The light in my way(AU/CC/Adult) Chap.7b 24-02-05 {WIP}

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The light in my way(AU/CC/Adult) Chap.7b 24-02-05 {WIP}

Post by alana »

Author: Alana
Category: Max and Liz
Rating: AdultDisclaimer:I don´t own anything,all belong to the people in Hollywood.(Ummm,but they are solding the cartel,so who knows.)
Summary: AU,Liz and Alex grow-up far away of Roswell,the events of the show to S2 are valid with only a main changes.(So all the alieness still on,dupes incluyed.)
Author Note: This is my first fic in english,so is sure that is bad writen. :lol: If the summary is like that ,is because really i don´t have a clue what i was intended,so don´t think,read and only feel.After is your call.I only want to share because is selfish be reading all the time and not contribuyed. :lol:

Chapter 1

I don’t want someone, and you don't need anyone. So don't let this start today.

“In the calm of the night I can see your eyes. They keep changing and I can discern your feelings. Someone said long ago that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. If that's true, I surrender to you, because for the first time in my life I feel like I understand something I'm seeing. If I have to break a thousand times to see you smile, I won't scream because I know the that with the pain, comes love.”

The light of the cigar that she was smoking flickered on her face for one moment, and in that brief moment Max could see her eyes. Her big brown eyes shown with serenity, an emotion and idea that he couldn’t have comprehended before now.

He had always lived his life for people he didn’t really care about, and had built it on lies he had never truly believed. He’d bet his life and lost, and in his fall he’d learned how to be himself. However, he’d also learned how to block himself off from other people. Why let them get close if everyone he loved always left?

The cynical smile that touched his lips at her words did well to hide any emotion he was feeling. He would make her move on, just like all the others. He would never get attached.

“Babe, I know I'm good, but don’t you think you’re getting in a little too deep? I’m a guy that likes to have his fun, so there’s no need to get sentimental. Tomorrow I won’t even remember your face, let alone your name.”

With that said, Max turn around and proceeded to dress with the clothes that had been thrown off carelessly in their previous passion.

Closure. It was the idea he was trying to project, the feeling he was trying to provoke in her. It was the same one that he had been making people feel all his life. He wanted everyone to feel unattached when it came to him, since he himself did his best to stay that way. A few times someone had passed through the walls he’d built up, but it was only for a moment until he’d managed to block the feeling out. But she would never get passed his walls, not even for a second. He wouldn’t allow it.

“I don't have expectations of you, since I know you’d never be able to meet them. You and I both know that this isn't real.” Her sweet voice rebounded throughout the room, making cracks in the very walls he had been trying to reinforce. He turned away from her and continued to dress, not knowing how to answer.

Max didn't feel her until it was too late, didn’t realize she was there until he felt her plaster her body to his back. He wanted to push her away, to deny what she was obviously so willing to give, but his eyes closed anyway.

Is isn't resignation, he thought fiercely, I'm not agreeing to give her anything of myself but my body. It's the pleasure she could give that I long for. The same pleasure that caused me to leave the bar with her last night.

He turned around and whispered in her ear, “I’m not agreeing to anything, accept another very enjoyable round with you.”

But despite his words, he knew the truth. He realized that he didn't even know what he wanted. He didn’t know what he had been searching for when he had agreed to take her home. All he knew was that there was something about her that he longed for. He explored her mouth and body with frightening intensity, trying to prove to himself that this was all he needed from her.

The next morning, he awoke to the sound of a door being closed. He sat straight up in bed, his eyes darting around the room and trying to find any sign of her, but everything was silent. He laid back down slowly, wondering why he felt as if a cold hand was clenching his stomach. It couldn’t be that he cared she was gone. After all, he’d spent his entire life being alone.

So why did today feel so much colder, if he was so used to the silence?


You can’t win if you don´t know what is to lose.

Two faces on the same coin are alike in only one way: their ignorance of the other side.

People talk a lot. Some talk with arrogance and bitterness, others with amiability and peace. However, when all people talk, the style in which they speak does not change the fact that they always assume they have a right to say whatever it is they say. But in reality, like the face of the coin, people usually have no idea as to what the other side of the story is. They see only their viewpoint, and they act on it.

So, why talk at all, when talking never helps you understand that viewpoint, that other side of the coin?

Liz never had a problem answering that question, since years ago she’d proven this theory through practice and experimentation. So, because she didn’t know what was going on in Max’s mind, because she didn’t know his side of the coin, she couldn’t believe anything that he said. And she wouldn’t give up on him.

Last edited by alana on Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:15 pm, edited 13 times in total.
When the Sun shine / we shine together
Told you I´ll be here forever
Said I´ll always be your friend
Took an oath, Ima stick it out to the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we´ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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The ligth in my way Chap.2 12/19/05

Post by alana »

A.N:Hi to all that lurkers, i see you there :lol: Ths was going to be only a pice of a idea of mine,but my muse has tell me that they didn´t tell you all that has to be count.So i´m going to left her guide me for this travel.Love for all. :D

Chapter two

What happened Saturday night? You get laid?

That was all that was written on the note that Alex had passed Liz earlier that morning in homeroom. He either knew exactly what to ask, or he knew how to read her all to well. In any case she had to give him the credit. He’d had to wait four days to ask that question. And this was the guy who couldn't stand to wait a whole summer without knowing what was going to happen on the new season of his favorite show, and who would search the entire house trying to find Christmas presents in November. She was shocked that he had managed to hold out for so long.

Now waiting for him in the parking of the school, wrapped in her leather jacket, Liz made a brief note of exactly what she was going to tell him. Because now she knew she wanted to tell him. The days she had spent lying at home and really listen to her heart had helped her process all feelings she had, and she’d decided then and there to go with her gut instincts.

Turning on her mp3 player, she left the melancholy that had embraced her with a serene smile as she remembered who she had received the music player from. Alex had bought it for her in her sixteen birthday, since he firmly believed that music was the only art in which one could toy with a peoples’ emotions and make them laugh and cry with a simple melody.

“Here take this. Now you can decide how you want to feel during your day.”

Therefore, her last four days had been plagued with love songs. She wanted so badly to feel in love, and the songs could almost make her feel it. Almost.

A donde voy sin tí,sin rumbo estoy perdido (Where i go without you?without a path i´m lost )
tú eres mi estrella azul,que alumbra mi camino
(You are my blue start,that lightness) my way.

Liz was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't hear Alex arrive. Is was only when her vacant eyes registered the hand waving in front of her face that she saw him. Giving him her usual smile reserved for only her dearest friends, she waited for his interrogation.

“Ok, tell me where the hell you went Saturday night, and who you were with. Was it a guy or a girl? A friend or a lover? How did you meet this person? Where exactly did you stay? Mom talked with you and told you it was important that I start life in a new city on the right foot. How am I supposed to believe that life isn’t a big fiesta when you go dance and party all night!”

Trying to not laugh, Liz could only smile at Alex and observe his mannerisms; the excitement spark in his eyes, the goofy grin on his lips, and the way his hands waved erratically as he spoke amused her to no end. Is was pure Whitman charm.

Seeing that if she didn't cut his dear friend some slack, he would go into another long monologue, she decided that enough was enough.

“Hello to you too, Alex. How was your day? Did you make any new friends? I-went-to-a-motel-with-a-guy-that-I-met-while-waiting-in-line-for-the-bathroom. So, you do know that your mother corned me and forced me to promise to put you on the right path, so to speak.” She spoke as quickly as she could, trying to act as if her answer held no real importance. After all, he had earned the right to hear the truth, but that didn't mean she wanted to spell it out for him.

When the light in his eyes glowed brighter, Liz knew that he understood her hasty speech. Is was only when a mystic spark made his ocean blue eyes become turquoise that she knew which part he has understood more. The smile on his face made him look like a large cat who was about to eat a particularly juicy canary. The fact that another person, a person very important to her, knew about her tryst with Max, made her the happiest she’d been since she’d gazed into those deep amber eyes of the man she’d come to love. Because now she had a person to travel that road with her and help her find her heart.

“So you found someone, huh? And what makes you think that this guy has earned the right to that elusive heart of yours? Did he score a homerun or something?”

“Give the boy a prize!” The smile that accompanied her answer made Alex realize the truth in his earlier words. His eyes widened in surprise and shock. This was big! She had found someoned that she considered the One. Liz had always been one to believe in soul mates, and ever since she’d learned what love was, she’d dreamed of finding that one person who would complete her.

Tu eres el angel de amor ,eres mi sombra y mi sino.(You are the angel of love,you are my shadow and sino )
¿A donde vas tu?,no voy si no es contigo.
(Where are you going?,i won´t go if isn´t with you)

Perhaps most people would believe that what she had with this man was only sex, only a quick fuck, but those people obviously didn’t know Elizabeth Guerin. He didn’t mean that she was the Virgin Mary; after years of being perused by horny guys at party after party she had experimented with the art of lovemaking, but her status quo was still intact. No one claimed her heart; no one was special enough for it.

They both knew of the reputation Liz had gained back at their old school. The girls had called her Teaser Guerin. She was the girl that went around but never stayed with anyone, like a child who would look into the shop windows but never really decide what she wanted. She would take a bite of the candy, but never be satisfied enough to want it all. Maybe now she’d finally found someone she wanted to give her heart to.

“Okay, so tell me, why are you here with me and not with him?”

The sudden change in her eyes made him realize that he was going to have to watch out for his friend’s heart; moments ago her eyes had been illuminated with happiness, but now they were filled with a bitter kind of sadness.

“He doesn't know we’re meant to be together yet.”

The look of expectation that Alex gave Liz made her realize that maybe she wasn't prepared to have this conversation yet. Maybe four days wasn’t as long as she’d thought it was.

Looking at her watch to evade Alex’s eyes, she realized that her new job would start in less than ten minutes. Knowing that escaping Alex without a further explanation would be like removing a bone from the mouth of a rabid dog, but also knowing that this was her first day on the job at the Crashdown and that she needed to make a good impression, Liz made a compromise.

“Why don’t you give me a lift to my now job and i tell you in the way?”

Realizing that his friend wasn’t trying to avoid him but really did need to go, Alex grabbed Liz’s hand and steered her to his red viper. His second baby.

“Ok, babe. Let’s ride like the wind.”

Solo el amor es así que no nos deja vivir,nos hiere como un castigo
Solo el amor es así que no nos deja vivir,nos duele pero seguimos.

