Something To Live For (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt13 01/11/07 [WIP]

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Something To Live For (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt13 01/11/07 [WIP]

Post by hazz »

Title: Something to live for
Author: Haley..hazz
Catagory: Au M/L No aliens
Rating: Eventually ADULT
Summery: Liz gets made fun of at school...hardcore. No friends. One day she feels like shes had enough and walks home to end it all. Could a new neighbor give her....oh i dont know....Something to live for maybe?
Disclaimer: Dont own nothin
Feedback: Gimme gimme gimme
This fic is based on the song "Nothing to lose" by Billy Talent

Thanks Tanya(Behrsgirl77) for allllllllx500 the help


Part 1

You would think that if someone were going to call you a name they would at least try to fit your physical features.

For example, my name is Liz Parker; I’m 17, 5'1 and 123 lbs. In no way do I resemble anyone fat. Not even slightly obese. I have abs for goodness sakes.

But for some reason everyone at school refers to me as "Porker." Parker; Porker. Very funny, but does no one notice how stupid they sound when they call a skinny, fit girl porker? It isn’t even a joke; they actually mean it in the literal sense.

"Porker coming through." A boy I don’t know yells as I enter the hallway of my west side school. I walk by, flipping the bird and continue on to my bio class.

In all honesty, my life is hell. I can’t stand it anymore. People constantly bullying, evil names directed at me, food and dirt being thrown my way before and after school.

Maria is my best friend, but she said she might not come around me during school anymore. Especially after getting pelted with rocks the other day.

"Liz you really need to help me do something with my grades! I’m like failing chem. Tonight we need to cram"

That is her only use for me. That and the fact my mom feels sorry for her because her mom works all the time and doesn’t cook for her. That’s why she likes to be notified prior to Maria's visits so she can whip up some kind of dessert just for her.

"Don’t be so dramatic Maria. My mom made brownies this morning." Her head snaps toward me and she jumps up and down. "My favorite!"

I actually manage a smile, but it quickly disappears when that all too familiar roar of a mustang's engine gets closer, the bullies. "Oh god Liz, hide." I roll my eyes at Maria’s muttered plea.

"Oh whatever, we're in public, not to mention broad day light. Maybe a few names," I say.

She grabs my hand and stops me "Names are hurtful too"

I start walking, pulling her with me "Sticks and stones Maria."

I should have said no pun intended before it was too late, before a bucket of rocks were thrown at me and Maria was caught in the cross fire. That was probably when Maria decided a public friendship was not a good idea, can I blame her?

"God dammit Liz, that hurt! I don’t hold you responsible for their actions but damn. Can’t you just fix your hair, wardrobe, makeup and attitude? I’m going home, Ill call you." With that, she walked off.

I have not one friend, Maria doesn’t count anymore. She isn’t real if she only hangs with me secretively.

Everyone except a handful make fun of me at school. My parents are so wonderful, I feel bad that I’m not what they always wanted.

So I, walking home, am trying to figure out what would be worse for them, me dying or them figuring out what a loser I am. I choose me being a loser and decide the only way out is me leaving my miserable existence.

Who knew my dads back injury would benefit me. Well at least his heavy duty, never take more than 1 and a half within 24 hours, pain killers will.

That’s the plan: Go in to my house, bond with my mom and then head to the bathroom, grab the pills and take a bath, painless and relaxing, definitely my style.

I see a white van parked in the driveway beside mine as I get on my street. Guess I’ve got new neighbors. Too bad Ill be dead before my mom invites them for a welcome wagon dinner.

"Hey, could you pass me that ball?" A deep voice hollers at what I am assuming is me.

I didn’t even notice a basketball roll from the garage and land a few feet past me. Nodding I pick it up and notice that Vince Carter's autograph is on it.

"If I lost Vince I would die." A seriously gorgeous guy laughs as I toss the ball to him.

"You live near by?" He asks me as he twirls the ball on one finger. "Yea, one to your left."

He stops and smirks. "Great, Ill see you at dinner."

He laughs when I roll my eyes. "My mother is the un-official welcome wagon spokesperson. Vie broken bread with everyone on this block"

He nods in understanding. "That’s a mom for you. So, age?" He asks as I walk up to him and pull my backpack off.

"17 on the road to adulthood.” He licks his lips, which causes me to take a step back.

“Yourself?” I try to casually ask.

"I’m 20, just turned. My parents didn’t want dorm rooms to disturb my studies so the bought me this baby. When my sister gets back from boarding school shell be my room mate."

Well well well. Maybe Ill wait till after dinner to do the deed. "So you're going to the community college, huh?" He scratches behind his ear and nods.

"Max Evans." Max, now that is a hot name, three letters too. Just like mine. "Liz Parker."

We shake hands and he asks me the strangest thing. "Do you want to hang out or something? I need a new best bud and you look perfect for the job."

I’m speechless and I can tell he had a hard time asking me that. How can I say no without sounding bitchy?

"Yea sure, I don’t know what kind of fun Ill be. I’m the mopey, dreary, world is against me type." Max laughs and turns to walk into the garage. "I can handle that. See you in a few."

As I walk the ten feet to my front door I cant help but smile, that guy just made my life.

"Hey girlfriend. What is up?" My mom greets me when I walk into the kitchen. "Mom, stick with sweetie and we'll do just fine."

I think she has noticed the lack of phone calls we get for me and decided to try and be one of the girls. So basically it’s just my mom and I.

She shuts off the water and dries her hands.

"Okay sweetie, how was your day? Oh! Did you see our new neighbor? He is mighty cute. I would definitely approve Liz." She says, staring at Max as he carries a box off the van.

"Mom! Don’t ever even say mighty again and don’t think of me that way."

I gasp at the words that just came out of my mother’s mouth and the look on her face. I don’t know if I can take my life now, I need to make sure mom doesn’t cheat on my dad.

We fool around some more before I go upstairs and turn on the water for my bath. I decide to wear a bathing suit; I don’t want to be naked when I’m found.

As I look at the 9 pills sitting in my hand, everything happens so fast. It’s like my life flashing before my eyes, mostly my torment.

I decide that if I can think of just one thing to live for, I will spare my life for now.

I try to convince myself its my parents or Maria but that doesn’t work, they don’t need me.
My mom will be most crushed but she’s young, she can have another.

Just before I’m about to knock back the pills I hear the doorbell ring and then the muffled voices of my mom and Max.

Max, he liked me, he was nice and asked me to be his friend. He needs a best friend right? With that thought in mind, I toss the pills into the toilet and wiggle out of my bathing suit.

I guess Max is my something to live for, for now anyways.

A/NWhat do you think????????? [/img]
Last edited by hazz on Thu Jan 11, 2007 2:20 am, edited 24 times in total.
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Post by hazz »

A/N Thanks everyone for the wonderful feedback.

touched by an alian
Earth Angel
Sweet Liz
c_which- thanks for the banner
ChemChic- Glad you enjoyed it..believe itll be different

Part 2

After drying off and discovering I have no nice clothing. All I have to wear that isn’t a cotton knit sweater or great slacks is a blank white t-shirt and loose blue jeans. I guess since I was wearing crap when he first talked to me, this will be considered a huge improvement.

Mom and Max are already sitting at the table waiting for me, so I quietly sit beside my mother because she set Max beside my father, lucky guy?

"So Max, do you have girlfriend back home?" My mother asks as she nudges me under the table.

"No. I’m really into academics and the girls back home had no respect for that. My school was all about jocks and cheerleaders. I was more of the nerdy musician type. There were just a few girls that appreciated me loving school and A's being a must. Ive had maybe 3 girlfriends.” He says as if he has been asked a thousand times.

During his whole speal my mom was sitting there nodding her head, shaking it and then amening his love for school.

Where did I put those pills?

"Oh there is nothing to be ashamed of dear. That is just like my Liz. She gets awesome grades, the best in Biology. I guess you guys have something in common."

Just before I start bitching out my mom, dad walks in, tossing his keys on the counter.

"Sorry Nancy. The restaurant was packed full" He stops mid sentence when he notices Max sitting beside his chair.

At first he glares and glances my way but that diminishes into a giant smile.

"I was just about to ask if Liz had a new boyfriend but decided there was a better chance of us having a new neighbor. I’m Jeff, welcome to the neighbor hood."

I hear Max laugh at my mumbled “Thanks dad”, while jumping up to shake hands with him.

"Max Evans, nice to meet you."

About an hour later Max is walking to the door and my mom is pushing me along with him.

"What do you have planned for this wonderful Friday evening, Liz?" Max casually asks me while reaching for the door.

I feel the need to make up some huge lie saying I’m heading to a hardcore party in a few hours but after my outfit this afternoon and my dads lame comment, I decide Max wouldn’t believe me and think I was a totally loser.

"Homework that isn’t due for a week, I’d have to say. This new theory in bio has been the excitement of my life lately." I say seriously, looking him the eye.

He stares at me with a smile for a few moments. For a second I contemplate wiping my face incase I have food on it.

"Want to check out a movie?" He says casually while opening the door.

Did he just ask me out? I cant believe this, my first date!

"Sure. Can I meet you outside in ten?" He nods and goes out the door.

The second the door closes I run upstairs and into the back of my closet.

Where are they? Where the heck did I stash them?

I’m looking for the only low rise-hip hugging jeans I have ever had the nerve to buy. I know I said I had nothing to wear but those were just not something I wanted to show up at dinner wearing, my parents definitely would have made fun of me trying to be cool for Max.

Aha! Found them under my bed. Okay no makeup, brushed hair, red tank top and my jeans, all set.

I walk outside and see Max leaning against my fence. "Hey Max." I say walking past him to his driveway.

He straightens out and did he just check me out? He totally did.

"You look great Liz. What do you fancy? Vans or jeeps?"

I didn’t know he had a jeep. I also didn’t look across the street for one either. I don’t think showing up at the movies in a big white van would be the thing to do so I go with the ladder.

