Jumping to Love(UC/AU/Mature/Adult) CH 8 09/06/06 {WIP}

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Jumping to Love(UC/AU/Mature/Adult) CH 8 09/06/06 {WIP}

Post by Zansgirl »


Title: Jumping to Love
Author: Kate/Zansgirl
Coupling: Rath/Liz, Zan/Serena, Ava/Nicco, Lonnie/Jethro
Rating: Mature/Adult
Disclaimer: I owns nothin.

Summary: Liz makes herself a new life after living in hell. She meets Rath and they instintly fall for one another. Liz becomes good friends with Ava, Lonnie, Zan, Serena, Nicco and Jethro.
Serena, Nicco and Jethro are brothers and sister.
Da rest ya jus gonna haves ta read.




Chap. 1

"Passengers, we have now hit the destination, New York City." The bus driver said hitting the breaks and opening the bus door, letting dozens of people off in the same destination. A pair of black boots stepped off the bus and walked across the street and into a diner. She walked in and saw that it was just a plain old diner. Cream colored walls with a pastel green trim. It had wooden booths all around and only four tables in the middle of the room. You could see the kitchen from every seat in the place, so it looked.

She walked over to a booth and sat down. Biting her nails, waiting for a waitress or waiter to come and give her a menu. She had not eaten in four days and she was starving. The only thing she could afford was a glass of water or orange juice on the road, but ever since she stole the wallet of the guy that was sitting next to her on the bus, she had been waiting for a decent meal. It was about dinner time and she could smell meat cooking on the grill. She could feel her stomach knot up and then growl. She could feel her mouth watering and knew that if she didn't get something soon, she might fall over and die, that’s how she felt.

A waitress, about 5'3 with short blonde hair and black and pick streaks walked over and handed the girl a menu. The waitress was wearing a yellow tank top, a old pair of cut up black jeans with a black apron around her waist. "I'z Ava and I’ll be ya waitress, can I get ya somthin ta drink while ya looks ova da menu?" Ava asked being polite. Ava didn’t even look down at the girl she was looking at her pad with pencil in hand waiting for the girls drink order.

Liz looked up and caught the sight of the girl she never thought she'd see again, "Ava?" Liz said her voice hoarse from not eating and barely talking. Ava finally looked when she heard her name called. She smiled at the look of Liz, but then her beautiful smile and glistening eyes went to a frown and wide pupils. "Liz....Oh, my god." Ava said seeing the very skinny girl in front of her with a black eye and a busted lip. Ava sat down across from Liz, not caring what her boss, Logan, thought.

Ava put her hands over Liz's and felt her hands were cold as ice and saw that one of her fingers were broken and healing incorrectly. Ava was almost brought to tears seeing the once alive and loving Liz Parker, who took her in at one time, dead and hurt, as it looked.

Liz's eyes teared up and she started to cry when she felt the warm hands on hers dead cold ones. She laid her head on the table and just cried. Ava took her hands back and then moved out of her seat from across Liz to sitting right next to her. Ava put her hand on Liz's back and patted it. She leaned her head next to Liz's. "Liz, everythin's ok, now. It's al'aight. Shhh." Ava said patting her back trying to comfort her.

After a moment or two, Liz cleared up her tears and order a coke, a hamburger with fries, two vanilla milkshakes, a ham and cheese omelet, three different kinds of pies and four cookies. After eating ever crumb and drinking every drop of what she ordered. She leaned back in the booth and looked around the diner.

Ava sat back down across from Liz, after she cleaned a few tables. She looked at all the plates and smiled. "I'm glad ya got yaself somethin ta eat, but ya still looks like a toothpick." Ava said smiling at Liz. Liz could feel the corners of her mouth slightly moving upward making her smile back. But, then her smile faded as Ava asked the question, "Liz wats happened ta ya?" Liz looked around trying to figure out if she was going to tell the truth and lay all the cards out the table or lie and keep the horrifying memory of what happened locked inside her brain.

Liz looked up at the ceiling and could feel the tears prick the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill as she thought back to that day. She quickly threw back the tears and looked at Ava, "Nothing Happened." Was her reply to Ava's question. Ava shook her head knowing that something had to have happened, for Liz to break down and cry and look the way she did.

"Liz, I'z know somethin bad happened. Ya wouldn't have cried and ya wouldn't look likes ya were put threw a blender, if somethin didn't happen. Now, tell me da truth." Said Ava clearly wanting to know what the hell was wrong with Liz. Again, Liz look to the ceiling and studied the pastel green trim and again, tears threatened to spill. She didn't even look back at Ava when she started talking, she just looked down at the now, clean table.

"We were all at prom. Me. Max. Michael. Isabel. Alex. Maria. Kyle. Tess. All of us were there. We were all having fun. Dancing the night away. We were our own little family, even Tess. When we all got tired we decided to go to Michael’s apartment and just hang out for a while. When we got there we were taken. The FBI. They took us. All of us. We were put in what seemed to be plastic cells. All the girls in one cell and boys in another. They took Isabel first. They kept her for what seemed to be two weeks. She never came back. Tess was taken next. Then, Michael and Max. Alex and Maria were taken at the same time. None of them ever came back. They put Kyle and I in a cell together. For all we knew we were the only ones left. Then one day Kyle and I were taken into a room. I think it was a morgue. And...and they opened up six compartments......" Liz's threatening tears spilled, ".....And there they were. All of them.....dead. They were all dead."

Liz wiped away her tears and sat up straight, "Kyle and I were taken into another room where they took test. We both were so tired and sad we didn't fight. We let them take the test. I don't know how many they took, but if I were to guess it would be over fifty." The whole time Liz talked Ava was shocked, the FBI had actually caught them, killed some of them and did tests on them. Ava was pissed and felt sad for Liz and what she was put threw.