(Only the love is like that who don´t let us live, he `punish us like a pnalty.
Only the love is like that ,who don´t let us live,he hurts us but be still go on.)



oka,so now you can tell me waht you think. :twisted: God or bad,hard or soft ,whatever form you can,tell me!!!
The song in spanish is of the group Medina Azahara,great rock andaluz,so all their rigths are they.
Muxus Alana.
Last edited by alana on Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When the Sun shine / we shine together
Told you I´ll be here forever
Said I´ll always be your friend
Took an oath, Ima stick it out to the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we´ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:23 pm
Location: En un lugar de la mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme

Post by alana »

A.N. Whass up with the Best lurkers in the world??!!!! :lol: :wink: So here i am , another time with anothr part.I figure that all of you are a bit shy ,so i´m going to pass without read the list of presents. :twisted: Next time maybe i have to make it,but for this you are safe.Oka , so i assume that you don´t have any doubts, that you think that i´m good with my job and pretty much are thanking god with my presence in this world. :D So ,without more dilacion here you go.
Por ci, i don´t have beta ,so if have too much error of gramatica ,bad luck :lol: .
A.N. The letters in black are a song of how not,the great Medina Azahara, and yes the songs are important in the fic. :twisted: they have their fuction.Jajajaja
Saludos a esas perras que son mis colegas,las cuales con esas tardes de porros y cotilleos me han llevado a entender ala peña bien.
Muxus pa la bajer.


Tengo una duda en mi mente y no se si un dia me abandonarara
sombras que cruzan mi alma recuerdos que pasan y despues se van

(I have a doubt in my mind , and i don´t know if one day she leave me.
Shadows that crossed my soul,memorys to passes that go away)

A normal face, with two eyes, a nose and lips connecting to a prominent chin. That was the only thing he could see when he looked at himself in the mirror. Normal. Like any other person in the world; a normal eighteen year old boy with very handsome features, if he did say so himself. So, how could something so average - albeit handsome - mean so much to a race of alien people?

Maybe is was because he was coded; maybe they made some adjustments in his genetic code to make him more human. Maybe that was why he looked just like this in the Destiny Book. But why this face? Of all the people in the world, why did they have to pick this face? It was the only one that he couldn't look and not feel disgusted with.

If you asked the kids in his school, his peers would tell you that the guys would kill to have his sculpted features and well defined muscles, and that the girls wanted them too, but for a far different reason. They all thought he was perfect, ears included. So, why did he feel as if his features were repulsive? Maybe it was because he was the only one that could look at him and know the truth. Know that his face, his body, his entire life represented one huge lie. A lie like any other, that had begun as a confused excuse but had long since grown to become his world.

“Maxwell, what are the hell are you doing?” asked a irritated Michael. “What, someone possessed you?”

The sound of the knob being turned on the bathroom door returned Max to reality, and Max quickly exited, sending a passive look at Michael. He made his way to his seat, the one in the corner of the right, to which all the other sofas were facing. His friends knew how to make him remember who was in charge, that for sure. Taking his seat, he pulled on his sweater; the room felt suddenly chilly.

“Ok, you all know why we’re here. Who wants too begin?” He looked around the group, feeling proud of the family he had before him. They were only ones that really knew him. If only they could understand him. Meeting his sisters dark eyes, he encouraged her to start. The Wednesday meeting had been a ritual for some time now; the purpose of the gathering was to leave their normal lives and discuss their real mission in this world.

Is was strange how people looked all their lives for some mission, some path to follow in their life, and here he was with his entire future set out before him, but all he wanted to do was run. Oh the irony.

Isabel, his sister, received the message and sat up straight, raising her head in a dignified way. “Tess and I have been trying to project into my mind when I dreamwalk. We select a few people from town, and then Tess connects with me when I go into their dreams. That way she can show me how to access other parts of the brain besides the subconscious.” Isabel relaxed as she finished her speech, letting a proud and confident smile touch her lips. She had made a great progress in six months, and she finally felt as if she was control of her powers.

Seeing Isabel’s happiness, Michael quickly opened his mouth to tell Max his accomplishment before Tess could speak. He saw how pleased Max was with Isabel progress, and he was sure that Tess had noticed it as well. And since Tess would jump through a hoop of fire to please Max, it wouldn’t surprise Michael if she took all the credit for Isabel’s improvement.

Maria, Michael's girlfriend, believed that Tess was a slut dressed up in a pretty body, and that she was out for anything and everything she could get from Max. Michael believed this description wholeheartedly, because if there was thing Michael had learned from his mother and his girlfriend, it was that women were usually pretty accurate when deciphering other women's’ behaviors and attitudes. Plus, Michael had caught Tess naked in Max’s bed more than a few times.

“I figured out how to make an object explode by focusing my energy.” He smirked at Tess, who looked both outraged and disappointed at being interrupted and outshone. His smile turned into a cocky grin, however, when he noticed the stunned faces that surrounded him. He shrugged nonchalantly and went to the kitchen to get some drinks and sandwiches; his mother had always taught him to be polite and serve houseguests.

He was cutting the bread when his mother came into the kitchen, mussing his hair as she passed by him to get to the fridge.

“Hi, honey. Is the whole gang at the Crashdown, or only Maria? If she’s working, you can tell her I hired a new girl and she can take the day off.” His mother took out six glasses out of the cupboard and put them next to the sandwiches that he was making.

Seeing that she’d pulled out a glass for each of his friends, Michael couldn’t help but feel irritated. “Is necessary to ask questions if you already know the answer?”

Laughing at her son’s cranky demeanor, she squeezed his arm and bumped their hips together. “You know pal, it’s a mother’s privilege to irritate her son with questions.” Nancy winked at him and then gave him a kiss on the cheek.. “And don't forget to clean up after you guys are done. I don't want to see a dirty spot in my kitchen, understand?”

“Yes , mother.” Sulking, Michael resumed his earlier actions. Once he had finished making the sandwiches, he headed back out into the living room.

“Maxi, don't you think my helping Izzy Dizzy was fantastic? Can't you see what a great queen I would make to the people of Antar? Like in our last life when the epidemic spread; don’t you remember how I went to the hospital and gave our poor people their vaccines?” the high notes in which Tess spoke made Michael want to test his powers on her. He glanced over at Maria; it was only her eyes that could calm him when he got like this. Setting the plates on the table, he got his and Maria’s snack and went to sit with her. Only when she was sitting lightly on his lap could he relax.

“Ok, so what were we talking about? And no, Tess, I don't want to hear about how you thought of that brilliant plan all by yourself.” asked an amused Maria. “because really, how difficult could it be to connect and pick a few people to dream walk?” Rolling her eyes in sarcasm, Maria smiled widely at the furious look that Tess sent her. “Now, let’s move on to more important matters, such as my fabulous brain.”

“Baby, it’s not your brain I want to focus on.. “ Michael said jokingly, giving her a pat on the ass. This elicited laughs from the other teenagers.

“Ugh Parker, you’re talking about my step-sister. There’s no need to give us visuals, thanks.” answered Kyle repugnantly. It was bad enough that he had to witness their little show in his own house now. Buddha has a reason, Kyle thought, life is a river that flows and changes.

“Michael, is there any particular reason as to why you always make sandwiches with bologna? You’re going to make me fat.” said Isabel with a full mouth.

“No special reason. ‘Ria and I like it.” said Michael, sharing a loving look with Maria. It felt like yesterday that he and Maria had fought over the last bologna sandwich in the lunch line. It was funny how he didn't mind sharing anything with her now.

“Ok, going back to me,” Maria broke in. “I searched the school files like you told me to, Max, and the two new students seem clean.” Maria said, smiling proudly.

“If you’re sure, but can you give me Liz’s file?”

salto del blanco al negro y no existe intermedio para respirar
dudas que me atormentan cambiando el sentido de mi soledad

(I jump for white to black and doesn´t exit a interlude to breathe.
Doubts that tormenting my soul changing the meaning of my loniless).

All eyes turned to Max in surprise; usually didn’t use abbreviations or nicknames for anyone. It was as if mentioning the full name could make things more real for him.

Kyle was the first to break the silence with a whistle. “Wow, Evans, I see that you did your homework. So how long is it going to be this time? Two days? A week? A month maybe? Or are you going to let this girl pass without going for her? Paul told me that he saw her Saturday at Area 51, and, in his words, she was better than bread in times of war. She was also there with the other new boy, they were dancing their hearts out for hours. Who knows? maybe they’re together.” Taking another bit for his food, Kyle left the conversation in the air.

“What? No!” say Maria quickly, “He’s her brother! The file says so.”

“How do you know? Maybe they lied.” asked a preoccupied Isabel; new people always made her nervous. Maybe it was because the last time that someone new entered her life, things changed. “Maybe I could dreamwalk them and see who they really are. What do you think Max?”

De mi soledad.De mi soledad. De mi soledad
(of my loniless,of my loniless,of my loniless)

Lost in his thoughts, Max wasn't paying any attention in the conversation. It was stupid on his part to ask about her, because he was beginning to think he had already gotten much too deep. Only the mention of her name could cause longing to run throughout his body. The look in the face told his friends that this girl was the reason he had been battling with himself lately.

He needed to know where his priorities were, so maybe is was better that he feel cold. Maybe he was created to be like this, without feeling, so that he always looked at his decisions with a level head.

Y no entiendo nada y no se si es verdad,
si es blanco o es negro,nunca algo cambiara

(And i don´t understand anything and i don´t know if is true
if is white or black , nothing is going to change)

Knowing that they weren't going to solve anything else today, the group decided to put a end the meeting for the day. That was more than ok for Max. He would have to override his heart with his mind when it came to Liz. He couldn’t let her get close. He’d just have to block the emotions out.

Because a lie had cost him too much already, he wasn't about to tell another one and let it take over. Because he didn't remember her; not now, and even less tomorrow.

“You know I think it would be better if we left it at that; I don't think we’re going to gain any more shocking news today.” said am unusually quiet Michael, who had observed the looks on Max’s face.

Seeing the need for a final vote, Max put his King card to function. “Ok, we leave them alone. It’s not like they’re important.” His voice wavered on the last word, and he didn't speak with the conviction he usually had. It was this more than anything that made his friends realize they should learn more about the new kids.

y busco en mi alma y no puedo encontrar
solo veo las dudas y mi soledad

(and i search in my soul and can´t find it
i only see the doubts and my loniless)

Last edited by alana on Thu Dec 22, 2005 5:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When the Sun shine / we shine together
Told you I´ll be here forever
Said I´ll always be your friend
Took an oath, Ima stick it out to the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we´ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:23 pm
Location: En un lugar de la mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme

Post by alana »

A.N.: kaixo lurkers!!!!!!! :D :D Happy Cristhmas all around,how was your Nochebuena nigth?too much party or the hangover don´t let you remenber it? :lol:
Anyway,i was out visiting the familie in the city so that why you havent more of this,not like anyone read it :roll: but beno i´m in a good moods so i going to pass the inexistent FB.
So, say thanks a the beta who has the amability to this job, muxus for you.

Here you go:


Chapter 4

Siento que ya llega la hora ,que dentro de un momento te alejaras al fín.
(I feel that the hour has arrived, that in a moment you are going to go far away of me)

Is was Friday, the end of the week, the day that was supposed to be calm and relaxing. If you weren’t expecting something big to happen, of course.