"Id have to say jeep."

"That was the stupidest movie ever. I actually hate myself for picking it." Max says as we buckle our seatbelts.

"Its nine o'clock. What should we do now miss Parker? Unless you're ready to call it a night?"

Max spares me a glance as he starts the jeep up

I don’t want to call it a night but there really isn’t anything to do around here, day or night.

"I have nothing to do. But what else is there that you want to do?" I mumble disappointedly.

Max revs the engine and smiles at me. "I have a perfect idea"

I find myself smiling back curiously. "Do tell Evans."

He pulls onto the road with what can only be an evil grin and doesn’t say anything.

"Come on. Right there. Faster! Go Faster! You stupid son of a bitch. Ohhhh
Right there, Yes Yessssssssss!" I scream in victory, slamming my controller down.

I do a little dance in front of the screen. Max lets out a little grown as he leans back against his couch.

"What did I tell you Max? I’m Super Mario Queen! You own me seven bucks pal."

I squat down in front of him and hold out my hand. He puts a ten-dollar bill across my palm.

"You own me three bucks Parker, and I wont forget."

"Ya ya, Ill pay you three bucks tomorrow Evans. I need my beauty sleep, so I'll see you around."

He hops up and walks me to the door. "Yes you will Liz."

Apparently Max wasn’t in need of a friend. It has been two weeks since we met and hung out that faithful night. I went by the next day to drop off his money but he wasn’t there, so I put it in the mailbox and left.

The Jeep hasn’t been there or it’s been in the garage. I’ve come to the conclusion that either he realized what a freak I am and is trying to hint to me that we are no longer friends or he’s dead somewhere and no one has found his body.

It seems as though ever since I decided not to take my life, my life has gotten worse. My locker was vandalized and the cheerleaders cornered me in the girl’s washroom. They held me down and put clown make-up all over my face.

What did I ever do to get picked on? I got good grades and dressed less than “cool.” It doesn’t help that my school’s administration could care less about the kids that are picked on.

“Liz?” My mothers voice jars me from my thoughts.

“Yes Ma?” I say in a drowned lazy voice.

She must have noticed because she comes to me and pushes the hair out of my face, rubs my back and kisses my forehead.

“What’s wrong, Liz?” A questions she has been asking me for years but I can’t seem so confess how much I’m hurting.

“Nothing mom, I just stayed up so late last night to study for a test I thought we had today but forgot the teacher pushed it back till tomorrow.” I respond a tad more cheery with a roll of my eyes.

I know I took the cheap way out because no matter how horrible I look, if its cause I was doing something to improve my grades, it all becomes ok.

Should I be hurt and upset? Probably, but it’s what I’ve led them to believe my whole life.

“Would it be too much of a bother to ask you to run to the store for me, sweetie? I need some produce but I wont have the stuffing done for the restaurant if I leave now.”

I don’t understand my parents or their logic at all. We own a local restaurant named The Crashdown Café. We have a whole built in kitchen their, so why does my mom cook so much at our house?

She does all the desserts and huge dinner specials such as stuffing and turkeys.

“I can definitely do that for you mom, where are the keys?” I ask with my hand out.
The only perk of doing errands for mom is driving her black, ford, tinted window expedition. I love the power of that truck.

Dad took it hunny, you’ll have to walk.

The one day my dad doesn’t walk to work is the day I have to go to the store for mom.

Celery, green peppers, green beans, red peppers and corn is what I have so far, how all those fit into stuffing beats me.

Now I need pickles then I’m set.

I walk to where the sign says pickles and set down my basket. Another one of my curses is price comparison.

I decide this is the best price and am just about to set the jar in my basket when I’m roughly shoved from behind and the jar goes flying to the tile floor where it smashes.

I stand there looking at the chaos on the ground at my feet for a few moments, not believing what just occurred when something pushes me again and I land in the puddle of pickle juice and glass.

Unfortunately luck isn’t on my side, so when I put my hands down to catch myself, I get cut by the shreds of glass.

“Ouch!” I yelp

“Porker, suck it up.” Pauly laughs out at me from inside a cart one of his buddies is pushing him in.

“You’ve stooped to an all time low Paul. You’ve actually shed blood this time” I reply showing my hand that is dripping blood.

“Oh shut up Elizabeth, you tripped on your own accord.” Pam says while filing her nails.

“Sure Pam, and it had nothing to do with a cart being pushed into my backside.”

She looks up and glares before putting her file into her purse and a hand on her hip.

“Watch your mouth Liz, don’t make us hurt you.” Is her reply.

I stand up and step out of the puddle in fear of slipping.

“What are you going to do Pam, pumble me in a public grocery store?”

Strange thing is, I wouldn’t put it past them to do just that. You wouldn’t of thought they would throw rocks at me on a public street, been there done that.

With that Pauly’s friend steps closer to me, while Pauly himself stands up in the cart.
“Duke, go check out the end of the isle, keep fuckin guard. This will only take a minute.” Pauly snarls.

“Liz you should really think before sticking up for yourself, that makes our job harder and your beatings more severe. This will be the best hit I’ve had yet.” He finishes with a crack of his knuckles.

I’m just about to make a run for it and hope that Pauly’s friend isn’t as tough as he looks when all of a sudden Pauly is flying out of the cart and landing at my feet with a thud.

Once the shock wears off I look up to see Max holding the cart on its end with a mean look on his face.

“Whoever the fuck did that better be gone or I’ll fuck you up bitch” Pauly says as he struggles to get up.

Max throws the cart behind him and takes a step forward.

“Really, you’re going to fuck ME up?” Max bellows, “Because I was under the impression you had your eyes set on Liz.”

For once Pauly is stunned into silence. For a moment I contemplate getting out of here but how can I miss this?

Max takes another step forward and grabs Pauly by the front of his shirt and pulls him face to face.

“If Liz ever tells me you’ve been picking on her or if I see it. You don’t want to know what I’ll do to you. Now apologize.”

With that Max thrusts Pauly at me and waits expectantly.

“Uhh, sorry Liz.”

Before Max lets go he turns to Pam and nods his head at me.

“Me too Liz, sorry” At least Pam is trying to sound sincere, but so obviously isn’t.

He lets Pauly go and steps up to me. “Hey Liz.” He says as he picks up my basket and another jar of pickles before walking past me.

We’ve been sitting in his Jeep across from his house for twenty minutes in silence.

I’m happy I got away without more than a deep cut in my hand, which is still bleeding. Max hasn’t noticed and I’m trying not to get it on his seats.

I’m also mad at him because I still have practically a full semester of seeing those people almost daily. They aren’t going to take this lightly.

“What was that all about Liz?” Max asks, breaking the silence.

I pause a few moments trying to come up with a lie but end up trying to divert the whole conversation.

“You made it worse you know.” I whisper

I can tell he’s surprised I said that cause for the first time he turns to look at me.

“Tomorrow you aren’t going to be there to protect me at school Max” I say looking up at him.

“I shouldn’t have to protect you Liz. That shouldn’t be happening to you.” He says angrily.

“Ya well, not everyone has the good life Max. In the real world there are the bullies and the bullied. I fall into the bullied category.” I raise my voice at him.

I know I shouldn’t get mad at him, but it is so easy now that he knows my secret.

“That guy was going to hit you Liz! It’s way past bully and bullied now. He was going to hit a girl.” Max yells just as loud as me.

“He would have held onto me while Pam did it, probably.” I whisper.

“Liz, babe, do your parents know about this?” I shake my head. “Why?”

“Because Max, what am I suppose to say? Hey ma, pa, guess what? I get my ass kicked everyday but don’t worry about me I’m fine. I cant Max it isn’t that easy.”

I look up when I hear the click of Max’s seat belt coming off.

His eyes are focused on mine as he shifts his body towards mine. My eyebrows furrow together when he starts leaning over the stick shift towards me.

“Max wha-..?”

I’m interrupted by Max’s finger against my lips as he leans so close our noises brush.

“It should be” is whispered out so quietly I almost don’t hear it, seconds before his lips brush against mine.

I do believe I am experiencing a thing called a kiss, my first kiss.

I know I’m supposed to enjoy this but I cant. I’m so terrified because of what I feel and because of thoughts of tomorrow.

So because of this fear I push him back, grab my bag and run for home.
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Post by hazz »

A/N Thank you guys so so so much for all the feedback and for letting me know you're still out there waiting for a new part. I know this one is a bit short, its a transition part. The next one will be better-promise! Thank you all so much for the feed back and thanks to the lurkers.

dreamer destiny
brilliant smiles

Part 3

“Mom I have a confession.”

I decide that I should take some initiative in my life, for more reasons than one.

I may possibly die tomorrow because of what happened in the store the other day. I can only pull off being sick for so long. Three days seem to be as much as my parents will believe without taking me to the hospital, so school it is.

But don’t get me wrong, this initiative started the moment I gave my mom the groceries.

I went on the computer and applied to transfer schools, I plan on going to Roswell’s most elaborate school, out of 2. The art and science school just on the city limits.

To get there you have to be some kind of smart and another kind of artistic. I didn’t apply there in the beginning because I wanted to be normal, a lot that did me.

“I have recently applied to Fairmount High Art and Science. I just got an acceptance letter and I would like to transfer immediately. What do you have to say?”

I think I have a good chance of them giving me the okay, only problem I see them having, is one that has to do with..

“What about money Liz? I know we own the restaurant but we have so many supplies, not to mention rent here and there. I just don’t think we have enough cash hunny”

Since I know my parents so well, I have that covered.

“Yes, I thought of that and looked into it. They will give me a thirty-day trial with the science, mainly biological, department. If my test and performance meets standards, they will let me take a scholarship exam. If I get 75% or higher then the only thing you have to pay for is the down payment for texts."

I stop for a big gulp of air.

"At the end of each semester or sometimes year, if I don’t damage anything or lose them, you’ll get the money back.” I say all in one breath.

She stands up and looks out the window. I wonder if she’s looking for guidance or something.

