Make A Wish (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Chapter 5 11/9 pg 6 [WIP]

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Queen Fee
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Make A Wish (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Chapter 5 11/9 pg 6 [WIP]

Post by Queen Fee »


lovely banner by ~Amara~

Summary: Wishes are just wishes, aren’t they?

A/N: So I can’t get this idea out of my head, I know what you’re thinking “is she crazy? Fee is already leaving us hanging with another fic!” I know but I can’t help myself! I’ve got so many ideas for this story. :D

Please let me know what you think, whether or not I should continue.

Couple: Focuses on D/L

Disclaimer: Ok I got the inspiration for this fic from the episode of Supernatural What Is And What Should Never Be and the movie Big (y’know with Tom Hanks, I know random). I don’t own either of those nor do I own Roswell or any of the characters.

Tess isn’t evil, so Alex is still alive (YAY!)

Chapter one

“C’mon Liz,” Maria encouraged, grabbing her best friend’s arm.

“Maria why did you insist on bringing me here?” Liz whined. Honestly she would rather be anywhere else at that particular moment.

“It’s a carnival Lizzie, its fun!”

Fun, yeah, Liz snorted to herself. The last time she went to a carnival didn’t exactly leave her feeling warm and fuzzy. I guess being kidnapped by a shapeshifter could do that to you.

The scent of cotton candy and popcorn filled her senses, she felt sick.

Not only was she at a carnival but she also had to endure the fact that she was the only one out of the group who didn’t have a date. Alex had Isabel, Maria had Michael and Max had Tess.

Ahh, Max Evans. The man who brought her back to life yet killed her at the same time. Ok so maybe that’s a bit dramatic, she thought to herself.

Liz was over him, she truly was. Hell, she even considered Tess a friend and despite how much she tried to she couldn’t hate Max. But that still didn’t make the ache go away completely. He stayed away from her, like Future Max had asked, had predicted but Liz had been right when she said to him that she would end up alone.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by a firework going off above her head. The sound of bangs and people appreciating the sight danced around her.

To her left Alex had his arm around Isabel. They looked so happy. Liz was glad, if there was anybody in this world who deserved to be happy it was her best friend Alex, he was a good guy.

Beyond them were Max and Tess. Jealously bit at her slightly but the feeling left as soon as it came. If you’d asked her a year ago how she would feel about them together, Liz would have probably burst into tears but after the whole Future Max thing she knew it was for the best. And Tess wasn’t a bad chick; in fact she was pretty cool. She even asked Liz if she was ok with them as an item. Liz’s relationship with Max was now purely platonic. He was like her brother and aside from the whole finding the orb thing they never really had the fiery, explosiveness in their relationship. It was tentative, awkward, and unsure. A high school romance.

No, she wasn’t jealous of their relationship. It was their closeness. She gave up everything for a better future and now she was alone. Sure she had her friends but it somehow didn’t feel enough.

Liz looked to her right a moment later; Michael was stood with arm around Maria, trying to protect her from the fire works. Liz smiled, some habits die hard.

The seven of them walked around the site ten minutes later, taking in the atmosphere.

“Ok, clowns freak me out,” Alex said shuddering slightly.

“You’re such a wuss Whitman,” Michael replied.

“Seriously Alex you need to get over that. They’re not going to kill you when you’re in bed,” Liz laughed.

“You never know!” Alex said indignantly.

The group laughed as they passed what looked like a mannequin in a glass case.

“Oooh, what’s this?” Tess squealed excitedly. She had never been to a carnival before.

“A quarter I will need from you, to make your every wish come true,” Max read out loud from the parchment.

“What a loud of crap,” Michael muttered.

“I want to have a go,” Maria said shrugged off her boyfriend. She took a quarter out of her pocket and put it in the slot. She closed her eyes as she made a wish before turning the handle allowing the money to roll into the mouth of the mannequin, which was modelled on a fortune teller, big hooped earrings and a sovereign chain around its neck.

Maria turned around and then sighed sadly. “It didn’t come true.”

At their questioning looks she continued. “Michael didn’t turn into Brad Pitt,” she said in a sad voice.


Two hours later Liz had somehow lost her gang. She wandered around aimlessly, her anxiety not at losing her friends; no she could take care of herself. What was bothering her was the fact that her bladder felt like it was ready to burst.

Finally, she noticed a portable rest room a few hundred yards away. Breaking into a run she made her way over there. Whew, probably just in time too.

Liz walked out a few minutes later, her face displaying her disgust, sure those things were convenient but hygienic they certainly were not.

Suddenly bright lights and a loud tinkling tune started up from next to her. She clutched her chest in fright. Thank God she didn’t have a heart condition.

It was that mannequin thing from before. Liz walked closer and took a quarter out of her pocket. She shrugged. It couldn’t hurt right?