It was a normal day, and Liz went from class to class, doing her job and being a good student. Ok, so maybe is wasn't that normal; it was true that she had heard the rumors people were spreading about him. but she wouldn’t give into the high school games people played. She didn't feel the need, because she knew, just like he did, that it would take more than dirty rumors about cheerleaders to change the fact that what Max and she had was real.

He could try all that he wanted, but she wouldn’t give up.

Quiero que tus ojos me miren y que siempre recuerdes el amor que te dí.
(I want your eyes to look at me, and I want you to always remember the love I gave you)

She was about halfway through the day when she figured out something very strange was going on. It seemed that all the guys in school had suddenly taken a great interest in her. At first she didn't think too much about it; with a hostile look the boys would disappear and she would be able to get on with her day. It was when the last boy had cornered her that she understood what was really going on.

“Evans said that you went for it with him, so I figure you must be good. Your house or mine?”

She felt her heart break into a thousand tiny pieces at the jerk’s cruel words. How could Max sell her out like that? She doubted that even a betrayal from Alex would hurt this much.

Pero quisiera que ese dia ,al recordar comprendas lo que has hecho de mi (But at the end of the day I want you to remember what you are to me)

The next two hours weren’t very clear to her; all she remembered was jumping into her bike and leaving the school parking lot. She rode into the desert and cried her heart out. Cried for what she’d thought she’d found in Max, and for the time that she had spent with him. The tears seemed to cleanse her, to make her realize that whatever she had with Max was in the past. They also helped her see the past for what it was; a time once lived but now dead.

The tears that followed this revelation were shed in anger and sadness, because things never were easy for her and because he had meant the things he’d said in the hotel room.

Liz bit her lip and closed her eyes. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn’t the wind blow on her face, or the sun dry her tears. Because when the tears passed, she only felt bitterness. It was that bitterness that made her drive back to the school, and march into the cafeteria. When she got there, she sought him out, spotting standing next to all his cool friends. Half of them were the ones that had asked her out earlier.

Without eve thinking about it, she stalked over to him and slapped him on the cheek. The sound quieted most of the cafeteria. It was then that she realized this probably wasn't the place to do this, but it was too late to take it back now.

“Babe, what is it with you? I remember you telling me something about no expectations.” the cocky expression he wore only served to boil her blood even more. It was like he didn't even feel the slap, like it was nothing to him, like he had expected it.

“You son of a bitch! It’s one thing to have no expectations, but it’s another to show absolutely no respect!”

The tingle in her arm and the pressure of her already rapidly beating heart made her feel more alert than she’d ever been before. In the past she ’d let people talk about her because it meant nothing to her, but she wouldn’t let him do it.

“So, what was I, then? Another notch in your bedpost, another girl that fell for you? And tell me what you are, Max. Tell me, because all I see is an insecure boy who brags about his sexual escapades in order to feel less empty. So, do you feel better now? Now that you’ve secured your spot as man of the campus with yet another sex story?”

It was only a moment, but Liz knew that her remark had gotten past his many barriers. The coldness in his eyes melted, and turned into the soft, liquid brown that they had been on the night they’d spent together. The same eyes that had pulled her to him, made her want to share herself with him. She felt the anger well up in her at how those beautiful eyes had completely tricked her, and she felt the need to hurt him. To scar him liked he’d scarred her. If he wanted to be cold, then two could play that game.

solo me queda la esperanza de como el viento al humo , te apartes ya de aquí.
(I only have the hope that, like smoke in the wind, you will go far away from me)

“Okay fine, you scored one. But I wouldn’t be too pleased with myself if I were you. It’s not like you’re anything special.”

Hot. For one moment, his stare burned into her, showing all of his emotions. Then he blinked, and his eyes returned to their previous cold state.

“Is that so? Then why did we give it another go? To prove that it wasn’t special?” The arrogance under his words only fueled her fury.

“What did you know about special?! What do you know about feeling?! You go from one girl to the next because you never let yourself feel anything for them. You’re too busy closing out everyone around you to feel love. I pity you.” With disdain in hr eyes, she put an end to the conversation. She knew she’d hurt him, but it wasn’t her problem. She’d told him the truth; it wasn’t her fault he coldn’t handle it. “Now do me a favor, Maxi. Don’t go spreading rumors and talking behind my back it you don’t have the balls to say it to my face.”


The repetitive sounds of her punches hitting the sandbag resounded in the empty basement. She’d been at this for hours, and she finally didn’t feel the need to visualize Max’s face as the bag. The pain dulled with each punch and kick.

Juró quererme y no comprendo porque no ha sido asi. (Swear to love me, I don't understand because wasn't like that)

His smile flashed unexpectedly into her mind, and she felt a cold sadness grip her heart. It was the smile he’d given her that night, the one that made his eyes light up and his skin glow. Then she imagined the cocky smirk he’d given her earlier today on his lips. A ragged sob escaped her; she felt like her entire world was falling apart. It as if her life was changing without her, and in the process handing her more doubts and losses than she could stand.

It was only when she felt a hand on her shoulder that she realized he was there. She turned towards Alex, relieved and elated to realize that she didn’t have to go through this alone.

“I heard what happen at school. Are you alright?” That was such a typical Alex comment; he was probably dying to know the details, but he knew that making her feel better was more important.

“I don’t know what I feel. I’ve had so many emotions swimming inside me today, but now… I just feel numb. I don’t know; what do you think?

“That he’s definitely special, but not in a good way. How could you fall for a player, Lizzie?” Ok, So this was Alex too; he was always one to call a spade a spade.

“Alex! He is not a player!” answered a frustrated Liz. She fidgeted with her hands, feeling both angry and upset.

“Liz! He told the whole school that he slept with you on the same day that he tried to score another girl!” replied Alex, mimicking Liz’s frustrated tone.

“First, we never said that we couldn’t tell people about us. Second, we aren’t together, so he’s free to score anyone he wants.” Liz replied determinedly, although she didn't know why she was even defending him.

The angry and incredulous look on Alex’s face told Liz that maybe it wasn’t a good idea to explain the situation, since Alex didn’t seem capable of understanding.

“Ok, I hear you, but what about today at school? Why didn’t you show up for third period? And what was with you and Max’s “talk” at lunch?” He put quotations around the word talk to emphasize the event. “If you understand his actions, what made you hit him?”

“He put me in his note.” Liz replied stiffly.

Alex blinked. “Uh......what? He gave you a note?”

“No, he put me in his note. He keeps a list of all the girls he sleeps with, and ranks them. Then he takes the slip of paper and passes it around school. I was offended because he didn’t show me or anyone else on that list respect. You know me; I never have a problem talking about myself with other people, but I won’t be degraded like that. I demand more than that.”

Alex was shocked at Max’s audacity. He’d known of the situation at school, having witnessed the event himself, but now he finally knew why it had occurred. He didn’t know what to tell Liz, but he felt the need to make her feel a bit better.

“Ok, I understand. So tell me, how many muscles have you built up by punching away down here? Can you fight me off if I were to… tickle you?!” He leapt on her, moving his fingers of the ticklish areas of her stomach.

“Whitman, you are so dead!” said a laughing Liz; she knew that Alex was trying to make her forget about Max for a little while. Liz attacked him and tickled him back.

“Uncle, uncle!” said Alex between laughs. “I come in peace!”

They settled down and slouched over to the couch. After a few moments of peaceful silence, Alex decided that it was time to press for details.

“So, now what? Are you going to forget him?”

Liz thought about the question, and decided upon two answers. But instead of saying them allowed, she sang them in the tune of her favorite Spanish song.

Todo da igual ya nada importa,todo tiene su fín.”

(Nothing matters, nothing is the same, and he’ll have his end.)

When the Sun shine / we shine together
Told you I´ll be here forever
Said I´ll always be your friend
Took an oath, Ima stick it out to the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we´ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:23 pm
Location: En un lugar de la mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme

Post by alana »

Hi all of you lurkers and not that lurkers,so we have here the new chapter,tell me what you think of it .Special thanks to Maxandliz4ever1357 for be that great beta,you are doing perfect girl.
So, i want to dedicated this part to my friends because you are there when i´m not and that ´s what make me alive. :wink:
Muxus for you.
Disclaimer: the song is of the groupMedina Azahara,is a spanish group,so they have the rigths.

Chapter 5

entre mis recuerdos no puedo encontrarte y ando perdido en mi soledad
(In my memories I can't find you, and I walk lost in my loneliness)

It was Saturday and it was raining hard. The fat pearls of water falling on his window told him so. The usually silent wind chose today to start whistling, breaking his quiet atmosphere. With a lost stare he laid awake in bed, not wanting to get up. It was ten o’clock, and he usually would have gotten out of bed hours ago, but today was a day he didn’t want to face. He didn’t even want to exist today. He would face everything tomorrow, but for right now he wanted to go back to sleep and forget about last week.

y voy por las calles contando los dias y se van pasando solo y sin ti
(and I go through the streets, counting the days, and they pass without you)

He wanted to sleep so badly, but every time he closed his eyes, he would remember her. Her lips, her eyes, the heat of her body, her silky skin…. So he couldn’t sleep, because each time he imagined her, another part of him would surrender, would start to hope that he would be with her. But he couldn’t. It just wasn’t a possibility. He wasn’t made to feel. Not with her. Not with any human.

“Fuck you!” Max yelled angrily, standing up and putting on running clothes. He grabbed his Ipod and left the house.

yo le pido al tiempo que me diga algo,y en el silencio escuche tu voz
(I beg time to tell me something, because in the silence I hear your voice)

Running was one of the few things that Max enjoyed. It gave him the ability to stay calm and think things through logically. But not even his favorite exercise could help him in this situation. His brain wasn’t going to tell him anything he hadn’t already thought of, since he had memorizes his reasons for staying away from her to exhaustion. He already knew he couldn’t let anyone in. He already knew that he couldn’t let her get past his walls. So why was he doubting the facts that he had for so long believed?

His legs worked in a frenzy. Left, right, left, right, faster and faster and faster. He tried in vain to leave his problems behind, thinking that if he could just move his legs quicker, his haunting images would be left behind. He wanted to forget her; she caused all the problems.

y pasan las horas y no escucho nada, solo me queda un poco d amor
(and the hours are passing, and I don’t hear anything, and I just want a little love)

He only slowed down when his house came to view, stopping in his tracks when he caught site of a figure on his porch. For a second he thought it was her, wished it was her, but then he realized it was Michael. He shook off his first reaction, thinking his hard run was making him delusional. He walked up to his house, curious as to why his best friend was at Max’s house this time on a Saturday morning. Then he remembered that he had invited Michael over for breakfast, like they had done years ago. That was before Max had become King and Michael Second in Command, of course.

He opened the door and Michael walked silently in the house with him. Max pulled out the orange juice and two glasses, and then grabbed two bowls, the milk, and cereal. He didn’t want to talk to Michael right now, but he had gotten used to doing things he didn’t want to do.

“You know that you are soaked, right?” asked Michael, seeing that his friend wasn't going to start any small talk. The comment only gained a blank stare from Max, who reached for the box of cereal.