“You’ve covered all the bases baby. I suppose you don’t want to attend classes at West Roswell?” she asks, still turned.

“That’s right, I would like to get my personal effects and a few letters of recommendation then continue at FHAS.”

She sighs then turns, with super sad eyes. I’m getting incredibly nervous.

“I will allow this under one condition. You tell me exactly why you want to leave your current school. No lies or half truths, I can handle the worst.”
I look her in the eye and decide now is as good of time as any.

“Mom, I’m just not really popular at my school. Not that I want to be its just, I don’t have any friends mom. Not one.” I haven’t looked away and can see the confusion on her face.

“Liz, what about Maria? I did I not know this?” Her voice cracks and I know it breaks her heart.

“Shed rather not hang out with me than get pumbled when she does, mom.” She raises her hand to her mouth and a tear rolls down her cheek.

“Do you get beat up, Liz?” She asks quietly

“Sometimes, usually just name calling. At the store last week I was about to be picked on but Max showed up and picked on them and that’s why I have been “sick” I’m scared to go back to school mom. That’s why I’ve been mad at Max too.”

She grabs my hand and takes a moment to compose herself.

“Liz, you can go to the school. I want you to know that you could have told me and you would have been at that school long ago. You’re safety comes first always. I’ll take you to get your things after school tomorrow. When does the trial start?”

I sit there and stare at the floor. My worst nightmare was telling my mom about what school is like; I thought she would be disappointed in me. I cant believe I waited this long to be free.

“Monday mom. Today is Thursday.” I whisper

“Okay Liz, this weekend we will go get you a hair cut and some new clothing ok dear. Don’t worry about over exerting yourself with this trial stuff, you can go either way sweetie.”

She turns and hugs me tightly. I hug her back the same. “I love you mom, thanks”

She pulls back and brushes my hair with her fingers, trying to make me presentable. Only there is no one around. She always wants me to look my best, because ‘I have the potential to be anything’

I don’t notice that she got up and was at my door.

“Liz, talk to Max. You know he didn’t mean to cause more problems. I’m glad he did what he did and so should you. Now wash your face, brush your hair and put some lip-gloss on."

She smiles and winks at me before giving her hip a shake and continuing.

"Then go over to Max’s house and talk to him cause I am running out of things to tell him you’re doing so that you cant answer the phone.”

She shuts my door and leaves me thinking.

I guess my moms right, like always. I jump up and do exactly what she said: wash it, brush it and gloss it, before making my way next door.


“Liz, hi!” Max shouts when he opens the door.

“Hi Max, can we talk?” I’m slightly embarrassed so I don’t make eye contact with him.

“Yea sure we can its just-” “Max who is that?”

My head snaps up when I hear the other voice. I see a gorgeous girl in the background staring at me and in that moment my heartbreaks.

I look at Max quickly and he is looking right back at me.

“Never mind Max, I’ve got to go.”

I should have known he wasn’t single. How could someone that hunky be single? He lied and kissed me. I knew he was a jerk.

I rush in the back door and head straight for my room. I’m not going to pop pills. I am going to plan my life at my new school.

I am changing for me, not for Max. I am my new something to live for, and I plan on living a happy life, from now on.
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Post by hazz »

Part 4

“Calm down mom, it isn’t that bad” I roll my eyes.

“Liz, I said get a hair cut, not chop the whole damn thing off.”

She bends down, without looking and starts to pick up the fallen clothing she dropped when I walked in the door.

“Mom! I got it cut two inches. I almost asked for two more, you can barely notice!”

She sets the basket of clothes on the table and comes over and touches it, I haven’t gotten it cut in a really long time. They styled it too, so it’s shiny and silky.

“What else did you get Liz?”

She reaches for one of the three bags I brought home, my mom gave me my dad’s credit card and said $500 or less. I probably spent $499.

“Not too much mom, just some pants and shirts.” She nods and then looks at me before reaching to the bottom of the one bag I didn’t want her to see.

“Liz, these aren’t pants or shirts.”

“Mom that’s private” I yell and try to snatch it away.

“Liz don’t be ashamed you bought slutty underwear and bras”

She laughs and tosses them up in the air! Oh my god what if my dad comes home!

“Mom! What are you doing, I can’t find some of it!” I yell, with my head behind the couch, great, she lost my underwear and now my dad will find it, can we say embarrassing.

“I think I found some.”

A voice announces unexpectedly.

I’m startled so I snap my head up but in turn smack the side of my face on the couch, shoot up and back in pain, fall off the couch and smack the back of my head on the table.

“Liz!” My mom laughs

I look up towards the door and see Max standing there with a bra on his shoulder, underwear on his head and foot.

Oh great, Id rather my dad find underwear behind the couch than Max seeing it. Not only seeing but being attacked by it! I want to die.

“I hardly think this is a laughing matter.” I grumble, trying to get untangled from the couch and under the table. Once my feet feel like they work, I walk over to Max and grab my underwear.

“Hi Max.”

“Hello to you too. If I got bombarded by underwear every time I came over, Id stop calling” He smirks

“Ya well, I have that effect on people.” With that I grab my clothes and walk upstairs to my room.

I faintly hear my mom tell Max to “go on up” seconds later the door shuts, with Max inside.

I pretend I didn’t hear him and go about taking tags off my new stuff. I smile and undo my pants and pretend to shimmy them down. Before they are about to show anything I turn.

“Just kidding”

He shakes his head and sits on the bed beside all my stuff.

“That’s the jokester I remember”

I keep doing my stuff and ignore him; hopefully my mom will call me for dinner and tell Max there isn’t enough for him.

After about ten minutes of solid ignoring I think Max starts to get pissed off. He grabs my thigh with both hands and pulls me towards him.

“Max, let go of me.” I say

He lowers his hands to the back of my knee and pulls so my knees buckle and I straddle one of his hard thighs.

“Okay Max, easy.” I push to get up but his hands moved around my waist and are holding me in place.

“The girl is Isabel, my sister. She got kicked outta school.”

I feel really retarded right now. I forgot about his sister, I ran away like a coward. I bet they laughed together!

“Max listen, I’m really sorry; about running away when I saw Isabel and especially about the Jeep. I’m not good with confrontation, as you’re aware of.”

He nods his head and looks away; I’m not sure what he is thinking but apparently wants me to be straddling his leg, since his arms are still around me.

He looks back at me strangely and in less than a second, he grabs the back of my neck and pulls my head towards his.

I don’t even know how to kiss and Max is kissing me, if that makes sense? His arms are rubbing my back and moving to my head, kind of maneuvering it where he wants it.

I feel his tongue go into my mouth when I gasp for a breath, I’m about to push him off but instead I shove mine into his mouth and wrap my arms around his neck.

If Max wants to kiss me so badly well I’m going to kiss him right back, whether I know how or not. He makes me feel good, and oh god, this feels awesome.

Max lifts me up and shoves me against the wall, pushing my legs around his waist. He pulls his head away and kisses my neck.

I’ve never experienced anything this intense. Max makes me feel things I never thought possible, especially since he changed our position and now I’m on my back with him laying on top of me, grinding down. If this is what sex feels like, I’m all for it!

“God Liz” he moans

Apparently grinding back is good, so I keep raising my hips to meet his, as his speed intensifies, his hand moves up to my breast. He squeezes and pinches the nipple. He releases, only to go under my shirt and bra, doing the same.

I can’t tell him to stop or keep going because I cant breath on top of the fact we’re kissing like crazy.

I think we would have went all the way if my mom hadn’t called us for dinner, that’s right not me but us. I guess there would have been enough food after all.

Max stops his movements but doesn’t stop kissing me. It’s slower and I can breath better but he keeps kissing, for at least five minutes before pulling up.

“That was somethin’ else,” he whispers as he pushes my shirt down.

I look from side to side and totally start to panic. I can’t believe that just happened, we made out hot and heavy for half an hour!

He must of saw the look in my eyes because he grabs the sides of my face and says in such a small whisper I almost don’t hear.

“Don’t make a big deal out of it. I like you, a lot. We’re going out after dinner. Isabel can paint her nails or something. I’ll tell your mom you’re in the washroom, you should wash your face with some cold water.”

With that he pecked my lips and left the room.

I can’t believe it; Max likes me!
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Post by hazz »

A/N Hey guys, sorry for the delay...enjoy the next part

Part 5

“Where are we going Max?” We’ve been sitting in his drive way for 15 minutes and he hasn’t even turned it on.

“Isabel went shopping.” He doesn’t say anything else.

I nod and then look at the house, “I guess that means no one is home.”

Now I know what Max has been thinking; we can either go out or stay in but staying in may lead to some in appropriate behavior.

I know it seems weird that I’m leaning towards staying, but I’m just so comfortable with Max and I want to feel like a 17 year old. A 17 year old would definitely stay in and make out with her boyfriend, possibly more. Not that Max is even my boyfriend, yet.

“I think we should just stay, save some money” obviously I need an excuse.

Max looks at me and smiles. Then he gets out of the jeep and walks around to my side and lets me out. He takes my hand, kisses it and walks to the door.

“Wow Max, your place looks great, you’ve done a lot.” He has furniture

“Well Isabel brought some stuff, but once you get to know my sister, you’ll find out that she would not even accept living in a slum or anything that would resemble a bachelor pad.”

He walks into the kitchen but peeks his head back out “Not that I’m a bachelor, anymore”

Then resumes going into the kitchen, I hear the crack of a pop can being opened so I can assume he is getting a drink.

I walk in and I see him drinking something red before taking deep breaths and whispering to himself, I can’t really hear. Just as I turn to go back in the living room, what I hear makes me smile and my heart flutter.

“Don’t blow this, please don’t fuck up. She isn’t ready for sex, so just don’t blow your chance with her please.”

I turn and instead of going towards the living room I turn in the opposite direction.

He is actually a pretty good cleaner. His bed is even made. He has a few basketball trophies and a picture of his family. There is nothing much around besides some clothing peeking out from inside his dresser.