"When were asked questions we never answered, unless they beat us to severely that we couldn't take it anymore. We told them everything and anything they wanted to know. Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess weren't alive anymore, so there wasn't a secret to hide anymore, that’s what we thought. We told them about the crash, about the pods, about Nasedo and everything, except....you. I never told them anything about there being another set. I didn't want you, Rath or Lonnie to get locked up and tested on. Even, if Rath and Lonnie tried to kill Max at one point. I wouldn't wish what happened to me on anyone, not even my enemies."

Liz ran her hand threw her hair and then started again, "Kyle and I were in a room and two men were taking some blood. They took some of our blood every week and tested it. It was weird how they acted around us. It was like they knew something about us that we didn't. Some of the guards or agents would act almost cautious like we were ticking time bombs, they were just waiting for us to explode. The guy that was taking my blood was acting a little, well flirtatious and he was trying to play footsy under the table. Later that night, the same guy came into the cell and laid beside me. He put an arm around me and grabbed me,when I was about to talk he put his other hand on my mouth and said that if I screamed he would cut my throat." Liz took a deep breath, "I didn't care, I yelled for Kyle and quickly stood up and the guy did, too. He plunged at me with a knife in his hand. Before I knew it my arm was raised and he went flying."

Liz nodded her head slightly, remembering, "When he got up he saw me and Kyle standing next to each other. Kyle looked from him to me and the Kyle looked at my arm which was bleeding. The son of a bitch actually stabbed me. Kyle looked at the guy and I could see rage in his eyes. Kyle held up his hand and what seemed to be some electrical force was some how floating above his hand. Kyle threw it at the guy and killed him. Seconds later a guard ran in and shot Kyle. I was kept alive and as you can see tortured."

Ava's wide eyes were filled with tears, "Liz how did ya get out?" Ava asked.

Liz looked down at her hands, "I fought my way out and doing so I killed seventeen people." Liz said with disgust in herself, "Before I left the base I made the electrical unit explode which caused a fire. The whole place burnt down. That makes the count of people I killed over hundred." Liz tried to fight the tears, but she couldn't. The tears fought harder and escaped.

Ava grabbed Liz's hand, "Ya's gonna lives wit me, Rath, Lonnie and Zan. Understand?" Liz looked up, did she just say Zan?

"Zan? I thought....I thought that..." Liz started, but was cut off.

"I'll explain it layta. We need ta get ya ta da apartment." Ava said standing up. Liz stood up, too and dropped a fifty on the table.

Last edited by Zansgirl on Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:32 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thanks fa da FB :D

Chap. 2

They walked down an apartment building hall and stopped at a door that said 2B. Ava put her hand up against the door and Liz could hear clicks. Obviously, it was the locks, unlocking. Before Ava opened the door she looked to Liz. "Ya ready ta meet da clan." She said sarcastically with a laugh. Liz smiled, which caused some pain in her busted lip. Liz winced and brought her hand to her mouth. Ava stepped away from the door put a hand on Liz shoulder, "Zan will be able ta fix dat, ok." She told Liz. Liz nodded her head.

Ava opened the door and Liz saw a livingroom that opened up into a kitchen. Ava stood there and waved her arm for Liz to go in. Liz walked in and two girls on the sofa watching a movie. When Ava closed the door one of the girl yelled out, "Yo, Aves dat one movie ya likes is on." Ava didn't reply she stood there and then, "uh hem". She said with a cough. Both girls looked over at Ava, but there eyes trailed to Liz.

"Liz?" Lonnie said getting up and walking over to them, "Damn....wat happen ta ya?" Lonnie couldn't help, but look at Ava, who was shaking her head for Lonnie to stop. "I'lls go get Zan." Lonnie said walking towards the hallway.

The other girl got up and went towards Ava and Liz. She looked Liz up and down and wondered what the hell happened to her. "Liz dis is Serena, Serena dis is Liz an old friend." Serena held out her hand, "Nice ta meet ya, Liz." Serena said.

Liz hesitated before taking Serena's hand and then she shook it. "Are ya thirsty or hungry?" Serena asked Liz. Liz shook her head and said, "No, no, no. I about ate everything the diner had." Liz said with a smile. Serena laughed and looked to Ava, "I likes, her Aves. She's got a since of humor." Serena said, "Well, welcome ta da Big Apple."

"Thanks." Liz said and looked past Serena when Rath and what she thought was Max and two others walk in. Liz's eyes widened at the sight of Max's dupe. She new that he would look like Max, but not this much. Liz felt as her eyes started to get heavy and her legs suddenly caved in. "Oh, my god, Liz." Ava said. Before, Liz could hit the floor, Rath caught her. He picked her up into his arms like he was cradling a baby and looked to everyone, for help and wanting to be told what to do with the girl in his arms.

"Here take her in my room." Ava said leading Rath into her room. Rath walked into the room and laid Liz on the bed. He looked down at her and saw her black eye and busted lip. "Aves what da hell happened ta ‘er?" Rath asked. "Yeah." Said a voice from behind them. Ava turned around and saw Serena, Nicco, Jethro and Zan staring at her, as well as Rath. "Lets go in dere and i'lls tell ya." Ava said walking out the door, glancing quickly at Liz before shutting the door.

Once everyone was sitting down, Ava told them all what Liz had told them. About the FBI catching them and being tested, and about everyone that died and how Liz almost got raped. When Ava was finished Lonnie and Serena were almost to tears and Rath had his fists clenched. Zan, Nicco and Jethro were pissed. They might not know Liz or any of the people that were killed, but they felt pissed about how they were treated.


Liz opened her eyes and thought about how earlier she saw Max and now she was looking into the eyes of Michael. She sat up fast and wrapped her arms around him, "Oh, my god Michael I thought you guys were dead." She said tears filling her eyes and spilling out. Rath felt bad for her and put his arms around her for comfort.

"Liz, I's not Michael. I'ms sorry." He said as Liz pulled away. Liz put her hand to her mouth and closed her eyes as she remember seeing those six compartments that held her friends and then, Kyle being killed. Liz opened her eyes and more tears spilled out. Liz laid back down and curled up into a ball, crying.

