Defying Convention (UC/ Adult ) Thread #1

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Defying Convention (UC/ Adult ) Thread #1

Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


Hey All you: Streetwalkers, Cliffhangers, Loyalists, and well if you just like UC this RPG is for you!

Defying Convention

Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 read or participate in this RPG. NO if's, and's or buts...
Disclamer: I don't own 'em. Course if I did they'd be tired. LOL!

Rating: Adult

Pairings: Completely Unconventional


None of the Dupes are evil. Neither is Tess!

Begins during "Meet The Dupes" Zan, Rath, Ava, and Lonnie travel to Roswell because the conference will not meet without the other Royal for being present also. Wanting to return home to their rightful place on the throne Zan leads his crew in disrupting the roswellians lives.

What happens next is up to the players?

Our Girls



Our Boys



Our Players

Rath: RiaRath101
Liz: lizandzackfan
Kyle: Open
Michael: RiaRath101
Tess: Zansgirl
Zan: Open
Max: roswell3053
Alex: Open

I don't care if you want to double up. :wink:

What do ya'll think?
Last edited by FaithfulAngel24 on Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:43 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

Location: The UFO Museum
Time: Around 5 o'clock in the evening on Saturday

Max has gathered the gang all together so he can share the thoughts that have been bothering him for the past couple of days.

MAX: "So I think that the signals Brody tracked could be connected to the dying star somehow, and..."

MICHAEL: "You called us all together here for this emergency meeting to talk about a star that croaked?"

MAX: "I think it could mean something. It's...been haunting me."

MARIA: "I cancelled my performance, Max."

MAX: "I think we should be ready for the next challenge." :wink:
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

OOC: Everyone be sure to check out the beautiful banner RiaRath101 made. Thanks Chica! Your support made this RPG possible.


What the hell am I doing here? My eyes turn to look upon the man who has brought me so much frustration and heartbreak... and maybe a little pleasure mixed in ,but still. I mean is it so hard to remember one special day. I reminded him three times that I was supposed to sing today at the new performance space next to the museum ,but no. There had to be some alien caous. I called in and told them I couldn't do it, and why... because a star is dying. Grrr. Does anyone care about what I want?

I mean if it was the end of the world I'd make an exception ,but it seems to me that Max is letting himself get all worked up about a star burning out. Doesn't that happen all the time? Glaring at the always clueless Spaceboy I cross my arms over my chest letting him and everyone else in the room know that I am not happy. :wink:
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Post by RiaRath101 »


Michael stared at Max in disbelief. He had better things to do other than listen to Max talk about some stupid star that croaked. Maria had pestered him all day about going to her performance. He had planned on going to the racing finals but no, Max had to call an emergency meeting . "You have been haunted by a croaking star, Maxwell you really need to find stop obsessing" Michael growled. Glancing over at Maria, he wasn't surprised to find that she looked extremely pissed.


Rath stood between Ava and Lonnie. He looked through the glass and down at their dupes and their human friends. Wonder why da humans are wit dem?Looking over at Zan who was standing next to Ava, he said, "What a bunch of cornballs."
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Post by Zansgirl »


Damn it. It was about a stupid star that died. I thought he might have really had something, but no. Only my brother would call a meeting that was so lame. I had better things to do, then listen to Max make one of his speeches about how we all needed to be ready for the next challenge and blah, blah, blah, because of a 'star that croaked' as Michael so gradually put it. I'd rather be listening to one of Michael Metallica CD's, then Max, right about now. I'd rather be at Maria's performance, right now. Anywhere could do.


Great a star died. Wow, yippie for Max, for finding out about a star that died. I mean hello. It was a star. I know i'm supposed to be Max's mate, wife, whatever. But, i'm getting a little tired of him throwing these meetings that mean absolutly nothing. I was finaly making friends with Maria and Liz when Maria asked me to her performance. Isabel and I were going to go pick liz up and go. But, then we all get the call from Max about this meeting. And it was about.... a star.... that died. I swear i'm going to go crazy if this keeps going on.