“Excuse me miss, but what do you think you’re doing” Max asks me in a mock authoritative voice.

“Why sir, I got lost and wound up in an impeccably immaculate room.” My mock voice is 1600 century English, very posh.

He smirks and puts some more red stuff on his desk before taking his shoes off, I slip mine off and turn to the bed, taking a step forward I pull the covers down and climb in.

Max’s eyebrows raise but he walks towards me and climbs in too. I lay on my back and look at the ceiling, my eyes widen when I see a huge poster of a naked girl in an awkward position touching herself.

“Yea, don’t look at that.” I turn to him and see that he is blushing

“Nice Max.”

He shifts and lies on his back too so I look back up at the girl. I wish I had that kind of confidence. I could never pose naked; I can barely look at Max now that he has gone under my shirt.

“Do you want to go out?” Max whispers

“I thought we were going to stay in, I’m warm.” I pled, I know this is boring but no I do not want to not be in your bed.

He turns again and lies on his side.

“I mean do you want to date. Me?”

I can’t believe Max wants to be my boyfriend!

I slide my hand up to his cheek and lightly rub it, I nod and he leans in to kiss me.

After barely any kisses, I think I’m starting to feel some kind of good.

He crawls on top of me and puts more pressure against my lips, after a few moments and just as I raise my hands to put them around his neck, he licks my lips.

I open my mouth slowly and feel his tongue go into my mouth. I decide to take some initiative and pull up his shirt. He stops kissing me and whips it off before resuming.

I pull my face away because that body is way too hot to ignore, he seems to be unfazed that I’m totally checking him out. He licks and sucks my neck, all of a sudden reaching a spot that is so sensitive I have to moan and arch off the bed.

“I see I’ve found one of your spots” He mumbles before continuing to wreak havoc on my neck.

“Max..Max. Stop” I moan.

I have never seen a person move as fast as Max did when I finished saying those words.

He jumped back on his knees, breathing hard and staring straight into my eyes.

“I’m sorry Liz.” He mutters

“Don’t be, I just wanted to take off my shirt too.” I unbutton my shirt and his head snaps up.

I think it’s safe to say he wasn’t expecting that.

Once the buttons are undone I push the article off my shoulders and lay back down in my new mesh white bra, I’m vaguely aware that it is pretty much see through which means he can probably see my nipples.

“God Liz.” He moans

“You’re amazing.” He says before kissing down my neck. I tentatively reach up and run my fingers through his hair.

I’m shocked when I feel Max take my nipple in his mouth through my bra. I can’t believe the feelings that rush through me; I can feel my panties dampen and am intrigued to find out what it feels like to relieve this ache inside me.

Max switches nipples and expertly reaches behind me and unhooks my bra. I help him help me shrug out of it.

Max goes back to his previous menstruations but this time his hands move to my waist and slowly unbuttons my jeans and slides them down.

Max moves his kisses down my stomach and to the barrier of my panties. I think I know what he is about to do, I’m really nervous, what if I’m not properly manicured.

I did read a magazine but still. Thank god the lights are off.

He slides them off and slides his fingers over my core before replacing them with his skilled tongue.

“Oh, Max” I moan

I have never felt this kind of pleasure before. Max’s tongue was doing wonders and the digit he slipped into me makes me moan like never before.

He continues and as he does so I massage his head and pull at his hair. I can’t take this anymore so I pull him up.

He smiles and comes eagerly. He kisses me and as he does so I taste myself on his lips, weirdly I’m not disgusted.

“Liz, are you sure? Cause we can just fool around, it doesn’t have to go further.” He whispers, brushing the stray hairs from my face.

It seems like we’re moving way too fast but when I think about it, why can’t I have my first time with my first boyfriend? The first guy I’ve ever had feelings for.

“We’ve gone this far Max; I want to go all the way with you”

He kisses me with so much passion, I almost don’t notice him guide his hard member inside of me, I would have to predict he was about two inches in before the most embarrassing moment of my life occurs, and yes this one tops them all.

“Max I bought you a…oh my god!!!” Isabel walks in and gets the full frontal of Max and I.

Max must have been really surprised because he surges all the way to a hilt. I tense up at the brief moment of pain, although it doesn’t sting as much as I expected.

Max just stairs at me like a deer caught in head lights, before turning to his sister, who is still standing in the door way.

“Isabel get the fuck out!” he yells and she runs out.

“So this is sex.” I mumble. I figure a humorous silence breaker is due, considering I am no longer a virgin and incredibly turned off.

“I’m so sorry Liz, I didn’t even hear her.” He says to me

“You were in the zone weren’t you?”

“Totally.” He pulls out slowly and lies on his back beside me.

I roll on my side and curl up next to him and mumble “I’m beat, let me grab a nap and then you can go bitch out Isabel.”

Two hours later I wake up to a snoring Max and decide I should go home before my dad breaks the door down.
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Post by hazz »

A/N Hey guys, this part just came out of me, hope you enjoy it, thank you for the feed back. It's semi short but I'm hoping that will be ok after you finish reading.

Part 6

“You should probably know I want to re-experience that thing called sex very soon because last time just sucked.” I whisper to Max as he massages my shoulders

We haven’t really had a chance to fool around since Isabel is convinced it is too soon and my mom is having a cook off in my house.

We’re watching a movie at my place, with me on the floor and Max doing his duty, by giving me a massage.

Every once and awhile he maneuvers his hands so they rub the top of my breasts, which does not bother me at all.

Thank god I have a basement and my mom has a memory of ..something that has a short memory, meaning she has probably forgotten we’re down here alone.

I lean my head back so it rests on the sofa in between Max’s legs; he drops his head and looks in my eyes but doesn’t stop his duty.

“Can I help you?” he says

I get up and skip to the stairs around the corner of the room to check if the coast is clear. Then I walk back unbuttoning my shirt as I go.

“Lets find out”

He jumps up and swings me onto the couch, he’s been acting so silly with me lately, not going to lie; I love it.

He climbs on top of me and attacks my neck, rough is one side we haven’t experienced with each other, I am definitely into this side of Max.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about being inside you; you have no idea how sexy you are Liz, every time you move I get a boner.”

I giggle and feel a little bold, so I unhook the front clasp of my bra, which I have been wearing often lately, and put my arms over my head.

“Well Mr. Evans, it seems to me, you need to relieve some of that pent up frustration”

He throws his head back with a groan before dipping down to take one of my nipples in his mouth, he puts his hands in mine and keeps them up above.

Everything he does is sensual, I can’t, not want to be naked and feel him touch me.

It takes a moment but I get one hand out of his grasp, I reach into his back pocket and grab his wallet, I’m in the mood and he better have something so he can deliver.

Much to my satisfaction, he does.

“Max, lets make this quick and pleasurable ok.”

He looks into my eyes and nods, letting go of my hand he quickly undoes my pants and then moves to his, he doesn’t slid his down, only pulls out his very impressive member.

I quickly slid the condom on him and give him a squeeze before he pushes my panties to the side and glides himself inside me.

I’m impressed that I feel no pain, but severe pleasure.

Max moved so one of his legs was on the floor and the other was bent at the knee on the couch, the feelings he causes as he slides in and out of me can not be described.

“God Liz, you’re so fucking tight, tell me what you want baby” he mumbles as he slightly picks up the pace

I don’t even know what I want, I feel incomplete and the only way to fix that is to make this feeling in the pit of my stomach go away, I have a feeling that feeling is the build up of pleasure.

“I don’t, ugh, know Max. Please, I need more” I moan out, aware my mom is upstairs.

Instead of pleasure, I’m disappointed when Max jumps up and off me.

Opening my eyes I see him pull his pants off then reach for my hand, pulling me up and to the washroom.

He shuts the door and turns the tap on before looking at me and dropping his clothes. I smirk and take my pants and panties off, leaving my shirt and bra hanging open; vaguely away that it’s some what sexy.

“What you want Liz, is to cum hard. I’m going to make that happen right now.”

My eyes widen with his words but I feel myself get wet, I really do love this side of Max.

We step to each other and kiss, with more force than ever before, his hands go to my ass and he squeezes, without a second thought he lifts me and I’m on the counter.

Max steps closer and grabs my thighs, bringing me slightly over the edge, before slamming into me.

“Oh ahh, yes” I moan, amazed at how turned on I am.

He pushes the center of my chest back until my shoulders hit the mirror, before taking his hand back and putting it on my thigh.

I stair at him, his eyes closed and his mouth open, letting grunts out as he moves in and out of me, when I finally get his rhythm I move my hips with his, at that his head falls back and I know he is almost at his peak.

“Are you close?” he whispers to me

“I, I don’t know. It feels good, really good, go faster Max.” I say, hoping I’ll get a reaction.

He looks up at me and winks before complying with my request, his hand moves slightly and I notice it going to where our bodies are joined, after that there is no way I can keep my eyes open.

The way he is moving his thumb causes me to spasm and jolt into Max, I feel myself involuntarily clamp my inner walls around him as the best feeling of my life washes over me.

Max groans again and shoves himself in me a few more times before moaning and slowly coming to a stop.

I pull myself up so we’re pressed against each other, his face against my neck. I can feel his hot breath slowing from deep breathing.

“I can’t believe we just had the most amazing sex ever.” He moans out.

I feel sad knowing he has had sex before but it feels nice to know he says that, whether it’s true or not.

At that moment he looks up and straightens himself, but is still buried inside me. He wipes hair that is stuck to my forehead to the side and kisses me in the sweetest way, better than our first.

“Liz, I’ve been with a couple girls before and we’ve had sex, but nothing that I’ve done with another woman could ever top what we just did, that’s the best I’ve ever had and I’m so glad you came, because there is nothing like knowing I could make you fall apart and ask for more, especially since it was your first time.”

I smile at his words, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him to me.

“Second,” I mumble out and he laughs, remembering a few days ago with his sister.