Rath laid down on the bed and took Liz in his arms, "Shhhhh. It's aight. Ya all aight." Rath said combing one hand threw her hair and rubbing her back with the other. "Ya all aight, now. Shhh. Shhh."


Ava was peeking through the door seeing Rath and Liz. She smiled. because she had never seen Rath like that. Rath was like an older brother to her, sure he was protective, but he never treated anyone like how he was treating Liz. Ava saw actual love coming off in waves from Rath to Liz. Ava closed the door and walked back into the living room seeing everyone sitting there in silence.

"Hows is she?" Lonnie asked.

"Jus fine, Raths comfortin 'er." Said Ava going over and sitting next to Nicco. Nicco out his arm around her and kissed her forehead. Ava smiled up at him.

"Rath? Is comfortin 'er?" Asked Jethro with a laugh, "Man I's gotta see dis." He said getting up. Right away Ava stood up and stood infront of Jethro, "No." Ava told him, "Ya leaves dem alone. Liz isn't in good shape, once Rath calms 'er down Zan cans heal 'er. I wants my friend healed and ok and ifs ya go in and stops Rath by makin a stupid comment, ya ass is mine." Ava said poking Jethro in the arm.

"Fine." Jethro said sitting back down, next to Lonnie and rubbing his arm, which Ava poked. Lonnie laughed and kissed Jethro on the cheek, "Ya so cute win ya pout." She said, then got up and went to the kitchen.

"So, wat are we's supposed ta do?" Serena asked as she went and sat in Zans lap. "Ya, Wats are we's supposed ta do wit 'er" Zan asked, "I's mean, is she stayin 'ere or wat?"

"I'd like to if you don't mind." Said a voice from behind them all. Everyone look up and her and Rath. Ava got up and went over to Liz taking her in a hug, "Ofs course ya can stay 'ere, right guys?" Ava said looking at everyone.

"Yo, ya friends wit Aves ya my friend, too" Said Nicco. "Same wit me." Lonnie said. "And us." Serena said gestering to her and Zan. Everyone looked to Jethro, then Lonnie hit him in the arm, "Aight, aight. Ya my friend, too girl. Jus don't ask me ta go shopping wit ya, like dese girls do." Jethro said looking at Ava, Lonnie and Serena.

Liz laughed, "Thank you all. I really appretiate it." She said and looked at Rath from the corner of her eye.
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thanx fa da FB everyone. :D

Chapt. 3

Liz was walking through the apartment. It had been three days since she came to New York and she was getting used to all the new things, especially Rath's taste in Music. Metallica. Michael listened to it, too. And Liz had only listened enough of it, when he was alive, to like one song. St. Anger. She bought the CD just to listen to that song, she remembered Michael telling her that she needed to listen to the other songs, so that she could really feel Metallica's rhythm.....And she did, but still, found herself liking only, St.Anger.

Ava had told Liz that she would be home alone today, for her and the others had to work at the diner and at the tattoo shop down the road. Liz, was happy that she had the apartment to herself, mostly because she wanted to just walk around in her underwear and AC/DC t-shirt. She couldn't remember the last time she did that. 'Oh, yeah Maria and I did that when she spent the night last summer.' Liz thought to herself. And the single thought of Maria brought flashes of her and Kyle walking into the morgue and finding everyone else....dead.

Liz shook her head, ridding her mind of the very thoughts that haunted her. She walked over to the entertainment area and found a CD case filled with CD's. She opened it and sat on the couch, flipping threw them, until she came to the one that made her stand up. She walked over to the DVD player and turned everything on. She put the CD in and waited for the music to start.

'St. Anger 'round my neck
St. Anger 'round my neck
He never gets respect
St. Anger 'round my neck'

Liz bobbed her head with the music and started singing to the lyrics, "St. Anger 'round my neck. He never gets respect."

'You flush it out, you flush it out' She let the fast part go.

"St. Anger 'round my neck," She started again, letting another fast part go, then went along, again, "He never gets respect." She waited for a moment while the drums and guitar went off and she started dancing around the livingroom in her underwear and AC/DC t-shirt, "Fuck it all and no regrets. I hit the lights on these dark sets. I need a voice to let myself. To let myself go free. Fuck it all and fuckin' no regrets. I hit the lights on these dark sets. Medallion noose, I hang myself. St. Anger 'round my neck." Liz sang.

"I feel my world shake. Like an earth quake. It's hard to see clear. Is it me? Is it fear?" She went on, "I'm madly in anger with you. Oh, I'm madly in anger with you." She breathed and started dancing in circles wildly, while the drums and guitar went off, again. Then, she swayed to the first part of the song repeating itself, slowly, then coming up.

"Fuck it all and no regrets. I hit the lights on these dark sets." Liz sang and started dancing, again. " I need a voice to let myself. To let myself go free. Fuck it all and fuckin' no regre..." Liz trailed off and jumped as the door opened and their stood Michael's replica.

'I hit the lights on these dark sets
Medallion noose, I hang myself
St. Anger 'round my neck'

The song went on, as Rath and Liz stared at each other. Liz, was about to say something when she closed her mouth and just walked over to the DVD player and turned the music off. She went back to the place she was standing in, before, "I'm Sorry." She said.

Rath didn't reply back. He just stared at Liz. After a moment, Liz figured out that she was still in her underwear and AC/DC t-shirt. Her eyes widened which followed my her mouth falling open. She started pulling her shirt down trying to cover up as much leg as possible, which was impossible, with the shirt being so small.

Rath started walking towards her making her nervous. They were an inch apart and they cold feel each others breath and hear each others hearts beating loudly. Rath trailed his hand up and down her arm. Giving Liz goose bumps. She looked down to the floor and Rath raised her head softly, to where she was looking into his eyes. Rath licked his lips and his hand went to her back and made itself down south, making Liz close her eyes as his hand clasped her. Rath started leaning in and Liz was, too. They were only a centimeter apart, from locking their lips. Then, click. Liz jumped up and ran to the room she was staying in. Rath turned around to see the front door opening and Jethro walk in. Rath hung his head and let out a breath.