(occ: hope dis is ok?)
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »

OOC great posts guys


"You have been haunted by a croaking star, Maxwell you really need to find stop obsessing" Michael barks at a surprised Max. I can't help but let my gaze roam over to Liz who seems less than thrilled to be here as well. Maria stands with her arms crossed definatly over her chest ,and I can't help but feel a tad sorry for Guerin. If he isn't careful he's gonna lose her to that Brody fellow. Tess and Isabel also look unimpressed as Max stammers for an explanation.

"Okay, so we need to be ready for the next step." I state trying to put this whole silly situation in perspective. "But what pray tell, Maxwell is the next step?" I inquire trying to keep my annoyance at a bare minimum.


I'm late. I know Alexzander Whitman is never late to a group meeting, but lets just say things have been a tad stressful as of late ,and I've been a tad preoccupied. Jogging toward the UFO Center I find myself short on breath. I reach a group of people who come to find out is my friends... Don't remember it saying anything about costumes on the invitation. Oh. But it's too late for Halloween, and it's too early for Mardi Gras, so what's goin' on? Are we like goin' on the Ricki Lake show or something? Nobody told me I would have came dressed as Tommy Lee."[/i] Blank stares all around.

"You know the drummer for Motley Crue." Still nothing. Damn, tough crowd. Wait, everyone knows about my love for 80's rock bands. Looking deep into their foreign eyes I realize that these were not the people I had come to know and love ,but strangers who wera their faces.
Peering down at what they had been intently staring at I see the real Max, Isabel, Michael, and Tess. Uh Oh. "Scratch that question. Uh, who needs a holiday to dress up, right? Anyway..." I conclude before making a run for it down the stairs. :wink:
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Post by roswell3053 »


I really don't know why everyone is so upset about this. This could be really important to our future. "I realize that everyone had other things that they planned on doing tonight, but I have a feeling that this is very important to us. I think that this is some how conected to our home."

I look at Tess and Michael thinking that at least they would be somewhat interested in what I am saying, but all I see is uninterested glares. Just then I look up when I hear some noise coming from the top of the stairs.

"Alex, you're late. When I call a meeting, I expect you to be here on time."

I can't believe that everyone looks to me to lead them, but when I step up to dicuss something with them that I feel is important, they don't care.
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Post by RiaRath101 »


Hearing someone coming, I turn my head to see who is coming. I am not surprised to see another human is rushing obviously late. Which makes me wonder why they have told all these humans their secret. I study him closely as he starts babbling about a costume party Another cornball. I raise his my eyebrow while noticing that he suddenly seemed nervous Iz ain't even going anythin n da dude acts like Iz gonna blast him Turning my head, I glance back down below telling him without words that we were not who he thinks we are. I can sense his fear when he realizes that we are not his alien friend. I hear, *Scratch that question. Uh, who needs a holiday to dress up, right? Anyway...* and watch as he practically runs down the stairs.


I noticed Max glance at both Tess and me like he had thought we would be more interested in the star than the others. I had to admit that normally I would be interested in finding a way home. Alex comes running down the stairs which makes me raise my right eyebrow at him while wondering why he seems spooked. I snicking hearing, Max yell at Alex for being late. "At least I was on time"I mumbled to myself. Deciding the best way to get out of the meeting was to humor Max, I said, "Yeah Maxwell what is the next step?"
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Post by FaithfulAngel24 »


"Alex, you're late. When I call a meeting, I expect you to be here on time." Max states and I can tell he's feeling the pressure of this whole leadership bit. I understand that I really do, but I'm not gonna spend my life pushing everything aside to entertain these alien caous theories. I want to have semi normal life, well as normal as a girl can get who dates Michael Guerin on and off. It's then that I notice look of panic enveloping my best friends features.

