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Majesty (CC M/L, teen) 1/1 - 05/14/10

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 3:14 am
by PML
And here is the happy one. Enjoy.

Title- Majesty

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Category- CC-M/L

Rating- Teen

Summary- This is the fourteenth companion piece to A Kiss to Build a Dream On. Thursday night has fully past and it is time for our heroes to turn the tables on Aric. But for now, Liz and Max are taking a brief moment to relax before they head into the fray.


Max sat quietly in his chair and watched as Michael left. He turned to Liz. “What do you think?”

Liz winced, “Well if Michael is right, things are probably unsettled in the Deluca household right about now. Nothing we can really do about it at the moment. At least Maria will be safe. Amy will make sure of that if nothing else.”

Max sighed and thought about how much trouble it was going to be now that another person knew their secret. “Do you think she will tell anyone?”

Liz shook her head, “Amy is a lot like her daughter, hot tempered, but loyal. She won’t risk the chance that Maria might catch fallout from exposing you. I am a little more worried about the Sherriff in regard to her than anything else. She still knows a few people who could make his life difficult.”

Max nodded his head. “I should talk to her.”

“Talk to Amy?” Liz looked surprised, but also happy.

“I owe it to her, and to Maria. To try and talk this whole situation down. And if what I suspect is true….”

Liz gripped his arm, “You really think Kyle…..”

Max nodded. “From the flashes I got from him, yeah. And its seems like its happening faster with him than with you. All the stress from the repeated mind warps.”

Tess looked at them from across the table. “You really think Kyle what?” Tess looked worriedly from Max to Kyle. Kyle was standing talking quietly to Alex and Isabel.

Liz and Max shared glances.

Max looked deep into his lover’s eyes. And knew. The time for lies was over. The time for truth and openness, at least as much as they could afford was here. He turned back to Tess, “Have you noticed anything different about Kyle the last few days?”

Tess ran her hands through her hair, “He’s been getting unstable. All the mind warps catching up with him. Why? You said he would be okay!”

Liz softly said, “Don’t worry he’s as fine as any of us. Just, has he had any symptoms. Sudden hot flashes, dizziness, bizarre occurrences?”

“Maybe a little, but with all the mind warps…. What is going on?”

Liz bit her lip and looked at Max.

Max nodded and continued, “It is something I saw when I linked to heal Kyle. When he was fighting with Aric, Aric tried to connect with Kyle. Kyle blocked him.”

Tess looked at Liz and then at Max. She absently twirled a lock of blonde hair in her fingers and studied Kyle.

He looked back and her and smiled. He looked serious suddenly as he studied her. And was about to come over when Tess waved him off. “You know that’s not humanly possible. Aric’s been killing people on Earth that way for years. Maybe he’s failed at some point in the past, but he never failed as far as I am aware of.”

Liz spoke up, “Well that is part of what we were wondering. I mean you didn’t really even know he was a killer until later. Maybe there are some people who just, can, well block him.”

Tess looked down. “You don’t believe that though.”

Max said, “No. I think whatever happened to Liz is happening to Kyle. He’s got a way to go before he can do anything…. Drastic. But I think it is happening. You said the first sign you had that something was off with Liz was that she was resisting your mind warps.”

Tess’s voice was soft, “Because she was resisting my connections. Yes it fits. He’s been getting tough to affect too.” She looked up at both of them, “Do you think this means he is changing too?”

Max and Liz shared glances again.

Max said, “I don’t know. There is so much we don’t know about ourselves. And Nasedo, I mean, Aric, said that our powers were human powers. I just don’t know.”

Liz continued, “But we will be here for you and for him. And will help both of you through whatever comes.”

Tess smiled at them, her eyes a little misty, “Thanks. I wish we could do this all over. That I could see the truth when I first came here.”

“The truth?”

Her smile was broad and genuine, “That we make out own destiny.” She stood up. “I need to check on Alex. Make sure that what I did earlier took firm hold.” She walked over to the others.

Max watched as the woman who had been his wife on another world was greeted with a kiss by his deepest, and most ironic rival, Kyle.

Max could only smile.

He felt something that he hadn’t felt in many months. A tiny bubble of hope lodged in his chest and filled him with faith.

Everything would be okay in the end. He looked over at the woman who be his wife this life time.

She just smiled at him like a seraph. She guided his hand to her belly. “Max. Can you feel it? Can you feel his potential?”

Max placed his hand on Liz’s belly. And using his powers he delved into her.

It was small. Too small for a nervous system, too small for any brain activity at all. But there was something there. A tiny point.

A tiny soul, just starting to take root in Liz.

He looked up and stared deeply into her eyes, eyes that seemed to peer off into infinity…..

“I see him Max. I see our son! Oh, you look so tired. My poor Max.” She clung to him, he could feel as eddies of the flash Liz was under carried into him.

He had a brief moment of peering into tiny bronze colored eyes, tiny hands reaching for him…..

Max could not help the tears of joy that flooded into him. And he held Liz. Held the woman he loved.

The vision passed, but both of them knew it was true. That he would be there for his son’s birth. That Liz would be there with him. With him always.

They just stayed there for a while. Just holding each other, neither speaking, neither really communicating on a conscious level. But he could feel beneath the surface a communion of sorts.

A coalescence not only of their minds bonding, but their souls’. And he could feel a tiny little bud that was slowly joining into their bond.

Their son.

Max broke the silence, “Liz….”

Liz smiled and placed a finger on his lips, “No, Max. I am not staying here. Together. We will succeed together, where we only met failure and pain apart.”

He stared at her for a minute, “Then we should go.”

They said their goodbyes. None of them made any mention of their discovery the Liz was in the beginning of pregnancy. It would serve no good purpose until Aric was dead.

But if Liz’s vision was indeed true, Aric would fall.

It was a quiet drive to Jan’s. Both of them walked into the party arm in arm, confident in each other. Confident in who and what they were, confident in the love they shared.

And that confidence was noted.

Neither Liz nor Max were truly unpopular, Max in particular could have been very popular if he had wanted to. Liz was not popular, but she was liked by many.

But now they strode into the party like they were King and Queen. Which in truth they were, if not of Earth. And they were treated as such by their suddenly respectful classmates as such.

For if there was one thing that all of them noted, if not in a way they could fully express, both of them carried a level of majesty that could not be denied.

And it wasn’t.