Jethro stopped in his path as he saw Rath standing there, "Ya ok, Duke?" He asked Rath. Rath squinted his eyes at Jethro and walked to his room. Slamming the door and sitting on his bed, putting his head in his hands.
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thanx fa da FB. :D

Chapt. 4

"Yo, girlie get up." Ava said and pulled the sheet off Liz, "We'z gonna go shoppin. Get ya some new clothes. Hows dat sound?" Ava asked and walked over to the window and pulled the curtain open and let the sun shine in. Liz sat up and yawned, "Well, do I have a say?" She asked Ava, rubbing her eyes. Ava looked at Liz and put a hand on her hip and a finger on her lip, acting like she was thinking. "No, ya don't." She said and walked over to the dresser. She opened it and threw a black v-neck on the bed. She then, went to the closet and got a pair of Liz's jeans and threw them beside the shirt. Setting a pair of black boots at the foot of the bed. "Now, see ya gear. We'z gonna get ya all pimped up." Ava said with a laugh, which made Liz smile and shake her head.

Ava walked out of the room and Liz got up and got dressed in what Ava got out, which infact was the only clothes she had, besides the loans from the other girls. She finished zipping up her boots then sat up and quickly made her bed. She went and grabbed her coat and walked out of her bedroom door.

"There ya are." Serena said smiling. "Yeah, 'bout time ya got up." Said Lonnie, just joking around. Liz went over to the kitchen table and took a piece of toast she stuffed it down and when she looked up everyones eyes were on her, "Sorry, old habits die hard." She said wiping her mouth and remembering that at the base there was a certain amount of time to eat and once that time was over they just came in and took the tray. "It's all aight." Ava said knowing what Liz was thinking about.

Once breakfast was finished Ava, Lonnie, Serena and Liz all headed out to go shopping. They stopped at a small shop first. It was called 'Dark Little Angels'. And everyone was looking for stuff for Liz saying that she needed some new gear, or she'd be out on the streets sleeping. The last part was only a joke and Liz laughed at it. "Ok, now here's somethin fa ya." Ava said holding out a red wife beater and a black mini skirt that had a silver chain. Liz's eyes widened. "Are you serious?" Liz said she had never wore a skirt that small, the red wife beater was nice, but she wasn't so sure about the mini. "Yo, girl you'd look tight in dat." Lonnie said. "Yeah, and dese fish nets and boots would do dat out-fit a whole lot a justice." Serena said holding a pair of red fish nets and some black knee high boots up to the out-fit. "Uhh...I don't know guys." Liz stated. Ava took all the clothes Items and grabbed Liz my the arms, "Well, we do." She said and dragged Liz to the dressing room, "Now, try all dis stuff on and come out ta show us." Liz looked down at the clothes and then back at Ava and she had a look that she had come to know as the 'better do what I say' look. She had given that look to Nicco more than twice.

Liz grabbed the clothes and went into the dressing room. She slipped out of her old clothes and into the red fish nets, then the skirt, followed by the red wife beater and black boots. Liz came out of the dressing room and some people in the small shop stopped and stared. "Damn." Liz heard the guy behind the counter say and she couldn't help, but blush. "Liz, ya look awesome in dat out-fit." Ava said followed by two 'Ditto's' from Lonnie and Serena. Liz walked over to a mirror and looked herself up and down. 'Damn, I do look good in this.' She thought to herself. "Ya, so gettin dat." Ava said. Liz only nodded her head in agreement. Serena and Lonnie went over to her and rushed her into the dressing room. "Now stay in dere." Lonnie said, "We's gonna give ya some clothes ta try on." Serena said. Liz stripped down to her underwear and waited for the out-fits.

The second out-fit she tried on was a black tube top that had pink on the sides, a pair of tight, black leather pants, which of course had a chain, and some combat boots. Third, was a small black t-shirt, that came above the belly and had Rolling Stones written in red across is, with a red mini shirt and some boots. Fourth, was a very low dark blue v-neck and a black leather skirt that came to the knees, with some blue fish nets and another pair of combat boots.

After Liz tried on the out-fits she decided that she wanted them all, and the girls were more then happy to buy them for her. After they left 'Dark little Angel' they went to the Tattoo shop. Where they met Zan, Nicco, Jethro and Rath, all working. Ava walked over to Nicco, who was about to give someone a tat. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and that was it. Nicco put the needle down and stood up wrapping Ava in his arms, giving her a kiss. Jethro was washing his hands in the back, so Lonnie went back there to see him. Serena went and put her arm around Zan's waist, as he was at the counter adding something up. He put his arm around her shoulder and brought her to him giving her a kiss on the forehead and whispered something in her ear, which Liz heard, it was an, "I Love ya." Liz smiled and looked over to Rath who was giving a girl a tattoo. She watched as he was very careful and paying full attention to what he was doing.

"Yo, Liz ya can come back here." Ava said waving for Liz to come behind the counter. Liz walked over to Rath and watched as he finished up the tattoo. It was a dragonfly and it said, 'Lifes not alway Beautiful'. Liz didn't get it, the dragonfly was one of the most beautiful insects. Compared to the butterfly, most people would go for the dragonfly. Liz couldn't help herself, "Why'd you pick a dragonfly for that quote." She asked the girl who had just gotten the tattoo. The girl looked up at Liz, "The Dragonfly may be beautiful on the outside, but on inside it's only thoughts are survival. Survival isn't a beautiful thing, Survival is intinct. An Instinct that keeps us from death, which death haunts us everyday." The girl said and walked over to pay for her permanent body art. Liz looked down and remembered that those words were told to her before, by Kyle. Liz could feel the tears, yet again, prick the corners of her eyes. She turned to Ava, "I'm gonna go....for a walk." She said starting to walk away. "Do ya want me ta come wit ya?" Ava yelled after her. Liz only held up her hand, indicating that she wanted to be alone.