"Alex are you okay?" I question worriedly with a look of geniune concern. "At least I was on time" Michael grumbles to himself, I shoot him an icy glare as he continues, "Yeah Maxwell what is the next step?" Poor Max. He gets all the pressure. We always turn to him toknow the right thing to do. "My next step is gonna be to get out of here." I mumble throughyl ticked off at the entire situation. Alex begins shaking his head back and forth as if to tell me I couldn't leave. What is going on?


I'm trying my best not to freak out here. There are two of them! Two sets of aliens. Two Maxs. Two Michaels. Two Tess'. Two Isabel's. Hmmm the last doesn't seem like such a bad thing. Still, I have to warn them. The gang doesn't give me a chance to speak. "Alex, you're late. When I call a meeting, I expect you to be here on time." My jaw drops and I have a hard time control my anger. I am not one of his subjects. He won't treat me as thus. I'm here of my own accord, because I want to help.

"Alex are you okay?" Maria inquires and the upset look on her face makes me smile reassuringly. She shouldn't be here. It wasn't her fault that she got dragged into this mess. If it was up to me she'd be pefroming right now. Doing what she loves instead of giving Michael the silent treatment."At least I was on time" Michael acknowledges under his breath and I have to fight the urge to hit him again. I've only done it once ,and truth be told it hurt like hell ,but I felt better afterwards. He has absolutely no room to be lecturing me on anything.

"Yeah Maxwell what is the next step?" Huh? What did I miss? Did Ol' Stonewall finally enlisted himself in those anger management classes Maria has been nagging him about. It's a 12 step program right? Well, from his blank stare I'd say he hasn't took the first step yet."My next step is gonna be to get out of here." Maria reveals and I shake my head back and forth informing her that she can not leave. "Outside." Thats all I can manage.


"Alex, you're late. When I call a meeting, I expect you to be here on time." Wow, I really hate that guy. What am I even doing here? The last place I want to spend my Saturday evening his with this loser. Granted I feel a little bit bad about pretending to sleep with Liz so that he would see ,but there has got to be a reaso why she needed me to do it. He must have doen something really awful to make her resort to such measures. Still, I don't klnow what his problem is. He needs to just get over himself.

"Alex are you okay?" Now thta she mentions it Alex doe look a little green around the gills. Why does he look so upset? Has he finally had enough of the Alien Mafia too. I think we should picket. More respect for the poor earthlings. "At least I was on time" Guerin mutters under his breath and the aggravation in Alex's expression is apparent. Oh this could get interesting. Forget leaving. I've got front row seats to an Human/ Alien smackdwon.

Granted Michael does have a height and weight advantage plus freaky alien voodoo, but Alex seems mad pissed so I guess we'll see. I'm putting a twenty on Whitman. "Yeah Maxwell what is the next step?" Michael contines looking up to meet Max's gaze. Well, if there isn't going to be any bloodshed I'm so outta here. Maria voices my sentiments exactly. "My next step is gonna be to get out of here." I nod in agreement ,but Alex seems utterly frightened at the concept. He shake shis head back and forth in a defiant motion.

He only states one word. "Outside."
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Post by RiaRath101 »


Maria sends me an icy glare and know I am once again in the dog house. Though I couldn't remember if we were on or off today. I'm thinking off because I wasn't going to attend her concert. So technically she was already mad at me. Alex throws daggers at me I obviously pissed him off when I said, At least I was on time. Not like I had much of a choice. I raise my right eyebrow as if to say, Come on you expected me to be nice.

Alex' says, "Did Ol' Stonewall finally enlisted himself in those anger management classes Maria has been nagging him about. It's a 12 step program right? Well, from his blank stare I'd say he hasn't took the first step yet" I was already annoyed and Alex was now getting on my last nerve. Sure he had knocked me on my ass once but this time I would be ready for him. Not that I was in the mood to get into a fight with him. I shiver imagining Maria going all hurricane Deluca on me in his defense.

"You know I don't want to be here anymore than the rest of you"I growl. I wanted to join the rest of them and leave myself. I couldn't help but notice that Alex obviously doesn't want Maria to leave. He keep shaking his head and saying,"Outside." "You keep saying outside is there something outside?"I ask