I’m starting my new school tomorrow and Max said he was kind of sad; we won’t have as much time together as we’ve had.

I think he is even sadder because he knows I’m going to try and make as many friends as possible, which will result in less time.

The only thing he has to know is if he makes me feel that great every time we’re together, I will definitely make sure we are spending time together every moment we get a chance.

"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Post by hazz »

Thanks again for sticking with this fic and the PM's I've gotten have really helped motivate, I hope this part is alright considering the lengthy wait. Never fear, I've already gotten a couple pages of the next part done so there wont be a long wait.

Part 7

“If I were you, I’d put that book away. Hardy hates if you aren’t reading books off her literary list.” A boy whispers from behind me

I snap my book shut and turn in my chair to look at him.

I’ve only been at my new school for about an hour. Although this is my first class, I had to get settled with the principal and find my locker, I spent a few minutes going around, finding my classes so I don’t get lost later.

Because this is an art and science school, it is mandatory you take English. If you’re enrolled in sciences, you must take one art class and vice versa. I’m not very good at drawing or being creative in general, so that will be somewhat tough.

“I’m Alex, nice to meet you.” He extends his hand, indicating he wanted me to shake.

“I’m Liz.” I shake and he grins

After a moment he stands and slips into the seat beside me. I take time to take him in, long and lanky, but seemingly nice enough.

“So you just move to Roswell?” he asks

“Oh no, I use to go to the public school, but it just wasn’t what I wanted anymore.” I respond, looking at his enormous binder.

If I am that behind, I don’t know if this was the right thing to do.

“Yeah, I came here from Minnesota a few years back. My parents gave me the choice of either and I picked here. Not quit sure what I’m missing.”

“Absolutely nothing.” Except bullying and pickle jar glass in your ass.

“So are you a science geek or an art geek?”

Wow, people don’t hold back anything here

“I guess science, biology mostly. What about you?”

He smiles and opens the binder; it’s full of music sheets.

“I’m a music geek, which puts me under art, but I take a few sciences too. I’m a mixture geek.”

“Okay everyone. Lets get started, everyone welcome Elizabeth, sitting beside Mr.Wittman. And take out chapter 7 and hand it in. Ms.Parker, I’m expecting yours tomorrow.”

That is pretty much how my day and all my classes went except my sculpting class.

I admit, it was a bit drastic, I figured since I have no artistic talent and will equally suck at any art class I choose, I might as well go all the way and bypass regular drawing, hence sculpting.

I was assigned to observe Mr. Guerin. I find it a little intimidating that everyone is referred to as a Mr. or Ms. Followed by their last name. I don’t mind Liz, really.

As I sit down he nods and mumbles out “Michael” but continues without looking up.


I’m not sure what to say, his sculpture is rather, graphic.

I did not know you were allowed to sculpt huge breast with even bigger nipples.

“Its sexual expression, I figured it was the only time I’d get to do something like this, so why not. I’m going to make a stand for it in my construction class and display it for the world.”

“I’m sure the world will feel indebted to you, I’m wondering myself, why you’ve been withholding your obvious creativity for so long”

For the first time, since I sat down, he looks up at me and smirks, but says nothing.

Apparently my sarcasm was appreciated.


“So as soon as she walks in she assigned me a whole chapter. I came over to tell you, I can’t go out tonight. I’ve got so much work to do, don’t be mad.” I finish in one breath

Max and I had plans to go out tonight but I totally can’t. Looks like he was right, school is going to come between us.

“Hey, its fine baby. I understand and I also expected it for the first few weeks. But I have something to show you, in my room.” He smirks

I follow him, knowing he doesn’t have a damn thing to show me, that I haven’t seen before.

“Max I have to go, remember?” I mumble, but still follow him as he unbuttons his shirt.

“Come here for a second, Liz” I laugh

Leaning down he kisses me and pulls my body against his. His hands go to my jeans and unbutton them. I push the shirt he unbuttoned off his shoulders.

Okay so I guess I can take my 20 minute break before I even start, that counts right? On second thought, make that 60 minutes.


“Do you prefer red or maroon for toenail polish?”

I look at her, then the colors in each hand, thinking, I don’t particularly care but humor her anyways.

“Depends on the outfit.”

She stares at me blankly before her face erupts into a huge smile.

“You are absolutely right, come look at what I’m going to put on.”

She holds the door open for me.

“By the way, Max isn’t here, he told me to tell you he had to work late. But I was thinking, I met this guy at your dads restaurant, says there is a huge party going on.”

She pauses to wiggle her eyebrows at me; obviously unaware I’ve never actually attended a party.

“Anyways, I think he goes to your school, and my soon to be school-the art one? So we should totally go together. Leave a note for Max to meet us.” Was that all in one breath?

That plan sounds good and everything but I’m a big geek. I’ve only been at the school a day, I can’t just show up.

But then again, I can make a name for my wild party animal self, I’m the new Liz Parker.

“Of course I’m going, I was coming to get Max anyways.” Nice save, I know.

She proceeds to hold up a little black dress in one hand and a weird looking shirt and skirt combo in the other.

“The dress, but do you have white polish?”

Her eyes widen and she pulls white out of a pail of polishes sitting on her bed.

“Wow Liz, you’re unexpectedly awesome at this.”

I do have to admit the white is a nice touch. All of a sudden she is pulling clothes out of her closet and drawers.

“I thought we had your outfit picked.”

She turns mid throw and stares at my chest.

“We do sweetie, but you are not going in a band shirt and shorts, maybe if they were short shorts but no, I’ll take care of you.”

I look at her curvy figure and then down at my stick figure.

“Yeah right.”

She pulls out black Capri’s and a tiny stretch turquoise tank.

“I’ll have you know, I am a genius with a sewing machine.”

With that she tosses me the pants, telling me to change and flips the top of her desk over, magically producing a sewing machine.

After about 15 minutes she has pinned the pants so they fit me, and has started sewing.

As I stand in her room, in my underwear no less, I’m forced to smile at the thought that I am going to a party, with Isabel, and my boyfriend is going to pick me up later. I really am unexpectedly awesome!

While I’m waiting for Isabel, I pick up her note pad and take a stroll into Max’s room.

‘Hey lover, Isabel and I went to 57 Murray Rd for a party, come pick me up- Liz’

As I set the note on his pillow I notice his digital camera on his desk, out of the case.

I flip through the pictures, most of Max and I, us on the couch or in bed or in his car or at the park, practically anywhere. He whips out this stupid camera and pulls me close to take face shots.

I get to a few of Isabel and then some of both of us before flipping the switch, taking a picture of my ass and then tossing it on the bed beside the note, before walking out.

“I left Max the note”

She stands, handing me the pants.

“Perfect, now lets get changed and then do our hair and makeup.”

Oh jesus Christ, I don’t even like hair and nails.


“This place is off the hook!” Isabel screams as we walk up the long driveway

I stop dead in my tracks and raise an eyebrow, umm what was that?

She walks a few more steps before realizing I’ve stopped.

Turning slightly she says, “Okay, so off the hook might have been too much”

I laugh “lets go”

As we enter, there are people everywhere, but we’re still about to walk, slightly.

“Hey Liz”

I turn and see Alex, guitar in hand.

“Hey, how’s it going?”

He shrugs and grabs my arm, pulling me to the side, before he gets me too far, I shout at Isabel so she’ll follow.

“Sorry, I just can’t stand strangers rubbing against my baby.” He looks adoringly at his instrument.

I nod, “Understandable, I didn’t know you were in a bad, probably because I met you today, but umm are you playing tonight, maybe?” I figured it was a good educated guess.

He grunts and points to the small stage being built to the side.

“Actually we are planning to start playing in about 15 minutes, I should go help set up, but I just wanted to say hi.”

Before I have a second to wish him luck, Isabel runs full force into me.

“The people here are animals.”

Alex nods at her, obvious question in his eyes.

“Hey Isabel, this is my friend Alex, He’s playing in the band in a few minutes.”

She grins and nods with approval.

“Nice to meet you, but I have to go. See you after the show.”

I turn to Isabel, noticing her eyes watching Alex work his way through the crowd.

“He’s kind of cute”

Looks like someone’s interested.

“You know, when I first met him, I thought he was more the academic type.”

If he had asked me what I thought he did in his spare time, I would have said chess tournaments, definitely not playing in a legit band.

But I guess those music sheet weren’t for the trumpet, as I once thought.

For the first time since Alex left, she looks at me.

“You know Liz, a person can be smart and cool. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.”

Once again, I’m interrupted before I can respond because the band begins.

“Hey they’re starting, lets get close.” She starts to weave her way through the crowd. But I decided to hang back and watch from afar.

I never would have thought Isabel could provoke some serious life analysis from me, more than once in a day, let alone at all.

Thinking back, that has always been my problem. I knew I loved school when I was young, I also knew not many geniuses were also prom queen or king.

Even Isabel seems to have a crush on Alex, a long and lanky geek, but I guess it helps that he is in a band.

I’m interrupted mid-epiphany, which seems to be happening often tonight, by arms wrapping around my waist.

“Hey good-lookin”

I smile at the familiar voice.

“Hello gorgeous, you’re earlier than I expected.”

He turns me around and gives me a peck on the lips.

“Yeah, I was driving up as Isabel backed out and drove the other way.”

I nod and take in his appearance.

He’s wearing a black band t-shirt and blue jeans. His long hair is slightly wet, from an obvious shower and the hair on his face is coming in nicely.

“I knew I shouldn’t of let Isabel change me, I was wearing the exact same outfit. Well not exactly but comfortably close.”

He smirks and looks me up and down.

“I think you look great, I also think I wouldn’t have got that surprise on my camera if you hadn’t changed.”

His smirk turns into a full grin as he slides his hands from my waist down to my ass, and grabs a firm grip.

“How did you know I even took a picture?”

Slowly, he starts moving us with the music.

“I didn’t but it wasn’t on my bed when I left.”