Liz walked and walked and when she stopped it was infront of a, what looked like, a hippy store. Liz walked in and looked around. This store seemed to have everything. From trinkets to cd's. Liz went over to a shelf and picked up a buddha, then over to where she saw a whole bunch of oils and fragrances. She went over and picked up Ciper Oil, along with others oils, as well as candles. Then, she went over to the CD's and saw a whole bunch of different ones. She grabbed three Metallica ones and a Nelly Fertato. She went over to the counter and set all the stuff down. When she looked to her left something caught her eyes. She walked over to it and picked it up. Feeling the leather spine. She opened it and it was blank. She set it down with the rest of the stuff. Once she paid for all the stuff she walked back to the apartment. Locking the door, knowing that her roommates could get in just fine. She set her three bags down. Two had her clothes and one had the stuff she got at the 'hippy' store.

Liz took her coat off and went and grabbed a CD, 'Metallica (Black Album)'. She unwrapped it and threw the trash in the bag. She went over to the DVD player and put the CD in turning it to 'My Friend of Misery'. She pushed play and listened. The guitar going solo as the drums start beating and then the bass. All joining together.

'You just stood there screaming
Fearing no one was listening to you
They say the empty can rattles the most
The sound of your voice must soothe you
Hearing only what you want to hear
And knowing only what you've heard
You you're smothered in tragedy
You're out to save the world'

Liz walked back over to that bag and took out the Buddah setting it down on the coffee table and surrounding it with the candles. She took the matches the guy threw in and lit one lighting all the candles. She then went and got the Ciper Oil and opened it taking in the scent.

You insist that the weight of the world
Should be on your shoulders
There's much more to life than what you see
My friend of misery'

Then she walked into her room and grabbed a pin and walked back into the living room and sat on the couch, taking the leather bound journal in her hand. She placed a hand on the front of it, then easily opened it. Not knowing if she should start writing.

'You still stood there screaming
No one caring about these words you tell
My friend before your voice is gone
One man's fun is another's hell'

She placed the pen on the blank page and started with, 'My name is Liz Parker and everything has changed.'

'These times are sent to try men's souls
But something's wrong with all you see
You you'll take it on all yourself
Remember, misery loves company'

'Everyone is gone. I have started anew in New York City. I can't even believe I made it, to even make it to the big apple. But, still everyone is gone. Kyle, Alex, Maria, Tess, Isabel, Michael....Max. There all gone. I'm trying to except that fact that I will never see them, again, not until I die, anyway. I've metnew people. Made new friends. Ava, Nicco, Lonnie Serena, Zan, Jethro and....Rath'.

You insist that the weight of the world
Should be on your shoulders
There's much more to life than what you see
My friend of misery'

'First of all I should get out about how Zan is alive. Well, Ava and the rest of them set me down and told me, that it was only staged for Nickolas. That Nickolaas said something to Lonnie about killing Zan. I guess Lonnie didn't want her brother dead so she went to Ava, Zan and Rath. Telling them that Nickolas was going to kill Zan. Which, Zan had the plan to fake his death. He hid out for awhile at a local Hotel/Bar. That's it really. And the whole thing with trying to kill Max, was all just for show, for Nickolas'.

'You just stood there screaming'

'Now, I need to let something out. I have feelings for one of my roommates and everytime he looks at me I can feel myself get weak in the knees. He makes my mouth water everytime he looks at me. I never thought that I would have these feeling I have towards Rath, ever again. Ever since I saw Max on that table. I thought that every inch of Love was ripped from my heart and soul. But, now I know. I know that some part of me can still love or at least desire. That day he caught me dancing, it was a day I wish was never interrupted. A day that I wish could have gone through. Maybe I could have felt all the love return to me. But, I won't. Hopefully some day....All my love can be restored, so that once again I can give my whole heart to someone'.

'My friend of misery'
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thanx fa da FB everyone. :D I's know dis is short and all and it might be cruel how i's ended dis chapta, but I's hope ya all like.

Chapt. 5

Rath went up the steps and into the apartment building. He went up the stair to get there a little faster, the stupid elevator was always getting stuck and he wanted to get up into the apartment to check on Liz. When he got to the door, he found it locked. But, before he waved his hand and unlocked it he stood there for a moment and listened to the music he heard playing.

'It feeds
It grows
It clouds all that you will know
Decide just what you believe'

Rath recognised the song as Metallica's 'The God that Failed'. But, he didn't have 'The Black Album'. Rath waved his hand over the lock and went inside to find Liz's bags on the floor. He saw a wrapper on the floor next to one of the bags. He went and picked it up and he saw that there was a sticker on it that said Metallica. He went and peeked in the bag and saw three more CD's. A Nelly Fertato and Two more Metallica one's. Some sort of fragrance came across him and he looked over to the couch and coffee table. There he saw a buddha, candles, and some bottle of something he didn't even want to inhail. He went over and sat on the couch, finding that it was warm. He looked to the side of him and saw a leather bound book, but when he opened it he found that it was a journal.

'I see faith in your eyes
Never your hear the discouraging lies
I hear faith in your...'

Rath raised his hand and turned the music off, looking down at the words, 'Now, I need to let something out. I have feelings for one of my roommates and everytime he looks at me I can feel myself get weak in the knees.' Rath combed a hand threw his mohawk and kept reading. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself. 'He makes my mouth water everytime he looks at me. I never thought that I would have these feeling I have towards Rath, ever again.' Rath's mouth completely dropped and he couldn't take his eyes off of it, skipping somethings and getting right to where she was taking about him, 'I thought that every inch of Love was ripped from my heart and soul. But, now I know. I know that some part of me can still love or at least desire. That day he caught me dancing, it was a day I wish was never interrupted. A day that I wish could have gone through. Maybe I could have felt all the love return to me. But, I won't. Hopefully some day....All my love can be restored, so that once again I can give my whole heart to someone'. Rath closed the journal and looked around, wondering why Liz wasn't here. He really wanted to talk to her. He needed to.