“And your point is?”

Michael grinned in amusement. “My point is, that you don’t run when it’s raining, just like you don’t let girls slap you.” Knowing he had gotten his friend’s attention, Michael raised his eyebrows. “So, why don’t you tell me what the hell’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Seeing the expression on Michael’s face, Max looked down. “It’s Saturday. I like running on Saturdays. So it’s raining, but it always rains in this season. What am I supposed to do? Wait for a sunny day?” The sarcasm in his words made it clear that Max really didn’t want to talk. Michael pain no heed to this.

“I didn’t see you running in the rain last Saturday.”

The exasperation on Max’s face was replaced with anger. “Is this conversation just so you can amuse yourself?” The unaffected tone did its best to mask his anger, and make Michael think he was dismissed.

Chewing his cereal, Michael could only arch his eyebrows with a quizzical look at his friend. He took his time swallowing, and then spoke. “No it isn’t, but why were you late a few days ago? Oh wait, ti was because you were trying to score with the new girl.” His sarcasm wasn’t lots on Max, who only stared. “The same what that slapped you. So tell me why I think this is funny?” You’ve changed these past few days, Max.” He paused, chewing, and then added, “Maybe Tess can help you.”

“What?!” The shout was followed closely by the sound of Max’s bowl crashing to the floor. “What are you saying?! That I should let Tess play with my mind, because you think I’ve changed a little? You can’ tell me what to do, and I don’t need to forget anyone. Ok?”

sigo caminado entre multitudes como hacen tantos en la soledad
(I keep walking through the crowds, like others do in loneliness)

“Hey, buddy, why don’t you just listen to me for a second? I was only suggesting that because Isabel told me you weren’t sleeping. We assumed the nightmares were back. We didn’t think for a minute to tell you what to do, and what’s going on in your life is your problem. But you know what’s at stake, Max.” The calm in which Michael had spoken soothed Max, and he sat down in resignation.

“It’s nothing bad, ok? It isn’t nightmares; you don’t have to worry about me.”

“Max, I’m not stupid. It’s clear that something went on with you and the new girl. So tell me what happened? Was she really good, or something?” He asked, smirking.

“Why does everyone think that the only relationship I have with humans is sex?” Max asked, sighing. Michael sent him a surprised look.

“What am I supposed to think? It’s all you’ve ever done.” At the brooding look on Max’s face, he asked, “So, what did happen, then?”.

“I...I don’t know. Why are we talking about this anyway?”

The change of topic wasn’t lost on Michael, but he wouldn’t let Max get away with it.

“We’re talking about this because you’re pulling unwanted attention toward us! You know the score, don’t let humans get to know you. Christ Max, you’re the one who made that rule! Why the sudden change? It’s bad enough that you’re a super player. But this… what are you thinking, Max? We can’t allow you to continue this.” Asked a frustrated Michael.

The color left Max’s face, and for a moment he felt only shame. Not at himself, but at those who he called friends. Why couldn’t they ever try to understand him?

“What? Allow me; what are you talking about? What are you, here to represent the gang, to make me realize my wrong ways? Excuse me if I don’t follow the path you choose, but this is my life. I don’t have to ask permission from anyone!” His furious stare scared Michael for a moment, because in that moment he realized that he didn’t even know his own friend anymore.

The conversation was over, that was clear when Max abruptly left the kitchen, the door slamming behind him. He headed to his room, trying to make sense of all the things Michael had said. He left a trail of water behind him, but he paid no attention to it. His mom would be angry by he’d deal with that later.

Was that really what they all thought of him? That he would put them in danger for pussy? Ok, so last year he had scored many babes, but he had always made it clear that is was strictly sex. He had always been responsible; why did they think it would change now?

And why didn’t they want him to be happy? They all had people they cared about; humans that knew their secret. Why didn’t he deserve the same thing?

*** FLASH***

“You know, it’s not so bad to let your guard down sometimes. To let the tears fall or to shout your lungs out. It only makes you more human.”


The flash was brief, but it left him gasping for air. Like a drug in his system, he could feel her presence enter his heart and warm it. Gone were his angry thoughts, frustration, and hurt. Her mere presence was enough to chase all this demons away. Now, standing in his room, Max caressed the cheek she had slapped. She definitely knew how to pack a punch, and in his book that was a good thing. He scrunched up his eyebrows when he realized where his line of thought was going. He headed toward the bathroom, intent on taking a nice, long shower and washing her presence from him.

“Is that so? Then why did we give it another go? To prove that it wasn’t special?”

His own words haunted him. How was it possible that, despite the fact that he had always stuck to the plan before, he’d let those words slip? How had he succumbed to the sting her words had caused? Why did they even sting?

Letting the shower spray him with hot, soothing rivulets or water relax his muscles, he continued to ponder these questions. He had made sure all of his bases were covered, so why the error? Why hadn’t she left after she’d confronted him, humiliated and defeated? Didn’t she know that he was the ultimate player, the one that broke hearts and never looked back? What made her so damn different from the rest?

no pretendo nada, nada pueden darme, solo tu mirada me haria feliz.
(I don't pretend, and I can't gain anything, only your gaze make me happy)

Putting his head right under the shower head, Max stared blindly at the wall in front of him. Looking at the blurry pattern as if it held all the answers, for one moment Max let himself feel.


The quiet upstairs followed by the sound of the shower told Michael that Max was in the bathroom. He decided to let Max cool off, and resumed eating. He fixed the broken bowl with a wave of his hand, and then pulled out his cell phone and called Maria.

“Hey, baby. What are you wearing? Not too much, I hope.” Hearing her laugh on the other end of the line made him smile.

“Girl, hit him! Hit him again! Oh, stop flashing us already!” Maria yelled, and Michael frowned.

“Maria, tell me you aren’t watching Jerry Springer again!” Asked an exasperated Michael. It was clear his girlfriend wasn’t even listening to him.

The silence on the other end of the line confirmed his suspicions. Maria was deeply engrossed in her show, probably not even aware that she had answered the phone. She did this a lot; would ignore the world around her why she focused on some absurd talk show. Michael waited patiently for his sweetheart to return. There were many reasons that he and Maria were together. Her attention span wasn’t one of them.


“MICHAEL!” The sudden scream made him lose his grip on the cell phone, which fell to the floor. It shook and rattled, Maria’s voice still intelligible. He picked it back up apprehensively.


“Michael Jefferson Parker, what kind of boyfriend are you!? I’ve bee ncalling you for the last 30 minutes!” Seriously, Spaceboy, you have to start concentrating on one thing at a time. You know men can never multitask…”

Rolling his eyes at the long speech, he decided to cut her off. He thought carefully, knowing he had to say the right thing, that would stun and silence her, or else he was in for an earful. “I love you, Maria,” He said, and then waited for her to react.

The contented sigh on the other end of the line made him smile into the phone. “Now that I have your attention, I want you to look up the new girl again, in the school files. And I don’t want the regular stuff that everyone probably knows about her already, but the really juicy secrets.”

“What are you suggesting Michael? That I put my spot as newspaper editor in danger for stealing files? Is that what you want?” The annoyance in her voice let Michael know he had to say something important to convince her.

“I know, Maria, but we really need to know about this chick. Isabel was in the cafeteria; she saw the whole thing. She tells me it wasn’t pretty.”

Hearing the despair in her voice, Maria began to ponder the situation. “I don’t see the big deal here, Michael. So somebody finally found the balls to confront Max and tell him he’s wrong. You know as well as I do that he doesn’t treat women with respect. What did you expect? It’s been a long time coming. Why can’t you just let him live his life? And don’t pull a Tess on me and go prattling on about destiny.”

Michael heard her loud and clear, and even nodded in agreement once or twice. He had felt like that before, but his opinion had changed after his talk with Isabel. She made him see the changed in Max, the ones Max himself wasn’t yet aware of.

“Ok, stop there. This hasn't to do anything with Tess or destiny, It’s more about Max and his feelings. Or lack thereof.”

“Michael, don’t talk like that. You know he—”

“Maria, I only know that we’ve lost him, and we don’t have much time to get him back. His soul is in pain. I just don’t want this new girl to hurt him, if she hasn’t already. And I want all our bases covered. He doesn’t need to deal with alien hunters of evil enemies right now.” Michael paused and then added, “I won’t lose my friend over this, Maria. I’ll find a way to get those files if you don’t help, but it’ll be a lot easier if you do. So tell me, are you in, or out?”

There was a slight pause, followed by a whispered, “I’m in.”

Last edited by alana on Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When the Sun shine / we shine together
Told you I´ll be here forever
Said I´ll always be your friend
Took an oath, Ima stick it out to the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we´ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:23 pm
Location: En un lugar de la mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme

Post by alana »

Hy there!!!

We got a new part :lol: I know that you didn´t mind the wait, i could tell for the Fb , so i have to give you all the thanks to give me the time to writ without strees, i´m working in chapter 8 now and is good have parts done. :twisted: You would see the ligth with time, son´t worry.Hello to the lurkers :wink:
On with the Fb existent:
roswells_hope_lilythanks i love that you love lol

g7silversIs sad that Max feel that way but he only need abit of persuasion and don´t worry Liz give what she gets. :twisted: Por ci, didn´t you want alesson i expect that this conformt you :lol: :twisted:

RhondaAnnI left you knew the group of that song , they are good and yes spanish have the morbo :lol: I said that songs were important ,and they are, :lol: They question it are you figuring it how? :twisted: Maybe hear the song helps, but is settled the athmosfere in the scene and tell things taht are important in their

Zanssoulmate08 Shame of me to tell you wrong,but i´m happy to see you here. :lol: Call me if you know what fic it was.

Now with the thank yous, to my beta to soport my crazy perfecionism and my friends to make me this crazy girl. :lol: without forget the Sexy Sexo Saxo :twisted: Kulen la k se va aliar, y si k eres una lasciva :lol:

Disclaimer: The song is the Alexander Pires a brazilian singer that make some yummy songs that make you want to melt. :oops: If you hear the scene with the song, you could posibily feel hot, :twisted: is very visual with his words, so enjoy.



Chapter 6

The passing scenery of Roswell was mostly Desert. It was only 5 o’clock, and people were rushing past the desert, trying to get to their confys homes into the desolate city.

It wasn’t that he wanted to be walking at this time, but after the weekend at home, he felt the need to get out and breathe. So that was why he’d left his jeep at home, why he was walking from his house to the Crashdown. He wanted to enjoy the free time before he went back to his boring weekly routine. He was also thinking about what he had told Michael.

He knew that last week he’d been acting differently, and that he had to fix his behavior.Leaving the reason of why , he had told Michael to leave the situation alone; had lied the usual lies to stop the others from worrying about him. It was ironic that the lies he’d fed outsiders all his life were now being told to his friends. The people who he’d thought would be there forever, who had been the only ones to really know him. But that was all different now.