Last edited by Queen Fee on Fri Nov 09, 2007 6:12 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Queen Fee
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Post by Queen Fee »

Thanks for all the feedback, folks!

Jensen Lover 37
Ellie - I promise, these 2 crossover stories are totally gonna be finished...... one day. The others, mmmm not too sure right now but YGMS and this story are my lil babies and I love them, even if i do need a friendly kick up the backside to write sometimes :wink:
KiaraAlexisKlay - - I'm soorrrryyyyy!! I don't mean to be heartless! My mind just switches from one thing to another....... it's alway been a problem for me, ever since school. Anyhoo, glad u like it. *hugs* :D
Jezebel Jinx

I was planning on posting this tomorrow but I'm going to visit my grandma in hospital (she's ok, well she is now anyway), so I thought I'd drop this off now.

Thank You! :)

Chapter 2

Liz awoke with a start, blurry eyes trying to adjust the intrusion of daylight. As her brain started to function properly, she thought of the carnival last night.

Wait. How the hell did I get home?

She shot up in her bed. She was wearing her pyjamas, nothing out of the ordinary there. Did Maria bring her home? She wracked her brains. Seriously, how could she not remember coming home?

Liz shook her head being involved in the alien abyss had really made her paranoid. Any other girl her age waking up with no memory of getting home would just be having a typical morning after a heavy night partying.

But Liz didn’t drink. Well maybe she had but couldn’t remember. Maybe Max’s mojo had made alcohol as taboo to her as it did the other aliens.

Liz’s eyes scanned the room, still deep in thought. Not really looking for anything in particular until her eyes landed on her nightstand, more specifically the silver framed picture beside her bed.

As she picked it up she stared in shock. In the photo she look so happy, her arms wrapped around…….Kyle?!

Sure, they were friends but in this picture it certainly looked like something more. It looked like they were at some kind of party in the picture. A party she had never been too. She’d never worn that dress, never had her picture taken in a place like that with Kyle.

Liz looked closer at the picture and made out the words in the big blue and gold banner in the background. “Junior Prom.”

She suddenly felt sick. What the hell was happening? She put the picture back down again and walked into her bathroom. She splashed some water on her face trying to snap herself out of it.

Liz hurriedly got changed and walked downstairs into the backroom of the Crashdown.

She immediately zoned in on Maria on the couch making out with….. Billy?! This day was getting weirder by the second.

As if feeling Liz’s eyes on them Maria pulled away from Billy.

“Hey, sweetie,” she beamed her arms still wrapped around him.

“Listen, babe. I’d better go, I’ll call you later,” Billy said to Maria. “See ya Liz.”

“Um yeah,” she muttered.

Maria stood up stretching her limbs.

“You ok, chica?” she asked noticing the confusion on her best friend’s face.

“What about Michael?” Liz asked. Sure Maria and Michael fought like cat and dog but they loved each other, last night it seemed more apparent than ever.

“Michael who?” Maria asked looking every bit as confused as Liz had only seconds before.

“Michael Guerin,” Liz answered as if stating the obvious.

Maria’s delicately plucked eyebrows scrunched together.

“Michael Guerin?! The grumpy guy who works here? What does he have to go with anything?”

“He’s your boyfriend, Maria.” Liz thought her friend was being a tad heartless, as if cheating on her boyfriend wasn’t bad enough Maria seemed to totally disregard him.

Maria’s snorted laughter brought Liz out of her thoughts.

“Good one Liz!” She laughed, mirth swimming in her eyes.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen that guy talking to a girl, let alone dating one. He certainly is a loner that one, always hanging out with that Max guy and his ice bitch sister.”

She chuckled as she walking into the front of the diner with Liz staring after her.

Had she missed something?

Since when had Billy been back in town?

Since when had Maria ever denied her relationship with Michael?

Since when had Maria described Isabel as “Ice Bitch”? Ok, she corrected herself, she did used to say that but that was before the whole “alien” business came out. Liz, Maria and Isabel were good friends now.

Liz followed Maria out into the front of the restaurant. Well, everything seemed normal to Liz.

She spotted Max, Michael and Isabel in the booth that they usually sat in. Liz was just about to go over and talk to them but was halted by Maria’s voice.

“Max Evans is staring at you again, Lizzie. You’d think after all this time he would get that you’re not interested.”

“What do you mean, Maria?”

Maria rolled her eyes at Liz. “C’mon, after all these years I can’t believe that you don’t notice the puppy dog eyes he sends in your direction, the longing looks. I mean it would be sweet if you didn’t have a boyfriend.”

Liz froze. “What?” she asked weakly. She didn’t have a boyfriend.