He walked over to the frig and saw a post-it that said 'Went out, sorry about the mess.' Rath took the note and stuffed it in his back pocket. He went over to the jounal and ripped the page out, also stuffing it in his back pocket and walking towards the front door, shutting and locking it on his way out.

Rath searched the New York Streets, trying to find the brunette. He saw millions upon millions of girl with long brown hair, but everytime they turned around, they weren't her. After hours, he gave up. He started walking home, when he saw her. The face that matched the brown hair. She was walking into an alley. Rath new that alley really well. It was a short cut to home. He crossed the street and went into the alley, almost stalking her. Being very quite so he wouldn't frighten her. Then, like a cat on a mouse. He grabbed her and twirled her around pushing her, to where her back was up against the alley wall. She was about to scream, but then saw his eyes and held it back. "Rath, what the hell are you doing?" She asked appauled my his behavior. Liz watched as he grabbed something from his back pocket and started unfolding it. "Did ya write dis?" He asked. Liz's eyes widened and she looked to the ground embbarassed, then anger took hold of her as she looked up at him, "How dare you read...." She started, but was cut of by Rath yelling, "Did! You write dis?" Liz jumped at his loud words and was, too frightened to speak. "Liz...Pleaz. All I wants ta know, is ifs ya wrote dis? Dats it. So, did ya?" Rath asked in a more soft tone. Liz looked up into his eyes and then at the dumpster across the way. "Yes." She said and before she could say anything else. Rath had thrown the piece of paper behind him and grabbed Liz taking her into a fierce kiss.
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thanx fa da FB everyone. :D

Chapt. 6

Liz felt her body hit the alley wall as Rath kissed her. She didn't push away. She didn't hit, nor kick him. So he took that as a welcoming. Liz wrapped her arms around him and moaned into his mouth as they kissed, sending a vibration through their lips. Rath wrappped her legs around his waist and continued to kiss her. Finally they broke the kiss, due to the lack of oxygen. Rath looked deep into her eyes and her into his. Liz nodded her head, indicating that whatever he was thinking it was ok. Rath mimicked her nod and then let her slide down his body. Liz looked at him confused. Rath gave her a smirk and then picked her up craddle style and walked out of the alley and onto the sidewalk towards the apartment.

When in the elevator they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Rath brought her lips into a passionate kiss, touching every inch of her body. Liz feeling the ecstasy as they kissed traveled her hands down south and grasped a body part that Rath had once grasped on her. When the ding came Rath picked her back up in craddle style and walked towards the apartment, still kissing her and not looking where he's going, though he knew if things were in his way, so that wasn't a problem.

Once at the door, neither Rath, nor Liz noticed the gang behind them, watching as they made out and then entered the apartment and kicking the door closed in their faces. "Well, I guess we's goin out fa pizza." Zan said putting an arm around Serena and walking towards stairs. For they didn't like the elevator. Lonnie, Jethro, Ava and Nicco all followed. Ava smiling as they left the building.

Rath made his way to his room kicking the door shut once inside. He went towards the bed and softly laid Liz down, breaking the kiss for air, he slipped his jacket and shirt off. Looking at Liz with hungry eyes. Liz quickly took her jacket off followed by her shirt. Rath kicked his shoes off and then helped Liz out of hers, her pants also. Now, both in underwear only. Liz put her hands at her bras front clasp and unhooked it, taking her bra off and flinging it across the room. She then stood up, off the bed and walked over to Rath. Pressing her body to his. She kissed his lips slightly. She went and touched the border of his boxers, sliping her fingers inside and pulling them down to his ankles. She went to go down on him, when his hand touched her chin and brought her up to where her eyes were staring right into his.

He picked her up and brought her back over to the bed, lying her down. He went and grabbed the border on her underwear bringing them down and off her legs, gently. Rath hovered above Liz and brought the blanket over them. He looked into her eyes for another approval and, again she nodded her head.

Rath went and grabed his hard cock and guided it to Liz's wet heat. He slipped into her. Making Liz gasp with pleasure. Rath then stopped for a moment and looked down at Liz as he noticed that there was a barrier keeping him from going further. Rath didn't move, until he figured, that he was Liz's first and he was going to make it memorable. "Dis is gonna hurt fa a second." He said as he brought his hard cock back aways and then thrusted up into her quick and fast. Liz squinted her eyes as the pain took over her lower region. Rath let her sit awhile, before moving in slow soft thrust for her to get used to him.

Once Liz was tired of the slow movement, she started thrusting her hips, wanting Rath to go faster and he sure did get the picture. He went faster and a little harder, not wanting to hurt her. "Oh.....Rath...." Liz breathed in pleasure. "Liz....Ya so damn tight." Rath moaned thrusting up into her. "Oh. Oh. Oh....." Liz groaned. "Liz....Oh..." Liz met everyone of Rath's thrust. One by one. Liz met each. Liz arched her back and Rath went further touchinig her G-Spot. Liz felt as her orgasim come. "Ohhh....Rath!" She screamed hiting her point. Rath thrust a couple more times then hit his, sending his hot seed into her withering heat. "Liz..."Rath yelled her name and then collapsed beside her on the bed.

After a minute or three, they caught their breaths. Rath put an arm around Liz and she snuggled into his side. And in each others arms they fell asleep.
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thankx ya all fa da FB. it's nice ta know ya guys likes my fic :D

Chapt. 7

Rath woke up, tangled in Liz. She was snuggled up to his chest there legs crossing each other. Rath smiled down at the beautiful creature in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and laid there. Waiting for her to wake up. He moved the hair out of her eyes and then, caressed her arm. Liz flinched in her sleep and then her eyes fluttered open. Looking up into Rath's. She smiled, "Good Mornin." Rath said with a grin on his face. "Morning." Liz said smiling back. She remembered what they did and she smiled even more, her cheek flushed and turned pink.