At first glance, the lights were off at the Crashdown, but upon closer view he could discern a faint light coming from the back room. Max rapped loudly on the glass, waiting for Michael to open up. Max was pretty sure it was his night to close, and he figured he’d catch him there and then talk with his best friend.

Te juro que te siento,pequeña y delicada
y es un dulce narcotico maravilloso saber que me amas
y como un reflejo estas aqui en mi vida
y es esa magia de tenerte cerca cuando me respiras

( I swear that I feel you, petite and delicate
and it’s a sweet marvelous narcotic to know that you love me
And it’s like a reflex, having you here in my life
And it’s magic to have you near when I breath)

Then she opened the door, and he forgot to breathe.

She wasn’t supposed to be here! No, it was supposed to be Michael who opened the door, not her. Why, God?

He didn’t know what to do to avoid the confrontation. So he improvised.

She wasn’t aware that he was an alien, which meant that she didn’t know about his chameleon-like power to change his color. So, when he started to cough and turn blue, she immediately rushed forward to help him. Going behind him, she proceeded to put pressure on his lower abdomen, trying to move the unwanted object out of his throat.

Tu cuerpo en mi cuerpo asi entrelazados
en un boca a boca no queda un espacio
mientras me cuelgo a tu cintura y voy jugando justo a la locura

(your body and mine entwine
in a mouth to mouth without space
Meanwhile I wrap my arms around your waist and play into the craziness)

He had been puzzled by her reaction as she moved behind him. He had wondered if she was planning to just walk away and leave him, but as soon as her arms encircled him he understood. After a few short jerks, . She kept going, perhaps unable to see the supose object leave his mouth. He knew what would come if he passed out, so without even bothering ot think about it, he dropped to the floor and held his breath. She shrieked and got down on her knees next to him, placing her mouth on his.

Liz was terrified for him and quickly began to breathe into his mouth, when she heard an all too familiar sound. Moaning. He had moaned! And not a painful moan, but one she had heard only one other time. He was supposed to be dying! Meaning he wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this!

She pulled away from him and observed him through narrowed eyes, waiting for a reaction. She didn’t have to wait long; he pouted and slowly popped one eye open to get a look at her reaction to his act. He saw that she looked more than a little pissed and quickly closed his eyes once more. He laid there for another moment or two, and then made a show of coughing.

“Thanks,” He said, propping himself up on his elbows. “You saved my life. The mint went down the wrong pipe…” He tried to explain. He eyed her, trying to gauge her reaction. He let out a sigh when she only stared at him reproachfully. Then she opened her mouth, and he knew it wasn’t going to be good.

“Are you always such a moron? Or am I the only one privileged enough to see this side of you?” She snapped.

He reprimand when straight to his heart. Maybe that was the exact thing that frustrated him so; she got to him so easily through her words, actions, and thoughts. She could ease his mind with a simple gaze, pull his walls down with a small sentence, and make Max want her more than anything with just a small caress.

The fact that she never felt unnerved around him bothered him as well. How could she be so calm, when he was quaking inside?

Quitemonos la ropa que nos viene , viene,
recorreme despacio por toda la piel y besame y besame
comamonos a besos ,ven deborame y besame
y dime que tu sabes que quieres volver
abrazame y besame,amemonos despacio y luego quedate

(Take off our clothes
go over all my skin slowly and kiss me (and kiss me)
and tell me that you know that you want
embrace me and kiss me, love me slowly and then stay)

While Max pondered all of these thoughts internally, all Liz could do was stare. His honey colored eyes, puffy lips, and tousled hair made him look adorable, and reawakened the need in her to love him. When it came to him, all her logic went out the window, leaving only a lust for feeling his body against hers. She wanted to feel his muscled chest pressing against her softer one, allowing her to feel the beat of his heart. She needed to feel the heat from his body, and the gentle caresses that his hands could give. She wanted to feel his lips on her skin….

She quickly pushed these thoughts down, knowing this wasn’t the time. He wasn’t ready for this yet, she knew, but she still felt the need to break him into it.

He saw the look in her eyes and knew it meant trouble. After an exhausting week of trying to avoid her and spreading rumors and rankings about her, he no longer had the strength to fight her or his feelings.

Wasn’t she supposed to be angry with him? He had humiliated and infuriated her, so why was she looking at him like that? Where was the disgust and the pride?

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Liz sat herself in his lap, straddling his thighs and bringing their lips together. Alarm bells when off, and he wondered what had gone wrong with his plan. In trying to make her hate him, he’d managed to make her look at him as if he was a new beginning.

Max broke away, and with a husky voice, asked, “Wha—what are you doing?”

“What do you think?” Liz replied slyly. .

Thinking wasn’t high on his list of priorities right now. Instead, his eyes flickered between her lips and her breasts, leaving his brain much too occupied to answer. Why the hell did Mr. Parker design such alluring uniforms? And why hadn’t Max noticed before. He stared intently at one of the snaps, wondering if he could make it unsnap by itself.

She could call his name to have his atention,but in the end the idea of put her cleavange in front of his eyes win the game,if his closed eyes and sniffing have something to say.

Liz called his name, but he seemed almost hypnotized. She grabbed his chin and pulled his face up, gasping when she saw his eyes. They were almost fully dilated, and contained a look of utter need.

The undressed each other fully, and both delivered private kisses and touches to the other. It wasn’t easy to do without losing body contact, but they somehow managed it. With her yet in his lap,Max put for the first time in his life ,something,in this case his body,to the feet of another being.Now she have two of three,only one more to go.

He could only felt the hot of her body surrender him; her lips traveled over his chest,her tongue leaving a wet trail, her hands stroked his abdomen, and her silky hair lightly caressed his face and arms.

She felt their lower bodies touch, and both their breathing became more labored. His hands ran over her back, memorizing every curve.

Te juro que te siento aunque no digas nada,
y son esas caricias el perfecto idioma con que tu me hablas.
Y que mejor que ahora que estas a mi lado,que ya no tengo escusa para no creer ,
que ya no tengo miedo al saber que te amo y que me quedare

(I swear that I feel you, although you don't say anything,
And you caress me, using the perfect language when you talk to me
And it is better now that you are by my side, and I don’t have an excuse to not believe
I don’t find fear in knowing that I love you)

She hadn’t meant for this to happen when she’d seen him, but it seemed that when they were alone, their bodies and souls didn’t have a reason to not be together. She decided then and there that she’d eventually teach him to feel. She’d teach him to let his heart guide him, just like her mother had taught her.

So they let the natural rhythm they created together guide them into oblivion. The forgot to think, forgot to let thoughts get in the way and ruin the moment. They let their feelings and instincts lead them, and tumbled over the edge together.


Last edited by alana on Tue Jan 17, 2006 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
When the Sun shine / we shine together
Told you I´ll be here forever
Said I´ll always be your friend
Took an oath, Ima stick it out to the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we´ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 13
Joined: Mon Apr 12, 2004 12:23 pm
Location: En un lugar de la mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme

Post by alana »

Hola !!! :D :D
So , how is life treating you? Good, i hope. So , i know that today is has passed a month of the last updated so i decided to left off the next part.
Thanks to that ones that are reading this fic , and sorry for the errors and faults because are all of them mine.
Special thanks to RhondaAnn and g7silvers to left FB , is great to that is really exist people that are reading it. Thanks too to that bajera of crazy people , because although sometimes we hate each others , is funny the juerga. :twisted:

Disclaimer: The song is of the group Savage garden. To don´t have problems with my brother of nine years , i have to stad that the gaze of the tiger is his alone. :lol: He was the one to named it and believe me , with it you could win the world , or scare some

Beno , so on with the next part , enjoy and muxus


Chapter 7

The sun was high like a yonky with coke , the birds were chirping like a mother with a lullaby; All in the world was rigth this morning and the smile in Liz´s face say so.
She was in the mall with a zomby Alex blinding people with her profident smile , one of that smiles that you can help and return because if give you a good sensation making imposible not doing it. A clearly contrast to the scolw in Alex face, if it is exist one.

"-Any special reason for your good mood?or is only because my presence?- "say Alex with a reproching stare. Who the hell could be that happy at 9 of a sunday morning.Is was ilegal.

Seeing it , Liz smile without a care in the world ,ending the inexistencial conversation to aplacate a her grumpy friend with a bigger smile:
"-Sure, pal whatever you say.-"

Alex let only pass two minutes two try another time after a frustrated sigh: " -Oh woman! Don´t let me hanging here! tell me now what are you on, because is freaking ridicolous that good mood of you.- "

"-Whitman! Don´t be like that! Is not may fault that you drink all the beer in the bar, next time share with someone to don´t have you all the hangover, don´t cha think? -"

Putting a checky note in her smile Liz returned to her exploring of the Roswell´s mall. Is wasn´t that big with only two stories , the first one with a diverse shops of clothes , music , cosmetics , decoration and a big supermarket.The second floor is was the part destiny to recreation with the diferent restaurants, cafes and cinemas. The building was a old romanic church that was restaurated and merging with the new structure of metal and glass , a clare clue that modern and clasic could be compatible respeting their armony.

Taking the iniciative Liz went for a cart where put all their food, so they could go to make the shop , Anne wanted to make a old recete familiar for lunch and didn´t have with her all the ingredients so their names were sugest for Charlie to buy its. A hour after they were with all the Roswellians that like they let the last shops for the end of the moment.

Driving the cart with her perched in it, Liz could help and race with it for the halls of the supermarket,leaving her laugh in it.
Following before her and with a incresing bad mood for her lack of answers , Alex browse in his mind diferent ideas to let Liz down of her clouds to let some information on what put here there.
After minutes seeing that his mind was incapable to be rational , he decided for the old way. The teasing.

"-He score another one? or what? - " looking to the hapiness in her eyes , Alex got his answer and with it forgot his bad mood and settle for a curious and incredeolus gaze.

"-What ? Don´t look at me like that ,i told you that he was the one.More points to me for got the sex before the relation,is wasn´t your theorie ,no?- " and with that the ball was in his court another time, the gaze that Liz send Alex checky in her way say so.

"-I don´t know you.-" the words were haging in the air between the stare that their eyes were having.

"-What? Alex, be serius now, i think that you are putting more meat in the bBq that people are we having.- " leaving here there musing about her answer,he was a bit slow something normal at that hours, and left him to pick the oil for the recipe, who have to be of oliva.

"-Ok, so sue me for be melodramatic, but serius what you espect of me in two weeks in this creepy city , you fuck the same boy who don´t go out with you and you wait that i´m tell you , Great Liz good going.-" the bad mood was back, sometimes like in all friendship the sensation to kill the other was present.

Stoping one moment the dificult selection of a good oil , Liz turn around to speak like she would a children of three with his interminables whys and buts.The hangover in Alex mean that all the polinets left the building to be all problems.
"-A-L-E-X!! what don´t you understand? Is easy like that, i meet a boy who i like that way to sleep with him ,i don´t go with him because he don´t want it, and end of ecuation. Is simple like that. I don´t know why are you making all this, is not like you don´t know how i am.- " saking his head Liz pick the first bottle that she saw and went to the pasta section,you can´t do a fideúa without pasta.