Maria carried on talking, ignoring her. “And Max is kind of quiet, a loner. The only people I ever see him hanging out with are his sister and that Guerin guy, hardly a glowing social network. Come to think of it I’ve never seen Max talking to a girl either, maybe him and Michael are g-“

“What about Tess?” Liz interrupted.

“Who the hell is Tess?” Maria asked. Liz looked at her best friend. They’d know each other forever. Liz could always tell if she was lying or joking. This time she was not.

“Tess Harding. My height, curly blonde hair, followed Max around like a lost dog while we were dating…..”

“While who was dating?”

“Me and M -never mind,” she sighed. Liz was starting to get a headache.

“Chica, are you ok? You’re not talking any sense right now.”

I’M not making sense?! Liz thought.

Maria looked at her friend worriedly; she felt Liz’s forehead until her hand batted her away.

“I’m fine Maria, just a little tired.”

There was no point in carrying on with this conversation. The more Maria talked the less sense she seemed to make.

The bell alerting them to a new patron sounded. Liz looked up and saw Alex enter.

Alex, Liz thought in relief, finally someone who could explain why Maria was acting so strange and why Max, Michael and Isabel didn’t seem to acknowledge her.

He walked over to them with a typical spring in his step.

“Good morning lovely ladies.”

“Morning Alex,” Maria greeted brightly.

“Hey. Why didn’t you say hi to Isabel?” Liz asked. “Did you guys have a fight or something?”

Now it was Alex’s turn to look at Liz like she had grown another head.

“Are you kidding? Last time I said hi to the Prom Queen she humiliated me in front of the entire Home Ec. class. Now why would I say a simple “hello” to her ever again? She’d send another icy blast my way. She’s hot but also kind of a bitch.”

Alex studied her. “Are you ok?”

Maria shook her head at Alex. “She’s been acting strange ever since she came down stairs this morning. Maybe she’s got amnesia?”

“You have got to stop watching those soap operas with your mom, Ria. They’re starting to warp your mind.”

“Ha-ha, you’re funny.”

Liz observed her two best friends. They looked and sounded like normal but the things that they were saying, well she didn’t know what to think.

“There’s my girl!”

Liz whipped her head around to find Kyle heading straight for her. She looked behind her to see who he was talking to, she saw no-one.

As she turned back around her lips were assaulted by Kyle’s. She pushed him back slightly.

“What the hell are you doing?!” she asked.

Kyle just looked at her. “What’s the matter Lizzie? You’re not still mad at me for cancelling our date last night are you? It was the play-offs, they only happen once a year. Anyway, I’ll make it up to you tonight. I booked us into the fanciest restaurant in town. Just you and me.”

He winked at her.

Liz nodded mutely. She glanced at Alex and Maria who didn’t seem shocked by Kyle’s words.

“You look kind of pale, babe,” Kyle noted.

“I-I’m just a little tired, I guess. Maybe I’m coming down with something.”

“Well, you don’t seem yourself this morning. You should head back upstairs and get some sleep. I’ll cover for you.”

“Thanks Maria,” Liz muttered.

She was halted by the alien calendar near the door leading to the backroom.

She looked at the year, written in luminous green at the top. 2007. Well at least that much hadn’t changed. And it was September just like it had been yesterday.

“Hey what’s the date today?” she asked.

Alex looked down at his digital watch. “Um 18th.”

“What’s wrong sweetie?” Kyle asked noticing his girlfriend's startled expression.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” she responded in a shaky voice before exiting.

“You guys don’t think she’s still mad do you?” Kyle asked Maria and Alex.

Alex shrugged. “Don’t know, man. I never know what goes through women’s heads. Maybe it’s her time of the month. Ow, Maria!” He exclaimed rubbing the back of his head.

“I’m worried about her. She’s not herself this morning.”

Kyle nodded in agreement. “I’ll talk her to her later.”

Liz ran upstairs out of breath, her head spinning. To say that she was confused would be the understatement of the century.

She reached under her bed for her journal. The pages blank. Hmm strange, she hadn’t remembered starting a new one. Then again that was the least of her worries right now.

She lay on her bed and looked at the picture of her and Kyle once more before writing.

Her journal had always helped her make sense of things.

September 18th. I’m Liz Parker and I think I’ve just entered the twilight zone.

Btw the timeline on Roswell has moved up to the present, so it’s 2007 and the gang are seniors in High School.
Last edited by Queen Fee on Sun Sep 23, 2007 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Queen Fee
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Post by Queen Fee »

Thank you for the feedback once again.
Jensen Lover 37

Ok, so apologies if their are spelling mistakes or things that don't make sense in the writing, my stupid Word is acting up. *mumbles to self about throwing the computer out of the window*

Also if anything within the story doesn't make sense please ask, I may not answer some questions but I sometimes forget that you guys can't read my mind.

I'll shut my trap now. Thank you!