Rath laughed, "Ya, ok?" He asked, "Ya looks happy and yet, embarrassed." Rath said and Liz started shaking her head, "No, not embarrassed, more like the feeling of I just lost my virginity last night and am overly excited about it." Liz said. Rath smirked. "Exited?" He said, "Do I's make ya exited, Liz?" Rath asked her. Liz looked down at her hand as Rath's hand intertwined with hers. She bit her lip and looked up into his eyes to find lust and desire and it looked like a hint of something else, but she couldn't make it out. "Yes." She replied to his question.

Rath felt as his cock got hard. Damn how was he going to get rid of this. Liz felt as it touched her leg. She smiled up at Rath. "Rath....I want you." She said in a slightly husky voice. Rath smirked, "Ya want me, well hows much?" He asked her. "Rath just do what we both obviously want." Liz said, pleading him with her eyes.

"Are ya sure, aren't ya sore?" He asked her. Liz nodded her head, "Yes, very, but maybe you within me with soften the soreness." She says and he nods. He lifts up on his hands and hovers over Liz. "Ya sure, 'cause I's don't wants ta hurt ya." Rath said. Liz smiled up at him and nodded her head, "If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have asked." She tells him.

Rath nods his head and reaches between them bringing his hard cock to her wet, sore heat. He softly entered her, making her eyes close and her mouth open, moaning out in pleasure. Rath captured her open mouth into a kiss, while thrusting softly into her, wanting her to get used to him. He got the clue that he needed to go faster, when Liz started bucking her hips. Rath went faster. "Rath....Harder....Please..." Liz moaned out loud. Rath did as he was told, "Liz ya so tight.... I's loves ya tight pussy round my hard cock..... It feels so.... good...." He tells her, thrusting. "Awww....Rath...."Liz groaned. Rath brought his cock completely out of her and then thrusted up into her making her, "Rath....!" Scream Rath's name in pleasure.


"Rath....!" Everyone heard the scream from the room. Everyone looked towards the door. "Damn, Rath's doin dat bitch hard and good, it's makin me hard." Jethro said. He looked to Lonnie, "Hon, are ya in da mood." Lonnie rolled her eyes and looked at him, "Jeth, would ya stop askin me. When I's ready ta fuck. Ya'll know, ok." She tells him. Jethro nodded his head and looked towards the floor. Ava and Serena laughed. "Awww...Poor, Jeth." They both said and laughed, again. "Yo, ya two shut up." Jethro told them.

"Jeth, ya betta shut dat mouth ofs ya's, unless ya wants it pounded in." Nicco said, putting an arm around Ava. Ava stuck her tongue out at Jethro and smiled. She loved Nicco. He was her life, her soul mate, her love.

"Yeah, Serena don't needs dat shit from ya. Ya 'er brother." Zan said, then kissed her. Serena wrapped her arms around Zan and they fell to the couch. Starting to search each others bodies. "Go, get a room. I's don't wants ta watch my brotha fuck." Ava said. "Yeah, ands we's like ta not see our sista come thanx ya very much." Jethro said, specifically to Zan.

To late. "Zan...!" Serena said as she came fast. "Ahh...Serena!" Zan said and then, zipped himself up and helped Serena fix herself up. Jethro and Nicco just looked away, they were used to fucking infont of each other. For Nicco took Ava all the time when people were around, and Jethro, well he was just lucky that Lonnie wanted to fuck at all.


Rath fell next to Liz's side. they both tried catching there breath, and once it came that snuggled close together. "Ya, so amazin, Liz." Rath said smiling. Liz smiled, she couldn't help it, "Rath, ya da one dat makes me so 'amazin'." She said in an imitation of a New Yorker.

Rath looked to her, "Ya makin fun ofs me?" He asked jokingly. Liz gave him a look that said she was thinking, "Well, yes I think I am." She said and Rath grabbed ahold of her rolling them in the bed. Liz laughed as he started to tickle her sides. "Stop. Rath stop please, stop." She said laughing. Finally, Rath stopped. He looked down at the beauty beneath him, "Liz, I's loves ya." Rath told her. Liz's eyes widen a little at what Rath had just said. At first she didn't know what to say, then it came to her, "I love you, too."
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Post by Zansgirl »

Thanx fa da fb everyone. It really encourages me ta right good stuff fa ya guys. :D :wink:

Chapt. 8

Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall everyone stands
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along

The All-American Rejects sang on stage in the club 'Illusions'. Ava and Nicco were dancing to there favorite song. Smiling at each other and kissing every now and then. Lonnie and Jethro were also dancing, but morely making-out. Jethro was going to get lucky tonight by the looks of things.

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold

Zan took his shot and slammed the shot glass on the table. Serena looked up at him and bit her bottom lip. She knew how much that drove Zan crazy and he knew she was doing in on purpose. Zan took ahold of Serena's hand and dragged her out of the booth. "We'lls be back ins a minute guys." Zan said and hurried off to the bathroom with Serena.

"MmmHmm." Liz mumbled as she put a hand through Rath's hair. Rath just waved them off and then put his arm around Liz. He lean in more making her lay down on the booth. He kissed down her jaw line to her neck and passionately took her pulse in his mouth.

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)

Zan pushed his way through the line to the bathroom, coming to the front of the line and when the door opened he stepped in with Serena making the whole line of people groan, angrily, because they all had to piss. Zan gave them all a wink and then closed the door, locking it. Turning around, Serena jumped on him taking his lips into a kiss and unbuckling his belt.

When everything is wrong, we move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong, we move along
Along, along, along

Rath slipped his hand up Liz's shirt and under her bra, softly cupping her right breast and squeezing it. "Ahh..." Liz moaned. Rath smiled as he kept sucking on her pulse. Kissing back up to her mouth, her mouth partly open inviting him. They massaged their tongues and searched each others mouths hungrily, not getting enough of each other. They both wanted more.

When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

Nicco clasped Ava's ass and brought her closer to him. Swaying their hips and grinding into each other. Ava laughed and kissed Nicco hard. Running her hands through his hair, then letting her arms fall to her side and he led her hips to the beat of the music.

Lonnie and Jethro found their way back to the booth and had to go through on the other side to sit down, for Rath and Liz were in the way. Jethro looked at them in envy, he wished that Lonnie would do something like that, so public. But, she was a private person, when it came to having sex. Or beginning to have sex, in Liz and Rath's situation.

When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

Zan sat Serena up on one of the sinks and slipped his hands up her thighs to her thong, slipping it down to her ankles, all the while Serena was unbottoning and unzipping Zans pant pushing them down, along with his boxers. Zan leaned in and captued Serena in a fierce and demanding kiss before thrusting up into her. "Ahh...." Serena moan in pleasure feeling Zan large cock enter her.

When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

Rath looked down at Liz, "Ya ready fa a public appearance." Rath said with a chuckle. Liz smirk and when she went to grab for Rath's pants to pull them down, she found that they already were. "Ooo, no work." She said smiling. Rath chuckled, again. Then put his hand under Liz's skirt bring her thong down. Rath looked up for a moment making sure, he didn't expose his pride and joy to anyone else, but himself. He smile she he only saw Lonnie and Jethro across the table. He looked back down at Liz and entered her slowly.

"Rath...."Liz moan frustrated. Rath smirk and then made his thrust harder and faster.

"Oh, Rath...." Liz moan in plearure. "Harder....Harder..." And at her command Rath fucked her harder.

"Dammit Liz....Ya so tight...." Rath said as her tight heat wrapped around his cock as he thrust in and out of her. "I's loves how ya so tight fa me....and me alone...." Rath said knowing that Liz was his first real love and would be his last.

(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
Right back what is wrong
We move along

"Zan!" Serena scream as she came. Zan thrusted a couple more times, "Serena!" He screamed and came, also. Zan kissed Serena's forehead and her cheek, across her nose to her other cheek and then found his way to her mouth. Her mouth waiting for Zan to search it, with his tongue. While, doing so he pulled her thong back up and his boxers and pants. He broke the kiss to help her fix up. He help her off the sink and then kissed her lips softly and put an arm around her and making her exit, out of the bathroom.

(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
Right back what is wrong
We move along

Rath thrust up one more time and they both came screaming each other names, "Rath...!" "Liz...!" Nobody noticed there screams for the music was loud. But, Jethro and Lonnie noticed and laughed as they both sat up, hair a little out of control.

The band stopped for a moment to get ready for there next song. "Ya guys, are like fucking rabbits." Jethro said laughing. Rath held up his hand exposing his middle finger, "Well's at least I's get a lil somethin, somethin, every onces in a whiles." He say with a smirk.

"Every once in a whiles!" Jethro said shocked, "Try every ten minutes." He corrected. Lonnie laughed and kiss Jethro's cheek. Putting her hand on his thigh and moving up. Jethro looked over at her and she gave him a wink. She leaned over and whipsered in his ear. And by the looks of him when they parted, he was going to get some honey tonight. And a lot of it.

Ava and Nicco came right at the same time Zan and Serena did, they all sat down and ordered another round of drinks."So, what'dya guys do, whiles we was dancin?" Ava asked taking her shot of whiskey and slamming the shot glass down. Rath and Liz looked at each other and smile. Zan and Serena did the same. "We's jus gotta a whole lotta fuckin rabbits round here." Jethro said. At first Ava had no idea what he was talking about and then she looked at Liz, and her face told alot, well it was mostly her hair, "Oh..."Ava said nodding her head slowly.

"Yea.." Jethro said nodding his head, too.

Let me know that I've done wrong
When I've known this all along
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you

Tell me all that you've thrown away
Find out games you don't wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know

The next song started and Ava sqealed grabbing Nicco's hand, "lets go." She said and jerked him out of the booth. Nicco rolled his eyes, but knew that The All-American Reject were Ava's favorite band. Just like Metallica was Raths. And Papa Roach his.

I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret

Liz looked to Rath and he grabbed her hand and kissed it gently. She tilited her head to get a better look at him and smiled. She really did love him. And he her. They were soul mates and belonged together.

Who has to know
When we live such fragile lives
It's the best way we survive
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you

Tell me all that you've thrown away
Find out games you don't wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know

Zan reached for Serena's hand and brought her out of the booth and they made there way over to the dance floor. And started dancing. They laughed and kissed and talked. "I's loves ya, Serena." Zan said looking her in the eyes. Serena looked up at him wide eyes. "I's loves ya, too." She said smiling.

"Ya do?" Zan asked surprised. He thought that she's say something like, 'Yeah, you, too.' But, Serena nodded her head, grinning up at him, "Yeah, I's do. I'vs always loved ya, Zan." She told him and he took her into a hug and sqeezed her tight, then kissed her forehead.

I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret

Rath folded his arms across his chest and stared at Liz as she stared at Ava and Nicco, Zan and Serena, and now Lonnie and Jethro. Liz looked around some more, before looking up at Rath, "What?" She asked with a smile.

Rath shook his head, "Ah, it's nothin." He told her, but she wouldn't budge. "Rath, come on....What is it?" Liz asked a little more impatient. He looked at Liz with lustful eyes, "Would ya likes ta dance?" He asked her and her eyes winded and her impatient look turned into a smile. She nodded her head, "Yeah, I'd love, too." She told him. He reached and grabbed her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. She laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around him, he did the same and they swayed to the music. Rath kissed her forehead and then laid his cheek where he had kissed.

I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret
Dirty little secret
Dirty little secret

Who has to know
Who has to know
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