He reaches up to move my hair behind my ears. “Plus I missed your pretty face.”

Leaning down, he kisses me hard, his arousal pressing against my thigh. We continue dancing, occasionally making out.

Eventually the band stops and the DJ returns, but Max and I are too consumed with each other to notice.

As he trails kisses down my neck, I open my eyes and see Isabel talking to Alex and Michael.

“Well well well, if it isn’t little Lizzy Porker, crashing a party and paying a hooker to kiss her.”

I know Pauly is stupid and all, but I had really thought Max scared him last time, or at least enough to not bug me, especially with Max right here.

“I’m pretty sure I already gave you a warning.” Max says before turning around, obviously knowing who it is.

Pauly’s eyes widen slightly, apparently he didn’t recognize Max or thought it was a fluke before.

“You know what, I was having an off day when you ‘warned’ me. I’m feeling better now. I also feel like picking on porker, so if you don’t mind?”

Pauly looks at me and takes a step or two forward, but Max steps in front of me.

“Step off dude, you’re gonna get hurt.”

Pauly laughs and looks behind him, that’s when I notice about six guys from my old school. There is only one of Max, and I don’t want him to get hurt.

“Max lets go, please.” He glances at me and I can tell he was going to walk away but Pauly just had to egg him on.

“Letting your woman fight your battles huh?”

“Paul get the hell out of here.”

Everyone’s head jerks to the side to see Michael, Alex and Isabel enter the circle.

“Put a sock in it Mickey G, this isn’t any of your business.”

Michael steps forward glaring, “I did put a sock in it when I saw you walk in an hour ago, knowing you were crashing , but when you go disrespecting a fellow student, especially my friend, I’ve got something to say.”

Pauly doesn’t relent though, which confirms his idiocy. But what really shocks me is when Max steps up too, right beside Michael.

“What do you have to say Michael?”

“Take your goons and get the hell out”

“What if I say no?”

“Then I say get ready to get your asses kicked”

With that, as if on cue, both Alex and Michael throw punches, followed close by Max.

Is it wrong to be turned on watching Max fight?



“Don’t be a cry baby, it isn’t that bad.”

After about ten minutes of non-stop fighting, Pauly and his friends left limping. The guys from my school partied to celebrate their victory but Max, Isabel and I left.

Unfortunately for Max, some guy got in a couple blows.

“You could put that ice on a little more gently, I’m sensitive.”

I chuckle but lighten my touch. “You didn’t have to fight, Max.”

He rolls his eyes and grabs the ice, leaning back so he is lying on his bed.

“I would have looked lame just standing there while the high school kids fought.”

This is where I roll my eyes, “I’m in high school.”

“I know you are Liz. But you’re my girlfriend and it doesn’t matter to me. You also know I’d never let someone say shit about you and walk away without a limp.”

Great, he had to use the whole ‘I only fought to defend your honor’ excuse. Unfortunately it works and my eyes soften.

He notices and grins as he puts the ice on his desk and picks up his camera.

“Here, take a picture.”

I frown, “Do you have a show box filled with pictures of your war wounds?”

“No, I want a picture of my first fighting bruises, especially since I got them because of you.”

I arch my eyebrow and glare, well sorry.

He smiles sheepishly, “Willingly of course”

I snap the shot and toss it to him. His face changes and he smiles up at me.

“This is something we can tell out grand kids about.” I’m shocked but I hide it.

Can Max really see himself spending the rest of his life with me? The weird thing is, I’m totally okay with seeing his face daily for the rest of mine.

With that in mind I crawl on top of him and take the camera out of his hands.

“I can’t show our grandkids the X-rated picture you took earlier, I’ll have to save that for my personal collection.”
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Post by hazz »

Thanks everyone for your wonderful feedback, I'm glad there are a few of you still enjoying this fic.

behrluv32-Get reading!
dreamer19-Im back
Icequeen-I think a funny Isabel is a good one
candycane14-Im planning on Isabel being a good friend to Liz, everyone will mesh.
Behrsgurl*87-Here it is
roswell3053-fighting guys are too hot, especially our Roswell guys, I couldnt pass it up

Part 8

“Liz wait up”

Alex hollers as he weaves through people in the hall.

I haven’t talked to anyone from school since Friday night but I’m sure Alex will mention it.

“Hey, what’s on your face?”

All along the side of his face is a purple bruise, chin to forehead.

He frowns and looks to the side.

“During the fight I didn’t see some guy coming from the side and this is from his shoe.”

Okay, so who kicks during a high school fist fight?

“Apparently he knows martial arts.”

He laughs, “My face certainly thinks so.”

I see Alex’s eyes shift behind me. “Hey Michael”

He stops beside us and pats Alex on the back. “Solid bruise”

Alex rolls his eyes and says he’ll see us in Biology.

“Listen Michael, I’m really sorry about causing the fight at your party. I know Pauly crashed but it was my general presence that made him cause trouble.”

He smiles “Last time I heard it was a free country and you could go anywhere you want, plus, you were invited. Don’t even worry; this whole school has your back when it comes to Pauly. Me personally, I’ve got your back always.”

I am in complete and utter shock. I know Max feels that way about me but having another guy, who is practically a stranger say that, holy crap.

“Are you hitting on me Michael?”

When I’m nervous I reply with humor, it’s my safe guard.

Obviously he doesn’t mind because he laughs a deep belly laugh and starts walking.

“No way, that dude you were with would kick my ass.”

I’m not so sure, from the looks of it, Michael is the only one that seems to be untouched.


“Did he ask about me?”

“Hi Isabel, come on in.”

She called me two hours before I had to get up this morning just to make sure, if Alex asks, to give him her number.


“Nope, sorry.”

I could tell he was dancing around it, but didn’t actually come out and say it or bring himself to ask.

“Oh. What is wrong with him!”

“Maybe what you should be asking is, what is wrong with you?”

She whips around, ready to claw my eyes out. “Liz!”

“Sorry, bad time to joke. If you haven’t eaten, we could go to the crash, I have a source that told me Alex and Michael would be there.”

Alex did mention he was going to be there incase I or anyone else wanted to know.

I’m pretty sure he invited me to be nice, but actually wanted Isabel.

Well it’s my dad’s restaurant and I can go if I want.

“I’ll go get my purse.”

“Don’t forget Max!”


We walk into the crash, which is totally packed today-I haven’t been here in a long time so I’m not sure if this is usual.

Ever since I turned 15, I quit working here, lots of people I went to school with got their license then.

Anyways, when people started making fun of me at my dad’s restaurant I figured it was time to end that.

Max grabs my hand and tells me to lead the way.

“Hey Agnes table for 3, close to book six if possible!”

I spotted Alex, Michael and another boy sitting in one of the booths, instead of joining them, I think we should use tact and wait to be invited.

“Liz, there he is!” Isabel hisses.

I nod but continue to lead them into the back room.

“Okay so who is he?” Max asks as he sits on the couch.

I look at Isabel, eyes sarcastically wide, someone’s keeping secrets.

“Oh shut it Max, you don’t need to know anything about my sex life.”

Um whoa! Before this revelation Max was picking at some rubber on his shoe, but his head shot up and his face went completely pale.

This is better than Jerry Springer.

“Liz” he says to me while glaring at Isabel.

“Who the hell out there is fucking my sister?”

Max is never one to growl, but since I’m pretty sure he just did I know he means business, unfortunately, this is too funny and I erupt in laughter.

“Actually, no-one that I know of”

“Okay so maybe sex was the wrong word.”

I nod “Not even kissing”

“or kissing”

“Technically not even a relationship.”

“Yeah, that too”

“But if you really want to know the real technical truth Max, which I think you do, they aren’t even friends at all.”


Maybe I didn’t need to go that far into details.

“So it’s a crush” Max ponders “I can handle that”

Before Isabel has a chance to object the doors swing open and Agnes walks in. “Table’s ready”

Isabel whips around, eyes wide and face flushes. “Where is the washroom?”

I point, “But you look fine”

“That is not good enough” she sing songs to me

I walk over to Max and straddle his waist. He instantly wraps his arms around me and leans up for a kiss.

“Hey good-lookin”

“Hello gorgeous”

I’ve decided those are our pet names, it isn’t official or anything but we say it enough.

My thoughts are interrupted as Max kisses down my neck to the low cut of my shirt.

“Max, yes” His fingers slip between my legs and press against me.

I’m vaguely aware anyone could walk in but everything fades away when I’m with him and he’s touching me.

“Lets get out of here Max” I moan

He nods against my chest and removes his hands.

“Why the hell aren’t you out there?” Isabel hisses

I hop off Max and give her a duh look “obviously we were waiting for you”

She shoots a duh look right back at me and rests her hand on her hip.

“I have to make an entrance; you two were supposed to be waiting.”

Max groans and jumps up, grabbing my hand

“Jesus Isabel, count to 15 and come out okay?”

Max lets me lead him through the restaurant to the table reserved for us, directly across form Alex.

“Which one” Max whispers

I sit down in the seat he pulls out for me, waiting for him to pull a chair right beside me and rest his hand on my upper thigh, like he usually does.

“Believe me, you’ll see”

“Hey guys” Isabel greets, rather loud

“Hey” Max and I say simultaneously

She sits down and talks for awhile as she reviews the menu.

Max’s leg is bouncing like crazy and his hand keeps inching up my thigh, I’m not complaining but the fact that we’re at a table, out in the open, instead of a booth forces me to swipe it away every minute or so.

“Man, I am starving. What are you two going to have?” Isabel questions.

Max and I exchange looks, knowing we couldn’t last an entire meal.

“Actually Iz, we-” Max starts but stops as Alex walks up.

“Hey guys, you want to join us over there?”

Well that is perfect timing Mr. Whitman

I jump up, pulling Max’s naughty hand with me.

“Actually Alex, Max and I were just leaving, but Isabel was going to stay and eat, so have a good night. Bye Michael”

With a quick glance back I see Isabel slide in next to Alex and Michael give me a wave. I definitely deserve an award for that smooth move.