Chapter 3

Liz looked down at the notes that she had written and frowned. As a scientist writing notes was supposed to help you come up with different theories, plans and allow you to evaluate but Liz had nothing. Well that was not strictly true, she did have a written theory she just had a hard time wrapping her head around.

It can't be a coincidence that last night she wished not to be involved in the whole alien mess and the next day, well, not being involved at all.

It was almost like her wish had been granted and that she was in some alternate universe. Liz snorted to herself, no, there had to be a logical explanation, but a little voice in her head kept repeating you used to think that aliens were far fetched.................

Liz collapsed onto her bed in frustration and she fell into a fitful sleep.


Liz was suprised when she woke up, she'd slept the whole night through. She glanced at her night stand. Still the same picture as the night before, Kyle with his arms wrapped around her.

She closed her eyes again, not for the intention of allowing sleep to overcome her but to think for a moment. It was 2007, that much was still the same. Max healed her originally in 2005, although Liz was pretty sure that in this reality that never happened. So her and Kyle had been "together" for two years?

She opened her eyes and smiled despite herself. She was fond of Kyle. Did she love him? No, but she had a lot of time for him or at least she used to back when things were normal, when she was involved with Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess, battling with evil aliens, the FBI and other such life threatening obsticles.

Liz frowned. That used to be normality for her? But now it seemed that it wasn't. She smiled slightly. This is what she wanted, to live a normal life. It seemed like this was her chance.

With a new found clarity, Liz jumped out of her bed and skipped into her bathroom.

"Morning Maria!" She greeted when she went downstairs, engulfing the blonde in a hug.

After a moment Maria hugged her back.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I am now, Ria. I am now."

Liz gave her a huge smile. Maria laughed.

"Good, y'know you had us pretty worried yesterday. Kyle was all ready to call Dr. Frank."

"I'm fine now. So tell me everything that's been happening here over the last two years."

She noticed the strange look on Maria's face. "Um, I'm doing a english project and we have to write another person's point of view on a moment in our lives. I have chosen to do important things that have happened to me in the last 24 months." Liz hoped she bought it, otherwise she ran the risk of increasing Maria's perception that she had either been drinking or getting high.

"You're such a dork, Parker," Maria replied rolling her eyes with a smile on her face.

"I'll tell you what. After our shift we'll go upstairs with the trusty ice cream tub and do it. Ok?"

"Thank you, Maria. Oh by the way where are my parents?"

"They're in Santa Fe. We saw them off last week." Maria's look then turned into understanding. "You haven't had your morning coffee yet, have you?"

"No, I haven't," Liz laughed.

As the morning wore on, Liz held herself back from asking stupid questions. She worked around her section as usual, laughing and joking with the customers like she used to, not worrying whether or not they were FBI or Skins.

She looked up as Max, Isabel and Michael walked in. Max stared at her as he sat down. Michael glared at everybody in the room and Isabel had her nose slightly stuck in the air. Liz stifled a smile as she walked over to them.

"Hi, what can I get you guys today?" she asked brightly.

"3 cherry cokes," Isabel answered coldly.

Liz waited a second. No please? No thank you? No "Hi Liz how are you today?" Of course not. Why would they? Liz was nothing to do with them anymore. Hell it took them like a year and a half to trust her in the old reality, well apart from Max.

"Coming right up," Liz smiled.

Max gave her a small smile while Michael and Isabel completely blanked her out.

They weren't her problem anymore. Liz's smile grew as she walked over to make the drinks.

Half an hour later Liz, Maria and Alex were sat in the booth behind the Pod Squad. Maria and Liz were on their break.

"And I was thinking that maybe there should be a key-change before the last chorus. What do you guy's think? Or is it a little too Backstreet Boys?"

"A little bit," Maria and Liz answered at the same time.

"Damn it," Alex whined as he scribbled on his piece of paper.

"Why don't you sing with the Whit's Maria?" Liz asked as she sipped some more of her Blood of Alien smoothie.

"Have you forgotten the monumental disaster that was the Blind Date concert?!"

"Hey," Maria argued looking slightly outraged. "I was nervous, I had the date to prepare for as well."

Liz had to bite her tongue, resisting the urge to ask if Maria was picked for the blind date. Liz guessed that she was.

"Anyway Alex, you want to come up for ice cream later? We gotta help Liz with her english project."

"Sure," he answered before looking at his watch. "I gotta go, practice is in like 20 minutes. See you guys later."

As he walked past Isabel Liz noticed that Isabel actually spared him a glance. To the untrained eye, that's all it would appear to be, a simple glance but Liz knew better. The only looks Isabel Evans gave to people that weren't in the Roswell High "It crowd" were looks of digust and irritation. It seemed Isabel didn't completely hate Alex Whitman. Interesting.