"-Ok, is not that i don´t know you ,is more like i didn´t see you like this with a boy before.-" Examinating the diferent kind of pastas ,he tried to explain the sensation that he was having without sound like a pissed friend. "- Lizzie, for you boys were only persons who you have fun time to time without any relation in the horizont...i know that you are a romantic in heart but sometimes in dificult to tell because you saw the world like a problem of science, all have a explication. Is not you what i´m worried , i know that you are capable of look for yourself but you know that not all people are logical,somepeople don´t stop to analizate the situation or their feelings,i´m with you that things can be easy...but you have to be with me in that boy is nothing but complicated.- "For one minute Liz lost him in his musing,but not that much to don´t hear the end. "-if him is nothing like her sister.-"

"-Aha! So that it is, something happen to you and you didn´t know how to tell me,eh?-" Poking him with her finger ,Liz let a laugh to his grumpy friend. "-Alex,you know that if you want to sincerete with me, you only have to say so,-" getting the back of pasta of his hand and putting it in the cart,she diriged her friend with her arm to the vegetables stand, the next thing in the list were the onions, tomatoes, garlics and green peppers.

"-So,tell me ,where you go last nigth? I thoungh that you were to going with the boys of your music class , that of some band,no? Where did you end, i went back at three at home and you weren´t back.-"

Knowing that the topic was changing for the moment he settle to talk about his nigth, maybe he need to talk about it to don´t feel angry with it.

"-The nigth was cool,we went to the clubs of last nigth but we end in ....remenber the one with the elevator to go inside, the one who was packed with preppy boys and Britney´s songs?...that one,we were there a bit tipsys so we settle with the masses,if wasn´t that bad, they put gogos dancing to house music and the girls were fine....- "

"-Alex,cut it. Seriusly i know what one,go to the good part.-" the exasperation of her sentence make Alex change his mood.

"-Take a chill pill,would you?Let me tell me history,woman.You are worst that my mother.-" rolling his eyes in clamation to the world ,Alex retake his history.: "-Anyway,where i was..Ah yes,so after the show with the gogos,i pick my drink and decide that i need a bit of aire,so i went to the balcony,the ones in the third flat,the stairs were packed ,so i went to the elevator.I was to push the button ...jejeje...the song of Sugababes was playing in the club,you know that one of push the was a signal....-"

Seeing that she lost him in another memory, Liz pick the vegetables and guide the cart to the section of fishes,is was obvious that Alex was a bit tipsy let, so laughing with him , she wait for her friend .

Cleaning the water of his eyes and muting his laughs, Alex pick the list :
"- What is next? i think that we only have left the sellfish, no?..hmmm...yep only that.-"

Taking of his hands the list and rereading it, Liz agreed with his friend and letting a peek ad him she instant to finish : "-Ok,so the song was souning and you were going to the balcony, then what?-"

"-then ,my girl ,the woman of my dreams make a aparition in my life, and with only a second flat,please let me smiling like a fool.-" the gooffy in his smile, let Liz thinking that someway she didn´t find it that dificult.

"-So?...-" the arch of her eyebrows were up with the cornise of his lips.

"-So....i push the button.-" This time the laughs of his friend weren´t that funny, ufff...who say that you gotta love your friends?

"-Alex!Quit playing...and tell me already.- "

Seeing the disgusting peeking in her eyes ,Alex remenber another one and erased his smile.

"-And for half hour i meet a fantastic woman ,sensible and without a care in the world,inteligent,funny,creative ,dreamer....but...-" the awe in his world take place in Liz expresion who could help and let a awe smile.


"-but, it was only a ilusion.-" the sadness in his words make Liz sadness too. She knew the feeling to well. Without words to animated her friend, she prefer to ask him more about it ,without facts she can´t resolve the ecuation. He say so.

"-A ilusion?What are you talking about, is you like her what is the problem? , maybe she feel the same. Why you were only half hour?She left or what? She have a boyfriend waiting for her,and you didn´t know or what?What did you say before? What did you said about being sister to Max?, the one that is called Ice princess?- "

"-Ufff...i don´t know a thing.-" estated a frustratred Alex "- At first she was snobbing with her mighny act with the flat comment,she trate me like i were her chofeur,after i only laugh and let a yes,mylady know the one with my british accent...she let the guard down and ...and she have the most beatifull smile of the world.-" the awe was back in his talk and Liz saw it. "- Then we go to there and start talking about dumbass things like the terrible costumbre of people to talk about the weather in ascensors, then we ended looking to the starts and she left me in estacis,she knew all !!She knew a lot about their myths and why they were named,all the constellations!! Is was incredible, i never thoung that i could shared that hobbye with any other girl except you. But she knew more that me.She explain all about it with one gentless that you can help and ....and...-" only a sigh let his mouth ,he was incapable to explain how she make him feel with only some talk about constelations,with only half hour of her time.

"-Have you been sometime looking to some eyes that feel the same things that you in the same moment and understand it?-" the leve nod of her head and the knowing stare was his answer. "-is was like that,like she understand,i don´t know what,but she understand.-"

Familiraty with the feeling Liz only let a knowing sigh and hug him, letting him borrow some strengh.There between octopus and merluzas ,they shared one moment of understaning and only when Alex put his feels in control he gaze in her eyes.

"-Is was perfect,then a stupid gerbil went and call her and is like she was another person,she change in my eyes and believe me i didn´t like what i saw.With her friend here she trate me like a was a fool under her shoe...arghh..what a bitch!!...who the hell she thoung she was,the virgen Mary?what was her fucking problem?How could someone been that hypocrit?-" Picking the last ingredients for the recete and trowing it in the cart,Alex let his frustration with his acts and words.

Waching Alex, Liz smile in realitation, now she understand.

"-So,that is.You are angry with yourself for fall for her.Oh,man, i see why you are grumpy.-" letting a smirk Liz decided that they got all,time to past for the register.

A open mouth Alex stad freeze in the empty hall. Is couldn´t be that,he didn´t feel for that hipocrytal bicth. He was grumpy because he have a hangover, not because some two faces girl. Ok,so he was a bit angry with her, but is only for his dislike of shallow people. Not because he feel something for her. Okkkkk so he feeled something for her for half hour , but she killed it with her later personality. Forget the smile, her understaning eyes and gentless, if was only a ilusion in the end she was only a skizo girl.NO WAY!!!

Looking in dispair to his bad friend who could sugest something that crazy,he only could let a squeal.
"-Elisabeth Guerin!What the hell are you talking about!That is" Noticing that she was ignoring him ,he run after her without let his explaining,the one that put a flushed look in his face. "-don´t run of don´t know what you are talking about ,is so..sooo....Where didyou go off?-"
Ok,so maybe words weren´t with him,but the point is was clear that all that sex was killing her friend mind!!! .

Is was the collapsing in her back that put him in song of how maybe he said the last part in public.
Yes, the fulminating gaze of the tiger,confirm his suspicion.The fact that all the people of the store were sending them speculative stares maybe had the efect too,but it was her gaze the ultimate clue. Grinning nervous,he pass his arm around her shoulders and alternive the other between push the cart and saluting the curios people. Without down his grin ,he put direction in his walking and tried to aplacate her furious friend.

"-Now Elizabeth, don´t mind my words, be two know that sometime i´m stupid, so forget the incident, because i was only projecting my angriest with last nigth events.-" with a trepidation in his speech, one that he didn´t feel he continued. "- My bad i know, but is my brain that is sleep , so please don´t kill me...Lizzy you know that you have reason, but would you mind that i have a pity party, no all people like to have the control of the situation. Some of us, like the drama.- "

The smile of resignation is was the part that got her,letting a humorless smile Liz let her head in her shoulder and feel the need to shared.

"-He present in the chrasdown when i was finish with the cleaning, i only have left the moping in the kitchen, and there he was , Knocking in my door like nothing matter in the world. For one moment i feel the need to kill him, but then he got this look in his eyes and..and...he turned blue. Then i only can feel the aprension of not have him in my life, and i tried to help him making presion in his back. To my horror he fall at the floor and i feel my heart going to explode.- " the melancoly in her eyes wasn´t lost in Alex ,who was feeling it too. She was having one of her moments, that time at time were she remenber something of her past and let all this halo around her, if you closed your eyes you could see her broken wings too.
"- I didn´t feel like that in a long was like the same feeling that i have when i was losing mom. That incertidumbre of not knowing if you are going to have that person in your life. Is was the same, and i understand that is was true, i was lost for him.-" With a chask with her tongue and a unbeliaevable look she change the mood of her tone. "-Then he start to moan,he was acting!!..argh...he is so stupid that sometime he remenber of you.-"

"-Geez,thanks. Glad to know that you think in me in that way.-" the rolling of his eyes, let her know that he caugth it, she didn´t need more sorrow , her soul don´t need it.

"-Oh,believe me, i think about you a lot,...but i left him know the stupid he was, i swear that is was intentional but without think in it , i ended in his lap trying to eat him, is was like i was possesed with my inner demon to be with him. Like chemistry, i could not emerged with his elements, i feel the wanted for him and i could do nothing to ended it. At first he was a bit flashed, he didn´t expect that i atack him sexually, but really ...ummm...only think about him,in Serena´s words, put my pussy like peta zetas.-"

The peculir expresion who he did hear for his one time girlfriend put a smile in Alex friend . Laughing at Liz for her way in putting that she got the hots for someone, he remenber to ask for their friend. "- Did you talk with Serena this week?because i tried five times but always got her machine.I let her messanges with our new number ,but she is MIA.-"

"-Oh,i talked with her. She told me that she started the new class well and that she was thinking in make a visit for christmas ,you know that Sean has family here, so they were thinking that maybe they could kill to birds of one stone.-" say Liz with a excited voice.She was going to see soon her friends.

"-Who would have thoungh that they were ended together, eh? for one moment i thoungh that you were to end with Sean, and me with Serena.-" looking to the woman of the register who was giving him the change,he let her a smile that let her happy and make him way to his car,with Liz travelling behind, she was reading the frontal of the book that was displayed near the register,she has to buy it,after it.

When she got to the car Alex was has already empty their bags of food in the back, so leaving the cart with the others and with the coin of it in her hand ,she were to her seat.Alex started the engine and they put their way to home.Liz was putting the radio on ,searching for one no comercial dial,when Alex ask her:

"-So, excuse me if this sound reteirative but what are you going to do now respect Max?-"

Leaving finally the Kiss fm, who were the most romantic,she wait to hear the first part of the song of Savage Garden to contest him.