“Max what would you do if you came home one day and Isabel was going at it like we were?”

When Max and I got to his house, there was no way we could make it to his room.

The second the door shut I was against the wall, his hands unbuttoning my pants.

Knowing this was one of the rare times Max was out of control excited me beyond belief. Slow is sweet and all but when it’s like this, its so much more intense.

I didn’t even notice my pants coming off, his shirt coming off or him hoisting me up, my legs around his waist.

“Umm Max, your shirt off is nice and everything but your jeans are in the way.”

He grunts and pushes me higher. “I want to touch you first”

With that his fingers slip inside my panties.

My head slams back against the wall. He is amazing with his hands.

With two of his fingers slipping inside of me, gradually going faster and his thumb working my clit like crazy; I knew I would go over the edge any second.

Leaning forward with all my weight, Max has to withdraw his fingers and stumble back.

“Liz, what are you doing?”

I smile, tugging at his pants as I push him so his knees buckle against the edge of the table.

“Your turn gorgeous”

“Man if I caught her and that Alex punk fucking on my couch”

“And against the wall”

“I would lose it”

Gradually we made it to his room, but we were too tired to actually have sex there.

“What about his bare ass on your coffee table and her between his legs.”

He looks at me, obviously remembering the amazing orgasm I gave him and yes it was pretty amazing.

“He would die.”

I laugh and kiss his chest.

“Do you think we’d be together if I hadn’t walked by that day?” I ask

He strokes my hair, thinking.

“Maybe not sexual, but we’d be going out. I was invited to your house before we even met.”

I nod, “But it was just dinner” and I would be dead

“That’s why we wouldn’t be in bed; we wouldn’t have that initial chemistry”

I’m silent for a long time. I guess he notices because he lifts my head back and looks me in the eyes

“Is there something you want to tell me, Liz?”

I look down and mumble “No”

He accepts it and is soon asleep. I decide to go home, my parents are good about this whole sleepover thing but three nights in a row might be pushing it.

Quickly dressing I creep out of his room, checking the clock, I thought it was much later than 9.

“Liz, hi!” Isabel exclaims as I’m about to walk out the door.

After jumping a few feet in the air, I turn to see her in the kitchen.

“You going home tonight?” She is well aware of the sleeping arrangement

“Yeah, my parents probably miss me or something” I shrug

“Don’t you want to know what happened?”

Thinking to myself, umm no not particularly, I still nod my head.

“Tell me, I must know now”

She glares but tells me they ate together but then Kyle left, he must be the unknown and then Michael left with his annoyingly loud girl friend.

Alex said he couldn’t stay long but apparently asked for her number and promised to call tonight.

“That is great Isabel, I can tell he is a really nice fellow”

She shakes her head, “He sure is a nice fellow, loser. But the weird thing is, Kyle is the one who invited me to the party.”

I nod, “Talk about awkward”

I tell her I’m going home and to make sure she turns on the radio before having phone sex.

As I pass the phone it rings, along with her cell that she has been clutching.

“Grab that, I’m sure I gave him this number but just in case”

Answering the phone here is nothing new to me so I pick it up


“Umm hi, is Max around?” A female voice asks

“Nope, sorry he’s sleeping. Can I take a message?” I have perfect secretariat skills

“Oh sure, tell him it’s Tess”’’

“You bet Tess, I’ll relay the – hey!”

Isabel swiped the phone from me so quick it smacked me in the head.

“Tess! What do you want?”

She listens, “No Tess, that’s his girl friend. He said all he had to say.” Her eyes roll, “No don’t you dare, we don’t want to see you.”

Near the end of the conversation I slink away, wondering who the hell is Tess and what does she want with Max?
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Post by hazz »

Told you I would update some time in 2006. Btw...Hocus Pocus is my favourite Halloween movie. Anyways...Enjoy

Part 9

“So I was thinking we should double date.”

I stare at him blankly. “I don’t double date.”

He stomps his foot like a child. “But she wants to meet my friends and you’re the only sane one that is actually serious with someone.”

I nod, understandable. He hangs out with stoners, musicians and mechanics. Although I have seen some cute guys in each department, none have girlfriends and I’m his only friend that is a girl, naturally he would pick me.

“I don’t know Michael, what about Alex and Isabel?” I complain

He shrugs, “They aren’t even going out, she wants to go with someone in a real relationship.”

“She seems high maintenance; I guess I could ask Max. But I get to pick the day.”

He groans, “Actually the date is tonight.”

My mouth drops and I glare, “Michael! I don’t even know if Max works or has a class, plus I might have tons of homework.”

All of a sudden he gets on his knees and grabs my hands.

“Okay, if I can get it bumped to Saturday can you promise and guarantee, no matter what, you and Max will be there?”

I’m not much for public displays of affection; I consider begging affection.

“Okay Michael, Saturday night at senior chows, 6:00”

He pumps his hand in the air and whirls around.

“Thanks Liz, although she is going to freak because she has spiritually, mentally and physically prepared for today and she is going to start sniffing her damn drugs too.”

He walks off with a shudder. What have I gotten myself into?


“So do you think you’ll be alright?” My mom asks me for the millionth time.

Apparently there was a last minute appliance sale in Vegas, my dad was going to go solo and stock up but mom and I convinced him to let her go and extend the one day adventure into five.

So I have the house to myself while my parents gamble my college fund away.

Sounds good to me.

“Mom, don’t worry. I promise I’ll manage the crash Saturday and Sunday, but I am not serving. Plus Max and Isabel are next door just incase. Isabel and I are going to have a girl’s night here, so Max doesn’t get in the way.”

Okay so I’ve never had a girls night before in my life, and I don’t plan on it, I just know it will delight my mom.

“Wonderful dear, I stocked the cupboards and feel free to pick up dinners for the three of you at the crash. I’m sure Max gets his only nourishment here or at the crash anyways.”

I frown, “I’ve cooked for him before.”

She turns and gives me a stern glare.

“Kraft dinner and grilled cheese don’t count.”

Whatever, Max wasn’t complaining, and he is extremely picky. I can never get his food right when I cook for him.

“So when will dad be home?”

She picks up a couple bags and heads to the truck.

“Bring that for me honey, I’m picking him up at the crash. It’s too bad there isn’t an airport in Roswell. You could have dropped us off and had the truck.”

“Tell me about it.” I mumble

“Well that’s the last of it. Okay our flight leaves tomorrow morning and we get back Monday evening. So that gives you six nights, seven days to enjoy the New Mexico heat. Oh! Look at me; I’m like Travel Agent Barbie over here.”

Wow, my mom just compared herself to Barbie. What does that make me? Kelly?

“You have one week of adulthood. Do not have a party, if you do, have it at Max’s house.”

She hugs me and pats my head.

“Have a good time mom, I’ll be fine.”

“Hey Mrs. P!” Max hollers as he pulls his Jeep into his driveway.

He’s home early.

“Hello Max, how are you?” my mom has the softest spot for this guy, it’s enough to make me gag and be vaguely nervous that I might catch them in a compromising position one day.

He jumps through the hedges and comes up to my mom, where she brushes his hair aside and kisses his cheek.

“I’m hurt that you would ever consider leaving town without personally saying goodbye.”

He adds effect to his dramatics by holding his hand to his heart.

“Oh for Christ sake” I mumble, shutting the trunk.

“I’m sorry honey; I’ll bring you back a little something.”

She slides into the truck and checks her mirrors and puts her seatbelt on tight. She’s definitely a ten and two speed limit driver.

“Bye kids.”

I wave, she honks.

“Well my mom is gone, you can go home now.”

He throws his head back and laughs before looking at me.

“Hey baby.”

I roll my eyes and walk up my driveway and towards the door.

“We’re going out Saturday with Michael and his girlfriend. 6:00 at Senior chows. I promised him we would both be there no exceptions.”

I decide to state it instead of asking, less chance of him getting out of it and that seems to work with him most days.

“Sure, like a double date?”

I walk up the stairs and into my room, preparing for a nice long shower.


I turn as Max enters and finger him. He has a way of pissing me off like no other.

“So are you excited?”

I raise my eyebrows and kick off my sneakers.

“Why would I be?”

He signs dramatically and tugs his shirt off.

“Because we get to have sleepovers without me being paranoid your dad is going to walk in with a shot gun.”

I swear that is his biggest fear. He loves to cuddle; it’s disgusting. But the thought of my dad next door is enough for him to push me off the bed and send me out the door with a swift kick in the ass.

“You know they love you Max. Did you see my mother today, I puked a little in my mouth and they are completely opened minded.”

He shrugs and continues to take off his clothes.

“Excuse me, what are you doing?”

He stops, seconds before he pulls his boxers off and I’m momentarily disappointed.

“We’re having a shower, aren’t we?”

I raise my eyebrows at his presumption but continue to take my panties off.

Who am I kidding, of course we are. But I can tease cant I?

“Bath; and who said anything about you?”

He is now totally naked and I’ve just died and gone to heaven. The boy is fine!

“Liz please, shower bath? We’re both going to be there and we’re going to have sex and it is going to be loud. We also know you love to scream for me.”

With that he walks over to me in all his naked glory and grabs my hand, bringing it down to everything that makes him a man.

“This is for you baby, you’re the only one that does this to me.”

My eyes practically roll into the back of my head and before I get a chance to do anything, he steps away.

“Wait here, I’ll start our bath.”

For some reason I don’t feel self conscious at all, which is huge considering I’m standing naked in the bathroom with Max, who is equally naked.

“You know, Elizabeth, we’ve never been naked and wet,” he smirks. “Well actually..”

What a geek, “get in the tub Max, you’re washing my back.”


“Max?” I whisper into his ear.

Spooning is nice but after four hours, I need food. The only problem is my lug of a boyfriend will not wake up.

“Max, I’m going to get food from the crash, where are your keys and what do you want?”