"C'mon, we better get back to work, I can sense Agnes sending us the evil death rays, God forbid she miss a cigarette break. I was swear she smokes like 50 in a shift."

"Ok, maybe not quite 50," Maria amended at Liz's look. "But a lot. I would never smoke, it ages you. I mean look at Agnes, she's only 25!"

Liz giggled and allowed Maria to pull her from her seat.

She stood by the milkshake machine waiting as it spluttered milk into the pink frosted glasses, it seems Liz's father had neglected to get the machine fixed in this lifetime too.

"Check out those two hotties," Maria whisped into her ear.

Liz turned and watched as two men entered the restaurant. One rakishly tall with dark brown hair, bangs covering his forehead, the other a little shorter with light brown hair, wearing a leather jacket. Both were very easy on the eye.

"Oh man, they sat in your section," Maria whined jokingly.

Liz flicked back her hair smugly. "What can I say? They must sense the impending quality of service."

"Bite me."

Liz laughed as she walked over to the table slowly, giving them time to decide on their drink order.

As she walked closer to them, Isabel walked past with Michael and Max walking a few steps behind her.

"Hey sweetheart," the shorter man said to Isabel with a slight smile.

"Drop dead," Isabel said frostily as she walked by.

Liz sniggered and stood next to their booth, watching as the smug looking one seemed to turned a shade of pink. Obviously rejection wasn't a common occurance.

"Hi welcome to the Crashdown. Can I take your drink order to start?"

"Yeah, um can we get 2 cokes please?" the taller one asked politely.

"No problem, be back in a moment."

"Thank you......Liz," the seemingly arrogant one said looking at Liz's name badge. Liz rolled her eyes, he was obviously just checking out her chest.

Liz returned with their drinks a few moments later. As she approached their table she heard a bit of their conversation.

"We should just ask," that was the shorter one.

"You can't just ask a question like that out of the blue Dean," the taller one responded.

"Here you go," Liz said making her presence known.

"Thank you," the tall one answered. "Listen, we're new here in town. Can you suggest any places to go?"

"Well..... there's the UFO museum across the street, a few gift shops and themed stores. So you two are tourists?"

They both nodded.

"You two don't seem like alien nuts to me," she said with a small laugh.

"Well, we're kind of here on a job," Dean answered. Liz noticed his green eyes twinkling slightly. She ignored the shiver that went down her spine.

"Oh really? What do you guys do?"

"We're the the American Tourist Board, just looking around the area. I'm Dean, this is my brother Sam."

"I'm Liz."

"I know," Dean said with a smirk, his eyes once again landing on her badge.

She nodded, not really knowing what to say.

"What can I get you to eat?"she asked taking out her order book.

"2 Alien Blasts please."

"Be right back with those," she answered walking away.

"Liz Parker, you better not have been flirting with those honey's," Maria said walking up to her as she placed the order. "You have a boyfriend."

"Oh please Maria, I was not flirting. Besides, you're right I'm with Kyle."

It felt like a lifetime ago since she had said those words.

It was a lifetime ago, she realised.

Liz was brought out of her thoughts by Maria.

"Liz, where were you?"


"You zoned out on me me there."

"Don't tell me, you were thinking of Kyle again?"

"Something like that."

Last edited by Queen Fee on Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Queen Fee »

Hey guys, sooo sorry for the long wait on this. Massive thanks for all the FB and the bumps. The next part is dedicated to dreamerfrvrp3 for all the bumps. :wink:

Chapter 4

Liz walked down Main Street reflecting on the last 24 hours, to say that they had been strange would be an understatement but not in a terrible way, obviously being thrust into a seemingly parallel universe was majorly unsettling but she seemed happy, so did her friends but most importantly they were safe.

Maria, Alex and Kyle didn't have this huge conspiracy on their shoulders and Max, Michael and Isabel weren't exposed because she was never healed, never shot.

The aliens occupying her thoughts suddenly sped past her in their jeep. She couldn't help but wonder where they were going, what they were doing. Liz shook her head. No. Not her problem anymore.

It was a beautiful day, the slight autumn breeze making the New Mexico heat cool slightly.

Liz felt a prickle at the back of her neck and stopped, she was being watched. She turned sharply but saw nothing, she shrugged, maybe her mind was playing tricks on her.

As she got closer to the Crashdown she noticed a black car parked at the other side of the street, an Impala. Kyle would be so proud of her, he used ramble on to her for hours and show her pictures in car magazine and brochures. It was a gorgeous car, even a car novice like herself could appreciate it. Liz smiled to herself and walked into the cafe to start work.

"Hey Liz," Kyle greeted from his seat on the counter when she walked past him.

"Kyle," Liz smiled as he followed her into the back room.

"So listen, I'll pick you up at 8. Ok?"