I'll be your dream
I'll be your wish I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope I'll be your love
Be everything that you need
I'll love you more with every breath
Truly, madly, deeply do
I will be strong I will be faithful
'cause I'm counting on

"-The true, i left him a msn this morning in his machine. His a bit anal with the calls and all, he have to be always in contact to all his family.So , he is always checking his cell.-" tell Liz smiling to the curious habit of Max ."-He is going to check it first thing,i know it.-"

With a amused grin ad her friend ,Alex replied: "-and what did you tell him?Because let me tell you that he didn´t seemed that receptive to ...-"

"-to me?-" the smile wasn´t erased with that worlds ,so Alex understand that maybe her friend knew better that him about it. "-i know that people are confused, you don´t believe how many people went yesterday to the chrasdown only to prick about the figth, is really funny how people can be like that.-"

A new beginning
A reason for living
A deeper meaning

"-yeah, to you who know what is all about. Quit changing the theme and answer that, because is all that i want to know all the morning. I don´t understand a thing , he trate you like another girl who he fucked, and before you start saying bullshit about you are not together and patatin...let me tell you that between you and you ,he score another one, but for some reason that is not bad; he humillated you with the ranking point and....and...why the hell you sleep with him again? Because he make you horny?.-" the total confusion in Alex is was pattent in his expresion, is was oficial he didn´t understand women and them changes of hearts, one moment she was crying for him , telling him that is was the end, and another fucking him. Fucking Sunday !! He was starting to hate it.

"-Did you know what note he put me?-" Why things couldn´t be easy this morning that all caused another question.

"-No. Did you know what you smoke yet?-" the sarcastic answer of Alex , have Liz smiling maybe is was true and is wasn´t that funny for people that don´t understand.

"-Ok,pal. Don´t be agressive, that i tell you. He put me a 9´75. Is that why i have the last days half of the boys of school after me. Because i have the note more high in his ranking, the second only have a 8. I´m a godness of sex, it seemed.-" the laughs were heard between the sweet songs of the never ending song.

I want to stand with you on
a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

Frustrated with his friend , Alex let a fake laugh to shut her. "- So? Don´t we decided that have a ranking was bad? Why the sudden happines with it. You are crazy...maybe is the athmosfere of that café that you work , or the ants that you wear , maybe they catch a frecuence that left you like this...yep, it had to be that.-" the incredible and speculating voice of Alex, only make Liz laugh more, is was to easy mess with this boy especialy went he was being obstinado. Calming herself and knowing that he wasn´t in a happy mood, she decided for the easy way.

"-Ok, here it is. He have a ranking ,and is a bad thing. But for imposible that it seemed he didn´t start it for the mere fact that he want to let know people of his conquist. Be real, if you hear that a boy make that , you are going to think that he is a cabron, a no boyfriend material, a selfish who only feel in sex and himself. I´m not sure that if i learnt of that before be with him i dind´t think about it like that,but after knowing him ,i understand it.-"

Caching her breath after that long part she let her heart tell the rest,the beggining in his friends eyes to understand it ,make her do it. "- Imagine that you are a boy that for unknowing reason have a wall and don´t want anyone in, what better form that put a barrer like that to make desist old flames to try it. I´m not defending his acts but i know where he is comming from, he never let anyone have expectations with him, but he like to have in all moments the control of the situation, he finish it to don´t let anyone in. The nigth i meet him, he was down like he didn´t give anything for his world, he let himself go, and now he don´t know how to closed that door. I not going to enter into details about it but is was especial, and when we are alone you can feel that is there.So he is putting all this between us with the conviction that i was going to fell for his acts. So, is was true that i fall for a minute, but after the cleaning season with you i thoungh about it, and saw it. He put too much strengh in send my way , all the school after me, to put distance.He left me clear that he expect for me to forget about him, to go on and choose another boy.-"

And when the stars are shining
brightly in the velvet sky,
I'll make a wish to send to heaven
Them make you want to cry
The tears of joy for all the
pleasure and the certainty
That we're surrounded by the
comfort and protection of

The highest powers
In lonely hours
The tears devour you

The mind of Alex was working to catch all her words and her meaning, is was a great speculation for part of her friend, but he saw it to elaborate. "-Jesus! Didn´t any of that sound to you a bit sperpentic? Liz, did you heard yourself, how you could you considerate this easy,t hat boy is ways to complicated for words. Are you sure that you are not wishing it ?-" the tentative of his words make Liz thoungless for a minute,listen to her heart she feel it, is was there. Could be that her heart was wrong? Deciding that her heart was never wrong ,she tried to explain something about it.

"-ALex, i know that you are not sure, but believe me i know him, maybe not all his habites and whims but i know how he feel ,ok. Don´t doubt with me in that, because i´m not wrong, so maybe you didn´t act like that ,what is not that crazy.Think about it, his plan is perfect to end things.-"

Seeing the excited back in her friends eyes after his elocuent answer , he try to think like her. She knew him, is was obvious and it seemed that better that half of the population of West Roswell, but... "-Ok, you know him ,but why do all that thinking to don´t let people in? Is not normal ,who is him? a alien in disguised that is trying to salved his secret?...umm....maybe that explain why her sister know that much about start,that bitch know them because she was flying in them.-"

"-Alex!-" the final scream got his atention.

"-What? Is have you to be the only that know all. See, my explication is ten times more short and more easy to understand,they are alien and is for it they are like that. We are in Roswell,no? So, ..that is the local explication to it.-" the humor in his eyes let Liz know that his friend was not in the mood to talk more about it, seeing that they were arriving home,she decided for end it and give him the reason.

Oh can you see it baby?
You don't have to close your eyes
'Cause it's standing right here
before you
All that you need will surely come

"-Oka,you win they are some aliens who have problem with walls, you think that in the blockbuster have any films of how broken it.-"say Liz rolling her eyes .

-"Sure, but it wasn´t going to be today,mom say something about having people for lunch,so we have to clean the house.Fuck!What a day!-W

And with a grumpy Alex and smiling Liz like at the beginning, the scene ended. :D



Beno we good and left some FB to let me know if you are uinderstand the fic or my english is that bad.
Por ci the worst swear word in the world is put in spanish , because after a nigth of party my heart out with my friends and Chicago ( a girl from there) , we concluyed ( a`part of the alcohol , junk food and dew) that is was pathetic call some one asshole :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh my , ojete. :twisted:
When the Sun shine / we shine together
Told you I´ll be here forever
Said I´ll always be your friend
Took an oath, Ima stick it out to the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we´ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: En un lugar de la mancha de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme

Post by alana »

Wass up? I can see that we are losing the FB for seconds , so thank you Rhonda for be there . :D
Disclaimer: The song is the BSO of a telenovela that they show in my country , is singed for the yummy Alexis , who by the way is off limit to all the others girls of the world ( i don´t care where you live if you have impures thounghs about him , i going for you :twisted: )
Muxus and Enjoy it.


Chapter 7 b

10 am

BEEP -You have a new mesage.-BEEP

"- At first seeing me,you can´t think that i this crazy girl obsessed with the side that you displayed ,what is wasn´t that what made me want you.Is was more that side of you that is screaming to me to let him free.I knew that someday that i was going to find this kind of love because i believe in it,so i´m ready for it.I know that you are scarred ,i´m not complaining about it,because i don´t want you in anyother way ,your eyes told me all of it when we meet,so i was warned......


.....ok,so you are probabily wondering what the hell i´m doing leaving you this mesange this soon in the morning,no?Not too much only want to let you hear my voice first thing in the morning.I´m not being arrogant here,but i would be happy if i would heard your voice,so in compensation i going to make half of my wish true and let the other in the hand of fate.
You won´t call me back , and i respect it, because i feel too that you are not prepared and i not into settling for less that all of you.....Ok,so go take the day and don´t forget the smile.MUXUS.-"

Is posibily to feel so much that you don´t feel anything?

That was the question that was plaging Max mind after the five time of listen to this mensage.Laying only in his boxers in his bed and with the machine in his chest,he push the button another time and let his shield down.

Now in the solitude of his world,he could be himself without pretensions.Here where the grey is wasn´t a dual color and he didn´t have his wall to don´t get hurt.

So maybe is was only that, what make him this receptive to her worlds.Is has to be it.Is that why he was in a peacefull calm,because he was desarmed .Not because that girl make a indecision to his heart.He didn´t have one to begin it, so what if she read it like she knew it.

Aqui me ves deshecho entre tus cosas
tragando me las amargas horas
Hundiendome en este silencio.

Here you see me in pieces between your things
swallow the bitter hours
sinking in this silence

Letting a small sigh, he let all his tumoil go, and let his sadness wrape him.Closing his eyes he bite his lips to don´t let any word let his mouth and puting his hands in fits to don´t make a mistake,like calling her back.
Is was going to pass in only a minute,he only need to relax and let his shield up.The pain was going to dull and he could become numb to it another time.

The cracking in his bathroom´s door make him aware that her sister was there, stoping the machine and leaving it in the floor under the bed,he sit in his bed.

"Max?Are you awake?" with only her head in,Isabel look around the room,always neat of his brother.Seing him in his bed she fully enter the room.

"You are awake,better like that because mom has told me that we have to be prepared soon .We have to go to visit a friend or theirs and be are going to eat there ." Open the window to let the air of the mornig clear the vicious one of the room,Isabel continued " Don´t ask about them,because they are someones that we don´t know."

The moment that the las part enter Max mind a huge alarm sound in him. - What?New friends?That we don´t know? - the puzzle way in his question was reflected in his face.

Aqui me ves dejando me la vida ,pegado a tu fotografia
echandote tanto de menos.

Here you see me leaving me the life attached at your photography
missing you so much.

Rolling her eyes ad his brother and his paranoia she sit near him in the bed and afectionaly mess his hair. -Dear brother ,Why do you think always the worst?That mom and dad have friends is not new,they are sociables for nature ,so don´t be like that,try to relax for one day.-Seeing the doubt in his brothers eyes she sighed and proced to tell him what she knew.-Ok,so is a couple married with two teens like us,i don´t catch that part but they are of visit or something like that.I wasn´t paying really atention because Tess call me to question me about you.-

This time is was Max the one that rolled his eyes, why could that girl take a hint?Is was imposible to understand that he didn´t want any kind of asociation with a person who tried to make him someone that he wasn´t.Why she didn´t let dead alone?How someone could pretend that all his experencied were wrong ,he wasn´t a fool who need someone to plan his live for him,he knew how to live his life.Wrong or rigths the decision in his live were him alone.

Closing his eyes in frustration and laying back in bed he ask aloud his mind: -When is she understand that i don´t want her like that?Why she can´t forget all that destiny crap and try to make a life for herself?-

Isabel was shocked , and her big open eyes were a clue,this was the first time that his brother pronunce himself about his bride to be.Is was common knowledge that Max wasn´t in to Tess, but he was always very polite and never ever express his disgust with the situation.He was very stoical with each time that he found her in his bed and always send her home without to much problem. Narrow her eyes to him ,she proced to sated her curious with a good teasing :
-What i´m hearing ? Max Evans expresing his feelings.Wow! Do you have fever ? are you sick?or all that hot sex you got melt your walls?-

Looking unbelieving to Isabel, Max question himself if maybe the cientisf of Antar were wrong and this crazy girl wasn´t his sister.Is was only a minute thing because he remenber clearly the messenger of the cave that tell him so, but maybe ....

