the same car as her parents given, he didn’t want a lecture.

“What is it?” Michael asked as he took the piece of paper from his daughter and looked down at her child like scribbles. “I don’t recognize the plate”

“I can run it!” Jim said. “And do a search to see if it indeed nearby”

“I don’t understand why?” Maria asked. “Why would he go after Elizabeth. I understand why Khivar would want revenge on you guys for as stupid reasons as they are. Even though you have no intention of going back, but after all he hates you and Michael and Tess said it well enough that they wanted you guys dead if you ever stepped back on Antar, but why?”

“He wants an heir and he’ll go by any method to get one” Isabel muttered to the shock of the room. “Including using one of your heirs to gain it” she blurted to the shock of the room as horror struck them all as they looked at Isabel. “It’s the truth. He would have gone after Grace and may have but she was raped by Tommy and therefore not a virgin but still the stabbing attack might have been originally planned to be a grab. But they got Sue by mistake, and then it allowed Grace and Elizabeth to come onto the scene and save the day but whoever possessed the idiot changed the plan that night and instead stabbed Grace as they reacted with the knife, and she almost died. Because she survived, they then tried to get her out of the way in the car, which almost worked and almost got Elizabeth too, but luck saved the day.”

“Go on,” Maria said as she felt sick to her stomach.

“Then you know what happened tonight with Jake and Grace, and so any use they might have achieved by using Grace vanished and so they went after the next best option, the second in command’s eldest child. A male would challenge his authority as ruler, but a female can used for other purposes, especially if someone doesn’t have an heir. He can’t be still so bent on revenge against us if we didn’t have something he wanted. Heirs to our names, and our blood which can be traced back to the royal line. Someone who is almost of age, and we know if something happened to Max, the seal goes to Michael and not to me. So, Elizabeth is Michael’s heir and therefore they feel like they can use Elizabeth to get what he wants.”

“Oh god,” Jake whispered at the thought of being with Grace saved her, but it put all the burden on his sister and it made him sick to the stomach to think they would look at Grace like that, and yet it made sense. “We have to find her!”

“Wait, what happened with Jake and Grace?” Amy asked reverting back to older topic.

“We can discuss it another time,” Maria muttered as she looked at Jake who responded by storming off and up to his bedroom. “We need to concentrate on finding Elizabeth because if Isabel is right than we can’t let them even get half of their goal.”

“We don’t have a lot of time,” Isabel muttered. “I sense they are almost ready to do whatever they plan to do, and they now have her, and we don’t have any clue as to where they might be...”

“I’ll run the plate” Jim said as he left the house, as Maria tried to relieve her escalating stress level by taking her little girl up to her bedroom and putting her back to bed and then she stayed and watched her little girl sleep.

“I am sorry about this!” Michael said softly twenty minutes later after watching Max and Isabel go home and seeing Amy to the spare room as she was going to spend the night since Jim was going back to the station as he came into the room and watched as his wife watched their youngest sleep. “I never wanted this, nor did I imagine this back when you got involved with me.”

“If only I hadn’t gone to that damn gala and been home to watch our daughter get ready for her big night, but I wasn’t home, and she went over to Max’s to finish getting ready and to wait for Finn to pick her up. I didn’t get a chance to say good-bye,” she cried. “We have to find her Michael…” Maria said with as pure emotion came to her face. Her baby was missing She could be anywhere Maria mused. Absolutely anywhere, and who knows what they would do when they finished with her if we don’t find her in time.

“I know!” Michael said as he swore, they would find her, and revenge on whoever was responsible as he took his wife in his arms and walked her to the bedroom and watched helplessly as she cried in his arms as they laid in bed and prayed for their eldest daughter because despite being a teenager, and tremendously gifted, they knew she was still fragile and worried about her out there unprotected, and alone.
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 49 - 10/24/2019

Post by RoswellFan68 »

I hope that Grace didn't rush things with Jake. Hopefully Belle gave them enough information that they can get to Elizabeth in time.
Roswell Fanatic
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Re: On the Razor's Edge (CC, Mature) - A "Reunion" Story - Chapter 49 - 10/24/2019

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Anxious to see what happened to Elizabeth!
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