Liz hesitated for a second, still not used to her and Kyle apparently still being a couple.


She flinched slightly as Kyle's lips brushed against hers but relaxed into it a moment later. He was still Kyle, one of her best friends. At least she knew the guy she was dating.

He pulled back a few seconds later. "See you later, babe."

Fours hours later Liz felt like banging her head against the table. This was not the Kyle she knew, well actually he was, when they were dating originally a couple of years ago this was him. Not the Buddha loving best friend/brother she knew and loved but the sports jock who seemed to love the sound of his own voice and openly checked out other girls while she was right there.

"- and Pauly missed the damn thing! The ball was coming right at him and he missed it! I swear Amanda has him by the balls. Ever since he got with her he's been so...."

Liz mentally shut him off. Why was she with him? Or rather why was "this" Liz? She had never been so bored in her life.

"Have you ever thought of becoming a Buddhist?" she asked interupting him.

He looked at her like she had just spoken in Chinese. "What? No, meditation and a load of "hmmm"ing isn't exactly me. Are you alright? You've been acting a little odd for the past couple of days."

"I'm fine," she reassured him, "I'm just gonna go to the bathroom."

He watched her as she walked away and shook his head slightly. "PMS."

She looked at herself in the mirror for a few minutes. Was she the same Liz Parker? Had she changed so much in this life that she stayed with Kyle despite the fact that there seemed to be zero chemistry? Even before Max healed her she always knew that her and Kyle probably wouldn't be a long term thing. Sure, she cared about him and knew that he cared about her but love?


Liz pulled out her phone from her purse and read Maria's text message.

Hey, hows ur nite? Those 2 hot guys r in again, the shorter 1 asked if u were around. U got an admirer Lizzie! ;-) I'll call you later, babe. M. xx

Hot guys? Liz thought, and then she remembered those two guys who came in yesterday, the ones from the Tourist Board. The shorter one was quite cute, she mused to herself as she walked back into the restaurant.

"Hey Liz, I ordered dessert."

Later on Kyle watched as Liz fished out the apartment keys from her bag.

"I promise next time I'll remember to bring my wallet, Lizzie."

"It's fine," she replied, still rooting through her handbag.

"So am I coming up?" he asked leaning against the porch frame.

Liz's head snapped up. "Excuse me?"

"C'mon, let me make it up to you."

Her mouth went dry and he pulled out a square foil packet from his pocket.

"Kyle.....have we... I mean... we've before?"

"Seriously Liz, I know you must be pissed that I forgot my wallet again and I'm sorry but theres no reason to disregard little Kyle." he answered gesturing to his groin.

At Liz's confused look Kyle blew out a heavy sigh. What was up with Liz lately?

"Junior Prom was our first time together, remember? The fancy hotel, just you and me......Seriously Liz, I know I keep asking but are feeling ok?"

Liz had to blink back the tears. "N-no, I think I'll just have an early night. Bye."

She ran upstairs as fast as she could, her hand covering her mouth.

She had lost her virginity to Kyle but she couldn't remember. Inside she was still a virgin but physically she wasn't.

She tried to think rationally. She had only been in this "reality" for a couple of days, so technically maybe she still was.... This is ridiculous, she thought, grabbing her jacket. She needed to get some air.

Liz found the gushing water almost hypnotic as it caught the spotlights shining around the fountain. This place always relaxed her, although right now she didn't feel relaxed at all.


She looked up and saw the guy from yesterday. "Oh, hi," she muttered looking back into the water.

Dean sat down beside her causing her to look up again, an eyebrow raised in question. He ignored her look, she probably wanted him to get lost.

"Brooding," he said staring at the cascading water.

"Excuse me?" Liz asked slightly irritated.

"I said "brooding". You're brooding," he repeated ignoring her glare. "My brother Sam is always staring moodily into the distance, brooding."

Liz stayed silent, maybe if she ignored him then he would go away.

"Maybe I should introduce you, you guys should be professional funeral crashers-"

"Look, Dean, is it?"

He nodded.

"Dean, I don't need some stranger coming up to me giving me his little theories about life and about me, okay?"

"Whoa, fair enough," Dean replied raising his hands in surrender, "Are you alright?"

Liz laughed, humourlously. "I really wish people would stop asking me that. No, I'm not but I can't tell anybody why. They'd just send me to a rubber room."

"Well I've seen and heard of a lot of crazy in my life. Feel like spilling your guts? I'm occasionally a good listener."

Liz smiled at the sincerity in his eyes. "I'm not exactly the kind of girl who reveals their secrets to somebody she's just met."

"Fair enough."

Both sat watching the water for a few moments before Dean turned back to Liz. "How can you sit here without needing to pee?" he asked.

Liz laughed. "I better get going," she said standing up. "Night."

She heard footsteps behind her as she walked. She turned around and raised her eyebrows questioningly at Dean.

"Don't worry, I'm not some crazed stalker. I'm going this way."

After walking a few metres more Liz stopped again and allowed Dean to catch up. "It's creepy," she stated in explanation as they continued walking, Dean smirked at her.

They walked in comfortable silence before they reached the Crashdown.

"Well this is me. See you around Dean."

"Night Liz."

He waited until she was inside before turning back to the direction they just came from.

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Queen Fee
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by Queen Fee »

Thank for the FB

dreamerfrvrp3 - I love you and your bumps! :wink:
Watusi Luci

A big thanks to Kristin (KiaraAlexisKlay) for beta-ing this part for me and for giving me such great ideas. *big huggles* Love ya! :D

Chapter 5

Sleep overtakes Liz almost instantly. It felt like she had only been asleep for only a few seconds when she heard a light tapping at her window. Her blinking digital clock told her that it was 2:17. Who the hell was at her window at this hour?!

Liz got up and turned on her lamp. Grabbing her robe, she walked over to the window, rubbing her eyes to try and wake herself up.

"Maria?" Liz asked as she walked closer.

Through the glass she could see the tear tracks on her best friend's face.

"Sweetie, whats wrong? What happened?" Liz asked as she slid her window open.

Maria launched herself at Liz and held her tight. "Maria, you're scaring me. What happened?!"

She had never seen Maria so upset.

Maria pulled back and looked at Liz. "Bi - Billy. I - . He was with another girl." Sobs wracked her petite frame as she looked down at an unspecific spot on the concrete.

"Oh, Maria, I'm so sorry. Come on," she grabbed her hand and lead her through the window.

They sat on the edge of Liz's bed as Maria spoke. "I went over to his apartment to suprise him because he'd been working late. Or so he said," Maria added bitterly. Liz genlty rubbed her lower back. Sympathy directed towards Maria and anger towards Billy running through her mind. The bastard.

"I walked into his room and-and there they were. Naked and-and t-touching each other." Sobs overtook Maria again.

"I'm so, so sorry Ria," Liz felt tears come into her eyes as she comforted her broken friend.

"I can't believe that he would do this to me again."

Liz nodded until she registered what she had said. "Wait a minute. Again? Maria, he's done this before?"

"Yeah, remember Kasey Smith," Maria practically spat out the other girl's name. "He said she "totally came onto him and he didn't know what he was doing and was thinking of me the whole time". The JERK!"

She watched as Maria's sadness turned into anger.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Maria asked in a small voice. "Can I stay here tonight?"

"Of course you can," Liz replied placing a chaste kiss on the top of her head.

Later as the two girls lay in Liz's bed, she gazed at Maria's sleeping form. She had nodded off almost instantly, probably due to all the crying she had done.

As Liz gently stroked her hair, she felt a pit in her stomach. Guilt. Was this all her fault? If by some freaky chance that she wasn't either nuts or dreaming, had she somehow changed this reality? Was this now real? Had she, in some inadvertant way, broken her best friend's heart? Michael would never hurt her in this way and this badly, Liz was certain. Even during the whole Courtney thing, she knew that Michael could never, ever hurt Maria that way. Sure, they were on and off more often than a bathroom light but in the end everybody knew that they always go back to each other. Michael and Maria probably knew it themselves too.

Her head filled up once again with more questions. If she could change the future, would that mean that she could have also changed the present? Liz sighed.

"I'm sorry, Maria," Liz whispered into the darkness.

The next morning, Liz woke up early and went downstairs to make breakfast. She was determined to take Maria's mind off things today and, if Liz was honest with herself, take her own mind off things.

"Good morning, sunshine!" Liz chirped into Maria's ear.

Maria woke and groaned as the sun shone into her eyes. "Leave me alone."

After Liz nudged her with her elbow at least 20 times, Maria relented, dragging herself up into a sitting position.

"Breakfast is served," Liz declared as she pulled a tray from her shelf.

"Aw, Liz you didn't have to do this," Maria said quietly, looking at the food in front of her. Liz could tell that Maria was thinking of Billy.

"Yes, I did. You are my best friend and I'll be damned if I let some jackass bring you down. So today you and I are going to treat ourselves at the mall, get our nails done, have a facial and forget all about the male sex!"

Liz mentally applauded herself as a smile lit up Maria's face.

"Are you with me, sista?!"

"Hell yeah!" Maria answered as she moved the tray from her lap and stood up. "I don't need a man to make me happy! He can burn in the fiery pits of hell for all I care!"

"That's the spirit! High five!"

They both laughed as they slapped their hand's together. Liz was determined to cheer her up. So far, so good.

Later on that day, the girls sat in the food court of the mall admiring their nails. "I don't know, Maria. He looked gay to me."

"What? No way, Liz. He was totally checking out your ass."

Liz laughed. And looked around the court. She saw a familiar figure out of the corner of her eye but saw nothing as her eyes focused on the spot she had just been looking.

"What?" Maria asked, looking in the same direction.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw someone I knew."

"Liz, you know you can tell me anything, right?" Maria asked suddenly.

Liz blinked. "Yeah, of course I do. Where is this coming from?"

"It's just, lately you've changed Liz. I can't really explain it but I just..... I get the feeling you're hiding something."

Maria bit her lip slightly when she'd spoken.

Liz looked down at her shoes. She couldn't tell her. Maria would flip out and the selfish part of Liz didn't know if she could handle a hysterical Maria at the moment.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want too," she said queitly.

A tidal wave of guilt washed over Liz at the hurt look on her face.

"Maria, I do have something to tell you but I just, I need some time to think everything through and sort it out for myself," she paused, "I will tell you soon. I promise."

Liz looked into her eyes trying to convey her honesty. Maria nodded and smiled. "Just please tell me you're not pregnant."

She laughed as the tone between went back to normal. "As if, Ria!"

They chatted about the random things that best friend's talk about as they walked through the mall.

Liz pulled her phone out of her bag as it rang for the fiftieth time that day and sent the call the voice mail for the fiftieth time that day.

"Kyle again?"

"Yep," she answered.

"What's going on with you two?"

"He's an egotistical jerk."

"Hey," a voice from behind her spoke, "some people would call it confidence."

She turned around. "Dean."

He smirked at her. "In the flesh."

"You know, I wasn't talking about you but, yeah, egotistical. It suits you too."

The guy next to him sniggered. Sam, Liz remembered.

"So you two just checking out the mall for business or pleasure?" she asked them, looking at Dean.

"Business?" he asked as he stared back at her. "Oh, yeah. Um pleasure. Liz, you remember my brother Sam? Sadly the good looks could only go to one of us and Sammy here got the short straw."

Dean looked at Sam in mock sympathy. "Bite me," Sam muttered.

"Hi again," he said turning to Liz with a smile.

Maria cleared her throat. "Oh right, Maria this is Sam and Dean. Sam, Dean, this is my best friend Maria."

"Hi," Maria said.

"Hi," Sam smiled.

"Hey," Dean answered. "So what are you two up too?"

His eyes once again focused on Liz and Maria smirked. "Just having a day of fun trying to forget about all men and how they are only after one thing," Maria answered jokingly, but the three noticed the slight bitterness in her tone. Liz looped her arm around Maria's shoulder in support.

"We should go," Liz said. "It was nice to see you again." The last part of her sentence she said as she smiled at Dean.

"You too. Take care," he answered with, much to Liz's suprise, sincerity and concern.

"Bye guys," Sam added, who also looked at Liz in a careful way.

Maria nodded her goodbyes as her and Liz walked past them.

Liz brushed by Dean's coat as they walked past and felt paralyzed as images flashed into her mind.

A woman on the ceiling, surrounded by fire. Dean's pain, fear and confusion.

Two children, one around seven years old, the other around twelve firing rounds at a target in the middle of a forest, an older man observing them. Dean's pride on hitting the target.

Sam crying. Dean's sorrow for his brother.

A ghostly figure. Dean's feeling of adrenaline as he shot at it.

An African/American girl. Dean's confusion and love for her.

A figure with black eyes. Dean's anger and fear.

An older man in a hospital bed. Dean's grief and anger at his father's death.

Liz felt somebody's hands cupping her face as she came to. Her eyes opened to see blazing green eyes staring back at her.

"Liz?! Liz, are you ok?!" Dean shouted. He didn't know what the hell had just happened. One minute Liz was fine, the next he had to catch her and he lower her gently to the ground before she hit her head. Fear shot around his body at seeing her in the state she was in. He didn't know why but Liz was.....he couldn't describe it. Maybe her collapsing had something to do with what was happening to her, maybe being-.

"I-I need to go," Liz stammered, interupting his thoughts.

She shakily stood up, Maria, Sam and Dean following suit. "Chica, what the hell happened?" Maria asked worriedly as she held Liz up right in case she went down again.

Liz looked at her as if noticing her and Sam for the first time. "Um, nothing. I think I need to go home for a lie down."

"Are you sure your ok?" Sam asked, concern written clearly on his face also.

She smiled at him weakly. "Yeah, I'm ok."

"C'mon Chica," Maria said as she started to gently lead Liz away. "Thank you guys."

"No problem," Dean whispered, still looking at Liz as she refused to make eye contact with him.

Sam and Dean looked at each other as the girls walked off. "Well Dean, I think this changes things."

Dean nodded, his eyes following the petite brunette who they were here to save.