-Are you sure that you are my sister?Because althoug some people think like that, i not that dumb.So,is really scary to think that we shared the same genes.Don you think?-

The sarcasm of his words weren´t lost to Isabel who with years learnt how to read his brother.The brillant mischevious of her eyes where her card of visit: -You thoung,uh? Very good my brother , i´m happy to see that you´re south head is not the only one that you use.-

Taking another jab of Isabel ,Max only smile and close his eyes. Is was good that something didn´t change. With his arms doing the labor of his pillow ,he breath and reopen his eyes and ask the insufrible question of all the sundays :- So ,what wanted Tess to know?-

Mientras los dias pasan ,
me inunda la nostalgia , la tristeza , el sentimiento

Meanwhile day go on
, Nostalge ,sadness , the feeling oweflow me .

Coping her brother pose , Isabel make herself comfortable in his bed , recollecting her usual sunday conversation with Tess, she tell him : -The usual,what hour got you in home?If you were trashed or have company?That i sniff your clothes to see if you were with another girl....-

Pushing himself to stand with his forearms ,he ask in surprise - What?? Is she crazy? What is that of sniff my clothes ? Are you both crazys?What kind of woman have we in Antar?-feeling the hotness in his face , make him left a incredible sigh and trhow himself in the bed. - What is next try to have flahses with my briefs to know if i get laied ? - looking with scorn to Isabel he waited for her aswer.

-To tell you the true that is something that i caugth her doing too many times to count now, so no she hasn´t to tell me nothing new. - seeing the clearly perturbed look of Max , could only make Isabel laugh ,not for him but with him ,of course. Piching his cheeck to draw out him of his stupor,she calm his paranoic imagination. - Max,don´t worry ,ok?I´m your sister ,not your spy .I can manage Tess perfectily ,i clue her in things only to let her out your back.So, don´t worry for that.-

Que aqui sin tí nada es igual , se siente el miedo,
.que en las paredes de este hogar , estan llenos de recuerdos.
Que aqui sin tí me va fatal , que yo te quiero
Que si tu vuelves alma mia ,me regresa el alma al cuerpo

That here nothing is the same , the fear is feeled
that the walls of this home , are full of memories.
That here all is wrong without you , that i love you.
That if you return dear mine , my soul come back to my body

The snort that he left rebump for the bared walls of his room -Rigth,only with Michael,i am wrong?-

Letting himself out of the bed , Max went directily to his closed to pick a changes of clothes.His wardrobe was extensive ,so the choice of clothes like any other day make him pause and seriusly consider what to choose. Ignoring his sister who has losed the smile in her face. He decided to go with a old black jeans that were faded in his knees and ass,they were his favourites , the only ones that he conserved after he redecorated his life. Now,he feel the need to wore it another time.Choosing a black t-shirt of Nirvana and his underwear to finish his outfit he was ready to dressed.

Aqui me ves rogandote que vuelvas ,
que me perdones y que entiendas, que no soporto este destierro.

Here you see me begging your return
That you forgive me and understand me , that i don´t support this exile.

Satisfated with his election he left it in his desk and decide to take a shower , last nigth he was very tired and he only could left a trail of clothes to his bed , where he pass out. Ignoring the reason that left him in such condition, he left the muted of his shield absorved all that unwanted feelings.

Isabel didn´t move of his bed after his coment , when she have the conversation with Michael she was aware that if Max learnt about it he was going to be pissed , still she risk the fury of his brother. Max has change in the lasts years ,like all them .
But it him who got all the scares ,phisically and psicology. The soft whisper in her mind remenber her what make her go to Michael for help. The true is after the events that almost got him killed , they all tried to talk to him to help him to let that bad place that he was.After months of listen to counting crows and be locked in his depresion, Max left the boardalys of his room one sudden day.

Aqui me ves tan solo como un hombre ,al que le has dado un duro golpe
y que se quema a fuego lento

Here you see me only like a man , who you give a hard blow
and who is burnig a slow fire.

All they assumed that he believe in their conform words and that it was their love what bring him back, so they never questioned why he change. They expect that after what he went throung he could be scarred, so is normal that he was more aware of his weakness and protec them,so they assumed his coldness was another efect of his terrible ordeal.
Now she wasn´t sure that all that was true, and is was all for the reaction that one new girl could make his brother have.She saw how for one brief moment Max lost his coldness and let a emotion hold his acts.The same week when his brother have a erratic beharviour and go back to his mourning music.

Y tu que no me llamas ,
mas dura la distancia ,la tristeza ,el sentimiento

and you that don´t call me
more hard the distance , the sadness , the feeling

That´s why now looking to him , she didn´t know how to explain her feelings.Deciding to broke him of that moment she put herself up and planting in front of him broke of his stupor. - You know when i talked to Michael i only did it because of you.-

Awaking of his numb world Max register Isabel words and with a smirk said - Sure, Ice princess always looking for the others. So , tell me oh Santa Teresa! HOw the hell is helping me that you all are plotting to convict myself to Tess hands because i´m acting diferent at how you like!!. - he could see how his the mockery in his worlds make her flich but that only make him more angry -.Uh! So Max is good to take decisions about war and investigated ,keep you all safe ;but he can decided what the hell to do with his life.Is that so, i´m good to be the one of charge of all of us,taking all the responsibilites but you can trust me to choose for myself !! - the angriness in his words got losed in the way ,when he sudenlly realice the true in his worlds.

For one moment the pain make a break in his walls and he could feel in his own skin the sting that caused.Without blinking to not let the moisture of his dry eyes run out ,he observed how her frigthful sister could only stared at him closing and opening her mouth. -You all hold me responsable for all of this , in the bottom that is the problem, you all don´t trust that i make another mistake.- ending with disdain ,Max feeling without anymore worth to say left her standing alone in his room,and go to take the shower.

Que aqui sin tí nada es igual , se siente el miedo,
que en las paredes de este hogar , estan llenos de recuerdos.
Que aqui sin tí me va fatal , que yo te quiero
Que si tu vuelves alma mia ,me regresa el alma al cuerpo.

That here nothing is the same , the fear is feeled
that the walls of this home , are full of memories
That here all is wrong without you , that i love you
That if you return dear mine , my soul come back to my body

Closing the door of the bathroom he went direnct to regulate the water of the shower to have hot water, maywhile he prepare the towers that he need. He concentred in doing the mecanical things like preparing his shower to not think of how that realition only confirm his feelings, he was the only culpable that all they were in danger.The one that put them all in trouble because he can´t control how he feel. Because if he didn´t his feeling got the best of himself in the past , things would we diferent.

Droping the briefs to the floor he vent to pick them and is was only when his fingers touch them that a image engulfe him.


Y que tanta soledad no puede aguantar, mi mente y mi cuerpo.
Que me tiene muy mal , tanta soledad
y yo muriendo.

And that so much loniless can´t endure , my mind and body.
that if have me very bad , all that loniless
and i´m dying.

-If you could be anyone in the world in this moment ,who would you want you to be?-

The ligth that her eyes have , held him captived. There in the moped floor of the kitchen , with her in his lap laying between clothes , serenate for the first time in a long one, he left himself feel.
Wraping his arms more firmily around her naked waist, soaking in the silkness sensation that her upper chest produce in his , and touching his nose with hers,he only could smile and say what he feel.

- Where i´m now ,being me. -

The feral grin that took his lips was visible only the seconds that separated them from hers. Then together they put them to work building their passion in a long kiss . First they sabored their lips and only when they couldn´t sated their hunger , they left tongues go to play. They teased each others to frustracion with licks and bites in their bottoms lips , and is was only when his engorged member make contact with her clitoris, making the pleasure of Liz flow into his genitals , that he feel her surrender to his demand and let him take control of the kiss . Losing his restrains he give her all that she asked for , and torture her sucking her tongue in his mouth .

His hands left her now familiar back and caress her stomage leaving goosebluses after his fingers, making her shirver in his arms. If was her sighing that make him stop the sucking of his mouth and letting only a centimetrer of her tongue slide for his lips. Trusting his tongue againts her , he match the tempo of their irregular breaths.

Feeling her nails playing with his nipples , he presion her more firmed in his lap.Letting his left hand go to hold her hips who where moving in circles , slowing the friction that her lips created on his cock .Making the detour to her breast with the palm of his rigth hand arousing her skin , he took her in it and molded her with suavity making his thumb caressed her nipple.

Presioned his lips with hers another time he suck her bottom lip and travel for her throat he only slowed his pace where he engulf her hard nipple in his mouth. Playing with it with his tongue , he push the head of his erection in her wet cavern melting her in a torrent of pleasure. Raising his gaze to her face , he focused his body and motions in making her cheeks flush with satisfacion . only when she bite her inferior lip supresing the shout that her increasing breaths were trying to make ; and her eyes , gazing fiereciely at him with emotion , when he sucumb in her deepest and left her guide the rythm leting her ondulating hips settled it.

The urgent of their bodies incresed another time when he finally make her cum , and fussing their lips in a wet kiss , Max change the position and pinning her in the floor make his long strokes more fast , running for completion.
The smooth feel of her fingers playing with the hair of his nape, and the suction of his tongue , make him tembler and left his semen fill the condom that he put minutes before her question. Liz feel her wetted with the hotness that his eyaculacion feel and that and the friction of the base of his cock on her clitoris make her shared the orgasm with him.

Pating after the eaxahustion Max soport his weigth in his forearm and move a strand of hair that she could removing blowing at it.Laughing at her , he kisses her cheek and let his rest with hers , waiting for their hearts to slown down.
Without pretensions they shared a glorious thing and when she spoke he realice that what he start to feel in his heart where some old wounds closing.

-You know i glad that you make that choose be cause is the same one that i would choose. -

*********END OF FLASH ***********

Figthing for air to put in his lungs, Max left the briefs fall for his hands.When his breathing was normal and with the emotions of the flash in him, he studied them and remenber that was the one that he wear last nigth.The one blacks with the red puma in them, the one that his grandma got him last cristhmas.The same ones that they search for all the kitchen and found in the lamp.
Looking at them laying there he conjured all his strength to do they rigth thing. To take the correct decision , one that not caused danger to any of his loves one, even if for that he couldn´t feel.

Que aqui sin tí nada es igual , se siente el miedo,
que en las paredes de este hogar , estan llenos de recuerdos.
Que aqui sin tí me va fatal , que yo te quiero
Que si tu vuelves alma mia ,me regresa el alma al cuerpo.

That here nothing is the same , the fear is feeled.
that the walls of this home , are full of memories
That here all is wrong without you , that i love you.
That if you return dear mine , my soul come back to my body


Beno , now tell me really what you think or that you don´t like , whatever :lol:
When the Sun shine / we shine together
Told you I´ll be here forever
Said I´ll always be your friend
Took an oath, Ima stick it out to the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we´ll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella