Little Katie Whitman And The School Bully(Teen,1/1AU,CC)

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Little Katie Whitman And The School Bully(Teen,1/1AU,CC)

Post by killjoy »

TITLE- Little Katie Whitman And The School Bully.

Rating- Teen

Disclaimer- Own nothing from Roswell so please don't sue.

Author's NoteThis was a little one shot I thought of.Set in the future with your normal four pairings.A/I,K/T.M/M and M/L.The story revolves around little Katie Whitman.I have others but instead of making this a multichapter thing,I'll just make them 1/1 stories with different names.Well that is if you like this and want more of Little Katie? :oops:

Little Katie Whitman And The School Bully.

Six year old Katie Whitman was standing off to the side of her kindergarten classroom playing with one of the dolls.Well that was until Jimmy Sullivan,the biggest most meanest boy in the class,came over and ripped her doll right out of her hands.

"Hey give that back!" Katie yelled as she jumped up and down trying to get her doll back

"Nah-uh!" Jimmy,who was holding the doll up over his head so the jumping Katie couldn't reach it,shook his head"Make me!"

"If you don't give me back my doll right this second...I'll...I'll " Katie crossed her arms and glared at the boy "...I'll get my Uncle Michael to come here and beat you up!"

"You're cute." Jimmy smirked but still not giving the doll back "I think you can be my girlfriend."

And with that Jimmy lend in to kiss Katie.But that was all he remembered because the next thing he knew he was laying on the floor curled up in some serious serious pain.


"So you see Mrs. Whitman that's why we called you here." Ms. Alexander,the principle of Roswell Elementary, told Isabel "Even though Jimmy is going to be ok and his parents are willing to let all of this rest,in today's climate we can't let any violence in school be tolerated."

"I totally understand." Isabel nodded and than looked over at her daughter. Katie was sitting in the chair next to her mother with a bored look on her face as her crossed feet swung back and forth under her chair "I assure you that Katie's father and I have never in any way taught her to use violence to solve problems."

"Than I must wonder Mrs. Whitman.Just how was it she knew how to..well you know....." Ms. Alexander hesitated for a second a little embarrassed "....hurt a boy there?"

Isabel looked down at her daughter "Katie?"

"Yes mommy?" the little girl smiled

"The lady here asked you a question.She wants to know how you knew to kick that boy there."

"Uncle Michael taught me."said Katie.

"Michael did what?!" Isabel glared her voice rising to dangerous levels.

"Uh-huh" Katie nodded "Uncle Michael told me that when I was at school if any old nasty dirty boy was to try to kiss me I was to take my foot and kick them real hard in the...."

"Ahhheemm,yes!" Ms. Alexander cleared her throat "I believe I'm starting to get a clearer picture on what's going on here."

"Me too." Isabel nodded and than turned to her daughter's principle "And rest assured Ms. Alexander I will be having a LONG talk with not only Katie but with my 'brother' Michael too."

"Well in that case Mrs .Whitman I believe we have everything cleared up here." nodded the principle as she rose from her seat behind the large desk "Just take Katie home with you for the rest of the day and bring her back to school as normal on Monday."

"Thank you again for not making too big a deal out of this." Isabel said as she shook the older woman's hand. Turning back to her daughter "Let's go Katie."

"Where are we going mommy? School's not done yet." Katie asked once they had gotten outside of the school and were heading for Isabel's car.

"You got in trouble so I'm having to take you out of school for the day." said Isabel as she opened one of the back doors to her car to let her daughter climb in.

"Ohhh can we go get some ice cream than?!"

Isabel climb into the driver's seat and looked into the review mirror to make sure Katie was buckled "No we can't go get some ice cream. You're in trouble here little missy! So that's a big NO on the ice cream And now since I got to get back to work I got to take you to the Crashdown and let your Auntie Liz keep an eye on you until I get off work later this evening."

As her mommy cranked the car and started to pull out of the parking lot,Katie hid her smile.Her mommy might not let her get any ice cream but she wasn't upset.Her mommy was taking her to the Crashdown.

Uncle Michael worked at the Crashdown!

Uncle Michael would get her some ice cream for not letting that nasty old boy kiss her!

He might even give her two scoops!