He groans out a mumbled, “whatever, jeans,” and rolls over.

Well I guess this is a preview of what the next five nights are going to be like.

“I’ll be sure José spits in yours”

With that I find his keys and head over to his driveway.


“Okay so four Galaxy subs, three milkshakes, four mud pies and a case of strawberries, all to go please.”

Agnes rolls her eyes and places my order. I decided to get some food for Isabel and a little extra for Max. Now I’m going to have to wait forever because Agnes will tell José he doesn’t need to make mine until everything else is clear, which is ok I guess but I do not want to be here.

I decide to save her some time that I’m sure she wouldn’t waste on me, and grab my pies and strawberries. That took all of five minutes.

I can see some people I use to go to school with eyeing me. We never spoke and I don’t recall them picking on me, but the eyeing makes me nervous.

Walking to the back window, I holler at José. “Those subs done?”

“Yea darling, just about to heat them.” I roll my eyes

“Don’t sweat it, wrap em’ up. I’m really rushing here. Thanks for making them first though”

He waves his spatula and passes me the subs; I walk back to my other food and find that Agnes actually filled some cups with large milkshakes.

“Thank you.”

I walk out, hands full, about to trip over god knows what when my savior shows up.

“Hey, can I help you with that?” a female voice asks from the side.

“Yes, thank you. I’m going to the Jeep over there.”

She grabs the shakes and strawberries as I carry the rest.

“Thank you. Just put them in the cup holders. So are you new in town?”

She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ears, “Yes I am but I’m not sure if it will be permanent. I’m here to win back my boyfriend; I’ll do whatever it takes.”

My eyes widen slightly and I nod politely. That sounds pretty creepy to me, so I get into the Jeep.

“Well good luck with that, and welcome to Roswell.”
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie
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Post by hazz »

Okay guys, this has never happend to me before. I went to type up the page I had written this afternoon and then all of a sudden..the entire new part came out of me. I was like a crazy person typing away. I had some motivation...thanks spray. We're dueling..I'm winning. Without further adue...and umm..dont hate me :?

Part 10

“So then he tripped. Can you believe that? Isn’t that so funny?”

“Alex, I guess you had to be there, because that was the lamest story I’ve ever heard.”

He laughs and Isabel pats his hand.

I’m sorry but I could not listen to one more ‘funny’ story about last night’s band practice.

Isabel’s first day of class is today but she decided to show up at lunch and only attend her two afternoon classes, Political Science and Intro to Art.

I’m sure she’s going to bust her ass in those classes.

“So what are you two doing this weekend?”

Although I despise small talk, listening to their lips smacking together as they make out in front of my face is totally gross and it must be stopped.

“Well, since you and Max are living at your house – Alex is making me dinner Friday night and then we’re watching old movies.”

Oh the sweet smell of blackmail is in the air, and I intend on using it.

Smirking, I sing song, “I’m telling Max!”

Her eyes widen and she gasps

“You wouldn’t”

“I guess I could be persuaded to keep my mouth shut.”

She fake cries and rests her head on the table. When I want something, I do tend to go big.

“Okay what do you want?”

“Well, if you insist. Since you need me to occupy him Friday, can you get rid of him for a few hours tonight? I have a huge Organic Chemistry midterm tomorrow and if he is around I’ll never get anything done.”

She sympathetically looks at Alex; apparently I’ve ruined some plans – oops!

He shrugs and steals some more of her fries, jackpot.

“Okay, I’ll ask him to go bowling or something.”

That is cheap; Max hates bowling.

“Thanks, make sure you turn on the water works, you’re going to have to beg him.”

With that I pick up my things and head off to Anatomy, relieved I might actually get something done with out Max trying to cop a feel.


“I wont be by until late tonight, Isabel begged me to take her bowling and to a taco stand on the outskirts of town, how she even knows it exists I have no idea.”

Mission ditch Max now in progress.

“Oh fancy that, maybe someone gave her an anonymous tip.”

I have absolutely no idea who.

“So I will be sauntering in at about ten tonight, unless you want me to blow her off, because I have no morals and I will totally do it. Say the word baby.”

He’s looking for an out, fool, does he not know I orchestrated this entire thing.

“Sorry Max, I think you should spend some meaningful quality time with your sister. She skipped three classes today you know, discipline her.”

What? We didn’t make any agreements on that, she’s doing my favor first, so I can do whatever I want.

“You’re a bad girl, tattle tailing is a sin.”

“I’m an academic Max, it’s what we do.”

He chuckles, “Are you trying to tell me I’m dating a big old nerd.”

That hit close to home.

“I’m the queen bee of nerds.”

“Do you have a school girl uniform?”

Oh Jesus, this guy has been asking me if I have a uniform for weeks, no Max I do not have a naughty nurse uniform.

“I have A uniform, but it isn’t erotic, it isn’t even pretty.”

“Can you put it on for me?’

“For you?”

“Yea baby.”


He laughs, “You’re on fire tonight Liz, I’m gonna have to spank you when I get home.”

“You do that, until then, I’m going to study. Good bye.”

“See you later Liz, I love you.”

Did he just say what I think he said?

“What Max? Are you there?”

What a jerk, he hung up. I didn’t even get a chance to say it back, not that I would, I don’t think.


Isabel taking Max out was a big waste of time; I haven’t been able to stop thinking about what he said.

I wonder if he even realizes he did it. Some people do it to everyone.

In third grade my best friend, Pam, said it to everyone because she was always afraid she would never see them again.

That’s probably it, although he has never said it to me before, or to my mother or father. I don’t even think I’ve heard him say it to Isabel. Crap.

I should just go to bed, and then we don’t have to face each other, good idea.

“Honey! I’m home!”

Well it was a good idea.

As he walks in the room, something about him seems different. He has this glow to him that I haven’t noticed before. He looks really happy, not the ‘I just got laid’ look but a truly genuine happy.

It’s pretty hot.

“Did you have a good time?”

He lifts my legs off the end of the couch and sits down, bringing them with him and proceeds to rub them.

I have him trained well.

“You know what? I had a fabulous time, I don’t actually like bowling but Isabel and I really connected. We haven’t spent quality time together in a really long time. Thanks for planning it babe.”

I give a little chuckle and put my confused look on, how the fuck does he know that. If she caved, Friday is going to be payback.

“Liz, I know you got her to get me out of here so you can study. I do listen when you talk, but I choose to ignore it.”

“Well thanks honey, I appreciate it.”

He gets up and lays my feet back down, before crawling up my body to kiss me.

I’m really not a touchy feely person and usually when we sleep in my bed I draw an invisible line in the center of the bed and tell him to stay on his side so I can get sleep without him being all over me. At his house he gets to decide and he decides to spoon.

But right now, I’m feeling strangely emotional and I’m totally into him kissing me slow and sensual. Maybe it’s because he said he loved me and I have no idea what to do.

“One second Max, get off me.”

Yes I just ruined the moment but I need advice, stat!

“I’ll be back in two minutes, put on sexual secrets or something.”

With that, I leave a confused Max behind and run into my room to make a phone call.


“Hey, I need to ask you something.”

“Liz, I’m tired.”

“Isabel it is important! Okay so I was talking to Max before you two went out and just before he hung up he said, ‘bye Liz I love you’ and hung up. We’ve never said that before.”

She doesn’t say anything for a moment, which frightens me. But then I’m smacked in the face with her shrill laughter.

“I’m not sure there is humor in what I just said to you.”

Between chuckles, she mutters, “yes,” hiccup, “there,” hiccup, “is.”

“Okay bye.”

“Wait! I’m sorry, I am. So you’re nervous or scared right?”

“Well not exactly, but in a matter of speaking yes.”

“Okay so, just say it back. You love him don’t you?”

I never really thought of it. I’m scared to say that to him. I don’t want him to know I’m as vulnerable as I am.

“I think so, I’ve never loved a guy before, give me a break!”

“Well if you get that fuzzy feeling whenever his number shows up on your caller id or when you’re walking and he takes your hand, those are signs. But it’s really about you and believe me when you’re in love and you’ve come to terms with it, it’s amazing.”

“Are you in love with Alex?”

She sighs, “No, I’m not. It’s too soon, but there is definitely room in my heart for the possibility.”

“That’s great Isabel, thanks.”

“No problem let me know tomorrow how it goes.”

During my slow trek to the living room, I decided I’m going to take some initiative in my life and do some lovin’.

I don’t think he’s the type that tells everyone he loves them so I’m going to take his confession earlier as the real deal and hopefully he won’t laugh in my face.

“What took you so long, and what were you doing?”

He’s sitting in my spot looking expectantly, with the clicker in his hand. I glance at the TV and smile when I see him watching Little House on the Prairie. He is such a softy.

I sit beside him and take his hand.

“Did you mean what you said earlier?”

He smirks, “You mean about spanking you? You bet your ass I meant that.”

I roll my eyes but smile. He always has a joke waiting to be used.

“No Max, what you said before you hung up on me earlier.”

His face turns serious and he turns to me.

“Liz I was..” He’s interrupted by his cell phone.

Isabel is probably warning him that I’m about to drop the L-bomb.

He waits a few moments for it to stop ringing. Didn’t their mother ever tell them to hang up after three rings? Twelve is going over board.

He opens his mouth but before he can speak his cell phone rings again.

He waits it out and when he opens his mouth I put my finger to his lips.

“I love you Max.”

He looks surprised, but a small smile appears and I have hope that I didn’t just make a complete fool of myself.

But like a sign his cell phone rings again, “Fuck, I’m gonna take this, it could be important.”

“What? You are? I told you not to, fine, yes. I said yes, ten minutes.”

He stands up and heads for the door, “Listen, I have to go, I’ll stay at my place tonight so I don’t wake you and I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Without another word he’s gone, seconds later I hear his Jeep fire up and his tires squeal down the street.

I just confessed my love for him and he walked out my door. That’ll teach me.
"Boys dont make me get off this couch" - Lonnie